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201 |
Design and Analysis of Circulating Fluidized Bed Biomass Gasifier
-Shailendra Kumar Rai ; Devesh Kumar; Ravi Kumar; Rahul Patel
A circulating fluidized bed (CFB) biomass gasification & power generation system for rice husk was designed to provide power for a rice mill with a capacity of 150 t d−1. The system consists of a CFB gasifier, a gas cleaner, and power generation subsystem (containing five parallel gas engines rated 200 kW each), in addition to a wastewater treatment system. It is found that the system can be operated stably within the temperature from 7000C to 8500C, and its optimal condition was reached when the workload is increased above 750 kW. The main performance indices are: capacity: 1500 kg h−1, gasification efficiency: 70%, rice husk consumption: 1.75–1.95 kg kW h−1, total efficiency: about 19%. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
866-868 |
202 |
VLSI Implementation of Low Power Area Efficient Fir Digital Filter Structures
-Shaila Khan ; Uma Sharma
Filter occupies a major role in digital signal processing. The design of parallel FIR filter structures using Common sub expression elimination technique requires minimum number of multipliers and low power adders. As normally multiplier consume more area and power in comparison of adder. Moreover, along with the increase in length of parallel FIR filter number of adders does not increases. By using common sub expression elimination algorithms, the adopted parallel FIR structures use the basic nature of symmetric coefficients which reduces half the number of multipliers in Sub-Filter section at the amount of additional adders in preprocessing and post processing blocks. In term of silicon area, the weight of multiplier is more than adder so exchanging multipliers with adders is advantageous. Finally the proposed parallel FIR filter structures are superior from existing one in terms of consumption of area and power. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
869-873 |
203 |
Experimental Study of Fly Ash- Lime Bricks with Soil
-Colonel Ashutosh Mishra ; Anil Kumar Saxena
Fly ash is generated in very large quantities, especially by thermal power plants. A large deal of research has been channeled out for effective usage of fly ash in the construction industry. Utilization of fly ash in manufacturing brick is one such matter which is being examined by many research students and technologists. The purpose of the present work is to investigate the durability and water absorption features of fly ash bricks made up with different percentage of lime (L), local soil (S), Fly ash (FA) and Glass Powder (GP). The experiments were led by both Pressure molded fly ash bricks. It was found that none of the L-S-FA bricks satisfy all the demands of standard codes. While some of the bricks satisfy the provisions in respect of volume level only the L-S-FA (40-0- 60) bricks satisfy the requirement of Indian Standard Code in respect of strength as well as water absorption characteristics. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
874-876 |
204 |
Post Buckling Analysis of Silos and Optimization of Additional Stiffeners
-Shilpa Haridas Gujar ; Prof. N. S. Biradar; Mr. Manan Panchal; M. Chamnalli
Silos are probably the common form of large engineering shell structure in service. The high rate of structural failure in these structures must be considered by the designer and the complexity of their behavior. The paper presents buckling and post-buckling of silos under axial compression using a time-integrated finite element model as well as the analysis and Experimental results. Since stiffeners have the vital role to support the pressure vessel and to maintain its stability, they should be designed for load and internal pressure of the vessel. A model of vertical pressure vessel and stiffeners are created and stresses are evaluated using mathematical approach and ANSYS software. The analysis reveals the zone of high localized stress at the junction of the pressure vessel and stiffeners due to operating conditions. The results obtained by both the methods are compared. The analyses provide significant new insight into the mechanisms underpinning collapse behavior of the shells. The tests which are carried out on cylindrical silo models, the measurement of the initial imperfections and the numerical analysis of the shells are presented. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
877-883 |
205 |
Embedded System for a Sailing Robot Based on FPGA
This paper proposed an embedded HW/SW implementation for the computing system of a small scale without human autonomous sailing boat. The system is integrated in a mono XILINX FPGA, and hosts a Microblaze soft processor surrounded with mixed, custom designed, control and processing modules than handle the interface with all the sensors, actuators and communication devices of the sailing boat. These interfacing modules implement tasks that have been decentralized from the master processor, thus alleviating its computational load and providing processing time for upper level software applications. Using FPGA to implement an integrated single-chip computing system, as an alternative to conventional processors, has proven to be a very flexible solution as it eases the migration of computation tasks between the hardware and software domains, and more importantly, allowing the rapid adaptation of the digital interfacing hardware in order to support additional peripheral devices required for an application mission. The software component of the boat’s control system runs on the top of the uClinux embedded operating system and is formed by various concurrent applications developed in C with the standard Linux libraries. Remote monitoring, configuration and operation of the sailing boat is done via a WiFi link, using a graphics interactive application that runs on a conventional PC. For this paper reference of paper "An FPGA-based Embedded System for a Sailing Robot" by José C. Alves and Nuno A. Cruz from Faculty of Engineering University of Porto Porto, Portugal is been taken. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
884-887 |
206 |
Fault Coverage Circuit with BIST Architecture for Efficient Hardware Utilization for Testing Applications
-Sarvani Kasa
Present days, the demand for portable computing devices and communication systems are increasing rapidly. These applications require low power dissipation VLSI circuits. For such circuits power optimization can be achieved by using the new fault coverage Test Pattern Generator (TPG) along with a Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR). In order to reduce the testing cost of the chip there are many test parameters that should be improved. These test parameters include: The test power, Test Length (test application time), Test Fault Coverage, Test Hardware Area Overhead. To overcome the issues with external testing Built-in-Self-Test (BIST) is used for testing of the VLSI circuits. BIST performs self testing and reduces the dependence on any external testing equipment. The proposed approach is implemented using a modified conventional LFSR in which transitions are reduced by increasing the correlation between the successive bits. The circuit is tested in the presence of fault and without fault. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
888-891 |
207 |
Analysis of Electromagnetic Pollution Due To High Voltage Power Transmission Line Interference on Human Health
-Rahul Patidar ; Manish Dubey
Various types of artificial sources of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiations in our current day societies have raised concern about the achievable dangerous effect of these radiations. The present occupation identifies the main frequency range of EMF, together with their relevant interaction with tissue. The biological and some other harmful effect are outlined. The maturity of mobile , tower, transmission line(power line), microwave ovens, AC and some other household appliances etc. these are in few year ago raised many questions about the effects of electromagnetic field, which formed from these devices on human health. All wireless devices must comply those regulations so there is a need for EM exposure inspection. The health effect that might originate from EM radiation is almost certainly the most complicated and difficult to understand of all the effect of EM radiation. In domestic appliances a controlled environment is created where the radiated environment and health field are condensed below safe values by different means viz. shield, gaskets. Read More...
