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101 |
CFD Analysis of Turbulent Heat Transfer through Rectangular Channel on Shape Optimization of Different Dimple Shape
-Manjit Kumar ; Pankaj Shrivastava
Conventional sources of energy have been depleting at an alarming rate, which makes further sustainable fulfillment of requirement of energy very difficult. Thus, heat transfer enhancement technology plays an important role and it has been widely applied to many applications as in refrigeration, automotive, process industry and solar energy heater. Convective heat transfer can be enhanced passively by changing flow geometry, or by increasing heat transfer coefficient between the heat transferring surface and the heat carrier fluid. Another possibility for increasing heat transfer to fluid is to employ extended surfaces. The use of dimple as fins in a duct increases the heat transfer area and breaks the laminar sub-layer creating local wall turbulence. The heat transfer rate is improved but pressure drops is increased as well. A numerical investigation has been performed to study the effects of different dimple shapes on heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics through transversely roughened rectangular channels for Reynolds number ranging from 10000 to 30000 and subjected to uniform heat flux of 1000 W/m2. Considering single-phase approach, the two-dimensional continuity, Navier-Stokes, and energy equations developed for the physical model have been solved by using the finite volume method (FVM). The optimization was carried out by using various dimple shapes (rectangular, triangular, wedge pointing upstream, and wedge pointing downstream) in in-line and six different aspect ratios (w/e = 5, 3.334, 2.5, 2, 1.667 and 1) to reach the optimal geometry of the dimple with maximum Performance Evaluation Criterion (PEC). The highest PEC was obtained for the triangular dimple channel with w/e = 1.667 (i.e. dimple height e = 6mm & w = 10mm) at Re = 10000. Read More...
India |
395-401 |
102 |
Enhancement of Active Power Flow Capability of Standard IEEE 14 Bus System using Unified Power Flow Controller
-Suvarna Vitthal Patil ; Kalpesh Mahajan
The Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) is a Flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) uses the thyristor controlled devices that can control all the three system. UPFC is capable of controlling real and reactive powers in a transmission system. This paper presents control and performance of Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) is investigated in controlling the real and reactive power flow control using IEEE 14 bus standards system. UPFC is studied to improve the power flow over a transmission line in a standard IEEE 14 bus system by using MATLAB / SIMULINK software in a power system. For the selected standard system, real and reactive power flows are compared with and without UPFC to improve the performance and also improve the voltage profile. In this paper implementation and digital simulation using UPFC to improve the power flow is presented. The MATLAB/SIMULINK model results are presented to verify the results. It can be shows that compare the waveforms results of active, reactive power and voltage when with and without UPFC in connected to IEEE 14 bus standards system. Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
402-406 |
103 |
Design of Suspension System for HADMBA Thresher Machine with Finite Element Analysis Approach
-Rahul Vitthalrao Kakde ; Dr. R. R. Gawande
In agricultural field, the Hadmba thresher machine is use to separate the grains from the stalk and the pod of the plants; A national institute for safety (NIFS) has investigated the breakage of hub bolts due to absence of suspension system in the Hadmba thresher machine. In rural India, the condition of road is very bad and in order to travel the Hadmba in such road conditions, the suspension system must be there in the machine to increase the life of the parts. This work involves design and analysis of a hub bolts and a leaf spring in existing and new designed Hadmba thresher machine under static and dynamic loading conditions. The modeling is done in Creo 1.0, and then analysis is performed in the ANSYS 11.0 by considering loading in static and dynamic conditions. The main concept use of leaf suspension system is to reduce the vibration energy of the vehicle body induced by the road roughness while keeping the vehicle stability within an acceptable limit. The different results were obtained and verified mathematically with Ansys. All analytically calculated values of deflection and stresses are closely matching with values obtained from ANSYS software. Read More...
Cad/Cam Engineering |
India |
407-410 |
104 |
Analysis and Design of Transmission Tower with Different Configurations and Bracing Systems
-Sohan Bhalchandra Chaudhari ; Prof. Dr. P. D. Jadhao; Prof. J. S. Nikam
Transmission line towers constitute about 28 to 42 percent of the cost of the transmission line. The transmission towers are constructed for transmitting the electricity from generation station to substations. The function of transmission tower is to support the conductor wires and ground wires at suitable distance and safe height from ground. Therefore transmission line towers should be designed considering both structural and electrical requirements for a safe and economical design. In this study an attempt is made to model, analyse and design a 220kV double circuit transmission line towers. STAAD Pro program is going to be used for analysis and design of the members of 220kV double circuit tower. The transmission tower has a height of 32m and base width of 8m. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
411-414 |
105 |
A Survey on Deduplication on Encrypted Data in Cloud
-Kamolesh Das ; Surabhi Sinha; Nabeel Attar; Siddhi Gangele
Cloud is a huge platform for computing and storing data. With exponential increase in number of users and size of their data, data deduplication is much needed for Cloud Service Providers (CSP). In cloud as far as the security is concerned it is better to store data in encrypted form. Due to poly access nature of cloud, the resources of cloud are been distributed to several entities at any given instance. Due to this, there are always possibilities of duplicate data at cloud storage. This eventually increases complexity including complexities of access function. Moreover the loss of control over their own personal data which leads high data security risks and data privacy leakages. By keeping the unique document of the duplicate data, cloud providers can reduce their data transfer and storage cost. There are many systems that provide deduplication but they fail to provide it on encrypted data and also there are issues regarding ownership of the data. This paper has discussed various developments, their advantages and limitations which can provide a perception into future research directions. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
415-417 |
106 |
Transformer Protection by Distinguishing Inrush and Fault Current with Harmonic Analysis using Fuzzy Logic
-Meena M Gaurkar ; Chandrakala Gowder
With the day to day increase of the ability and therefore the increasing rate of industry. The quantity of power to be developed and therefore the safety of the ability transformers have enhanced manifolds. For optimum results it's needed to own nearly a no – fault operation of power electrical device. The target of this paper is to style a controller or methodology that might predict the unwanted outages in an exceedingly tiny interval of your time and with accuracy. The controllers like PI, inflammatory disease square measure in use in industries over a decade and located to be terribly helpful additionally. However during this case these controllers aren't found to allow reliable results attributable to the periodical and non – periodic nature of the ability transients. Hence, fuzzy controller being Associate in nursing intelligent controller may be used for this purpose of detection of inflow and fault current. Transformer is one amongst the vital parts of power system. Transformers square measure invariably protected by mistreatment differential protection. However the differential protection someday could malfunction attributable to inflow current whenever a transformer is energized. Many strategies like per-phase methodology, cross obstruction methodology, % average obstruction methodology and Harmonic sharing methodology square measure already existing. This method provides a fair a lot of refined and reliable method of characteristic between fault current and magnetizing inflow by using mathematical logic. The wave remodel with its ability to work out info from transient signals each in frequency and time domain is additionally used for elaborated analysis of assorted power electrical device transients. More it's found that wave remodel may be a terribly effective tool for elaborated analysis of those transients and additionally with mathematical logic we've obtained correct and extremely helpful results. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
