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501 |
Real Timed Based Automated Town Water Distribution and Billing System
-Snehal Gaikwad ; Snehal Nikam; Pratiksha Pansare; Prof. Sheetal Mali
Now-a-days the demand of water to fulfill daily activities has grown rapidaly in residential areas due to increasing population. People utilize water for many purposes and consume them by different ways but they realize the importance of water only when it is not available. In small town areas the distribution of the water is not fixed. And there is variation in the bill amount of the water which is not depend on the use of the water. This problem of variation in consuming units arises due to water theft and leakage from pipelines. To overcome these issues we proposed a system which consists of flow monitoring system, automated water distribution system and billing system. Such an integrated system can be done with ARM controller by employing sensors such as flow sensor which measures the flow rate of the water and water theft and leakage are identified and the level of water measured with the help of level sensor. One of the major feature of the project is generating bills and updating status on mobile through GSM. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1795-1797 |
502 |
WhatsApp: A Trend of Communication among Youth
-Pradnya Mahanand Desai ; Shubhangi Waman Sonkusare; Sudhakar Jadhav
In today's world WhatsApp has become a key part of youth’s life. Rather we can say it has become an addiction or habit. Through WhatsApp everyone stays in touch with their friends and family. Whether or not the youth agree it has become a true fact that they find it difficult to stay without WhatsApp. People use WhatsApp to communicate, to share their feelings, their thoughts, emotions, daily life activities, etc. They use it as a mode of information, entertainment, also for educational purpose. After going through various articles it was observed that people having smart phones spend almost quarter of the day using WhatsApp. They do so to convey the information, messages to their friends, relatives. They share images, audios, videos, contacts, locations. They create various groups like family groups, friend circle group, college group, class group, etc to stay in touch with each other. Read More...
Master of Computer Application |
India |
1798-1799 |
503 |
Web Based Prepared Electricity Recharge Meter
-Prajkta Chandrakant Shirole ; Dipali Karbhari Pawar; Mayuri Bhausaheb Wetal ; Parikshit Ravindra Pawar
Electrical power has become indispensable to human survival and progress. Apart from efforts to meet growing demand, automation in the energy distribution is also necessary to enhance people’s life standard. The present system of energy metering as well as billing which uses only electromechanical is error prone and it consumes more time and labor. And now a day’s electricity board faces a problem of revenue collection for the actual electric energy supplied owing to energy thefts and network losses. One of the prime reasons for above issues is the traditional billing system which is inaccurate many times, slow, costly, and lack in flexibility as well as reliability. This system presents a design of a single phase digital prepaid energy meter. It will be based on a micro controller and it can be either connects to the existing energy meter or can use as a separate module. The energy consumption can be calculated using output pulses of an energy usage detector module. A warning system is also introduces here to get know about the low account balance. A relay system can used which either isolates or establishes the connection between the electrical load and the supply mains depending upon the balance available in the Prepaid Electricity Meter. It will be efficient to collect revenue. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1800-1808 |
504 |
Balancing and Modification of Portable Shop Crane
-Brijesh Sojitra ; Edrian Mendonca; Vinay Patel; Arun Ahir
In this paper, designed and modification is intended to replace the existing portable shop crane with emphasis being laid on stability, safety and reliability. This shop crane is capable of carrying load upto 3 ton. The crane has one special feature of 360° rotating boom. The crane has a tip over problem when the boom is rotated while carrying load. The existing model can be make more effective and useful if its stability has been improved. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1809-1811 |
505 |
Public Key Encryption with Content Search
-Khomane Sharmila ; Nale Supriya; Pondkule Priyanka; Yadav Ashwini ; Prof. Kadam P.R
Today's network faces problems over secure communication so various methods are developed to deal with problems. Previous Technique deals with the public key encryption with semantic security. In this technique the sender sends or uploads any file to the server with one keyword and at another end receiver downloads the file by searching the desired keyword but server is not able to reveal anything. Existing systems take searching time linear with the actual numbers of cipher texts. This makes difficult to retrieve the keywords from large scale database. To tackle with this problem we can implement the SPCHS but the pervious one doesn’t tackle with the content searching. In this paper we provide solution for this by implementing the SPCHS algorithm for content searching. The SPCHS generates the keyword searchable cipher texts so following same technique we are generating content searchable cipher texts with provision of search trapdoor which is corresponds to the content. In the generation of hidden structures we are applying the chain of content searchable cipher texts and this structure is useful to make search fast. In this technique the search complexity is linear with the actual queried content. While working with the SPCHS we are constructing it by using identity based encryption and collision free, full identity malleable and Identity Based Key Encapsulation Mechanism. Such type of content searching is very useful in case to filter the unwanted spam file or mails. Finally we present SPCHS algorithm for content searching and reporting the spam mail to the server. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1812-1816 |
506 |
Literature study on Tsunami Evacuation System in Mundra city
-Kush Patel ; chirag Patel; Dhaval M Patel; Abhijitsinh Parmar; Dixit Patel
The purpose of this study is to develop tsunami hazard maps by analyzing the coastal inundation characteristics of Gujarat. The need for the study is to aware people for the hazard of tsunami and saving maximum lives when tsunami occurs there. The outcomes of this study can be utilized by public policy and decision makers in developing disaster management strategies. The overall goal of this study is preparing a tsunami evacuation map for Mundra city and western cost of Gujarat state. The past historical earthquakes of Tsunamigenic source of Makran subduction zone which was responsible for causing tsunami on western coast of Gujarat state of for Indian subcontinent are studied. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1817-1820 |
507 |
An Overview on Response of Non- Linear Analysis of RCC Structures
-Anita Yadav ; Anita Yadav
