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301 |
Performance Investigation of Commercially Available Corrugated Plate Heat Exchanger (PHE) using Nanomaterial in Base Fluid
-Rakesh Nandkumar Lipare ; Prof.S M Shaikh
The plate heat exchanger concept, with flow-through channels formed by corrugated plates and the heat transfer taking place through the thin plates, is an extremely efficient heat exchange technique. The objective of this paper is investigating performance of Plate Heat Exchanger using Al2O3 nanomaterial in water and finding out overall heat transfer coefficient of a commercially available gasketed plate heat exchanger using modified Wilson plot technique. Experimentation was done on a commercially available PHE. 1% Al2O3 Nanofluid and Water was used as a working fluid for both hot and cold sides respectively. Maintaining the hot and cold inlet temperature constant, mass flow rate of water at the inlet of hot and cold sides were changed. Temperature at the outlet of hot and cold sides were measured each time and tabulated. Reynolds numbers was maintained between 500Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1292-1295 |
302 |
Minimum Transmission Leach Protocol (MTLP) For WSN
-Rajni Rani ; Gagan Kumar
Wireless sensor networks have recently attracted significant attention for many military and civil applications, such as target tracking, surveillance and security management. Wireless sensors nodes have limited energy resources and are usually deployed in environments where recharging or replacement of the battery is either impossible or too costly. Therefore, energy resources for wireless sensor networks should be managed wisely to extend the lifetime of networks. There are several number of energy efficient protocols which have been used to prolong the network lifetime of the wireless sensor networks. These protocols can further be improved to achieve better results. In this paper, “Minimum Transmission LEACH Protocol†for wireless sensor networks is proposed. The fundamental concept of this protocol is that there is a pre-defined radius around the Base Station (located at centre), some nodes are inside the radius and others are outside the radius. Cluster Heads which are outside the radius find the nearest Cluster Head which is inside the radius and send data to it. Then these inside Cluster Heads aggregate the data and send it to the Base Station. The proposed scheme is compared against LEACH protocol. Simulations have been conducted to evaluate these protocols and favorable results are obtained. Our results show that MTLP improves network lifetime by an order of magnitude compared with LEACH. Read More...
Computer science engineering |
India |
1296-1300 |
303 |
Experimental Study of Photovoltaic Energy Storages System with Self-Regulating Power Control
-Rajendra Kumar Kevat ; Prof. A. K. Kori
Energy storage systems such as batteries are applied to grid-connected residential PV systems for maximum power shaving. This paper presents the analysis of a static conversion of power for treatment of the solar energy from photovoltaic panels. These systems are connected with the mains power supply, contributing to the generation of the electrical energy. The power structure is composed by a direct converter. The main features of the system are simple control strategy, robustness, and lower harmonic distortion of the current and natural isolation. Read More...
Electrical Engi. |
India |
1301-1303 |
304 |
A Reviw on AGC of Interconnected Power System using Integral Controller
-Munish Jindal ; Gaurav Gangil
The focus on power quality problems has recently become one of the important issues in power system due to fast industrialization and extensive use of nonlinear loads with varying distortion at ac mains. Poor power factor and voltage drop at the load terminals along with other power quality problems such as harmonics, unbalanced loads have considerable effect on the other connected consumer loads. Harmonics currents produce voltage distortion at PCC (Point of Common Coupling), resonance with source impedance and excessive power losses in supply lines. There are various control algorithms in time and frequency domain for extraction of harmonics components from distorted signals. The facts devices such as STATCOM (Static Compensator) has taken a considerable lead for harmonics suppression, load balancing and reactive power compensation in PFC (Power Factor Correction) as well as ZVR (Zero Voltage Regulation) modes at PCC. The algorithm to find the optimal location of STATCOM based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) has been developed. The effect of this device on line flows and bus voltage profile has been studied by Newton-Rapshon method placing STATCOM at random location and placing them optimally with optimal ratings dictated by PSO. The effectiveness of developed algorithm has been tested on IEEE 14 bus and IEEE 30 bus systems using MATLAB 7.1.0 software. The results obtained are quite encouraging and will be useful in electrical restructuring. Read More...
Power System |
India |
1304-1308 |
305 |
Online Conductivity, Temperature and Ph Value Calculation System of Water by using Communication Interface
-Saritha C V ; G. Naraynaswamy
Water is the main component of the human existence, the hardness present in the water does not pose a health risk because hard water contains calcium and magnesium, it can help to get the average daily requirement in our diet, But water can be nuisance due to the mineral buildup on plumbing fixture and poor soap and detergent performance. It often causes aesthetic problems, such as alkali taste to the water that makes coffee taste bitter and other, buildup of scale on pipes and fixtures than can lead to lower water pressure and some other problems. A PH valve of 7 means a substance is neutral. The lower value indicates acidity and a higher value is a sign of alkalinity. Different environment saving organizations are trying to protect the environment from the harmful effect of the effluent and the main aim project is to digital display for displaying different parameters like conductivity, temperature measurement and PH value of the water. Read More...
