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101 |
Determination of Strength Properties by using Paper Pulp in Concrete
-Dr .K. Sreenivasa Reddy ; Varaprasad .G; Naveen Kumar .D; LeelaKrishna .O; Kalyan Naik
Now a days, the construction industry consumes a large amount of cement that is a non-renewable resource. Our project aimed to utilize the waste paper as a construction material that constitutes a step towards sustainable development. Generally, a majority of abandoned paper waste is accumulated from countries all over the world causing certain series environmental problems. Our project deals with a detailed experimental study which investigates the use of on paper waste for producing low-cost and light weight composite blocks as building material. This experimental investigation has been carried out to optimization the mix for paper Crete bricks, based upon their compressive strength and tensile strength. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
384-386 |
102 |
Terrain Analysis of Herle Village with the Help of GIS
-Mr. A. A. Lole ; Mr. R. R. Marathe; Mr. P. P. Patil; Mr. P. P. Jadhav
Herle village trending north – east to south – west in the Kolhapur District. The terrain analysis denotes the study area highly elevated to north – east and decrease towards north – west. That analysis is helpful to take some preventive measures like where to build artificial recharge structure to increase groundwater. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
387-388 |
103 |
Identify the Stratigraphic Sequence of Herle Village with the Help of Vertical Electrical Sounding
-Mr. A. A. Lole ; Mr. A. S. Khot; Mr. S. J. Chindge; Mr. O. A. Musale
Electrical resistivity survey is best tool to understand the subsurface geology. Direct current resistivity survey of Herle village, Kolhapur district of Maharashtra, was conducted using the Wenner electrode configuration at 5 stations. The present studies are an attempt to delineate he stratigraphy of the study area. The resistivity data in the study region shows the contrast in ground strata. The VES data should be used for groundwater exploration in different geological terrains where there is a severe scarcity of groundwater. This will further enhance the accuracy of location of groundwater potential zones in the study area. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
389-390 |
104 |
Live Pace Charger
-Mihir Patel ; Hinal Patel; Kruti Patel; Dimple Gajra; Prasann Barot
When a person with this device walks, pressure is relieved from the ground and this pressure to be converted to electrical potential energy and that can be used to charge power electronic devices. In this Research paper, a smart charging system is made for smart gadgets. A piezoelectric generator is placed in the shoe. The power which is generated by piezoelectric sensor when a human wearing shoes walks is being transferred to the gadgets by using blue tooth coupling technique. Piezo electrical sensor through we can generate pressure and that pressure we can store in battery and that storable power we can directed to the Arduino for store information/record about the graph chart for time vs voltage. Using Bluetooth HC-05 through we can display that increasing ratio for voltage in mobile device. Read More...
Internet of things (IoT) |
India |
391-393 |
105 |
Performance of Coal Washery Reject and Fly Ash Blended Concrete in Acidic Environment
-J. Sudharshan ; R. Rajesh Kumar
Disposal of waste material has been a great problem and it becomes difficult to find natural resources due to their excessive exploitation. Use of waste materials as construction materials has numerous benefits such as reduction in cost, saving in energy, and protection of environment. Many investigations have been done on Fly Ash (FA) and Coal Washery Reject (CWR). The utility of FA as a partial replacement of cement in concrete mixes has become a traditional practice. CWR is a waste material disposed from Thermal power plants and it can be a substitute for coarse aggregate. The present investigation is mainly aimed to study the variation in compressive strength, weight and ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) before and after acid attack of three different concrete mixes after 28, 60 and 90 days of immersion in acid ambient room temperature after 28 days of initial curing in water. In this study, M 25 grade of concrete mixes were manufactured with three different mix proportions such as conventional concrete (CC); CWR_30 concrete with 30% of CWR as coarse aggregate replacement; and FCWR_30 concrete with 30% of CWR as coarse aggregate replacement and 30% of FA as cement replacement. These mixes were then subjected to three acid attacks i.e., 5% hydro chloric acid (HCl),5% magnesium sulphate(MgSo4) and 5% sulphuric acid (H2SO4). Results revealed that FCWR_30 concrete performs similar to CC and better than CWR_30 in the acid environments. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
394-397 |
106 |
An Experimental Investigation on Use of Copper Slag and Fibre in Concrete
-P. Ramalingam ; V. S. Aarthi; V. Gayathri; M. Kurunji; R. Poorani
Construction field requires numerous resources than any other field. Apart from all the sources, concrete requires these resources as their fundamental part. As natural resources are getting depleted at a rapid rate one of them is river sand, so there is necessity for the sector to find the secondary solution to meet the infrastructure exigency. Mortar is the normal binding material used in construction field for masonry and plastering works. The utilization of sand replacement materials is well accepted, since it leads to several possible improvements in the concrete composites, as well as the overall economy. Copper slag is one of the materials which is considered as a by-product in the manufacturing process of Copper. Slag has bio potential of getting developed as suitable alternative material to these resources. Copper slag has the characteristics likely to that of sand. The generation of early cracks in the concrete structures is another unrevealed problem in construction field. Here we made an attempt to use steel fibers and polypropylene fibers in the concrete in order to reduce it. In this paper, investigation is done for a M25 grade of concrete. Compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength test were performed and results were analyzed. In a case copper slag is added up to 40% as a replacement of fine aggregate and it gives the maximum results in all the strength parameters. The Fibre is added to the volume of cement with various proportions from 0.5 %, 1 %, 1.5%. The ratio of 0.5% Fibre for cement with 40% copper slag gives the maximum results it is observed that strength is increased upto 52%. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
398-400 |
107 |
SMS Based Devices Control System using GSM Technology
-Narendra Meena ; Ashish Saini; Ankit Vijay; Khajan Singh; Laxminarayan Nawal