industrial safety engg. |
India |
892-894 |
208 |
Literature Survey of different Acoustic Echo Cancellation Algorithms
-Isha Punia ; Sanjeev Dhull
Acoustic echo cancellations an essential enhancement tool in hands-free communication. Acoustic echo is caused due to leakage from the loudspeaker to the microphone in settings like hand free telephony. Adaptive filtering in sub-bands is an attractive alternative to full-band schemes in many applications because of the potential for faster convergence and lower computational cost. Adaptive filters find its essence in applications such as echo cancellation, noise cancellation, system identifications and many others. In this paper different papers are compared and evaluated. Read More...
dsp |
India |
895-896 |
209 |
Hybrid Semantic Model for Content Based Image Retrieval
-Lalit Gehlod ; Aman Chouhan
The challenging topic in image processing is extracting accurate images from the data base according to the user defined query and objects available in image database. Therefore in this paper we described different technique for content based image retrieval and their functioning advantages. In addition of that it includes the investigation about the different recent approaches that are developed recently. We go through many technologies and made some comparisons between them. Finally we proposed a methodology that is accurate for image retrieval as well as efficient as possible. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
897-903 |
210 |
A Fuzzy Improved Weighted Tree Analysis Approach for Document Clustering
-Sangeeta Yadav ; Dr. Yusuf Mulge; Mr. Ajay Dureja
Document clustering is the process dividing the document into groups or clusters. The similar objects are classified into one group and dissimilar into other group. It is an unsupervised learning process. This paper proposes a fuzzy improved weighted tree analysis approach based on fuzzy rules and a two stage algorithm. At the first stage, the documents are summarized. At this stage the document filtration as well as document statistics will be collected. At the second stage the documents are classified. In this stage the statistical analysis will be performed based on correlation analysis, entropy analysis and frequency measure. The fuzzy rules are applied on all this parameters and adaptive document category will be identified. At this stage, a weighted tree based approach will be applied for document clustering. Read More...
India |
904-907 |
211 |
Process for Improving Efficiency of Solar Water Heater
-Sunil Upadhyay ; Salim Ali; Prafulla Sachan; L.B.Singh
In the present review paper, the existing solar water heating systems is studied with their applications. Now a day, plenty of hot water is used for domestic, commercial and industrial purposes. Various resources i.e. coal, diesel, gas etc, are used to heat water and sometimes for steam production. Solar energy is the main alternative to replace the conventional energy sources. The solar thermal water heating system is the technology to harness the plenty amount of free available solar thermal energy. The solar thermal system is designed to meet the energy demands. The size of the systems depends on availability of solar radiation, temperature requirement of customer, geographical condition and arrangement of the solar system, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to design the solar water heating system as per above parameters. The available literature is reviewed to understand the construction, arrangement, applications and sizing of the solar thermal system. Read More...
Energy Technology and Management |
India |
908-910 |
212 |
A Cooperative Area Fault Analysis Approach to Optimize Multi Sink Routing In Wireless Sensor Network
-Sheetal ; Dr. Yusuf Mulge; Mr. Ajay Dureja
The recent increased interest in distributed and flexible wireless pervasive applications has drawn great attention Wireless Networked Control Systems(WNCS) based on Wireless Sensor. This paper investigates Multi Sink routing approach that is defined under area fault resolvement. The work is here been improved by analyzing area nodes blockage cooperatively. To this aim the paper introduces the cooperative area fault analysis approach to optimize multi sink routing algorithm to guarantee a good performance trade-off between energy efficiency, Fault tolerance, response time and reliability. In this the n ext hop selection will be done under the Energy, distance (sensing range), and load and connectivity parameters. If some blockage node will identified, a cooperative search will be performed from same point under flooding approach. This flooding approach is used to analyze the coverage of this blockage node and identify the next block node. In the same way, the entire blockage node will identify and marked as block nodes. Now next hop will be exclude these nodes and change their path according to it and generate an effective path .The work is about to improve the network life and improve the multisink communication. Read More...
Computer Science Engineering |
India |
911-915 |
213 |
Impact of Pharmaceutical Marketing Mix Model Strategies
-Pritesh Shukla ; Dr. Devendra Singh Verma
As the pharmaceutical companies are competing with each other for their branded product containing same drug, they are adopting different marketing mix model elements. Present study is undertaken to examine and evaluate the impact of marketing mix strategies. Physician was presented a questionnaire containing 10 different promotional methods, adopted by pharmaceutical companies. The response was recorded and compared. Results revealed that Cost of Product, Internet, Books & Journals, Technology Utilization were the most important factors. Study has provided a clear insight into the impact of pharmaceutical marketing mix promotional factors. Pharmaceuticals companies should adapt their marketing mix model strategies as per physician response. Read More...