Digital Electronics and Communication Systems |
India |
1309-1310 |
306 |
Experimental Studies on Ballistic Performance of Glass Laminates
-B. Kshetra Mohan ; Dr. S. Gajanana; K. Mogulanna
Fiber glass reinforced composites are employed as armor grade materials in many protective applications because of their good energy absorption, high specific strength and low density. One of such unique class of armor composites is E-Glass / phenolic composites. In the present study, physico-mechanical properties of these laminates have been evaluated as per standard methods and subsequently these composites of various thicknesses are subjected to ballistic impact of low velocity soft projectiles at varying angles of impact. Energy absorptions in terms of fractional kinetic energy are calculated experimentally and analyzed. Failure analysis of ballistic resistant glass laminates is discussed. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1311-1315 |
307 |
Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Beam
-Vikram Patil ; Kiran Malipatil
The Analysis of Rectangular Prestressed beam is carried out in this context, which is simply supported at the ends and centrally loaded . The analysis has been carried out using application of Finite Element Analysis in ANSYS 12.1.Material Properties are assigned accordingly for different elements based on their structural behaviour that is linear or non-linear for concrete and steel respectively. Various Physical parameters namely stress, deflection, etc are computed by altering shape and position of tendons in beams and the results obtained are compared and validated with hand calculations. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1316-1318 |
308 |
Evaluation of RC Frame Building under Seismic Loading and Base Isolation
-Arvind S.Munoli ; Dr. M S Kalappa
Earthquake causes major loss of life and at the same time they also cause huge economic impact in the regions affected. If we look at the recent earthquake that has occurred in and around the world, one can easily highlight the structural inadequacy to withstand seismic forces. Therefore there is an urgent need for assessment of existing buildings which do not fulfil seismic requirement and suffer severe damage under seismic ground motion and also the new structures to be constructed. The aim of evaluating and assessing such buildings is to make them more seismic resistant with the help of techniques like seismic retrofitting and base isolation. This paper presents nonlinear static analysis technique for performance evaluation of 4-storey reinforced concrete residential building subjected to earthquake loading. The performance of the reinforced concrete building is evaluated in terms of maximum base shear, maximum displacement, performance point and sequence of plastic hinge formation. The building considered for analysis is an existing RC residential building located in Mysore designed only for gravity loads as per IS code. The seismic resistance of the building is determined by performing response spectrum analysis and static nonlinear analysis for uniform loading. The building is found that it has more capacity than demand and permissible displacement in Mysore zone hence it does not collapse. Further the push over analysis is carried out for different types of soils and zones and the performance of the building is studied. Base isolation technique is also adopted for 4 storey building. Comparison of results like base shear, time period have been made between the buildings with isolation and without isolation. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1319-1321 |
309 |
Ground Level Assessment of Sustainability of Clean Development Mechanism Project in Maharashtra - Case Study
-Juheb M. Gavandi ; Pranay R. Khare
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) was developed as a way to help Annex I or the industrialized countries invest in projects in developing countries to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in compliance with the targets set by the Kyoto Protocol. This mechanism would also help developing countries, like India achieve sustainable development. India is one of the most popular developing country for CDM projects because of its GHG emission reduction potential, acceptable investment climate and CDM related organizational apparatus. Thus, India is the focus of this research paper. A case study analysis of one CDM project has been carried out based on the site visit information and actual data. The analysis is done by developing evaluative framework for ground level assessment of the CDM project. The actual site data is compared with the PDD of project in order to measure the actual developmental benefits delivered on the ground by the project. The research results indicate that environmental and social sustainability are more satisfactorily addressed than the economic sustainability of projects. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1322-1325 |
310 |
L- Band Multilayered Microstrip Low - Pass Filter Based On Split - Ring Resonators
-Anish Kumar Gupta ; Bimal Garg
Size reduction, lower cost and improved performance are the keen interest in the field of Microwave components in recent years. In this paper a new multilayered Microstrip low pass filter is designed keeping all above factors in mind. To improve the performance of the filter, square split ring resonators are fabricated on the top layer while low pass filter is designed in middle layer. In this work a new multilayered Microstrip low pass filter based on SRR with cut off frequency 2GHz is presented .The Metamaterial has the advantage of compact size with ability to provide improved performance. A comparison between a simple Microstrip low pass filter with a new modified design of multilayered Microstrip low pass filter based on split ring resonator has been done. The return loss has improved significantly both in pass band and stop band. Read More...
Electronis |
India |
1326-1328 |
311 |
Secret Digital Image Sharing by Various Image Media using NVSS Scheme
-P.Praveen.Kumar ; Satish.B.N
Secure digital image sharing is a new concept of providing security to digital images. Now a day’s security is most important issue. So this project gives an idea about the sharing digital image in different medias without affecting its privacy. Conventional visual secret sharing (VSS) technique hides secret images in shares. The images may be either printed on transparencies or are encoded and stored in a digital form. The shares can be appear as noise-like pixels or as meaningful images, but it will cause intuition and increase interception risk during transmission of the shares. Hence, VSS schemes suffer from a transmission risk problem for the secret itself and for the participants who are involved in the VSS scheme. To overcome this problem, we proposed a natural image based VSS scheme (NVSS scheme) that shares secret images via various carrier media to protect the secret and the participants during the transmission phase. The proposed (n, n) - NVSS scheme can share one digital secret image over n-1 arbitrary selected natural images (called natural shares) and one noise-like share. The natural shares can be photos or hand-painted pictures in digital form or in printed form. The noise-like share is generated based on these natural shares and the secret image. The unaltered natural shares are many and harmless, thus greatly reducing the transmission risk problem. We also propose possible ways to hide the noise-like share to reduce the transmission risk problem for the share. The results indicate that the proposed approach is an excellent solution for solving the transmission risk problem for the VSS schemes. Read More...
