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401 |
Comparison of Chemical properties of Diesel and Bio-diesel from Jatropha oil produced from Bio-reactor Plant and by using Manual method
-Ms. Rashi Koul ; Saurabh Pathak; Rishabh Goel; Ravi Kumar
Diesel fuel is one of the greatest fuel invention ever in Automobile history. Diesel fuel particularly for diesel engines have certainly helped a lot. Their higher thermodynamics and fuel efficiencies is quite impressive. But diesel fuel are one of the non-renewable resources, which can be replaced by (renewable resource) biodiesel fuels. Biodiesel also called as fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) and can be obtained from any vegetable oil, animal oil, and other seed oils using some specific methods. The objective of this paper is to study the chemical properties of jatropha oil, so as get the clarity upto which extent diesel can be replaced by biodiesel. Energy is one of the most important resources for mankind and its sustainable development. Today, the energy crisis becomes one of the global issues confronting us. A study of various characteristics and chemical properties have been shown using both manual and bio-reactor methods. From our experiments, we have come to know that the various chemical properties are in comparison with the diesel fuel and can easily be replaced. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1530-1532 |
402 |
Wireless Data Security using Encryption and Frequency Hopping
-Vivek Verma ; Vikas Khare; Nakul Korde; Chirag Prajapat; Prof. Pravin A. Dhulekar
Data Security is very important aspect for every communication system. One of the very popular techniques to assure the data security is encryption, where the transferred data is converted into cipher text. Also, protection against undesired interception while transmission process takes place is the key priority for secure reception of data. This feature is supported by spread spectrum techniques such as FHSS [1]. For FHSS, a bandwidth is divided into number of different distinct channels. The transmitter as well as receiver has to be synchronized on a particular channel and seed value to get a faithful output at the receiver. The transmitting section then transmits the message, broadcasting only for a few hundred milliseconds on any given channel. The transmitter then starts jumping (hopping) between different channels according to a pseudo-random algorithm (which is predefined by user); since the receiver knows the start channel and has exactly same seed, it can use the same algorithm to follow the hops and receive the signal. To any unauthenticated user who does not know the hopping sequence, the message is nearly indecipherable. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
1533-1536 |
403 |
Performance Evaluation for Sentiment Classification of Movie Reviews
-Shinija S ; Mrs. P. Kalaivani
Sentiment Analysis focuses on analyzing the movie review extracted from online media which helps in understanding the public opinion about the product and utilizing it for future enhancement of business. Information Gain (IG) and principal component analysis (PCA) are used to reduce the dimensionality of different combination of feature vector and combines with learning algorithm to learn the sentiment classifier to improve the performance based on accuracy, precision and recall. In this paper, we consider three classification algorithms such as Support Vector, Naïve Bayes and Neural Network are used to provide accuracy for different combination of IG and PCA for different feature vector and find out which classifier provides good performance based on accuracy, precision, recall and F- Measure. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
1537-1542 |
404 |
A Survey On Mining Conceptual Rule and Ontological Matching For Text Summarization
-Pragya Lodhi ; Tripti Sharma
The escalation of web information has constrained rigorous research in the area of text summarization in Natural Language Processing community. When an information is being retrieved from such an enormous collection of web documents, thousands and lakhs of documents are retrieved daily. Hence, for user, it's impossible to read all the retrieved documents. So for abetting and elucidate text information the automatic text summarization technique has become a very supreme and felicitous tool. The technique of Summarization consist of curtailing a text document with a computer program to create a outline that retains the important details and overall meaning of the original document. Today text mining has emerged as a very popular innovative field among researchers that endeavors to extract important and useful information from natural language processing of text. Various mining model are present that can be use that identify the concepts of the given document, phrases or sentences which identify the topic and summary of the given document. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1543-1546 |
405 |
Medicinal Plants’ Leaf Recognition System
-Nilesh Ugale ; Dipak Sonawane; Kunal Thakre; Akshay Thakare
Plants are the one of major source of medicine. Plants are the backbone of all life and an basic resource for human. Now days this is difficult to recognize a plant by looking its physical properties. A Authority of this filed may recognize the plant but it is ever so hard to lay man to recognize a plant of rare category. Plant recognition with the help of computer system is still a very challenging task as the shortage of suitable model or representation schemes, a variety of difference in the plant species, & impenetrable image pre-processing techniques, such as contour extraction and edge detection. Leaf, Veins, flower, stem of different plants has different properties which can be used to categorize them. This paper presents recognition of local Medical Plants through leaf structure using image processing techniques. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
1547-1550 |
406 |
Review on Heat Transfer Characteristics for Corrugated tube in a Double pipe Heat Exchanger
The corrugated plate heat exchangers are widely used in food industry especially for pasteurization operations. The Double pipe heat exchanger is one of the Different types of heat exchangers because one fluid flows inside a pipe and the other fluid flows between that pipe and another pipe that surrounds the first in a parallel flow, both the hot and cold fluids enter the Heat exchanger at same end and move in same direction. In a counter flow, both the hot and cold fluids enter the Heat exchanger at opposite end and move in counter direction. The present study will be taken up to carry out review work for the calculation of heat transfer rate in Double-Pipe Heat Exchanger made of corrugated tube .It is observed that In experimental set up hot water and cold water will be used working fluids. The inlet Hot water will be around 70 °C and cold water temperature will be varied from between 20 to 38 °C. It has been planned to find effects of the inlet condition of both working fluid flowing through the heat exchanger for the heat transfer characteristics. Read More...
