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151 |
A Genetic Algorithm Approach for Minimization of Mean Flow Time in Job Shop Scheduling
-Sunil Singh ; Narendra Jaiswal
This dissertation is motivated by a scheduling problem that is commonly observed in today’s manufacturing world. It contributes to the theoretical and practical aspects of scheduling research. It is dedicated to the analysis of scheduling a set of jobs on multiple machines when the jobs have uncertain processing times and conformance to the due date is the performance objective. Efficient scheduling can improve productivity through reduced work-in-process and finished goods inventories. The objective of the research is to efficiently solve the adaptive job shop scheduling problem and to determine best job schedule for the problem using genetic algorithm that minimizes the mean flow time and mean tardiness. In this research, we are developing a method to optimize the scheduling process that improves the customer satisfaction through better adherence to deliver dates and simultaneously minimizing the resource usage. Read More...
India |
607-612 |
152 |
Overcoming the Defects of K-Means Clustering by using Canopy Clustering Algorithm
-Ambika S ; Kavitha G
High dimension data clustering is the study of data that contains hundreds of dimensions. To improve the processing time of K-means clustering algorithm on high dimensional dataset by making use of canopy clustering algorithm. A canopy clustering algorithm uses the synthetic sampling method as the preprocessing step, as well as it uses the created T1 & T2 parameter values to create canopies and also provides initial cluster centers. Existing clustering algorithm normally works with the small dataset and it doesn’t works with the high dimensional dataset because the algorithm may yields the inaccurate clusters by selecting the random cluster centers, and another problem is the number of required cluster or k-values are predefined by the user. The proposed algorithm works well with the high dimensional dataset and it over comes the limitations of the K-means clustering algorithm and minimizes the execution time of the existing algorithm. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
613-615 |
153 |
Multicone Synchronizer System: A Review
-Shrikant Bamane ; Prof. Pavankumar Sonawane
Modern transmission concepts require increased efforts to achieve improvements in comfort and efficiency in line with reduced cost. Synchronizer systems are the central element for a change of ratio in stepped transmissions. The trend toward transmissions with optimized efficiency and improved comfort at the same time requires aligned high-capacity synchronizer systems. This paper presents the detail review of multi cone synchronizer system along with its components, working principle and basic design calculations. Material requirement and common materials used for synchronizer components are summarized. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
616-621 |
154 |
Detection of Gender in Crime Investigation
-Sayantani Ghosh ; Prof. Samir Kumar Bandyopadhyay
The study and reconstruction of crime scenes has always intrigued common man. Determination of the identity of individuals relevant to a crime scene plays an integral role in forensic investigation and the associated medico-legal practices. This paper proposed a computer based system that could effectively predict the gender of an individual using SVM basic kernel functions. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
622-624 |
155 |
Design and Fabrication of Coconut De-Shelling Machine
-Pankaj K. Pande ; Dr. C. C. Handa; Mr. V. D. Dhopte
India being the 2nd largest producer of coconut, lack in technology of processing industry. Till date there were many techniques involved to peel the coconut. But most of them involved, lead to failure. Even now the basic conventional process is being followed. Most of them are not aware of the importance of processing industry in India. Some projects were designed in recent times but the required target was not achieved. The traditional way of de husking a coconut was manually done. Day today the coconut de-husking remains untold miseries to farmers and coconut vendors due to high labour demand and labour cost. This further reflects on the end cost of the coconut in shops that will be bought by the consumers. Also the manual de-husking involves high risk and consumes more time. To overcome this, there is a need to automate the de-husking process. Over decades many steps were taken to automate the de-husking process but all were in vain due to lack of knowledge and interest, fear for breakage during the process, etc. Now is the time to look into the great scope for the future in the field of agriculture. Our machine will be great boon to the farmers and coconut vendors who always depend on the labours for peeling the coconut. Read More...
India |
625-627 |
156 |
Strengthening of Normal and High Strength Concrete Corbels with Horizontal and Inclined Stripes of Carbon Fiber
-Danish Khan ; Jainendra kumar
Concrete corbels prepared with normal and high strength concrete and strengthened with different types of horizontal and inclined stripes of carbon fiber are studied. Concrete corbels are architectural elements which are also used to support girders of heavy simply supported beams as well as gantry girders for indoor cranes. The CFRP strips, used for strengthening, is applied in three different orientation - horizontal and inclined at 30º and 60º. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
628-630 |
157 |
Strength Properties on Fly Ash Based Geo Polymer Concrete with Admixtures
-Sant Kumar Singh ; Premit Kumar Patil
Environmental problems are increasing due to construction process of cement. An ordinary Portland cement is caused to five to seven percent of total greenhouse gases emission, so alternative of cement is must needed for construction of concrete. One such material is geopolymer concrete, the fly ash, fine aggregates and coarse aggregates are mixes then the alkaline solution was added to prepare the geopolymer concrete. Fly ash uses as binding material. Fly ash is by product of thermal power plant with goods percent of silicon and alumina. This study explained the performance properties of geopolymer concrete with fly ash. Geopolymer concrete can be used as an effective building material and it also helpful in an effective way to reduce to dump fly ash in environment. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
631-632 |
158 |
Design Optimization of Automobile Rear Axle Housing for Fatigue Loads using Finite Element Analysis
-Hanamant Ambiger ; Byara Reddy. B
Rear axle housing takes the load of chassis through leaf spring arrangement. Also houses the differential and rear axle drives. The housing is subjected to various structural loads during movement of automobiles. Now-a-days design optimization is becoming important in the analysis as the cost plays an important role in the overall cost of the structure along with higher dynamic effects with heavier structures. Fatigue is the failure of the structures under repeated loads. Due to road conditions, the rear axle housing is subjected to flexuating loads continuously. In the present work, a Rear axle housing used for a truck system will be initially analysed for static loads. This check allows the problem for minimum static structural strength. Later the housing will be analysed for fatigue loads. The weak regions of the rear housing will be identified and suggestions will be done to improve the structure. Final iterated value of 79Mpa is close to the allowable limit of 86.3Mpa of the given material. All the results are represented with necessary graphical plots. Read More...