Digital Signal Processing |
India |
1329-1336 |
312 |
Design and Implementation of Efficient Authentication Agent to Reduce Number of Hops in VANETS
-Ramling Halmandge ; Jeevan J; Pushpalatha S; Satish B Basapur
Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is a network built among vehicles. Vehicular ad hoc network is attaining importance as it enhances the safety of passenger and also provides extra services which are useful to user. The key factor for success of VANETs lies in its mobility. VANETs are utilized by many users hence there is a need to provide authentication and authorization. PMIPv6 provides efficiently authentication and authorization. But it suffers from man in middle attack. It also impedes localized advantage due to long distance delivery. Billing is also a important issue in VANET which has been not focused in past. VANET is a network made up of different users hence it is difficult to motivate users to cooperate for data transmission. This project provides authentication in faster manner by making use of mutual authentication. It provides effective billing scheme. It motivates each vehicle in VANET to participate in transmitting data by providing incentive to them. It prevents the man in middle attack with the help of encryption. It uses a Proxy server which reduces the number of hops required to transmit the data. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
1337-1342 |
313 |
Design and Development of Flywheel to Recover Kinetic Energy from Two Wheel Vehicles
-Patil S. B. ; Patil Ajit Lagamgonda ; Patil Omkar Ramgonda
To increase continuity of motion and smooth operation of small vehicles like bicycles, mopeds, bikes recovery of kinetic energy can be useful. By using kinetic energy recovery devices like flywheels or governors kinetic energy can be recovered from bicycles, mopeds, bikes. In this project a flywheel is designed and developed and mounted on a bicycle. This flywheel is attached to bicycle with the help of chain. When pedals are operated bicycle moves forward as well as additional energy is stored in flywheel in the form of kinetic energy. This attached flywheel will increase efficiency of bicycle mechanism as well as it will reduce the effort required to drive bicycle on terrain and bumpy roads. As in conventional designs of such a small vehicles there is no provision of flywheel or any other kinetic energy recovery system, large part of this kinetic energy is remained unrecovered. Hence there is a possibility to increase efficiency of these vehicles by using flywheels. The aim of this paper is to develop a bicycle which will work on the principle of kinetic energy recovery. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1343-1345 |
314 |
Character Association and Path Analysis in Recombinant Inbred Line Population of the Cross JL 24 X ICG 13919 in Groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea L.)
-Dondapadmaja ; Padmaja, D; Eswari KB
The present study was undertaken to study the correlation coefficients among yield contributing traits and late leaf spot score at 75, 90 and 102 DAS with their path effects towards pod yield were investigated in RIL population of groundnut cross JL 24 X ICG 13919 during Kharif 2010. The studies on phenotypic and genotypic correlation coefficients revealed that pod yield per plant had strong positive correlation with number of mature pods per plant, immature pods per plant, total pods per plant, mature seed per plant, immature seeds per plant, hundred seed weight, shelling per cent and haulm weight per plant indicating that improvement of these characters will lead to improvement in yield. Whereas significant negative correlation with LLS disease score at 75 and 90 DAS. Among these characters, number of mature seeds per plant manifested maximum positive direct effect towards the pod yield per plant followed by total pods per plant and haulm weight per plant and other characters had high indirect effects through number mature pods per plant and mature seeds per plant. This suggested that emphasis should be given to number of mature pods per plant, total number of pods per plant, mature seeds per plant and haulm weight per plant in selection for high yielding lines in groundnut. It was observed that selection for these traits would be useful in the genetic improvement of these traits. Read More...
