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A Review of Bicycle Operated Water Purifier
-Dhoble Shubham P. ; Gautam Harinarayan P.; Gavali Pankaj V.; Kharpade Prashant N.; Prof. P.S. Baravkar
This paper analyses the design of a pedal operated water filtration system to be used by local dwellers. It works on the principle of compression and sudden release of a tube by creating negative pressure in the tube and this vacuum created draws water from the sump into the pump while rollers push the water through to the filter where adsorption takes place to purify the water. The design comprises of a peristaltic pump powered by pedalling, a filter and hose or flexible tube. As the operator sits on the seat and pedals, the pedal crank transfers the motion to the rotor thus the rollers and the tube is squeezed by the set of rollers to move the fluid. This design will reduce the labour, cost and weariness caused by transporting and sanitizing drinkable water for use. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1-3 |
2 |
Exoskeleton Wearable Chair
-Pawar Akshay Sunil ; Patil Kshitij Ramakant; Pagar Ganesh Bajirao; Nikam Prafull Ramesh; Prof. Gujarahi T. V.
this paper gives an idea about the exoskeleton based wearable chair is a modification of flat chair. This chair is helping full for persons those who have to stand for long hour daily ex on assembly lines. They have to stand for long hour (8-12hrs) this chair can be worn by the user with the help of straps to both legs. This will provide support for setting of a user without any interruption of the work it can set according to sitting posture at the required angle. It will improve working efficiency and reduce adverse effects on human health due to continue standing position. This has certain advantages over a flat chair such as its light in weight, it is easy to carry with user, i.e. it is portable, never become an obstacle to the user movement during work. Flexibility in its design makes it unique and cost effective. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
4-6 |
3 |
Magnetic Powered Engine
-Vibhute Mayur Vishnu ; Sonawane Pranav Sanjay; Somwanshi Pratik Ashwin; Maniyar Mujahid Yunus; Prof. Sonawane V.P
IC motor is measure and fundamental piece of a vehicle which deals with the warmth vitality delivered by a mix of fuel. Today innovation measurely deals with the non-renewable energy sources just and builds the quantity of motor or vehicles on street additionally contributing the increments in the rate of fuel utilization worldwide and inside couple of years the petroleum product a going to terminated, we have move for another option for regular IC motor .because of this vast utilization of IC motor contamination is likewise expands which is in charge of numerous wellbeing related issue for us. The principle point of this work is to ponder the different research done in past to supplant the fuel working IC motor by the attractive controlled Engine. Attractive controlled Engine is absolutely deal with the power gave by battery and in this manner spares the fuel and lessens fuel utilization rate and it doesn't produces any contamination or no hurtful gases are discharge in the environment. Produces environmentally friendly power vitality. It deals with the basic rule of attractive fascination and shock that same post of magnet repulse each other and inverse shaft of magnet pull in each other. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
7-8 |
4 |
Survey on Data Security using Patch Based Approach for Texture Synthesis
-Mr. Chaudhari Yogesh C ; Prof. Hemant Gupta; Prof. Mayank Bhatt
This paper proposes Data Security using patch based approach for Texture Synthesis. This approach uses concept of patch which represents an image block of source texture where its size is user specified. A texture synthesis process re-samples a smaller texture image, which synthesizes a new texture image with a similar appearance and arbitrary size. The texture synthesis process is weaved into steganography to hide secret messages. In contrast to using an existing cover image to hide messages, the algorithm conceals the source texture image and embeds secret messages using the process of texture synthesis. This allows extracting the secret messages and source texture from a stegosynthetic texture. The approach offers some advantages. First, the scheme offers the embedding capacity that is proportional to the size of the stego texture image. Second, the reversible capability inherited from this scheme provides functionality, which allows recovery of the source texture. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
9-11 |
5 |
MPLS Technology using GNS3
-Aditya Chavan ; Arihant Pandey
MPLS is in discussion since last decade. It has been introduced to improve the performance and speed of the backbone network. There has been demand for transition from conventional network to the MPLS network in the service provider’s network. A comparative study and performance behaviour of the service provider’s network. A comparative study and performance behaviour of the service provider’s network with MPLS network under different traffic conditions with various services is being proposed. There has been significant improvement in the demand for the bandwidth requirement in the near future. This requires the access network and the backbone network to be significantly improved with respect to various services. One of the contenders for the above problem is MPLS protocol. A network with MPLS protocols will take care of all the future demands for large bandwidth access for the subscribers. This work proposes analysis of network performance parameter such as Latency, Throughput, Packet loss, Jitter with traditional routing and MPLS. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
12-15 |
6 |
A Study on Uncertainty in Seismic Design and Method of Analysis
-Devbrat Bose ; Suhail Qureshi
An earthquake is a natural inevitable unpredictable phenomena which takes place when high stresses built in the earth crust, are suddenly released as the crust breaks with a few kilometres from the earth’s surface. The destruction caused on the structure is not only the shaking of structure , but also due to the action of lateral forces on the structure which tend to bend the structure against the ground motion in order to maintain the inertia of rest. The input shaking causes the foundation of a building to oscillate back and forth in a more or less horizontal plane. The building mass has inertia and wants to remain where it is and therefore, lateral forces are exerted on the mass in order to bring it along with the foundation. For analysis purposes, this dynamic action is simplified as a group of horizontal forces that are applied to the structure in proportion to its mass and to the height of the mass above the ground. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
16-19 |
7 |
Survey on Prevention of Key Based Attack on Data Sharing System
-Mr. Khaire Sandesh H ; Prof. Hemant Gupta; Prof. Mayank Bhatt