| in machine design |
India |
633-636 |
159 |
Analyzing behavior of Solid Ink Density in Sheet-Fed Offset and Digital Printing
-Vikas Jangra
Print quality is correlated to numerous aspects associated with printing technology. Amongst them solid ink density play a crucial role and contribute significantly while printing. Print quality has been considered of greater significant and most frequently evaluated now a days. So it becomes inevitable to understand how ink density behaves on different types of substrates. In this modern era, both sheet-fed offset and digital printing have emerged as most dominating printing technologies facilitate working on large variety of substrates. This present analysis system is used to delineate the ink density variations occurred during printing. The key objective of this research paper is to elucidate the behavior of solid ink density on coated and uncoated paper in sheet-fed offset and digital printing. Read More...
other |
India |
637-640 |
160 |
Discovering Frequent Item Set Mining Using Private Frequent Pattern Algorithm
-Tejashree Vishnu Khude ; Dr.D.S.Bhosale
Frequent Item sets Mining (FIM) is the most well-known techniques to extract knowledge from dataset. Many algorithms to analyze frequent item set are discovered. Previously Apriori and Frequent Pattern growth (FP-growth) algorithms were used for frequent item set mining but due to some disadvantages such as apriori needs candidate set generation and FP-Growth requires two database scans these algorithms failed to achieve accuracy in privacy and time utility. Private Frequent pattern growth algorithm is proposed to gain not only high data utility and high degree of privacy but also high time efficiency in the database using transaction splitting. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
641-643 |
161 |
A Strategically Secure Approach for Data Computation in the Cloud
-Susan Sharon George ; Sebin Joy
An entire scope of security worries that can go about as hindrances to the reception of cloud computing have been distinguished by analysts in the course of the most recent couple of years. While outsourcing its business-basic information and calculations to the cloud, an undertaking loses control over them. In what capacity ought to the association choose what efforts to establish safety to apply to ensure its information and calculations that have distinctive security necessities from a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) with an obscure level of defilement? The response to this inquiry depends on the association's discernment about the CSP's dependability and the security necessities of its information. This paper proposes a decentralized, dynamic and developing strategy based security system that helps an association to get such observations from learned and trusted representative parts and taking into account that, pick the most applicable security arrangement indicating the efforts to establish safety fundamental for outsourcing information and calculations to the cloud. The authoritative recognition is worked through direct client cooperation and is permitted to advance after some time. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
644-651 |
162 |
Finding Nearby Places (Using Google Places API and Maps API in Android)
-Rajat Sharma ; Bhawna Sharma; Sheetal Gandotra
This paper is about using the Google places API and Google maps API to locate and visually display all the places requested by the user around his current location on the map. The user is provided with the feature of selecting the radius or range in meters within which it wants to search the places. App quickly identifies user position and allows user to choose the nearest Bank, ATM, Airport, Restaurant, Police Station, Bus Stand, etc. It shows user a complete list of all the facilities in the category the user has tapped on along with the distance from where he is. App is a great navigation tool anyone can take on a vacation which can help him find his way around an unfamiliar city. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
652-654 |
163 |
Optimum Position of Deep Beam Outrigger for Different Position of Shear Wall in High Rise Structure
-Ajinkya Dhone ; Deepa Telang
In these paper, analysis has been done to determine optimum position of deep-beam outrigger at different position of shear wall for G+15 storey building by using STAAD-PRO V8i. Model with three different position of outrigger 5th floor, 10th floor, and 15th floor separately with two different position of shear wall are analyzed by linear static analysis method for seismic zone III. As result coming out from above models shows the performance of the deep-beam outrigger at 10th floor with shear wall 2 position is better than other combination. So, additional combination of outrigger at 5th, 10th, 15th floor with shear wall 2 position is analyzed. Which shows minimum lateral displacement as compared to other combination. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
655-658 |
164 |
To Study the Behaviour of Concrete With and Without Fly Ash When Subjected To Sulphate Attack
Concrete occupies unique position among the modern construction materials, Concrete is a material used in building construction, consisting of a hard, chemically inert particulate substance, known as an aggregate (usually made for different types of sand and gravel), that is bond by cement and water. Pozzolonas are Supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) used to partially replace cement in concrete. They are often added to mortar to make the mixtures more economical, reduce permeability, increase strength and increase durability. The use of supplementary cementitious materials in concrete is advantageous in many ways. Their use improves and increases rheological properties, the strength of concrete and the resistance to sulphate attack. Supplementary cementitious materials are also advantageous in reducing the permeability to water and other fluids, the corrosion rate of embedded steel, the risk of delayed ettringite formation, and deleterious expansion due to the alkali-silica reaction. Durability of concrete is its ability to resist weathering action, chemical attack, abrasion and all other deterioration processes. Weathering includes environmental effects such as exposure to cycles of wetting and drying, heating and cooling, as also freezing and thawing. Chemical deterioration process includes acid attack, expansive chemical attack due to moisture and chloride ingress. The primary objective of present study is to investigate the strength properties (compressive and split tensile strength) and sulphate resistance with different percentage of fly ash. The specimen after 28 days of water curing are immersed in 10% of sodium sulphate solution for 30 days and are evaluated for loss in strength and weight for different percentage of fly ash. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
