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101 |
Parametric Study of Rectangular Water Tank using Different Methodology
-Mehul S. Kishori ; Dr. Chirag N Patel
This paper presents a parametric study concerning behavior and design of ground Rectangular concrete tank subjected to static loading conditions with special emphasis on IS:3370, PCA , and STAAD-Pro. The effect of the different tank aspect ratio, end condition for same capacity is reviewed and considered in the Analysis and Design. Detailed process of analysis of Rectangular concrete tank is carried out by IS 3370:2009, PCA Table for the tank calculating moments at different place on walls. Separate model with the different end conditions, were developed on STAAD-Pro with the same parameter calculated by the IS 3370:2009 and PCA. Calculate the analysis by spread sheet program based on IS: 3370 and PCA have been incorporated. An important aim of this report is to determine the parametric study of the IS 3370:2009, PCA and STAAD-Pro analysis and design. Read More...
Structure Engineering |
India |
433-435 |
102 |
Survey on Optimized Feature Subset Selection for the High Dimensional Data
-Vidyashree Namdeo Alone ; Prof. Vidya Chitre
Feature selection involves identifying a subset of the most useful features that results having similar weightage as the original entire set of features. A feature selection algorithm may be find from varied points of view but its performance in terms of time complexity has the most eminent as its efficiency concerns the time required to find a subset of features, the efficiency has been related to the quality of the subset of features. Based on this criteria, a clustering-based feature selection algorithm is proposed here. The algorithm contains in two steps. In the first step, features are partitioned into clusters by using cosine analysis over the large multidimensional set of data stored in the system related to various sections of medical data. In the second step, the most representative feature that has strongly related to each cluster (or class) has been selected from each cluster to form a subset of features. Features in distinct clusters have relatively independent; the clustering-based strategy of proposed algorithm has a high probability of producing a subset of useful and independent features. To ensure the efficiency of proposed algorithm, we adopt the efficient Kruskal minimum spanning tree (MST) clustering method. The time complexity of the proposed algorithm is evaluated here. Read More...
Information Technology(Data Mining) |
India |
436-439 |
103 |
Review on Research of Biomedical Waste Management
-Rahul V. Hinge ; Sachin B.Divate; Ravindra L. Nibe
Biomedical waste is waste that is either putrescible or potentially infectious. Biomedical waste is generated from biological and medical sources and activities, such as the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of diseases. Common generators of biomedical waste include hospitals, health clinics, nursing homes, medical research laboratories, offices of physicians, dentists, and veterinarians, home health care, and funeral homes. In healthcare facilities (i.e., hospitals, clinics, doctors offices, veterinary hospitals and clinical laboratories), waste with these characteristics may alternatively be called medical or clinical waste. Biomedical waste may be solid or liquid. Examples of infectious waste include discarded blood, sharps, unwanted microbiological cultures and stocks, identifiable body parts, other human or animal tissue, used bandages and dressings, discarded gloves, other medical supplies that may have been in contact with blood and body fluids. Waste sharps include potentially contaminated used (and unused discarded) needles, scalpels, lancets and other devices capable of penetrating skin. Biomedical waste is distinct from normal trash or general waste, and differs from other types of hazardous waste, such as chemical, radioactive, universal or industrial waste. Medical facilities generate waste hazardous chemicals and radioactive materials. While such wastes are normally not infectious, they require proper disposal. Read More...
Environmental Engineering |
India |
440-443 |
104 |
A Study of Digital Image Processing Technique for Determining Leaf Disease
-Amar Kumar Dey ; Manisha Sharma
Diseases restrict the growth of plant, decrease the productivity of crop and results in economic losses in agricultural. Image processing is the best way of detecting and diagnose the diseases. Initially the infected region is found, then threshold can be calculated by applying Otsu method on a color component to detect the disease. Different features are extracted such as color and shape. Based on the featcher extracted the leaf disease is detected.
The present study recognizes the need for developing a fast, low cost and reliable leaf disease detection technique that would facilitate advancements in agriculture. It describes the basic structure of digital image processing technique that can be used for developing disease detection under field conditions. The paper also figures out some potential losses in yield of crop due to various diseases.
