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251 |
Analysis and Elimination of Attackers in WSN using Secure Multipath Routing Protocol
-Udhaya Sankar S M ; Jeevaa Katiravan
Wireless Sensor networks are usually marshalled as group of nodes with a communication infrastructure leading to new structure of WSN called Cluster or Hierarchical WSN. In WSN, a primary requirement for the establishment of communication among nodes is that nodes should collaborate with each other. In the presence of malicious nodes, if the nodes interact or collaborate with each other, this will result in serious security issues; for example, such nodes may destroy the routing process. In this scenario, avoiding or diagnosing malevolent nodes launching DOS attacks through shortest path is a challenge. In existing system, to avoid and detect the malevolent cluster member and head, learning based energy prediction algorithm is used whose limitation is node failure, lack of direct communication, excess of energy consumption. This paper attempts to resolve this issue by designing a Secure Multi path Dynamic Routing Protocol based routing mechanism, which is referred to as the Attack Prevention Trust Scheme, that consolidates the advantages of both intense and sensitive defence architectures. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
935-939 |
252 |
Optimization and Modeling of Process Parameters in Projection Welding Process using Multi-objective Taguchi method and RSM
-Vishal V. Zatale ; Roshan S. Jadhav; Prof. Avinash A. Karad
Projection welding is a process that is being in industry for sheet and nut joining purpose especially in Automobile and Aerospace industries. This paper presents an alternative method to optimize process parameter of projection welding (PW) towards weld zone development. The optimization approach attempts to consider multiple quality characteristics, namely torque and heat affected zone (HAZ), using multi-objective Taguchi method (MTM). Also this paper presents and experimental investigation for optimization of torsional strength and HAZ of low carbon mild steel by using Taguchi method. The experimental study was conducted for plate thickness 1mm and M6 SQ nut under different electrode pressure, welding current and weld time. The optimum welding parameters were investigated using the Taguchi method with L9 orthogonal array. The optimum value was analyzed by means of multi-objective method, which involved the calculation of total quality normalized loss (TNQL) and multi single to noise ratio (MSNR). Significant level of the welding parameter was further obtained by using analysis of variance (ANOVA). Additionally, the first order model of predicting the weld quality zone development is derived by response surface methodology (RSM). The experimental results confirmed the validity of used Taguchi method for enhancing welding performance and optimizing the welding parameters in projection welding process. The confirmation test indicates that it is possible to increase torque and smaller HAZ significantly. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
940-945 |
253 |
Automatic Power Saving System using PLC
-Udit Kant Shekhar ; Jinendra Rahul; Tushar Sharma; Vipul Kumar Nama; Vivek Agarwal
Design & Development of PLC Controlled Power Saver System Automation & Control for Room Occupancy Count & Appliance Control. This paper is based on application of the PLC in daily life. In our daily life we normally forget or don’t care to switch off the electrical devices used at our homes i.e. fans, tubes, bulbs etc. Every device has a particular power ratings according to which it consumes electricity now the working of these devices without any use will lead to wastage of power and ultimately to the electricity bills. This project can be used to avoid this problem. In this project every room will be monitored by a PLC and the PLC will keep the record of the number of persons in every room and when it finds the no of persons in a room to be zero then it automatically cut the power line for that room. We can also use a SCADA, which will display the status of every room. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
946-948 |
254 |
An Energy Efficient Data Transmission in Wireless Sensor Network
-Vipul C. Mandage ; Sandhya R. Khairnar; Nivedita S. Bhamare; Neha K. Patil; Sphurti M. Deshmukh
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a communications architecture composed of several nodes with small power supply, it is preferable to assure the adoption of the minimum transmission power in order to extend the WSN lifetime, on the other hand, it is crucial to guarantee that the nodes receive the transmitted data correctly. Therefore, trading off power optimization and quality of service has become one the most important concerns when dealing with modern systems based on WSNs. The main aim of the proposed method is that by evenly distributing the energy all over the sensor nodes and by reducing the total energy dissipation, the lifetime of the network is enhanced, so that the node will remain alive for longer times inside the cluster. Thus, on one hand, it is preferable to assure the adoption of the minimum transmission power in order to extend the WSN lifetime, as far as possible. On the other hand, it is crucial to guarantee that the nodes receive the transmitted data correctly. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
949-951 |
255 |
Tracking of Physical Activity using Sensor System at Home
-Abhilasha Abhishek Dwivedi ; Prof. D. D. Patil ; Prof. R. A. Agrawal
Human activity tracking and recognition within home is one of the bases of modest wellness monitor of a rapidly aging population in developed countries. Rather than the aging population, most of the people, today, spent their time in sitting at workplace, in automobiles, watching television, in front of computers which eventually become a cause for the innumerable diseases. Thus it is require tracking the physical activities of sedentary and aging population in order to estimate the amount of their daily physical movements. By this research we can determine that by using only three –four doorway sensors, it is possible to imprison the sufficient movements in order to determine the activities of the elderly population which can eventually help them to track the level of their physical activity, which can subsequently helps the doctors to develop the further procedure of treatments for the elderly patients if they are suffering from any disease. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
952-955 |
256 |
Review of effect of Heat Treatment Processes on the Hardness of Different Grades of Mild Steels
-Akash V. Suryavanshi ; Pradumna D. Visapure2; Harshvardhan D. Jadhav3; Rahul B. Gade4; Mr.T. C. Mestri
Study of effect on the hardness of three sample grades of mild steel are to be studied. In this paper, we are going to study previous research paper and conclude with the results. By going through research paper we came to know that after heat treatment mechanical properties of material changes. This heat treatment processes causes change in mechanical properties like hardness. This change in hardness for various material are studied Read More...
