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551 |
Case Study of Process Variation in a Steel Tube Manufacturing Industry
-Gajendra Patidar ; Dr. Devendra Singh Verma
This research is about to implement statistical quality control tools in tube manufacturing industries. There are various defect found in stainless steel welded tube manufacturing, due to these defects, tubes are rejected lot wise, and that is very unproductive result for each and every industries. Statistical quality control (SQC) tools, such as X-bar chart, C-chart, P-chart, R-chart and U-chart had been utilized to measure the variability in the process. We observed good result about the process, whether it is in control or not. These types of charts will also provide the fast result that will be used to take action immediately. In tube manufacturing industries, rejection reduction is possible by proper maintaining the bead process, appropriate welding line. This research helps to decide the process within the control limit or not, that would be decided by various control charts. This is also used for quality improvement. In S.Q.C, there are number of tools used such as Frequency distribution, Control charts, acceptance sampling, and analysis of the data. From all of these tools, we have to concentrate only on control charts. Ultimately it has been used for any manufacturer to solve the rejection problem, enhancing the productivity and quality of the product. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
3296-3300 |
552 |
Experimental and Finite Element Analysis of Deep Drawing Process of Stainless Steel, Brass & Aluminum
-Nirav R.Trivedi ; Prof. Hemanshu Joshi; Prof. Navnit Patel
Deep drawing is a manufacturing process in which sheet metal is progressively formed into a three-dimensional shape through the mechanical action of a die forming the metal around a punch. To reduce various defects in deep drawing process it is necessary to control some parameters of deep drawing process. Sheet-metal drawing is a more complex operation than cutting or bending. Number of defects can occur in a drawn product. To reduce production cost it is necessary to reduce defects accrued during deep drawing process. A punch force, material property of sheet metal, blank holding force, thickness of sheet, velocity of punch are affecting parameters in deep drawing process to regulate defects like wrinkling, tearing, earing and fracture defect. By conducting experiment in hydraulic press we know stress, strain, displacement and load. These results compare with the software for validation. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
3301-3304 |
553 |
Experimental Investigation of Exergy & Energy Analysis of Double Pipe Heat Exchanger using Twisted Tape
-Bhailal V. Bhuva ; Sukritindra Soni
Energy saving aspects is very important in the design, construction and operation of industrial heat exchangers. Exergy analysis is the relatively recent method to identify the location of maximum exergy destruction so that necessary action can be taken to increase the performance of the thermal system. Many researchers have attempted to increase the effective contact surface area with fluid to increases the heat transfer rate, and to reduce the entropy generation, entropy generation number. Therefore energy saving aspects is very important in the design, construction and operation of the heat exchangers. For this reason, various active or passive methods have been sought to save energy by increasing the heat transfer coefficients in the cold and warm fluid sides in the heat exchangers. Twisted are best passive techniques in studied in literature. Hot water and cold water are used as working fluids. Here cold water are passed through tube side and hot fluid passing through annulus side. The test runs was done at cold water mass flow rates ranging between 0.034kg/s and 0.102 kg/s and hot water mass flow rate between 0.034kg/s and 0.102 kg/s respectively. The inlet hot water and inlet cold water temperatures are between 400C and 56 °C, and between 27 °C and 32 °C, respectively. The effects with simple twisted tape and without twist insert on both working fluids flowing through the heat exchanger on exergy analysis parameter like effectiveness, entropy generation rate, entropy generation number and exergy loss are discussed and also find the effect of energy analysis parameter like overall heat transfer coefficient, Nusselt number. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
3305-3311 |
554 |
1 Bit Sigma Delta ADC
-Sanket Vijayrao Banabakode ; Sanjay Tembhurne
The 1st order single-loop single-bit digital sigma-delta modulator is design in this project.1 bit ADC is use in this project along with Difference Amplifier, integrator and DAC in feedback.2Stage comparator is used as a ADC. Oversampling and Noise shaping technology is use because of this design of anti-aliasing filter also reduce. Furthermore, behavioral simulations of the design are verified using Tanner. A top-down system design methodology that can be used to determine the degree of influence of the modulator structure parameters on the performance of the modulator is provided. This approach not only provides important guiding significance on implement of the modulator in an FPGA processor, but also reduces the design complexity and shortens the integrated circuit(IC) design. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
3311-3314 |
555 |
Performance Analysis of WSN Routing Protocols in Flat and Irregular Terrain
-Hokrana Varsha ; Mahesan K V
Routing protocols in wireless sensor networks (WSN) allows node to send and receive packets. There are several routing protocols for WSN but it is not easy to fix on which one is efficiently best. In this paper, a comparative analysis of routing protocols is provided. ZRP (Zone Routing Protocol) and IERP (Interzone Routing Protocol) and three on demand routing protocols AODV (Ad-hoc On Demand distance Vector), DSR (Dynamic Source routing) and DYMO (Dynamic Manet On demand) protocols based on IEEE 802.15.4 is analyzed in 1000mx1000m flat terrain area and in Digital Elevation Model (DEM, irregular area) and compared in this paper. Comparative performance evaluation is done based on performance measuring metrics like Throughput, Average end-to-end delay, Average jitter and Residual battery capacity by using Qualnet 7.1 simulator tool. From the simulation results and analysis, the routing protocol that performs better is evaluated. Read More...