Electronics (Digital Image Processing) |
India |
444-446 |
105 |
Optimization of Dynamic Load Carrying Capacity of Deep Groove Ball Bearing using Teaching - Learning Based Optimization Technique
-Niraj Makhecha ; Ravi C. Patel
Ball Bearings are used mostly in mechanical equipment due to its low friction capability. For efficient performance of bearing, it should be optimized by specific parameters. In this work, deep groove ball bearing is selected and the dynamic load capacity of it is to be optimized. The design parameters include bearing pitch diameter, the rolling element diameter, number of rolling elements and inner and outer-race groove curvature radii. The objective function is to maximize dynamic load capacity. The Teaching-Learning based Optimization technique is selected for the Optimization of Deep groove ball bearing. This method works on the effect of influence of a teacher on learners. Efforts are made to maximize the dynamic load carrying capacity of deep groove ball bearing with given design parameters and constraints. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
447-452 |
106 |
Study of Road Variability and Its Effects on Vehicle Dynamics Simulation
-Mr. Jatinderjit Singh ; Mrs. Tejbir Kaur; Dr. V.P Singh
As the technology is burgeoning with the passage of time the numbers of methods have been developed in the field of automobiles. Vehicle dynamics and ride comfort is the major part which is to be considered a lot these days. These are improved to comfort the passenger and the driver of the vehicle. Less vibration will result in more ride comfort and hence less discomfort for the driver. Hence this is more necessary for the health of the driver and the passenger. In this paper, the study was done regarding the vehicle dynamics with different road profiles. Dynamics of the vehicle was considered experimentally and there results were simulated in MATLAB/SIMULINK software. The half car model and there equations are investigated in the MATLAB/SIMULINK software to determine the vibration in the investigated vehicle. Also investigation regarding the ride comfort and road holding had been considered by using different formulas and then this ride comfort was optimized using the DOE software. The optimized result gives the combination of the stiffness and damping coefficient which was then used for the better ride comfort. This combination was again put in the form of parameters in the MATLAB/SIMULINK model to get the optimal and best solution. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
453-460 |
107 |
Simulation using Six Lump Model of FCC Riser Reactor
-Debashri Paul ; Parmesh Kumar Chaudhari; Raghavendra Singh Thakur
Six-lump kinetic model has been used to predict the conversion of feed oil and formation of gasoline and coke with different space time at different temperature and different catalyst to oil ratio. The developed model has been studied using C++ programming language using Runge-Kutta Fehlberg mathematical method. The six-lump model is capable of predicting the deposition of coke on the catalyst and yield of C4 and C3, isolated from light gases yield and gasoline yield. By the use of six-lump model, 73% of conversion was obtained at 595K at a space time of 7s and 47 mass% gasoline yield was obtained in 7.2 s. In addition to this, effect of space time and temperature on the yield of coke and gasoline yield, conversion of gas oil has been shown. Also, the effect of the parameter, catalyst to oil ratio is considered. Read More...
Chemical Engineering |
India |
461-464 |
108 |
A Review on Biomass Cook Stove
-Hitendrakumar Ajabhai Dabhi
With respect to global issues of sustainable energy and reduction in greenhouse gases biomass energy is one of the key sources of renewable energy as a potential source of energy in the future. Improved cooing stove can bring significant benefits to rural publics due to reduced fuel consumption and improved air quality. This work has been carried out to develop, design and manufacture an applicable type biomass stove by using locally available biomass fuels like bamboo and neem wood. Biomass cook stove can be used in applications like cooking and space heating problem.
This paper summarizes the research literature referred relative to the Biomass cook stove.
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
465-469 |
109 |
Heartbeat Detector Using IR Sensor
-Ankita Banerjee
This article refers to a device which is often used as a substitute to the devices that make use of electrocardiographic techniques. It is usually easy to use and not a very sophisticatedly functioned device. It is targeted to read and process the pulse rates of our active pumping heart through just a touch of our fingertip. To ensure good quality of health and focusing on the increasing rate of heart diseases at today’s scenario we must have a proper and affordable heart rate measuring device. This proposed device along with being economical is also user friendly as it uses the optical method for the blood flow detection of finger. Read More...
Biomedical Engineering |
India |
470-472 |
110 |
Adapting Modified AES with Improved Security and Complexity in Wireless Sensor Network Environment
-Mayur K. Joshi ; Prof. Haresh Rathod
A wireless sensor network (WSN) is mainly made of appropriated manually working sensor to screen both physical and natural conditions like temperature, sound, weight, etc. And it collect the data from the all the node and pass their information by the network to a base station. Now a day’s many modern sensor systems are bi-directional, and it likewise control of sensor movement. Remote sensor systems is mainly developed with the motivation of military applications like war zone observation; today wireless sensor system are mainly utilized as a part of mechanical and customer applications like monitoring process of industry and health monitoring control industries and so on. So Numerous calculations are as of now exits with many security limitations in remote sensor organize yet with numerous restriction. Case in point key upkeep is an incredible issue confronted in less security level is a noteworthy issue of private key encryption systems despite the fact that key support is hard .So by enhancing the security of this calculation we can take care of this issue. Read More...
sensor network |
India |
473-476 |
111 |
Design and Manufacturing of Automated Gas Profile Cutting Machine using PLC
-Prof. Ajay M. Patel ; Dhaval Shah; Mudit Kothari
To design an automated Gas profile cutting machine for linear profile cutting of metallic sheets. Using automated gas profile cutting machine reduce the time required to perform the repetitive operation, which will reduce any human errors so as to increase accuracy and eliminate the need of skilled labour. In this paper purpose of gas cutting operation author has consider cutting sheets of metals generally of size 1500mmX1800mm with a depth of not more than 100mm. These metal sheets are used in foundry machine production. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
477-479 |
112 |
Design of Rectangular Slotted Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna for L-Band Communication
-Vivek Kumar Mishra ; Sunil Kumar Singh
Antennas play a very important role in the field of wireless communications. Some of them are Parabolic Reflectors, Patch Antennas, Slot Antennas, and Folded Dipole Antennas. Each type of antenna is good in their own properties and usage. We can say antennas are the backbone and almost everything in the wireless communication without which the world could have not reached at this age of technology. This paper presents the designs of L-band antenna for communication at 1.6Ghz.One of the antenna is Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna (RMPA) and Second one is Slotted Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna (SRMPA). Basic property of both the antenna like simulated design, Return loss, directivity, Radiation Pattern and bandwidth are discussed. This work shows that Return Loss of Antenna in Slotted Patch is decreased about 104.56% which is also a great deal in antenna designing system, Bandwidth of designed antenna is also increased by 14.05%,VSWR in Slotted RMPA reaches to 1.00 It is a greatest achievement in Patch antenna Design System ,Slotted Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna also reduces the size of antenna which is always a basic need of Patch antenna design system. Read More...
