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1 |
Analysis of Carbon-Jute Hybrid Reinforced Polyester Composite under Flexural Loading
-KARTHIK S ; Sandeep B; Dr Keerthiprasad K S
Polyester composites reinforced with carbon-jute hybrid with three different orientations of 0º, 30º and 45º was fabricated by hand lay-up process. It is very important to evaluate the mechanical properties of these composite before it is subjected to the real practical application. The flexural test results obtained shows better flexural strength of hybrid composite at 30ºorientaion when compared with 0º and 45º. By Ansys, the analysis results are closing with the specimens tested data. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1-4 |
2 |
Design and Analysis of Plate With Holes using Finite Element Analysis
-Sunilakumar Biradar
It is very Often that analysis of stresses in complex structures is Very tedious job for mechanical engineers. So various methods have been introduced like analytical method, by using software’s, And by FEM approach. Among all the methods software based Analysis is easy because it encourages any types of problems and the results obtained are error free. MSC NASTRAN PATRAN is one among that software that has helped from aeronautical to design engineers in their work. Due to its well-structured program and user friendly interface Analysis of structure is very easy. Our vision is to understand the software by solving some complex Structures using this software and validating it with the tradition Methods like analytical method or by fem approach. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
5-8 |
3 |
A Research Paper on Optimization of Different Tool Nose Radius and Their Effects on Surface Finishing ,Geometric Accuracy and Forming Time Using Al7075 Employing Taguchi Technique
-Sandeep Kumar ; Jagdeep Chauhan
Incremental sheet metal forming is widely used and one of the well-developed manufacturing process these days. In ISF the parts formed have good quality, geometric accuracy, and ready to be used. This is the new technique as in the conventional forming avoiding the use of punches and dies it is not possible to manufacture the parts of good quality and it also leads to higher setup time and the manufacturing cost of the product is also high which is undesirable. To overcome these problems there is a need of process which reduces higher set up cost of punches and dies. In the conventional forming it also takes higher lead time which effects badly the cost and idle time. The ISF process is carried out with the help of a blank holder to hold the work piece and a hemi-spherical tool of different nose radius is utilized. A pre-generated tool path may be developed in CAD/CAM software, need to be integrated with the cnc machining center. To optimize the process parameters in ISF,L9 orthogonal array, taguchi method and ANOVA were developed for various process parameters such as feed rate, spindle speed, tool diameter, step depth[1]. The aim of this study is to optimize the forming time, surface roughness and geometric accuracy. the software MINI TAB-17 has been used for the analysis purpose. Analysis of variance(ANOVA)has been employed to investigate the characteristics and experimental results of the process. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
9-13 |
4 |
Biodiesel Development from Sesame Oil: Transesterification and Fuel Characterization
-SUBHASH L. GADHAVE ; Satishchandra .S.Ragit
The environmental awareness and exhaustion of resources are driving forces behind the development of alternative fuels from renewable raw material resources that are certainly more acceptable. Vegetable oil is the main probable alternative fuel. The most dangerous properties of vegetable oils are its low volatility and high viscosity, because of these reason there are numerous problems during their long period usage in CI engines. The most frequently used technique to make vegetable oil fit for use in CI engines is to convert it into biodiesel, i.e. vegetable oil esters using method of transesterification. Sesame oil is a non-edible vegetable oil, which is existing in huge quantities in different states of India, and very little research has been done to use this oil as the replacement for the Diesel. In the present research work has been investigated the transesterification process for biodiesel production of Sesame oil. Optimum conditions for transesterification of Sesame oil with methanol and KOH as catalyst were found to be 60 °C reaction temperature, 1 h reaction time, 1:4 molar ratio of sesame oil to methanol and 0.40% catalyst (w/w). Sesame oil methyl ester thus produced was characterized to find its suitability to be used as a fuel in CI engines. Results indicated that biodiesel obtained under the optimum conditions has comparable properties to substitute the Diesel; hence, Sesame oil methyl ester biodiesel could be recommended as a mineral Diesel fuel substitute for compression ignition (CI) engines in agriculture sector as well as in the transportation. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
14-17 |
5 |
Optimization and FEA Analysis of Centrifugal Pump Shaft
This paper deals with the optimization and FEA analysis of centrifugal pump shaft using structural steel and composite material. Nowadays composite materials are gaining worldwide attention due to its low cost and high reliability. The weight optimization of the shaft is carried out. Deflection in shaft, natural frequency and life of both materials calculated. The von misses’ stresses are also calculated in the shaft for both the materials and the best suitable material is selected for centrifugal pump shaft. Read More...