Agriculture |
India |
1346-1351 |
315 |
A Survey Paper on String Matching
-Minal Suthar ; Amit Patel; Shivali Shah
String matching is a valuable problem in computer science. String matching is the problem of finding all occurrences of a pattern within a text. String matching algorithms are used to display the search result, when we do search for a string in any notepad-word pad file, browser or database. This paper provides an overview of different string matching algorithms, such as Naive algorithm, Rabin-Karp algorithm, Boyer-Moore algorithm, Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1352-1354 |
316 |
Experimental Study of SIFCON Produced By Low Tensile Strength Steel Fiber
-Rakesh Kumar Chaudhary ; Raghvendra Gupta
Slurry Infiltrated Fibrous Concrete (SIFCON) is a special type of fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) which have large amount of fiber. FRC contain fiber only 2% to 5% by volume of cube because of balling and clustering problem but in SIFCON we can use fiber from 5 to 20 % of volume of cube. In this research work we are going to use 6%, 12% and 18% of steel fiber by volume of 150mm× 150mm × 150mm cube to find out the maximum strength and compare it with the strength of normal concrete by using the grade of M30 at the days of 7days, 14days &28 days. For this purpose 27 cube of SIFCON and nine controlled cube of M30 grade were casted. This research therefore is an investigation of the performance of the concrete made of 6%, 12% & 18% of steel fiber. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1355-1357 |
317 |
Efficient Fault Detection and Correction in Memory Application
-K.Jayasheeli ; Sajitha.S; Jensi dhanakiruba.D; Gokila.S; Abarna.I
The single event upset (SEU), is an unintentional change of state in circuit element of any microelectronic device such as ASICs, and memory application. In this paper, error detection and correction in memory devices using MLDD (majority logic decoder/detector) method with cyclic redundancy check codes (CRC) is introduced. The MLDD is most suitable for memory application due to their large number of error correcting capability. The MLDD detects, whether a word has errors in the first iteration of the decoding, when there are no errors in the decoding end without completing the rest of the iteration. In view of most words in a memory the average decoding time is greatly reduced with error free data. In this paper presents an application of cyclic redundancy check (CRC). The CRC is very effective for error detection in memory devices and digital network. In this technique, this makes the minimal power consumption with quite overhead of memory usage. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
1358-1361 |
318 |
Survivable Hybrid Wireless-Optical Broadband Access Networks In A Single Segment Failure
-Mahe Mubeen Akhtar. D ; Mr. C. R Nataraj
Hybrid wireless optical network is gaining popularity because of its wireless features. In WOBAN, the wired part of the access network is replaced with a wireless connectivity Wired router is replaced with wireless router in the network. In a typical network setup, WOBAN consist of servers, optical network unit (ONU), optical line terminal (OLT), routers and node. Back end network of WOBAN is wired optical network and the front end is wireless. Survivability of WOBAN is an important issue. A single segment failure in WOBAN is a scenario where ONU are disconnected with OLT which will lead to large data loss and inconvenience to the users. We are proposing an optimised scheme called optimizing back up ONUs selection and back up fiber deployment (OBOF) to provide survivability of WOBAN in a segment failure. In OBOF scheme simulated annealing algorithm is used for optimising the selection of back up ONU. Enhanced greedy algorithm is used for optimising the fibre layout and channel capacity utilisation. Implementation is done using JAVA Read More...
Network and Internet Engineering |
India |
1362-1365 |
319 |
Routing Algorithm
-N.Poornima ; S.Gowri; R.Abinaya
Routing protocol are used to find the set of optimal paths from source to a given destination that is, it is used to select the best path in a network. Then it explains about the various types of the routing protocol and how these protocols are implemented in various kinds like RIP, OSPF,BGP4, multicast distance vector, etc. These are mainly differentiated into unicast and multicast routing protocol. In a routing protocol the internet becomes so large and thus it uses a concept called AS(Autonomous System) which are used for divide the internet into smaller regions and thus the paper is fully discussed briefly about the concepts of routing protocol. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1366-1370 |
320 |
Evaluation of the Kinematic Behavior of a Ball of the Ball Bearing
-Santosh Kumar ; Dr.G. D. Mehta; Prof. Sonam V. Sontakke
Reduction of friction in rotating parts of machine component is very important. Ball bearings are very commonly used in machine elements. They are employed to permit rotary motion of, or about, shafts in simple commercial devices such as bicycles, roller skates and electric motors. They are also used in complex engineering mechanisms such as aircraft gas turbines, rolling mills, dental drills, gyroscopes and power transmissions. The motion of the ball and inner race may look to be simple rotation but, after a deep observation it is seen that there is a relative motion between them. Statically and dynamically loaded bearings are studied and the deformations of the ball are discussed. It is very inevitable for engineers and designers to understand these differences, time lag, deformations of ball and the stresses thereafter. The effect on the velocity and acceleration of the ball by varying contact angle and speed of rotation of shaft is also tabulated. The research may be further carried out to understand the stresses for complete rotation of the ball. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1371-1374 |
321 |
A Survey on Design Procedure and Performance of the Different Types of Fractal Antenna
-Mohit Kumar Singh ; Dr. B.S.Rai; Om Kumar Singh