418-423 |
107 |
Automatic Land Subdivision using Robot
-Dr. P. S. Raghavendran ; M. Gayathiri; M. Arun Sahaya Rose; T. Aravind; S. Haemala
Land surveying is the process of measurement of land area's horizontal distance, elevation, and angles of the corners by placing three-dimensional points on the earth surface. These points are usually on the surface of the Earth, and they are often used to establish maps and boundaries for locations, such forms as building corners or the surface features, or other purposes required by government or civil law, such as property sales. Surveying has been an element in the development of the human environment since the beginning of recorded history. The planning and execution of most of the construction require it. It is also used in transport, communication, and subdivision of land. The various techniques involved in surveying are triangulation, trilateration, levelling, traverse, and radiation. The recently used technique is EDM (radiation). All the above-said techniques require more amount of time as well as human power. To overcome this tiring procedure this project is proposed. In this project, a robotic model is designed which is wirelessly controlled through ZigBee technology. The movement of the robot and the required data display are done through visual basic software. Among various process of surveying, this project took a task of land subdivision and working on it. Read More...
India |
424-427 |
108 |
Analysis of Energy Efficient Clustering Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks
-Prabhu. T. S ; Dr. V. Jaiganesh
Wireless sensor network (WSN) is a group of spatially distributed autonomous sensors, connected to a Wireless Sensor Node, which gathers data and commonly passes it through the network to a central location. The features of WSNs are quick expansion, self-organization as well as self-adaptation to the environment. It plays an essential role in our daily lives also it meets the requirements of numerous application areas like industrial, cultural, environmental. The energy efficiency of nodes and life time of network is becoming a general requirement for wireless sensor networks. Different clustering approaches are used to reducing energy dissipation in the network and optimize of sensor nodes for achieve successful communications among the nodes. This paper reviewed different energy efficient algorithms of clustering in WSNs. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
428-431 |
109 |
Comparison of Data Mining Algorithms in Credit Card approval
-Wilson Muange Musyoka
The use of credit scoring can be used to help the credit risk analysis in determining the applicant's eligibility. Data mining has been proven as a valuable tool for credit scoring. The last years have seen the development of many credit scoring models for assessing the creditworthiness of loan applicants. Traditional credit scoring methodology has involved the use of statistical and mathematical programming techniques such as discriminant analysis, linear and logistic regression, linear and quadratic programming, or decision trees. However, the importance of credit grant decisions for financial institutions has caused growing interest in using a variety of computational intelligence techniques. This paper concentrates on comparing several algorithms used by Weka, which is viewed as one of the most promising paradigms of computational intelligence. The aim of this paper is to evaluate data mining using Tree based algorithm, Rule based and Bayesian networks and see how either the data or the algorithms can be improved to enhance the output percentages of the algorithms. Read More...
Computer Science |
Kenya |
432-438 |
110 |
Survey on Fingerprint Matching Algorithm's and Different Technique's Used to Improve Performance and Security
-Sagar Baliram Lahade ; Yogita Mohan Ingle; Pooja Vikas Dhalpe; Akash Bhanudasji Shinde
Fingerprint Recognition is used widely for identification of the individuals as compare to the numerous biometrics techniques because of many reasons such as comfort of capture, highly distinctiveness, persistence over time, also the fingerprint sensors are smaller and inexpensive compare with other biometric this paper we listed different fingerprint matching algorithm, which provides not only good accuracy but also less FAR, FRR AND EER. This paper also deal with Different security constraint that can be applied to store fingerprint secured. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
439-445 |
111 |
A Two-Stage Smart Crawler for Deep Web-Page Search
-Zaid Pathan ; Shreyas Reddy; Taha Rizvi; Rahul Jain
The Internet is a global, common and self-sufficient structure available to billions of people around the world. Huge amount of data is stored in a structured format. When the user looks for data in the search engine, it returns huge volume of relevant and irrelevant data. The returned queries are arranged with the help of certain parameters, wherein number of visits being one of them. Due to this, the new sites having higher relevancy, but less number of visits suffer and hence are ranked low. This is referred as cold start problem. To overcome this problem, we propose a two-stage Smart Crawler, to extract the relevant data from the Invisible Web. This module returns seed sites from the site database. In the first stage, this framework performs a 'reverse lookup' that matches the users’ query with URL. In the second stage, the 'prioritization of incremental sites' is performed as per the content of the query. The returned links are classified as relevant and irrelevant links, and high ranked links are shown on the results page. Our proposed model efficiently returns deep web interfaces from a pool of sites and achieves better results than other crawlers, as well as eliminates the cold start problem by returning only relevant data. To achieve performance, we design 'custom search' where the user gets data based on their profession. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
446-449 |
112 |
Generate Free Power using Gravity Lamp Energy Source
-Thejaswini R ; Yoganandini A.P
The novel system of alternative, long lasting, renewable power generation method based on the principle called 'gravity' which uses 'systems integration' of mechanical equipment's forming the module called 'gravity lamp' to meet load demand. This lamp prototype comprises of cylindrical shaped solid mild steel weight of 9.5KG, ball screw, drive gears, rotor, and generator, two way switches to interchange motor terminals for both generation and LED straps as load. This paper also presents feasibility in investigation of power developed by working module and also provides the optimistic conditions for up gradation of proposed system to meet relevant standards. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
450-453 |
113 |
Recycling of Heat by Introducing a Heat Exchanger
-Prabal Roy ; Surjeet Singh Rajpoot
