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151 |
Design of Embedded System for Saftey and Surveilliance
-Anil Kashid
This project deals with the Design & implementation of embedded system for the safety & surveillance monitoring using the raspberry Pi , PIR sensor, RFID reader , temperature sensor & gas sensor. It increases mobile technology to provide the safety & security for the control application. The proposed system allows the authorize person to access the control system if the unauthorized person tries to access the system then it captures the image through webcam & send it to the web server for evaluation to the user with alerts of possible intrusion also it detect the gas & temperature in the monitoring area & send the real time image to user with alerts. The system is tested in many different situations; firstly, RFID sensor scanned with valid card then system does not give any alerts to the user only displays valid entry message on web server. In second test the RFID sensor scanned with Invalid card then system gives alarm to user with real time image on web server with message of invalid entry. In third test we have tested system with temperature sensor as the temperature reaches to critical level then the system give the alarm signal with real time image on web server with temp alert message on the web server at the end we tested system for gas sensor as the gas level in the monitoring area reaches to the critical level then the system gives alerts to the user with real time image. Thus we have studied system warns the user by first sending an alerts on web server then real time view of the control place captured through webcam. Read More...
Electronics |
India |
645-651 |
152 |
A Review of Distributed Denial of Service Attacks
-Sujini Priscilla J ; Hajiram Beevi J
In the current era, Internet plays a vital role in communication which can be used by millions of users across the network. At the same time, the commercial nature of Internet is increasing the vulnerabilities in usage. Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDOS) is one of the most dangerous threats to the Internet security. Recent studies show that the volume of DDOS attacks reached over 100 Giga bit per second. Furthermore, the volume of DDOS attack traffic has been increasing in size year by year. A DDOS attack is a malicious attempt to prevent legitimated clients from using network resources, usually by temporarily interrupting or suspending the services of a host connected to the Internet. This survey paper deals with the introduction of DDOS attacks, characteristics and elements of DDOS attacks and classification of the various DDOS attacks. Finally, direction for future research work has been pointed out. Read More...
Cloud Computing |
India |
652-655 |
153 |
Data and Voice Communication at Very High Speed using Li-Fi
-Srikanth M K
We are living in the era of modernization. In the 21st century more people are highly depend on electronic and communication. Now a day’s more people are depending on Internet to accomplish their work through wired or wireless network. As number of users gets increases, proportionally the speed of wireless network decreases. Though Wi-F can give the speed up to 150mbps, it is still insufficient as more and more users are tapped in with their devices. To overcome this problem of WI-FI, we are introducing concept of LI-FI. LI-FI is new emerging technology to provide the connectivity to new localized wireless network environment. LI-FI is the term which is coined for fast and cheap wireless communication system, which is an optical version of WI-FI. The main principal of this Li-Fi is we can transmit the data through light illumination by using light-emitting diode. Data through illumination taking fiber out fiber optics by sending data through switching LED bulb on and off within nanoseconds which is too faster than human eye that can follow. By using this Li-Fi technology a one-watt LED light bulb provide net connectivity to four computers. The LED bulb should be kept on to transfer the data. The light waves can’t travel across the wall which is made up of short range, this make a more secure from hacking. Direct line of light is not compulsory to transfer the signal. The term Li-Fi was first coined by Professor Herald Haas in TED Global talk Visible Light Communication. He is from the University of Edinburgh in the UK. Very simply , If the LED is on then it transfer digital 1, if it’s off then it transfer 0, Haas says that “They can be switched off and on very rapidlyâ€, which gives better opportunities to transfer the data. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
656-657 |
154 |
Flexural Behaviour of Ferrocemnet Panels with Different Types of Meshes
-Manish Banduji Hajare ; Dr. M.B. Varma
The present study describes the results of testing ferrocement panels reinforced with of different types of meshes. The main objective of the study was to investigate the effect of different types of meshes as reinforcement in thin mortar specimen and select the best suitable mesh for further work. Types of meshes were used expanded metal mesh, galvanized woven mesh and welded mesh has a diameter of 1.58 mm. Size of openings are 20x35 mm, 10x10 mm and 15x15 mm. Panels of a size of 560x150x35 mm were reinforced with three layers of wire mesh. Panels were casted with mortar of mix proportion 1:2 and water cement ratio 0.40. The four specimen were tested under four point loading system on universal testing machine after curing period of 7 days and eight specimen after curing period of 28 days. Test results shows that the flexural strength of the specimen with welded mesh exhibits greater flexural strength than other two types of meshes. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
658-661 |
155 |
Near Surface Mounted GFRP Strips: An Overview
-Ghogare Vikas Prataprao ; Dr. Varma M.B.
The use of glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) materials for strengthening bridges and buildings has been used extensively in the last decade. Glass fiber reinforced polymer has been used in different configurations and techniques to use the material effectively and to ensure long service life of the selected system. One of these innovative strengthening techniques is the near-surface mounted (NSM) that consists of placing Glass fiber reinforced polymer reinforcing bars or strips into grooves pre-cut into the concrete cover in the tension region of the concrete member. This method is relatively simple and considerably enhances the bond of the mounted Glass fiber reinforced polymer reinforcements, thereby using the material more effectively. NSM Glass fiber reinforced polymer reinforcing bars and strips is practical, significantly improves the stiffness, and increases the flexural capacity of reinforced concrete beams. Strengthening of reinforced concrete beams using NSM Glass fiber reinforced polymer strips provided higher strength capacity than externally bonded FRP strips using the same material with the same axial stiffness. Issues raised by the use of NSM GFRP reinforcement include the optimization of construction details, models for the bond behaviour between NSM GFRP and concrete, reliable design methods for flexural and shear strengthening, and the maximization of the advantages of this technique. This paper provides a critical review of existing research in this area, identifies gaps of knowledge, and outlines directions for further research. Read More...