Marketing Managment |
India |
916-918 |
214 |
Artificial Intelligence Procedure Related to Intrusion Detection System
-Aditya ; Arnima
Communication network is eased with different protocol. Each protocol supported to raise the network performance in a secured manner. In communication process, user’s connectivity, violations of strategy on access of information are handles through intrusion. Intrusion prevention is the procedure of performing intrusion detection and attempting to stop detected possible incidents. It focused on identifying possible incidents, logging information about them, attempting to stop them, and reporting them to security administrators. However, organizations use Intrusion detection and prevention system (IDPS) for other purposes, such as identifying problems with security policies, documenting existing threats, and determining individuals from violating security policies. Communication architecture is built up on IP. The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) protocol is tightly integrated with IP. ICMP messages, delivered in IP packets, are used for out-of-band messages related to network operation or mis-operation. The maximum percentage is 30% while we are using the HDLC protocol. This observation identified that all the inductions are not occurs during these protocol .If this protocol IDS is extended to other protocol all the intuition are possible to identified and prevent from the attackers. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
919-923 |
215 |
Performance Analysis of STATCOM to Mitigate Voltage Sag in IEEE-6Bus System
-Ravindra Mohana Patil ; T.M.Vasantha Kumar; T.R.Narasimhe Gowda; B.Kantharaj; Kiran Reddy
In current years, growth of load demand rises day by day, but this growth does not ensue the same in equipment’s of power systems and therefore operators have to use supreme available capacity of systems to fulfill load demands. These activities make power systems so unpredictable. One of best ways to develop reliability of systems is using FACTS devices. In this project the voltage sag occurred during overloading condition is observed and it can be mitigated by using STATCOM. FACTS devices can regulate the reactive and active power control as well as adaptive control of voltage-magnitude instantaneously because of their fast control characteristics and flexibility. Placement of these devices in appropriate location can lead to maintain bus voltages in preferred level and control in line flow and so increase voltage stability margins. Performance assessment is supported by the simulation results on IEEE 6 bus system under overloading conditions using MATLAB. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
924-927 |
216 |
Faults Detection and Diagnosis of the Sprockets Failure
-Tushar S. Hingve ; Dr. A. V. Vanalkar
The detection and location of faults on power transmission lines is essential to the protection and maintenance of a power system. Fault detection is recognizing that a problem has occurred, even if you don't know the reason. Faults may be detected by a variety of quantitative or qualitative approaches. In this study have finding the various faults related to the sprockets failure and diagnosis this fault using the various methods of the failure causes. These include many of the multivariable, model-based approaches and implement the system by reducing these faults. The main objective of this study is to find out the major breakdowns in mechanisms due to sprockets failure causing production losses to the company and to suggest counter measures by which these problems can be reduced. In the study a Root cause analysis is conducted to find the root cause of breakdowns and some parallel improvement opportunities were also identified for implementation so as to reduce the downtime. also diagnosis of the faults have also discussed. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
928-930 |
217 |
A Hybrid Approach to Provide Secure Communication for Cloud System in Hadoop Environment
-Preeti Rathee ; Kavita Khanna ; Ajay Dureja
In this paper, a cloud system security mechanism is defined for information management in Hadoop environment. The work has integrated in the Hadoop environment to manage the information on cloud server. It includes the file level security, user level security and communication level security. At the earlier stage of work, as the user enters to the system, the user role will be identified by performing the authentication and authorization. Once the authentication is proven, the information management over the Hadoop server will be performed under file level security. A key based hybrid approach will be applied to achieve the file level security. In this work, SHA and AES based combined approach will be applied for file level security. In third stage of work, the secure information transmission will be provided for private users using session based communication. The work will be implemented in java integrated Hadoop environment using Netbeans IDE. Read More...
India |
931-935 |
218 |
Navigation Tool for Blind using Low Cost Arduino
-Kalkutagi Manjunath Ramappa ; Mrs Meghashree A C; Mr. Lohith B N
this paper introduces an electronic navigation system for partially sighted and blind people. The feature of this system is that it develops trace point of the subject surrounding habitat by implementing GPS module to extract the transcendence information which is transmitted using intuitive vibration feedback for navigation. The other feature includes distance measurement to avoid any obstacle in the path using ultrasonic sensor. System uses Arduino uno based embedded system to process real time data collected using GPS module and ultrasonic sensor. Subject is carried out with walked controlled under the real-world test and virtual world test environments with the system. Read More...
Digital Electronics and communication system |
India |
936-938 |
219 |
Internet of Things Based Controlling of Appliances using GSM/GPRS Enabled Embedded Server for Remote Access
-Rajneesh Kumar ; Abhinav Kumar Yadav; Sh Nishant Tripathi
The internet has initially started as the "Internet Of Computers", a global network enabling services that now include the World Wide Web(WWW), File Transfer Protocol and others allowing computers and hence users to communicate with each other and exchange information. There are several definitions for the Internet of Things (IOT) that explain what are the main functionalities of it and what we should expect from when connecting "Things" with each other and with the internet. Internet of Things (IoT) is an ideal emerging technology to influence the internet and communication technologies. Simply "Internet of Things" connects living and non living things through internet. The main aim of this project to enable the users to control and monitor smart devices through internet. In this an interface between users and smart home by using GSM and internet technologies, or simply creating GSM based wireless communication from the web server into the smart home. Read More...
