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51 |
Study of Compressive Strength of Concrete with Steel Fiber and Silica Fume
-Akash Kumar Patel ; Dr. Rajiv Chandak
The present study involves the use of steel fiber in M-35 grade of concrete with mineral admixture (silica fume) which helps in increasing compressive strength. The effect of steel fiber on compressive strength by varying the percentage by weight of cement in additional form 1%, 2% and 3%. And then also mixed mineral admixture (silica fume) at constant rate 10% by weight of cement. The tests were performed according to Bureau of Indian standards (IS: 2770 (Part I). it was found that addition of steel fiber in concrete they give variation in strength. Read More...
India |
201-203 |
52 |
The Study of the Stability Response of a Versatile 3rd-Pole Active-OTA Filter for Different Values of Central Frequency fo
-Mr. Adnan Abdullah Qasem ; Dr. G. N. Shinde
The study proposes the stability response of a versatile 3^rd-pole current-mode active-OTA filter for different values of f_0 with Q=10. This paper illustrates a new circuit configuration for realizing the stability response of a versatile 3^rd-pole current-mode active-OTA filter. A new circuit configuration is composed only of three OAs with four dual current output operational transconductance amplifiers (OTAs). The Active-OTA filter can realize various 3^rd-pole current-mode transfer functions low-pass, band-pass, and high-pass in single circuit by suitably adjusting the current output branches. It is observed that, the low-pass filter works and extremely stable only for f_0≥25 kHz with Q=10 and the band-pass filter works and also is asymptotically stable for all values of f_O with Q=10. The high-pass filter works and is extremely unstable for all values of f_O with Q=10. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
204-208 |
53 |
Review of Plastic Aggregate in Concrete
-Satyam Shrivastava ; Vinod Kumar Arijariya
This review endeavors to give insight into hazard of plastics and its application in concrete along with compelling utilization of local squanders of plastics in cement with a specific end goal to keep the ecological strains created by them, additionally to confine the utilization of high measures of common assets. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
209-212 |
54 |
Optimization of Hollow Specimen Dimensions in Torsion Testing of AISI 1020 Steel using Grey Relational Analysis
-Rajkumar D. Patil ; Purushottam. N. Gore; Prashant A. Naik; Uttam S. Bongarde
This paper investigates the effects and parametric optimization of specimen dimensions for torsion testing of AISI 1020 steel using grey relational analysis. Four dimension parameters viz. outer diameter, inner diameter, useful length, fillet radius are considered and experiments are conducted based on L9 orthogonal array (OA).Torsion testing responses viz. modulus of rigidity (G), yield shear stress (ï´y), ultimate shear stress (ï´ut) of hollow specimen are calculated for every experimental runs. For maximum ï´y and minimum G and ï´ut, specimen dimensions are optimized based on Taguchi method coupled with grey relational analysis. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is performed to investigate contribution of each specimen dimension on the output parameters and observed that outer diameter is significant specimen dimension that affects the responses. Confirmation test using optimal specimen dimensions shows good agreement to the predicted value. Read More...
India |
213-216 |
55 |
Strength Performance of Recycled Coarse Aggregates in Marine Environment
-P. Naveen Danteswar Rao ; Dr. K. Rajeswara Rao
Now a days recycling of demolition concrete is beneficial and necessary from the viewpoint of environmental preservation and effective utilization of resources. In order to realize this, it is necessary to use demolition concrete as recycled aggregate for fresh concrete. To make it work, considerable amount of research has been conducted. Although some mechanical properties of recycled concrete may be generally lower than those of normal concrete, they are still sufficient for practical application in constructions. The use of Recycle Aggregate Concrete (RAC) in construction industry is advantageous and economical. The waste from construction and demolition work is of large volume and increasing with time. However, all these researches were mainly focusing on the properties of RAC in normal condition and rare was reported about properties of RAC with seawater corrosion, which prohibits a wider application of recycled concrete in the practical design of marine engineering structures. As mankind is stepping forward to explore the ocean, huge demands of construction materials are in need to execute the projects. The study presents the results of strength tests (compressive, split tensile and flexural strengths) conducted on Natural coarse aggregate concrete and Recycled coarse aggregate concrete of M40 grade for Normal water curing. The results of study conducted on concrete specimens subjected to sea water curing are also presented. It is concluded that up to 40% of replacement of recycled coarse aggregate can be safe and gave similar results to compare with natural aggregates in normal water curing and sea water curing. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
217-221 |
56 |
Review Paper on Fractal Antenna
-Dhirender Singh ; Ankur Singhal
Fractal microstrip antenna consists an irregular pattren on patch that can meet the requirements of designing a multiband, wideband, low profile and small antenna. In this paper, the field of fractal antenna is theoretically as well as structurally reviewed. Fractal antenna design is a geometric pattern that is repeated at every scale and hence cannot be represented by classic geometry. Fractal has unique property that it can make copies of itself at different scales .Recent studies shows that the fractal antennas show is used for low profile antenna and have their own specific characteristic that improve certain properties. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
222-225 |
57 |
Pulse Triggered Pass Transistor based Power Efficient Flip Flop
-Preeti Kumari ; Dr. Arti Noor
In this paper, a pass-transistor based low power pulse triggered flip-flop design is conferred. In this configuration, the clock pulse is generated with two input AND gate circuitry for reducing the discharging path improve the speed, and reduce the circuit complexity. In the proposed design the architecture is simplified by removing the feedback along with pseudo NMOS. As compared to the self-driven pulse triggered flip-flop, the proposed pulse triggered flip-flop design features are best power, minimum delay and Power-Delay-Product (PDP) performance along with minimum number of transistors. This is designed and simulated in Xmanager 4 with 3.5 V supply voltage and 350 Nanometer technologies. Read More...
