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51 |
-R. Indu priya ; Dr.S.N.Gethalakshmi
One of the popular research areas in image processing is analysis of medical images. Digital images are analyzed to diagnose different medical imaging problems. Diabetic retinopathy is the most common form of diabetic eye disease, which occurs when the level of insulin increases in blood so the damage takes place on retina, which may further lead to blindness. The research is carried out in the in the following manner. In first phase, preprocessing method is developed to segment the retinal images. This method uses the mean and variance based segmentation and ratio of hue and intensity channel is used to remove the noise in retinal images. In second phase, post-processing technique is created to detect the optic disc and exudate in the retinal images. This method uses the Hough transform technique to detect optic disc. Morphological closing is to extract the blood vessels, and applying adaptive contrast enhancement technique to the extracted blood vessels in order to improve the contrast of exudate. OTSU algorithm is used to calculate threshold value to detect exudates. The proposed work applies a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) method for classification of exudate and non exudate region. The proposed system is tested and evaluated on publicly available HOOVER, STARE retinal image database using performance metric such as sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. Through adoption of HMM classifier accuracy was 97.5% within a period of 0.9 seconds. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
223-237 |
52 |
Development of Outer Diameter Checking Pokayoke for Taper Roller Bearing and Optimization of Process Parameters using Taguchi Design of Experiments
-Chandan Jadhav
“Pokayoke†is a Japanese improvement strategy for mistake-proofing to prevent defects (or nonconformities) from arising during production processes. Pokayoke is preventive action that focuses on identifying and eliminating the special causes of variation in production processes, which inevitably lead to product nonconformities or defects. Objective of this Pokayoke is to compare the Outer Diameter of Taper Roller Bearing with respect to the Outer Diameter of Master ring. Based on the readings and set value of tolerances, an automatic decision is taken to accept or reject the ring. Accepted or OK rings go further for the next operation whereas rejected rings are collected in rejection bin. This entire system is online i.e. during mass production of rings, this Pokayoke is working. Experimental analysis is carried out for optimizing the input parameters like Ring Clamping Time, Measurement Time, and Pressure of Compressed Air for getting desired output, which is Capability of Measurement. Experimental analysis is accomplished by using Design of Experiments (Taguchi / ANOVA design). For the design, performance and analysis of DOE statistical software (MINITAB 17) is utilized. Read More...
Manufacturing Engineering |
India |
223-227 |
53 |
Physical Properties of Chandrapur (India) Bamboo
The world timber demand is increasing at a speedy rate however the timber offer is depleting. It’s been found through analysis that bamboo will befittingly replace timber and different materials in construction and different works. Industrially treated bamboo has shown nice potential for production of composite materials and elements that are price effective and may be with success utilized for structural and non-structural applications in construction. Bamboo is one in every of the oldest ancient building materials utilized by grouping. This paper presents results of experimental investigations created to find the physical properties of the Chandrapur bamboo. In the present study moisture content, shrinkage, water absorption and dimensional changes are worked out. The moisture content calculated for three year harvesting bamboo. The moisture content calculated with the help of oven reading taken at every two hours of difference 0.01 g. For water absorption bamboo specimen is immersed into water for seven days and reading should be taken at every two hours for first 24 hours and after that reading is taken for every 24 hours. Water absorption shall be determined along diameter, wall thickness and length of the test specimen. Length and diameter shall be measured correct to 1 mm while the wall thickness shall be correct to 0.1 mm. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
228-232 |
54 |
Characterisation of Nanofluids-A Brief overview
-TVR Sekhar
Nanofluids are emerging heat transfer fluids presently subject of active research by energy technologists across the world. This paper attempts to review the characterization of Nanofluids before subjecting them to experimental investigations. The benefits accrued by characterization include proximity of results obtained to theoretical values and their interpretation by the researchers. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
238-241 |
55 |
Fire & Safety Measures
-Ramraj Meena ; Dr. Nihal A. Siddiqui
The Textile Sector in India ranks next to Agriculture. Textile Industry is providing one of the most basic needs of people and the holds importance; maintaining sustained growth for improving quality of life. Textile is one of India’s oldest industries and has a formidable presence in the national economy in as much as it contributes to about 14 per cent of manufacturing value-addition, accounts for around one-third of our gross export earnings and provides gainful employment to millions of people. The textile industry occupies a unique place in our country. One of the earliest to come into existence in India, it accounts for 14% of the total Industrial production, contributes to nearly 30% of the total exports and is the second largest employment generator after agriculture. It has a unique position as a self-reliant industry, from the production of raw materials to the delivery of finished products, with substantial value-addition at each stage of processing; it is a major contribution to the country’s economy. This paper is deals for Hazards and Preventative Measures in Texturising (Yarn) Process and preventive measures for mitigating the risk in textile process. Read More...
