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151 |
A Review on Wireless Multichannel EEG Recording System
-Amruta C. Katepalle ; Prof. J.K. Patil
This paper describes a wireless multichannel EEG recording system. EEG is a recording of the electrical activity of the brain which is recorded from the scalp. The system has two parts first is transmitter and second is receiver. The transmitter consists of electrodes, preprocessing section, processing unit, switches and Zigbee module. The receiver consist of Zigbee module, display section, processing unit, memory, switches and LCD. The captured EEG signals are amplified, filtered and are converted to digital by using A/D converter built in MSP430 microcontroller. The digital signals are transmitted via Zigbee to receiver side. Upon receiving these digital signals by Zigbee module can be displayed on PC via serial port. The features of this system are portability and low power consumption. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
591-593 |
152 |
A Review on variable steering ratio
-Suraj S. Serigar ; Dhiraj Tiwari; Sujeet Oza; Omkar Bhoite; Dhiraj Raut
At present most of the automobiles have fixed steering ratio for steering mechanisms. Steering ratio refers to the ratio between the turn of the steering wheel and the turn of the wheels. But the interpretation of this system does not change with changing road and dynamic condition of automobile. Thus, there is a need to differ the steering ratio of automobile depending upon the conditions in which it is being driven. For example we require moderate steering ratio at high speed and low steering ratio during parking and driving in busy streets to maintain dynamic stability of the vehicle. Using microprocessor controlled steering the driver can swiftly change the steering ratio of its vehicle to adjust to the condition. The following study enlightens the use of microprocessor to vary the steering ratio at the will of the operator. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
594-596 |
153 |
Experimental analysis of two loops system for high heat flux microelectronics cooling
-Ms. P.D.Giradkar ; Dr.U.S.Wankhede
As electronics advance and require higher power densities, the demand for efficient cooling methods increases. Due to high heat flux capability, two-phase cooling systems may be applied to cool a wide variety of newly emergent technologies such as power electronics seen in electric-drive vehicles. In this work, the experimental results of the cooling performance of a pump-assisted and capillary-driven two-phase loop, which utilizes a unique planar evaporator are discussed. Water was used as the working fluid. The evaporator was fed liquid by both mechanical and capillary pumping, while the vapor and liquid phases in the evaporator are separated by capillary force to prevent it from flooding. The experimental results of the two phase loop system with a single evaporator handling a single heat source shows the proper boiling condition under a stepwise heat load with sudden power variation. The effects of various operation variables of the two-phase cooling loop, such as dynamic and stepwise heat input, liquid flow rate, high heat flux, on the cooling performance of the two-phase loop are discussed. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
597-602 |
154 |
Activity Prediction Using Truval Method In Mobile Social Network
-Sagar Suryawanshi ; Prashant Nachan; Vikas Godase; Devyani Mahajan; Nikhil Kapade
Now a days current trend of online social network is turning towards mobile. Mobile social networks directly reflect our real social life, therefore are an important source to analyze, understand the underlying dynamics of human behaviors (activities). In this report, we are going to study the problems of activity prediction in mobile social networks. We propose a series of observations in two real mobile social network and then propose a method, Truval in activity prediction based on a dynamic factor-graph model for modeling and predicting user activities. An equivalent algorithm based on mean field is presented to efficiently learn the proposed method. We are going to deploy a actual system to collect users day to day activity, behaviors and validate the proposed method on two combines mobile datasets. Shows that the proposed ACTPred model using Truval method can achieve better performance than baseline methods. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
603-604 |
155 |
Location Tracking And Positioning In DTNs
-Wagh Supriya Vilas ; Upadhyay Nilesh Biharilal; Gandhi Neel Mukesh; Katkade Shital Ramkrishna
as the vast research in the eld of technology increases, location dependent applications becomes highly important as positioning and tracking of mobile devices plays an important role in context aware and pervasive services. While physical localization and logical localization for satellite has been highly and extensively researched, networks with xed reference points like GSM and WiFi are densely deployed and tracking and positioning techniques in Sparse Disruption Tolerant Networks (DTN) have not been well researched. In this paper, we propose a cooperative and localized method called Pulse Counting for DTN localization and a probability based tracking method called ProbTracking to solve the problem. To evaluate user walking steps and movement orientation, we use Pulse Counting by using cellphones accelerometer and electronic compass. By exploiting the encounters of mobile nodes, it improves the accuracy and estimates user’s location by accumulating walking segments. There are several methods for renement of location estimation which are also discussed, such as, mutual renement of location estimation for encountering nodes based on maximum likelihood and adjustment of trajectory based on reference points. We use ProbTracking method to track user movement which uses Markov chain to describe movement patterns and predicts the most possible user walking trajectory without full record of users location. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
605-606 |
156 |
Comparison of Reinforced Concrete and Pre-stressed Concrete Flat Slabs in Tall Buildings
-Ruchi R Kadamb ; M.Manjunath
Flat slab are usually preferred floor system for tall buildings as they result in reduction in floor heights. The flat slabs without drop panel and column head are called as flat plates. The design of tall buildings is usually governed by the lateral loads imposed on the structure. The main disadvantage of flat slabs and flat plates is their lack of resistance to lateral loads, such as those due to wind forces and earthquakes. In the present study tall building with reinforced concrete flat slab floor system is compared with pre-stressed concrete flat slab floor system under lateral forces. A 30 storied tall building with a flat plate floor of size of 30m x 24m and having a panel size 6m x 6m is studied for wind forces. These slabs are design as reinforced concrete as well as pre-stressed (post tensioning) concrete flat slabs as per Indian standard codes and analysed in software SAP2000. The analysis and design results of reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete flat plates are compared to evaluate the performance of the tall building in resisting the lateral wind forces. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
607-609 |
157 |
Cloud Computing In Resource Management
