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251 |
Internet of Things (IoT): A Literature Review
-Prof. Ankit K. Patel ; Prof. Biren M. Patel
The Internet of Things is a transformative development. Technologies that could allow literally billions of everyday objects to communicate with each other over the Internet have enormous potential to change all of our lives. IoT has many applications in all domains such as industrial wireless sensor network, smart homes, agriculture, etc. IoT uses standard protocols and predefined architecture for deployment using Smart technologies such as Radio Frequency Identification, Wireless Sensors etc. However, this manuscript will give good comprehension for the new researchers, who want to do research in this field of Internet of Things (Technological GOD) and facilitate knowledge accumulation in efficiently. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1001-1003 |
252 |
Data Mining with Big Data using HACE Theorem
-U Dinesh ; Ms. JAYANTHI
Big Data concerns with a large-volume, complex data, growing data sets with multiple, independent sources. With the fast enhancement of networking, data storage, and the data collection capacity, Big Data is now fast expanding in all science and engineering fields, as well as physical, biological and bio-medical sciences too. We move on with HACE theorem that characterizes and describe the features of the Big Data revolutions, and recommends a Big Data processing model, from the data mining perspective view. This data-driven model involves data-driven aggregation of information sources, mining and analysis, handler interest modeling, security and privacy thoughts. We inspect the challenging subjects in the data-driven model and in the Big Data revolution. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1004-1008 |
253 |
Review of Distributed Generation- An Approach Towards Rural Electrification
-Mr. Siddalinga Nuchhi ; Mr. Vinay Kolur
Security of Energy and sustainable development are major issues now a day in developed as well as in developing countries. In present scenario the generation of electricity is of centralized process where in there are some cons of having this centralization process. to overcome that cons the Decentralized Renewable Energy generation is expected to become more important in the future electricity generation system. It showcases the alternatives including usage of Renewable energy towards Decentralized process and a scenario of action taken up for the use of Renewable Energy technologies. There are complex socio-economic issues that are hindering the growth of Renewable energy in India, especially in off-grid villages which are not connected by supply systems. Hence in this work the use of distributed generation for the process of rural electrification is discussed. Compared with urban industrial areas Rural environment present different electrification process. Those particulars imply rethinking electrification strategies taking into consideration economical, social and environmental aspects. In that view, distributed generation using renewable energy presents better features for remote areas. The paper presents the use of renewable energy generation and its environmental advantages with steps to be carried out in the process of designing a new distributed generation system using available renewable energy resources. Read More...
India |
1009-1012 |
254 |
Energy Efficient and Reliable Data Centric Routing Protocol Technique to Improve Performance of Wireless Sensor Network System
-Anuj Gupta
Wireless sensor networks is composed of thousands of nodes that are deployed in large geographical area and these sensor nodes are small, wireless and battery powered. Wireless Sensor Network have wide range of applications but they are conquered with many challenging issues and complications that need to be addressed. The energy consumption of the nodes and the extension of the Network lifetime are the main challenges and the most significant features of the routing protocol in order to make it suitable, effective and energy efficient. As the sensor nodes are battery powered in this paper we propose an energy efficient routing power management technique which uses the concept of Time to Live TTL, a novel sleep-scheduling technique called Virtual Backbone Scheduling (VBS) in combination with Remote differential Compression (RDC) Algorithm and ERPMT (Efficient Routing Power Management Technique) method. VBS forms a multiple overlapped backbone which work alternatively to prolong the network lifetime. The rotation of multiple backbones makes sure that the energy consumption of all sensor nodes is equal and balanced. The RDC algorithm is used to compress the transmitting data along the backbone. ERPMT method is used to divide the node energy into two ratios one is self-generated data by node and other for the data obtained from other working sensor nodes which fully utilizes the energy and achieves a longer network lifetime compared to the existing techniques. The scheduling problem of VBS is formulated as the Approximation algorithm based on the Schedule Transition Graph (STG) is used to estimate the problem of maximum Lifetime Backbone Scheduling. Basically the comparison is made in between the power consumption of network with and without using the energy efficient routing power management method. The result can be shown by using NS2 simulator. The performance is evaluated by considering the Quality of services QoS parameters like Energy Consumption, throughput, delay. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1013-1016 |
255 |
Hybrid Powered Bicycle
-Prashant Kadi ; Shrirang Kulkarni
The hybrid powered electric bicycle is a system that involves three different ways of charging a battery: solar power, Dynamo and 220V Ac wall charge. The power from these three modes is used to charge an electric PMDC motor running a bicycle. The hybrid powered bicycle is designed in such a way that the rider can have to modes of operating bicycle that is he can choose the bicycle to be driven completely with the electric PMDC motor or it can be driven manually by himself. Read More...
India |
1017-1020 |
256 |
Investigation of Wear & Friction Characteristic of Laminated Polymer Matrix Composite at Different Temperature
-Sandeep Baburao Udmale ; Dr. R. J. Patil
The aim of this project is the experimental investigation of the Friction and wear properties of polymer matrix composite such as unidirectional Glass –Epoxy (G-E) laminates are experimentally examined of three different fiber orientations, namely cross ply, symmetric ply, unidirectional ply , at different temperature conditions. These laminates are made by hand layup followed by compression molding. The wear behavior of these composite will be investigated by pin on disc apparatus which is a wear friction monitor machine. Against one standard EN31 steel disc under various sliding speed and loading, different temperature conditions and design of experiments approach using Taguchi‘s orthogonal arrays are used .Microscopic investigations of the worn surfaces are conducted to identify the operating wear mechanism and tribological behavior. From experimental test it found that wear rate is increases with increase in load of 50N, 75N, 100N. Disc rotating at 900rpm, 1100rpm, and 1300rpm at room temperature. But when test conducted at 50oc, 75oc different temperature conditions wear rate is increases with increase in temperature. Read More...
