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101 |
-Madhu Arya ; Nisha Rani
As there is a advancement in technologies, Mobile Size become very very small. But small size mobile have their own drawback like can’t make buttons and screens large. It was very difficult to press those tiny buttons. Chris Harison [Mellon Univ.] develops a software called Skinput Technology which consider our body as an input surface. And one more advantage of Skinput Technology is, no need to take the phone out of your pocket. In this way our body becomes Hi-Tech! For input in our body we select our Hands, Arms and Armband is used for Sensing the Body. And Future Scope will be that Multi-Sensor Armband will be Wireless. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
436-465 |
102 |
Design Aids for Cost Estimation of Structural Elements of Building
-Shri Hiren Jayantibhai Chavda ; Shri Tejas D. Khediya; Shri Mahipal J.Mer; Shri Deepak N. Mamaiya; Kum. Nikita K. Panwala
The B.I.S. recently revised the new IS: 456-2000. This standard deals with the general structural use of plain and reinforced concrete. Building contains various structural elements like beam, column, footing, etc. and each elements is designed as per Indian standard so while estimating materials and cost of project we have to estimate each elements manually but it is time consuming. In market various software’s available for estimating quantity of material required known as Quantity Take Off softwares but that softwares are costly and need higher skill operator to operate that software. For saving time in estimating of various structural elements, one need to have their own computer programme or design aids or spreadsheet. In this research we have developed excel programme spreadsheet for the quantity and material cost estimation of various structural elements like footing, beam, column and slab which helps us in faster calculation during design. This aids us to incorporate any changes and correction at planning stage and at execution level if needed. It enables us to give quicker results. We have also programmed in this spread sheet for total quantity of steel which will calculate the total weight and length of each diameter of bar ( i.e. 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm, 25mm). And in second part of programmed for quantity of materials for concrete design, estimate the total quantity of materials by entering characteristic of elements and grade of concrete mix. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
438-441 |
103 |
A Survey on Various Techniques Used In Face Detection & Tracking
-Ekta Thaman ; Ramanpreet Kaur; Dr. Raman Chadha
A solution is classified in this research which addresses detection and tracking aspects and achieves favourable results being compared with the prior arts of detection and tracking. The most challenging problem in various scenarios is real-time face detection and feature tracking. Various robust methods are being implemented time to time which can locate multiple faces simultaneously in different environments and luminous conditions. Many efforts are being made for speeding up the recognition module for the system to run faster & human body detection and recognition are integrated into the system so that the information can be used altogether with detection and tracking. Face detection and tracking in not only about some faces but also need to be integrated for large scale search. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
442-447 |
104 |
Student Learning Experiences From Social Media - A Review
-G.T.Prabavathi ; K.R.Moudali
Social media is used by every individual to express their feelings, opinions, emotions and experiences. Social media acts as a platform for students to express their educational experiences, negative emotions and feelings. Educational data mining is to analyze the social media data used by students to identify education related problems. Analyzing the unstructured data provides valuable information about students learning experiences. Investigating the informal discussion of students helps the educational researches to identify the students’ behavior and their views about learning experiences. In this paper a review has been made on various techniques used by researchers to identify engineering college students’ problems using tweets. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
448-450 |
105 |
Rain Water Harvesting: A lifeline for human well-being
-Nibe Ravindra Laxman ; Mr.M.S.Sutar; Mr.A.S.Wani; Mr.K.Tambe; Mr.S.K.Sonawane
Today India is facing the shortage of water, water is a more than often been seen as a cause for social conflicts protests, demonstration and road blockades. Water is an essential element of life. Life impossible without this precious gift of nature. One of the biggest challenge of 21st century is to overcome the growing the water shortage. Rain water harvesting is helpful to various types of artificial recharge techniques, operation, maintenance, reducing soil erosion also in improving the quality of ground water. The collection of rainwater is the most important and economical aspect. Read More...
Chemical Engineering |
India |
451-454 |
106 |
A stacked patch multiband antenna for wireless application
-Shubhradeep mishra ; Dr.B.S.Rai
In this paper, a stacked patch multiband, CPW (coplanar waveguide) fed, slotted ground micro strip patch antenna is designed for wireless application. The proposed antenna consists of an upper patch, stacked over a lower radiating patch, along with a CPW feed above slotted ground plane. The wideband radiation of the antenna is achieved using a CPW feed in the lower patch and a stacked square patch along with slotted ground plane. The proposed antenna operates into four different bands. The measured 10dB return loss bandwidth of proposed antenna is 7.25%(3.3-3.55Ghz), 10.03%(4.1-4.524Ghz), 2.62%(4.91-5.03Ghz) and 6.6%(5.71-6.1Ghz) at center frequency 3.458 GHz, 4.188 GHz, 4.954 GHz, 5.893 GHz, with gain of 2.67dB, 4.79dB, 3.07dB, and 3.62dB. The proposed antenna is applicable for Wi-Max, WLAN and Radar Altimeter and satellite application. The proposed antenna is designed on a Multilayer FR4 dielectric with permittivity 4.6, loss tangent 0.001 and thickness 1.588mm. Antenna is designed and simulated using Advanced Design System (ADS) 2011.05 software. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
455-457 |
107 |
CFD Analysis of Transonic Flow over the Nose Cone of Aerial Vehicle
-Girish Kumar ; Dr. Pravin V Honguntikar
Transonic flow is a Mach number around 0.8 to 1.2 regime used to distinguish flow fields, phenomena and problems appearing at flight speed equal to the speed of sound. The nose cone should be built with an outer surface which should be able to withstand high temperature generated by aerodynamic heating and the shape of the nose cone must also be chosen for minimum drag. In this project an attempt is made to Mach number 1 calculates the flow parameters around the nose cone of aerial vehicle. The effect of pressure, velocity and various other parameters are analyzed using ANSYS FLUENT software which is custom made to analyze this parameters. The analysis will be carried out for three model of nose cone namely Sharp, Ogive and Blunt nose cone for transonic flow of Mach number 1.The selection of material for the nose cone as the aerodynamic heating has be to less. Optimization is done for the best suited shape of nose cones for best suited transonic aerial flight. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