Digital Communication and Networking |
India |
3315-3319 |
556 |
Developing Knowledgebase for Educational Diagnostics
-Parul ; Dr. Renu Bagoria
An expert system is software that acts like a human expert on a particular subject area. Expert systems are often used to advice people in situations where a human expert is unavailable. When some child in school is showing some unusual difficulty in learning, remembering, or using material that is taught, the child’s teachers may feel it is necessary to undertake an educational diagnosis. Educational diagnosis is the detection of such unusual behavior like learning difficulty, the determination of the nature and its remediation. It is a complex task that should be taken care by qualified personnel using defined methodologies, in some circumstances, the task can be made easier if the diagnostician is guided and assisted by a computer. This paper presents some of the aspect of educational diagnostics with some representation of certain rules and knowledge in this area. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
3320-3323 |
557 |
Design and Implementation of Diode Clamped Multilevel Inverter using Matlab Simulink
-Manoj Prabhakar ; B.Kantharaj; R.D.Satyanarayana Rao; K.R Mohan
This project presents the diode-clamped inverter (neutral-point clamped) topology. The project also presents the most relevant control and modulation method developed for this family of converters: multilevel sinusoidal pulse width modulation. Finally, the peripherally developing areas such as high-voltage high-power use Multilevel Inverters for future development are addressed. Furthermore, in this study, reduction of harmonics has been stressed on using Diode Clamped Multilevel Inverters (DCMLI). It also states the adverse effects of Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) on generation and transmission equipments. It also explains about Common Mode Voltage and its effects in brief. Multilevel Inverters have been designed, modeled and simulated and the output results have been depicted in the form of waveforms, THD analysis modules using MATLAB SIMULINK and the results are systematically tabulated. The percentage of THD is reduced as the number of levels is increased. Read More...
Power System Engg |
India |
3324-3330 |
558 |
A Review on Pulse Triggered Flip-Flop with Conditional Pulse Enhancement Scheme
-Amita ; Sunaina Singroha
In this review work, a low-power pulse-triggered flip-flop (PTFF) design is described. Conventional proposed Flip-Flop (FF) has two new features. First one, the pulse generation control logic and an AND function, is removed from the critical path to facilitate a faster discharge operation. To reduce the circuit complexity a simple two-transistor AND gate design is used. Second one, a conditional pulse-enhancement technique is devised to speed up the discharge along the critical path only when needed. As a result, transistor sizes in pulse-generation circuit and delay inverter can be reduced for power saving. Various post layout simulation results based on CMOS 90-nm technology reveal that the conventional proposed design features the best power-delay-product performance in three FF designs under comparison. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
3331-3333 |
559 |
Persistence of Vision Based Display using Arduino
-Nikhil Keswaney ; Gautam Sadarangani
This project presents yet another type of display, which uses the phenomena of persistence of vision to its advantage. Human eye can sense difference between two sets of images only if they change at a rate slower than 24 Hz. If the rate is higher, it is perceived as continuous motion by the human brain. Thus a single array (column) of LEDs is programmed to glow in a sequence such that when that array is rotated, it displays a certain message. This message is clearly seen only if the array is rotated at a certain speed. This display uses 20 LEDs arranged in a single array (column), soldered upon a rod that is rotated by a motor. This entire project is run by the Arduino uno microcontroller board. This display has certain advantages over its competitors, mainly lesser power consumption, less complexity and better aesthetic value, making it an apt device to display short messages. Read More...
Electronic and computer engineering |
India |
3334-3337 |
560 |
Soft Computing Approach for Image Skeletonization
-Ritika Luthra ; Gulshan Goyal
Skeletonization is one of the most important pre-processing steps used in many digital image processing applications. It is the process of creating unit pixel width skeletons. It plays a very crucial role in many image processing applications such as character recognition, medical imaging, biometric authentication etc. Present paper discusses different neural networks used for performing skeletonization. Feed forward pattern recognition neural networks are used for producing the skeletonized images. Several experiments has been done by taking different parameters for neural networks to produce the skeletonized images. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
3338-3341 |
561 |
Power System Stability Analysis with Solid State Fault Current Limiter Connected To Wind Power Generation
-Narasimha Prasad ; R. D. Satyanarayana Rao; T. M. Vasantha Kumar; K. M. Kavitha
The main aim of this paper is to model a Solid State Fault Current Limiter (SSFCL) and test the SSFCL on a test system. The test system consists of a GRID and WTPG. Distributed generations (DGs) are predicted to perform an increasing role in the future electrical power system. Expose of the DG, can change the fault current during a grid disturbance and disturb the existing distribution system protection. Fault current limiters (FCLs) can be sorted into L-types (inductive) and R-types (resistive) by the fault current limiting impedance. In this paper, a new SSFCL has been proposed. SSFCLs can provide the fast system protection during a rigorous fault. The act of dynamic damping enhancement via the SSFCL is appraised in the presence of the wind-turbine power generation. Hence, its efficiency as a protective device for the wind-turbine system is confirmed via some case studies by simulation based on the MATLAB/SIMULINK. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
3342-3345 |
562 |
QoS Optimization in Internet Gateway Discovery Proposal for MANETs
-Gargi Bhardwaj ; Udai Shankar; Navneet Singh Aulakh
this paper presents the results of simulation work performed to enhance the Quality of Service (QoS) of WiFi Network using Internet Gateway Discovery.Ns2 has been used as the simulation tool with NAM support of animation and Tracegraph software to give the output results in the form of graphs. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme is having better quality of Service. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
3346-3353 |
563 |
Enhanced Permission Based Scheme for Android Malware Detection
-Dhavalkumar K. Baraiya ; Prof. Hiteishi Diwanji
With the increased use of Android smartphones, more Android malwares are being developed. Considering the wide range of functionalities provided by smartphones, smartphone-users’ privacy and security of their personal information is of vital importance. Android has been the most targeted platform for malware attacks, due to being the most popular platform, open source system and its vulnerable architecture. In this paper, we have studied about android malware detection, android permission mechanism, collusion attack, and presented Enhanced Permission Based Scheme for Android Malware Detection. Our experimental results show that it has improved the accuracy of detection of malwares that attempt to evade detection. Consequently, it will also help in mitigating application collusion attacks. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
