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101 |
Utilization of Brine Sludge in Non-Traffic Paver Blocks
-Gaurav Pathak ; Dr. Ashit Kumar Saxena
In the present work, brine sludge is mixed in M30 Concrete mix of paver blocks. A paver is a paving-stone, tile, brick or brick-like piece of concrete which is commonly used as exterior flooring, footpaths and as non-traffic constructions. In the factories, concrete paver blocks are made by pouring a mixture of concrete and some different type of colouring agents into moulds of some shape and allowing to set. Different proportions of brine sludge is mixed in in concrete mix and then tested for engineering properties. The Brine sludge was collected from Grasim Industry Nagda (M.P). By using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy in IIT Powai, elements present in sludge was determined. The thesis presents these results that the sludge can be utilized up to 35% in paver blocks which have been used in non-traffic areas. If more than 35% of sludge is added to the paver block mix, then it fails to satisfy obligatory requirement of the IS-15658 code. Read More...
Environment Engineering |
India |
431-434 |
102 |
Heart Rate and Temperature Monitoring System using ARM 7 and Labview Software
-Besta Shashidhar ; G. Anand
In the Present Work, the heart rate, temperature sensors and LPC2148 Microcontroller Integrated Chip plays the main role. This is embedded project in this Microcontroller Integrated Chip and interfaced to all the peripherals. The timer program is inside the Microcontroller IC to maintain all the
functions as per the scheduled time. Heart rate Sensor Device Emits and/or detects infrared radiation to sense a particular phase in the environment. The design of a simple, low-cost microcontroller based heart rate measuring device with LCD output. Heart rate of the subject is measured from the finger using optical sensors and the rate is then averaged and displayed on a text based LCD. Generally, thermal radiation is emitted by all the objects in the infrared spectrum. The infrared sensor detects this type of radiation which is not visible to human eye. Temperature sensor is device which senses variations in human body temperature across it. This result can be seen in LabVIEW software.
biomedical signal processing and instrumentation |
India |
435-439 |
103 |
An Analytical Analysis of 3 Phase Fault in Small Hydro Electric Plant
-Pranay Saxena ; Shadab Khan; Dr. Samina Elyas Mubeen
Appropriate modeling of elements and connected controllers are very important in learning dynamic performance of power systems. During this paper, an academic procedure for modeling, simulation, and governor calibration of hydro power plants is bestowed. Completely different existing dynamic models of hydro plant elements are reviewed. The procedure for conniving the specified parameters from real plant knowledge is additionally conferred. Application and performance of reviewed models is mentioned also. Additionally, acceptable strategies for calibration differing kinds of hydro governors are studied and a classical technique is employed for PID governors. Inclusion of the nonlinearity and physical property of the elaborate turbine-penstock model, and learning the impact of the servo transfer functions are the most aspects of the planned calibration technique. The paper is written associate exceedingly way to be useful for an engineering science student or a novice engineer to model, simulate, and analyze a hydro power station dynamic behavior, and at last tune its governor. This work is used as a primitive guideline for academic and sensible functions. Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
440-446 |
104 |
Seismic Performance of Multi Storey RC Buildings with Horizontal Irregularities
-T. Prasanthi ; C. Vinod
Multi storey reinforced concrete frame with horizontal irregularities are becoming common day by day. Site dimensions, architectural requirements and sometimes client requirements generally force the designer to adopt horizontal irregular buildings. In a city like Visakhapatnam which is highly vulnerable to wind forces, there is a need to study the effect of wind on horizontal irregular buildings. Although some literature available in this area. The conclusions are specific to a fixed wind speed and building height. Further the studies do not include the combined effect of wind and earth quake forces. The recent tremors in ad around Visakhapatnam there is a possibility that Visakhapatnam may be placed in earth quake zone-3 in near future. Hence this study aims at evaluating the performance of horizontal irregular buildings in earth quake zone -3 and earth quake zone -2 subjected to wind speeds ranging from 0-200 kmph. Here one regular building and 4 irregular buildings of same base area, same number of columns, and same spacing of columns are considered for this study. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
447-453 |
105 |
Management on Carbon Trading & Related Environmental Issues
-Shardool Singh ; Shakti Sagar Pandey
Climate is changing very rapidly and is causing a rapid increase in global warming which requires spending of a lot of money to find its solution. It has nowadays become a major agenda in all the developed and developing countries. India stands in the second largest position in population, fourth largest in energy consumption and third largest in GHG production due to large pollution caused by coal-fire power generation techniques in power plants. So as to eradicate this problem carbon emissions must be controlled and for this carbon emissions trading is being introduced all over the world by Kyoto Protocol in 1997. Under this form of trading, basically the target implies to reduce carbon emissions under which the specific limit is given by Kyoto Protocol for a permissible amount of carbon emissions, up-to which a country can emit carbon. Under carbon trading, a country having more emissions is able to purchase the right to emit more, if required from a country which emits less under specified limits. So it is the greatest opportunity for Indian economy to reduce carbon emission and hence could be represented as biggest carbon credit producers globally. Among all developed nations of the world carbon emission in India is very low. The paper shall discuss about basic concepts related to carbon credit which is being used as a key to save environment and study various business opportunities for developing as well as developed nation and also emphasized on various practices being adopted globally to reduce the GHG emissions. So by this way we try to maintain the carbon emissions balance globally. Read More...
India |
454-456 |
106 |
Time Domain Based Capacitance Measurement
-Dr. Nand Kumar Rana
A time domain based capacitance measurement is a method for wide range applications is presented in this paper. The measurements are based on analog capacitance to time converter circuit and a high precision time to digital converter technology. The method makes use of the time delay that occurs in charging a capacitor with a fixed voltage and a resistor. Due to its ratio metric nature, the measurement results are not affected by variation in the voltage source of the circuit. It also does not have a critical dependence on the probe length and the associated phase shift. The time-to-digital converter is so compact that it can be embedded in the probes itself. This greatly reduces the cost of measurement. This method is implemented using the commercially available time to digital converter and an analog circuit. Read More...