Today security is very important in the networking system. There are multiple anomaly detection systems rely on machine learning algorithms to derive a model of normality that is later used to detect suspicious events. Such algorithms are generally susceptible to deception, notably in the form of attacks carefully constructed to evade detection. Various learning schemes have been proposed to overcome this weakness. One such system is Keyed IDS (KIDS), introduced at DIMVA “10. KIDS†core idea is akin to the functioning of some cryptographic primitives, namely to introduce a secret element (the key) into the scheme so that some operations are infeasible without knowing it. In KIDS the learned model and the computation of the anomaly score are both key-dependent, a fact which presumably prevents an attacker from creating evasion attacks but in that some limitations. To avoid that limitations and provide high level of security additional modules we are adding in the KIDS system that is re-signature. In this work we show that recovering the key is extremely simple provided that the attacker can interact with KIDS and get feedback about probing requests. We are studying on the Re-Signature technique for key recovery in IDS system. This system is very efficient and secure as compare to existing system. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
20-22 |
8 |
Effect of Normal and Flaky Aggregate on the Flexural Strength Of R.C.C. Beam
-Narendra Patidar ; Abhishek Prasad
In this thesis the comparative study of flakiness on the flexural strength of RCC beams have been studied using experiments. Total 9 beams have been cast using normal, 5% of 8 mm and10 mm size of aggregates. Non destructive test of the cast beams using Ultrasonic pulse Velocity meter and rebound hammer test have been also carried out. All the specimens (beams) were tested for flexural strength and final load were recorded. Using this flexural strength of the beam calculated and with the help of these tabulated data, relative studies have been carried out to quantify the impact of flakiness. Salient conclusions on this are drawn. All 9 samples/beams have been tested on three point loading system with the help of universal testing machine. Only one type of mixed proportion M20 grade of concrete mix is used. The concrete beam prepared on normal aggregate 95% and 5% of flaky aggregate for different size 8 mm, and 10 mm are tested to determine flexural strength of concrete with the help of destructive and non-destructive test equipments. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
23-25 |
9 |
Stormwater Problems and Solution in Surat city, Gujarat: A Survey Report
-Harsh V. Gevariya ; Jigar J. Anghan; Jugal Mistry; Nikunj Patel
In India, currently the smart city projects become a most important part of the growth for the nation, and many cities are participating in it. Smart Stormwater drainage system and its management are one of the most important aspects of the smart cities, which means to manage the surface runoff and other problems related to storm drainage network by using smart components, tools, and ideas in a system. By using smart technological tools. Hear we talk about smart city Surat. It is the 8th largest city and 9th largest urban agglomeration in India. Surat is the 3rd "cleanest city of India" according to the Indian Ministry of Urban Development, and 4th fastest growing city of the world. Water which originates throughout precipitation events is known as Stormwater. Soak into the soil be held on the surface and evaporate, or runoff and end up in nearby streams, rivers or other water bodies is stormwater. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
26-30 |
10 |
IT Industry as a Promoter of Growth in "Make in India"
-Ms. Rachita Kansal
"Make in India" Campaign was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 25 September 2014, with an aim to transform India into a global manufacturing hub. Information Technology (IT) is an important emerging sector of the Indian Economy and will play a vital role in Realizing India's Dream in Make in India Campaign. The primary objective behind this initiative is to focus on job creation, skill development and innovation and to align India’s manufacturing sector into the Global Value Chain by encouraging Public Private Partnership (PPP), Joint Ventures (JV), Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflow, and advancing Ease in Doing Business (EDB). This scheme focuses on acceleration of economic growth to the new heights and to pull back the economy from clutches of recession. This paper covers overview of the Make in India campaign, role of IT industry, Initiatives taken by companies, growth cycles, challenges and its impact on Indian Economy. The IT sector has served as a fertile ground for the growth of a new entrepreneurial class with innovative corporate practices. Now the industry has an enormous opportunity to collaborate with the government on its vision where technology will play a vital role in acquiring India’s dream to reverse the brain drain, raising India’s brand equity and attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) leading to other associated benefits. The Size of this sector has increased at a tremendous rate of 35% per year during the last 10 years. The internet industry in India is likely to double to reach US$ 250 billion by 2020, growing to 7.5 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP). Indian IT exports are expected to grow at 7-8 per cent in 2017-18, in addition to adding 130,000-150,000 new jobs during this period. Thus we can conclude that Make in India will bring a drastic change in the fields like automobiles, aviation, biotechnology, defense, media, thermal power, oil, gas and manufacturing sectors. The secondary data collected from journals, magazines articles, brochures, annual report etc. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
31-34 |
11 |
An Experimental Study of Human Hair in Concrete as Fibre Reinforcement
-G. Ajaya Kumar ; O. Ganesh Kumar; K. Damodar; C. Jayasree; Simpa Karmakar
Since the ancient times, many researches and advancements were carried to enhance the physical and mechanical properties of concrete. Fiber reinforced concrete is one among those advancements which offers a convenient, practical and economical method for overcoming micro cracks and similar type of deficiencies. Since concrete is weak in tension hence some measures must be adopted to overcome this deficiency. Human hair is generally strong in tension; hence it can be used as a fiber reinforcement material. Human hair Fiber is an alternative non-degradable matter available in abundance and at cheap cost. It also reduces environmental problems. Also addition of human hair fibers enhances the binding properties, micro cracking control, Imparts ductility and also increases swelling resistance. The experimental findings in our studies would encourage future research in the direction for long term performance to extending this cost of effective type of fibers for use in structural applications. Experiments were conducted on concrete cubes, cylinders and beams of standard sizes with addition of various percentages of human hair fiber i.e., 0%, 0.5%, 1% and 1.5% by weight of cement, fine & coarse aggregate and results were compared with those of plain cement concrete of M-20 grade. For each percentage of human hair added in concrete, four cubes, three cylinders and three beams were tested for their respective mechanical properties at curing periods of 3 , 7 and 28 days. Optimum hair fiber content was obtained as 1.5% by weight of cement. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
35-39 |
12 |
Metal Dust Collecting System
-Ravindra Gadakh ; Aher Pravin; Tukaram Nikam; Shinde Lalit; Prof. Shinde R. S.
