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151 |
Modified Flexible Pavement Design by using Foamed Polystyrene Waste
-Dr. K. Sreenivasa Reddy ; Sk Amreen; S Mounika; M Parvage; B Padmakar Reddy
The plastic material disposal has been rapidly increasing day by day. In the same way, the traffic density is also increasing. Due to this load bearing capacity on road is also increasing which leads to damage of pavement and also reduction of the life span of pavement. To overcome this damage, waste plastic material has been used as a replacement in flexible pavements. Waste plastics are mainly made up of compounds like Polyethylene, Polystyrene and Polypropylene. Plastic heated at temperatures between 120ËšC-160ËšC gives the softening point. They do not produce any toxic gases at this temperature but, these plastics have the tendency to form a layer over aggregate when it is heated at 160ËšC and can be further used for road construction. The aggregate coated plastics have higher strength when compared to normal aggregate. The use of this technology will not only strengthen the road construction but also increases the road life as well as help to improve the environment. The main significance of this paper is to discuss the plastic flexible pavement in terms of cost reduction, increase in strength and durability. The plastics are heated and coated upon the aggregates (160ËšC) to compensate the air voids with plastic and gets binded with aggregate to provide stability. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
555-557 |
152 |
Noise Pollution and its Adverse Effect- A Critical Review
-Rohit Patel ; Dr. Govind Pandey
In today’s era noise pollution is not a new problem for common man, especially in most of the industrial towns and metropolitans cities. Noise pollution means any sound that is undesired by the recipient. Noise pollution arising from indoor or outdoor sources is a potential threat to human health. It is more severe and widespread than ever before, and it will continue to increase in magnitude and severity because of population growth, urbanization, and the associated growth in the use of increasingly powerful, varied, and highly mobile sources of" noise. It will also continue to grow because of sustained growth in highway, rail, and air traffic, which remain major sources of environmental noise. The potential health effects of noise pollution are numerous, pervasive, persistent, and medically and socially significant. Noise produces direct and cumulative adverse effects that impair health and that degrade residential, social, working, and learning environments with corresponding real (economic) and intangible (well-being) losses. Prolonged exposure to high sound levels produce loss of hearing, tinnitus, sleep disturbances, tachycardia, hypertension, coronary artery diseases, annoyance, stress related symptoms and decreased work performance. Our understanding of molecular mechanisms involved in noise-induced hair cell and nerve damage has substantially increased, and preventive and therapeutic drugs will probably become available within 10 years. Further research is needed examining coping strategies and the possible health consequences of adaptation to noise. Read More...
Environment Engineering |
India |
558-563 |
153 |
Comparative Study of Hybrid Transform Based Digital Watermarking Technique
-Padia Rajshree N. ; Dr. Nidhi H. Divecha
in order to conceal certain specific information, a digital watermark is added in a signal. It is typically used to identify ownership or copyright of any signal. There are widely two domains in which digital watermarking is divided: spatial domain and transform domain. Few disadvantages of the spatial domain are that it alters the host image and cannot tolerate lossy compression. Hence transform domain digital watermarking is more popular. There are several method in transform domain like: Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), Discrete wavelet Transform (DWT) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). In order to improve the robustness of digital watermarking, a novel method of DWT-SVD was introduced. This method helps in utilizing the advantages of both methods together. The results show that performance of DWT-SVD is better than performance of DWT and SVD alone. The method along with algorithm and results is discussed in the paper. Future work can be directed in order to reduce the computational complexity of this method. Read More...