Engineering |
India |
956-958 |
257 |
Effect of Fuel Injection Pump on the Engine & Simplified Pump Setting Procedure
-S. K. Karthikeyan ; K. Siva Krishnan; B. Siva Raj; M. Sasikumar; R. Vijayakumar
In Diesel Engine, Pump was a device used to transfer the fuel from fuel tank to the engine. In diesel engine fuel was directly injected inside the engine during power stroke of each cylinders. The timing of injection were set manually with the crank rotation. FIP Cam was normally used in the diesel engine to operate the fuel pump. The FIP cam was driven by crankshaft, so the fuel was injected directly in the engine during the time of injection. In our project we changed the timing of fuel injection and we have analysed the problems occurs on the engine during the process. Normally they are testing the 210 angle for the process, but we have changes the angle with 230 and 190 with the process and analysed the problems occurs during running. 230 angle shows that the fuel was injected in engine in advance position, and the 190angle shows that the fuel was injected in retarded position. The exhaust gas components such as hydrocarbons, CO2, CO, SOx emissions are quiet decreased with the base fuel. Read More...
India |
959-961 |
258 |
Investigation of Mechanical Properties on Newly Formulated Hybrid Composite Aluminium 8011 Reinforced With B4C and Al2O3 by Stir Casting Method
-Kandan.R ; J.Dhinesh Kumar; Sudharssanam.M; A.Venkadesan; R.Badrinath
Metal matrix composite (MMC) focuses primarily on improved specific strength, high temperature and wear resistance application. From the collected literature it is found that, metal matrix composite are under serious consideration as potential candidate materials and it is mainly used to replace conventional materials in aerospace and automotive applications. So, the MMC are highly used in automotive and space applications. And the aluminium matrix composite is a material with two constituent parts, one being a metal and other being reinforcement. The aluminium matrix can be strengthened by reinforcing with hard ceramic particles like SiC, Al2O3, B4C etc. In this project, Aluminium 8011 alloy is chosen as one of constituent parts, which has good mechanical properties and exhibits good weldability. The mechanical properties like tensile strength, compression strength and hardness can be increased by reinforcing Al 8011 matrix with boron carbide (B4C) and aluminium oxide (Al2O3) particles. In this project, the fabrication of aluminium 8011 with boron carbide and aluminium oxide is done by stir casting process, which is a liquid state material fabrication and cost effective method. Characterization test were conducted on Aluminium 8011 alloy to study the change in tensile, compression and hardness properties of alloy. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
962-965 |
259 |
Active Chat Monitoring and Suspicious Chat Detection over Internet
-Praful P Pillay ; Divyam O Singh; Omkar S Panda; Rajan Sahu
Nowadays, terrorist activities communicates over application and chat programs over internet. It also uses these chat applications over the internet for getting their message to younger generation and making all of types terrorists. Well we here propose an internet chat application that actively monitors various chats going on and also alerts the admin about any suspicious chat process that are taking place. The system is built to monitor all chats taking place over and saving them with their history. The chat process is handled by server. As data passes through server it continuously keeps on scanning it for any suspicious words. An alert is provided to the admin regarding any suspicious chat that is processed at the database server. The admin may now watch that particular chat. This chat system also provides the IP address of both side for further tracking their location of those involved. This chat monitor system is an important application that could allow for secure chats along with terrorism related chat detection that helps track down spread of terrorist networks and locate the activities using IP addresses. Our internet chat application is a dedicated chat application for free internet chat as well as tracking down on spread of terrorism online. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
966-968 |
260 |
Electronic Queue Management Device for OPD's
-Syed Suhail Ahmed ; Ubedur Rehman; Maid Santosh C
In Today’s world when patient wants to visit to a Doctor he/she have to first register their names in OPD section and then he/she have to wait for their turn to come. This all procedure is handle by a human being. The present scenario is that at OPD a man sits outside doctor’s cabin and sent patient one by one in doctors cabin for checkup and treatment, and it is expected that he should sent patient on first come first serve basis but many times due to human error or influence the criteria of first come first serve crashes and then patients will experience frustration and may feel less satisfied with the services. So in order to tackle such situation and to serve patient efficiently we have developed this device “EQMDO†for smooth functioning of OPD’s without intervention of human being. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
969-971 |
261 |
Fabrication and Performance Analysis of PEM Fuel Cells with Different Bipolar Plate Materials
-S. Om Prakash ; R. Sunil Kumar; N. Manikandan
Proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) system is an advanced power system for the future that is sustainable, clean and environmental friendly. The flow channels present in bipolar plates of a PEMFC are responsible for the effective distribution of the reactant gases. Uneven distribution of the reactants in a PEMFC can cause variations in current density, temperature, and water content over the area of a PEMFC. The materials and machining methods for PEMFC bipolar plates are of ultimate importance as they constitute more than 60% of the weight and 30% of the total cost in a fuel cell stack. This work investigates how the performance of the PEMFC varies with different bipolar plate materials. Here graphite is used as bipolar plate with flow channels machined in them. The experiments were carried out in a single cell PEMFC. The results are to be compared with Stainless steel, Aluminum and brass bipolar plates. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
972-975 |
262 |
This project work is an experimental investigation on Sugarcane Bagasses Ash as a partial replacement of cement. Cement Concrete occupies an important role in the fields of civil engineering. The strength of the concrete is known to vary with some factors such as cement content, type of aggregate, water cement ratio, mixed proportion etc.., efforts have been made and continued to replace these components especially cement with the aim to reduce cost without adverse effect on strength characteristics of concrete. Sugarcane is one of the most important agricultural plants that grown in india. Bagasse is a byproduct of the sugarcane industry. The burning of Bagasse leaves, Bagasse ash as a waste which has a pozzolanic property that would potentially used as a cement replacement material. It Develops industrial waste management system by making the best use of industrial waste. The strength characteristics such as compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength of concrete mix are tested for 7days, 28days and 56days of curing period and Results are analyzed by comparing with conventional concrete mix. Test for grade as per specified procedure of IS codes. Hence, it is an environmental friendly methods of construction to establish strategies, to find economical means of construction by using Bagasse Ash. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
976-980 |
263 |
Review on Study on Strengthening of Soft Storey Building
-Gunja Chandu Chikhlonde ; Tanmay Sonone; Rajat Raut; Rajat Jambhulkar; Harshala Agale
Soft story is it typical feature in the Modern construction in urban India. at the soft story level, there is a discontinuity in the rigidity of the structure due to lack of infill walls or due to variation in floor height in this study, seismic analysis of soft storey building frames have been carried out considering G+ 6 building model with 5 different soft storey cases. Soft storey we have been created by varying the soft storey from floor to floor and the building was evaluated by staad pro v8i and parameters such as Base shear, deflection and soft drift where studied. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
981-982 |
264 |
Scada Based 3 Axis Crane Control Management System using PLC in Production Industry
-Pushpa D. Gohel ; Vandana K. Kanzariya; Prof. Rushikesh V. Pandya
In Industrial crane control system, all control devises are wired directly to each other according to how the system is supposed to operate. Now a day, crane is controlled by human interface. This generates a large drawback of human interface error. More ever, wiring work becomes more complex which leads large amount of mechanical faults. Hence, troubleshooting and maintenance of such system become more difficult and costly. Due to this drawbacks industrial production decreases largely. We using delta plc to control the crane movement in 3 axis direction. Read More...