3354-3358 |
564 |
Safe Landing-Area Detection System for Aero Plane
-Meghraj Prakash Agnihotri ; Archana A.Hatkar
Now a day, an automatic safe landing-site detection system is invented for aircraft emergency landing based on visible related data acquired by aircraft-mounted cameras. In this system, the top-five leading factors of random or unplanned landing, which is also called emergency landing, are engine failure, running out of fuel, extremely bad weather, medical emergency, and aircraft hijack. We concentrate on the detection mechanism of the proposed system and assume that image improvement for increased visibility and image stitching for a bigger field-of-view (FOV) have already been performed on the terrain images acquired by aircraft-mounted cameras(Here we used goggle map images). We focus on the detection mechanism of the proposed system and assume that image stitching for a larger field-of-view(FOV) &image enhancement for increased visibility have been performed on the terrain images acquired by aircraft-mounted cameras (Here we used goggle @Earth Images). Specifically, we propose a horizon detection to identify the ground in the image. Then, Segmentation is used to find out various clusters based on Color, performed by K-Mean Method. Principle component analysis is used for feature extraction & Classification of various clusters done by Cross correlation Classifier. Dimensions are measured by using blob Analysis. Then, sorting (descending order) of detected landing sites are performed, based on size of area. If the dimensions of a candidate region exceed the minimum requirement for safe landing, the potential landing-site is considered a safe candidate and is highlighted on the human machine interface. At the end the pilot makes the final decision by confirming one of the candidates and also by considering other factors such as wind speed and wind direction. Read More...
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering (Image Processing) |
India |
3359-3361 |
565 |
Performance Analysis of AODV under Black Hole and Flooding Attack in MANETs
-Preeti Verma ; Reena Rani
Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) are autonomous and decentralized wireless systems. MANETs consist of mobile nodes that are free in moving in and out in the network. The nodes can acts as host/router. The characteristics of MANETs such as dynamic topology, node mobility, self-organizing capability so that they can be deployed urgently without the need of any infrastructure. Due to security vulnerabilities of the routing protocols, however, wireless ad hoc networks may be unprotected against attacks by the malicious nodes. On the basis of attack against MANETs may be classified into active and passive attacks. The attacks not only from outside but also from within the network. In particular, black hole attacks and flooding attacks can be easily deployed into the MANETs by the adversary. Our objective is to analyse the impact of black hole attacks and flooding attacks on MANETs performance using reactive routing protocol namely AODV (Ad hoc on Demand Distance Vector Protocol). We have used performance metrics i.e. Throughput, Packet Delivery Ratio and end to end delay to analyse the impact of both attacks on AODV Routing Protocol in MANET by using the network simulator NS-2. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
3362-3364 |
566 |
Finite Element (FE) Analysis of Pressure Vessel with Embedded Heat Treatment Pipes
-Yogesh R.Sonawane ; G.U.Tembhare; Vinaay Patil
In chemical processes viscosity of fluid is important fluid property. To maintain viscosity of the fluid stored heat is used. The viscosity of the fluid varies with temperature. If the temperature drops the fluid becomes viscous and can cause considerable damage to the system. However if we heat from below, at time surface cooling occurs and this makes natural convection stop, and the heat never reaches the Top layers. Hence to avoid this heat pipes are inserted from top to ensure efficient distribution of heat. Heat is supplied in these pipes itself so that maximum benefit of heat transfer is achieved. The main objective of paper is finite element analysis of pressure vessel at different boundary condition. The stresses developed in pressure vessel are analyzed by using ANSYS. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
3365-3368 |
567 |
Enhancing Business Agility using REST (Representational State Transfer)
-Hitesh Kumar Bhatia
In today’s world companies would like to build an environment where the complexity of business process is reduced .Complexity can be defined in terms of flexibility, adaptability etc. Business agility helps to adapt in rapidly changing environment and provide flexibility as per the business process requirement. However communication between services and processes is the major issue. This barrier of communication can be eliminated by using REST. Restful architecture is applied in development of web services which ignores the details of services and focuses on the roles of services such that the constraints are not violated of any protocol. In this paper we have proposed an architecture which will help business process to work rapidly in any circumstances and make the business process more agile towards building of solution. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
3369-3370 |
568 |
Ultra Isolation Transformer Testing Unit
-Ketki P. Gogate ; Arvind P.Hatkar
Many high end electronic equipments, rapidly expanding computer control systems and information networks are sensitive to spikes, surges and line transients. Due to power electronic circuits, welders, variable speed drives and SCR controls used in computers and many other electrical systems, electrical noise is introduced in power distribution system which leads to corruption of clean power. The electronic systems must be protected from high voltage surges and made immune to noise. If they are not suppressed they can cause memory loss in computer, component failure, scrambled data transmission etc. For AC systems, electrical noise is a distortion of the normal sine wave. Some effects noise has on electrical systems are data loss, computer lock-up, equipment malfunction, and occasionally destruction .These impulses are of very short duration of the order of the order of a microsecond to very few milliseconds. But their amplitude can range from hundreds to thousands of volts. They can be caused by lightning, mains line switching air conditioning or switching of any heavy duty machinery. Therefore, noise attenuation devices are a necessity. Although it is impossible to totally eliminate electrical noise, it is possible to drastically reduce it to tolerable levels. Electrical noise attenuation devices, such as, TVSS (Transient Voltage Surge Suppression), noise filters and shielded isolation transformers reduce electrical noise to safe levels. The objective of this project is to design a testing unit for ultra-isolation transformer for measuring its common mode noise attenuation capability. Noise attenuation is expressed as a ratio of the output transient energy (Vto) to the input transient energy (Vti), or by decibels (dB). The Common mode noise rejection should be about -100 dB. If this condition is satisfied, then we can conclude that the ultra-isolation transformer under test is able to eliminate common mode noise providing electrostatic shielding and protection against spikes, surges and transient noise. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
3371-3373 |
569 |