India |
662-666 |
156 |
Design and Performance Evaluation of Hybrid Visual Cryptography and Watermarking Scheme using Dwt and SVD Algorithms
-Pooja Maan ; Raman Chawla Poria
Visual cryptography scheme is a technique which allows visual information to be encrypted such that the decryption can be performed by the human visual system, without the aid of computers. It is based on cryptography where n images are encoded in a way that only the human visual system can decrypt the hidden message without any cryptographic computations when all shares are stacked together. This scheme hides the secret image into two or more images which are called shares. The secret image can be recovered simply by stacking the shares together without any complex computation involved. The shares are very safe because separately they reveal nothing about the secret image. But there is an issue regarding their security as every intruder knows that if he/she overlap or super impose two shares than secret data may be revealed. Also, there is need to design shares with a complex method, which would enhance the security of the design method. In this research work, we proposed and experimented advanced visual cryptography. Related work in area of visual cryptography is also discussed in this work. Encryption at each level of VC is expansion less. A share generated out of VC represents the same size of secret. The key-share generated is having random nature. It has been observed that the expansion less shares consume less memory. Graying effect is reduced to zero. A method is designed which provide more security to the shares. This is done by converting the shares in to camouflages. Also more attention is paid to keep the size of reconstructed image according to the size of input secret image with proper contrast matching. All the implementation work will be done is MATLAB R2013a using generalized MATLAB toolbox and image processing toolbox. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
667-671 |
157 |
Iris Recognition using Hamming Distance and Fragile Bit Distance
-Vivek Balasaheb Mandlik ; Babasaheb G. Patil
Iris recognition algorithms use the binary iris codes for iris. In iris code the iris information is represented with binary values. Iris recognition algorithms use different kind of filters to get details of iris pattern. The Gabor filters or Log-Gabor filters are mostly used for iris recognition. The iris code is real or imaginary part of the filtered iris template. Hamming distance between two iris codes can be used to measure similarity of two irises. Fragile bit pattern is term which defines location of fragile bits in the iris code. Similar to iris code, a fragile bit pattern for each iris can be generated. Based on hamming distance between two fragile bit patterns some similarity or non-similarity information for two irises can be obtained. Read More...
Electronics and communication engineering |
India |
672-676 |
158 |
A Review on Effective Contribution of Cloud Computing In Education Sector
-Smaranika Parida
Education plays a vital role towards the well economic growth of a country. Now a days students are becoming more technology oriented and more advanced than before, the classroom teaching is changing day by day. So in keeping with this changing environment, it is very essential that the latest technologies should be incorporate in the teaching process .While thinking about the advanced teaching or learning process. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
677-680 |
159 |
Soft Computing Techniques Using In Ready Mix Concrete
-Mr. Vipin V. Munot ; Prof. Ashish P.Waghmare
Ready mix concrete industry in India is still in its infancy but it is an emerging sector. Ready-mix concrete (RMC) is a ready-to-use material, with predetermined mixture of cement, sand, aggregates and water. Use of Ready mixed Concrete has increased considerably in the last few years. Today’s high rise structures demands smaller column sizes, faster construction, prompting use of high grade Ready Mix concrete. Use of Ready Mixed concrete was expected to give better control on the quality of concrete as compared with the site mixed concrete. The RMC is subject to varying site conditions like compaction, curing, workability etc. directly affecting the in-situ strength. Information obtained from many sites using ready mixed concrete indicates many instances where the strength of concrete obtained is lower than that specified. Ready mixed concrete (RMC) is an essential material in contemporary construction and engineering projects. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
681-683 |
160 |
A Survey on Hadoop as Asolution of Big Data Processing On Cloud
-Janvi Pankajbhai Patel ; Nirali Mankad
Big data is an emerging paradigm applied to datasets whose size or complexity is beyond the ability of commonly used computer software and hardware tools. One of the key drivers of Big Data is Hadoop, combination of HDFS a distributed file system, MapReduce data processing and Resource Manager (YARN) for allocating resource on cluster for Job execution. Datasets are often from various sources (Variety) unstructured such as social media, sensors, scientific applications, surveillance, video and image archives, Internet texts and documents, Internet search indexing, medical records, business transactions and web logs and are of large size (Volume) with fast data in/out (Velocity). More importantly, big data helps in business decision making (Veracity) and gaining insight in real time which is hard to achieve using traditional system. As estimated that about 40% data globally would be touched with Cloud Computing. Cloud Computing provides strong storage, computation, network and distributed capability in support of Big Data processing. Every entity on cloud is a virtual entity created by underlying virtualization technique. On demand, ease of use, elastic, automated service, PAYG properties helps building proves beneficial for auto scaling the cluster in Hadoop. This paper presents the survey of big data, issues with big data, how Hadoop works. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
684-687 |
161 |
Design and Development of Pulse Ignition for Hid Lamp Electronic Ballast with ZVS-QSW Converter
-Santosh.J.Modi ; Rajkumar.P.Bainoor
In this paper, a novel pulse ignition circuit is proposed for electronic ballast with the zero-voltage-switching quasi-square wave (ZVS-QSW) converter; the voltage pulse of the proposed igniting circuit contains both a high frequency part and a low frequency part; the high frequency part made it easy to exit the gas in the ionization conduction state in the high-intensity discharge lamp, and the low frequency part makes it easy to lower the igniting potential and provides the continuous pulse energy. A special microcontroller for a HID ballast is used to raise the control performance, and the low-frequency square-wave control method is adopted to avoid acoustic resonance. A 70W prototype was built in the laboratory. Experimental results show that the electronic ballast works reliably. Furthermore, the efficiency of the ballast can be higher than 92%. Read More...
Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
India |
688-690 |
162 |
Classification of Heartbeats using Morphological and Dynamic Features of ECG Signal
-Bhagyashri Raghunath Birajdar ; Mrutunjay R. Madki
This paper focuses a new approach for heartbeat classification based on a combination of morphological and dynamic features of ECG signal. In this study, wavelet transform and independent component analysis (ICA) will be applied separately to each ECG signal to extract morphological features. In addition, RR interval information will be computed to provide dynamic features. These two different types of features will be concatenated and a classifier will be utilized for the classification of heartbeats into one of five classes. The work will be validated on the baseline MIT/BIH arrhythmia database. The purpose of the paper is to achieve higher accuracy over other state-of-the-art methods for heartbeat classification. Read More...