India |
224-226 |
58 |
Comparative Study and Analysis on Hybrid Neural Network Classification
-Sushil Kumar Janardan ; Dr. Abha Choubey
In order to improve the comprehensive study and analysis on Neural Classification, high efficiency, humanization of the type of the search and eliminate games, and also to improve the search performance and rule out the accuracy of the target during intelligence games running. This paper puts forward a comprehensive method that combines Genetic Algorithm, Neural Network and Back Propagation (BP) to solve the insufficiency of computing power and low efficiency by using a single algorithm in Neural Classification. In this method, Hereditary algorithm will be utilized as a part of weight preparing of Neural Network above all else. It won’t quite repeating until Genetic Algorithm advance into a specific degree or system mistakes fulfill the requirements, and convey the best chromosome we get to Neural Network. At that point back Propagation prepares the information that goes through the Neural Network, which is Neural Network second preparing. At long last the paper applies the new route the Mie Clearance explore. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
226-229 |
59 |
Energy Auditing Tools & Saving Gadgets
-U. P. Kumar Chaturvedula ; Mr. D. Tata Rao
Energy audit is a practice developed to estimate the unnecessary usage of energy, control and also streamline processes leading to energy efficiency. Generally Industries give priority to Energy audit as its impact on a daily basis is precarious .Energy Conservation is one of the key in terms of saving excessive bills and building up of unnecessary usage. The world is an aspirant of energy efficient and it should be a forefront process to ensure the optimum usage and possible saving. This paper describes about the energy audit, techniques and tools for conservation of energy along with gadgets for energy saving . Since any developing economy like India becomes beneficent by saving considerable amount of unused energy and also recovering the waste energy. Read More...
India |
230-233 |
60 |
An Experimental Study on Geopolymer Concrete Incorporating Metakaolin and GGBS with 10m Alkali Activator
-Chenna Dada Kesava Rangaiah ; D Mahammed Rafi
Geopolymer concrete is the other source of producing concrete in which GGBS prove like a binding material which is obtained from an iron manufacturing industries like a waste. conventionally cement is used as a binding material which produce nuisance regards to pollution. We have to avoid this introduction of GGBS which is no pollution content and has no environmental pollution also the quality of concrete is improved compared to normal concrete. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
234-238 |
61 |
Advanced Hardware In Loop concept for validation of Hybrid/Electric Vehicles
-Vishal V Nair ; Prof. Srinivasan Raju; Prasanth P
The paper describes the methodology and key concepts which once employed in a Hardware In Loop (HIL) environment can result in precise testing of the Inverter ECUs used in Hybrid Electric Vehicles. The concepts described in this paper aims at bringing the simulated environment generated by HIL systems as close as possible to the real world, thereby leading to in depth testing of the components in Hev/EV in simulated environment and early detection of crucial bugs in the system. Some concepts of failure injection in to the components of Hev/Ev in a simulated environment is also described. A unique methodology is also described in this paper, which can be used to compress lengthy real world drive cycles to a short effective drive cycle , which can be then used for accelerated testing of Hybrid/Electric vehicle systems in lab environment like HIL or on Chassis Dynamometer. An accurate modelling of the real world components of Hev/Ev like electric motor, power electronics , battery etc will lead to a possibility to test and validate close to 80% of the components even before piloting it in the real car and thereby leading to huge savings in cost, time and effort. Read More...
India |
239-244 |
62 |
Defending against Malwares: Sandbox Detection and Prevention of Malwares in Android Devices
-Babysyla L
Now a days, Android malwares are growing rapidly due to its wide popularity and openness. Malware authors inject malicious code into app and upload it into Play store or third party markets. Once it is installed in the Android device, it may cause severe threats such as financial loss, privacy leakage to users etc. Therefore, this project aims at implementing an Android application sandbox system with the intent to provide an initial understanding of the behavior of unknown packages through analysis during runtime. This project is carried out as part of M. Tech Thesis work in Cyber Forensics, CDAC, Trivandrum. The proposed system executes the app under test in a sandbox environment and gives a detailed report about its behavior during runtime. In addition, a system is developed which can prevent applications from leaking privacy-sensitive data by restricting the categories of data an application can access. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
245-250 |
63 |
The Dynamic Study of Comparison of Control Algorithms of Three Phase Shunt Active Power Filter
-Sachin Dahule ; Dr Haribabu Naidu
In recent years various harmonic disturbances occur in power lines, mainly due to the nonlinear loads such as electrical machines, static power converters, and electric arc furnaces. Due to wide application of non-linear loads and electronic equipment’s in distribution system, the problem of power quality has become serious. This equipment can cause high disturbances in the power supply system. Effect of harmonic current and voltages in the power system affects the instruments connected to same power system. Shunt Active Power Filter (SAPF) is the popular and efficient solution to reduce these harmonics. SAPF can overcome voltage sag, eliminate harmonics and improves power factor. SAPF reduces total harmonic distortion (THD) to acceptable level. Reference current generation is the heart of APF. In this paper we concentrate on design of Shunt Active Power Filter (SAPF) by using STF method and IRP method to mitigate the harmonics. Here we use MATLAB/Simulink to obtain the result. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
251-254 |
64 |
Finite Element Analysis of Kinematic Linkage
-Rohit Rameshrao Kolhe ; Prof. S. S. Pimpale
This research paper presents modification in the four bar linkage that will offer a variable output for constant input in addition to the advantages of high efficiency. Thus objective of project is defined to develop a variable displacement mechanism that will convert constant rotating motion into oscillating motion that can be varied for the same constant input by using manual control. Accordingly the parts are designed and some standard pars are designed. Then 3D CAD model is created in Pro-Engineering to define the functional dimension analysis and Fit function analysis and FEA is performed in ANSYS workbench. FEA is performed to make sure that the component of the linkage is safe for critical loading and the prototype can be manufactured. Here in this paper presents the basic of finite element method and example of linkage which is solved in the ANSYS. Read More...
