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251 |
Detection of Hazardous Parameters for Security Inside Coal Mines
-Subhash A. Bhashakhetre ; Prachi K. Bansode; Neha A. Ate
This paper is based on monitoring of hazardous parameter in underground coal mines such as carbon monoxide, methane, temperature, humidity. A microcontroller is used which support serial interfacing so that we can apply wireless networking for long distance communication. All the sensors are connected to microcontroller so that the data from sensors will be collecting, storing data and safety level is monitored. Depending on output the workers are informed through alarm tone and LEDs of display section. Zigbee is IEEE 802.15.4 standard which is used for the transmission of data from mines to monitoring section. If the safety level is crossed the data will be displayed continuously on computer at control room. Due to this immediate rescue team is sent to mines. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
920-922 |
252 |
Autoroll Punching Machine
-Sopan M. Kadu ; Rushikesh B. Bahekar; Ankit P. Hingane; Vaibhav V. Dhon
The Autoroll punching machine is made of the motor, driven wheel, punch and dc motor through which the feed is given to the work piece. When the AC motor starts the punch reciprocates as the rotary motion is converted into reciprocating motion. The DC motor gives feed to the work piece and that’s why the workpiece is punched automatically without any disturbance or interference. When giving feed the rolling action is occurs there. The Autoroll punching machine is can be punch or cut the sheet metal having gauge length 24 having 1 mm thickness and also cuts or punch the bunch of paper in the printing presses. This is the low cost approach for the industries that it has low initial cost and having simple setup so it is easy and not so time consuming. So that the productivity of the industry increases. Here we can easily change the punching tool and die so that we can produce different types of materials Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
923-925 |
253 |
An Overview of VOIP WRT Voice Compression Technique
-Utkarsh Tiwary ; Vishvendra Indolia; Kaushlendra Kumar Pal
Nowadays VoIP enabled applications like Hangouts, GTalk are being used prolifically. VoIP technology is a significant factor contributing much to the way people use to communicate online. Even though it uses UDP protocol for the reason that it offers less overhead, it can be implemented in a real time environment. GNS-3, a simulator, can be deployed to implement VoIP technology for practical purposes. Along with this CISCO IP Phones needs to be configured and registered on a client and/or server system for its proper implementation. It can be implemented on LAN or WAN by making the client and/or server to act as CME or using wi-fi. Quality of Voice enabled IP Phones is determined by MOS which in turn depends on the bitrate it offers. Codecs like G.729 offers an effective and novel way through which voice can be compressed on the above mentioned platforms. Without any significant data loss, packet loss and with slight variation in jitter voice can be compressed on VoIP on the above mentioned platforms using codecs Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
926-928 |
254 |
Design and Development of a System via Sending a Real Time Data of Brain Signal to the Cloud Server for Neurosurgeon
-Vaibhav Vijay Shidurkar ; Sachin Gawate
In this paper, we introduce a technology of human brain-computer interface (BCI) has potential extensibility in combination with ubiquitous environments. To use BCI in the ubiquitous environments, the BCI system must be implemented in mobile and common devices. We implemented a simple BCI composed of a compact brain sensor waveform recording application on a Smartphone. Because of using a Smartphone and its interface, the system can connect a BCI system with ubiquitous environments easily. Today’s scenario for the neuromuscular disease it is difficult for patient to visit from rural areas to the doctor in the city and to save the time for the diagnosis report of the brain. Our proposed system suggests that the brain signal will directly transfer to the cloud server and then it will transfer on the application which is used by doctor. This saves the time to generate report of the patient which is required by the doctor and it will also helps to doctor for checking number of patient in minimum amount of time. Read More...
India |
929-933 |
255 |
Design Modification of Semi Open Centrifugal Pump Impeller
-Love J Rathi ; Antriksh V. Bhatt
Centrifugal pumps are extensively used to transfer the fluid by converting the rotational kinetic energy to the hydrodynamic energy of the fluid flow. The impeller is the rotating component of the centrifugal pump which accelerates the fluid outwards from the center of the rotation and transfers the velocity achieved by the fluid into pressure when the outward movement of the fluid is confined by the pump casing. In the past years a number of modifications have been done on the pump impeller to improve the pump efficiency like varying the number of blades, inlet/outlet vane angles, blade thickness, trimming of impeller diameter individually or with the combination of maximum of any three of these. In this thesis a CAD 2D and 3D model of a given semi open impeller have been prepared using software. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
934-936 |
256 |
Rule Based Method for Entity Resolution
-Ajay Mahajan ; Hemant Halwai; Nilesh Pawar
Entity Resolution is to distinguish the representations referring to the same real world entity in one or more databases. This project aims at developing a different approach or method for Entity Resolution than the traditional ER(Entity Resolution) methods as it is based on pairwise similarity comparison assuming that the records belonging to the same entity are much more similar to each other than the others. However this assumption does not always hold in practice resulting into incorrect ER result. We present a new class of rules which when applied to every record, we identify which entity the record refers to. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
937-938 |
257 |
Experimental Study on Composite Sandwich Panels with Concrete and Corrugated Steel Faces
-Vinoth Kumar K ; Kavitha A
This paper dealt with experimental investigation on composite sandwich panel. Sandwich composite panel consists of three layers of two different materials (Concrete and steel). Concrete is sandwiched between steel layers (i.e a 1 mm thick plain cold-rolled sheet on top and corrugated sheet underneath concrete layer). Panel dimension is of 650mm wide, 100mm high and 1250mm long (One Way Distribution). Six numbers of panels were casted of which three from each Reinforced concrete panel and Composite Sandwich panel. Embossment of seven numbers was provided in corrugation and 10mm diameter eight number of shear stud required to connect plain Cold Rolled sheet and corrugation layer. Behaviour of sandwich panel as well as RC Panel was tested under Four-point loading setup. Test results and failure pattern of both panels were compared with one another. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