India |
18-19 |
6 |
Performance Comparison of FMRI Image Analysis Techniques
-Manu Chauhan ; Bipan Kaushal
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) is a neuroimaging process that utilizes MRI technique for measuring brain activity by the detection of associated blow flow change. Numerous methods for FMRI image analysis has been continuously evolving day by day. The techniques such as state vector machines (SVM) and linear neural networks are very common for the analysis of FMRI images. However, continuous efforts are being placed to improve the accuracy levels. So in this paper a new method for the classification of MRI images is proposed to meet the requirement. Convolution neural network (CNN) is a technique which is currently being used in the field of image processing. In this thesis work CNN along with k-means clustering, feature extraction and nuclei segmentation are implemented for the efficient detection of activated image features from a given set of MRI database. A set of 40 MRI images is collected and segmented by the technique known as nuclei segmentation. The noise is removed by cropping the non-brain portion from the images. Further, Feature extraction and k-mean clustering algorithm is implemented in order to extract features and partition them into the clusters. Finally, the classification is done by the methods including SVM, linear neural network and convolution neural network. The results are obtained in terms of accuracies and are compared with each other. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
20-22 |
7 |
Skyline Query with Grid-based and Angular based partition method
-Chauhan Mitali B. ; Hitesh Patel
During the last decades, management of Data and storage has become increasingly distributed. So requirement of the advanced query operators, such as skyline queries, are necessary in order to help users to handle the huge amount of available data by identifying a set of interesting data objects. Fast skyline selection of high-quality web services is of critically importance to upgrade e-commerce and various cloud applications. In this paper we are presenting the 5v’s characteristics of the Big Data and also technology which is used to handle Big Data. Here we also discuss the concept of skyline which filters out the set of interesting points from the large set of data points from database. The skyline of a set of multi-dimensional points (tuples) consists of those points for which no clearly better point exists in the given set, using component-wise comparison on domains of interest. Angular partitioning divides the data space using angles, motivated by the observation that skyline tuples are located near the origin. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
23-26 |
8 |
Sixth Sense Technology - Applications & Security Threats
-Prathmesh Shrikant Mhatre ; Jayesh Ramesh Gyanchandani; Islamali Jahidali Shaikh
Abstract— In this paper we have worked on the new technology named sixth sense technology, its various applications and security threats. It’s a new technology that provides user with the digital information of the physical world around him just with some of its wearable interfaces. In real life individuals make use of their five natural senses to make judgements, decisions or to take actions based on what they see, or come across, etc. With the help of this new born technology one can watch videos, move data, access things without any use of keyboards, mouse etc. One can communicate with just use of their hand gestures. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
27-29 |
9 |
Optimization of Heat Transfer Coefficient of Air Preheater using Computational Fluid Dynamics
-Vivek Borkar ; Shadab Imam; Vikky Kumhar
After studying literatures mentioned in the literature review chapter, it is understood that there are some gaps in design of shell and tube air preheater. The main aim of the project investigation is to modify the design of air preheater, mentioned in Das et al. [40] to increase its heat transfer coefficient and hence improving its performance and efficiency. The tubular preheater ducts for cold and hot air require more space and structural supports than a rotating preheater design. Further, due to dust-laden abrasive flue gases, the tubes outside the ducting wear out faster on the side facing the gas current. Many advances have been made to eliminate this problem such as the use of ceramic and hardened steel. This project also contains the method for calculating boiler efficiency using indirect method and reduce the losses in air preheater by changing the tube diameter of air preheater in ANSYS Fluent (CFD) software and validating its results from literature Das et al. [40]. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
30-37 |
10 |
Feasibility of Study on Effect of Waste Glass Powder as a Partial Replacement of Cement on Compressive Strength of Concrete
-Swarna Dubey ; Swarna Dubey; S. S. Goliya; O. S. Dhakre
The aim of the present work was to use glass powder as a replacement of cement to evaluate the pozzolanic action of fine glass powder in concrete and compare its results of compressive strength with other pozzolanic materials such as silica fume and fly ash. A series of tests were carried out to study the effect of 15% and 20% replacement of cement by, glass powder, fly ash and silica fume on compressive strength and durability in the form of capillary absorption. Many experiments has been done in the concrete industry to use waste glass as partial replacement of fine or coarse aggregates and cement. Glass powder was partially replaced as 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% and tested for its compressive, flexural and Tensile strength up to 28 days of age and were compared to the of conventional concrete, from the results attained, it was found that glass powder can be utilized as cement replacement material up to particle size less than 75µm to avoid alkali silica reaction. Mix of 28 days target strength of 38.25N/mm² using (IS code) was accepted. Initially compressive strength increased till 15% and after it was decreased. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
38-41 |
11 |
3D Password - A Way of Secure Authentication
-Jeetu Sonar ; Gaurav Joshi
Present days, confirmation framework has numerous issues, for example, literary passwords can be effectively distinguished either by utilizing savage power system or by picking important words from lexicons. To accomplish this constraint numerous graphical secret key are accessible which consume less memory room when contrasted with printed watchword. Additionally, biometric framework is utilized which may mechanize the ID or confirmation of a person by recognizing human qualities. Multi component verification plan is called 3-D secret key which speaks to the 3-D virtual environment of the different virtual items. Association with articles happens by the client through this environment. In 3-D virtual environment there is an arrangement and mix of client cooperation which is characterized as 3-D secret key. 3-D watchword key space is characterized by the outline of 3-D virtual environment and kind of articles chose. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
42-44 |
12 |
Optimization of Surface Roughness and Material Removal Rate in CNC Turning of En 8 Steel Using Taguchi Method
-Vipin ; Jitender Kumar
CNC turning is one among the metal cutting process in which quality of the finished product depends mainly upon the machining parameters such as feed, speed, depth of cut, type of coolant used, types of inserts used, tool geometry etc. This paper outlines an experimental study to optimize the effects of cutting parameters of CNC turning on surface finish and Material removal rate (MRR) of EN8 alloy steel work material by employing Taguchi techniques. The Taguchi parameter design method is an efficient experimental method in which a response variable can be studied, using fewer experimental runs as compared to factorial design method. The control parameters for this operation included: cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut. Response variable for optimization are Surface roughness and Material removal rate. The experimentation plan is designed using Taguchi’s L9 Orthogonal Array (OA) and Minitab 16 statistical software is used. Optimal cutting parameters for, minimum surface roughness (SR) and maximum material removal rate were obtained. Thus, it is possible to increase machine utilization and decrease production cost in an automated manufacturing environment. Read More...