India |
1021-1026 |
257 |
Static-Analysis and Design of 220-KV Double Circuit Transmission-Tower with X & K Type of Bracing
-Vijayakumar. P. Suryavanshi ; Prof. S. A. Warad
In this work an attempt has been made that 220-KV double circuit Transmission-Tower with X and K type of bracing has been modeled using Stadd Pro. Static analysis has been done for the tower by considering Earth quake Zone III, Steel frame with concentric bracing, damping ratio 2%. The wind loads are calculated using IS 802(part1/sec1) by considering wind zone III. The towers are modeled using parameter such as constant height, constant base width, and then varying the Bracing system as X and K type of bracing. After completing the analysis a comparative study is done with respect to Nodal displacement, axial force, axial stress, maximum deflection, maximum compressive stress, and maximum tensile stress. The design of tower member is done by considering the member as compression and tension member. After designing the again a comparison is done on amount of steel angle section required X –bracing tower and K-bracing tower for the safe erection. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1027-1029 |
258 |
A Comparative Study on Seismic Analysis of Multi-Storey Building Resting on a Sloping Ground and Flat Ground
-Pawan Pawar ; Deepa Telang
The purpose of this paper is to perform linear static analysis of medium height RC building and investigate the changes in structural behavior due to consideration of sloping ground. This project report comprises of seismic analysis of a RC building with symmetrical plan. Building G+8 is analyzed using response spectrum method on various combination of shear wall at different position of building on same slope of ground with seismic zone III and it is analyzed by using STAAD-PRO V8i. In this paper angle of ground is taken as 170 and kept same for all models. Shear wall positions are nomenclature as SW-1 and SW-2 and SW-3. As the SW-2 shows better performance as compared to SW-1 and SW-3 with different position is analyzed. In shear wall 2, Inclined from front-setback building shows better result as compared to other. As per IS 1893(PART 1):200 medium soils are used. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
1030-1035 |
259 |
Performance, Emission and Combustion Test on CI Engine by using Biodiesel as a Waste Cooking Oil
-Siddesh. N. Bevinahalli ; Prabhuraj Kumbar; Lohit. A. Bajantri; K. Chetan Kumar
Biodiesel has a vital role in recent years as an alternative fuel for diesel engines due to the depletion of petroleum resources in the near future. It is an environmentally friendly renewable resource of energy and can be produced from waste cooking oil (WCO) by transesterification process. The properties of biodiesel have comparable performance, emission and combustion characteristics to diesel fuel. In this a comparative study had been done between blends of biodiesel derived from WCO and diesel fuels. Diesel- WCO biodiesel blends of 10, 20, and 30, 100% was prepared. Experimental investigations were tested in a four strokes, single cylinder, diesel engine at a constant speed of 1500 rpm and variable loads. Diesel- biodiesel blends showed an increase in fuel consumption and specific fuel consumption in comparison with diesel fuel. Biodiesel blends showed a decrease in engine thermal efficiency about diesel fuel. At full load, CO2 emissions for biodiesel blends achieved an increase about diesel fuel. There were reductions in HC and CO emission for biodiesel blends compared to diesel fuel. It is recommended to use used cooking oil biodiesel up to 20% with diesel fuel without any engine modifications. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1036-1039 |
260 |
Single Pass Seedbed Preparation Attachment for Low Power Tractors- Literature Review
-Hemant Jagannathrao Gatfane ; Dr. Prashant S. Kadu; Prof. Nakul G. Mahalle
It is reported that 65% of Indian population is dependent upon the agriculture. Since the demand for different crops is increasing day by day with the increases in population. Due to the shortage of manpower and unpredictable weather conditions land remains attained from farming. The land preparation is the key process in farming activities. It includes cultivation, spreading of compost manure, mixing of crop residues from previous season and making it ready for next season. These three processes are carried out separately so it is time consuming and costly. This project is an attempt made to develop an agricultural engineering solution in the form of an attachment combining all three operations at a time. This will help in time saving and cost cutting. To carry out this project some literature is referred from various journals. This paper is a review of research work carried by various researchers in this area. The paper will give different considerations and calculations to proceed with the attachment unit. A primary solution to the problems presented in various research papers are proposed as a conclusion of this paper. Read More...
India |
1040-1041 |
261 |
A Survey on Different Techniques of Text Categorization
-Bhavna Rani
In the Constitution of India, a provision is made for each of the Indian states to choose their own official language for communicating at the state level for official purpose. The availability of constantly increasing amount of textual data of various Indian regional languages in electronic form has accelerated. So the Classification of text documents based on languages is essential. The objective of the work is the representation and categorization of Indian language text documents using text mining techniques. Several text mining techniques such as naive Bayes classifier, k-Nearest-Neighbor classifier and decision tree for text categorization have been used. This paper describes various techniques used for semantic text classification. Text classification (Also called Text Categorization) is one of the important research issues in the field of text mining. Due to the rapid increase in addition of text documents on the web or internet, the text classification became a serious issue to retrieve the desired text from the huge amount of data placed in unstructured form on the internet. Categorization is a process of objects and ideas are differentiated, recognized and understood. For some specific purpose, the categorization implies the objects are grouped into categories. The text classification acts as a key function to organize and deal with million of documents. This paper covers different classification techniques along with their advantages and limitations. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
1042-1045 |
262 |
Use of GIS in Construction Site Layout Planning
-Ninad Dinkar Sawant ; Dr. Sumedh Y. Mhaske
The construction industry is adapting various new tools and techniques to yield high productivity, to attain safety and sustainability. Efficient layout planning of a construction site is fundamental part of a successful project. This task consists of identifying the temporary facilities needed to support construction operations, determining their size and shape, and positioning them in the unoccupied areas within the site boundaries. A procedure for optimum layout of temporary facilities is then developed in integration with a GIS tool (Gram++). Five aspects are considered during site-layout planning: (1) Selecting a site to design the site layout. (2) Scheduling of the construction activities. (3) Identifying the temporary facilities needed. (4) Applying various constraints for facility layout. (5) Preparing the GIS based site layout model. Thus The Quantity of materials required can be estimated and using proximity analysis proper stockpile area can be identified. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1046-1049 |