The rapidly advancing mobile communication technology and the decrease in costs make it possible to incorporate mobile technology into home .The project report on “SMS BASED DEVICE CONTROL IN HOMES†gives an elaborate view and understanding of the project design and functioning. The report is divided into parts for explaining the step by step development of the project. The first part introduces the idea behind the project and the underlying information of the technologies used. Next chapter is dedicated for information on the equipments used and how they were accommodated in the project circuitry. The working of the project with the programming code are explained after that. Lastly, the merits, de-merits and future prospects of the project are given. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
401-402 |
108 |
Android based Student Attendance Management System
-Paritosh Dashrath Deore ; Mandakini Yashwant Patil; Pranita Vijay Jain; Sharad B Patil
An Education system in India has become so advanced in last decade due to the development of the technology. Smart class, video conferencing are some of the examples of modern trends in educational system. These applications help the institute to move forward quickly, fulfill their vision and accomplish their goals, E-way. The core idea of research project is to implement Android and web based application for attendance management system for advancement of institution and educational system. The proposed project will be implemented in applications such as online study material, notices, academic calendar and online reminders of examination, online attendance record, performance record, and parent intimation system using Android applications and web module. This system helps teacher to take attendance through Smartphone and keep record of students attendance via app or web site for their progressive assessment. This system gives a prior intimation to student as soon as their attendance goes below the specified attendance threshold in the form of an SMS. Those student are not having Smartphone they can visit web site. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
403-405 |
109 |
Fabrication of an Automated Portable Electric Pole Installer
-Ramesh B T ; Jaya Naik J
An automated Electrical pole installation system is used to install electrical poles with more effective, economical and very less installation time. Implementation area of this system is in urban and rural electrical power supply system. Existing system is not able to install economically, requires more labors and more time to install one electric pole. Our system actually is a portable device, which work effectively to install electric pole in specific place with minimum labors and very less installation time. This is a real time system. This will provide an additional facility of digging hole for the electric pole, lifting and placing electric pole with in same device and in more economical cost. This will provide better results compare with other type of electric pole installation. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
406-410 |
110 |
Study and Analysis of Power Generation by Speed Breaker
-Omkar Kalbhor ; Jayashri Chopade
Electricity plays a very important role in our life. Due to population explosion, the current power generation has become insufficient to fulfill our requirements. To overcome this problem we need to implement the techniques of optimal utilization of conventional sources for conservation of energy. We can utilize the energy which is wasted when the vehicles passes over a speed breaker. Lots of energy is generated when vehicle passes over it. We can tap the energy generated and produce power by using the speed breaker as power generating unit. The kinetic energy of the moving vehicles can be converted into mechanical energy of the shaft through rack and pinion mechanism. Then, this mechanical energy will be converted to electrical energy using generator which will be saved with the use of a battery. The energy we save during the day light can be used in the night time for lighting street lights. In coming days, this will prove a great boon to the world, since it will save a lot of electricity of power plants that gets wasted in illuminating the street lights. Read More...
Automotive Engineering |
India |
411-413 |
111 |
CubTech to Secure Block Cipher
-Prof. Supriya Prakash Bhosale
Cryptography is a security mechanism that should be applied in both communication sides to protect the data during its transmission through the network from all kinds of attack and hacking. Encryption is the technology in which on the sender side, the original data will be modified into different symbols or shapes by using a secrete key, on the other receiving side, the decryption process will give back original data using the accepted key. The Cryptography provides security to the communication requirements. Real time applications have big size so vulnerable for the moment. However, some of the current techniques are not really suitable for use with these kinds of information. In this paper, an advanced new symmetric block cipher cryptography algorithm has been illustrated and discussed. The system uses an 8x8x8 cube, and contains a pair of binary inputs each cell. A huge number of combinations provided by Cube which produces a very strong algorithm and a long key size. As compared to DES and AES it is very rapid because of lightweight and fast technique used in this idea. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
414-416 |
112 |
Design and Analysis of Upper Limb Exoskeleton
-Balamurugan. S ; Jaisantosh Dharampure; Balamurugan. S; Mohan R. S; Bharath. K
Exoskeletons flourished in early 1960s which was used for heavy lifting purpose. Many exoskeletons are developed and are being developed for load carrying purpose. The major parameters to be considered are design and power source. This paper emphasizes about the approach for design of upper limb part of exoskeleton and analysis of the designed limb. In the ends there are discussions of actuators to be used and their relative force for actuation and also about the results and future developments. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
417-422 |
113 |
Border Security for Fishermens using Hardware Module
-N. Ramachandran ; S. Ramasamy; M. Sarathkumar; M. Vasudevan; S. Chinnapparaj
The Border Crossing is a major public problem in many our country. Despite awareness campaign, this problem is still increasing due to rider's poor behaviors such as greediness, uneducated and for smuggling etc. The numbers of death are very high because of late assistance to people who got the by the border security force. These cause huge social and economic burdens to people involved. Therefore, several research group and major boat dealers including have developed safety devices to protect riders from accidental crossing. However, good safety device for boats is difficult to implement and very expensive. So we have designed this simple module to the fishermen’s. Read More...
