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51 |
CFD Analysis of Rear Diffuser in a Sedan Vehicle to Reduce Drag Force
-Harish Kulkarni ; Omprakash. D. Hebbal
The main purpose of this study is to explain the aerodynamic drag reduction mechanism of a passenger car moving at high speed through an actively translating rear diffuser device. In this work nine cases have been defined by varying the length and angle of the diffuser. The angles are varied from 2o to 5o and the length is varied from 50% length to 75% length of the vehicle. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis is performed under moving ground and rotating wheel conditions using ANSYS FLUENT 14.5. The drag co-efficient (CD) value obtained for the primary Sedan model is 0.3562. The minimum drag co-efficient value is obtained for primary Sedan model with the diffuser angle of 5o and 75% length is 0.2792 which is acceptable. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
219-224 |
52 |
Design of Spherical Pressure Vessel against Buckling Failure as Per ASME and Validation with FEA Results
-Lokesh N ; Manu S S
Pressure vessels are mainly used to store gas or liquid at particular pressure and temperature. In this work ASME calculations were carried out for spherical pressure vessel from sec viii div ii to calculate thickness of the vessel and nozzle thickness and supporting calculations were carried out to design the suitable supporting column to withstand the entire load. By considering the thickness values from ASME calculations spherical pressure vessel is designed from CATIA V5 R20.Static analysis and buckling analysis were carried out in ANSYS 15.0. since the observed stress are above the allowable in the 15 mm model the model is redesigned for 17mm shell thickness and buckling analysis were carried out for with and without wind conditions. The load multiplier values from buckling analysis are validated with the design factor from ASME Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
225-229 |
53 |
Studies on Behavior of Cement Concrete by Part Replacement of Aggregate by Water Absorbing Foam
-Puneet Kumar Shukla ; Er. Shubham Srivastava; Er. Kamal Kumar; Er. R. D. Patel; Er. Ritu Kumari
This paper carried out the part replacement of coarse aggregate by water absorbing foam in order to increase the self-compacting nature of concrete and by saving the coarse aggregate we save the overall cost of the project. Foam completely replace the coarse aggregate and the compressive strength of the foamed concrete then calculated at 7 days and 28 days. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
230-231 |
54 |
Experimental Study of Loop Thermosyphon Solar Water Heater using Water and Al2O3 Nanofluid as Working Fluid
-Ravindra Shivaji Kolhe ; Prof J.H.Bhangale; Kishor Kumbharde
The basic aim of conducted experiments was to investigate the thermal performance of thermosyphon heat-pipe solar collector under real operating conditions using distil water and Al2O3-water nanofluid as a working fluid with serpentine shape thermosyphon. The Effect of coolant rate, effect of inclination angle, effect of nanomaterial concentration on performance of solar heat pipe collector was studied experimentally. The nanoparticles used having average size 30-50 nm and disperse in water with 0. 3wt%,. 6wt% and 0.9wt% concentration. Magnetic string, Ultra sonication and surfactant (0. 01wt % SDS) technique is use to enhance stability of nanoparticle in water. From result it is observed that nanofluid charged heat pipe solar collector gives better performance than water charge. Also performance of solar collector was increases with increase in inclination of collector and concentration of nanomaterial. Increase in coolant rate also increases the performance of solar collector up to certain level. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
232-236 |
55 |
Evolve of Technology with Biofuel for Transportation
-Soumi Pramanik ; M C Chattopadhyay
When “biofuels†became a catchphrase from a word, hopes are soaring for us that it is the end of high-priced oil and environmental problems will finally come to an end. Politicians, farmers, consumers and environmentalists are slowly realising that the situation is far more complicated. Biofuel has big capabilities and there is a valid reason to peruse it. However, the current biofuel production models are not working, there are more sustainable and more efficient biofuels options on the horizon. The major trouble is that the lack of technology and the expenses required to process these materials, makes existing mass-production impossible. The relevant question for this 21st century is how to utilize biofuels without hurting consumers or the environment. Legislation should be reflective of the current and future realities of the biofuels industry. The aim of this paper is to analyse Technology Roadmap: Biofuel for Transportation. Read More...
Renewable Energy |
India |
237-240 |
56 |
Design of a Novel Wideband Star Shaped Iterated Fractal Antenna for Various Wireless Applications
-Manoj Dhakad
In this paper, we propose a novel wideband Star Shaped fractal antenna with a defected ground structure. The antenna is designed using the iterations in Triangular –Circular shape with the help of CST (Computer Simulation Technology) and modified partial ground plane. The antenna shows operating bandwidths (referenced VSWR = 2) for covering the range of frequencies 2-6 GHz with cut off frequency 2.5 GHz,3.75 GHz, 5.2 GHz. The present design mainly focuses on the current trends in the development of compact and low profile mobile communication and Ultra Wideband (UWB) applications. for many wireless communications such as RFID,PCS-1900, IMT-2000/UMTS, GPS, ISM (including WLAN), Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and upper UWB band. Read More...