Signal Processing |
India |
691-693 |
163 |
A Prevpentive Security Architecture using Two Factor Password Authentications
The advancement in internet increases the threats over computer networks. Today, the nodes of the network can easily be compromised or intruders have the ability to intervene between the server and the user to observe the transactions or to perform malicious activities. Hence, network security has to be enriched with newer technologies so as to protect the internet users from being attacked by various network threats. This paper proposes a novel architecture that enforces end to end security between the user and server. The security of the user is obtained by proposing a two factor password authentication scheme; where by the security of the server is obtained by implementing elliptic curve. Cryptographic algorithm in both storage and transmission. Read More...
Network Security |
India |
694-697 |
164 |
A-Gossip: Secure Routing in unstructured Peer to Peer Network
-Anubhava Srivastava ; Dharmendra Kumar; Anurag Kumar Pandey; Himanshu Srivastava; Anuja Maheshwari
Over the Internet today, computing and communi-cations environments are signicantly more complex and chaotic than classical distributed systems, lacking any centralized organization or hierarchical control. There has been much in-terest in emerging Peer-to-Peer (P2P) network overlays because they provide a good substrate for creating large-scale data sharing, content distribution and application-level multicast applications. These P2P networks try to provide a long list of features such as: selection of nearby peers, redundant storage, efficient search/location of data items, data permanence or guarantees, hierarchical naming, trust and authentication, and anonymity. P2P networks potentially offer an efficient routing architecture that is self-organizing, massively scalable, and robust in the wide-area, combining fault tolerance, load balancing and explicit notion of locality. P2P network have mainly two types, they are structured and unstructured. The structured P2P overlays have defined topology, such as ring topology in Chord [2]. These protocols are maintained by distributed hash table (DHT). On the other hand, unstructured overlays are changing their overlay and have no structure. Random peer sample (RPS) mechanism is efficient to maintain these overlays. The RPS mechanism focuses on exchanging a random set of neighbours for updating the overlay connections, such as in Cyclon [22] or updating while searching a file, such as in FreeNet[3]. Such types of overlays are badly affected by few attacker nodes, which are described in TooLate [18], SPSS [17], etc. We proposed a A-Gossip security protocol. The comparative performance will be done by Peersim simulator [23]. Further, we will analyze the security issue in unstructured P2P routing in FreeNet [21] After that analysis, we will apply our proposed A-Gossip protocol on FreeNet [21] for enhancing its security. Read More...
India |
698-703 |
165 |
Human Computer Interaction using Motion of Coloured Objects
-T K Rudra Dev ; P Satya Ananya
State-of-the-art object detectors use shape information as a low level feature representation to capture the structure of the object. The high technological object motion detectors use 3D pattern of IR lights to detect and capture motion. This paper aims at providing a new alternative to Interact with the Computer by implementing color detection of objects. This paper implements the use of color attributes as an explicit representation for object detection. Color attributes are compact, computationally efficient, and provide accurate results for object detection. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
704-705 |
166 |
Design and Analysis of Dump Truck Floor Bed
-Ramacharan C ; Dr. A S Prashanth
Construction of the truck floor bed is usually made up of prismatic beams. Currently in this article concept of the beams of uniform strength is used to avoid the concentration of high stress at critical points. The strength of beam mainly depends on cross section and the bending moment along the span. Highest stress value found in the critical sections mostly in the supports and in all other sections, the stress is well below the permissible limit, which means that the material potential capacity to carry load is not fully utilized. Hence, ‘I’ section is used for obtaining higher moment of inertia and also in order to enhance the load carrying capacity the variable cross section beams is used to resist the corresponding bending moment. The floor bed with payload capacity of 20 tonnes is used in the current study and also it is subjected to off design impact load using finite element method. The usage of beams of uniform strength have given better results and also optimised the total weight giving the same load carrying capacity. Any additional weight in truck reduces the efficiency and increases fuel consumption which leads to carbon footprint and adaptation of this technique in present work proved to be cost effective upon implementing in mass production. Read More...
mechanical engineering |
India |
706-710 |
167 |
Fly Ash and Bagasse Ash Al-MMCs Izod Test Analysis
-Mohd.Zafaruddin Khan ; Mohd.Anas ; Ather Hussain; Saman Khan; Mohd.Sibghatullah
Metal matrix composites (MMCs), in recent decade have found worldwide applications, constitutes an important class of design and weight efficient structural materials that are encouraging every sphere of engineering applications. Ash is one of the most inexpensive and low density reinforcement available in large quantities as solid waste byproduct. Hence, composites with ash as reinforcement are likely to overcome the cost barrier for wide spread applications in automotive and small engine applications. To produce Al matrix cast particle composites, wettability of the ceramic particles by liquid Al is essential. In the present investigation, to improve wettability, elements such as Mg and Si are added into Al melt to incorporate the ceramic particles. The focus is on finding of the toughness using izod impact test, abundant available industrial waste such as fly ash and bagasse ash are used in useful manner by dispersing it into Eutectic Al-Si alloy LM6 Containing 10.58% Si to produced composites by liquid casting route. The izod impact strength test is investigated. The result of the mechanical property test showed that the toughness varies from 44 joule to 60 joule with maximum value at 10wt % fly ash +10wt % bagasse ash as reinforcement in the matrix metal. It was concluded that 10wt% fly ash +10wt% bagasse ash can be used as reinforcement in aluminium composites. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
711-715 |
168 |
Differential Slicing using Trace Alignment Algorithm to Find Traces
-N.Surya ; S.Mehala
It is common for an analyst to identify or understand two runs of same program which produces differences in output. Same exists when two related programs are exhibited under two different environments, shows different behavior. The main difference exists depending on the input which is given to two similar programs producing different output state. This paper proposes trace alignment algorithm based on execution indexing that analysis the differences of such executions. There exists two traces as passing trace and failing trace. It finds out root cause of the failing execution. Read More...
