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51 |
Solar Drying for Food Preservation
-Bedade Nandkumar V. ; Bire Mahesh B.; Patil Ketan D.; Tupe Mohan S.; Kshirsagar Dattatraya P.
flat plate collector are in rectangular panels, from about 1.7 to 2.9 sq. m, in area, and are relatively simple to construct and erest. Air or gas heating collector are employed as solar air heaters. Where an air stream is heated by the back side of the collector plate. Fins attached to the plate increase contact surface. The back side of collector is heavily insulated with mineral wool or some other material. The most favourable orientation, of a collector, for heating only is facing due south at an inclination angle to horizontal equal to the latitude +15 degree. Air has been used so far to a lesser extent as the heat transfer medium in solar collector, but it may have some advantages over water. To decrease the power required to pump the necessary volume of air through tubes, wider flow channels are used. Solar air heater has an important placed among solar heat collector. It can be used as subsystem used in many systems meant for the utilization of solar energy. Possible applications of solar air heaters are drying or curing of agriculture products, space heating for comfort, regeneration of dehumidifying agents, seasoning of timber, curing of industrial products such as plastics. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
180-183 |
52 |
Effect of Ground Plane Length on Bandwidth of Circularly Polarized C- Slotted Microstrip Patch Antenna for Satellite Applications
-Surendra Kumar Daiya ; Tapan V. Nahar; Archana Mewara; Laxmi Narayan Balai
This paper presents design of Circularly polarized C slotted microstrip antenna. Effect of ground plane length on antenna performance like bandwidth, resonant frequency and return loss is analyzed on HFSS Simulation tool. Proposed antenna found improvement in bandwidth by changing the ground plane length. Ground plane length is optimized at L=16 mm, 53.12% impedance bandwidth is obtained at 3.2 GHz frequency. Presented antenna can be used for Satellite communications. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
184-186 |
53 |
Performance Comparisons of Circularly Polarized Meandered Slotted Microstrip Patch Antennas for Satellite Applications
-Surendra Kumar Daiya ; Tapan V. Nahar; Archana Mewara; Laxmi Narayan Balai
This paper presents bandwidth enhancement techniques for microstrip patch antenna using meandered slots. Three types of meandered slotted antennas are designed & simulated using HFSS software tool and their performances are compared with the conventional rectangular patch antenna. Proposed antennas provide the excellent bandwidth enhancement and also have their axial ratio less than 3dB i.e. provide circular polarization. Proposed antennas find the applications for Satellite communications. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
187-192 |
54 |
Study of Nanotechnology as a Construction Constituents in the Field of Civil Engineering and its Applications
-S.Dharanidharan ; A.Murugananth; P.Thangamuthu
Nanotechnology is the art and science of employing material at the nanoscale. It deals with arrangements sized between 1 to 100 nanometers at least in one dimension. Civil engineering applies these technologies to structure and design by attempting to improve the safety and utility of public structures. Nanoparticles are used to strengthen building materials and render stress more flexible, thus resistant to shock and impact. The two types of nanotechnology in construction are top-down techniques and bottom-up techniques. Nanotechnology is necessary to the ecosystem. A significant property of Nanoparticles is that Nanomaterials have massive surface area. Nanomaterials are poised for widespread use in the construction industry. A low cost method for creating unitary nanostructures and nanostructured particulates having combinations of strength, ductility and stability unmatched in other material system. Introduction to Nanomaterials such as nanoparticles, Nano composites, carbon nanotubes, titanium di oxide have been mentioned. Nanotechnology can alter the molecular structure of concrete material to improve the material’s property. Titanium di oxide (TiO2) is a white pigment and can be used as an excellent reflective coating. The addition of small amount of Carbon Nano Tubes (CNT) can improve the mechanical properties of samples consisting of the main Portland cement phase and water. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
193-197 |
55 |
A Study on Steady Flow of a Reactive Viscous Fluid in a Porous Cylindrical Pipe
-Madhumathi A ; K. Chitra; S. Arthi; T. S.Shri Nandhini
This paper investigates the steady flow of a reactive variable viscous fluid in porous cylindrical pipe. To measure the governing equation we used dimensionless variables. To obtain the threshold values for the flow parameters, Numerical simulation was terminated under discussion. Regular perturbation techniques were hired to acquire an approximate solution of the resulting dimensionless non-linear equations. We were studied and reported about the effect of viscous heating and permeability parameters on the steady flow. Read More...
India |
198-201 |
56 |
A Literature Review on Single Minute Exchange of Dies
-Shivneri S Deshmukh ; Manish T Shete
The Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) is one important lean tool to reduce waste and improve flexibility in manufacturing processes, allowing a considerable lot size reduction and manufacturing flow improvements. The applicability of the proposed SMED approach can be seen by reviewing various research papers, which shows how SMED combined with various lean tools can help in its successful implementation, this will enable reduction in setup time, through company's internal resources reorganizations without the need for significant investment. This paper describes the improvement of the setup process and hence the time reduction and optimization when applied a lean tool for manufacturing improvement. Read More...