This work presents the results of a study on the nonlinear response of Reinforced concrete frame structures. A stress-strain curve is developed for concrete subjected to Lateral loading. This stress-strain curve shows the modulus of elasticity of concrete at different interval of loading, which also helps to determine the inelastic strain of concrete and also helps in calculate the deflection of the beam. The concrete section may contain any general type of steel. A single equation is used for the stress-strain equation. The model allows for cyclic loading and includes the effect of strain rate. The relationship between the stress and strain curve of reinforced sections is a very important parameter for nonlinear analysis of RC framed structure. A clear view of the strength structure can be obtained from this relationship. The moment-curvature relationship would enable us to observe the strength reduction beyond the peak point and degradation of the flexural rigidity. The present study focuses on the modulus of elasticity of rectangular beam section. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1821-1822 |
508 |
An Assessment on Security Threats in MANET for Black Hole Attack
-Himanshi Sahu ; Deepak Xaxa
MANETs (Mobile Ad hoc Network) are vulnerable to numerous attacks. MANET is a autonomous system in which diverse mobile nodes are linked by wireless links. MANETs encompass of mobile nodes those are self-regulating for stirring in and out over the network. Nodes are the devices or systems i.e. laptops, mobile phone etc. those are contributing in the network. These nodes can function as host/router or mutually concurrently. As per their connectivity these nodes can form uninformed topologies among nodes over the network. Sanctuary in MANETs is the leading apprehension for the elementary working of network. MANET often be laid up with security intimidation because of it have features like varying topology dynamically, lack of central management, open medium & monitoring, cooperative algorithms and no perceptible security mechanism. These factors draw an attention for the MANETs against the security threats. In this paper we have deliberated about security concern in MANET and its consequences, how different MANETs routing protocol handles black hole attack Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1823-1826 |
509 |
Wireless Sensor Network for Secure Railway Operations
-Sumedh Pathak ; R.R.Shewale ; Snehal Niphade ; Nimesh Pande ; Nupur Shimpi
In recent years, the range of sensing technologies is expanding rapidly, whereas sensor devices have become cheaper. This has led to a rapid expansion in condition monitoring systems, structures, vehicles, and machinery using sensors. Key factor is the recent advances in networking technologies such as wireless communication and mobile ad-hoc networking coupled with the technology to integrate devices. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) can be used for monitoring the railway tracks. Condition monitoring reduces human inspection requirements through automated monitoring. This reduces heavy maintenance through detecting faults before they escalate. This is vital for development, up-gradation, and expansion of railway networks. This paper describes the implementation of various models which shows how the hazardous accidents occur on railway tracks, and how it can be prevented using GSM protocol, micro-controller (Atmega328) and various sensors. Read More...
India |
1827-1829 |
510 |
Effect of Process Parameters by Friction Stir Welding
-Harsh Raval ; Chirag Tejnani; Vinit Patel; Deepu Rakholiya ; Mr. Diptesh Patel
Aluminium alloys which exhibits very attractive mechanical, physical and chemical properties have intensive demand in various areas especially marine structure. In order to join aluminium alloys various welding methods are employed but the recent innovative and environmental friendly techniques is friction stir welding. In this study thin aluminium alloy plates of Al 6061 has been joined using friction stir welding. The factors which influencing the welding parameter are spindle speed and transverse feed which are varied to 700, 800, 900 rpm and 18, 29, 45 mm/min. The 6mm thick plates are joined. The weldment is achieved using a cylindrical tool of pin diameter 6mm. The effect of welding parameters chosen are evaluated using tensile testing to know the properties and ductility of a weldment. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1830-1834 |
511 |
Performance Analysis on Solar Hybrid PV/T Water Collectors
-Sridharan.M ; Sathiyaseelan.S; Kumar.R; Paramaguru.S
Hybrid power generation becomes challenging one. Out of which solar based hybrid power generations are having emerging focus. Green energy and zero pollution are its advantages. In this work solar PV/T hybrid water collectors performance improvements methods are suggested. In addition variation in performance in comparison with existing system was discussed in detail. It is cleared that when both thermal and electrical components are exposed to equal radiation results in improved performance of solar PV/T system. Both thermal and electrical performances were plotted in the form of graph to have clear idea on improved efficiency. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1835-1839 |
512 |
A study of Design and Implementation of IVR System using Asterisk
-Samir Borkar
now days it is very important for any organizations to provide interactive and cooperative customer care service using telephony with client interaction. The interactive voice response (IVR) system serves as a communication link between computer and people with connection of the telephone network with acceptable instructions. The telephone user can get access to the information wherever wanted at any random time with the convenience of dialing a specific registered number and following an automated instruction when a connection established. The Interactive voice response system makes use of computer generated voice responses or pre-recorded message to provide information for responding to the choice given by a telephone caller. This choice may be the input given by Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) signal, which gets generated from the telephone set as user or caller presses a choice numbered key, and the sequence of messages to be played according to an internal menu structure and the user input. According to input given and wait time voicemail should be generated. In the proposed model, first the VoIP system has been implemented with IVR on asterisk cloud server which works as a VoIP service provider. The asterisk server is configured on Centos (Linux). The noticeable significance of the proposed system is Asterisk server itself configured as a VoIP server, IVR provider, VPN server, in a single asterisk server internally on cloud environment. There is one central server and many telephony endpoints registering with central server. The server's task is to resolve a dialed address to an IP address and establish a call connection for IVR. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1840-1844 |
513 |
Dynamic Source Routing Protocol with Improved Route Maintenance Phase for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
-Pranita Awasthi ; Latesh Malik
A network consisting of a number of autonomous mobiles nodes intended for data transmission and reception is called a mobile Ad-Hoc Network. The topology of mobile nodes continuously changes leading to need of an appropriate routing protocol that requires less control overhead and time delay incurred during transmission. Dynamic Source Routing protocol is an on-demand routing protocol that has lesser control overhead than table driven routing protocols. The paper presents an optimisation over conventional DSR during the route maintenance phase. The protocol avoids the backtracking of data packet to the source and thus, further reduces the control overhead and time delay incurred due to route failure. This improves the efficiency of the routing protocol whenever route failure occurs. Read More...