India |
457-458 |
107 |
Structural and Thermal Analysis of Blade using FEA
-Bhoi Ritesh ; V. Saritha
In this thesis a turbine blade is designed and modeled in Creo 2.0 software. The turbine blades are designed using cooling holes. The turbine blade is designed with no holes, 6holes, and 8 holes. Thermal and Structural analysis is done to determine the heat transfer rates and strength of the blade. The present used material for blade is chromium steel. In this thesis, it is replaced with Inconel 625, N155 and Hoste alloy. The better material for blade is analyzed. CFD analysis is done to determine the pressure distribution, velocity, temperature distribution by applying the inlet velocities. CFD analysis, Thermal and Structural analysis is done in Ansys. Read More...
India |
459-461 |
108 |
Paper on Opinion Mining to Predict Election Result
-Brijal Kharadi G.
Use of social networking sites, as a Twitter, for different purpose continues to grow its ï¬rst appearance. This social net is a micro blogging site to share short messages on a variety of topics. In particular, political elections are a very interesting ï¬eld to change. Million or thousand people have primary focus on Social media platforms to share their own think or opinion in to their day to day life, business, celebrity entertainments, polities etc. Opinion Mining is defined as an Intersection of information retrieval techniques to deal with the opinions expressed in a document. Our results show that Twitter is used for Political discussion, and that the references to the different political parties correlate, signiï¬catively, with the votes of the electors. The main goal is solve the problems related to opinions about Politian in newsgroup posts, of products, review sites comments on the, twitter blogging and twitter etc. Due to the high usage of internet to share thoughts and opinion rich web sources as a review sites, blogs and news web applications available in digital format. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
462-464 |
109 |
Using Motion Simulation In CAD In The Concept Design Phase For Harnessing Energy From Road Traffic
-Akhildev Pillai ; Swapnil Hirole; Vandana Patil; Swapnil S.Kulkarni
The increasing demand for energy is focusing the shift towards finding new sources of energy to sustain. This paper emphasizes on the idea that the kinetic energy getting wasted during motion of vehicles over speed breakers can be utilized to generate power by using a special arrangement called “power humpâ€. Design of the power hump is done on Solidworks, Stimulation of the same and animation to study the actual working of the system has been observed. The system hails from the already existing ones but improvement in many fronts like the gear arrangement, use of bevel gears and the self expanding motors makes it stand out in the new front. This generated energy can be converted in to usable power and used for general purpose applications like streetlights, traffic signals, laboratories rural areas hospitals. In addition, we could also have solar panels, which would satisfy our power needs, in absence of any vehicular movement. The excogitation of this work is the new series of rack and pinion gear mechanism used to generate electrical power of 36 watt /day. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
465-468 |
110 |
Mitigation of Power Quality Issues in Hybrid Wind/Diesel System using UPQC
-M. V. Chaudhary ; Tapre P. C.; C. Veeresh
The domestic consumers in the remote areas not served by the main electrical grid network, diesel generators are the usual choice for power supply. As a result, plenty of servicing and maintenance needed onto these diesel generators. Thus, we proposed an idea of introducing wind turbine working together with the diesel generators to form a hybrid power system but after connecting wind system with the diesel there are certain power quality issues are created to reduce that issues author proposed a system by introducing UPQC in hybrid system. In such system The DG converters (with storage) and the shunt part of the UPQC Active Power Filter (APFsh) is placed at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC). The series part of the UPQC (APFse) is connected before the PCC and in series with the grid. The dc link can also be integrated with the storage system. An intelligent islanding detection and reconnection technique (IR) are introduced in the UPQC as a secondary control. Hence, it is termed as UPQCµG −IR. Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
469-472 |
111 |
Utilization of Hypo Sludge as a Cement Replacement in Concrete
-Ankur Jain ; Manish Dubey
Hypo sludge is a waste from paper mill industries, In this research, an investigation was guided to study on the viability of using paper mill sludge, an industrial waste generated by paper mills, factories as an alternative material used as partial replacement of fine aggregates and cement in manufacturing fresh concrete. The physical properties which let in moisture content, specific gravity and absorption of paper sludge versus ordinary river sand. Concrete mixes containing various contents of the paper sludge were prepared and basic strength characteristics, such as compressive strength, flexural strength and workability were determined and compared with a control mix. During the experimental operation, as the substance of the paper sludge increased the water to cement ratio of the mix increased and caused problems on the workability of the concrete mix, since the paper sludge has a high level of water immersion. Hence sludge used in wet form. This research study is touched with the experimental investigation on strength of concrete and optimum percentage of the partial replacement by replacing cement via 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% of Hypo Sludge. Holding all this view, the purpose of the investigation is the behavior of concrete while adding of waste with different proportions of Hypo sludge in concrete by using tests like compression strength flexural strength and workability. The mix design was carried out for M30 and M40 grade concrete as per IS: 10262-2009. Particles of hypo sludge which passes from 90 micron IS sieve will replace cement in concrete. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
473-476 |
112 |
Experimental Analysis on Steel Corrosion in RCC Structures by Impressed Current Technique, using FRP Mats to Inhibit Corrosion
-Rahul Dubey ; Saurabh Samander