India |
423-426 |
114 |
APMC Market Automation
-Sagar Kote ; Manish Bane; Neeraj Pandey; Alka Leekha
This paper proposes Developing an Android application system is mainly used for trading of agriculture products from farmer to distributors of APMC market. This system mainly empowers the farmers to get a higher realization for their products and a better share of the consumer’s price and also reduces paper works, saves time, reduce transaction costs and reduce wastages. This application allows the farmer to view the orders by the distributor and give them the goods. In the transportation system, this application enhances by using location tracking technique. After delivery confirmation system generates invoice of the goods and sends a notification to farmer and distributor. The distributor then manages the proper price for the goods and dispatch in the market and is the customer orders for any good the distributor can supply the goods. After the process, the loss/profit is calculated and the distributor's account is updated. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
427-428 |
115 |
Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)
-Arindam Avijit Bose ; Jayashri V. Chopade
MEMS is a new manufacturing technology, a new way of making complex electromechanical systems
using batch fabrication techniques similar to the way integrated circuits are made and making these electromechanical elements along with electronics. Since MEMS devices are manufactured using batch fabrication techniques, similar to ICs, unprecedented levels of functionality, reliability, and sophistication can be placed on a small silicon chip at a relatively low cost. MEMS technology is enabling new discoveries in science and engineering such as the polymerize chain reaction (PCR) Microsystems for DNA amplification and identification, the micro machined scanning tunneling microscopes (STMS), biochips for detection of hazardous and selection. In the industrial sector, MEMS devices are emerging as product performance differentiates in numerous markets with a projected market growth of over 50% per year. As a breakthrough technology, allowing unparalleled synergy between hitherto unrelated fields of endeavour such as biology and microelectronics, many new MEMS applications will emerge, expanding beyond that which is currently identified or known.
India |
429-432 |
116 |
Design of Short Inclined Belt Conveyor System used for Rice Sack Handling
-Prof. Y. P. Ballal ; Mr. Desai M. M.; Mr. Patil Y. V.
Belt conveyor system is the transportation of material from one location to another location. Belt conveyor has high load carrying capacity (upto 30000 t/h), large length of conveying path (upto 3-4 km), simple design, easy maintenance and high reliability of operation. Belt conveyor system is also used various industries such as the material transport in foundry shop like supply and distribution of moulding sand, moulds and removal of waste, coal and mining industry, sugar industry, agricultural industry, bagasse industry, fuel industry etc. In this paper the study is carried out on a rice mill short length conveyer to meet the requirement of higher speed in production. In the process or manufacturing industry, raw materials need to be transported from one manufacturing stage to another. Material handling equipment are designed such that they facilitate easy, cheap, fast and safe loading and unloading with least human interference. For instance, belt conveyor system can be employed for easy handling of materials beyond human capacity in terms of weight and height. This paper discusses the design calculations and considerations of belt conveyor system for rice sacks using 3 rolls idlers, in terms of size, length, capacity and speed, roller diameter, power and tension, idler spacing, type of drive unit, diameter, location and arrangement of pulley, angle and axis of rotation, control mode, intended application, product to be handled as well as its maximum loading capacity in order ensure fast, continuous and efficient movement of rice sacks while avoiding fatalities during loading and unloading. Read More...
mechanical engineering |
India |
433-436 |
117 |
Pick and Place Robot
-Roshan Karangale ; Roshan. S. Karangale; Chinmay. S. Kulkarni; Gokul S. Kshirsagar; Prof. M. T. Nikam
Robot manipulator is a vital motion system element of the robotic system for positioning, dimensioning object so robot will perform a helpful task. In this research, the focus is on 2 DOF articulated arm since it mimics to the human arm. The articulated arm consists of revolute joints that allowed angular movement between the adjacent joint. The arm's rotating base is powered by a single large-scale servo. The gliding joints is formed of 2 customary servos and may move through a hundred and eighty degrees, furthermore as rotating the gripper dextrorotary and counterclockwise. The mechanism arm is controlled by a serial servo controller printed circuit. The controller circuit board is based on Microchip's popular programmable integrated circuit (PIC) JGDT-02 flash programmable microcontroller. The serial servo controller board are connected to the interface on a computer running the Microsoft Windows software. The mechanism arm management code that runs on the computer are written in Visual Basic six. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
437-439 |
118 |
Li-Fi based Home Automation System
-Prof. D. S. Bhosale ; Patil Dhanshree; Sawant Shital
This paper represents that the importance of LI-FI Technology in today’s modern life as well as the audio transmission and to monitor and control the house/office appliances and other equipments. Today WI-FI technology is replaced by LI-FI technology in many applications because of the high data transmission rate of LI-FI than Wi-Fi and due to low cost of LI-FI as compared to Wi-Fi technology. It is a visible light communication that uses LED‘S for audio and data transfer.LI-FI is a term of one used to describe visible light communication technology applied to high speed wireless communication. It acquired this name due to the similarity to WI-FI, only using light instead of radio. Li-Fi is ideal for high density wireless data coverage in confined area and for relieving radio interference issues, so the two technologies can be considered complimentary. This project is aim to demonstrating the use of Li-Fi in audio communication and in Home or Office Automation for controlling the devices. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
440-442 |
119 |
Hybrid Frame Work for Information Security using Blowfish and Visual Cryptography
-Pranjalee Mishra ; Prof. Mrs. Bharti Chourasia