India |
1845-1848 |
514 |
Emission Analysis of Single Cylinder C I Engine using Karanja Biodiesel-Diesel Blends
-Mit A Patel ; Prof. Pragna R Patel; Dr.Tushar M Patel ; Prof. Gaurav P Rathod; Prof. V. V. Prajapati
Different researches using different types of alternative fuels carried out by different researchers was benig done. Based on literature review it is find out that for C I engine, Bio-Diesel is most capable alternative fuel regarding to the emission characteristics. In this experimental work prediction and opportunities of utilizing 100% Karanja biodiesel and increasing karanja biodiesel-diesel blend ratio as an alternative fuel in single cylinder diesel engine is going to be studied by varying engine loads. Also an optimum blend and engine parameters are to be suggested for obtaining better performance based on experimentation. Karanja biodiesel presents a very promising development of functioning as alternative fuels to fossil diesel fuel. The characteristics required for internal combustion engine fuels specially C I engine can be compared favorably with the properties of Karanja biodiesel. Experiments will performed for five engine loads i.e. 1,3,5,7 and 9 kg using baseline diesel and karanja biodiesel-diesel blends i.e. K10, K20, K40, K60, K80, pure Karanja biodiesel with constant speed of diesel engine. The parameters which will study in emission are HC, CO, CO2, NOX. The results of experimental observations with biodiesel blends were compared with that of pure baseline diesel. All the blends of Karanja biodiesel with diesel have considerable lesser Emission of HC, CO, CO2, NOX as compared to diesel. Read More...
India |
1849-1852 |
515 |
Medical Image Denoising using Spatial Filtering Techniques
-Ishant Premi
Image denoising is one of the most important and well known challenges in Computer Vision, Image and video processing fields. The objective of denoising process is to obtain noise free image from the noise-contaminated version of original image. Noise can be intrinsic or extrinsic. There are many reasons for presence of noise in the image. For example like Extrinsic noise contains environment variable and intrinsic noise contains hardware part like sensor of cameras. Nose can’t be avoided so it can be filtered out from the processed image. There are various application areas lik Image Restoration, Image Registration, Image Segmentation, Image Classification and others where the role of image denoising is important. Different types of images inherit different types of noise and so for these different types of noises there are different noise models are used. Denoising method tends to be problem specific and depends upon the type of image and noise model. In medical imaging the filtering of images is first and fundamental step so that final image is better and can be further processed for other purposes. The aim of this paper is to implement and compare various medical image denoising techniques such as Bilateral Filter (BF), Fast Bilateral Filter (FBF) and Guided Filter for denoising the images. Performance Parameters used for evaluation of gray scale images are Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), Normalized Absolute Error (NAE), Entropy, Mean Square Error (MSE), Correlation and Visual Quality. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1853-1856 |
516 |
Electronic Utility Vehicle: E-board
-Sudeep Prasad ; Kunal Rane; Vaibhav Joshi
In the hybrid vehicle or locomotion technologies the use of various unconventional fuels is a common thing. As a fuel use of Hydrogen, CNG, Li-Po Batteries is a very popular and innovative invention. But it is not just the fuel which is changed, the internal design of engines and transmission is modified to with the time. The development of such electronic utility vehicles (EUV's) is one popular example. The presented vehicle is an automated E-Board which is cheap and light in weight. To fulfill all the parameters of hybrid we are introducing BLDC motors and ESC for speed control and braking. The complete control is electronic and can be programmed as per users requirement. The battery indication system is introduced to keep watch on the battery levels. E-Board can be used to travel distance which is too short for a car and too long for walking. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
1857-1859 |
517 |
A Review of the Single Phase Transformerless Full Bridge PV Grid Inverters
-Madhuri Kshirsagar ; Dr. Paresh J. Shah
The demand of the electrical energy is increasing day by day. So there is a need of increasing the efficient management of generation, transmission, distribution of electrical energy. Due to this the traditional electrical power systems are changing rapidly. The use of power electronics is increasing day by day such as inverters. For the photovoltaic application, the transformer can be removed in the inverters. But these introduce the leakage currents in the system. This paper gives the review of various inverters topologies to reduce the leakage currents. Their significance, experimental results are analyzed. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1860-1864 |