Manufacturing Engineering |
India |
45-49 |
13 |
Implementation and Application of Bubble Sort in 2D Array
-Ashima Gambhir
Bubble sort is the basic sorting technique to sort the elements in one dimensional array. Here Bubble sort is applied on two dimensional arrays in which every row is gradually sorted from left to right. This research paper aims to sort the two dimensional array. However the primitive solution of this problem is to scan all elements stored in the input matrix to sort each and every element. This sorting algorithm is comparison based algorithm in which every pair of adjacent element is compared and elements are swapped if they are not in order. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
50-51 |
14 |
Design and Fabrication of Machine for Tire Removing and Fitting on Rim of Wheel
-Pornima T. Godbole ; Proff. C. C. Handa ; S. P. Bhorkar
In the present context of market situation, there is always a need for better design of the equipment with the maximum reduction in cost. Added to these is the human comfort which enables a person to operate it with ease and least consumption of human effort. The 'tire-changer' equipment is used by vulcanizing shops, retailers of tires, tire retreading works and servicing stations for easy tire demounting and mounting operations from or on to the wheel disc or rim of light motor vehicles. With these 'tire-changer' machines, no extra manpower is required as only one person can do the entire job in less time. The main objective provide information of existing tire changer equipments and fabricate low cost manual 'tire-changer' equipment to develop self-employment opportunities. In this paper some existing machine related to tire changer machine is discussed. Read More...
India |
52-54 |
15 |
Comparative Study of Physico-Chemical Parameter of Soil Irrigated with Different Source of Water in Davanagere City, India
-Divya M R ; Divya M R; Vagish M
The effects of civilization in development of industrial production and urbanization has led to results in evolving out of the new technologies and also helps in development of agriculture to meet the requisite of people. Mainly agriculture depends on the different source of water, hence composition of source water influence on the soil properties Three samples are collected from the agricultural land irrigated with different source of water (sewage water, canal water, Bore well water) from different location of Davanagere city, samples were investigated for physico-chemical properties of soil and heavy metal concentration. From this study sewage soil having more nutrient value compare to other two samples because rich in organic carbon. Sewage soil having higher phosphorous (53 kg/ ha), nitrogen (190kg/ ha) heavy metals concentration are within the limit. The present study reveals that comparative analysis of physico-chemical parameters of soil irrigated with different source of water. Soil samples are collected from three different irrigated land are Budhihal, Shirama gondanahalli, Vidyanagar located near to Davangere for a period of 5 months which is from December 2015 to April 2016.The main objective of this study is to determine physico-chemical parameter of soil using statistical analysis, correlation analysis and also estimate the pollution index of the soil. Read More...
Environment Engineering |
India |
55-59 |
16 |
A Review on Content based Image Classification Techniques
-Miss Rajashri Pravin Mahajan ; Prof. S. V. Patil
Image classification is essential field of research in computer vision. Growing rate of multimedia data, remote sensing as well as web photo gallery require a category of different image for the proper retrieval of user. Various researchers are relevant dissimilar approach for image classification such as segmentation, clustering and some machine learning approach intended for the classification of image. Content of image such as color, texture and shape and size plays an important role in semantic image categorization except the proper selection of feature are challenging task of classification, so various authors apply a few machine learning approach for image classification such as decision tree, RBF network, Markova model and support vector machine. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
60-63 |
17 |
Intrusion Detection System on KDDCUPS’99 Dataset with SVM & KNN
-Preeti Yadav ; Jaspreet Kaur
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) becomes a crucial a part of each laptop or network system. Intrusion detection (ID) may be a mechanism that has security for each computers and networks. Feature choice and have reduction is very important space of analysis in intrusion direction system. the dimensions and attribute of intrusion file ar terribly massive. within the analysis work intrusion detection totally different issues ar two-faced. A hybrid model for feature choice and intrusion detection is very important issue in intrusion detection. the choice of feature in attack attribute and traditional traffic attribute is difficult task. Experimental results performed on KDDCup’99 data set and real network data indicate. The Intrusion from network from different dataset using KNN, SVM and KNN in Matlab tool. A comparative analysis of different feature selection methods based on KDDCUP’99 benchmark dataset is applied. The performance is evaluated in terms of regression, slop and Accuracy of the testing dataset. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
64-68 |
18 |
Optimization of Drilling Parameters using Genetic Algorithms
-Vipin ; Suman Kant; CS Jawalkar
Surface roughness in drilling process is important aspect so there is needs to minimize surface roughness while drilling. This paper investigates the influence of drilling parameters such as spindle speed, feed rate and cutting tools on surface roughness while drilling titanium alloy. The experiments have been conducted by employing L27 orthogonal array by considering HSS, Coated HSS and carbide drills. After experimentation second order empirical modelling was done using regression method. Finally, optimization of drilling parameters for surface roughness was done through genetic algorithms. The genetic algorithms give minimum value of surface roughness was 0.0689 corresponding optimize drilling parameters were 576.069, 0.03, and carbide as spindle speed, feed rate and cutting tool respectively. Read More...