Performance of UNDI Oil Biodiesel with Diesel in VCR Compression Ignition Engine under Variation in Engine Load & Compression Ratio
-Harshad.T.Magar ; Dr. Abhay Pawar
The world is facing many problems like energy, fuel, global warming and pollution. Petroleum diesel fuel which play very important role in the regular life for industries, transportation & any domestic sector, finding a suitable alternative (biodiesel fuel) to diesel is urgent need for this country. Undi based biodiesel is a non-edible fuel suitable for petrol & diesel engines. Transesterification process is used for preparation of Undi biodiesel. The physical & chemical properties of Undi biodiesel is nearly same as diesel. Experimental investigation of Undi oil has been carried out to analyze emission, performance characteristics in diesel engine with blends in diesel (0%, 20%, 40%, 60%) by changing compression ratio and engine load. The emissions from the diesel engine calculated with the help of smoke meter & gas analyzer. We can change compression ratio & engine load of diesel engine without any major modifications in variable compression ratio (VCR) diesel engine. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
3374-3377 |
570 |
Control of Twin Rotor Multi Input Multi Output System using Intelligent Controller
-Santosh Sadashiv Shinde ; Abhishek J. Bedekar ; Prof. Nitin V. Patel
This paper discusses the scope of designing and implementing a intelligent hybrid PID control technique to the Twin Rotor Multi-input multi-output System (TRMS). Control of nonlinear system has always been a challenging problem due severe nonlinearities, inaccessibility of some states and output for measurement with significant cross coupling. The control objective is to make this systems move quickly so that it track the given reference inputs accurately. Real time performance of Twin Rotor Multi-input multi-output System (TRMS) with the intelligent controllers has been shown. Read More...
Electrical Control System |
India |
3378-3381 |
571 |
Optimizing the Lead Time and Cost of Progressive Tool
-N.Nirmal ; A.Vignesh; Subhash Prabhu; S.Senthil Gavaskar; S.Vignesh
The aim of the project is to optimize the lead time and cost of Progressive tool. The progressive tool is the master pattern for producing the brake components. Manufacturing of this tool takes a long time which results in high machining cost due to long running of machines. Hence the main objective of this project is to analyze the production process thoroughly and approach a different method to reduce the total machining time in manufacturing Progressive tool. The paper reveals with understanding and gathering a lot of information about the production process that involves studying the industrial Blue prints in manufacturing this tool and how to develop the project from initial stage to final stage with the help of company professionals. Based on the study and calculations, ABC Analysis and PERT charts are made in order to achieve the goal of the project. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
3382-3386 |
572 |
Probability Analysis of Rainfall in Dhemaji Region, Assam, India
-Nandana Pegu ; Prof. R.K. Malik
The monthly rainfall data of Dhemaji region, Assam, India for the period of 35 years (1980-2014) had been analyzed using probability distribution methods viz Normal, Log normal, Log Pearson-III and Gumbel distribution. These probability distribution methods were applied to estimate the expected monthly, seasonal and annual rainfall for the period of 1980-2014. Weibull`s plotting position was used for computation of observed monthly, seasonal and annual rainfall separately in 1.03, 1.05, 1.11, 1.25, 1.33, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20 and 25 years return periods. The Observed and expected values were compared using Chi Square Test (ℵ^22) test. The result indicated that Gumbel distribution method was the best fit to predict annual rainfall for different return periods. In case of seasonal analysis, Log-Pearson-III was found to be the best fit. However, the best fit probability distribution of monthly data was found to be different for different months. Log-Pearson-III was determined as the best fit probability distribution for the months of June and July. In case of the month of August, the lowest Chi square value (10.24) obtained by Log normal distribution and for the month of September; the best probability distribution selected by Chi square test was Normal distribution. As per Gumbel distribution, annual rainfall of 2437.76mm can be expected with 90% probability in 1.11 year return period while annual rainfall of 4796.47mm can be expected with 1% probability in return period of 100 years. The magnitude of 2960.18 mm annual rainfall with 50% probability can be expected in every 2 years which is approaching to mean annual of 3050mm. Again the seasonal rainfall of 2121.82 can be expected with 50% probability in same return periods as estimated by Log Pearson-III. In monsoon season, the expected rainfall during July is higher as compared to other monsoon months. On this month, precipitation of 295.22mm is expected with 90% probability in 1.11 years. In every 2 years return period, July month is expected more shower of 741.92mm with 50% probability as compared to other monsoon months June (508.9mm), August (533.18 mm) and September (449.19 mm). The highest average rainfall observed in July was 636.81mm .The developed regression model also indicated the best fitted curve of each monsoon months, seasonal and annual scattered observed rainfalls with R^2value more than 0.90, except in case of July, it was 0.78. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
Oman |
3387-3394 |
573 |
Optimization of Parameters for Gas Metal Arc Welding on Mild Steel by using Taguchi’s Method
-Kuldip Singh ; Vijay Kumar
Gas metal arc welding can be defined as a fusion welding process having wide range of applications in the industry. In this process proper selection of input welding parameters are necessary in order to obtain good quality of weld with good tensile strength and increase the productivity of the process. In order to obtain a good quality of weld of high tensile strength, it is necessary to control the input welding parameters. In this research work, experiments were carried out on mild steel plates using gas metal arc welding process. Taguchi method is used to formulate the experimental design. The exhaustive survey suggests that some control factors viz. arc voltage, welding current and Root Gap. Finally the conformations tests have been carried out to and experimental and predicted values are compared. A series of experiments based on Taguchi technique has been used to acquire the data. An Orthogonal array, signal to noise (S/N) ratio are employed to investigate the welding characteristics of Mild steel of material & optimize the welding parameters. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
3395-3397 |
574 |
Water Balance Assessment and Rainwater Harvesting Structures Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques in Vadnagar Study Area, Gujarat
-Siddharth P Mehta
The paper aims at defining water balance assessment and to probe the water harvesting techniques using remote sensing and GIS. The study area falls in survey of India topo sheet no 46/A/9. The satellite data from GLDAS-NASA are used for calculation of runoff. Also THORNTHWAITE-MATHER (TM) MODEL is used for calculation of soil water status through time. This model was used to calculate Potential evapotranspiration (PET), Accumulated Potential water loss (APWL),Soil Moisture (SM), Change in SM (∆ SM), Actual Evapotranspiration (AET) ,Deficit, Surplus, Storage, Runoff , Detention. Read More...