263 |
Cost Optimisation of Construction Projects using Building Information Modelling
-Shashank. R. Chandak
Building Information Modelling “BIM†is becoming a better known established collaboration process in the construction industry. Many Construction firms are now investing in “BIM†technologies during Bidding, Preconstruction, Construction and Post Construction. The goal of this research is to understand the benefit of Fifth Dimension (5D) BIM in lowering the costs of structure during preconstruction phase i.e. planning stage & while construction phase i.e. execution phase. A 3D Model of a Residential Project including Luxurious Apartment and High class Amenities is developed in 3D Modelling software i.e. Autodesk Revit Architecture 2015, Database of Cost estimates and Schedule are prepared in Microsoft Project Software available commercially by Microsoft and further linked to the 3D Model of the project using Autodesk Navisworks software, Clash detection between objects is an another part shown in Navisworks which omits the design errors in the 3D Model for better accuracy in the estimation. Thus any change in the Building design can ultimately be reflected in the overall budget of the project. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1050-1055 |
264 |
Experimental Analysis and Optimization of Process Parameters of Plastic Injection Moulding for the Material Polypropylene
-Swati Satish Bajaj ; Prof. J. J. Salunke
In present work, experimental analysis and optimization of process parameters of plastic injection moulding has been reported. Response surface methodology (RSM) has been utilized to investigate the influence of three important input parameters – plasticizing temperature, injection pressure and cooling time on two performance characteristics- Tensile Strength of material Polypropylene (PP). Centered central composite design was employed to conduct the experiments and to develop a correlation between the process parameters and performance characteristics. The analysis of experimental work is performed using MINITAB 16 statistical software. Response surface methodology (RSM) was applied for developing the mathematical models in the form of regression equation and to find optimized values of process parameters. The optimum set of process parameters obtained are cross validated by using ANOVA method. The influence of all factors has been identified which can play a key role in increasing Tensile Strength of PP. Surface plots and Contour plots have been plotted for studying combined effect of two factors while keeping other factor at their mid-values. From ANOVA it is clear that for Polypropylene to achieve maximum Tensile Strength injection pressure is the most significant factor followed by cooling time and plasticizing temperature followed by injection pressure and cooling time. Read More...
India |
1056-1060 |
265 |
Impact of Stress on Performance of Construction Employees in Mumbai Region
-Rohit P Khamkar ; Dr. Sumedh Y. Mhaske
The construction industry is the rapidly growing industry since last decade in India. These construction projects are surrounded by huge financial investments and time. Lack of construction management causes stressful conditions on the construction employees due to time bounding, extra working. This study reveals correlation and effect of stress on performance of employees in Mumbai region. Feedback of questionnaire survey analysed further and correlation analysis was done. Results of the correlation analysis states that, (1) Objective stress affects negatively with task performance and Interpersonal performance, but has positive impact on Organizational performance. (2) Burnout has negative effect on both task and interpersonal performances. (3) Physiological stress has negative impact on all the job performances. Also feedback from the study shows that heavy workload, time deadlines and travelling are the most responsible factors for stress on construction employees in Mumbai. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1061-1064 |
266 |
Investigation of Stress Analysis of Al-Glass Fiber Sandwich Plate for Riveted Double Lap Joint
-Sagar Kiranalli ; Prof. M. A. Nalawade
This work deals with Find the tensile strength of Al-Glass Fiber Sandwich Plate having double lap rivet joint with different fiber orientation. The commercial finite element analysis (FEA) software, ANSYS has been used to create and analyze the models. The laminates (adherend) were made of glass/epoxy composite with different fibre orientation and the adhesive used was epoxy-based standard resin. The width of all the members was 50 mm. The thickness of adherents was taken to be 2 mm, and the thickness of adhesive layer was 0.2 mm. A 4 aluminium rivets was used for mechanical fastening from design calculations. The tensile strength of a material is the maximum amount of tensile stress that it can take before failure. During the test a uniaxial load is applied through both the ends of the specimen. The dimension of specimen is (200x50x5)mm. Typical points of interest when testing a material include: ultimate tensile strength (UTS) or peak stress; offset yield strength (OYS) which represents a point just beyond the onset of permanent deformation; and the rupture (R) or fracture point where the specimen separates into pieces. The tensile test is performed in the universal testing machine (UTM) Instron 1195 and results are analyzed to calculate the tensile strength of composite plate having double lap riveted joint. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1065-1069 |
267 |
Study of Extraction of Tannic Acid from Emblica Officinalis (Amla)
-Deepali B. Kamble ; Dr. Sanjay M. Chavan; Dr. Jotiram G. Gujar
Traditional medicinal plants have stood up to the test of time and its active ingredients were used for preservatives and therapeutic medicine to the modern science. The fruits of terminalia chebula (baheda), terminalia ballerica (baheda), Emblica officinalis (Amla) were contains tannic acid among, it is one of the richest source of tannic acid. There are various methods for the extraction of tannic acid from Emblica Officinalis such as conventional batch extraction and novel extraction technique etc. This work represents impact of various experimental conditions such as temperature, solid loading and particle size on the extraction of phenol from dry fruits of Emblica officinalis. Extraction of tannic acid is performed with distilled water. Distilled water is found to be the best solvent from literature for tannic acid. Increase in temperature of process results into increase in solubility and diffusion coefficient because it destructed cellular structure of solid matrix. This study shows extraction rate is increased with increase in particle size, which is because of decrease in diffusion path length. With increase in solid loading suspension becomes more viscous. It is difficult for solvent molecules to diffuse inside solid matrix. Therefore, as the solid loading increases, % extraction of tannic acid decreases. Read More...