Health,Safety and Environment Engineering |
India |
242-244 |
56 |
Shear Walls for strengthening of Multistory builidings with soft story
-MUKESH SONI ; Danish Khan
Shear walls are one of the most useful lateral load resisting systems in multistoried buildings. Shear walls can be provided in buildings with soft story to resist the lateral load induced by an earthquake. This study investigates the effect of shear wall in reducing deflection of building under seismic activity. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
245-248 |
57 |
Medical Image Protection Using Genetic Algorithm
The Goal of Covered Writing is to hide message sent secretly to destination during transmission. The Covered Writing is a limit for unauthorized access and provide better security. Data hide is art of science for secret information. A large number of commercial Covered Writing program use the least significant bit embedding as the method of choice for hiding data as it as low computation complexity and high embedding capacity but certain RS analysis is considered as one of the most famous Covered analysis algorithm which has the potential to detect the hidden message by statistic analysis of the pixels value. It has majority of the work no much optimal consideration robust security towards the encrypted data. This work introduced the concept of secure data hiding and transmission over the networks using LSB based Covered Writing with genetic algorithm. The genetic algorithm has been used for enhancing security. Genetic Algorithm is used to modify the pixel location of Covered image based on LSB Substitution which is another protection lock for the secret massage and detection of this is complex. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
249-253 |
58 |
-Saurabh Pandey ; Rohan Sharma
A novel microstrip antenna with wide bandwidth is presented. We have been implemented a single large broad bandwidth in a single layer PCB. The proposed microstrip antenna broad band width (59.5%) has been achieved in resonant frequency range (1.7-1.8GHz). The microstrip antenna is suitable for wireless applications except for its narrow band width. This paper suggests an alternative approach in enhancing the band width of microstrip antenna for the wireless application operating at a frequency of (0-3) GHz. The measured results have been compared with the simulated results using software IE3D version-9.0. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
254-257 |
59 |
An Experimental Investigation on Water Pollution Status of Maghanahalli Lake near Davangere city Using Statistical Analysis
-Shwetha S.V ; Vagish M
An attempt has been made to work out the physic-chemical characteristics of the Maghanahalli lake water located near Davangere district, Karnataka. In order to check the adequacy of the lake water to supply for domestic and agricultural purposes, various parameters like pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), turbidity, total alkalinity (TA), total hardness (TH), chlorides, calcium, magnesium, fluoride, phosphate, nitrate, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) were studied. The result revealed that the electrical conductivity (EC), Alkalinity, Magnesium and Dissolved Oxygen were found and to cross checked with standard limits. The correlation co-efficient(r) among various physic-chemical parameters were also made and it was observed that many of the parameters bears a good positive correlation and some bears a negative correlation. Read More...
Environment Engineering |
India |
258-261 |
60 |
A Seamless Educational Organization of University Wi-Fi Network: A Case Study
-Dr. H. B. Bhadka
Wireless networks play an important role in education. New educational models and wireless architectures have been proposed to enhance collaborative training. Wireless networks can provide a dynamic educational environment. Many educational organizations recognize the merit to promote public access to wireless broadband, and make efforts to achieve the goal of being the digital educational organization. This paper explores the Wi-Fi network features and analyzes its uniqueness from the perspective of delivering educational contents to the students. It also applies the concept of the eco-system to analyze the symbiotic to engender network effects. This case study expectedly provides other educational organization with some guidelines to develop the Wi-Fi network and its services. This paper examines the ways wireless technology work and the required prerequisites to integrate it into the educational area. It also describes educational opportunities and challenges of teaching in a real time wireless classroom environment. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
262-265 |
61 |
-A.Sudheerika ; Dr. C.Kiranmai
In future web will not be a collection of documents but can become sets of linked data sources. Keyword search is a way to search this kind of web as in present scenario, but will impose a high cost. This is because keyword search has to be applied to every source to find a match for any of keywords of the query. Hence routing keywords only to relevant sources that can reduce the unnecessary cost of running keyword search queries over all sources is needed. Also in the linked web setting a query is better answered with the help of data present across multiple sources i.e. the result of search is relevant combination of sources rather than relevant source. This can be achieved through a novel method which we propose in this paper. This method involves generation of top-k routing plans which can direct the search to appropriate sources based on the presence of keywords .A graph representing relationships between keywords and the data elements related to them at different levels i.e. at level of keywords, data elements, element sets, and sub graphs that connect these elements is generated. This is called multi-level keyword-element relationship (KER) graph. A scoring mechanism is proposed for computing the relevance of routing plans by ranking elements as well as relationships thus providing best results to the query. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
266-271 |
62 |
A Review on Clone Attack in Sensor Network
-Punnu Parashtey ; Rajesh Singh
wireless sensor network is one of the most promising technologies for communication. Enabling the secure communication between nodes it’s a risky task. It is found that WSN is prone to attack, clone attack an attacker nodes capture a node and reprograms the node, next stage of this attack is attacker node distribute whole network and taking the control of network Then again, the issue of confirmation and pair insightful key foundation in sensor systems with MSs is still not tackled despite portable sink replication assaults There are several techniques available for detect and preventing clone attack. We focus on energy level and key distribution technique on both site MSn and sensor nodes. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
272-276 |
63 |
A delay - aware network model for efficient data gathering in wireless sensor networks
-V.Senthil Kumar ; T.Sasi; G.Sivaselvan; C.Anand; C.Thirumalaiselvan