In today's world safety of operator is prime essential thing in much type of metal handling industries. The machines and equipment used in many firms are modern type of instrument but the all older machines and equipment are not yet decommissioned. Many type of old machines with or without upgrades are still operating but with less safety measures and less health assurance. To achieve this health assurance in metal handling industries like in Parth Tool Company we introduced this project. In such tool manufacturing companies metal dust production is very frequent in the workplace which is very unwanted. In many industries the dust collection system is not available for older machines. This reduces the health assurance of the operators. To overcome this problem our team introduces this project to the metal handling industries. Read More...
advance manufacturing system |
India |
40-43 |
13 |
Smart Shock Absorber
-Vishwas Babasaheb Shinde ; Sayyed Azharuddin Nasiruddin; Nitin Shivaji Shinde; Sayed Shabaz Abbas Ali; Mahesh S Deshmukh
Automobiles and trucks have shock absorbers to damp out the vibration experienced due to roughness of the roads. However, energy in conventional shock absorber gets dissipated as heat and it is not use in anyway. We know that in conventional vehicle suspension dissipates the mechanical vibration energy in the form of heat which waste considerable energy. If the vibration energy can be recovered and converted to other form of energy so as to supply for other devices then the aim of eco-friendly energy saving is reach. And this energy is used to charge the battery and this stored energy is used for different vehicle accessories. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
44-46 |
14 |
A Novel Approach for Lab Automation
-Ms. Sonal G. Lahane ; Prof. A. V. Saywan
Proposed system is a part of internet so it is easy to communicate and manage and control without human interference also it provide the high degree of security, safety, comfort and energy saving with the help of raspberry pi as a controller to improve the good management and faster development of the lab required necessity to upgrade healthy and safe lab that delivering the real time service and latest facility to implement the concept lab automation used the IoT concept by which easy wireless communication is possible. In this system we used different types of sensor or electromechanical system also used humidity sensor and ultrasonic sensor. Humidity sensor is used to measure the temperature in the lab and ultrasonic sensor is used to detect the garbage level and third one electromechanical system is used to cleaning the whiteboard in lab all this types of data transfer to the raspberry pi controller the required output is send to with the help of IoT to the mobile. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
47-49 |
15 |
A Review of Water Surface Waste Removal Machine
-Singh Suraj A ; Yadav Ajeet C; Shingote Sujit S; Bendke Dipak A; Prof. S. S. Aher
Mechanical control methods involve the complete or partial removal of plants by mechanical means, including: harvesting, shredding, mowing, rototilling, renovating, and chaining. Mechanical control methods can also be used to expedite manual harvesting activities, including hand harvesting, raking, and cut stump control, with the use of motor-driven machinery (Haller 2009; Lembi 2009). These management techniques for plants rarely result in localized eradication of the species, but rather, reduce target plant abundance to non-nuisance levels. A range of machinery for managing and controlling aquatic vegetation is in use today, designed for specific plant types (floating, submersed, and emergent vegetation) and for operation in specific aquatic habitats (open water, canals, shorelines, and wetlands). A mechanical aquatic harvester (harvester) is a type of barge used for a variety of tasks, including aquatic plant management and trash removal in rivers, lakes, bays, and harbours. Harvesters are designed to collect and unload vegetation and debris using a conveyor system on a boom, adjustable to the appropriate cutting height, up to 6 feet below the surface of the water. Cutter bars collect material and bring it aboard the vessel using the conveyor; when the barge has reached capacity, cut material is transported to a disposal site and offloaded using the conveyor. Read More...
mechanical engineering |
India |
50-52 |
16 |
A Study on Image Processing using the Concept of Matrix Theory
-Venkatesh G ; Arjun R; Ananth S; Devi Sri S; Surya T
This paper concerns with the concept of matrix theory techniques to analyze the images of various kinds. Concept of fuzzy also plays a very important role in image processing. Various types of images and process of fuzzy image processing is presented based on the concept of matrix. This shows that the concept of fuzzy logic gives the accurate images. Some examples are given to explain the concept. MATLAB is used to explain the concept experimentally. Read More...
India |
53-55 |
17 |
An Experimental Study on "Drilling of Glass Fibre Reinforced (GFRP) Filled Epoxy Composite Material"
-Jaysing Bharat Mule ; Dr. Narve N. G; Prof. V. L. Mundhe
The present work describes the drilling (machining) of GFRP composites with the help of Step drill of three sets, with three different speeds. Further work has been carried out by immersion of GFRP composites in sea water for 8 hrs, 16 hrs and 24 hrs duration and performed drilling operation. Results revealed that 8-4 mm step drill showed better machining characteristic than the other two 12-8 mm and 10-6 mm step drills. GFRP composites, with ZnS filler material soaked in sea water for 16 hrs duration had better machining capability. The ZnS Filled GFRP composites had better performance than TiO2 filled GFRP Composites. The mechanical performance of a composite material is decisively controlled by the state of fiber-matrix interface. Its properties influence the integrity of composite behavior because of its role in transferring stress between the fiber and the matrix. The factors affecting the interface are too complex to be precisely concluded. Also, tests have been performed to study the delamination occurred during drilling on different material compositions of Glass Fibre , Epoxy & Fillers such as TiO2 & ZnS in different proportions. Samples of several Glass-Epoxy composites were manufactured using the traditional hand layup method where the stacking of the plies were alternate and the weight fraction of fiber and matrix was kept at 40-60%.Specimens were cut according to the ASTM (1989) standards. Specimens were prepared of Glass Fibre, Epoxy & fillers (TiO2 & ZnS) in different compositions like 60%-40%, 59%-40%-1%, 58%-40%-2%, 57%-40%-3%.The specimens were tested for their strength & properties. The test like Tensile test, three point Bending test & Charpy test are performed on each of the composition. Also Experimental studies have been carried out to study the effects of thermal ageing, sea water. Finally step drilling with different size is carried out on each specimens. The present work also describes the development and mechanical characterization of new polymer composites consisting of glass fiber reinforcement, epoxy resin and filler materials such as TiO2 and ZnS. The newly developed composites are characterized for their mechanical properties. Experiments like tensile test, three point bending and impact test were conducted to find the significant influence of filler material on mechanical characteristics of GFRP composites. Read More...