Electronics and Communication (Microwave Engineering) |
India |
241-244 |
57 |
Static Linear and Non-Linear (Pushover) Analysis of Multi Storey RC Frame with and Without Vertical Irregularities
-Nuthan L Pathi ; Guruprasad T N; Dharmesh N; Madhusudhana Y B
Earthquakes are most devastating natural hazards in terms of property loss and life of any region. The response of structure during earthquake greatly depends on size, geometry and shape of the structure. The Indian code IS-1893: 2002 (Part-I) has pointed out a variety of structural irregularities like plan irregularity and vertical irregularity. The study focuses on the seismic performance of G+6 storey regular and irregular Reinforced Concrete (RC) buildings. For this purpose, a finite element computer software ETABS (V. 9.7.1) has been used. The study as a whole makes an attempt to evaluate the impact of vertical irregularity on RC buildings in terms of static linear-Equivalent Static Lateral force Method (ESLM) and nonlinear analysis (PUSHOVER). Base shear, Lateral displacement, Storey drift and Performance points are the response parameters used to quantify the performance of the structure. The analysis has been carried out for zone II and zone V of India and soil type III (soft soil) condition. Based on the above response parameters, the results and conclusions are drawn. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
245-250 |
58 |
Comparative Study of Masonry Infilled RC Frame With and Without Opening by using Static and Dynamic Analysis
-Nagaraja B S ; Hemalatha M; Dharmesh N; Madhusudhana Y B
Masonry infill frames are the most common structural systems in earthquake regions. They play a significant role in resisting seismic forces when earthquake happens. The stiffness and strength contributions of infill frames are generally neglected during practice. They are considered as non-structural components and usually added after the frame has constructed. In the present study, two buildings of G+3 and G+12 are considered for seismic zone v consisting hard soil for the analysis. Totally 7 models are made for the analysis using software ETABS version 2013. The response parameters of 7 Models such as Base Shear, Mode Period, Storey Displacement, Storey Accelerations and Storey Shear are studied and comparisons are made for both Equivalent static lateral force method and Time history analysis. As the height and mass participation of the structure increases, Base Shear and Mode Period also increase. If percentage of opening increases, the stiffness reduces. Simultaneously but the Mode period and Displacement increases and frequency reduces due to which acceleration decreases for both G+3 and G+12 Buildings. Compared to ESLM and TH analyses, the Time history analysis shows better performance than Equivalent static lateral force method and G+3 building shows lesser displacement compared to G+12 Building. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
251-255 |
59 |
Dynamic Response of Tall Irregular Buildings under Influence of Torsion
-Veena V ; Guruprasad T N; Naveen Kumar S
The present study aims at understanding the importance of codal provisions, which are particularly provided for the analysis of torsionally unbalanced structures. IS 1893-2002 Part 1 Code gives the information about number of parameters which influences the irregularity of the structure. However, in the present study, the worst affected irregularity under the influence of torsion are studied, In the present study, dynamic analysis has been performed by Equivalent Lateral Force Method (ELF) i.e., the codal method, for all zones and for all soil types with various irregularities such as mass irregularity, diaphragm irregularity, re-entrant corners irregularity, Non parallel offset irregularity for 10, 15 and 20 storey buildings. The results in the form of torsional moment, fundamental time period and base shear results are compared for different irregularities and the analysis is done with Etabs 9.7 software. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
256-266 |
60 |
Speed and Position Control of Stepper Motor using 8051 Microcontroller
-Amit Kumar ; Ramjee Prasad Gupta
Speed control of machine is the most vital and important part in any industrial organization. This research work focuses on speed and position control of stepper motor using 8051 microcontroller. The speed of stepper motor has been controlled by the delay between consecutive pulses of stepper motor phases provided by microcontroller. Actually speed is inversely proportional to delay between pulses of consecutive phases and Position of stepper motor has been controlled by the number of revolutions. In this project work step angle of 15 degree per step has been taken when motor is moving in clockwise direction and 7.5 degree per step when moving in anticlockwise direction. The direction of movement of stepper motor depends on opening and closing of switch. When switch is closed, motor moves in clockwise direction and when switch is opened, motor moves in anticlockwise direction. Furthermore, variable resistor connected to pin no. 6 of ADC has been varied in clockwise direction due to which speed increases and when varied in anticlockwise direction speed decreases. In this project work infrared sensor has been used to detect speed of stepper motor in rpm. Speed in rpm & step angle in degree has been displayed on LCD screen and output pulses can be observed on CRO. The control program has been written in assembly language and Kiel compiler has been used to convert this control program into executable file or in a HEX code. This hex code has been burnt into microcontroller by Flash Magic software. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
267-271 |
61 |
Mechanical Behaviour of Mild Steel of Severely Deformed By Repititive Corrugation & Straightening (RCS) Approach and Taguchi Based Fuzzy Optimization
-R. K. Sangha Mitra ; Ch. Sekhar; C. Naga Kumar; S. Vijaya Kumar
Processes of severe plastic deformation (SPD) are defined as metal forming processes in which a very large plastic strain is imposed on a bulk process in order to make an ultra-fine grained metal. The objective of the SPD processes for creating ultra-fine grained metal is to produce light weight parts by using high strength metal for the safety and reliability of micro parts and for eco friendly. Repetitive corrugation and straightening (RCS) is one of the new processes in SPD technique. In this project the strength of mild steel is going to be increased by reducing the grain size to ultrafine grain size by using RCS technique. The taguchi optimization method is used with standard orthogonal array L9. To determine which process parameters are statistically significant on tensile, flexural and hardness a fuzzy logic approach is used. Finally conformation tests were carried out to investigate optimization improvements. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
270-273 |
62 |
Minimizing Data Center Energy Consumption and SLA Violation via Prediction based Resource Provisioning
-Gagandeep Kaur ; Sushil Kamboj
Cloud service provider’s main aim is to provide better services to cloud customer and proper utilization of the cloud resources in data centers, such that energy consumption cost and SLA violation rate are to be minimized. In this paper our approach is to obtaining future CPU load information in advance. As CPU is the key factor for the performance of application. So CPU load prediction is one of the most important aspect in the cloud resource provisioning. We propose two different CPU load prediction approaches based on Linear Regression and Support Vector Regression technique, which are suitable for dynamic characteristics of cloud applications and complex cloud computing environment. The proposed approach approximate the short time future CPU utilization based on the history of usage in each host. Planetab real workload has been considered for testing the performance of our proposed approaches. Experimental results show that the proposed techniques can significantly minimize the energy consumption cost and SLA violation rate. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
274-280 |
63 |
Evaluation of Optimal Parameters for Machining of SS 430 with Wire Cut EDM
-Manish Garg ; Gurmeet Singh
As the advancement in the technology some new material is comes in a trend which offers high strength, hardness and resistance to heat. For any manufacturing process and particularly, in process related to Wire EDM the correct selection of manufacturing conditions is one of the most important aspects to take in to consideration. In this research, material AISI SS 430 is selected as work piece. AISI 430 is difficult to machine due to greater strength and toughness. The wire EDM machining process is finding out the effect of machining parameter such as current, pulse on time and pulse off time on SS 430. A well designed experimental scheme is used to reduce the total number of experiments. S/N ratios associated with observed values in the experiments are determined by which factor is most affected by the responses. These experiments generate the output responses such as MRR and TWR. Read More...