Software engineering |
India |
716-719 |
169 |
Differential Expression Analysis of Microarray Gene Data for Cancer Detection
-Shashank.K.S ; Dr. Mamatha.H.R
The pre-processed Microarray Gene datasets are utilized for differential quality investigation. Limma bundles are utilized to foresee differential quality expression information emerging from microarray RNA tests. We utilize datasets of control and tumor tests of differential levels, the change between two specimens are recognized through qualities which are up-directed (expanded in expression) or down-controlled (diminished in expression). Grouping of tests with comparative expression designs crosswise over qualities were done. Every specimen gathering will contain various duplicates. The gathering expression level for a test will be compressed as the mean of the expression levels in the gathering reproduces. In this manner, differential expression problems are a comparison of means. Read More...
Computer Science, Bioinformatics |
India |
720-724 |
170 |
Node Management Scheme in VANET by Changing the Orientation of RSU
-Anurag Kumar Pandey ; Shashank Dwivedi; Anubhava Srivastava; Himanshu Srivastava; Sonia Lamba
Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANETs) is a sub-class network of Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANETs). It has similar behaviour as MANETs but different in mobility of nodes and their nodes speed. The mobility of nodes in VANETs organized in fixed pattern and speed of nodes is very high. Basically here VANETs vehicles can communicate to other vehicles directly or via intermediate fixed architectures. Most of time on highway or rural area the density of vehicles varies a lot and if any vehicle wants communicate with other vehicle directly may faces many problems. To overcome these problems the intermediate infrastructure needs to pay a very important role. In this paper we analysis the performance of three different placement strategies of infrastructure based relays and also find cost effective separation of infrastructures intermediate RSUs using NS2 Simulator. Read More...
Networking |
India |
725-729 |
171 |
Advanced Attribute Based Encryption & Signature to Control Access on Cloud Storage System
-Bachalakuri Sumathi ; V.Vijay Kumar
This survey proposes an incipient decentralized access control scheme for secure data storage in clouds which fortifies in nominate authentication. The cloud verifies the authenticity of the series without paramount cognizance in the user’s identity afore storing information. This scheme additionally has the integrated feature of access control. In access control scheme only valid users are able to decrypt the stored data/information. This scheme averts replay attacks additionally fortifies engenderment, modification, and reading information stored in the cloud. These schemes additionally address utilize revocation. Moreover, the authentication and access control scheme is decentralized and robust in nature unlike other access control schemes designed for clouds which are centralized. The computation, communication, and storage overheads are commensurable to centralized approaches. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
730-733 |
172 |
Privacy Preserving on E-Health Data Stored in Cloud using Encryption
-Srungaram Vijay Kumar ; P.Swapna
Cloud based solutions have permeated in the healthcare domain due to a broad range of benefits offered by the cloud computing. Besides the financial advantages to the healthcare organizations, cloud computing also offers large-scale and on-demand storage and processing services to various entities of the cloud based health ecosystem. However, outsourcing the sensitive health information to the third-party cloud providers can result in serious privacy concerns. This chapter highlights the privacy issues related to the health-data and also presents privacy preserving requirements. Besides the benefits of the cloud computing in healthcare, cloud computing deployment models are also discussed from the perspective of healthcare systems. Moreover, some recently developed strategies to mitigate the privacy concerns and to fulfill the privacy preserving requirements are also discussed in detail. Furthermore, strengths and weaknesses of each of the presented strategies are reported and some open issues for the future research are also presented. Read More...
Computer Science Engineering |
India |
734-737 |
173 |
A Novel Cloud Data De Duplication Backup using ALG De Dupe
-Voppalanchu Santhoshi ; Bhukya Ramji
The cloud backup is utilized for the personal storage of the people in terms of reducing the mainlining process and managing the structure and storage space managing process. The challenging process is the reduplication process in both the local and ecumenical backup de-duplications. In the prior work they only provide the local storage de-duplication or vice versa ecumenical storage de-duplication in terms of amending the storage capacity and the processing time. In this paper, the proposed system is called as the ALG- De dupe. It signifies the Application cognizant Local Ecumenical Source De-duplication proposed system to provide the efficient de-duplication process. It can provide the efficient de duplication process with the low system load, minimized backup window, and incremented power efficiency in the user’s personal storage. In the proposed system the sizably voluminous data is partitioned into more minute part which is called as chunks of data. Here the data may contain the redundancy it will be eschewed afore storing into the storage area. Read More...
Computer Science Engineering |
India |
738-741 |
174 |
The Modern Cipher Text Policy over Multi-Authority using ABE Scheme Elements Overturning in Cloud Loading
-Shaik Khadeer Pasha ; P.Rathaiah
The number of utilize in cloud computing are incrementing tremendously due to its advantage of providing flexible storage requisite. The users are commenced to apportion their sensitive information through the cloud due to its nature of providing accommodation to users. The security of the data has to be assured to the users when storing their details into the cloud server. The main objective of this paper is to amend the security and the efficiency while sharing the data between data owner and the users. Predicated upon the attributes of the users we are going to apportion the data. One of the most challenging issues in confidential data sharing systems is the enforcement of data access policies and the fortification of policies updates. Cipher text policy attribute predicated encryption (CP-ABE) is becoming a promising cryptographic solution to this kind of quandary. It enables data owners to define their own access policies over their utilizer attributes and enforce the policies on the data to be distributed. In this paper we incline to propose a revocable multi-ascendancy CP-ABE theme, and apply it because the underlying techniques to style the information access management theme. Our attribute revocation methodology will with efficiency distribute the goods each forward security and rearward security. This survey shows that revocable multi-ascendancy CP-ABE scheme is secure in the arbitrary location. Oracle model and is more efficient than anterior multi authority CP-ABE. Read More...