458-462 |
108 |
Face Detection and Recognition Using Enhanced- LBP Feature Extraction in Digital Images
-Amandeep Kaur ; Rachna Rajput
We present a new approach to face detection and recognition from digital images which considers both shape and texture information to represent face images. The face area in any digital image is first divided into small regions from which Enhanced Local Binary Pattern (E-LBP) histograms are extracted and concatenated into a single, spatially enhanced feature histogram efficiently representing the face image. The recognition is performed utilizing a closest neighbor classifier as a part of the figured element space with Chi square as a difference measure. Extensive experiments clearly show the superiority of the proposed scheme over all considered methods (PCA, Bayesian Intra/extra personal Classifier and Elastic Bunch Graph Matching) on FERET tests which include testing the robustness of the method against different facial expressions, lighting and aging of the subjects. In addition to its efficiency, the simplicity of the proposed method allows for very fast feature extraction. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
466-468 |
109 |
A Comparative Review of Image Segmentation Techniques
-Manjot Kaur ; Pratibha Goyal; Raman Chadha
In today’s computer science image segmentation has become the main focus of research as a universal algorithm for segmentation of images. There is no one method in the world for segmentation which is good for all type of images and produces the same quality of results always for all types of images. Due to these types of challenges the sector image segmentation always remains a focus of main research under the computer science e and image processing algorithm’s it is considered as still a pending problem for the world of computers. Despite of these facts the image segmentation can still has given more methods for different kinds of problems the any other techniques under the image segmentation. This methodology is used to extract particular part of images as a separate identity itself. Unsupervised image segmentation is also a incomplete data problem because of the fact that model parameters and class labels are still unknown. There are many of the algorithms and basic methods developed during the time frame under image segmentation but need for new methods are still in need according to changing needs and advancement of technology. In this paper, we have analyzed and reviewed EMHMRF, Gaussian mixture model GMM-HMRF and K-GMM-EMM method and compare them on the basis of Time and energy activation graph. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
469-472 |
110 |
Critical View on Inquiry Learning in Science Classroom
-Poonam Kharb
Science education is one of the most important demands of the current century to excel and promote the level of understanding and behavior of the individual. Teaching and learning of science by inquiry is one of the prime areas of concern in today’s realm of science education. This literature provides guidelines with the help of reform documents for promoting inquiry as the central strategy for teaching science. Science education in India, even at its best, develops competence but does not encourage inventiveness and creativity. Inspired by its seemingly frequent use in reform documents, policy paper, guidelines and in textbooks many questions needs to be answered surrounding inquiry. Through this paper general public wants to know from reformers from all categories – teachers, teacher educators, administrator, policy makers and members of various educational committees what answers research has for such questions. Read More...
India |
473-474 |
111 |
Verification of ANFIS
-Ishu jain ; Ranjeeta kaushik
The paper proposed the adaptive noise repression technique for repression of noise in voice communication. There are different techniques previously used for adaptive filteration similar to least mean square, kalman’s filter etc. In the paper we old “fuzzy logic†technique for adaptive filteration. We recognize about the theory of adaptive filteration of noise and purpose of fuzzy logic. We are using the fuzzy logic functions anfis and genfis1 by matlab for imitation. Anfis is the adaptive neuro-fuzzy guidance of sugeno-type fuzzy inference systems. In this paper we use anfis system to restrain different types of noise from voice signal. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
475-477 |
112 |
Reflection of Population Pressure on Land Use Pattern of Ahmednagar District(Maharashtra).
-Dr.Vasudev S Salunke
The concept of Population pressure indicates the increasing population due to explosive growth of population and which causes excess pressure upon available resources in a region. In this paper an attempt has been made to analyze the temporal changes in population growth, density, levels of urbanization and its impact on resources which always reflects through land use. The most striking changes in the population characteristics of Ahmednagar is seen in the density of population. High density of population has caused human pressure on the land, which created huge difference man-land ratio. Though Ahmednagar district being largest district of Maharashtra state in respect to area but as per 2011 census, the man-land ratio was only 0.37 Sq.Km in the district. In 1951, the urban population was recorded 214832 number (15.19percent to the total population), which increased to 4,38,853 number (29.92 percent) in 2001. Read More...
Humanities |
India |
478-480 |
113 |
An Experimental Analysis on Optimization of Machining Parameters for Surface Roughness using CNC End Milling Process for Al 6351 T6
-Pinky Mourya ; Sharad Shrivastava ; Dr. Vinod Singh Yadav
In this paper we have study on CNC end milling, o affect of various machining parameters like, tool feed (mm/min), speed of tool (rpm), diameter of tool (mm) and depth of cut (mm) .this paper is the result of an experiment conducted on AL 6351 – T6 material with three levels and four factors to optimize process parameter and surface roughness. In this paper we have used a L9 (3*4) Taguchi standard orthogonal array for the purpose of designing experiment (DOE).For the purpose of variation calculation we have used Analysis of variance (ANOVA) method. The result of the experiment is quality product generation at the end, which contribute in the higher and quality productivity. In this experiment we were found that order of significant of main parameter decreasing order is Tool feed, Tool speed and Depth of cut. Read More...