Microwave Engineering |
India |
480-483 |
113 |
Design, Analysis and Weight Optimization of Pressure Relief Valve for Emergency Relief Operation
-Vaibhav Kukade ; V.G.Patil; S.G.Jadhav
Pressure relief valves are designed to provide protection from overpressure in steam, gas, air and liquid lines. An overpressure event refers to any condition which would cause pressure in a vessel or system to increase beyond the specified design pressure or maximum allowable working pressure. In many systems, the key requirement of process is to relieve this pressure rise in no time. Conventional valves are unable to fulfill that requirement. This paper focuses on design, analysis and weight optimization of pressure relief valve for emergency relief operation by Ansys software. From the data given by the client, suitable valve is designed using CAD software like Anysis workbench. This valve is a onetime operating valve used for critical applications. The valve weight is reducing by using new material without affecting performance of valve. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
484-488 |
114 |
A Study of Bed Management the Model in a Hospital
-Teraiya Yogesh Dhirajlal ; Dr. Prashant Makwana
Today hospital demands and financial constraints, hospital indoor patient bed management has become increasingly complex the use of decision support system could enable hospital management to be focused on indoor patient’s length of stay. Two different approaches were identified one approach based on the use of mathematical models to supports the planning and allocation of hospital indoor patient bed and another approach deal with indoor patient information. A mathematical model can be proposed to estimate the arrival rate of the patient. Hospital bed demands and underlying cost structures, it was also perceived that the use of the bed management information system. Read More...
science |
India |
489-490 |
115 |
Parallel Genetic Algorithm on GPGPU
-Nilesh Bhandare ; Irshad Tamboli
Parallel Genetic Algorithms (PGAs) are effective and robust methods for solving many optimization problems. But PGAs gives lot of iteration and time to finding optimal solution. This paper provides the information about how various authors, researchers, scientists have applied GA/PGA on GPGPU (General purpose Graphics Processing Units) with parallelelism. Many problems have been solved on GPGPU using GAs/PGAs. The parallel natures of GA’s are well utilized on GPGPU.. Paper gives review of various applications solved and future probable area of works possible to solve with GAs/PGAs on GPU. Read More...
computer science and engineering |
India |
491-494 |
116 |
Effect Of Thickness on Flexural Properties of Carbon Fibre Reinforced / E-Poxy Composite Material by Experimental and FEA
-Kishor Shingare ; Swapnil Sable; Prof. P.V.Deshmukh
This review aims to assist engineers in understanding and applying their knowledge in replacement of conventional materials. Many structures used in Automobile, Aerospace, Naval and other Transportation vehicle structural parts are subjected to various kinds of loads. These structures are further subjected to bending loads causing flexural stress in the structures. The structures subjected to bending loads are prone to various failures. Therefore the structural integrity of structures is a must to overcome bending. Structures subjected to pure bending load often experiences maximum flexural stress of the specimen either at the outer or the inner fiber leading to failure, the stress will be zero at the neutral axis or the middle axis. The present study aims at investigating the flexural parameters of carbon fiber reinforced E-poxy composites when subjected to static flexural loading using Flexural Test system. The flexural parameters are determined by conducting the three point bend test on composite specimen as per ASTM D790 standards. The composite laminate specimens are prepared using the hand lay-up method. Also these experiments will be used to show effect of thickness on flexural properties of carbon fiber reinforced polymer. This experimental result is validated by using FEA. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
495-498 |
117 |
Benefit Analysis of Nondestructive Testing For Highway Maintenance
-T. Anandam ; L.N Malviya
The Federal Alley arrangement of India contains a abounding bulk of artery structures like bridges, tunnels, appliance walls and babble abridgement walls. Aliment programs are able on the after-effects of inspections which are agitated out every 6 years as a beheld inspection, appropriately implying that amercement are about alone articular if the abasement becomes visible. This indicates that there is abounding appeal for assay methods to authorize the action of structures afore abundant accident has occurred. For approved inspections, non-destructive assay methods (NDT) may accommodate a almost quick and bargain agency to authorize whether a anatomy is still in a advantageous action or not. After-effects of these investigations may advance the superior of admonition by eliminating the subjectivity associated with accepted beheld assay techniques. The cardboard describes present appliance of NDT in India in the acreage of assay and analyses of structures. This covers the appliance of sonic and alarm accessories to localize prestressing accretion and to ascertain damaged areas, electric methods to ascertain corrosion, alluring methods to ascertain ruptures in animate elements and the use of a top acceleration two access laser scanning accessory for assay of alley tunnels. Beside this, areas are given, breadth improvements in NDT methods could accompany absolute annual for the assay of structures. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
499-502 |
118 |
Distance Measurement of Object using Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04
-Manpreet Kaur ; Jai Pal
There are several ways to measure distance without contact. The selection of distance measurement sensor in order to apply it in any application is very important to avoid any invalid experimental results. Measurement using ultrasonic sensor is cheapest among various other options. The paper proposed to build an efficient module that consists of ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 with 89s52 microcontroller for distance measurement. This device make the use of microcontroller for calculation of distance and displaying the obtained results on LCD The experimental setup and result are described. And sensors’s maximum range of object detection is 4m. Read More...
India |
503-505 |
119 |
A Review on Intrusion Detection System over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks using Fuzzy Logic
-Pagalnila ; Lally
IDS are gradually becoming a key part of defense system that is used to identify malicious activities in a computer system. Traditional Intrusion Detection System (IDS) requires centralized mechanism to monitor normal and suspicious entities and activity node. In this paper, classifies the detailed description of intrusion detection systems (IDS) that have been introduced for MANETs. The aim of this paper is to survey the recent works carried out on IDS techniques using fuzzy logics and models in MANETs and analyzes their effectiveness. In addition, the results successes in the literature are also discussed and suggest some new dimension for the future works on IDS. Read More...