659-663 |
165 |
Identification and Automatic Counting of Stomata Through Epidermis Microscopic Images of A Leaf
-Nitin K. Bhaiswar ; Dr. V.V. Dixit
Stomata are the small pores on a surface of leaves which are responsible for the process of respiration. These stomata help plants for intake of carbon-dioxide and release of oxygen. This paper proposes method of identification and automatic counting of stomata on the microscopic image of an epidermis of a leaf. There are various methods of detection and counting of stomata. This paper uses the method of detection and automatic counting of stomata by using morphological operations. There are various morphological operations used in this paper which include dilation, erosion and opening by reconstruction, closing by reconstruction etc. This is most efficient method than others because it gives the efficiency of 94%. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
664-668 |
166 |
An Experimental Study to Produce Sustainable Concret by Using Manufactured Sand and Waste Glass
-Bhaveshkumar M. Kataria ; Martin M. Patel; Amit B. Patel
Concrete is today more than 9000 years old and has undergone several changes not only in its composition but also in its performance and applications. From a simple beginning around 7000BC to most complicated design and application in 2013AD, concrete has been used in several structures from housing to various infrastructure projects. Concrete has played a key role in development of our planet earth in developed, developing and under developed countries. Today, development of every type needs concrete, be it in infrastructure, in industry or even in space technology and telecommunication. In the last millennium concrete had demanding requirements both in terms of technical performance and economy and yet greatly varied from architectural masterpieces to the simplest of utilities. Natural sand is excavated from river bed which impacts on environment in many ways. Due to digging of the sand from river bed reduces the water head, so less percolation of rain water in ground, which result in lower ground water level. There is erosion of nearby land due to excess sand lifting as well as it destroys the flora & fauna in surrounding areas. Due to limited supply of natural sand, cost is very high and its consistent supply cannot be guaranteed. Under these circumstances use of alternative of River Sand becomes unavoidable. Also, for sustainable development, it is indeed necessary to utilize various solid waste which leads to environment degradation. From reviewing various literatures, it seems to be possible to develop Concrete by using manufactured sand and Solid Waste of Glass. The effort was concentrated to make such Concrete by Experimental program in which workability & Strength parameters were Checked. First Concrete mix design is done by using manufactured sand and conventional Coarse aggregate, and then Waste Glass is added as replacement of Conventional Coarse aggregate up to 50 % at 10% interval. The results shows that RCA can be utilized to make concrete and hence it can help to solve it’s disposal problem and avoid environment degradation. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
669-671 |
167 |
Performance and Emission Characteristics of a CI Engine Fuelled with Waste Cooking Methyl Ester and it's Respective Blends with Diesel fuel
-Sunil Pralhad Gund ; Dr.K.P.KOLHE; Dr.S.S.RAGIT
The main aim of this paper is to study the optimization, performance and emission characteristics of WCOME. The Transesterification of WCO with methanol has been studied in the presence of various catalyst i.e. sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide .The optimization of experimental parameters was established to gain 95% WCOME. The final properties of WCOME like density, viscosity, pour point, cloud point, flash point, fire point and C.V. were evaluated by ASTM standards and were found to be comparable to ASTM standards for diesel. The most recommended WCME blended ratio 5 to 20% for better engine performance and emission characteristics were used. The performance and emission indicators such as brake power , BTE ,EGT ,BSFC ,NOx ,CO,CO2HC and smoke opacity have been estimated for 5%,10% and 20% blend are compared to diesel fuel. The results of experiment shows that BSFC increases with use of biodiesel however BSEC decreases with increase in blend percentage. CO and HC emissions were reduced for biodiesel. But NOX emission increases at B20 blend by50% from (B5,B10 and B20). This work discovered that waste cooking methyl esters can be used in CI engine as a replacement of diesel fuel Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
672-675 |
168 |
Experimental and Simulation Progress on Deep drawing Process
Deep drawing is part of forming process in which sheet metal drawn into die cavity by action of a punch. Sheet-metal drawing is a more complex operation than cutting or bending, and more things can go wrong. A blank holding force, punch force, material property of sheet metal, thickness of sheet, velocity of punch, these are all affecting parameters in deep drawing process to regulate wrinkling effect, tearing effect and fracture defect. Nowadays composite material is extensively used in manufacturing industries due to its better strength. Die radius has the greatest influence on the deep drawing of stainless steel blank sheet followed by the blank holder force and the friction coefficient. Further, it is shown that a blank holder force application and local lubrication scheme improved the quality of the formed part. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
676-682 |
169 |
Face Recognition System using Deep Face and Neural Network
-Gurpreet Kaur ; Gurpreet Kaur; Sukhvir Kaur; Amit Walia