939-942 |
258 |
Economic Assessment of Flyover-A Case Study of Rajkot City
-Nihal Chhatbar ; Praful Shinkar
The term flyover had become a by word and elicited different reaction to common people. Some people showed indignation because they cannot foresee that by putting up this kind of structure may not ease the traffic congestion within an intersection but instead it complicates the traffic problem. This research study therefore, would be part of extensive studies that was undertaken to determine effects of flyover construction to the way of life of the motorists and commuters, and in general travelling public. In addition, this is to make them aware of the advantages and dis-advantages that it may bring to their everyday life of activity. To reduce traffic congestion at an at-grade intersection near a big city, one method is construction a flyover bridge at the old junction in two directions on one of the main roads. The flyover facilitates the traffic flow in the directions of the bridge, but the infrastructure cannot fully solve all of the problems especially on the secondary road. Under the bridge, although it relieves the traffic congestion at the intersection, traffic signal can be considered as one of the solution. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
943-945 |
259 |
Studies on Composite Beams
-P.Prakash ; Dr.N.Arunachalam; K.Jayakarthik; M.Narmadha
In this investigation an attempt has been made to study various aspects in the design of RCC-Steel and RCC-PSC (T-section) composite beams. The RCC-Steel, RCC-PSC (T-section) composite beams have been designed for the following parameters: Live Load: 2kN/m2, 3kN/m2, 4kN/m2, 10kN/m2, 15kN/m2, 20kN/m2, Spans: 10m, 15m, 18m, 20m, 22m, Spacing: 0.5m, 1m, 1.5m, 2m, 3m, 4m, 5m, Grade of concrete: M20 for RCC and M40 for PSC, Steel Used: Fe 415 steel and 5mm HTS wires. The designs were carried out manually and using MS-Excel program. IS-456:2000 code, IS-1343:1980 code, IS-800:2007 code, IS-3935:1966 code and IS-11384:1985 code have been used for design. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
946-951 |
260 |
An Approach to bring E-Services to Local Businesses using GPS and Cloud messaging
-Vaibhav Patil ; Shriniwas Surve; Tushar Gurav
We propose an approach for local businesses, to develop a platform to advertise their services online. Consumers will be able to track all the available local business listings based on his/her GPS location using an android application on GPS enabled device. Consumer will then be able to select options from available listings. Google Cloud messaging services can be used by business owner and consumer to interact with each other. Doorstep service will be provided by respective business. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
952-953 |
261 |
Dynamic Internet Data Usage Calculation for Applications in Android Mobiles
-Poorna Kiranya N E ; Karthikeyan L
application in android mobiles are calculated dynamically. The dynamic data calculation is updated by using the segmentation methodology. Here, internet data is tracking dynamically and lively notified on the notification screen. User can able to check out the internet usage calculation for the applications individually in the notification bar and they can either stop or continue their work to other comfort. In our proposed idea, the data calculation for internet applications in android mobiles makes beneficial for the user to save their internet data and cost. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
954-956 |
262 |
Study of Performance Analysis of Ball Valve operated Reciprocating Pump
-Amol P. Bawane ; Prof. S. J. Parihar; R. M. Kharat
Ball valve operated Reciprocating pump is positive displacement pump. The energy is periodically added to generate flow. It is used in application where low discharge is required at high pressure. The analytical process for designing the pump and flow prediction is very difficult, time consuming and costly. In this paper covered performance analysis of ball valve operated reciprocating pump just like Efficiency, Discharge, Head, Input Power, and Output Power. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
957-959 |
263 |
Review of Forced Convection Heat Transfer Through a Non Circular Duct Provided with Different Types of Inserts
-S.J. Thikane ; T.M. Hingmire; S.R. Patil
Among most of the conventional methods used to enhance the efficiency of a gas turbine, the one method which is commonly used is to increase the temperature at the inlet; thereby improving the power output and the efficiency. The internal cooling passages of blades are artificially roughened to improve the heat transfer performance. Modern gas turbines employ the application of inserts to enhance heat transfer through ducts. The reason behind the use of inserts is that they improves the turbulence in the fluid flow near the surface of the duct and creates obstruction to the laminar boundary layer to improve the heat transfer rate. The other reason is that the inserts also enhance the heat transfer rate by increasing the heat transfer area. The thermo hydraulic performance of the ribs is governed by many parameters such as the shape, size, angle and spacing. The present paper focuses on review of research work already done related to forced convection heat transfer through non circular ducts provided with different kind of inserts. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
960-963 |
264 |
E-Waste Management:An Emerging Environmental Issue
-Prachiti Sonawane ; Pranjali Mahabdi; Prof. Anushree Deshmukh
Electronic waste or e-waste is one of the rapidly growing problems of the world. The production of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) is one of the fastest growing global manufacturing activities. This development has resulted in an increase of waste electric and electronic equipment (WEEE). Rapid economic growth, coupled with urbanization and growing demand for consumer goods, has increased both the consumption of EEE and the production of WEEE, which can be a source of hazardous wastes that pose a risk to the environment and to sustainable economic growth. Developed countries export this WEEE to developing countries like china and India where this environmental burden is born by people living here. This study focuses on generation of e-waste in India and Globally, substances causing e-waste, recycle, reuse and recovery of the same. Read More...