Chemical Engineering |
India |
1070-1072 |
268 |
Optimized SPIN in Wireless Sensor Network
-Neha Minocha
The popularity of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has increased tremendously in recent times. WSN has the potential to connect the physical world with the virtual world by forming a network of sensor nodes. In a sensor network the sensor nodes sense the data within their sensing range. Each node has limited energy which is used in transmitting and receiving the data thus energy preservation is most important for the survival of sensor networks for longer period time. Many routing protocols in WSN are used for the same purpose. In WSN, SPIN is a data centric routing protocol which efficiently propagates information among sensor nodes in an energy constrained mode. SPIN uses metadata negotiation to eliminate the redundant data. In this paper we proposed a mechanism to Optimize the SPIN Routing Protocol. The main objective of this paper is to use the metadata information while advertising, to reduce the energy consumption by the nodes in transmitting and receiving the data. We have implemented Basic SPIN and proposed Optimized SPIN protocols using MATLAB. After implementation we found that in Optimized SPIN, the number of dead nodes are 50% lesser than the existing SPIN protocol. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1073-1077 |
269 |
Microstrip Slit Antenna for S-Band Applications
-Pawale S G ; Prof. Dhede V M
In this, a circularly polarized asymmetric slits, high gain, a small patch antenna with low axial ratio dedicated for wireless communications is presented. Four V-shaped slits are placed in diagonal directions on the square patch to create circularly polarized (CP) radiation. A proposed antenna has been design with a 1.6 mm thick single layer FR4 substrate with a relative permittivity of 4.4. The simulated 10-dB return loss bandwidth of the proposed antenna is 60.0 MHz with a gain of 5.1 dB. The overall size of the antenna is 56mmx56mmx1.6mm. In addition, effects of with slits to improve return loss and gain are examined and discussed in detail. All the simulations results are carry out using HFSS software package and Simulation results are given, indicating that this antenna realizes the required wireless specifications in terms of frequency bandwidth, gain, circular polarization bandwidth, and vswr. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
1078-1080 |
270 |
To Save Electric Energy of Electric Heating Coil Domestic and Industrial by PH Water Treatment using Natural Resources
-M. D. Mandhre
Energy important and major source use in industries as well as Domestic purpose. This will give one idea about how will improve efficiency and to save energy. We know that now days we concentrated on to saving energy because one day all natural energy sources will be end. So now we concentrate on saving energy in any field and to utilize energy so it span time will increase. In America they are used shell gases which are new technique but day it will be vanish. If we survey in world there are so many energy required to produce electricity and every person used electric energy so we need highest energy efficiency equipment. In boiler there are convention and non -convention method also some time we used coal but with considering time is money so they change input from coal to electric energy. Read More...
Heat Power Engineering |
India |
1081-1082 |
271 |
Environmental Impact Assessment: Tools, Methodologies and Impact with Analysis of Delhi's Azadpur Metro Station Line (PHASE III)
-Rakhi Arora ; Ujjwal Dagar
Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a procedure for assessing the environmental implications of development projects and to implement policies and plans. Metro projects have gained significance in the past decade, and hence a study of the EIA parameters was conducted at the Jahangirpuri-Badli extension line of the phase 3 network, with testing of noise levels, TDS, TSS and chlorides of the samples collected from the Azadpur station underground construction. Evaluation was done as to ascertain whether the various concentrations were within the permissible limits. Read More...
Environment Engineering |
India |
1083-1085 |
272 |
Multi Response Optimization of Turning Parameters using Grey Relational Analysis in the Taguchi Methodology
-Sunil Kumar ; Bhasker Srivastava; Suman Anand
Now days, the role of surface quality and material rate in metal machining is most important. There are many machining process such as drilling, shaping, turning, slotting, grinding etc. Among the all machining process, turning is the machining process commonly used in industries to produce cylindrical workpieces. Turning parameters play a crucial role in turning the given work piece to the required shape. In the present work, turning process has been taken up for the surface roughness and material removal rate optimization. An attempt was also made to optimize the turning parameters for minimum surface roughness and maximum metal removal rate using Taguchi methodology. Also, grey relation analysis with Taguchi methodology was also used for the optimization of machining parameters for multi response optimization Read More...
Production Engineering |
India |
1086-1091 |
273 |
Design and Simulation of Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter Based DSTATCOM for Compensation of Reactive Power and Harmonics
-Nikhil Mate ; Prof. Rakesh Jha
This Paper presents the orientation procedure for diagnosing the power quality problems in different fault occurring conditions by using Distribution STATCOM (D- STATCOM) with non-linear loads. This modelling and simulation of D-STATCOM is achieved by using voltage regulation block. The major problem is that, during fault conditions there is a probable disturbance in the load side and this problem is diagnosing by utilizing the D-STATCOM at load side, as well as in between source and load. D-STATCOM is developed using MATLAB simulation program. The model is simulated, first without DSTATCOM and then with it. The results obtained in both the cases are analyzed and which shows the effectiveness of tracking the voltage sag and its correction. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1092-1095 |
274 |
A Parametric study on the Structural Analysis, Design and Optimization of RC bunkers using Sequential Linear Programming
-Prateek Cholappanavar ; Sujay Deshpande; Pavan Gudi
Optimization techniques are powerful tools which convert the problem into a mathematical formulation. There are many types of techniques which are selected based on the type of problem. These techniques can be applied to most of the structural engineering problems to arrive at optimum results. This study involves the development of a C-program for the optimization and analysis of Reinforced Concrete (RC) bunker for various capacities and for various materials stored in it. In this study, the importance of optimization and savings due to it is highlighted. Behaviour of each element of the bunker like side wall, hopper bottom, edge beam etc. is studied with varying capacities and varying material stored in the bunker. The analysis results obtained from the C-program are used for the design of the bunker and the designs are carried out using validated MS-Excel sheets. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
1096-1100 |
275 |
Economics of Continuous RCC and Prestressed Concrete Beam and Design in MS-Excel
-Sucharita De ; Shraddha Sharma
The thesis considers the analysis of two-span Continuous RCC and Pre-stressed (pre-tensioned & post-tensioned) beam of 6.0m each having cross-section of 200x300mm with M-40 grade of concrete manually in Ms-Excel and in software i.e. in STAAD. Pro. RCC Continuous beam has been analysed based on IS 456:2000 and Pre-Stressed Concrete Beam has been analysed based on Three –Moment theorem and codal provisions of IS 1343:2012. Economics of both the types of beam have been studied and found that the conventional method i.e. RCC construction is cheaper than the newly evolved Pre-stressed Construction because the later requires great instruments like weights, pulley blocks, screw jacks, pressure gauges along with High tensile steel (alloy of carbon, manganese, sulphur, phosphorus & silicon) and skilled manpower to operate these to impart the prestressing force. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1101-1104 |
276 |
Design and Implementation of Multiply Accumulate Unit For Large Arith-Metic Unit Operations
-M. Saipriya Sharanya ; Venu Adepu
The proposed paper consisting the design and implementation of the 64 bit MAC (Multiply Accumulate Unit) for large number of arithmetic operations. The proposed design has multiplier and accumulator units, multiplier block perform normal multiplication operation. The proposed multiplication can be designed by using Wallace tree algorithm. And accumulator it performs two operations; one is storing and another one addition of products. The proposed MAC technique can be used in several ALUs and many types of Digital Signal Processing apllications. The proposed design was implemented with Verilog HDL and simulated by XILINX ISE 14.5 synthesis tool. Read More...
