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401 |
FE Analysis of Stationary and Propagating Cracks for the Determination of SIF and Crack Initiation Angle
-Samed Saeed ; Babu Reddy
Determination of the behaviour of a crack, both stationary as well as propagating, in many situations plays a vital role for satisfactory and non-catastrophic performance of components, especially in Aviation Industries, Automobile Industries, Power-Plant Industries etc. In many situations, it is very difficult to determine the crack behaviour analytically and hence cracks are analysed using Finite Elements Analysis. In the present work, both the stationary and propagating cracks are analysed using Finite Elements Analysis and results obtained from aforementioned methods are then compared with the analytical results. Stationary cracks are compared using Stress Intensity Factors and propagating cracks are compared for the crack propagation paths, both obtained from Finite Elements Analysis and Analytical calculations. ABAQUS analysis software tool is used for the Finite Elements Analysis and Analytical computations are done using MATLAB software tool. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1452-1458 |
402 |
Determination of Failure of Notched and Un-Notched COMPOSITE Plates and Sensitivity Study of Lamina Strength Parameters
-Harish M Kulkarni ; Babu Reddy
The finite element analysis simulation results of notched and un-notched composite panels are greatly affected by the values of only a certain set of material properties. The failure of composite structure and its effect on the response of the structure is modeled by Progressive Damage Models such as Multi-Continuum Theory (MCT) damage model. In the present work, notched and un-notched composite panels of various thicknesses are analyzed to determine the strength of the panels along with the failure point of matrix and fiber. Also a sensitivity study is carried out to determine the effect of strength parameters and the parameter which has major influence on the response of composite is carried out. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1459-1463 |
403 |
Area Efficient Architecture for Network on Chip based Router
-Miss Pooja yadav ; Miss Amrita Singh
This work consists of FPGA based design of reconfigurable router for NoC applications using VHDL. The router designed in this proposed session has four channels (namely, east, west, north and south) and a crossbar switch each consist FIFO buffers and multiplexers. FIFO buffers are used to store the data and multiplexers are used to control the input and output of the data. Firstly, south channel is designed which includes the design of FIFO and multiplexers. After that, the switch, arbiter and crossbar will design. All these designed channels, FIFO buffers, multiplexers and crossbar switches are integrated to form the complete router architecture. The proposed design is simulated using Modelsim and the RTL view is obtained using Xilinx ISE 13.4. Xilinx SPARTAN-6 FPGAs are used for synthesis of proposed design. Fixed priority arbiter is used to reduce the area of the proposed reconfigurable router. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1464-1467 |
404 |
A Numerical Investigation of Compact Spiral Fin Heat Exchanger for Circular Tubes with Hydrophilic Coating
-P. Rajkumar ; M. Ganesh Karthikeyan; Dr. M. Prabhakar; S. Senthil Kumar
This study presents the airside performance of fin and tube heat exchangers for perforated serrated spiral fin with Hydrophilic coating, this research focus on heat and fluid flow analysis by various fin pitches. A steady –state three-dimensional numerical model is going to be used to study the heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of spiral fin on the tube surfaces with Reynolds number in the range of 1000-1600.A numerical study is going to be perform on compact fin and tube heat exchanger having circular tube with serrated spiral fins. The air side performance for heat exchanger with combination of with hydrophilic coating and without hydrophilic coating on a fin and different fin pitches and also different twist angle of fins. The increase in the heat transfer performance will be analyzed for various fin pitches of 2mm to 3mm with combined coating. The effect of number of tube rows, fin pitch on airside performance will be analyzed. Read More...
