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151 |
Review of Different Method to Find Optimal Location of Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator (TCSC) To Maximize the Loss Reduction in Power System
-Rajesh D Panchal
Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems (FACTS) devices represent a recent technological development in electrical power systems. FACTS devices offer so many advantages like transient stability improvement, sub-synchronous resonance (SSR) alleviation, damping of power swings, avoiding voltage collapse, enhancing power system consistency, minimize the loss in power system. Though FACTS controllers offer many advantages, their installation cost is very high. Hence the best placement and the optimal parameter settings of these devices in the power system are of important issues. In this paper various methods to find optimal location of thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC) to reduce the loss in power system is discussed. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
655-657 |
152 |
A Review on the Bioremediation Process for the Removal of Heavy Metals
-Nandini M R ; Udayashankara.T.H; Madhukar.M
Globally, environmental pollution is increasing carelessly on account of an unabated increment in population, industrialization, urbanization, anthropogenic activities and natural sources. Among various pollutants, heavy metals are released into soils and water from industrial operations such as smelting, mining, metal forging, manufacturing of alkaline storage batteries and combustion of fossil fuel. Moreover, the agricultural activities like application of agrochemicals and sewage sludge in agricultural fields also add a considerable amount of metals in the soils. However, heavy metals like zinc, copper, cadmium, lead, mercury and nickel have been reported as the most toxic pollutants. The metal pollution is of great concerns, as these hazardous pollutants are accumulated in living organisms including microorganisms, plants, animals and human and are responsible for many metabolic and physiological disorders. Many techniques for remediation of contaminated soil have been developed, such as physical, chemical degradation, photodegradation. However, most of these methods have some drawbacks in completely remediating contaminated soil. Biological treatment offers the best environmental friendly method for remediating heavy metal contaminated soil because it utilizes the capability of the indigenous microorganisms in the soil environment to break down the heavy metals into innocuous substances. Read More...
Environmental Engineering |
India |
658-661 |
153 |
The Comparision between R.C.C and Post-Tensioned Beam Economically and the Comparision in Size of the Columns used in them
-Swathi Raj R ; Dr S.K.Dubey
This project will be undertaken to analyze and design structural elements like beam ,column ,â€T†beam in a commercial building and compare it with a post tensioned haunched beam. The analysis and design will be done manually. Though the use of the software offers saving in time, the calculations are not appropriate. The analysis of the building will be done manually for both lateral as well as vertical loads by substitute frame method and portal frame method respectively. Both earthquake loads and wind loads were considered as lateral loads acting on the building. Assuming both ultimate wind load and earthquake loads does not act simultaneously on the building. Critical loads among wind as well as earthquake loads are to be considered in the further design. The comparisons in both the beams are carried out and with respect to the span to cost ratio as well as the comparison in size of the column to be used to estimate the cost of construction. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
662-664 |
154 |
Energy Efficient Routing in WSNS Using MSDA
-Simple Preet Kaur Maan ; Dinesh Kumar
In WSN, sensor nodes operate on battery and it’s difficult to recharge or change the batteries. Thus energy proficiency is the main issue in WSNs. One of the techniques to this hindrance is clustering. Improved Energy Efficiency semi static clustering protocol (IEESSC) is an energy aware protocol in which clustering is done based upon the residual energy. It uses the concept of single mobile sink moving randomly throughout the network. In this paper, a new routing protocol based on child sink nodes concept i.e. Energy Efficiency Routing in WSNs using MSDA (Multiple Sinks Divisional Approach) is proposed. This protocol is simulated and compared with IEESSC based upon the parameters setup time, routing overhead and throughput. Simulation results demonstrate that proposed protocol has better results as compared to IEESSC. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
665-668 |
155 |
A Neuro-Genetic Approach for Detecting Suspicious Criminal Activities on Emails
-Hitesh Mahanand ; Deepak Kumar Xaxa
The paper presents a hybrid data mining classification technique for detection of suspicious criminal activities on e-mails. In the paper we proposed a Neuro-Genetic approach in which, a Genetic Algorithm is used for feature reduction & selection and Neural Network with back-propagation is used for classification. The presented hybrid model focuses on the evaluation of knowledge based learning’s to detecting the suspicious criminal activities on e-mails. In the literature, various machine learning algorithms achieved good accuracy for the related task. We have identified the combination of those algorithms results that improve the performance of the existing algorithms. Read More...
Computer science engineering |
India |
669-672 |
156 |
Review of Online & Offline Character Recognition
-Ankur Kumar Singhal ; Arpana Dureja
Image pre-processing tool, created in Matlab, realizes many brightness transformations and local pre-processing methods. The proposed solutions focus on applying Neural Network Algorithm model for character recognition. The primary function of which is to retrieve in a character stored in memory, when an incomplete or noisy version of that character is presented. The idea is to create a theoretical and practical basis of preprocessing for character recognition using forward-feed neural networks. The Feed Forward Algorithm gives insight into the enter workings of a neural network; followed by the Back Propagation Algorithm which compromises Training and Testing. Character recognition is one of the most interesting and challenging research areas in the field of Image processing. English character recognition has been extensively studied in the last half century. Nowadays different methodologies are in widespread use for character recognition. Document verification, digital library, reading bank deposit slips, reading postal addresses, extracting information from cheques, data entry, applications for credit cards, health insurance, loans, tax forms etc. are application areas of digital document processing. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
673-675 |
157 |
Study of Various Process Parameters affecting the Aluminium Matrix Composite Materials
-karan singh
The “composite material†is composed of a discrete reinforcement & distributed in a continuous phase of matrix, In Aluminium matrix composite (AMC) one constitutes is aluminium which forms network i.e. matrix phase and another constitute serve as reinforcement which is generally ceramic or non-metallic hard material. The basic reason of metals reinforced with hard ceramic particles or fibers are improved properties than its original material like strength, stiffness etc. In this research paper the several process parameters are studied which affects the aluminium matrix composite materials. Read More...
