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51 |
A Review on Multiple Attribute Decision Making Techniques for Decision Problems
-Mitesh K. Raval ; Dr. Rajesh M. Patel; Punit G. Patidar
the Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM) is giving strongly decision making in selection of ideal substitute where it is highly complex. This review paper surveys the main-line of considerations in multi-criteria decision making theory and practice in brief. The main purpose of this paper is to give brief application and the approaches and to suggest approaches which are most robust and effective use to identify ideal solution. MADM techniques are helping to choose the best alternatives where various extent for the existence. After analyzing the various extent for the criteria, weights of the criteria & select the optimum ones using various multi-criteria decision making methods. This paper conducts a brief review of research and development in the field of MADM techniques. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
190-191 |
52 |
RFID based Automatic Toll Collection System
-P.A. Mane ; R.R. More; R.V. Palkar; D.G. Takawale; N.V. Puri
ATCS (Automated Toll Collection System) use for collecting toll automatically with the help of RFID technique. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an auto identification technology used for collecting toll automatically. This system can be classified by types of tag and RFID detector. RFID tag will be attached to vehicle. The tags contain information related to vehicle. RFID detector will be present at each toll-plaza. RFID detector passes infra-red waves to detect presence of vehicle. Most important that, the stolen vehicle will be able to catch easily with the help of RFID technique. Signaling between detector and tag is done in different ways, depending on the frequency band used by the tag. RFID is one of the best methods for Automatic Identification and Data Capture. (AIDS) Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
192-194 |
53 |
Design of Transformer using Particle Swarm Optimization
-Mitesh K. Raval ; Dr. Rajesh M. Patel; Punit G. Patidar
The growing demand of higher voltages, it is desirable to use the reliable and optimal transformer. A transformer is a tailor-made product. The design of a transformer depends to a large extent on the specific requirements of the customer. A modern computer has led to a greater insight into transformer design procedures with some empirical relationships and values. The optimization of multi-objective is crucial to the configuration design of industrial product, especially to the design of transformer. The proposed MODM method, an algorithm based on PSO technique which is population based global search method. The optimization techniques have been developed to solve the design of transformer problem. The aim of the transformer design optimization is to define the dimensions of all the parts of the transformer, based on the given specification, using available materials economically in order to achieve lower cost, lower weight, reduced size & better operating performance. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
195-197 |
54 |
Road Damage and Fire Detection using SVM Classifier
-Y M Ashwini ; Ashwini. V
Most of the rural and sub urban roads are not ideal for driving due to faded lanes, irregular potholes, improper and invisible road signs. This has led to many accidents causing loss of lives and severe damage to vehicles. Many techniques have been proposed in the past to detect these problems using image processing methods. But there has been little work specifically carried out for detecting such issues. To address this acute problem, the study is undertaken with the objectives like, to make a survey of Indian roads, to suggest the method to potholes and signs and their classification and to suggest automated driver guidance mechanism. In this regard, shape features method which adopts edge directed features Therefore; the attempt is made to invent an automated driver guidance mechanism to make the driving safe and easier in roads. The experimental results obtained are tested by taking videos which consists of fire and path holes to make the proposed system complete. Support vector machine is used for the classification purpose. Read More...
Digital Communication Engineering |
India |
198-200 |
55 |
Design, Analysis and Weight Optimization of Semi-Trailer
-Priyal Barbnhaiya ; Mr. J. R. Koisha; Mr. R.G. Jivani
Semi-trailer is one of the popular way to transport heavy and over dimensional objects by road. Gross laden weight of semi-trailer is fixed based on permitted load per axle as per notifications given in Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989. To have higher pay load capacity, unladen weight of the semitrailer should be optimum. Major load (unladen) of semitrailer is shared by the frame hence weight optimization can be done to increase payload capacity of the trailer. In this paper, modeling of frame along with chassis is done and then analyzed using ANSYS Workbench with static structural and optimized by adopting sensitivity analysis in SolidWorks by developing design table with different models and analyzing those model. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
201-203 |
56 |
Design And Implementation of Novel Job Scheduler for Map reduce System in Hadoop Platform
-Mohammed Muzammil Mehdi ; Prakasha S
Apache Hadoop is an open source group of tools which is widely adopted in industries and as well as in academia due to its processing of large data in parallel. MapReduce is the most important component of Hadoop which is a programmable framework for pulling a data in parallel across the number of clusters. When lots of users submit their job at the same time they compete for the same resources as a result the job response time an important factor system performance seriously disgraced. So there is a need of efficient scheduler for such MapReduce clusters. To overcome this problem an efficient scheduler is designed and implemented which make use of the knowledge of workload patterns to improve the response time. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
204-206 |
57 |
Mobile Operated War Field Robot with Metal Detector, Human Detector Along With Authorized and unauthorized Detector
-Kiran Kumar TH
Visualization for space examination stresses the encouragement of humanâ€robotic systems. Similar systems are also envisaged for a assortment of hazardous earthbound applications such as urban investigate and rescue operation. Recent research has pointed out that to reduce human workload, costs, fatigue driven error and risk, intelligent robotic systems will need to be a major part of assignment design. However, little consciousness has been paid to joint humanâ€robot teams. Making humanâ€robot cooperation natural and capacity is vital. In particular, grounding, situational consciousness, a universal frame of reference and spatial referencing are very significant in effective communication and collaboration. Augmented Reality (AR), the overlaying of computer graphics onto the real worldview, can pay for the necessary means for a humanâ€robotic system to fulfil these requirements for valuable collaboration. This project reviews the field of humanâ€robot communication and amplified reality, investigates the probable avenues for employing a natural humanâ€robot collaboration through spatial dialogue utilizing AR and proposes a holistic architectural design for humanâ€robot relationship. A robot is well-defined as a ‘re-programmable multi-functional manipulator’. In simple words, it can also be called as a mechanical system which consists of sensing and performing organs; controlled by an electronic ‘brain’ that can perform a n number of operations self-sufficiently within a available space. The robot activities are operated by a user and future movements can be feed in micro-controller, and thus its job projects can be altered by reprogramming micro-controller. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
207-211 |
58 |
An ARM Cortex M0 Port for Arduino with Infineon XMC1100
-Sachin M S ; Dr. Shreenivas T H
Microcontrollers are used in many fields such as infotainment systems, automobiles, security and in various other embedded system applications. With huge projects, code complexity becomes extremely high. Integrated Development Environment (IDE) tools make developers productive by helping them code and build projects with ease, ARDUINO IDE, being one of the exceptional examples. Arduino is a tool for making computers that can sense and control more of the physical world. The Arduino is implemented based on the Processing multimedia programming environment. Arduino is used for coding 8 bit microcontrollers, but the scope of this project extends the current 8 bit users an opportunity to explore the industrial grade 32 bit microcontrollers, without having to compromise in cost and efficiency but with greater ease of use and sophistication. Read More...