India |
1105-1108 |
277 |
Geopolymer Concrete with Flyash and GGBS at Ambient Temperature - A State of the Art Review
-Veeresh. Karikatti ; Dr. Manojkumar Chitawadagi
Geopolymer is an alkali aluminosilicate binder formed by the alkali silicate activation of aluminosilicate materials. This fabric has been examined extensively over the past several decades and shows promise as a greener option to Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) concrete. It has been found that geopolymer has good engineering properties with a reduced carbon footprint resulting from the zero-cement content. Since 1970’s many research projects have been carried out to investigate the strength, durability and microstructure of Geopolymer concrete. Trials have been done to study the effects of water solids ratio, binder content, the molar concentration of alkaline solution, curing conditions and aggregate to solids ratio. The present report surveys the research carried out on GeoPolymer Concrete (GPC) with fly ash (FA) and Ground Granulated Blast funace Slag (GGBS) for ambient conditions. The review also includes the work that has been carried out, to date, accounting for the effects of various ingredients, ratios and structural aspects on the behaviour of geopolymer concrete and present applications in construction industry. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1109-1112 |
278 |
Design and Analysis of Reconfigurable Microstrip Antenna for Dual Band Operation in Wireless Applications
-Vinuta Angadi ; Dr. Chandrappa D. N.
This paper gives a portrayal for design and development of a reconfigurable multi-slotted antenna by inserting a slot on the patch with a lumped capacitor (or varactor) located on the edges at slot. The proposed antenna suits for various wireless applications which include 4G, Bluetooth. This antenna is an attractive candidate for important applications like wireless communication such as WLAN, WiMax. Microstrip feeding technique is used to feed the antenna. The proposed antenna enhances the return loss of -19.17dB at 2.34GHz frequency. The reconfigurability of the proposed antenna is achieved using capacitors. This paper manages a method for planning a reconfigurable multi-space receiving wire by stacking an opening on patch with a lumped capacitor situated on the edges of the space. With a settled capacitor area along the opening reductions the capacitance which brings about expansion the full recurrence of the space radio wire. The designs are verified through numerical simulations. Read More...
M.Tech(Digital Electronics) |
India |
1113-1115 |
279 |
A Study on Wood Ash, Alternative Material for Stabilizing Clay Soil
-Gyaneshwar Singh Uchariya ; Dr. M. K. Trivedi; Vishal Soni
Soil is a curious material. Which materials are not useful for human life, that type of waste materials such as rice husk, lime stone ash, marble dust ash fly ash, wood ash, may used to soil stable. Flues of biomass contains an important amount of CaO therefore, the substitution of unslaked lime as a binder for silt and clay soil stabilization by wood ash seems to be reasonable way of wood ash utilization. Mixing of such material will gain the physicals as well as chemicals properties of soil. Soil properties to be increased are CBR value, shear strength, liquid properties of soil. Soil properties to be increased are CBR value, shear strength, liquid limit, compressive strength, and bearing capacity. Plasticity index was 27% reduced and increased CBR and strength 25 to 45% and 35 to 50% that result are investigated in the basis of successful implementation of wood ash utilization as a binder for clay stabilized in practice. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1116-1119 |
280 |
Strength and Workability Characteristics of High Volume Flyash Concrete
-Saurav Kumar Mohanty ; Shree Laxmi Prashanth
Concrete is the most versatile construction material mainly because of moulding ability & high compressive strength. Concrete requires large amounts of cement. The cement industry consumes lots of natural resources & moreover the production of cement causes air pollution. Flyash is a by-product from thermal power stations which is generated in massive quantities & its disposal is a great issue. If this is used in concrete as a replacement of cement, the issue of its disposal can be addressed to a certain extent. The pozzolanic properties of flyash enhance the properties of concrete in it’s fresh as well as hardened state. High volume flyash concrete (HVFAC) is the concrete with high volumes of flyash (50% or more) of cement content. In the present paper, an attempt has been made to highlight the fresh properties of concrete such as workability and compressive strength by replacing cement at replacement levels of 40%, 60% & 80% by weight with flyash and a comparison is made with the available literature. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1120-1123 |
281 |
Thermal Energy Storage and its Significance
-Chandrakala. S. Doddamani ; Dr. S. B. Patil
Energy plays a vital role in every aspect of life. The changeover from non-renewable to renewable sources of energy will not happen overnight, hence it is necessary to conserve and store energy. The possible ways of energy storage are in the form of electrical, chemical, mechanical, biological and thermal. Energy storage is accomplished by physical media or devices that store energy to accomplish useful processes at a later times. Thermal energy storage (TES) is an emerging technology which can alleviate environmental issues and deliver efficient energy to the society. Hence an effort has been made based on literature review, regarding the classification of TES. A brief classification of thermal energy types (TES) i.e. latent heat storage, sensible heat storage and thermochemical heat storage is given. The principle behind all the three types of thermal energy storage is presented with suitable examples. The advantages and limitations of each kind of thermal energy storage methods is also highlighted. Read More...