M.Tech Production Engg. |
India |
202-206 |
57 |
Capability of Network in Localizing Node Failures via Scalable landmark End-to-End Path Measurements
-Chokkapu Narayanarao ; P Vineela; G Poojitha; G Nikitha Sai; A R L Santosh
This Paper aims to examine the capability of localizing node failures in communication networks from binary states (normal/ failed) of end-to-end paths. Given a set of nodes of interest, uniquely localizing failures within this set requires that different observable path states associate with different node failure events. However, this condition is difficult to test on large networks due to the need to enumerate all possible node failures. Our primary goal is a set of sufficient/necessary conditions for identifying a bounded number of failures within an arbitrary node set that can be tested in polynomial time. In addition to network topology and locations of monitors, our conditions also incorporate constraints imposed by the probing mechanism used. We consider three probing mechanisms that differ according to whether measurement paths are (i) arbitrarily controllable, (ii) controllable but cycle-free, or (iii) uncontrollable (determined by the default routing protocol). Our second contribution is to quantify the capability of failure localization through the maximum number of failures (anywhere in the network) such that failures within a given node set can be uniquely localized, and the largest node set within which failures can be uniquely localized under a given bound on the total number of failures. Both measures in can be converted into functions of a per-node property, which can be computed efficiently based on the above sufficient/necessary conditions. We demonstrate how measures can be proposed for quantifying failure localization capability can be used to evaluate the impact of various parameters, including topology, number of monitors, and probing mechanisms. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
207-208 |
58 |
Simulation and Control of Solar and Wind Hybrid Renewable Power System
-Thumbar Bhumika Rameshbhai ; Yamin Bhati; Nilesh Bhatiya
The sun and wind based generation are well thoroughly considered to be alternate source of green power generation which can mitigate the power demand issues. In the literature, many researchers developed an individual MPPT control algorithm for solar and wind energy system, which intern increases the number of control algorithms in a hybrid system. In this paper, a single MPPT controller is proposed to extract maximum power from both the sources simultaneously. So, various MPPT techniques are considering in this paper and compares. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
209-213 |
59 |
Study of VCRs and Enhancement in COP
-Rahul Chauhan ; Mr. Manjeet Khare; Parth Bhatt; Chirag Jain; Chintan Bhalodia
This paper focuses and presents literature studies on recent development in ejector or diffuser cooling system also the enhancement of the performance. Some of researches have conducted and categorized in working fluid selections, simulation and mathematical modelling of the ejector, geometrical and operation conditions optimization. However, most of the experimental studies which have been done in last two decades are still insufficient if compared with simulation modelling; more experiments studies and big scale work are required in order to come out with good understanding in real application. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
214-217 |
60 |
Identification of Biometrics Iris using Genetic Spectral Clustering Algorithm
-Archana Gopinadhan ; J Santhosh
A biometric identification system provides automatic recognition of an individual based on some sort of unique feature or characteristic possessed by the individual. Biometric information is used to recognize the access control. Most of biometric systems have been developed based on fingerprints, facial features, hand geometry, handwriting, voice and retina pattern etc. This technology makes use of physiological or behavioral characteristics to establish identify of an individual. We demand for security levels have to increase day by day. Consequently, biometric recognition came into existence, which is a safe, reliable and convenient technology for personal recognition. In this paper the iris pattern has been investigated to design biometric identification systems for feature extraction and matching module adopts the gradient directions (i.e., angles) on wavelet transform as the discriminating texture features. We present a new approach for detecting and matching iris crypts for identifying using iris biometric with the help of Genetic algorithm. Read More...
Image processing |
India |
218-221 |
61 |
Advancement from Claiming Cement Utilizing Coconut Shell and Reused Aggregates
-Sudhanshu Singh ; V. V. Singh; Pankaj Mishra
India is a Creating nation and in Different creating nations in India prudent development alongside prudent development material assumes a key part in the advancement about nation. In this contemplate we need aid checking the possibility to utilizing waste materials for example, such that reused Aggregates and coconut shell done reinstatement with coarse aggravator clinched alongside cement in 4%, 8%, 12%, 16% Also 20% by weight. It might have been watched that cement for reused coarse aggravator performed superior to that with coconut shell dependent upon 20% reinstatement. It might have been additionally watched that both blend cement would 6 on 8 % less expensive over plain cement. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
222-224 |
62 |
Super Fibonacci Graceful Labelling of Some Cycle Related Graphs
-S. Arthi ; C. Karthikeyan; M. Abinaya; R. Swathi; A. Madhumathi
This paper discusses about the Fibonacci number and its functionf: V(G) →{0,F1,F2,……..Fq} is said to be Super Fibonacci graceful , ifthe induced edge labeling f *:E (G) →F1,F2,F3,…….Fq} and it is defined by f*(uv) =|f(u)-f(v)| is bijective. Some examples are given to illustrate the theory. In this paper Friendship graph and (k4-e) ⿠graph are investigated. Read More...
India |
225-226 |
63 |
Data Management in the Cloud Computing
-Ashish Adinath Vankudre
The present cloud computing time opens another road for organizations to consider moving their information data management solutions to cloud. It is demonstrated through recent successful deployments that data management applications are one of the most suitable candidates for deployment in the cloud. Data management in the cloud Computing brings many challenges as well as advantages. This paper represents the current state of data management solutions in the cloud and the current direction of research in Data management in Cloud Computing. It is necessary to contemplate that the cloud-based data management is a very fluid field, which means technologies are changing rapidly. It is also important that industry is investing more as compare to other field of data management, thus making an interesting subject for detailed study. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
227-230 |
64 |
Power Quality Improvement using Artificial Intelligence (AI) based Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR)
-Amankumar Sadhu ; Sadhu Aman; Mayalakshmi Pillai; Merolina Christie
Electrical power supply is one of the most important issues to utilities, equipment manufactures and customers. Power quality problem is an event of abnormal voltage, current or frequency. Utility distribution networks experience from various types of disturbances. Now the fast development in power electronics technology have made it possible to mitigate power quality problems. Such as, dynamic voltage restorer can provide the most mercantile solution to compensate voltage sag/swell by injecting voltage in to the sensitive system. The proposed system has less number of switching devices and has good compensating capability in comparison with commonly used compensators. Dynamic voltage restorer is a series connected power electronics based device that can mitigate the power quality issues in the system, by automatically detecting and injecting the voltage components through an injecting transformer. Here comes the importance of soft computing techniques like fuzzy logic. With the help of a newly developed fuzzy rule base, the system will be able to correct repeated occurrences of the power quality problems. The modelling and simulation is done using MATLAB/SIMULINK software. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
231-235 |
65 |
Heart Rate Measurement from Fingertip
-Prof. S. K. Logesh ; M. Abinaya; B. Allen Ebirets; J. L. Deepak Chandran
Heart rate is the number of times the heart beats per minute, reflects different physiological conditions such as biological workload, stress at work and concentration on tasks, drowsiness and the active state of the autonomic nervous system. It can be measured either by the ECG or by sensing the pulse - the rhythmic expansion and contraction of an artery as blood is forced through it by the regular contractions of the heart. The pulse can be felt from those areas where the artery is close to the skin. This paper describes a measuring the heart rate through a fingertip and Arduino. It works on the principal of photophelthysmography (PPG) which is measuring the variation in blood volume in tissue using a light source and detector. While the heart is beating, it is actually pumping blood throughout the body, and that makes the blood volume inside the finger artery. This fluctuation of blood can be detected through an optical sensing mechanism placed around the fingertip. The signal can be amplified and is sent to arduino with the help of serial port communication. With the help of processing software heart rate monitoring and counting is performed. Read More...