518 |
Android Based ERP System
-Chaitanya Naik ; Aditya Mulik; Kranti Kulkarni; Vimal Munjani; Nileema Pathak
Android based ERP system provides convenient interface to maintain student and faculty information. It deals with student details, details of various courses, attendance, faculty details, time tables, syllabus, percentage, placements. Android based ERP system replaces traditional college document functions by using handheld electronic devices. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1865-1869 |
519 |
Literature Review on Bamboo as Reinforcement in Concrete Structure
-Abhijitsinh Parmar ; Jenish Patel; Vishal Prajapati; Vijaysinh A Vaghela; Vijaysinh B vaghela
Bamboo is used as a construction material from earlier days of construction. It was used as reinforcement in rural area and as formwork also. Concrete is a brittle material so it cannot be used as a single material in construction due to its low tensile strength. In this study we tried to find out the properties of bamboos from the past studies. and from the past study we can find out the better way to improve strengths of bamboo as a reinforcement in concrete structures. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1870-1872 |
520 |
Design and Analysis of Receiver for a Parabolic Solar Dish Collector
-S.ASHOKRAJ ; Dr.M.Sekar
In recent years, lack of energy is becoming the major problem for social and economic development of country because of limited amount of fossil fuels. This project focuses on design and analysis of truncated cone shaped helical coiled receiver made up of copper located at the focal point of parabolic solar dish collector. Parabolic collector concentrates solar energy at a single focal point. It focuses all the sunlight which strikes on it to a single focal point and receiver captures this light and transferred the heat to the working fluid. The modeling of truncated cone shaped helical coiled receiver was done by using 3D modeling software Solid Works. And the CFD analysis is also done to determine the outlet fluid temperature by using analysis software Ansys Fluent. Finally, the comparison between the two models of the truncated cone shaped helical coiled receiver and the existing normal cylindrical shaped helical coiled receiver is done. Those two shapes of receiver were analyzed and the effect on the temperature distribution of fluid was obtained as increased in modified receiver. This working fluid can be utilized for direct or indirect applications. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1873-1875 |
521 |
Energy Harvesting Via Piezoelectric Material from ABS System in Hybrid Vehicle
-Shivam patel ; Aakash dubey; Nipun Patel; Brij Shah; Jaykishan Khatri
Hybrid vehicles are playing an important role in the modern fast moving automobile age, but there are some problems acquired in the hybrid vehicles such as charging of batteries. Some alternative methods needs to be developed to keep the batteries full time charged and to avoid the need of any consumable external energy source to charge the batteries. There exist variety of energy harvesting techniques but mechanical harvesting happens to be the most prominent. This technique utilizes piezoelectric components where deformation produced by different means are directly converted to electric charge via piezoelectric effect , so the concept is to utilize the deformation or mechanical energy produced by ABS(Anti-lock Braking System) in vehicle . The motive is to obtain a pollution free energy source and to utilize and optimized the energy being wasted. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1876-1877 |
522 |
Theory Of Ultrasonic Cleaning
-Nikhil Bajirao Patil ; Vaibhav Kaware; Saurabh Kulkarni; Amol Mengade; Prof. A. K. Mahindarkar
To understand how the power of ultrasonics is derived, it is helpful to have an understanding of the nature of the energy and its source. Ultrasonic energy is sound at frequencies above the limits of human audibility - above 2OkHz. This sound energy is created by a specialized high frequency vibrator called a transducer. The transducer is powered by an ultrasonic generator which converts line current to alternating electrical energy at the required ultrasonic frequency. The parameters which affect ultrasonic cleaning include temperature, amount of dissolved gas of cleaning solvent and etc. Properly utilized, ultrasonic energy can contribute significantly to the speed and effectiveness of many immersion cleaning and rinsing processes. It is especially beneficial in increasing the effectiveness of today's preferred aqueous cleaning chemistries and, in fact, is necessary in many applications to achieve the desired level of cleanliness. With ultrasonics, aqueous chemistries can often give results surpassing those previously achieved using solvents. Ultrasonics is not a technology of the future it is very much a technology of today. Read More...