Manufacturing Engineering |
India |
69-71 |
19 |
Relay Node Placement in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey
-Manpreet Kaur ; Er. Abhilasha Jain
Recently, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been immensely used in many real-life outlines, and have become very important. These sensors sense some physical phenomenon and then gathered information is processed. Sensor nodes may be affected from a huge distortion in severe surroundings, that causes the network to get split into multiple disjoint segments. Now to join these segments (in WSNs) is very crucial. However, if the connectivity of the network has been more dense, it will get more rough. In this paper a Relay node placement scheme in WSNs that unites disjoint segments with less number of Relay nodes is considered. Number of techniques are used for implementing it. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
72-76 |
20 |
Assessment of Graduate Students' Performance Using Data Mining: Proposed Research
-Mrs. Priyanka Rahul Patil ; Dr. R. S. Kamath
Data mining provides a set of techniques which can help educational system to improve learning experience of students as well as increase their profits. Proposed research is designed to justify that various data mining techniques intent in extraction of the hidden knowledge from the student database and prediction of students' performance based on dependency parameters. This aids to identify the students who need special attention and allow the teacher to provide appropriate advising. The researcher has justified that various data mining techniques intent in extraction of the hidden knowledge from the student database and prediction of students' performance based on dependency parameters. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
77-79 |
21 |
Durability Study of Concrete Containing Copper Slag as a Replacement Partial Replacement for Fine Aggregate
-Pradeep ; G V Nandi
Among various industrial waste copper slag is one of the industrial waste which is polluting the environmental in different ways. The current work is carried out to compare the mechanical properties of copper slag concrete with conventional concrete at various replacement levels. Concrete mixes were evaluated for acid attack test and water absorption test. Concrete cube 15cmX15cmX15cm was tested for acid attack test and water absorption test. Copper slag as a replacement of sand that concrete exhibits enhanced mechanical properties with reference to conventional concrete. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
80-82 |
22 |
Failure Analysis of Plug of Valve Investment Casting at Creative Castings Limited- Junagadh
-Prof. Kalpesh Dayalal Parmar ; Kartik B. Sardhara; Rushikesh Pithiya
There are various defects and in Investment casting. In this project our attempt is to find out various defects occurs in Investment casting process at Creative Castings Limited. We are going to analyze periodic defects like porosity, inclusions, shrinkage in investment casting and try to reduce these defects by some remedial procedures. We have also analyzed the various failures like inclusion, porosity, shrinkage in ANSYS & E-foundry analysis software and optimization. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
83-85 |
23 |
How Digitalization Makes Education Easier
-Mohammed Zaid maqsood ; Salmani Mohommed Shafique
Now-a-days we are living in an era where technological innovations are so fast that each day a new technology is evolved, giving rise to more and more advanced knowledge. Now we are dragged on a stage where we cannot survive without latest technologies. The impact of this major revolution has greater influence on the society and also on country’s economy because many analysts consider literacy rates as a crucial measure for value of regions human capital. In this paper we have discussed some latest Technological innovation that was possible only because of Digitalization. Read More...
Master of Computer Application |
India |
86-89 |
24 |
Elevated Water Tank Under Sloshing Effect
-Miss. Shital Anandrao Patil ; Prof. A. H. Kumbhar; Prof. T. F. Mujawar
In day to day life, one cannot live without water. The elevated liquid storing tank is the most effective storing competence used for domestic or even industrial rationale. The liquid storage tank is a lifeline structure & the water tank is important for water distribution distribution system. After the earthquakes the failure of large tanks are suspected & result of dynamic buckling. The water supply is available in earthquake affected region. The aim of behavior of elevated water tank of liquid storage during the earthquake caused the overturning movements, seismically induced by slosh waves. In this paper analysis to study the sloshing effect in elevated water storage tank. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
90-93 |
25 |
Soil Structure Interaction Analysis of Elevated Water Storage Tank.
-Miss. Vijaya Jayasing Ghadge ; Prof. A.H.Kumbhar; Prof. T.F. Mujawar
In day to day life, one cannot live without water. The elevated liquid storing tank is the most effective storing competence used for domestic or even industrial rationale. The water must be stored and be available whenever needed by community and industry. Thus there is an acute need for large efficient and economical storage facilities. When a structure is built on soil some of the elements of the structure are in direct contact with the soil. When the loads are applied on the structure, internal forces are developed in both the structure and as well as in soil. The aim of this study is to understand the soil structure interaction analysis of a water tank supported by system of column and bracing. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
94-97 |
26 |
Multi-response optimization of machining parameters on CNC Milling of EN 19 alloy steel with TiAlN coated milling cutter using GRA
-Mahavir Vijay Chhabada ; Prof. Shailesh D. Ambekar
For the success of the manufacturing organization finding the optimum balance between higher production rate and improved quality is most important. Productivity can be interpreted in terms of material removal rate in the machining processes and quality represents product characteristics as desired by the customers which will give competitive edge over the competitors. Both these criterions are conflicting but important for the success of the organization. This paper presents the study of the parameter optimization of end milling operation for EN19 alloy steel with multi-response criteria based on the Taguchi L9 orthogonal array with the grey relational analysis. Surface roughness and material removal rate are optimized with consideration of performance characteristics namely cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut. A comparative study has been done with compressed air and oil as a coolant by using TiAlN PVD coated carbide end milling cutter tool. A grey relational grade obtained from the grey relational analysis is used to solve the end milling process with the multiple performance characteristics. Additionally, the analysis of variance (ANOVA) is to be applied to identify the most significant factor. Finally, confirmation tests are performed to make a comparison between the experimental results and developed model. Read More...