Mechanical Engg. |
India |
676-677 |
158 |
Study of Different Characteristics and Evaluation Methods of Ceramic Matrix Composites Affecting the Powder Consolidation
-Karan Singh
Composites have been used throughout history, i.e., straw in bricks, metal rod-reinforced concrete, and lightweight aerospace structures. Fiber reinforced polymer matrix composite materials are being introduced in ever-increasing quantities in military systems. However, ceramic matrix composites have an inherent temperature limitation based on their hydrocarbon structure. The high temperature alternative to high density metals is ceramics, offering weight savings as well high temperature capability and oxidation resistance. .In this research paper the several characteristics and their evaluation methods of ceramic matrix composite are studied which affects the powder consolidation. Read More...
Mechanical Engg. |
India |
678-679 |
159 |
Categorization and Grading of Grains using Probabilistic Neural Networks
-Preeti K Raikar ; Mahesh Kuduchakar
In the contemporary scenario the grading of grain type and quality are recognized manually by visual inspection which is tedious, cumbersome and not accurate. Therefore there is need for the fast and precise system for ascertaining the quality food grains. To overcome this problem an automated system is developed which is used for grain type categorization and identifying quality of rice as 1 grade, 2 grade, and 3 grade can be achieved by using PNN. This proposed system utilizes color and geometrical features as primary attributes for categorization. The grading of food grains sample is based on the size of the grain kernel and presence of impurities. A good categorization accuracy is accomplished using mean of RGB colors and 3 geometrical features. The efficiency of the proposed system for type identification is 98% and the efficiency for quality analysis and grading of rice is 88% and 90% respectively. Read More...
Image Proces |
India |
680-683 |
160 |
Design of Reversible Binary and Gray Code Converters
-Prasanna V ; Maivezhi Raja L ; Vivek T; Tamilzharasan C ; Sathish M
As the power dissipation possess an exclusive part in the digital design, We are going for Reversible Logic World, where the power dissipation is negligible. The upcoming era is going to be occupied by the quantum and optical computers which can be implemented using this reversible logic. In this paper, the authors had proposed two new reversible gates named Binary to Gray Gate (BTG) & Gray to Binary Gate (GTB) which are used to implement the Binary Code to Gray Code and Gray code to Binary code respectively. It also had been proven that the proposed one is better than the existing one. The simulations are done using the Verilog code in the Modelsim Software. Read More...
Reversible Logic |
India |
684-687 |
161 |
Methods to Improve the Performance of VCR Cycles using R-1270 as Refrigerant
-Dr. Sharad Chaudhary ; Raman Singh
There are several ways of improving the performance of a vapor compression refrigeration cycle. This paper provides you the various existing as well as some new and innovative methods which improves the Coefficient of Performance of Vapour Compression Cycle by using R-1270 as a refrigerant. A thermodynamic model is developed and parametric study of each system keeping the Evaporator and Condenser temperature same in all the cases. It was found that the Ejector Expansion Refrigeration system achieves the significant improvement in coefficient of performance as compared to other system. Use of an ejector as expansion device is one of the alternative ways. One of the finest, simple and economic way to maintain all these aspects is the use of Ejector as an expansion device by replacing expansion or throttling valves. Complete cycle named as Ejector Expansion Refrigeration System with Liquid Vapour Heat Exchanger where the mixing takes place inside the mixing chamber of Ejector. The refrigerant used is an Eco-Friendly refrigerant Propylene (R1270). Although many advancements are implemented in Ejector Expansion Cycle but placing a liquid vapour heat exchanger in between constant mixing chamber is novel idea both in the field of academic and practice. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
688-691 |
162 |
Improving Traffic System at Malviya Nagar Intersection & Saket Nagar Intersection of Indore using Different Traffic Management Techniques
-Rohit Gurjar ; Dr. Y.P. Joshi; Sachin Jat; Sachin Nagayach
Traffic management is quite important aspect for the effective traffic management issues. Most of the traffic problems are caused by certain deficiencies in management .The traffic congestion, vehicular delays, risk of accident, uneconomic travel and other psychological strains are the observed. Traffic management is basically defined as that phase of engineering which deals with planning, geometric design and traffic operations of roads, streets and highways. The objective of this project is Improving Traffic System at Some Intersections of Indore Using Different Traffic Management Methods. For which we have done survey and collected PCU’s data in the study area. On the basis of data collection and analyzing it is found that at Malviya Nagar Intersection there is a huge traffic coming from Bombay Hospital road and Khajrana road, maximum PCU is found at time 5PM to 6PM on Saturday. For maximum PCU I am suggesting to design rotary of 27 metre radius. At Saket Nagar Intersection I found that in the evening time there is more traffic, which causes congestion and jam, therefore I am suggesting a Traffic signal of 55 Second cycle time. Read More...