Civil engineering |
India |
3398-3401 |
575 |
Effect of Current on the Removal of Chromium Hexavalent from Soil by Electro-Kinetics Remediation Test
-Sachin Gupta ; Abhishek kumar Bharati; Shreya Verma
Electrokinetic experiments were conducted on soil contaminated from the chromium which is carcinogenic and very hazardous to public health and environment. This paper mainly tells about the removal of the chromium from chromium contaminated soil by changing the current in the electrokinetics test for the removal of Chromium hexavalent from contaminated soil. The advantage of removal of chromium by the electrokinetics remediation is mainly it is in-situ and cost effective process. In this we take the current as variable in the electrokinetic testing and check what is the effect of current on the removal of chromium hexa-valent. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
3402-3403 |
576 |
Optimization of Aircraft Wing using Composite Material
-Nikhil Jagannath Chaudhari ; A.S.Rao; Vinaay Patil
In the present day, use of composite Material has been extended to a large number of aircraft components which includes structural and non-structural components. During the flight, when the maximum lift is generated, wings of the aircraft will undergo stress at the location of the attachment of wing. The attachment is used to carry all type of wing load to this frame. So, the wing root attachments should be high strength enough to carry the load transferred from wing. Weight reduction is also important factor in aircraft. Composite materials are well known for their excellent combination of high structural stiffness and low weight. The analysis conducted using ANSYS finite element package. From the results of analysis, it is estimated that replacement of Al. alloy by composites results in saving in stress at attachment of wing along with reduction in structural weight of the aircraft wing. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
3404-3406 |
577 |
Automated Detection of Glaucoma Stages using Retinal Images
-Lija George ; Sheela N Rao
Glaucoma is a group of disease often causing visual impairment without any prior symptoms. It is usually caused due to high intra ocular pressure (IOP) which can result in blindness by damaging the optic nerve. Hence, diagnosing the glaucoma in the early stage can prevent the vision loss. This paper presents an automatic method to find the CDR value and thickness of RNFL using fundus and OCT images respectively. The proposed algorithm first extracts optic cup, optic disc and RNFL layer. Then based on the pixel calculation we have calculated CDR and thickness of RNFL. The result shows that the proposed algorithm is efficient in segmenting the region of interest without manual intervention. Then the CDR and RNFL thickness values are applied to the SVM classifier. It gives an accuracy of 92.14%, sensitivity 90.66% and specificity 100%. Read More...
Biomedical Signal Processing and Instrumentation |
India |
3407-3411 |
578 |
Balanced Energy Efficient Network Integrated Super Hetrogeneous Protocol for WSN
-Vandana Katoch ; Kamal Kumar
BEENISH Protocol is used for the Energy efficiency purpose. The WSN network has the various nodes is used for transmit and receive the data or packets. For this transmission, these nodes used the maximum energy. When the maximum energy is used during transmission than the lifetime of the network will be decrease or the stability period of the network will also decrease. Many protocols are used to overcome this problem. BEENISH is one of the energy efficiency protocol which is used for prolong the network lifetime of the network and for save the energy of the nodes. Here, Cluster Heads (CHs) are elected on the bases of maximum energy of nodes. Simulation results show that it performs better than existing clustering protocols in heterogeneous WSNs. Our protocol (BEENISH)achieve longer stability, lifetime and more effective messages than Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering (DEEC), Developed DEEC (DDEEC) and Enhanced DEEC (EDEEC). Read More...