India |
236-239 |
66 |
Manually Operated Hand Mould Die
-Khan Farhan Shakeel ; Rajput Rushikesh Dilipsing; Mohite Kiran Rajendra; Sonawane Vishal; Sunny C Pardeshi
Within the context of molds and dies production, frequent changes in design and increased competitiveness require an overall optimized manufacturing process. The finishing process is typically composed of an accurate milling stage to manage shape deviations, followed by polishing operations to reach required surface roughness. In this project we had design a new type of connector which connects the existing cap with new filter. Due to this project we save the time and money to a larger extend. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
240-242 |
67 |
Analysis of Problems Occurring in Performance of Ducts and Pipes
-Bheesham Kumar Dewangan ; S.S.K. Deepak
To overcome the any problem need to well known about the problem and this paper presents description of the physical problems which occurred in the ducts and pipes when fluid flow inside it. The problem is based on fluid flow as well as heat transfer. The problems are presents with their root cause along with their effect on performance and general method of overcome. Conclusion of this paper is that selection of proper duct materials, geometries, and supply path according to need may reduce the problem occurring in performance of duct. Read More...
| thermal engineering |
India |
243-245 |
68 |
An Experimental Study on Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate & Cement by Rubber Tyre & Silica Fume in Concrete
-R Deepavani ; S Chitra
Due to rapid growth in automobile industry, use of tyre increases day by day and there is no reuse of the same to decrease the environmental pollution. The decomposition and disposing of waste tyre rubber is harmful to environment. This research reflects the reuse of waste tyre rubber into concrete after observing their properties. In that experimental work rubber aggregates replaced to the natural coarse aggregates by varying percentage of 1,3and 5 with comparison of 0% replacement. Silica fume is replaced in 5% with cement for improving the bond properties between cement paste and rubber. In evaluation, test has been carried out to determine the properties of concrete such as workability, compressive strength, flexural strength and split tensile strength. The workability of fresh concrete is observed with the help of compaction factor test vee bee test, slump cone test, flow table test. From the test of compaction factor, workability is decrease with increasing percentage of rubber. The specific gravity of rubber aggregates is 1.25. It is lower as compared to natural aggregates therefore decrease the unit weight of rubber mix concrete. Increasing rubber aggregates as partial replacement into concrete reduces compressive strength. So these can use in non-primary structural applications of medium to low strength requirements. The overall results of study shows that it is possible to use recycled rubber tyre aggregates in concrete construction as partial replacement to natural coarse aggregates. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
246-249 |
69 |
Home Intrusion Detection using IoT
-Sunkara Deepthi ; Thulluri Likhitha Sai Rajarajeswari; Talla Chandrika; Vinnakota Naga Bhavani; Peketi Santhosh Kumar
Internet of Things or IoT in short, is the idea of making devices and objects smarter by linking them to the internet. IoT has promising applications for smart home, wearable devices and more. The primary objective of this project is to reduce human work by designing and implementing a security system named as Intrusion Detection System (IDS) [1] that offers controllability through a hand held mobile phone and PC by means of IoT. Our project proposes security system using IoT environment which intimates intrusion in Home, Bank, Airports, Offices, University or any location and typically report to the administrator. The leverage obtained by preferring this system over similar kind of existing systems is that the alerts send by the Wi-Fi connected microcontroller managed system can be received by user at any distance. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
250-252 |
70 |
Smart Car Parking System using IoT
-Manikanth Budati ; Anusha Peram; Sri kalyani Suryadevara; Shakeela Shaik; Supriya Thumaragoti
With the exponential increase in the number of vehicles and world population day by day, vehicle availability and usage on the road in recent years, finding a space for parking the car is becoming more and more difficult with resulting in the number of conflicts such as traffic problems. This is about creating a reliable system that takes over the task of identifying free slots in a parking area and keeping the record of vehicles parked very systematic manner. This Project is the IOT based parking place detection using the ThingSpeak app. The user can able to check the nearest parking place availability using mobile application. The mobile application will act as an interface between the end user and the system. The system updates parking data every 15 seconds. Infrared sensor is placed at the parking slot along with the Raspberry pi. Infrared sensor is used to detect whether the slot is occupied or empty and it is updated to the cloud. Raspberry pi is used to track the number of vehicles parked in the parking area. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
253-255 |
71 |
Behaviour of Concrete by Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate with Stone Dust and Cement by Glass Powder for M-25 Grades of Concrete
-Md Ataur Rahman ; Pratiksha Malviya; Vikash Kumar Singh