Concrete is a unique material which contain high compressive strength and can mould in various shape and sizes, when a system of steel bars or a steel mesh is incorporated in the concrete structure in such a way that the steel can support most of the tensile stresses and leave the immediately surrounding concrete comparatively free of tensile stress, then the complex is known as “reinforced concreteâ€. The steel bars, however, undergo corrosion in due course of time due to a variety of factors, which decreases the strength of the bars leading to a net decrease in the capacity of the structure as a whole. The project aims at finding the impact of different factors on the extent of corrosion as well as developing ways to inhibit rebar corrosion using Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) sheets. FRP mats when installed on the surface of the concrete, increase the strength of the structure and has been in use for strengthening purposes for long in India. However, its property of acting as a barrier for the chloride ions and carbon dioxide molecules to prevent corrosion of the reinforcement bars has not been studied. In this dissertation corrosion inhibiting capabilities of FRP is determined in concrete and also most economical pattern of FRP is decided which serves determining the corrosion inhibiting capabilities of FRP and deciding the most economical pattern of FRP that serves the purpose of strengthening as well as corrosion inhibition by acting as a barrier for the corroding agents. For this purpose, 20 RCC beams and concrete cubes each of M 20 grade will be cast with similar reinforcements provided in each of the beams. The effect of corrosion will then be studied on uncovered beams using impressed current technique where the beams will be exposed to a DC current of 15 V for a period of 150 hours and the decrease in strength of unexposed and exposed beam would be noted. Further, each of the patterns of FRP demonstrated later would be tested for flexural strength and compressive strength before and after exposure to the same conditions as for the uncovered beam so as to derive a comparison for estimating the effectiveness of FRP in providing strength as well as preventing the decrease in strength due to corrosion. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
477-479 |
113 |
Optimization of Operating Parameters for EDM Process based on Taguchi - Grey Relational Analysis
-B Rani ; Prof. V Diwakar Reddy; Prof. G Krishnaiah
The present work is aimed to optimize the input process parameters of (EDM) process by considering the effect of input parameters viz. Current, Voltage, Pulse On, Pulse Off. Experiments conducted with these parameters in three different levels data related to process responses viz. Metal removal rate, surface roughness (Ra), Dimensional Deviation (DD) measured for each of the experimental run. Predicted data utilized for identification of the parametric influence in the form of graphical representation for showing influence of the parameters on selected responses. Predicted data is given by the models (as per Taguchi’s L27 OA and Grey Relational Analysis (GRA)) designs used in search of an optimal parametric combination to achieve desired yield of the process. Taguchi techniques used for optimization of minimizing the surface roughness and maximization MRR and Minimization of DD. Multi objective Grey relational analysis is used to find the optimal level of parameters for the output responses. Read More...
M.E in Production Enginerring |
India |
480-485 |
114 |
A Survey on Pre LOC Proofs: Stamp
-Deepali Alure ; Prof. Bharati Kale
Nowadays location based services are rapidly becoming popular. Many services which are based on user’s location can also use the user’s location history or their spatial-temporal provenance. It uses GPS technology. Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based navigation system made up of a network of different satellites. Malicious users may lie about their spatial-temporal provenance without a carefully designed security system for users to prove their past locations. An acronym STAMP stands for Spatial Temporal Provenance Assurance with Mutual Proofs. Basically STAMP is designed for ad-hoc mobile users generating location proofs for each other in a distributed setting. So it can easily accommodate trusted mobile users and wireless access points. STAMP ensures the integrity and non-transferability of the location proofs and protects user’s privacy. A semi-trusted certification Authority is used to distribute cryptographic keys as well as guard users against collusion by light-weight entropy based trust evaluation approach. STAMP is low-cost in terms of computational and storage resources. This protocol is designed to maximize user’s anonymity and location privacy. Here users are given the control over the location granularity of their STP proofs. STAMP is collusion resistant. An entropy-based trust model is proposed to detect users mutually generating fake proofs for each other. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
486-488 |
115 |
Green HRM-A Tool of Sustainable Development
-Bassam K ; Mujeeb Rahman AP
Green HRM is the emerging topic in current scenario. The business environment is transforming itself from a traditional financial perspective to a competency based, strategic perspective. Green issues have already been popular in environmental and social aspects of present corporate world. Corporate green HR focuses on high level of technical and managerial competencies for employees as the firms wants to develop innovative environmental initiatives and functions that have tremendous managerial implications. In general, green HR particularly deals with the HR activities with are environment friendly and promote the sustainability of resources that an organization may have. However, there is a substantial gap exists in human resource management (HRM) literatures on environmental aspects of human resources. There is still a growing need for formulating green HRM strategies, including literature, processes, models and examining their implications on overall firm performance. Firms are also under immense pressure from different stakeholders for integrating green HR policies and strategies into overall firm strategy. The general purpose of this study is to discuss the green HRM practice and why firm should adopt Green HRM practices and to study the challenges and strategic implementation of it on various traditional HR activities. The paper will hopefully create an interest for the academicians and tentative researchers who wish to study the basic understanding of green HRM practices in a literature perspective. Read More...
India |
489-492 |
116 |
Effect of Solidification on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Aluminium - Silicon Alloys
-Ravinder Kumar ; Mahesh Juneja; Dr. D. B. Goel
Microstructures are the key features that provide the backbone for the wear characteristics of all the materials. Structure can be changed by changing the solidification rate. Considering this aspect, two different compositions were prepared, which are Al-Si alloys (5 wt % Si and 12 wt % Si). The specimens were cast by sand casting, chill casting and melt stirred with chilled casting. After that the specimens were prepared for microstructural examination, Brinell hardness test and wear test on pin on disc apparatus was done. In order to understand the distribution of silicon phase, different solidification conditions were used. These influence the development of varieties of structure. It had been observed that the structure, hardness and wear properties were significantly influenced by solidification conditions. Fast cooling, as in chill mould, gives a refined structure which results in finer Si needles. Such a structure provides higher hardness and better wear properties in the alloys. Since Si also acts as a strengthening element, Al-12% Si alloy gives higher hardness. Read More...