Materials Engineering |
India |
1124-1126 |
282 |
A Study on Handling Missing Values and Noisy Data using Weka Tool
-R. Vinodhini ; A. Rajalakshmi; K. Fathima Bibi
Many people treat data mining as a synonym for another popularly used term, Knowledge Discovery from Data, or KDD. Data preparation and preprocessing is the key to solve the problem. Data pre-processing is the important step in data mining process. Data pre-processing includes cleaning, normalization, transformation, feature extraction and selection, pattern evaluation, knowledge presentation. In this paper, we choose data cleaning as experimental study. The main objective of data cleaning is to reduce the time and complexity of mining process and increase the quality of datum in data warehouse. In this paper, we have used several methods and filters for removing missing values and noisy data, namely Replace Missing Values filter, Remove Misclassified Filter, Interquartile Range filter, Binning, Clustering, etc. The performances of the filters are measured by J48 Classification Algorithm. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1127-1131 |
283 |
Extraction of Bio-Diesel Pyrolytic Oil from Bio-Medical Waste and Experimental Investigation of Engine Characteristics
-Chandrashakhar ; Harishchandra Astagi
Environmental concern and availability of petroleum fuels have caused interests in the search for alternate fuels for internal combustion engines. Conversion of waste to energy is one of the recent trends in minimizing not only the waste disposal but also could be used as an alternate fuel for internal combustion engines. Bio medical Wastes are indispensable materials in the modern world and application in the medical field is continually increasing. Bio medical waste pyrolysis oil of petrol grade and diesel grade and its blend with diesel and petrol respectively has been introduced as an alternative fuel. In this study, various operating parameters have been prepared for better understanding of operating conditions and constrains for bio medical waste pyrolysis oil of both grade fuel and its blends fuelled in compression and spark ignition engine. Read More...
M-Tech(thermal power engineering) |
India |
1132-1140 |
284 |
Structural Analysis of Blast Resistant Structures
-Demin George ; Varnitha M. S
The effect of blast load on buildings is, a serious matter that should be taken into consideration in the design Even though designing the structures to be fully blast resistant is not a realistic and economical option, we can improve the new and existing buildings to ease the effects of a blast. In this study, I’ve analyzed the effects caused by blast loads and to find how to reduce the effects using ETAB 2015, and from my studies, I conclude that the shear wall is resisting the blast loads than any other alternatives. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
1141-1144 |
285 |
Vibration Analysis of Compressor Blade with Arbitrary Blade Angles & Materials using Finite Element Method
-Ankit Richhariya ; Ankit Richhariya; Pradyumna Vishwakarma
The effective uses of a Compressor blade are limited at its maximum operational junction frequency. The study was conducted by using the Finite element method. The compressor blades are used with flow of with rotation such as power houses and industrial applications. The major study was done on compressor blade by using different materials with different blade angle profile of 50, 80, 120, 160. A natural frequency was analyzed and harmonic analysis is performed for validation. In our analysis, ANSYS was used and the model was developed on CREO 5.0. In order to verify the present ANSYS model, the Natural frequency with their modes by using four types of materials are compared with the available experimental results present in the literature. And the design of compressor blade with different angles of 50, 80, 120, 160. In this study, the simulations of different profile blade angles and four types of materials i.e. 304 structural steel, Aramid reinforced polymer composites, Carbon fiber reinforced plastic and ti-6al-4v, was analyzed for natural frequency and the configurations of blade design are proposed. The results show that increasing blade angle and material like carbon fibre reinforced plastic of compressor blade increases the frequency with increase in a number of modes simultaneously. The natural frequency of the compressor blade is compared by using four types of materials and is predicted that at 120, 160 blade angle profile a carbon fibre reinforced plastic gives better frequencies in different modes. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1145-1156 |
286 |
Comparative Study of Advanced cloud data mining algorithm for pattern mining in cloud computing environment
Cloud computing has been acknowledged in concert of the prevailing models for providing IT capacities. The computing paradigm that comes with cloud computing has incurred nice considerations on the protection of knowledge, particularly the integrity and confidentiality of knowledge, as cloud service suppliers could have complete management on the computing infrastructure that underpins the services. During this paper we would like to generalize the formulation of knowledge mining techniques with cloud computing surroundings. In data processing we would like to seek out helpful patterns with totally different methodology. The most issue with data processing techniques is that the area needed for the item set and there operations area unit terribly immense. If we have a tendency to mix data processing techniques with cloud computing surroundings, then we are able to rent the area from the cloud suppliers on demand. This answer will solve the matter of big area and that we will apply data processing techniques while not taking any thought of area. This paper essentially survey and analyze the utility for determination the on top of state of affairs. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1157-1161 |
287 |
A Real Time Cursor Movement Control Implementation Based on Eye Gaze Tracking
-Gajanan Khapre ; Prof.Bhalerao.A.S.; Prof. Mulajkar R.M.