Compter Science |
India |
3412-3417 |
579 |
SPARQL Query Optimization using Data Structure Approach
-Meela D Gareja
Linked open data also known as web of linked data is a globally distributed database. This linked data can be queried with SPARQL protocol and RDF query language also known as SPARQL. Our key goal for this topic is to optimize the SPARQL engine with help of basic data structure algorithms. Our approach proposed the optimizing SPARQL engine by cleaning the Ontology file by loss some loss of knowledgebase and the compare the results of SPARQL query processing time on both Ontologies one is cleaned and other one is without cleaned Ontology. We apply the data structure searching algorithms to minimize search space. And after cleaning approach we can optimize loading time of our ontology. The paper gives a brief understanding for the proposed approach. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
3418-3419 |
580 |
Optimizing Performance of Routing Against Black Hole Attack in MANET using AODV Protocol
-Chaudhari Prerana A. ; Vanaraj B. Vaghela
MANETs (Mobile Ad hoc Networks) must have a secure way for transmission and communication and this is a quite challenging and vital issue as there is increasing threats of attack on the Mobile Networks. Security is the cry of the day. In order to provide secure communication and transmission, we must understand different types of attacks and their effects on the MANETs. One of these attacks is the Black Hole Attack against network integrity absorbing all data packets in the network. Since the data packets do not reach the destination node on account of this attack, data loss will occur. A MANET is more open to these kinds of attacks because communication is based on mutual trust between the nodes, there is no central point for network management, no authorization facility, vigorously changing topology and limited resources. Here, a mechanism is proposed for the nodes which are deployed in MANETs in order to detect and prevent black hole attacks. The proposed mechanism is incorporated in AODV routing protocol and is implemented and simulated in Network Simulator 2. Read More...
Electronics and communication engineering |
India |
3420-3425 |
581 |
Comparison of System and Network Monitoring Tools
-Vidya.J ; Prof.Shantala.C.P
DevOps is an emerging trend which mainly concentrates on communication, collaboration and integration between the developers and sys-admins. Both the team members will work together in each stage of the production lifecycle. These tools can be classified as build and test, configuration tools, monitoring tools and log monitoring tools. This paper provides introduction and comparison of some of the monitoring tools. The monitoring tools can be classified as system monitoring tools and network monitoring tools. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
3426-3428 |
582 |
An Android Based Advanced Business Growth System for Food Industry
-Sanat Chandravanshi ; Prof. V. S. Baanu Prasanna
Everybody appreciates a decent supper, some need to eat healthy, some need to eat for taste and some need to eat for the smell that they can't help it. This paper will help to introduce an advance system which fulfill all the requirement of the restaurant owner as well the consumer who wants to have nice and healthy food, using this system the restaurant owner can manage all the related stuff as managing the Online order, Table Reservation, Reviews etc. And This paper will help the consumer too where the system will proivide facility to find the best restaurant and gives option to order online, reserve a table, give reviews and many more. At the same time, as I headed out to places searching for the best places to eat, I understood that there is a ton more that buyers like me search for. They search for similitude too uniqueness in the climate, smell and taste. They search for cordiality of the staff that serves them on the grounds that they need to feel at home, they search for the estimation of the supper and not simply the aggregate expense, they search for a spot where their family can have a decent discussion without getting occupied by noisy sounds etc. We want to provide the service which can help to the restaurant owner and the consumers who look for the good food, it will be very easy using the proposed system. This paper helps in building an application that will help to the safe where they can directly communicate with the consumer and they can get chance to show their best and they can also get the direct feedback from the consumer. Read More...
Engineering Science and Technology |
India |
3429-3431 |
583 |
Case Study on Rapid Prototyping
-A.G.Pawar ; K.B.Bansode
Rapid prototyping is very important technology in medical science. Additive manufacturing (AM) of which rapid prototyping (RP) is a subset augments traditional material forming, removal and assembly methods of manufacturing. This overcomes traditional restrictions in manufacturing technology, with significant commercial and technological implications. This area has been further developed to design and build custom fit implants for both in vivo and in vitro applications. The intention here is to increase the quality of patient’s lives who are burdened with a defect caused by trauma, genetic defect or disease. This paper represents a case study on rapid prototyping of the carnical plate of human skull. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
3432-3434 |
584 |
Power Quality Enhancement by Static VAR Compensator in Transmission System
-Ajith.N ; T.R.Narasimhegowda; K.R.Mohan; Aditya Patil; Manoj Prabhakar
The role of the transmission network in the Power System is to transmit the power generated in the power plants to the load centers and the interconnected power systems. The transmission of electric power has to take place in the most efficient way in addition to providing flexibility in the process. Hence Flexible A.C. Transmission System (FACTS) devices are used. A Static VAR Compensator (SVC) is a shunt-connected FACTS controller that is able to exchange reactive power with the power system in a controlled way of static controllers to enhance the controllability and increase the power transfer capability. In this paper the operation of shunt SVC in the 5 bus system with different loading conditions are studied. Dynamic VAR compensation and voltage control at all the buses are analyzed with and without SVC. Losses of transmission lines with and without SVC are compared. Simulation is carried by using Mi-Power software Simulation package. Read More...
Power System Engineering |
India |
3435-3438 |
585 |
Incentives and Employee Performance
-Shikha Pareek ; Dr. Seema Singh Rathore
The purpose of the paper is to explore what effect does the incentives either financial or non-financial create on employee performance. The ways in which employees are appreciated can make a substantial impact on the efficacy of the organization, and is at the compassion of the employment liaison. The rationale of this article is to review previous theories and previous researches concerning the relationship between incentives and employee performance. The compilation and integration of the previous researches reveal how incentives affect the employee performance. Read More...
Human Resource Management |
India |
3439-3443 |
586 |
Brife Critical Analysis of DevOps Tools
-Veena K ; Akshaya H L; Prof. Shantala .C.P
DevOps is a practice in which operations and developers work together in each stage of DevOps life cycle (from development stage to production stage).Devops is good for developers. Developers need DevOps because for a better quality of life, pride of ownership and for more relevant work. Devops can be divided into four categories like log monitoring, monitoring, build and test and deployment and configuration. In this paper, authors give the brief introduction to DevOps Build and Test tools, Deployment and configuration and comparisons of tools. Read More...