Production Engineering |
India |
493-496 |
117 |
Reversible Data Hiding Techniques in Images: A Review
-Anshu Baghel ; Suchitra Pandey
Information security and information uprightness are the two testing regions for research. There are such a large number of research is advancing in the field such as web security, steganography, cryptography. Information covering up are a gathering of procedures used to put a safe information in a host media with little weakening in host and the way to extricate the protected information after sometime. Reversible information stowing away is a procedure to install extra message into some contortion unsuitable cover media, for example, military or restorative pictures, with a reversible way so that the first cover substance can be impeccably reestablished after extraction of the shrouded message. The reversibility implies inserting information in addition to unique image can be decisively get back in the removing stage. Most concealing procedures perform information implanting by changing the substance of a host media. These sorts of information concealing methods are in this manner irreversible. However in various areas, for example, military, lawful and therapeutic imaging albeit some installing mutilation is permissible, perpetual loss of flag loyalty is undesirable. This highlights the requirement for Reversible (Lossless) information implanting strategies. This paper presents an audit on different reversible information concealing methods. Read More...
India |
498-501 |
118 |
A Review on Digital Image Watermarking and its Techniques
-Sumi Choudhury ; Swati Agrawal
With the vast improvement in computer system and digital interactive media innovation, the need of ensuring the responsibility for media turns into a noteworthy issue. Watermarking is a procedure of concealing indistinct information into advanced media like content, audio, video and so forth. The significant parts of data covering up are security, indistinctness and strength. To expand security, a mystery key can be utilized to encode and decipher the watermark. In this paper, we show an audit on image watermarking and its procedures. There are a few systems that depend on spatial and change domain for watermarking. We additionally examine different properties and utilizations of image watermarking. Past work in advanced watermarking is additionally assessed. Read More...
India |
502-506 |
119 |
Six Sigma, an Approach to Operational Excellency
-Pushpendra Tyagi
The Six Sigma method is a scientific, complex and flexible system of achieving, maintaining and maximizing the business success in long run. Six Sigma philosophy is based mainly on understanding the customer needs and expectation, disciplined use of facts and data analysis, and responsible approach to managing, improving and establishing new business in service and manufacturing sector. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
507-508 |
120 |
A Survey: IoT based Home Automation using Gesture
-Mitangi Dineshbhai Patel ; Dr. Sharnil Pandya; Satvik Patel
Internet of things will foster billions of devices, people and services to interconnect and exchange information and data. The number of sensors getting deployed around the world due to emergence of Internet of things. In this paper, the main point that is automatic control of home appliances (On/Off) in the home and make home is smart. Existing system is control the home appliances using remote control and internet. But it is not understand by the elder people, mentally challenged people and physically disables people. So we proposed Home automation is controlling using the gesture. Hand gesture communication is a more natural and humanoid mode of communication. Hand gesture recognition is relatively complicated since different persons have different speeds and styles to perform gestures. To this aim, a methodology is proposed for the classification of gestures. There are quite a few gesture classification algorithms proposed in the literature to improve its performance and accuracy. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
509-511 |
121 |
A Survey: Security and Privacy Requirement in IoT based Healthcare System
-Sejal Dipakbhai Patel ; Narendra Singh
With the increase use of internet there are various malicious entry point which is affected to sensitive information. To access the patient’s medical parameters in local and remote area, healthcare communication using Internet of Things (IoT) method is adapted. The main objective of this project is to transmitting the patient’s health monitoring parameters through wireless communication. It is most importance that a healthcare system security and privacy play an important role in protecting medical data which is being used by the healthcare professionals. After that it is important phase during storage to ensure that patient’s records are kept safe from intruder’s danger. In this paper, we analyze the fundamental security challenges and constraints of healthcare system. In this paper we find several possible attacks on medical data which is store in cloud database and survey different security requirement to protect the healthcare database. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
512-514 |
122 |
Modelling of Small Scale Syrup Filling Production Line: A Case Study
-Kommineni Rama Krishna ; Nagabhyrava Rohith
The following study focuses on the comparison of manual and automated filling station and by improving the bottle filling production line by considering the two key factors which are time of filling and palletizing the finished products as a sub system. By applying the discreet event simulation, the entire filling production line is modelled as the function of time and delay and probability distribution function for modelling the inspection on running the model for 6 hour shift the sturdy increase in the production and by applying the constraints into production line improvements have been made. Read More...
Industrial Automation Engineering |
India |
515-516 |
123 |
A Literature Survey on Image Mining
-K. Saraswathi ; Dr. V. Ganesh Babu
In this paper, the overview of the Image Mining and its techniques are surveyed. This paper imparts more number of applications of the data mining. Feature selection and extraction is the pre-processing step of Image Mining. Obviously this is a critical step in the entire scenario of Image Mining. Our approach to mine from Images –is to extract patterns and derive knowledge from large collection of images, deals mainly with identification and extraction of unique features for a particular domain. Though there are various features available, the aim is to identify the best features and thereby extract relevant information from the images. Various methods for extraction are used in this paper. Content Based Image Retrieval is the popular image retrieval method by which the target image is to be retrieved based on the useful features of the given image. In this paper, the concepts of Content Based Image Retrieval and Image mining have been combined and a new clustering technique has been introduced in order to increase the speed of the image retrieval method. Experimental results show that the features here used are sufficient to identify the patterns from the Images. The extracted features are evaluated for goodness and are tested on the images. This paper presents a survey on various image mining techniques that were proposed earlier in literature. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
517-521 |
124 |
A Review on RFID Localization Techniques for IoT
-A.Rafega beham
As intelligent RFID technology continues to develop, in conjunction with intelligent sensor technologies, RFID has been becoming the core technology in different fields such as Internet of things (IoT), real-time systems, medical monitoring, Animal tracking, inventory management. In such applications, there is requirement to localize RFID tags attached to devices or objects. There are several localization techniques such as distance estimation, scene analysis and proximity. This paper presents a overview of different localization techniques for wireless networks and attempts to classify different techniques and systems. Read More...