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, pressure, etc. In WSN, the sensor nodes are distributed in various geographical dispersed areas for sensing the data and the sink node is used to collect data from different sensor nodes, therefore data collection is important issue in wireless sensor network. In this paper a delay –aware Network Data Gathering Model (DANDM) is planned for WSNs. The sink mobility along a constrained path can improve the energy efficiency in WSN. A data collection method called Maximum Shortest Path (MSP) is proposed which increases the network life time as well as conserves energy by optimizing the assignment of sensor nodes. Simulation result shows the significant improvement in data collection rates without interruption in the network and reduces the energy consumption among nodes. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
277-279 |
64 |
Cryptographic System Using Hand Geometry Based Symmetric Key
Hand geometry is a biometric trait which identifies and recognizes an individual based on the shape of their hand. Cryptography involves the scrambling the message to provide security. Combining the hand geometry biometric trait and cryptographic system provides more security. The proposed system generates cryptographic key from the hand geometric biometric trait. So that the user does not need to remember the key, password etc. The proposed system makes the use of extracted biometric trait of hand geometry for generating the key. The acquired hand image is pre-processed and represented as 12 nodes undirected completely connected graph and 64 bit key is generated from the spectral properties of the adjacency matrix of the graph. Key generation module generates 64 bit key which is used for encryption and decryption of message using the DES algorithm. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
280-282 |
65 |
Seismic Performance of Multistory Buildings with Bracings at Soft Story
-R.N Pandit ; Danish Khan
The main objective of the present evaluation work is to conduct pavement performance evaluation of nanotechnology using Terraprime, Nanotac and Zycosoil constructed under the technology demonstration stretches of NAMMA GRAMA NAMMA RASTE YOJANE (NGNRY) under KRRDA, Govt of Karnataka. The study area is selected are Bennenhalli To T-12 (1.95km) Road of GubbiTaluk, Hosur To L-066(1.765km) Road of TipturTaluk, and Banjarahatti to L-116(0.3km) Road C.N.Halli Taluk, Tumkur District. The study includes Structural Evaluation (Deflection study using BBD and Axle load studies), Functional Evaluation (Roughness measurement using MELIN and Pavement Condition Survey by Visual Rating method) and Geotechnical Investigation (Grain Size Analysis, Atterberg Limits and CBR) of the mentioned road stretches. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
283-286 |
66 |
Using Ontology for Search Results Annotation from Web Databases
-M.Sangeetha ; P.Karthikeyan
Annotating search results from many search engines is a big challenge, data encoded in the returned result pages come from the underlying structured databases. Such type of search engines is often referred as Web databases (WDB) search result records (SRRs). Having semantic labels for data units is not only important for the above record linkage task, but also for storing collected SRRs into a database table. Early applications require tremendous human efforts to annotate data units manually, and aligning the data unit as well as text nodes becomes difficult to overcome these proposed consider data alignment problem by using ontology based system .Ontology based system performs after the feature are derived from the text unit nodes and data unit nodes in the feature extraction after that perform the results then we align the data based an ontology. In this research the each self interest server is responsible for computing mappings concerning a specific ontology element, using a specific alignment method. Each self interest server interacts with other self interest server with whom it shares the same data unit concerning the validity of the mappings it computes. Interacting self interest server form a graph, with composed of text nodes and data unit nodes in the search results records (SRR), text nodes representing alignment decisions and utilities, respectively. Self interest server need to reach an agreement to the mapping of the ontology elements consistently to the semantics of specifications with respect to their mapping preferences. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
287-290 |
67 |
Efficient Extraction and Reconstruction of Foetal Electrocardiogram By Block Sparse Bayesian Learning
-S. Y. Pattar ; Akbar Ahamad
Tele-monitoring of foetal ECG (FECG) is very important in Telemedicine. DesigningTele-monitoring system with low energy consumption is a major challenge. Compressing or Reconstructing FECG which is a non-sparse signal with strong noise contamination is not an easy task. Majority of times Compressed Sensing (CS) techniques fails to compress/reconstruct FECG so there exists a strong need for other advanced techniques, we propose Block Sparse Bayesian Learning(BSBL) which can reconstruct FECG by exploiting its Sparsity. Read More...
Bio mechanical & Biomedical Engineering |
India |
291-293 |
68 |
Mathematical Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Feeder for Ginning Machine using Field Data Based Model
-ASHWINI KAPSE ; ASHWINI N. KAPSE; Prof. P. S. Nerkar ; Dr. J. F. Agrawal
This paper highlighted the development of models for the feeder of ginning machine. These models are helpful in evaluating performance of feeder for ginning machine. The models are optimized and validated using artificial neural network. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
294-296 |
69 |
Adding Our Own Module in ANFIS
-Ishu jain ; Ranjeeta Kaushik
In present-daystate of modern technology, we are facing a requirement of noise removal in signal processing. Various tactics are used for the same. This paper defines a smart adaptive filtering for noise cancellation. Here ANFIS method is being intended for removal of noise from audio speech signals. An audio signal tainted with noise is taken and scrutinized with eight types of membership functions: bell MF, triangle MF, Gaussian MF, two -sided MF, pi-shaped MF, product of two sigmoid MF, difference of two sigmoid MF and trapezoidal MF. Finally using ANFIS, the original audio speech signal is reestablished. The main benefit of this system is its ease of execution and faster convergence rate. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
297-302 |
70 |
A Review Paper on Theoretical & Experimental Investigations of Municipal Solid waste Pyrolysis Technology
-J V Bholanda ; Dr. Rajesh C. I
Global warming and diminishing energy supplies are two major current concerns. Extraction of energy from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) would be an initiative towards solving both the problems. MSW is heterogeneous in nature; hence extraction of energy from it is a difficult task. It consists of components like papers, plastics, organic matter and non-combustibles; all having different decomposition rate depending upon their individual characteristics. The paper reviews on significance of Time, temperature Vs Weight loss characteristics at macro level, significance of Material Characterization of product yield achieved through pyrolysis. Referring open literature, It is found that major Researchers have carried out pyrolysis related to biomass or scrap tyre. Researchers have discussed about temperature range and different heating rates which can be achieved through their set up and also about different MSW constituents which can be used as raw material for same set up. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