Computer Sceince and Engineering, Embedded Engineering |
India |
212-214 |
59 |
Secured Transmission and Loss-Less Reconstruction of Secret Image using IBC
-Suchitha H S ; P. Devaki
Peer-to-peer (P2P) networking is a distributed application architecture that partitions tasks or workloads among peers. Peers are equally privileged, equipotent participants in the application. This paper is reviewed the state of research on the important topic in the field of information interchange that is identity based cryptography which more or less extension of the public key cryptography field. The paper starts with analyzing the fundamental concepts of identity based cryptography system. Identity-based cryptography (IBC) was introduced into peer-to-peer (P2P) networks for identity verification and authentication purposes. However, current IBC-based solutions are unable to solve the problem of secure private key issuing. In this paper, we propose a secure key issuing system by using an IBC for P2P networks. Moreover, for maintaining the security of KPAs, we are developing a system to authenticate KPAs using Byzantine fault tolerance protocol. Read More...
Computer Networking Engineering |
India |
215-217 |
60 |
Simulation of New Cascaded Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Number of Switches using SPWM
-Megana I G ; Chethan CP
Multilevel inverter have become more popular over the years in electric high power applications with the promise of less disturbance and the possibility to function at low switching frequencies than ordinary two level inverter. Though multilevel inverter more advantages features usage of more umber of switches in the conventional type leads to the limitation of its wide area applications. Therefore a new multilevel inverter topology is introduced with reduced number of switches and gate driver circuitry, there by resulting in minimum switching losses which will further reduce installation cost. The performance of new multilevel inverter is measured in terms of THD using carrier based PWM technique. The results are validated using MATLAB. Read More...
India |
218-222 |
61 |
Privacy Preserving in Data Stream Mining using Geometric Data Perturbation Approach
-Devang J. Patel ; Asst. Prof. Swati Patel
Today as we are living in the era of information explosion, it has become very important to find out useful information from large massive data. Also advances in internet, communication and hardware technology has lead to an increase in the capability of storing personal data of individuals. Massive amount of data streams are generated from different applications like medical, shopping record, network traffic, etc. Sharing such data is very important asset to business decision making but the fear is that once the personal data is leaked it can be misused for a variety of purposes. Hence some amount of privacy preserving needs to be done on the data before it is released to others. Traditional methods of privacy preserving data mining (PPDM) are designed for static data sets which makes it unsuitable for dynamic data streams. In this paper an efficient and effective data perturbation method is proposed that aims to protect privacy of sensitive attribute and obtaining data clustering with minimum information loss. Read More...
Data Mining |
India |
223-226 |
62 |
The Efficient Point to Point or Multi-Point Live Video Streaming In Wireless Devices
-Mahesh ; R Rajkumar; Dr M V Sudhamani
The world is moving towards the generation of wire free. People are keener to have devices or equipment which is portable, wire free and easy to carry around. Heavy cables and confusing wire connection are replaced by the wireless technology. The technology like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, infrared and radio services provide the base for the wireless world. In this paper the real time application is developed which uses the Wi-Fi as its basic mode for the wireless connection. The application is the real time video streaming app which streams the live video from one wireless device to the multiple devices. The video sending device should be equipped with a camera, Wi-Fi service and an operating system. In this application the android is used as the operating system at the sender side. The Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) is used as the application layer protocol for the connection of the wireless devices. The devices should be connected to same Wi-Fi network to which the sender is connected. The end application will stream the live video captured from one wireless device to multiple devices with in its Wi-Fi range and the devices which are connected to the sender should possess high connectivity within the same Wi-Fi network. To provide high Wi-Fi strength router may be used or a simple Wi-Fi hotspot can be developed between the devices. Read More...
India |
227-231 |
63 |
Black Spot Identification and Remedial Measure for Accident in Urban Area - A Case Study of Ahmedabad City
-Mehul Hinsu ; N. G. Raval
There has been tremendous growth of both road network and road traffic in India. It has bought in its wake the problem of road accidents resulting in injuries and fatalities to road users and its own social negative externalities apart from human suffering. The increase in road accident is one of the burning issues in the present society. Accident do not occurs uniformly on the complete road network. The improvement of accident prone location is of prime importance. The Black spots are identified based on the accidents recorded and remedial measures are given for reducing accident at each black spot. The Study is carried out on Ashram Road from approach at Paladi cross road to Vadaj cross road. The study could open the door for planners and traffic engineers to overcome the problems associated with traffic accident occurrence at different Black spots and enhance their safety. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
232-236 |
64 |
Analyzing and Enhancing Code Coverage Based Test Case Selection and Prioritization
-Anshuman Malhotra ; Harish Kumar
Software Testing is an expensive, time consuming, important activity that controls the quality of the software development & the maintenance. Regression Testing is exclusively executed to guarantee the desirable functionality of existing software after pursuing quite a few amendments or variations in it. Perhaps, it testifies the quality of the modified software by concealing the regressions or software bugs in both functional and non-functional applications of the system. In fact, the maintenance of test suite is enormous as it necessitates a big investment of time and money on test cases on a large scale. So, minimizing the test suite becomes the indispensable requisite to lessen the budget on regression testing. Precisely, this research paper aspires to present an innovative approach for the effective selection and prioritization of test cases which in return may procure a maximum code average. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
237-241 |
65 |
Storage Engine That Handles Structured, Semi-Structured and Un-Structured Data
-Arvind Adak ; Shiv Kumar Goyal
Database management system now-a-days are specialized in handling specific type of data i.e. most of them are specialized in storage of structured data. Very few software are available to handle semi-structured and unstructured data. Though not frequently required but the later mentioned two types of data are evenly useful in many applications where the structure of data is not fixed or simply vague. This proposed system addresses the same issue and put forward an concept and working mechanism of a system that handles all the above mentioned data structures. The idea is to make a generic storage engine, which takes inputs/command/data from other query processing engines. And stores it based on the nature and structure of data. Which is independent of the file query execution engine. Read More...