India |
1468-1471 |
405 |
Design and Fabrication of Tomato Sorting Machine
-Hitesh S Yadav ; Siddhesh A Waman; Nikhil O Singh; Bikaschandra R Yadav
This paper is intended to discuss the design of tomato sorting machine. Tomato Sorting Machine (TSM) is a machine used to effectively sort the tomatoes on Size based sorting. This machine can be used for the agricultural purpose and it can be also employed in the food industries. TSM will sort the tomatoes in three grades based on their size i.e. Small, Medium and Large. TSM works on belt and pulley arrangement. Tomatoes are fed through feeding tray into the machine. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1472-1474 |
406 |
A Privacy-Preserving Framework for Large-Scale Content- Based Information Retrieval
-Mayuri Sewatkar ; Raghvendra Choudhary; Saurabh Bagde; Chetan Shahade; Prof. P. P. Ahire
It is very necessary to protect personal confidential data that we share or search through web. Earlier there are number of privacy preserving mechanism has been developed. In this project, we develop a new privacy protection framework for huge- content-based information retrieval. We are contributing protection in two layers. Originally, robust hash values are taken as queries to avoid revealing of unique features or content. Then, the client has to select to skip some of the bits in a hash value for increasing the confusion for the server. Due to the suppressed information, it is computationally difficult for the server to know the client’s concern. The server has to return the hash values of all desirable candidates to the client. The client executes a search within the candidate list to find the best match. Subsequently only hash values are exchanged between the client and the server, the privacy of both parties is protected. We imported the concept of tunable privacy, where the privacy protection level can be adjusted according to a policy. It is concluded through hash-based piecewise inverted indexing. The concept is to divide a feature vector into pieces and index each piece with a sub hash value. Every sub hash value is associated with an inverted index list. The framework has been majorly tested using a large image database. We have calculated both retrieval performance and privacy-preserving performance for a particular content identification application. Both algorithms illustrate satisfactory performance in comparison with state-of-the-art retrieval schemes. The results show that the privacy enhancement somewhat improves the retrieval performance. We consider the majority voting attack for reckoning the query category and identification. Experiment results show that this attack is a threat when there are near-duplicates, but the success rate reduces with the number of omitted bits and the number of distinct items. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1475-1477 |
407 |
Introduction of Skyline Query in Big Data with Hadoop Architecture
-Chauhan Mitali B. ; Patel Hitesh
Big Data is a broad term for datasets so large and complex that create difficulties to process on large dataset using on hand database management tools. In this paper we are presenting the 5v’s characteristics of the Big Data and also technology which is used to handle Big Data. During the last decades, management of Data and storage have become increasingly distributed. So requirement of the advanced query operators, such as skyline queries, are necessary in order to help users to handle the huge amount of available data by identifying a set of interesting data objects. Here we also discuss the concept of skyline which filters out the set of interesting points from the large set of data points from database. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1478-1481 |
408 |
A Survey on Kerberos based Parallel Network File System Using Visual Cryptography in Cloud Computing
-J.Velmurugan ; A.Jayanthi; E.Ajitha; D.Anuja; R.Swetha
In today’s world, cloud computing is the developing technology. There exist some security risks in this type of virtual technology. To overcome this, user authentication is used for the defense purpose. This paper gives an outline of kerberos protocol using visual cryptography in cloud. Kerberos is one of the most popular authentication protocol used in networks. This protocol uses a trusted third party for authentication .Our work also focuses onto parallel Network File System(PNFS) which makes practise of kerberos to offer parallel session keys between client web service and cloud web service .Using visual cryptographic , the session key along with username and password is encrypted in the form of an image to reduce the impact of security risks .Thus, our proposed outline makes the kerberos protocol vigorous, protected, escrow-free and provides full forward secrecy. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1482-1485 |
409 |
Enhancing the Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing With Cryptography Security Principles
-J.Velmurugan ; E.Ajitha; A.Jayanthi; R.Sangeetha; P.Aniz Fathima
The number of cloud users and the amount of sensitive data on cloud is increasing massively, so there is a serious need to provide security to the data stored in cloud. Cloud computing allows the user to store the massive amount of data in cloud and to make use of it on demand. One of the greatest challenges in cloud is data security. Since there is a serious security issue in cloud, users are more concerned about the sensitive data, which they store in cloud. Thus to implement the strong security to the data stored in cloud, we implement AES algorithm to provide confidentiality of data. Third party auditor (TPA) and Merkle Hash tree are used to provide integrity of the data. The scheme steganography is used, thereby hiding the sensitive data within the images. All these techniques are collaborated together, to implement strong security to the issues made to the data, which we store in cloud. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1486-1488 |
410 |
Dual inlet vortex tube refrigeration system
-Anmol Ajit Kadam ; Pranay Prabhakar Gharat; Suraj Vitthal Kakade; Dipak J. Choudhari
Refrigeration and air conditioning has become essential field of research these days due to its vast applications. Thus developing non conventional methods of refrigeration is needed. Our project “Fabrication of experimental setup of vortex tube†can be seen as a optional method for many cooling purpose. In this project we have made a experimental model of vortex tube which divides inlet stream of compressed air into two streams a cold at one side and hot on other, thus providing cooling and heating effect at same time. Aim of our project is to make efficient vortex tube using dual inlet. We have selected proper design of the same by researching on various studies on the same topic and through this research we have selected optimum design and fabricated the same. Details of vortex flow and working principle of the tube is provided. The project has various applications for spot cooling in machining process, for reheating and cooling purposes in process industries where hot compressed gases are exhausted.made to the data, which we store in cloud. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1489-1492 |