Computer Science & Engineering |
India |
3444-3447 |
587 |
A Watermarking Algorithm Based On Chirp Z-Transform, Discrete Wavelet Transform, and Singular Value Decomposition a Review
-Gurlaganbir Kaur ; Anu Sheetal; Tarun Arora
Watermarking scheme based on the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) in conjunction with the chirp z-transform (CZT) and the singular value decomposition (SVD). Firstly, the image is decomposed into its frequency sub bands by using 1-level DWT. Then, the high-frequency sub band is transformed into z-domain by using CZT. Afterward by SVD, the watermark is included with the singular matrix of the transformed image. Finally, the watermarked image is obtained by using inverse of CZT and inverse of DWT. This algorithm combines the advantages of most three algorithms. Read More...
Digital Image processing |
India |
3448-3451 |
588 |
Wireless Network Security Via Per Hop Data Encryption through ECC and Secure Authentication with DSA
-Mamta Verma ; Akash Wanjari
These networks lack security and are defenseless. Encryption and public key cryptography are essential technologies that are used to conserve data security and integrity, and to reduce information stealing on the public networks. However, the exiting routing protocols are inept of providing secure data transmission on wireless networks. To provides more security transmission data using certificate authentication of digital signature. We say that the cryptography using for data secure transfer in network we use ECC (Elliptic curve cryptography) implemented a prototype of per-hop data encryption protocol on the ns-2 simulator. Read More...
Computer Science Engineering |
India |
3452-3455 |
589 |
Implementation of the Discrete Wavelete Transform Used In the Callibration of Enzymatic Biosensor
-Prajakta Devidas Pagar ; Dr.V.A.Wankhede
In case of multi component samples, it is absolutely essential to include appropriate data processing tools to find relationship between the biosensor responses and the measured data. It is necessary a first data pretreatment step in order to explore and validate obtained information. Discrete wavelet Transform is the data processing strategy proposed in order to achieve better interpretation models and discard irrelevant content coming from original data. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
3456-3457 |
590 |
Post-Buckling Analysis of Steel Silo Subjected To Internal Pressure
-Yatish Arvind Patil ; Girish U. Tembhare; Vinaay Patil
Silos are used to store granular solids, liquids, and metal ores. Due to high height to diameter ratios, silos are prone to failure due to buckling. This research work aims to assess the buckling strength of steel silos containing liquid (water). The silo is designed as per ASME codes for the requirements given in problem, and then validated the design for safety by performing linear and nonlinear analysis using software ANSYS. Water stored in silo acts as loading on surfaces of it. Hence in addition to above analyses, hydrostatic analysis is also performed on silo. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
3458-3461 |
591 |
Novel Approach to Secure Online Transaction using Steganography and AES in the Image
-Ekta Chauhan ; Prof. Unmukh Datta
The use of electronic business (e business) over the internet is growing rapidly in the past several years. In e commerce business is done online without any face to face interaction. Several e transaction systems have been developed and their use is increasing in e commerce site. Security of the e commerce site is becoming more and more crucial. E transaction security is a challenging task because of the insecure communication channel. In our work we proposed a new algorithm to make an e commerce transaction more secure. In our algorithm we encrypt data using AES and this encrypted data are embedded to image edges to perform Stenography and to decrease the time of encryption and decryption. We are using parallel processing at different part of AES and we found or results are better than the previous work in terms of time and security aspects. Read More...
Computer Science Engg |
India |
3462-3466 |
592 |
Optimum SIDE-Lobes Magnitude Estimation of Different Pulse Compression Techniques for RSP
-Anil kumar A ; Hanumanthappa S N
Pulse compression permits radar signal transmission to use long coded internal modulation waveforms in order to accomplish long range detection and concurrently gets the high range resolution by processing of the reflected echo to accumulate the long coded waveform energy in to narrow pulse. Range resolution is the ability to separate closely spaced targets. The shorter pulse width waveform transmission improved in the range resolution. But, if the pulse width is decrease, the quantity of energy in the pulse is decreased and maximum range finding gets reduced. Hence development of best PC technique to avoid this difficulty. Read More...
Electronics(Communication ) engineering |
India |
3467-3471 |
593 |
Frequency Synthesis for Low Power TV Transmitter
-Deeplaxmi V. Niture ; Abhijit G. Shinde
This paper illustrates the frequency synthesis technique which can be used for the very low power TV transmission. The idea behind the frequency synthesis is to use the low power TV transmission method usually 50 W using an integrated voltage controlled oscillator. Such transmitters can be established solely for community education and managed by existing schools as additional support for children and support for adult education in the rural India. The availability of the channel for the signal transmission is to be controlled using the white space detection techniques like cognitive radio, etc. Currently 85% of the TV band in the 470-698 MHz range is not used in the heart of urban Delhi, and as much as 95% are unused in rural areas. At any point in time, the largest contiguous TV white space varies between 66 MHz to 136 MHz in an urban location, and between 51 MHz and 242 MHz in a rural location. This shift of channel was achieved using IR remote controlled microcontroller based control system.[1][2]. Read More...