Master of Computer Application |
India |
964-966 |
265 |
A Review on Abrasive Jet Machining
-Hiteshkumar D Patel ; Pradip S Chaudhari; Himanshu R Sathavara; Dr. Dhaval M. Patel
AJM is a process of removal of materials by impact erosion through the action of concentrated, high velocity stream of the grit abrasives entrained in a high-velocity gas or air stream. Abrasive jet machining can be used to cut hard and brittle material (e.g. germanium, silica, mica, glass, ceramics) in a large variety of cutting and debarring and the process is smooth and free from vibration.Input process parameters that are taken into consideration are Air Pressure, Abrasive particle, Stand of distance, Nozzle diameter. Output parameters are Material removal rate (MRR), Diameter of cut (DOC), Depth of cut, Surface Roughness (SR). The effect of input parameters on performance parameters such as material removal rate, Diameter of cut, Depth of cut, surface Roughness, Kerf width is experimentally measured. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
967-970 |
266 |
Design of a Power Divider for Dual Band at 1.5GHz and 2.4GHz
-Joshi Sanket vishnubhai ; Prof.Nabila Shaikh
In recent years, there are increasing demands for dual-band equipment due to the development of multiband technologies. Therefore, the conventional power divider is not suitable for dual-band applications. In recent time power divider is used for many applications which inspired me for doing a work on that topic .Within the RF and microwave community, power dividers have served a prominent role for years. The main function of a power divider is to split a given input signal into two or more signals as needed by the circuit/system .Another power divider application and the inspiration for this thesis work is for GPS and BLUETOOTH application. In this system a signal is either fed through an equal split power divider featuring a specific number of output ports, or a series of equal split power dividers. In recent time due to scope of multiband frequency dual band power divider play a nominant role .This research presents design and implementation of power dividers at frequency 1.5 GHz and 2.4GHz using FR4 substrate. Design parameters used in the design of power divider are input and output matching, insertion loss and isolation between the both output ports. The design parameters presented in graph on the simulation result from ADS2011.10 software simulation .The simulation and measurement results taken where the return loss is >-30db insertion loss is about -3.5dB and isolation between the output ports is -15db is achieved. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
971-973 |
267 |
Fingerprint Base Attendance Using Iot
-Yogeshwar Lakade ; Amarjeet Jadhav; Vikramraje Lipne; A.U.Deshmukh
The paper is based upon the idea of making the attendance system automated by using the concept of biometric scanning. The attendance marking system is very tedious when it is done manually. This paper aims at trying to make it digital through the use of fingerprint module and then updating the database by transmitting the information through use of Wifi esps module. The database can also be made available online so that any person can access it and come to know about his/her attendance and it can also reduce the work load of Class teacher by eliminating the need to maintain a register for attendance.` Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
974-975 |
268 |
D-centro Sets in Graphs
-A. Anto Kinsley ; P. Siva Ananthi
In this article we introduce a new concept of D-centro sets in graphs and characterize graphs with some results. Let G be a connected graph of order p ≥ 2. For any vertex x in G, we define a x-D-centro set Sx. Then x is said to be the D-centro vertex of G if the cardinality of Sx is the maximum among all Sx. The set of all D-centro vertices of G is called D-set of G and the cardinality of D-set is said to be D-centro number of G. We determine bounds for it and characterize graphs which realize these bounds. Also, we define D-centro set, self-D-centro graph and total D-distance TD(S) of a subset S of V. Read More...
India |
976-978 |
269 |
Performance Evaluation of Gas Carburizing Chamber
-Moh Danish Nizami Mohd Javed Sheikh ; M. Faizanur Rahim M.S.J.; Ghanshyam G. Yadav; Anup Junankar
The work centres on development of gas carburizing chamber. The design closely revealed a parameter and feature such as; the casing design, the insulating system, the heating system electrical system control system parametric method of design material selection and calculation for furnace gives maximum output. This work focuses on the effects of carburization process on the mechanical properties of carburized mild steel, at constant temperature, 900°C with different time, 2 hours and 3 hours quenched in water. The objectives of this project are to study the influence of carburization process for mild steel and to study the material performance after carburization process. After carburization process, the test samples were subjected to standard test. The case hardness of the carburized samples were measure. It was observed that the mechanical properties of mild steels were found to be strongly influenced by the process of carburization. It was conclude that the sample carburized at 900°C soaked for three hours followed by water quenching were better because they showed the higher hardness. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
979-980 |
270 |
Tensile and Flexural Characterization of Nomex and E-Glass Fibre Reinforced Epoxy Composites
-G. Shaik Shavali ; Dr. E Venugopal Goud; G. Praveen Kumar Yadav; Din Bandhu
Over the last three decades’ composite materials have been used in the engineering field. Automotive and aerospace industries require materials which have high strength to weight proportion. Composite materials are being used as lightweight materials for vehicle bodies to meet targets for reducing fuel consumption and emissions and as structural composites in aerospace. There is a need for heat resistant composites in fields of automotive and aerospace. Resistance to long term exposure of heat is possible by reinforcing the Glass fibres with Nomex sheet which has high temperature resistance characteristics. These unique composites can be used in high temperature thermal protection systems and as flame deflectors for aerospace applications. In this present investigation a composite using Epoxy/Nomex sheet /Glass fibre is prepared by Hand-layup technique. Chopped strand mat of E-glass fibre, Nomex sheet of 0.08 mm thickness and Epoxy resin is used in the present investigation. Four different types of composites are fabricated using 0%wt, 10%wt, 15%wt, and 20%wt of Nomex paper with Chopped Strand Mat-E glass fibre and epoxy resin. After all the samples were prepared and mechanical tests were carried out on the samples to discover the changes observed due to the composition of Nomex sheet. The obtained results were compared and graphically charted to characterize the new composite material. Read More...