411 |
Enhancing Energy Consumption by Intermediate Audit
The Energy consumption is increasing day by day which is causing an adverse effect on the environment. To reduce this, cause the energy management is important. The energy auditing is the way to successful running of an organization with saving energy & contributing toward preserving national recourses of energy. Managing energy is not a just technical challenge but one of how to best implement those technical challenges within economic limits, and with a minimum of disruptions. In this paper importance of energy auditing and process of energy audit is discussed. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1493-1495 |
412 |
Map Reduce based Analysis of Live Website Traffic integrated with improved Performance for Small files using Hadoop
-Vaibhavi Shekar ; Sushmitha R
Hadoop is an open source java framework that deals with big data. It has mainly two core components: HDFS (Hadoop distributed file system) stores large amount of data in a reliable manner and another is MapReduce which is a programming model processes the data in parallel and distributed fashion. Hadoop does not perform well for small files as a large number of small files puts a heavy burden on the Name Node of HDFS and results an increase in execution time for MapReduce. Hadoop is designed to handle large size files and hence suffers a performance penalty while dealing with large number of small files. This research paper gives an introduction about HDFS, small file problem and existing ways to deal with it along with proposed approach to handle small files. In the proposed approach, MapReduce programming model is used for merging small files on Hadoop. This approach improves the performance of Hadoop in handling small files by ignoring the files which have a size that is larger than the block size of Hadoop and also reducing the memory required by Name Node to store them. We also propose a Traffic analyzer with the combination of Hadoop and Map-Reduce paradigm. The combination of Hadoop and MapReduce programming tools makes it possible to provide a batch analysis in a minimum response time and memory computing capacity in order to process log in a highly available, efficient and stable way. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1496-1498 |
413 |
Effect of Welding Parameters and Tool Pin Profiles on The Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welded Joint: A Review
-Vivek M. Karia ; S. A. Shah; H. G. Katariya
In the present world, the use of magnesium is done because of its high strength, light weight, better chemical properties and better recyclability. Here, research work has been carried out on magnesium alloy AS41A which has good creep resistance, high strength, better castability and heat resistance. In this research work, the review of the process Friction Stir Welding has been done. Few of the important considerations to be understood here are the temperature distribution and metal flow properties during the stirring process, process parameters and the tool pin profiles. Also, it has been studied and reviewed that threaded conical tool pin profile and hexagonal tool pin profile are the optimum tool pin profiles. Also, the rotational speed of 350 rotations per minute and 100 mm/minute are found to be optimum from the literature. The load applied is found to be 7.3-9.8 kN. Thus, the review of the literature done here will help in selecting the optimum tool pin profile and welding parameters to design the best weld in present research work. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1499-1503 |
414 |
Text Extraction From images for speech synthesis
-Alka Pravin Tank ; Utkarsha Devanand Raikar; Bhagyashree Naresh Sawant; Varsha Ananda Redekar
We usually come across images that have some text written on them. These may include images of certain signboards that have the name of the destination, or text written on certain billboards. Also, some T-shirts may have text written on them. Other examples include menu cards, business cards, resumes, book covers, etc. The text may have a single font or multiple fonts, the font size may vary character wise or word wise. Also, the text can be written in multiple colors and the background colors can also vary. There may be certain objects in the image other than the text. The aim is to handle all these factors and extract only the text from the image. The text then needs to be converted into speech, which will be the output of the implementation. We currently have certain applications and software’s that can read out text from a PDF document. Most such documents have a plain white background and black-colored text. Most images do not come under the category of such plain images. The proposed system deals with those images that have the above mentioned factors and complexity. The proposed system can be useful in multiple applications, most important of which being robot eyes. It can also be used in software’s that scan resumes and business cards to shortlist people based on certain keywords found in these documents. Coupled with an image acquisition module, the proposed system can be useful to blind people as well. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1504-1507 |
415 |
Overview of Paper Recycling Machine
-Prasanna Rajendra Kurhatkar ; Paritosh Vijay Gaikwad; Shubham Ambadas Lokhande; Prof. Sayed Aamir
Paper is one of the most important products ever invented by man. Invention of paper means more people would be educated because more books would be printed and distributed. For making paper trees are cut and brought into the factory. Bark is removed. Remaining is cut into small wood chips which are then mixed into water and cooked into paste. This paste is bleached and other chemicals are added to give the finished paper more strength. This paste is flattened. Water is squeezed out to get paper. In this paper we are focusing on various processes of paper recycling machine like: Pulping, calendaring and drying (with hot rolling). Ellora Paper Mills Limited in Tumsar is a paper plant promoted in the year 1979. The company produces writing and printing paper of various grades. It also manufactures News Print and special grades of Kraft paper. The range of products of the company include various qualities of Cream Wove, color wove, news print, typing and duplicating paper, security paper etc. from 44 GSM to 70 GSM. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1508-1510 |
416 |
Autonomous Human Follower Robot
-Nabanita Nath Chowdhury ; Mohd Rafique Shaikh; Sharma Rohit Jagdish; Shaikh Salman Abusaheb
The aim of this paper is to design a human following robot that can detect and track human thereby avoiding obstacles in its path. The process consist of Capturing the image, Image Processing is used to detect the object followed by tracking the object. There will be no wired connection between human and the robot, which allows us to operate it in the wide range with respect to any disturbance. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