For manufacturing Industries, energy accounted for up to 38% of costs. Hence better energy management and greater efficiency in manufacturing are therefore going to have significant positive environmental and cost saving impacts. Recycling of Heat is one way to mitigate the loss of resources viz. electricity, fuel, raw materials etc. A case study was undertaken at a company viz. HEG Ltd. where carbon rods are produced from graphite powder. These graphite powders are dried by flowing dry & moisture free air over them for pneumatic conveying the powder from one process to another. The flow of high pressure air from compressor is generally hot. This heat is used to heat up the cold air from the separator by introducing an additional air to air Heat Exchanger. Thus the modified system heat up the dry air for pneumatic conveying the graphite powder. Thus the system efficiency is improved. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
454-459 |
114 |
Transmission Line Fault Classification and Fault Zone Identification Using Artificial Neural Network
-Namrata Yerne ; Mrs. Preeti; Umesh G. Bonde
Transmission lines, among the opposite power system elements, suffer from sudden failures owing to varied random causes. These failures interrupt the dependability of the operation of the facility system. Once unheralded faults occur protecting systems square measure needed to stop the propagation of those faults and safeguard the system against the abnormal operation ensuing from them. The functions of those protecting systems square measure to observe and classify faults further on confirm the placement of the faulty line as within the voltage and/or current line magnitudes. Then once the protecting relay sends a trip signal to a circuit breaker(s) so as to disconnect (isolate) the faulty line. The options of neural networks, like their ability to be learn, generalize and multiprocessing, among others, have created their applications for several systems ideal. The utilization of neural networks as pattern classifiers is among their commonest and powerful applications. This methodology presents the utilization of back-propagation (BP) neural network specification as another method for fault classification and fault zone identification during a transmission line system. The most goal is that the implementation of complete theme for distance protection of a line system. So as to perform this, the line protection task is divided into totally different neural networks for fault classification additionally as fault location in numerous zones. Four unsymmetrical faults were discussed; single line to ground faults (LG), double line faults (LL) and double line to ground faults (LLG) and additionally two symmetrical fault cases additionally mentioned. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
460-465 |
115 |
Experimental Investigation of Flexible Pavement by Using Crumb Rubber
-Rakesh Nagar ; Pratiksha Malviya; Vikash Kumar Singh
Waste material Management is one of the powerful concepts in recent year. To overcome the Use of Crumb Rubber in the construction of flexible pavement is gaining importance. It is also worth mentioning that, the modifier raw-material has been sourced from disposed Crumb Rubber. This not only allows us to collect modifier raw material at low cost materials, but also provides a solution towards ecological menace posed by increased use of Crumb Rubber. Most of the Highways in India constructed with flexible pavement having wearing surfacing course with bituminous concrete. In the present investigation, an attempt has been made to use Crumb Rubber, blended using wet process. Marshal ability test of bituminous mix design was carried out for varying percentages of Crumb Rubber to determine the different mix design characteristics. Marshall ability mix design was carried out by changing the modified bitumen content at constant optimum rubber content and subsequent tests have been performed to determine the different mix design characteristics and for conventional bitumen (VG-30). This has resulted in much improved characteristics when compared with straight run bitumen and improve the strength of pavement Modified Bitumen is one of the important construction materials for flexible pavements. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
466-469 |
116 |
Laundry Management Application using Augmented Reality
-Karuna Takawale ; Prof. P.R.Rajmane; Snehal Kokane; Rutuja Dambre; Aishwarya Munde
This paper novel proposes an adaptable standardized barcode based generation process administration framework design utilizing Augmented Reality with the administration arranged engineering innovation. The framework chefs can include another capacity or another generation procedure by the visual interface of our engineering. This design is utilized to develop a perception framework model which can be utilized to oversee the closing process successfully by utilizing standardized identification. An arrangement of framework prerequisites is created that cover the outline of the hubs of the shops, the storage facilities and the clothing, plants, the outline of the system, the outline of the interface, the abilities for remote information access and administration, and the effortlessly expansible administrations. For effortlessly got to buy web, this framework is created as a web application. Our framework empowers dependable clothing administration running efficiently and adequately. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
470-472 |
117 |
Finite Element Analysis of Disc Brake using Ansys 16.0 with Three Different Material
-Vineet Dwivedi ; Arvind Singh
Composite materials are gaining importance because of their advantages including low cost, ease, and simplicity of operation. Composites containing hard oxides (like SiC) are preferred for high wear resistance along with increased hardness, improved corrosion resistance and high-temperature oxidation resistance as compared to alloy and pure metal. Composite coating is used for the purpose of wear resistance. In automotive field, lot of studies are going on to conventional materials for disc brake. So, to optimize the required working operation Grey Cast iron, AISI 1020 and Aluminium6061 are to be used in my work. The motive of my study is to analyse the performance of disc brake for different materials (Grey Cast iron, AISI 1020 and Aluminium6061) under same working parameters. FEA simulation is performed and the material behaviour on displacement, stress, contact pressure, contact status is obtained using software ANSYS 16.0 and finally a good comparison is performed. Performance parameters of disc brake for different materials (Grey Cast iron, AISI 1020 and Aluminium6061) under same working conditions have also been compared. These are the parameters which are used for comparison - stress distribution, strain distribution, heat flux, elastic stress, elastic strain, shear stress and strain. The obtained result will be beneficial for further use in this field. This work will help persons working in the field of steady state thermal analysis of piston. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
473-478 |
118 |
The Impact of Credit Risk on the Profitability of Bank
-Hakam Shafea Mustafa Maali ; Nafees Ahmad Khan
This paper is aimed at finding various factors that influence Credit risk and also find the impact of Credit risk on the profitability of the bank. Through vast literature review, various factors that influence Credit risk are identified as Nonperforming Asset ratio (NPA), Capital adequacy ratio (CAR), Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), Provision Coverage Ratio (PCR), Leverage Ratio (LR), and Problem Asset Ratio (PAR). Return on Equity (ROE) is determine as the indicator of profitability. The secondary data is collected from the Annual reports of the State Bank of India for fifteen years (2003-2004 to 2016-2017). The data is analysed using multiple regression, and describe through graph. The result showed that PAR and LR have significant, negative impact on ROE and other variables do not have significant impact on ROE. But overall credit risk has significant impact on profitability of State Bank. State bank of India faces credit risk due to inefficient Credit risk management. So it is advised to improve Credit risk management practices in State Bank of India. State Bank of India can minimise the Credit risk by reducing the Nonperforming assets and managing the leverage properl. Read More...