Civil Engineering (Transportation Engineering) |
India |
692-695 |
163 |
Designing Water Supply Distribution Network Using Loop Software for Zone-I of Village Kherali
-Bhagvat Zolapara ; Maulik Joshi
Surendranagar is a developing city in Saurashtra region and due to population growth; there almost nearest villages are connecting to Surendranagar, Kherali village also joint with Surendranagar. Kherali There is internal distribution network up to the user’s house but it is very old Apart from the mentioned facts, existing network has become old and leakage & breakage has become common phenomenon. At present, people are not getting sufficient potable water through an old network in this village. Also people are not getting water with pressure and pipeline in some areas are damaged and some areas have no pipeline. Therefore, careful planning and design is thus needed to establish a strong management system, minimizing present problems and accommodating future demand. This study aimed at performing the hydraulic analysis of Zone-I of Kherali Village water distribution network using LOOP Software. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
696-699 |
164 |
Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer Enhancement in Fin and Tube Heat Exchanger with Wire Turbulators
-Praful Date
This work presents an experimental analysis of cylindrical copper wire vortex generator on the fin-and-tube heat exchanger. In this study, three different arrangement of heat exchanger are tested. In first case the heat exchanger without wire turbulators. In second case the heat exchanger with wire turbulators of diameter 0.2mm and third case, wire turbulators of diameter 0.5mm diameter. The heat transfer coefficient (h), the pressure drop of the air side, friction factor (f) against air velocity (0.5–1 m/s) and Reynolds number (7000–15000) have been discussed. The results shows that the heat transfer coefficient shows 18.4% increment in case of wire turbulators of 0.2mm diameter as compared to heat transfer coefficient without wire turbulators. Whereas it shows 26.52% of increment of heat transfer coefficient in case of wire turbulators of 0.5mm diameter as compared to heat transfer coefficient without wire turbulators. Whereas friction factor f and colburn factor j for heat exchanger with 0.2mm diameter turbulators to heat exchanger without turbulators increases about 12.08% and 15.68% respectively. In addition, friction factor f and colburn factor j for heat exchanger with 0.5mm diameter turbulators to without turbulators increases about 15.57% and 22.54% respectively. In summary, this study strongly suggests heat transfer coefficient with wire turbulators applied to the fin and tube heat exchanger is found to be more as compared to the heat exchanger without wire turbulators. Pressure drop for heat exchanger with 0.2mm and 0.5mm diameter turbulators as compared to heat exchanger without turbulators increases by 21.3% and 35.62% respectively. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
700-704 |
165 |
Development of Reconfigurable Patch Antenna for Wireless Communication
-Kranti S Tanodi ; Prof B B Tigadi; Dr. V R Udupi
As the usage of wireless communication increases day by day number of antennas or single antenna with multiple functions has become inevitable. Microstrip patch antenna is gaining popularity in wireless communication because of their improved advantages. It is narrowband wide beam antenna fabricated by etching antenna element pattern in metal trace bounded to insulating dielectric substrate such as printed circuit board with continuous metal layer bounded to opposite side of substrate which forms ground plane. In this paper we modified simple patch antenna H shape patterns and attempts to reconfigure patch antenna using electrically reconfigurable antenna where we are using pin diode for reconfiguration. We have designed patch antenna on FR4 substrate with dielectric constant 4.4, thickness 1.56mm with frequency of 2.4GHz and for this design we have used Microstrip line feeding. The simulation tool we used for design of patch antenna is IE3D as it is user friendly. In this paper by narrowing the radiation pattern we increased the gain and directivity and decreased the return loss of an antenna. Read More...
Electronics and communication(Digital electronics and communication systems) |
India |
705-708 |
166 |
Review of Concentration Heuristics in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)
-Deepti Chauhan ; Rajender Kumar
In the last few years ,a significant increasing in Wireless Sensor Network noticed routing strategies concentration heuristics of wireless sensor network in this paper. By using some routing protocol we can transfer each packet from one sensor node to another. There are many access points in WSN. Some techniques are used on these access points. One of these techniques is concentration heuristics. In WSN a sensor node have limited energy, so it is necessary to utilize this energy in a proper way. Actually most of energy is wasted due to bad service of communication between two ends. The delay in communication is critical problem of WSN. Better service is providing by concentration heuristic to overcome this delay problem and utilization of energy in efficient way. In this paper we are going to review some techniques that are used with concentration heuristic. Each technique has some results on different parameters. Our main objective is to compare various techniques define some parameters. Read More...
Electronics And Communication Engineering |
India |
709-710 |
167 |
Analysis of Pitting Defect in Spur Gear on Strength using Finite Element Analysis
-Daulat Ram Seroke ; Vijay Kumar Karma
Gears are machine part having teeth which is used for transmits motion as well as power from one member to another. Any defect in gear will affect the transmission of power from one member to another member. Gear teeth fail due to load and meshing. Pitting is a surface fatigue failure which occurs when the endurance limit of the material is exceeded; a failure of this nature depends on surface contact stress and number of stress cycles. Present work deals with the analysis of effects of spur gear pitting defect on strength with variation of gear parameters using Finite Element Analysis. Module, No of Teeth, and Pressure Angle are considered for the analysis. CAD/CAM software Pro-Engineer Wildfire is used for modeling and analysis. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
711-715 |
168 |
Mechanical Properties of Rice Husk Ash Concrete for M50 Grade
-Dr. S. S. Patil ; Patil Bipin Pravin
This research was experimentally carried out to investigate the effect of introducing rice husk ash as a partial replacement of ordinary Portland cement on the structural properties of concrete. RHA is an agro waste product & it indicate high amount of silica which is a very good value for workability. It also reduces the chloride diffusion. Then various experiments were carried out to determined properties of concrete incorporating optimum RHA. Tests include compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, flexural strength, Compaction factor and Workability. Results shows that concrete incorporating RHA had higher compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, flexural strength at various ages compared with that of the control concrete. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
716-720 |
169 |
A Survey on Spread Spectrum Image Steganography Hiding Text in Digital Data
-Aditi Soni ; Sujit K. Badodia
The art of information hiding has received much attention in the recent years as security of information has become a big concern in this internet epoch. As sharing of sensitive information through a common communication channel has become unavoidable, Steganography is the science and art of hiding information. It has gained much attention. Steganography means hiding a secret message (the embedded message) within a larger file (source cover) in such a way that an observer cannot detect the presence of contents of the hidden message. Different types of carrier file formats can be used, but digital images are the most popular one because of their frequency on the Internet. In this paper, we are providing a comprehensive survey over the Spread Spectrum Image Steganography Hiding Text in Digital Data. Read More...
Computer Science Engineering |
India |
721-723 |
170 |
Web Based High Accuracy ECG Detection and Healthcare System
-Mayur A. Gurule ; R.R. Bhambare
In the field of health care systems like ECG detection, the system requires high accuracy and low data losses. But in achieving both of these goal, the system gets much complicate. This paper presents the design of web based embedded programmable ECG monitoring system and detection of ECG characteristic points using joint QRS detection and data compression technique implemented using ARM 7 processor. The system also detects and monitors the other important parameters related to the human body, such as blood pressure and body temperature and displays it on the LCD screen. This detected ECG waveform and other body parameters are transmitted to local host and then to internet server using web based system by which anyone could monitor the patient's health condition wirelessly. This system is expected to work more conveniently and accurately for the doctor to monitor the patient’s condition sitting in his own office without being physically present near to the patient’s bed. A low-voltage and high performance analog signal conditioning circuit is built to insure high signal quality. A joint approach for QRS detection and lossless data compression (JQDC) would result in lower overall system complexity. By sharing the computational load among multiple essential signal-processing tasks, the average complexity per task can be kept at low level. An adaptive linear data prediction scheme based algorithm is used for joint QRS detection and lossless data compression, which achieves high sensitivity and positive prediction (+P). Lower system complexity and better performance will make this algorithm suitable for portable ECG application. The web based wireless transmission technique is used so that the detected human body parameters can be transmitted to the doctor remotely. The system is built using ARM 7 processor which ensures high accuracy performance and consistent result in the timing operation of the system. Read More...