In this paper we had explained the design procedure of the various types of fractal antennas and in the end we had done the performance analysis of the different types of fractal antenna i.e. Sierpinski fractal, Koch fractal (square Koch and triangular koch) and Giuseppe Peano fractal. We had analyzed the return loss, resonance frequency and the gain parameter of the different fractal antenna. A microstrip line feed have been used to excite the different types of fractals. These papers demonstrate the design procedure of various fractal antennas to be used in field of radar, also for the communication process. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
1375-1377 |
322 |
Solar Photovoltaic Panels Tracking System
-D.Nagesh ; M.Ramesh
Solar energy systems have emerged as a viable source of renewable energy over the past two or three decades, and are now widely used for a variety of industrial and domestic applications. Such systems are based on a solar collector, designed to collect the sun’s energy and to convert it into either electrical power or thermal energy. In general, the power developed in such applications depends fundamentally upon the amount of solar energy captured by the collector, and thus the problem of developing tracking schemes capable of following the trajectory of the sun throughout the course of the day on a year-round basis has received significant coverage in this project. It was shown that the amount of solar energy captured by a tilted collector could be increased by more than 40% by adjusting the tilt angle on a seasonal basis. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1378-1382 |
323 |
A Review on Sensor Less Indirect Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drives using Reactive Power Based MRNLAS Speed Estimator
-Chetla Harikrishna ; Dr. Manisha Dubey; Vana Srinivas
This paper presents a speed estimator using Reactive power based Model Reference Neural Learning Adaptive System (RP-MRNNAS).And the speed estimator will be used in sensor less indirect vector controlled induction motor drive applications. The Model Reference Adaptive System is one of the methods to estimate speed. It estimates speed based on difference between two reactive powers obtained from Model Reference Adaptive System. The Adaptive system uses neural learning algorithm for adaption in reactive power equations. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1383-1385 |
324 |
Seismic Response of Structure on Different Types of Soil
-Roshni K. Borade ; Dr. Mrs. N. R. Dhamge
Soil is one of the most important engineering materials. When a structure is placed on a foundation consisting of soil, the loads from the structure cause the soil to be stressed. The two most important requirements for the stability and safety of the structure are firstly, the deformation, especially the vertical deformation, called ‘settlement’ of the soil, should not be excessive and must be within tolerable or permissible limits. And secondly, the shear strength of the foundation soil should be adequate to withstand the stresses induced. This project aims to study the seismic response of structure on different types of soil. All the Civil Engineering structures, ultimately rest on the soil. They transfer their whole load to the soil, so we have to construct the foundations to retain these structures. In case of the hard soil having sufficient strength we can provide the shallow foundations. If we know the strength of the soil then we can decide which type of foundation is to be used. If the soil is weak in strength then we have to provide the deep foundations like pile foundation, well foundation etc. A RCC building of G+10, G+15, and G+20 storeys with floor height 3.2m constructed on hard, medium and soft soil subjected to earthquake loading in Zone II, III, IV and V has been considered for analysis. In this regard, STAAD Pro V8i software has been considered as a tool to perform. Effect of different types of soil on RCC structure is analysed. Displacements, axial forces and bending moments along X and Z direction are calculated for four different columns. Maximum base Shear along X and Z direction is also calculated. Read More...
India |
1386-1390 |
325 |
-Harika DP ; Bhargav N; Poojashree M
The paper represents the concept of new emerging technology called Claytronics. This paper introduces a new branch of technology, the programmable matter. Claytronics combines modular robotics, system nanotechnology and computer science to create 3-D objects that a user can interact with. This idea is basically termed as programmable matter. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1391-1394 |
326 |
A Review on Image Encryption Technique
-Sunita Devi
Cryptography is a process used for sending information in secret way. Goal of this process is to provide protection for information. There are many algorithms exist for this process. For cryptography there are algorithms like RSA, AES, and DES but here we are using only RSA algorithm which is used Encryption and Decryption key. Encryption is one way to ensure good security from unauthorized access in many fields like military communication and medical sciences[1].Image encryption, which basically has two stages: 1) In first stage, each pixel of image is converted to its equivalent eight bit binary number and in that eight bit number, the number of bits, which are equal to the length of password are rotated and then reversed; 2) In second stage, extended hill cipher technique is applied by using involutory matrix, which is generated by same password used in second stage of encryption to make it more secure[3]. Read More...
India |
1395-1397 |
327 |
Computer Aided Diagnosis of Stroke from Brain CT Images
-Arbaaz Zahoor
This paper presents an automated method to detect and classify an abnormality into infarct and hemorrhagic or normal in brain CT images. Firstly, the original image is converted into gray scale and noise is removed by median filter. Then skull regions are removed by a morphological function. Image is classified into infarct or hemorrhagic stroke or normal image based on features from gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM), mean, standard deviation and area. The abnormality contained hemisphere is also detected based on these features. The different brain parts are segmented by using modified canny edge detection method. Histogram-based thresholding method is applied to extract region of interest (i.e., abnormality) from the parts of brain. The accuracy of the classification results can be compared with the specialists’ decision. The results are segmented images for abnormal region and its abnormal type. Experiments done on real CT images show the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed classification method. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