The main objective of this research is to investigate the use of Glass Powder and other is Stone dust as partial replacement of cement and concrete production. In this research we analyze the strength of concrete made with using these waste materials one is Glass Powder and other is Stone dust. The Glass Powder is used as 20% replace by weight of cement and Stone Dust as the partial replacement of Fine Aggregate from 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%. The grade of the concrete here is M-25 grade. It has been used as a replacement of fine aggregates in many literature works but this paper presents the feasibility of the substitution of marble waste for cement to achieve economy and environment saving. Slump Test was carried out for the fresh concrete whereas Compressive Strength, Flexure Strength and Split Tensile Tests were carried for the Hardened concrete. All tests are done at 7- day, 14 - day, 28 -day, and 56 days with 0 to 40% replacement of sand at an interval of 10%. Again above tests are carried out with 20% replacement of cement by glass powder. It is observed that the glass powder improve the strength and stone dust can be used as sand. Experiment such as specific gravity test of stone dust and sand by pycnometer method, moisture content of sand and stone dust by oven drying method, normal consistency of cement, and initial setting time of cement, were performed to determine the physical property of concrete. On fresh concrete slump test was preformed to check workability of concrete and after then compressive strength was checked. Thus stone dust is appropriate substitute of fine aggregates in concrete mix for construction. This is great saving in costly material. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
256-261 |
72 |
Structural and Vibrational Analysis of Model Aircraft Tapered Wing
-Alok Ranjan
The airplane wing design plays very important role to decide the main purpose for which it will be used at the later stage. The design and shape of the wings plays a important role to decide operation for which the plane will be used. Design of Airplane wings are done in such a way that it become the air borne and can produce lift, which will be greater than the weight of the plane including the weight carrying capacity of the airplane. The lift force is required to carry the plane into the air and this lift force is generated by the specific design of the wing of the airplane. Different type of forces acts on the wing which makes the airplane airborne. In order to understand this lifts the combination of Bernoulli's and Newton’s Principle helps a lot.The wing of approx every airplane have such a profile in which there is curved at the top and flat at the bottom. This type of designing is done to make the movement of air faster at the bottom which creates the difference in the pressure and results into the generation of lift force. So we can say that the design of wing plays important role to find out the limitation of the airplane. Aircraft wing analysis helps to perform structural and Vibraional analysis of an aircraft wing. Finite element method has been used to formulate the structural and free vibrational analysis on the tapered wing of prototype airplane made up of Balsa wood. ANSYS 12.1 analysis software is used as a mathematical tool in implementation of the analysis and to extract the results and to come on to certain results regarding the wing. Free vibration study represents one of the most important studies for complex structure such as wing structure. In this research, a model for tapper wing structure was created including the airfoil shape using ProE-5 modeling software. The airfoil of the tapper wing is designed using NACA airfoil software. ANSYS 12.1 were the benchmark to proceed for the detailed Structural and Vibrational analysis of the complete tapper wing. Read More...
M.Tech in Machine Design |
India |
262-265 |
73 |
A Survey on Credit Card Fraud Detection System
-Manoj S Ishi
In today's world of technology peoples are making many online activities like online shopping, net banking for that purpose they take help of E-Commerce mostly called as Internet Banking. Due to increasing in online transaction fraud activities are also increasing. Hidden Markov model is designed to provide genuine transaction by providing one time password generated by server and it is sent to mobile of user. Banking sector is also victim of fraud activities in online transaction. It is necessary for bank to save money from such fraud transaction. The objective of study of this paper is that detecting credit card fraud using various techniques. Credit card fraud is found and then it gives solution for money fraud. Two types of credit card frauds are as fraudulent and legitimate transactions. And this is based on supervised and unsupervised learning. In this paper credit card fraud detection technique like decision tree, HMM, SVM, GASS etc. algorithms of credit card fraud detection are discussed. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
266-269 |
74 |
Ancient Indian Water Resource Engineering
-Parag G Panchabhai ; Sayali U Pimpalkhute
Water is been a basic need for establishment of a civilisation. As all the ancient civilisations like Indus Valley Civilisation, Egypt, Mesopotamia etc are situated on the banks of different rivers or different water sources. Water is not only used for drinking but also be used for different purposes like Agriculture, Cooking, Washing, Medicinal Purposes and for Various Traditional Rituals etc. Depending on the chemical and physical properties and also on few other factors, our ancients had classified water into several groups. They had also made a thorough study of varying effects of conserving water belonging to different conditions. An attempt has been made here to bring out all the above details based on ancient and medieval Sanskrit texts along with details related to methods of exploration of underground water, their preservation and storage of surface water etc. In the present day background, it will be interesting and also helpful to know how people of ancient India maintained the quality of water, methods of purification and storage of water etc. in a scientific and simple manner. Read More...
Water Resource Engineering |
India |
270-272 |
75 |
A CFD Investigation of CNG Engine In-Cylinder Combustion and Matching Turbo-DI
-Prakash Shakti ; Tanmay Pathak; Rutvik Orpe; Abhani Savan
In this paper, the main purpose is to design CNG engine and to match turbocharger with CNG engine and to find the possible of combined injection of CNG and gasoline, which is studied on a 2.0 L turbocharged. CNG as an alternative fuel is used in SI engines to improve fuel consumption and exhaust emissions. By a CFD studies of In-cylinder combustion we found pollution emission and combustion phenomena of CNG engine. CNG has a higher octane number and knocking resistance as compared with gasoline and hence CNG engines can have higher compression ratios and therefore higher indicated efficiencies. Results show that the combined injection of gasoline and CNG is much better than gasoline mode in terms of fuel consumption and raw HC and CO emissions. The pollutant were calculated by a CFD analysis of CNG engine In-cylinder Combustion process and mixing the CNG with natural Airading. Read More...