Manufacturing Engineering |
India |
56-59 |
18 |
Improvement of Job Opportunities for Rural India
-Gowthu Suresh Pradeep
Improvement of job opportunities for rural India will leads to economical growth of democratic India. India Government understand the importance of rural development and takes some decisions and implementing them with different schemes. Women empowerment and gender inequalities in rural area are the biggest challenges for Government of India. Many schemes was introduced by Government of India related to women empowerment by increasing women employment and financial growth and reducing simultaneously gender inequalities and harassment at workplace. Read More...
Human Resource management |
India |
60-62 |
19 |
An Overview of Agriculture Based Modified TriCycle
-Kiran K. Andhale ; T. Z. Quazi; Sagar Adate; Kishor Bagal; Swapnil Newase
There are many types of pesticides sprayer are available in India. But mostly used sprayer is backpack type sprayer which is used by farmers because it is cheaper, easy to use and main thing about it is less costly. With the help of this machine farmer spray pesticides in their farm, but it requires lot of time and thus high operational cost. Also, the farmer which is spraying pesticides is affected by it as it is harmful to human health and human also affect by the lumbar pain due to weight of equipment. With the help of sprayer pump which is going to operate on the IC engine we get high pressure and long delivery of pesticide through the nozzles and delivery pipe. The pulleys are going to attach to the both the crank shaft of the pump and IC engine and belt is going to connect both the pulleys. This paper suggests ma-chines which will save time and operational cost. Also saves human from affecting adversely. It is the backbone of our economy system. In this project we had also work and focused on seed sowing and plant cultivation tool in this processes and we had tried to solve the problem. With the help of cultivation tool the framer can reduce the time for sowing the seed and plantation of small plant and also the labour cost. Read More...
India |
63-66 |
20 |
Power Line Interference Removal from ECG Signal using Adaptive and Error Filter
-Disha Nandeshwar ; R. N. Mandavgane; Jayshree Dhande
An Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal is electric representation of the activity of human’s heart. It is needed to detect the health issues related to heart disease. But sometimes due to mismatches in electrodes signal becomes noisy [2]. Noisy ECG signal may cause difficulty in diagnosis of disease, since very fine features present in an ECG signal may convey important information. So to avoid this, it is important to have the signal as clean as possible. ECG signals may become noisy by power line. The major difficulty in removing this power line interference is that the frequency can vary about fractions of a Hertz, or even a few Hertz. For this use of notch filter to eliminate only the undesirable power line interference while automatically adapting itself to variations in the frequency and level of the noise is one of the best solutions [1]. Proposed method uses the adaptive least mean square (LMS) algorithm for updating the coefficient of notch filter. A method for adaptive notch filter to eliminate power line interference from ECG signal's output is then passes through error filter for achieving the best result. This method can be used in the medical equipments to remove noise caused due to AC supply. Read More...
India |
67-70 |
21 |
Modeling & Simulation of the Drilling Cutter by using Finite Element Method
-Prince Kumar Dixit ; V. K. Titariya
On the basis of creating a mathematical model of Drilling Cutter, we generate the 3D model of the cutter in CATIA Software for Simulation with Finite Element Analysis to determine the effect of Equivalent Stress, Equivalent Elastic Strain, Total Deformation, Shear Stress & Shear Elastic Strain on the Drilling Cutter due to the cutting forces that develop due to different parameters such as Spindle Speed, Feed Rate, Feed Factor and Cutting Speed. As a simulation tool, ANSYS is used. Read More...
India |
71-76 |
22 |
Monitoring the Induction Motor Parameters using Bluetooth Technology
-V. S. Gowri Shankar ; Kowsalya. M; Tamilvanan. S; Sangameswaran. R
This design project describes about the monitoring system of the induction motor with wireless technology. The maintenance of the induction motor is essential in industries for the better performance. In earlier, for monitoring the induction motor, the system uses wired communication is more expensive. The proposed can monitor the parameters of induction motor such as voltage, current, temperature and speed of the motor. The system consists of Arduino which acquires the various parameters from the motor and then measured values are given to the mobile phones through Bluetooth Technology. Current and Temperature Sensors are used to measure the current and temperature of the induction motor. The measured values are stored in mobile phone. In addition with this system the speed and voltage monitoring is also provided. Read More...
India |
77-78 |
23 |
Image Inpainting Technique to Restore Image: A Study
-Manoj S Ishi
Lost parts of recovery of image and reconstructing of image is an art performed with image inpainting technique. This information is collected from background element and done in such way that common observer is unknown of that changes. Unwanted data, object, microphones, ropes, unwanted persons, logos, stamped dates and text are removed with the help of image inpainting algorithm. It is also used to create special effect. It removes the unwanted portion from the image using masking method. First that portion is mask and then new texture is generated using color value and pixel available from source image. Exemplar method used to remove large object from the image and texture synthesis is used to recover small size images. In this paper numbers of algorithms are discussed like fast march method, neural patch synthesis, low rank and linear model, image segmentation, wavelet decomposition etc. are discussed. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
79-81 |
24 |
Design and Development of an iOS Mobile Application to Improve Learning
-Pankaj Kumar Sharma ; Vipin Kumar Gupta
The mobile industry in the recent few years has been developing at a very high pace that that technologies and methods which were in use in the past years, no more co up with today’s requirements. Mobile technology is largely used today in many fields such as Education, marketing, training and a large number of organizations and institutions have switched their work on mobile applications, since tablet PCs and Smart phones are very popular nowadays. This paper presents the design and development of an ios mobile application for learning and training, targeting those who are learners in the field of Electronics or want to get trained in the said field. The aim for the development of this application is to simplify the learning of students and make it more interesting and convenient. In this paper we have dedicated the scope to learning that the material is presented in an appealing manner to the students. It is developed using mac os 10.11, xcode 8.3 and coded in swift 3 language. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
82-84 |
25 |
Graph Based Text Summarization using NER and POS
-Nilofar Mulani ; Shital Dhamal
Text summarization is the process of extracting needed information from the source text and to present that information to the user in the form of summary. It is not possible for human beings to summarize large documents manually. Automatic summarization provides the required solution as well as challenging task because it requires deep analysis of text. There are two types of summarization: Extractive summarization and Abstractive summarization. The Extractive summaries are produced by extracting the whole sentences from the source text. Abstractive summaries are produced by reformulating sentences of the source text. This paper is about a survey of text summarization techniques for various Indian regional languages like Hindi, Punjabi, Tamil Kannada and Bengali. The proposed system is based on English language text summarization in which Naming entity reorganization and Part Of speech is used for feature extraction and graph is generated for text summarization. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
85-87 |
26 |
Vibration Analysis and Analytical Calculations of Cantilever Model
-Akhilesh N. Smart
The study of vibration analysis involves plate structure which is treated as a cantilever model for the prediction of its behavior under the action of external excitation. The part of analytical calculation gives degree of closeness between the value of amplitude by ANSYS WORKBENCH and value by manual calculations. Read More...