Electronics Engg |
India |
939-941 |
220 |
Design of Hot Forging Die for Rear Axle Torque Plate
-Prashant A. Sarvaiya ; Harsh R. Dodia; Darshan G. Patel; Akash J. Joshi
As the torque plate is an automobile component, it is subjected to the dynamic loading. Forgings have the high strength & offer great resistance to impact & fatigue loading. It is better to use hot forging method to manufacture the torque plate as forging provides greater impact and fatigue strength. In this project, the author has tried to design hot forging die for automobile Rear Axle Torque Plate. Designing includes design of flash gutter, die material selection and development of die block solid model. FEA analysis is carried out for validating the die design. Read More...
Production Engineering |
India |
942-944 |
221 |
A Strategy to Construct a Wireless Sensor Network using Mobile Robot
-Mr. Suhas S ; Mr. Lohith B N; Mrs. Meghashree A C
By gathering data in post-catastrophe spot delivers a higher level of risk to a rescue workers and might cause injury during auxiliary disasters; in past, a lot of rescue workers were killed or injured. Because of this background, rescue robot is utilized for data gathering in wide territory. However, there is no wireless communication framework for tele-operation of rescue robot in the post-calamity environment, for example, the underground space or in industries. Therefore, by considering a large number of the calamities into record we come up with a new idea of spy robot where a wireless sensor networks deployment strategy for constructing wireless communication infrastructures for a rescue robot model allows more adaptable operations with multi territory support. Additionally it can be utilized for the modern industrial purposes for enhancing results and for the change of the business. Read More...
Digital Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
945-951 |
222 |
Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation - A Review
-Sahil Sharma ; Vikas Wasson
Computer based automatic blood vessel segmentation is an efficient way to segments the retinal blood vessels. Retinal blood vessels plays and important role in diagnosing eye related diseases. The main function of Retinal blood vessels is to carry fresh blood from heart to eye and then deoxygenated blood back to heart from eye. Many diseases may effect these blood vessels and leads to eye blindness. But the early stage observation of these blood vessel structures through retinal images can help diagnosing eye sight related problems. Many techniques have been proposed for automatic segmentation of retinal blood vessels. This paper is presenting a review of some previously proposed techniques or methods for segmentation of retinal blood vessels. Read More...
Image Processing (Computer Science) |
India |
952-955 |
223 |
IoT Based Automated Irrigation System using ARM Cortex M4
-Sumeet.S.Bedekar ; Monoj.A.Mechkul; Sonali.R.Deshpande
India is one of the scarce water resources in 13 countries in the world. It aims to provide the solution for automatic control of irrigation. This project has sensor network for real-time sensing and control of an irrigation system. This system provides uniform and required level of water for the agricultural farm and it avoids water wastage. This system allows monitoring of water level conditions, when the condition of watering the agricultural farm is abnormal then the system automatically switches ON the motor. When the water level reaches normal level the motor automatically switch OFF. Also the user can control the motor remotely using of internet. Along with this system temperature sensor and humidity sensor is interfaced with Microcontroller (ARM Cortex-M4). The ARM Microcontroller has the Ethernet connectivity to transfer the information over the Internet. The graphical interface software is developed using .Net Framework. Temperature and Humidity conditions are uniformly monitored through this graphical interface. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
956-959 |
224 |
Pneumatic Conveying System & Application for Lint Conveying in Ginning Industries
-Hitesh M. Tupkari ; Dr. A. V. Vanalkar
In ginning industries where bulk material is to be conveyed from multiple source of point to a single point, material handling systems are required. Various types of conveying systems are available in the market like belt conveyors, screw conveyors, vibrating conveyors etc. having their own characteristic features. This conveying system resulted in significant improvements in conveying methods with reduce operating cost and improved equipment reliability. The main advantage of pneumatic conveying system is that material is transferred in close loop, thereby preventing the environmental effect on the material and vice versa. No standard procedure is available for the design of pneumatic lint conveying system. As the configuration of the system changes, variable involved also changes, and one has to change the design considerations based on the applications. So there is wide scope for experimentation in the field of pneumatic conveying system. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
960-962 |
225 |
Survey on Wireless Visual Sensor Networks for Surveillance
-Sagar G. Dhome ; Prof. Mandar Sohani
The development of Wireless Visual Sensor Networks (WVSNs) in various surveillance applications has emerged due to the availability of low cost energy efficient cameras. These cameras capture information from the physical environment and perform some processing on the extracted data and transmit it to centralized server. In this paper, the characteristics of WVSNs and the main factor affecting their design has been surveyed. Existing wireless smart camera surveillance systems are discussed along with their features and storage & processing capabilities. Available research frameworks for WVSNs are also discussed. Read More...
Wireless Sensor Networks, Image Processing |
India |
963-965 |
226 |
Privacy Preserving Data Mining Based On Perturbation Approach: A Survey
-Chaudhari Ashishbhai A. ; Rathod Jatin
Data mining is the technique for extracting useful information from the database. It has been an increasing important tool for transforming data into information. Data mining techniques has been developed successfully to extracts knowledge in order to support a variety of domains marketing, weather forecasting medical diagnosis, and national security. But it is still challenge to mine certain kinds of data without violating the data owner’s privacy. Privacy preserving is developed as an important concern with reference to the success of the data mining. Privacy preserving data mining deals with protecting the privacy of individual data or sensitive knowledge without sacrificing the utility of the data. People have become well aware of the privacy intrusions on their personal data and are very reluctant to share their sensitive information. In recent years, the wide availability of personal data has made the problem of privacy preserving data mining an important one. A number of methods have recently been proposed for privacy preserving data mining. In this paper define on the various Privacy Preserving Data mining (PPDM) Techniques are available. But the mainly focus Data perturbation technique is a popular technique in privacy-preserving data mining. A major challenge in data perturbation is to balance privacy protection and data utility, which are normally considered as a pair of conflicting factors. We argue that selectively preserving the task/model specific information in perturbation will help achieve better privacy guarantee and better data utility. Read More...