Mechanical |
India |
281-285 |
64 |
Applications of Taguchi Design Method to Study Wear Behaviour of Sintered and Hardened AISI 4140 Powder Metallurgy Steel
-Manikandan S ; S.Settu; M.Krishnamoorthi
In this study the American Iron and Steel Institute(AISI) 4140 steel produced by Powder Metallurgy route. The specimen dimensions were maintained as per the standard dimensions needed for conducting the wear test by using the pin on disc wear analysis. The hardness of the AISI 4140 Powder Metallurgy steels was improved by quenching process. The quenching process was carried out at the temperature of 9000 C for 1hr and 2hr respectively. The wear resistance model for AISI 4140 P/M steel was developed in terms of quenching time, applied load, sliding distance and sliding speed using the Taguchi method. The wear test was carried out and evaluated the sliding wear behavior such as wear rate of sintered and quenched AISI 4140 Steels by using pin on disc wear tester. The orthogonal array and signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio are employed to investigate the optimal testing parameters. The experimental results demonstrate that the quenching time was the major parameter among the controllable factors that influence the weight loss of AISI 4140 P/M steel. For AISI 4140 P/M steel, the quenching time had the greatest effect on the wear, followed by applied load. The sliding distance and sliding speed had a much lower effect. The optimal combination of the testing parameters could be determined. Read More...
Mechanical engineering |
India |
286-289 |
65 |
Study and Analysis of Distributed Document Clustering Based on Mapreduce in Hadoop
-Suman Devi ; Dr. Suresh Kumar
MapReduce is a simplified programming model of distributed parallel computing. It is an important technology of Google, and is commonly used for data-intensive distributed parallel computing. Cluster analysis is the most important data mining methods. Efficient parallel algorithms and frameworks are the key to meeting the scalability and performance requirements entailed in such scientific data analysis. In this paper, we describe how document clustering for large collection can be efficiently implemented with MapReduce. Hadoop implementation provides a convenient and flexible framework for distributed computing on cluster of commodity machines. The design and implementation of direct K-Means and Distributed K-means algorithm on MapReduce is presented. Read More...
Computer Science Engineering |
India |
290-293 |
66 |
A Review on Tribological Behaviour of Lubricating Oil with the Addition of Nanoparticles and Nanotubes
-R.M.Kanase ; M.U.Gaikwad
In this paper the Tribological behavior of multi-wall nanotube and extreme pressure nanoparticles additives in a lubricating oil for improve the Tribological properties of lubricants is presented. The Tribological behavior will be evaluated on a four ball oil testing machine and it is expected that the test will show that each set of multi-wall nano tube and nano particles significantly reduces the friction coefficient and wear of friction pairs and wear surfaces will be analyses by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy Dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
294-297 |
67 |
An Efficient Rectenna using Loop Antenna at 900mhz GSM Band
-Rajesh Kumar Banoriya ; P. K. Singhal
Electromagnetic wave has a most important part of power and electromagnetic energy industry. In this paper introduced is a rectenna. The high efficiency has rectifying antenna (Rectenna) used is a wireless energy harvesting system. The history of rectenna for wireless energy harvesting and transmission has then analysed. The harvest wireless energy expeditiously under the sure conditions and have the capacity to arise a power supplier for some particular applications. The rectenna is uses cyclic antenna as a frequency 900MHz and gain 22.5dB. the maximum RF to DC conversion efficiency of the Rectenna is 76%. Read More...
Electronics and communication engineering |
India |
298-300 |
68 |
An Efficient Method to Provide Security using Back Propagation Neural Network Learning in Cloud Computing
-Pratik Gaikwad ; Ast.Prof, Chhaya Varade; Tejas Khedekar; Pratik Raka; Abhishek Mahale
By using the efficiency of cloud computing we are providing an ideal way for multiparty communication using Back Propagation neural network learning using their respective data set. Security is provided, as no party wants to reveal their data to others. Earlier models lacked multiple participant communication, every one having their own arbitrary data set for learning. Here we havw represented a system in which the participants encodes his data to thecloud server. The cloud server then computes and performs learning process with back propagation learning algorithm over the encoded data. As the cloud performs the maximum process, the communication and computation cost is kept minimum on the participant's side. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
301-304 |
69 |
High Temperature Superconductivity - A Review
-Sahil Bansal
Superconductivity is a phenomenon of disappearance of electrical resistance below certain temperature. The phenomenon was discovered by Kammerling Onnes in 1911 in metallic mercury at 4K. Since then, quest is on to find materials which show the superconductivity phenomenon at higher temperatures. Earlier, some compounds called Cuprates were believed to show the High Temperature Superconductivity. But now certain compounds of iron are also believed to show superconductivity at higher transition temperatures. In this article, we briefly review the theory of high temperature superconductivity and some technological applications of High Temperature Superconductors. Read More...