Within the current world once entire internet is currently looming from content information to multimedia system information, one in every of the main safety considerations is that the protection of this multimedia system information. An image that covers the very preeminent preparation of the multimedia system information, its protection is extremely necessary. This may be achieved by Image coding. This paper introduces a hybrid framework for data security using blowfish and visual cryptography. In this paper encryption takes place by completely different steps foremost the information is reborn into image then and every pixel of the image is reinvigorated to its equivalent eight binary range, and in this eight bit range, the amount of bits, that area unit adequate the length of the amount generated from the password, area unit turned and reversed ,then further more visual cryptography is applied that uses pictures distributed as shares specified once the shares area unit superimposed a hidden image disclosed and ultimately the blowfish algorithmic program is applied for coding of information, Blowfish may be a symmetric coding algorithmic program, that means that it uses a similar secret key to each cypher and decode messages, Blowfish is additionally a block cipher, that means that it divides a message up into mounted length blocks throughout coding and secret writing the block length for Blowfish is sixty four bits, messages that are not a multiple of eight bytes in size should be muffled. The projected technique is tested on completely different information files and therefore the results were much more than satisfactory. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
443-447 |
120 |
Comparison and Optimization of Wear Rate of 3M Z350 (Micro Filled) and Filtek Z250 (Micro Hybrid) Dental Composite Materials
-Sandip Pyarelal Barange ; Dr. U. V. Hambire
In this current study, two types of dental composites materials are tested on the basis of wear rate. The specimens were prepared in plastic and cured using LED light torch. They were weighed on Precision Digital Balance machine (LWL Germany Make Model: LB 210S, Least count of 0.0001gm). Then they were mounted on Two Body Wear Tester (Pin on Disc machine) for testing of wear rate. The variables considered for the research work were load, speed and sliding distance. Various combinations of these variables were made. Pre-experimentation was also carried to find out the most influencing values of these variables. The variables were so chosen that they would represent actual conditions under which the dental composites were supposed to work. The results were put into Minitab 17 software for further analysis. It was found that 3M Z350 shows more resistance to wear rate than Filtek Z250. Read More...
Production Engineering |
India |
448-450 |
121 |
Design and Analysis of Wind Turbine Gearbox Test Rig
-S. Vaneela ; C. Madan Mohan Rao; B. Konda Reddy
Energy associated with high speed wind in certain regions will be exploited to generate electrical power with the aid of wind turbines. Primary drawback of wind turbine is generation of electrical power with low speed and high torque. But this needs to be converted to high speed and low torque power. Gear system will be used in wind turbine to do so. If any functional problem arises with this gear system it needs to be rectified. As the gear system will be installed at elevated height in wind turbine its maintenance becomes tedious. Hence predictive maintenance is most preferred than general maintenance in case of gear system of wind turbine. For carrying out predictive maintenance user should have idea about useful life of gear system. So far no practical system is available which can evaluate the useful life of gear system. Hence this project is taken up to design a system which can evaluate the useful life of gear system of wind turbine. To begin with configuration having all subsystems will be identified. Then all the subsystems designed to arrive at their dimensions. All the dimensional models are transformed to solid model using CATIA V5. Structural analysis is carried out using ANSYS software in order to ascertain the design adequacy. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
451-457 |
122 |
Modification of Flexible Pavement using Polymers, Industrial Waste and Poly-Phosphoric Acid
-Mr. S. B. Patil ; Mr. V. N. Phalle; Mr. M. V. Valivade; Mr. S. Y. Mali; Mr. G. J. Patil
The recycling of solid industrial waste such as waste rubber tyres and plastics will not only solve the global environmental problem of these but also act as very promising modifiers for the improvement of engineering characteristics of the asphalt pavement materials. Bitumen finds great use in paving and roofing applications to enhance or extend its performance, it is often modified with a polymer, including poly-phosphoric acid (PPA). PPA is a reactive oligomer, a short chain polymer, whose reaction with bitumen is poorly understood. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
458-460 |
123 |
Finite Element Simulation of Cylinder using Composite Material - A Review
-Shivam Singh ; Dr. K. K. Jain
Various machines and machine members are running under different dynamic working conditions. The vibration produced under dynamic conditions affect many important design parameters such as strength, production costs, productivity. Under this title I studied, the comparative mode shape analysis of a hydraulic cylinder subjected to dynamic loads. Noise and vibration are major problem in many applications this problem becomes more significant in applications with higher operating speeds. Computer aided engineering (CAE) procedures are used to analyse the dynamic response of the cylinder. The finite element methods used in the analysis are applied by a computer aided design and analysis software ANSYS14.5. The goal of modal analysis is to determine the natural mode shapes and frequencies of the cylinder and comparatively analyze frequency of the cylinder made by different composite materials. Read More...
India |
461-464 |
124 |
Android Device Operated Hovercraft
-Ashish Pandey ; Abhishek Tripathi; Nitish Kumar
A hovercraft vehicle is a non-wheeled vehicle that can float over land as well as water easily with high performance fans and aerodynamic design. We propose here an advanced air cushion vehicle that uses high rpm engines that are connected to an avr family microcontroller to achieve desired functionality. The engine underneath the hovercraft rotates at a very high speed, which makes it possible to create a force sufficient to float it on the surface, thus reducing friction below the minimum. Then we use the motor propeller attached behind it to push the air cushion vehicle forward. Now we must also use a servo motor attached to the Hovercraft rudder, which helps the air cushion vehicle to move in desired directions by bending the air at the exact angles. The system cooperates to travel during the continuous management of servo and propeller motor to propel the air cushion vehicle as desired. Now, to control the air cushion vehicle, we use an Android application here. The Android application sends motion commands to the hovercraft circuit. The circuit consists of a Bluetooth receiver to receive and process these commands. The commands received by the receiver are now processed by the microcontroller and then operate all three motors according to the user's request. Read More...