The process of face recognition involves the determination of facial features in an image, by recognizing those features and comparing them to one of the many faces in the database. There are many algorithms capable of performing face recognition; such as: PCA, Discrete Cosine Transform, 3D recognition methods, Gabor Wavelets method etc. There were many issues to consider when choosing a face recognition method. With these in mind the PCA based method of face recognition has found to be better because: Simplest and easiest method to implement, Very fast computation time. PCA has the ability to recognizing a face with a different background is difficult. In this research paper, the face recognition system proposed the Detection time, false negative in missed faces and optimality of the face. This proposed research work has been focused on optimality features of the neural network for the face images and detection time. In this paper, we have applied the neural network for three parameters such – detection time, false acceptance rate, successful rates, no. of failure, and cross correlation Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
683-686 |
170 |
Designing Continuously Variable Transmission for All-Terrain-Vehicle- A Review
-Pushkar. B. Suryavanshi ; A.D. Desai
Continuously new developments in gear reduction and manufacturing have led tomore robust CVTs, which allows them to be used in more automotive applications. CVTs uses variable adjustable drive ratios instead of discrete gears to obtain optimal engine performance. As CVT development proceeds, costs will be reduced timely and performance will always going to increase which makes further development and application more desirable. CVTs are also being developed in connection with hybrid electric vehicles. Regarding paper evaluates the advantages of CVTs over manual transmission and gives the detailed design of the components of CVT. The CVTs are not new for automotive world, but their torque capabilities and reliability have been limited in past. For good automotive fuel economy and emissions, the continuously variable transmission, or CVT, becomes a key technology by improving the fuel efficiency of automobiles with internal combustion (IC) engines. When the engine runs at the more efficient number of revolutions per minute in case of the given vehicle speed, CVT equipped vehicles maintain better gas mileage and acceleration compared to cars with traditional transmissions Read More...
India |
687-689 |
171 |
Security Printing: Innovative Technologies with Comprehensive approach as an Anti-Counterfeiting Tool
Technology has made remarkable progress with the time and touched new horizons in this 21st century. This technology proved to be a boon world widely for society. Despite of being achieving so many milestones with latest scientific inventions it have also affected adversely up to a certain extent. One among these adverse affects is ‘counterfeiting or forgery’ i.e. the biggest crime of this century. The crucial solution of this crux is ‘Security Printing’ as every problem has a solution. Security printing facilitates protection against counterfeiting and tempering overtly as well as covertly by combining numerous printing methodologies. This paper is intended to explicate the various dimensions of security printing, anti-counterfeiting tools and techniques used in modern era for improving credibility effectively. Read More...
other |
India |
690-693 |
172 |
Evaluation of String Efficiency and Voltage Distribution of 400 kV over a string of Glass Suspension-type Insulator in different atmospheric condition.
an electric power transmission cannot be successful unless it is able to deliver uninterrupted power. Continuous operation, so far as the transmission line is concerned, depends largely upon the effectiveness of the insulator which is employed Insulators must, therefore, be obtained. which will not fail in service and this can be only achieved by the testing. For high voltage a string of suspension insulator is used on the basis of voltage of the line number of insulator are decided. In this paper for caculation of string efficiency and voltage distribution of 400 kv with or without guard ring in different atmospheric condition, with 18 string glass suspension type of Insulatorare used. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
694-699 |
173 |
BER Perfromance of Joint Time-Frequency TDS-OFDM system under Relaigh Channel
-Nimish Kulkarni ; Prof. S.A. Shirsat
To transmit Videos, Images etc. over wireless channels, spectrally efficient technique needs to be developed as the spectrum available is a limited resource. Time Domain Synchronous OFDM (TDS-OFDM) is a technique that is spectrally more efficient than other OFDM techniques. But performance of TDS-OFDM is poor in fast fading channels. In this paper, time-frequency structure is proposed. Each symbol consists of time domain one sample shifted training sequence (TS) as guard interval and frequency domain pilots inserted within the data block .This structure improves performance of TDS-OFDM over fast fading channels maintaining the spectral efficiency. The path delay estimation is carried out using time domain training sequence and path gain estimation is done using frequency domain pilots. Channel estimation can be performed using very few numbers of pilots. Hence spectral efficiency is maintained. Also as channel estimation is carried out using pilots present in data block, inter symbol interference is also negligible compared to normal TDS-OFDM. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
700-702 |
174 |
In this fast and reckless world, human beings are being ruled by digital gadgets and we have no time for waiting. Hence the technology should replace the word “waitâ€. The traffic conditions are getting worse day by day, which results in traffic jams. No human being has the patience to wait for all these signals and especially ambulance. Thus this is time of the hour to find a solution for the victims starving for life inside the ambulance. This research is being typically oriented on the solution of the above described problem. There is a radio frequency transmitter attached inside the ambulance and the ambulance will be fixed with the RF transmitter and the RF receiver will be fixed at the traffic signals. This transmitter transmits a unique code continuously into air. When the ambulance is near to the traffic signals, the unique code, transmitted by the transmitter from the ambulance, will be received by the RF receiver at the traffic signals. Here we are tracking the patient’s health conditions. The health parameters such as Heart rate, body temperature, Blood pressure and Blood level are sent to the hospital using the on board GSM unit. All these parameters are displayed in the hospital unit on a pc with the help of visual basic s/w. Read More...