mechanical engineering |
India |
98-103 |
27 |
Study and Analysis of Search Engine Algorithm
-Sushant Keshao Likhar ; Geocey Shejy
Search Engines are essentially used to search for any information across internet. The main essential motive of any website or web page is to show up at the top of the search engine when any client search the related data that is in their website content. There are different elements that influence the websites rating and dives them to the top rundown of the search crawler and a few sites in spite of have the best content never gets into the search engine top list. This specialty of enhancing a sites visibility in the body of search engines result is known as Search Engine Optimization. In this paper, we will compare the various algorithms that affect Search Engine Optimization process and perform the comparative study. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
104-106 |
28 |
Augmented Reality in the field of education
-Shrikant Pathak ; Akhilesh Mishra; Satish Nakudkar
In today’s digital world, teacher face lack of attention in student as a major challenge in the learning process. With every student having own mobile device, Student demand interactive tools and teaching method. Upcoming Technology AR has significant potential to transform the way content is taught in classes. This paper covers the Introduction of AR followed with, design of Making AR, Advantage and disadvantage of AR. This Paper gives a complete overview of what would happen if AR will used in Education and where it can be used. It further covers the benefits of AR and tells how it is used in education. It further introduces Stakeholder such as (Student, Teacher, Developer and Platform builder) it shows what problems they face currently and how AR would benefit them. Then it tells what are the different platforms available to build AR, followed by the problem which is faced by the developer and conclusion. Read More...
Master of Computer Application |
India |
107-111 |
29 |
Finding the First Two Minima and Index For Parity Check LDPC Codes
This paper represents that hardware efficient design to findout the first rwo minimum values and its index so this is the most important design for the low complexity decoder structure by using min sum algorithm. This proposed algorithm can represents that the usage of comparators are less than previous desgns and which can reusable to compare the results for the first minimum and also used collect the second order elements for second minima. The area time complexity should be improved in this proposed design. Read More...
India |
112-115 |
30 |
Effect of Glass Powder in High Strength Concrete
-Mukul Dutt Pandey ; Abhay Kumar Jha
Concrete is a versatile building material and it is used all over the world. Concrete is a word which makes revolutionary change in the construction industry in all over the world. Concrete is a material which is can be molded in any shape and size due to this property of concrete it is accepted in all over the world. Where concrete has such a big advantages and being accepted all over the world. At the same time concrete has some disadvantages too, like when we mix water in the ingredient of concrete it go through the hydration process due to cement present in it. When this hydration process goes on it liberate some poisonous gases, there poisonous gases will affect the environment and harm the ozone layer, to reduce this effect on the environment some scientist and researchers concluded that cement which is major ingredient of concrete is partially replaced by waste material like Glass Powder. Basically Glass Powder is a by-product of Glass factories. Glass Powder is present on a satisfactory scale in India and also it shows a great pozzolanic properties, due to this Fly ash we can used as a partial replacement of cement. For this project High strength M60 concrete is designed by IS 10262 and M60 concrete cubes is casted and all mix is prepared, after mixing concrete cube is casted then these cubes is tested for compressive strength and flexural strength. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
116-118 |
31 |
Face Annotation for Content Filtering
-Mahvash Iram Khan ; K. N. Hande
With the rapid advances in the field of multimedia technologies the collection of numerous digital images are also on verge of increase. This has led to the research in the field of image annotation. Auto face annotation is playing an important role in many real-world applications. Face annotation task is part of face detection and recognition. Various pictures are uploaded on social sites daily but many of them are tagged with false name or improperly. It then becomes problematic in recognizing a person properly. Automatic image annotation is the process of automatically assigning semantic labels to images. This paper presents the survey on different approaches for auto face annotation and image based annotation retrieval and also it aims to cover the latent space and generative approaches for auto face annotation and includes a proposed methodology in short. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
119-121 |
32 |
A Review on Channel Capacity Enhancement in Multiuser OFDM
-Zankhna Nalwaya
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) has successfully prevented ISI in a frequency selective wireless environment. The growing demand on wireless communication service has created the necessity to support higher data rates for multimedia services. As next generation wireless communication networks are expected to provide broadband multimedia services such as voice, web browsing, video conferencing etc. For high data rate achievement one must enhance the capacity of the wireless communication system. The capacity of a communication system can be enhanced by using OFDM system. An interesting application of OFDM is in Multiuser OFDM systems in which multiple users share the same channel and the total transmit power. Due to independent multipath fading characteristic for each user, channel diversity is also created. This survey studies the methods that have been proposed in the literature to allocate the resources and achieve better Performances in data rates and Bit error rates and minimum transmit power levels. And also review on different channel capacity enhancement techniques used in OFDM system is SVD (Singular Value Decomposition), water filling algorithm. Read More...