information technology |
India |
966-971 |
227 |
Analysis of Adhesively Bonded Inner Tapered Double Lap Joint in Laminated FRP Composites Subjected To Transverse Loading
-Kunchala Balakrishna Reddy ; Dr. M.Venkateswara Rao
The present investigation deals with the static analysis of adhesively bonded inner tapered double lap joint in laminated FRP composites subjected to transverse loading using three-dimensional theory of elasticity based finite element method. Many researchers studied the influences of various parameters on the failure behaviour on the composites. In those studies, the typical bonding parameters are surface conditions, fillet, bond line thickness, and environmental conditions. In the present study the stresses and deformation characteristics of adhesively bonded inner tapered double lap joint made of generally and especially orthotropic laminates (FRP) subjected to transverse loading for the three different adhesive angles, three different adhesive thicknesses with different fibre angle orientations, i.e. the adhesive angles from 35º to 45º increased in steps of 5º. The variation in stresses and deflection are studied when the fibre angle orientation is varied from 0º to 90º in steps of 15º. The adhesive thickness varies from 0.05 to 0.15 insteps of 0.05mm. In all the above cases stresses and displacements at various locations are evaluated for the static boundary conditions. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
972-976 |
228 |
Design Of Conventional Water Treatment Plant For The Comprehensive Water Supply Scheme To Mukkam And Adjoining Villages In Kerala Using Watplant Software
-Mujeeburahiman P ; Dr. Sadashiva Murthy B.M.
In the present study a comprehensive water supply scheme is designed including conventional water treatment plant for the four rural panchayaths in Kozhikode district of kerala state, India. The water treatment plant is designed by WATPLANT software. For the design of scheme, study of present population, population forecast for the three decades, daily water demand, and survey of the villages is done. The units of water treatment plant including aerator, flash mixer, floculator, clarifier, chemical house, chemical tanks, filter beds, wash water tank , etc designed with the software. Read More...
Environmental Engineering |
India |
977-980 |
229 |
Review of Image Co Segmentation Algorithms
-Virupakshappa Basanagoud Biradar ; Dr. Jayaramaiah G V; Vijayakumar R H
The image co segmentation is the fundamental step in digital image processing and it is still researcher’s interested topic. The efficient image co segmentation algorithm is to be design to solve problems encountering in many computer vision applications. An efficient image co segmentation algorithm can considerably improve the performance of image processing applications like face recognition, object tracking etc. With different approaches the current image co segmentation methodologies is analyzed so that user interaction is possible with images. In this paper the detailed analysis of image co segmentation is done using different algorithms with their advantages and disadvantages. Read More...
Electronics and Communications |
India |
981-984 |
230 |
An Enhanced Weighted Clustering Algorithm for MANET
-Kirti Tiwari ; K.K Joshi; Neelam Joshi
Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) are a form of infrastructure less wireless networks. Clustering is an important feature of MANET. Cluster architecture increases network life, scalability and results in more efficient use of network resources. In cluster architecture of MANET various clusters of mobile nodes are formed dynamically with each cluster having its own clusterhead which is responsible for routing among clusters. Selection of cluster head during cluster formation is a critical issue. Cluster head maintain a list of nodes belonging to the same cluster and maintains a path to each of these nodes. Updation of path is done in proactive manner. Cluster head also maintain list of gateways. In this paper we propose and implement a weighted clustering algorithm for MANETs which based on combined weight metric that takes into account three system parameters like the node degree, energy and single to noise ratio of the nodes. This will help us to selection of best suitable node as a cluster head from all other node within the network. We have evaluated the performance of the proposed scheme through simulation in various network situations. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
985-989 |
231 |
High Speed Inerpolators using FPGA
-Priyanka C. Kale
Aim of this project is to design flexible interpolators on Field Programmable Gate Arrays. Implementation on Field Programmable Gate Arrays brings advantages that include: low cost, higher precision processing, design flexibility and low power. The modern digital systems are more complex. They consist of several Digital Signal processors that operate at different sampling frequencies. A common sample rate should be employed for all processors to mix/combine the environments digitally. This design of interpolator can ease the speed requirement of several Digital Signal Processors for many high performance digital signal applications. This design gives the flexibility to implement the different wordlength interpolators. In this design of interpolators the interpolation factor can be varied from 2 to 20. In this project, data interpolators are designed to make speed twice (x2) and four times (x4) i.e. Interpolation factors 2 and 4 are used. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
990-992 |
232 |
FPGA Based Implementation of Digital PID Controller for a Motion Control of DC Motor
-Miss.Mohini Dadaji Bhamare ; Prof.R.K.Agrawal
The main aim of this project is to design digital PID control algorithms using field programmable gate array (FPGA) technology for speed control of the motor. Implementation of digital controllers in embedded environment suffers from many problems like analog-digital signals interfacing, therefore control algorithms have limitations. This paper presents a technique for implementation of FPGA based digital Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller for the motion control of a permanent magnet DC motor. The hardware implementation has been done on a Xilinx Spartan 3 FPGA chip. This technique is used for the generation of control input as a PWM signal for controlling motor driver circuit and then decoding the optical encoder data for using it to the speed feedback in the PID control loop. Read More...