India |
703-705 |
175 |
Security System for Goods Transportation
-Innamuri Venkata Sai Praveen
In the transportation of valuable materials, theft is very common in transit. Petroleum products are stolen from tankers by the people authorized to transport them. Question papers of examinations are sneaked out in transit before the examinations and leaked to the public. Milk, oil and other such products are diluted and adulterated while they are being transported. All these thefts happen only because the locking mechanism is designed in such a way as to provide the authority of entry to the person who has the key. Nothing can be done to prevent theft if the person with that authority is corrupt. We are proposing a locking mechanism for transport vehicles carrying valued goods where the opening of the lock is triggered only by the complete fulfilment of three factors, namely, the presence of the locked entity in a geo-location fence, RFID authentication, the predened password and authentication password from the owner or the authorized person. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
706-707 |
176 |
Literature Review on Design Approach of Alteration of Two Storeys into Four Storey Structure
-Dutambodhi U. Gajbhiye ; Dr. Valsson Varghese
Due to the scarcity of space and change in utility of structure, vertical expansion of the structure has become essential. There can be many reasons such as ever increasing population, changes in the operating system, required improvement of safety margins etc. This will be managed by increasing the number of stories. But the existing structure may or may not be able to sustain the newly constructed stories. Since the load carrying capacity of existing structure reduces due to age and relaxation. The existing structure must be strengthened to sustain additional storey load. During the design process various governing factors (like additional load, earthquake load, additional live load etc) will be considered. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
708-709 |
177 |
A Self-Destructing Data System Based on Active Storage Framework
-Sonali P. Gathe ; Prof. Manoj S. Chaudhari
Individual information put away in the Cloud may contain account numbers, passwords, notes, and other essential data that could be utilized and abused by a contender, or an official courtroom. This information are stored, replicated, and documented by Cloud Service Providers (CSPs), frequently without clients' approval and control. Self-destructing information primarily goes for securing the client information's protection. Every one of the information and their duplicates get to be destructed or mixed up after a client determined time, with no client intercession. What's more, the decryption key is destructed after the client indicated time. In this paper, we exhibit SeDas, a framework that meets this test through a novel coordination of cryptographic methods with dynamic stockpiling systems taking into account T10 OSD standard. We actualized a proof-of-concept SeDas model. Through usefulness and security properties assessments of the SeDas model, the outcomes show that SeDas is down to earth to utilize and meets all the protection saving objectives depicted. Contrasted with the framework without self-destructing information component, throughput for transferring and downloading with the proposed SeDas acceptably diminishes by fewer than 72%, while inertness for transfer/download operations with self-destructing information instrument increments by fewer than 60% Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
710-714 |
178 |
An Experimental Studies on a Solar Still using Ground Heat and without using any Energy Storage Medium
This paper deals with the experiments conducted on a conventional single slope solar still by using earth heat and is modified without energy storage medium. An attempt has been made to utilize the maximum amount of solar energy and to reduce the heat loss from the sides and bottom of the still. The conventional still is modified without any energy storage medium which is provided in the basin for different depths of saline water. The earth heat functions as energy storage medium and also as an insulation layer to reduce the bottom and side loss coefficients. The earth heat is used for absorbing the excess heat energy from solar radiation during the noon hours. Due to this, the heat accumulated in the space between the water and glass surface is reduced and hence the temperature difference between the water and glass surfaces increases. The depth (quantity) of the saline water in the basin will influence the performance of the still and some of the parameters like basin temperature, water temperature, glass temperature, earth heat temperature and still productivity. This study deals with the effect of aforesaid parameters on the performance of the still. To show the effectiveness of the modification, its performance is compared with the conventional still by using earth heat under the same climatic condition. It is found that the still yield is increased by 17% with almost no cost for this modification. Read More...
India |
715-718 |
179 |
Development Of Personalized Web Search
-Pallavi Madhukar Kukde ; Mr.K.N.Hande
Personalization advances that offer capable instruments to clients to improve their involvement in wide assortment of framework. Customized pursuit alludes to hunt encounters that are embraced particularly for singular's hobbies by fused data about individual past particular question gave, however in the meantime raises new security challenges. Client wavered to unveil their private data amid pursuit which has ended up real issue on personalization advancements. For instance framework that are customize a few commercials as indicated by physical area of client or their companion's inquiry history that present new security challenges that may dishearten to wide appropriation of personalization innovations. This paper breaks down the security difficulties connected with present and noticeable personalization patterns. We review client mentalities towards the security insurance and personalization and also the innovations that diminish protection dangers. This article can help to architects and analysts to further study on protection difficulties of arrangements when planning personalization framework Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
719-722 |
180 |
Optimization of Squeeze Casting Parameters of Aluminium Alloy Composite Material By Response Surface Methodology
Aluminium metal matrix composites (MMCs) have gained importance in all the field of engineering application. Aluminium has a favourable strength to weight ratio, and compared to other materials used in bicycle and automotive industries. In this project work, composites were fabricated by using squeeze casting method. Aluminium 6013 alloy as matrix material and 15% SiC as reinforcing material. The mechanical properties of aluminium alloys are highly improved by adding SiC particles as reinforcement. From the investigation the various squeeze casting parameters of composite materials samples has been subjected to find the mechanical properties such as hardness, tensile and wear test. Experiments were conducted on response surface methodology by varying the input squeeze casting parameters. The experimental results showed that squeeze pressure is most influence factor on Tensile strength, hardness and wear resistance Read More...