Computer Science &Application |
India |
506-509 |
120 |
Thermal Analysis on Different Shaped Heat Sink Profile
-Harpreet Singh ; Pawanpreet Singh; Ashrya gautam; Vivek
finned heat sinks are most widely used as a thermal solution to ensure the reliability of electronic devices with ever increasing power dissipation and circuit density. Among various types of heat sinks, plate-fin and pin-fin heat sinks are widely used owing to their own advantages. The plate-fin heat sink has the advantages of a small pressure drop, a simple design and an easy fabrication. On the other hand, the pin-fin heat sink has the advantages of a high heat transfer rate due to the redeveloping regions and an even thermal performance independent of the direction of the fluid flow. Recently, it has been found that the effective heat sink type between plate-fin and pin-fin heat sinks could be determined depending on the pumping power and heat sink length. In addition to above research activities, there has been a new attempt to combine the advantages of plate-fin and pin-fin heat sinks. Usually, these types of heat sinks have several cut and profile, perpendicular to the direction of the fluid flow. Main purpose of this work is to quantify effects of cross-cuts and profile. An experimental setup will be fabricated to study the pressure drop and heat transfer characteristics of the heat sinks. A comparison between the thermal performance of heat sink without cross-cut and another with single cross-cut. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
510-513 |
121 |
Design and Performance Analysis of 5 Ton Air-Cooled Scroll Chilling Plant-A Review
-Pradyuman D. Gaadhe
A chiller overall package system which removes heat from process water or liquid with help of vapour compression refrigeration cycle. The chilled water typically used in plastics industries, manufacturing processes or in HVAC. The basic components required for refrigeration are the compressor, evaporator, condenser and thermostatic expansion valve. The compressor used in this chilling plant is scroll compressor. The scroll chiller is compared with reciprcating chiller. The lower the condenser temperature greater the COP is discussed. Typically this chilling plant is used for mineral water application. This paper summarize to literature referred to performance and optimization of condenser design and performance of scroll and reciprocating chiller. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
514-519 |
122 |
A Brief Review of Space Born Components Subjected to shock Effect
-Jayendrakumar Manilal Bhura
This paper deals with space born component subjected to shock. Design of space born components is critical as they undergone from harsh launch environment to hostile space environment throughout their lifetime. Task was performed to understand the behavior of cantilever beam with respect to changes in its geometric parameters. Design of cantilever is performed under Absolute Method and SRS Method in CREO 2.0 parametric. Material taken for cantilever beam is AL 6061-T6. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
520-524 |
123 |
A Review on Green Supply Chain Management in Manufacturing Industries
-Monu Sharma ; Dr. Sanjay Kajal
The Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) is an important for success of business in present scenario. GSCM is the addition of green logistic in simple supply chain to make it eco-friendly. GSCM has gained popularity with both academic and practitioners. Industries adopted GSCM to meet the environmental policies. The main benefit of GSCM is to improve both economical and environmental performance simultaneously. The purpose of this paper is to briefly review the recent literature of the GSCM. Read More...
mechanical engieering |
India |
525-529 |
124 |
Comparison of Various Stress-Strain Models for High Strength Concrete under Uniaxial Compression
-Dr. N. K. Arora ; Piyush P. Makwana
Modified Hognestad model for uniaxial unconfined stress-strain relationship is universally accepted for normal grade of concrete. However, several models are proposed by various researchers for high strength concrete but none of these is universally accepted as standard model. This is mainly due to the variation in test conditions and concrete grades. In present paper, applicability of few of these models is evaluated by comparing experimental values and behavior predicted by these models. Read More...
Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering) |
India |
530-534 |
125 |
Attribute Choice Based Online Cost Responsive Categorization
-Ashish kale ; Shyam kosbatwar
The classification [1] strategies are the most essential in data mining to categorize any unlabeled information which often is applied in decision making in numerous extensive applications. The cost sensitive category, on the online learning and on the online features selection is the most essential concepts in the data exploration idea. Online learning basically is the most effective and scalable in extensive programs. To create on the online learning more effective and to gain more precision than before the idea of price delicate and on the online feature selection is involved. In price delicate category, the misclassification costs are regarded. While in cost insensitive category the misclassification price are not regarded. The on the online features choice is the most essential idea used while information pre-processing i.e. before price delicate on the online learning category. The online feature selection chooses the most significant and active functions from huge set functions in the database or information set. As the database or the information set utilized may consist of many features and in convert create it high perspective, online features choice is applied in preprocessing step to create the database or information set low perspective and in convert will improve the precision of the system. Hence, this document offers with price sensitive on the online studying and on the online features choice which will improve the scalability, precision as well as performance of the system proposed in this paper. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
535-539 |
126 |
A Review on Experimental Analysis of VCR Diesel Engine using Honne Oil and Development of Semi-Empirical Emission Models
-Chavan Dattatray Ashok ; Abhay A Pawar
The rapid depletion of petroleum in the world, increasing fuel prices and the environmental problems has triggered the need of alternatives and renewable energy sources. Combustion of fuel results in the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other harmful pollutants. This results in increasing the global CO2 level and global warming. The harmful pollutants not only affect on the environment but also on human being. This situation leads to seek turmeric leaf oil as an alternative fuel for diesel. Presently a lot of research is going on various alternative fuels like alcohols, rice bran oil, palm oil, neem oil, mustard oil, etc or blend of fuel with diesel This paper gives idea about an experimental investigation to find out alternative fuel for diesel. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
540-542 |
127 |
Bio-Ethanol Production from Sweet Sorghum Straw by Dry Milling Process
-Nibe Ravindra L ; Hinge Rahul V; Divate Sachin B
Due to rapid growth in population and industrialization, worldwide ethanol demand is increasing continuously. Conventional crops such as corn and sugarcane are unable to meet the global demand of bioethanol production due to their primary value of food and feed. Therefore, lignocellulosic substances such as agricultural wastes of crops like sweet sorghum straw are attractive feed stocks for bioethanol production. Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) is one of the main course cereal crops of India. India is second largest producer of sorghum in the world with production of about 10–11 million ton from total area of 12 million ha. Sorghum is one of the few cereals, which can be grown in semi-arid regions. Sweet sorghum wastes are cost effective, renewable and abundant. Developments such as dry fractionation technology, now commercially viable, may alter the structure of the industry by giving the cheaper dry-grind method an edge over wet milling. Proper pretreatment methods can increase concentrations of fermentable sugars after enzymatic saccharification, thereby improving the efficiency of the whole process. Conversion of glucose as well as xylose to ethanol needs some effective fermentation technologies, to make the whole process cost effective. So this study was performed on sorghum straw as a resource for production of bioethanol. Read More...