Software Engineering |
India |
242-245 |
66 |
A Review of Dynamic Response of Adjacent Structures Connected by Friction Damper (Coulomb Friction Model)
The conventional structural systems are highly unlikely to provide adequate performance in the event of a major earthquake. To improve seismic resistance of buildings, various control techniques are adopted. One such control technique is passive control device. Passive control device are used in many buildings to mitigate the seismic effects. This passive control device is essentially used between two adjacent structures in big cities. Desire for safer and increased demand for the seismic control of buildings is the main reason for adopting passive control devices. One of the types of passive control device is friction damper which is used to dissipate the energy and provides a protection system for seismic structures. Friction dampers utilize the mechanism of friction force for absorbing and dissipating the energy imparted to the dynamic systems. It has now become economically feasible to design high performance structures with the emergence of friction dampers. This paper includes the use of friction dampers in structures for mitigating the seismic hazards to structural and non-structural components of building. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
246-249 |
67 |
A Review of Response Analysis of two Parallel Buildings Coupled by Nonlinear Damper
-Gulshan Bharti
In recent years, considerable attention has been paid to research and development of structural control with the use of passive control devices. Fluid viscous dampers are generally well suited to vibration control of civil engineering structures subjected to seismic excitations. The results of several studies on the effects of supplemental viscous damping on the response of structures have showed that they are efficient and very effective in mitigating the seismic energy. The fluid viscous dampers can be classified into linear fluid viscous dampers and nonlinear fluid viscous dampers. The nonlinear fluid viscous dampers are found more suitable than the linear fluid viscous dampers because nonlinear fluid viscous dampers possess the capacity of reducing peak damper force demand at large structural velocities while still provide sufficient supplemental damping. The focus of this review paper is on the structural control of two parallel building structures coupled with nonlinear viscous damper. This paper includes a brief historical outline of the development in structural control with fluid viscous dampers. This paper also includes a brief introduction about the nonlinear fluid viscous damper. The objectives of the present study on the nonlinear fluid viscous damper connecting two parallel buildings are also included in this paper. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
250-252 |
68 |
Study of Behavior of Plan & Vertical Irregularity by Seismic Analysis
-Sagar Baliram Patil ; Gururaj B.katti
Numerous attempts on research and development for anti seismic structures or the structures that can withstand seismic hazards and lend some ground resistance in earthquakes haven’t yielded any satisfactory conclusions. Even though after decades of study and implementation of advanced designing, execution and maintenance tactics in high rise structures, many construction aspects have found a new ways to deal with structural hazards, yet the concerns of seismic hazards are relatively found unanswered. These seismic hazards are prime matter of concern in Earthquake prone zones or the seismic zones worldwide. Over the period of time the research on structural dynamics, study and analysis of the same are carried on using series of earthquake movements by means of varying the earthquake or the seismic intensity. Studies shows those analyses were being performed on various type of irregularity Considered was (a) Horizontal Irregularity-plan irregularity (b) Vertical Irregularity -Mass Irregularity. The Building with simple geometry in plan & vertical regularity have performed well during strong earthquake but building with T, H & + shaped in plan also these plan vary with each story & vertically irregular structure (i.e. height) have sustained significant damage. To achieve objective of the project Time history Analysis & Response spectrum analysis method were carried out. Read More...
India |
253-254 |
69 |
Performance Analysis of Vapour Compression Refrigeration System by using Azeotrops
-Randhir Kumar ; Rajat Shekhar
The work has been carried out to evaluate the various thermodynamic performance parameters at different Evaporator & Condenser temperature for 0.5 tone of refrigeration cooling capacity with azeotropes as a refrigerants. In the present study R-500(R-12/R-152),R-502(R-22/R115),R-503(R-23/R-13),R504(R-32/R-115),R-407C(R-32/125/134a-23/25/52), R-410A (R-32/125-50/50), R-507A ( R-125/143a – 50/50) have been tried in place of R-22. The mixture of Refrigerant were chosen on the basis of available database of thermodynamic properties is generated using experimental and analytical data’s based on the Refrigeration equation available in refrigeration data book. The single stage vapour compression refrigeration cycle calculation have been performed to ascertain the suitability of these alternate refrigerants as substitute refrigerants for which shall be phased out in near future. This analysis will be helpful to determine the selection of components (Compressor, Condenser, Evaporator and Throttle valve.) used in commercial refrigeration applications. Read More...
India |
255-267 |
70 |
An Improvement in Average Energy Consumption using Rule based E-LEACH in WSN
-Ankita Yadav ; Neetika Singh
In this paper we consider Wireless sensor network includes of small sensor nodes with limited resources. The Clustered networks have been proposed in numerous researches to decrease the power consumption in sensor networks. LEACH is one of the greatest interested techniques that compromise an efficient technique to minimalize the power consumption in sensor networks. This research proposes a solution that can be applied on LEACH to increase the level of security. In E-LEACH, some nodes are considered as Rule base and some changes are applied on LEACH protocol for energy efficient. E-LEACH (Enhance leach or Fuzzy Rule) is able to protect against a wide range of attacks and it provides security, energy efficiency and memory efficiency. The result of simulation shows that in decrease energy & dead nodes then increase the network lifetime. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
268-272 |
71 |
Study of Wire Monopole Antenna for Microwave Imaging
-Vikrant Shingne ; Ashish Kodape; Bhaskar Naik
In this paper we represent a wire monopole antenna used for microwave imaging we increase the bandwidth of earlier wire monopole antenna by placing dielectric over the ground surface. The proposed antenna is improving return loss and bandwidth has change upto 1 GHz. A wire monoole antenna is relatively easy and low fabrication cost and faster installation makes them an obvious choice for developing countries. The most common form is the quarter-wave monopole, in which the antenna is approximately 1/4 of a wavelength of the radio wave. In this paper, we represent different structure of wire monopole to enhance the bandwidth and to improve the return loss. The performance of wire monopole, wire monopole with loaded dielectric structure and wire monopole with different feed location are investigate and simulated. The proposed antenna with a compact structure with better return loss and broad bandwidth. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
273-275 |
72 |
Identity-Based Secure Distributed Data Storage with Dual Encryption
-M Rajendra Babu ; Kavitha Juliet
Distributed data storage can be Secured and shift the burden of maintaining a huge number of files from the Data owners database to proxy servers. The Proxy servers or external data storage servers can encrypt the original files without knowing the actual contents of the original files. The dual encryption on the original data is done to provide confidentiality and integrity of data which is out sourced to receiver, for this IBSDDSWDE (Identity-Based Secure Distributed Data Storage with Dual Encryption) was proposed. The schemes can capture the following properties for Identity-Based Secure Distributed Data Storage scheme With Dual Encryption : (i) The Data Owner or file owner will decide the access permission for authenticated user independently without the help of the PKG (private key generator) from the receiver side; (ii) Only one file can be accessed at a time , instead of all files of the File owner; (iii) This scheme is secure against the collusion attacks, Even if the receiver is compromised with the proxy servers, receiver cannot obtain the owner’s secret key. The 1st scheme is only secured on the chosen plaintext attacks (CPA), the 2nd scheme is secured on the chosen cipher text attacks (CCA). This is the first IBSDDSWDE schemes where access permissions and authentication are made by the owner to the exact original file in proxy server and collusion attacks can be protected. Read More...