Production Engineering |
India |
481-485 |
114 |
Development of Power Quality Event Generator
-Surender Kumar ; M. K. Soni; D.K. Jain
The voltage sag generator meant for simulating power quality events need to replicate amplitude, frequency, and phase angle deviations as in actual fault conditions. The sag generator generally used lack the above characteristics, especially phase angle deviation. In this paper, a practical sag generator has been discussed. The developed shunt impedance method based sag generator has been given. This will provide insight to actual sag conditions and impact on the industrial equipments. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
486-490 |
115 |
Robo Cart - An Autonomous Enhanced Artificially Intelligent Robot
-Navya Prakash ; Gerard Deepak; Sheeba Priyadarshini J
An autonomous robot (Robo Cart- named by the authors) is designed and developed to detect, avoid obstacles and navigate in the shortest path in an environment with ambience of light. It detects the obstacles and identifies them using a red laser as a source of information, it also plans its path of navigation from the start point to its destination with the shortest path using the A* algorithm implemented on the robot. It also manifests the depth map of the obstacle's image using Gaussian filter derivatives using a single stereo camera vision to find the distance of one obstacle. The distance of each and every obstacle in the path is calculated using the distance approximation algorithm of laser intensity and the background. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
491-494 |
116 |
Performance Analysis of Different Scheduling Algorithms in LTE System for Jitter Constraint
-K Bheemarao ; C.Y. Gopinath; N.M. Mohankumar; J.T. Devaraju
LTE (Long Term Evolution) is an emerging technology which promises to provide higher user throughput, reduced latency and reduced cost compared to previous technologies. One of the critical factor of latency in LTE is jitter. During the handover process a UE (User Equipment) context is to be handed over form Source eNB (evolved Node Base station) to the Target eNB. If the variation in jitter is very high then it reduces the performance of the system. Thus in this paper an attempt has been made to analyze the performance of scheduling algorithms for jitter constraint during the handover process in LTE system. Handover scenario is created using QualNet 7.1 simulator, and performance evaluation is done for RR (Round Robin) and PF (Proportional Fading) scheduling algorithms considering jitter as performance metric. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
495-497 |
117 |
FPGA Based Single Phase Switched Capacitor Boost Multilevel Inverter
-Amrita Mariam Varghese ; Beena M Varghese; Elizabeth Sebastian
Using parallel-series converter in as DC Power supply appliance gives a good opportunity to maintain stable supply while the load is changing. In this report, a new boost switched capacitor multilevel inverter is proposed. It consists of two structures such as a switched capacitor circuit and a two level (full bridge) inverter which are connected in cascade. Here small input voltage can be used to produce a boosted output voltage. Number of switching devices used in the circuit is reduced as compared to the conventional cascaded multilevel inverter of same configuration. The multilevel dc output voltage of the switched capacitor circuit becomes the input voltage of the classical full bridge inverter, resulting in a staircase output voltage waveform. Such a multilevel waveform is close to a sinusoidal, its harmonic content can be reduced when compared to the conventional multilevel inverter by using the PWM control strategy. The control strategy is the key part for the proper working of this circuit and can be implemented by using field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) and by VHDL programming in Xilinix. This inverter outputs larger voltage than the input voltage by switching the capacitors in series and in parallel. The maximum output voltage is determined by the number of the capacitors. Unlike traditional multilevel inverters, this topology does not require an external voltage balancing circuit, a complicated control scheme or isolated dc sources to maintain its voltage levels while delivering sustained real power. In this report, the circuit configuration the theoretical operation, the simulation results with MATLAB/SIMULINK Ra2010a and experimental setup with Spartan 3 along with the results are shown. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
498-502 |
118 |
An experimental investigation on effect of Al2O3 Nanofluids minimum quantity Lubrication (MQL) in CNC Machining of EN353.
-Kate Atul Shriram ; Prof. S D Ambekar; Kalokhe Suvarna Ashok
The growing demands for high productivity of machining need use of high cutting velocity and feed rate. Such machining inherently produces high cutting temperature, which not only reduces tool life but also impairs the product quality. Application of cutting fluids changes the performance of machining operations because of their lubrication, cooling, and chip flushing functions. But the conventional cutting fluids are not that effective in such high production machining, particularly in continuous cutting of materials likes steels. So Nano fluids have novel properties that make them potentially useful in heat transfer medium in cutting zone And Minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) presents itself as a viable alternative for turning with respect to tool wear, heat dissipation, and machined surface quality. This study compares the mechanical performance of MQL Vegetable oil & MQL Nanoluids for the turning of EN353 based on experimental measurement of cutting temperature, cutting forces, surface finish, and dimensional deviations. This study prepares the effect of MQL and Nano fluids with 3% volume Al2O3 on the machinability characteristics of EN353 mainly with respect to Surface Roughness and Temperature dissipation. Experimental analysis for two different conditions –MQL oil and MQL + Al2O3 Nanoparticles was carried out. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
503-508 |
119 |
An Experimental Investigation on Diesel Engine by Dual Bio-Diesel Blend
-Avinash M Rathod ; Prof.S.S.Dandge