Environmental Engineering |
India |
543-546 |
128 |
Performance Analysis of Automated Solar PV Integrated Smart Green House
-Sibu Sam John ; Aditi Bhawsar; Sameer K.Maurya; Shubhangshu Sardar; K. Sudhakar
The greenhouse is used for the cultivation of plants even when the climate outside is not suitable for growth. The greenhouse used here is an automated and self- sustained greenhouse. It has a transparent PV at the rooftop that will not only harness the solar energy but also allow the light to pass through it. The automation system will allow the supply of water, light and air according to the need of plants in correct proportion. The sensors and the microcontroller together work to provide the light and water whenever required. The sensors monitor the basic parameters like light, humidity, and temperature and soil moisture for maintaining the conditions inside greenhouse. The cooling and exhaust fans are always maintaining the temperature and humidity level inside greenhouse. The conditions inside the automated greenhouse are studied with the help of several instruments and are recorded. The outcome is quite fruitful and suitable for plant growth. Read More...
energy engineering |
India |
547-554 |
129 |
A Survey on Content Based Image Retrieval
-Aparna M. Todkar ; Prof. D.K.Joshi
The increased need of content based image retrieval technique can be found in a number of different domains such as data Mining, Education, Medical Imaging, Crime Prevention, Weather forecasting, Remote Sensing and Management of Earth Resources. This paper presents the content based image retrieval using features like texture, colour and shape. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
555-557 |
130 |
Comparison of Seismic Behavior of Rectangular Elevated Water Tank
-Latesh T. Patil ; Dr. R.S.Talikoti
Water tank is considered to be one of the most important structures in earthquake event. Elevated water tank consists of staging and large mass concentrated at top of staging whereas ground supported tank rest on firm ground. Behavior of water tank on staging is crucial and needs to be evaluated. For the analysis of water tank different analysis techniques are available, the main aim of analysis is to calculate seismic base shear and corresponding overturning moments at base of staging. Indian standards, IS 1893:1984 and IS 1893:2002 elaborates the procedure for calculating seismic forces for elevated circular and rectangular water tanks. For evaluating hydrodynamic effect spring mass model consisting of convective and impulsive masses lumped at different levels can be used. In this chapter it is intended to analyze rectangular water tank resting on staging by different analysis techniques viz Equivalent static analysis, response spectra analysis and linear time history analysis. The main aim is to evaluate the performance of water tank under static seismic load as well as different acceleration load. The different analysis techniques are also briefly described. The analysis is carried out with the help of ETABS analysis package. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
558-561 |
131 |
A Numerical Report on Burner Combustion
-Vishwanath B.Walikar ; Dr. C Badarinath; Syed Sharin
The majority industrial and power developing sector used the application of CFD as advanced resource in Research and Development sector. The design and development of burner for effective combustion of fuel can be carried with CFD approach. The modification in design and understanding the combustion flow variable can be studied without manufacturing the actual model. The present paper present the detailed report regarding the burner combustion approach using numerical methods. The working principle of burner varies according with the design, load, and requirement. The numerical solution and methods involved in solution of general burner combustion is carried with combustible butane gas as fuel source. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
562-565 |
132 |
A Comparative Study on Shadow Detection & Removal Methods in Color Image Processing
-Arvind Sharma ; Maninder Kaur
Shadow Detection is one of the crucial image organizing mode utilized in various applications as preprocessing phase to separate the illusion sector over the image. The validity of parallel applications turns on the valid segmentation and other processing throughout the image. The presented work is about to compare the shadow detection and removal techniques from an accurate extraction of the shadow area over the image. In this work four different methods are compared with each other and best technique for restoration is selected. There are various techniques like neighbor based region lighting, additive light model, combined model based shadow removal methods. The result analysis will be driven under different parameters. The work is implemented in matlab environment. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engg. |
India |
566-569 |
133 |
Regression Testcase Selection in Agile Environment
-Meenakshi ; Rajvir Singh
An Agile framework of software development is a new area of research which has attracted the researchers from software industries. The shift in terms of fast delivery, less documentation, more satisfaction and more interactions has attracted various researchers. In this paper, firstly the question “what is Agile software Development and its methodologies?†and then how testing is done in this framework is discussed. After that, various regression testing techniques and Testcase selection techniques used in Agile environment are discussed including other regression techniques in different framework also, as a survey of existing research. Further, study is done to enhance the performance and quality of regression testing in agile environment. Read More...