India |
993-995 |
233 |
Performance Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing
-Rohit S. Kerlekar ; D. Y. Dhande
Hydrodynamic journal bearings are widely used due to their high load carrying capacity and good damping properties. Journal bearings have been widely used in rotating machinery. The bearing carries higher loads which reduces film thickness and also increase temperature of bearing due to fluid film temperature increment. The pressure distribution is important in both load capacity estimations (static performance) and dynamic analysis. We can analyze the pressure of fluid film and total deformation of hydrodynamic journal bearing by Fluid Structure Interaction technique. This paper describes FSI technique with optimization. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
996-998 |
234 |
Electronic Cigarette (EC): Basic Design, Working Principle and Harmful Effects
-Sapna Kumari ; Geeta Singh; Aseem Bhatnagar
Electronic cigarette (EC) is an electronic nicotine delivery device. It is considered that EC is healthier alternative of conventional cigarette and use of EC that deliver nicotine containing vapours has increased rapidly across the world. So there should be proper development of EC. It can cause lots of harmful effect on human health and on future generation also. This study highlights the basic principle of EC, with their basic components. Key words: Electronic cigarette, Atomizer, nicotine, Aerosol, E-liquid. Read More...
Biomedical Engineering |
India |
999-1003 |
235 |
A Novel Approach to Improve Information Dissemination in Vehicular Networks
-Krunalkumar Patel ; Prof.Hitesh Patel
Information dissemination in pure Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANET) becomes problematic when the network is sparse. This is certainly the case in the early years of market introduction, because of the low market penetration. Moreover, in rural areas or during night-time the vehicular network can become sparse due to low traffic density. Sparse vehicular networks become fragmented, resulting in disconnected clusters of vehicles due to the limited communication range of Car-to-Car (C2C) technology. These inherent VANET characteristics such as diverse network densities, highly dynamic topology and intermittent connectivity make data dissemination as an essential service and challenging task. Different approaches and protocols are studied to improve information dissemination in vehicular network. Most of these were designed to operate exclusively under sparse or dense networks. In addition the existing solution does not effectively address broadcast storm and network partition problem simultaneously. We propose a multi hop broadcast scheme which employs two mechanisms store-carry-forward and broadcast suppression to distribute the broadcast message to a group of vehicles, within area of interest, over diverse traffic condition with low delay, low overhead and high delivery ratio with the minimum of packet loss. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1004-1008 |
236 |
Paper Submission-Application of UPFC used IEEE Bus Standard System for Minimizing the Transmission Losses
-Dipali Vilas Patil ; Prof.Parag Chourey
The unified power flow controller (UPFC) is the most versatile and advanced member of flexible ac transmission systems (FACTS) devices .This is the capable of controlling real -reactive power flows, as well as providing voltage magnitude control in power networks through a transmission line by placing the UPFC. This paper presents a comprehensive review on the with and without UPFC placed on transmission line. Voltage source inverter based UPFC device control parameters with respect to reduction in the transmission line losses and total system real power loss to enhance the power system security. This paper describes the basic principle of operation of UPFC, its advantages and to compare its performance with the one of the FACTS equipment available. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1009-1012 |
237 |
ZVS Technique for Dual Bridge Series and Parallel Resonance Converter
-P Rudra Naidu ; C.K.Mahesh Babu
this paper proposes a zero voltage switching (ZVS) technique for bidirectional dc/dc converters. The dc/dc unit considered consists of two distinct bidirectional dc/dc cells paralleled at both input and output and whose two input bridges are couple by means of passive inductive branches. A multiage phase-shift modulation method is proposed which simultaneously achieve bidirectional power control, power sharing, and ZVS of all the electronic devices over the full power range without the need for auxiliary switches. Simulation and experimental results are report for a 2.4 kW dc/dc unit consisting of two paralleled 1.2 kW bidirectional dual-bridge series resonant converter cells. Read More...
Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
India |
1013-1017 |
238 |
Optimization of Coil Finned Tube Type Heat Exchanger and CFD Validation of Design
-Vivek Pradipkumar Sarvaiya ; Dr. S. M. Mehta
Coil finned tube type of heat exchangers provides high crossflow heat transfer coefficient on shell side which is a governing parameter to decide overall heat transfer coefficient. Moreover it provides very low shell side pressure drops and high overall effectiveness of counterflow. The geometrical parameters can be manipulated to adjust the thermal performance as well as pressure drop performance of heat exchanger. The clearance between the walls of shell and fin is very important parameter to adjust the performance. In this paper optimization for mean diameter of heat exchanger is carried out. And results are verified by CFD analysis. Read More...