Bio-diesel is one of the most promising alternatives for diesel engine. Bio-diesel is produced by the transestrification of triglycerides of edible/non edible oil, waste vegetables oils using methanol with alkaline catalyst. The objective of this project is to investigate the mechanical properties and performance characteristic of Dual bio-diesel extracted from neem and pongamia pinnate oil. Also we discuss the bio-diesel production from neem oil and pongamia oil which is monoester produced using transestrification process. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
509-511 |
120 |
Android Mobile Application Development for Vehicle Parking System
-Manjunath ; Dr. G Narendra Kumar
Now days the usage of personal vehicles in increasing rapidly all over the world. Every People wish to have their own personal vehicles i.e. 4 wheeler, 2 wheeler to travel, so they less dependent on public transportation. Finding a parking area and space in most metropolitan areas, especially during the rush hours, is very difficult for drivers. Because of which there is a need to provide sufficient parking places fixed with adequate of slots to help the user park their vehicle safely, also to safeguard the user does not end up parking on non-parking area and cause discomfort every day. The idea behind our Android Application-“Parking App†is to help the user analyse area’s where parking is available through google map from which we will get the nearest parking area based on location and number of slots free in that area. Then user can reserve or pre-book a slot in the area he needs if it is vacant slot available. This will help reduce the load on the drivers as their physical work reduces drastically and user can search the parking slot through Android Application. Payment services are made to the parking owner at the time of leaving, Payments are hourly based and user can make payment through credit card or debit card. Our “Parking App†Application gives relief to the user from the bother of manually searching and waiting for empty slots to park the vehicle and also it gives parking safety to their vehicles from thieves. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
512-515 |
121 |
Use of Recycled Aggregate in Cement Concrete Paver Blocks For Medium Traffic Roads
-Hariom Chourasia ; Devansh Jain; Rajesh Joshi
Solid unreinforced pre-cast cement concrete paver blocks is a versatile, aesthetically attractive, functional, cost effective and requires little or no maintenance if correctly manufactured and laid. Paver blocks can be used for different traffic categories i.e. Non-traffic, Light-traffic, Medium-traffic, Heavy-traffic and Very heavy traffic. Concrete block paving is versatile, aesthetically attractive, functional, and cost effective and requires little or no maintenance if correctly manufactured and laid. Numerous solid paver blocks built has Performed attractively however there are two primary ranges of concern: intermittent disappointment because of intemperate surface wear, and variability in the quality of pieces. Paving block is a very common and popular method of hard landscaping that is suitable for various applications including: driveways, paths, patios, public utility areas, garage, forecourts and roads etc. The devastated building rubble in India for the most part goes to waste in landfills. Following couple of years building and pulverization waste will be more than a large portion of the National aggregate waste in many countries of the world so reusing of these solid waste materials from building decimation can give a determination to this issue. Landfills are getting more and more hard to find, are too remote from the demolition site, or are overly costly to defend. At the same time sources of supply of suitable aggregate for making concrete are continuously being used up. The recycling of building demolition waste materials into new buildings can provide a solution to these problems. Grinding reinforced concrete buildings can reduce the volume of land filled debris by roughly 80%. While volume reduction itself is beneficial, recycling the waste creates a product that can be sold or used for fill, bank stabilization, pavement for trails and other purposes, thereby reducing further environmental burdens by substituting recycled aggregates for natural virgin aggregates. Reusing is the human action of processing the used material for usage in creating new merchandise. The use of natural aggregate is growing more and more intense with the advanced development in the base area. In parliamentary law to cut down the use of natural aggregate, recycled concrete aggregate can be applied as the replacement materials. Recycled concrete aggregate is comprised of broken down, graded inorganic particles processed from the fabrics that have been applied in the constructions and demolition debris. Recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) is basically delivered by two-stage pounding of decimated concrete, and screening and evacuation of contaminants, for example, support, paper, wood, plastics and gypsum. Concrete delivered with such recycled concrete aggregate is called recycled concrete Aggregate (RCA). In this undertaking Recycle aggregate is incompletely supplanted by characteristic aggregate. This venture entirely take after IS 15658:2006 for Paver Blocks 20%,40%,60%,80%,100% Coarse aggregate is supplanted by Natural aggregate. Recycle Aggregate which goes from 20 mm strainer and hold on 4.75 mm sifter is going to use in this undertaking and M-40 concrete is included for this examination. Evacuation of contaminants, for example, support, paper, wood, plastics and gypsum. Concrete delivered with such recycled concrete aggregate is called recycled concrete aggregate (RCA). In this undertaking Recycle aggregate is halfway supplanted by characteristic aggregate. This project strictly follow IS 15658:2006 for Paver Blocks 20%,40%,60%,80%,100% Coarse aggregate is replaced by Natural aggregate. Recycle Aggregate which passes from 20 mm sieve and retain on 4.75 mm sieve is going to use in this project and M-40 concrete is involved for this research. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
516-520 |
122 |
Paracompact Hausdorffspace in Cone Metric Space.
-Ramesh Kumar. S ; Shalini.T
The concept of paracompactness is one of the most useful generalizations of compactness that has been discovered in recent years. It is particularly useful for applications in topology and differential geometry. In metric spaces, cone metric spaces play very important role in real analysis, fuzzy theory, computer science, and some other research areas as well as in general topology. It is well known that any metric space is paracompact. In this paper, a theorem which states that prove that every cone metric space with paracompact hausdorff space is normal. Read More...