India |
1551-1555 |
407 |
Realness Detection of Image
-Surya Prakash Dwivedi
Realness and Fakeness identification of a face is very vulnerable field in face recognition area. It is very necessary to identify the realness of one’s authentication for protecting us from spoofing and falsify data. In this proposed paper I derive a method by which we can identify the realness of a images or fakeness, using micro texture, frequency analysis and nature of eye blinking concept. Texture , frequency generation by skin and behavioral nature of eye blinking of any one is unique. If a person is real and live then they have some movement in his face , it may either blinking his eyes , or motion of skin. I proposed a noval approach for distinguish real and fake personality by using LBP, Frequency Descriptor and Conditional random Field (CRF) concept. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1556-1559 |
408 |
High Speed Real Time Quality Inspection System
-Nitesh Madan Belhekar ; Bhausaheb Tule; S K Bhatia
In Cookie industry, real time inspection of Cookie is necessary to ensure its quality. The Cookie, say bisX, is a premium crispy Cookie with almond and cashew sprinkles on it. The objective of the work is to design, implement and verify a computer vision system for quality control of the Cookie. The quality parameters of the Cookie are colour pattern (which is an indication of cooking i.e over cooked or under cooked), shape, quantity of almond sprinkles, uniformity of almond sprinkles, surface finish (cracked Cookies) and perimeter of Cookie. Numpy operations are extensively used in each stage instead of pre-built algorithms. Cookie is segmented out from undefined background and an ellipse is fitted over that. Cookie, whose major and minor axis difference goes above threshold are rejected so that out of shape and cracked Cookies can be removed. Over baking and under baking of Cookies is determined by plotting a baking curve along which there is a colour variation. The scope of this research lies as the existing bakery inspection methods are not sufficient for providing overall checking of quality. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
1560-1564 |
409 |
Finite Element Analysis of Gasketed Flange Bolted Joint
-Pushpak Patel ; Bhavin Mehta; Hardik Patel
Gaskets play an important role in the sealing performance of bolted flange joints. The use of gasket factors plays an essential role in calculations for flanged joints. In this paper, a three-dimensional finite element analysis (FEA) of gasketed flange Bolted joint has been carried out. Finite element analysis results are also verified with the available ASME method and discussed. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1565-1567 |
410 |
Impact of IT Implementation in Power Distribution Sector
-Amarpreet singh ; Dr. Gursewak Singh Brar
This paper underlines the particular of IT and business process requirement required to be implemented in the on-going implementations process in the power distribution utilities. This work described the major application need for better synchronization within current system and the upcoming IT solution. The objective of this work includes the study of current ongoing implementation under RAPDRP. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1568-1572 |
411 |
Analysis of Electric Potential Distribution on Ceramic Disc Insulators under dry conditions using ANSYS
-Sulthan Mohyuddin
Power line insulators are used to support the high voltage current carrying conductors. Outdoor insulators are subjected to a variety of stresses, including mechanical, electrical and environmental stresses. These stresses are acting unison. The exact nature and magnitude of these stresses varies significantly and depends on the details of insulator design, application and location. In the present work, the electric field and potential distribution in the vicinity of standard normal type ceramic insulator (i.e. 120KN) under dry and clean conditions are presented. For modeling and finite element analysis of insulators, CATIA, HYPERMESH and ANSYS software’s were used. The field and potential distribution in the vicinity of insulator by applying normal voltage (i.e. 11kV) were observed and highly stressed regions were identified. The field and potential distributions were also observed by changing the distances of the path of the first and third ribs of the insulators keeping the creepage length constant (L). Read More...
India |
1573-1576 |
412 |
A Survey Based On Data Clustering Algorithms
Grouping of document on the bases of clustering is vital task in document categorization. Documents are increasing day by day so, it is very crucial to segregate these documents in clusters. The objective of this paper is to discuss clustering algorithms and issues and challenges concerned with document clustering. The algorithms under consideration are: k-means, hierarchical clustering, density based, grid based and model based algorithm. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1577-1580 |
413 |
Clustering In Wireless Sensor Network: A Review
The Network life time is an important aspect in wireless sensor network (WSN). Due to its limited sensor node energy, it is important to optimize the energy of sensor Node for improving the life time of WSN. The Sensor Nodes mainly depend on the batteries for energy, which may get exhausted due to the computation and communication overhead and results in decreasing the network life time. Clustering plays very essential role in WSN as it increases the network life time and scalability. The aim of clustering is to gather the data in a systematic manner, so that network life time is enhanced. The selection of Cluster Head (CH) is done in the existing algorithms. The algorithms try to guarantee that the whole network stay alive for longer time which results in improving the overall performance of WSN in term of increasing the lifetime of sensor Node. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1581-1583 |
414 |
Seismic Evaluation Of High Rise Building With And Without Base Isolation
Seismic isolation is a technique that has been used around the world to protect building structures from the damaging effects of earthquake ground shaking. Base isolation is the concept of separating the structure from the ground to avoid earthquake damage is quite simple to grasp. The term base isolation uses the word isolation in its meaning of the state of being separated and base as a part that supports from beneath or serves as a foundation for an object or structure. To study the dynamic behavior of the structure, dynamic analysis should be performed for any type of buildings such as regular and irregular with and without isolator. Dynamic analysis such as dynamic time history analysis or a linear response spectrum analysis can be performed. In the present study two 10-storey RCC buildings with and without base isolation are considered. Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB) Isolator is considered and designed as per UBC 97 code for the building. Response Spectrum Analysis is carried out for both the buildings. From this study it has been concluded that the design base shear for Base Isolated building is decreases compared to Fixed Base building, which means the structure becomes flexible leads to the energy absorption at the base level, which results in reduces the base shear. It is also found that time period in Base Isolated model is increased compared fixed base model, which means it reduces the possibility of resonance of the structure, and displacement at bottom is zero compared to Base Isolated building due to flexibility at base. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1584-1587 |