India |
465-467 |
125 |
Performance and Analysis of Radiant Superheater in AFBC Boiler
-S. Suresh Babu ; M. S. Alfanebthalin; S. Aravind; N. Boopathi; S. Deepanraj
The bed superheater of no. 4 of TNPL is subjected to the various problems like erosion, clinker formation, space constraint and frequent replacement of tubes. We have come up with a solution to overcome these issues by designing radiant superheater which involves the replacement of entire bed superheater and shifting it to the radiant zone where we don’t have a constraint of space and core temperature can be achieved. This greatly reduces the problem of frequent replacement of tubes and the increases the availability of superheater tubes to a great extent. Read More...
India |
468-470 |
126 |
Generic Recommendation Engine using Spark
-Saif Iqbal Shaikh ; Kalpesh Sanjay Mali; Sharuk Ashpak Shaikh; Geetanjali P Mohole
Nowadays information is increasing day by day and there is a tremendous increase in information available over the Internet has created a challenge in searching of useful information, therefore intelligent approaches are needed to provide users to efficiently locate and retrieve information from the Web. In recent times recommender systems, recommend everything from movies, books, music, restaurant, news to jokes. Collaborative filtering algorithms are one of the most successful recommendation techniques which present information on items and products that are according to user’s interest. There are two methods in Collaborative filtering, user-based Collaborative filtering and item-based Collaborative filtering. Former ends a certain users interests by ending other users who have similar interests whereas item based Collaborative filtering looks into a set of items rated by all users and a computes how similar they are to the target item under recommendation. This paper aims to develop a model by splitting the costly computations in Collaborative filtering algorithms into three Map-Reduce phases. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
471-474 |
127 |
Multipurpose Adroit Reminder System
-Ganesh L. Attarde ; Vini J. Gajjar; Pratik S. Patil; Suneet S. Khare
It is quite normal to forget things from time to time and it is normal to become somewhat more forgetful as we age. But forgetting things might lead us in missing something important, either an event, a task, an important day or carrying an essential thing for our day out. These memory problems are normal and are termed as 'Transience' & 'Absentmindedness'. In this paper we propose an Artificial Intelligence and IoT based Reminder system that will not only remind us about anything but also will keep us updated with recent news. It will make us aware about missed calls and will help us follow our daily routine. We have developed and used a 'foot mat' for identifying individuals inside a building along with the current location. The Proposed system uses a 'Raspberry pi 3' as a central processor and controller. The central controller will be connected to the web server and smartphone apps through Internet and Wi-Fi. The users will be reminded and informed through speakers mounted in different areas in homes or in office. Each user inside a home will have a personal database for reminders and information which he/she can access and feed through mobile application and Website. The central system will identify location of the user through foot mat and will remind the user through the speaker mounted inside the home. Thus the proposed system uses Artificial intelligence for visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and maintaining reminders. IoT has made it globally accessible. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
475-478 |
128 |
Analysis on Super Lift Multilevel DC/AC Inverters using Photovoltaic Energy with AC Module Application
-M. Dhivya ; Johny Renoald
the solar photovoltaic has the advantage of direct conversion of sunlight to electricity and also suitable for most of the regions therefore it is highly preferred when compared to other renewable energy sources. So the PV energy is considered as the source for the voltage lift technique. Voltage lift technique is a popular method wildly used in electronic circuit design. It has been successfully employed in DC-DC converter application in recent years and opened a way to design high voltage converters. However the voltage increases stage by stage along arithmetic progression. When compared with MLI where the harmonic content deteriorate as the number of levels increases, the super-lift DC-AC converter can reduce the harmonics with reduced number of levels and reduced devices. In the proposed super-lift DC to AC inverter the output increases stage by stage along a geometric progression. Thus it effectively enhances the transfer gain in power series. Our main objective is to design super-lift inverter with fuzzy based controllers is proposed for super-lift converters to lift positive input voltage and output voltage for power quality Improvement. The simulation is conceded out by MATLAB/SIMULINK software. Read More...