Computer Network Engineering |
India |
522-525 |
125 |
Design of Symmetrically Slotted Ultra Wide Band Antenna with DGS for Wi-Fi Communication
-Harshit Sharma ; Anshul Agarwal
In the paper antenna is proposed to work for increasing the range of WIFI communication .initially antenna is designed at 5.8GHz for WIFI communication. After that symmetrical slot of size 5*5mm2 has been introduced into the simple DGS patch and because it is symmetrically slotted also became circularly polarized. Rectangular slot of size 7*5.5mm2 has been employed to the ground plane of the antenna so that antenna became ultra wide band and can be used for increasing the range of WIFI communication. An antenna is considered ultra wide band if its bandwidth is greater than 500MHz.Simple Rectangular Microstrip Patch Atenna (RMPA) give the return loss of 12.71db at 5.793GHz and gives the bandwidth of 89MHz .It also gives the gain of 6.937dB ,and give a value of Electric field distribution is 22.68*103V/m. Symmetrical slots has been applied to the antenna, DGS technology is also has been applied to the ground plan of the proposed antenna. It also reduces the size of the antenna. It give the return loss 25.52dB at 6.4GHz, frequency is shifted because of using DGS in the ground plane. it gives the bandwidth of 2.78GHz in the operating band of 4GHz that is far better than the base antenna in which the bandwidth only was 89MHz.antenna is also become the ultra-wide band because its bandwidth is greater than 500MHz.antenna gain is 3.221dB it is reduces as compared to the base antenna because of bandwidth is increased by very high amount, it also verify the relation of gain bandwidth product is constant. Electric field distribution with DGS is 24.33*103 it is also increased in significant amount. It is easily observed that antenna bandwidth increased in very high amount and losses in antenna are also decreased, so that antenna may be used for enhancing the range of WIFI communication. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
526-529 |
126 |
Efficient Congestion Control and Traffic Management Policy over Reliable High Speed Network
-Pooja Saxena ; Prof. Priyanka Saxena
Internet technology are the most growing and demanding technology of today’s environment , networking has been used for different purpose and manner to achieve the goals which is need to be fulfill has per the demand of the network user, as result one can observe that networking users are growing in everyday business life, networking applications are also performing multiple functions for user demand in friendly way that does heavy traffic over the network, in this case networking engineer are also proposed many algorithm as well as model for maintaining and controlling traffic and congestion factors, many protocols has been invented and in process of making totally control over the traffic pattern and eliminating congestion issues but till yet engineers are sometimes fills that our network is useful but it is not very much reliable for communication with millions of peoples as the same time. Information Technology and its application environment are not static thing so that to make our network more dynamic we need, more advance and practice technology that can control traffic as well as congestion issues in the network so that reliability can be achieve at dynamic way. we also need to focus on the part of network decision making system that makes our network more reliable as well as smart decision maker to get efficiency and reliability at the same time, so in this paper one propose model for controlling and maintaining the traffic issues to achieve more accurate, efficient and reliable network that will be immune from data loss and resolve delay and security issues, to achieve quality factors in a short and heavy range communication we need to focus on such techniques that can enable us to overcome the problem Quality of Services factors. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
530-534 |
127 |
Effect of Direct Marine Exposure on Strength of Blended Concretes
-G G Sai Diwakar ; C. Vinod
Tons of water is annually used as mixing, curing and cleaning around the world, in concrete industry. As there is a scarcity of fresh drinkable water around the world; so there is a need to save fresh water and hence possibilities of using seawater as mixing as well as curing water should be investigated seriously. The experimental investigation was carried out to study the strength performance of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) concrete, Fly ash concrete and GGBS concrete using both potable water and marine water. Hardened concrete was tested for compressive strength to ascertain the feasibility of blended concretes when concrete is subjected to marine environment. Accordingly, Compressive strength of concrete test at the age of 56 days was tested for M50 grades of Normal, Fly ash and GGBS concrete. It was concluded from this study that Sea water can be used for concrete compression members. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
535-541 |
128 |
Inventory Numbering System for Minute Level Employee Attention
-Midhun Baby Neerkuzhi ; Anu Ramesh
Inventories are classified into raw material; work in process inventories and finished goods. These inventories are controlled and handled by group of employees within the firm. This employee may be a manager, researcher or a labour. Normally bottom level worker change the raw material to an useful product. Carelessness of any of the labour may lead to the wastage of items within the company this paper introduces a material management system using employee’s attention. This is a numbering method. There will be three digits for each inventory. One is for Researchers; one is for material managers, and one for the bottom level workers. This numbering system will give an idea about how much attention should be given by each employee towards each raw material. Read More...
Industrial Engineering |
India |
542-544 |
129 |
Experimental Investigation on Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene Fibre Reinforced Concrete
-G. Jagadeesh ; A. Roopa; K. Sai Abhinav
A concrete has strong in compression and weak in tension, impact and flexure. To increase these properties we have add some addition to concrete like fibres. Fibres are giving some additional tensile and impact strength to concrete. In this investigation we are adding fibres like polypropylene with a fibre dosage of 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% were dispersed into the concrete of mix design M30 grade. The results are compared with conventional concrete so that here increasing the fibre dosage in concrete randomly increasing compressive strength, tensile strength flexure strength and bond finally while using fibres in concrete we are going to transfer brittle failure to ductility property. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
545-547 |
130 |
Analysis of Synchronized Control of Two Motor Systems using Fuzzy PI Controller
-S. Vijai ; D. Praveen Sangeeth Kumar; O. Karthikeyan; A. Richards Rethinasamy
A Three phase induction motor is one of the most popular and versatile motor in electrical drive system in industries. This Experimental work focuses on the speed control of two motor systems tightly for the quality of product and productivity. This work presents the synchronized control system consisting of two motors which can be controlled using closed loop fuzzy based PI controller. The motor speed is selected as the control parameter which reduces the manual effect that results in the change of the modulating signal. The modulating signal is distinguished into three sinusoidal waveforms using the sine wave generator. The simulation result shows the speed control by obtaining optimal value of speed and Proportional–Integral (PI) tuning parametersK_P and K_I. Read More...
