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251 |
Karanja Biodiesel as an Alternate Fuel in CI engine: A Review
-Nayee Nikhil Rajeshkumar ; Dr. Tushar M Patel
In today's Technological revolution era, boost of usage of fuel has a requirement for identifying the substitute fuel for today’s researcher engineers. Energy utilization becomes more vital because of an augmentation of global population and industrialization. Fossil fuels reverses drop down daily and its price becomes higher. So, alternative fuel named Biodiesel need arise to mitigate this shortage. The source used for the Biodiesel production is the eco-friendly and emit less emission. Several cooking and non-cooking oils and fats, agricultural waste, plastic waste, tire waste, etc. are feedstock of the Biodiesel and engine lubes. Biodiesel is decomposable, degradable and protect the globe. These Biodiesel used in most CI engines with minimum alteration in the engine manifold. This review paper contains the harvesting the Biodiesel from the source of Non cooking oil like Karanja oil, by altering the different Factors, demonstration and the exhaust features of Biodiesel blend in CI engine in different content like B10, B20, B30 etc. and discover the best suitable proportion of the blend for CI engine. Based on a descriptive piece of writing, this review paper shows that Karanja Biodiesel blend is successfully used in CI engines as substitute fuel without any alteration in the engine component and the circuit unit of the engine system. Read More...
India |
955-959 |
252 |
Design and Fabrication of Zero Degree Turn Four Wheel Steering System
-Abbas Sharif ; Nadeem Hussain; Zoheb Ansari; D. H Agrawal
Nowadays every vehicle existed mostly using the two wheels steering to control the movement of the vehicle. We are designing the four wheel steering system named as “Quadra Steering System.†In this system one halve of the vehicle will rotate in same direction while the other halve of the vehicle wheel rotate in opposite to this side .in order to achieve this a mechanism which contest of two bevel gear an intermediate shaft which transmit 100% torque and turn rear wheel was developed. The mechanism was modeled using Catia. This result in more stability, less body leaning and easy parking at traffic places. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
960-961 |
253 |
Satellite Image Based Study for Land Use Land Cover Changed Due to Mining Activity during (1987 to 2011) at Dhanbad District of Jharkhand
-Surajit Bera ; Dr. Mobin Ahmad; Madhumita Dey
Land use and land cover change has become a prime issued in present scenario for managing natural resources and utilization of land. Dhanbad is the coal capital of India and the fastest mining area in India witnessing fast land use change in agriculture land, vegetation, open scrub and water bodies. This study reveals a dynamic land cover change in the study area due to sand and enhancement of agriculture land. Using the Landsat-5 TM images of Dhanbad District acquired in 1987 and 2011 classification was done. Land Use Land Cover change (LU/LC) is a dynamic process taking place on the surface and it became a central component in current strategy. Therefore, land use land cover change analysis is very important for environmental management. LU/LC helps to plan for future changes that may occur in that area and to taking decision to realize the effects of these changes. Decision makers also have to identify, what are the factors that affect the LU/LC change (such as population, agricultural growth etc.). the aim of this study to detect land use land cover changed during 1987 to 2011 using satellite images of Landsat-5 TM. Remote sensing and geographical information system technology are providing new tools for monitoring fast land use change. The massive changes of land use land covers are dense forest, low dense forest, open scrub, agricultural land, agricultural fallow, built-up, mining, river, water bodies, sand and barren land. The synoptic analysis revealed to the rapid increase in mining activity and degraded the forest land cover. The study was found that a phenomenal change in the mining areas, change in vegetation cover and change in built-ups land. The overall trend indicates considerable growth in the mining areas with increase in urban areas. Mining area shows the maximum change with an increase of 5% and as a result decreases in vegetation cover. The low dense areas and open scrub suffered decrease in area i.e. 1% and 2% respectively. The land is now converted into open cast and underground mining. The second major change noticed is the increase in built-up i.e. 2%, this resulted in decrease in dense forest covers. The dense forest cover gone through a tremendous change; with a decrease in 4% land cover. Rest of the land cover showed minor changes like water bodies increased up to 2%, reason may be seasonal variation or other. Certain land covers like river and sand shows no change. Read More...