Wireless Communication and Computing |
India |
122-125 |
33 |
Segregating Customers of Retail Market Based on Their Purchasing Pattern
-Supriya V Koganurmath ; Madhushree
Retail advertisers are continually searching for ways to enhance the adequacy of their crusades. One approach to do this is to target clients with the specific offers no doubt to pull in them back to the store and to invest more energy and cash on their following visit. Demographic business sector division is a way to deal with fragmenting markets. An organization partitions the bigger business sector into gatherings in view of a few characterized criteria. Age, sexual orientation, occupation are among the generally considered demographics division criteria. A specimen contextual analysis has been done with a specific end goal to clarify the hypothesis of division connected on a retail market chain. The reason for this contextual analysis is to decide reliance on items and shopping propensities. Besides estimate deals decide the advancements of items and client profiles. Association rule mining was utilized as a technique for distinguishing clients purchasing designs and as a result client profiles were resolved. Other than Association rule, fascinating results were found about client profiles, for example, "What things do female clients purchase?" or "What do consumers (married and 35-45 matured) lean toward for the most part?". Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
126-128 |
34 |
Intelligent Traffic Management System
-Martin David ; Rahul Shinde
Traffic jams creates a wide variety of problems like; it wastes a lot of precious time of people travelling from one place to another, also traffic may cause huge wastage of fuel and cause more pollution and this will result in an irreversible damage that will be caused to the environment. So, in this paper we solely focus on dispersing the traffic efficiently and effectively based on the type of traffic. Read More...
Transportation Engineering |
India |
129-133 |
35 |
Effectiveness of Triple Tube Heat Exchanger
-Mr. Bharat Dashrath Deorukhkar ; Mr. Omkar Suresh Gomale; Mr. Pranal Nilkanth Indulkar; Mr. Saeed Mehboob Chikkali; Mr. Vaibhav K Dongare
A double tube heat exchanger is conventionally used because of cheaper cost of construction. But the problem associated with it is that it occupies larger tube length and space. To overcome this a modified version of double tube heat exchanger is developed which is a triple tube heat exchanger. Triple tube heat exchanger provide larger heat transfer area per unit length of heat exchanger as compared to double tube heat exchanger. Our experiment will experimentally calculate effectiveness of triple tube heat exchanger. To enhance the effectiveness dimples have been made on the middle tube. The fluid used is water. Hot water will flow through the middle annular space while cold fluid will flow through the inner tube and outer annular space. The study is carried out to determine the effectiveness of triple tube heat exchanger with dimple tubing. Read More...
Heat Power Engineering |
India |
134-136 |
36 |
Friction Factor Effect on Triple Tube Heat Exchanger
-Mr. Bharat Dashrath Deorukhkar ; Mr. Omkar Suresh Gomale; Mr. Pranal Nilkanth Indulkar; Mr. Saeed Mehboob Chikkali; Mr. Vaibhav K Dongare
Heat exchanger refers to a device which exchanges heat from hot fluid to cold fluid with maximum rate and minimum running cost. These are having applications in many industries such as material processing, automobiles, food industries, power plants, space research etc. triple concentric tube heat exchanger in a tubular type of heat exchanger which consists of three tubes which provides more heat transfer rate per unit length of heat exchanger. Experiments were performed to increase the effectiveness of triple tube heat exchanger by dimple tubing. So we considered the parameters of friction factor are compared with result of turbulent flow in triple tube by dimple tubing. Statistical correlations for the Nusselt number and friction factor have been developed in terms of geometrical parameters of the roughness elements and the flow Reynolds number. Read More...
Heat Power Engineering |
India |
137-138 |
37 |
Finite Element Analysis of Mast Structure for Aerodynamic Loads
-Mallappa Madakatti ; Dr. S. G. Gopala Krishna
sailing is an important delivery mode from olden days to the existing era. Now an afternoon’s competitions are going on the sail boat designs. Crusing boats need to be designed for worst situation of loading in order that the structure can take any kind of loading. Because of the advances in the digital simulation generation, finite element methods can be efficiently used to optimise the improvement of sailing boat applications. Inside the present work, a catamaran shape used in the sailing utility is analysed for structural protection for the given design necessities. To begin with aerodynamic loads are calculated based totally at the design requirement of 44m2 projected regions. After thinking about the factors, aerodynamic load is calculated at the catamaran shape based totally on the standard formulae similarly the load distributed to stay wires also calculated based on its pre-stressed conditions. Buckling is the failure of the additives under compressive load. This buckling load could be usually smaller than the everyday operational loads. So any more shape need to be designed for buckling for longer life. Further 2 designs of spider shape is analysed for structural protection. The second design indicates higher structural balance as compared to the first one. But it has better mass and extra structural members. The layout dimensions are also represented in the Problem at the side of the finite element outcomes. One dimensional link1, pipe16 and beam188 elements are used to analyses the Problem. Read More...