India |
1018-1020 |
239 |
Comparative Study of Various Load Balancing Technique with Energy Efficient In Cloud Computing
-Aditya Narayan Singh ; Shiva Prakash
Cloud Computing is utility based IT services based on the pay-as-you-go model. In cloud computing data centers receives various client requests. These requests come to load balancer and load balancer is effectively balance the load across the system. In this way they also consider in mind that response time, data processing and operational cost should be minimized. This paper presents detailed literature review of various loads balancing technique with energy efficient and also present comparative study of existing works. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1021-1024 |
240 |
Design and Analysis of Dual Worm Self Locking System
-Ajit Ramdas Gurav
Self-locking gears prevent back driving and inertial driving, and they may find applications in a wide variety of industries. In load lifting devices it is necessary to use a pair of two identical or different parts for the motion transmission. Mostly the pairs used are worm-gear, belt-pulley, chain-pulley etc. The selection of appropriate pair depends on parameters such as space requirement, type of load to be handled, desired efficiency of the system. In Most of the cases the worm-gear pair is used because of higher efficiency, compactness and simple construction. It also exhibits the self-locking ability. self-locking also useful for safety of machine operators and prevent probable accidents due to falling of lifted load when power is off. In this self-locking system Left Hand(LH) Worm and Right Hand(RH) Worm are used for self-locking and model of LH and RH Worm are created in Unigraphix Nx-8.0 and imported in Ansys Workbench for analysis. Values of vonmises stress and theoretical stress are compared for safe design. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering(Design) |
India |
1025-1028 |
241 |
Analysis and Design Modification of Fuel Tank
-Mohd. Tanveer Akhtar
Fuel tank in an automobile is used as a reservoir for gasoline fuel which is used to propel the vehicle. The design of this fuel tank is of critical importance as it can lead to explosion if not designed properly. Also the capacity of the fuel tank plays an important role in deciding the range of the vehicle between fuel refills. In this project we are undertaking Design analysis and Modification of an existing a commercial passenger car’s fuel tank with consideration to ARAI Fuel tank specifications (AIS-095: 2007 Requirements for Metallic Fuel Tanks of Automotive Vehicles), the model of the car is “Maruti-800â€. All the commercial passenger cars available in India have to comply with the design and safety regulations put forth by Government of India to regularize the Automobile market through the Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI). These regulations also include the design requirement for fuel tank. Unless the fuel tank meets these requirements, it cannot be installed in an automobile. Thus the fuel tank we are investigating will be first analyzed for the existing design, once it is analyzed it will be modified either to reduce the weight of the tank or to increase the strength of the fuel tank or both. Once the primary analysis of the current design is completed, the subsequent modifications and changes in the design will be undertaken. Further the new design with modifications will be analyzed in compliance with ARAI regulations and it must comply with the same. Finally the modified design will be published through manufacturing drawing and project thesis. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1029-1032 |
242 |
Enhancement of Trajectory Mining for Map Pattern using GPS/GIS
-Rupali Honaji Asai
A new method has been introduced which determine and investigate the unknown hidden information of large object route data across the world (e.g. vehicle). GPS technology is used for calculating the geographic coordinates (i.e. latitude and longitude) to road names reflecting the related some semantic information which is transforms by this approach. One article is considered as a object movement that consist some hidden information like path name that enable the semantic study of huge object data sets as a article amounts. Textual area modeling techniques are used for invisible the themes like object covering area, are documented but in secure manner which is invisible for third party. In system there is an interactive visualization tools, like vehicle area maps, area routes, street clouds and parallel coordinates, to visualize the probability-based current information. Travelers, and drivers can carry out their mixture of knowledge discovery tasks with direct semantic and visual assists by using these visual analysis system. The use of Global Positioning System technology is that collecting the GPS trajectory data and visualize the map of any object moving in that trajectory. The system has been also used to show changes in position, speed, time and direction of object moving in particular path. These visual analytic system provides security which is more important for any person location and vehicle location. Geographic components in collected GPS data and visualizing it by mapping provides a complete view of any area where the object is moving. Some secure algorithms provide security to hidden information to a particular vehicle. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1033-1036 |
243 |
Performance Analysis of MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communication System using QAM Modulation Scheme
-Vipin Kumar ; Dr. Parveen Dhyani
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is expected to be enforced in future broadcasting and Wireless native space Network (WLAN) systems due to its strength in transmittal a high knowledge rate. With the speedy growth of digital communication in recent years, the want for high speed knowledge transmission is increased. OFDM could be a promising resolution for achieving high knowledge rates in mobile atmosphere, owing to its resistance to ISI that could be a common downside found in high speed digital communication. A multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication System combined with the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation technique can bring reliable high knowledge rate transmission over broadband wireless channels. This paper presents the style and implementation of MIMO-OFDM transceiver system for high speed Wireless Network Using MATLAB simulation. In this paper we tend to aim to investigate the impact of weakening channel on the performance of the MIMO- OFDM system with totally different code rate and modulation schemes affects the bit-error rates (BER). The performance of MIMO- OFDM is evaluated on the premise of various parameters. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1037-1039 |
244 |
Seismic Analysis of Multi-Storey RCC Building with Circular Shear Wall to Conventional Shear Wall
-Shaikh Faraz Mohammed Mushtaq ; G. B. Bhaskar; Vikrant Nair
In the seismic design of multi Storey RCC buildings, reinforced concrete structural walls or shear walls, act as major seismic force resisting members. Structural walls provide efficient lateral stiffness and offer great potential for lateral load resistance. The properties of these seismic shears are important to evaluate the seismic response of the walls. In this project, main focus is to compare the performance of circular shear wall to rectangular shear wall in multi storied RCC building. In this study, Shear-walls are oriented in three different positions for circular and rectangular types of shear walls. The structure is considered as OMRF (ordinary moment resisting frame) structure. The structures are compared on four different parameters namely joint displacement, axial force, bending moment and base shear. The response of bare frame structure (structure with no shear walls) in the analysis of joint displacement, axial force, bending moment and base shear is also considered in comparison to circular and rectangular shear walls. Effectiveness of shear wall has been studied with the help of seven different models. Seismic forces are applied to the structure of Ground+10-storeys located in zone-III. STAAD Pro V8i software is used for the analysis of structures. The structure is considered as public building. The load conditions are taken from IS 1893:2002 (Part 1). Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