India |
255-258 |
65 |
Application of Quality Function Deployment for the Supplier Selection Process (Case Study)
-Swapnil Hugar ; S R Kulkarni
The manufacturing organizations are facing the pressure of increasing competition due to the varied dynamic demands of the customers. In this competitive scenario, ‘voice of customer’ gains importance. It needs to be translated into technical language. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) has been used for performing this kind of translation. The concept of supply chain is also gaining popularity as manufacturing organizations adopt the concept of outsourcing as a means to satisfy their varied customers’ demands. In supply chain management, supplier selection is a vital issue that has to be done with extreme care. In this context, this paper reports a case study in which QFD technique has been used for supplier selection in an Indian electronics switches manufacturing company. The validation results indicated the practical feasibility of deploying this approach in industrial scenario. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
259-262 |
66 |
Vibration Analysis of Two Wheeler Muffler by using FEA Software
-Nilam S. Jadhav ; Hredey Mishra
Automotive Muffler is a device used to reduce the noise produced by the engine. Muffler is used in automobile vehicles to reduce the noise produced by the exhaust gases of the engine. Muffler is also used in many other engines and generators. The size, shape and construction vary according to the type and size of the engine. The primary function of the muffler is to reduce engine noise emission. A reactive muffler generally consists of a series of resonating and expansion chambers that are designed to reduce the sound pressure level at certain frequencies. The inlet and outlet tubes are generally offset and have perforations that allow sound pulses to scatter out in numerous directions inside a chamber resulting in destructive interference. On the other hand, an absorptive or dissipative muffler uses absorption to reduce sound energy. Sound waves are reduced as their energy is converted into heat in the absorptive material. For both the types of mufflers, uniform distribution of heat is desirable. Read More...
India |
263-266 |
67 |
Mathematical Model of P53 Gene in Gene Therapy Treatment for Lung Cancer
-N. Latha ; Dr. G. Komahan
The TP53 gene, which encodes p53, is one of the most frequently mutated genes in human cancers. It is reported that approximately half of all cancers have inactivated p53 [1]. The p53 protein has broad range of biological functions, including regulation of the cell cycle, apoptosis, senescence, DNA metabolism, angiogenesis, cellular differentiation, and the immune response. Gene therapy is the insertion of a functional gene into the cells of a patient to correct an inborn error of metabolism, to alter or repair an acquired genetic abnormality, and to provide a new function to a cell. Gene therapy for the treatment of cancer has a wide variety of potential uses. Gene therapy is an experimental treatment currently being tested in clinical trials that involves introducing additional genetic material (either DNA or RNA) into cells to fight cancer in a few different ways. Read More...
India |
267-270 |
68 |
Fabrication and Thermal Analysis of Sisal Banana Epoxy Composite Size
-S.Sakthivel ; K.Sivanantham; R.Ramesh; S.Sasidharan
Thermal properties of a polymer composite is a function of resin type, fiber type, architecture, fiber volume fraction, direction of heat flow and service temperature. The thermal response of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composites plays a critical role in their performance. The objective of this project is to attain better understanding of thermal behavior of a composite structural system through fundamental understanding of thermal behavior conductivities properties and thermal stability. In this project Natural fiber composites were fabricated by hand layup process. LY556 resin and HY951 hardener mixed in the ratio 10:1 was used as matrix. Composites were fabricated using hybrid mixture of sisal and banana. The effective thermal conductivity is determined by using rule of mixtures. The thermal stability was determined by TGA/DTA techniques. Among the fabricated composites, samples with 13% sisal and 11% banana shows higher thermal stability. The sample with sisal 13% and banana 11% showed least thermal conductivity. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
271-275 |
69 |
Optimal Distributed Generation Sizing in Radial Distribution Systems for Stable Voltage and Loss Reduction
-Pooja Shivwanshi ; Sameena Elias Mubeen
Distributed generation (DG) becomes more well-known in the power sector because of its capacity in power loss reduction, low investment cost, increase reliability, and most significant to exploit renewable-energy resources. In this study, a multi-objective index-based approach for optimally determining the size of multi-DG units in distribution systems, including the voltage rise phenomenon is proposed. An analytical method for sizing of distributed generation on power distribution systems for loss reduction is introduced. The analytical method is developed based on a new formulation for the power flow problem, which is non-iterative, direct, and involves no convergence issues even for systems with high R/X branch ratios. Additional, this power flow solution is tremendously useful whenever fast and repetitive power flow estimations are required. Distributed generators (DGs) deals with practical solutions are to reduce total system loss. The proposed method has been tested on 30-bus and compare with genetic algorithm 30-bus distribution systems, which are widely used as examples in solving the placement and sizing problem of DGs. The test results show that the proposed analytical method can lead to optimal or near-optimal solution, while requiring lower computational effort. Read More...
M.Tech Power System Engineering |
India |
276-280 |
70 |
A Zero Voltage Transition Based Boost Converter for Power Factor Correction and its Application
-Mr. Vinaya B. K. ; Mr. Rajath Shankar P. S.
This project proposes a novel soft-switched auxiliary resonant circuit to provide a zero-voltage transition at turn on for a conventional pulse width modulated boost converter in a power factor correction application. The proposed auxiliary circuit enables a main switch of the boost converter to turn on under a zero-voltage switching condition and simultaneously achieves both soft-switched turn on and turn off. The proposed circuit is designed to satisfy several design constraints, including space saving, low cost and easy fabrication. As a result circuit is easily realized by a low-rated MOSFET and a small inductor. Read More...