Banking and Finance - Business Management |
Palestinian Territory, Occupied |
479-483 |
119 |
Selection of Tractor on The Basis of Field Area, Soil Type and Equipments Used
-Saurabh Lohani ; Amit Tiwari
The purchase of a tractor and associated equipment is a substantial investment for a farmer living in a country where the average land holding size has been reduced to 1.15 hectares. The result of improper size can be costly; a tractor too small can result in long hours in the field, excessive delays and premature replacement. A tractor too large can result in excessive operating and overhead costs. The objective of the paper is to know how to determine the size of the largest tractor based upon field area, soil type and equipments used. The ideal equipment should get the work completed on time at the lowest possible cost. Read More...
Agricultural Engineering |
India |
484-485 |
120 |
Integrating Technology, Innovation and Equity: A Paradigm Shift to the Built Environment Approach
-Anusha Fatima
Smart cities have made global impact and developing countries are adopting smart urban solutions approach for rapid transitions. Accordingly, governments have also been initiating new policies to create smart cities with a singular focus on efficiency and competitiveness. Cities are the engines of economic growth and has always been the primary arena for production and use of new technologies as elucidated by stalwarts like Lewis Mumford. Smart technologies are too different from historically developed technologies used in the last two centuries for providing various services in the city. Present technologies would no doubt make cities competitive but at the same time gaze into all aspects of our lives. The paper propounds the challenging task of exploring the wide scope of advanced computing technologies to benefit populations and the natural environment so that the principle of ‘No one left behind’ is followed in every developing countries. The paper explains the need of innovative developments which could be leveraged to enhance access to housing, services and infrastructure to all citizens. Developing nations face greater exacerbated challenges than other nations such as lack of infrastructure, population growth in urban areas, no urban services such as drinking water, sanitation, health or education, no building capacity and poverty. As a consequence, western countries models of development should not be blindly adopted, but rather shaped and modeled to fit the local realities The paper provides an in-depth insight into the impact of embedding smart technologies in the built environment through inclusion of case studies of developed and developing countries and juxtaposing their successes and failures in the built environment. Read More...
Applied Science |
India |
486-488 |
121 |
Optimization of LPG/Ethanol Blend for Better Performance and Reduced Emissions
-Jeetesh Singh ; Prakhar Srivastava; Ravi K.
Strict environmental regulations and depleting conventional fuel resources have forced us on finding alternatives fuel resources. LPG and Alcohols have gained attention of many researchers as reliable energy source because of their high octane number and also a clean energy source. In this study, experiment was conducted to determine the effects of ethanol blend with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) on SI engine performance and exhaust emissions. The experiment was conducted on 4.4kW SI engine at 100% throttle in which the LPG was fed using gas carburettor and ethanol using gas fuel inductor installed on injection manifold. The ethanol was converted to gaseous form using external heating source. Tests were conducted to determine the thermal efficiency, brake power and analyze the exhaust emissions from the engine at 20%, 30% and 40% of ethanol concentration at a speed of 1500rpm, varied loads on engine and different equivalence ratios. We found that Carbon Monoxide and Hydrocarbon emissions were reduced drastically due to the leaning effect caused by Ethanol. Also there was an increase in thermal efficiency and brake power of engine as the equivalence ratio was increased. The optimum percentage of ethanol in the blend was found to be 30% for maximum power and least emissions. Read More...
Automotive Engineering |
India |
489-493 |
122 |
RFID Based High Speed Security Parking System using ATMEGA 8 Microcontroller
-Mohd Kalam Abidin ; Shikha Sharma
This research proposed a high security parking system using ATMEGA 8 Microcontroller and ATMEL Studio Embedded C using. It is found very difficult to park a vehicle with an assured security where parking is labelled “PARK at Your Own Risk†and to find a nearby vacant space for parking. And one experiences the discomfort in searching out for a vacant parking which causes jams and condition becomes worse. The proposed parking management system will also reduce the human efforts and time and also secure our parking, according to this system after allotment of parking number if the user didn't park at the allotted parking number then sensors will trigger an alarm with Red Signal to the parking authority with displaying "Unauthorized According to Vehicle" which causing the security of the parking. The proposed system uses the Infrared Sensors and EM-18 (Electromagnetic -18) RFID Reader Module which are communicating through Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter (UART) With ATMEGA-8 Microcontroller, which transmit information about the vacant parking status by displaying on LCD. The proposed system will allow user to park a vehicle in lesser time with the high security system using latest RFID technology. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
494-496 |
123 |
A Survey Paper on 3D Face Recognition Methods
-Pratik Patel ; Jay Parekh; Marmik Patel; Kushal Chotaliya; Bhavesh Oza
In this survey paper, we will discuss about different 3D face recognition methods that we have explored till now. After finding different researches on face recognition we came to know that many researches in face recognition have been dealing with the challenge of the great variability in head pose, lighting direction and intensity, facial expression, and aging. The main purpose of this survey paper is to describe the recent 3D face recognition algorithms. One advantage of 3D face recognition is that it is not affected by changes in lighting like other techniques. It can also identify a face from a range of viewing angles, including a profile view. A disadvantage of most presented 3D face recognition methods is that they still treat the human face as a rigid object. This means that the methods aren’t capable of handling facial expressions. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
497-499 |
124 |
A Survey on Internet of Things Using Wireless Sensor Networks
-Praveen Kumar M ; S.P Santoshkumar; S.Karthick
Today, smart grid, smart homes, smart water networks, intelligent transportation, are infrastructure systems that connect our world more than we ever thought possible. The common vision of such systems is usually associated with one single concept, the internet of things (IoT), where through the use of sensors, the entire physical infrastructure is closely coupled with information and communication technologies; where intelligent monitoring and management can be achieved via the usage of networked embedded devices. In such a sophisticated dynamic system, devices are interconnected to transmit useful measurement information and control instructions via distributed sensor networks. A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a network formed by a large number of sensor nodes where each node is equipped with a sensor to detect physical phenomena such as light, heat, pressure, etc. WSNs are regarded as a revolutionary information gathering method to build the information and communication system which will greatly improve the reliability and efficiency of infrastructure systems. Compared with the wired solution, WSNs feature easier deployment and better flexibility of devices. With the rapid technological development of sensors, WSNs will become the key technology for IoT. In this paper we discuss the use and evolution of WSNs within the wider context of IoT, and provide a review of WSN applications, while also focusing the attention on infrastructure technologies, applications and standards featured in WSN designs. This Paper is the sixth in a series whose purpose is to ensure that the IEC can continue to contribute with its International Standards and Conformity Assessment services to solve global problems in electro technology. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