Physics |
India |
305-306 |
70 |
A Review: Optimization of Gear Face Width and Material Selection under the Influence of Bending Stress
-Harpreet Singh ; Amanpreet Singh
Gears are the critical parts of transmission system. Gears are used to transmit power or torque through direct contact between paired gears. Global competition in automotive market has brought the awareness to optimize the transmission design by optimizing the gear pair without compromising with its life. An optimization consists of selection of proper material and face width of gear pair by keeping the bending stress within safety limit and also by keeping the size or weight of gear pair smaller as much it can be without compromising with its performance. The purpose of this study is to establish a relation between different materials and face widths with the help of bending stress calculations (As per ISO 6336-3), also with some help of computer software viz. Excel spreadsheet. Calculated curves show the relationship between different materials Vs Permissible bending stresses and maximum bending stresses Vs Face widths Vs Materials to select most suitable one as per application requirement. Curves also show increase in price with respect to increase in face width. With the help of these curves one can easily select material and face width as per their application. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
307-310 |
71 |
A Technical Review on PEM Fuel Cell
-V.Nandhakumar ; M.Muthukumar
Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is a power generating device with high efficiency, zero emissions and working at atmospheric temperature and pressure. The Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel cells is producing power without spoiling the environment. In this paper, the parameters influencing the performance of PEM fuel cell are viewed reviewd from various sources. The performance of the fuel cell is highly influenced by the operating parameters like temperature, pressure, humidity and mass flow rates of reactant gases; and the design parameters like flow channel designs and dimensions, rib size, channel length, thickness and porosity of GDL, membrane type etc. It is concluded that the controlling of flow field design and operating parameters can improve the performances of PEM fuel cell. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
311-314 |
72 |
Review Paper for Content based Image Retrieval Methods
-Megha Jain ; Mrs. Pushpa Singh
The paper presents a review on numerous ways in which of content based image retrieval. Content based image retrieval may be a system by that numerous images are retrie- ved from an outsized database assortment. These databases are ready using numerous visual features like color, texture, shape and spatial layout that are extracted using completely -different techniques. As image database volume is increasing rapidly, researchers are probing for a much better robust mech -anism to retrieve images and to get more accurate results. Therefore the analysis focus has been shifted from low-level feature extraction algorithms to the high get more accurate results. Therefore the analysis focus has been shifted from low -level feature extraction algorithms to the high level visual feature extraction mechanism. To develop better content based image retrieval system, it is necessary to boost numerous processes concerned in retrieval like feature extraction, image segmentation, image decomposition and similarity matching techniques. During this paper we tend to discuss the basic aspects, visual features and techniques for quick and retrieval images from the database. In this paper, completely different well-known options for image retrieval are quantitatively com -pared and their correlation is analyzed. We compare the options for two different image retrieval tasks (color a clear and medical radiograph) and a transparent distinction in per-formance is determined, which can be used as a basis for an appropriate selection of features. In the medical field, images, and especially digital images are produced in ever increasing quantities and used for diagnostic sand therapy. Read More...
Digital Image Processing - Computer processing |
India |
315-319 |
73 |
Experimental Investigation for Enhancement of Heat Transfer in Two Pass Solar Air Heater Duct using Multi V-Shaped with Gap Roughness Geometry
-Ravendra Kumar Ray ; Dr. A R Jaurker
The important factors of increasing the efficiency of solar air heater are reducing the heat losses and increasing the heat transfer rate between the absorber plate and working medium air. An experimental work is design and developed to achieve the above goal by providing the double pass instead of single pass in conventional solar air heater. The heat transfer rate is increased by providing the artificial roughness on heat transfer surface. This paper present an experimental study to investigate the effect of roughness and flow parameter on heat transfer using multi v-shape rib with gap geometry. The experimental investigation encompassed the Reynolds number (Re) range from 2000 to 15,000, relative width ratio (W/w) of 3, relative gap distance (Gd/Lv) of 0.24-0.80, relative gap width (g/e) of 0.5-1.5, relative roughness height (e/D) of 0.043, relative roughness pitch (P/e) of 10, angle of attack (α) of 60°. Result is compared to smooth duct under similar flow condition and found that the maximum enhancement is observed at a relative gap distance of 0.69 for relative gap width of 1.0, relative roughness pitch of 10, angle of attack of 60°and relative roughness height of 0.043. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
320-324 |
74 |
Optimization of End Milling Process Parameters on Surface Roughness of SS 420 by Taguchi Method
-Inderjeet Singh ; Dr. A.P.S. Sethi
The present work in this paper depicts the influence of different milling parameters spindle speed, feed rate and depth of cut. This investigation deals with the machining of SS 420 to optimize the process parameters and to minimize the surface roughness. The L9 orthogonal array is designed using Taguchi technique with three levels of each process parameters. The cutting operation of job was done by solid end mill four-flute cutter. A total of nine experimental run were carried out. Finally signal-to-Noise (S/N) ratio, Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and different plots developed by MINITAB 15 software were employed to study the effect of input parameters on Surface roughness (SR) and presented in this paper. Read More...
Mechanical |
India |
325-328 |
75 |
Talent Management System - A Tool for Sustaining Quality in Higher Education
-K.R.Kishore Kumar ; Dr.Muthu Natarajan
As the advancement in the technology some new material is comes in a trend which offers high strength, hardness and resistance to heat. For any manufacturing process and particularly, in process related to Wire EDM the correct selection of manufacturing conditions is one of the most important aspects to take in to consideration. In this research, material AISI SS 430 is selected as work piece. AISI 430 is difficult to machine due to greater strength and toughness. The wire EDM machining process is finding out the effect of machining parameter such as current, pulse on time and pulse off time on SS 430. A well designed experimental scheme is used to reduce the total number of experiments. S/N ratios associated with observed values in the experiments are determined by which factor is most affected by the responses. These experiments generate the output responses such as MRR and TWR. Read More...