India |
281-284 |
71 |
To Increase the Productivity of an Organization by Effective Material Handling - A Case Study
-Rahul Rajeshkumar Chauhan ; Lokesh Rathi
The work in the present paper is based on study conducted in a medium job type industry located at Vishnoli, Nadiad-Petlad road, Anand-Gujarat, which manufactures two Machine1.shot blasting 2.shot pinning & its component. Material handling is an important activity within the larger system by which materials are moved, stored, and tracked in our commercial infrastructure. The term commonly used for the larger system is logistics, which is concerned with the acquisition, movement, storage, and distribution of materials and products, as well as the planning and control of these operations in order to satisfy customer demand. External logistics is concerned with transportation and related activities that occur outside of a facility. In general, these activities involve the movement of materials between different geographical locations. The five traditional modes of transportation are rail, truck, air, ship, and pipeline. Internal logistics, more popularly known as material handling, involves the movement and storage of materials inside a given facility. Our interest in this dissertation work is on internal logistics. This dissertation work describes the basic material handling equipment principles, equipment’s and their effective implementation in a firm to increase its productivity. Read More...
M.E in Production Enginerring |
India |
285-288 |
72 |
Cognitive Network Cooperation for Green Cellular Networks
-Rinu Anna Varghese
Green networking is the method of incorporating energy efficient technologies for reducing the resource use as possible. Now a days, , there has been an increasing attention in green cellular networks for the sake of reducing the energy dissipated by communications and networking systems, including the base stations (BSs) and battery-powered user terminals (UTs). The joint employment of cognition and cooperation techniques can be invoked for improving the energy efficiency of cellular networks. To be clear, the cellular devices first have to identify the unused spectral bands (known as spectrum holes) using their spectrum sensing functionality. This idea is termed cognitive network cooperation, since different wireless access networks cognitively cooperate with cellular networks. It is shown that for a given number of information bits to be transmitted, the total energy consumed can be significantly lowered, when both cognition and cooperation are supported in cellular networks. Read More...
Communication Systems |
India |
289-292 |
73 |
Transmit Antenna Selection for Mimo-Saptial Modulation Systems
-Rinu Anna Varghese
The benefits of transmit antenna selection (TAS) invoked for spatial modulation (SM) aided multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems are discussed. The current research in TAS algorithms is concentrated on the optimization of Euclidean distance due to the high diversity gain. Here, different Transmit Antenna Selection algorithms are introduced, which is designed to provide an excellent system performance. Read More...
Communication Systems |
India |
293-295 |
74 |
Enhancement of Boiler Efficiency for Industrial Boiler by Energy Audit
-Mrs. Nishadevi N. Jadeja ; Mrs. Nishadevi N. Jadeja; Mr. Sanjay H. Zala; Mr. Vijay M. Parmar
Boiler efficiency and energy losses from boiler are important parameter for any industry using boiler. In this paper a detailed analysis is carried out for combined water and fire tube boiler using biomass coal as fuel. Boiler efficiency calculated by direct method is in range of (78.5% to 81.6%). Major losses from boiler are heat loss due to radiation and convection from non-insulated surfaces (4.8% to 6.3%), heat loss due to flue gas (6.3% to 6.4%), heat loss due to blow down (0.263 to 0.398%), heat loss due to incomplete combustion (1.87% to 2.21%), heat loss due to unburnt coal in bottom ash (1.74 % to 1.86) and heat loss due to moisture present in fuel (1.3% to 1.6%). Read More...
India |
296-300 |
75 |
A Review Paper On Video Surveillance System and Proposal to Enhance Existing Surveillance System
-Amar B. Kiravekar ; Amar B. Kiravekar; Mr. Pradip C Bhaskar
In surveillance systems the videos recorded may not be clear and high quality, if they are recorded in low illumination background or in bad weather conditions like fog or rain. So there can be a fast and effective method of getting cleared and enhanced images from surveillance videos under said conditions, where we can get a good visual quality images from acquired videos with motion detection and processing these images through illumination adjustment, haze detection and haze removal algorithms in FPGA. The system can be useful in highly sensitive places like banks, shopping malls and high way transportation, where constant monitoring is required. Accordingly a rigorous literature review has been carried out and eventually it has been concluded that processing these images by image processing algorithms in FPGA increases speed of operation and is low cost in nature. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
301-305 |
76 |
Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey
-Rohan Reddy ; Mayur Panchal; Vinay Soni
The utilization of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is foreseen to get parcel of changes information gathering, handling and dispersal for various situations and applications. Be that as it may, a WSN is a power compelled framework, since hubs keep running on restricted power batteries which abbreviate its life expectancy. Drawing out the system lifetime relies on upon proficient administration of detecting hub vitality asset. Vitality utilization is accordingly a standout amongst the most significant outline issues in WSN. Various leveled steering conventions are best known concerning vitality productivity. By utilizing a grouping procedure various leveled steering conventions enormously minimize vitality expended in gathering and spreading information. To delay the lifetime of the sensor hubs, planning proficient directing conventions is basic. In this paper, we have examined different vitality effective information accumulation conventions for sensor systems. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
306-308 |
77 |
Wormhole Attack Detection in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks: A Survey
-Rohan Reddy ; Vinay Soni; Dhara Panchal
A Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a self arranging, framework less, multi-bounce organize. The remote and disseminated nature of MANETs represents an incredible test to framework security planners. Impromptu systems are by nature extremely open to anybody. Anybody with the correct equipment and learning of the system topology and conventions can associate with the system. This permits potential assailants to penetrate the system and complete assaults on its members with the motivation behind taking or adjusting data. Particular sorts of assault, the Wormhole assault does not require misusing any hubs in the system and can meddle with the course foundation prepare. It does not require any cryptographic primitives. This assault targets particularly steering control bundles, the hubs that are close to the assailants are protected from any option courses with more than maybe a couple jumps to the remote area. All courses are in this manner coordinated to the wormhole set up by the assailants. The whole directing framework in MANET can even be cut down utilizing the wormhole assault. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
309-311 |
78 |
A Novel Approach for Secured Image Transmission by Reversible Colour Transformations
-Manasa ; Amarnath Reddy