India |
479-481 |
129 |
Design and Analysis of Pressure Vessel using ASME Codes
-Mukesh Sohanlal Kumavat ; Valmik Gahinath Garje; Basanagouda Patil
Pressure vessels are widely used for the storage of high pressure fluids in industries. This technical paper represents the design and analysis of pressure vessel which is a vertical container used as activated carbon absorber in helium gas purification system. Shell, head, flange, nozzle of pressure vessel is designed by using ASME section -8 division-1 and supporting legs and base plate design is completed using Pressure Vessel Design Manual by Dennis Moss, third edition. Efforts are made in this paper to design the pressure vessel using ASME codes & standards to legalize the design. The objective of present work is to design a pressure vessel whose sole purpose is to withstand the pressure of helium gas flowing through it. A detailed study of various parts of pressure vessel like shell, head, support, flange, nozzle, etc. is carried out and accordingly the vessel is designed. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
482-487 |
130 |
IoT Based Home Automation System using Marathi Language
-Prof. V. A. Kanade ; Saurabh Shinde; Jitendra Sonawane; Mukul Choudhary; Tushar Wagh
Internet of Things are collection of internet services. Application of IoT are increasing rapidly. Smart homes are those where household devices/home appliances could be monitored and controlled remotely. When these household devices in smart homes connect with the internet using proper network architecture and standard protocols, the whole system can be called as IoT based Smart Homes. Smart Homes ease the home automation task. Home automation system uses the portable devices as a user interface. They can communicate with home automation network through an Internet gateway, this paper aims at controlling home appliances via Smartphone acting as a client and raspberry pi as server system. When the user is at remote location, the user will control the home appliances like light, fan etc from the android app through web based network. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
488-490 |
131 |
Failure Analysis of Stater Gear Pinion and Remedial Solution using Bezier Curve
-Vetriselvan. V ; K. Dharanipathi; J. Kalaiselvan
Gear is one of the most critical components in mechanical power transmission system and most industrial rotating machinery. This project mainly focuses on the failure analysis of a starter gear pinion using ANSYS. The preliminary effort is done by collecting failed gear components and by reverse Engineering. All the gear parameter was taken using profile projector and gear tooth vernier caliper. With basic dimension redesign of the same gear and pinion is made using conventional procedure, with available basic dimension such as module, pitch circle diameter involute 2D profile is drawn and convert into 3D model using same software and stress analysis is done using ANSYS-17Version. With available data of stress the possibility of changing the profile is tested on existing involute tooth by changing form factor and center distance if not, profile is drawn using S-shaped transition curve using T-Bezier function. The same curve is modeled using Pro-E and then analyzed using ANSYS and check subsequently weather any reduction in stress was taken place. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
491-492 |
132 |
Use of Solid Waste Material in Construction
-S. B. Kore ; Sagar. N. Bodake; Lalit. S. Dhemare; Sagar. V. Balam
today accumulation of solid wastes has been hazard to our society. Every year thousands of tonnes of solid waste or garbage which we refuse in our day to day life goes on accumulating in the dump sites near the cities which eventually gives rise to water pollution, air pollution and soil pollution. The purpose of our project is to study the suitability of non-biodegradable solid waste (NBDSW) product as replacement of material used in manufacturing of concrete by conducting various tests on concrete block hence casted by use of such materials. Which in turn will help to provide an eco-friendly & economical construction material. Effect of replacement of coarse aggregate by plastic aggregates has been studied by using various proportions The results obtained so, indicated that replacement of plastic aggregate as coarse aggregate increases some of the properties of concrete mix. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
493-495 |
133 |
Color 3D Printer
-Shubham Mahendra Chandwadkar ; Shubham B. Bedarkar; Kirtishil J. Dhiwar; Prof. G. L. Attarde
3D printing is a technology that can perform complex object task directly from a digital model. Element folding of frequency selective array in 3 dimensional get important result in decrease in resonant frequency for additive manufacturing .In this method we used 2-color heads of current low end FDM (fused deposition modeling) 3D printer to give way continuous tone imaginary. The challenge is to produce a two-tone images how accurately include the two colors while attenuating the interchanging between print heads, making each color printed duration as long and to print continuous as possible to getaway mixing material connected with printing short parts. The work behind this technique is used geometric offsets quality can be different without the required to change color print heads inside a single layer. We can now effectively print (two-tone) surface mapped models capturing both geometric and color information in our output 3D prints Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
496-498 |
134 |
Step Detection, Calorie Calculation, Activity Classification using a Tri-Axial Accelerometer for Fitness Based Device
-Dr. G. Gopu ; Anas K. P; Antony Raj A; Rajasekar R
Due to the increased risk of human’s health conditions and developed technologies, which have altered the way of living of the people in many different ways leading to one of the well-known adverse effects-the obesity. Numerous methods and condition have played a vital role in the field of obesity related health care technology. To reduce the risk of obesity condition in humans, the way of encouraging the people’s mentality is the promising factor and healthy way. To develop a device that will help an obese patient and also normal person to reduce the fat and stay fit is the main aim of this project. A device that can calculate the calories burnt during our normal physical activities such as walking and running and also to classify what type of activity that can be shown up to the person with a android phone, that in turn acts as a motivational tool to stay in a fit and healthy manner. The accelerometer is a widely used sensor for movement related activities that can be used in many different methods for various application. Implementing an algorithm that can detect the steps along with the calorie calculation and the activity classification. Read More...
Biomedical Engineering |
India |
499-501 |
135 |
IOT Based Smart Garbage Alert System using Pic Microcontroller
-S. Srivarshini ; Dr. J. Gnanambigai; S. Vinushya; V. Susmitha; S. Sharvika
Generally we can see that they have a regular schedule of picking up these garbage bins or dustbins. It can be once in a day or twice in a day or in some cases once in two days. However we can see that in case there is some festival or some function, lots of garbage material is generated by people in that particular area. In such cases the garbage dustbin gets immediately full and then it overflows which creates many problems. We have observed that the municipal officer or the government authorized person will monitor the status of dustbin. This schedule varies as per the population of that place. So in situations, with help of our project the government authority person can get SMS immediately. A smart alert system for garbage clearance by giving an alert signal to the municipal web server for instant cleaning of dustbin with proper verification based on level of garbage filling The real time status of how waste collection is being done and monitored , followed up by the municipality authority with the aid of this system. Read More...