M.Tech Computer Science |
India |
276-279 |
73 |
Design and Analysis of Automobile Central Differential Having Two Different Side Gear
-Amir Khan ; Sankalp Verma
Central differential is a geared mechanism located between the two driving axles thereby providing torque developed by engine in required ratio to both the axle. In ordinary four wheel drive vehicle, there are two differentials one in rear axle and other in front axle along with a transfer gear box in between, which converts it to four wheel drive. A four wheel drive vehicle without a central differential cannot be driven on dry, paved roads in four-wheel drive mode, as small differences in rotational speed between the front and rear wheels produces extra torque to be applied across the transmission. This phenomenon is known as "wind-up", and can cause considerable damage to the transmission or drive train. But in all wheel drive vehicle transfer gear box is replaced by central differential that transmit the power for all wheel drive (AWD), which is used in part time four wheel drive in order to reduce weight and provide optimum traction. In this thesis, a case study has been done for Maruti Suzuki Zypsy which works on the principle of four wheel drive having transfer gear box providing torque in the ratio 50:50 to rear and front axle. Literature shows that the total torque developed by engine should be divided in the ratio of 60:40 to rear and front axles which is ideal ratio for better handling and optimum level of grip. This creates a need for replacing the present transfer gear box to a modified central differential consisting two rotating side gear having different diameters mounted on front and rear side of the hub. The rear side gear drive the differential of rear axle while the front side gear will drive the differential of front axle dividing the torque developed by engine in the required ratio of 60:40 . For this CAD modeling package Creo-2 was used to model the calculated design and then analysis is done by FEM methods in ANSYS software. Then finally the performance parameters of modified automobile central differential and Transfer gear box are compared. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
280-285 |
74 |
Monitoring and Protection of Real Time Safeguard of Workers Exposed to Physical Agents in Construction Sites through Dynamic WSN
-Kothandam A ; Suganya A
The foremost critical task for construction sites is of keeping track of workers spread out across a large construction areas .It becomes even difficult when construction site tunnels collapse. Many construction sites use a radio system to track workers, but when a collapse occurs, the base stations connected by a thin wire often are rendered useless. In this project to overcome the demerits of radio system we used wireless technology for tracking the workers. For this purpose a small RF transmitter module is equipped to each person entering a construction site. Each transceiver placed in the construction look after the location of workers. The transceivers communicate with base stations through Zigbee module. In addition of tracking the location of workers we also include sensors such as temperature & humidity to intimate the base station & workers when some atmosphere changes occur. Construction operators are now able to monitor the real-time locations of each worker to better pinpoint their locations in the event of an emergency. Even after a full-day of use, construction operators can locate an individual worker within ten feet. Read More...
India |
286-289 |
75 |
Design and Development of Graphical HMI Panel with Modbus Communication for Interfacing with Various AC Drives
-Patel Vaibhavi V.
AC drive widely used to control the speed of AC motor. For demanding applications like crane (hoist), conveyor, stacker, centrifuge, etc. In certain cases where AC drive regenerate energy due to this DC link capacitor voltage exceed to the specified level very rapidly because of small capacitor value. A researcher shows the Supervisory Control on drives is implemented using a Programmable logic Controller (PLC) to monitor and control drive performance. This Project focus on Design of Graphical Human Machine Interface (HMI) FOR Real Time Monitoring and Controlling Operation of AC Drive especially for Graphic Analysis of drive parameter such as frequency, torque, speed, temperature, etc. The design is basically divided in two section which one is HMI controller section and second is AC Drive controller section which communication using Modbus protocol. HMI section includes 128x64 Dot Matrix LCD and dsPIC33EP512MC206/506 Series controller. AC Drives controller section includes TMS320F28069 DSP controller to control switching frequency of IGBT. The control of the DC link capacitor voltage during regeneration that can be done by DSP. This AC Drives also includes Built-in PLC control that can be programmed by HMI. The whole Development will be carried on Embedded System. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
290-295 |
76 |
Analysis and Amelioration of Red Mud for Its Application in Geotechnical Engineering
-Indu Bala Singh ; Manu Chaudhary; Rishabh Kashyap; Shreya Verma; Nitish Kumar Chaudhary
Red mud a real solid waste\by product produced from the digestion of bauxite ore with caustic soda for the production of alumina. During the past decadal comprehensive work has been carried out by lot of researcher to develop various ways for the utilization of red mud. This paper deals with the basic and engineering property of red mud it’s neutralization and disposal methods as enormous quantity in generation of red mud is creating threatening environmental issues .It also account for production and depiction of red mud in concern with the world and Indian context. The chemical and mineralogical composition of red mud are also resumed up. Read More...
India |
296-300 |
77 |
E-Voting System using QR Code and Mobile OTP Based on Android Platform for Modern Individuals
-Sangale Shradha Sanjay ; Prasad Dimple K.; Sangale Shradha S.; Shinde Sandhya A.