Information security is becoming increasingly significant in the modern world. Secure Image Transmission has a potential of being adopted for mass communication. Numerous stenographic techniques for transmitting information without raising suspicion are found in. Recently, many methods have been proposed for secure image transmission, for which two common approaches are image encryption and data hiding. In image encryption, image is encrypted as a noise image by this it may arouse an attacker’s attention during transmission in data hiding image hiding on a cover image, if the secret image is large compare to cover we have to compress secret image but this type of compression not practicable in many applications Conversely A new secure image Transmission technique is implemented, known as secret fragment visible mosaic image which allows the user to securely transmit an image under the cover of another image of same size, This method presents an approach where mosaic image generation has done by dividing the secret image into fragments and transforming their respective color characteristics into corresponding blocks of the target image. Usage of the Pixel color transformations helps to yield the lossless recovered image based on the untransformed color space values. Generation of the key plays an important role to recover the secret image from the mosaic image in lossless manner. Finally the same approach can be performed on videos also which helps to eliminate the flickering artifact to achieve the lossless data recovery in motion related videos. The experimental results show good robust behavior against all incidental and accidental attacks and compare to the conventional algorithms. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
312-318 |
79 |
Adaptive on-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a collection of autonomous mobile nodes forming an ad hoc network without fixed infrastructure. Dynamic topology property of MANET may degrade the performance of the network. However, multipath selection is a great challenging task to improve the network lifetime. However, E-ODMRP implements an adaptive control mechanism with a cross-layer algorithm for the physical layer. When a node transmits multicast data, E-ODMRP can adjust the transmission rate and power level of the physical layer to minimize packet drop or retransmission due to interference between nodes belonging to the forwarding group. The proposed algorithm performs cluster formation for the base station using the range of direction and threshold of velocity. We calculate the exchange of the cluster head node probability using the direction and velocity for maintaining cluster formation. Simulation results confirmed that E-ODMRP provides an improved throughput of up to 46% compared to ODMRP. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
319-324 |
80 |
Multi-attribute Group Decision Making Based On Bidirectional Projection Measure
-S. Salman ; Dr. V. Diwakar Reddy; Dr.G. Krishnaiah
This paper develops a method for solving the multiple attribute group decision making problems with the interval valued neutrosophic information. Initially, propose a non-linear equation using Euclidean distance measures based on maximizing deviation method. The non-linear equations solved by Lagrange function to obtain attribute weights. Further, that ranking the alternatives based on bidirectional projection measures from Ideal Interval Neutrosophic Estimates Reliability Solution (IINERS) and Ideal Interval Neutrosophic Estimates Un-reliability Solution (IINEURS) to select the best alternative. Finally, an illustrative example demonstrates the application of the proposed method. The effectiveness and advantages of the proposed method are shown by the comparative analysis with existing relative methods. Read More...
Industrial Engineering |
India |
325-329 |
81 |
Design an Intersatellite System and Comparative Bit Error Rate Analysis for RZ and NRZ Encoding Scheme for Different Power Levels at 40 GBPS Intersatellite Optical Link
-Pooja Tripati ; Swatantra Tiwari
In the modern world we require higher data rate and high speed of communication which connect the world. Satellite communication is the system which is used to interconnect the world. Conventional communication system depends on the RF link to connect intersatellite network. But RF has several limitations such as frequency allocation, size of transmitter and receiving antenna and heavy structure hence make it less suitable for intersatellite communication. Hence we move toward the optical technology .Optical link connect the several kilometers link between satellites with high speed advantage. In this paper we are studying the high speed optical link performance with various encoding schemes. Read More...
M.Tech(Digital Electronics) |
India |
330-333 |
82 |
Experimental Study of Sustainable Concrete by Partial Replacement of Cement with Rice Husk Ash
-Praveen Kumar ; Praveen Kumar; Nancy Soni
Different materials with pozzolanic properties such as fly ash. Condensed silica fume, blast furnace slag and rice husk ash have played an important part in the production of high performance concrete. During the late 20th century, three has been an increase in the consumption of mineral admixture by the cement and concrete industries.[4] The increasing demand for cement and concrete is met by the partial replacement for energy intensive Portland cement. Pozzolanic materials have long demonstration their effectiveness in producing high performance concrete. Artificial pozzolanas such as supplementary cementing material in many part of the world.[2] This work evaluates the compressive strength of rice husk ash (RHA) as a partial replacement for PPC in concrete.[1] The main aim of this work is to determine the optimum %( 0, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16) of (RHA) as partial replacement of cement for M35 grade of concrete. And also effect of super plasticizer on mechanical properties. [3] In addition, results show that RHA as an artificial pozzolanic material has enhanced the durability of RHA concrete. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
334-338 |
83 |
Effect of RBI Grade-81 on Geotechnical Properties of Black Cotton Soil
-Alok Kumar
Soil stabilization is a major concern in India where the civil engineering infrastructure is developing at a very fast pace. Large area of country is covered with expansive soil which has poor engineering properties and not suitable for construction. So soil stabilization is necessary to enhance it’s engineering performance such as workability, stiffness, strength, permeability, compressibility and sensitivity. In this study, RBI Grade-81 has been used as soil stabilizer. The effectiveness of the stabilizer is investigated through laboratory experiments. The locally available Black cotton soil is procured from MANIT, Bhopal Campus and used for this investigation. Various Laboratory tests such as Atterberg’s limit test, Compaction test, Unconfined Compressive strength test and Differential free swell test were performed to study the effect of RBI Grade-81 on the soil. Experimental results showed that RBI Grade-81 decreased the MDD and increased the OMC. It reduced the Plasticity and swelling characteristics of soil. It was also observed from the test results that with the increasing dosage of RBI and with increasing curing periods, it effectively improved the UCS values of soil. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
339-343 |
84 |
Performance Analysis of Routing Protocol with Effective Buffer Management Technique in WSN
-Soniya Chavan
Routing in WSN has dependably been a dangerous issue of concern mainly because of a few components extending from unfriendly deployment conditions, network topology that change over and over, Network failures, resource constraints at each sensor hub to designing of routing protocol issues. Accordingly, the implementation of routing protocol is influenced by a few fundamental elements which must be thought about before any attempt at designed routing are implemented, since these elements may keep the fruitful configuration and implementation of routing protocol if these difficulties are disregarded. Dynamic-Source Routing (DSR) protocol is mainly source based routing protocol and designed to limit the bandwidth consumed by packets in WSN by eliminating the periodic table-update messages required in table-driven approach. The proposed system is Multilayer Buffer Management DSR (MBMDSR) where multilayer buffer management mechanism is implemented in existing DSR protocol. Read More...