Materials Engineering |
India |
981-983 |
271 |
Refractive Indices Studies On PVA and PVP Blends
-Karan Khurana ; Arunendra Kumar Patel; Kallol Das
The present work explores the synthesis and optical properties of biodegradable solid polymer blends of Poly (vinylalcohol), PVA and Poly(vinylpyrrolidone), PVP blend films. The blend samples with different weight percentage were prepared by using the solution cast technique. The optical properties of pure PVA incorporated PVA and PVP blend has been determined by Refractive Index technique. The Refractive Indices decreases with increase in Wavelength and increasing concentration of PVP. Read More...
India |
984-985 |
272 |
A Portable System for Gait Analysis
-Sumathi S ; Kumar Kandukuri; R.Soniya; M.Koperundevi
Gait analysis is an imperative process which is used for the diagnostic process in terms of medical field and it is used in rehabilitation therapy as well as for the exercise training[5] .Abnormal patterns of gait can result from genetic abnormalities, trauma, chronic and degenerative disease or aging. The standard human gait analysis has to be performed in the specific gait laboratory. Usually gait analysis treatment is coordinated by a physical therapist [1]. This traditional method increases the examination cost and decreases the accuracy of the usual gait model [1]. In this paper, we proposed a system to address the current issues of the patient. This system computes many gait features. In this way the user may have a portable system in daily life instead of participating in gait lab experiments for hours. Furthermore, taking advantage of the affordability and mobility of portable system, persistent gait analysis can be enlarged too many supplications which includes fall prevention, life bearing study and networked wireless health areas. Read More...
Biomedical Engineering |
India |
986-988 |
273 |
Android Application for Library Management
-Nandini Naidu ; Sampada Kulkarni; Rupika Kushwaha; Ashwini Deshmukh
Abstract— Currently, library is a significant source of knowledge for educational institutions. Hence taking into consideration the eventual use of library by people we are developing a mobile application for library for smart phone users. This is an Engineering based recommended application. We are developing a three tier architecture that consists of Front End, Middle-ware and Back End.. The Front End consists of Java functions and XML layouts. It represents the user friendly interface through which user can search as well as check the availability of books. The Middle-ware consists of PHP, where the data is retrieved and stored from Front End and Back End. MySQL and XAMPP server will be used in the Back End. The main concern of this application is to check the availability of books by presenting a new technique that is keyword searching. With context to the information retrieval, Stemming technique will be performed here. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
989-990 |
274 |
Vibration Analysis of cross-ply Laminated Skew Plate using Meshless Method
-Jeeoot Singh ; Kumari Shipra Suman; Rahul Kumar
In the present paper, meshless solution for linear free vibration response of laminated composite skew plates is presented. The governing coupled differential equations are discretized using polynomial radial basis function to cast a set of simultaneous equations to form stiffness and mass matrix. Using standard computational software of MATLAB, the eigenvalue problem is solved to get the eigen frequencies and eigen vectors. Several numerical results depicting the non-dimensional frequency parameter of the cross ply skew plates, utilizing first order shear deformation theory (FSDT) are presented. In order to check the accuracy of the present method, the results are compared with existing one in the literature. The effects span to thickness ratio, orthotropy ratio of the material and number of layers on the frequency is also studied. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
991-994 |
275 |
Identification of Service Performance Indicators and Development of Service Performance Index for Checking Sustainability of Regional Rural Water Supply Schemes in Indian context
-Dr. Nirav G Shah
The concept of monitoring and evaluating the performance and sustainability of rural water supply system was considered hypothetical in past as every matter related to water supply was the liability of state government in most developing nations. However, in 21st century, the state of affairs is pole apart, the accountability has come on elected committees and therefore, the assessment of service performance is considered as need of the time. Further, the performance and design of any rural water supply scheme in India is severely affected due to several factors such as involvement of large and scattered population, non-uniformity in level of awareness, socio-economic conditions, education, poverty, practices and rituals and water availability, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to identify and develop Performance Indicators (PI’s) and an Index, which help to judge the sustainability of any water supply scheme in the region. A case study comprising of several regional rural water supply schemes of Gujarat was undertaken based on specific criteria. Identified Performance Indicators can be used to judge the service (technical) performance and sustainability of any water supply scheme. A method of assessment is also developed to find out the overall service performance of any water supply scheme by assigning weights and importance factor to various PI’s. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
995-1000 |
276 |
Enhancing Heat Transfer In Solar Collector Using Nanofluid (SiO2) - A Review
-Ravichandran D ; Greig Agneu G; Gopalakrishnan J; Kavin Kumar S; Aananthamanikandan R
Thermal properties of liquids play an important role in heating as well as cooling applications in industrial processes. Conventional heat transfer fluids have relatively poor thermal conductivity which leads to poor heat transfer. The low thermal conductivity of conventional heat transfer fluid has been a serious impediment for improving the performance and compactness of engineering equipments. Recent studies made in the field of nano science suggest that nanofluids have great potential to increase the thermal conductivity. Every physical mechanism has a critical scale below which their properties changes totally. Modern technology offers various techniques to prepare nanoparticles engineered on atomic or molecular scale. In this case the nanoparticle dispersed in the fluid is silicon dioxide the reason for choosing which is that it has excellent thermal conductivity and its low cost. The property of the nanofluid can be altered by changing the volume, concentration and size of the nanoparticles dispersed in it. This study deals with the analysis of silica nanofluid in thermal conductivity. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1001-1003 |
277 |
Optical and Crystalline Studies on ZnS Incorporated Polycarbonate Composite
-Arunendra Kumar Patel ; Nidhi Jain ; Pooja Patel; Rakesh Bajpai
In this research study, Polycarbonate (PC) was incorporated with ZnS powder and various composites were made by changing the ZnS content. The composites of polycarbonate and ZnS were prepared by solution casting technique. Incorporation of low levels of ZnS into polycarbonate matrix can often lead to an increase in the optical and crystalline properties. The developed samples were characterized using X-ray diffraction technique. The XRD study explores that the crystallinity peaks are occurring from 2θ= 10º to 40º and shows that the crystallinity factor of PC composites is influenced by the interaction occurring between the PC and the ZnS particle. The decrease in the crystallite size is observed with increase in the crystallinity index. The addition of ZnS powder in the poly vinyl alcohol can be developed as a composite with improved/enhanced crystalline properties. Read More...