-Sumit Bhatt ; Garima Shah
Swiftly increasing demand of computational calculations in the process of business, transferring of files under certain protocols and data centers force to develop an emerging technology cater to the services for computational need, highly manageable and secure storage. To fulfill these technological desires cloud computing is the best answer by introducing various sorts of service platforms in high computational environment. Cloud computing is the most recent paradigm promising to turn around the vision of “computing utilities†into reality. The term “cloud computing†is relatively new, there is no universal agreement on this definition. In this paper, we go through with different area of expertise of research and novelty in cloud computing domain and its usefulness in the genre of management. Even though the cloud computing provides many distinguished features, it still has certain sorts of short comings amidst with comparatively high cost for both private and public clouds. It is the way of congregating amasses of information and resources stored in personal computers and other gadgets and further putting them on the public cloud for serving users. Resource management in a cloud environment is a hard problem, due to the scale of modern data centers, their interdependencies along with the range of objectives of the different actors in a cloud ecosystem. Cloud computing is turning to be one of the most explosively expanding technologies in the computing industry in this era. It authorizes the users to transfer their data and computation to remote location with minimal impact on system performance. With the evolution of virtualization technology, cloud computing has been emerged to be distributed systematically or strategically on full basis. The idea of cloud computing has not only restored the field of distributed systems but also fundamentally changed how business utilizes computing today. Resource management in cloud computing is in fact a typical problem which is due to the scale of modern data centers, the variety of resource types and their inter dependencies, unpredictability of load along with the range of objectives of the different actors in a cloud ecosystem. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
610-614 |
158 |
Heterogeneous Face Recognition Framework Using Multiple Filters for Person Identification
-Sagar Chandrakant Saibewar ; Prof. Bharati Dixit
Face recognition is the task of identifying an already detected face as known or unknown face and has attracted much attention due to its potential value in security, biometrics and law enforcement applications. One of the most difficult challenges in automated face recognition is computing facial similarities between face images which are acquired in alternate modalities. To address this problem Heterogeneous Face recognition comes takes place. Heterogeneous face recognition (HFR) involves matching two face images from alternate imaging modalities, such as sketch to a photograph or an infrared image to a photograph. The Proposed work is based on experimentation using Heterogeneous Face Recognition framework using Prototype Random Subspace Approach for both probe and gallery images which are represented in terms of nonlinear similarities to a collection of prototype face images. The proposed work will be evaluated on various performance parameters with accuracy as the main focus and pre-processing time required for filtering the images using DOG, GF, and CSDN filters. This framework performs equally well for different modalities whereas the focus of the study is specifically for Face Photo-Sketch Recognition Accuracy and Recognition time required using DOG, GF, and CSDN filters. The accuracy of this nonlinear prototype representation is improved by projecting the features with the help of PCA The outcome of this work will be useful in the areas like forensic sciences, video surveillance etc. The paper also shows a comparative study of Heterogeneous Face Recognition framework for both probe and gallery images which are represented in terms of nonlinear similarities to a collection of prototype face images and an approach to Heterogeneous face recognition which needs feature descriptors that are effective within each domain. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
615-621 |
159 |
A Review on Study of Heat Transfer Rate on Multipass Submerged Arc Welding
-Pandurang Vitthal Kasabe ; K. P. Kolhe
In arc welding the heat flow from the tip of electrode to the base metal. The heat transfer rate is generally based on the work material, weld material, welding process, inert gases etc. The heat transfer rate and rate of cooling in welding can directly controls microstructure and mechanical properties of welded region and base metal. The proposed study going to carry out on multipass submerged arc welding for varying heat input. The one dimensional, two dimensional and three dimensional heat flow equation will be used for the total heat transfer rate in submerged arc welding. The corresponding mechanical properties hardness c-v-n test results tensile strength of welded joint will be studied. This process is use full in joining thick section of components used in various industries. Besides joining SAW can also be used for surface applications. Heat affected zone produced in within the base metal as a result of tremendous heat of arc is of big concern as it affects the performance of welded surfaced structure in service due to metallurgical changes in the affected region. The various changes in the metal can be analyzed by heat transfer rate. The various sub zones in the microstructure were observed in HAZ of SAE weld of partially transformed. The main purpose of proposed work is to investigate and correlate the study of heat transfer rate on multipass submerged arc welding. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
622-626 |
160 |
Development of Rainfall Intensity-Duration-frequency Relationships from Daily Rainfall Data for the major cities in Bangladesh Based on Scaling Properties
-Md. Majadur Rahman
The rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) relationship is one of the most commonly used tools for various engineering projects against floods. It is important in water resources engineering, either for planning, designing and operating of water resource projects. For estimation of runoff especially for urban areas short duration rainfalls are necessary. Developing countries like Bangladesh short duration rainfall is scarce and data available is mostly for daily rainfall data. In such cases, design rainfall is estimated by approximation and thus leading to frequent failure of drainage network. The purpose of this paper is to develop an empirical formula to estimate design rainfall intensity for seven major cities based on simple scaling properties. This method allows for the estimation of the design value of rainfall of selected return period and durations shorter than a day by using only the daily data. The assumption of simple scaling implies in direct relationships between the moments of different orders and the rainfall durations, which can be used to derive IDF relation¬ships from larger durations. Read More...
Water Resource Engineering |
Bangladesh |
627-631 |
161 |
A Survey on Android application as an advertisement portal
- Bartakke Nayan Nagesh ; Bande Anuja Vinod; Suvare Sonali Sanjay; Hatiskar Mrunmayee M.