Software Engineering |
India |
344-347 |
85 |
A Portable Low Power Health Monitoring and Assistance for Critical Patients During Natural Disasters
-Md. Fazil Khan ; K. Snehalatha
Durable Medical Equipments (DME) such as ventilators, dialysis machines, and patient monitoring devices are life-supporting devices which are used extensively by the patients at home. These devices are electrically operated. While convenient and economical at home use of DME is susceptible to power outages, especially the ones caused by natural disasters that occur in large area and for a long time. To overcome this difficulty there is a technology which allows the hospitals to monitor DME- dependent patients without using the current infrastructure, such as the landlines, the cell towers, Ethernet cable or the Internet, which utilizes a radio ad hoc network to automatically report the patient’s information and location, DME information and status to a nearby hospital when a power outage is detected. The system consists of two parts: a hospital-based receiving device called the Base station node and the multiple transmitting devices called User nodes, each connected to the DME at patient’s home. The two stations communicate with each other; transmit the data using Xbee radio implementing Zigbee protocol. The system is provided with rechargeable battery which can be recharged by mechanical system in the absence of electricity. The system works without relying on the infrastructure, and allows hospital staff to know the information and locations of DME and their users and provide help needed during natural disasters. Read More...
biomedical signal processing and instrumentation |
India |
348-352 |
86 |
A Review on Medical Image Compression Methods and Their Characteristics
-Tarun Das Manikpuri ; Chandrashekhar Kamargaonkar
Medical images are employ for disease detection. The problem faced by the physician and the team is to store them using less space. A large numbers of patients come in a day even in small hospitals and this become necessary to store the health data of each of the patient. Medical images including radiography, magnetic resonance (MR), mammography and ultrasonic images, brain MRI, CT images and so on, this images are big size data and having such numerous amount of patient the storage this kind images occupies more area in storing devices. So there is need is to compress the medical images for storage. The another requirement of medical image compression is the transmission of medical images for second opinion of the specialist doctors who is far away from the patient. So there is need to compress the images to be resolve the verity of problem related to storage and transmission, so this long term rapid transmission is not prohibited without image compression. To make the medical images more useful and process-able and also to reduce the transmission time the image must be compressed. By compression appearance of image become more visual too and compression it will help to reduce the transmission error as less data will transmit. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
353-357 |
87 |
VLC and LiFi as Future of Wireless Transmission
-Kamalkali Maity ; Alka Upadhyay; Satabdi Pramanik
Visible Light Communication (VLC) is a free-space advanced Optical Wireless Communication (OWC) technology that uses visible light (375nm-780nm) to transmit data across distances. VLC is much preferable than existing wireless technologies like Wi-Fi, Wi-Max, Bluetooth etc. in terms of security, data rate and cost. Conventional Wireless technologies use radio waves and this radio wave based technology is limited in bandwidth, interfered with signals of different electronic equipment and easily accessed or hacked by unauthorised users. To overcome these limitations, we can use visible light for transmitting data which can be referred as “Data Transmission Through Illuminationâ€. VLC uses white Light Emitting Diodes (LED), which transmit information by flashing light at speeds undetectable to the human eye. VLC covers a huge area in terms of its application. Light-Fidelity (Li-Fi) is a new VLC based technology that is proposed in late 2011 by prof. Harald Haas, uses illumination for internet data communication and will be implemented in a near future. The advantage of Li-Fi over present wireless systems is that the electromagnetic spectrum bandwidth used for visible light communication (VLC) of Li-Fi is 10,000 times greater than for electromagnetic spectrum bandwidth of radio frequencies for present wireless systems. As VLC is a relatively new concept in the field of data transmission, a lot of research is being done so that VLC can be used for various commercial purposes. It is found that not a lot research has been on the development of Li-Fi, so the possibilities are wide open. If this concept can be implemented successfully, it will surely bring a revolution in wireless data transmission. This paper presents an overview of VLC and the design of Li-Fi circuit and analysis of its performance over traditional wireless systems. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
358-363 |
88 |
Customer satisfaction in Mobile VAS and Importance of VAS- M-Commerce
-R. Parvathi ; Dr. Veena Angadi; Dr Gopala Krishana
Vibrant Business Scenario of the Indian economy is growing at a faster rate thanks to liberalization, globalization and privatization. Every Business Entity is competing with each other in order to maximize their revenue. In the process every Business concern is compelled to cope up with financial pressure customer loyalty and satisfaction. Competition is not only with prices of any products, but also with accessibility to customer with in no time. In this back drop M-Commerce gives raises to a new platform to Business concerns to approach the customer with utmost Preferential Products to consumer satisfaction. Communication has been playing a important role in man's life from time immemorial inventions like radio, television, telephone and computer made a tremendous in the world. Read More...