India |
273-280 |
76 |
Smart Mobile Charger
-Anguraj ; Gowtham; Thirumoorthy; Priyadharshini
The smart charger is used to provide safety to the mobile phone from overcharging and overheating, because overheating which leads to cause high tension in battery and thus leads to explosion of the battery. Thus the role of smart charger becomes significant. This paper describes about the control of mobile charging by means of WiFi technology. An android application is developed in which the charging status, call status and temperature status of the mobile is fetched from the mobile. The collected data are transmitted to the WiFi module by which it controls the charger. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
281-283 |
77 |
A Review Paper on Pneumatic Door Operation System in Trains with Cogeneration
-Saurabh Shakya ; Sagar Pagar; Nikhil Abhade; Vivek More; Pritesh Bhavsar
Indian Railways is India's national railway system. Operated by the Ministry of Railways, IR carried 8.107 billion passengers (more than 22 million passengers per day), transported 1.101 billion tons of freight, and had 8,500 stations in the 2015-16 fiscal year.[2] It is the fourth-largest railway network in the world by size, with 119,630 kilometres (74,330 mi) of total track[4] and 92,081 km (57,216 mi) of running track over a 66,687-kilometre (41,437 mi) route at the end of 2015-16.[2] Forty-five per cent of its routes are electrified [5] with 25 kV AC electric traction.[2] Its track is mostly broad gauge, with short stretches of metre- and narrow-gauge track. Thirty-seven percent of its routes are double- or multi-tracked.[5] IR operates long-distance and suburban rail systems, and ran an average of 13,313 passenger trains daily in 2015-16. The trains have a five-digit numbering system. Mail or express trains, the most common types, run at an average speed of 50.9 kilometres per hour (31.6 mph).[6] At the end of 2015-16, IR's rolling stock consisted of 254,006 freight wagons, 70,241 passenger coaches and 11,122 locomotives (39 powered by steam, 5,869 by diesel fuel and 5,214 by electricity).[2] IR owns locomotive- and coach-production facilities at several locations in India. The world's eighth-largest employer, it had 1.33143 million employees at the end of 2015-16.[3] IR had earnings of ₹1.683 trillion (US$26 billion) in 2015–2016, consisting of ₹1.069 trillion (US$17 billion) in freight revenue and ₹442.83 billion (US$6.9 billion) in passenger revenue, and an operating ratio of 90.5 per cent in 2015-16. IR's Research Design and Standards Organisation (RDSO) undertake research, design and standardisation. The railway has undertaken several initiatives to upgrade its ageing infrastructure and improve its quality of service. The Indian government plans to invest ₹9.05 trillion (US$140 billion) to upgrade IR by 2020. Hence we decided to take challenge to make project in this Train field to support energy conservation system. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
284-288 |
78 |
Structures to Resist the Effects of the Accidental Explosions
-P. Ashok ; Miss S. Mounika
Currently in the field of civil engineering the requirement regarding knowledge blast loads are essential. Every country in the world are having terrorist threats. As the scenario of terrorist attacks are unpredictable neither location nor blast material used. This provides an outline to analysis and design to resist blast loads. We have taken an example model to illustrate evaluation of blast parameters which are used in the analysis. The analysis and design of structures to resist blast/explosive loads is having utmost importance compared to the conventional type of structures. Where Loading is actually independent of time variation. From past few decades terrorist attacks are becoming a new threat to people lives material used, its quantity, and distance from structure etc. Since we don't know when the blasting activity is going to be happened and type of charge material is used, depends on importance of structure we have to make sure the design of structure should be such that it should resist the failure against blasting activities and to property also. The amount of damage caused to structure is depends upon type of charge. Blast loads, its contribution to structures and other required provisions are opted from Technical Manual 5-1300 and IS 4991-1968.The design method used is Equivalent Static Approach. Analysis of frames of structure is done with software package. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
289-292 |
79 |
Angle Measuring Instrument for Conical Male Object
-R. Saravana
The given name of the new angle measuring instrument is Tanmeter. An instrument for angle measurement based on micrometers readings has been designed. It has the advantage of simplicity, and consequently provides easy operation and an inexpensive instrument. Measurement technique is based on two micrometer readings. That micrometers used to measure the conical object specific height and length. That readings applied to Tangent formula then find the angle of conical male object. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
293-296 |
80 |
Decision Support System for Water Conservation and Availability Prediction
-Ankita Kharatmal ; Mr. Sumit Hirve; Meenakshi Lokade; Rupali Kadam; Komal Sherkhane
Water scarcity is one of the serious problems that Maharashtra is facing today. Water scarcity leads to doughtiness when it is not properly utilized. This provides a strong demand in building a real-time system to support water resources analysis, drought modeling and prediction. Existing models and approaches lack of desirable accuracy in predicting and analyzing Maharashtra Drought. This project proposes a big data based approach to support Maharashtra Drought analysis and prediction based on diverse data sets, including climate sensor and satellite data, weather data, and drought condition and water usage reports. It uses a proposed Maharashtra Drought Index and presents big data analytics results based on existing big data models and algorithms, as well as proposed graphic models. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
297-299 |
81 |
Selection of an Optimal Parametric Combination of Tool Geometry and Work Piece for the Requirement of Better Surface Finish for Turning Operation using CNC Turning Operation
-Vivek Pandey ; Abhilash Shukla
Now-a-days, machining operations are carried out using modern computerized automated machines to overcome the limitations of conventional machines. Challenge of modern machining industries is mainly focused on the achievement of high quality, in terms of work piece dimensional accuracy, surface finish, high production rate, less wear on the cutting tools, economy of machining in terms of cost saving and increase the performance of the product with reduced environmental impact. Surface roughness plays an important role in many areas and is a factor of great importance in the evaluation of machining accuracy. The CNC machines play a major role in the modern machining industry. The selections of best combination of tool insert and work piece material is most critical step to obtain the desired surface finish. Among the number of available tool insert and work piece combination, one can be selected based on the MADM (multiple attribute decision making) methods. The work presented in this paper covers the application of various MADM methods for the best selection of tool-work piece combination for turning operation to be performed on EN-8, SS 304 and EN-19 to get better surface finish for given constant cutting parameters. Read More...
India |
300-303 |
82 |
Some Theorems on Sum Divisor Cordial Graphs
-Saraniya. V ; Durgadevi. S; Saranya. S; Priyanka. K
A sum divisor cordial labeling of a graph G with vertex set V is a bijective function f from V(G) to {1, 2,…,|V (G)|} such that if 2 divides f (u) +f (v) then an edge uv is assigned the label 1 and 0 otherwise, then the number of edges labeled with 0 and 1 differ by at most 1. A graph is said to be sum divisor cordial graph if it has sum divisor labeling. This study proves that path, comb, star, complete bipartite, bistar, jewel, gear, crown are sum divisor cordial graphs. Read More...