India |
742-744 |
175 |
A Present - Day Travel Package Recommended System based on Topic Modeling & Collaborative Filtering
-Mandala Akshounireddy ; P.Rathaiah
Latest years have witnessed an tremendous magnification in recommender systems. There is an abundance of numerous avenues to explore this field, because of its Despite paramount progress. Indeed, this article expounds a case study of exploiting online peregrinate information for personalized peregrinate package recommendation. Here, the critical challenge is to address the unique characteristics of peregrinate data, which distinguish peregrinate packages from traditional items of others for recommendation. For this purport, we may first analyze the characteristics of the subsisting peregrinate packages and design a tourist-area-season topic (TAST) model which can represent peregrinate packages and tourists by different topic distributions. Besides, the topic extraction is conditioned on both the tourists and the intrinsic features (i.e., place locations, travelling seasons) of the landscapes. Predicated on this model, we propose a cocktail approach to engender the lists for personalized peregrinate package recommendation and withal elongate the TAST model to the tourist-cognation-area-season topic (TRAST) model for capturing the latent relationships among the tourists in each peregrinate group. Determinately, we coalesce the TAST model, the TRAST model, and the cocktail recommendation approaches on the authentic-world peregrinate package data. Experimental results show that the TAST model can efficaciously capture the unique characteristics of the peregrinate data and the cocktail approach which is much more efficacious than traditional recommendation techniques for peregrinate package recommendation. Withal, by considering tourist relationships, the TRAST model can be utilized as an efficacious assessment for peregrinate group formation. Read More...
India |
745-747 |
176 |
Study of Compressive Strength of Concrete Mix Cubes Made By the Partial Replacement of Fly Ash and Plastic Aggregate with Cement and Traditional Stone Aggregate
-Raghvendra Gupta ; Associate Prof. R.D.Patel; Mrinank Pandey
This experimental study present the effect of plastic aggregate on concrete mix cubes by making 15% partial replacement of fly ash constant to deal with the disposal of plastic waste. Plastic aggregate is partially replaced at different percentage by weight of traditional stone aggregate. The replacement of plastic aggregate are done at 4%, 8%, 12%, 16%, 20%, and 24% by weight of stone aggregate. The compressive strength of plastic aggregate partially replaced cubes is then tested on CTM (compression testing machine) after curing it for 7 days, 14 days and 28 days. Results of CTM are listed in paper. Plastic aggregate are used to make concreting material light in weight and more economical and eco-friendly. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
748-749 |
177 |
Study of Compressive Strength of Concrete Mix Cubes Made by the Partial Replacement of Fly Ash with Cement
-Raghvendra Gupta ; Associate Prof. R.D.Patel; Rakesh Chaudhary
This paper present the effect of fly ash on concrete mix cubes. Fly ash is partially replaced at different percentage by weight of cement because it has very similar property as that of cement. Cement and fly ash both are pozzolanic material so it can be replaced by cement. The replacements are done at 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30% by weight of cement. Compressive strength of fly ash partially replaced cubes is then tested on CTM (compression testing machine) after curing it for 7 days, 14 days and 28 days. Results of CTM are listed in paper. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
750-751 |
178 |
Comparative Study on Crack Pattern of RCC and Brick Composite Slabs
-Arun Singh Chahar ; Mr. R. D. Patel
In this paper present a study carried out on Crack Pattern and Failure modes of RCC and Brick Composite slabs. The main objective of this thesis is to study replacement of concrete by bricks. The concrete of tension zone has been replaced by Brick in order to reduce weight and cost of the reinforced concrete beams An experimental program is conducted on six simply supported concrete slabs. All six slabs casted in two different groups and every group having three slabs. The first group of slabs are of reinforced concrete slabs and second group of slabs are composite slabs. The Crack Pattern of both groups of slabs compare with each other. The comparative study has been carried out on the Crack Pattern, cracks has been seen by applying four point loading on the both types of slabs and the deflection is also measure by using dial gauge. In this study three Rcc slabs and three Brick composites slabs have been casted of concrete grade M25, and behaviour under four point loading conditions is checked in Structure & Concrete Laboratory of Madan Mohan Malviya Engineering College Gorakhpur. This will include the variation in load displacement graph, the crack patterns, propagation of the cracks, the crack width and the effect of the nonlinear behaviour of concrete and steel on the response of control Slab and the deformed slab. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
752-755 |
179 |
Security Issues with Big Data in Cloud Computing
-Reeta Mishra
This paper have detailed analysis between big data and cloud computing security issues and challenges focusing on the cloud computing types and the service delivery types. Big data is a data analysis methodology enabled by recent advances in technologies and architecture. However, big data entails a huge commitment of hardware and processing resources, making adoption costs of big data technology prohibitive to small and medium sized businesses. Cloud computing is a set of it services that are provided to a customer over a network on a leased basis and with the ability to scale up or down their service requirements. It advantages includes scalability, resilience, flexibility, efficiency and outsourcing non-core activities .As security is one of the main challenges that hinder the growth of cloud computing. At the same time, service providers strive to reduce the risks over the clouds and increase their reliability in order to build mutual trust between them and the cloud customers. Read More...
Computer Science & Engineering/Information Technology |
India |
756-759 |
180 |
CFD Analysis of Spacecraft Vehicle Fuel Tank to Reduce Sloshing by using Ansys Fluent
-Nitin Dattatreya Kamitkar ; Dr. Pravin V Honguntikar; Dr. Veena P H
In present work an attempt is made to analyze bullet headed spacecraft fuel tank by using Ansys Fluent 14.5 tank is partially filled with liquid oxygen (Lox). Two fuel tanks with and without baffles considered to study splatter behavior of fuel. The tanks were accelerated to 15 m/s2 in positive X direction for 1 second. From analysis it is found that intensity of sloshing is highly decreased in the fuel tank which is provided with baffles. The effects of baffles on fluid behavior are clearly seen in results drawn. Pressure distribution in both fuel tanks was determined and it is found pressure is less in fuel tank provided with baffles. Further work can be expandable to achieve more stability of fuel tank by varying number, shape and size of baffles. Read More...