The aspect of digitalization in all over the world and rapidly increasing number of mobile users had led to introduce a new way of advertisement. Adding location based services to the world of digital advertisement this android application will help shop owners to reach maximum people in an easy an effective manner. This paper mainly focuses on overall description of all the implementation technologies of android application as an advertisement portal, which will helpful to remove drawbacks of existing systems. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
632-634 |
162 |
Design of handling system for heavy rocket motor segments
-K. ESWARI BHARGAVI ; P. Uma Mahesh; K. Mohan Krishna
For launching any launch vehicle heavy booster rockets are essential. These booster rockets are produced in the form of segments. Each segment weighs around 60T, which is currently in use at ISRO. These heavy booster segments are produced in SDSC-SHAR. For the production of the segments a series of operations are essential. A rocket booster segment is a heavy cylindrical object containing solid propellant which is highly explosive in nature. Each rocket segment is provided with an end ring on either side. These end rings are used to meet the handling needs of these segments. Heavy handling brackets are used to connect the end ring and the handling system manually. This operation demands a lot of time and effort. To overcome the above difficulties, a remotely operated handling system of grabbing type has been proposed. This project deals with the detailed design of the handling system with the help of solid works. By virtue of these tool the design of the handling system will be validated. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
635-637 |
163 |
An Experimental Study on the Behaviour of Concrete by Partial Replacement of Cement and Fine aggregate with Copper slag
-K Aswani ; S.D.V.S.N.Rao; P Ramarao
The replacement of natural resources in the manufacture of cement and sand is the present issue in the present construction scenario. Copper slag is an industrial by-product material produced from the process of manufacturing copper. Use of Copper slag does not only reduce the cost of construction but also helps to reduce the impact on environment by consuming the material generally considered as waste product. Hence in the current study an attempt has been made to minimize the cost of cement and sand with concrete mix grade M25 by studying the mechanical behavior of these concrete mixes by partial replacing with advanced mineral admixture such as Copper slag in concrete mixes as partial replacement of cement and sand. In this study, partial replacement of Cement and fine aggregate with Copper Slag considered. Experimental study is conducted to evaluate the workability and strength characteristics of hardened concrete, by partially replacing the cement and sand by various percentages of copper slag for M25 grade of concrete at different ages. The mixes were designed using IS Code method. In this project, properties of concrete have been assessed by partially replacing cement and sand with Copper slag is separately done in two different phase. The cement has been replaced by Copper slag accordingly in the range of 0% (without Copper slag), 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% is one phase and sand has been replaced by Copper slag accordingly in the range of 0% (without Copper slag), 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% is second phase by weight of cement for M25 mix. Concrete mixtures were produced, tested and compared in terms of compressive, flexural and split strength with the conventional concrete. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
638-641 |
164 |
Application of Barcode Technology as Improved Examination System
-Mr. Prathamesh Dilip Sukale ; Mr. Shreyas Rajendra Sawant; Ms. Sayali Shashikant Kapdule; Mr. Vinayak Nandkishor Malavade
The identification of examination papers is most complex and tedious process as number of students and collages increase now days. So, we need to improve traditional examination system for which we can use barcode technology. There are multiple barcode symbologies are available depending upon their area of use. We compare some symbologies such as UPC, Interleaved 2of-5, Code-39, Code-128, Codebar. Barcode symbologies which are being used widely have been explained with comparison table and its example. The Code-128 is more advanced symbologies, hence we studied the generation of Code-128 symbology. The application of barcodes in general and improved examination system is discussed in detail. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
642-644 |
165 |
An Experimental Investigation of Piston Coating on Internal Combustion Engine
-Prof. Parvez F. Agwan ; Prof. Swapnil.A.Pande
The thermal efficiency of most commercially used engine ranges from 38% to 42%, as nearly 58% to 62% of energy is lost in the form of waste heat. In order to save energy the hot parts are insulated. This will lead to reduction in heat transfer through the engine, involving an increased efficiency. Change in combustion process due to insulation also affects emissions. In this study an attempt is made to reduce the intensity of thermal and structural stresses by using a layer of ceramic material. Experimental investigation is carried out under different loading conditions on single cylinder two stroke spark ignition engine with its piston crown coated with Nickel-Chromium & Al2O3 to understand the influence of thermal barrier coating (TBC) on performance characteristics. Al2O3 is chosen as a candidate material for coating the piston crown because of its desirable physical properties like low thermal conductivity, high coefficient of thermal expansion, high thermal resistance, chemical inertness, high resistance to erosion, corrosion and high strength. Thermal barrier coating (TBC) is done by using Plasma Spraying Technique. Engine working conditions are maintained constant before and after coating. Experimental results revealed that the thermal efficiency is increased by 13.75%, Mass of fuel consumption is reduced by 6.02% and brake specific fuel consumption is reduced by 9.84% between coated and bare engine. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
645-648 |
166 |
A Survey on Android Application for Antitheft Security through SMS
-Sainath Vitthal Pawar ; Saiprasad Rajendra Pore; Suprita Balkrishna Tendulkar; Vinayak Nandkishor Malavade
Nowadays the world is become digital. Numbers of Android users are increased day-to-day. With increasing number of android device the possibility of stealing Android smart phones are also increased. Security is one of the main concerns for Android smart phone users today. This application will helps user to find his stolen android smart phone. For this problem user only need to send an SMS with specific command. For this process user doesn’t require internet connection. This is the main advantage of our system. User also will get notification if SIM card will change by thief. User will get mobile number of thief by SMS on secondary mobile. User can change his android smart phones profile mode like silent to vibrate or general. User will get exact location of android smart phone using GPS through SMS. We provide password protection for our application so thief cannot uninstall our application without entering correct password which is set by user. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
649-651 |
167 |
Integrated Testing Workshop - An Innovative Test Planning Approach
-Sivananda Reddy Elicherla ; Dr. P E Sreenivasa Reddy; Dr. V Raghunatha Reddy; Sivaprasada Reddy Peddareddigari
Integrated Test Workshop (ITW) primary objective is to help the testing teams, project stakeholders and cross delivery teams to understand the System testing and (or) end-to-end [1] (E2E) testing scope in terms of requirements to be covered, test data requirements, interfaces and test environments that will be used for application or project under test. In a nutshell, ITW is an innovative and test planning approach which will help project test teams to plan their test activities more efficiently than following the conventional test planning approach without much clarity and understanding of the end-to-end functional flow and potential risks involved in the test planning. ITW is not only a planning tool but also static review technique which would help project teams to identify the gaps in requirements and design early in the life cycle. This article will help readers to understand the inputs required to conduct the Integrated Testing Workshop, various stakeholders and their role in Integrated Testing workshop, know-how of conducting the ITW and final outcome of it. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
652-655 |
168 |
Spectroscopic, Optical,Thermal and Microhardness Studies Of 4-Formylnitrobenzene
-S.Sozhaveni, ; S.Kanimozhi,; G.V.pandian; P.C.Jobe Prabhakar
An interesting optical organic crystal of 4Formylnitrobenzene crystals has been grown by slow evaporation solution growth technique using CCl4 as growth medium. The solubility of 4-Formylnitrobenzene in carbon tetra chloride at various temperature ranges from 300C to 500C was determined. After solubility determination, the metastable zone width of 4-Formylnitrobenzene in CCl4 was determined. The resulting crystals were subjected to FT-IR, UVand-H1 NMR spectral studies. The purity and high thermal stability of the grown crystals were determined using Thermal analysis. Vickers microhardness studies provide information about the hardness of the grown crystal. Read More...