mechanical engineering |
India |
723-726 |
181 |
Optimisation of Banker Algorithm
-Mayur Dilip Chavan
In this paper we have implemented the optimization of banker algorithm with the help of some good searching and sorting technique such as merge sort, hashing mapping and so on. This technique has a very higher potential to best utilization of resources in our computer in quadratic time. We have used greedy approach to optimize this algorithm. This algorithm is not only used for banking but also useful for many organizations such as library and many more. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
727-729 |
182 |
Mechanism for ImageSearch with Prediction Of Users Intention with Relevant Feedback
-Miss.Vrushali Ingle ; Prof.Swati Jaipurkar
this paper is recognizes and predicts user’s intention, which is done by selecting one of the most relevant search results from the internet image search. Web scale image search engine mostly depends on text features, i.e. like Google, Yahoo, Bing uses query as a text to search an image. It means that it retrieve the result based on keyword search methodology. But one drawback is that it leads to noisy and ambiguous result which is not relevant as per the user’s interest. So that it may become difficult to interpret user’s intention. To overcome this drawback we have introduced a system which may help to interpret user’s interest and find relevant search result based on a query. This paper is organized in such a way that it focuses on textual as well as visual features of the query and based on that only relevant data is retrieved with the other suggestions as per the user’s interest. For this purpose following steps should be followed 1) enter keyword as a query to search images. (as like Google or Bing search engine). 2) select most relevant search image as per our interest. By doing this it retrieves the relevant data as per the user’s interest and also shows other suggestions based on the search result. The result comes out automatically without extra effort from the users side. This is one of the significant approaches to search an image and predict the user’s interest. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
730-732 |
183 |
Health Assessment of RCC Residential Buildings using Rebound Hammer - A case study of MP Housing Board Colony, Bhopal
In this study, deterioration of strength of RCC residential buildings of MP Housing Board Colony, Ayodhya nagar Bhopal has been assessed using Rebound hammer. The age of the buildings vary between 1995 to 2013. The analyzed results are obtained on the basis of comparative study of strengths at the time of construction and at present time. From the results, it is concluded that the percentage deterioration is affected by the age and some other factors. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
733-736 |
184 |
Attribute Based Dual Encryption Scheme Secure P2P Storage Cloud Storage User Revocation
-Varsha Sambhaji Bandagar ; Hema V. Kumbhar
In attributed based encryption we design a secure data sharing scheme, for dynamic group in untrusted cloud. By combining group signature with the dynamic broadcast encryption technique. User to able share data with the other group without interleaving identity privacy to the cloud. Additional it support efficient user revocation can be achieved through the public revocation without updating private key of the reaming user. And new user can be directly decrypt file stored in the cloud before their participation moreover the storage overhead encryption computation cost is the constant. Extensive analysis shows that our proposed scheme satisfies the desired security requirement and guarantees efficiency as well. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
737-739 |
185 |
Designing Fuzzy Controller For Second Order System
-Sandeep Sharma ; Prof. M C Patel
As a practical approach, it is more difficult to set the controller gains compared to proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers due to the nonlinearity of the fuzzy controllers. This research paper proposes a design procedure and a tuning procedure consisting of tuning rules from the PID domain over to fuzzy single-loop controllers. The idea is to replace conventional PID controller with an equivalent linear fuzzy controller and eventually fine-tune the nonlinear fuzzy controller. This is relevant whenever a PID controller is possible or already implemented. Read More...
India |
740-742 |
186 |
Implementation Of Fuzzy Controller In Verilog
-Sandeep Sharma ; Prof. M C Patel
This paper pronounces the implementation for a basic fuzzy logic controller in Verilog Higher Descriptive Language (Verilog). This implementation is carried out through the use of the Verilog code. Use of the hardware description Verilog language in the application is suitable for being implemented into an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The advantages of using the Verilog language approach include prompt prototyping, and allowing usage of powerful synthesis tools such as Xilinx ISE, Synosys, Mentor Graphic, or Cadence which can be targeted easily and efficiently. Read More...
India |
743-745 |
187 |
Improvement in Wear and Friction Properties of Polyphenylene-Sulphide Composite with 30% Carbon Fiber
-Walzade Snehal R. ; Galhe D. S.
The Objective of this dissertation work was to study the effect of filler material on Mechanical Properties of polyphenelene sulphide Composites. For this purpose, carbon fibre filler materials were selected based on their end applications. The fillers used are carbon fibre. The composition selected was PPS + 30% Carbon Fiber Fillers. The mechanical test was carried out on pin on disc apparatus Tribometer. The friction and wear Test gave the results for frictional force, coefficient of friction and wear. The results indicated that carbon Filled Composites showed best results for friction and wear whereas frictional force, coefficient of friction and wear results were good for Carbon filled ones. The specimens were tested during three intervals of time i.e. 15, 30 & 45 minutes. The results concluded that carbon filled composites showed greater strength. Micro-structure Analysis was carried out after manufacturing the specimen. Read More...