Manufacturing Engineering |
India |
1878-1883 |
523 |
Smart Stick Design for Blind Person using Arduino Controller
-Jay P. Bhadarka ; Pratikkumar S. Pate; Yogesh R. Pal; Hiren S. Parma r
In order to help the visually challenged people, we design a smart stick. Using this stick he/she can walk more confidently. The smart stick that alerts visually-impaired people for obstacles using different sensors are controlled through arduino controller. In this design arduino controller plays a major role and we are using various sensors i.e. Ultrasonic sensor, Smock sensor, Water sensor, temperature sensor for efficient work of smart stick. As any of the obstacle detected respective sensor get activated and the according to specific obstacle different sound pattern is generated through buzzer. Thus blind person can identify specific obstacle and according to situation he/she can tack precaution while travel from one place to another. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1884-1886 |
524 |
Power Quality Analysis Using Bridgeless Buck Boost Converter Fed BLDC Motor Drive
-A.Gokila ; Mr.S.Sriram
Power quality issues are one of the major problems in our industrial applications. Poor power factor and higher harmonics damage our power electronic components and it affects the life of our system. So it is very essential to maintain our power quality within their standard limits. Different power factor techniques are available to maintain power quality within their standard limits. In this project bridgeless buck boost converter was used to maintain our power factor within their standard limits. Proposed System was implemented by using MATLAB software. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1887-1890 |
525 |
Integrity Verification Of Shared Files On Cloud Computing
-Shahrukh Saeed Shaikh ; Ganesh Arun Jadhav; SamimAhmed JamilAhmed Khan; Pravin Ramesh Naikwade; Shahrukh Saeed Shaikh
We generally use our own personnel computers to store files. Huge amount of data can be stored on HDD. But our PC is subject to failure. Data on HDD can be lost and sometimes it may be impossible to recover it. So nowadays a concept called Cloud Storage has become popular to store files. In this service companies called Google Drive, DropBox, DriveHQ provide space on remote server. On cloud we can store and share files. In cloud, there is Third Party Auditor (TPA) which perform auditing of shared files. While auditing, it may happen that some data will be visible to TPA, the TPA may misuse it. In this paper, we proposed a system that will assign rights of TPA to the user who shares the file. This will reduce the significance of TPA form the existing system. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1891-1895 |
526 |
Android Application as an Advertisement Portal
-Nayan Nagesh Bartakke ; Anuja Vinod Bande; Nayan Nagesh Bartakke; Sonali Sanjay Suvare; Manish R. Prabhu
Location based advertisement offers many advantages to the vendors to attract customers by providing all details about advertisement along with location. The aim of this project is to construct an android application which will help the registered shop owners to introduce the shop and offers to the customer who is inclosed proximity to make them take those final steps to enter into shop and let the customer know what is around him with map support at one place only. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1896-1898 |
527 |
Smart Energy Home
-Archisha Tripathi ; Agrima Dutt Sharma; Praveen Kumar; Shilpi Jain; Shubham Khandelwal
Energy saving is considered to be as the important issue which affects the consumers, the global environment and quality. The demand of high energy by air conditioning, home appliances and lighting used in our homes becomes as a critical area for energy consumption. The smart homes are good choice for individuals as it not only secures our homes, but also provides comfort and saves energy as well. In this paper we discuss about smart energy home which we manage with the help of sensors and microcontrollers. It not only minimizes the waste of energy but easily adapts according to the users need. This scenario is easily followed in our daily routine. In this we use IR sensors which we use to check the number of people entering in our house which is indicated by LED controlled by microcontroller. A temperature sensor is also used according to which fan, air conditioner, lights will work according to the number of persons present in the room. This automatic system helps to save energy. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1899-1902 |
528 |
Communication through Human Body
-Sonu Birajdar ; Kalyani Choudhari; Megha Kashid; Nilam kolekar
Today people can communicate anytime, anywhere and with anyone by using different technologies like LAN, MAN,WAN,INTERNET& many more here we are using human body as a communication media. This makes the human body as a communication network by name HAN (Human Area Network).where communication is done only by “TOUCHINGâ€. A few problems due to use of very weak radio signals in communication is reduction of data, speed due to packet collision, other problems in crowded sites such as exhibition sites and security risk from unwanted signal interception. So the user friendly technologies to solve above problems include use of a human body as a signal path for communication. A transmission path is formed automatically where a human comes into contact with a device and communication between mobile terminals begins. Where human body will acts as transmission medium supporting standard IEEE 802.3 half duplex communication. Read More...
India |
1903-1904 |
529 |
Facial Expression Recognition using PCA
-Shubham Sharma ; Razz Verma; Manish Kumar Sharma; Vijay Kumar
Facial expressions play an important role in human communication. In this paper we implements facial expression recognition techniques using Principal Component analysis (PCA). Facial expression can be classified into some discreet classes (like happiness, sadness, disgust, fear, anger and surprise) whereas absence of any expression is the “Neutral†expression. Intensity of a particular expression can be identified by the level of its “Dissimilarity†from the Neutral expression. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1905-1907 |