415 |
Overview of Strategies and Metrics of Node Deployment in WSN
-Reena ; Vinod Kumar; Ramesh Kait
Today Wireless Sensor Network are being useful in various civilian applications like habitat monitoring, vehicle tracking, earthquake observation, forest surveillance or health care applications and building surveillance. Node deployment is a fundamental issue that is to be solved in Wireless Sensor Networks. A proper node deployment system is not only decreases the network cost but also increases degree, coverage and lifetime of a WSN. In this paper, random and deterministic node deployment for large-scale WSN under the following metrics coverage, energy consumption and worst case delay are discussed with three challenges uniform random, a square grid and Tri-Hexagon Tiling (THT) node deployment. In this paper various WSN node deployment modes are discussed and a literature work of various node placement algorithm is presented. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1588-1590 |
416 |
Calculative Study of Employee Management
-Poonam More ; Minal Chaudhari; Ankit Shah; Megha Hole; Proff.R.A.Kudale
In the theoretical world, an ideal machine is one that performs perfectly at peak efficiency all of the time. In the workplace of the non-idealized real world however, employees are neither machines nor are they perfect. Therefore, a system of performance management which is directly related to the efficiency of the employees, is necessary to maximize productivity of the company. Calculative study of employee performance along with their engineering marks and knowledge must be done grade vise and depending on that profile is given. This is further also done by tracking employee’s tasks in the workplace by providing a consistent framework of rules and expectations with options like direct message on mobile phone. The most important function of managers and administrator's is to oversee the resources of the organization and human capital. This system can be used to optimize the productivity of individuals, teams, and ultimately an entire organization. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1591-1593 |
417 |
Deep Web Crawling To Get Relevant Search Result
-Sanjay Kerketta ; Dr. SenthilKumar R
Deep web crawling is based on the problem of locating hidden content not reached by search engine in the ocean of web pages. Seeking on the Internet today can be pictured as dragging a net over the sea surface. The vast majority of the web data is hidden under dynamically created destinations, and standard web crawlers never locates it. Deep web is larger and about 500 times bigger than surface web and on average have three times better quality. The search engines build their indexes by crawling surface Web pages and gives the result based on index which may or may not be relevant to the users search criteria. It makes the user to hover on the search result and to look in n number of web pages to find out the content. The basic problem of search engine is that they follow the web links to give the search result. The deep web is growing everyday on the internet with lot of information and it contains most of relevant information which is beneficial for user. To achieve all these perspective this paper gives the approach to reach the deep web and get the result accurately in precise time. Link based and text based comparison makes the crawler to filter out the most relevant pages in the result page. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1594-1598 |
418 |
Speed Analysis of a Vehicle Based on its License Plate
-Sumitra D Kubyal ; Sumitra D Kubyal; Mahesh Kuduchakar
Automatic recognition of vehicle registration plate (license or number plate) plays an important role in a today life. This paper discuss about a software fetching a vehicle license plate automatically from a video. Video may be in the form of color or black and white. Video is in the avi. Format which contains 12 frames per second. To recognize the license plate of vehicle several steps to be followed which includes Edge detection, license plate region localization, character segmentation and character recognition and feature extraction. With the help of license plate speed of vehicle is also calculated in this paper. By directly sending the video information for speed estimation and calculating the frequency of a license plate, speed estimation can be done. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1599-1602 |
419 |
Motion Estimation in H.264/Avc by 2d Logarithmic Search Algorithm
-Alpana S Uppin ; Alpana S Uppin; Sandhya S Bevoor
The H.264 which is also named Advanced Video Coding compression standard in video processing which results in good quality of video. The H.264 standard in video compression allows fast block matching algorithm to estimate the displacement of pixels in a search area limit which reduces the complexity of computing the motion vectors. In this paper we discussed on a 2D logarithmic search algorithm which gives the best match when compared to other block matching algorithm. Next, we check quality of video of predicted frames by computing PSNR. Thus using SP-line interpolation we increase the PSNR value for a set of specified frames. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1603-1605 |
420 |
Comparative Study of Indoor Radon and its Progeny In Dwellings around Kasimpur Thermal Power Plant and its neighbouring regions
-Dr. Meena Mishra
In the present study radon dosimeters containing LR-115 type II detector films in bare mode were placed in 30 rooms in the dwellings around Kasimpur Thermal Power Plant, 20 rooms in the dwellings of Ukhalana village and 10 rooms in the dwellings of Sunamai village. LR-11 type II solid state nuclear track detectors fixed on a thick flat card were exposed in bare mode. Track etch technique has been used to estimate the radon concentration. Annual effective dose has been calculated from the radon concentration to carry out the assessment of the variability of expected radon exposure of the population due to radon and its progeny. The radon concentration in the dwellings of Kasimpur Thermal power plant varies from 56.2 Bq m-3 to 241.4 Bq m-3 with an average value of 150.24 Bq m-3. Annual effective dose equivalent in the dwelling around Kasimpur Thermal Power Plant varies from 2.1 mSv y-1 to 9.2 mSv y-1 with an average value of 5.71 mSv y-1 . The measured radon concentration in the dwellings of Ukhalana Village varies from 44.3 Bq m-3 to 236.1 Bq m-3 with an average value of 136.49 Bq m-3. Radon activity may vary with the ventilation condition, type of construction materials and other factors. Annual effective dose equivalent varies from 1.7 mSv y-1 to 9.0 mSv y-1 with an average value of 5.21 mSv y-1. The measured radon concentration in the dwellings of Sunamai village varies from 66.1 Bq m-3 to 234.8 Bq m-3; with an average value of 134.25 Bq m-3. The variation in radon activity may vary with the ventilation conditions, type of construction materials and other factors. Annual effective dose equivalent varies from 2.5 mSv y-1 to 8.9 mSv y-1 with an average value of 5.1 mSv y-1. These values are below the recommended action levels. Read More...