500-506 |
125 |
Analyzing the Effect of SMAW on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties in HAZ for Low Carbon Steel
-Hetika H. Shah ; Aishwarya A. Vazhappalli; Hiren V. Patel; Ravi M. Patel; Anil Parmar
With changing trends observed in various industrial zones, different types of assembly or structure are a major requirement. Consideration of material is also an important aspect for different shape and size for these structures. There are different kinds of joining processes and welding is one such method used in manufacturing process chains, either in terms of material or energy consumption. Each welding method has its own importance and different environmental impacts. Shielded Metal Arc Welding is one of the most traditional arc welding methods that makes use of a consumable electrode covered with a flux and is highly versatile in nature. Most welding methods are performed under high temperature conditions, therefore, HAZ a crucial part of welded region is most vulnerable to sensitization. Properties like brittleness in the HAZ of Low Carbon Steel and its relation with the microstructural changes caused due to heat input have been a focus of our work. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
507-511 |
126 |
A Survey On High speed And Low Power Consumption CMOS Phase-LockedLoop
-Ankita Choudhary ; Ankita Choudhary
In recent years, there has been a significant research effort in the area of high-speed electronics for communication and signal processing. High speeds are required in order to take full advantage of the extremely broadband capabilities of optical fibers. At the same time, the old communication protocols that use different low speeds are still being widely used. In order to be flexible for the different protocols, a large locking range PLL clock generator is highly needed. Phase-locked loop (PLL) which constitutes a basic building block for many synchronizers like carrier recovery or timing recovery is essential in most digital communication systems. The phase locked loop system are very important unit of the system. This paper discusses the study of the different types of CMOS phase locked loop. Read More...
VLSI Design and Embedded System |
India |
512-514 |
127 |
Estimating the Strength of Concrete Using Partial Replacement with Foundry Sand
-J Ritesh ; K Bharadwaj
The paper present, an attempt has been made to assess the suitability of Used Foundry Sand and ceramic waste in concrete making. In the laboratory Used Foundry Sand has been tried as fine aggregate in place of sand and ceramic waste has been used as partial substitute to conventional coarse aggregate by 15%, 20%, and 30% in concrete making. Cubes and cylinders were cast and tested for compressive strength and split tensile strength after a curing period of 28 days. The results indicated effectiveness of Used Foundry Sand as fine aggregate and partial replacement of conventional coarse aggregate by ceramic waste up to 15%, 20% without affecting the design strength. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
515-518 |
128 |
Study of Instructional Leadership and Institutional Effectiveness In Relation To Age and Experience of School Principal
-Supriya Dang
The present investigation intends to assess Instructional Leadership and Institutional Effectiveness in Relation to Age and Experience of School Principals, The subject of the study comprised of twenty schools of Jalandhar and Kapurthala. Hallinger's Instructional Management Rating Scale and Institutional Effectiveness Rating Scale prepared by the investigator were used for the present investigation. The result of the study reveals that in schools with less age principals, teachers score more on 'coordinating the curriculum', 'protecting instruction time' and 'Develop Academic Standards' dimension of instructional leadership than teachers in schools with more age principals. In schools with more experience principals, teachers score more on 'Coordinating the curriculum', 'Protecting instruction time', 'Providing incentives for teachers', 'Protecting professional development', 'Developing academic standards' and 'Provide instructions for learning’ dimension of instructional leadership than the teachers in schools with less experience. In schools with more age and more experience principals, teachers score more on 'supervising and evaluating instruction' dimension of instructional leadership than the teachers in schools with more age and less experience, less age and more experience and less age and less experience principals. There is no significant difference in institutional effectiveness of schools with more and less age principals. There is no significant difference in institutional effectiveness of schools with more and less experience principals. Read More...
Education |
India |
519-524 |
129 |
Selection of Building Contractor by Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
-Abhishek Bramhankar
One of the key activities of any client is selection of appropriate contractor. Without a suitable method and technique for selecting the best contractor, the completion of a project will likely be affected. In this study, we examine the use of the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) as a multi criteria decision making model for selection of appropriate contractor. This method can assist project management teams in identifying contractors who are most capable to deliver satisfactory outcomes in a selection process that is not based simply on the lowest bid. In this study, an AHP-based model is tested using a hypothetical scenario in which three contractors are evaluated. Six criteria for the primary objective are evaluated. These criteria’s are identified for contractor selection in the process, and the significance of each criterion is determined using a questionnaire survey. Comparisons are made by ranking the aggregate score of each contractor based on each criterion, and the contractor with the highest score is deemed the best. This study contributes to the construction sector in two ways: first, it extends the understanding of selection criteria to include degrees of importance, and second, it implements a multi-criteria AHP approach, which is a new method for analyzing and selecting the most appropriate contractor. Read More...
M.E. Civil (Construction & Management) |
India |
525-529 |
130 |
Impact of Sequence Stratigraphy in Depositional Environment Setting and Reservoir Characterisation of Field 'AY' In Onshore Niger Delta
-Kelechi Azubuike-Ijomah ; Etu-Efeotor John; Kingsley Okengwu
A sequence stratigraphic and depositional environment interpretation study was carried out in the study area using available biofacies data, sidewall core report and core photos of wells AY1 and AY3 as provided. The study area had four wells AY1, AY2, AY3 and AY4, and showed presence of hydrocarbon at different depths of sand bodies U, V and W from well log section information given. Six main lithofacies were identified and interpreted as; Cross bedded coarse grained sandstone, Cross bedded medium grained sandstone, Planar/Parallel laminated sandstone, Wavy rippled sandy heterolith, Parallel laminated mudstone and Wavy rippled heterolith. The sequence stratigraphic study revealed that the lithofacies of the lowstand system tract comprise of the cross-bedded coarse grained sandstone and the cross-bedded medium grained sandstone. The highstand lithofacies comprises of the cross-bedded medium grained sandstone, Parallel/Planar laminated sandstone and Wavy rippled sandy heterolith. The transgressive system tract acts comprises lithofacies of Parallel laminated mudstone (MPL) and wavy rippled muddy heterolith (MWH). The three hydrocarbon oil bearing reservoirs(sand U, V and W) seen across the four wells, have two of these reservoirs; sand U and W within the lowstand system tract (LST) while the sand V is within the HST. The transgressive system tract acts as the seal. Read More...