Embedded Sysyem |
India |
724-727 |
171 |
A Survey on MANET Congestion Control Mechanism using Buffer Management
-Prachi Jain ; Vijay Prakash
Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) are used most commonly all around the world, because it has the ability to communicate each other without any fixed network. It has the tendency to take decisions on its own that is autonomous state. MANET is generally known for infrastructure less. The bridges in the network are generally known as a base station. Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a group of self-organized mobile nodes that are associated with comparatively low bandwidth wireless links. Network based congestion avoidance which involves managing the queues in the network devices is an integral part of any network. Most of the mobile networks use Drop tail queue management where packets are dropped on queue overflow which is global synchronization problem. In this paper, we are providing a survey on MANET Congestion Control Mechanism Using Buffer Management. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
728-729 |
172 |
Performance Analysis of Image Smoothing Filters
-Amandeep Kaur ; Ashish Verma
Digital images plays very significant role in day-to-day activities along with the areas of research and technology. But the main drawback of digital images is that noise added during their transmission. De-Noising of images can be carried out by several techniques. But before that we have to learn about the concept of denoising. Denoising is very leading affair in the field of image processing. Image denoising is the process of recuperating the primary image from an observation that has been depraved by various noises. In this paper several techniques are suggested for image de-noising and individual techniques is capable in removing noise with edge preservation and less computational complexity is presented. Many smoothing filters have been introduced vary from simple mean to more complex filtering Such as bilateral filtering. These filters aim at smoothing the image to eliminate some form of noise.
The proposed method is an optimum solution for these requirements. The performance of the algorithm is tested and compared with standard mean filter, median filter, weighted median filter, gaussian filter, bilateral filter and recently proposed filter. Experimental results show the remarkable performance of the proposed filtering technique compared to the other classic techniques in terms of both subjective and objective evaluations.
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
730-733 |
173 |
Power Saving Data Aggregation Approach in WSN
-Anchal Rani ; Sarita Chaudhary
This Paper Presents the wireless routing in sensor networks, data aggregation has been proposed as a predominantly constructive prototype. Most of the routing algorithms for traditional networks are address centric, and the ad hoc nature of wireless sensor network makes them unsuitable for practical applications. Data-centric technologies that carry out in-network aggregation of data to capitulate energy-efficient dissemination are essential. In our thesis work, we have implemented another approach to effectively deliver the data to the sink. In this approach, the sink will broadcast an interest message containing its required data model, to all the nodes. When the aggregator receives the data from the sources, it aggregates the data depending on the interest message using spatial and temporal convergence. Address Centric protocols and Data-Centric Protocols are the two kinds of sensor routing protocols. Read More...
Computer Science & Engineering |
India |
734-736 |
174 |
Comparative Analysis of Frequency Assignment Problem using MCS and GA
-Anish garg ; Ruchi Malhotra
In radio communication industry Frequency assignment [13] is main problem. In the communication there are transmitter and receiver that transmit data between sources to destination. For this we use a radio network that is generally wired and wireless. In this problem at source station there are number of transmitter. Each transmitter has number of antenna having frequency spectrum, certain power and directional distribution. The aim is to assign some values to satisfy some rule. In communication there are many frequency assignment problems. Here we study radio link frequency assignment problem (RLFA). To optimize the bandwidth available using various natural existing optimization techniques and give best results in GA and MCS. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
737-740 |
175 |
Heat Transfer Enhancement in Turbines using Dimples- a CFD Study
-Nitish Kumar Jain ; Dr.U.S. Mallikarjun
In order to increase the efficiency and the specific power of gas turbine engines, the turbine inlet temperature study is very important. The current rotor inlet temperature level in advanced Gas turbine is far above the melting point of the blade material. Therefore along with high temperature material development a sophisticated cooling scheme must be developed. Nevertheless, material progresses are not sufficiently important to guarantee an economically acceptable life span of the components, in contact with the hot gases. So recently research is focused on turbine blade cooling. The blades are cooled in different ways such as using cooling holes, ribs, grooves, dimples, and many more. Dimples are the depression created on a surface which generate extra strong vortex flows near the wall beneath the main flow region downstream the dimples, which distinctively increases the turbulent mixing there and enhance the heat transfer rates. In the present study, the effects on heat transfer due to dimples are studied by creating five dimples in a rectangular channel. The work is carried out for different dimple depths (δ/D=0.23 to 0.26) and at different Reynolds number varying from 7500 to 27500. The computational study is carried out using NUMECA FINE/Open commercial code using k-ε (Extended wall function) turbulence model. Results show that at higher Reynolds number the Nusselt number increases as the dimple depth is increased and at lower Reynolds number (i.e. lesser than 22500) the Nusselt number varies non-uniformly. The dimple depth to diameter ratio δ/D =0.25 gives the best results as the Nusselt number is high at all Reynolds numbers compared to other dimple depths. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
741-745 |
176 |
Seismic Analysis of Multi-Storeyed Building with Underneath Satellite Bus Stop and Intermediate Service Soft Storey Having Floating Columns by Time History Analysis
-Shrikanth Bhairagond ; Prof Vishwanath .B. Patil