303-307 |
71 |
Multimodal Biometric system Fusion Using Fingerprint, face and hand geometry with Fuzzy Logic
-Mr. Amit Kumar ; Mr. Gajendra Singh; Charu Awasthi
Multimodal biometric identification system is more power full, more accurate, less noisy data than the single biometric model. In unimodal such as face, finger, iris, retina all are decade according to time pass or some changes may be applied therefore multimodal is given better performance. In this paper use fingerprint, hand geometry and face used as multibiometric and find good result with high accuracy using fuzzy logic. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
308-313 |
72 |
Bluetooth Controlled All Terrain (AT) Crane
-Aman Ghosh ; Arijit Manna; Md Zishan Ansari; Shashank Kumar Singh
Automation or automatic control is the use of various control systems for operating equipments with minimal or reduced human intervention. The biggest benefit of automation is it saves labour, energy, materials, improves quality, accuracy and precision. It also helps the unskilled or disabled labours to operate different systems. Several parameters in the industries are controlled by wired systems but in the recent trend wired communication system is replaced by a wireless communication system. All Terrain Crane is the mobile crane with the necessary equipments to travel at a speed on any terrain. It can rotate 360 degrees and pick load. Uniqueness of the crane is that the crane can be controlled using voice commands given by any Bluetooth enabled device. The crane consists of a movable base with two BO Motors and a Castor Wheel, 360 degree movable top and an automated hook which goes up and down with a BO Motor. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
314-316 |
73 |
To Evaluate Robustness of the Tacit Orientation: Dual Digital Image Watermarked Scheme
-Rathod Sanjaykumar Amrutlal ; Vikas Tiwari; Sunil Gupta; Parmar Mayur L; Singal Deep Kumar M
The main objective of this thesis is to develop and implement dual Digital Image Watermarking scheme, which is robust and can sustain attack rotational on image file. In the proposed scheme two watermarking scheme are used, so that by combined effect of both watermarking scheme can give a robust watermarking scheme. The feature of the proposed scheme is quality of a watermarked images, the peak signal to noise ratio was used. To evaluate the robustness of the tacit orientation, the watermarked image was examined against various kinds of attacks like rotating Attack, scaling attack & filtering like median filter. Peak signal Noise Ratio value of various geometric attacks (Rotation), noising attack (Gaussian noise), de-noising attack (Average filtering), format-compression attack (JPEG compression) and histogram equalization, contrast adjustment. In this thesis put here a breed digital image watermarking technique which takes the use of integer wavelet transform, Singular Value Decomposition, Matrix Norm Quantization, Discrete Cosine Transformation Modul-2 approach and encrypt the watermark and hence enhance the security increasing payload. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
317-322 |
74 |
Performance evaluation and comparison of web application testing tools
-Neha Thakur ; Dr. K.L. Bansal
Web applications offer a wide range of business advantages over traditional desktop applications. Web applications execute on web servers and user can access these applications through web browsers. Performance evaluation of web applications is essential for the critical success of e-business. Various tools and techniques have been developed for the measurement and evaluation of performance and quality of service (QoS) of web applications. In this paper three tools namely WebLOAD, WebSurge and LoadComplete are described and their comparison is made on the basis of their response time. This comparison helps in the selection of best tool for the testing of web applications. Read More...
Software Engineering |
India |
323-325 |
75 |
Simulation On Counter Flow Heat Exchanger For Indirect Evaporative Cooling Applications
-Avinash pandey ; Dr. P.K .Jhinge
We present simulation result on a evaporative air conditioner which was design based on a counter-flow closed-loop configuration consisting of separated working channels and product channels. The evaporative air conditioner is able to cool air to temperature below room temperature, it means below 27°C.To investigate the performance of the evaporative air cooler under a variety of conditions, the Eulerian-Lagrangian computational fluid dynamics(CFD)model was adopted. The dimension of the air flow passages, and product to working air flow performance were analyzed. Simulation results have indicated that the evaporative air conditioner is able to achieve a higher wet-bulb and dew-point effectiveness with lower air velocity, smaller channel height, larger length to height ratio, and lower product to working air flow ratio. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
326-330 |
76 |
A Comparative Study On Usage Of Piper And Chadha's Diagram To Understand Hydrochemical Process In Spring Water From Dehradun, Uttarakhand.
-Dhirendra Kumar Tripathi ; Dr. Govind Pandey; Dr. C K Jain
Spring water chemical behaviors in various locations are one of the most energetic fields of research in the present world. In this study, water sampling was carrying out with an aim to estimate the water chemistry and to evaluate the water types using piper and Chadha´s plots. Water chemistry was assessed and natural process is identified as the controlling factor of hydrochemistry. Piper and Chadha´s diagram was created for compare the results of water types. Greater part of the samples was behaved in more or less same way except for few samples. The important type was Ca-Mg-Cl type of water in both methods. However, a slight difference was observed in the Na-Cl type of water. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
331-334 |
77 |
Evanescent field wave based fiber-optic water level sensor
-Prasenjit Paul
There is a necessity for precise water level measuring sensors in liquid containers for various purposes. The fiber-optic water level sensor presented in this paper is a simpler prototype utilising low cost optical fibers and very simple electronics. This set-up senses water level in a tank to a high degree of precision and is helpful for industrial purposes. The stripped off portions of the cladding of the fiber at two specific sections signals out whether a tank is empty, full or incompletely filled. The measurements are very simple and a few data are involved. Output light intensity through the fiber is indicative of light absorption at the sensing regions of the fiber. This method can also be extended to oil tanker as well as other liquid containers whose level cannot be easily known by visible processes. Read More...