India |
962-965 |
254 |
Real Time Monitoring of Solar Power Generating Station using Labview
-Priyadarshini N ; Vidhya R; Banu Priya M; Prince Daniel S H
Generating power with solar cells has been developed rapidly in recent years and in parallel of photovoltaic (pv) systems becoming wide spread in power generation systems in all around the world, there has been some requirements about integration of pv power generation systems into the traditional generating system[1]. In this proposal the monitoring of solar power generating station is implemented through My RIO, LabVIEW software’s. Here the output from the solar panel is fed to the charge control to feed a constant DC voltage to the battery. An inverter circuit is used to supply a single phase load. For the proper utilization of the power obtained, a monitoring system has been developed using LabVIEW software. Read More...
Renewable Energy |
India |
966-967 |
255 |
A Review on Fabrication & Testing of Digital Tachometer
-Lalit Kumar ; Yashesh; Amit Sharma
The problems of using analog tachometer that is found in most cars and bike, such as inability to display exact speed reading, has lead to recent of digital tachometer.
However, this digital tachometer, that read the rounding speed of engine, can only be found in the luxury and advanced cars due to high cost and higher damage risk. Thus, the low cost digital tachometer is proposed in this project. This project is an improvement to the previous project where instead of two digits display, the tachometer is proposed to have three or more than three digits display. At the end of this project, the main objectives of displaying the speed of the vehicle shaft rotating should be achieved. And from this project, it is hoped that all to use this digital tachometer.
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
968-970 |
256 |
An Android Application on Visual Reasoning Questions and Maze Game: BrainFreezer
-Kaivalya Salpekar ; Sauravi Karhu; Sahil Shende; Radhikha Khanzode; Amruta Bansod
BrainFreezer is an android application consisting of two games. Game 1: Maze Runner: In this game the user will have to find a way through the maze to reach the destination. The maze will consist of one start point and one end point. The user will have to find the correct path starting from the source through the maze to reach the destination. Game 2: Visual Reasoning: In visual Reasoning game the user will have many questions on Visual Reasoning of many types. The user will be given 4 options for every question and he will have to select one right answer from those options. The user will be provided with correct answer for every question with its explanation. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
971-972 |
257 |
Glass Powder as a Supplementary Replacement of Cementenious Material in Concrete
-Alitha Aasif Mehbub ; Dr. K B Parikh; Prof. M A Jamnu
Today concrete is the most demanded material in the construction world. As day by day increasing construction so concrete demands the large amount of production of cement. Cement manufacturing industry is one of the carbon dioxide emitting sources besides deforestation and burning of fossil fuels. The global warming is caused by the emission of greenhouse gases, such as CO2, to the atmosphere. 1 Ton of cement production emits 1 ton of CO2 in the atmosphere. Therefore, to control the environmental effects associated with cement manufacturing, there is a need to develop alternative binders to make concrete. There are many researches is ongoing into the use of cement replacements, by using many waste materials and industrial by products. In the present project finely powdered waste glasses are used as a partial replacement of cement in concrete and compared it with conventional concrete. This work examines the possibility of using Glass powder as a partial replacement of cement for concrete. Glass powder was partially replaced with cement as 10%, 20% and 25%. Glass powder a waste material will be used which improves the compressive strength, durability, flexural strength of concrete at later age. The use of glass powder in concrete prevents landfills. Read More...