India |
548-551 |
131 |
Development of Multilevel Inverter for Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor by using PWM Technique
-Jigneshkumar Varodiya
Today’s Modern Technology Most of the Industrial Drives Use Ac Induction Motor Because These Motor Are Rugged, Reliable and Higher Efficiency or Relatively in Expansive. Induction Motor Are Mainly Used for Constant Speed Control Application in Traction Transportation and Industry. Heavy to Medium Industry and Domestic Application like Water Pump. Because Of Unavailability of the Variable Frequency Control Supply Voltage But Many Applications Need Variable Speed of Operation Present Day. The Induction Motor Drive With Voltage Source Inverter And Current Source Inverter The Recent Advancement In Power Electronics Has Initiated To Improve The Level Of Inverter Instead Increasing The Size Of Filter The Total Harmonics Distroration Of The Classical Inverter Is Very High. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
552-554 |
132 |
Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Gas Emitted from the Exhaust in Automobiles using Calcium Oxide
-A. S. Chandrashekhar ; Chintan Mehta
The most dominant greenhouse gas which proliferates the process of global warming is Carbon Dioxide. Major amount of carbon dioxide gas is being emitted from the exhaust of the automobiles. Other gases such as carbon monoxide, and other nitrogen oxides are also emitted from the exhaust but in the present work we focus on the reduction of Carbon Dioxide gas. To reduce the emission of carbon dioxide from the exhaust we have prepared a model which has a small inbuilt chamber for Calcium oxide which reacts with carbon dioxide and forms calcium carbonate as a precipitate. The model prepared is attached to the exhaust manifold of the automobile where the gas emits from. The precipitate formed is collected in another vessel which is further used for manufacturing cement. The efficiency of the vehicle bef Read More...
India |
555-557 |
133 |
High Resistance Measurement using Time Delay Method
-Dr. Nand Kumar Rana
A design based on time delay for high resistance measurement has been proposed. A capacitor is charged through the test resistor and the time delay is noted. The method makes use of two key technologies, an ultra-low power comparators and high precision time to digital converters. The ultra-low power comparator which requires few picoampere of input bias current is used to measure the voltage across a capacitor. The time to digital converter which can measure a few tens of picosecond delay is used to measure the charging time of a capacitor. The method can be shown to measure up to 100Giga Ohms with an accuracy better than 2ppm The method is an alternative to measuring high resistance using expensive equipment pico ammeters. Read More...
India |
558-560 |
134 |
Use of Super-Intelligence in Self Replicating Space Probes
-Tanmay Gwalera ; Mrs. Radha Shailesh Sharma; T. Meghwal
This paper signifies the use of artificial intelligence (especially super intelligence) to find information about other planets and existence of life on other planets. The general idea here is to use learning agents (machines that learn from the environment to adapt or modify according to the situation) to explore the unknown wilderness of space in a relatively very short amount of time by using the help of Von Neumann probes or self-replicating machines. On the same note this accomplishment in the area of AI would lead in specific advancements in the military as well as medicine sector. Read More...
India |
561-564 |
135 |
Architecture Framework of Big Data Analytics and Challenges in Big Data Analytics Towards Higher Education System
-S. Jaiganesh ; N. Rajkumar
The term Big Data coined by Roger Magoulas refers to a wide range of large data sets almost impossible to manage and process using traditional data management tools not only due to their size, but also their complexity. Big Data can be seen in the retail, finance and business where enormous data from stock exchange, banking, online and onsite purchasing data flows through computerized systems every day and are then captured and stored for inventory monitoring, customer behaviour and market behaviour. Companies introducing innovative and cutting edge technological solutions to Big Data analytics are increasing. The objective of this paper is to study the emergence of Big data and catalog its role in facilitating Business Intelligence and advanced analytics, where techniques such as predictive analytics, data mining, text analytics, statistics, and natural language processing help to understand the current state of the business and track evolving aspects such as customer behaviour to take productive and persuasive decisions. In addition to the underlying data processing and analytical technologies, Business Intelligence and Analytics includes business-centric practices and methodologies that can be applied to various high-impact applications such as e-commerce, market intelligence, e-government, higher education, and security. Big data analytics in higher education is evolving into a promising field for providing insight from very large data sets and improving outcomes while reducing costs. Its potential is great; however there remain challenges to overcome. The paper provides a broad overview of big architecture of big data analytics and is challenges in higher education system. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
565-568 |
136 |
Analysis of Morphological Behaviour of Maize- Husk Filled Polymer Composite
-Shailesh Verma ; Ashutosh Dwedi
Maize husk is a by-product of maize milling process that usually finds inadequate final disposal (burning, land filling). Composites filled with maize husk flour are materials that offer an alternative for using this agricultural resource viewing the production of low dense materials with some specific properties. In this study, we isolated and characterized maize husk, an agricultural waste that is often left untreated and underutilized after harvest season. Moreover, we investigated the reinforcing effect of maize husk to epoxy-based bio-composite. This thesis is mainly concern with the study of favourable physical, micro-structural and thermal properties of maize husk particulate in thermosetting matrix composite. Read More...
M-Tech(thermal power engineering) |
India |
569-571 |
137 |
A Review on Paper on DAS of Monitoring and Controlling on Greenhouse Parameters
-Chandraprabha ; K.Uma
Greenhouses are usually framed structures covered with transparent material in which crops, flowers and useful agricultures can be grown under controlled environment. This review paper focusing on greenhouse applications and its data acquisition with supervisory control over various parameters i.e. temperature, humidity, pH etc. In Greenhouse system, where data from various parameters are needed to be acquired, which further used in database for analysis and supervisory control. There are some important parameters that should be monitored at a greenhouse in order to achieve good and optimized results for the end of the agricultural production with their cultivation processes. This paper will give the review on greenhouse applications and controlling which is economical and user friendly for the people who are involved in activities as in the role of producers or agriculturists of either small, medium or large in scale. Read More...