M.Tech in Machine Design |
India |
139-142 |
38 |
A Review on Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing
-Garima Panwar ; Dinesh Kumar
Cloud computing, rising in information technology (IT) industry suitable due to its mounting performance, directness, economical services compared to existing online computing and storage process. Cloud computing provides a enormous storage for facts and rapid computing services over the internet. Cloud computing refers to the relief of computing resources in excess of the Internet. Cloud computing is a form of distributed computing where services being provided by distant vendors through internet providing high piece gain to the users and also providing benefits to the Cloud Service Provider (CSP).To attain this goal many problems have to be faced. Task Scheduling is one of them which be disturbed with pointed for optimal (or near-optimal) real-time and predictive schedules subject to a number of constraints". This survey is done on various task scheduling categories of various task of scheduling algorithms. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
143-147 |
39 |
A Review on Multilevel Inverter Topologies And Modulation Techniques
-Dhananjay Nirwan ; Alka Daharwal; Surbhi Shrivastava
Multilevel inverters have been drawing attention in the recent years especially in the distributed energy resources area due to the fact that various batteries and solar cell can be connected through multilevel inverter to feed a load or the ac grid. Multilevel inverter becomes an alternative in the area of high- power medium-voltage energy control. Hence, Harmonic mitigation in multi-level inverters are to be considered very important task nowadays. For eliminating the harmonics lot of researchers have suggested modifications in the circuit topology and optimal selection of firing angle using various types of optimization algorithms. This paper discusses a review application by different optimization techniques for harmonic mitigation in multilevel inverters. Finally the investigation on various multilevel inverter topologies, methods of elimination of harmonics and conclusion has also been discussed. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
148-152 |
40 |
A Research: Image Encryption using Chaotic & Logistic Map & Pixel Hobbling
-Manju Devi ; Uma Mehta
Due to the rapid growth of digital communication and multimedia application, security becomes an important issue of communication and storage of images. As the use digital techniques for transmitting and storing images are increasing, it becomes an important issue that how to protect the confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of images. There are various algorithm which are discovered from time to time to encrypt the images to make images more secure. In this paper we survey on exiting work. Which is used different algorithm for image encryption It additionally focuses on the functionality of Image encryption algorithm. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
153-156 |
41 |
Efficiency of LEACH Improve by Reducing Cost Complexity of Nodes in WSN
-Anju Godara ; Pankaj Rathee
In Wireless Sensor network (WSN) the energy consumed by the cluster head and other nodes for communicate to each other. Due to randomness property in cluster head selection, any sensor node can become cluster head and also form uneven sized cluster. The communication in WSN is made between CH and BS for data transfer. A large a number of sensor is effective for gathering the data in Varity of environment and sensed data is gathered and transfer to the base station for further processing to meet end user queries. In large size cluster, member nodes need more energy for data transmission. More number of clusters in sensing field reduces the cluster size as well as energy consumption of cluster members. It can increase data transmission from cluster head to base station (Inter cluster communication) that consumes lot of energy in the larger area network. A homogeneous sensor network consists of identical nodes, while a heterogeneous sensor network consists of two or more types of nodes organized into hierarchical clusters The network characteristics of existing classical clustering protocols for wireless sensor network are homogeneous. Clustering protocols fail to maintain the stability of the system, especially when nodes are heterogeneous. LEACH use Homogenous or heterogeneous sensor network and find the cost complexity .Simulation result using MATLAB are shows that the proposed Leach heterogeneous system significantly reduce energy consumption and increase total lifetime of wireless sensor network but the cost complexity is increases compared to homogenous LEACH protocol this show using some factors like magnitude, phase response, filter Information, round noise spectrum. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
157-160 |
42 |
Design & Analysis of Vertical Pressure Vessel by using ASME Codes
-Mr. V. P. Gawade ; Prof. M. U. Gaikwad
The pressure vessel is designed for internal pressure using ASME Codes. The components of the pressure vessel are designed by calculating the factors like thickness of the shell, head, stress analysis etc. To validate the design result the pressure vessel is modeled and analyzed in ANSYS. The preferred method to conduct the analysis is FEA. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
161-164 |
43 |
Study of Wear, Corrosion and SEM of Ni-Al2o3 Composite Coated Specimens
-Shivaprasad Naidu Y ; B S Praveen Kumar
Electrodeposited composites are picking up significance for their points of interest including minimal effort, straightforwardness and effortlessness of operation. Composite electroplating is a technique for co de-positing fine particles of metallic, nonmetallic mixes or polymers in the plated layer to enhance material properties, for example, wear resistance, hardness and erosion resistance. Electrode position has been distinguished to be a mechanically practical and for some applications, financially unrivaled procedure for the creation of Nano crystalline materials. With expanding accessibility of micron-sized particles of Al2O3, there is developing enthusiasm for the electrolytic and electro less co-affidavit of these particles. In this examination work an endeavor is made to create electrodeposited Ni – Al2O3 covering on a M S substrate by electroplating process. By altering the plating parameters, for example, current density, pH estimation of the electrolyte shower, measure of Al2O3 particles, fomentation pace and temperature of the shower, electroplating is done for the wear, SEM and corrosion examinations. Read More...