India |
304-307 |
83 |
Intelligence ChatBot System for College
-Dilip Saroj ; Ganesh Raghav; Salman Shaikh; Ashraf Siddiqui
Chatbot is basically a medium to interact with the people. user interfaces for software applications can found in a variety of formats, ranging from command-line, graphical, web application, and even voice. on the other hand most popular user interfaces include graphical and web-based applications. Whether due to multi-threaded complexity, concurrent connectivity, or details surrounding execution of the service, a chat bot based interface may suit the need. With the help of chatbot query can be generated. Chat bots typically provide a text-based user interface, allows user to type commands and receive text as well as text to speech response. Chat bots are usually a stateful services, remembering previous commands (and perhaps even conversation) in order to provide functionality. When chat bot technology is integrated with popular web services it can be used securely by an even larger audience .The researchers use Left and Right Parsing Algorithm in their study to come up with the desired result. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
308-309 |
84 |
Automatic Smart Ambulance System with Intelligent Traffic Control
-M. Malathi ; R. Pharanisuga; S. Dinesh Kumar; A. Mohanraj; N.Lakshmipriya
Now a days the traffic congestion and accident are the major problem. Due to this traffic problem the emergency vehicles are delayed and patients are also not properly monitored. The main objective of our project is to provide an optimum solution to the traffic hazards and the road accidents. According to this project when a vehicle meets with an accident, immediately vibration sensor will detect the signal and sends it to microcontroller unit. Microcontroller sends the alert message through the GSM MODEM including the location to the emergency unit (rescue team). So the emergency unit can immediately trace the location through the GPS MODEM after receiving the information. Ambulance come under that place and carry the patient into the hospital simultaneously the patient health parameters are collected and send it to the hospital by using IoT and also control the traffic by using Rf transceiver system. Read More...
India |
310-313 |
85 |
LDO Regulator using Comparator in 0.9 µm CMOS Process
-P. Rajesh ; K. Muthusamy
A low-voltage low-dropout (LDO) regulator that converts an input of 1 V to an output of 0.85–0.5 V, with 90-nm CMOS technology is proposed. A simple symmetric operational transconductance amplifier is used as the error amplifier (EA), with a current splitting technique adopted to boost the gain. This also enhances the closed-loop bandwidth of the LDO regulator. In the rail-to-rail output stage of the EA, a power noise cancellation mechanism is formed, minimizing the size of the power MOS transistor. Furthermore, a fast responding transient accelerator is designed through the reuse of parts of the EA. These advantages allow the proposed LDO regulator to operate over a wide range of operating conditions while achieving 99.94% current efficiency, a 28-mV output variation for a 0–100 mA load transient, and a power supply rejection of roughly 50 dB over 0–100 kHz. The area of the proposed LDO regulator is only 0.0041 mm2, because of the compact architecture. And the LDO regulator is fed as an input supply to the comparator. Read More...
Digital System |
India |
314-317 |
86 |
Alternate Distribution of Perishable Items: A Case Study of Ujjain Dugdh Sangh
-Vasim Patel ; Miss. Payal Bhargava
Distribution channel is very important factor in supply chain management. It consists of manufacturers, suppliers, distribution, logistics, retailing, and consumers etc. In any supply chain network design of distribution is very important but for perishable items like fruits, milk, farm fresh, meat etc. It is all the more important due to various reasons, first frequent visit and supplies (may be twice or thrice a day) and limited lead time available to the distributor. Further this duly demand also fluctuates significantly due to many reasons making the decision making dynamic and no readymade solution, thus can be employed all the time. Various distribution strategies like milk run, spoke and hub, arrangement, transportation model, distribution through number of distribution centers have been suggested in literature. In this project case of UDS is consider. Two alternative network designs are suggested and cost and time calculations are presented Google map application is extremely used for these calculations. Better solutions are obtained by redesigning the milk network and recommendations are made to case organizations. Read More...
M.Tech Mechanical Engineering (Industrial Engineering and Management) |
India |
318-326 |
87 |
Study of Concrete Characteristics
-J. Naresh ; Asha Sedeq
River sand is one of the important constituent in concrete. Due to lack of availability, high cost and its demand in construction sector, it is being replaced with different materials. In thermal power plants when pulverized coal is fed in to a furnace with a temperature of 1300-1500 0C, the unburnt coal that is left is known as bottom ash. Silica fume which is also known as micro silica or condensed silica fume is by-product in the manufacturing of silicon metal. An experimental study has been done in order to reduce the fine aggregate content in concrete by replacing it with the industrial waste by-product like bottom ash in various percentages i.e., (5-40%) along with addition of 5% of Silica fume by weight to cement for M30 & M40 mix to determine the compressive strength, split tensile strength, flexural strength and durability of concrete and are compared for both grades and results are tabulated and the optimum percentages are concluded. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
327-331 |
88 |
Second Order Rational Difference Equations
-R. Ranjitha ; S. K. Reka; G. Pramila; S. A. Vijaya Lakshmi
The point of our article is the global stability, oscillation, periodic nature and the boundedness of solution of the difference equation
〖 u〗_(n+1)=(Pu_(n-1))/(Q+Ru_n^2 ) , n = 0,1,2,..
Where P,Q and R are non-negative real numbers and the initial conditions u_(-1),u_0 are non-negative real numbers such that Q+Ru_n^(2 )> 0, n = 0,1,2,..
India |
332-335 |
89 |
Review of Effect of Entry Material of CNC Drilling on PCB Manufacturing Paper
-Chavan Shubham Madan ; Gawali Vishal Anil; Borse Swapnil Vitthal; Kolate Akshay Tanaji; Ghodake Aravind P.