Aeronautical Engineering |
India |
656-659 |
169 |
A Study of General Mental Ability among Players And Non-Players Of Chandigarh Schools
-Dr. Gurpreet Singh
As it is well known good physical fitness is the key to success for any sportsperson. However, being physically fit is not enough. One must also have good mental ability to perform better. The present is an attempt to understand the same. The present study is based on a survey of 100 school students of Chandigarh region. The study revealed that the female national players had exhibited significantly better general mental ability than their counterpart male national players. Also, the male players demonstrated significantly better general mental ability than their counterpart male non-players. Read More...
Education |
India |
660-665 |
170 |
Maximum Power Point Based Photovoltaic Charge Controller for street lights
-Kaustubh S. Kulkarni
Maximum Power Point Tracking, frequently referred to as MPPT, is an electronic system that operates the PV modules in a manner that allows the modules to produce all the power they are capable of. MPPT is a fully electronic system that varies the electrical operating point of the modules so that the modules are able to deliver maximum available power. Additional power extracted from the modules is then made available as increased battery charge current. The system use Buck and Boost (DC-DC) converters for voltage level conversion. Buck converter is used to down convert the DC voltage. Boost converter increases the DC voltage. The algorithm used to track the maximum power point in the system is Perturb & Observe (P&O) Algorithm. PIC16F873 is used to control the system.18watts LED Street lamp is taken as the load. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
666-668 |
171 |
Automatic Toll Tax Collection Based on Vehicle Detection
-Miss.Jadhav Shruti S ; Mr.Bhurke Guruprasad P; Miss.Gharge Akshata H; Suprabha Jadhav
Toll tax and its use is one of the issues. Now-a-days development of country depends upon its basic infrastructure. We are trying to develop a system that would pay toll automatically. So it may reduce the queue at the toll booth. In this system high revolution camera is used for capturing the image of vehicles number plate. For identification of vehicle the information is already stored on the central database. So the captured image of number will be send to server received at the toll booth only. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
669-670 |
172 |
Classification Of Faults In Series Compensated Transmission Line Using Wavelet
-Prof. Mrs. Swapna ; Prof. Arun M. Patokar
Fault detection is very tedious task in transmission lines with a fixed series capacitor because of the nonlinear behavior of protection devices and seriesparallel resonance. This paper proposes a new method based on DWT for fault classification in this series capacitor is fixed at the middle of the line. The DWT is used here for extracting the unseen factors from the fault current signal and here harr is used as a mother wavelet. The average values of the wavelet coefficients of the lower frequency band for the currents of three phases and ground are computed and as there are higher frequency components in the faulted phases than that of the unfaulted phases, the fault classification can be done easily. The performance of the proposed scheme is checked for the all possible faults at various locations, different compensation levels and different power angles. This transient fault study is carried out using the PSCAD software and the wavelet transform and protection algorithm is implemented in a MATLAB environment. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
671-674 |
173 |
Dynamic Analysis of Overhung Rotor System with Bearing Defect
-Bhoomi Shaileshbhai Naik ; Prof. U. A. Patel
In this paper an analytical model is proposed to study behavior of overhung rotor-defective bearing system. Overhung rotor is considered with unbalanced mass and bearing is taken as cylindrical roller bearing having surface defect. To analyze all system component’s effect at one node, finite element method is used to predict exact system vibrations. Euler-Bernoulli’s beam element is used to discretize shaft. Gyroscopic effect of overhung rotor is also taken into account. Governing equation of motion has been modified according to our system. Hertz contact stress theory is used for every roller-race contact to calculate overall nonlinear bearing force. Governing differential equation is solved by newmark-beta time integration method. Nonlinear matrix equation which is generated at each time-step in newmark’s method is solved by Broyden’s quasi-newton method. Results at defective bearing is obtained and plotted in time and frequency domain. Higher level Poincare maps are drawn to view system’s minimum stability time. Whole analysis work is done in software package MATLAB. The current study provides a powerful tool for design and health monitoring of overhung rotor systems. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
675-679 |
174 |
Laconic study on Incident / Accident Investigation technique -
The future direction for incident prevention lies in using investigation methodologies as a tool that both integrates and compliments pre-existing processes such as risk management and audit. Using investigative tools to identify and resolve the precursors to error and learning from past incidents can assist organizations to gain an appreciation of the strengths and limitations of their safety systems and reduce errors that lead to incidents. The motivation of this paper is to narrate the event based methodology “Sequentially Timed Event Plotting†(STEP). This paper signposts the analytical approach that graphically depicts sequentially timed Events. All events are expressed with formatted building blocks composed of an Actor and Action. Explained by what means this method is quite useful to discover and analyze problems and assess mitigation options, in addition to performing analysis of the types and sequences of events that can lead to an accident. Besides the benefit of using Sequentially Timed Event Plotting (STEP) accident investigation method also been revealed. Read More...