1511-1514 |
417 |
Secured Voting System using Near Field Communication
-Sachin Dinde ; Rohan Rithe; S. P. Dugam
Voting is duty of every citizen of this country. But people faces so many problems such as fake voting, name not found, don’t know the exact place of polling, don’t have enough time etc. There are also some political influences over the polling and tendency of people for not voting. Considering all these problems we have come up with a solution. A system with web application as well as android application. Android application is using NFC tags for identification and polling. The vote will be counted accordingly so less fraud probability. The web application is for managing all election related activities. Managing date and time and area, are some of its main features. It will make elections easier and will increase the voting percentage. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1515-1517 |
418 |
Preserving Privacy Concerns of Database
-Arshi Shaikh ; Sayed Saman Zehra; Kimaya Manjrekar; Reena Saini; Kunal Pimple
In today’s world with the fast growing development in internet networks , users data is being stored in database and so the users are more concerned their about data which lies in the database. As sharing of data is continuously taking place between the clients and servers. However not all the data is to be shared among all the clients. A huge volume of certain data is only reserved for authorized clients. For this to take place in real time the server is the one which needs to identify the authorized clients. In relational databases data was basically monitor by consistency control mechanism like a certain data object can only be read by the users. If still this conventional consistency mechanism would have been used the databases will be used inadequately. The matter of Privacy is still a matter of great concern to the researchers. Privacy focuses mostly on user accounts creation and managing the rights of different users to the data. In this paper we try to take a look into the aspects and analyze the available solutions to the issues regarding privacy. To deal with this issue of granting access only to the authorized clients a separate privacy module is to be made in order to authenticate the client before accessing the data from the database. This process of authentication is done by the server. Privacy module implementation can start with the process of creating and publishing appropriate privacy standards for the database along with existing privacy constraints. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1518-1520 |
419 |
Automatic Power Factor Correction Using The Capacitor Bank
-Anshul Kumar ; Abhimanyu Beniwal; Abhishek Kharra; Akash Nagar; Arjun Kararwal
Now a days problem of power factor correction is common to all the industrial companies. The aim of this automatic power factor correcting unit is to ensure the unity power factor in the system. All the hardware and software that is required to implement such type of apfc unit is explained in detail. Thus this apfc unit increase the efficiency via reducing the time taken for power factor correction. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1521-1522 |
420 |
A Review Paper on the Surface Optimization of Aluminium Alloy in Milling
-Professor Rizwan S. Shaikh ; Bilal Ahmed Firfiray; Saif Hanif Pawaskar; Yusuf Hafiz; Abdul Raquib Imran Ali Khan
The demand for high strength and low weight material in aerospace industries is found to be increasing in fabrication of structures and equipments of aircraft and space satellites. Aluminium alloys possess the characteristics of lightweight and high strength. The identification of the optimum values of input parameters to achieve better surface finish as response parameters. The Aluminium 7075 T651 is worked on the End milling process on the HAAS CNC machine. Different parameters of Cutting Speed, Feed, and Depth of Cut in the Orthogonal Array method using Taguchi method. The results are to be worked on the DOE method on software MINITAB. The material can further be worked upon different input parameters on various machines and for different response parameters. For carrying out the above-mentioned process various papers were referred for guidance and knowledge in the same field of previously carried experiments and results. Various technical concepts and tools like The Taguchi, Orthogonal Array, DOE, ANNOVA, Fuzzy Logic, and Response Parameters etc were learned from the Published papers and it helped extensively in gaining knowledge required for the experiments to be performed on our project. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1523-1530 |
421 |
Traffic sign detection and recognition using smart cars
-Prof. Kanchan Mahajan ; Prajakta Kamble; Priyanka Gargote; Pratibha Ksheersagar
In order to be deployed in real-world driving environments, self-driving cars must be able to recognize and respond to exceptional road conditions, such as highway work zone signs. In this paper, we present a set of Digital image processing (DIP) and microcontroller (ATmega16) that recognize, through identiï¬cation of work zone signs, alert the driver of vehicle. Trafï¬c sign detection and recognition system is becoming an essential component of smart cars. Speed-Limit Sign (SLS) is one of the most important trafï¬c signs, since it is used to regulate the speed of vehicles in downtown and highways. Also we have upto 30 traffic signs in our database. In addition, the proposed solution does not require the installation of infrastructure on the road and it can be installed into any vehicle. Also most of the road accidents can be avoided using this system. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
1531-1534 |
422 |
Solar Parabolic Trough Collector
-Mohan Shrikrushna Shelke ; Ankit Sheth; Chinmay Wasnik; Anil Udande; Vinay Patel
to facilitate rapid diffusion and widespread use of solar energy, the systems should also be easy to install, operate and maintain. In order to improve the performance of solar concentrator, different types of reflectors were evaluated with respect to their optical and energy conversion efficiency. To assure good performance and long technical lifetime of a concentrating system, the solar reflectance of the reflectors must be high and long term stable. Therefore, different types of reflector materials and absorbing materials were analyzed in this work; also the optical properties and degradation of the reflecting surfaces were assessed.. The shift of focus was motivated by the need to assess long term system performance and possibilities of optimizing the optical efficiency or reducing costs by using new types of reflector materials and absorbing materials. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1535-1536 |
423 |
Host Based Internal Intrusion Detection System by Using Data Mining
-Bhalekar Renuka Rajendra ; Bhumkar Shubhada S.; Mahadik Sonali M.; Yele Priyanka P.