Quality of Surface is an important factor to decide the performance of a product. Optimization of the metal drilling requires generation of minimum amount of burrs and uniform appearance of the drilled holes. The burr is a plastically deformed material, generated during drilling & it is unnecessary output and often lowers the surface quality and reduces the product life and acceptability of the product. To improve the productivity of the drilling process, PCB are generally stacked in several layers and drilled simultaneously. In this process, the misalignment of the drilled holes on the top and bottom layers occurs, and this consequently degrades the overall product quality. The outcomes uncovered conceivable decrease of burr event on both the section and leave side of the sheet, requiring no extra deburring process. The demand on the uniform appearance of drilled holes was fulfilled as well as high productivity achieved. Such optimized process results in a noticeable production cost reduction. The burr, which is a plastically deformed material, generated during drilling is unnecessary output and often lowers the surface quality, reduces the product life and acceptability of the product. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
336-338 |
90 |
Design and Development of Tri Wheel Load Carrying Trolley
-Sneha Ghadge ; Poonam Sarak; Pragati Vekhande; Shalaka Nalawade
In the modern world though there are many developments in the field of engineering. Still there are difficulties to carry heavy loads over stairs. Development of lift simplifies the effort of carrying heavy loads over stairs, it is not possible to use lift in all places like schools, college’s constructional areas. This project aims at developing a mechanism for easy transportation of heavy loads over stairs. The need for such arises from day to day requirements in our society. Devices such as hand trolleys are used to relieve the stresses of lifting while on flat ground. However these devices usually fail when it comes to carrying the load over short fleet of stairs .Our project attempts to design a stair climbing trolley which can carry heavy objects up the stairs with less effort compared to carrying them manually .The main objective of the project is to find an efficient and user friendly method of carrying various objects through stairs using minimum effort from the user and to also provide a smooth movement while climbing the stair. Under this project we have manufactured a stair climber with tri lobed wheel frames at both sides of the climber and three wheels on each sides are used in the tri lobed frame. It is an abstract about an Advanced Stair Climbing Cart which is advanced with modification and attachments. In the beginning, carrying some load by upstairs were very difficult except elevators. So, engineer found a solution which came in a face of a modern trolley which can deal with stairs easily. It has very benefits to aged person as well. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
339-341 |
91 |
Sequencing Problem in Fuzzy Environment
-Hindu Mathi B ; Mounika P; Vithya Vihashini V. R; Nandhini V
To represent uncertainty the fuzzy numbers are ideally suited. In the present paper, we have considered the sequence performance measurements and job mean flow time as fuzzy in nature. Using fuzzy technological values, we consider fuzzy sequencing problem in different method. The concepts of Average High Ranking Method (AHRM) are considered. This idea is used to minimize the total cost in earliness (lateness) at fuzzy environment. In the procedure to obtain completion time, fuzzy ranking technique and defuzzification methods are involved to compare the fuzzy numbers and to facilitate of effective deterministic algorithm to get the best solution. To support our study, numerical examples are illustrated in this paper. Read More...
India |
342-343 |
92 |
Behavior of RCC Structures Subjected to Blast Loads
-Muthyala Uday Krishana ; V. Raju
The analysis and design of structures to resist blast/explosive loads is having utmost importance compared to the structures to resist conventional type of loading, where Loading is actually independent of time variation. From past few decades terrorist attacks are becoming a new threat to people lives and to property also. The amount of damage caused to structure is depends upon type of charge material used, its quantity, distance from structure etc. Since we don’t know when the blasting activity is going to be happened and type of charge material is used, depends on importance of structure we have to make sure the design of structure should be such that it should resist the failure against blasting activities. The project contains a case study report of blasting activity and its effects on ALFRED MURRAH BUILDING and design and analysis of G+5 residential building to resist blast loads. We concerned here in to minimize loss of lives due to global failure of the structure and decrease the loss of property. This is possible only when the structural designer provides a sophisticated design techniques to encounter un-expected and sudden loads. Blast loads, its contribution to structures and other required provisions are opted from Technical Manual 5-1300.The Design Method Used Is Equivalent Static Approach. Analysis of frames of structure is done with software package. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
344-347 |
93 |
Fibonacci Cordial Labeling of Some Special Graphs
-Karthikeyan C ; Abinaya M; Arthi S; Surya V; Sreelakshmi KV
Fibonacci cordial labeling was introduced in this paper. We prove that the graph such as wheel graph w_n bistar Bn,n are Fibonacci cordial graph. If the induced function f*from the edge set E of graph G to the set {0, 1} defined by f*(uv) = (f (u) + f (v)) (mod2) satisfies the condition |e_f(0) – e_f(1)| ≤ 1, where e_f(0) is the number of edges with label 0and e_f (1) is the number of edges with label 1. In a graph G An injective function f from vertex set V of a graph G to the set {F0, F1, F2, . . . , Fn}, where Fj is the j^th Fibonaccinumber (j = 0, 1, . . . , n), is said to be Fibonacci cordial labeling .A graph which admits Fibonacci cordial Labeling is called Fibonacci cordial graph. In this paper we discuss Fibonacci cordial labeling of different graphs. Read More...
India |
348-350 |
94 |
A Review on Analysis of Belt Type Oil Skimmer
-Babasaheb Narayan Barse ; Babasaheb Balasaheb Thombare; Ganesh Bhausaheb Barhate; Sani Macchindra Kolhe; Prof. Jagtap H. B.