M.Tech in Machine Design |
India |
88-90 |
27 |
The Study of Raspberry Pi Models with the Utility of Cloud Server
-Prof. P. V. Bhoyar ; Prof. S. A. Bachwani; Prof. A. S. Ingle; Prof. P. R. Jagtap; Prof. V. V. Bhele
Cloud sever is a logical server that is built, hosted and delivered through a cloud computing platform over the internet. Cloud servers possess and exhibit similar capabilities and functionality to a typical server but are accessed remotely from a cloud service provider. A cloud server may also be called as a virtual server or virtual private server. In the current scenario, owning a cloud server would cost you more than 50K INR and from a personal usage point of view that is not efficient, our paper aims at building a cost efficient cloud server, that can be used both for personal and commercial work. The entire phenomenon is based on the use of raspberry PI. The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card–sized single-board computers developed in Wales, United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation with the intention of promoting the computer science. The average cost of a cloud server available in the market ranges from around 60000 INR – 7 Lac INR, which makes it radically impossible from personal use. This paper suggests various models of Raspberry Pi which works with cloud server. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
91-93 |
28 |
Automatic Brake Fluid Leakage Prevention with Safety Bypass Braking System
-Vishal Dilip Pagar ; Pravin Sahebrao Shewale; Harshad Daulat Savkar; Bhushan Nanasaheb Surale; Vikram D Londhe
Now a day, Machines are widely controlled by control system. To meet the need of exploding population economic and effective control of machines is necessary. The aim is to design and develop a control system based an electronically controlled automatic break failure indicator. Automatic break failure indicator and auxiliary braking system is consisting of IR sensor circuit, control unit and frame. The sensor is used to detect the break wire, the control signal to the alarm unit. Similarly, the auxiliary brake is fixed to the wheel frame and this can apply the brake and stop the vehicle. A pressure transducer sensor monitors the pressure in brake lining. When the primary hydraulic disc brake fails, the sensor detects the pressure loss and gives warning signal to the driver and also Activates power supply to the secondary braking unit which is a hub motors in rear wheels. This functions as a secondary braking unit and helps the driver to stop the vehicle and thus ensures safety of the passengers. The main reason is brake failure, it caused to due to poor maintenance as well as product defect, in order to safe guard the valuable human for accident the accident monitoring of brake is very important thing in automobile Vehicle safety is the avoidance of automobile accidents. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
94-96 |
29 |
A Study on Epidemic Model
-M. Marieswari ; K. Umamaheswari; R. Aruna; R. Srikirithiga; J. Sruthi
In this paper, we consider an epidemic model in which all disease transmission is through shedding of virus by infectives and acquisition by susceptibles, rather than by direct contact. This leads to a susceptible-infectious-virus-removed (SIVR) model for which we can determine the basic reproduction number and the final size relation. We extend the model to an age of infection model with virus shedding a function of the age of infection. Read More...
India |
97-99 |
30 |
VISE: Vehicle Identification Service in Emergency
-Karishma Shaik ; Sai Susmitha Velaga
In this project, we develop a system called Vehicle Identification Service in Emergency (VISE) that helps in efficient time utilization during golden hour. The Golden Hour (also known as golden time) refers to a time period lasting for one hour, or less, following traumatic injury being sustained by a casualty or medical emergency, during which there is the highest likelihood that prompt medical treatment will prevent death. The process involved in the traditional emergency services will waste most of the time during golden hour and hence results in deaths of accident victims. Using VISE, we can effectively utilize the emergency services like ambulances, police or fire brigades thereby saving time and precious life of the accident victims. We use NodeMCU microcontroller and a GPS module in developing the system. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
100-104 |
31 |
Privacy Preserving Security Solution for Cloud Services using ECC
-Sonali Patil ; Shital Dhamal
Cloud computing is fastest growing model of computation. It is the delivery of computing services by shared resources, software and information over the network. It allows user to store large amount of data in cloud storage and use as when required from any part of the world by networks. Cloud computing is network based technology since security issues like privacy; data security, confidentiality etc. are encountered. It has a number of users, who are stores their sensitive information and also uses others cloud services. Therefore, the data security must be provided in cloud computing models. We deal with user identification and secure communication. This solution provides only registered user to access cloud services, anonymous authentication. In this topic we propose the secure communication with the help of ECC algorithm which is used when data is stored on cloud servers because of its better in terms of CPU utilization, time for Encryption and Key Size than RSA. The proposed method allows providing difficulty for attackers as well as reducing the time of information transmission between user and cloud data storage. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
105-107 |
32 |
Smart and Secured Solar House for Developing India
-Mit Gandhi ; Nishit Karkar
In this paper detailed study of Smart and secured Solar house is given. Solar energy is used to fulfill the requirements of the house. It is free and environment friendly. The prototype of the Smart house was made to reduce the human efforts and to save electricity. Smart house is the residential extension of building automation and involves the control and automation of lighting, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and security, as well as home appliances such as washer/dryers, ovens or refrigerators that use Wi-Fi or Mobile networks for remote monitoring. It is possible with a simplest mobile phone to control solar House from anywhere in the world without Internet facility. With this innovative concept, offers saving of electricity by keeping in touch with latest smart technologies and luxury. Read More...