1040-1046 |
245 |
Influence of Outrigger System in RC Structures for Different Seismic Zones
-Pradeep K M ; M R Suresh
construction of tall buildings has laid more challenges for engineers to meet the requirements with respect to the demand growth. In the recent trend of tall buildings, lateral loads due to wind or seismic action are resisted by a arrangement of coupled shear walls. But when the structure increases in height, the stiffness of the structure becomes more important and introduction of outrigger beams between the shear walls and exterior columns is more commonly used to give sufficient lateral stiffness to the structure. The outrigger system is one of the most commonly used lateral load resisting structural system as to mitigate the excessive drift due to lateral load in an effective manner. The analysis has been carried out to study the effect and performance of outrigger system in 30 story building. The outrigger system is provided at different levels along the height of the building by varying the relative stiffness. Loads are considered as per Indian Standards IS: 875(Part1)-1987 and IS: 1893(Part-1) - 2002. The analysis is done with Equivalent static method for different seismic zones. The modeling and analysis were performed using finite element software ETABS 9.7.4.It is infer that, with the increase in relative stiffness of the outrigger system, there is a decrease in lateral displacement and inter-story drift. Further there is increase in base shear of the structure with higher relative stiffness in all seismic zones. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1047-1050 |
246 |
Optimal Load Dispatch with Unit Commitment
-Anurag Mandal ; Ramjee Prasad Gupta
An efficient and economic power generation has always held an important position in the electric power industry. Operational Economics involving power generation and delivery can be subdivided as – Economic Load Dispatch and Unit Commitment. The main objective of Economic Load Dispatch is the process of allocating the required load demand between the available generation units such that the cost of generation is minimum. Furthermore, Unit Commitment is an optimization technique that determines the units that are feasible and should be committed over a period of time to serve the load demand at minimum operating cost, satisfying all plant and system constraints. The test system is also analyzed under 3-phase symmetrical fault with its effect on generation. There exist various UC scheduling algorithms among which my research work is based on Dynamic Programming method which is robust in nature, takes less computation time and includes plant constraints like start-up cost, fuel cost etc. The performance of Dynamic Programming method is further enhanced by adopting Sequential Combination – DP method which involves reduction in the dimensionality state of the solution space and faster computation speed. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is investigated on 26-Bus Multi Machine system consisting of six thermal generating units and is carried out using MATLAB. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1051-1060 |
247 |
Performance Comparison of AGFF & DDFF on Johnson Counter
-Nagendra Sah ; Himanshu Chaudhary
Power reduction is nowadays becoming the first consideration in VLSI design. Low power design is one of major concerns in deeply scaled CMOS technologies. Consequently, the need for power efficient design techniques has grown considerably. Several efficient design techniques have been proposed to reduce both dynamic as well as static power in VLSI circuit applications. Clock gating is one of the most elegant and classic techniques for reduction of dynamic power, major contributor in total power consumption of any VLSI circuit. Since clock signal have been a great source of power dissipation in synchronous circuits because of high frequency and load. So , by using clock gating one can save power by reducing unnecessary switching activity inside the gated module. In this paper two most popular techniques of clock gating are compared for their power saving performance, first is AGFF(Auto-gated FF) based and second is DDFF(Data driven flip flop) based. These designs are implemented using Cadence ADE(Analog design tool) and simulation results shows around 40% power saving using AGFFs and around 25-30% power saving using DDFFs. Read More...
Low power VLSI design |
India |
1061-1064 |
248 |
Emergency Hospital Services, Traffic Regulation with Centralized System using GPS and GSM Module
-Sai Chaitanya Dasari ; Y. Shikara; Manoj Rohit Vemparala
Now a days-accidents has become a routine thing and many people loosing there lifes.The GPS –GSM helps us in tracking your vehicles and monitoring your children and other things. Using this technology a centralized hospital system can be created with advanced features so that the hospitality service can be provided to the victim quickly and efficiently. This can be implemented by GPS and GSM module with control unit and will be powered up using battery source which is utilized efficiently. Couple of sensors also needed to notify the accident to the nearby hospital. In this paper we are going to see how a centralized hospital system is constructed to safeguard the accident victims. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
1065-1067 |
249 |
Performance of Plastic in Automotive Interiors
-Rajkumar Gadvi ; Shrikant Chaitanya
In automotive design, plastics have contributed to a multitude of innovations in safety, performance and fuel efficiency, but it requires never-ending research and improvement. The easiest and least expensive way to reduce the energy consumption and emissions of a vehicle is to reduce the weight of the vehicle. The ongoing development of advanced, high-performance polymers has dramatically increased their usage. Plastic solutions are presented in the car providing energy absorbing capabilities and therefore enhancing the safety performance. The thermoplastic structures in the interior serve purpose of absorbing impact energy while providing aesthetics and other functionality. Originally plastics were specified because they offered good mechanical properties combined with excellent appearance, including the possibility of self-coloring. Plastics are used mainly to make cars more energy efficient by reducing weight, together with providing durability, corrosion resistance, toughness, design flexibility, resiliency and high performance at low cost. Read More...
Automotive Engineering |
India |
1068-1072 |
250 |
Network Embedded Online Disaster Management for Ossified Networks
-Manjunath Singh.H ; C K Hemantharama; Jaya Krishna
Network management against security, reliability, and performance attacks is an integral part of building dependable, high-performance network services. In tradition networks, the management practices take mainly remote approaches to manage with the ossified network infrastructure [1]. However, since Managing disaster events that occur within the network by the remote management system on the network is the problem. Which are often accumulated and enlarged, and the analysis is delayed, inaccurate, unreliable, and not scalable. Although a Many embedded approaches exists, they are costly and limited to the vendor specific applications [2]. So, to overcome these problems, Software-Defined Networking Solutions has been proposed in order to enable flexible network control plane. There is very little research on on-line management against network disaster. We propose a globally deployable Network Embedded On-line Disaster (NEOD) management framework for SDNs. NEOD addresses important network management issues including agility, accuracy, reliability, and scalability. We have identified critical network disaster management metrics to adaptively support versatile application requests on SDNs. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1073-1075 |