India |
1606-1609 |
421 |
Experimental Analysis of Acetylene Gas as an Alternative Fuel for S.I. Engine
-Mr. Rushikesh D. Jadhav ; Mr. Vivek U. Mitkari
The search for an alternative fuel is one of the need for sustainable development, energy conservation, efficiency, management and environmental preservation. Therefore, any attempt to reduce the consumption of petrol and diesel possible alternative fuels is mostly preferable. Many research activities were developed in order to study the Internal Combustion Engines with alternative fuels. Acetylene is one of the tested fuels. The present project includes: providing a fuel comprising acetylene as a primary fuel and Alcohol as a Secondary fuel avoiding knocking for an internal combustion engine. The paper investigates working of IC engine on acetylene minor changes required to be done. Thus reducing the running cost and minimum pollutant emission, this makes it fit for use on economic and environment standard. It is more effective and eco-friendly alternative fuel option. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1610-1612 |
422 |
Tracing Trains Position on Check Point Over Scada Infrastructure
-Prof.Mahesh Patil ; Miss. Manaswi Jadhav; Miss.Shraddha Mane; Miss.Snehal Shendage
In existing system position of trains are decided by the reporting of the trains on the stations .When any train arrives at station and departs for next station, the existing system is unable to find the position of trains in between the two stations. In this system we will implement system which is cost effective solution to resolve above problems .In our system we are going to design a network of check points .And we obtain the position of the train in between the two check points .Also we display on LCD whether the peoples crossing the gate is allowed or not allowed. Data acquisition is done by the SCADA system and monitoring of acquired data is done with help of Goggle maps .We will show the current status of the train on the Google map which will help us to determine the train's real position. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1613-1614 |
423 |
Effect of Mineral Admixtures on Strength of Concrete
-K. Konda Reddy
Superior cement is characterized as concrete that meets uncommon mixes of consistency that can't generally be accomplished Sutilizing customary constituents and ordinary blending, setting time, and curing practices. Following the time when the term elite cement was brought, it had generally utilized as a part of extensive scale concrete development that requests high quality, high flowability, and high strength. High-quality cement is dependably superior cement; however elite cement is not generally a high-quality cement. Strong cement Specifying a high-quality cement does not guarantee that a tough solid will be accomplished. It is extremely hard to get an item which at the same time satisfy the greater part of the properties. So the distinctive pozzolanic materials like Ground Granulated Blast Furnance Slag (GGBS), silica fume, Rice husk ash, Fly ash, High Reactive Metakaolin, are a portion of the pozzolanic materials which can be utilized as a part of concrete as fractional substitution of bond, which are extremely vital fixings to deliver superior cement. So we have performed XRD tests of these aforementioned materials to know the variety of various constituent inside it. Additionally it is imperative to keep up the water cement ratio inside the insignificant extent, for that we need to utilize the water reducing admixture i.e superplasticizer, which assumes a vital part for the generation of elite cement. So we thus the task have tried on various materials like rice husk ash, Ground granulated blast furnance slag, silica ash to get the wanted needs. Additionally X-beam diffraction test was led on various pozzolanic material used to investigate their substance fixings. We utilized manufactured fiber (i.e Recron fibe) in various rate i.e 0.0%, 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3% to that of aggregate weight of cement and throwing was finished. In our study, two types of concrete are used one is conventional type and other Portland bond with admixture.The cubes are casted and tested for compression test and flexural test. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1615-1618 |
424 |
Design and Analysis of SPM for Wheel Hub Spot Welding
-Umesh Subhash Patharkar ; J. J. Salunke
Nowadays industry is facing a problem of skill operators for spot welding because spot welding is limited to one or more spots, with the work pieces usually overlapped. It is produced by the generation of heat and pressure, without filler metal, in a localized area in comparison to other welding processes. This research presents work on the design, analysis and implementation of low cost automation of spot weld special purpose machine (SPM) for hub of 3wheel vehicle. The hub welding of Studs (8 no’s) at 45º is difficult to achieve by unskilled operator with speed and accuracy. The designed SPM reduces operating cost and becomes important for productivity, quality and safety. During manual operation cycle time required for Hub welding of studs is 45 sec. This low cost automation project has been successful in reduction of cycle time by 33.33%. It is an SPM with pick and place system operated by loading and unloading the Hub which not only improves the productivity, quality and efficiency but also helps to achieve repeatability with greater accuracy. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1619-1623 |
425 |
Intelligent Control and Design of Smart Irrigation System using Sensors
-Ronak Rohit ; Ankit Patel
As water requirements is large for irrigation, So a smart irrigation system is needed. Which can save a lot of water around 80%in our country human population has been increasing at a fast rate and for their food need. Irrigation is an essential process that influences crop production. Generally farmers go to their agriculture fields frequently to check the moisture level of the soil and based on requirement water is pumped by motors to irrigate respective fields. Farmer need to wait for certain time period before switching off motor so that water is allowed to flow in sufficient quantity in all the fields. This irrigation method takes lot of time and effort particularly when a farmer need to irrigate more than one agriculture fields distributed in different geographical areas. This paper aims to make a prototype for irrigation of the fields which will reduce the work load of the farmer, man power will be reduced and water will be efficiently used so the wastage of water will also reduce. Sensors like Soil moisture Sensor, Temperature Sensor and Humidity Sensor will be placed in the fields . All the Sensors will be connected to a Arduino board which will transfer all the data to Raspberry Pi wirelessly through Zigbee. The data will be stored in the Raspberry Pi locally and then the data will be transferred to the Server. A web page will be created and all the data of the Sensors will be seen on this page. Read More...