India |
108-112 |
33 |
-Tanmay A. Thakur ; Ajinkya P. Khamkar; Pratik S. Kapadnis; Neel N. Ramjiyani; Prof. N. G. Gore
This project report on MICROTUNNELING is intended to provide information regarding the use of Microtunneling in today's world. Significant technical advances and increases in the utilization of Microtunneling have occurred in the World in the past few years permitting the installation underground of pipes in all ground conditions with the minimum of surface disturbance. Microtunneling techniques are providing wide range of diameter and applications. Many problems of large diameter tunnels and technically demanding tunnels are incorporated due to Microtunneling. This project is specifically tailored for those interested in Microtunneling and describes the technique in depth together with comparisons with other trenchless techniques. The project provides an in-depth review of Microtunneling including all its aspects. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
113-115 |
34 |
Wall Painting Robot
-Shimpankar Pradeep R. ; Sarode Nirmal A.; Jadhav Dnyaneshwar K.; Shirsath Bapu M.; Gujrathi Tushar V.
The aim of the project is to creation and developed also the appliance Automatic Wall Painting Robot. Which helps of remote operated and which helps to low cost painting machine. it is despite the advances in machineries and its wide spreading applications, interior wall painting has shared little in research activities. The equipment remote is either connected as wire or wireless technology. The disadvantages as like the painting chemicals can cause hazards to the human painters such as eye and respiratory system problems. Also the nature of painting procedure that requires repeated works and hand rising makes it's boring, more time and also the more effort consuming. When the constructions workers and also the machines are properly integrated in building tasks. The whole constructions process can be better managed and savings in human labour and timing are obtained as a consequence. In addition, it would offer the opportunity to reduce or eliminate human exposure to difficult and hazardous environments, which would solve most of the problems connected with safety when many activities occur at the same time. These factors motivate the development of an automated machining painting system. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
116-119 |
35 |
An Experimental Study of Black Cotton Soil Stabilized with Lime
-P. Raghu ; K. Damodar; G. Ajaya Kumar
The design foundation on black cotton soil (expansive soil) has always been a difficult task for the engineers as the structure resting on black cotton soil cracks without any warning. Black cotton soil is found in M.P., Karnataka, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh in our country. Soil proportion changes depending upon their constituents, i.e. water content, density, bulk density, angle of friction, shear strength etc. The properties of black cotton soil can be modified by stabilizing the soil can be modified by stabilizing the soil with the use of additives or by mechanical means. In this project an attempt has been made to stabilize the soil using lime. Experimental work has been carried out with 4 % and 6 % of lime content. The experimental work is based on different percentages of lime content in soil on tests for soil Liquid limit, Plastic limit, O.M.C., M.D.D, Bulk density and Dry density, C.B.R. test, Grain size analysis and Swelling pressure. The aim is to improve the engineering properties of the black cotton soil such that the structure built on this soil can be efficiently withstanding applied loads. It was found that the engineering properties of black cotton soil substantially improved by addition of lime. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
120-124 |
36 |
A Survey on Various Clustering Algorithms in Web Mining for Efficient Data Retrieval
-Sathya V ; P. Nithya
The objective of data mining is defined as process of retrieving information from a huge database which contain raw data and convert it into understandable form of user for future use. More number of approaches has been developed to extract needed information such as, classification and clustering. For efficient data analysis and data mining clustering is an important application. In clustering various approaches are available like, Clustering can be done by the different no. of algorithms such as hierarchical, partitioning, grid and density based algorithms. Under these clustering types more number of approaches has been available. In this paper a survey is conducted to identify accuracy of clustering approaches. The analysis is discussed and summarized. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
125-128 |
37 |
A Review on Investigation of Casting Defects with Computer Aided Simulation
-Saiprasad Jagannathrao Kate ; M. J. Deshmukh
The objective of this paper is investigate casting defects and provide remedies and computer aided simulation of casting process by using computer aided simulation software. The casting may have one or more defects. Foundries is still using trial and error methods to solve problems. Casting defect occurs due to improper feeding system. Computer aided simulation is useful in minimizing the casting defects. In computer aided simulation Autocast-X Procast and Solid cast software's can be used. This paper also aims to provide correct guideline to find casting defects as well as finding different defects in casting, analysis of defects and providing their remedies with their causes. Read More...
M.Tech Production Engg. |
India |
129-132 |
38 |
A Survey Report on Supply of Path for File in Remote Sensing Networks
-G. Koushal Reddy ; Mrs. V. Banupriya
Remote sensor frameworks (RSNs) can be associated in various application circumstances, e.g., fundamental security, natural framework organization, and urban CO watching. In an ordinary RSN, different self-dealt with sensor centers report the distinguishing data sometimes to a central sink by methods for multi bob remote. Late years have seen a quick advancement of sensor organize scale. Some sensor frameworks fuse hundreds even an enormous number of sensor centers. These frameworks much of the time use dynamic directing traditions to finish brisk acclimation to the dynamic remote channel conditions. The creating framework scale and the dynamic thought of remote channel impact WSNs to twist up doubtlessly dynamically mind boggling and hard to direct. M Reconstructing the controlling method for each got divide the sink side is an effective way to deal with grasp the framework complex internal practices. With the guiding method for each bundle, various estimation and explanatory systems can coordinate convincing organization and tradition upgrades for passed on WSNs containing a broad number of unattended sensor center points. For example, PAD depends upon the guiding route information to fabricate a Bayesian framework for inciting the fundamental drivers of irregular miracles. Way information is moreover fundamental for a framework boss to effectively manage a sensor mastermind. For example, given the per-package way information, a framework boss can without a lot of an extend find the center points with a huge amount of bundles sent by them, i.e., sort out bounce spots. By then, the boss can carry exercises to deal with that issue, for instance, passing on more center points to that zone and modifying the coordinating layer traditions. In addition, per-distribute information is major to screen the fine-grained per-interface estimations. Read More...