India |
760-764 |
181 |
Single Response Optimization of Tool Wear and Surface Roughness by Taguchi Method in Band Sawing
-Akshay P. Kadole ; P.N.Gore
Band sawing is a process of cutting metal pieces with the help of continuous band saw. In this research work, the optimization of process parameters for band saw cutting was done using Taguchi method. The objective of the research is to optimize the tool wear of bimetal blade and surface roughness of work piece. The methodology based on Taguchi’s analysis of variance (ANOVA) and signals to noise ratio (S/N Ratio) to optimize the band saw process parameter. The designs of experiments for machining process control parameter are type of blade (A), speed (B) and feed (C). L9 (3*3) standard orthogonal array design of experiment consisting three levels and three parameter A, B and C respectively for each combination have been used for experimentation on EN1A material. Optimum results are obtained for band sawing through the signal to noise ratio (S/N ratio). Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
765-771 |
182 |
Design and Implementation of Power and Area Optimized 16-Bit 5T SRAM Array using Cadence 90NM Technology
-Maruti Lamani ; Dr.Meghana Kulkarni; Umashree M Sajjanar
As the technology scaling goes on increasing, reduction in power consumption and over all power management on chip are main challenges for any size below 100nm due to increased complexity and area reduction. Semiconductor memories are most important subsystem of modern digital systems. Many advance processors now have on chip instructions and data memory using SRAMs. Thus, improving the power efficiency of a SRAM cell is critical to the overall system power consumption. This project is based on the design of a CMOS Five-transistor SRAM cell (5T SRAM cell) for very high density and low power applications. This paper investigates the effectiveness of 5T SRAM circuit design technique along with power consumption and chip density analysis. Simulation and analytical results show that proposed cell has correct operation during read/write mode. The new cell size is 21.66% smaller than a conventional 6T SRAM cell using same design rules with no performance degradation. The new 5T SRAM cell contains 68.84% less power consumption with respect to the 6T SRAM cell and also the average power consumption of 16 bit 5T SRAM array has been reduced by 69.17% when compared to 16-bit 6T SRAM Array using cadence 90nm technology. Read More...
India |
772-776 |
183 |
Speed Control of Brushless DC Motor using Fuzzy Logic & PI Controller
-Ankit Kumar ; Dr. A. K. Pandey
This paper presents the design with implementation of fuzzy logic controller to control the speed control of Brushless DC Motor. A Brushless DC Motor (BLDCM) drive is characterized by higher efficiency, lower maintenance, higher cost, silent operation & compact form. Speed control of Brushless DC Motor can be achieved by many conventional methods. This paper will show that Fuzzy logic approach will have a number of advantages over conventional methods. In order to control the speed of Brushless DC Motor, A fuzzy logic is developed which will control speed according to the operation. The PI and Fuzzy Logic control has an importance in field of control of BLDC motor. In this paper Fuzzy logic and PI Controllers are used to control the speed of BLDC Motor and their comparisons are done. Fuzzy Logic controller will work according to the magnitude of error. Simulation analysis is done of the fuzzy logic controller. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
777-781 |
184 |
Home Monitoring System using Wireless Network
-Pramod J. Maccha ; Rajendra Dube
This paper mainly focuses on the controlling of home appliances remotely and providing security when the user is already available in home. The system is mobile application based and uses wireless technology to revolutionize the standards of living. In this paper we can control by two wireless methods one is by Bluetooth and another is by internet. Graphical user interface (GUI) systems were reflected as barriers for the visually reduced users since it trusted too much on graphic channel. This system provides best solution to the problems played by home owners in daily life. The system uses wireless technology thus providing everywhere access to the system for security and automated appliance control. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
782-784 |
185 |
Personalized Web Search using Temporal Behaviour over the Re-Ranking With High Speed Memory
-N. Hamsaleka ; P. Elango
Personalized internet search (PWS) has demonstrated its effectiveness in improving the standard of various search services on the internet. However, evidences show that users’ reluctance to disclose their personal data throughout search has become a serious barrier for the wide proliferation of PWS. In this paper studies privacy protection in PWS applications that model user preferences as hierarchical user profiles. In this paper proposes a PWS framework known as UPS that can adaptively generalize profiles by queries while respecting user-specified privacy necessities. The proposed runtime generalization aims at placing a balance between two predictive metrics that valuate the utility of personalization and the privacy risk of exposing the generalized profile. In this paper presents a greedy algorithmic program, specifically GreedyIL, for runtime generalization. It also provides an online prediction mechanism for deciding whether or not personalizing a query is helpful exploitation cross re-ranking algorithmic program with catch method. Read More...
Data Mining |
India |
785-788 |
186 |
performance Analysis of Table Driven and On-Demand Routing Protocol in MANETs
-Manoj Kumar Yadav ; Om Prakash Yadav
A Mobile Ad hoc Network is a type of wireless ad-hoc network, and it is a self-configuring network of mobile routers connected by wireless links. In Mobile Ad hoc Network, nodes are mobile so that the results in frequent changes of network topology making routing in MANETs a challenging task. Many routing protocols are used in MANETs but the efficient routing protocols can provide significant benefits to mobile ad hoc networks, in terms of both performance and reliability. An Efficient routing protocol will make MANETs reliable and efficient. Many research communities are working in field of MANET and trying to adopt the protocols and technology in other applications as well. This paper presents the performance of three well know routing protocols AODV, DSR and DSDV for CBR traffic in terms of packet delivery ratio, routing overhead, average end to end delay. Read More...
Computer Science & Engineering |
India |
789-792 |
187 |
Wireless Sensor Networks with Alert System in the Railway Industry
-Shilpamol P. ; Aleesha Vijayan
Now a day, the sensing technologies has grown rapidly, whereas sensor devices have nominal price also. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) gaining importance for monitoring in the railway industry for analyzing systems, structures, vehicles, and machinery. It also provides up-to-date information and alerts. These techniques will combine data from different sensor systems using sophisticated modeling techniques. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
793-794 |
188 |
Performance Analysis of MIMO-OFDM using Zigzag Code over QAM Modulation
-Rajat Pant ; Madhvi Jangalwa
With the development and advancement of Internet, the demand of Wideband High data rate communication services is increasing. This triggered the demand of WiMAX as it supports high data rate and high capacity in mobile Broadband wireless access (BWA). IEEE 802.16e (mobile WiMAX) is better than IEEE 802.16d (fixed WiMAX) as it gives full mobility at vehicular speeds and better performance. The performance of mobile WiMAX is further enhanced by the use of FEC (Forward Error Correction Codes) and the MIMO-OFDM (Multiple input, multiple output-orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) techniques. The combination of FEC and MIMO reduces the possibility of errors and fading and hence enhances the BER performance and spectral efficiency. Further, Rayleigh channel is generally preferred for non line of sight propagation and in environment where multipath fading is more probable. In this paper a comparison is made between the diversity gains of MIMO systems (Spatial Multiplexing) and different modulation order in terms of BER for Zigzag coded QAM modulation scheme. Read More...