The advancement in the mobile devices, wireless and web technologies given rise to the new application that will make the voting process very easy and efficient. The e-voting promises the possibility of convenient, easy and safe way to capture and count the votes in an election. This project provides the specification and requirements for e-Voting using an Android platform. The e-voting means the voting process in election by using electronic devices. The android platform is used to develop an e-voting application. Security is the main factor while casting the vote electronically. The origin of the security issues happened was due to not only outsiders such as voters and attackers but also insiders such as system developers and administrators. These errors caused the voting system crashed. To eliminate threat of phishing and to confirm user identity, QR-code which would be scanned by user’s mobile device can be used and weakness of traditional password based system can be improved by one time password (OTP) which can be calculated by user transaction information and data unique at user side like IMEI number of the user mobile device. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
301-302 |
78 |
Performance Analysis for Methods of Motor Bus Transfer System
-Ravi Parmar ; Jay Thakar
For maintaining continuous electrical power to petroleum and chemical industries from two or more utility feeders, Motor Bus Transfer System (MBTS) is used. Higher transfer time makes residual operation inefficient where the in-phase operation require of high speed synchronize check relay which involves more cost. These characteristics will depend on the type of loads connected to the bus. This justifies the importance of comparing each method. The main objective is to compare the data of different methods and check the bus voltage and phase angle characteristics during each method. Also after comparing the values, most suitable transfer method will finally concludes the result. To accomplish the objective, PSCAD is used as simulation tool. PSCAD/EMTDC is a general-purpose time domain simulation program for multi-phase power systems and control networks. It is mainly dedicated to the study of transients in power systems. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
303-306 |
79 |
CFD Simulation of Heat Transfer Enhancement by Rectangular, Trapezoidal, Delta Winglet Type Vortex Generators
-Manmeet Singh ; Gurjeet Singh
Numerical CFD simulation was carried out to investigate the performance of winglet vortex generators of various dimensions and shapes. Mainly three types rectangular, trapezoidal and delta type are taken for study. Performance of the VGs in terms of dimensionless numbers (Colburn number, Friction factor, Nusselt number) is compared with changing shape of vortex generators, Reynolds number and attack angle. The processes in solving the simulation consist of modeling and meshing the basic geometry of rectangular channel with VGs using the package ANSYS ICEM CFD 15.0.Result are examined and graphs are made for getting comparative results of performance variation of VGs. This work presents a numerically study on the mean Nusselt number, Colburn factor, friction factor and heat enhancement characteristics in a rectangular channel having a pair of winglet type VGs under uniform heat flux of 416.67 W/m^2. The result showed that curved winglets have better heat transfer enhancement and low flow resistance than the plane winglets. Effect of angle of attack is studied; results showed that lower attack angle gives better performance. Reynolds number (9000, 15000, 21000) are taken for study. Higher Reynolds number gives better performance with lower friction resistance to flow having lesser pressure drop. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
307-314 |
80 |
Object Tracking using Kalman Filter & TCM
-Ankita Taneja ; Navneet Verma
Object detection and tracking are important and challenging tasks in many computer vision applications such as surveillance, vehicle navigation and autonomous robot navigation.. It is a very time consuming process due to the amount of data contained in video.The next challenge is the possible need to use object recognition technique for tracking.The other issues are: occlusion problem, changing levels of illumination,changing orientation of objects over time. This paper presents various methods like kalman filter,TCM that have been developed to counter these difficulties and some succeeded upto a level but still a lot of work is required in this. Read More...
computer Engineering |
India |
315-317 |
81 |
An Efficient and Secure Subscriber/Publisher Communication with IBE and Key Splitting Algorithm
-R S Sindhu Devaki ; Chinnaswamy C N; Dr.T H Sreenivas
The provisioning of essential security components, for example, validation and secrecy is very difficult in a substance based distribute/subscribe framework. Confirmation of distributers and endorsers is hard to accomplish because of the free coupling of distributers and supporters. Moreover, secrecy of occasions and memberships clashes with substance based steering. This paper displays a novel way to deal with give secrecy and confirmation in an agent less substance based distribute/subscribe framework. The confirmation of distributers and supporters and additionally classifiedness of occasions is guaranteed, by adjusting the blending based cryptography components, to the needs of a distribute/subscribe framework. Moreover, a calculation to bunch supporters as indicated by their memberships saves a frail thought of membership secrecy. Notwithstanding our past work [23], this paper contributes 1) utilization of searchable encryption to empower productive directing of scrambled occasions, 2) multicredential steering another occasion spread method to fortify the feeble membership secrecy, and 3) exhaustive investigation of diverse assaults on membership privacy. The general methodology gives fine-grained key administration and the expense for encryption, unscrambling, and directing is in the request of subscribed characteristics. Besides, the assessments demonstrate that giving security is reasonable w.r.t. 1) throughput of the proposed cryptographic primitives, and 2) deferrals brought about amid the development of the distribute/subscribe overlay and the occasion dispersal. Here we present another system where the distributer sends one a large portion of the way to the administrator for future confirmation. Here the distributer needs to make a reference key which will help the distributer to create the other 50% of a key just with one half key. At the point when the distributer misfortunes the key or overlooks the key than he/she can ask for the administrator to send the a large portion of the key which will help the distributer to produce the other 50% of the key then by connecting both the keys the distributer can do the vital doings with the information he/she had transferred. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
318-322 |
82 |
Design and Development of a Tool for Combined Depression and Piercing Operation
-Raghav Bhatt ; Prof. Kunal Motwani
The work deals with the development of a combined tool for improvement of a process to be done in rim manufacturing plant. Research work deals with combining two pressing operations done separately. This operation is done for seating the Valve stem which protrudes out of the wheel for inflating tubes &Tyres. In the first pressing a depression flat is observed in the component. And in the second operation a hole is pierced in the same flat. The objective of the research is to develop a tool and process for using a single press for performing dual operation. This is also to reduce down time, reduce operator Fatigue and thereby increase production. Elimination of one operation, one operator and reduction in processing time is also to be achieved. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
323-326 |
83 |
Recent Trends on Analysis and Design of Taper Roller Bearing
-Hiteshkumar Vinodkumar ; Chintan Barelwala