Software testing |
India |
570-576 |
134 |
HDR Image by using fast and Saliency Based Local Tone-Mapping Algorithm: A Review
-Subodh Prakash Tiwari ; Ashutosh Shrivastava
Here we present a comparatively analysis of the fast and local tone mapping technique. After analysis of these techniques we had concluded that fast tone-mapping algorithm is most computationally efficient and easy but there may be some halo artifacts are present. While in Visual-Salience-based Tone mapping method for High dynamic range Images halo artifacts significantly reduced. Thus salience based tone mapping gives best visual image quality as compared to fast tone mapping method. The visual quality of the tone-mapped image, especially attention-salient regions, is improved by the saliency-aware weighting. Visual saliency aims to predict the attentional steady intent look of observers viewing a scene, and therefore tone mapping of high dynamic range (HDR) images concept is highly useful for it. While Faster Tone mapping of High Dynamic Range Images method present a fast, effective and flexible tone mapping method that preserves visibility and contrast impression of high dynamic range scenes in low dynamic range reproduction devices. Experiments show that the saliency-aware technique produces good results on a variety of high dynamic range images. Read More...
Electronics and Communication(Digital Communication) |
India |
577-580 |
135 |
ARM Based Design and Implementation of Embedded Audio-Visual Monitoring
-Pooja .G.Shinde ; Dr.D.M.Yadav
With the quick improvement and wide use of PC and correspondence arranges, the data security has excited high consideration. Data security is not just connected to the political, military and conciliatory fields, additionally connected to the normal fields of individuals' everyday lives .We examined the benefits of embedded systems on audio-visual tracking. The Aim of this paper is to plan an installed audio-visual tracking. The framework has the capacity perform human face tracking, voice action identification, sound source heading estimation continuously The implementation architecture is based on an embedded ARM11 (Raspberry pi) and AT mega 16 processor. For speech signal processing an eight channel digital microphone array is developed and the associated pre-processing and interface feature are designed. By using Viola-Jones object detection framework we can detect human face which is used in many application such as security, robotics, Surveillance. All the experiments are conducted in real time environment and the experimental results show that this system can execute all the audition and vision function in real time. For visual tracking face detection algorithm is used for face detection. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
581-584 |
136 |
Review of MIMO-OFDM System for Time/Frequency Selective Fading Channel
-Shekhar Rasekar ; S.B. Mule
Orthogonal ¬¬¬¬frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) are the popular technique for transmission of signals over wireless channels. They individually assisting multipath fading environment and improving link reliability without sacrificing bandwidth and also provide high data rate. The combination of OFDM and MIMO seems to be the key technology in next generation high data rate wireless mobile systems. In this paper firstly, MIMO and OFDM technology is introduce. Secondly, we provide an overview of space-time (ST) coding, space-frequency (SF) coding and space-time-frequency (STF) coding techniques for MIMO-OFDM systems which improve the reliability of system further. Finally performances comparison of the different coding techniques for OFDM-MIMO system is done. Read More...
Communication Engineering |
India |
585-588 |
137 |
Dynamic Stability Analysis of 8 Bus Systems for Different Contingencies
-Sumit Kumar Pandey ; Preeti Jain
In modern practical power systems, dynamic stability is mainly a problem of insufficient damping of oscillations. The time frame of interest in dynamic stability studies is of the order of 10 to 30 s following a disturbance. Because of the high dimensionality and complication of stability problems, it is essential to make simplifying assumptions and to analyze specific types of problems using the right degree of detail of system representation. So far in this paper simple 8 Bus power system is considered with small disturbance. Then load flow and dynamic stability analysis is done using MiPowerr By considering the disturbance at generator of bus no 2. graphs for change in bus voltage, change in machine angle and change in speed of machine is plotted against time and discuss the effect of small disturbance on synchronism of generator .after that graph is plotted for different contingencies. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
589-592 |
138 |
Design of Centralised Wastewater Treatment Facility for Perinthalmanna Municipal Town in Kerala
-Jithesh.C ; Dr.K.S.Lokesh
Perinthalmanna is a fast developing Municipality in Malappuram District in Kerala, India and is an urban centre for the peri urban areas including rural areas of Palakkad District. It became a Municipality in 1990 consisting of two villages namely Perimthalmanna and Pathaikkara with an aerial extent of 34.41 Km2 and 34 Municipal wards. The present project was undertaken to design a efficient centralized wastewater treatment facility for the most urbanized area of municipality. In this regard, as part of the project, assessment of the present conditions of the sewerage and sanitation system was conducted by surveying the areas. An estimation of the daily water requirement, available water sources and daily total water usage was conducted. Survey of the houses in the area was conducted with the help of a detailed questionnaire prepared as part of the project. Surveying of the area was performed and map of the area showing the land contours was prepared. The contour map was used to select and design the gradient and slope of the area for the purpose of laying sewer lines. Hydraulic analysis and design of treatment technologies are done using spreadsheet programme as per CPHEEO guidelines. The sewer lines were aligned to ensure economic transport of sewerage to the treatment plant. Sewer pipe materials were selected along with fittings and joints for the sewerage system. Read More...