Computer Network Engineering |
India |
133-137 |
39 |
Elevator Operated Pump System
-Wani Vishal Kondaji ; Sadawarte Saurabh Sham; Chumbale Gaurav Ashok; Bagal Prakash Bhausaheb; Babasaheb C Londhe
In this research, it has been attempted to show that some elevators work with water and their energy consumption could be reduced because of water pump usage instead of powerful gear motor of the present day elevators. Power of gear motor elevators is between 3.7 to 7.5 kw and the power of water pump elevator is 1.5 kw. Water, a tank of counter weight and water pumps operate this elevator. Consequently, it can save energy especially when two or more elevators are placed adjacent to each other. The discussion of this study concentrates on the dynamic simulation and physics of this type of elevators Elevator was worked by Water and Water Pump. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
138-140 |
40 |
A Study on Fuzzy Soft Set Theoretic Approach to Decision Making Problems in Real Life
-J Sruthi ; D. Maheswari; B. Hindumathi; R. Srikirithiga; M. Marieswari
In recent years, the problem of right decision making has found paramount importance in our day-to-day life. The right decision making is highly essential in our daily life. But in most of the cases we become confused about the right solution. To obtain the best feasible solution of these problems we have to consider various parameters relating to the solution. For this we can use the best mathematical tool called Fuzzy soft set theory. The aim of this paper is to study the concept of fuzzy soft set theoretical approach in decision making problems and a novel method of object recognition from an imprecise multi observer data has also been presented here. The method involves construction of a comparison table from a resultant fuzzy soft set in a parametric sense for decision making. Read More...
India |
141-144 |
41 |
Study on Compressive Strength of on Concrete Incorporating Quartzite as Coarse Aggregate Replacement under Different Exposure Conditions
-S Satya Narayana Raju ; B Ramya Maduri
In the present study, the compressive strength of the concrete incorporating quartzite as a replacement material for coarse aggregate was investigated under tap water, acidic and sulfate exposure conditions. The concrete mix of grade M25 was designed in accordance with Indian standard code IS 10292-2009. The compressive strengths of the cubes were determined for curing period of 28, 60, 90 days. The experiment was done on triplicates. The percentage increase in compressive strength from 28 days to 60 days is constant in all the three exposure conditions. Performance of quartzite was good under different exposure conditions. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
145-147 |
42 |
Map Reduce Optimizer with an Intermediary Cache Manager
-Ms Vishakha Mehendale ; Prof Mrs. Shital Dhamal
Big data is a term used to address the data set whose size is beyond the ability of traditional software technologies to capture, store, manage and process within a tolerable elapsed time. In the world of big data, we observe daily based data which is generated daily e.g. Google, Facebook, and Amazon etc. This large volume of data is un reliable to store, manage and analyze which runs on commodity hardware. As data is in large size it takes more time to execute. The MapReduce framework generates a large amount of intermediate data. These data thrown away after the tasks finish. MapReduce is unable to utilize these data. To improve the efficiency of MapReduce functionality by reducing repeated jobs in data nodes, we proposed an Intermediary cache management system inside the MapReduce framework. In which, tasks submit their intermediate results to the cache manager. Before executing the actual computing work, task queries the cache manager. In an Intermediary cache Management, cache request and cache reply mechanisms are designed. It detects the occurrence of repeated job in the incremental data process. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
148-151 |
43 |
Ten Ways to Reduce Inventory
-Aditya Jha ; Nidhi Agrawal; Shashank Sankar
Inventory Management has been a major concern in most organisations and hence this article states ways in which inventory can be reduced and optimised in organisations. These methods are proven useful while reducing inventory in organisations as well as reducing the inventory carrying cost which needs to be paid at the time of production in any organisation. A few of them include Material Requirement Planning (MRP), Just in Time and Just in Case Planning. This would in return help the company to pay complete attention to the core competency that is their production. Hence reducing the inventory carrying cost drastically, increasing the profit levels of the organisation. Thus, this research article provides various ways in which a company can reduce their inventory by making the supply chain more efficient by the 10 ways stated in the article. Read More...
India |
152-155 |
44 |
Design, CFD Analysis and Fabrication of Solar Flat Plate Collector
-Kumawat Mukesh M ; Dipak Wadavane; Naik Ankit; Vidhate Dipak; Ghuge Chandrakant
This proposition endeavours to show numerical reproduction of sun powered authority grew only for grape drying. Sun oriented drying of grapes is much attainable actually and monetarily. There has been an astounding accomplishment in sun oriented drying of grapes because of maintained innovative work related with the reception of cutting edge advancements. Recreation is an essential apparatus for plan and operation control. For the architect of a drying framework, re-enactment makes it conceivable to locate the ideal outline and working parameters. For the originator of the control framework, recreation gives a way to gadget control techniques and to examine the impacts of aggravations. In the present postulation the computational liquid elements (CFD) instrument has been utilized to reproduce the sunlight based authority for better understanding the warmth exchange ability. 3D model of the authority including air channel, wavy organized safeguard plate, glass cover plate, and stone piece is displayed by ANSYS Workbench and the unstructured network was made in ANSYS ICEM. The outcomes were gotten by utilizing ANSYS FLUENT programming. The target of this work is to contrast hypothetically and tentatively work done and the work done by utilizing computational liquid progression (CFD) apparatus as for stream and temperature appropriation inside the sun oriented authority. The outlet temperature of air is contrasted and trial comes about and there is a decent understanding in the middle of them. Read More...