India |
335-337 |
78 |
Simulation and Optimization of Job Shop Scheduling Problem using Genetic Algorithm: A Case Study
-Dipti Rani ; Rajneesh Chaudhary; Dr. S. K. Garg ; Vikas Goyat
Job shop scheduling is an important step in planning and manufacturing control, and at the same time remain one of the well-known optimization problem. In a job shop scheduling problem, a set of jobs has to be processed on a set of machines such that a specific optimization criterion is satisfied. As job shop scheduling highly affects the efficiency of manufacture, a large number of optimization techniques have been applied to the problem to achieve a satisfied solution over the years. Here, an effort has been made to optimize a real world scheduling problem using a well-known technique genetic algorithm. Genetic algorithms (GAs) are a very popular heuristic which have been successfully applied to many optimization problems within the last 30 years. GAs are stochastic global search methods that mimic the natural biological evolution [1]. GAs operates on a population of possible solutions applying the principle of survival of the fittest to produce better and better approximations to a solution. In this work few conventional job shop scheduling problems are first solved using Genetic Algorithm and results are compared for validation. Then GA is applied to real world job shop scheduling problem. Few assumptions are made to the real world industry data to reduce the constraints. A model of the problem is developed in MATLAB platform and results are plotted, analyzed and discussed. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
338-344 |
79 |
Variation of Tan Loss in Swift Heavy Ion Irradiated PVDC
Dielectric properties of ion induced PVDC (Poly vinylidene chloride) were analyzed. Lithium, carbon, nickel and silver ion beams were used to analyze the modifications induced by swift heavy ions as a function of ion fluence, ranging from 1x1011 to 3x1012 ions/cm2. The graphs between tangent loss and log frequency for pristine and ion irradiated samples of irradiated with 50 MeV Lithium, 85 MeV Carbon, 120 MeV Nickel and 120 MeV Silver ions were plotted. Read More...
Applied Science |
India |
345-346 |
80 |
Machine Learning Approaches For Acquisition Of Morphological Components To Revive The Likelihood Of Developing Language Assisted Tools For Tamil Languages
-Angela Deepa.V.R ; Ananthi Sheshasaayee
In the world of digital communication, interlinks between humans highly rely on the electronic gadgets incorporated through various media for their feasible communication. Computers play a vital role for the versatile modes of communication. Human influenced natural languages are the prime errand for the various aspects of communication. Modeling these natural languages to machine understandable mode is termed as the Natural language processing. Many machine learning approaches have been deployed to acquire the morphological components of natural languages. Better understanding of these morphological components can enliven the chance to edifice various language assisted tools to learn any natural languages in non-conceptual way. This paper visualizes the various machine learning approaches for understanding the morphological elements of natural languages and the equivalent learning tools to enhance the learning of the Tamil language. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
347-350 |
81 |
Design of Rainwater Harvesting System
The gap between water demand and supply has been continuously widening. This has led to increase emphasis on the optimal management of the available water resources. Rigorous planning and management of water resources is required for long term sustainable resource development. Hence rainwater harvesting is the engineering solution to water problem of urban area especially in semi-arid region. In order to apply concept of rain water harvesting, the MVGR college campus is taken as study area to plan analyze and design rainwater harvesting system to reduce the impact on ground water as the only source of water is ground water on which the people are depending for various needs. Detailed survey had been carried out in our campus regarding on water consumption, existing RWHS and proposed new systems. Placing of non bio degradable plastic filters between each layer in recharge pits, which helps for prevention of entering sand particles into pores. By adopting these methods we can save more money on water consumption and maintenance cost. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
351-353 |
82 |
Comparative Study of CPSFF for Low Power Applications
-Surbhi Chaudhary ; Prashant Gupta
Power Consumption has a major drawback in VLSI designs. A large part of chip power is consumed by clocking system consists of clock distribution network & flip-flops. The digital systems are required to operate at very low power & needs to be modified for the same. Various techniques are surveyed for this purpose. In this paper, we have use an effective method to reduce capacity of the clock load by minimizing a number of clocked transistors. For this purpose, we use to analyse low power clock paired shared flip flop(CPSFF) for higher performance and design a modified version of CPSFF to further reduce the power consumption by reducing the clocked transistors by using signal feed through (SFT) technique in pull down network. The design has been simulated using Tanner tool with 180nm & 90nm CMOS technology at different voltages for a capacitive load of 15 fF at its output and for no-load condition also. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
354-358 |
83 |
Novel Inverse Active Filters Employing CFOAs
-Vishal Ningappa Patil ; Dr. R. K. Sharma
Inverse filters are widely used in various control, instrumentation and communication systems to correct the distortions of signals caused by signal processing or transmission systems. This paper presents new configurations realizing inverse lowpass, inverse highpass, inverse bandpass, and inverse bandreject filters using current feedback operational amplifiers (CFOAs) such as AD844. The workability of proposed circuits has been demonstrated by simulation results, and comparison with previous known circuits is also given in the paper. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
359-360 |
84 |
The constructional activities in the different areas specially often demand deep foundations because of the weak engineering properties and the related problems arising from poor soil at shallow depths. The low bearing capacity of the foundation bed causes excessive settlements and shear failure. Also, the high water table and variable depth of the top sandy layer in the areas restrict the depth of foundation and thus reducing the safe bearing capacity. This paper discusses grouting as one of the possible solutions to the foundation problems by improving the properties of soil. Different methods are discussed in the paper for grouting as per the field situation. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