We can use different ways to authenticate users like password. Intrusion may occurs from different types of attacks on the system. Insider attackers, the valid users of a system who attack the system internally, are hard to detect since most intrusion. we use firewall system and different intrusion detection system to prevent that types of attack. Therefore, in this a security system, named the Internal Intrusion Detection and Protection System (IIDPS), is proposed to detect insider attacks by using data mining and forensic techniques used for forensic profiling. In IIDPS first we analyses different types of activity of the user which is known as basic activity and create user profile of the user. After that system create attacker log file and comparing both the files. If files are matched then alert is not send alert otherwise send alert. In IIDPS evidence are collecting against attacker by capturing images of the user using web camera in the system. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1537-1540 |
424 |
Text Extraction From Captured Image With Voice Announcement System For Visually Impaired Using Android
In this paper, an android based demo system is developed to show effectiveness of our proposed system. We present an approach to detect text from image and recognize audio. Using this we will improve the quality of life for visually impaired persons and give them the proper care at the right time is one the most important roles that are to be performed by us being a responsible member of the society. We propose a technique to identify products which is hand handled object can be known through audio announcement system. For this, we will extract and recognize the text information associated with the detected objects. We first extract text regions of interested (ROI), then text character layout analysis of text strings are applied to filter for subtraction of background. Optical character recognition (OCR) perform task of binarization that separate the text and information transfer to audio output. That is transfer through wireless module to android mobile, which contain android app through that app it will give audio as output. The label of object can be displayed as speech for blind person through hands free. Read More...
India |
1541-1543 |
425 |
Survey of Optimization of Machining Parameters for face milling operation
-Kamble Sachin G. ; Bamankar Pranesh B.; Jadhav V.D.
The main goal of the manufacturing industry is to manufacture a low/moderate production cost, high quality & better surface finish product in short time. For this achievement a lot of efforts & research work is carried out to determine the optimum parameters such as speed, feed, depth of cut, cutting tool material etc., and their influence is to be studied to obtain better surface finish. Influencing machining parameters may be two, three or four. Wide study was carried out for optimization of machining parameters for face milling operation. Many author designed experiment by using Taguchi method, response surface methodology and factorial design, And used many optimization techniques to optimize the response parameters, like Taguchi, response surface method. Less work carried out on Genetic algorithm technique and ant colony optimization. Read More...