India |
572-574 |
138 |
Groundwater Fluctuation and Need for Artificial Recharge of Khanapur Taluka, Sangli District, Maharashtra, India
-Ajitkumar Ananda Lole ; Dr. A. S. Yadav
Groundwater is an important source in the Khanapur Taluka, Sangli district, Maharashtra, India. 35 dug wells were selected for study of groundwater fluctuation. In Pre monsoon groundwater level in the study area ranges from 0m to 16.5m and Post monsoon the water level fall in between 0m and 15m and overall water level fluctuation of study area ranges from 0m to 15m. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
575-577 |
139 |
A Comparative Study on Ring, Rotor and MVS Yarns
-Deshdeepak ; Rajeev Kumar Varshney
Yarns provided by Ring, Rotor and Vortex spinning systems differ in structure and properties. 100% viscose of 30 Ne yarns were produced on the above spinning systems and evaluated in terms of their yarn tenacity, breaking elongation, yarn evenness, thin places, thick places, neps and hairiness. Results revealed that vortex yarns are worse than their ring spun counterparts, but better than open-end rotor spun counterparts in terms of yarn tenacity, breaking elongation and yarn evenness. But in case of yarn hairiness, opposite trend is observed. Vortex spun yarns exhibit lowest, whereas, ring spun yarns show highest hairiness. Open-end rotor spun yarns have remarkably more number of thin places as compared to ring or vortex spun yarns, but regarding number of thick places, vortex spun yarns are better than its ring or open-end rotor spun counterparts. Read More...
Textile Engineering |
India |
578-580 |
140 |
Neural Network based Weather Forecasting Model
-Ravina Jayantibhai Chauhan ; Sheetal Thakar
Weather forecasting is one of the applications of data mining technology to predict the state of atmosphere for a future time and a given location as regards heat, cloudiness, dryness, wind, rain, etc. Weather forecasting has become an important field of research in the last few decades. Weather prediction approaches are challenged by complex weather phenomena with limited observations and past data. Weather phenomena have many parameters that are impossible to enumerate and measure. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been applied extensively to both regress and classify weather phenomena. This paper presents the review of Weather Forecasting using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and studies the benefit of using it. The paper provides a survey of available literatures of some methodologies employed by different researchers to utilize ANN for Weather Forecasting. Prediction of weather must be accurate and also the weather should be forecasted earlier will be helpful for many applications like agriculture, air traffic, military and so on. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
581-583 |
141 |
E-Tailing: Challenges and Future Prospects
-Sandeep Kaur
Retail industry has witnessed major revolution in the changing technology oriented business scenario of 21st century in India. If few years back technology brought the shopping information on to the laptops, today e-tailing brings the products right to the doorstep. With the use of internet as a medium a person can buy products from a virtual store (shopping website). Companies like Amazon and Dell were the first to create the online retail industry by putting the entire customer experience from browsing products to placing orders to paying for purchases on the Internet. Online retailing portals such as,, and are registering anywhere between 40 and 60% of their sales from rural areas apart from the tier II and III cities. The status of e-tailing in India as well as the challenges and future prospects have been discussed in this paper. Read More...
India |
584-585 |
142 |
Design of Vertical Squeezing Crusher - A Review
-Manjul Prakash ; V. R. Mohite
Crushing and material handling machineries are for easiness and heavy structural development is being done into mechanical industries according to the fundamentals & engineering requirements. Here is the need of vertical crushing and squeezing phenomenal description of machine with validation. This paper gives failure resolving solution of cage & other parts in vertical squeezing crusher. The existing cage is found failed in the running conditions when crushing medium is changed from 2400 kg/m3 density. This works well below this density medium. Crushing is to be made for multiple densities medium that should with stand up to 3200 kg/m3 density material. This paper provides new structural weldment crushing cage with efficient gyratory crushing using the same existing drive and sub-assemblies Read More...
India |
586-588 |
143 |
Speed Control of PMSM by Fuzzy Pi Controller with MPAC Algorithm
-M Obulesu ; R. Kiranmayi; P. Lakshman Rao
Speed control of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) by state feedback controller is proposed in this paper. This state feedback control system uses model predictive approach (MPAC) to constraints introduction in the control system. The posteriori constraints introduction in developed linear control system gives simple solution. This approach based on adding constraints to maintain state and control variables in specified ranges. This MPAC algorithm is relatively low computations compared to model predictive control (MPC). Based on voltage equation model of machine, the control signals and future state variables are calculated and this algorithm consists of zero d-axis current methodology. The state feedback control strategy results low dynamical performance, in order to increase the dynamical performance a new control strategy fuzzy PI control is used. By using this fuzzy PI controller with permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), the steady state error of actual speed of system with respect to step changes of reference signal is reduced compared to state feedback controller. Simulation results of both control strategies are compared in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. Read More...