India |
521-523 |
123 |
Survey on Framework for Location-Aware Indexing and Query Processing
-K.Kausika ; M.Sangeetha
The generic location-aware rank query (GLRQ) over a set of location-aware objects. A GLRQ is composed of a spatial location, a set of keywords, a query predicate, and a ranking function formulated on location, text and other attributes. The result consists of k objects satisfying the predicate ranked according to the ranking function. Some queries cannot be processed efficiently using existing techniques. To handle the predicate and the attribute-based scoring, we devise a new index structure called synopses tree, which contains the synopses of different subsets of the dataset. The synopses tree enables pruning of search space according to the satisfiability of the predicate. To process the query constraints over the location and keywords, the framework integrates the synopses tree with the Spatio-textual index. Conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate the solution provides excellent query performance. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
524-527 |
124 |
Dual Active Clamped DC-DC Converter for Low Voltage Photovoltaic Sources
-C. Karuppasamy ; Arul kumar .A
The photovoltaic (PV) module-integrated converter (MIC) system is the key technology for the future distributed production of electricity using solar energy. The PV MIC system offers “plug and play†concept, greatly optimizing the energy yield from the PV module[1-3]. Each PV module has its own power conversion system, generating the maximum power from the PV module. To make the PV MIC system commercially viable, a low-cost and high-efficiency power conversion scheme should be developed. This project proposes a Dual active clamped dc–dc converter with fast dynamic response for low-voltage PV sources. An improved active-clamped dc–dc converter is presented by using a dual active-clamping circuit. The voltage tension at power switches can be reduced at low-voltage side. Also, a modified proportional integral (PI) controller is suggested for fast output voltage control. The performance of the proposed converter is verified using simulation using PSIM software for the output power of 200 watts. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
528-532 |
125 |
Energy efficient street light
-Laisha Prakash ; L. Uma Maheshwari
The given project aims at providing a more efficient street lighting system which can be utilized and will conserve energy every day. Keeping the growing need to conserve energy in mind, we have come up with a smarter lighting system in the streets which not only switches on/off with respect to the traffic but also control its intensity. The control of intensity further conserves more energy. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
533-534 |
126 |
Implementation Report For Fir Filter Design Based Upon Rounded Truncated Constant Accumulation
-Ashwini v. Joshi ; Prof. R.S.Khule
In proposed system Low-cost finite impulse response (FIR) designs are presented using the concept of faithfully rounded truncated multipliers. The optimization of bit width and hardware resources without sacrificing the frequency response and output signal accuracy. Multiple constant multiplication/accumulation in a direct FIR structure is implemented in direct form structure using a developed version of truncated multipliers which helps to reduce bit width. Dadda algorithm is adapted to reduced tree of partial product bits. Comparisons with previous FIR design approaches show that the proposed design gives more area and power efficient results. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
535-537 |
127 |
smart home automation with low cost
-savan shah
Today we live in the world where people wants more features in home automation system and also increased level of security systems .In the home automation system various means and integrated circuits are used, but among them we use long wireless bluetooth with Zigbee, as the device can be easily coded with android apps and also it develops an authentication to the system for authorized person to access home appliances. To increase the level of security we also used 3600 rotation cameras and electo magnetic door lock with digital display where one can leave their messages. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
538-538 |
128 |
Analyzing Asymmetric Reinforced Concrete Frame Structures Responsiveness to Seismic Activity on Slopes
-Md Zainul Abedin Mudassar ; Vinod Kumar Gama
This study is based on the concept of the capacity spectrum method which will present the procedure for seismic performance estimation of asymmetric RC frame buildings. Earthquakes in the globe and many parts of India in the recent years have revealed issues with regards to vulnerability of existing buildings. Based on the distribution of mass and stiffness along the storey’s of the buildings, the building may be considered as asymmetric in plan or elevation along each storey throughout the height of the building. In India, the hilly regions are highly seismic and the buildings constructed on hill slopes differ from the normal buildings. Numerous investigations in the past have shown that due to earthquakes, the behavior of asymmetric plan buildings situated in hilly areas are more vulnerable to seismic environments and more prone to earthquake damage. This varied configuration of structures in hilly areas has caused them to become highly irregular and asymmetric. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
539-543 |
129 |
A UHF RFID Tag Antenna Design with Stub Feed
-KIRAN KUMAR R ; J.C.Narayana Swamy ; Dr. D Seshachalam
In this paper a new UHF RFID tag antenna is utilized on the surface of the metallic item. In RFID applications, metal surface exists in various occasions. The UHF band is very sensitive to metals and metallic surfaces. Antenna parameters like radiation efficiency, directivity and reading distance are impacted heavily when the tag antenna is near a metal. So a special tag and some special handling features need to be applied on the metal surface. Tag antenna with 920MHz frequency band suits for better performance on the metal surface. It has a better edge with respect to planar structure, small size and low cost. Applications involving metal identification, the proposed antenna provides an effective solution in the UHF band. The same is validated by the simulation results. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
544-546 |
130 |
Modeling and Simulation of Wind Turbine Generation System for Isolated Network
-Ankit kanthed ; Ankit kanthed; Jitendra Kasera
The progress of wind power technology in recent years has exceeded all expectations. Such a progress has led to cost reduction to levels comparable, in many cases, with conventional methods of electricity generation. Anyway, the increased penetration of wind power in the grid has entailed important technical barriers that limit the development, as stability is a key issue. New requirements are challenging the control of the wind turbines and new control strategies are needed to meet the target. The purpose of the thesis is to develop a wind turbine control system capable to handle short-term grid faults. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
547-550 |
131 |
Load Balancing In Distributed Network by Simulated Annealing Method
-Muhammed Usman Khan ; Afsaruddin; Riyazuddin khan; Mohd Atif Kaleem