Environmental Engineering |
India |
593-599 |
139 |
Effect of Model Mismatch on Controllers Designed For a Pure Integral Model
-Nitin Singhal ; Ruchika Jangwan; P K Juneja
In present analysis, controllers are designed using various tuning techniques for a pure integral delayed process model. Time delay is approximated using selected approximation techniques. The designed controllers are analyzed for the set point tracking and process model sensitivity capability. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
600-603 |
140 |
A Review in Image Super Resolution
-Milan Savaliya ; Kapildev Naina
Super resolution (SR) is a class of techniques that enhance the resolution of an imaging system. In some SR techniques – termed optical SR – the diffraction limit of system is transcended, while in others – geometrical SR – the resolution of digital imaging sensors is enhanced. This is a basic need of digital images for higher resolution and quality. Frame alignment is important in SR process. In this paper, basic idea of super resolution image reconstruction and different methods are introduced. We critique these methods and identify areas which promise performance improvements. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
604-606 |
141 |
Modeling and Simulation of HVDC and HVAC Transmission Line
-Ashwini Kumar ; Dr. A. K. Sharma
This paper focuses on modeling and simulation of HVDC and HVAC transmission system. The planning, design and operation of power system requires the detailed study of various options and prediction of the system performance. The analysis of HVDC and HVAC system requires the development of appropriate system models. In general, the system models are nonlinear and time varying with power electronics controllers, the control action is at discrete times and sampled data models have been suggested. HVDC simulators have been used for studies in real time involving actual converter controls. Recent advances in digital signal processing technology and applications of parallel processing techniques have resulted in speeding up computations and carrying out simulation in real time. This has led to the development of Real Time Digital Simulators which are expected to replace physical simulators. The system models are constructed from assembling the component models and identifying the interfaces between the various components. In this paper, we will primarily concentrate on the modelling and simulation of HVDC and HVAC system and hence will be discussed briefly. This entire system and control mechanisms are modelled in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
607-611 |
142 |
Face Recognition by Using a Gabor Wavelet, Rough Set Theory and KNN Classifier
-Mukul Warghat ; Dr. Sanjay L.Haridas ; Sanjay Tembhurne
Face recognition presents challenging problem in the field of image analysis and visualization. Face recognition has been rapid growing, demanding, exiting and motivating area in real time application. Large amount of face recognition method has been developed in last recent decades. The security information is becoming very significant and difficult. Face recognition is the ability to establish a subject identity based on his facial characteristics. It is a biometric system used to recognize or confirm a person from a digital image. To detect human faces from an image is a key problem in various face-related applications such as face-tracking, face-recognition, facial expressions etc. It involves extraction of features and then recognition in spite of expression, illumination, ageing, transformation such as transform; revolve which is not so easy. From this paper we have put forward a methodological improvement of face recognition by using Rough Set Theory and KNN classifier. Read More...
Image Processing |
India |
612-615 |
143 |
Comparative Analysis of Power Losses in HVDC and HVAC Transmission Systems
-Ashwini Kumar ; Dr. A. K. Sharma
The present paper proposes a software prototype that evaluates and compares power losses in HVDC and HVAC transmissions. To analysis power losses in HVDC and HVAC transmission is performed to find an appropriate transmission line. For this, we use MATLAB. The modelling and simulation of HVDC and HVAC transmission line calculates power loss from transmission lines. Alternating current (AC) is the main driving force in the industries and residential areas, but for the long transmission line (more than 400 miles) AC transmission is more expensive than that of direct current (DC). Technically, AC transmission line control is more complicated because of the frequency. DC transmission does not have these limitations, which has led to build long HVDC transmission lines over the last 40 years. HVDC technology made possible to transfer bulk power over long distances. This paper presents a comparative analysis of power losses in HVDC and HVAC transmission systems. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
616-622 |
144 |
Design & Development of Mini Paddy Harvester
-Vikas R ; Vikas V; Shivashankar V; Aravind C
The ultimate aim of agriculture or farming in India is not only limited to growing of crops but is also associated with the economic growth of farmers and labours. Small scale farmers frequently face the problem of labour shortage or are unable to afford the wages to be paid. These problems prevent the fiscal growth of farmers and ultimately hamper the development of their farmland and family. Efficient, effective, cheap and productive techniques are needed to strengthen the farming community. This project is focussed on developing a machine which addresses labour problems faced by small scale farmers. The newly developed mini paddy harvester, can harvest up to two rows of paddy at a time. The components of the machine comprise of a petrol engine of 2hp, pulley, a belt drive, a collecting mechanism and a cutter. The crop is being harvested by a scissoring type of motion. The power from the engine is provided to the cutter through slider crank mechanism and driven by a pulley arrangement a collecting mechanism is provided to the cutter to collect the harvested crop. The assembled mini paddy harvester has been tested for its working and found to be working satisfactorily. It makes the harvesting process faster and safer, hence reduces the time required to harvest. This newly designed mini paddy harvester will ultimately reduce the cost of harvesting by 53.33%. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
623-626 |
145 |
Effect of Gas Metal Arc Welding Process Parameters on Penetration of the Weld
-Mayuresh S Likhite ; O. A. More
In this paper the effect of various process parameters of gas metal arc welding on the penetration of the weld are studied and the mathematical model are developed in order to study the relation between the parameters and penetration. Mathematical equation is formed with the help of factorial design technique. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
627-629 |
146 |
Finite Element Modeling of a Cantilever Beam Bonded By Piezoelectric Material with Additional Single Degree of Freedom Elastic System at Fixed End for Energy Harvesting Application
-Yogesh Powar ; Prof. A.M. Naniwadikar
Vibration based energy harvesting has received growing attention over the last decade. The research motivation in this field is due to the reduced power requirement of small electronic devices, such as the wireless sensor networks used in passive and active monitoring applications. The ultimate goal in this research field is to supply power to such small electronic devices by using the vibrational energy available in their environment. Because of their electromechanical coupling characteristics, piezoelectric material can also be used for vibration control. The paper aims “to complete finite element analysis of a cantilever beam having PZT5A patch with SDOF system for constant input amplitudeâ€. This paper highlights on the energy harvesting of piezoelectric material (PZT5A) by using single degree of freedom system to cantilever beam. Read More...