India |
983-985 |
265 |
Conceptual Framework on Performance Appraisal of Employees
-Aswini ; Dr. V. M. Anitha Rajathi
Performance appraisal is a most important to all organisations. Performance appraisal is an official and evaluation of an individual performance and peers will be checking an individual’s performance on a continuous, And Employees are a key element of any organisation. The performance appraisal systems developmental tools used to measure the real performance in an organisation and the strategic goals of the organisation are associated to that individual performance. In this paper I explanation about the factors that affected performance appraisal, and the proposed the deliverable of performance appraisal. Read More...
Human Resource management |
India |
986-987 |
266 |
M-Healthcare Cloud Computing System for Multilevel and Single Handled Privacy Preserving Cooperative Authentication in Patient Diagnosis
-Patil Sachin Narayan ; Prof. Boarkar B.S; Prof.Muneshwar R.N
A patient attribute-based designated verifier signature a patient self controllable multi-level privacy-preserving cooperative authentication security and privacy requirement in distributed m-healthcare cloud computing system. Distributed m-healthcare cloud computing system significantly sencourages productive patient treatment for therapeutic discussion by sharing individual wellbeing data among human services suppliers. Nonetheless, it brings regarding the challenge of keeping each the information confidentiality and patients’ identity privacy at the same time. Numerous current get to control and unknown validation plans can't be clearly abused. To take care of the issue, in this paper, a novel approved open protection Model (AAPM) is set up. Patients can authorize physicians by setting an access tree supporting flexible threshold predicates. At that point, in light of it, by formulating another method of characteristic based assigned verifier signature, a patient self-controllable multi-level privacy-preserving cooperative validation scheme (PSMPV) realizing three levels of security and privacy requirement in distributed m-healthcare cloud computing system is proposed. The directly approved physicians, the indirectly approved physicians and the unauthorized persons in medical consultation can restorative decipher the personal health information and/or verify patients' identities by satisfying the access tree with their own attribute sets. Privacy in the distributed m-healthcare cloud the formal security evidence and simulation results illustrate our scheme can resist various kinds of attacks and far outperforms the past ones as far as computational, communication and capacity overhead. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
988-991 |
267 |
Automatic Working of Bio Toilet in Indian Railway
-Ghatge Satish Sandeep ; Pawar Bhagawan; Bhor Abhishek
Indian Railways was being roundly criticized for creating an environment hazard by discharging toilet waste on tracks. IR coaches have toilet system that has hole on the floor through which human feces and urine is flushed directly on railway tracks. Various types of environment friendly Green toilets have put on outfields trials by Indian Railways to overcome this problem. Controlled Discharge Toilet System (CDTS), Bio-toilet developed by Indian Railways engineers and DRDO biotechnologists, development of Zero Discharge Toilet System (ZDTS) by IIT Kanpur and Research Development and Standards Organization (RDSO) Lucknow, are some efforts in this direction. These technologies are more expensive due to inherent complexities, disposal problem at yards (ZDTS) and requirement of extra infrastructure at the terminal. FFEM approach not only solves these problems but also convert toilet waste into energy which can be utilized further in lighting at platforms or some other useful purposes. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
992-994 |
268 |
Thermostructral Analysis of Vertical Pressure Vesssel
-Prasen Kamlesh Dave ; Bhargav Dinesh Sharma; Abrar Mahommad Thakor; Gaurang Parmar
Pressure vessel is the closed sealed cylinder shaped vessel for storage gaseous, liquid or solid products for the period of interval between production. Common welded junctions are found in vessel are the dished end to nozzle, shell to nozzle, and the skirt to the dished end. Skirt to dished end junction is very critical because it takes all dead weights and moment acting on the pressure vessel. There is two way to join the skirt to dished end either by centre to centre matching or outer diameter to outer diameter matching skirt to shell. During the cyclic heating or cooling there is a possibility of expansion of vessel wall which cause the crack at the skirt to dished end junction. Due to temperature, also temperature gradient will increase. And due to which high structural and thermal stress are develop at the junction of the skirt to dish end joint. So motive of this paper is to refer research paper on skirt to dished end finding different causes and the parameter on crack generation. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
995-997 |
269 |
Efficient Conversion of Low Temperature Heat into Work
-Nitish Kumar Gupta ; Rajeev Ranjan
Historically industries have shown an aversion towards extracting work from low temperature heat sources mainly because the Carnot efficiency with these sources comes out to be lower and on top of it, if one employs the traditional Rankine cycle with these low temperature heat sources the cycle efficiency, in most cases, boils down to a single digit value. But in the recent past many ingenious augmentations have been proposed in our approach of heat extraction which has provided us with a substantial scope of improvement in the cycle efficiency. The aim of this paper is to discuss some of these process side breakthroughs in the field of extracting work from low temperature heat sources. More specifically the paper will be focusing on Kalina cycle and Organic Rankine cycle which are the two most promising and commercially developed options available among all low temperature heat extraction cycles. Read More...