advance manufacturing system |
India |
1544-1546 |
426 |
Real Time Traffic Light Control Using Image Processing
-Mir Anam Nisar ; Archana Kumari; Hardik Jethwa; Nayana Chasker
As the number of vehicles on the road increases to control and manage this heavy traffic it becomes extremely difficult. So the proposed system uses a webcam mounted to observe the traffic on the road. On each captured image, we are using different image processing techniques and based on the result, the duration of traffic light on each lane the priority is set. On the basis of the priority is allocated. Then a lane which is having heavy traffic, green light signal is turned on for a long time. Also we are using MATLAB programming in simulating and developing the system. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1547-1550 |
427 |
Multi-Authority System on Cloud Using Revocable Data Access Control
-Akshay Shrirao ; Ajinkya Deshmukh; Dinesh Samudre; Samadhan Shinde
Data access control is an effective way to make sure the data security in the cloud. There is not easy to handle the data in cloud storage management because of an untrustworthy server of the cloud. In cloud storage management there is a one Cipher text-Policy Attribute-based Encryption (CP-ABE) technology that is best suited for accessibility of data. By using this technology it provides permission to data owner instruct control on policies of the accessibility. In this cloud computing technology, a private key of every user defines the set of an attribute. Over the each attributes accessibility policies specified by using an encrypted cipher text. If the attributes satisfy the policy of cipher text then decryption done by the user. But in this technology accessibility of cloud storage is difficult to apply because of revocation problem of an attribute. In this paper, we proposed a revocable Cipher text-Policy Attribute-based Encryption (CP-ABE) multi-authority scheme and apply these techniques in the data accessibility system. This scheme used to find out the number of corrupted authority. The main goal is to meet multi-authority in cloud storage system. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1551-1553 |
428 |
A Review on Stability Analysis of Multi-storey Building with Underneath Satellite Bus Stop having top soft storey and Moment transfer beams
RC frame building with open ground storey, and similar soft storey effect can be observed when soft storey at different levels of structure are constructed. The building with discontinuity in the stiffness and mass subjected to concentration of forces and deformations at the point of discontinuity which may leads to failures of members at the junction and collapse of building. The method used for stability analysis of columns, shear walls, coupled and coupled components, cores, single storey and multi storey structures are studying. Buildings and structures are consider stable with lateral supports by using either bracing systems or shear system or both such as wall to ensure the stability of the building. There have been so many cases in which the structures failed due to instability which require P-Delta analysis. One of the problems is affected from wind load. The calculation methods are computer assisted through the use of the software, ETAB/SAP2000. Comparisons of results are made between the methodologies, software and different models with different parameters. The P-Delta Analysis of the walled framed structure is done by use of the software. This is how the top soft storey effects are managed to overcome the future damages of the storied structures using moment transfer beams. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
1554-1559 |
429 |
Temperature control is a very tedious process that requires lot of care and additional features for ensuring safety. The temperature control of a heater placed inside a cylindrical circulating tank, almost involves all the process parameters to be controlled. LabVIEW is a graphical design software that enables the controlling of temperature of the water in the cylindrical tank model, by operating the heater.NI ELVIS provides a platform for the effective control of hot water temperature in such a way that the temperature of the tank follows the set point ranges. The major challenge in the project is to control the operation of the heater, for the temperature to be within the specified range. The temperature sensor output is fed to LabVIEW program and this parameter is programmed to get through many comparisons .The heater in the circulating tank is operated through ,ELVIS module compatible micro-relay and relay circuits ,by using the voltage generated from the module through the program.The process variable, controller output, set point ranges are clearly displayed using charts and the data is recorded for future analysis in the form of excel sheets.The heater status is also made wireless, using NI-Elvis and NIC card module. The wireless interface enables remote access to the system and to monitor the process parameters of the process station from any place that is away from the field , in industries. Read More...
India |
1560-1561 |
430 |
Hand-Gesture Recognition for Automated Speech Generation
-Ujjayan Dhar ; Sunny Patel; Suraj Gangwani; Rohit Lad; Pallavi Ahire
In the past few years the development in the field of Gesture Recognition and the tools, devices, models and algorithms are into existence. Regardless of various innovations in the above technologies humans are still comfortable with showing gestures according to the plain hand. In this paper we focus on a system that runs on a mobile computing device which provides us the technology for automated translation of the Indian Sign Language system into Speech in the English Language and thus provides a duplex communication between the vocally impaired people and the common people of the society. This system can be very effective and can be used in the near future for communication between the people who do not understand the Sign language since it works on the principle of Gesture Recognition. The system uses an intrinsic mobile camera for gesture recognition and acquisition; gesture acquired is processed with the help of various algorithms. The system is able to recognize one handed sign representation of the standard alphabets (A-Z) and numeric values (0-9). The output of this system is very efficient, consistent and of high approximation of gesture processing and speech analysis. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1562-1564 |
431 |
Paper on Privacy Preserving Data in Web Log Mining
-Brijal kharadi ; Ketan Patel; Ruchika P Dungarani
Web log mining is a great source of information
and knowledge, where a numerous of users would search their interest. The data present is in form of structured and text data. So, different kinds of data model can be implement with web data for design discovery[3] Researches on protecting private data in the application of web data mining possess practical value. Introducing fundamental concepts of web log mining and private data and then it puts first privacy preserving mining model based on evolutionary algorithm of cloud model, joining with evolutionary algorithm and cloud model theory. Web Log mining is the result of web usage mining which contains information of web access of various users. Study of log files provides the full information of the access patterns of the users, example biography of the user’s behavior, operating system used, particular time period of usage in the way of successful/unsuccessful transactions etc.[3]
Computer Engineering |
India |
1565-1567 |
432 |
Elastic Buffer for Virtual Channels in Heterogenous Switching Network on Chip
-GOWTHAMAN T V ; Mugilan D
The Network on Chip is the recent pattern, adopted in all types of systems on chip (SoCs) for reducing the complexity of system integration at the IP assembly level and from logical design to physical verification stage. On-chip network also enhances the system performance by partitioning the system cores and parallelizing the process. NOC provides the best solution to the wire delays and hence low latency period and high throughput has been achieved. The architecture of the router buffer is a critical design feature that affects both performance and implementation. Buffer architectures to support multiple Virtual Channels called Elastistore, which minimize the requirements of buffering without waiving the performance. A Virtual channel is the time multiplexed physical channel have different traffic flits, provided that separate buffer space for each flits. Elastistore having only single register per VC, round trip time appeared in NoC link is achieved by a large sized shared buffer. Elastistore integrated NoC gives efficient design at low cost along with similar performance. Area and delay of the router architecture were reduced considerably. Read More...