India |
746-748 |
188 |
Damage Assessment and Economical Repair Methodologies for Residential RCC Structures
In this study damage assessment and economical repair methodologies have been accessed for some types of RCC residential buildings located in various areas of Bhopal by using rebound hammer testing. This study gives the noticeable results in finding the economical methodologies of reinforced concrete repairing methodology. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
749-753 |
189 |
A Performance Analysis of FRRM Routing Protocol in MANETs
-Harmandeep Kaur ; Jabarweer Singh
Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are used extensively for applications that require mobility while routing, more importantly for emergency and military operations. Routing information to nodes without a fixed infrastructure and with dynamically changing infrastructure is one of the greatest challenges. Multicasting is a more frequent requirement for such defense operations, which adds on to the level of difficulty while routing. In order to overcome this challenge, a couple of protocols exist in the literature providing various solutions to delivering data to multiple destinations at mobility. However, these strategies are either of greater complexity or the cost is high. In order to overcome this issue, a number of protocols exist in the literature providing various solutions to delivering data to multiple destinations at mobility. However, these strategies are either of greater complexity or the cost is high. In this paper, we present a performance study of FRRM (Familiar route retrieval for multicasting) protocol in MANETs which uses the concept of cache memory to retrieve the familiar routes efficiently. The performance of this protocol is analyzed using NS2 on the basis of three parameters such as packet delivery ratio, throughput and energy consumption. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
754-756 |
190 |
Hadoop Namenode: Single Point of Failure
-Snehal U. Vathiyath
Nowadays, Companies generates large amount of unstructured data in the form of logs, comments, chats etc. So there is a need to process Multi Zattabyte datasets efficiently. Here the best solution would be to choose Hadoop, Open Source Apache Software Foundation. Basically, it’s a way of storing enormous datasets across distributed clusters of servers and then running “distributed†analysis applications in each clusters which attracts it the most. Hadoop is a popular open-source implementation of MapReduce for the analysis of large datasets. The problem defined in this paper is that of Single Point of Failure of NameNode which is master of the HDFS cluster. The actual challenge is I/O speed for analysing the data and not the storage capacity. This paper develops a novel for overcoming the Single Point of Failure in NameNode. The optimal solution to this problem is the minimal overhead on NameNode. The novality is in achieving a hierarchical storage of the HDFS system. The conceptual result illustrates the faster and accurate service of proposed framework. Read More...
Master of Computer Application |
India |
757-759 |
191 |
Image Extraction Processing Methodologies
-Bhushan Thakare ; Hemant Deshmukh
There are two major parts of thinking the way of Computer vision: “The extraction of image processing methodologies and their subsequent matchingâ€. The first step is essential as the memory consuming and redundant raw image processing data as captured from cameras would be slow and complex to process by most sophisticated vision algorithm. High level feature extraction concerns finding shapes in computer images. In image processing there is a lots of features processing. It is a special form of dimensionally reduction of any images. When the input data to the algorithm is too large to be processed and is suspected to be notoriously redundant, then the input data will be transformed into a reduced set of features, is called as feature extraction. Thresholding is simple extraction technique. Thresholding is a process of converting grayscale input image to a bi-level image by using an optimal threshold. Thus the objective of binarization is to mark pixels that belong to true foreground regions with a single intensity and background regions with different intensities. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
760-763 |
192 |
Evaluation the Effect of Machining Parameters for Surface Finish using Turning of Aluminium 6063
-Sudhir Kumar ; Pardeep Kumar; Shyam Singh
Turning is a basic operation for various industries & surface finish is very essential for the components to be machined therefore to optimize the surface finish various parameters affecting turning for the optimum condition. Surface finish is affected by machining parameters, tool material, tool type and cutting fluids etc. The parameter influence most are cutting speed, depth of cut , feed, geometry of cutting tool like principle cutting edge angle ,rake angle, nose radius etc. In order to optimize the surface finish it is very necessary to control various parameters. In the turning operation the different values of cutting parameters, cutting speed (45, 90,140,330), feed rate (.1, 0.22, 0.44, 0.68 mm/rev), depth of cut (.5, 1, 1.5,2 mm) are selected. Surface finish is largely influenced by Feed then Speed then DOC. Surface finish shows a decreasing trend with increasing Feed. Surface finish is minimum at lowest revolving speed. Surface finish is minimum at lowest depth of cut. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
764-766 |
193 |
Modelling Analysis of Maximum Power Point Tracking using Extremum Seeking Technique with Application of PV System
-Rahul Sharma ; Ram Avtar Jaswal
Immaculate, bountiful and pollution free source of electricity which turned attention of many researchers has been offered by pv cells. A stability analysis for a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) scheme based on extremum-seeking control has been studied for a photovoltaic (PV) array supplying a dc-to-dc switching converter. The PV output needs to be consistent in terms of voltage, so its output can’t be directly fed to electricity bank or to the main grid. Therefore need exists for design of controller. This can extract and calculate the maximum power point from PV array at any moment. PV array usually drives under indistinct/ unclear environmental disturbance and parameters. Here in this paper enhanced extremum seeking MPPT controller is proposed, which has an excellent tolerance of stochastic fluctuations in nature. In the suggested MPPT algorithm, the convergence rate is not pludged by unknown power map as one in conventional ES algorithm. Further the effectiveness of proposed MPPT scheme has been demonstrated using matlab simulations under effect of different irradiations. Read More...