Renewable Energy |
India |
998-1001 |
270 |
Water Carbide Engine
-Tushar Tukaram Shinde ; Tushar Kalidas Jadhav; Sudam Tukaram Kachare; Vicky Shyamnarayan Gupta
This project leads to the idea of using acetylene gas in the internal combustion engine such that it reduces the demand of the petroleum products that is going to be extinct in near future. It includes about the emissions of harmful gases that can be reduced by the use of acetylene instead of petroleum products. Various fuels have been tested on IC engines for their suitability as alternate fuels. Expect few alcohols, CNG and LPG, not many fuels have been found to be matched with IC Engines requirements. Thus this project is an attempt for the use of an alternative resource such that it can prove to be useful for the peoples in near future. Read More...
mechanical engineering |
India |
1001-1002 |
271 |
Review of Optimization Techniques for Digital Image Watermarking
-Milind A. Datkhile ; prof. Rajesh patil; Swapnil sharma; Diwakar Singh
Digital watermarking is an evolving field that requires continuous effort to find the best possible method in protecting multimedia content. Digital watermarking is the procedure whereby secret information (the watermark) is embedded into the host multimedia content, such that it is hidden, i.e., not perceptually visible. Besides this, information should be recoverable, even if content is degraded by different attacks. The two basic requirements for an effective watermarking scheme, imperceptibility (PSNR) and robustness (NCC), conflict with each other. For optimum PSNR and NCC, optimization techniques are used which includes Genetic algorithm, Hill and climb search, Tabu algorithm, Simulated Annealing etc. Here review of different optimization techniques for watermarking is presented. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
1003-1006 |
272 |
IOT Based Garbage Monitoring System
-Ram Bilas Nagar ; Rishikesh Kumar Gupta; Pushpendra Singh; Ranjeet Kumar Raman; Rupal Gupta
Now a day we are going to make our city to be smart and clean. Many times, in our city we see that the garbage bins or dustbins placed at public places are overloaded. It creates unhygienic conditions for people as well as malformation to that place leaving bad smell. To avoid all such situations we are going to implement a project called IoT Based Garbage Monitoring System. This project contain four dustbins. These dustbins are interfaced with PIC16F73 microcontroller based system having Ultrasonic Sensor wireless systems along with central system showing current status of garbage, on mobile web browser by Wi-Fi. Hence the status will be updated on to the web browser page. Major part of our project depends upon the working of the Wi-Fi module; essential for its implementation. The main motive of this project is to reduce human resources, environmental pollution and efforts along with the enhancement of a smart city vision. This project also promote to Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1007-1008 |
273 |
Attachment on Lathe Machine to Perform Gear Cutting Operation
-Rajat P. Tathe ; Rajat Tathe; Suraj Bolkuntwar; Suraj Shinde; Samir Gite
Gear is most used drive for power transmission in mechanical engineering. Gear cutting is done on milling machine. We know the cost of milling machine is high which is not probably use for small scale industry and workshop so we have make a new attachment on lathe machine for gear cutting operation. The main aim of proper fabrication attachment and working on lathe to perform gear cutting operation. It will reduce the investment as well as space for small scale industry. We used indexing mechanism as same on milling machine. The attachment is mounted on carriage of lathe. We fixed work piece and tool is rotating perpendicular to work piece mounted on carriage and the mandrel is design to hold the cutting tool. The attachment was carefully designed after studying the proper mechanism, power requirement, force analysis on work material and a cutting tool of lathe machine and milling machine. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1009-1010 |
274 |
A Review: Best Cutting Parameters of Cutting Tool
-Shah Sneh ; Shah Karan; Shah Shrey
There are various machining processes which are organized for different material removal processes. For different machining processes various cutting tools are used as per requirement of machining processes. Parameters which can mainly affected to machining processes are cutting angle, Tool material and Temperature. Above stated parameters have considerable effects on accuracy, Surface finish and material removal rate(MRR) of the processes. This can be analyzed by Finite Element Analysis simulation and different machining experiments on CNC Turning Center. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1011-1013 |
275 |
Innovation in Design of Washing Machine
-Satyam Agarwal ; Jeemit Kansagra; Laxmi Narsimha Swamy; Jain Dharemesh; Bhavesh Patel
Cloth washing is one of the essential parts of the life but it is considered undesirable because of the involvement of efforts, time, energy and cost. Now a days a many types of washing machines are available in the market and due to which there is a tough competence among the manufacturers. Due to different features and capabilities cost of washing machine varies from Rs.10,000 to 1,50,000. The cost of washing machine increases due to facility like dry cleaning. All of the washing machines available in the market are electric power driven and basic working principle depends upon creation of the movement of detergent around the dirty clothes. Drying of the clothes is depends upon rotation of wet clothes at very high rpm so that water droplets can be separated out due to centrifugal action. In our country where approximately 70% population is living with very poor economic status, those people cannot have a washing machine because of cost constraints and unavailability of electricity due to any reason. The present work is an attempt to develop a concept to make a cloth washing mechanism which can meet out the requirements of above mentioned 70% population of the nation. Working principle of this concept is no more different from available similar type of machine with a difference driving mechanism of the machine. The objective of bringing down the initial cost and operating cost of washing machine is almost achieved in present work within the limitation of work as mentioned. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1014-1016 |
276 |
Automatic Wireless Health Monitoring System in Hospital for Patients
-Sarwan Kumar Bhera ; Shivank Sharma; Mahesh Choudhary; Lalit Kishore Sharma; Ranjeet Singh
In this project, a wireless communication system is designed and developed for remote patient monitoring. The primary function of this system is to monitor the temperature of a patient’s body, and display the same to the doctor through RF communication. In hospitals, where patient’s body temperature needs to be constantly monitored, is usually done by a doctor or other paramedical staff by constantly observing the temperature and maintaining a record of it. It is a very tedious method. In this proposed system transmitting module continuously reads patient’s body temperature through a digital temperature sensor, displays it on the LCD screen and sends it to the microcontroller which transmits the encoded serial data over the air by RF (radio frequency) through an RF module. At the receiving end, a receiver is used to receive the data, decode it and feed it to another microcontroller which is then displayed on an LCD screen. The receiver module is kept in the doctor’s chamber to continuously display the patient’s body temperature wirelessly Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1017-1019 |