India |
1624-1627 |
426 |
Implementation of a Honeypot in an Academic Environment
-Shikha Malakar
Honeypot Technology has been widely used to overcome the limitations of existing technologies like firewall, Intrusion detection system (IDS), Intrusion prevention system (IPS), antivirus etc. These systems can detect several known attacks but are not able to find out unknown attacks. This paper discus the Honeypot technology according to its implementation in an academic environment and present the experimental result, which successfully improves the performance of the security system used in an academic environment. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1628-1630 |
427 |
Dc-Dc Buck Boost Converter with Isolated Three Port Bidirectional for Energy Storage and Ac-Dc Outputs Voltages
-PRASHANTH. C ; Mr.Gopinath.A
This paper proposes another dc-dc converter with isolated, three port bidirectional dc-dc procedure with the utilization of delicate exchanging qualities by utilizing LCL resonant circuit. The composed converter is fit for control of power created from sun oriented PV board, a rechargeable battery and a load .the proposed converter is intended to equipped for most maximum power point tracking (MPPT) at whatever point greatest sunlight based radiations most extreme power is charges the battery utilizing MPPT charger and minimum number of switches are utilized and buck support operation utilizing switches s utilizing PI controller reproduction are completed. MATLAB programming device is utilized to execute the model and complete recreation considers. Read More...
India |
1631-1633 |
428 |
Robust Visual Moving Object Detection,Tracking and Speed Estimation of Progressively Denoised Video in Real Time
-Madhuri Ramesh Jadhav ; Prof.Shamala R. Mahadik
Image denoising continues to be an active research topic. The denoising methods approach is numerically impressive and they suffer from visible artifacts. The current methods are more complex for analysis, and implementation is also difficult. The proposed image denoising method which progressively reduces noise by deterministic annealing. The results of implementation are numerically and visually excellent. The new perspective of Robust Estimator is implemented. Also the focus of this paper is to design an algorithm to track a moving object and its speed estimation. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
1634-1637 |
429 |
Modelling and Simulation of Power Sharing in Micro Grid
-Guruprasad H ; Saahithi S
A small community of micro grid simulation platform is introduced in this paper. This simulation platform is capable of simulating the large grid models with high switching frequency. A small community of micro grid model which includes the PV, fuel cell, wind turbine LES, power electronic circuits, and circuit breakers. By using this model we can use the renewable energy more effectively in the little group like homes, parks and in offices. On this platform a case study is demonstrated and also the simulation result shows the importance of the micro grid. Read More...
India |
1638-1641 |
430 |
Finite Element Based Static Structural Analysis of IC Engine Piston
-Namrata Sengar ; Mit Patel ; Kashyap Vyas
The thermal and structural analyses are carried out for three different materials for IC engine piston and the results are compared. Based on the results, a material with better resistance to stress and deformation is selected for the piston design, to investigate further weight reduction opportunities. Results obtained suggest that weight of the piston can be reduced considerably without affecting its structural strength. Read More...
India |
1642-1644 |
431 |
Privacy Preservation of Sensitive Data Using Overlapping Slicing
-Rajendra Nage ; Deepali Vora
Data that is not privacy preserved is as futile as obsolete data. Although security is imperative privacy is more important in micro data publishing. Anonymization technique, such as generalization, has been designed for privacy preserving micro data publishing. We present a novel technique called slicing. Slicing preserves data utility and can be used for membership disclosure protection. Data privacy has gained a wide popularity. Even though the method like generalization is used, it gives protection against membership disclosure. Slicing was used for attribute disclosure protection and develop an algorithm for computing the sliced data. In the proposed system the privacy preservation is enhanced by providing slicing for identity protection. The proposed system combines generalization and slicing concept and perform the privacy preservation to overcome the defined problem and generate new approach which is called as Overlap Slicing. It will handle the two processing tasks in a single algorithm. Privacy preservation will be improved using this concept as well as will reduce memory space requirement. In general for privacy preservation of any data we apply the generalization technique or slicing technique to preserve the privacy and hide the data. The proposed system combines both the techniques for data preservation. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1645-1647 |
432 |
Statistical Analysis of CBD Bottleneck Traffic Congestion
Transportation is the backbone for any country. Efficient transportation plays a wide role in economy of any developing country like India. Especially in CBD areas of cities are facing the problems of traffic congestion. It is very important to study about the CBD traffic for the future planning. A statistical and modern approach to solve various traffic flow parameters (types of vehicles, flows, density, speed, friction) has been described in this report. A statistical analysis of queuing has been conducted on traffic flow data on ward area in Vadodara. Central Business District (CBD) are indisputable areas of traffic attraction occasioned by the growing population concentration, rapid urbanization and increasing commercial and economical activities. In this report, for reducing the traffic congestion, it has been tried to analyses the traffic behavior at locations where bottleneck traffic occurs. The data which is obtained by observing traffic flow in peak hours and non-peak hours were analyzed. The survey conducted on four locations and varying time periods. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1648-1649 |
433 |
Utilization of Hypo Sludge in Concrete
-Anubhav Kumar Hindoriya ; Om Narayan Mishra; Rajendra Kumar Neekhar
concrete is the essential material for the construction industries due to its properties and makes it a versatile material. Today’s requirement is that the material should be economical and having good properties, also utilize the waste products obtained from the various industries. The disposal of the waste product creates the environmental problem and also affects the humans and animals direct or indirect. There are various waste products which are used in construction industries, Hypo Sludge is also the one which is the waste material obtained from paper industry. It has some chemical properties which is quite similar to cement and used in the concrete as a supplement and also reduce the disposal and pollution problems. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1650-1651 |