In order to increase the efficiency and the specific power of gas turbine engines, the turbine inlet temperature study is very important. The current rotor inlet temperature level in advanced Gas turbine is far above the melting point of the blade material. Therefore along with high temperature material development a sophisticated cooling scheme must be developed. Nevertheless, material progresses are not sufficiently important to guarantee an economically acceptable life span of the components, in contact with the hot gases. So recently research is focused on turbine blade cooling. The blades are cooled in different ways such as using cooling holes, ribs, grooves, dimples, and many more. Dimples are the depression created on a surface which generate extra strong vortex flows near the wall beneath the main flow region downstream the dimples, which distinctively increases the turbulent mixing there and enhance the heat transfer rates. In the present study, the effects on heat transfer due to dimples are studied by creating five dimples in a rectangular channel. The work is carried out for different dimple depths (δ/D=0.23 to 0.26) and at different Reynolds number varying from 7500 to 27500. The computational study is carried out using NUMECA FINE/Open commercial code using k-ε (Extended wall function) turbulence model. Results show that at higher Reynolds number the Nusselt number increases as the dimple depth is increased and at lower Reynolds number (i.e. lesser than 22500) the Nusselt number varies non-uniformly. The dimple depth to diameter ratio δ/D =0.25 gives the best results as the Nusselt number is high at all Reynolds numbers compared to other dimple depths. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
746-750 |
177 |
Prevention of Byzantine Attack by Large Wireless Sensor Network
-Vanmathi M
This paper explores reliable data fusion in mobile access wireless sensor networks under Byzantine attacks. The q-out-of-m rule, which is popular in distributed detection and can achieve a good trade-off between the miss detection probability and the false alarm rate. However, a major limitation with it is that the optimal schema parameters can only be obtained through exhaustive search, making it infeasible for large networks. In this paper, first, by exploiting the linear relationship between the schema parameters and the network size, proposed simple but effective sub-optimal linear approaches. Second, for better flexibility and scalability and derive a near-optimal closed-form solution based on the central limit theorem. Third, subjecting to a miss detection constrain, prove that the false alarm rate of q-out-of-m diminishes exponentially as the network size increase, even if the percentage of malicious nodes remains fixed. Finally, propose an effective malicious node detection schema for adaptive data fusion under time-varying attacks; the proposed schema is analyzed using the entropy-based trust model, and shown to be optimal from the information theory point of view. The proposed approaches under both static and dynamic attacks. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
751-753 |
178 |
Brain Tumor Detection and Analysis using SVM and LVQ Classifier
-Aliaja Salauddin Jamadar ; Vaibhav Kakade
Brain tumor is an abnormal and uncontrolled growth of tissues in human brain. Brain tumor diagnosis is very complex task. In biomedical field image processing is strongly growing issue. Many techniques and approaches has been described for image processing. This paper provides more efficient method to detect and analyze brain tumor. Proposed system gives efficient and more accurate quantitative results. Here in this method the steps are preprocessing, anisotropic diffusion, feature extraction, classification. Classifications used are support vector machine (SVM) and Learning vector quantization (LVQ). Here we are comparing these two classification, we get the LVQ classification which is special case of neural network gives more accuracy than the SVM classification. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
754-757 |
179 |
Low Power Comparator: A Review
-Rangoli Mittal ; Rajni Parashar
Rapid growth of communication services and prosperous communication markets demands a low power devise because of ease and portability aspects. A low power comparator is presented. This comparator works with low supply voltage of 1.2V and 0.6V. Problem also came in account while designing are kickback noise, offset voltage etc. These problems may be reduced by many techniques like pre amplification, and capacitor decoupling. Read More...
VLSI Design |
India |
758-761 |
180 |
The Experimental Investigation of Thermal Performance of Heat Pipe Charged With Nano Fluid: A Review
-Abhinav Rao ; Prof. R. C. Gupta
Comprehensive research work on heat transfer in heat pipe using traditional working fluids has been carried out over the past years. Heat transfer in heat pipes using suspensions of nanometer-sized solid particles in base fluids have been experimentally and theoretically investigated in recent years by various researchers across the world. The suspended nano particles effectively enhance heat transfer characteristics and the transport properties of base fluids in heat pipes. The aim of this paper is to present an overview of literature consisting with recent developments in the study of heat transfer using nano fluids in heat pipes and some important inferences from the various papers are also highlighted. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
762-765 |
181 |
Seismic Analysis of Multi-Storeyed Building with Underneath Satellite Bus Stop and Intermediate Service Soft Storey Having Floating Columns
-Shrikanth Bhairagond ; Prof Vishwanath .B. Patil
Generally masonry infill walls are considered as non-structural elements and their stiffness contributions are ignored in the analysis when building is subjected to seismic loads. RC frame building with open ground storey is known as a soft storey, similar soft storey effect can be observed when soft storeys at different levels of structure are constructed. From the past earthquake it has been observed that a building with discontinuity in the stiffness and mass subjected to concentration of forces and deformations at the point of discontinuity which may leads to the failure of members at the junction and collapse of building. Most economical way to eliminate the failure of soft storey is by adding shear walls to the tall buildings. Hence in this paper attempt has been made to study performance of a building with soft storey at GL along with at intermediate level of building with floating columns, type of shear wall in seismic prone areas. The effectiveness of RCC shear wall building is studied with help of ten different models. Analysis is carried out by ETABS software. Fundamental time period, base shear, storey displacement and story drift is calculated by equivalent static analysis(ESA), response spectrum analysis(RSA) and time history analysis(THA) compared for all models. The results were compared with SAP2000 software. The results shows that the infill wall and shear walls gives the better performance in seismic analysis of building, so it is essential to consider the effect of infill and shear walls in the analysis. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
766-770 |
182 |
Effect of Dilution hole Geometry on Gas Turbine Combustor Pattern Factors-A CFD Study
-Yathisharadhya ; Dr. H.R.Purushothama