Grid computing is a type of distributed computing that involves synchronizing and sharing computing, application, knowledge storage or network resources across dynamic and geologically extended organizations. The goal of grid task programming is to realize high system throughput and to match the applying desire with the available computing resources. This is often matching of resources in very non-deterministically shared heterogeneous environment. The complexness of programming downside will amplify with the dimensions of the grid and becomes extremely troublesome to resolve effectively. To get smart ways to resolve this downside a brand new space of analysis is enforced. This paper is predicated on developed heuristic techniques that are based on simulated annealing or close to best possible solution for grids. During this paper, we have a tendency to introduce a task programming algorithmic rule for grid computing. The algorithmic rule is predicated on simulated tempering methodology. The paper shows the way to seek for the most effective tasks programming for grid computing. During the previous few decades, load balancing in distributed computer system has been a rising analysis space. To seek out associate optimum programming incorporating load balancing for a particular application capital punishment in a very dynamic, unpredictable atmosphere may be a difficult problem. It’s as a result of the advanced nature of the tasks that changes during execution, and unpredictability of the procedure environment. This paper addresses the on top of above mentioned problems by presenting a simulated tempering (SA) approach an associate optimizer. The projected algorithmic program is evaluated in terms of create setting up and resource utilization. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
551-553 |
132 |
Simulation Study of FPGA Based Energy Efficient BLDC Hub Motor Driven Fuzzy Controlled Foldable E-Bike
-Abdul Hadi K ; J.T Kuncheria
This paper presents the simulation study for designing a foldable electric bicycle using hub motor. In order to reduce the air pollution, traffic congestion and also to reduce drudgery of conventional bicycle users, the aim of this paper is to develop a cost efficient electric bicycle powered by Brushless DC hub motor which can be easily installed on the bicycle wheel. Nowadays Brushless DC motors find wide application in industries such as automation, traction, appliances, aerospace, instrumentation etc because of high efficiency, high torque, high speed and less maintenance. BLDC motors are non linear in nature and are greatly affected by non-linearities like load disturbances. A comparative study on the speed response of BLDC motor using PI and fuzzy controller is done to ascertain the suitability of speed controller. Regenerative method of braking of an electric bicycle helps in charging the battery using the power that is wasted during braking and thus helps in efficient utilization of battery power. Simulation is done using MATLAB/SIMULINK. Since FPGA has the ability to operate faster than the microprocessor chip, and the hardware is programmable according to the user applications, the whole system is planned to implement using FPGA to get better performance and efficiency. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
554-558 |
133 |
Applicatin For Reducing Overlapping Image In Yield Prediction Field
-Anuradha Sharma ; Alok Bansal; Vijay kumar sharma
Precision agriculture always deals with the accuracy and timely information about agriculture products. With the rapid development of computer hardware and software technology design a decision support system that could generate flower yield information and serve as base for management & planning of flower marketing. But there are some problem arises like a color homogeneity by which cannot be find actual color of image and overlapping of image. In this paper discuss on some techniques and operation for overcome this problem like color image segmentation technique, Image segmentation, Using HSV color space and Morphological Operations. A color space model is designed to create, specify and visualize color properties of an image. A color is generally specified using three coordinates, or parameters. These parameters describe the position of the color in the color space used. In this paper used two most popular color space are RGB and HSV. HSV color space decouples brightness from chromatic component in the image by which it provide better result in case for occlusion and overlapping. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
559-562 |
134 |
Increasing Productivity Efficiency by Reducing Change over Time and Overall Cycle by Using Lean Tools
-Vijayakumar Ranade ; Chandarakanth Pareek
Lean manufacturing in this project is used to remove no value added activities as much as possible so to improve quality, manufacture low cost with good quality components and also to reduce overall cycle time and change over time reduction of pipe bending process. Lean manufacturing is used as an objective technique that cause work tasks in a manufacturing process to be performed with a minimum of non-value adding activities. It has been rapidly adopted as a potential solution for many organizations, mainly within the automotive, aerospace and business related companies or industries. This work explains the implementation of lean principles in above said companies with a focus on the pipe bending assembly line. The main objective of lean principles is to develop several strategies to eliminate waste on the shop floor or sub assembly line of company. This paper mainly focuses or describes on how the value map streaming(VSM) and the other lean tool kaizen can be used appropriately to find the current state of value stream map of production line and planning & designing a desired future value map streaming with the continues improvement of process. Read More...
Industrial Engineering |
India |
563-568 |
135 |
Channel Allocation with Various Schemes to Handle Handoff in Wireless Mobile Network
-S. Kannadhasan ; R. Ragavendra
Call admission plays a significant role in providing the desired Quality of Service (QoS) in wireless networks. In this paper, we present a Guard Channel Allocation with Channel Borrowing Scheme (GCA-CBS) which manages the new calls and handoff calls and utilizes the available channel efficiently. The proposed scheme allocates fixed number of guard channels for handoff calls. New originating calls in the cell coverage area also use these guard channels if it is free. The handoff calls preempt these channels from the new calls when it is required. Our basic idea is to allow Guard channels to be shared between new calls and handoff calls. This approach maximizes the channel utilization. The simulation results prove that the channel borrowing scheme improves the overall throughput. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
569-572 |
136 |
An Self Regulating Clustering in Wireless Sensor Network using Particle Swarm Optimization
-Samir Agarwal ; Dr. H R Sharma
In a wide variety of application areas including geophysical monitoring, precision agriculture, habitat monitoring, transportation, military systems and business processes, Wireless Sensor networks (WSNs) are envisioned to fulfill complex monitoring tasks. WSN properties and requirements are both unique in the networks world and extremely diversified between themselves. Most of these applications demands efficient organization of network topology for data collection, data aggregation and load balancing to increase the network lifetime and Scalability of the network. The network must be autonomous and self organizing. WSN constraints demand an efficient and optimal clustering protocol for its operations. In order to facilitate low power consumption, fault tolerance, scalability, WSNs should be clustered hierarchically and aggregated data should to be routed energy efficiently with minimum latency. In this paper, we introduce a new approach for clustering wireless sensor networks based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). Using the optimal fitness function, which aims to extend network lifetime. The parameters used in these Techniques are the distance from the base station, intra-cluster distance from the cluser head and inter cluster distance. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
573-575 |
137 |
An Survey on Energy and Bandwidth Efficiency in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
-V. Lalitha ; B. Gopinathan
Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) is a self-organizing network though it does not have any fixed infrastructure so it is called as infrastructure less network. In Mobile Adhoc network the mobile devices are connected by wireless links. The main advantage of the Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) is mobility it will dynamically change the environment. Nowadays, the MANET users are increased and the applications supported by these networks are also increased. The load balancing is an important issue which was occurred in mobile adhoc network. There are many numbers of protocols are developed under non-uniform load distributions in order to improve the bandwidth, throughput, energy efficiency etc. The aim at this survey paper is energy efficiency and bandwidth efficiency in mobile adhoc networks. Here various approaches are studied and the ideas are presented. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