India |
630-635 |
147 |
Analysis of Feed Force, Tangential Force and Surface Roughness in Turning of En-353 Steel with Un-Coated Ceramic Cutting Tool using Taguchi Method
-Biradar Shivanand Rajendra ; Dadapeer B; Dr. C.K.Umesh
The aim of the present paper is to investigate the effects of process parameters (cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut) on performance characteristics (feed force, tangential force and surface roughness) in turning of EN-353 steel using uncoated ceramic cutting tool inserts. Experiments are designed and conducted based on Taguchi L9 orthogonal array carried out under dry cutting conditions for feed force, tangential force and surface roughness. The responses such as feed force, tangential force and surface roughness were recorded for each experiment. The depth of cut was identified as the most influential process parameters in the responses of both feed force and tangential force. The feed rate was identified as the most influential process parameter on the surface roughness. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
636-638 |
148 |
Flexural Behaviour of Longitudinal Girders of RC T-Beam Deck Slab Bridge
-Anilkumar H ; B S Suresh Chandra
Tee beam deck slab bridges are the principal type among the cast-insitu concrete bridges, and consist of main girders, cross girders which imparts lateral rigidity to the deck slab and deck slab which runs between T-beams continuously. There are many methods have been used for the analysis of Tee beam bridge they are classical methods such as Courbon’s method, Guyon-Massonet method, Hendry-Jaegar method and Finite element method, a powerful tool of the structural analysis which gives a numerical solutions for the complex problems and in which modeling is done by a set of suitable finite elements which are interconnects at the point referred as nodes. The live load bending moment in a girder can be calculated by knowing the live load distribution among them. In this study the analysis of a single span two lane T-beam bridge is carried out by varying the span of 8m, 12m, 16m, 20m, 24m, 28m and number of longitudinal girders using software SAP 2000. In order to obtain maximum bending moment and shear force, the bridge models are subjected to the IRC class AA Tracked and IRC 70R loading system and concluded that with the increase in the span shear force, bending moment and deflection in the girder increases and also the models subjected to the IRC Class AA Tracked vehicle gives higher values of shear force and bending moment in comparison to those subjected to the IRC Class 70 R loading. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
639-642 |
149 |
Up-Gradation of Existing Traffic System of Vidisha using Traffic Management Techniques
-Sachin Nagayach ; Prof. K.K. Punjabi; Rohit Gurjar; Sachin Jat
Demonstration of traffic is an essential addition to both urban and non urban organization. This dissertation describes a simulation study of traffic management opportunities with an extended personal rapid transit (PRT) network at VIDISHA. The investigation was based on the citymobil reference scenario of VIDISHA PRT between PEETALMILL Square to EIDGAAH Square a main street of VIDISHA city known as NH 146. There are six squares are comes under the main street between PEETALMILL to EIDGAAH. Traffic management problem is increasing day by day due to increasing in population. Changing in life style & due to development of nation traffic management become a serious problem. Based on the traditional traffic flow theory & traffic control methods that is being used wildly. In addition we came to the consideration of traffic density & discuss the advantage of traffic signals & rotary controls. Effective management of urban congestion derives directly from accurate data collection & analysis at intersection. This study report outcome of a comparative investigation of the cost & efficiency of manual method of collection of traffic delay. Rotary is most preferred strategy for measurement at junction delay. Traffic signal as a traffic control device for traffic safety aims t regulating & control traffic by providing proper time for crossing with ease without conflict. Control methodologies of traffic signals have significantly improved during the recent past along with advantage. Read More...
India |
643-649 |
150 |
Controlling Traffic by Designing Signal at Intersection of Vidisha
-Sachin Jat ; Mr. S.S. Goliya; Sachin Nagayach; Rohit Gurjar
As we all know traffic volume is increasing day by day in cities due to growth of industrialization and urbanization of cities. Thus to manage the present traffic volume new methods were adopted to provide better, easy and safe movement of traffic. The traffic conflictions are major on intersections of two roads. Traffic signals is a way to control the traffic at the intersections of the cities and avoid the conflictions of the vehicles at the intersection. Traffic signals also helps the traffic to move with safety and easily, which tends to minimize the collision between the vehicles at the intersection. In this dissertation we surveyed the traffic volume of intersections of the Vidisha city and traffic signals were designed at each intersection . The one part of the thesis is survey of traffic volume, which is done by manual method, wherein the vehicles are counted manually without using any device or sensor with respective vehicle categories like passenger, commercial and agricultural etc. and the other part is design of traffic signals, which is done according to the IRC method of signal design by adopting maximum PCU on the intersection in each direction. The design of traffic signals at these intersections in vidisha will help the growing traffic to move with ease and safety and also helps in reducing the accident rate at the intersections due to congestions and confliction between vehicles. Read More...
India |
650-654 |