Taper Roller Bearing is most widely used in the use for both combined axial and thrust loads. It is widely used in the application where both loads are concerned but for lower speeds. The requirement is to enhance the performances of the taper roller bearing by re-analysing the pre-existing bearing 32308. The specific bearing is used as a subject to analyze and modify the bearing to enhance its performance so that its functionality can be made better. This is done by preparing the whole FEA model by calculations of the existing bearing. The whole procedure is done with the selection of bearing life and stress equations in Centre position. The purpose is to make a model of existing bearing in the CAD software and then analyze it on the same. Then to check the results of theoretical and the software. Accordingly have to find out the changes that can be done to the design and make a new model with the changes. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
327-329 |
84 |
Voltage Stability in Power System - A Survey
-S.Jaisiva ; S.Neelan; K.Arul Selvi; R.Vinoth
Reactive power optimization (RPO) is an important issue for providing the secure and economic run of the power systems. The importance of reactive power planning on economic profit and secure running has been increasing, because of the increasing fuel costs and investment funds. It is also quite important for an electric operator to provide voltage in a specified range for the customers. As such, RPO provides voltage control in power systems. Furthermore, it is used for decreasing active power loss and making better power flow by enhancing the voltage stability. The voltage stability index is used to find optimal location of the facts devices in the network. Voltage stability problems usually occur in heavily loaded systems. Nowadays the power demand increases enormously, hence in a large interconnected power system network subject stress condition. This situation can be handled by increasing the generation or reduce transmission losses. Through various uses of FACTS devices in transmission lines, the voltage stability profiles is maintained and by use of algorithms like PSO, GA, SFLA the voltage stability and the profile of the system has been improved in transmission lines. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
330-335 |
85 |
A Cryptographic Hash Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network
-Kavana Kumari L ; Dr.G Raghavendra Rao
Cryptographic hash limits are used to secure the validity of information. Likely the most standard and typically used cryptographic hash estimations are MD5, SHA1, RIPEMD. These hash figuring are used as a piece of a wide blend of security applications e.g. securing centre point/message in routine frameworks. Nevertheless, the normally used hash counts require gigantic computational overhead which is not sensible by applications in essentialness starved framework e.g. WSN. In these applications the genuine impediments are correspondence, retribution and stockpiling overheads; out of which correspondence and preparing overheads eat up high essentialness.Here we plan to propose, a light-weight, one-way, cryptographic hash computation is delivered with a center to make a hash-digest with settled and modestly little length for such an essentialness starved remote framework. The key focus is making the count light-weight so that subsequent to using it as a piece of use of framework like WSN, the centers can successfully run the computation with low essentialness. We promise the figuring fulfills all the key properties. Read More...
computer science |
India |
336-339 |
86 |
A Client Side Deduplication Scheme in Cloud Storage Environments with Security as a Primary Concern
-Ganesh Thigari ; Dr.G Raghavendra Rao
Late years have seen the pattern of utilizing cloud-based administrations for vast scale content stockpiling, preparing, and conveyance. Security and protection are among top attentiveness toward people in general cloud situations. Additionally the world moves to computerized stockpiling for archival purposes, there is an expanding interest for frameworks that can give secure information stockpiling in a savvy way. By distinguishing regular pieces of information both inside and in the middle of records and putting away them just once, deduplication can yield cost reserve funds by expanding the utility of a given measure of capacity. The term information deduplication alludes to systems that store just a solitary duplicate of excess information, and provide connections to that duplicate as opposed to putting away other actual duplicates of this information. We order information deduplication methodologies as indicated by the essential information units they handle. In this appreciation, there are two principle information deduplication techniques:
File-level deduplication is a famous kind of administration in which just a solitary duplicate of every record is put away
Two or more documents are viewed as indistinguishable on the off chance that they have the same hash esteem. Block-level deduplication sections records into squares and stores just a solitary duplicate of every piece. The sys-tem could either utilize settled estimated blocks7 or variable-sized pieces. The creativity of our proposition is twofold. To start with, it guarantees better secrecy towards unapproved clients. That is, each customer figures a per information key to encode the information that he means to store in the cloud. In that capacity, the information access is overseen by the information proprietor. Second, by coordinating access rights in metadata document, an approved client can decode an encoded record just with his private key.
computer science |
India |
340-343 |
87 |
Design and Implementation of E-Banking Authentication Algorithms for Secure Login and Transactions using Multilevel Graphical Signatures
-Bharath B M ; T S Bhagavath Singh
Many security primitives are based on hard mathematical problems. Using hard AI problems for security is emerging as an exciting new paradigm, but has been underexplored. This paper presents enhanced security architecture for application software that actually provides a multiple level of security for online banking transaction using one of novel technique called Captcha which has been most underexplored. Here there are three level of security that the application will ask to provide for the end user in order to make transaction. In second level of security is about allowing the users to solve Captcha based graphical password case. A novel family of graphical password systems built on top of Captcha technology, which we call Captcha as graphical passwords (CaRP) is used for this. CaRP addresses many type of security problems altogether, such as online guessing attacks, relay attacks, and if combined with dual-view technologies, shoulder-surfing attacks. Here, third phase of security is provided using the structure of sending a mail to the user with the details attached along with the image captured by the application and then allow him to access the transaction phase through the mail and then the application shutdowns. Read More...
Image Processing |
India |
344-346 |
88 |
Design of a High Speed Serialzer, Timing Analysis and Optimization in TSMC 28nm Process Technology
-Nupoor Sharma ; Dr. K.R. Nataraj
The use of serializers and deserializers in SerDes devices is a compulsory requirement for chip to chip communication. They are useful in converting parallel to serial data and vice-versa. Mutltiple SerDes devices are housed in a single package. In this paper, a high speed serializer targeted for speeds as high as 20Gbps is proposed and implemented. This is designed primarily for SerDes devices for chip to chip communication. The serializer is designed to facilitate high speed transfer data rates. This design employs differential logic implementation for the circuit, so as to owe high speed operation when compared to single ended implementation. The custom circuit design simulations are compared against standard library files generated by LIBERATE tool. Also Timing fixes were done using Synthesis flow by writing the RTL code for custom top module design and feeding it to DC and IC Compilers. Read More...