530 |
SAFETY Procedure for Hypermedia in Cloud Environment
-Ramya.N ; Mary M DSouza
The proposed system is to secure the multimedia data in cloud environment. The multimedia data are 3D videos, 2D Videos, music clips and Images. The proposed system can be used in private and public cloud. The advantages of the system are cost effective, less storage and robustness. The system presents the depth signatures for each multimedia content. These signatures are to protect the multimedia content. The uploaded multimedia contents are protected using these signatures, which is also called as content id or video signatures. When the video or any multimedia content are uploaded to the cloud environment then the unique id or the content id is generated to the files. The paper gives use of the signatures and its advantages over the existing technology. The Depth signatures have a many applications in identifying matching of the protected video. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1908-1910 |
531 |
Hybrid Dielectric Resonator Antenna using cylindrical and conical shaped ring resonator excited by a monopole for improve ultra-wide bandwidth
-Halak Upadhyay ; G.D. Makwana
A hybrid antenna is presented, consisting cylindrical ring DRA (CRD) and cone ring resonator (CRR) shape of DRA is combing with Quarter wave loaded antenna produced ultra-wideband response. Proposed Design of CRD (antenna 1) with loaded monopole antenna achieves 96.62% of impedance bandwidth. Modify the shape of DRA with making cone on top of cylindrical DRA. Proposed Design of CRR (antenna 2) with loaded monopole antenna achieves 112% of impedance bandwidth, which provide UWB response. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1911-1913 |
532 |
Performance Evaluation of Recurrent Set Mining Algorithms
-Ms.R.D.Priyanka ; Dr.R.Sabitha; Ms.T.Mythili
Data Mining (DM) is the process of extracting useful and non-trivial information from huge amounts of data. One of the important problems in data mining is discovering association rules from databases of transactions where each transaction consists of a set of items. Frequent itemsets play an important role in many data mining tasks. The task of discovering all frequent itemsets is a fundamental problem in data mining. In this paper we examine the problem of finding frequent itemsets using Apriori and dEclat algorithms on Mushroom Dataset and a comparative study is done for both the algorithms that use several optimizations to achieve maximum performance, with respect to execution time and frequent pattern generation. The Mushroom dataset contains characteristics of various species of mushrooms, and was originally obtained from the UCI Repository of Machine Learning Databases. Apriori and dEclat are the best-known algorithms for mining frequent itemsets in a set of transactions. Apriori is an influential algorithm for mining frequent itemsets for boolean association rules. The name of the algorithm is based on the fact that the algorithm uses prior knowledge of frequent itemset properties. The Apriori principle states that for an itemset to be frequent all its subsets have to be frequent. The Apriori implementation is based on a prefix tree representation of the needed counters and uses a doubly recursive scheme to count the transactions. The basic idea of dEclat is composed of computing diffsets for all distinct pairs of itemsets and checking the support of the itemsets. The dEclat implementation uses bit matrices to represent transactions lists and to filter closed and maximal itemsets. Our results show that dEclat outperforms Apriori both in terms of frequent generation and execution time for the mushroom dataset. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1914-1918 |
533 |
Smart Traffic Light
-Chintoo ; Arun kumar; Lakshit jindal
The scope of this paper is to present the initial steps in implementation of smart traffic light signal that provides a complete solution to manage current traffic problems effectively using sensor and microcontrollers. This project not only just controls the timer of light signal by measuring the density of traffic but also prevents illegal jumping of traffic light. Special emergency vehicles like ambulance etc. are given special privilage to make their movement smoother in traffic. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1919-1921 |
534 |
Improved Leach by using Simulate Annealing
-Rajni Rani
In this paper, better cluster head management in LEACH protocol is done by using simulated annealing algorithm by dispersing the CH nodes throughout the network. Simulation is done using network simulator NS 2.34. Simulation is done for three performance metrics: total alive nodes, total data transmitted and total energy consumed. Simulation results show that the performance of LEACH_SA is better than LEACH protocol. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1922-1925 |
535 |
Dispersion Compensation in 40Gb/s WDM system using DCF.
-Ms. Doorvaa Tripathi ; Mr. Dhirendra Kumar Mishra; Mrs.kalpana Tiwari
In this paper, the pre-, post- and symmetrical-dispersion compensation methods for 40 Gbps non-return to zero (NRZ) and return to zero link using standard fibers (SMF) and dispersion compensated fibres (DCF) are analyzed through computer simulation to optimize high data rate optical transmission. Graphical analysis is done to evaluate the performance in terms of various characteristics like BER (bit error rate), Q-factor, etc. This paper compares all the three compensation methods and it will be shown that the symmetrical compensation method is superior to pre- and post- compensation methods for single channel whereas post compensation is best for multichannel optical transmission. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1926-1928 |
536 |
Preparation and Characterization of Anti-bacterial Knitted Textile by Novel Green Root
-Bansi P Dave ; S.S Parmar; B.H Patel
Preparation of polymer composite Martials used Azadirachta Indica (Neem) extract and silver Nano particles. Silver Nano particles are the metal Nano particles can be used in medicines, textile, cosmetics, energy etc. Development of novel green process is generating attraction of researchers in the direction of bio synthesis of nano particles. Read More...