434 |
User-Friendly Dashboard for Automated Testing
Testing is the process of finding defect in software, validating and verifying whether all features are working as intended. Sometimes during the process of testing, the actual and the expected behavior may vary. Testing can be done manually or can be automated. In this paper the concept of automation and its benefits are highlighted and the problem with manual testing is put forth. Test Automation plays a vital role in IT Service Management. Majority of Companies use IT Service Management to increase efficiency. Many companies uses the product “Service-Now†for IT service Management. There are three instance of Service-Now like dev, test, and prod which is used for development, testing and production. Problem, Incident and Change Management is carried out by Service-Now. This product is customized based on requirements to improve workflow efficiency across departments and is made user-friendly by improving the user interface design. During the process of upgradation from one version to another, manual testing is carried out to check the correctness and proper working of the product. To avoid manual testing which consumes a lot of time to verify, test automation is carried out in the proposed work. The automation is carried out with the help of Selenium tool. In the proposed work, dashboard is also created for user interface to run the test cases during upgradation. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1652-1656 |
435 |
A Review on Knowledge Discovery by Pattern Mining
-Niketa ; Jharna Chopra
Data mining is the analysis of large quantity of data in order to discover useful patterns .The massive quantity of information stored in amorphous texts cannot be further processed by computers, which typically process text as simple pattern of character strings. Therefore, to mine useful information, there is a need for specific pre-processing method and algorithms. The unstructured texts are process to pullout interesting information or knowledge. In this paper we discuss text mining as a young and interdisciplinary field in the intersection of the related areas information reclamation, statistics, computational linguistics, machine learning and especially data mining. We describe the main analysis task such as preprocessing, clustering, information extraction, classification and visualization. In addition we discuss a number of successful applications in the field to text mining techniques. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1657-1660 |
436 |
Cloud Android Imager
-Narasimha Rao ; Dr. B. M. Vidyavathi
Smart-phones have become a necessity for our daily life because they empower people with wide-range of applications and utility. New smart-phone technology like Apple iPhone and Google Android phones allowed the developers to design and develop applications which were previously unmanageable. Even though these phones are equipped with high-speed processor, RAM and a wide range of sensors which can be used for internet, gaming and other multimedia applications and multitasking. Most mid-configured android phones lag while running a 3D game or a similar application because the local resources are not sufficient to completely bear the load of application. In most cases running such applications even drains the battery very fast. A promising solution to this problem is computation offload. If an application (considering image processing android based application) on a smart-phone requires some intensive computation, which intern require large portion of the resources reserved, it makes sense to shift the load of image processing to some remote-severs. Cloud computing allows new services to roll out with a minimal fixed investment and a usage-proportional operational cost. In this project we present a simple implementation of computation offload for image-processing based android application which divides the computations into light-weight and heavy-weight, where the light-weight computations are processed using the local resources of the phone and the heavy-weight computations are offloaded to a cloud server. The result of the computation offloaded from phone is retrived from the cloud server and is combined with the results of the local computations (light-weight computations) to deliver the final result of overall computation.` Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1661-1664 |
437 |
Development and Performance Measurement of Chiller Tank by Nano Fluid
-Dr. Kalpesh V. Modi ; Dhruv Bhadreshkumar Sailor; Vivek Bharatkumar Rajyaguru; Pratikkumar Arvindbhai Patel; Pratik Rasikbhai Tada
As far as concern, the cooling system is imperatives to mankind and its requirement must have to be overcome by means of best optimal way to the environment. The dramatically increase of demand for cooling apparatus in the different using areas such as industries, hotels, buildings led us towards the feasible solutions for efficient cooling system. The conventional Chiller are designed as the continuous flow of coolant to the cold side of processed fluid system at the desired leaving fluid temperature nearly about 10°C with aided of the compressor, condenser, evaporator and expansion device. This paper emphasizes the non-conventional concept of the chiller cooling system by means of using nanoparticles which is the emerging technology during this era. Nanoparticles acts as heat transfer medium, which significantly increase heat transfer rate of refrigerant. Having the concept of refrigeration, this chiller-tank can be used in vital area of cooling systems. This chiller tank is meant to be designed and analysed according the vapour compression cycle. The actual purpose of this project is the performance measurement of both conventional and modified chiller tank and comparing their experimental data. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1665-1668 |
438 |
Parametric Study of Dome: A Review
-Mugdha A. Jain ; Prof. C. B. Nayak; Prof. S. B. Walke
In recent years, there have been an increasing number of structures using domes as one of the most efficient shapes in the world. It covers the maximum volume with the minimum larger volumes with no interrupting columns in the middle with an efficient shapes would be more efficient and economic. Dome roofs are the lightest structure to cover circular shape. Software usage in civil engineering has greatly reduced the complexities of different aspects in the analysis and design of such projects. In this paper investigation has been made to study analysis and design of dome using various software. It is observed that for dome parametric study is the key for optimum configuration by overall. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