VLSI Design and Embedded Systems |
India |
347-378 |
89 |
Effective Corporate Standards Monitor & Auditor Management Suit
-Ravi Prakash B S ; Dharamvir
Our application is developed to ensure a high quality audit procedure by following all the standardizations which are provided by International Standards Organizations. This project is mainly developed to schedule and carry out the auditing activity. It also includes auto-mailing facility which makes the audit procedure simpler and faster and efficient. Businesses vary in nature, size and composition; work which is suitable to one business may not be suitable to be rendered by the auditor are the other factors that vary from assignment to assignment. Because of such variations, evolving one audit program applicable to all business under all circumstances is not practicable. However it becomes a necessity to specify in details in the audit program the nature of work to be done so that no time will be wasted on matters not pertinent to the engagement and any special matter or any specific situation can be taken care of. This project meets the minimum training required by International Standards Organizations for internal auditors. It provides delegates who intend to perform internal audits with the knowledge and skills necessary to assess and report on the conformance and effective implementation of processes, through internal audits, and to contribute to the continual improvement of the management system. International Standards Organizations do not create standards but provide a means of verifying that a proposed standard has met certain requirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria by those developing the standard. The standards which are provided by International Standards Organizations which are implemented in this project are listed below:
1) A set of procedures that cover all key processes in the business;
2) Monitoring processes to ensure they are effective;
3) Keeping adequate records;
4) Checking output for defects, with appropriate and corrective action where necessary;
5) Regularly reviewing individual processes and the quality system itself for effectiveness; and
6) Facilitating continual improvement.
computer engineering |
India |
347-349 |
90 |
Condition Monitoring of Transformer through PC Internet (Cloud)
-Hemanshu Rane ; Prashant Sutar; Sagar Mahipal; Prachi Dharaskar; Prof.Shailesh Mahindrakar
The propose is an innovative design to develop a system based on Arduino ProATmega168 microcontroller that is used for monitoring the voltage, current, temperature, frequency, vibration of a HV transformer in a Lab and to protect the system from the rise in above mention parameters. This project capable of recognizing the breakdown caused due to Temperature rise, over voltage and current. The design generally consists of two units, one in the substation unit, called as transmitter and display unit in main station called as controlling unit. Transmitter and display unit in the substation is where the parameters are monitored continuously by ATmega168 microcontroller and is displayed through display unit. The controlling unit in the main station by means of PC and receives the signal through cloud (Wi-Fi, LAN, INTERNET), and reacts in accordance to the received signal. In general, the proposed design is developed for the user easily recognized the distribution transformer that is suffered by any fault. The ultimate objective is to monitor the electrical parameters continuously and hence to guard the burning of distribution transformer or power transformer due to the constraints such as over load, over temperature and input high voltage. Analysis of transformer parameter through PC, and cloud is an advance concept with a number of unique features including early detection and self-healing capabilities. An implementation of this project can monitor as well as measure data for protection. Apparent benefits from the project are robust and reliable system. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
350-352 |
91 |
A Robust Embedding Algorithm for Digital Watermarking using 5-DWT-SVD Method
-Sandeep Gupta ; Kapil Jain
In this paper, we present a robust embedding algorithm for digital watermarking using 5-dimensional wavelet discrete transform (5-WDT) and singular value decomposition (SVD). First of all, we take two images cover color image and secret color image for embedding. On the cover color image, we apply image compression for reducing size and increasing time, then we apply 5-WDT and SVD. And repeat the same process for secret color image. We worked on both color and gray image for embedding. In this algorithm, we improve peak signal noise ratio (PSNR) and mean square error (MSE). In the experimental outcomes, we achieve PSNR value up to 70%. Read More...
Electronics & Communication |
India |
353-358 |
92 |
Design and Analysis of Low Power CMOS Charge Pump
-Sheeba S ; A.ParimalaGandhi
A new high efficiency charge pump circuit is designed and realized in 130nm CMOS process. This paper work analyses the design of various CMOS Charge pumps. The performance of charge pumps mainly depends on the ability to efficiently generate high output voltages from the low input supply voltage. The shoot through current and the switching noise are being reduced by the proposed CMOS charge pump circuit. It is also used to improve the large driving capability and for eliminating the reversion loss. The proposed cross coupled charge pump has provided up to 8% percentage efficiency as compared with the conventional CMOS charge pump. Read More...
India |
359-363 |
93 |
Review on Design, Analysis and Fabrication of a Composite Leaf Spring for Weight Reduction in Light Weight Automobile
-Krushankant Jani ; Prof. Nirav Kamdar
Generally, in most of the cars, conventional friction brakes are used to stop or control the speed of cars while it is in motion. During the running condition, the car having lots of kinetic energy, when the brake is applied, this kinetic energy is losses by heat energy due to the friction between the brake shoe and brake plate. Thus this extra power loss reduces the overall efficiency of the vehicle. This type of heat losses of energy can be limit by use of regenerative braking system known as RBS. Generally, the main objective of regenerative braking system is to recover as much as possible torque while brakes are being applied. The kinetic energy of vehicle can be stored in another form of energy. In regenerative braking system, energy can be converted by means of generator, dynamometer, alternator, pump, compressor or flywheel or in other storage devices.Now a day the regenerative braking system is applied to many hybrid vehicles. But due to the complexity of design it can be applied to limited cars only. In this case, by using alternator or dynamo, the kinetic energy of the wheel, can be converted into the electric energy which is wasted while applying brakes. Looking at the present situation of Automobile industry, Weight reduction of an automobile ia an major area of concern to the manufacturer. Generally Leaf spring is used for the suspension charchteristics and having 10 to 20 % of unsprung weight. Thus a reduction in weight of the spring will improve efficiency of the vehicle.These springs are generally made of steel material which is having more weight. In order to reduce weight, here composite leaf spring is used instead of steel leaf spring.This Report describes design and anlysis of steel leaf spring and laminated composite leaf spring. The dimensions of an existing conventional steel leaf spring of a light commercial vehicle are taken. Static structural analysis of a 3-D model of conventional leaf spring is performed using ANSYS. Same dimensions are used in composite multi leaf spring using E-glass/Epoxy unidirectional laminates. The load carrying capacity, and weight of composite leaf spring are compared with that of steel leaf spring. In the present work Hand lay-up composite fabrication process is used for making the composite leaf spring. E-glass/epoxy leaf spring will be tested on UTM for the static design load and compared with the steel (55Si2Mn90) leaf spring. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
364-367 |
94 |
Harmonic Measurement & Analysis at Vishay Components India Pvt Ltd. Pune