Solar Energy |
India |
156-159 |
45 |
A Review Hydro-Pneumatic Bar Cutter
-Dongarkar Dhanraj B ; Nikam Akshay A; Kamble Shubham R; Ohol Shubham K; Prof. H. R Aher
In the work of liberalization (more freedom in action) the civil & mechanical sector has taken much importance in advancement & technology in various fields, and also much than the core industrial sector. In most developed cities need a lot of man power to split bar in to small parts. This man power requires various equipment viz. Hammer, chisel, hacksaw etc. Thus in order to avoid these project benefits in various ways. Use this lightweight tool to cut steel bars and other materials anywhere. Hydraulic power means minimum operator effort and a smooth guillotine-action reduces the risk of jamming Double-acting operation Cutting range 8 to14 mm in stroke. Hydraulic fluids also called hydraulic liquids are the medium by which power is transferred in hydraulic machinery. The hydraulic fluid also known as tractor fluid, hydraulic fluid is the life of the hydraulic circuit. It is usually petroleum oil with various additives. Some hydraulic machines require fire resistant fluids, depending on their applications. In some factories where food is prepared, either an edible oil or water is used as working fluid for health and safety reasons. In addition to transferring energy, hydraulic fluids needs to lubricate components, suspend contaminants and metal filling for transport to the filter and to function well to several hundred degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius. Read More...
mechanical engineering |
India |
160-162 |
46 |
Online Local Food Services
-Ritik Dhedia ; Bhavya Gaglani; Yash Jain; Abhishek Doshi
Taste Ride is a website designed primarily for use in the food delivery industry. This system will allow hotels, restaurants and specially Dabba wala to increase scope of business by reducing the labor cost involved. The system also allows to rapidly and without difficulty manage an online list of dishes which customers can browse and use to place orders with just few clicks. Restaurant employees then use these orders through an easy to navigate graphical interface for efficient processing. In this project, we have developed something like the same to learn from and serve the nation in a much better way possible. We had seen that now a days there so many Restaurant’s & Cafe but with them there are also lots of Dabba Wala (Bhojnalaye) & Street food provider, who are in this race. But they don’t get any of the platform to expand up themselves and become Digitalize, So here Taste ride is a platform were not only Restaurants but also Dabba Wala and Street Food Provider can Enroll Themselves. Most of the people who are Eager to have homemade food but due to their busy schedule and half knowledge about the Location they can’t have it. Implementing this project can sought there problem. Also Now a day, people are more regular to dine-in at the restaurant for their meals. The online food ordering system provides convenience for the customers that are nothing special but the general busy people of the society. It overcomes the demerits of the manual hotel or mess system and the old fashioned queuing system. This system enhances the ready-made of foods than people. Through this Abstract you may think that it may be a small platform similar like Zomata or Swiggy but Actually it is a very large and depth platform with Different of variants. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
163-166 |
47 |
Simulation of D-STATCOM and DVR for Power Quality Enhancement in Distribution Network under Various Fault Conditions
-Samrat S. Shende ; Prof. Nilesh M. Chamat
The concept of Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems (FACTs) and Custom Power has been researched extensively by researchers throughout the world and the studies suggest out that power quality is widely studied by the researchers. On the whole FACTs uses Power electronic devices and methods to control the high voltage side of the network for improving the flow of power. Custom Power Devices are mainly for low-voltage distribution, and improving poor quality of power and reliability of supply affecting entities such as factories, offices and homes. The quality of Power and Reliability are becoming important issues for critical and sensitive loads. DSTATCOM is mainly used to mitigate different faults such as Single Line to Ground (SLG) fault and Double Phase to Ground (LLG) fault and three-phase fault (LLLG). The fast Response of DSTATCOM makes it the efficient solution for enhancing the power quality of the distribution system. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
167-170 |
48 |
Review to Design Ejection System
-Avinash Arun Wagh ; Tushar Nivrutti Kale; Maruti Bhausaheb Shelke; Amol Babaji Barde; Prof. Pardeshi R. H.
Injection moulding process is use for the production of casing of bags. There are two ejector are available for removing moulded part. But it require more ejection force and more cycle time. This lagre force effect on the workers efficiency and increased production time. This project includes designing a unique ejector system which is simple and affordable to assemble with minimum maintenance. As mechanical engineer our main objective is to optimize the production time, thus making impetus in the production. Our project mainly targets in reducing the production time. The project of automated ejection system helps to tackle the total production time occurring in the industries. This project of automated ejection system helps to reduce the idle time and also acts as a safety device. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
171-172 |
49 |
An Novel Textile Artifact Bag to Evade Heat for Mobile, Tabs and Laptop by Vetiver Root Grains
-D. Anita Rachel ; P. Sangareshwari; Dr. B. SenthilKumar
An Organic novel textile 3 in 1 artifact bag to reduce the heat emit and its transformation, and to avoid from the Plastic bags cases to avoid the environment problem, recycle plastic bags products into handy textile organic product. This product is new handmade textiles organic bag with the raw materials such as Form, Cotton fabrics, Sponge layers and Vetiver root grains. This is a handicrafts products of a novel textile artifact to evade heat for Mobile, Tabs and Laptop by Vetiver root Grains to the society usage for the youths. This products is introduced to 50 person to know their opinion about the products, then the scale (questioner) was applied after having checked its psychometric properties to collect information, descriptive analytical method was used and descriptive analytical method was used, and The results of the study concluded that the feasibility of using this organic vetivert 3 in 1 pouch in handmade textile products. Thus the textile product Efficiency estimations of an organic bag are observed to be dependent on the dimensions of electrode defining the active area. Read More...
fashion & textile technology |
India |
173-176 |
50 |
Shaft Drive in Bicycle
-Pranav Anant Rangdale ; Gayatri Anant Rangdale
In four wheeler the engine is mounted in front of vehicle thus for transmitting power shaft drive is use to transmit power from engine to rear wheel. Such idea was used in bicycle that means the shaft is use in place of chain. This project is developed for rotate the back wheel of bicycle with propeller shaft. In bicycle the chain and sprocket mechanism is use. The larger sprocket is mounted at place of paddle and small sprocket is mounted at the rear wheel and a chain is mounted over it. In case of bicycle the bevel gear is connected to paddle i.e. crank shaft and a propeller shaft is place on it. At the rear side another bevel gear is attach and the propeller shaft is place. Thus in this case power is transmitted also the reversed motion can also be obtained from it which cannot obtained from sprocket and chain mechanism. But this project was unsuccessful because of various problems like continuous paddling. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
177-179 |