576-578 |
138 |
Literature Review on Cooperative Communication in MANET
-N. Narmatha ; K. Malar
A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a continuously self configuring, infrastructure-less network of mobile devices connected without wires. Each device in a MANET is free to move independently in any direction, and it will change its links to other devices frequently. In MANET Cooperative communication will relay the data from one node another node it is a promising and practical technique for realizing spatial diversity through a virtual antenna array formed by multiple antennas of different nodes. There has been a growing interest in designing and evaluating efficient cooperative Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol in recent years. In this paper, I surveyed some completely different cooperative communication technique with different protocols to enhance the quality of the service. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
579-580 |
139 |
Efficient Usage of Waste Heat from Air Conditioner
-Panara Kaushik S ; Gaurav S Verma; Dhiraj Soni
This project new revolution in refrigerator technology, These projects have air conditioner heating energy thorough water steam produce this steam thorough mechanically steam generator-charged battery and this battery thorough electrical appliances operate so one kinds of electrical energy saving. The Applicator of this project is Bank, Hospital, Home, Multiplex, Hotel etc. This project work with steam powered energy. When constant any refrigerator system starts then bulky heating energy produce on circular coil this heating transfer in water. It water in generate powerful steam pressure this steam supply in steam generator charger the battery will be charged. This project following of heating energy convert into steam energy and steam energy convert to mechanical energy by electrical energy. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
581-584 |
140 |
Power Efficient and high Secured Routing for lifetime maximization in Wireless Sensor Networks
-E. Manopriya ; P. Narendran
In wireless sensing element network, sensors or nodes are usually battery-powered devices. These nodes have restricted quantity of initial energy that are consumed at completely different rates, counting on the ability level. For maximizing the lifespan of those nodes, most routing algorithms in wireless sensing element networks use the energy economical path. The devices are pictured to be capable of forming associate autonomous wireless networks, over that perceived info are going to be delivered to such a group of destinations. The work considers a wireless sensing element network and addresses the matter of minimizing power consumption in each device node domestically whereas guaranteeing two international network wide properties: (i) communication property and (ii) sensing coverage. A sensing element node saves energy by suspending its sensing and communication activities keep with a weighted honest programming model. The study presents a model and its resolution for steady state distributions to figure out the potential of assorted researches. Given the steady state possibilities, we have got an inclination to construct a non-linear improvement draw back to scale back the power consumption. Simulation results demonstrate that the formula considerably minimizes energy consumption of every node and balances the energy for entire network further as extend the network lifespan. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
585-587 |
141 |
Efficiency of Fusion of Medical Image Methods
-P. Nithya ; P. Narendran
Medical Image Fusion is one of the foremost necessary tasks for human action and analyzing knowledge from varied sources. It is a key stage in image fusion, modification detection, super resolution imaging and in building image knowledge systems, among others. This survey offers classical and up-to-date image fusion methods. Classifying them on their nature is based on four major image fusion steps. Medical image fusion has been used to derive useful knowledge from multi-modality medical image data. Medical image fusion is that the strategy of registering and mixture multiple footage from single or multiple imaging modalities. It helps to spice up the imaging quality and reduces the redundancy that improves the clinical relevancy of medical footage for identification. To gauge the methods quantitatively, we have used edge strength, fusion issue, and quality measurements. Since the inter-image deformations are impulsive, they cannot use any automatic matching technique and another necessary facet here is to differentiate between image deformations and real changes of the scene. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
588-590 |
142 |
Efficient Unsupervised Segmentation of Color Images using Wavelet Transformation and Clustering Technique
-M. Janapriya ; P. Narendran
Image process is process of pictures mistreatment mathematical operations by employing a type of signal process that the input is a picture, like a photograph or video frame. The output of image process is also either a picture or a collection of characteristics or parameters associated with the image. Image segmentation could be a very important method step in many image, video and laptop vision applications. This paper introduces economical and quick algorithms for unattended image segmentation, mistreatment low-level options like color and texture. The projected approach is predicated on the agglomeration technique. Agglomeration mistreatment moving ridge Transformation is another agglomeration approach supported the separate moving ridge remodel (DWT) satisfying the necessities of alternative agglomeration ways. The agglomeration technique has been created mistreatment moving ridge analysis that has the flexibility of moldering a knowledge set into completely different scales. Moving ridge algorithmic program is then wont to specify the amount of the clusters and quality of the agglomeration results at every scale. An equivalent algorithmic program may be generalized for quite one-dimensional knowledge. Some examples regarding the way to use this approach square measure given within the paper mistreatment {different totally completely different completely different} sample sizes and wherever different styles of noises square measure obligatory on simulated knowledge. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
591-593 |
143 |
Parametric Analysis of Fluidised Bed using CFD
-Siddayya Hiremath ; M.R Nagraj
In this project, we are studying the operating characteristics and design of fluidized bed cooling towers (FBCT), which may be used to cool hot water for industrial purposes. An analysis based on computational fluid dynamics is carried out for 1000 mm height and 150 mm diameter fluidized bed with different static bed heights of 200 mm, 300 mm and 400 mm with glass beads as solid particles of diameter 2.18mm. The software used for this assessment are Ansys design modeler for modeling the 2D geometry of the FBCT, Ansys meshing for meshing, Ansys fluent 14.5 as a solver and post-processor. Turbulence model used is k-epsilon, multiphase option used is Eulerian dense discrete phase multiphase model and water is sprayed through dense discrete phase model. The change in temperature of sprayed water and pressure drop of air is observed in all the three cases. Based on results it is observed that the static bed height of 300 mm is giving optimized results with maximum temperature drop and minimal pressure drop. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
594-599 |
144 |
A Survey on Code Smell Detection with a Perspective of Software Design
-S. Nandhini ; E. Baby Anitha; D. Sandhiya