The quality of hot gases originating from gas turbine combustor is measured using two parameters viz., circumferential pattern factor and radial pattern factor. These parameters have a direct effect on the life of turbine vanes and blades and ideally they should be as small as possible. A higher total pressure loss in the combustor liner reduces the pattern factors but from the engine overall performance perspective, it has to be a minimum, as every one percentage increase in total pressure loss results in a half percent reduction in thrust and around a quarter of a percent increase in specific fuel consumption. Among all the variables that influence the pattern factors, the dilution hole area significantly alters the pattern factors. In the present work, CFD analyses have been carried out to estimate the effect of dilution hole geometry on gas turbine combustor pattern factors. During this process, it has been ensured that the total pressure remains unaltered. Analyses have been carried on 20 degree sector of combustor geometry using CFD code “Fluentâ€. The modifications carried out to the dilution hole geometry were categorized into three groups. Turbulent reacting flow analyses have been carried out using steady state RANS model. The liquid fuel has been modelled as a discrete phase. A reduced two step reaction is used to model the chemistry; turbulence has been modelled using realizable k-epsilon model and combustion by the laminar flamelet model (non premixed combustion model). The flow field characteristics within the combustor, pressure loss, mass flow distribution, maximum temperature and pattern factors at the combustor exit were extracted and reported. It is found that even through the dilution hole remains unaltered, the disposition of dilution holes effects the pattern factors significantly. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
771-775 |
183 |
Grid Interfacing of Photovoltaic Generating System Through Cascaded Multi-Level Inverter in Distributed System
-G Venkata naresh ; Yerramsetty.Pavani; Boggavarapu Ramesh
The power electronics has mainly momentous latest progress is power systems of photovoltaic be becoming extra with the increase in the energy demand in widespread and also reduces the environmental pollution around the world. Out of different structures of multi-level inverters, Cascaded H Bridge (CHB) inverter is more suitable converter for PV applications since each PV panel can act as a separate DC source for each cascade H bridge module. It has many inherent benefits likes: (1) Its modular structure,(2) it can be easily implemented through the series connection of identical H-bridges, (3) generate near sinusoidal voltages with only fundamental frequency switching and finally and (4) no electromagnetic interference or common mode voltages. This flexibility has resulted CHBMLI topology in various applications like medium-voltage industrial drives, electric vehicles and the grid connection of photovoltaic-cell generation systems. The main disadvantages of the cascade multilevel inverters is a need of an isolated dc voltage sources for each H-bridge, due to this reason size of the inverter and cost increases, by virtue of which reliability of the system reduces. This Disadvantage of inverter is the key motivation for the present work .In this paper Cascaded Multilevel inverter for grid inter facing of photovoltaic generating system is presented with reduced dc source to show the benefits of cascade the PV system. The performance of the cascaded multilevel inverter with fundamental switching scheme for different levels is studied through simulation using MATLAB. A Mathematical model for Photo Voltaic system is developed and implemented with the multilevel inverter.of the proposed system. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
776-782 |
184 |
Biodiesel Development and Analysis of Biodiesel - Diesel Blend in C.I Engine
-Arun Kumar Pandey ; Shri L.B. Singh; Shailendra Kumar Rai; Ashish Kumar Chaurasiya
Energy consumption is rapidly increasing due to population growth, higher standard of living and increased production. Significant amounts of energy resources are being consumed by the transportation sector leading to the fast depletion of fossil fuels and environmental pollution. Biodiesel is one of the technically and economically feasible options to tackle the aforesaid problems. In this research work biodiesel will be produced by trans-esterification of crude Rice Bran Oil (RBO).And the analysis of C.I engine will be done by using the diesel fuel and also by utilizing the blend of biodiesel –diesel .Oil extracted from the inner husk of rice, termed Rice Bran Oil (RBO) promises to be a low-cost, renewable substitute for petroleum-derived diesel as a compression ignition (CI) engine fuel. While rice is a major crop in India, RBO is underutilized. As an oxygenated fuel, RBO reduces emission of pollutants like CO and unburnt hydrocarbon (UBHC) by supplying additional oxygen from the fuel. The specific objective of this study is to analyse the performance, and emission characteristics of RBO and its blends with diesel. Results showed that biodiesel obtained under the optimum conditions has comparable properties to substitute mineral Diesel and is found suitable to use as a substitute fuel in the C.I engine asits fuel consumption rate, Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (BSFC) and Brake Thermal Efficiency (BTE) is very close to that of conventional diesel fuel. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
783-788 |
185 |
Design & Analysis of Various Support Structures for High Voltage Switchgear Considering Different Loading Conditions
-Amit Shende ; Prof. Vaibhav Bankar
The requirement of performing the detailed designing and analysis of support structure observed due to failures in the site conditions. In the initial days it had to be checked with manual calculations or laboratory testing. But the improvement in the virtual manufacturing of machine and its components provides elevated support to the designers for understanding the behaviour of design in real world conditions and making decisions to best fit for that situation. This knowledge helps designers to build better design in terms of efficiency, reliability and cost. There are various computer aided designing i.e. CAD tools available and are capable of building the exact model of the intended design for study and analysis purpose. The purpose of this paper is to find the optimum design by finite element modelling and analysis of various designs of support structure of switchgear in consideration of actual loading conditions using ANSYS. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
789-793 |
186 |
Identification of Mango Leaf Disease and Control Prediction using Image Processing and Neural Network
-Bed Prakash ; Amit Yerpude
This proposed system has used the K-means clustering technique for the segmentation purpose and the Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) technique for the classification of the mango leaf disease. This system has been tested with the different numbers of test data set collected from different regions. The system is tested for different numbers of clusters to get the optimal number of cluster that can produce the best performance of the proposed mango leaf disease identification and control prediction system. This proposed system has overcome the problem of identification of mango leaf disease manually with the accuracy of about 94%. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
794-799 |
187 |
Review on Heat Transfer Enhancement in Parabolic Trough Solar Collector with Porous Receiver
-Gohil Mitesh D.