electronics & Telecommunication Engg. |
India |
795-797 |
189 |
Seismic Behaviour of High Rise Building for Soft Soil in All Seismic Zones
-Shaik Fayaz ; Mrs. B.Ajitha
A high rise residential building (tall building) design is governed by lateral loads, i.e. wind load, seismic load. Performance of structures under frequently occurring earth quake ground motions resulting in structural damages as well as failures have repeatedly demonstrated the seismic vulnerability of existing buildings, due to their design which based on only gravity loads or inadequate levels of lateral forces. Infills, Bracings systems are one of the most commonly used lateral load resisting systems in high rise buildings (HRB). This paper presents a comprehensive comparative study of the Dynamic loads and their effects on tall buildings using Response spectrum method. The results of the Structural response on various parameters such as storey drift, Structural lateral displacements, Base shear, Stiffness for Normal Building and different Load resisting systems have been compared and discussed. An analytical study on multi-Storey building of 30 stories was carried out for different seismic zones and soft soil type using different bracing systems i.e., X-brace, V-brace, inverted V or chevron brace and infills are introduced in these analytical models. These building models are analyzed using E Tabs 2015 software employing Response Spectrum method as per IS 1893 (Part I): 2002. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
798-805 |
190 |
Review on Lithium-Bromide/Water Vapor Absorption Air-Conditioning System using Solar Energy
-Hardik G Moliya
This paper reviews past efforts in this field of solar operated air-conditioning systems using the absorption pair of lithium bromide/water. A number of attempts have been made by researchers to improve the performance of the solar air-conditioning system. Lithium-bromide/water system is more effective than any other pair of absorber-refrigerant. It is seen that the inlet temperature of generator is the most important parameter for optimize the design and fabrication of a solar operated air-conditioning system. While system design, collector choice and arrangement of system are other impacting factors for the system operation. The parabolic through collector is very effective for reach the sufficient generator temperature. In this paper we analyse double stage vapor absorption cycle is more effective than single stage absorption cycle. Solar energy applications in for domestic hot water, space heating and cooling have been considered very effective. The ultimate goal of this study in the long term would ideally be to reduce the consumption of electricity used for air-conditioning system. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering (Thermal Engineering) |
India |
806-810 |
191 |
Analysis and Modification of D Flip Flop Using Different Techniques
-Hardeep Kaur ; Er. Swaranjeet Singh; Sukhdeep Kaur
Low power design has become one of the primary focuses in both analogue and digital VLSI circuits. The pertinent choice of flip flop topologies is an essential importance in the design of VLSI integrated circuits for high speed and high performance speed of circuits. This paper enumerates low, high speed design of D flip flop .It presents various techniques to minimize the power consumption of CMOS circuits. In this D flip flop is implemented using Static CMOS, CCMOS, GDI, GDI MUX, POWER PC,TG and TSPC Techniques. The simulation is done on TANNER EDA Tool at 180nm &130nm Technologies. Read More...
India |
811-816 |
192 |
Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy for Wireless Sensor Network: Protocol - LEACH
-Manoj Kumar ; Manoj Kumar; Arjit Tomar; Rajesh Kumar Singh; Ankit Tomar
In this paper we are using a new technique LEACH for wireless sensor network. Sensor; is a device that measures a physical quantity and converts it into a signal which can be read by an observer or by an instrument. This paper presents an energy-efficient communication protocol which distributes a uniform energy load to the sensors in a wireless micro sensor network. In this paper, they present Event-to-Sink Directed Clustering (ESDC) protocol that achieves energy-efficient clustering in WSN. In this paper we are going to use clustering in homogeneous nodes in WSN. In addition to collect data from non cluster nodes the cluster head will aggregate the data which is to be transmitted to base station here we will use multi hop routing technique to transmit data to the base station .In addition to just use shortest path (Energy Conserved) we will also prefer to transmit data through the other nodes which have high energy difference as compared to the nodes which is transmitting data to base station. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
817-821 |
193 |
A Survey in Fuzzy Logic: An Introduction
-Manoj Kumar ; Manoj Kumar; Lata Misra; Gyan Shekhar
Fuzzy Logic was initiated in 1965 [1], [2], [3], by Lotfi A. Zadeh professor for computer science at the University of California in Berkeley. A fuzzy set is defined by a function that maps objects in a domain of concern to the membership value in the set. Fuzzy Logic provides a different way to approach a control or classification problem. Basically, Fuzzy Logic (FL) is a multivalve logic that allows intermediate values to be defined between conventional evaluations like true/false, yes/no, high/low, etc. Notions like rather tall or very fast can be formulated mathematically and processed by computers, in order to apply a more human-like way of thinking in the programming of computers [4]. Fuzzy Logic has emerged as a a profitable tool for the controlling and steering of of systems and complex industrial processes, as well as for household and entertainment electronics, as well as for other expert systems and applications like the classification of SAR data. By studying all its tools and application areas we concluded that even after getting so much criticism in its initial stage now FUZZY LOGIC is a new emerging technology with very bright future, which is further expanding its area of application. Its operation field is so much wide that it can be applied to control any type of operation even to control our daily life appliances and instruments. In it there is no need to do so much calculations and operations and also its results are so much accurate that they can be applied directly to a given task. Success of fuzzy logic in a wide range of applications has inspired much interest in fuzzy logic among the scientists and engineers. Fuzzy Logic provides a more efficient and resourceful way to solve Control Systems. Read More...