This paper provides an extensive overview of existing research in the field of software refactoring. To make a computer program more readable and maintainable, refactoring technique is used. Code smells may be considered as a potential problem in the software design which needs to be refactored, in order to enhance the quality of a particular software product. Locating a code smell is hard and cumbersome task, because code smells are usually scattered across the source code. Smell detection tools and techniques have been proposed to help improve the user experience and quality of the software. Recent researches towards smell detection suggest many automated smell detection tools may help the humans to detect code smells. The results of the above experiments focuses on what the current smell detection can tools do and relevant areas of further improvement. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
600-602 |
145 |
CFD Analysis of Heat Transfer in Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger with and Without Alumina Nano-Particles in the Shell Fluid
-Jeevanprasad ; Dr. Pravin V Honguntikar
In our present study an attempt is made to analyze heat transfer in shell and tube heat exchanger with the help of Ansys fluent 14.5.Two cases have been analyzed. Case-1 Heat transfer in shell and tube heat exchanger with working fluid as water at tube side as well as shell side (i.e. water without alumina, Al2O3 nanoparticles). Case-2 Heat transfer in shell and tube heat exchanger with tube side fluid as water and shell side fluid as water with addition of alumina nano-particles of size 38 nm at volume fractions of 4%. From result obtained it is observed that heat transfer is more in shell and tube heat exchanger when nano-particles are added to the water compared with the without nano-particles in the water. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
606-610 |
146 |
Efficient Techniques for Digital Watermarking
-S. R. Jayapriya ; P. Narendran
Digital watermarking is a pattern of bits inserted into a digital image, audio or video file that identifies the file's copyright information (author, rights, etc.). The purpose of digital watermarks is to provide information such as copyright protection, source tracking, hidden communication, broadcast tracking for intellectual property that is in digital format. Digital watermarking analysis has two different categories of watermarks, (i) sturdy and (ii) fragile. Sturdy watermarks area unit is designed to be detected even if one tries to get rid of them. Fragile watermarks area unit used for authentication functions and area unit is capable of sleuthing even minute changes of the watermarked content. Digital watermarks are designed to be completely invisible, or in the case of audio clips, inaudible. Moreover, the actual bits representing the watermark must be scattered throughout the file in such a way that they cannot be identified and manipulated. And finally, the digital watermark must be robust enough so that it can withstand normal changes to the file, such as reductions from lossy compression algorithms. The proposed method is quantization index modulation (QIM). Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
611-613 |
147 |
A Study on Ground Water Quality In Gorakhpur City
-Manoj Kumar Gond ; Dr.Govind Pandey
In this study, water quality evaluation was completed in 8 stations of Gorakhpur city. The study's point was to survey the physico-chemical parameters of drinking water quality from groundwater sources (India Mark-II and shallow depth hand-pumps). It is found that the increment in the level of a portion of the physico-chemical parameters of ground water has risen as a vital issue in urban areas. It is uncovered that TDS, hardness and pH are the parameters obliging consideration in the greater part of the shallow depth hand pumps with the exception of in Golghar and Betiahata, while pH and chloride additionally require consideration sometimes. The water quality situation displays that Gorakhpur city demonstrates a poor general consistence status (half). Despite the fact that the fluoride focus is observed to be inside of the permissible limits of 1 mg/l, indicates a requirement for examination of more number of water tests for this city with a perspective to guarantee the wellbeing of general wellbeing against unfriendly impacts of fluoride. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
614-615 |
148 |
Experimental Study on Shear Strengthening of RC Beam using Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheets
-Machhindra Gumanrao Kude ; Prof. Gururaj Basveshwar Katti
The strengthening is required to increase strength of the existing structures to meet current requirements of loadings and to restore the original strength of the structures that are damaged by accidents or earthquakes. A lot of strengthening work is carried out using FRP composites for flexure strengthening of beams and the confinement of the columns, but the studies on the use of the composite material for the strengthening shear deficient concrete structures are limited and mostly by using CFRP sheets. The shear failure of concrete is catastrophic because of the brittle nature and no advanced warning prior to the failure. Therefore it is often necessary to pay more attention to the shear strength of the concrete structure. The behavior of reinforced concrete structure in shear is itself quite complex that has not been completely resolved due to many influencing parameters such as amount of longitudinal reinforcement, shear span to depth ratio, grade of the concrete etc. If we add different varying parameters of fiber such as type of fiber, its orientation, thickness the problem becomes more complex. The shear strengthening by using FRP is still under investigation and the results obtained are scare and controversial. The experimental database available is also very less. The objective of this paper is to increase the shear capacity of the beams using externally bonded Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) sheets, to provide an experimental database to study the effect of fiber orientation, wrapping pattern (side wrap and U jacketing) by keeping other parameters constant and most importantly to compare analytical models and check its suitability for the design members strengthened using GFRP sheets. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
616-619 |
149 |
Space Conditioning Using Evaporative Cooling of The Assembly Hall: A Design Approach
-Anurag Tiwari ; Anurag Tiwari; Dr. P.K.Jhinge
This paper presents the CLF/SCL/CLTD and Duct Design method that indicates scope and potential of evaporative cooling systems for replacement of high power consuming air conditioners, partially or completely for maintaining thermal comfort in various climatic locations without compromising the indoor air quantity .This paper applied the method to the Jabalpur city characterized by different climatic conditions over entire month of the years. The calculation procedure of this article examine the possibility of space conditioning the interiors of a Assembly Hall building in Jabalpur Engineering College, Jabalpur using evaporative cooling in the summer month of April, May, June. The calculation procedure for cooling loads due to solar radiation transmitted through fenestration was used with a new factor, the solar cooling load (SCL) which is more accurate and easier to use. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
620-627 |
150 |
Study and Analysis of Joining Dissimilar Materials Low Carbon Steel with High Strength Low Alloy Steel by Spot Resistance Welding with Dissimilar Thicknesses
-Raghvendra Singh Kushwaha ; M. I. Khan; Abhishek Dwivedi
This paper includes the joining of dissimilar materials by the resistance spot welding is very inspirational than that of similar types of materials causes differences in the mechanical, physical and chemical properties of the parent metals. The effect of the primary welding factors influences the heat input parameters such as, microhardness, morphology of peak current, and tensile shear load bearing capacity of weldment. Database regarding dissimilar materials resistance spot welding is very limited hence much research work is going on this field by various researchers, but most of work is on low thickness material typically 1mm to 2 mm. This work is an attempt to reveals aspects of the resistance spot welding of dissimilar materials of higher thickness typically 3mm. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
628-630 |