Image processing |
India |
564-567 |
154 |
Experimental Investigation and Analysis on Timber Beam Strengthened by using Cold-Formed Steel and CFRP Bars
-M. Dilipan ; S. Karthick
Timber has been widely used all over the world as a structural material. The defects such as ageing, biological attack, swelling and shrinkage could significantly reduce the mechanical properties of timber, thus significantly affecting the performance of timber structures. This project presents an investigation aimed to understand the various types of strengthened timber beam. The timber beam was strengthened by different proportions it is that cold-formed channel section and CFRP bars under tension zone were considered under two-point flexural tests. The Abaqus software was used, and different material models were evaluated with respect to their ability to describe the behaviour of the composite timber beams. Then the failure, displacement, bending capacity, and structural efficiency are evaluated. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
568-571 |
155 |
Experimental and Analytical Investigation of Bolted Angle Joints for Cold - Formed Steel Double Channel Sections
-RM Hariharan ; T. Sakthi Subramaninan
Cold formed steel in light steel framing design can serve as alternative for industrialized building system , by extending steel work construction into residential housing. There is a lack in depth of study on the joints behavior of cold formed steel structures by assuming that beam-to-column joints are either pinned or rigid. These assumptions allow a great simplification in structural analysis and design, but unfortunately the true behavior of the joints being neglected.. In steel structures, moment resisting steel frames are highly regarded for their seismic performance. This regard is based on their ductility and inelastic performance, since inelastic deformation is used to dissipate energy during major earthquakes. This dissipation of energy is predominantly required in the connections like beam column joints. This is carried out with the influence of stiffener. Such a study of the inelastic behavior of steel connections would help in an economical and simpler design of connections in steel frames. This project develops a three dimensional finite element model using ANSYS and the results are compared with the experimental results. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
572-575 |
156 |
Strength Assessment of Hollow Concrete Block using Grog and Quarry Dust as a Replacement of Sand
-Vivek Khatri ; Prof. Poonam I. Modi
the sand mining from river beds creates environmental problem. The fine aggregate is one of the important constitute of concrete. It is required to find out the alternative of fine aggregate. The possibility of use of refractory waste and stone quarry dust as a suitable replacement of fine aggregate in concrete blocks is explored in this study. This study is very helpful to predict the compressive strength and other property of concrete block, which is made using Grog and Quarry dust, as a partial replacement of fine aggregate. Large volumes of Grog and Quarry dust are generated in refractory and quarries. Due to lack of waste disposal management, these wastes are disposed on the open lands. In this study the following tests will be done on concrete block: (1) Compressive strength (2) Water absorption (3) Test for block density. Read More...
India |
576-578 |
157 |
Parametric Study of Raft Foundation for Multi-Storey Building with Different Structural System and for Varying Sub-Soil Condition
-Rajat B. Patel ; Prof. P. G. Patel
Sub structure is an important part of any multi-storey building as it gives stability to the super-structure. Foundation is designed as per the reactions coming from the super structure. Therefore, as the structural system changes, base reactions are changed and it affects the foundation design. The varying sub-soil conditions also affect the foundation. In this study, analysis and design of raft foundation is done in SAFE 2012 for multi-storey (G+10, G+15 and G+20) buildings with different structural systems and for different sub-soil conditions and comparison has been made. Here, three types of structural systems - simple frame, frame with shear wall and frame with bracing and three types of sub-soils - soft (k = 15000 kN/m3, N<10), medium (k = 40000 kN/m3, 1030) have been taken. By the comparative study, we have concluded that for the frame with shear wall, the cost of foundation is maximum than other two systems. For frame with bracing, the cost is more than that of simple frame. Also, the cost of foundation increases as soil changes from hard to soft. For soft soil, the soil pressure is exceeding the limiting value so in that case, raft foundation is not possible. Read More...