Humanities |
India |
329-334 |
76 |
Surface Water Quality Modeling: A Review of the Analysis of Uncertainty
-Smruti Sohani ; Pramod Ku. Singh; Sanjeeda Iqbal
After the origin of life in water everything of living organisms is sustained by water. Not only biotic components, abiotic components on the Earth depend on water. Water is not only essential to life but is predominate inorganic constituent of living matter forming nearly three quarters of the weight of a living cell. In short water is essential for life and plays a unique role virtually as medium in all biological process. This report showed an overview of the water supply situation in Indore. It was considered appropriate to undertake an independent assessment of the water supply to Indore as well as a review of all water demand management activities being undertaken in the supply area. The degree of pollution is assessed generally by studying physical and chemical characteristics of the water body. Any undesirable change in the physico-chemical characteristics of water brings about water pollution. This change is mainly due to human activity such as rapid urbanization and industrialization coupled with injudicious exploration of natural resources. The discharge of domestic sewage and industrial effluents into natural water resources such as rivers, streams as well as lakes and reservoirs results in alteration of their physical and chemical properties leading to objectionable conditions. Read More...
Water Resource Engineering |
India |
335-337 |
77 |
Design and Analysis of 4-Bit Magnitude Comparator of Different Adder Logic Using GDI and TG at 90nm
-Sukhdeep Kaur ; Hardeep Kaur ; Er. Swaranjeet Singh
In this paper 4-bit comparators are designed with six different logic of full-adder design styles at 90nm VLSI technology and all designs operated at 3.3 MHz frequency 1.2V that simulates all circuits. The circuits are designed and simulated using Tanner EDA software tools. It is concluded from number of transistors comparison that Transmission Gate technique requires less number of transistor to design a system than other two design styles. So electronics circuits designed using Transmission Gate logic style will occupy less space on the chip than GDI. It is also concluded that Transmission Gate style has the lowest figure of merit than other two design styles at 90nm. Thus Transmission Gate has the best performance in terms of speed and power dissipation at lower supply voltages. It is a also concluded that as technology is scaling down, it is becoming more advantageous in terms of less supply voltages, less power dissipation and having less delay. Main aim to optimize both power and area of 4-bit magnitude comparator Power Delay Product which is less in Transmission gate logic style of adders. Read More...
India |
338-340 |
78 |
Effect of Cement Sand and Bagasse Ash Mix on OMC and MDD Result
-Anil Pratap Singh ; R.D. Patel
Sugarcane bagasse ash (SBA), is utilized in various application for so many application. so we are conducting a test on different-different proportion of SBA, with cement and sand. To replacing the clay, with that in mind a research was conducted by utilising (SBA) with cement and sand. The research involved the preparation of five mix proportion. The result shows decreased in Maximum Dry Density with increased in bagasse ash. The table:1, show the mix proportion. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
341-344 |
79 |
Light Weight Bricks Obtained By Mixing Portland Pozzolana Cement, Sand and Bagasse Ash with Adhesive
-Anil Pratap Singh ; R.D. Patel
Bricks are mostly used construction material around the world. Generally bricks are produced from clay at high temperature. But in many are of world, mostly in developing country there is shortage of natural source material for production of the conventional bricks. For environmental protection and sustainable development, various researches have been conducted on production of bricks from waste material. This paper present utilization of waste materials. In this paper use of bagasse ash with cement, sand and bagasse ash with gumarabic is used as an adhesive. Five different mixers where prepared M1, M2, M3, M4, and M5.the composition of the mixer are shown in table 1.4.The size of bricks are 225×110×70 mm non modular size. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
345-347 |
80 |
M/M/1 Queuing System Simulation using C
-Ajay Chandra Pendyala ; Kushagra Sinha; Praneeth Varma Rudraraju; Venkata Mukesh Muppasani
The queuing system is simulated where the inter-arrival times and the service times are assumed to be exponentially distributed. This simulation is going to be run on two criteria: based on the total runs and based on the total time duration of the simulation. This simulation is run based on an algorithm which is programmed in the C language. In the simulation, the average values derived such as the waiting time, idle time can be compared with the steady state parameters as well. Their difference or deviation from the steady state parameters will give us an insight into the accuracy of the algorithm being employed. Read More...
Computer Science- Modeling and simulation |
India |
348-349 |
81 |
Evaluation of Traffic Rotary & Design of Traffic Signal at Habibganj Naka Bhopal
-Shivam Kushwaha ; Mr. S.S. Goliya
In India number of vehicles are increasing day by day hence major cities in India like Bhopal facing to many problems such as traffic jam that occur frequently causing delays, loss of time, increased in fuel consumption, increase in noise pollution and frequent interruption in traffic flow. The city Bhopal has too many intersections. In this paper an attempt has been made to study the Habibganj naka intersection Bhopal, so as to minimize the delays at these intersections and consequently improve level service at Habibganj naka intersection the existing traffic has been estimated and then signal designed improve the level of service at intersection and to minimize delay. For some aspects of signal design there is a conflict between safety and delay. The behavior of pedestrian has been much more widely studied than their safety. The main objective of this project to evaluate and analysis the current traffic condition at Habibganj Naka rotary Bhopal to determine the resolution of problems containing congestion of traffic accidents and reducing traffic delays by designing signal system for better convenience of traffic. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
350-356 |
82 |
Automatic Hydraulic Bumper and Speed Limiting System
-Rohit Pramod Jain ; Dr.V.Singh
The loss of human as well as financial loss due to repaired of the damaged vehicles is alarming. In recent years the numbers of vehicles have increased drastically leading to further increase in accidents and repair costs. Automobile manufacturing companies are developing upgraded vehicles in respect of technology and fuel efficiency. Manufactures are also continuously working on improvement of safety measures in modern vehicles. Present work involves design and simulation of “Automatic hydraulic bumper and speed control system†to enhance safety measures. This system consists of IR transmitter, receiver circuit, control unit and hydraulic bumper system. As and when vehicle is close to obstacle the IR transmitted signal from the vehicle is reflected back from obstacle and received by detector and processed in the control unit. The control unit activates the breaking system. Simultaneously the solenoid valve is activated to move the bumper forward. In case of collision from front side impact force on the vehicle gets absorbed which prevents any unexpected extent of damage or injury during the accident. The bumper system has been designed to satisfy the safety norms ECE 26 using CATIA V5 software. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
357-361 |
83 |
Thermoplastic Heat sink for LED Lighting Systems
-Lilli Prasath J
one of critical challenges in LED Lighting system design is the thermal management. The light output of the LED Lighting system is dependent on the Junction temperature. The design of heat sink plays a very vital role in the design. Conventional methods of heat sink manufacturing include materials such as aluminum, copper or combination of aluminum-copper being used. However considering the current trend of manufacturing process, the cost of metal heat sinks has increased. It curbs the design feasibility. In order to achieve a compromise between thermal management and manufacturing cost thermo plastic materials are introduced to replace the metallic heat sinks. This paper presents the design feasibility and thermal management of LED Lighting system with Thermoplastic Heat sinks. Read More...