1398-1402 |
328 |
Fibre-Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete
-Deepak Kumar ; Arvinder Singh
Over the last few decades, the astonishing developments of super plasticizers technology allowed great achievements on the conception of concrete mixes exhibiting self-compacting ability. Since the eighties, some methodologies have been proposed to achieve self-compacting requirements in fresh concrete mixes, based on the evaluation of the flowing properties of these mixes. This study was composed of three parts. The first part was based on the design of SCC and FR-SCC with locally available materials of Fly ash in addition to chemical additives. The second part was based on studying the effects of using different percentages of steel fibers on SCC by testing the fresh properties of SCC and FR-SCC matrix such as slump flow, L-box, V-funnel and U-box test. The third part was dealing with the comparison of hardened properties of SCC and FR-SCC mixes such as compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, flexural strength. The results have shown that the addition of fibers improves the compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, and depending on the w/c ratio and admixture content better workability can be obtained for FR-SCC. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1403-1405 |
329 |
Is Six Sigma an Effective Tool: A Review
-Jatin Kumar ; Sultana; S K Garg; Pardeep Rana
In era of rivalry and monetary turbulence, all types of organizations are trying to improve customer satisfaction, quality, profit and their efficiency by uses of minimum resources. In this context, Six Sigma is a powerful world class improvement tool that enables companies to use simple but powerful statistical methods to define, measure, analyze, improve and control (DMAIC) processes for achieving operational excellence. In this paper we review 1998 to 2015 research paper and case studies on Six Sigma in different sectors and analyzed the effectiveness of Six Sigma in different sector. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1406-1409 |
330 |
Survey on Influence in Social Networking
-Poornima.N ; Gowri
A social network is defined as a social structure of individuals, who are related (directly or indirectly to each other) based on a common relation of interest, e.g. friendship, trust, etc. Data mining, a technique used to extract information from large databases can be used for social network analysis includes. In this paper we talk about data mining and its applications including social network analysis. Social network plays a major part in our current day to day lives. And like every other entity, it has its pros and cons that are discussed briefly. Various models and algorithms can be used to analyze the influence of social networks. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1410-1412 |
331 |
Distributed Database System: Security Issues
-Amitkumar Thakorbhai Solanki
The distributed systems become more use full and user friendly, the need for correcting in distributed database system. The main factor of distribute database systems are single and multiple access controls, protection against user data, inference and maintenance of data integrity need to access different data from database that is why it create some concurrency issues and many security threats. In this paper will examine the features of the distributed database system and teach the task of distributed database system guide us to make a strongly design. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1413-1416 |
332 |
ANSYS Analysis of Wind Powered Car Rotor Blade
-Pandya Jay N.
This Wind Turbine will be mounted at the topof the car so that the wind strikes the blades of the turbine, thus generating power that can be used to charge the batteries of an automobile. The Finite element analysis of designed blade of wind powered car turbine rotor is done in ANSYS. This work is focused on the root segments of blade, shaft segment and transition segment. Result obtained from ANSYS is compared with the previous experimental work. Read More...
Automobile Engineering |
India |
1417-1419 |
333 |
Calculation of Reactive Gyroscopic Couple Due To Wheels
-Krishna K Shah
We saw a general problem in industry for transporting the goods from one to other location is ineffective. Here a vehicle this can transport goods and people quickly within any limitations. Vehicle can run on a single track and balancing problem is solved by gyroscope. From this invention we can save time and the cost of transportation in industry. This vehicle can effectively use in small and medium scale industries. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1420-1421 |
334 |
Heat Transfer in Nanofluids
-Parmar Mehul D.
Suspended nanoparticles in basic fluids, called Nano fluids. Nano fluid will enhance the thermal conductivity of fluid. This increase of thermal conductivity of fluid was surprising and cannot be determine by existing theories. Nano -sized particle-fluid suspensions exhibit no such drastically increase in thermal efficiency. This article presents review of these studies and suggests a direction for future development. The review and suggestions will be useful because the material in this area is sprinkled over a wide range of branches. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1422-1424 |
335 |
Fabrication of Device for Generation of Energy using Two Stage Mechanical Oscillators
-Chaudhari Rakesh V.
The purpose of this project is to explain the practical functioning of two-stage mechanical oscillator, i.e. to demonstrate the possibility of practically generation of excess energy in the form of electrical energy by using two-stage mechanical oscillator. Our object is to develop such mechanism which is used in hand pump for rural application with minimum investment. The project would discuss the dynamics of the body when a gravitational force acts upon it. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1425-1427 |
336 |
Stress Analysis on Base Plate
-Agrawal Mehul A.