India |
1004-1006 |
278 |
Android Based Wireless Notice Board
-Kishor Kumbhar ; Akash Kshirsagar; Suraj Demgunde
A notice board at any institution / organization or public utility places like bus stations, railway stations, Bank, Hospitals and parks is a primary thing for the information. But sticking various notices day-to-day is a difficult process. A separate person is required to take care of this notices display. This project deals about an advanced hi-tech wireless notice board. In this paper we have proposed a system which will enable people to wirelessly transmit notices on a notice board (LED Display) using Bluetooth. In this paper we have proposed a system by which only authorized people can access the notice board using Android application. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
1007-1009 |
279 |
Web Application for Issuing Government Documents Using Elliptic Curve Cryptography
-Chetana Zambare ; Vaishnavi Nibrad; Pranjali Shivramwar
Need of personal documents is increased to take advantage of government facilities. For issuing documents manually there are lots of aspects of corruption that cannot be seen easily. This project offers a mechanism by which user can issue his documents online instead of doing it manually at his native place. An efficient and secure environment is necessary for issuing government documents and makes it available for real time access. For security purpose documents are encrypted in the form of image and for sharing purpose they are stored on the cloud. Cloud computing and storage solutions provide users and enterprises with various capabilities to store and process their data in third-party data centers. This project also offers sharing of documents among government offices. In proposed system we are going to use Elliptical Curve Cryptography for ciphering images. ECC provides smaller key size. Thus thereby requiring lesser storage and processing time. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1010-1012 |
280 |
Common UNIX Printing System on Low Power Embedded Device with User Access Management
-P. S. R. Patnaik ; N. S. Gajjam
Raspberry Pi is small size processor used in many applications due to its small size, processing power, simplicity. Raspberry Pi has overtaken the computer on the factor of less power consumption and form factor dimensions. Most of the Linux operating system based softwares run on Raspberry Pi since it supports running Linux operating system on it. The specialized OS used for Raspberry Pi is Raspbian OS. In traditional LAN based printer sharing topologies usually organizations employ a network printer, connected to a machine which is continuously running and exclusively used for printing needs. Such environments waste lot of compute cycles and power consumption sitting idle when printers are not actively used. We propose a method to share printer in LAN using Raspberry Pi and CUPS. CUPS is a Common UNIX Printing System used to print documents in Linux. Our efforts are more focused on creating a system which would act like low cost, low power consuming network printing server. The web based user management features like user authentication, keeping track of number of pages printed, add to set of additional functionality of the system developed. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1013-1015 |
281 |
Wireless Voice to Text Translator for Blinds and Handicaps
-Noman N. Bagwan ; Aniket V. Kale; Neha R. Dudhe
Wireless networks and the use of wireless technologies is the most important parameter used for communication. The main objective of this paper is to present the result of wireless technology used for conversion of detected human voice into respective text. This paper describes user friendly method of conversion of recognized voice into text to reader friendly language. This wireless system is primarily applicable in hospitals for blinds and handicaps. The translation is usually carried out by matching the received voice signal to the stored database in the system. This paper describes the number of issues related to the technology, limitations and remedies. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
1016-1018 |
282 |
Centralised V/S Decentralised Wastewater Treatment Solutions - A Case Study
-Nitika gupta
The paper outlines and compares the two wastewater management strategies: centralized and decentralized solutions, as a general background for decision makers. It does not aim to suggest that one strategy is better than the other, but rather to present both as viable options in making the decision regarding wastewater management in smaller areas having low density and bigger areas having higher densities. To meet the standards set forth by various authorities, centralized treatment plants capitalized on economies of scale in treating large quantities of wastewater. However, with the exponential growing demands for sewage treatment, the centralized sewage treatment systems are unable to keep up with that growth. When appropriately designed, sited, operated, and maintained, decentralized wastewater systems meet public health and water quality goals as well as a centralized systems does. Decentralized sewage treatment systems on the other hand, can be developed along with new colonies as and when they emerge. Read More...