Textile Engineering |
India |
1929-1931 |
537 |
A Study on Vertical Axis Wind Turbine for Effective Harnessing of Wind Energy in Satara Region
-Mr. Parag Vyankatrao Thote ; Mr. Ashish Thorat
With continuously increasing energy crisis occurring in the world it will be a prime important to investigate alternative methods of generating power other than fossil fuels i.e. conventional sources. Wind energy from non-conventional energy sources is one of the biggest sources of energy available all around us, it means unlike solar energy cannot be harness during night. Vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT) offer similar efficiencies as compared with the Horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWT) and in fact have several distinct advantages. One advantage is that unlike their HAWT counterparts, they can be placed independently of wind direction. This makes them perfect for locations where the wind direction changes continuously. In India there are various geographically advantageous places where wind energy can be harness very effectively because of useful environmental conditions for wind power generation. Satara is one of such places in Maharashtra situated in Sahyadri Hills, where wind velocity is adequate for the generation of energy. Thousands of horizontal axis wind mills are installed by various national and multinational organizations for generation of electricity. But due to the direction changing nature of the wind sometimes it is ineffective to use Horizontal axis wind mills. This study is an attempt to study effectiveness of implementing Vertical axis wind mills in this region. In this paper study of various research papers published by many of the researchers nationally and internationally is done. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1932-1936 |
538 |
Application of telemedicine to Psychiatry
IT and IT’es has grown exponentially and has gained significance in health care delivery system. This sector still is in the budding stage especially in terms of telemedicine. A lot needs to be done when it comes specifically to psychiatry. India’s healthcare budget is 1.2% of its GDP while the funds allocated to mental health are 0.06%. With very little budget for mental health and the huge gap in the number of service providers and those in need of services telepsychiatry seems to be a appropriate solution. This paper studies tries to present a metaanalysis of availability of telepsychiatry globally and how it could be of significant use in India Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
1937-1938 |
539 |
Energy Efficient Intrusion Detection System
-R.Vijayakumar ; R.Vishal; S.Suresh Kumar; D.Vinodha
In Wireless sensor networks we face deception attacks which corrupt commands and measurements in a smart way and with intermittent behaviour to produce the highest damage without being discovered. The intrusion is hard to be distinguished from normal disturbance. Furthermore, protection against attacks is energy consuming. Recent approaches use selective encryption to minimize energy consumption. We propose a system where we use path tracing algorithm to detect intrusion and also use check point recovery algorithm to find the energy drained nodes. Failure nodes are replaced using Check Point Recovery Algorithm (CPRA) while topology is maintained using Network Topology Management (NTM). Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1939-1942 |
540 |
Advanced pollution monitoring and controlling system using cloud interface
-M.Sarathkumar ; M.Barathiselvaraj
Pollution has harmful effects that cause acid rain global warming. To reduce these properties of air, pollution monitoring and controlling system is important. The project is proposed to develop the pollution monitoring system for power plant (i.e.) air pollution monitoring and control processing system. Wi-Fi module and cloud server is interfaced with PC for online Monitoring for instantaneous pollutants levels at anywhere. A low authority wireless feeder arrangement and control of inter-node data reception is used for real time data acquisition systems and communication of air pollutants such as temperature, CO, humidity and NO etc. The main objective is achieved by interfacing various sensors to measure the common air pollutants. The measured data is displayed on the LCD display using the GUI. The data based server is attached to the pollution server for storing the pollutants level and the Cloud server is interfaced to PC to get the pollutants level in online. The project monitors and controls the pollution level in the power plant and it is simulated by using the PROTEUS software. Read More...
India |
1943-1945 |
541 |
An Overview of Blast Phenomena and its Effect on Building
-Julee Singh ; julee Singh
Whenever a bomb explosion takes place, within or nearby a structure , it leads to a large catastrophic damage, on building’s exterior and interior components. Such as collapsing of wall , blowing of doors and windows and so on. A huge loss of life and injuries to people may also result due to direct blast –effects, debris impacts , fire and smoke. The response of a structure subjected to blast loading requires a detailed understanding of explosions and blast phenomenon. This paper presents a overview of effects of explosions on behavior of 1- bay 1-storey building , subjected to air or surface burst. This paper has also presented the procedure for estimating blast pressure on different faces of a building. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1946-1948 |
542 |
Power Factor Correction and Speed Control of Luo Converter Fed BLDC Motor Using Neuro Fuzzy
-Mohammed Ovaiz A ; Venkatesh K; Vikram S; Chikkandhar G
this paper presents a power factor correction (PFC)-based bridgeless Luo (BL-Luo) converter-fed brushless dc (BLDC) motor drive. A hall effect sensor and single voltage sensor is used for the speed control of the BLDC motor and PFC at ac mains. The voltage follower control is used for a BL-Luo converter operating in discontinuous inductor current mode. The speed of the BLDC motor is controlled by using the neuro fuzzy algorithm by comparing the error speed and reference speed of the bldc motor. The performance of the proposed drive is validated with test results obtained on a developed prototype of the drive. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1949-1952 |
543 |
Z-Source Multilevel Inverter Based Brushless DC Motor Drive
-Neha Prajapati ; Deepsikha Shrivas
this paper contemplates on PMSM drive powered by multilevel Z-source inverter. For enhancing the efficiency PI controller are connected to the system. PMSM drives are very popular in many industries, at present automation are more popular, multilevel Z- source inverter is a good choice that can boost the output voltage of the drive. It is advantageous because of they can buck and boost the voltage in a single stage configuration. The proposed concept is analyzed and implemented with MATLAB/SIMULINK software. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1953-1956 |
544 |
Performance of Single Input Single Output (SISO) System with Spatial Modulation
-Vaibhav Bhatt ; Sagar Patel
Spatial Modulation (SM), which is an efficient transmission scheme, is implemented for active transmit antenna indices and modulated signals to convey the information. To retrieve this transmitted information bits, the Maximum Likelihood Detector is often used. This technique improves throughput and betters the efficiency of power amplifiers. Also, existing Single Input Single Output (SISO) system performance improved with Spatial Modulation (SM). In this paper we have presented simulation result of BER versus SNR for SISO Spatial Modulated signal with Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK). Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1957-1959 |