-Udaysinh B.Pawar ; Tushar Suryawanshi; Mape Zirdo
Growing use of non-linear loads give rise to power pollution in the three-phase four-wire distribution system. This has already become an alarming situation in an industries where quality power is an essential requirement to ensure quality power it is necessary that a harmonic study is carried out to identify the details of pollution that is polluting sources, the parameters or quantities they pollute in each instance. The paper includes a harmonic survey in VISHAY components India pvt. Ltd pune, where various non-linear devices are used every day. The level and type of the harmonics present in the system are identified. According to the measurement and analysis, the effect of most prominent harmonics are found out that could cause problem in the power quality. The harmonic survey is performed to improve the power quality. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
368-373 |
95 |
Distributed Hash Table for Load Balancing of Cloud Backup Services with Local-Global Source Deduplication and in Personal Storage
-Manojkumar J ; Arun Prasath.R
The concept of the Cloud computing has significantly changed the field of parallel and distributed computing systems today. Cloud computing enables a wide range of users to access distributed, scalable, virtualized hardware and/or software infrastructure over the Internet. So the centralized cloud management was developed in earlier years to satisfy the efficiency and cost inflection point which offers simple offsite storage for disaster recovery, which is always a critical concern for data backup. To prepare one alternative, Cloud backup service is a best choice which is cost-effective and provides protection to personal computing devices or cloud storage. In cloud backup services with recent advent of technology, resource control or load balancing in cloud computing is main challenging issue. The proposed method will focus on the following factors, user provisioning cost, security to storage, load balancing, and avoid redundancy. For providing these factors, the functions to perform are de-duplication process, chunking of data, hash function, load balancing and Application aware. The de-duplication process performs the functions local de-duplication and global de-duplication to check the local cloud storage and the global cloud storage, which gives more effectiveness and latency of de-duplication. An intelligent data chunking method and Hash functions are performed, which splits the files into the chunks of data and apply hash functions to those chunks of data, which results in minimal computational overhead and high security to the cloud storage. Load balancing function is used to balance the load while storing the files into the resources of cloud. Propose a simple fully distributed scheme which works in a constant number of rounds and achieves optimal balance with high probability. The total number of migrations is within a constant factor from the number of migrations generated by the optimal centralized algorithm. . In order to gain maximum profits with optimized load balancing algorithms, it is necessary to utilize resources efficiently. Perform experiments via prototype implementation to demonstrate that proposed scheme can significantly improve deduplication efficiency over the state-of-the-art methods with low system overhead, highly balanced system and more security. Read More...
India |
374-380 |
96 |
Review on License Plate Extraction Technique used in Automatic License Plate Recognition System
-Sheetal Rani ; Manoj Saini; Sumit
Automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) system is also known as an intelligent transportation system (ITS). There are various research issues, presents, in the field of ALPR. ALPR consists of four modules named as license plate extraction, extraction of license plate, segmentation and recognition of characters. The main contribution of this paper is to provide a brief study on different methods of license plate extraction. Different techniques of extraction are described in detail along with their pros and cons. The paper also consists of some future direction in the field of extraction of license plate. Future directions in the field of plate localization are also foresees at the end of the paper. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
381-384 |
97 |
Handling Attacks by Implementation of Fog Computing
-Ashwini Barik ; Amit Dighe; Akshay Pawar; Prasad Yewale; Ms. Rekha Jadhav
“This is move first, Cloud first world and, Everything is becoming digital and software drivenâ€, the statement was first issued by Mr. Satya Nadella when he was appointed CEO of Microsoft. As being stated to be true It is definitely a cloud driven world. Where you mange most of your resources by incorporating with the cloud. But having a cloud or being a part of cloud also involves how you access the resources from cloud. How transparent your cloud in accessing the resources is also play an important role in adding valuation to it. Existing data security mechanisms such as encryption, entrusted third party auditor have failed in preventing masquerade attacks, especially those by an insider to the cloud provider. We propose a different method for securing data in the cloud using decoy or bogus files. We keep track of file access in the cloud and detect anomalous data access patterns. When unauthorized access is suspected and then verified using challenge questions, we launch a disinformation attack by returning large amounts of decoy information to the attacker. This protects against the misuse of the user’s real data. Read More...
computer enggineering |
India |
385-387 |
98 |
Fabrication and Experimentation of Coil Finned Tube Type Cryogenic Heat Exchanger for Helium Liquefaction Plant
-Patel Jay Mahendrakumar ; Shreya M. Mehta
It is know that the gas liquefaction system is very crucial part of cryogenics engineering because it is used to produce different cryogens. It is very well known truth that production of liquid helium is very difficult task in this field. Coiled finned-tube heat exchangers have been used in small and medium helium refrigerators/liquefiers, miniature J–T refrigeration systems for many years. The efficiency of these cryogenic systems strongly depends on the thermal and pressure drop performance of these heat exchangers. A considerable improvement in the performance of heat exchanger is possible by choosing an appropriate geometrical configuration for a given process requirement. In this paper fabrication and experimentation has been carried out. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
388-389 |
99 |
Data Integrity Protection in Cloud Computing
-Shashidhara. R ; Mrs. Merin Thomas
In this paper, we aim to provide protection and security solutions based on many aspects of large integrated system in cloud. Cloud computing is the emerging technology to minimize the lots of users burden by providing different types of service to users. Here we also implement our system using ns2 which also show how our application can work in real world scenario .First we list some of the sources where we can download ns3. Secondly we discuss how to build our application and implementing in a real world database. It is high-speed data recovery scheme with minimal loss probability and using a forward error correction scheme to handle bursty loss. The proposed approach is highly efficient in recovering the singleton losses almost immediately and from bursty data losses. Read More...
computer science and engineering |
India |
390-393 |
100 |
Pre-Feasibility Study: Traffic Improvement at Intersections in Rajkot City
-Virani Hitesh A. ; Dr. L.B. Zala; Prof. Nekzad F. Umrigar
Transportation is the backbone for the development of urban areas and the economy of the country relies on it. Owing to tremendous population boom, vehicle growth and concentrated development posed the threat on existing road design planned before about two decades. This resulted into traffic congestion which calls for the demand of changing the geometry especially the intersections which are not controlled appropriately, also decreased the facilities of pedestrian. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
394-400 |