Environment Engineering |
India |
1019-1024 |
283 |
Synthesis and Application of Graphene Oxide (GO): A Review
-Arunendra Kumar Patel ; Nidhi Jain ; Pooja Patel; Rakesh Bajpai
Graphene oxide (GO) has currently come into vision as a new carbon-based nanoscale particle. Graphite is not expensive and it is available in large amount. Namely graphite has 3 types- first one is crystalline flak second one is lump graphite and last one is amorphous Graphite and all types are not same in their structure. The synthesis of Graphine Oxide is of prime interest. In present paper the review has been done for synthesis of Graphene Oxide by various method and other modifications. The synthesis can be done by two different approaches, first top down method and second bottom up method. In top down method synthesis of Graphene oxide done using graphite as the parent material by Hummer method and modified Hummer methods. In bottom up method the synthesis approach to fabricate GO aiming to synthesis a facile, controllable, and safer technique. This technique employs glucose as a sole reagent, utilizing the bottom-up assembly technique to synthesize GO. Read More...
India |
1025-1027 |
284 |
Review of Round Trip Delay and Path Protocols for Sensor Node Failure Detection in WSN
-Vikrant Dhumane ; Dr.R.N.Awale
Now a days the importance Wireless Sensor Networks has been tremendously increasing because they can be remotely accessed without any human intervention. They are being used in various fields like environmental monitoring, military, agriculture and medical. The fact that WSN has a large no. of nodes to get the reliable information, makes the WSNs prone to a failure. The WSN must be secure, reliable and robust. In order to achieve a good Quality of Service (QOS), it has to have a large no. of sensors in the network. But since a use of large no. of sensors might lead to the failure of WSN as some of the sensor nodes might stop working. This reduces the overall QOS of the system. Therefore to keep a good QOS, we should be able to detect those faulty nodes and replace those as soon as possible. In this paper we put forth the causes of sensor nodes failure, types of failures and a review of Round Trip Delay and Path protocols. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1028-1029 |
285 |
Bandwidth Aggregation and Concurrent Multipath Transfer of Data
-Sangram Bhavar ; Rohit Ajmane; Shubhada Khokale; Sanjali Nagare; R. M. Goudar
The faster growth of Internet, the upgradation of technology and decreased cost of electronic components, increasingly number of users are using the mobile data access and data transfer by using various network interfaces for the devices such as laptop, notebook, tablet and smart-phone using various Radio access technologies(RAT) like 802.11, Bluetooth, GSM, 3G, WiMAX etc. The existing wireless technologies vary with services provided like bandwidth, price, coverage, quality of service support. If there is restriction on the usage of these available resources as interfaces on the user device as single interface at a time limits the flexibility and better utilization. So by using multiple interfaces simultaneously, can improve quality and deliver support for applications requiring high bandwidth. Further delay can be reduced when alternate path of communications are kept alive enhancing the reliability of data. Heterogeneous wireless network is a wireless communication system where Internet services will be given and delivered by using multiple technologies like Wi-Fi, GSM and WiMAX etc. There are some Internet applications that demands high bandwidth and therefore, the bandwidth of an individual interface need to be aggregated to form a high speedy logical link. Bandwidth aggregation in heterogeneous wireless network will provide many of benefits for real time applications. Different range of bandwidths which can be operated independently, so aggregation of these different bandwidths can be used into a multi-mode device which will help to improve the performance of real-time applications. Concurrent Multipath Transfer (CMT) scheme in multihomed mobile networks is having a problem of the utilization of different paths with diverse delays. These delays may cause packet reordering among packets of the same flow. The reordering makes worse situation in TCP by bringing more time outs and unnecessary retransmissions. This will degrade the throughput of connections. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1030-1033 |
286 |
Cloud Computing Virtualization Operating System with V Sphere Vs Hyperv Vs Xen Server
-Vishalkumar Patel ; Pratiksha Prajapati; Vinayak Shinde
Virtualization is an act of creating a virtual version of something, including virtual computer hardware platform, operating system, storage devices, and computer network resources. Cloud computing is the virtualization of computer programs through an internet connection rather than installing application on every computer. The architecture of virtualization system consists of cloud users, service models, virtualized model and its host os and their hardware. Types of virtualization includes server virtualization, application virtualization, desktop virtualization, network virtualization, storage virtualization. VSphere is a hypervisor that virtualizes server so you can control your application on less hardware. Hypervisor is a software that allows user to create and run virtual machine. Xenserver is a hypervisor using a microkernel design, providing services that allow multiple computer operating system to execute on the same computer hardware concurrently. And we also discuss in detail of the virtualization and comparison of the vSphere, Hypervisor and Xen server. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1034-1035 |
287 |
M2M Communication
-Pratiksha Aslekar ; Ashwini Gaikwad; Priyanka Londhe
We are describing about M2M communication.M2M communication is nothing but machine communicates with each other. They can send and receive data between each other. In our project we are using 2 Raspberry pi B+ as client and server. One machine acts as a server (MN) and another acts as a client (CN). Raspberry pi has more important features, so we are using it. To have the faster communication between these we use Powerlink protocol stack. It helps in transmission of time critical data. It is faster than Ethernet. Because of these reasons these solutions are commonly referred to as “real-time industrial Ethernet†technologies. POWERLINK is now considered as one of the most successful real-time industrial Ethernet system. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1036-1038 |
288 |
Preparation and X-ray Diffraction Studies on ZnO incorporated Poly vinyl alcohol (PVA) Composite
-Arunendra Kumar Patel ; Vibhuti Wadalkar; Gargi Mishra; Aishwarya Sunder; Kallol Das
The current paper explores the preparation of PVA composites by doping it with zinc oxide (ZnO) using the solvent casting technique. The samples of pure PVA and ZnO incorporated in PVA polymer blends, with various weight proportions have been prepared. The X-ray diffraction study has been carried out on prepared samples. The XRD study explores that the average crystallite size of the synthesized blends varies from 40 Ã… to 62 Ã… and shows that the crystallinity factor of PVA composites is influenced by the interaction occurring between the PVA and the ZnO particle. The decrease in the crystallite size is observed with increase in the crystallinity index. The addition of ZnO powder in the poly vinyl alcohol can be developed as a composite with improved/enhanced crystalline properties. Read More...