India |
1568-1570 |
433 |
Cleaner Production Assessment for Resource Utilization of Textile Waste Water Treatment Plant
-Tadele Assefa Aragaw
The increasing ecological awareness, ambient preservation, social justice and concern with the future generations are directly related to the sustainable development of the companies. This study approaches the concept of cleaner production organized for activities of the effluent treatment plant, ETP and the positive effect to the environment. Appropriate use of the energy and water requirement by optimizing the unit process is a critical issue. It is demonstrated for the improvement in its processes that can adjust the good cooling system for compressor and good maintenance of the electrochemical process. Read More...
Chemical Engineering |
Ethiopia |
1571-1576 |
434 |
Automatic Crash Prediction and Notification
-Kajal S Gaikwad ; Snehal S Chavan; Akshada A More; Sneha Patil
The increasing ecological awareness, ambient preservation, social justice and concern with the future generations are directly related to the sustainable development of the companies. This study approaches the concept of cleaner production organized for activities of the effluent treatment plant, ETP and the positive effect to the environment. Appropriate use of the energy and water requirement by optimizing the unit process is a critical issue. It is demonstrated for the improvement in its processes that can adjust the good cooling system for compressor and good maintenance of the electrochemical process. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
1571-1576 |
435 |
Intelligent Passenger Alert System in Railways
This paper focuses on developing an intelligent system which senses every location with the help of GPS receiver and intimates each passenger to know their own destination through phone call. The proposed system facilitates the passenger to identify their particular destination easily. The system would alert the passenger when the train reaches before particular station by audio voice come to their mobile phone. The paper is designed to locate in train and announce the location with the help of technology, by using which the signal sent by the satellites to GPS receiver are interfaced with a PC for locating the exact location of the train. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1577-1579 |
436 |
Review for Design of Gripper in Universal Testing Machine
-BAIJU R DABHI ; Prof.(Dr) V.D. Chauhan; Prof. P.G. Choksi
Mechanical tensile testing plays an important role in evaluating fundamental properties of engineering materials as well as in developing new materials and in controlling the quality of materials for use in design and construction. If a material is to be used as part of an engineering structure that will be subjected to a load, it is important to know that the material is strong enough and rigid enough to withstand the loads that it will experience in service. Most common type of test used to measure the mechanical properties of a material is the tension test with the help of Universal Testing Machine (UTM). Tension test is widely used to provide basic design information on the strength of materials and is an acceptance test for the specification of materials. In tensile test, a specimen is prepared suitable for gripping into the jaws of the testing machine type that will be used. The specimen used is approximately uniform over a gauge length.UTM have fixtures for holding the test specimen called gripper in which the both ends of the test specimen fitted. Gripper cannot hold the test specimen of larger size which limits to test such specimen. UTM has less floor space so the vertical daylight and diameter of the test specimen cannot exceed than the pre-defined values. To increase the vertical daylight and test specimen size, the change should be made in the gripper design. This work provides valuable intuition of gripper a design. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1580-1583 |
437 |
Grid Based Offline Signature Verification System
-Suraj Kumar Dubey ; Arun Kumar Shukla
Signatures is an important biometric because it is still widely used as a means of personal verification and hence an automatic signature verification system is needed. In this paper we present an off-line signature verification and recognition system based on tree and grid based features extracted such as pixels in tree, eccentricity, center etc. The main advantage of this system is it does not require already trained dataset.. Verification is perform on runtime with only one genuine and test signature. Finally decision making is done on the majority basis. Since three feature are used hence authenticity is decided on the favor of two or more that two features. Experimental results show the effectiveness of proposed approach. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1584-1588 |
438 |
A Survey on Current Incent in Online Shopping
-Monali U. Khairnar ; Shital P. Ahire; Meghana P. Shinde; Danish Shah
Online shopping application is a very important feature used in e-commerce to help people making purchases online. The Business-to-Customer facet of E-commerce is the most visible business use of the internet. The primary goal of an e-commerce site is to sell goods and services online. E-commerce is fast growing and gaining ground as an accepted and used business paradigm. Many business houses are implementing application providing faciality for performing commercial transactions on the internet. It is indeed to say that the process of shopping on the web is becoming commonplace. Online shopping application feature allows online shopping customers to “place†order in the cart. The software calculates as total for handling postage and shipping charges on the order, packing and taxes, if applicable upon “purchasingâ€. Different products available in the system are provided to the user in catalog. Shopping cart is provided to the user. The shopping cart application is implemented grow larger and faster business. This application will let customers to view and order products from anywhere in the world. Under this application many products and services can be ordered. Online shopping application is expanded through new goods and services in order to offer a product portfolio corresponding to the market. Thus our survey demonstrates the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed online shopping application. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1589-1590 |