India |
364-368 |
89 |
Mechanical Properties of Fly Ash Blended Concrete Made With Coal Washery Rejects as Coarse Aggregate
-H. Swarna Sree ; R.Rajesh Kumar; A. Sumalatha
This investigation studied the mechanical properties of concrete containing CWR at different replacement levels (0% - 50%).The values of the mechanical properties like Compressive strength test, Split tensile strength, Flexural strength, Modulus of Elasticity and Bond strength were compared to M 25 grade of conventional concrete (CC). From the results, it is revealed that 30% CWR replacement can be considered as optimum level in the construction industry. Coarse aggregate replaced with five percentages (10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50%) of fly ash by weight. Tests were conducted for properties of fresh concrete (workability), and compressive strength was determined at 7, 28 and 56 days. Test results indicate significant improvement in the strength properties of plain concrete by the inclusion of fly ash as partial replacement of either fine aggregate (sand) or cement and can be effectively used in concrete structures. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
369-371 |
90 |
Optimization of Resistance Spot Weld Parameters using Grey Relational Analysis
-Mayank Sao ; Dr (Mr.) R Banchor
Resistance spot welding approach in joining process which is widely accepted in the automotive industry to join steel parts of various thicknesses and types. The current practice in the automotive industry in determining the welding characteristics, which will be used in the welding process. This study concerns the employment of Taguchi Based grey relational analysis to determine the optimized joint characteristics in stainless steel & Mild steel joining of dissimilar materials. The joint characteristics, namely Electrode Force (KN), Weld Current (KA), Hold Time (Cycle) function of Average Tensile Shear Strength (kN), Average Weld Nugget Diameter (mm), Average Weld Indentation (mm). The experimentation in this work used a L9 orthogonal array with three factors with each factor having three levels. Taguchi Based grey relational analysis is employed to characterize the multiple quality characteristics of welded joint in terms of a relational grade. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is then carried out to ascertain the relative influence of process parameters on the joint characteristics. The three factors used are welding current, weld time and electrode force. The three weld characteristics that were optimized are Average Tensile Shear Strength (kN), Average Weld Nugget Diameter (mm), Average Weld Indentation (mm). The analysis of variance (ANOVA) that was carried out showed that welding current gave the most significant contribution in the optimum welding schedule. The comparison test that was carried out to compare the current welding schedule and the optimum welding schedule showed distinct improvement in the increase of weld diameter and weld strength has well as decrease in electrode indentation. Read More...
M.E in Production Enginerring |
India |
372-378 |
91 |
Design of Ultra Wide Band Antenna with DGS for Wi-Fi Communication
-Harshit Sharma ; Anshul Agarwal
Wireless Communication is the need of today world communication. In the paper proposed antenna is designed for enhancing the range of wifi communication. Various antenna used for this purpose for example Vivaldi antenna, Horn antenna, monopole antenna, folded dipole antenna,microstrip patch antenna with slot and defect ground structure etc. in the paper firstly proposed antenna is designed at 5.8GHz for wifi communication, after that antenna is made ultra wide band by applying DGS technology to the ground so that the range of wifi communication can be increased. An antenna is considered ultra wide band if its bandwidth is greater than 500MHz.Designed antenna give the return loss of 12.71db at 5.793GHz .It gives the bandwidth of 89MHz .It also gives the gain of 6.937dB ,and it also give a value of Electric field distribution is 22.68*103V/m Now the DGS technology applied to the ground plan of the designed antenna. It also reduces the size of the antenna. It give the return loss 15.66dB at 5.10 GHz, frequency is shifted because of using DGS in the ground plane. it gives the bandwidth of 1.4GHz which is far better than the base antenna in which the bandwidth was 89MHz.antenna is also become the ultra wide band because its bandwidth is greater than 500MHz.antenna gain is 3.503dB it is reduces as compared to the base antenna because of bandwidth is increased by very high amount, it also verify the relation of gain bandwidth product is constant. Electric field distribution with DGS is 34.06*103 it is also increased in very high amount. It can be said that antenna bandwidth increased in very high amount, it will increases the range of wifi communication. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
379-382 |
92 |
Durability Properties of Fly Ash Blended Concrete Made with Coal Washery Rejects as Coarse Aggregate
-A. Sumalatha ; H.Swarna Sree; R.Rajesh Kumar
This investigation studied the durability properties of concrete containing CWR at different replacement levels (0% - 50%).The values of the durability properties like water absorption, RCPT, Drying shrinkage were compared to M 25 grade of conventional concrete (CC). From the results, it is revealed that 30% CWR replacement can be considered as optimum level in the construction industry.Coarse aggregate replaced with five percentages (10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50%) of fly ash by weight. Tests were conducted for properties of fresh concrete (workability), and compressive strength was determined at 7, 28 and 56 days. Test results indicate significant improvement in the strength properties of plain concrete by the inclusion of fly ash as partial replacement of either fine aggregate (sand) or cement and can be effectively used in concrete structures. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
383-386 |
93 |
Performance Analysis of Evacuated Tube Heat Pipe Solar Water Heating System using Nanofluid coupled with parabolic Trough Concentrator
-Vishal A.Barmate ; Hemant V. Darokar
Utilization of solar energy is the major hurdle in the application of thermal energy. Solar energy is one of the cleaner forms of renewable energy resources which achieve the need of people in the field of thermal energy. The study shows the utilization solar energy with the help experimental setup involve of parabolic through collector concentrating solar energy on evacuated tube heat pipe which transforming radiation energy into useful heat. Currently use of nanofluids in solar thermal technology for heat transfer enhancement is focus of interest. Experimental setup consist four heat pipes out of that two as a single unit and other two as another unit. The working fluid for each unit of heat pipe is water and Al2O3 respectively. Parabolic trough collectors concentrate solar radiation on heat pipe through evacuated tube. The experiment conducted for 12 days with different climatic condition. Temperatures at the outlet measured for both the system. The heat absorption rate was more in the unit consisting Al2O3 as a working fluid inside the heat pipe. Thermal performance of nanofluid contains heat pipe evacuated tube solar collector coupled with PTC is improved than conventional heat pipe evacuated tube solar collector with PTC. The enhancement in instantaneous collector efficiency obtained is 19-21%. At the same time effect of inclination angle and mass flow rate on performance of heat pipe evacuated tube collector is also studied. Read More...