Geological Engineering |
Nigeria |
530-535 |
131 |
Design of Workstocker for Special Purpose Machine
-Kishor K. Powar ; Swapnil Prakash Patil; Dinesh Shamrao Nirmale; Juberkhan Ajmuddin Mujawar; Vikas Suresh Kawade
Now days, to achieve higher productivity and quality products at low cost, industry should go towards semi-automation or automation. Operations that are repeated should be automated. Manual operations require more man power, more time, higher cost and low quality at a time more fatigue at apart of worker, hence there is lower productivity. A work stacking apparatus holds different types of works that includes vertical bars at each stacking station in a stacked condition. A base plate is pivotally mounted to the indexer to have a motion between the work supply positions and a work receiving locator. A work holding mechanism is provided underneath the stacked works. A separate lifting arrangement is provided to pick-up and draws machined objects on stacking stations. Supply works one after another to the receiving locator. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
536-539 |
132 |
Yield Improvement in Press Shop
-Tanjil Diwan ; Vikas Birje; Prof. A. A. Joglekar
To maintain competitiveness and maximize profit in today’s marketplace, one of the foremost vital aspect, that organization must specialize in a scrap reduction. Metal forming is process whereby the dimension and shapes are obtained through the plastic deformation of the material using press machine and press tools. The optimization of a method to extend yield whereas reducing cost may be a vital challenge to increase yield, industries are trying to decrease batch rejection and cut back leftovers. The purpose of this research is to analyse the scrap levels associated with variances occurring in the press machine in XYZ industry. The results help to identify the possible causes of scrap and will lead to an appropriate solution to support Short Run in reduce scrap. In this paper, industrial engineering and management tools like, Value Analysis & Value Engineering, and Kaizen etc. are used. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
540-543 |
133 |
Artificial Intelligence - Opportunities and Challenges
-Mr. Ronak Dipakkumar Gandhi ; Mr. Roopnesh V. Solanki
Over the past few years, everyday newer and newer technologies are getting developed at an increasing rate. Now a day's computers became an important and useful part of this complete revolution. Since, inventions of computers or machines have been done; their capability to perform various tasks is growing exponentially. Humans have now started developing the computer systems in terms of their diverse working domains, their increasing speed, and reducing size with respect to time. A different approach is required to make computers to think in a manner like human thinks, capability to make its own judgments or guesses or decisions. Every human generally learn by mistakes and do not require facing every mistakes in making a guess or judgment or decision. But now, we need only to design or teach ours computer system or robots in such a way that they themselves are able to make own decision like human beings. Hence, we require use of artificial intelligence and its related technologies. In upcoming future, our intelligent machines will replace or enhance human abilities in many areas. Now a day's such AI system is extensively used in engineering, business, manufacturing, medical, military, weather forecasting and lot more. Read More...
M-Tech in Mechanical CAD-CAM |
India |
544-550 |
134 |
An Experimental Investigation on Partial Replacement of OPC by Coconut Shell Ash in Cement Concrete
-Rangaswamy S ; Chethan B A
Concrete is the most widely used construction material because of its high structural strength, stability and durability. Cement is the main constituent material of concrete. Major raw materials used for cement production are lime and silica, situation may occur in future there will be no lime on earth for cement production, and also production of cement causes emission of many greenhouse gases in to the atmosphere, which are responsible for global warming, hence many researches are carried out on use of waste material having cementing properties which can be used in concrete production as partial replacement to cement without any compromising on its strength and durability. Agricultural waste material coconut shells, which is an environmental pollutant, are collected and burnt in controlled combustion to produce coconut shell ash (CSA), is used as a pozzolana in partial replacement of cement in concrete production. Concrete cubes, cylinders and beams are casted using various replacement levels of 0,5,10,15,20,25 percent of OPC with CSA. Specimens are tested for mechanical and durability properties such as compressive strength, density, split tensile strength, flexural strength, water absorption, acid attack and accelerated corrosion test at different periods and were compared with control M-30 mix. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
551-555 |
135 |
Design and Fabrication of Semi-Automated Clip Insertion Machine using FEA and CAD
-Sheikh Naved Ahmed ; Asst. Prof. Atul P. Ganorkar; Prof. R. N. Dehankar
This project deals with the design, analysis and fabrication of a semi-automated clip insertion machine, which can be used for mass production, as we know that these small featured clips assembly are very difficult and time consuming. It is necessary to evaluate the new design to reduce production time and cost. This clip assembly is a complex part of an electric circuit manufactured in Nagpur based company. The existing use of the mallet needed to be replaced with an automated machine which can overcome the uneven forces being applied to clip holder and clip. This project is based on the design and analysis of a semi-automated clip insertion machine, using CAD and FEA Techniques. Read More...
M.Tech in Machine Design |
India |
556-558 |
136 |
Design and Analysis of Stepped Impedance Microstrip Fractal Low Pass Filter
-Pankaj Singh Tomar ; Braja Kishore Nath Sharma
This paper proposed a comparison of stepped impedance fractal low pass filters at 2.4 GHz with open stub and short circuited stub. Sierpinski carpet fractals used to reduce filter size and develop low profile filters. Fractal elements or arrays are designed with the concept of self-similarity to achieve sharper cut off point. This filter is used for 802.11(N) MIMO. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
559-562 |
137 |
Wireless Power Transmission using Microwaves
-S. Saravanan ; V. Sasirekha; P. Sathish; Ms. R. Sasikala
Enormous attention is largely gained in recent years towards a technology called Wireless Power Transmission (WPT).The WPT harvesting techniques and its applications are generating huge renewed R&D interests in both academia and industries. This project aims to imbibe WPT technology with high power rectenna and to attain large coverage, better efficiency, and high power transmission compared to the previous work. High power rectenna was modelled and microwave magnetron has been utilized for the production of waves. A specially made rectenna plate is utilized to enhance the utility of wave transmission and reduces the signal losses. Hence, the effectiveness of signal transmission is greatly achieved about 40cm power transmission. Read More...