Illumination Engineering |
India |
362-363 |
84 |
Study on Effect of Simarouba Blend and Injection Opening Pressure on Performance Characteristics of Diesel Engine
-Chethan Raj S D ; Suchith Kumar M T
In the modernized world energy used in the engine are limited and decreasing gradually. This leads to search of an alternate fuel for diesel engine. Biodiesel is a promising alternate fuel. In this study a four stroke compression ignition diesel engine is run by the different simarouba biodiesel blends (B10, B20 & B30) on varying injection pressure (180, 200 & 220 bar) at a constant speed of 1500 rpm. The output performance parameters are BSFC (brake specific fuel consumption) and BTE (brake thermal efficiency). The experimental results show that the blend B20 at the IOP 200 bar gives the better results than B10 and B30. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
364-366 |
85 |
Distributed Generation Allocation and Sizing using Various Meta Heuristic Optimization Techniques: A Review
-Anupama Kumari
Distributed generation units are small renewable sources of energy located at or near the point of use in distribution system to increase voltage stability and minimise power loss. With the worldwide growing popularity of DG it is essential to determine optimal location and size. In this paper different method for optimum allocation of DG in distribution system such as Cuckoo Search Algorithm, Firefly Algorithm, Genetic Algorithm, Harmony Search Algorithm, PSO, Artificial Bee Colony, Ant Colony Optimization etc are reviewed. These natured inspired techniques are more flexible and fast optimization methods. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
367-370 |
86 |
Role of VO2 MAX in Determining the Rest Period during Moderate Work
-Shara Khursheed ; Sumita Chaturvedi; Dr. K.M. Moeed
The ergonomics means fitting the job according to the workers capability. Ergonomically rest period is one of the basic factor in increasing the human comfort and reducing the risk of injuries. VO2 max is an criteria for determining the rest period which is based on the levelling of oxygen intake in the blood due to the increase in work rate, high level of lactic acid in the blood. With the increase of stress level maximal oxygen consumption also increase due to which demand for energy in the body increases and when our body is unable to supply such increasing demands than the condition of fatigue arises which ultimately leads to the musculoskeletal disorders, reduction in working efficiencies and other work related problems. The solution to such situation is providing the rest period. The aim of present study is to calculate the maximum oxygen consumption and the heart rate so to determine the optimum rest period in order to perform the task comfortably and efficiently. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
371-373 |
87 |
Application of Wind Driven Optimization algorithm for Clustering in WSN to Achieve Energy Efficiency
-Sukhpreet Kaur ; Arun Kumar
This thesis aims at reducing energy consumption in wireless sensor networks. To achieve this, we considered Wind Driven Optimization algorithm (WDO) in the selection of Cluster Head (CH) in such a way so that its energy is used uniformly with delayed disintegration of network. For this purpose, the LEACH algorithm random clustering approach has been replaced by WDO clustering. The WDO based LEACH protocol has been compared with random LEACH, LEACH-C and K-MEANS algorithm. Various factor taken for comparison are network life in the form of number of rounds, no of dead nodes and no of packet sent to BS affect performance of routing algorithm in WSN. The performance of cluster based routing protocol shows some differences by varying life pattern among nodes and number of dead nodes. LEACH-C perform better in network disintegration criterion but it give less network life as compared to WDO based LEACH. In WDO which is made of both types of search capabilities performs better than other methods. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
374-377 |
88 |
Introduction of Space Base Solar Power Station
-Mithun Gajbhiye ; Ankit Chilkalwar; Shubham Kadu
The Space Base Solar Power Plant is the new technology of electrical power generation in renewable power generation sector. The solar energy that reaches the Earth is about 10,000 times total human energy production but it cannot utilize for the power generation due to the many drawbacks. The space solar plant is situated in the earth orbit. It consist the 5 Km long shaft at the both end of the shaft the concentrating mirror is place and in middle portion consist solar panel, microwave generator, microwave transmitter. The concentrating mirror concentrating the sun radiation & high concentrating radiation beam on the solar panel then it converted into electrical power, this electrical power is again converted into high frequency of microwave. This high frequency wave is transmitted to the earth station where the receiver (rectenna) converted into electrical power and send to the grid. Read More...