277 |
Implementing Web Crawler using S4 Algorithm for E-Commerce
-Sanket Wandile ; Shubham Uttarwar; Suraj Meshram; Samiksha Borkar; Prof. Rashmi Janbandhu
The web is the biggest unstructured database of the world. With the expanding number of eCommerce websites coming all the live long day, the rate at which these eCommerce websites are spammed with insignificant connections is high. Subsequently of which the plausible prospect wind up spending vain hours on the web. Web scraping a web page includes bringing it and removing from it. Getting is the downloading of a page. Along these lines, web slithering is a primary part of web scraping, to bring pages for later handling. Once got, then extraction can occur. The substance of a page might be parsed, looked, reformatted, its information duplicated into a spread sheet, et cetera. In this way the web creeping should be upgraded to give the client what he/she craves at a tick of a catch. Also, permit them to pick over a wide assortment of best purchase choices accessible on the web. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1020-1023 |
278 |
Design & Fabrication of Solar Operated Agro Spayer
-Preet Kothari ; Jaspreet singh Kathuria; Hemant Age; Avinash Bagul; Rohan Hucche
Energy and its uses†is an of the important factor for any country. Finding solutions, to get the “Energy demand†is the tough challenge for Scientist, Engineers, Industrialist Entrepreneurs and of our Country. According to them, Applications of Non conventional energy is the only a tern for solution for conventional energy demand. Nowadays the Concept and Technology employing this Non-conventional energy becomes very famous for all types of development activities. One of the major area, which finds many applications are in Agriculture Department. Solar energy plays an vital role in drying agriculture products and for irrigation purpose for pumping the well water in remote villages without electricity. This Technology work on solar energy can be extended for spraying pesticides, Fertilizers Fungicides etc., using Solar Sprayers. This paper deals how a ‘Power Sprayer’ which is already in use and works with fossil fuel any fossil fuel. Can be converted into solar sprayer’s works without Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1024-1025 |
279 |
Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges using Wireless Sensor Network
-Prashil H. Zodape ; Kodagali Supriya S. ; Mulla Gazala S. ; Lanjewar Dhanashri R.
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) helps to reduce the danger of collapses of structures and life threatening incidents and is reliable. This project developed a structural health monitoring system of bridges which utilizes the use of microcontrollers, wireless communication, transducer, sensors and cellular transmission that allows remote monitoring. Wireless sensors are low-cost data acquisition nodes that co-locate communication and computing functionality with the sensors. These sensors include strain gauge, water level sensor, anemometer, vibration sensor etc. Data acquired from the sensor is transferred through wireless network to destination. The processing of sensors consumes less power. The stability and usability of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is validated due to merits as such low cost, easy installation, and effective data management. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
1026-1028 |
280 |
Industrial Data Logging System using Raspberry-Pi
-Neha S Chourasia ; Samiksha Samrit; Priyanka Khobragade; Twinkal Dhole; Nayan rangari
Knowledge of temperature, relative humidity, pressure or other parameters during a certain time is needed in scientific, medical and industrial applications. Data logging is most important part for manufacturing industries, Automobile industries, Aerospace designing industries etc. Data logging of each and every second of any machine in an industry is manually not possible. So the data logging system is able to record the real time data of each and every second. Logging means to “record the data†from various Industrial sensors and machines to collect the Physical environmental parameters. One of the primary objective of industrial data logging system is to create an ability to automatically collect data on 24- Hours basis without using manual work. A data logger is an electronic device that records data over time or in relation to location either with a built in instrument or sensor or via external instruments and sensors. It combines analog and digital measurements with programming methodology to sense temperature, relative humidity, pressure and other parameters. The aim of this project has been to design a system which would be able to manage the real time data in industry. This real time data also transfer in pen drive and get secure in the form of hardcopy and this data is also use for analysis of previous product. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
1029-1031 |
281 |
Intelligent Vehicle Control in Embedded System using GPS and GSM
-Jyoti.M.Sandur ; Prof.S.S.Savkare
This paper presents the embedded system, used for tracking and positioning of any vehicle by using Global Positioning System (GPS) and Global system for mobile communication (GSM). This design will continuously watch a moving Vehicle and report the status of the Vehicle on demand. The hardware and software of the GPS and GSM network were developed. The proposed GPS and GSM based System has the two parts, first is a mobile unit and another is controlling station. The system processes, interfaces, connections, data transmission and reception of data among the mobile unit and control stations are working successfully. This also includes the Vehicle anti-theft system with vehicle ignition controlling technique. Whenever car owner removes key from the ignition lock at that system is turned on. We have provided vibration sensor with this project, which is similar to piezoelectric sensor. When vibrations are detected, SMS is sent to the owner of the car. When car owner sends back SMS to project then the engine is stopped. We have provided a Relay and a DC motor to show the demo of vehicle engine controlling system. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1032-1033 |
282 |
Water Lifting using Lifts Energy
-Jadhav Bharat Suresh ; Gaikwad Pradeep Machindra; Shaikh Arbaj Ayyub; Tapase Nitesh Balu; Bankar Kiran Raosaheb
The various development in the industrial sectors and in our daily life is increasing hence we have also tried to modify the systems which are used in our daily working areas to save the electrical energy and it is environment friendly. In our daily life we are used electrical lift for going up and down to reduce human effort. By using this electric lift we save the electric energy by the lift on solar energy. For using the lifts kinetic energy which is up and down motion we lift’s the water from lower tank to upper tank. In this project we save power consumption and effective utilization of energy takes place. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1034-1036 |
283 |
Development of Eco-Friendly Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite for False Ceiling
-Uttam S. Bongarde ; Akshay A. Chandure