India |
563-566 |
138 |
Model Tests to Determine Uplift Capacity of Combined Vertical and Batter Pile Groups Embedded in Sandy Soil
-Ram A. Dhankani ; M. G. Vanza
Foundations of some structures like transmission line towers, tall chimneys and many offshore structures are subjected to overturning moments due to wind load, seismic effect, wave load, ship impacts, etc. For foundations in such structures, generally a combination of vertical and batter piles are used. Batter piles provide a much stiffer resistance to horizontal and inclined loads than would be possible with vertical piles. Experimental model tests have been conducted on pile groups embedded in sandy soil and subjected to pure axial uplift loading. In the present study an attempt has been made to estimate the uplift capacity of combined vertical and batter pile groups embedded in sandy soil of uniform relative density of 63%. The model piles used in this investigation are mild steel solid shaft. The pile groups consisting of 2x2 piles (2 vertical and 2 batter piles), c/c spacing is 3d (d is diameter of pile) and slenderness ratio (L/d) of 8, 12 and 16. In pile groups the angle of batter piles is varied as 10Ëš, 20Ëš and 30Ëš. The influences of pile embedment depth, batter angle on the uplift capacity of piles are investigated. Results indicate that the pull out capacity of these pile groups increases with increasing the batter angle. The uplift capacity of pile group also increases with increase of slenderness ratio. Read More...
Geo Technical Engineering |
India |
567-569 |
139 |
Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources in India
-Pankaj Kumar Singh ; P. K. Burnwal; Rohit Tomer; Arjun Kumar; Sattyam
This paper presents a review about utilization of renewable energy resources available in India. As India is a developing country and any kind of development will need resources which will be utilized and transformed to get into new commercial products. Most of the power generation in India is carried out by conventional energy resources, coal and mineral oil-based power plants which contribute heavily to greenhouse gases emission. This focuses the eye on solution of the energy crisis on utilization of abundant amount of renewable energy resources, such as biomass, solar, wind, geothermal and ocean energy. In which India is focusing on Wind Power and Solar Power plant (Solar Power is consist of both photovoltaic cells and solar concentration). In recent few years the decline in cost of production of module of solar cell and significant growth in quality of panel boost the Indian solar market. Read More...
Renewable Energy |
India |
570-574 |
140 |
Detection & Notification of Human Body Fall using Accelerometer Sensor
-J Omana ; R. Edwin Daniel; A. Karthick Raja; K. Praveen Kumar; G. Suresh
For the elderly people the rate of death due to the fall is increased recently. CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) stated that falls are one of the major cause for both the fatal and non-fatal injuries. Simple fall such as slipping may seem harmless but they can actually lead to severe injury or death in the senior citizens. CDC created the STEADI (Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths, and Injuries) initiative to make fall prevention routine. Physical activity and inactivity mechanisms differ and it is not maintained properly. In addition, physical activity primarily prevents accidents soon to make precaution. In our system, we are implementing system where the complete activities of the patient are monitored using advanced Accelerometer sensor, the predefined alert of the patient can be determined and alert can be done to the patients. Here, accelerometer sensor is placed on the body. Motion tracking devices designed for the low power, low cost, and high-performance requirements of smart wearable sensors. In this the determined data is given to the data processing unit. The sample test has been done on the people, various gestures are predefined and it will investigate the body activities and it will through the data samples from the processing unit. Read More...
Internet of things (IoT) |
India |
575-577 |
141 |
Simulation of the End Milling Cutter by using Artificial Neural Network
-Alok Kumar Pandeya ; V. K. Titariya
The purpose of this work is to presents Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based model to predict the effects of various parameters of the process such as Spindle Speed, Feed Rate, and Depth of Cut on the Mean Cutting force. A total of 27 samples were casted with the variation of Input data out of that a set of 19 data are used to train models. Out of remaining 8 data, a set of 4 data is used for testing and rest 4 data is used for validation. The experimental results taken by base reference paper are the training data to make the artificial neural network model. The data used in the multilayer feed forward neural network models are arranged in a format of three input parameters. This study leads to the conclusion that the artificial neural network (ANN) performed well to predict the results of high performance. Read More...
India |
578-581 |
142 |
FEM Evaluation and Radiography Test Results for Fabricated Radiator
-Vodnala Veda Prakash ; Dr. S. Chakaradhar Goud
The general target of this article is to portray the use of the primary NDT (Non-Destructive Testing) techniques related with the assessment of metals amid fabricate. Be that as it may, some data is likewise given on in-benefit assessment. The NDT of metals is an immense subject covering countless techniques and an extensive variety of deformities. Inside the extension and length of this article the imperfections featured are constrained to those that are most normal and related with NDT measures. A short portrayal is accommodated a chosen set of metal procedures including the parent material, forgings, castings, welds, and coatings. Each deformity related with each metal procedure is depicted quickly alongside the most appropriate NDT strategy. A scope of committed and unique NDT strategies is likewise talked about for specific deformities that are hard to identify by customary techniques. The deformities and NDT strategies examined are abridged in tables for each assembling procedure. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
582-585 |
143 |
Electrical Appliances Control through Face Detection using Raspberry Pi
-Ms. Monali J. Gawande ; Ms.Swati G. Bodade; Mr. L. S. Kalkonde
The proposed implementation of automation which is residential extension of building automation and involves the control and automation of lighting, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, appliances. Proposed implementation of the system is for monitoring and controlling the home appliances using face detection technique. We are establishing the communication with electronic devices through face detection with the help of high webcam, raspberry pi platform. Basically, we are controlling home appliances via face profiling using raspberry pi as platform. System authentication is based on person’s face. Face of the user is detected using camera at the door, whereas home appliances like lights, fan and door lock are controlled through program loaded in the raspberry pi. Here, raspberry pi act as interface between face profiling system and automation system. When the user enters in the room camera detect the face, then particular program for face profile in the raspberry pi processor is loaded. By this we provide an easily accessible and manageable system. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
586-588 |
144 |
Study of DC and AC Microgrid Involving Wind and Solar based Hybrid System
-Shivakumar I ; Kubera U
This paper elaborates the performance of DC and AC micro grid involving solar and wind based hybrid system. Here solar photovoltaic system is extracting maximum energy from sunlight by using Maximum Power Point Tracking method. The Maximum Power Point mainly relies on temperature of cell, solar irradiance and array voltage of the solar Photovoltaic array. The performance of PV generator is analysed with and without MPPT under various conditions of solar irradiance. By implementing d-q frame current control method in inverter control system, the reactive power control can be achieved efficiently. Also the voltage profile at the load side is maintained constant for varying solar irradiance and load conditions. The generated power is sent to local loads initially and then the remaining power is transmitted to the utility grid. On the other hand, depending on the wind velocity, wind turbine rotates and energises an permanent magnet synchronous generator to feed power to the local loads and then to the utility grid.. The MATLAB simulation tool is used to simulate solar and wind based hybrid system. Read More...