Electronics and telecommunication engineering |
India |
3472-3474 |
594 |
Software Fault Detection using Machine Learning Algorithm
-Pooja Garg ; Mr. Bhushan Dua
Software fault prediction indicates the likelihood of software fault at an early stage of software development process and hence it will be easier to identify and correct them and also reduce faults that would occur at later stages. This will improve the overall quality of the software product. In the recent years, several machine learning techniques which uses examples of faulty and non-faulty modules to build prediction models. Software metric have been used as input to these machine learning techniques to represent the software modules. Support Vector Machines (SVM) is the main algorithm which has been used for classification of faulty and non-faulty modules. But prior to using SVM, A few data pre-processing methods has been proposed such as bootstrapping, clustering and random projection. These methods are needed because of certain problems with metric datasets such as class imbalance, noise, small dataset size and high dimension. It has showed by experiments that when software metrics dataset is pre-processed and transformed using above techniques, the performance of SVM in predicting faulty and non-faulty modules is better. The accuracy measure used for comparing performances of different models was F-measure. F-measure has been used because of its robustness to class imbalance. For some models F-measure has increased by about 40%, which is very encouraging. Experimental results shows that the proposed approach worked better than existing approach using MATLAB and Weka programming. Read More...
computer science |
India |
3475-3480 |
595 |
Comparison of DevOps Log monitoring tools
-Nisarga Jagadish S ; Prof. Shantala C P
Devops is an approach in which operation team and development engineers team work together throughout entire life cycle. Devops can be divided into different domains namely Deployment and configuration, Build and test, Monitoring and Log monitoring. In this paper, author gives the description of log monitoring, different types of log monitoring tools and comparison between log monitoring tools. Read More...
Computer Science And Engineering |
India |
3481-3483 |
596 |
Techniques and Algorithms of PPDM
-Hemlata ; Dr. Preeti Gulia
Privacy preserving data mining (PPDM) is a method of protecting the privacy of data without sacrificing the utility of the data. In this present world of Internet people have become well aware that they should not share their personal data and sensitive information. This may lead to the negative results of the data mining. This paper provides a detailed review of different techniques and algorithms used in Privacy Preserving Data Mining (PPDM). This paper also presents an overview of PPDM Framework, PPDM techniques, PPDM tools and algorithms. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
3484-3487 |
597 |
Stirling Engine
-Patel Pratik J. ; Khatri Jay H.; Patel Jenish K.; Prajapati Dhiraj N.
Stirling engine is a mechanical device working theoretically on Stirling cycle. It is external combustion engine. There are mainly three types of Stirling engine is available. Alpha, Beta and Gamma. It uses Air, Hydrogen, Helium, Nitrogen or Steam as working fluid. But this is a new designed metal body Stirling engine which is different from these three types. It is contain conical shape cold cylinder, power piston, regenerator, hot cylinder etc. It can be used as waste heat recovery engine. This is metal body Stirling engine so it is also used for practical application and also for power generation. Internal combustion engine is developed in 19th century. But it efficiency is only 35- 40%. And it is also used fossil fuels which is high in cost and limited in nature. And exhaust emission of Internal Combustion engine is also high. But the Stirling engine offer possibility for having high efficiency engine with less emission in comparison with internal combustion engine. The ideal Stirling engine cycle has the same theoretical efficiency as Carnot heat engine (for the same input and output temperatures). And it is uses renewable resources. So the cost of power production is also low. Our ultimate aim is to develop metal body Stirling engine which can be used for practical application. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
3488-3491 |
598 |
Use of Baghouse Fines from Hot Mix Plant in Asphaltic Concrete
-Amol Sharma ; S K Singh
This study is done to determine the effects of "Baghouse Fines" in the asphaltic concrete mixes. The analysis includes carrying out Marshall Tests on asphaltic mixes having various filler/baghouse fines ratios. Sieve analysis and hydrometer analysis were used to produce gradations for aggregate mixtures with baghouse fines. Chemical properties of baghouse fines were determined using X-ray fluorescence machine. The results of the study indicate that indicate that baghouse fines can greatly affect the properties of the design mix, such as the stability values, the flow values and the optimum asphalt content. The chemical properties of baghouse fines indicate the absence of any harmful heavy metal in the baghouse fines. It is anticipated that the results of this study will be of great help in the improvement of local mix properties. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
3492-3496 |
599 |
An Improvement of Web Usage Mining Techniques to Discover Web Usage Patterns of Websites using K-Apriori
-T.Mohana Priya
Web Usage Mining is the application of mining techniques to discover interesting usage patterns from Web data, in order to understand and better serve the needs of Web-based applications. Usage data captures the identity or origin of Web users along with their browsing behavior at a Web site. Web usage mining itself can be classified further depending on the kind of usage data considered. They are web server data, application server data and application level data. Web server data correspond to the user logs that are collected at Web server. Some of the typical data collected at a Web server include IP addresses, page references, and access time of the users and is the main input to the present Research. This Research work concentrates on web usage mining and in particular focuses on discovering the web usage patterns of websites from the server log files. The comparison of memory usage and time usage is compared using k-Apriori Algorithm. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
3497-3499 |
600 |
Position/Speed Sensor less Control for PMSG Offshore Wind Farms And its Integration using VSC based Multi terminal HVDC System
-K. Rajesh ; Asso.Prof. B. Sankara Prasad
This paper demonstrates the design of Permanent magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG) suitable for offshore Wind farms and reviews the state-of-the art and highly applicable mechanical position/speed sensor less control schemes for PMSG-based variable-speed Wind Energy Conversion Systems. In these Voltage Source Converters (VSC) Multi Terminal High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmissions technology is used to integrate with main grid. Due to enormous advantages of VSC system, it facilitates fast Active and Reactive power control and relatively lower losses. VSCs have a limited transmission capacity due to limitations on IGBT and capacitors ratings. For these reasons, a multi-terminal HVDC (MTDC) transmission system, which can extract and deliver power from and to several terminals and provide power to more than one terminal, is an attractive method for offshore wind power transmission. MTDC system and the results show that the system can operate effectively under a variety of operating conditions. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
3500-3504 |