This project aims study on base plate located at base of tank, which is filled with milk. The plate contains a circular hole presently. Stress analysis for different hole geometry has been done. In addition, different materials are utilized for base plate fabrication and best material is evaluated based on strength and corrosion resistance. The results based on analytical solution are compared with the results obtained using finite element methods by utilizing ANSYS software. The main objective of this study is to demonstrate the effect of various shaped cut-out in plate and also its effects in different materials. In addition, effect of cut-out geometry (circular, square, rectangle, triangular special cut-outs), material properties (isotropic and orthotropic), fiber angles, and cut-out curvature are considered to observe the behavior of plate. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1428-1432 |
337 |
Heat Transfer Analysis of Louver-fin Radiator and Plain-fin Radiator
-Musafir Sumeet Kamaldeepbhai ; Mistry Hiral Bhikhubhai
Louvered fins constitute a major method of heat transfer enhancement. For evaluating the worthiness of such fins it is significant to compare the plain and louvered fins considering the heat transfer and pressure drop. So far the tubular construction was more satisfactory but now a days louvered fins are being employed for the duty. The present paper Intends to compare the performance of plain and louvered fins for automobile radiators. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1433-1434 |
338 |
Study the Sedentary Behavior among Indian Employees And Students
-Sepaldeep Singh Dhaliwal ; Dr. Jagjit Singh Randhawa; Dr. Parveen Kalra
Over the past 25 years, sitting have become more and more prevalent in the office work environment. Prolonged sitting leads to various health issues thus leading to discomfort and decrease in productivity. To tackle prolonged sitting culture researchers are researching on sit-stand workstations. Previous studies showed that there is evidence on reduction in musculoskeletal discomfort with use of sit-stand posture associated with prolonged sitting. The online survey carry out in this study confirmed that there is lack of awareness of sit-stand workstations in India, there is need of alternative to reduce worker discomfort without tumbling productivity. Organizations must take both into account when crafting a strategy and guidelines for optimizing movement in the workplace. There is need of ergonomic workshops at Indian institutes and organizations to make people ergonomically aware. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1435-1439 |
339 |
Analysis of Friction Stir Welding Parameters of Aluminium Alloy
-Satyendra Kumar Yadav ; Dr. S C Jayswal; Mr. R B Prasad
The aim of present study is to analyze the effect of mechanical properties of friction stir welded butt joint of 6061 aluminium alloy plates in 5 mm thickness. With this aim, welds are produced using high carbon steel tool, having cylindrical pin of 6 mm diameter and shoulder of 20 mm diameter. Vicker’s Micro hardness tests are done in transverse direction of weld to check the hardness distribution in weld nugget. Transverse tensile tests are performed to evaluate the weakest portion of weld joints and transverse impact tests are performed to evaluate the toughness of the weld. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1440-1442 |
340 |
Dynamic Behavior of Rotor Bearing System
-Dharmendra Kumar ; Sweeti Garhewal; Prof. U.K.Joshi
Rotating machinery is becoming faster and lightweight due to the advanced technologies made in engineering and materials sciences. It is required them to run for longer periods of time. The high speed rotor bearing system often shows unpredictable dynamic response due to manufacturing defects. As it is not possible to produce perfect surface even with the best available machine tools. The radial and axial clearance provided in the design of bearings to compensate for thermal expansion, can be a source of vibrations and introduce nonlinearity in the dynamic system. Using vibration analysis, the condition of a machine can be periodically monitored. The main objective of this paper is to study the vibration characteristics of rotor equipped with long journal bearings placed at both ends. Besides the non-linear forces of the lubricated pairs, a non-linear elastic, damped coupling was assumed between the bearings and the rotor pedestal. Rotating speed is used as the control parameter to observe various forms of vibrations. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1443-1445 |
341 |
Efficient Tenable To Data Storage and Integrity Verification in Cloud Computing
-J.Velmurugan ; S.K.Manigandan; D.Ramya
Using cloud storage, users can remotely store their data and enjoy the on-demand high-quality applications and services from a shared pool of configurable resources available over the cloud, without the need for the client to maintain local data storage. However in cloud computing, since the data is stored anywhere across the globe, the client organization has less control over the stored data. The proposed application or software will provide data integrity verification by using Merkle Hash algorithm and provide encryption/decryption using AES algorithm. With the character of low maintenance, cloud computing provides an efficient solution for sharing resources available in the cloud. But sharing data in a multi-owner group has to provide security to the data stored in order to prevent unauthorized access by data users. In this paper, we propose secure data storage with enhanced third party auditing scheme for dynamic multi owner groups in the cloud. Finally Load balancing scheme is used to retrieve the data from cloud in order to minimize overhead of cloud server. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1446-1449 |
342 |
E-Governance through Cloud Computing
-Mr.Dhrumil Soni
With the evolution Information and communication technology (ICT), the mechanism of governance has change. E-governance has evolve has a powerful tool to bring in transparency, reduce corruption and increase administrative efficiency. The movement received compliments with the evolution of cloud-computing technology. The concept of cloud computing becomes important for each government to facilitate its way of work, increasing its productivity and all that leading to cost savings. Strategy of implementation differs from nation to nation for adoption of cloud computing. In this paper, we briefly analyze the India’s initiative of implementing cloud computing technique “MeghRaj†and issues’ pertaining to it. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1450-1455 |
343 |
Web Usage Mining to Discover Visitor Group with Common Behavior using DBSCAN Clustering Algorithm
-Viraj Arvindbhai Prajapati ; Jayna Mehta
Web Usage Mining is application of data mining techniques to discover interesting usage patterns from Web data, in order to understand and better serve the needs of Web-based applications. Analyzing data through web usage mining can help effective Web site management, creating adaptive Web sites, business and support services, personalization, and network traffic flow analysis and so on. The aim of this paper is to emphasize on finding visitor group with common behavior from web log file of website. Web usage mining includes three phases namely preprocessing, pattern discovery and pattern analysis. Web Log file is considered as input here. This paper gives detailed description of how data from Web Log file are used for finding visitor’s having common behavior using DBSCAN clustering algorithm. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1456-1459 |
344 |
Cloud Computing
-Arpita Jagdishbhai Mistry
“Cloud†computing – a relatively recent term, builds on decades of research in virtualization, distributed computing, utility computing, and more recently networking, web and software services. It implies a service oriented architecture, reduced information technology overhead for the end-user, great flexibility, reduced total cost of ownership, on-demand services and many other things. This paper discusses the concept of “cloud†computing, some of the issues it tries to address, related research topics, and a “cloud†implementation available today. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1460-1462 |
345 |
Data Warehousing and Application of Data Mining In Whether Forecasting
-Bhumi Dilipbhai Patel ; Chavan Hemlata P.