India |
165-169 |
44 |
Effect of Inoculant on Wear Volume Loss of Gray Cast Iron: A Review
-Amar B. Patil
When inoculants are added to gray cast iron small graphite particles can be formed in the complex diffusion zone around the dissolving particles. The inoculants such as ferrosilicon with RE added to the grey cast iron tensile strength and hardness decreases which helps in improving machinability at good significant hardness whereas wear volume loss increases by addition of an Inoclant. As an inoculant contains the deoxidizing agent which leads to reduce the oxygen content in the gray cast iron results changes in microstructure. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
170-171 |
45 |
An Experimental Investigation to Study the Effect of Use of Chemical and Mineral Admixtures on Properties of Concrete
-Nikit Arun Maske ; Swapnil R. Satone
The utilization of supplementary cementitious materials is well accepted because of the several improvements possible in the concrete composites and due to the overall economy. The present paper is an effort to quantify the 28-day cementitious efficiency of ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) in concrete at the various replacement levels with the help of literature review found and experimental investigation studied. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
172-175 |
46 |
Forensics in Digital Images-an Approach to Contrast Enhancement
-Nishat Fatema ; M. S Chaudhari
Nowadays use of Contrast Enhancement in Digital Images is on the verge of rise and the issue of current research .Many techniques under Image contrast enhancement have came into existence in previous years , but there is need of some techniques which must be very efficient and removes the drawbacks of previously used methods. As digital images or photos have been widely used as evidence in investigation field, medical, historical records, reports of journalist etc. Also with this the availability of most powerful tools which are capable of easy modification , manipulation , forgeries to image becoming quite easier .This paper is based on the study of different contrast enhancement techniques used in previous years and the methods they used. Also it explains the proposed methodology which uses nonlinear pixel mapping that introduce artifacts into an image histogram, and then detecting locally applied contrast enhancement in image , detecting histogram equalization in image and one image security algorithm is also used to add more security. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
176-178 |
47 |
Study of Wear, Corrosion and SEM of Ni-Al2o3 Composite Coating on M S Sample at 50C
-Madivalappa Dangi ; B. S. Praveenkumar
Ni-Al2O3 composite coatings were deposited over a mild steel specimens using electro co-deposition coating method. Composite coatings are prepared by conventional type of electro deposition using watts type of solution. The primary electroplating parameters of current density, pH value of electrolyte, temperature bath, amount of Al2O3 particles in bath and agitation speed were considered for experimental studies. The composite coated specimen surfaces examined by scanning electron microscope and studies showed that coating formed successfully on mild steel substrate, and showed that particles were uniformly dispersed in electro deposited Ni matrix. Corrosion and wear resistance tests showed much improvement in the mechanical properties of composite structure Ni-Al2O3. Read More...
India |
179-182 |
48 |
Comparative Study for Seismic Performance of Ductile and Non Ductile RC Frames
-Danish Khan ; V. Shree Rama Krishana
Ductility plays an important role in structures subjected to earthquake loads. As structures are not designed for full amount of forces induced under seismic events, the structure is expected to undergo nonlinear deformations. In case of reinforced concrete buildings, ductility safeguards building against dangerous brittle failure. The effect of ductile detailing on seismic performance of reinforced concrete building is studied in present study. For this three different type of frames are employed. The analysis is carried out using non-linear static procedure. The pushover curve and storey displacement results show that reinforced concrete frames with ductile detailing show better performance in non-linear regiong. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
183-185 |
49 |
A Review of Web Personalization and Recommendation for Making Decision using Sequential Pattern
-Kuldeep Singh Rathore ; Sanjiv Sharma
Data mining is the field that has been used to mine related data in an appropriate manner. The development of web has generated a big issue for directing the client to the website pages in their area of interest. Accordingly, just option is to capture the intuition of the client and provide them a list of recommendation. Web usage mining is used to mine knowledge based on the user log. Sequential mining is the using data mining methods process to a sequential database for the discovering purposes the correlation relationships that occur among an ordered events list. The recommendation is web usage mining application. Web personalization is any action that amends the services or data offered through a Web site. Web personalization goals is to recommend the most related resources to a user at the time of a particular time period through analyzing the periodic access patterns of the user from the web usage logs. This paper gives a brief description on data mining, and the applications of web mining, concepts algorithm and web personalization and previously work done. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
186-192 |
50 |
Literature Review on Analysis of Soft Story Steel Structure Building
-Pramod M Gajbe ; R. V. R. K Prasad
This paper focusing on soft storey Multi-storey steel structure buildings, These building are becoming increasingly common and economical in developed and developing countries with the increase in urbanization all over the world. Many of these buildings do not have structural walls at ground floor level to increase the flexibility of the space for recreational use such as parking or for retail or commercial use. these buildings which possess storey that are significantly weaker or more flexible than adjacent storey are known as soft storey buildings, these are characterized by having a story which has a lot of open space. while the un obstructed space of the soft story might be aesthetically or commercially desirable, it also means that there are less opportunities to install shear walls, specialized walls which are designed to distribute lateral forces so that a building can cope with the swaying characteristic of an earthquake. Soft-storey is also called as flexible storey. a large number of buildings with soft storey have been built in recent year. But it showed poor performance during past earthquake. soft story's are subjected to larger lateral loads during earthquakes and under lateral loads their lateral deformations are greater than those of other floors so the design of structural members of soft stories is critical and it should be different from the upper floors. In this thesis "analysis of soft-storey for Multi-storeyed steel structure building in zone" 2 ", applying the analyse and explore the behaviour of soft-storey at different floor level of building under seismic load actions respectively. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
193-197 |