India |
502-503 |
136 |
Optical Coherence Tomography for Finding Macular Edema
-Ms. Madiha Iram Quazi ; Mrs. Pooja Thakre
The optical coherence tomography (OCT), a non-invasive and noncontact diagnostic method, was introduced in 1995 for imaging macular diseases. In diabetic macular edema (DME), OCT scans show hypo reflectivity, due to intraretinal and/or sub retinal fluid accumulation, related to inner and/or outer blood–retinal barrier breakdown. OCT tomograms may also reveal the presence of hard exudates, as hyper reflective spots with a shadow, in the outer retinal layers, among others. In conclusion, OCT is a particularly valuable diagnostic tool in DME, helpful both in the diagnosis and follow-up procedure. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
504-507 |
137 |
Overview on Industrial Robot, Scope and Application
-Kiran S. Bhokare ; Kiran S. Bhokare; Chandrakant Akhade; Swapnil S. Kulkarni
This treatise is intended to offer orientation to the reader to the mechanical aspects of the construction of the Robots in general while identifying the types of Robots in the context of the Industrial applications. Brief is offered over the utility of the robots with respect to the cell layout of the plant or the production lines on the shop floor. This orientation for the topic should offer a precursor for the reader over the potential use of Robots in the NextGen automation i.e. Industry 4.0.In conjunction with other supportive elements or sub-systems in the pool. The Robot selection process for the application as well as the simulation is also discussed. Major manufactures of Robots and the case studies in the industry are listed towards the concluding pages. Read More...
India |
508-515 |
138 |
Radar System for Medical Lab. Security
-Kunj S. Karia ; Chetan Trivedi; Vishal Whagela; Jaymit Trivedi
This project is targeted in developing a compact RADAR system. Which would be used for the security purposes at the medical labs where secrecy and high level of security is important. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
516-517 |
139 |
Lift Enhancement over an Aerofoil Surface by Circulation Control
-Hariramakrishnan ; Manjula. K; Marichamy. K; Dhineshkumar. A; Saran Raj. G
The lift generation in the wing is based on the many principles. One the main source is by circulation effect over the wing surface. This process is achieved by adopting two modifications over the wing surface. This process can be incorporated to the any wing surface of the aircraft. To ensure the lift generation, the aerofoil NACA 2711 base model has been analysis and design of modified aerofoil has been analysis through ANSYS. Two modified even can be compared with the base line aerofoil and stated which one is producing the better effect over the wing surface with different angle of attack and different altitude. For this process, the 2D unsymmetrical aerofoil to be selected and analysis should be made out of it. Read More...
Aeronautical Engineering |
India |
518-521 |
140 |
Graphical Password Authentication from Digital Image
-Anju Marium Abraham ; Anju Rachel Oommen; Smita C Thomas
Now a days user authentication is the main component of information security. The methods used in authentication process are alphanumeric password, graphical password. Graphical password is more securer than alphanumeric password. In this paper we presenting providing graphical password for website authentication. Normally here use username and password at login phase, after that graphical password is provided for more security for accessing websites. Here live image is used as password. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
522-524 |
141 |
Literature Survey on Big Data Pharmacovigilance
-Anju Marium Abraham ; Smita C Thomas; Linta John
Pharmacovigilance is the branch related to pharmacological science .it is known as drug safety , the collection, detection, assessment, monitoring and prevention of adverse effects with pharmaceutical products. The professional practice reaches far beyond serving community. Pharmacists have an important responsibility in monitoring the on-going safety of medicines as part of their professional practice. Pharmacist role varies from country to country on pharmacovigilance but the professional responsibility is the same regardless of jurisdiction. Pharmacists can create a trusted environment by counselling patients to reduce medication errors, improve safety and quality of care. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
525-527 |
142 |
Analysis and Design of Coaxial to Rectangular Waveguide Adapter for KU Band
-Krupa Prajapati ; Divyangna Gandhi
Rectangular waveguides are commonly used for high power radar application. A proper emphasis has given to minimise the insertion loss and to improve the return loss of the adapter. A model has been developed by using coaxial to rectangular waveguide (WR75) with frequency of Ku band at 13.75 to 14.50 GHz. with 50 Ohm impedance. High Frequency Structural Simulator (HFSS 16.1) software has been used to design the adapter. Read More...
Digital Communication Engineering |
India |
528-529 |
143 |
Design of Die for Making Flange of Engine Intercooling Pipe
-Viveki Shivanand Somling ; Kolage Pravin B. ; Kadus Pramod R. ; Viveki Shivanand S.; Wakchaure Santosh K.
Sheet metal forming is modern industries deal with complicated shapes and the forming process consists of several successive operations until the final shape is formed. The process sequence, die geometry, preform shape/blank, and process parameter at each stage are designed based on past experiences. Various components/parts used in Mechanical industry are manufactured by sheet metal. They can be produced by different cold pressing processes. This report presents a design of compound die by combining the blanking, piercing, operation. Compound die design is applied to dies in which two or more cutting operations, typically piercing, blanking are performed in the same single station and completed during the single press cycle. Read More...