Energy |
India |
393-400 |
94 |
Study on Effect of Austempering Temperature and Time on the Corrosion Resistance of Carbidic Austempered Ductile iron (CADI) Material.
-Sanket P Mahadik ; Prof. Madhavi S.Harne; Dr. Sunil A. Patil
Corrosion Resistance of ductile cast iron is improved by the incorporation of an extra phase in the matrix, typically consist of carbides. The objective of the present work is to produce carbides in a ductile cast iron which is subsequently austempered, to obtain the carbidic austempered ductile iron (CADI). Six variants of CADI were produced by heating carbidic ductile iron (CDI) to a austenitization temperature of 975ºC for the period of 1hr and quenching in salt bath at temperature 325ºC and at 250ºC for a period of 1hr, 2hr and 3hr.The Corrosion Resistance was evaluated by using Salt Spray Fog test in accordance with ISO 9227 standard. Heat treatments affect the mechanical properties such as Bulk hardness and microhardness also the microstructure of the carbidic austempered ductile iron which can be characterized by optical microscope and SEM. Read More...
Production Engineering |
India |
401-406 |
95 |
Experimental Investigation of Aerodynamic Behavior of a Flat Plate with Tapered Edges
-Nishesh Singh ; Amit Shrivastava; Siddharth kosti
An aerodynamic analysis has been done in this experimental investigation on a flat plate with tapered edges. Experiments were carried out in a low speed wind tunnel which is open circuit type and the experimental data was collected at different Reynolds number. All the experiments have been done on the flat plate under the influence of angle of attack and Reynolds number. Flat plate has been tested from 0o to 180o angle of attack increasing 30o in each step and at four different Reynolds numbers and at positive and negative inclination of edges. The coefficient of drag was calculated. It was also observed that the drag coefficients get increased with increase of Reynolds number, and also increases with angle of attack up to certain limit. The maximum value of drag coefficient is observed at 1200 angle of attack and maximum value of drag coefficient is observed as 0.38 at negative edges of inclination. Read More...
M-Tech(thermal power engineering) |
India |
407-409 |
96 |
Review on Effect of Glass Fiber on Blended Cement Concrete
-Susanna Saladi ; Partheepan Ganesan; P. Markandeya Raju
This paper presents use of glass fiber in blended cement concrete attracted the attention from construction industry. In the present study, the effect of addition of glass fiber on blended cement concrete such as fly ash based cement concrete and GGBS based cement concrete were studied. This paper reviews the current state of knowledge and technology of using fly ash, GGBS and Glass fiber. A detailed review on the various preparation techniques and the resulting properties of glass fiber are presented and the effect of glass fibers on the blended cement concrete properties is discussed in this paper. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
410-417 |
97 |
Temporal and Spatial Dependencies of Rice Production in India
-Kiran S R
Rice is a very important agricultural produce in India which is greatly dependent on rainfall. Grown during different times of the year at different regions of the country, the crop heavily relies on the availability of water during different phases of its growth. This study delves into the temporal and spatial correlations of monsoon and post monsoon rainfall on kharif and rabi rice yields respectively. The study shows the strong dependence of kharif production on Summer monsoon. On the other hand, Rabi production is substantially correlated with the precipitation of December of the previous year. Further, the study on the influence of Bay of Bengal cyclones on the rabi production for the states along the east Indian coast shows the constructive relation between the number of cyclones and the Rabi rice production in Odisha. Read More...
Agricultural Sciences |
India |
418-420 |
98 |
Study of Crack Initiation in FGM SE(T) Specimen using Finite Element Method
-Mr. Nitesh Kumar Varshney ; Mr. Nikhil Gupta; Prof. Vijay Kumar Yadav
In this work, we have demonstrated a simple and robust means to implement the modeling of discontinuous fields with FEM technique. The FEM is used to study the crack modeling in isotopic and FGM. Issues pertaining to the selection of nodes for enrichment, computation of the enrichment functions, array-allocation for the enriched nodal degree of freedom, mesh-geometry interactions, and assembly of global stiffness matrix and external force vector are addressed. This study has provided the capability and revealed ease by which discontinuous fields through the partition of unity framework can be incorporated within a standard finite element package. Read More...
India |
421-424 |
99 |
Smart Home Automation using Android Application
-Abhishek Saxena ; Saurabh Saxena; Mohit Sharma; Ankur Maurya; Akshay Kumar
Today is a world of advanced mobile applications which are used exhaustively to save time and energy. These applications ease day-to-day life of a common man. Based on these technologies and applications, we have designed a Home Automation System. In this paper, we propose design and prototype implementation of home automation system that uses Wi-Fi technology and Android operating system. An attractive market for Home Automation System is for busy families and individuals with physical limitations. Users can control electrical appliances in home or office via smart phone. This project aims at providing security and controlling every happening at home or office on your fingers. Read More...
India |
425-427 |
100 |
A Comparative Study on Classification Algorithms for Sentiment Analysis
-Vrunda Joshi ; Dr. Vipul Vekariya
Social media is a very popular way of expressing opinions and integrating with other people in the online world. How to analyze user generated reviews and to classify them into different sentiment classes is gradually becoming a question that people play close attention to. This problem has become a comparison benchmark test for different classification methods. Sentiment analysis focused on social networks, product reviews, stock market, news comments, etc. In this paper, I survey the various algorithms available for sentiment analysis. Different algorithms are use like Support Vector Machine, K-Nearest Neighbor, Artificial Neural Networks, etc. Sentiment analysis is used in politics, to detect stock, to add or nix the advertisements. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
428-430 |