439 |
Analysis Of Circularly Polarized Dual-Mode Waveguide Design To Reduce The Cross polarization
This correspondence deal with the analysis of circularly polarized dual-mode waveguide by mode conversionTE11 ïƒ TM11 and mode matching technique. In mode conversion two types are considered, the simple step change in radius and a discontinuity covered by the dielectric ring. Modal matching to provide an accurate description of the internal fields in terms of the propagating waveguide mode. TE11 with different percentage of TM11 combined and propagate in dual-mode waveguide to improve the cross-polarization. This configuration is an excellent candidate for use in low noise microwave antenna system. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1591-1593 |
440 |
Kidney Disesze Prediction using Fuzzy and Neural Network
-Gaganpreet kaur ; Miss Ada
The huge amount of data generated for prediction of kidney disease are difficult to understand or consisting too many volumes to be processed and analyzed by traditional methods. In the health care industry the data mining is plentiful technique for heap of data. The prophecy of pair of organs in the adomen which excrete urine has been a challenging through and careful search problem for any researcher or technologists. we viewed the fuzzy and neural network techniques for predict kidney diagnose. Read More...
Master of Computer Application |
India |
1594-1597 |
441 |
Data Mining of Log Files using Self-Organizing Map and Bisecting K-means Clustering Methods through Hadoop: A Review
-Anita Choudhary ; Mrs. Priyanka Dahiya
The continuous increase of computational strength has produced massive flow of data in past two decades. Big data is a data which cannot be processed and analysed by traditional techniques. It’s not only used for store and handle large volumes of data but also to analyse and extract accurate information from the data in small amount of time. Today’s internet world, data rapidly increases so analyse and storage becomes impossible and this also increases processing time and cost efficiency. In distributed computing various techniques and algorithm are used but problem remains still idle. To solve this problem Hadoop is used to process the files in parallel manner. E-commerce websites using log files analysing task to identify their user behaviour to improve their business. Large E-commerce websites like, and millions of customers are visiting this sites simultaneously. As a result, these customers generate large amount of data in their log file entries. To analyse this large amount of log files entries we require parallel processing and reliable data storage system. In this paper, we present the Hadoop, bisected k-mean and SOM (Self-Organizing Map). Hadoop provides Hadoop distributed file system and MapReduce programming model to process huge amount of data in efficient and effective manner. Bisecting k-mean is used to analyse the existing offline data stream. Last method SOM is used to mine offline data streams using visualization tool like U-matrix methods. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1598-1602 |
442 |
Review of Static Structure Analysis of Gear Box Casing
-Jainik Makwana ; Prof. (Dr.) P. M. George; Prof. (Dr.) V. J. Patel
Using the FEA method, an analysis has been carried out of the forces and its effects on different parts of casing and also by carrying out the experimental procedure using strain gauge, it has been found out that we can measure the strain at a different location on casing and therefore evaluation of the stress values on those locations in order to validate FEA results can be done. This review work can help in future for optimization and design modification of gear box casing for better output performance. Also, it is possible to carry out reverse engineering in design of gear box casing. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1603-1606 |
443 |
Opinion Mining - A Birds Eye View of Issues and Challenges
-Abhaya Kumar Samal ; Dayal Kumar Behera; Subhra Swetanisha; Jitendra Pramanik; Subhendu Kumar Pani
Opinion Mining has become important research area in e-commerce. Nowadays, people do not only navigate the web, but they also contribute contents to the Internet. Among other things, they write their thoughts and opinions in review sites, forums, social networks, and other websites. These opinions constitute a valuable resource for businesses, governments and consumers. Sentiment Analysis or Opinion Mining refers to a classification problem which deals with prediction of the polarity of words and then classifies them into positive and negative feelings with the aim of identifying attitude and opinions that are expressed in any form or language. User opinions regarding a product are generally unstructured. The emergence of various approaches and models provide a great opportunity to explore large volume of unstructured data. The objective is to give an outline of issues and approaches for mining unstructured reviews. Different application areas and challenges of mining unstructured data are also been discussed. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1607-1610 |