India |
1039-1041 |
289 |
Preparation & Optical Studies On Zinc Oxide: Poly Vinyl Alcohol (PVA) Composite
-Arunendra Kumar Patel ; Elizabeth Jeessa James; Shweta Mishra; Joice Jose; Kallol Das
Optical properties of pure Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and ZnO doped composite films have been investigated. The composite samples of various concentrations were prepared by the well known solution casting method. The characterization of films were carried out using UV-VIS spectroscopy and Refractive index. The UV-VIS result shows that the absorbance of the samples is greatly affected by variation of concentration of zinc oxide (ZnO) particles. The optical band energy gap of pure and composite samples have calculated and reported. The refractive index result shows the variation in refractive index with wavelengths and with different concentrations of ZnO. Read More...
India |
1042-1044 |
290 |
Content Based Video Retrieval
-Bhavesh jain ; Aayesha mujawar; Iqrah ansari; Kavita bhangale
Video retrieval is a new area of research since there is so much of advancement in technology. The aim of Content Based Video Retrieval is used to neglect the textual descriptions and compare the query with the frames extracted from the video in the database. The comparison is done on the basis of color, texture, motion, audio and shapes. For extracting the features from the frame and query we are using SURF Technique Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1045-1047 |
291 |
Design and Analysis of Friction Clutch Plate
-Harshita Warkade ; Prof. A. K. Jain
The main purpose of a clutch is to initiate motion or increase the velocity of a body generally by transferring kinetic energy from one to another moving body. This paper is represent a general study of design and analysis of friction clutch plate. In which we design a clutch plate model by CATIA software and then static structural analysis has to be done by using ANSYS software. An experimental work is also performed to observe the strength and deformations of clutch plate. Read More...
| in machine design |
India |
1048-1050 |
292 |
Performance and Emission Evaluation of C.I Engine Using MAHUA Oil
-P.Arjunraj ; Dr.M.Subramanian; N.Rathina Prakash
In recent years due to depletion of fossil fuels, high oil prices and emission problems with conventional fuels such as gasoline and diesel, there has arisen a need for alternate fuels. Biodiesel is an important alternate fuel and that has been used here. Simulation is done in a step by step manner. Ideal cycle simulation is modified by taking fuel used into account in adiabatic flame temperature calculation. Actual cycle simulation is performed by including the friction losses involved in the system and by considering the combustion as progressive. Performance characteristics of biodiesel are compared with that of diesel to validate the program developed for the performance characteristics of biodiesel fuelled engine. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1051-1054 |
293 |
Review on Recent Development in Solar Still
-Karthick Munisamy T ; Arunraj K; T R Sathish Kumar
Solar still is a device which purifies the brackish water to a potable water, by means of absorbing heat energy from sun. There is various type of solar stills, various still have been fabricated and tested for productivity; a review was made based on productivity. In the current paper the various experiment done by our colleagues for the enhancement of the solar still productivity is reviewed. An overview on solar stills such as tilted wick solar still, single slope and double slope; double basin with double slope, still integrated with PCM and with few other energy storage materials, which enhances the still’s productivity. The methods of incorporation of materials with various stills are also explained along with their quantity and results.the proposed system will handle the college working. Read More...