India |
973-975 |
258 |
Review of Increase in Productivity of an Industry by Applying Lean Manufacturing Process
-Sandeep Kumar Tembhre ; Vivek Babele; Dr. Shankar Kumar
Lean manufacturing is defined as a systematic approach to identifying and eliminating waste through continuous improvement, flow the product at the pull of the customer in pursuit of perfection. Implementation of lean manufacturing is very helpful to all manufacturing arrangements, it reduces all kinds of waste and non-value added activities. Lean is very wide concept. Here I motivated to apply lean concepts in manufacturing system i.e. automobile industry. Today industries are facing various problems related to quality and customer demand. The present study has been undertaken for analyzing different types of wastes in a Diesel Locomotive Plant’s Light Machine Shop (crankshaft section) with an aim to design strategies for developing and implementing a Lean Manufacturing Program in such machine shops. The study has been carried out in a phased manner. For the purpose of modeling for developing a strategy for implementation, the controls identified have been grouped into broad, generalized category. Expert opinion has been utilized to identify factors and parameters affecting the development of a generalized approach for implementation. Generalized of various measures for developing an approach to be used by industry in the future has been suggested using expert belief. It has further been suggested that the implementation of the development approach be carried out in three phases. With the help of lean we increase production rate and improve quality. Read More...
India |
976-979 |
259 |
Flow Simulation on New Airfoils Design
-Alan A ; T. Aravind Raj; T. Amuthan Samsudeen; V. Sri Ram; G. Daison
Airfoil is the cross section of the wing, which produces the lift force due to pressure difference between upper and lower surface of the airfoil, also the airfoil produces some amount of drag force, which resist the forward motion of the aircraft. The main aim of this paper is to formulate a design to reduce the drag force as well as to increase the aerodynamic efficiency of the airfoil. Flow simulation on NACA 2412 airfoil was considered as reference model for comparing with new airfoil designs from various fish shapes by the value of CL, CD and aerodynamic efficiency .i.e. CL/CD ratio. For increasing aerodynamic efficiency, new airfoil shapes were created from world’s fastest top fishes and analyzed by using CATIA and ANSYS software respectively. The CL, CD, CL/CD ratio and power required calculation were calculated for both NACA 2412 and new airfoil shapes. Read More...
Aeronautical Engineering |
India |
980-983 |
260 |
Implementation of Zigbee and GPS Based Tracking System for Demantia Patients
-Vinutha ; Heartlin Maria. H; Elakiya; Brindha
Location based services are the next major area of growth in the generation of info-communication. This work focuses on developing a patient tracking system for mild Cognitive impaired patients. The proposed architecture of the system integrates GPS-Zigbee technology for tracking dementia patients. The main emphasis of the work is on miniaturization and a cost effective indigenous product. The main aim of this system is to continuously monitor the location of the patients. RF enabled technology is implemented for automatic monitoring. The user can pair their android mobile with the GPS tracker and zigbee so that they can keep a track of the exact location of the patient even from indoor. The design is very sophiscated that, the user has to just search their requirement from their mobile. In case the user wants the location of the patient, they can send a message with a code and the device uses the GPS system to locate and send the information regarding the exact latitude and longitude position. Read More...
India |
984-988 |
261 |
A review on Experimental Study on Performance of Four Stroke Diesel Engine using Waste Plastic Bio-Diesel Blends
-Shaileshkumar Kodarbhai Shah ; Patel Mehul
In this study, production, performance and emission characteristics of methyl esters of Oleander, Kusum and Bitter Groundnut oil in a transportation diesel engine were studied. Oleander oil methyl esters (OOME), Kusum oil methyl esters (KOME) and bitter Groundnut Oil Methyl Esters (BGOME) were prepared by transesterification process. The effects of three methyl esters on engine performance and exhaust emissions were examined at different engine speed and full load condition. An interesting alternative to fossil fuel for Diesel engines is the use of Diesel-like oil from plastic wastes: such a solution yields the double advantage of recovering the valuable energy content of wastes, as well as of mitigating the disposal problem of the very large amount of plastic wastes produced by both domestic and industrial activities. Read More...