361-364 |
85 |
Design a Broadband Antenna using Microstrip patch array in Log periodic manner
-Rakhi Uppal ; Dr. Monish Gupta; Seema Singh
The microstrip patch antenna is commonly used for its small size and low cost of fabrication, but its narrow bandwidth makes it inappropriate for broadband applications, thus array of microstrip patch antenna which depends upon on log periodic techniques is used for making broadband antenna. Such kind of antenna posses the wideband characteristic in comparison with the microstrip antenna. In the present paper a broadband antenna is designed using the log periodic microstrip patch array in HFSS 10. Here Peak directivity is achieved as 4.4 to 7.5 in the range of 13.9 to 30 Ghz.The return loss is obtained as below -10db within the range of 13 to 30 Ghz.Hence broadband characteristics is achieved. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
365-367 |
86 |
Automation of Jig to Test the Tandem of BG605 Motor Grader
The motors and drives have a wide application. The application consists of interfacing and commissioning of motor and drive to the tandem test jig. This project describes how motors and drive system is interfaced to tandem test jig. The equipment is used for grading process and bank cutting process of roads. Tandem is a piece of Motor grader equipment and it is used for transmission of power in the equipment. Testing of the tandem before assembling on to the vehicle is very necessary. Testing the tandem by manual method is a tedious job. In order to make work simple and to get quality of product automation of jig is to be implemented. Read More...
India |
368-372 |
87 |
Execution and Analysis Multilevel DC-DC Step Down Converter Open and Closed Loop System for High Voltage Application
-Girish Kumar M R ; Chethan Ghatage
Step down converter topology with high voltage direct current application is a challenge in power converter implementation and non-isolated application. Here designed for five level step down converter consist of four switches and four capacitors and capacitors voltage should be balanced for proper operations. the important feature of this converters are: low voltage across semiconductors, losses are low due to switching and reduced volume of output filter. In this proposed converter hypothetical examination are done and talked about, simulation and experimental results of 1000-volts to 600-volts and switching frequency of 25khz and 8kw power are reported. Read More...
Industrial Electronics |
India |
374-378 |
88 |
Performance assessment of box type structures under static conditions
Box type structures used in bridges, nuclear reactors are in larger sizes and they need to be stable under adverse loading conditions. The present study is intended to assess the performance of the box type structure subjected to uniformly distributed load under static conditions by varying height to breadth ratios, no of stiffeners and also by varying thickness of the stiffeners. For the static analysis, a sample box type structure of box girder is considered and assessed statistically using ANSYS. The scaled down model of the structure is fabricated and the experimental validation is done using LabVIEW software. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
376-373 |
89 |
Experimental Investigation Of The Effect Of Exhaust Gas Recirculation On Performance, Emission And Combustion Charatersitcs Of A Single Cylinder Low Heat Rejection Diesel Engine Using Rice Bran Biodiesel
-Shiva kumar ; Prakash S Patil; Dr. Omprakash D Hebbal
All diesel engines are most trusted power source for automobile vehicles of all over the world. But, it emits more exhaust emissions like hydrocarbon (HC), carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx). The rapid depletion of conventional fossil fuels has promoted research towards alternative fuels for internal combustion(IC) engines. In this study rice bran biodiesel (RBBD) used as an alternate fuel as a substitute for diesel. From the experimental investigation, the diesel has lower brake thermal efficiency and higher brake specific fuel consumption. To overcome this, rice bran biodiesel without exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) is used in low heat rejection (LHR) engine. This results in the increase of brake thermal efficiency and correspondingly reduces the brake specific fuel consumption, but increases the NOx emissions. It is mainly due to the peak combustion temperature, oxygen concentration in the combustion chamber and the residence time of high temperature gas in the cylinder. To overcome this, EGR is being used to reduce and control the NOx emissions by lowering oxygen concentration in the combustion chamber. Hence by analysis, rice bran biodiesel blend with 5%, 10% and 15% EGR in LHR engine provides better performance, combustion and emission characteristics when compared with neat diesel without EGR in conventional engine and rice bran biodiesel without EGR in LHR engine. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
379-386 |
90 |
Experimental Investigation of Performance, Emission and Combustion Characteristics on a Single Cylinder Four Stroke Low Heat Rejection (LHR) Engine using Neem Biodiesel with Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR)
The performance, emission and combustion characteristics of a single cylinder four stroke LHR engine when fuelled with Neem biodiesel and are investigated and compared with the results of standard diesel with Exhaust Gas Recirculation system. It has demonstrated that biodiesel fuelled engine deliver less carbon monoxide, unburnt hydrocarbon and smoke emission contrasted with diesel fuel but higher NOx emission. EGR is as viable method to reduce NOx from LHR engine as it brings lower flame temperature and decrease oxygen concentration in the combustion chamber. The primary point of this exploration is to examine the utilization of biodiesel and EGR at the same time to diminish the emissions of all regulated pollutants from diesel engine. For this a single cylinder, water cooled, constant speed direct injection LHR engine was utilized and EGR was produced and fitted in engine. Different emissions, for example, HC, NOx, CO and smoke opacity were measured. The engine parameters were computed from measured data. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
386-392 |
91 |
Handwritten Devanagari Character Recognition Using Artificial Neural Network .