Natural fiber reinforced polymer composites has growing its interest due to its ecological and economical factors. The aim of this research was to evaluate mechanical behavior of sisal fiber reinforced epoxy based composites. Tensile strength and flexural strength of composite was evaluated using universal testing machine (UTM). The composite specimens were fabricated with simple hand layup method. Sisal fiber reinforced epoxy composite (SFREC) were made up with four different weight fraction 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% of fiber. The results revealed that tensile and flexural strength were better with 20% of weight fraction of fiber. This sisal fiber reinforced epoxy composite was suggested for false ceiling application due to its superior properties. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1037-1039 |
284 |
Ad Hoc Networking: Current Activity and Future Directions
-Mr. J. N. Solanki ; Mr. V. K. Jadeja; Mr. R. H. Davda; Mr. K. R. Rathod; Mr. S. A. Gadhiya
this article is a survey on the current status and direction of research on ad hoc networking. We categorize the ongoing research and outline the major challenges which have to be solved before widespread deployment of the Technology is possible. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
1040-1041 |
285 |
Review on Solar Photovoltaic Water Pumping System
-Prof. Mangesh R. Dhage ; Prof. Vaibhav S. Girnale; Prof. Chetan P. Patil
Agricultural technology is changing rapidly. Farm machinery, farm building and production facilities are constantly being improved. Agricultural applications suitable for photovoltaic (PV) solutions are numerous. These applications are a mix of individual installations and systems installed by utility companies when they have found that a PV solution is the best solution for remote agricultural need such as water pumping for crops or livestock. A solar powered water pumping system is made up of two basic components. These are PV panels and pumps. The smallest element of a PV panel is the solar cell. Each solar cell has two or more specially prepared layers of semiconductor material that produce direct current (DC) electricity when exposed to light. This DC current is collected by the wiring in the panel. It is then supplied either to a DC pump, which in turn pumps water whenever the sunshine’s or stored in batteries for later use by the pump. Solar Photovoltaic water pumping system (SPVWPS) has been a promising area of research form more than 50 years. SPVWPS consists of different components and parts associated with different fields of engineering like mechanical, electrical, electronics, computer, control and civil engineering. The interdisciplinary nature of the system attracted there searchers, in the past, from all these fields of engineering and has been contributed by them to make the system more efficient and cost-effective to meet water-pumping needs of human, livestock and irrigation. Read More...
Agricultural Engineering |
India |
1042-1045 |
286 |
Design and Fabrication of Log Pulling Arch
-Madhukumar Raju Gowda ; Nagaraj C L; Mrutyunjaya M Banakar; Pavan C Kurdekar ; Lava K R
Timber production is only one of the reasons that families own woodlands, many owners like the idea of being able to cut and use some of their own timber, regardless of whether you are gathering fire wood for your own use or making lumber and wood products for a profit, removing logs or poles from the woods can be challenge, this is especially true because most wood land owners do not have commercial logging equipment specifically designed to safely and efficiently drag and haul logs from the woods. In many instances their designs can make them inherently dangerous when dragging timber from the woods. A number of steps can be taken to ensure your safety when dragging logs and poles from the woods with tractors or four wheelers, and a number of equipment manufacturers have designed attachments to allow for the safe removal of timber with these types of equipment. A large number of attachments have been designed to help wood land owners safely haul logs out of the woods while there are many different designs, they all have one thing in common with commercial logging equipment: They are designed to lift the front end of the logs off the ground. This issue is extremely important. If the front end of logs remain on the ground they can easily hang on rocks, stumps, and uneven ground as they are dragged. This often happens unexpectedly and farm tractors and four wheelers react by raising the front end. When these types of equipment are put under this stress they can quickly become unstable, hence a log pulling arch is designed and fabricated. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1046-1050 |
287 |
GPS and GSM Based Highway Monitoring and Control
-Miss.Anuja Uttam Kadam ; Miss. Kalantre Vaishali; Miss. Kumbhar Prajkta; Mr. Kharade Ratnakar A.
In developed India information technology and electronics engineering are on fast track. Now a day’s digital electronics has become a very important part of new developed technologies. Today practically it is impossible to avoid interaction with digital equipments. The world has gone digital technology and so India has also. Development of GSM technology has made business and industry more easy and profitable. This system must be provides monitoring and controlling system for inter-cities transportation vehicle such as autos and buses. The digital electronics and GSM technologies will create the digital environment and digital homes and also make digital INDIA. This system uses GPS and GSM technologies. As thus GPS technologies having high range of frequencies, the user can get the information as fast. The paper includes the hardware part which include of GPS, GSM, Atmega microcontroller 89C51, level converter MAX 232, 16x2 LCD and software part. As the you send SMS through GSM as a status, the GSM will trigger and on the signal to the micro-controller circuit and it will identify the location using GPS and send a particular text message via GSM to the receiving members i.e. friend, family etc. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
1051-1053 |
288 |
Analysis and Compression of ECG Signal using Wavelet Packet
-Santosh Kumar Dubey ; Omprakash Yadav
Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal compression is playing a vital role in biomedical applications. The signal compression is meant for detection and removing the redundant information from the ECG signal. This paper proposes a new technique of ECG compression using Wavelet packet transform methods up to 4th level of decomposition. The quality measurement of the reconstructed signal in an electrocardiogram (ECG) compression scheme must be obtained by objective means being the compression ratio (CR), percentage root-mean-square difference (PRD), correlation coefficient (CC) and peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) are widely used. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1054-1057 |
289 |
An Experimental Study on Concrete with Partial Replacement of GGBS and Ceramic Waste
-M. Sankaran ; R. Navaneethakrishnan; J. Subash Chakravarthi; B. Vijay; P.Ramalingam