India |
1055-1059 |
294 |
Artificial Intelligence Based College Administration System
-Akshay Jadhav ; Snehal Phadatare; Jayesh Gite; Mahadevi Pawar
Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics populace, although addressing similar problems, technically focus on totally different aspects of those problems. The two fields collaborate profitably in the area of building intelligent programs; this collaboration has resulted in important developments in the areas of vision and planned action. In this project there is an integration of various AI features with college to build AICA. Artificial intelligence system build for college will help both students and teachers to perform their regular work. The users like students and teachers will be provided by different features and priorities to use AI. Teachers can do their regular work like sending notices, assignments, schedules, etc. to students. And students will check it in their classroom and students can also send messages or queries to teachers. In this system, the concepts of perception, Expert problem solving, Natural language understanding, Machine learning and artificial neural network are referred. By which the Artificial Intelligence which is going to be implemented will cover all this basic architectures. And based on these all the concepts, this system uses various techniques to implement it. Various techniques are integrated in a single system for creating the intelligent agents or AI. In this way by using its rational intelligence the proposed system will handle the college working. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1060-1062 |
295 |
Time Bounded Self Wreckable Scheme in Cloud Computing
-Sabari Raja ; Hari Prasath; Nithya
With the rapid development of versatile cloud services, it becomes increasingly susceptible to use cloud services to share data in a friend circle in the cloud computing environment. Since it is not feasible to implement full lifecycle privacy security, access control becomes a challenging task, especially when we share sensitive data on cloud servers. In order to tackle this problem, we propose a key-policy attribute-based encryption with time-specified attributes (KP-TSABE), a novel secure data self-destructing scheme in cloud computing. In the KP-TSABE scheme, every ciphertext is labeled with a time interval while private key is associated with a time instant. The ciphertext can only be decrypted if both the time instant is in the allowed time interval and the attributes associated with the ciphertext satisfy the key’s access structure. The KP-TSABE is able to solve some important security problems by supporting user-defined authorization period and by providing fine-grained access control during the period. The sensitive data will be securely self-destructed after a user-specified expiration time. The KP-TSABE scheme is proved to be secure under the decision l-bilinear Diffie-Hellman inversion (l-Expanded BDHI) assumption. Comprehensive comparisons of the security properties indicate that the KP-TSABE scheme proposed by us satisfies the security requirements and is superior to other existing schemes. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1063-1066 |
296 |
Double Tuned Multi Frequency Based Load Control System
-Atul Kumar Jangid ; Deepak Kumar Gupta; Devendra Kumar Saimara; Deepak Kumar Sharma; Deepak Kumar Pandey
This paper recommends a unique System for Home automation utilizing Dual Tone Multi Frequency (DTMF) that is balancing with a wireless module to offer impeccable wireless control over many devices in a house. The block diagram is a shown below. This user comfort has many keys, each equivalent to the device that needs to be activated. The encoder encodes the user preference and sends via a FM transmitter. The FM receive receives the modulated signal and demodulates it and the user preference is resolute by the DTMF decoder. Based upon this the required appliance is triggered. Traditionally electrical appliances in a home are controlled via switches that adjust the electricity to these campaign. As the world gets more and more technologically highly developed we find new technology coming in deeper and deeper into our individual lives even at home. Home automation is becoming more and more trendy around the world and is becoming a common exercise. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1067-1069 |
297 |
Design of Circulator at 2.5 GHz for Radar Applications
-Ankit Punjabhai Patel ; Asst. Prof. Nimesh M. Prabhakar
This paper describes the design and simulation of a Y-junction circulator at 2.5GHz frequency. We show that this nonreciprocal device when externally tuned as a circulator exhibits RLs and ISs of better than 10dB across a wide band; the ILs are on the order of 1.5 dB within this same band. Results confirm the conclusion that a ferrite with linewidth 480 Oe, saturation magnetization 3900 Gauss and permeability is 11.7 suitable for circulator radar applications. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1070-1073 |
298 |
Development of TTS for Marathi Language Using Concatenation Approach
-Rutuja Sunil Vaishnav ; Neha Mali; Prajakta Suryawanshi; Rutuja Vaishnav; Prof. S.A.Itkarkar
Interaction between human and computer goes on increasing day-by-day. Computer can communicate with Humans through voice. This conversation of human and computer is possible through a system which is known as Text-To-Speech system. It is a research field that has received a lot of attention. The Text-To-Speech (TTS) System is the process of converting written text into speech. Text to Speech System is developing technology which has been used in many real time applications like e-learning, for Handicapped, Blind, Illiterate people. The Text-To-Speech systems are commercially available for Global (English) language; one of them is IVONA system. And fewer systems are available for Local (Marathi, Hindi, Kannada etc) languages. Some of them are READSPEAKER, iSPEECH, VACHAK.In this paper we are representing the idea of converting Text into Speech for MARATHI language. This Text-To-Speech system uses a Word based Concatenation synthesis. In which pre-recorded words from the database are concatenated to produce speech using MATLAB. The proposed work has some limitations of number of words. But we can further increase our word database depending on user requirement. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
1074-1076 |
299 |
Human Head Movement Based Voice Enabled Wireless Communication
-Athulya.G ; Aneena.B; Anjali Rajesh P.R; Aswathy.C
Human Head movement based voice enabled wireless communication system is a translator system of human head gestures pointed to physically challenged peoples. This system helps them to do their purposes without any dependents. The user can wear this device to head and with simple head movements he/she can request the basic needs like water, food or medicine by using mems technology. User can also control the electrical devices like light and fan with the help of head movements. In transmitter section a microcontroller takes the readings from MEMS sensors (accelerometer) which is wear on head. Then the controller matches the values with pre-settled one via program and produces the corresponding command via ZigBee communication. In receiver section a ZigBee transceiver access the command and gives to the microcontroller interfaced with it. An auto record/playback chip with a speaker is connected with the Receiver microcontroller. We should record the essential voices in voice IC which are frequently used in daily life. According to the commands from the transmitter section corresponding voice played in receiver section automatically. (via program in the Receiver-microcontroller). An LCD provides a visual output. The device ON-OFF is also possible via the commands from transmitter side. This device is portable.. User can wear it to his head like a band and can operate it by tilting the MEMS sensor. Here we are using pic 16f877A microcontroller.. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1077-1079 |
300 |
Electro-Magnetic Space Shuttle Launcher
-Prateek Awadhesh Sharma ; Prathamesh Shirke; Pratik Kedar; Umesh Salunke
Due to extensive use of natural resources now a days the resources are at brink of extinction. So it is very much fortunate to use different alternatives. The space agency’s too face such problems the fuel required costs a lot in the project. So an alternative is very much the need of time. So for an alternative to the engine fuel our project is related to it. Our project is a small but powerful innovation that can be an alternative to this engine fuel. Our project uses the electromagnetic forces to shoot the space shuttle. By using microcontroller, copper coils, and a supply of about 18volt. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
1080-1081 |