-Rajharsh Vishnu Sanap ; Rohini Babanrao Kharate; Vaishali V. Patil
Handwritten character recognition in Indian script is a challenging task specially Devanagari, for several reason like complex structure of character with their modifiers and present of compound character. Devanagari character recognition will prove beneficial to 18% of world’s population. Devanagari character recognition is applicable to various application areas where the aim is automation and to reduce the human efforts for form filling, job application, bank cheque processing system and postal automation etc. Devanagari character recognition system can be used as a reading aid to blind and it also has application in forensic science. It can thus contribute immensely to the advancement of automation processes and can improve the interface between man and machine in many applications. Artificial Neural networks have good learning and generalization abilities which are necessary for dealing with imprecision in input patterns and perform satisfactorily in the presence of incomplete or noisy data. Artificial Neural Network is one of the most widely used and popular techniques for character recognition problem. This paper discusses the classification and recognition of handwritten Devanagari character recognition using Artificial Neural Networks in four stages - 1) Scanning, 2) Preprocessing, 3) Feature Extraction and, 4) Recognition. When a test character is given, appropriate neural network is invoked to recognize the character in that group, based on the features in that character. The accuracy of the network is analyzed by giving various test patterns to the system. The average accuracy of recognition of the system is 94.43%. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
393-396 |
92 |
Mechanical Vibration of Visco-Elastic Circular Plate with Varying Thickness and Temperature in r-Direction
-Dr. Subodh Kumar Sharma ; Preeti Prashar
Mechanical vibration of circular plate with varying thickness and temperature in radial direction are investigated in the present study. Using the separation of variables method, the governing differential equation has been solved for vibration of visco-elastic isotropic circular plate. An approximate but quite convenient frequency equation is derived by using Rayleigh-Ritz technique with a two term deflection function. The frequencies corresponding to the first two modes of vibrations are obtained for a parallelogram plate for different values of taper constant and thermal gradient. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
397-399 |
93 |
A searching, tracking For Multi-UAV Ad Hoc Networks
-Lovepreet Kaur ; Dinesh Kumar
Cognitive mapping are mental pictures of the attributes of our surroundings. Cognitive maps provide us with a model or guide of our surroundings that we can utilize. When we make Cognitive maps, we regularly prevent data that is not significant or unrelated. This implies that our Cognitive maps can vary from the real environment that we are mapping. cognitive maps make it simpler for us to review data. A cognitive guide is a kind of mental representation which serves a person to secure, code, store, review, and unravel data about the relative areas and characteristics of phenomena in their ordinary or figurative spatial environment. Cognitive maps serve the development and gathering of spatial information, permitting the "mind's eye" to envision pictures to decrease cognitive burden, improve review and learning of data. This sort of spatial intuition can likewise be utilized as a representation for non-spatial tasks, where individuals performing non-spatial tasks including memory and imaging utilization spatial information to help in processing the task. cognitive map is a strategy which has been produced more than a time of time and through its applications and utilization operational researches working on variety of different tasks .These tasks incorporate; furnishing help with organizing confused or complex information solving a problems. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
400-402 |
94 |
A Novel Approach of Removing Glitches in Multipliers
-Kunal Prakash Raval
This paper is about removing glitches in multipliers. For this delay balancing technique is used which in turn reduces the dynamic power. Reducing dynamic power results in reduction of glitches in the multipliers. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
403-406 |
95 |
Data Mining Approach to Analyze Crowdsourced Data for Business Analytics
-Mayura Nalawade ; Bharati Dixit
Crowdsourcing has developed as a significant problem solving and information gathering standard which makes use of the Internet. The crowdsourced data available on different blogs, forums and social media websites in the form of customer feedback and reviews is an important source of information for the companies. A Data analyst aims at finding trends, patterns and meaningful insights from crowdsourced data. Taking help of crowdsourced workers to analyze this redundant and huge amount of data is not only tedious but is also time consuming. A solution for this problem is proposed that increases the potential of gain of meaningful insights to a large extent. Data mining approach is used to analyze reviews of four different ecommerce websites based on different performance parameters. This unstructured crowdsourced data is processed and filtered using J48 classifier. 355 fake reviews were eliminated. Remaining truthful data was analyzed and Multiviewpoint based similarity clustering was used in order to remove redundancy, which gave the accuracy of 98.66%. To make crowdsourced data more representative and usable graphs were plotted based on delivery, return, refund and customer care parameter to help the analyst in decision making. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
407-411 |
96 |
Behavior of reinforced concrete structure with and without infill
-NANDINI S ; B.S. Suresh Chandra