Waste management is one of the most common and challenging problem due to generation of industrial ceramic waste in the world. Waste is dumped away which result in environmental pollution threatening both agricultural and public health. GGBS is one of the industrial by product from the iron and steel making industries. This paper aims to study the suitability of blast furnace slag and ceramic waste from crushed fuse. In this project an attempt has been made to determine the optimum mix proportion of GGBS in fine aggregate with 30% replacement of cement by ceramic waste. In this research study the cement has been replaced by ceramic waste is constantly at 30 % and fine aggregate has been replaced by GGBS accordingly in the range of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% by weight of fine aggregate in M20 grade concrete. In this study the above concrete mixtures were produced, tested and compared in terms of compressive strength, flexural strength and split tensile strength to conventional concrete. From this result analysis, for 30% replacement of cement with ceramic waste, the optimum value of GGBS to be used within the concrete mix with a water cement ratio of 0.5 was determined as about 40%. The compressive, flexural and split tensile strength of optimal concrete was found 45%, 53.4% and 64.9% higher than the reference concrete respectively. The finding revealed that use of ceramic fuse waste and GGBS leads to strengthening of concrete properties. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1058-1060 |
290 |
Design Modifications of Alpha Stirling Engine for Reducing the Cylinder Pressure Loss and the Blow-By
-Naman Kumar Gandhi ; Amit Sengar ; Prof. Swati D. Chaugaonkar; O.P. Verma
This work focuses on a new approach to design a Stirling engines with the goal of building a working model. This Alfa type Stirling engine had two kinetic luna engines, one is used as hot expansion cylinder and another as cooled compression cylinder. Both the cylinders are connected by – using crank pin to link the two connecting rods with the crank shaft and by using pressure pipe with heat exchanger to connect the two heads. Alpha stirling engine has high power to volume ratio but it has technical problems due to high temperature, the durability of its seals get reduced. In this, the regenerator is an internal heat exchanger and temporary heat is stored in between the hot and cold spaces such that the working fluid passes through it first in one direction then in reverse direction. The compression ratio of the engine is calculated analytically and the pressure is measured by using pressure gauge. The design of the engine is modified and the leakages at the joints and blow-by are detected and are reduced. Read More...
India |
1061-1064 |
291 |
Survey of Green Computing Technologies used in Computer Industries
-P. Pushpa ; S. Sathish Kumar
Green Computing, the study and practice of efficient and eco-friendly computing resources. In recent years, Companies in computer industry have come to realize that green going is their best interest, both in terms of public relations and reduced cost. This article will look at several green initiatives currently under way in the computer industries and regarding their initiative. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1065-1066 |
292 |
A Review on Privacy-Preserving Mining of Association Rules from Transaction Databases
-Priti S.Galbale ; Vijeta D.Meshram; Kajol K. Khobragade; Khushbu R.Bhure; Prof. Kalyani Hatwar
Database Outsourcing is a promising data organization system in which Data-proprietor stores the private information at the untouchable organization supplier's site. The organization provider directs and deals with the database and benefits the readymade organizations to the data proprietor and their clients to make, update, eradicate and get to the database. Regardless of the way that database security is required in light of the way that more organization providers are not reliability. The genuine necessities for getting security in outsourced databases are mystery, assurance, trustworthiness, and freshness if there ought to be an event of component redesigns, get to control in multi-customer condition, availability and request approval and confirmation. To achieve these all necessities distinctive security frameworks like get to control based strategy, ask for ensuring encryption based technique, hardware based encryption approach, fake tuple based philosophy, secret sharing system, checked data structure approach, qualities based procedure, united intermittence and encryption based procedure, have been progressed till date. In this paper diverse security segments separated and their basics given in this review paper. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1067-1072 |
293 |
To Develop a Hexagonal Cutting Machine For Hexagonal Cutting from Circular Workpiece
-Anupam Chaturvedi ; Chirag Patel; Vijay Bhusar; Vrajesh Kothari
Our Research relates to a Hexagonal Cutting Machine which can cut out a Hexagonal Profile from a Hollow Circular Workpiece. As of now, a Vertical Milling Center is employed for cutting the Hexagonal Profile. But, the prevalent method is pretty much time consuming as well as Costly. Because, the operating cost of a VMC is high. So the concept of Hexagonal Cutting Machine, which will cut circular workpiece into Hexagonal Profile in less time, with less operating cost is hereby explained. In the present research, the various components as well as the concept behind the Hexagonal Cutting Machine are explained. For serving the purpose, the machine will be rotated with the help of an Electric Motor and the Workpiece will be fed against the cutter with the help of a leadscrew. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1073-1075 |
294 |
Content Based Image Retrieval System using SVM Technique
-Shoaib Masroor .TS
Multimedia applications are increasing rapidly and a large number of digital images are stored in database. For the effective retrieval of the desired images from a huge image database study of a content-based image retrieval (CBIR) technique has become an important research issue. In this proposed work, image retrieval is done through color and texture feature extraction. For feature extraction different algorithms are used like color auto correlogram, HSV (Hue Saturation Value) histogram and color moments. Also, texture features like mean square energy, mean amplitude of 2D wavelet component and standard deviation of wavelet coefficients. Features of query image and database images are classified and compared using support vector machine and similarity measures. Features are compared based on pair wise euclidean distance between query image and database image by various methods such as L1, cityblock, minkowski, chebychev, cosine, correlation and spearman. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1076-1079 |
295 |
Treatment of Industrial Waste Water by using Orange Peels and Fish Scales
-P.Sasirekha ; V.Mutheeswari; S.Sivapackiam; S.Soundharya; J.Raghel Jeba Mariyal
An experimental investigation was carried out for the treatment of diary waste water using low cost adsorbents. The peels of orange and fish scales were used as adsorbents in this study by carbonization and dehydration (bio sorption) methods and the effect of pH, contact time, adsorbent dosage, and adsorbent particle size in removal of pollutants present in dairy wastewater was evaluated. The studies showed that the orange peels are more effective than the fish scales in the removal of pollutants from the dairy wastewater. The carbonization method is found to be more efficient than the de-hydration method for both, orange and fish scales with high percentage removal of 50.1% and 31.25% respectively. The orange peels found to be more efficient in both methods with highest percentage removal of 50.1% and 14.3% respectively compared to the fish scales where percentage removal is found to be 31.25% & 8.2% respectively for the de-hydration method and carbonization method. The optimum pH for both methods, orange and fish scales found to be in a range between 6-8. The optimum contact time for de-hydration method of orange peel and carbonization method of fish scales is 120 min and for de-hydration of fish scales and carbonization of orange peel is 150 min. The optimum adsorbent dosage for the dehydration method of orange peel is 0.15 g and for fish scales is 0.25g. The optimum adsorbent dosage for carbonization of orange and fish scales is 0.3g and the optimum particle size for methods, orange and fish scales are 300µm. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1080-1085 |