1669-1671 |
439 |
Real-Time Healthcare using IoT
-Sayyed Shehbaz Ali ; Ashna Sushilan; Sayali M Nagpure
The fast development of Internet of Things (IoT) technology makes it possible for connecting different smart objects together through the use of Internet and providing more data interoperability methods for application purpose. Recent research shows more potential applications of IoT in information intensive industrial sectors such as health care services. Nowadays health care industry is to provide better health care to people anytime and anywhere in the world in a more economic and patient friendly manner. IoT based health care technologies allow the users to perform biometric and medical applications where body monitoring is needed by using different sensors. This information can be used to monitor in real time the state of a patient from anywhere around the world using Arduino Board. The Arduino analyses the data in real time and determines whether the person needs external help. When anomalies are detected or a threshold is reached, the monitoring system automatically transmits the information to the doctor’s workstation. Thus we are proposing a survey system which will perform these tasks by means of IoT, microcontrollers and semiconductors, sensors by means of Cloud platform. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1672-1676 |
440 |
Applying Time Varying Acceleration Coefficient PSO for Pumped Storage Hydrothermal Scheduling Problem
-Rituraj Singh Patwal ; Dr. Nitin Narang
In present scenario pumped storage hydrothermal system is becoming an important part of power systems for energy and water resource management. To maximize the water as fuel input in hydroelectric system pumped storage units are added with an advantage of operating in generating as well as pumping mode. Apart from minimizing the cost of power generation pumped storage unit resolves other practical problems like scarcity of water for drinking and irrigation. This paper has adopted time varying acceleration coefficient PSO (TVAC-PSO) technique with different PSO variants to solve hydrothermal scheduling (HTS) problem considering pumped-storage unit. The global best solution is compared with result obtained from PSO and heuristic optimization technique mentioned in paper and improved result is chosen. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1677-1681 |
441 |
A Survey: Recommended Techniques ‘Key-Value Store’ and ‘Simple Metadata Management’ for Services in Cloud Storage Systems
-Kiran S Hosur ; Meghashri E M; Chandrika C N
Nowadays, cloud services are spreading across the globe in the view of information storage, processing and management more efficiently and remotely with high connectedness over the internet. Hence information storage field has become an emerging trend. Information storage provides the storage capability for storing information in the form of files on several data storage servers which collectively form the storage cloud. This paper relatively briefs out the overview of cloud storage, issues and challenges being faced by it, and solutions towards the improvement in its performance. This paper has been written by collocating the cloud storage issues and solutions in a bundle that provides understandability and availability of cloud storage related information to the researchers and users. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
1682-1687 |
442 |
Personalized Travel Package Recommendation System: An Overview
-Himani M. Mishra ; Dr. Ms.V.M Deshmukh
Traveling being an area of interest of many people now a days require some good recommender system which can suggest traveling places options based on personal interest of a person. Along with traveling people like to share their location of interest and they like to enhance their social network wherever they visit, which might sometimes help them in earning more profit in their own profession, thus making traveling a good source of setting up social nework which can open new opportunities both for the people in cities where people visit and people who like to visit. Here is a recommender system which suggests travel plan based on personal interest and helps enhance social network wherever a traveler visits. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1688-1690 |
443 |
Multi-Biometric Cryptosystem using the Features of Fingerprint and Palmprint for Securing Biometric Templates
-Shilpa Shrivastava ; Sanjivani Shantaiya
Securing the privacy of biometric data has become a critical issue. This paper gives a multi biometrics cryptosystem that combines features of fingerprint and palmprint to overcome several drawbacks of uni biometrics cryptosystem. Preprocessing is a soul of an image processing in which feature enhancement is first step, in this system feature enhancement of input image that is fingerprint and palmprint are performed by applying a series of preprocessing techniques. Gaussian filter is used to independently extract a fingerprint feature which provides accuracy. Then we have extracted the features of both fingerprint and palmprint, in the later step the resultant images are combined in feature level fusion method using fuzzy commitment. After that codeword is generated with the help of Hamming Distance codeword generation method and then hashing is done with the help of MD5 algorithm which generates key. This key is stored and prior matching of the templates is done. We conclude that proposed methodology has better performance as compared to uni biometric cryptosystem approaches using individually only a fingerprint or a palmprint. The multiple biometrics helps to reduce the system error rate. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1691-1695 |
444 |
Use of Banana Leaves Ash in Concrete
-Rajendra Kumar Goyal ; Abhishek Tiwari
Cement is one of the materials that is generally
utilized as a part of development all around the globe. This
material is generally utilized in light of the fact that it has a
few advantages, for example, more sturdy, vitality proficient,
low upkeep, moderateness, imperviousness to fire, fabulous
warm mass furthermore flexibility. This examination was
directed to decide the ideal temperature and quality of
cement to deliver great cementitious material by utilizing
banana fiber ash. Agribusiness waste material can build the
quality of cement. The wellspring of common fiber are found
in plant and they are promptly ecological benevolent and
modest. Furthermore, characteristic fiber ash has an
incredible potential to enhance the execution of cement. In
this study, compressive quality test was directed to know the
quality of cement with three unique temperatures. Banana
trunk is cut layer by layer and bum in heater. Banana leaves
ash is replaced by cement in concrete upto 30% at an interval
of 10% and then properties of concrete like compressive is
checked after 7, 14 and 28 days curing. Grade of concrete
used is M40.