India |
989-990 |
262 |
Different Approaches in Cooperative Underwater Acoustic Communication
-Divya R ; Meera Panicker P. R
underwater communication is one of the unique and challenging fields in communication engineering in the case of both designing and communication. Previous papers explained about different views in acoustic based underwater communication. Communication with acoustic waves is suitable type of wireless transmission with sound waves underwater. This paper explains about different underwater acoustic communication approaches. Here in this paper it summarizes different estimation, equalization and transmission criteria of acoustic waves through underwater. This is a review paper to combine different approaches in UWAC as a summary work. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
991-994 |
263 |
War Filed Spy Robot with Target Detection & Shooting using Camera
-Prof. Bhavana Savaliya ; Gondaliya Pooja Bhupatbhai; Jadav Manish Kantibhai; Manavadariya Tejashri Chandubhai; Ponkiya Monika Nandlalbhai
In this paper a robot will be helpful for spying and object detect & shooting purpose in war fields. A robotics vehicle using Bluetooth or RF technology for remote operation attached with wireless camera for monitoring purpose. This project proposes an autonomous moving system which automatically finds its target from a scene, lock it and approach towards its target and hits through a shooting mechanism. The main objective is to provide reliable, cost effective and accurate technique to destroy an unusual threat in the environment using image processing. Humans have evolved to better survive and have evolved their invention. In today’s age, a large number of robots are placed in many areas replacing manpower in severe or dangerous workplaces. Moreover, the most important thing is to take care of this technology for developing robots progresses. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
995-997 |
264 |
Novel Point of View for Re-Engineering and Reverse Engineering through Genetic Algorithm in Software Testing
-T. Rubini ; M. Rajalakshmi
Software testing is a process used to identify the accuracy completeness and quality of the well developed software. It includes a set of activities, conducted with the intent of finding bugs or errors in software so it corrected before product released to the client or end users. Software testing is an activity to check whether actual results match the expected results and to ensure that software system is error free or defect free. Software testing is more than just error detection. Testing software is operating the software under controlled conditions, to verify that it behaves as specified, finding bugs/errors and validate that what has been specified is what the user’s requirements. Actually testing is the process of analyzing a software item to detect the differences between existing and required conditions and to evaluate the features of the software item. All of the tools using after generated software and subsequently undertaking initial test merely. In this research paper, we have discussed concerning how can test by means of infinity or else maximum set of values using with the assistance of genetic algorithm. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
998-1000 |
265 |
Design & Development of Floating Vertical Submerged Pump with Crusher & Aerator by Remote Control Motion
-Madhuri P. Deshmukh ; Rushikesh B. Sonawane; Sagar D. Murkute; Aniket S. Sahane; Kunal Marathe
Research involves design and development of floating for vertical submerged pump with crusher. For this Research pump which is partially submerged in liquid and crusher is placed at bottom face area of pump by extending shaft from impeller is used. Crusher is used for homogenous mixing of thick (solid) sludge and liquid before lifting from pump. Floating is required to float the pump on liquid and move the pump at different direction and different location in lagoon. Generally in case of sugar factory, thick sludge is settle down at lagoon bottom due to this lagoon capacity gets decrease. In such condition pump is move in lagoon at different direction and location with the help of floating and make the homogenous mixing of sludge and water by using crusher. Floating pump is very useful to increase capacity of lagoon and make homogenous mixing of sludge and liquid at minimum cost. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1001-1003 |
266 |
GSM Based Transformer Health Care Monitoring with Overload Alert and Protection
-Pardeshi Sham Shivaji ; Patange Onkar Anantrao; Sathe Rahul Ashok; Prof. Rajnor D.L.