Solar thermal system play an important role in providing non-polluting energy for domestic and industrial applications. In India, the Rajasthan and Gujarat states have the potential for widespread application of Parabolic through solar collector to harness the solar energy. Parabolic trough solar collectors effectively produce heat at temperature ranging from 50 to 400°C. These temperature are generally high enough for most industrial heating processes and application, the great majority of which run below 300 ° C. In order to maximize heat transfer, the receiver tube need to be augmented. Many researchers have presented different heat enhancement technique like inserting perforated plats, twisted tap, porous media, baffles, fins etc. In this research review, parabolic trough solar collector is presented for high heat transfer in receiver tube with different configure of porous media. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
800-805 |
188 |
Multiple Level Cache Performance Improvement Method
-Ms. Komal S.Thakre ; Prof. Shyam P. Dubey; Prof. Nilesh Choubey
Distributed or parallel system is known for their performance. To improve the performance of an I/O system, there is a great demand in multilevel cache over a single cache because of its efficiency. Many policies of multilevel cache are present still there is a performance issue. 1) These policies fail to select optimally cache block for replacement i.e. fail to select a victim and 2)increases redundancy causes cache pollution at lower level. These policies include LFU, LRU-K, PROMOTE, DEMOTE, Multi Queue (MQ). In this paper we introduced Reputation cache management policy which will address drawbacks of above defined policies by considering three factors together to replace or update cache block in a multilevel cache hierarchy, secondly it prevents cache pollution at lower level cache. First factor is recency of object in a cache i.e. how nearly object is used, second is frequency i.e. How repeatedly promotion and demotion of cache block takes place in a cache. Third is considering object size, the object with largest block size and less recency and frequency will be evicted first. This policy is capable of selecting a cache block efficiently and thus gives higher hit ratio compared to other present multilevel cache policies. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
806-810 |
189 |
Design of Water Treatment Plant using Abandoned Quarries in Malayankeezhu Panchyat in Thiruvananthapuram District, Kerala
-Milan M. R. ; Dr. Lokesh K. S.
At present the level of water supply is not adequate in the different place coming under the scheme area. There is no major scheme, which is in operation in this area to cater to the existing demand. Localized schemes are in operation for providing water supply in various areas. The existing schemes are small and supply is only 3 days in a week, locally centered to feed some particular areas of the panchayaths. They are not properly designed and hence further extension or augmentation is not possible for these schemes. The other areas of these panchayaths have to depend on public and private open wells which will dry up during summer months. Also the treatment adopted is only chlorination by adding bleaching powder. Hence the quality of water is poor due to lack of proper treatment. The recurring charges like establishment expense and electricity charges also get reduced if a comprehensive scheme is worked out. The existing distributions of all schemes are very old and in dilapidated condition. Area consists of around 50 abandoned quarries which leads to poor runoff and reduced water levels in open wells. Read More...
Environmental Engineering |
India |
811-816 |
190 |
Smart Agriculture Monitoring Through IOT(Internet of Things)
-Ruchika ; Ruchi Taneja
The main objective of this paper is to develop a smart greenhouse monitoring system using internet of things (IOT). We will design a protocol for greenhouse monitoring using wireless sensor network (WSN). Focus area will be parameters such as temperature, humidity and soil moisture. This system will be a substitute to traditional farming method in which farmer had to visit his field regularly to examine these parameters. We will develop such a system that will help a farmer to know his field status in his home or he may be residing in any part of the world. This paper investigates a smart agriculture monitoring system using arduino which senses the values of the parameters such as temperature, humidity and soil moisture and sends it to a controller that collect the data, analyses it and update it to a real-time monitoring system called firebase. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
817-819 |
191 |
Position Update in Mobile Ad-hoc Network
-Sapna ; Naveen Goel
The Ad-hoc networks come to be very widespread. Everybody is using these networks because the decentralized nature of wireless ad hoc networks.Wireless ad hoc networks makes them suitable for a variety of applications where central nodes can't be relied on and may improve the scalability of networks compared to wireless managed networks. Though theoretical and practical limits to the overall capacity of such networks have been identified. In geographic routing, nodes need to maintain up-to-date positions of their immediate neighbors for making effective forwarding decisions. We contend and demonstrate that periodic beaconing regardless of the node mobility and traffic patterns in the network is not attractive from both update cost and routing performance points of view. In this, we propose the Adaptive Location Update strategy for geographic routing. Which dynamically adjusts the frequency of position updates based on the mobility dynamics of the nodes and the forwarding patterns in the network. And resolve the Unknown node problem when it exist to increase the efficiency of this method by introducing the phenomenon of selecting node from existing ones or unknown node. Read More...
Electronics And Communication Engineering |
India |
820-823 |
192 |
Evolution of Properties of Fly Ash Lime Bricks with Soil and Glass Powder
-Colonel Ashutosh Mishra ; Anil Kumar Saxena
Fly ash is generated in large measures, especially by thermal power plants. A great batch of inquiry has been channeled out for efficient utilization of fly ash in the structure industry. Use of fly ash in manufacturing brick is one such thing which is being studied by many research scholars and engineers. The aim of the present study is to investigate the durability and water absorption features of fly ash bricks made up with different percentage of lime (L), local soil (S), Fly ash (FA) and Glass Powder (GP). The experiments were conducted by both Pressure molded fly ash bricks. It was found that none of the L-S-FA bricks satisfy all the demands of standard codes. While some of the bricks satisfy the provisions in respect of intensity level only the L-S-FA (40-0- 60) bricks satisfy the demand of Indian Standard Code in respect of intensity as easily as water absorption features, but when we added glass powder to these composition of Bricks it has been observed that water absorption decreased and Compressive Strength Increased. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
824-830 |
193 |
Seismic Analysis of Multi-Storeyed Building with Underneath Satellite Bus Stop and Top Soft Storey with Different Types of Shear Wall
-Galanna ; Vishwanath.B.Patil
Normally masonry infill’s are considered as non-structural elements and also their stiffness contributions are generally ignored in practice. And also they affect both the structural and non-structural performance of the RC buildings during earthquake. RC frame building with open first storey is known as soft storey, which performs poorly during strong earthquake shaking. A similar soft storey effect can occur if first and top story used as service story. So that a combination of two structural system components i.e. The Rigid frames and RC shear walls leads to a highly efficient system in which shear wall resist the majority of the lateral loads and the frame supports majority of the gravity loads. To study the effect of masonry infill with different soft storey level, and also we were studying 10models of Reinforced Concrete framed building were analyzed with 7 types of shear wall when subjected to earthquake loading. The results of bare frame ,strut frame and other building models have been compared, it is observed that all models with L –type, swastika –type, plus(+)-type, I-type, C-type, U-type ,T-type shear wall with showing efficient performance and hence reducing the effect of soft storey in model 4, model 5 ,model 6,model 7,model 8,model 9 model 10. Read More...