India |
579-582 |
158 |
Analysis and Recognition of Rice Granules using Image Processing and Neural Network
-Krunali Manekar ; Pratibha Nikhade; Hemlata More; Prof. S. T. Khot
in foodstuff trade, grading of food resources is essential because samples of foodstuffs are subjected to adulteration. In the earlier, granules were categorized through sieves or other mechanical way for grading purposes. Investigation is made on basmati rice by image processing and Neural Network which is implemented based on the features extracted from rice granule. Digital imaging is acknowledged as a proficient system, to haul out the features from rice granules in a non-contact mode. Images are acquired for rice using Webcam. Image Pre-processing techniques, Ostu's Thresholding, Canny edge detection, Feature extraction are performed on the acquired image using image processing method through MATLAB. The morphological features extracted from the acquired image are given to Neural Network Pattern Recognition Tool. By using the vibration technique segregation of graded rice is done. This effort has been taken to categorize the appropriate quality of specified rice sample based on its parameters. The performance of image processing reduces the time of action and enhanced the crop identification significantly. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
583-586 |
159 |
Study and Design of VoIP using G.729 Algorithm
-Abhijit Maidamwar ; Dr. Vivek Kapur
The algorithm described below is the 8 kb/s speech coding algorithm. The algorithm is based on a CS-ACELP (Conjugate-Structure Algebraic Code Excited Linear Prediction) coding technique. Short term synthesis filter is based on a 10th order Linear Prediction filter for every 10ms frame. This coder is designed to operate with a digital signal obtained by first performing telephone bandwidth filtering of the analogue input signal, then sampling it at 8000 Hz, followed by conversion to 16-bit linear PCM for the input to the encoder. The output of the decoder should be converted back to an analogue signal by similar means. The idea of the algorithm is to predict the next coming signals by means of linear prediction. It also uses statistical data to distinguish the resemblance of the signal to special signals in its codebook. It uses the fixed codebook and adaptive codebook. Long-term pitch synthesis filter is implemented using the adaptive-code book. The codec delivers quality of speech equivalent to that of 32 kb/s ADPCM (Adaptive Delta Pulse Code Modulation) for most operating conditions. This algorithm gives the reduced bit rates at the cost of lower quality. The coder structure will be discussed in detail and also the reasons behind certain design choices. Read More...
Communication Systems |
India |
587-590 |
160 |
A Compressive Strength of Concrete Block using Different Percentage of Rice Husk Ash in Concrete
-Pawan Kumar ; Ragini Rao; Abhay Rai
In the present investigation, a feasibility study is made to use Rice Husk Ash as an admixture to an already replaced Cement with fly ash (Portland Pozzolana Cement) in Concrete, and an attempt has been made to investigate the strength parameters of concrete (Compressive and Flexural). For control concrete, IS method of mix design is adopted and considering this a basis, mix design for replacement method has been made. Five different replacement levels namely 5%, 7.5%, 10%, 12.5% and 15% are chosen for the study concern to replacement method. Large range of curing periods starting from 3days, 7days. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
591-595 |
161 |
Driver Drowsiness Detection
-Keyur Jolapara ; Omkar Chavan; Taha Barodawala; Ketan Jogi
this paper describes an eye tracking system for drowsiness detection of a driver. It is based on an IR sensor. By placing an IR sensor on the goggles, we can monitor the face of the driver and look for the eye-movements which indicate that the driver is no longer in condition to driver is no longer in condition to drive. In such a case, a warning signal should be issued. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
596-598 |
162 |
Women Safety app-women@pace
-Shivani Patole ; Shruti Khanolkar; Prof.V.E.Pawar
As a result of increase in the number of women falling prey to assault and harassment, the security factor of women is facing a hike in terms of concern of her safety; whether it be her being lonely on a street with few strangers or getting late to return home late night. Many more of such situations put her in a state which makes her feel if there could be a way to stay in touch of her close one’s whenever she feels unsafe or at the time she senses the mark of something threatening they may occur. One of the way to reduce the chances of being a victim to such violent crimes is to identify and call on resources to help you out of the threatening situations. According to statistics, the use of smartphone devices has been growing exponentially since the last decade. Our research is an attempt to converge technology, hardware and software and develop an application “Women safety app-Women@pace†that would bring these resources to your fingertips. The proposed project can pass exact location of the woman to a pre-decided list of contacts and a nearby police station with the help of GPS; after every decided unit of time. The app would open as soon as you unlock your phone and would have a simple interface to avoid complexity. There would be a provision to take and send snapshots of the situation automatically to a predefined email-id. It will also poses a messaging facility. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
599-600 |
163 |
A New Approach for CBIR based on Color Coding-MTSD with Pattern Recognition Neural Network
-Nisha Rajput ; Bhupendra Verma
Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) is the method which uses visual data to find the images from a huge database on the foundation of user’s input in conditions of query image and usually some effective features for color string, HSV histogram, edge orientation and intensity map are extracted. This study proposes an picture characteristic illustration manner centered on Color Coding-Multi-Trend Structure Descriptor (CMTSD) and Pattern Recognition Neural Network (PRNN). We overview the outcome on Corel dataset which includes a thousand and 5000 pictures. And the experimental results based on precision, accuracy and feature extraction (FE) time. The proposed algorithm is in similarity with MTSD procedure and it is better than MTSD approach. The distance between two matrixes is calculated using different similarity measures, namely, L1, Euclidean distance (ED), ChebyChev, Hamming and Jaccard distance. Neural network (NN) is used for categorization of query picture as per training database. At first NN is trained about the image features in the database. The training is done by using pattern network algorithm. This trained database is used for classification of the query image. According to retrieved image class further CMTSD based CBIR is used for retrieving similar images. Read More...