India |
767-771 |
194 |
A Survey on Cloud Computing Technology
-Karan Singh ; Nippun Kamboj
Cloud computing evolution is the next generation architecture of IT enterprise. Cloud technique works with the application software and data bases at data centers, where the manipulations and management of data is done by cloud providers and these services may not be fully trustworthy. This occur many new security challenges which have not been fully implemented yet and this task is going on as research opportunities. Here in this paper, mainly focus on aspects for providing security for data storage in cloud, also services in cloud and architecture for data storage that are implemented by other service provider’s vendors and TPAs in cloud, key points for proving security for data storage. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
772-775 |
195 |
Effect of Opening Size and Location on Reinforced Concrete Flat slabs with Openings using SAFE 12.2.0
-Aradhna Arvind Ganvir
A reinforced concrete flat-plate floor system is widely used in various types of building structures including condominiums, parking garages, and office buildings. This floor system is advantageous in terms of simpler formwork, shorter construction period, reduced storey height, flexible room arrangement, more headroom, better air circulation, and better light penetration. In spite of the advantages, the system has its problems, one of which is the possibility of punching shear failure in the vicinity of the slab-column connections. Present aim of this study is to check the suitability of flat slabs with openings of different location & sizes. In this study FE analysis of flat slabs is proposed using SAFE 12.2.0 for two grid sizes of 5x5m and 7x7m respectively. Further the comparison has been done for the most suitable opening location w.r.t maximum deflection. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
776-780 |
196 |
Design and Development of a Servo-Actuated Robotic Arm
-Sapna Bisht ; Ghanshyam Parmar
Robotics is one of the fields which is exploring applications in many fields like surgery, battlefield weapons and industrial automation. The present work aims at developing a servo actuated robotic arm, which can be operated through potentiometers. The movement of the 5 DOF mechanical structure is limited by the rotation of the sliders. Read More...
Biomedical Engineering |
India |
781-783 |
197 |
Application of Paper Pulp in Concrete
-Jawahar Singh ; Premit Kumar Patil
Environmental problems are growing due to release of CO2 in the construction process of cement, it is producing harmful effects on environment. And also shortage of conventional construction materials such as cement, gravels and sand is increasing, because of the higher growth in construction work. Hence alternates are strongly required for these materials. An ordinary Portland cement is caused to five to seven percent of total green house gases emission, so alternative of cement is required for construction of concrete. At the present time researchers searched some substitute for these materials such as fly ash, blast furnace slag, silica fume, rice husk ash, etc apart from this the recent studies research has show that the paper pulp is also useful for construction of concrete as a fine aggregate. Paper pulp contains low calcium and minimum amount of silica, because of this silica and magnesium paper pulp can be used like cement, paper pulp reduces cost of concrete and also it improves the strength of concrete. This study explains the application of paper pulp as a substitute for binding material in concrete. This paper reviews the performance properties of paper pulp in concrete. Paper pulp can be used as a effective building material. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
784-785 |
198 |
A Comprehensive Study on Partial Replacement of Cement with Sugarcane Bagasse Ash, Rice Husk Ash & Marble Dust
-Ravi Bhushan Kumar ; Ashraf Hussain
Incorporation of supplementary cementitious materials in concrete is necessary for sustainability. Supplementary cementitious materials are not only sustainable but also mechanical and durability properties of concrete. In this study sugarcane bagasse ash, rice husk ash and marble dust are incorporated in concrete as replacement of cement. The levels of replacement of cement by sugarcane bagasse ash, rice husk ash and marble dust are 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%. The properties which are determined and compared in this study are workability, 7 days compressive strength and 28 days compressive strength. It is found in study that optimum replacement level of cement by sugarcane bagasse ash and rice husk ash is 15% and compressive strength of concrete is significantly increased. The marble dust can be incorporated as replacement of cement upto 5% Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
786-789 |
199 |
Use of Ceramic Waste as Coarse Aggregate in Concrete
-Ravi Shanker Chourasia ; Jobin Joy
Concrete is a mixture which is produced by blending adequate proportion of cement, water and aggregate. Every ingredient is used to significantly increase the performance of concrete. Apart from performance of concrete, the developers also accounts cost of concrete which is proportional to the cost of each ingredient. Considering the rising cost of these ingredients and scarcity of natural resources, the utilization of alternative materials in production of concrete, is opted. The present paper emphasizes on studying the characteristics of concrete blended by replacing coarse aggregate with ceramic waste. Ceramic waste is produced from industries during production of ceramic artefacts. The industries produce approx. 30% of waste material of production, which is usually not recycled and used in landfills. In construction sector the ceramic can be effectively used in place of coarse aggregate in production of cost effective and eco-friendly concrete. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
790-792 |
200 |
Effect of Hypo Sludge as Partial Replacement of Cement in Concrete
-Vinai Kant Singh ; Danish Khan
The hypo sludge is a waste material obtained from paper industry. Since, paper is not recyclable for long time, the disposal of hypo sludge poses potential threat on environment. Hypo sludge contains certain chemicals which are observed to have cementitious properties, hence, hypo sludge is useful for partially replacing cement in concrete. In present study, the hypo sludge is used to replace cement in cement concrete in varying amount. The effect of amount of hypo sludge on cement concrete is studied by testing for slump and compressive strength. The empirical relations are developed for compressive strength based on experimental data. Read More...
Climate Change |
India |
793-796 |