Health,Safety and Environment Engineering |
India |
680-683 |
175 |
Tribological behavior of carbon coated nickel nanoparticle, silicon Oxide and their combinations with lubricating oil
-Santosh Nivrutti Mandlik ; S.R.Nimbalkar
This study examined the tribological properties of SAE 40 oil with nickel carbon coated and silicon oxide nanoparticles and their combinations. The tribological properties were investigated on a four ball oil tester using accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard 4172. Results show that on addition of nickel carbon coated and silicon oxide with SAE 40 oil the antiwear properties of lubricant were improved. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
684-687 |
176 |
Online tender management system
-Pooja Manjeshwar ; Akshay Palekar; Komal Narwekar; Yugandhara Rane
Procurement is an integral part of the e-Government activities. In earlier times, procurement included a lot of manual work. Every process right from accepting a tender to displaying the result was done manually which was time-consuming, tedious and prone to errors. Our project titled “Online Tender Management System†presents a new e-procurement framework where we automate the process of tender management thereby improving the efficiency of the system. The main aim of our system is to harness the power of Information Technology to provide the host with the right tools to make an informed decision. Though the human element is an irreplaceable part of the tendering process, certain areas in the system could be automated to provide much needed transparency. Our system focuses on acting as decision support system for the panel. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
688-689 |
177 |
Literature Review on Variable Frequency Drive
-Dhaval A. Shah ; Pravin G. Sanas; Amol O. Mahajan; Mahadev A. Jamdade; Mayuresh B. Gulame
A Variable frequency drive (VFD) is the type of motor controller that drives an electric motor by varying the frequency and voltage supplied to electric motor. The AC input given to VFD is used to drive induction motor. Rectifier diode is used for rectification of AC output & filter capacitor is used to reduce the ripples in output DC supply. The inverter circuit drives the IGBT to invert DC to AC as per inverter frequency to AC induction motor input. Microcontroller is used to control/monitor/set the output frequency and current of the AC induction motor. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
690-691 |
178 |
AC traction power line fault analysis and simulation
-Nisarg A Raval ; Nisarg A Raval; Prof. S.N. Shivani; Prof. M.K.Kathariya
AC traction scheme is implemented in 1957 by Indian railway board. It was simple 25kV, 50 Hz single phase system. Mainly AC traction employed for economy purpose in OHE, substations and locomotives because it reduces the cost of supporting structures. Various elements of AC traction system are explained in detail in this paper. Also different types of faults are also explained. It also contains an Introduction to out-of-phase short circuit fault which is new type of fault in AC traction and various issues in power quality of AC traction system and techniques to mitigate the issues and improve power quality. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
695-697 |
179 |
Performance Evaluation On Private Cloud Using UEC & EUCALYPTUS
-Mr. Jaynam Sanghvi ; Mr. Narendra Rathor
Cloud computing is emerging at the following three major trends — service orientation, virtualization and standardization of computing through the Internet. Cloud computing enables users and developers to use services without knowledge of, nor control over the technology infrastructure that supports them. In this era, Private cloud is now became popular by achieving a great efficiency of resources as well as improved to manage IT resources and services within an enterprise or organization. Cloud Storage is an attractive concept in IT field since it allows the resources to be provisioned according to the user needs. In private cloud resources are provided over intranet within an organization. In the studied research paper the implementation steps of private cloud is given. In this Paper, first we have to establish a private cloud and then we are going to measure the performance factors that is CPU, Memory Usage using System monitoring tools so that it gives the better evaluation under different circumstances of deployment of private cloud .After implementing this, We will capable to measure performance factors on private cloud. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
698-701 |
180 |
Development of Dual Axis Solar TRACKER System
-Prajapati Vivekkumar Nareshkumar
The energy extracted from solar photovoltaic (PV) or solar thermal depends on solar insolation. For the extraction of maximum energy from the sun, the plane of the solar collector should always be normal to the incident radiation. The diurnal and seasonal movement of the earth affects the radiation intensity received on the solar collector. Sun trackers move the solar collector to follow the sun trajectories and keep the orientation of the solar collector at an optimal tilt angle. Energy efficiency of solar PV or solar thermal can be substantially improved using solar tracking system. In this work divided into two stages, which are software and hardware development. In software development, we have to simulate dual axis solar tracker by using four LDR sensor in hardware development, an automatic solar tracking system has been designed and developed using LDR sensors and DC motors on a mechanical structure with gear arrangement. Two-axis solar tracking (azimuth angle as well as altitude angle) has been implemented through active solar tracker based comparator logic. Performance of the proposed system over the important parameters like solar radiation received on the collector, maximum electrical power per day, efficiency has been evaluated and compared with those for single axis tilt angle solar collector. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
702-705 |
181 |
Day of The Week Effect In Indian IT Sector With Special Reference To BSE IT Index
-J.Sudarvel ; P.Dhanu; Dr. R. Velmurugan; Dr. A. Dharmaraj
This study investigates the existence of the day of the week effect in India’s IT sector. The study uses the Daily return data of the Bombay Stock Exchange’s IT Index for the period from September 2005 to March 2015 for analysis. After examining the stationarity of the return series, we specify Descriptive statistics and Ordinary Least Square (OLS) Regression model to find the day of the week effect in stock returns in India. The results confirm the existence of seasonality in stock returns in India and the day of the week effect. The findings also confirm Day of the week effect does exists in Indian BSE IT index. The results of the study imply that the stock market in the Indian automobile sector is inefficient, and hence, investors can time their share investments to improve returns. Read More...
Management |
India |
706-708 |
182 |
Development of lemon peel powder and its utilization in preparation of biscuit by different baking methods
-Sandeep Rout ; N.Srivastava; K. C. Yadav; P.Verma; K.Kishore
The study was conducted with the objective development of lemon peel powder and its utilization in preparation of biscuit by different baking methods. Lemon Peel is derived from the fruit of Citrus limon, the common lemon. Lemon Peel contains calcium, phosphorus, potassium, ascorbic acid and vitamin A, as well as volatile oil and hesperidins. Lemon Peel were sliced, dried (at 60oC) and ground to produce Lemon Peel Powder. Study was done to determine the nutritional value of the prepared Lemon Peel Powder. This powder was further used for the formulation of biscuits with the different levels of incorporation (i.e. 0%, 1%, 3%, 5%, 7% and 9% of Lemon Peel Powder). Studies were made to standardize the developed biscuits with the help of sensory evaluation and then to determine its physio-chemical characteristics. Biscuits were made by two different baking methods Comparative study of developed biscuits by different methods was conducted. The score of treatment T2 with 3% level of incorporation was found to be highest for overall acceptability (8.66) among all the treatments was nearest to the control (9.0). After comparative study it was found that Conventional baking biscuit was more acceptable than Microwave baking biscuits. Read More...