The ï¬eld of Human-pc interaction (HCI) has witnessed a superb growth among the past decade. The introduction of pill computers and cell telephones permitting contact-based completely management has been hailed warmly. The researchers during this ï¬eld have additionally explored the flexibility of ‘eye-gaze’ as a probable approach of interaction. Some industrial answers have already been discharged, but they are heretofore high priced and provide restrained usability. This paper strives to gift an occasional price actual time system for eye- gaze based human-pc interaction. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
1162-1167 |
288 |
Fundamentals of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting
-Ashwani Kumar ; Deepak Chhabra
The field of science and technology is focused and concentrating on a single word ‘Energy’. All our advanced devices seems to be dealing with converting one type of energy into another one and providing the desired form of work. Energy is available everywhere in our surrounding in various forms (wind energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, vibrational energy etc). Main aim is to focus on extracting the energy from such sources which are available everywhere and never ending. Energy harvesting or energy scavenging from mechanical (vibrational) energy is a significant step in this direction. There are basically three vibrational energy harvesting techniques: piezoelectric, electrostatic and electromagnetic harvesters. This paper puts light on basics of piezoelectric energy harvesting which is one of the most efficient method of micro-mechanical energy harvesting. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1168-1171 |
289 |
Application of Advanced Techniques and GIS in Railway Safety Management
-Dhanashri M. Bedagkar ; Dr. Sumedh Y. Mhaske
Railway industry has a valuable role in economic development of each country. India's massive rail network is hit by an average of 300 accidents a year. A number of locating and positioning sciences and technologies have been employed to efficiently handle railway accidents. Among them geographical information system (GIS) as a locating and global positioning system (GPS) as a positioning system have been considered as highly efficient. GIS is implemented for defining geo referenced locations, storing attribute data and displaying data on maps. Safety management in railway is required to avoid or mitigate damages. The railway industry is adapting various new tools and techniques to yield high productivity, to attain safety and sustainability. The damages can be avoided by accident prevention and development of a system to predict before the occurrence of accidents. The damages can be mitigated by reduction of negative effects of accidents after its occurrence through proper emergency and management services. Being closely associated with passenger and goods transportation; railways have high risk associated with them in terms of human lives and cost of assets. New technologies for railways and better safety measures are introduced time to time but still accidents do occur. Thus, a proper strategy is required for maintenance and inspection of tracks. A procedure for digitization of rail defects is then developed in integration with a GIS tool (Gram++). Five aspects are considered during site-layout planning: (1) Study of advanced techniques used in detecting cracks in rails. (2) Selection of a site to carry out crack detection. (3) Identification of cracks using USFD testing. (4) Digitization of selected site from Indian Rail map using GRAM++. (5) Preparation of the GIS based model. (6) Cost analysis for estimation of quantities of materials required for rail repairs and replacement. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1172-1175 |
290 |
Keyword Search Diversification Model Over XML Data
-Nita Dinkar Bankar ; Anuradha N.Nawathe
To search large amount of data keyword searching technique would be more beneficial. Due to ambiguous nature certain barriers are occurred with query searching. There may also uncertain problems of keyword diversification that is not capable of answering correct solution in searching expected results from large collection of data. Whereas, in XML data search some short and vague keyword query is used. It dynamically diversifies keyword searching. The complications of diversifying keyword search are essentially calculated in IR association. To better the attention of query diversification in formed databases or semi structured data, it is charming to consider both formed and content of data in diversification paradigmatic. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1176-1180 |
291 |
Design of Smart Irrigation System
-Rahul Kumar ; P. Raja
In agriculture, it is very important to monitor the soil moisture, so that one can know when to irrigate the field. Hence, automated irrigation based on moisture sensing can be revolutionary. In this paper the designed system not only checks the moisture content in the soil, but also pumps the water into the field automatically. Here, we are using soil moisture sensors which will let us know about the moisture level in soil. In this system, the main controlling device is microcontroller. Moisture sensor will give the status of the soil to the microcontroller. Based on that microcontroller will display the status of the soil on the LCD. If the moisture content is lower than threshold level, the microcontroller will switch (ON/OFF) pumping motor using relay. The pumping motor will pump the water into the field by using drip water system until the field is wet which, in turn, is continuously monitored by the microcontroller. This saves the water and at the same time the crops will get optimum level of water, so increasing productivity of crop. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1181-1184 |
292 |
Wavelet Feature Extraction and ANOVA based Multimodal Biometric Fusion System
-Jatin Azad ; Nidhi Mittal
We live in a world today in which technology moves at a very rapid pace. Many of these technological advances can be used to make our everyday life easier and safer. One such technology which is very popular these days and is in extensive use is biometrics system. A biometric system attempts to confirm an individual’s claimed identity by comparing a submitted sample to one or more previously enrolled templates. But there are few limitations associated with unimodal biometric system such as noise in sensed data, non-universality, spoof attacks etc. So it is possible to overcome these limitation which gives rise to multimodal biometric system. In this work, the biometrics traits under consideration are: human iris, fingerprint and face. The reviewed papers propose methods that employ PCA, fisher face projection, minutia extraction and LBP feature extraction on different biometric traits. However these techniques contribute to complexity and accuracy of the entire system has scope for improvement. With advances in digital image processing methods, pre-processing of each unimodal system sample and techniques such as wavelet based feature extraction and ANOVA deals with the existing system in a way making it more secure. It can be gauged by parameters such as FRR, EER, FAR. Thus, the complexity and accuracy gaps between the reviewed and proposed system becomes substantially smaller. This paper is about the effectiveness of multimodal biometric fusion system and presents tools employed to enhance it which is depicted by ROC curve. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1185-1192 |
293 |
Design and Implementation of Modified IMC for Dc Motor on ARM Processor
-Dimple J. Vora ; Vandana V. Patel
The internal model control (IMC) philosophy relies on the internal model principle, which states that control can be achieved only if the control system encapsulates, either implicitly or explicitly. If the control scheme is developed based on an exact model of the process, then perfect control is theoretically possible. The research browses the DC motor system and gets its transfer function to be the base of the design, which examines IMC and our proposed controller. Matlab/simulink is used to simulate the procedures and validate the performance. The results approved that Modified approach gives better results than IMC in terms of error reduction. Read More...