Electrical Non-Conventional Power Generation |
India |
378-380 |
89 |
Water Quality Indices and Plankton Diversity in Two Lakes of Mysuru City
-Swetha D ; Dr. Udayashankara T.H
The water quality index is a single number that expresses the quality of water by integrating the water quality variables. Its purpose is to provide a simple and concise method for expressing the water quality for different usage. The present work deals with the monitoring of variation of seasonal water quality index of some strategically selected surface water bodies. The index improves the comprehension of general water quality issues, communicates water quality status and illustrates the need for and the effectiveness of protective practices. The study deals with physico-chemical properties of Hebbal and Lingambudi lakes of Mysuru city and its impact on phytoplankton population. Several limnological parameters were evaluated during the period from December 2014 to July 2015 from four sampling stations sited along both lakes of Hebbal and Lingambudi. In order for the policy makers and general public to understand the extent of pollution in these lakes, water quality indices have been formulated. In this study, water quality indices which have been used are Canadian Council of Ministers of Environment (CCME) and National Sanitation Foundation (NSF). CCME provides information on quality for all designated purposes of a lake, while NSF provides the quality level, if the lake is being used, or is to be used for drinking purposes. The physical parameters included were temperature, turbidity and chemical parameters included were pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, BOD, COD, nitrate, phosphate . A total 20 species were observed during the study period, maximum number of sp observed were in the Lingambudi lake i.e. 20 sp. There were 5 species observed from the class Chlorophyceae, 7 species of the class Cynophyceae, 8 of the class Bacillariophyceae,. The Microcystis species was observed in Lingambudi Lake indicates the signs of eutrophication of lake. The physico-chemical parameters such as nitrates, phosphate, temperature and TSS are favorable for the growth of phytoplankton. Maximum species of the class Bacillariophyceae were observed during study period. Read More...
Environmental Engineering |
India |
381-385 |
90 |
Review Paper on Design Optimization of Link Mechanism in Vertical Carousel Machine
-Sammed Arinjay Patil ; Prof. V. J. Khot
This paper presents review of design optimization of link mechanism in vertical carousel machine. In this paper problem definition and problem solving methodology is presented in detail. This methodology suggests use of high end design analysis softwares like CATIA V5, Hypermesh, Nastran and ADAMS VIEW. Research papers are studied thoroughly for this review paper. For more practical study of the problems arising in the design and optimization of link mechanism, data required is accumulated from local manufacturing company. This paper focuses on study of mechanism of vertical carousel machine, its causes of failure of mechanism of vertical carousel machine. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
386-390 |
91 |
Thermal Analysis on Triple Effect Falling Film Evaporator
-Vanitha Dunna ; P. Srinivas Kishore
Evaporation is an operation used to remove a liquid from a solution, suspension, or emulsion by boiling off some of the liquid. It is thus a thermal separation, or thermal concentration process. When a single effect evaporator is used to produce a concentrated liquid or crystal the vapour generated is a by-product with a latent heat content that goes to waste. Multiple effect arrangements are designed to utilize this waste heat and reduce steam consumption and heating power. This is done by using the vapour generated in the first stage as the heat source in the second stage and heat source in third stage. In this paper varying the input pressures at inlet from 24 bar to 16 bar mass flow rate of distilled water at three different stages are estimated using mass balance and energy balance equations. Steam generation rates of triple effect forward feed evaporator at different stages are compared with single effect evaporator. Graphs are drawn to predict the variation of enthalpies, heat for evaporation mass flow rate of distilled water for a triple effect forward feed evaporator. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
391-394 |
92 |
A Study on Durability of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete
-Basavaraj S Tavade ; Asso.Prof.Amaresh S Patil
In this modern age, civil engineering constructions have their own structural and durability requirements, every structure has its own intended purpose and hence to meet this purpose, modification in traditional cement concrete has become mandatory. It has been found that steel fibers added in specific percentage to concrete improves the mechanical properties, durability and serviceability of the structure. It is now established that one of the important properties of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) is its superior to cracking and crack propagation. In this paper effect of steel fibers on the durability of concrete for M40 grade have been studied by varying percentage of steel fibers in concrete. Steel Fiber content was varied by 0.75%, 1.0%, and 1.25% by volume of concrete. Water to cement ration was maintained 0.40 throughout the project work. Concrete cubes of size 150mmX150mmX150mm were tested for compressive strength, Resistance to Acid Attack, Water Absorption, Porosity, and Sorptivity after 28 days curing. Cylinders of size 150mm dia. and 300mm height were tested for Split Tensile strength after 28days curing. 1.25% steel fiber added by volume of concrete exhibited enhanced durability properties with reference to resistance to Acid attack, Porosity, Water absorption and Sorptivity. Read More...
Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering |
India |
395-401 |
93 |
Utilization of Flyash and Sludge of Mysore Paper Mills for Agriculture
-Anusha.M.K ; Dr. D.Istalingamurthy
Flyash is the main dust generated mainly from fluidized bed boilers, where coal is fired in a finely crushed form to improve the combustion efficiency. Sludge is a hazardous by-product which requires safe disposal either in landfill or incineration. These are the common waste generated mainly by thermal power plants and industries that cause un avoidable problems like ground water contamination, health hazards, environmental pollution etc., but by utilizing this waste for agriculture can reduce this problem to some extent and also it’s economically feasible. Pot experiments were conducted at 10%,20%,30%,40%,50%,70%,90%,100% treatment levels with flyash and (10% FA + 10% ss + 80% soil), (20% FA + 20% ss + 60% soil), and (50% ss + 50% soil) treatment levels with sludge generated by Mysore Paper Mills, located at Bhadravathi. Two types of soil i.e. black soil and red soil and Lycopersicon Esculentum (Tomato) were used for this study. The physic-chemical parameters, heavy metal analysis, growth parameters were analyzed and checked for plant growth. The use of flyash in soil improved the plant growth by increasing the physic-chemical properties of soil. The Lycopersicon Esculentum showed a positive growth up to 30% amendment with flyash whereas the usage of sewage sludge did not give satisfactory results in turn it hindered the growth of plant. Read More...