Food Engineering |
India |
709-712 |
183 |
Design and Development of Rack-inMechanism of Air Circuit Breaker
-Keval Devrajbhai Goti ; Bharat Modi; Rajender Niranjan
Demand of electrical energy without interruption has increased nowadays. To meet the requirement, the reliability of each individual component should also be high. Air circuit breaker (ACB) is an automatically operated electrical switch, which is mainly used for low voltage power distribution. For easy maintenance and inspection, draw-out types ACB is used. Rack-in mechanism is used to connect and disconnect the breaker within a cradle by applying torque manually using rack-in handle. Typical rack-in mechanisms often require a high force to rack-in and rack-out of the circuit breaker, and the amount of force re-quired increases as the number of electrical contacts to be engaged increases. As the num-ber of contacts is increased, the force applied to actuate a typical rack-in mechanism may exceed ergonomic limitations. Lesser torque is desirable in manual rack-in operation to reduce human fatigue. Three rack-in mechanisms have been thought and direct translation type rack-in mechanism has been found optimum as per grid analysis comparing other rack-in mechanism. A prototype of selected rack-in mechanism was fabricated as per the CAD model to validate the results. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
713-716 |
184 |
Cloned image forgery detection
-Swati Mehta ; Garima Goel
In today’s era role of digital image is eloquent. With its escalating importance and usage it becomes necessary to assess if the content is realistic or has been manipulated to trick the observer. Image forensics answers all these questions. Adding some useful features or eliminating awkward information is the extensively used tampering technique. The image forgery caused using this technique refers to cloning or copy-move attack. This paper elaborates the manifold techniques to detect cloned image forgery. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
717-719 |
185 |
Abrasive jet machining using grease for internal polishing of Aluminium tubes
-Kuldeep ; Pawanpreet Singh; Charanjit Singh Kalra
this study deals with a new approach to understand the finishing of abrasive flow machining process in which grease fluid is used to finishing the aluminium tubes. The present study develops optimization for AFM process of Aluminium tubes using Taguchi method. Various parameters such as concentration of abrasive 20 to 60gm, abrasive grit size 100 to 300 grits, number of cycles 20 to 60 are to be considered for analyzing the abrasive flow machining (AFM) performance criteria e.g. Surface finish and material removal. The lowest surface roughness is noted i.e. 0.68 Ra, at 60 gm of concentration of abrasive, 300 grit grain size of abrasive, and 40 number of cycle. The highest material removal is noted i.e. 0.074gm, at 60 gm of concentration of abrasive, 200 grit grain size of abrasive, and 20 number of cycle. For higher Material removal, the optimum parameters for abrasive flow finishing are at 60 gm of concentration of abrasive, 300 grit grain sizes of abrasive, and 60 number of cycle. The optimum parameters for lower Surface roughness, abrasive flow finishing are at 60 gm of concentration of abrasive, 300 grit grain size of abrasive, and 60 number of cycle. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
720-723 |
186 |
Study of Vulnerabilities in cloud computing
-Dnyaneshwar Bhabad ; Dnyaneshwar Bhabad; Pratik Sankhe; Vinayak Shinde
An organization can use internet-based services with the help of cloud computing. This mechanism reduces the cost of applications which are required by those organizations as such application will be shared among multiple organizations and they have to pay on pay-as-you-use basis. In today’s world, most of internet users are moving their vital information and data on cloud because of its easy access from any location and from different Platforms. Users need not to worry about processing of data or where physical servers are exist but one thing that can aside all positive things about cloud is information security. Customers are doubtful about security mechanisms implemented by Cloud Service Provider (CSP). They are worried to place their data on a cloud storage area which is shared among various other organizations and users. This paper provides information about current loopholes and vulnerabilities in cloud security at different phases of data and at its carrier, cloud-specific vulnerabilities. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
724-726 |
187 |
Privacy-Preserving Data-Leak Detection
-Nitin Naik ; Aniket Nikam; Narendra Patil; Gunjan Chaudhari
Among different data-leak examples, man-like mistakes are one of the main causes of data loss. There have existence answers sensing inadvertent sensitive knowledge for computers leak caused by man-like mistakes and to make ready for organizations. A common move near is to screen what is in place for storing and sending (power and so on) for made open to sensitive information. Such a move near usually has need of the discovery operation to be guided in secrecy. However, this secrecy thing needed is hard to give what is desired, needed to in experience, as discovery serves may be put at risk or outsourced. In this paper, we present a right not to be public keeping safe data-leak discovery (OLD) answer to get answer to the question under discussion where a special group of sensitive knowledge for computers goes through process of digestion is used in discovery. The better chances of our careful way is that it enables the facts owner to safely give powers the discovery operation to an almost upright, true giver without letting be seen the sensitive knowledge for computers to the giver. We make, be moving in how internet public organization provides can over their customers OLD as an add-on public organization with strong right not to be public gives support to a statement. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
727-729 |
188 |
A Review on Detecting an Attackers In VoIP Using Honeypot
-Kurhade Supriya B. ; Palwe chaitali B.; Pande Priyanka R.