India |
589-593 |
144 |
PAPR Reduction for OFDM in VLC Systems
-Siny Daniel ; Shahana Habeeb Mohammed
Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) has been widely studied and adopted in visible-light communication (VLC) systems because of its advantages including high spectral efficiency and low-complexity implementation. However, OFDM-based VLC systems suffer from a high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR), along with the nonlinear transfer characteristics of light-emitting diodes (LEDs). In this paper, discusses a subcarrier grouping scheme for an OFDM-based VLC system. This scheme exploits the property that one LED lamp usually contains multiple independent LED chips and here all OFDM signal subcarriers are divided into groups, and each group is transmitted by an individual LED chip while the same receiver structure is maintained. Since only some of the subcarriers are located on each LED chip, PAPR can be reduced significantly. Hence, the achievable input power can be increased, which leads to a higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and a lower bit error rate (BER). This paper can be considered as a literature survey or a case study to analyze PAPR reduction in OFDM based VLC systems. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
594-597 |
145 |
A Review on Secure Data Auditing with Proxy Code Regeneration in Cloud Data Deduplication Environment
-Arti Bairagi ; Prof. P. M. Yawalkar
Recently, outsourcing data to cloud is become more attractive way. Due to lower cost of cloud storage one can store and manage their large amount of data. Cloud provides different services over stored data such as, proper management of data, searching, sharing of data etc. Many times while outsourcing the data it happens that same copy of the data is available in cloud server, which tends to data duplication and wastage of disk space of server. Also network bandwidth is required to upload same kind of data i.e. duplicate file. Saving duplicate files to cloud is an inefficient task. Deduplication of data is one of the most recent techniques in cloud storage to remove duplicate copies from cloud server and maintain its storage space. With data deduplication many organizations, companies get benefits to save their money while storing data in cloud. Deduplication avoids duplication of data caused by both privileged and non-privileged users. Another major problem is security challenges in outsourcing of data to cloud such as, revealing of original data, unauthorised access to cloud data etc. During integrity auditing, CSP quietly hides some data loss facts from client to maintain their status. Hence user cannot get original copy of data from trusted cloud also. Data deduplication and failure reparation to the cloud storage is difficult. Regenerating codes technique gets more popularity due their lower repair bandwidth and it provides fault tolerance. Erasure code is new technique for regenerating code to achieve reception efficiency i.e. recovery of data. In this research idea is to achieve both data integrity and deduplication in cloud which uploads customer’s data in encrypted form and allows for integrity auditing and secure deduplication directly on encrypted data by implementing new strategy of regenerating code i.e. “erasure codingâ€. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
598-601 |
146 |
Performance Improvement of Open Hearth Furnace using Kaizen
-Nitinchandra Rameshchandra Patel ; Sanjay C Shah; Sankalp K Kulkarni
Furnace of foundry shop is used for demonstration of casting and fluidity test. Certain problems associated with furnace performance observed were: higher fuel consumption, considerable heat losses, time required to melt the metal was high and smoky environment of foundry shop. Kaizen, a Japanese philosophy is used as a tool to improve the performance of the furnace by modifying existing workshop furnace. After modifications rigorous testing was done on furnace showing increase in efficiency, lesser heat losses, reduced time to melt metal, achievement of higher pouring temperature, proper flow of exhaust gases to atmosphere through the stack. Read More...
mechanical engineering |
India |
602-605 |
147 |
Semiconductor Memory Data Error Detection and Correction using Decimal Matrix Code
-Meenakshi Gupta
In Multiple cells upsets (MCUs)is an important issue in the reliability of memories exposed to radiation environment transient. There are number of technique available to protect the memory data from radiations and transient. However, protection from a limited variation of radiations is provided by particular packaging. Nowadays in the field of wireless communication for the number of application the devices are exposed to a very wide range of environment radiations. So for authenticating the data before it is processed several additional data preservation techniques are always preferred. Error correction codes (ECCs) are one of the common techniques for encoded data and that encoded data is to be stored in memories. An error correction code is always preferred for implementation because that requires minimized delay overhead in data correction and a less number of redundant bits to be stored. In this paper the implementation is based on FPGA for memory data error detection and correction code that involves simple decimal addition algorithm in the encoding of data that is to be stored in memory. Hamming Code is preferred for decoding of the data for error detection and correction. This technique used a divide-symbol concept to represent the linear data in groups to make symbolic code and the length of the symbol is inversely proportional to the delay overhead of the code. Read More...
VLSI Design and Embedded System |
India |
606-609 |
148 |
Opinion Mining Techniques Based on Online Reviews in Various Fields: A Survey
-R. Saranya ; V. Kalaiyarasi
Opinion mining involves constructing a system to collect and categorize opinions about a product. Opinion may be positive, negative or neutral emotions of people. The opinion can be collected from various fields to help the users about the product. This paper is the survey of different techniques of opinion mining, which is applied to many fields such as reviews of mobile applications, Tourism reviews, Blogs for Agriculture, online reviews for book recommendations, big data applications mining. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
610-612 |
149 |
A Survey on Latest Trends and Protection Issues in Cloud Computing Technology
-S. Priyanga ; K. Savitha
Cloud computing is the emergent technology. Each organization wants to join to the cloud computing environment. But some of them refuse to accept connecting due to security issues. Various security factors had been raised, some also lead to include third party assessor for solving security issues. An additional major factor in concern is the Trust on the cloud service providers level to which an organization can trust the cloud service provider for managing their company’s data. Many trust and reputation models were planned and were analyzed in this paper. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
613-615 |
150 |
Survey for Daily Collection in Credit Co-Operative Society
-Vinod Barela ; Sayali Kolhe; Chetana Chaure; Avadhut Khollam; Bhushan Borhade
Credit co-operative society not developed well in rural areas as compared to co-operative societies in urban areas. Generally, Moto of credit co-operative society is to encourage members for daily savings. Cash collector i.e. agent daily collects cash from their respective vendors & consumers as well as consumer. Our project focuses on to improves the working of cash collectors & automate the daily collection process of credit co-operative society by introducing android application. This application provides prediction based daily collection facility for agent. Through this application cash collector able to add members, add cash amount, generate PDF of report etc. Application will predict the next member nearby agent from which cash has to be collect. Android application notifies to the agent about missed members on that day or previous days. Daily & monthly reports as per collection automatically generated by android application so at the end of the day cash collector show their report in respective branch. Prediction based daily collection system reduces human efforts helpful for newly joint agents. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
616-618 |