Environmental Engineering |
India |
402-406 |
94 |
An Overview of Solar Cooking, with the Help of Phase Changing Material and Solar Tracker
-Shweta Singh ; Abhishek Saroj
This paper presents a short review on the different type of solar cookers, phase changing materials and tracking mechanism used in solar cookers. In present scenario renewable sources of energy are widely used for different purposes because these sources provide clean and renewable energy. Demand of clean and renewable energy is increasing day by day. Solar energy is inexhaustible source of renewable energy so various features are used for enhancing its capacity and effectiveness. Solar tracker and phase changing materials are used for increasing the efficiency of the solar cooker. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
407-411 |
95 |
Study on Effect of Shape in PSC Box Girder Bridge
-Tiger Venkateshwar ; Dr. R B Khadiranaikar
The box girder is an efficient form of construction for bridges because it minimizes weight, while maximizing flexural stiffness, capacity and also box girder has high torsional stiffness and strength, compared with an equivalent member of open cross section. A simply supported single-span four-cell PSC box girder bridge with span to depth ratio of 25 is considered in the study. The analysis is carried out for rectangular and trapezoidal shape box Girder Bridge. The modeling and analysis is done using SAP 2000 software. The responses such as bending moment, shear force and deflection are compared. From the study it is observed that deflection, bending moment and shear force of rectangular box girder is more compare trapezoidal box girder bridge. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
412-416 |
96 |
Review On: Soil Washing Process to Remove Heavy Metals from Sludge
-Shreya Verma ; Dr. S.M. Ali Javed; Indu Singh; Zainab Siddqui; Sachin Gupta
Soil is one of the most important components of the environment and proper management of land is very important to maintain its quality and sustained use. The soil contamination resulting from increasing release and accumulation of heavy metals in soil by industrial and other human activities cause serious threat to the functioning of components of ecosystem. Clean up or removal of pollutants from soil is very difficult task and time consuming, once contamination occurs. Soil washing is one of the few permanent treatment method to remove metal contamination from soil. Soil washing is a technology which is used to treat soils and sludges. Zinc ,chromium ,cadmium ,lead ,copper ,mercury ,nickel are considered as the most hazardous heavy metals .Soil washing provides a cost effective and environmentally proactive alternative to stabilization and land filling. This process not employed on soils that are contaminated with pesticides and volatile organic compound. Soil washing is a technique that uses liquids, usually water, to remove chemical pollutants from soil and sometimes water combined with chemical additives to scrub soils. This scrubbing cause removal of hazardous contaminants and concentrates them into smaller volume. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
417-419 |
97 |
Comparative Study on Crack Pattern of RCC and Brick & RCC Composite Beams
-Piyush Kumar ; Mr. R.D. Patel
This paper presents a study carried out on Crack Pattern and Failure modes of RCC and Brick & RCC Composite Beams. The main objective of this thesis is to study replacement of concrete by bricks. The concrete of tension zone has been replaced by Brick in order to reduce weight and cost of the reinforced concrete beams An experimental program is conducted on six simply supported concrete beams. All six beams cast in 2 different groups and every group having 3 beams. The first group of beams is of reinforced concrete beams and second group of beams are composite beams. The Crack Pattern of both groups of beam compare with each other. The comparative study result on Crack Pattern is taken with the help of load deflection reading by using dial gauge. The dial gauge are at position L/6, L/3, L/2, 2L/3 and 5L/6, where L is the length of beam. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
420-422 |
98 |
Throughput and End-to-End Delay Comparison in Wireless Sensor Network using BPR
-Narasimalu N S ; Dr. P.P.Patavardhan; Prof. R.R.Kulkarni
Any network should have the ability to operate in harsh environments despite of the constraints taken in WSN. One of the basic features of any sensor network is to monitor and sense the surrounding for communication between them but because of their limited capabilities, sensor nodes are susceptible to various sources of failures such as presence of anomalies, malware attacks, hardware failures and software corruption which can reduce nodes functionality and badly affect most WSN operations. The existing system methods like (BOUND HOLE and GAR)can be used to diminish these issues but their performance is bounded by some restriction, the solution is to BY-PASS the infected node dynamically using twin rolling balls technique. The identification of the infected node is done by the adopting the fuzzy data clustering approach which classify the node based on the anomaly detection with the help of threshold values. The BPR algorithm bypasses the infected node to reach the destination, increasing the performance of the network. The twin rolling ball concept is used to get the idea of stuck packets in the network. Thus, BPR provides better performance in terms of QoS parameters that is throughput, end-to-end delay and energy consumption as compared to existing system. Read More...
India |
423-428 |
99 |
HR Shared Services: A Study of Marketing in Financial Service Sector (Special Reference to Insurance)
-Adams Otundoh Stephen ; Mr. Robert Ombati
In the wake of liberalization and globalization of the Indian economy the financial services sector has come to assume significant importance, and life insurance, which is a very important constituent of the financial service sector, assumes a special performance. Read More...
Marketing and Financial |
India |
429-433 |
100 |
Studies on Brick and RCC Composite Beams
-Piyush Kumar ; Mr. R.D.Patel
The main objective of this thesis is to study replacement of concrete by bricks. In reinforced concrete beams strength of concrete lying the neutral axis [just above and below] is not fully utilized. So near the neutral axis as well in tension zone concrete has been replaced by bricks in order to reduced weight and cost of beams. An experimental program is conducted on six simply supported concrete beams. All six beams cast in 2 different groups and every group having 3 beams. The first group of beams is of reinforced concrete beams and second group of beams are composite beams. Both groups of beam compare with each other. The deflection readings are taken with the help of dial gauges. The dial gauge are at position L/6, L/3, L/2, 2L/3 and 5L/6, where L is the length of beam. The relationship between load and mid-span deflection are being drawn. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
434-436 |