As rapid growth in population large number of RCC buildings and Steel structures were constructed across the world for residential as well as for public and commercial purposes. Public buildings like Schools, Colleges, Government Offices, Hospitals etc, and commercial buildings like Cinema halls, Shopping mall etc. So the buildings were constructed with RC frames and in the building construction more importance and design consideration is given to RC frames and Masonry infills are considered only to cover the RC frame voids and also to give aesthetic appearance. As the masonry infills are considered only as a void filling element between vertical and horizontal resisting elements of the building frames and assuming that these infills will not resist any loads either axial or lateral. Therefore the masonry infill is not considered in the analysis of frames generally. There is no availability of any kind of realistic and simple analytical models of infill which is the one of the point to skip the infill in the analysis of RC frames. But actually the infill contributes some stiffness to the frame which can reduce the deflection in the frames under lateral load. So this negligence is one of the causes of failure of many multi-storied buildings it may be a RCC building or a steel building. In this study 2D finite element model is developed using FEM software ETABS to determine the behavior of RC framed structures with and without infill under lateral loads especially wind load. In this analysis a bare RC frame is analyzed under wind load, and RC frame with infill that is infill is modeled as a “Equivalent diagonal strut†with single and double struts of concrete and brick properties with varying sizes under lateral load (wind load) is analyzed and compared. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
412-415 |
97 |
Strengthening of R.C. Beam using Carbon Fibre to Study its Torsional Behaviour
-Sanket Rathi ; Sachin Kandekar; Dr. R. S. Talikoti
Using ANSYS software and experimental work to study torsional behavior of carbon fiber after restrenthening RC beams of M30 grade of concrete, is presented in this paper. Fully wrapped carbon fiber around the RC beams and strips of carbon fiber wrapped at an angle 90° and 45° around the RC beams are the different patterns studied experimentally and analytically. Carbon fiber worked as an external reinforcement. RC beam strengthened with carbon fiber tested for torsional failure; in which lever arms subjected to torque were used. The beam size is 150 mm x 300 mm and of 1.3m in length, designed as per IS456-2000. Three beams are designed for torsion and the twelve beams designed as normal beams in which nine beams are strengthened using different patterns of unidirectional carbon fiber having same properties, to study its torsional behavior. In this experimental work carbon fiber and carbon fiber strips of width 100 mm on all face of beam with 900 and 450 orientations with the longitudinal axis of beam were sticked by using epoxy resin. The effect of different types and configuration of carbon fiber on first crack load, ultimate load carrying capacity and failure mode of the beams were taken into consideration and its study using ANSYS software gives better result for further study. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
416-419 |
98 |
The process of discovering insightful, interesting, and novel patterns, as well as descriptive, understandable and predictive models from large-scale data is known as the process of data mining . Data mining consists of extract, transform, and load transaction data on to the data warehouse system, store and manage the data in a multidimensional data base system There are different tasks of Data mining involves the classification. Anomaly detection, association, regression, and clustering. Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) and Data Mining are closely related to each other, which attract a attention from researchers in many different fields including database design, statistics, pattern recognition, machine learning, and data visualization. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
420-422 |
99 |
Optimized Bug Report Triaging Using N-Gram Features and Non-Reproducible Classification
-Shalini Singhal ; Prof. (Dr.) Bhawna Sharma
Testing the product before final release is an inevitable part of any engineering process. Software testing is an activity which is carried out with an intent of finding errors. Testing is carried out as an umbrella activity is most modern software development life cycle models. As time-to-market is a critical constraint for most software, the beta version of the software is released with intent of beta testing. It is the testing which is done by the end user as he/she uses the software. Software bugs are corresponding to all the instants when the software does not meet the specifications or desired functionality. In case of software crashes, there is a provision in most of the software that a bug report is automatically generated and sent to a bug reporting or issue tracking system. Also, in case of other failures, the user can write a description of his/her own about the problem faced. All such bug reports must be handled appropriately to remove the corresponding bug. For software which are publicly viable, and freely distributable across the globe, thousands of bug reports are sent to the issue tracking system, probably corresponding to the same bug. A person in-charge of analyzing the bug reports for checking of duplicity and assigning to appropriate developer is called triager. In this paper, the problem of checking of duplicate bug reports is analyzed based on non-repudiation classification and textual features. The non-repudiation classification is important and critical as the reports for which the corresponding bug cannot be reproduced at client side are of no use. The contribution of this work is the classification of bug reports as being reproducible or non-reproducible using a binary classifier. Support Vector Machine is used for this classification. The traditional textual classifier is augmented with N Gram Features to improve the accuracy of classification. N-gram features relates to the character level representation instead of word level representation. For example, "StringIndexOutOfBoundsException" and "StringIndexOutOfBounds" Exception are two sets which possibly relates to the same event. Proposed model is evaluated over Mozilla-Firefox bug repository. Experimental results indicate a 7% improvement in the kappa measure as compared to the independent approaches proposed by Phuc Nhan Minh and Mona Erfani Joorabchi Read More...
Software Engineering |
India |
423-432 |
100 |
-VASEEM FAIZAL ; Jisha Kuruvilla P
A voltage source inverter is commonly used to provide supply voltage for three-phase induction motor with variable frequency and voltage especially for variable speed applications, But the conventional square wave inverter facing the problems of odd harmonics. To avoid these problems, PWM method is generally employed. A suitable pulse width modulation- Space Vector Pulse width modulation technique is employed to obtain the required output voltage in the line side of the inverter. The magnitude and frequency of the fundamental component in the line side are controlled by the magnitude and frequency of the reference vector. Also V/F control method is also proposed in this paper to reduce the starting current as well as to avoid flux saturation. Thus efficiency can be increased. Switching signal is generated with the help of FPGA spartan3 module. program is written in the VHDL language and realized using Xilinx software. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
433-437 |