In that process briefly included what the exact use of data mining & data warehousing. “A one way we can explain the data warehouse is the single, complete and consistent store of dataâ€. “It is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, and nonvolatile collection of data in support of management’s decision-making processâ€. A variety of different sources made available to end users in a what they can understand and use in a business context. “Data mining is the automatic discovery of relationship in typically large databases and, in some instances, the use of discovery results in predicting relationshipsâ€. Data mining system allowing the user to interact with system by specifying a data mining query or task providing information. There are many applications of data warehousing and data mining. Just like Marketing, Finance, Health care, Manufacturing, Commerce and trade, planning, Resource planning, Public Administration, Data Mining on the Web, Fraud detection, wheather forecasting. Out of them in our process we can studied weather forecasting. Most importantly, it adapts readily to produce the long-horizon forecasts of relevance in weather derivatives contexts. We produce and evaluate both point and distributional forecasts of average temperature, with some success. We conclude that additional inquiry into nonstructural weather forecasting methods, as relevant for weather derivatives, will likely prove useful. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1463-1467 |
346 |
5G Wireless Technologies
-Hetal Sitaram Shinde
Fifth generation wireless network is the foremost period of mobile telecommunication standards ahead of current 4G standards. Some of concepts which make 5G wireless Technology different from current 4G wireless Technology. The wireless Industries busy with the 4th generation cellular Networks. 5G technologies will change the way most high-bandwidth users access theirphones. With 5G pushed over a VOIP-enabled device, people will experience a levelof call volume and data transmission never experienced before.5G technology isoffering the services in Product Engineering, Documentation, supporting electronictransactions (e-Payments, e-transactions) etc. As the customer becomes more andmore aware of the mobile phone technology, he or she will look for a decent packageall together, including all the advanced features a cellular phone can have. Hence thesearch for new technology is always the main motive of the leading cell phone giantsto out innovate their competitors. Recently apple has produced shivers all around theelectronic world by launching its new handset, the I-phone. Features that are gettingembedded in such a small piece of electronics are huge. In addition great evolution of 1G to 4G and 5G, Introduction to 5G technologies, need for 5G technologies, advantage of 5G network technology,5G network architecture. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1468-1470 |
347 |
Social Cloud Computing
-Devanshi Bhavesh Bhatt
Large number of people are connected to the internet and so many of them are connected to social sites. As social network and cloud computing are being used every where,users are trying to interact with one another using this latest technologies. Social network allows the user to share information ,form connections and essentially helps in creating dynamic virtual organizations.â€Social Cloud†enables the user to share resources across the network.. This paper outlines our vision of, and experiences with, creating a Social Storage Cloud, Considering the current market need and create a dynamic Cloud infrastructure in a Social network. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1471-1473 |
348 |
Password Persuasive Cued Click Point (PPCCP)
-Romil Gandhi ; Sachin Bojewar
Password Persuasive Cued Click Point (PPCCP) is a module that facilitates authentication for desktop-based applications and also provides a single-machine licensing facility. PPCCP comprises several functionalities to thwart attackers, such as persuasive click points with password protection. It includes techniques to protect against malware such as key loggers and also to resist from debuggers that run on desktop computers. Spearman rank correlation is used for detection of key loggers. There are functionalities used to secure desktop applications such as time constraint and user selection. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1474-1479 |
349 |
Canny Edge Detector based on VHDl
-Anjum A. Sheikh ; Prof.R.N. Mandavgane; Prof.D.M. Khatri
The process of Edge detection refers to the process of location as well as the identification of sharp discontinuities in an image. The abrupt changes in the intensity of pixel are the discontinuities which characterizes boundaries of objects in a scene. Convolution of an image is done in case of certain conventional edge detection techniques. Canny edge detection has remained a standard technique in the field of edge detection. Based on the statistics of an image, the Canny edge detector algorithm performs hysteresis Thresholding which requires computing high and low thresholds. Due to this, this technique becomes more complex. In the proposed work efforts will be made to reduce complexity and latency. The proposed algorithm Performed better compare to the conventional algorithm for edge detection. The canny edge detection algorithm based on VHDL is proposed. Read More...
electronics engineering |
India |
1480-1484 |
350 |
A Survey: Approaches to Enhance the Data Integration using Ontology and Methodologies to Improve Data Quality
-Pravithra CNS ; Hema MS; sumathi VP
In the today’s world, the amount of the data is been increasing tremendously. In order to analyse the data and make decisions on the data, data residing at the different sources are integrated by providing users. The data integration is the solution for above said problem. The complete data integration solution encompasses the discovering, monitoring, transforming and delivery of the data from a variety of sources. This paper deals with various approaches of the data integration to resolve the semantic heterogeneity using ontology. Various levels of ontology based data integration techniques are reviewed and the issues are summarized. Different metrics and the approaches are also discussed to improve the data quality using biomedical database. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1485-1491 |