545 |
Promising Solutions for Multicopy Dynamic Data Possession in the Cloud
-Swathi S M ; Deepak M
Plenty of organizations are increasingly outsourcing their data into the cloud service providers (CSP). Because of the safety and security purpose of their data many customers want their data replicated and store on the multiple servers among multiple data centers. In this paper we presents secured and guaranteed multi copy dynamic data possession in the cloud (SG-MDDP). The SG-MDDP scheme consists of many features like: 1) The Scheme gives an efficient evidence to the customer that CSP is storing all the copies that is agreed upon the service contract that it not storing lesser copies by cheating customers; 2) The scheme supports the block level dynamic data operations. After outsourcing the data to the CSP the customers can do operations like insertion, deletion and modifications; 3) In this scheme only authorized users can access copies of data which has been in the servers by the cloud service providers. Before outsourcing the data to the CSP all the data will be in the encrypted form, only authorized users can decrypt that data by using secret key. As we already know that the customers data which has been stored in the servers will in encrypted form so it will provide very good security for data copies. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1960-1962 |
546 |
Vedio Web server
-Prof. Sampada Dhole ; Jadhav Manisha; Gaikwad Pranali; Mali Akashata
proposed system consist of android phone and control unit. system unit is having ARM 7 LPC 2138 controller to which LPG (MQ6), Temperature sensor, IR Sensor (used to detect the obstacles in the ROBOT’S path) are interfaced. System unit is nothing but movable robot unit. so this unit is used to capture the picture, the sequence of particular area (industrial area where human cannot survive). capturing of image sequence (video) is done with the help of android camera. After collecting all sensor information and image sequence i.e. video is get uploaded on web page via android phone wifi function. Bluetooth module is used to send the information collected by the system unit to android phone then it is get uploaded to the designed web page. User can see the video, access the data and also can control the system unit (ROBOT) using web page designed. Web page consist of different controlling buttons such as FORWARD, LEFT, RIGHT, START, STOP etc. through which it will send the data to android phone(Bluetooth, wifi) and system will access it using android phone Bluetooth communicating with robot robot Bluetooth module. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
1963-1964 |
547 |
Ensuring Higher Security In Distributed Accountability For Data Sharing on The Cloud
-Sagar B. Dhawale ; Priyanka S. Tikande; Nikhil A. Sonawane; Trupti R. Patro; Sandeep U. Kadam
With the rapid development of cloud services, the data is share in a friend circle in the cloud computing environment. Since it is not feasible to implement full security, access control becomes a challenging task, especially when we share sensitive and confidential data on cloud servers. To resolve this problem, we propose a key-policy attribute-based encryption with KP-TSABE scheme, a novel secure data self-destructing scheme in cloud computing. Also we propose the JAR programmable abilities to both create a dynamic and moving object, and to ensure that any access to users’ data will trigger verification and automated logging local to the JARs. In the KP-TSABE scheme, every cipher text is labelled with a time interval while private key is used with a time instant. The cipher text can only be decrypted if both the time instant is in the allowed time interval and the attributes along with the cipher text verify the key’s access structure. The KP-TSABE scheme is support to solve many important security problems by supporting user-defined authorization period and by providing fine-grained access control. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1965-1968 |
548 |
Study on Fresh and Hardened Properties of Steel Fiber Reinforced Self Compacting Concrete
-S.Abinaya ; N.Saravanarajan
Self-compacting concrete plays a main role in the construction of complicated reinforced members without any vibrations. Self-compacting concrete (SCC) was defined by Okamura as concrete that is able to flow in the interior of the formwork, filling it in a natural manner and passing through the reinforcing bars and other obstacles, flowing and consolidating under the action of its own weight. These properties enable the SCC to be an excellent material for constructions with complicated shapes and congested reinforcement. Optimal addition of superplasticizers (SP) improves its properties, and becomes positive as an additive to concrete mixes. Thus this thesis is a work on the Steel Fiber Reinforced Self Compacting Concrete (SFRSCC). The Fresh and the Hardened properties of SFRSCC are to be studied. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
1969-1971 |
549 |
Enhancing the biogas production from poultry waste using prosopis juliflora as additive
-Saravanakumar.S ; Ramesh Aravindh.M; Vimalraj.M; Sathiyamoorthy.P
A biogas plant is modern energy source and is suitable to the necessities of the future. The Production of biogas as an alternative energy by using Prosopis Juliflora with Poultry waste. Energy Consumption rate is high when compared to its Production rate in all over the world. So, we are all choose the Prosopis Juliflora plant. Prosopis Juliflora is the botanical name of Seemai Karuvelam. In rural areas people cut down the trees for cooking purpose and also used in thermal power station and the remaining leaves left down. By utilizing the Leaves of Prosopis Juliflora we are produce Biogas from in it by adding Poultry waste as an additive. Biogas production from floating dome digester containing the mixture of poultry waste and Prosopis Juliflora was studied for a period of 18 days at ambient temperature. Results from this study show that co-digestion of poultry waste and Prosopis Juliflora increased biogas yield as compared to pure samples of poultry waste. At the temperature of 31.6°C with 7 PH on the 9th day, it was observed that the volume of biogas production from the mixture is 0.039m3/kg respectively. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1972-1974 |
550 |
Analytical Automation using IOT
The purpose of this paper is to build a smart system which can be included in daily life to enhance the living style. We propose a smart system for refrigerators will help the users by saving time in buying the necessary products by providing the information about the food available inside the refrigerator. There are some smart refrigerator that have inbuilt smart system for that specific refrigerator only. RFID technology is used in that existing system to scan the barcode also needed presence of the user near to the refrigerator. This proposed smart system is generalized and can work with any refrigerator. In these ways our proposed system overcomes the cons of previous systems. The proposed system is based on Internet. The communication between user and system will take place through an instant messaging app on smart phones. The app uses Internet to send text messages informing the availability of food inside the refrigerator also send snapshot images that will help user to find the unrecognized item. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1975-1976 |