The power transformer is most important electrical equipment. It is used in power Transmission system; they perform the function of transforming the voltage levels. So maintenance of power transformer is required; they are located at different types of geographical areas periodical checking is not possible all the time due to insufficient amount of man power. So that due to this types of reason transformer failure may occur power shutdown. So to overbear this shutdown due to transformer failure we proposed a system for observing the transformer .The objectives of our project is to monitor as well as protect oil level, oil quality then temperature and voltage level of transformer without involving men’s power. If any abnormal condition occurs the message will be send to the control panel .This monitoring system consist of PIC 18F4520 micro controller as well as LM35 temperature sensor, level sensor, GSM and LCD. So that result obtained in the proposed system with suitable changes can be applied to the real time system. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1004-1005 |
267 |
Multipurpose Agricultural Robot
-Dhage Sunil Kundalik ; Deokar Akshay Anil; Dudhat Ganesh Sukhadev; More Avinash Devidas; Shedge Ravindra Babasaheb
Automation was the rage of the engineering world. Developed agriculture needs to find new way to increase efficiency. One approach is to utilize available information technologies in the form of more intelligent machines to decrease and target energy inputs in extra effective way then in the past. The precision farming has shown benefits of this approach but we can now move towards the new generation of equipment. The advent of autonomous system gives us the opportunity to develop a complete new range of agriculture equipment based on small smart machines that can do the right thing, at the right place, the right time in the right way. The investigation on the existing spraying, grass cutting machine reviews the following drawbacks such as high investment cost, the impurity, extra manpower and time consumption caused by manual processing. The setup has simple arrangement. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1006-1009 |
268 |
MIni oil Expeller Machine
-Neel Anupkumar Gaikwad ; Mangesh Gaikwad; Satish Wagh; Amol Hyaliz
There are many varieties of seeds and nuts that can produce oils for food, nutraceuticals, skincare products, aromatherapies, fuels and industrial lubricants. This paper will describes the basics processes of oil removing machine, constructional features of oil expelling machine. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1010-1014 |
269 |
Review on Gear Less Power Transmission
-Govind Janardan Pawar ; Sagar Sampat Bhusari; Ganesh Machindra Bhalke; Rahul Gangadhar Rokade; Amruta A. Shelke
New magnetic gears gives promise as replacements for mechanical gears, not only because of high reliability and low maintenance, but also because of superior torque-to-weight ratios. A superior torque-to-weight ratio is most unexpected but is s surfacing as a real possibility when the full perimeter of the gear is used to generate torque. Mechanical gears are to be distinguished in this one particular part since only two to three teeth are engaged in a single stage. For this same reason, high gear ratio magnetic gears can be constructed without the use of multiple stages. In this paper, we were planning for design and fabricate a Magnetic Gear drive which will utilize Electric energy as a input source and further with the help of magnetic gear drive we will be transmitting the speed variation at output shaft. Using Magnetic Gear drive we will be able to increase or decrease the output speed at the output shaft .So by using the no of gears we will be able to transmit different gear ratios. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1015-1017 |
270 |
Non Destructive Analysis of Concrete using Coconut Husk
-Prannoy Roy ; Kaushik Mazumdar; Saurabh Samandar
Concrete reinforcement technology is not new and fibers have been used for reinforcement since ancient times. Popular fibers are made up of steel and glass, while plastic and nylons have a limited use. Quantities, concentration, and dispersal influence the properties of fiber reinforced concrete. Fiber reinforced concrete is a type of concrete that includes fibrous substances that increase its structural strength and cohesion. Fiber reinforced concrete has small distinct fibers that are homogeneously dispersed and oriented haphazardly. Fibers used are steel fibers, synthetic fibers, glass fibers, and natural fibers. The characteristics of fiber reinforced concrete are changed by the alteration of certain factors: type and quantity of fibers, geometric configuration, dispersal, direction, and concentration. In this project coconut fibers are added in concrete by weight of cement in the proportion of 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2% and 2.5%. Nondestructive test like rebound hammer test is performed on concrete cubes after 7 and 28 days of curing and also to validate the results compressive strength is also performed on the concrete cubes. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1018-1020 |
271 |
Performance Analysis of Domestic Refrigerator using Variable Capillary Length
-Jadhav Shashank Panditrao ; Jadhav Deepak Shrirang; Dhore Tejas Ramdas; Sartape Pankaj Tanaji
This paper presents an experimental investigation for the flow of domestic refrigerator inside an variable capillary tube. The effect of various geometric parameters like capillary tube diameter, length and coil pitch for different capillary tube inlet sub cooling on the mass flow rate of R-134a through the variable capillary tube geometry has been investigated. Read More...