India |
1193-1195 |
294 |
Study on New Supplementary Cementitious Material in Construction of Green Building
-Pooja S. Naringrekar ; Dr. Sumedh Y. Mhaske
The construction of green building requires new material which is sustainable and economical. The material technology in concrete during the construction of green building has undergone tremendous change. The concrete when present in fresh state needs high degree of cohesiveness, high workability, pumpability, slump retention. The design and execution of construction projects has focused on how sustainable practices which can reverse the impacts of global warming. Hence the demand of ecofriendly and sustainable material has increased. In this study cement is partially replaced by ALCCOFINE 1203 and Silica Fumes for M80 grade of concrete. The comparative studies has been done with the help of live project (Nathani heights) in Mumbai. Some tests and cost analysis on live project has been done to prove that ALCCOFINE 1203 is eco-friendly, sustainable and economical. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1196-1200 |
295 |
Analysis of Maintenance Strategies of Locomotive Diesel Engine Axle Gearbox
-Gourav Pathak ; Dr. R. K. Mandloi
This Paper provide the different optimum processes of maintenance of axle gearbox in a Diesel Engine Locomotive, to observe situation of consistency, availability and inventive maintenance. This plan is considered in a way to identify the gear profile failure, gear pitting, backlash and tooth thickness. In this paper, mainly different types of Condition Based Maintenance are used to monitors the actual condition of the gear profile according to failure. In this way decision of the maintenance plan is easy. Then according to situation different plan may be chose. Therefore, each stage of replacement and repair is perfect. Read More...
M.Tech Mechanical Engineering (Industrial Engineering and Management) |
India |
1201-1205 |
296 |
Power Generation from Speed Breakers Mechanism
-Mr. Atul P. Wasokar ; Prof. Anup M. Gawande
In the present day scenario, power is a major need for human life. There is a need to develop non- conventional sources for power generation due to the reason that our conventional sources of power are getting scarcer by the day. This paper emphasises on the idea that the kinetic energy getting wasted while vehicles move can be utilized to generate power by using a special arrangement called “power humpâ€. This generated power can be used for general purpose applications like streetlights, traffic signals. In addition, we could also have solar panels, which would satisfy our power needs, when there is no vehicular movement. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1206-1209 |
297 |
Design and Analysis of Honeycomb Sandwich Panels for Boat-Result and Discussion
-Priyanka Y. Tandekar ; Dr. S. K. Choudhary
Aluminum Honeycomb Panel is flat and has excellent rigidity. The core layer is the hexagonal aluminum honeycomb, adhered to the face plate and the sole plate by adhesive glue. The diversionary honeycombs can bear the pressure coming from the plates which provide the superior flat and rigidity, if the plates are very large. The panels are light weight and saves energy. Under 1/5th, 1/6th and 1/7th weight of wooden board, glass and aluminum in the same volume that reduce the cost of transportation and energy and at the same time making installation very easy. The Aluminum Honeycomb Panel is good for the environment as it is free from release of harmful gases and is easy to clean and recycle. The product is moisture proof and it is coated with PVDF paint which enables the color to be durable and free from mildew and deformation in damp environments. From high performance off-shore racers to the recreational run about, honeycomb composite panels have superior strength-to-weight ratios, better toughness, and moisture and corrosion resistance for demanding applications. Read More...
India |
1210-1214 |
298 |
Precipitation of Hardening
-Akshay Dasarkar ; Prof. Anup M. Gawande
The report deals with the comparative study based on the Age Hardening behaviour of Al-3.9%Cu & Al-5%Cu. All samples were solutionized, quenched in water & aged in Muffle Furnace. Hardness test is conducted on all the samples after ageing by Vicker’s Hardness tester. Microstructure of the samples indicates that Cu precipitates form circular structure. Segregation of Cu rich phase (CuAl2) has been found in the vicinity of particle matrix interface. Results after aging shows that the hardness of age hardenable Al-Cu alloy depend on the rate on which alloy is cooled after solution heat treatment. The peak hardness is found to be 128.75 HV1 when the sample is solutionized at 490◦c and aged naturally at room temperature. A maximum of different heat treatment cycles are taken and different results are observed which are discussed in the further report. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1215-1217 |
299 |
Analysis of Front Suspension Bracket under Pretension and Service Load
-Nagesh S ; Sudindra S
Automotive chassis is the back bone of an automobile, which acts as the frame to support the body and other different parts viz., bumper, front suspension bracket, engine mount bracket, fuel system, etc., of the vehicle. Chassis frame and bracket are the most critical element that gives strength and stability to the vehicle under different conditions. So the frame as well as brackets should be strong so that it can withstand shocks, twists, stresses and vibrations to which it is subjected while vehicle is moving on road. Thus strength and stiffness are the two important design considerations. Frame and brackets are connected by using welding as well as bolts and nuts. The main function of the front suspension bracket is to properly balance and transmission on the vehicle chassis, suspension bracket is an important part of the vehicle to reduce the vibration and noise, by which smooth ride of the vehicle can be achieved. Vibration and strength of suspension bracket has been continuously a concern which may lead to structural failure if the resulting vibration and stresses are severe and excessive. Present work mainly focused to select the best material for the front suspension bracket of the automobile. Non-linear static analysis is carried out on the bracket to determine the behaviour i.e., Stress and Displacement for different material. ex-mild steel, aluminium and cast iron. Bolt slippage calculation is considered here to know the friction co-efficient between bolts and nuts. Since it is easy to analyze structural systems by finite element method, the front suspension bracket is FE modelled using HYPERMESH and the FE analysis is done using the ABAQUS. Read More...
| in machine design |
India |
1218-1221 |
300 |
Parametric Study of Gas Tungeston Arc Welding on Mechanical Properties of Low Carbon Steel
-Vijander Kumar
In the present research work an attempt is made to understand the effect of TIG welding parameters such as welding current, gas flow rate, welding speed, weld torch angle that are influences on responsive output parameters such as weld penetration, width, fusion area, micro hardness, and tensile strength of welding. Taguchi method is used to get the optimal parameters. In Taguchi method, L9 orthogonal array is used for experimentation. The effort made to investigate optimal machining parameters and their contribution for producing better weld quality and higher Productivity. After welding test for weld penetration, weld width, fusion area, tensile test, and micro hardness have been conducted. The significance of the factors on overall output feature of the weldment has also been evaluated by analysis of variance (ANOVA). Read More...
mechanical engineering |
India |
1222-1226 |