Civil Engineering |
India |
1696-1697 |
445 |
Characterization of Aluminium Alloy Coated Steel Made Using Friction Surfacing Method
-Muhammed Danish ; S.Usha; R.Veerapandian
Steel is the most commonly used material in industrial processes like automobile, nuclear power plants and gas turbine industries etc. But it undergoes degradation due to severe operating conditions like high temperature, pressure, large stress, adverse effect of medium etc. To overcome this drawbacks aluminum alloy deposition is carried out using Friction surfacing method. Friction surfacing is a solid state process and it is used here to deposit aluminum alloy 6061 on mild steel. Optimum friction surface processing parameters are axial force, spindle rotation speed and tool transverse speed. Three different samples were made by changing the process parameters. All samples were heat treated in an open atmosphere at 700 °C and 730 °C for 2 hrs. Micro structural analysis, hardness measurement and scratch resistant measurement are conducted using Scanning Electron Microscope equipped with EDS, Vicker’s micro hardness tester and Linear Scratch testing machine respectively. Results shows that there is a formation of Fe-Al intermetallic compounds after heat treatment on the aluminide layer and it had very high hardness. And scratch test analysis showed that heat treated samples possessed higher scratch hardness than non-heat treated samples. Read More...
Manufacturing Engineering |
India |
1698-1701 |
446 |
Investigation of OversizEd Wave Transport System for Microwave Reflectometry for SST-1 tokamak
-Patel Jaykumar Girishkumar ; Janmejay U. Buch; Gautam D. Makwana; Surya Kumar Pathak
A Wave Transport System (WTS) to transport the electromagnetic waves from the microwave Reflectometer transmitter to the tokamak and back has been designed and simulated using the CST Microwave Studio. Operating frequency range of the reflectometer is the Ka-band (26.5-40 GHz) which is decided based on the plasma parameters of the SST-1. To reduce propagation losses oversized waveguides (WR-90) were selected over the fundamental waveguides (WR-28). Oversized waveguides also reduce group delay of propagation in waveguides. To avoid generation of higher order modes linear transitions from WR-28 to WR-90 were utilized. The overall losses of the system reduce significantly on using oversized waveguides while avoiding mode conversion is a major drawback of using oversized waveguides. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1702-1706 |
447 |
A Compact Data Structure Based Technique for Mining Frequent Item Sets & Association Rules from a Data Set
-Mr. Brijendra Dhar Dubey ; Prof. Kapil Sahu
Frequent item set mining is a heart favorite topic of research for many researchers over the years. It is the basis for association rule mining. The concept of frequent item set mining together with the pros and cons of the current methods have been elaborated. Frequent item set mining is a very popular and computationally expensive task. In this paper, we have developed a method to discover large item sets from the transaction database. The infrequent elements have been pruned from the source data base. The proposed mining method is efficient in terms of the time and space consumption. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1707-1709 |
448 |
Implementation on Energy Efficient Multilevel Hierarchical Data Aggregation Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks
-Syed Jakeer Hussain ; Manju Khanna
Wireless Sensor networks consisting of mobile nodes with limited battery power and wireless nodes are deployed to collect the related information from that area. Collecting sensed data in an energy efficient manner is critical to operate the sensor network for a long period of time because of the power restriction of sensor mobile nodes, efficient routing, in wireless sensor networks, is a critical approach to saving node’s energy and thus increases network lifetime WSN consists of several sensor nodes with each having the capacity to sense the data, process the sensed data and communicate the processed data. Usually sensor nodes are kept in dense, randomly deployed at the region they want to monitor. The major challenge is that deployment leads to the generation of enormous amount of redundant (duplicate) sensor data. Routing of those redundant data consumes more energy and that leads to the saturation point of the network resources. Hence Data fusion technique is used to reduce the duplicate routing of data in the network by fussing the redundant data packets so that network lifetime increase. There are different data fusion techniques which perform data fusion in a single level or in two levels. In this paper we are proposing a multilevel hierarchical data aggregation technique which handles the redundant transmissions in an efficient manner. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1710-1715 |
449 |
A Review on Municipal Solid Waste: Generation and Treatments
-Chandrakant S Tiwari
Municipal solid waste management is becoming one of the major environmental problems in Indian cities. Mismanagement of MSW can cause harmful environmental impacts and public health problems. Many studies reveal that about 90% of MSW is disposed of unscientifically in open dumps and landfills, which create environmental and public health problems. The uncontrolled dumping of waste on the borders of towns/cities have create many environmental problems. This paper presents an overview of production of MSW and available technologies in Indian Cities. Read More...
Environment Engineering |
India |
1716-1718 |
450 |
Pavement Performance and Functional Evaluation for Selected Stretches
Transportation is a catalyst for development of any society. Road transportation is considered as veins and arteries of a nation, thus roads are constructed with variety of materials & specifications to mitigate the connectivity problems. Utmost care is taken in designing & developing the road ways, may it be in designing the network of roads or designing components of roads or in considering materials for construction. Hence it is very much essential to analyse a flexible pavement for its responses on application of vehicular loads. Due to repeated application of loads, the performance of the pavement deteriorates and hence damage assessment procedures are carried out to rectify the defects produced in flexible pavement to provide PCI by conducting tests and survey’s like traffic volume count, distress survey, texture depth & rating survey. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1719-1721 |