The number of users of VoIP services is increasing every year. Basically, VoIP systems are more attractive for attackers. This paper describes the implementation of a low interaction honeypot for monitoring illegal activities in VoIP environments. The honeypot operated during 92 days and collected 3502 events related to the SIP protocol. The analysis of the results allows understanding the modus operandi of the attacks targeted to VoIP infrastructures. These results may be used to improve defence mechanisms like firewalls and intrusion detection systems. SIP is one of the major VoIP protocols and has its architecture composed of four basic elements: user agent, SIP proxy, redirect server and registry server. The user agent (UA) is a logical function that matches the architecture of the client. It is responsible for initiating or replying to SIP transactions and can act as both client (UAC) and as a server (UAS), starting SIP requests and SIP responses accepting, or accepting SIP requests and answering them, respectively. There are few implementations on VoIP security and attacks in real-world VoIP systems. Some of them propose the use of honeypots to catch malicious traffic in a VoIP environment. Honeypots can be defined as a computational resource to be probed, attacked and / or compromised, whose value lies precisely in the unauthorized or illegal use of the resources offered. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
730-735 |
189 |
The Status of Living Place and the Health Condition of Women in the Slum of Chennai City, Tamil Nadu
-S.John Kaviarasu ; Dr. G. Gladston Xavier
This research has explored the health status of women from the slums of Chennai city Tamil Nadu State. In fact, most of the slums in the city of Chennai in general do not have proper sanitation facilities. Therefore, they attend the call of nature by going behind the bushes situated alongside railway tracks. Women prefer to go for open defecation under cover of darkness, either late in the evening or early morning. Environmental scenario in slums is usually unsafe and therefore, it is a matter of concern as it poses serious threats to the health and wellbeing of slum dwellers in general and pregnant women and lactating mothers in particular. The study brings out the reasons for the rising health problems faced by women in slums due to general environmental condition, lack of potable water supply, sanitation system and poor nutrition (Panda 1993). The study analyses various other reasons associated with poor living condition of the women and its impact on the health of the slum population. Interview Schedule was used to elicit the primary data from 80 women from 4 informal settlements in Pudupet area of Egmore. This study adopted descriptive research design to understand the general health conditions of women and also explain their health status and health seeking behaviour. The unhygienic environment of the slums and lack of basic amenities affect the health and wellbeing of the slum dwellers in general and women and children in particular. Normally, women do not take healthy diet as they have to take care of their family members, particularly their children. Lack of healthy diet and nutritional foods greatly affect their health. It is due to poverty, women take rice mostly obtained from the ration shops. This study clearly reveals that women’s poor health status is mainly because of early marriage, early pregnancy and improper pregnancy spacing. Moreover, the study discloses that more than 36% of women have more than three children. A whopping 87% of the women delivered their first child before the age of 21. As women are less educated, their level of awareness on health and wellbeing is also very low. Therefore, findings of the study suggest that the problem of the poor living conditions of women have to be addressed by the health departments, government agencies, Chennai corporations and slum clearance board. Read More...
Humanities |
India |
736-740 |
190 |
Modelling and Analysis of Four-Junction Tendem Solar Cell in Different Environmenral Conditions
This paper present a MATLAB/Simulink model of a four junction tandem solar cell GaInP/GaAs/GaInAs/Ge for high efficiency. Tandem solar cell means it has more than one junction. The energy band gaps of the sub-cells in a GaInP/ GaAs/ InGaAs/ Ge 4-J tandem solar cell are 1.9 eV, 1.4 eV, 1.1eV and 0.75 eV respectively. In a space applications, generally triple junction from III-V compound semiconductor GaInP/GaAs/Ge is used, because it delivered highest efficiency compare to other commercially available triple junction solar cell. In a multi-junction solar cell, increasing the number of junctions generally offer higher efficiencies. We study here the mathematical model and electrical equivalent circuit of four layer multi-junction solar cell and compare with the triple junction and single junction solar cell and simulation of 4-layer multi-junction solar cell is discussed. We analyzed these models in various environmental conditions such as: solar irradiation, cell’s working temperature and concentration of suns. In this we consider three main factors: maximum power (Pmax), open circuit voltage, Short circuit current density of the solar cell. Taking into account the overall effect of solar irradiance and temperature, the model are evaluated, resulted simulated data are presented. It also include the effect on the bandgap of each sub-cells as well as diode reverse saturation current due to variation in the temperature. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
741-745 |
191 |
Data hiding for optimized security
-Aishwarya Kekan ; Anagha Bhute; Aniket Bhosale; Mrunalinee Patole
It is very necessary to hide the confidential important data efficiently, as there are many attacks made by the hacker to hack the secret data. The secret data can be hidden with the help of steganography. BPCS (Bit Plane Complexity Segmentation) is type of digital steganography. In Steganography secret data is hidden into an image for securing the data. All other techniques have limited data hiding capacity but with the help of technique mentioned in this paper more amount of data can be hidden in vessel image. The cryptography concept is used for locking the secret message in the cover image. We make use of Bit Plane Complexity Segmentation (BPCS) Technique, in BPCS technique the image is divided into noise-like region. The secret data is hidden into these noise-like regions of the image without any deterioration. Hence this technique is a robust secure method for data hiding. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
746-747 |
192 |
Multi-Cloud Hosting For Performance Optimization and Security
-Gade Pooja Vilas ; Mate Shweta Anant; Janjalkar Priti Sudhir
Many organizations and enterprises stores data into the cloud to reduce maintenance cost and also to increase reliability of data. While hosting their data into cloud, customer faces many cloud vendors as well as their pricing policies so that the customer may get confused with which cloud(s) are suitable for storing data. CHARM propose a data hosting scheme which combine two key functions- first function is selecting a cloud to store data in minimum cost and guaranteed availability and second is triggering transition process to re-distribute data. It can do according to pricing of clouds and variations of data patterns. While sending data to Third-Party administrative control in cloud, it also becomes an issue related to security. We need high security measures to protect data in a cloud so we use DROPs concept that solves security and performance issue. In this we divide data into fragments and replicate that fragments into cloud nodes and each node contain only a single data. All these nodes are separated with a certain distance using graph T-colouring. Using this security and performance optimization is done. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
748-750 |
193 |
Meta material Structures SRR And CSRR : A Review
-Jainendra Nath Tiwari ; G.S. Tripathi