India |
530-533 |
144 |
Intelligent Surveillance System
-Pranith Parshuram Bagade ; Prof. Akshay Loke; Prabhat Kundan Vaity; Omkar Shriram Chavan
intelligent surveillance System has acquired developing attention due to the increasing demand on protection and security. It is able to routinely examine image, video, or other form of surveillance information with or without limited human intervention. The recent traits in sensor devices, computer vision, and system studying have an vital function in allowing such intelligent machine. With the growing need of security, it becomes significant that intelligent video surveillance system be able to support security personnel in monitoring and tracking activities. The basic aim of the surveillance applications is to detect, track and classify targets. Face recognition technology provides the identity tracking challenge whereas restricting the topic to be in front of the camera, and intelligent video surveillance technologies give activity detection capabilities on video streams while ignoring the identity tracking challenge. This paper aim to provide preferred assessment of sensible surveillance system. This paper discusses face recognition, motion detection and generating alert when motion is detected. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
534-536 |
145 |
Wind Energy Generation from Moving Trains
-Samantha Ann Viswas ; Yadhukrishnan Anjath; F Vijay AmirthaRaj
this paper concentrates on the generation of electricity by using the method of rotation of wind turbine due to the wind induced by the movement of the train. A roof top turbine ventilator can be applicable for this scenario as they will not interrupt the overhead lines nor cause danger to birds. This paper consisting of a turbine ventilator and coupled to the Permanent Magnet Direct Current (PMDC) generator is mounted on the train with the required mechanical support. The electricity thus produced is used to supply the various loads in a train cabin. The remaining power is stored in batteries for future use. This will reduce the need of non-renewable and polluting sources of energy and the wastage of the wind stimulated by the movement of trains. Read More...
Renewable Energy |
India |
537-539 |
146 |
Load Transformer Inrush Current Mitigation Technique for Series Voltage Sag Compensator
-Anil Kumar Pathak ; Prof. Dr. A. K. Jhala; Prof. Manish Prajapati
Manufacturing companies are located in industrial park. Based on survey it is observed that 90% of interruption in industrial system is voltage sag related. An inrush current mitigation technique is proposed for sag compensator controller. The voltage sag compensator is based on three phase voltage source inverter and a coupling transformer for serial connection. In various companies voltage sag may affect many manufactures and may reduce the efficiency of the system which results sufficient losses in the power system. It is the most cost effective solution against voltage sags. When voltage sag happen, the transformers, which are often installed in front of critical loads for electrical isolation, are exposed to the disfigured voltages and a DC offset will occur in its flux linkage. A transformer inrush may occur at the start of sag compensator. This over current may damage the inrush protection of the series connected inverter and the transformer output voltage is greatly reduced due the magnetic saturation. When the compensator restores the load voltage, the flux linkage will be driven to the level of magnetic saturation and severe inrush current occurs. The compensator is likely to be interrupted because of its own over current protection. This paper proposes an inrush current mitigation technique together with a state-feedback controller for the Voltage sag compensator. Read More...
India |
540-542 |
147 |
Smart Materials a View towards Piezoelectric Materials
-Manish Vinayak Kude ; Jayashri Chopade
Smart materials are one among those unique materials, which can change its shape or size simply by adding a little bit of heat, or can change from a liquid to a solid almost instantly when near a magnet. Piezoelectric materials have the ability to provide desired transformation from mechanical to electrical energy and vice versa. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
543-545 |
148 |
Profile Matching in Social Networks for Implementation of Mobile Adhoc Networking App
-Prof. Aihtesham.N. Kazi ; Prof.Amar S. Ingle
Inter-social networks operations and functionalities are required in several scenarios (data presence while you are offline, no internet access from long time etc.). Even though user is in the out of coverage people nearby you can become your source of information. Much time you Google for specific purpose to get it, these things are only useful when you are online. In this paper we propose the local area searching solution to get the live responses from the mobile Adhoc network form within mobile devices. To achieve this, new build is required for implementations of such functionality in mobile device. We are trying to develop the application in android, based on profile matching techniques. In this work, we address the problem of matching user proï¬le’s by providing a suitable matching framework able to consider all the proï¬le’s attributes. Our framework allows users to give more importance to some attributes and assign each attribute a different similarity measure. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
546-548 |
149 |
The Study on Light Weight Bricks Obtained by Mixing of Portland Pozzolana Cement, Sand and Bagasse Ash
-Arvind Paswan ; Anupam Singh; Himanshu Singh; Chandan Kumar; Anil Pratap Singh
Bricks are mostly used construction material around the world. Generally bricks are produced from clay at high temperature. But in many are of world, mostly in developing country there is shortage of natural source material for production of the conventional bricks. For environmental protection and sustainable development, various researches have been conducted on production of bricks from waste material. This paper present utilization of waste materials. In this paper use of bagasse ash with cement, sand and bagasse ash is used. Five different mixers where prepared M1, M2, M3, M4, and M5.the composition of the mixer are shown in table 1.4.The size of bricks are 225×110×70 mm non modular size. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
549-552 |
150 |
Radio Frequency Based Remote Controlled Spy Robot
-R. Naveen ; Dr. S. Sundaram; A. S. Mohamed Abuthahir; P. V. S. S. Devendranath; S. Premkumar
The project aims in designing, which provides a system for controlling the camera direction intellectual using a wireless RF remote. The video images thus recorded can be seen live on TV. It is a very low cost survive line system used to monitor a larger area using number of cameras. The entire area can be completely automated such the direction of cameras can be controlled by a unique wireless remote. Since the frequency we are using is of radio band so that it can be also controlled from a very larger distances. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
553-554 |