civil and structural engineering |
India |
831-834 |
194 |
Morphometric Analysis of the Indira Sagar Region, Madhya Pradesh, India
-Jakka Rajeev ; T. Shyam Kumar; Dr. D. Kishan; Dr. Jyothi Sarup
Remote sensing and geographical information system has proved to be very effective tool in delineation of drainage pattern. GIS and image processing techniques have been adopted for the identification of morphological features and analyzing their properties of the Narnada River Basin near Indira sagar area in Madhya Pradesh state, India. Narmada River is known as the “Life line of Madhya Pradesh†which flows through the Indira sagar area. The present study aims to analyze the drainage morphometry of the Indira sagar basin and its significance in the basin characteristics. Morphometric parameters such as linear and aerial aspects of the river basin were determined and computed using ArcGIS 10.2 software. Narmada River is the 6th order basin and it’s drainage pattern mainly in sub-dendritic to dendritic type. The various parameters considered in this study are stream order, stream number, mean stream length, bifurcation ratio, drainage density, stream frequency, elongation ratio, and circulatory ratio and form factor. It is observed that the drainage density value is low which indicates the basin is highly permeable subsoil. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
835-838 |
195 |
An investigation on MRR, Flank wear and Temperature of AISI H13 by Applying RSM
-Jalpesh N Patel ; Mr. Nilam.S. Patel; Mr. Pritesh patel; Mr. Ravi P. Parekh
In today's rapidly changing scenario in manufacturing industries applications of optimization techniques in metal cutting processes was essential for a manufacturing unit to respond effectively to severe competitiveness and increasing demand of quality product in the market. Optimization methods in metal cutting processes, considered to be a vital tool for continual improvement of output quality in products. This study focused in finding the optimum cutting parameter that will produce the less flank wear, best surface finish and maximize material removal rate. Lathe machine will used to conduct the experiment. Selecting the wrong cutting parameter may lead to several negative effects(For example: poor surface finish of the work pieces, short tool life, low production rate, material waste and increase production cost) so for that reason , at the end of this study, we will give optimize the process parameter for turning. Read More...
mechanical engineering |
India |
839-844 |
196 |
Scenario of Freight Transportation by Trucks at Modasa Region
-Ronak. J. Parekh ; Dr. H. R. Varia; Dr. L. B. Zala
Freight Transportation is very important for development of nation. Generally Freight Transportation on highway is carried out by trucks. Modasa region is dominated by truck transport since many years. Mostly trucks of Modasa region move on Mumbai to Delhi route. Around more than 1000 trucks of Modasa region are moving on the important national freight corridor. Cordon count Survey has been carried out for obtaining the details of external to internal, internal to external and external to external truck trips proportion. Also, roadside interview survey has been carried out at toll plaza of Modasa on Shamlaji approach road to obtain the data of external to external truck trips passing through Modasa which are owned by the truck owners of other than Modasa region. From the collected data, origins to destinations matrices have been developed. Truck trips are assigned on the routes, desire line diagram of truck trips is prepared and truck trip classification is also carried out according to commodity type. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
845-850 |
197 |
Impact of Channel Width of Sleep Electronic Transistor on Threshold Voltage
-Uzma Noormohad Shaikh ; Prof. A.P.Hatkar
Most of the canvasser aforesaid that threshold voltage is method dependant for long channel devices with reference to the various parameters like channel length, Channel breadth, drain voltage VDD, and gate-source voltage. During this paper we tend to chiefly specialise in the Sleep junction transistor breadth. During this Paper, we tend to chiefly gift behaviour of a multi provide voltage interface circuit with reference to variation wide of the sleep junction transistor. Most of the researchers square measure engaged on the traditional level shifter type-I .we chiefly work on the traditional level shifter Type-II. Level shifter use for effective interfacing between voltage domains provided by totally different voltage level. We tend to use Cadence Virtuoso Spectre machine with gpdk180nm technology and doing DC and transient analysis beside temporal arrangement and power analysis. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
851-853 |
198 |
A Review of Improving Media Encoding Bandwidth using ITUT H.264 AVC part-10 With RDO
-Neha Gund ; Gagan Kumar
The H.264/AVC film coding standard functions diverse computational hot places that want to be expidited to cope with the somewhat increased complexity compared to previous requirements. In this paper, we recommend an improved application structure (i.e. the plan of functional elements of a credit card software in identifying the data circulation characteristics) for the H.264 encoder which works for application-specific and reconfigurable equipment platforms. Our recommended program architectural optimization for the computational reduced total for the movement Compensated Interpolation is separate of the real hardware platform that is actually employed for delivery. Digital video compression techniques have starred a crucial character in present media marketing and sales communications. The limitation of data transfer in communication channels and storage space news needs more efficient video coding methods. Introducing new programs and advances in multimedia technologies demands video coding methods to include more complex and advanced functions. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
854-858 |
199 |
A Review on Cement Waste Heat Recovery
-Mehul A Shah
Cement production is an energy intensive process. Known energy sources exhausted from cement industries. Effective utilization of these sources is required in order to improve the efficiency of the plant. In this dissertation work Preheater boiler and Air quench cooling (AQC) boiler is designed in order to recover the waste heat from the exhaust gases. The detail boiler design is carried out considering the various limitations to produce the superheated steam at higher temperature from the waste heat recovery boilers. The exhaust gas temperature is limited above the acid dew point temperature to avoid the corrosion problems over the tubes. This paper summarizes the research literature referred relative to cement waste heat recovery. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
859-862 |
200 |
Study and Evaluation of Material Handling System
-Nitin Kumar Verma ; Ms. Jyoti Soni
all industries are normally suffered from low productivity, high delivering time and lack of proper material handling system. Delivering time is top prior which depends on production rate. Further production rate depend upon plant layout and takt time. This work improves the takt time by providing expertise training to each worker working on assembly line. Idle time of each machine and workers are reduced by optimizing plant layout. Hence takt time is reduced to some extent. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
863-865 |