M.Tech Power System Engineering |
India |
589-594 |
145 |
A Wireless Body Sensor Network for Health Monitoring
-A. Subbarayudu ; Anitha. A; Sindhuja. S
The vast improvement in Information technology has led to the development of Internet of Things (IoT). Nowadays human health care system uses IoT for the convenience of physicians and patients and also used for real-time monitoring of patient information. The proposed system uses Body sensors for monitoring patient's temperature, blood pressure, pulse rate, ECG etc. The output produced by the sensors are analog data which is transformed into digital using the Arduino UNO microcontroller. The output can be viewed in the LCD display and computer. This system uses GSM module to transmit the real-time patient’s data to the physicians and family members. The main objective of this system is to monitor the patient health condition and wirelessly transmit the details to the physician's mobile phone. Read More...
Internet of things (IoT) |
India |
595-598 |
146 |
Aircraft Last Location Detector
-Rishabh Sharma ; Mr. M. S. Prasad
Air traffic has becoming the main part of transportation globally. It is also increasing with passage of time But the accident cause of the aircraft either on air or land causes the loss of life as well as aircraft structure. Recently many of the aircraft goes missing and there is no clue of single part of plane like Malaysia flight 370, Egypt MS 804, IAF AN32. So, the search operation takes place in a big area which takes lots time. One approach to eliminating the delay between accident occurrence and first responder dispatch is use in accident detection and notification system which senses when aircraft crash occur and immediately notify emergency personnel. The problem is that no such system in plane for locating or identifying where the crash takes place and responding the ones in charge of flight accident emergencies. Even with passage of time survival rate decreases. Therefore, the main object of the research is to come up with a system that could report the accident and give the actual location of the accident area and responder in short time. The other objectives are to review the accidents which help to investigate and solve the issue. This research introduces the new concept of usage of automatic accident reporting and notification system to their respective departments at the real time when the accident occur. Read More...
Aeronautical Engineering |
India |
599-601 |
147 |
Automated LPG Gas Monitoring, Booking and Leakage Detector for Home Safety
-Mr. A. Subbarayudu ; M. Pavithra; M. Sushmitha
The main objective of our project is to provide automatic booking of LPG gas and detection of leakage in the gas and alerting the user. The level of the gas is monitored by the load sensor and if it is below the sensor threshold value an automatic message is send to the gas service provider. The leakage is detected by the Mq2 gas sensor and it is notified to the user through sms notification and the gas is automatically turned down to prevent fire accident. The booking of the gas is monitored by IoT. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
602-604 |
148 |
A Novel Approach on Home Security using IoT
-Arun Prasath. N ; Dr. S. Muthu Vijaya Pandian; K. Geetha
As mobile devices continue to grow in popularity and functionality, the demand for advanced ubiquity mobile applications in our daily lives also increases. This pa per deals with the design and implementation of HASec, a Home Automation and Security system for mobile devices, that lever ages mobile technology to provide essential security to our homes and associated control operations. In particular, with the help of mobile devices, HASec operates and controls motion detectors and video cameras for remote sensing and surveillance, streams live video and records it for future playback, and finally manages operations on home appliances, such as turning ON/OFF a television or microwave or altering the intensity of lighting around the house. The proposed home security solution hinges on our novel integration of cameras and motion detectors into a mobile application. For instance, when motion is detected, the cameras automatically initiate recording and the iOS device alerts the homeowner of the possible intrusion. HASec has two main components interacting with each other: the iOS application that executes on the mobile device and serverside scripts that run in a cloud. Although HA-Sec is implemented for Apple's iOS devices such as iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad, it can be easily ported to other mobile plat-forms. Furthermore, our application is not only limited to smart-phones but also can be used by feature phones through their browsers. Read More...
India |
605-609 |
149 |
Liver Transplant Lifespan Prediction System
-Namrata Bajbalkar ; Derrick Dsouza; Jai Gupta; Kumar Mangalam
Due to the increase of Technology in Medical science there is a significant growth is seeing in organ transplantation. Most of the time's receiver's lifespan can be predicted based on his /her health conditions. But this may not be true in case of Liver transplantation, this is mainly due to the complicated working structure of the liver and its unexplainable importance in the functioning of human body. More often the predicted lifespan of the liver transplant receiver ends quite early. So data mining can be a boon to predict the accurate lifespan of the receiver. So propose model uses hidden Markov model as a learning process which is powered by fuzzy-logic reasoning. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
610-611 |
150 |
Direct Torque Control Strategy for PMSM Drives - A Simulation Approach
-Lokesh T R
The Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (PMSM) applications have been increasing in these days such as traction, hybrid vehicles, servo applications, wind generation applications, etc. The operation and control of such machines is an important task. Several methods are used to control the operation of PMSM. In this paper, an improved DTC technique is proposed to achieve torque control of the PMSM with fast response and reduction in harmonics. In this control scheme, the torque control considers various parameters such as stator flux, electromagnetic torque, rotor speed, and stator currents. The control scheme is realized in Matlab simulation, which is carried out within the feasible limits. Read More...
India |
612-616 |