Nowadays there are lots of oil accidents happening in the ocean and it makes huge impact on environment. Due to Sea accidents can further cause oil pollution. So the oil separator systems are necessary in such cases. Various oil separator systems are available currently all over. In oil separator systems belt is one of the most important component. Different types of belts are been in use in these systems. Performance and efficiency of these systems mainly depends on the type of belt & belt material use in the system. So it is necessary to study and analyze the performance of various types of belts in order to select proper belt for better performance. In this paper we are taking a review of various types of belt materials used, research work done on oil skimmers and their belt materials. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
351-352 |
95 |
A Literature Survey for be Safe App
-Amrapali H. Ambade ; Pramita C. Kawade; Jayashri W. Shiyale; Shital P. Dhule; Chanchla Tripathi
In today's world, people using smart phones have increased rapidly and hence, a smart phone can be used efficiently for personal security or various other protection purposes. The heinous incident that outraged the entire nation have waken us to go for the safety issues and so a host of new apps have been developed to provide security systems to women via their phones. This paper presents an Android Application for the Security of Women and this app can be activated this application by a single click, whenever need spring up. A single click on this app identifies the location of place through GPS and sends a message and call on the first registered contact to help the one in dangerous situations. The unique feature of this application is to send the message to all registered contacts at a time and also call to the registered number or police. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
353-356 |
96 |
Classification of Power Quality Disturbances using Wavelet-Transform & Fuzzy Base Expert System
-Jagdale Alaap Someshwar ; Urvish Mewada; Sanjiv Shakya
A system for power quality (PQ) disturbance (event) analysis is proposed using wavelet feature (WF) based fuzzy classification method. Wavelet transform (WLT) has been proven to be an effective tool for extracting inherent features through time- frequency analysis of these events. In this work WLT is used for detection and/or localization of PQ events and to decompose the PQ event signals for extracting unique features. These WF are fed into fuzzy classifier for making decision regarding the type of events. Varieties of PQ events which include voltage sag, swell, momentary interruption, flicker, oscillatory transient and harmonics are considered to test the performance of proposed approach. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
357-359 |
97 |
Properties of Green Concrete with Various Alternative Alkali Binders
-S. Sirisha ; A. Chandana Jyothi; A. Priya Darshini; P. Silus
The production of OPC is responsible for about 7% of the world’s CO2 emission, a major contributor to the green house effect which is implicated in global warming and climatic changes, lead to the search for more environmentally viable alternative to cement. One of those alternative materials is alkali activated slag (AAS). Where alkali activated slag is used not as partial replacement to cement but as a sole binder in the production of concrete. The overall aim of the study was to investigate the potential of alkali activated slag as the sole binder in producing concrete. The performance of alkali-activated slag concrete with sodium silicate, sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, potassium hydroxide as activator are used at 4% Na2O & K2O (by weight of slag) and 4% of hydrated lime by weight of slag if used as retarder. The scope of the work covered four mixes: a normal OPC mix, four AAS slag mixes of the same binder content and the same water binder ratio, the coarse aggregates are replaced by the 10% recycled aggregates. The fresh concrete properties studied were setting time and workability in terms of slump. The Engineering properties studied were compressive, split tensile strength and flexure strength measured in 1, 3, 7, 14, 28, 56 and 90days. The AAS concrete with different activators investigated was found to achieve very good workability which was higher or comparable with that of OPC. The addition of hydrated lime to AAS mix was resulted in decrease in workability. Water-glass (Na2SiO3), NaOH activated slag mixes sets very quickly. AAS concrete is much more sensitive to curing where if there is no addition of retarder (hydrated lime) to the mix. Among AAS mix, NaOH was the best; KOH was the second; Na2SiO3 was third; and Na2CO3 was the fourth in terms of compressive strength. Na2SiO3was best; KOH was the second; Na2CO3 was third; and NaOH was the fourth in terms of split tensile strength. KOH was the best; NaOH was the second; Na2CO3 was third; Na2SiO3 was fourth in terms of flexure strength. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
360-364 |
98 |
Comparative Study of MPPT PWM for Efficient Wind Energy Conversion: A Review
-Mr. Nilesh Bhaidas Pawar ; Prof. M. Mujtahid Ansari
In the past ten years many Stochastic Model for pitch control have been developed for wind energy conversion systems subject to stochastic disturbances and model uncertainties. Present energy need heavily depend on the conventional source. But the limited accessibility and steady increase within the value of standard supply’s has shift the main focus to Renewable source of energy of the offered different sources of energy, wind energy is measured to be one in all the confirmed technologies with a competitive value for electricity generation, wind energy conversion system (WECS) is today deploy for meeting both grid-connected and complete load demands. We know that wind flow naturally is intermittent. So as to ensure continuous provider of power appropriate storage technology is used as backup. Rigorous testing is to be carried out in laboratory to develop efficient control strategy for wind energy conversion system (WECS). This paper considers power generation control in variable-speed variable-pitch horizontal-axis wind turbines operating at high wind speeds. Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
365-367 |
99 |
QR Code and Barcode Based Billing System for Shops using Android Smartphone
-Suraj Yadav ; Sahil Yadav; Suyrakant Singh; Naman Singh
The objective of this paper is to propose a real time capturing system for consumer using Quick Response (QR) code in an Android smart phone. In recent years, extensive research has been carried out on vision-based automatic identification technology that recognizes image codes using smart phones to provide various services that can recognize the authenticity of any product. Using Multiplexing and De-multiplexing process encode and decode the information from single QR code with special symbols and split the data back to their QR Code pattern where these QR Code pattern can be read by Android Smartphone’s. Standard image codes like one-dimensional barcodes and two-dimensional codes with black and white patterns identifies a product for its value and basic features but does not authenticate it, moreover not every product that is identified, is used for authenticating manufacturer's warranty. So QR code verifies products by capturing it through the smart phone, then decodes and sends it to the server for authentication. The customer forwards the selected product list to the server that enables the consumer to decide based on the products authenticity. The final payment can be done by both direct pay and Paypal way of money transaction. It will proceed further for the payment of bill only if the customer enters the security code. The security code mechanism was introduced in order to recover the message and provide authenticity ensuring the right one is using the application. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
368-370 |
100 |
Performance Enhancement for Smart Antenna using ARLS Technique
-Parteesh Sharma ; Ms.Tanika Thakur
Matrix decomposition refers to the transformation of a matrix into a canonical form. The purposes of matrix decomposition are analytic simplicity and computational convenience. As a result of the decomposition of the given matrix, the resulting matrices have lower-rank canonical form and this helps revealing the inherent characteristic and structure of the matrices and help interpreting their meaning. Adaptive Recursive Least mean squares(ARLMS) algorithms are a class of adaptive filter used to mimic a desired filter by finding the filter coefficients that relate to producing the least mean squares of the error signal of the RLS algorithm to improve the overall beamforming of the smart antenna array. The system has also been simulated using MATLAB 2014Ra tool. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
371-374 |