Mathematics |
India |
822-824 |
194 |
CFD Analysis of Civil Transport Aircraft
-Parthsarthi A Kulkarni ; Dr. Pravin V Honguntikar; Mr. Vishal S Shirbhate
Understanding the motion of air around an object enables the calculations of forces acting on the object. The accurate prediction of aerodynamic coefficient is an important design parameter in preliminary design phase of civil transport aircraft. The common research model utilized by the Drag Prediction Workshop is employed to investigate the accuracy of CFD codes in transonic aerodynamic flow analysis. Solutions are obtained for the wing body configuration. Grid convergence and resolution, mesh topology are considered the primary factors in this study for accurate prediction of aerodynamic coefficients. The current work deals with grid sensitivity studies demonstrated for in-viscid simulations over a typical civil transport aircraft near transonic regime. The commercial grid generation tool ICEM CFD is used for meshing and Euler version of ANSYS FLUENT is used as a solver for numerical computations. The initial study is carried out for CRM model and based on these grid sensitivity studies, typical civil transport aircraft is studied. The lift coefficient value obtained is 0.3389 which is close to value of 0.4 reported in experiment. The experimental data taken from drag prediction workshop for the common research model are well agreed with CFD results. Read More...
India |
825-830 |
195 |
Patient Monitoring System using Zigbee Wireless Sensor Network
-Pravin Madhukar Ghutke ; Prof.Pankaj Hedaoo; Prof.Sheetal Bhongale
At the present day or in fast life there is always problem of critically ill patients so we require spontaneous and accurate decision so properly diagnosis treated to the patients..In the whole world or more close in India everyday there is increases the number of patients of heart attack and not to get proper treatment at the real time ,for this we make a paper of monitoring of patients. I have designed and implement a reliable, energy efficient monitoring system. With the help of this the doctor and practitioners can treated the patients in real time (ECG, SPO2, HEARTBEAT, TEMP).In this paper we made wireless patient monitoring system which measured the real time data from patients and transmitted that data with the help of wireless topology zigbee. This project provides faster response and improves the performance with power consumption. In this project we acquire the bio signal SPO2, ECG, HEARTBEAT, TEMPERATURE from patients and acquired data is analyzed at a centralized ARM microcontroller .If patients data falls or rise the threshold value there is automatic SMS send to the preconfined doctors mobile numbers with the help of GSM module which is interface to the ARM controller. The doctors can record of particular patients information which is already feed up in his PC which continuously updated through zigbee receiver module.
India |
831-833 |
196 |
Performance Analysis of Different DTD Methods for AEC
-Harsh Kumar ; Dr. Sanjeev Dhull
In this paper, an acoustic echo canceller based on a system identification scheme with adaptive algorithms is presented. These papers compare the different DTD methods for acoustic echo cancellation. To remove the double talk from the signal using different DTD algorithms: Geigel, Benesty and NCC algorithms. Therefore compare the different DTD algorithms used to find the mean-square error and echo return loss enhancement based upon NLMS algorithm. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
834-837 |
197 |
Implementation and Analysis of Enhanced Ad-Hoc on Demand Routing Protocol (EAODV)
-Rashmi Devi ; O. P. Yadav; Anubhava Srivastava; Atul Tripathi
Mobile Ad-hoc networks do not communicate in any fixed infrastructure. In Mobile Ad-hoc networks All nodes are free to move randomly within the network and share information dynamically. Various routing protocol have been developed To achieve an efficient routing, all these routing protocol are different in nature and have their own salient properties. In this paper, we have discussed one of the latest protocols i.e. Enhanced Ad-Hoc on Demand Routing Protocol (EAODV), implemented and analysed its performance with some other similar protocols against different parameters values. Finally a comparison has been presented between all of them. Read More...
Networking |
India |
838-840 |
198 |
Neuro-Fuzzy Technique for Software Effort Estimation
-Sheikh Fahad Ahmad ; Anwar Ahmed Sheikh; Mohd. Haleem; Roshan Jahan; Mohd. Atif Kaleem
One of the most important tasks of a software development life cycle is to estimate software time and effort. Accuracy in effort estimation is still a great challenge in the software industry. Conventional models like the Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO) are quite helpful but they are unable to manage the unsure nature of the software projects particularly within the early part of the development criterion. There has been considerable work exhausted in this area using neural networks and conjointly some work done using fuzzy logic. These models offer additional exactitude however they’re heavily obsessed on the scale of the training set. The aim of this paper is to develop and evaluate a neuro-fuzzy model to estimate software development effort. Our proposed work is compared with neural network approach and fuzzy logic approach based on the value of MMRE (Mean of Magnitude of Relative Error) .The projected Neuro-fuzzy model was found to have lower MMRE value. Read More...
Computer Science & Engineering |
India |
841-844 |
199 |
Impact Analysis of Service Oriented Architecture Over Cloud Computing
-Mohd Haleem ; Ijtaba Saleem Khan; Sheikh Fahad Ahmad; Omair Ahmad Khan
Mobile cloud computing (MCC) which combines mobile computing and cloud computing is still at the early stage of development. There is a requirement to draw a detailed understanding of the technology in order to point out the direction of future research. This paper presents a review on the principles of mobile cloud computing and service oriented cloud computing architecture (SOCCA).A brief explanation from mobile computing to cloud computing is presented. It also discusses the eventual goal to make a uniform cloud computing architecture that will allow people to move from one cloud provider to another with ease. Read More...
Computer Science & Engineering |
India |
845-851 |
200 |
Usage of Dynamic Load Balancing for Distributed System in Cloud Computing
-Reeta Mishra
Cloud computing involves virtualization, distributed computing, networking, software and web services. A cloud consists of several elements such as clients, datacenter and distributed servers. It includes fault tolerance, high availability, scalability, flexibility, reduced overhead for users, reduced cost of ownership, on demand services etc. Two of the main obstacles in the usage of cloud computing are Cloud Security and Performance stability. Performance stability can be improved by Load balancing. Load balancing ensures that all the processor in the system or every node in the network does approximately the equal amount of work at any instant of time. This technique can be sender initiated, receiver initiated or symmetric type (combination of sender initiated and receiver initiated types). Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
852-856 |