This paper accomplishes the objective to understand the significance of metamaterial structures. Utilization of metamaterial structures such as SRR and CSRR is increasing day by day due to its remarkable properties thereby development is also necessary. The considered metamaterial structures, namely, split-ring resonators (SRRs), complementary SRRs (CSRRs), and their open counterparts (OSRRs and OCSRRs), are reviewed, and the equivalent circuit models of SRR and CSRR are presented and discussed. The some part of the article is devoted to highlight their usage in recent applications. This will include the design of an electrically little double band microstrip reception, configuration of double band microstrip radio wire with reciprocal split ring resonators, a recurrence tunable waveguide reception apparatus with a size-diminished gap, and electric split-ring resonator (ESRR) particular for the twofold sided parallel-strip line (DSPSL). Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
751-753 |
194 |
Implementation of Single Phase Voltage Source Inverter Control Algorithm for Photovoltaic System
-B.Kiruthiga ; Dr.R.Narmatha Banu
This paper presents an implementation of single phase voltage source inverter (VSI) control algorithm for grid connected photovoltaic (PV) system. The maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is capable of extracting maximum power from PV array connected to DC link voltage level. The MPPT algorithm is solved by incremental conductance method (INC). Sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) uses a simple mapping to generate gate signals for the inverter. A new digital proportional resonant (PR) current control algorithm is used to remain the current injected into the grid sinusoidal and to achieve high dynamic performance with low total harmonic distortion (THD). The validity of the system is verified through MATLAB/Simulink and results are compared with proportional integral (PI) algorithm for PV system in terms of THD. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
754-758 |
195 |
Design Approach of High Performance Arithmetic Logic Unit Using Pipelined Multiplier Based on Vedic Mathematics
-Miss Sneha R. Parimal ; S.R. Vaidya; M.N.Thakare
All of us know that ALU is a module which can perform arithmetic and logic operations. The reason behind choosing this topic as a research work is that, ALU is the key element of digital processors like as microprocessors, microcontrollers, central processing unit etc. Every digital domain based technology depends upon the operations performed by ALU either partially or whole. That’s why it highly required designing high speed ALU, which can enhance the efficiency of those modules which lies upon the operations performed by ALU. The speed of arithmetic is of extreme importance and depends greatly on the speed of multiplier. Therefore the technologies are always looking for new algorithm and hardware so as to implement this operation in much optimized way in the terms of area and speed. Vedic Mathematics deals with various branches of mathematics like arithmetic, algebra, geometry etc in computation algorithm of the coprocessor which will reduce the complexity of execution time, area and power consumption etc. Multiplier based on Vedic Mathematics is one of the fast and low power multiplier. In this paper arithmetic logic unit is design with the pipelining technique based on vedic mathematics to improve the execution speed and consuming power. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
759-762 |
196 |
Growth and Characterization of Nickel Sulphate Doped Bis Thiourea Zinc Chloride
-Sr.A.Motcha Rakkini , SSHJ ; Mrs.M.Jaya Brabha
Non linear optical material has wide applications in the area of optical devices. Those devices mainly used to measure electromagnetic radiation. Single crystals of Nickel sulphate doped Bis thiourea Zinc chloride were grown by slow evaporation technique. The grown crystals have been subjected to powder X-ray diffraction to determine the crystalline size and unit cell parameter. The incorporation of Nickel sulphate in BTZC was confirmed by the EDAX and FTIR analysis. UV-Visible spectrum shows that the grown crystals have wide optical transparency in the entire visible region. The thermo gravimetric analysis suggests that incorporation of Nickel sulphate in the BTZC increases the thermal stability of the grown crystal. Read More...
chemistry |
India |
763-766 |
197 |
Rayleigh-Ritz Technique to Analysis Natural Frequency of Plate with Quadratic Thermal Distribution
-Preeti Prasher ; Sofia
This paper is to investigate the vibration problem of square plate with thickness and quadratic temperature distribution. Rapid advancements made in various materials science and manufacturing technologies that has lead to the application of composite materials for different areas of engineering like mechanical structures, automobiles structures, aerospace industries, power plant systems etc. Rayleigh-Ritz technique is used to obtain solution of frequency equation with a two-term deflection function. Results of frequencies are calculated for various value of taper constant and thermal gradient for Ist and 2nd the modes of vibration. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
767-770 |
198 |
A Survey on Techniques of Data Hiding Using Steganography & Visual Cryptography
-Kale Mrunali V. ; Pardeshi Shreya B.; Pardeshi Aniket S.
In recent time E-Commerce is rapidly growth in E-Market specially for online shopping system. With ever increasing popularity of online shopping, Debit or Credit card wrongful and personal private information security are major concerns for customers, merchants and banks. Personal information and there misuse of that information for making purchase and bank accounts or arranging credit cards. The main motive of the proposed system prescribed in this paper is to handle applications that requires a high level of security, like E-Commerce applications, core banking and internet banking. This can be done by using combination of two methods: Text based Steganography and Visual Cryptography for safe online shopping and consumer satisfaction. This is achieved by the introduction of Central Certified Authority (CA) and combined application of Steganography, Visual Cryptography for this purpose. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
771-773 |
199 |
Improved Secured Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Network by Attack Detection and Recovery Mechanism
-Ashvinkumar K. Selokar ; Arun G. Katara
The remote sensor system is framed by vast number of sensor hubs. Sensor hubs may be homogeneous or heterogeneous. These systems are much conveyed and comprise of numerous number of less cost, less power, less memory and self-arranging sensor hubs. The sensor hubs have the capacity of detecting the temperature, weight, vibration, movement, mugginess, and sound as in and so on. Because of a requirement for heartiness of checking, remote sensor systems (WSN) are normally excess. Information from various sensors is totaled at an aggregator hub which then advances to the base station just the total qualities. Existing framework just concentrate on recognition of attack in the system. This paper locations investigation of Attack Prevention furthermore gives a thought to how to conquer the issues. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
774-776 |
200 |
Growth and characterization of pure and Anthranilic acid doped Bis thiourea zinc chloride
-Sr.A.Motcha Rakkini,sshj ; Mrs.M.Jaya Brabha,
Nonlinear optical of pure and Anthranilic acid doped Bis thiourea Zinc chloride were grown by slow evaporation technique. The grown crystals have been subjected to powder X-ray diffraction to determine the crystalline size and unit cell parameter. The incorporation of Anthranilic acid in BTZC was confirmed by FTIR analysis. UV-Visible spectrum shows that the grown crystals have wide optical transparency in the entire visible region. The thermo gravimetric analysis suggests that incorporation of Anthranilic acid in the BTZC increases the thermal stability of the grown crystal. Read More...
chemistry |
India |
777-781 |