mechanical engineering |
India |
1021-1024 |
272 |
Vibration Analysis of Composite Leaf Spring by FEA
-Dayanand Hasbe ; M.C.Swami
The automobile industry has shown interest in to replace the conventional leaf spring with composite leaf springs. The aim of this paper is to present the design and analysis of composite leaf spring. A mono leaf spring of glass fiber reinforcement plastics (GFRP) with same mechanical properties as that of multileaf steel spring is designed, fabricated and tested. This work has been made to predict the vibration behavior of GFRP leaf spring using ANSYS. Read More...
India |
1025-1026 |
273 |
Review on Design and Fem Analysis of Helical Gear in Gearbox of Induced Draft Fan
-Mr.Deepak G.Gawai ; Prof. J.G. Borke
This paper presents a failure analysis of a induced draft fan gear box due to fatigue for dulocos conveyors and moulds pvt Ltd, MIDC, Nagpur. The gear is failing prematurely; the life of the gear in the ID fan gear box is less than one month. There is a need to design a gear for fatigue failure as the desired life of gear is 24months. In present study, we create the CAD model of gear box. Then analysis of design will be performed. Then the modifications and analysis of modified design will be performed after that results will be discussed and design will be finalized. Read More...
| in machine design |
India |
1027-1028 |
274 |
Analysis of Concrete using Jute Fiber by Non Destructive Testing
-Prannoy Roy ; Kaushik Mazumdar; Saurabh Samandar
The characteristics of fiber reinforced concrete are changed by the alteration of certain factors: type and quantity of fibers, geometric configuration, dispersal, direction, and concentration. India is a developing country and in various developing countries like India economical construction along with economical construction material plays a vital role in the development of country. Waste material in construction can play tremendous role to make it economical and durable due to some of its specific properties relevant to construction materials. This study shows experimental study on utilization of jute fibers as fiber reinforcement in concrete. Jute fiber is a natural fiber. In this project jute fibers are added in concrete by weight of cement in the proportion of 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2% and 2.5%. Non-destructive test like rebound hammer test is performed on concrete cubes after 7 and 28 days of curing and also to validate the results compressive strength is also performed on the concrete cubes. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1029-1031 |
275 |
Circularly Polarized DRA Antenna: Design and Developments
-Richa Gupta
This paper describes basic of circular polarization, fundamental concepts, theory and review study of the circularly polarized dielectric resonator antenna (CP DRA) over the last three decades. The latest techniques for generating the circular polarization as well as enhancing the performance are also covered.. CP DRA catches the potential application in the Satellite communication, mobile communication, GPS, WLAN, WIMAX, Mobile communication and Radar system. This paper also presents a design of polarization reconfigurable, left hand and right hand switchable cylindrical DRA ,by using two crossed slots of unequal length to couple energy from an aperture coupled microstrip line. Right hand circular polarization or left hand circular polarization can be achieved with a single feeding structure in the designed antenna. The designed antenna minimises fading caused by multipath effect. Read More...
Electronics Design and Technology |
India |
1032-1034 |
276 |
A Review on Performance and Emission Characteristic of Oxygen Enriched Combustion of Water Emulsified Bio Diesel
-Kansara Ujjavalkumar Kanaiyalal ; Jaksan D. Patel
Environment degradation is the major problem in 21st century. Petroleum fuel emission has a major contribution in environmental degradation. Specifically, these review focus on diesel engine which emits HC, CO, NOx, soot emission and PM. These pollutants have a very serious effect on environment. Thus, lots of researches have been done to improve the performance and reduce these harmful emission and to find the alternative of this conventional fuels. One of the alternatives is oxygen enrichment combustion (OEC) and emulsification of bio-diesel. Present, literature review focus on combustion and emission characteristics of compression ignition engine with oxygen enrichment combustion (OEC) and emulsification of bio-diesel. Read More...
India |
1036-1039 |