296 |
Industrial Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance System Based on FPGA
-Kaviya A ; Ramesh. P; Nivetha. P; Satheesh Kumar. D; Prarthana. A
The FPGA (Field programmable gate array) provide flexibility with the system. Where sensors are more flexible using the FPGA and the communication of data and control statements are using zigbee Standard Protocols. Smart sensor trend towards increased quality and reliabiltiy from production processes with minimal operator supervision depends very much upon the development and application of reliable and accurate sensors. Various sensors are being used for measuring the temperature, humidity gas etc. These sensor values must be in real time and accurate in order to avoid faults. In the proposed system reconfigurable sensors are interfaced with the FPGA(field programmable gate array). The sensors output normally in the form of here ADC using for convert the analog value to Digital value. Then the measured values are compared with the threshold easily the admin will be informed to take corrective measure .The communication protocol is zigbee used, it has high speed and accurate. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1086-1088 |
297 |
A Conceptual Study on E-Recruitment
-Sangeetha ; Dr. V. M. Anitha Rajathi
Recruitment is the process of hiring the potential candidates for right job to the organization. E-Recruitment is also known as electronic recruitment or online recruitment is the process of hiring the qualified candidates for suitable job by use of electronic resources. Now a day E-Recruitment is one of the latest trend in recruitment methods. The augmentation of Internet users and evolution of new technologies are the main initiation for online recruitment. This paper highlights the concept of electronic Recruitment, usage of social media network sites in e-recruitment, forms of recruitment in organization and the advantages and disadvantages of e-recruitment. Read More...
Human Resource management |
India |
1089-1090 |
298 |
Experimental Study on Concrete and Cement Plaster using Partial Replacement of Quarry Rock Dust as Fine Aggregate
-Golagani Aruna ; D. Srinivas Rao
Conventional Cement Concrete (CCC) consists of Portland Cement (PC) as binder, which binds the inert aggregate system. Concrete has found its wide application in buildings throughout the world because of positive attributes such as durability, high resistance to loads, and the possibility of using local raw materials in the preparation of concrete (Sand, Crushed Stone). The use of river sand in making the concrete is the best Fine Aggregate (FA). Seasonal non – availability and scarcity leads to the higher cost. There is a need to tackle this problem. So the replacement of conventional river sand is necessary. For this the abundantly available material at all season at a cheaper rate is in need. The best way to deal with these environmental concerns is to use waste or recycled material, as substitute for natural river sand. This paper deals with replacement of sand used in concrete as fine aggregates by the waste generated by the stone quarry industry. Quarry rock dust can be an economic alternative to the river sand. Quarry Rock Dust as 100% substitutes for Natural Sand in concrete. This project presents the feasibility of the usage of Quarry Rock Dust as hundred percent substitute for Natural Sand in concrete. Design Mix for M30 and M40 has been calculated using IS 10262-2009 for both conventional concrete and quarry dust concrete. Tests were conducted on cubes, cylinders and prisms to study the strength of concrete by using Quarry Rock Dust and the results were compared with the Natural Sand Concrete. Cement mortar cubes were cast and its compressive strength is calculated. Cement mortar ratios of 1:3 and 1:6 are prepared and observed the percentage of water absorption in both Quarry Rock Dust and Natural sand for plastering. The main objective of the present investigation is to evaluate the possibilities of using quarry dust as a replacement to fine aggregate. During the present study, 0%, 50%, 75% and 100% of traditional fine aggregate was replaced with quarry dust. Compression, split and flexural strengths were found after 7days and 28 days of curing. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1091-1097 |
299 |
Study of Distributed Energy Management System for Energy Internet
-Salunke Samata Ratan ; R. A. Agrawal
The approaching energy internet emphasizes complete consumption of energy in the entire power system by coordinate multi-micro grids, which also brings new challenge for the energy organization. In this paper propose a original consensus-based distributed approach based on multi-agent framework to explain the energy management problem of the energy internet, which only requires general information substitute among adjacent agents. In this paper also explained the functions of distribution management. By way of the bidirectional power flow provided by the Energy Internet, various methods are promoted to improve and increase the energy utilization between Energy Internet and Smart-Grid. This paper proposes a original distributed coordinated controller combined with a multi-agent-based system which is applied to distributed generators in the Energy Internet. Then, the decomposed tasks, models, and information flow of the projected method are analyzed. The proposed coordinated controller installed between the Energy Internet and the Smart Grid keeps energy while providing accurate power-sharing and minimizing circulating currents. To conclude, the Energy Internet can be included into the smart-Grid seamlessly if necessary. Hence the Energy Internet can be operating as a revolving accumulates system. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1098-1101 |
300 |
A Review Paper on Cost & Time Optimization by using MSP & CPM for the Economical Use of Manpower and Equipments in the Construction of Residential Buildings
-Mr. Harish Appasaheb Arekar ; Prof. S. B. Patil
In most of the reviews of literature it is seen that they are related to the cost optimization by schedule compression by different methods. The present topic is able to support for find out a new solution of cost and time optimization. Such type of study is not observed in any related review of literature, so the topic is novel. It is seen that there is a scope for research work in the area of advance construction and method. It is proposed to carry out some theoretical and analytical studies on proper utilization and combination of the equipment and manpower. After the optimization the cost of the project can be reduced. In this growing construction industry the equipment use is only for the excavation, due the large manpower use the time of the project increases, and also the cost may be increased. The expected outcome of this study is to reduce the total schedule of the project as well as the cost of the project. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1102-1105 |