Image processing |
India |
601-606 |
164 |
Transmission of Medical Images Secured using CombiningCryptography and Digital Watermarking
-Shweta Santosh Potle ; Pragati Tanaji Madage; Tanuja Mahadev Thakur; Ranjit R. Mane
Telemedicine has increased the number of ways in which healthcare can be distribute across places and countries instead of requiring the contributor and the receiver to be presenting the same place. One resolution of telemedicine is the switch of health images between remotely located healthcare entities. However, a major problem telemedicine faces are provided that confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity to transmitted medical images. This healthcare system a combine algorithm encryption and digital watermarking technique in organize to deliver the required authenticity and integrity services. A watermark and the patient's medical data are secure in the envelop image before being transmit under exposed unlimited network. On the receiver end, the watermarked image is handle by the removal process in sort to remove the cryptographic watermarks and the fixed medical data. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
607-610 |
165 |
A New Approach For Image Watermarking using 3LWT-Walsh Transform-SVD in YCbCr Color Space
-Varsha Purohit ; Bhupendra Verma
Digital image watermarking (DIW) is one of the ways that is resilient to various attacks on the image based digital media where data authentication is done with the aid of embedding a watermark in picture traits. This work incorporates a new approach for DIW using 3level lifting wavelet transform (3LWT)-Walsh Hadamard transform (WHT)-Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) in YCbCr color gap. Extensive experiments exhibit that the proposed watermarking algorithm has a good imperceptibility and high robustness to quite a lot of long-established image processing attacks, similar to motion blurring, and usual attack. To evaluate the effectivity of the algorithm and the fine of the extracted watermark image (WI), we used commonly recognized photo pleasant operate measurements, comparable to Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), executing time for embedding and root mean square error (RMSE). Effect point out the acceptable invisibility of the removed WI (PSNR = 64.4765 dB), as good as quality watermark extraction (PSNR = 23.4101). Read More...
Image processing |
India |
611-615 |
166 |
Analyzing Student Behavior of Engineering Institute using Correlation Mining
-Prof. S. M. Patil ; Avadhoot Shahasane; Rashmi Ichake; Mustafa Hathi
Education institutes like colleges are the nursery for future minds of a nation. Knowledge represents the intangible assets of the organization. Quest for increased performance and reliability has made it imperative to develop techniques for better utilization of resources and make better informed decisions. There is a huge intake of students every year in institutes but the throughput is not satisfactory. The need for planning better strategies and adapting according to student behavior to increase productivity is increasing by the hour. Analyzing behavior patterns and providing relevant information turns out to be a challenge in this scenario. A lot of research work has been done to extract behavior patterns and institutes and governments have tried to come up with best possible strategies to exemplify the quality of educational system which has been successfully implemented. Our approach describes a work done in the education sector to understand various dimensions of behavior of college students. The major purpose of the study will be to examine the information seeking behavior of students in the Engineering Institute. Specifically, the study will make an effort to determine the association between students’ academics and behavior and the general evaluation of students’ behavior so that it will benefit the institution pattern of information gathering system by the students. Majority of the college management faces common set of problems which they would like to address. Educators have long understood that behavior difficulties can keep students from functioning productively in class, the relationship between behavior and learning must not only be considered but acted upon. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
616-619 |
167 |
Student Profile Management System using QR Code
-Madhuri Dattatraya Maid ; Bansode Mugdha P.; Prof. SalveVeenaya P.; Dhole Vivek R.; Dhokane Dhiraj V.
QR codes have recently been expanding throughout the world targeting all aspects of marketing. With this, the use of the QR Code spread globally. This quick response code is a simply 2D barcode as it is evolved from barcode. The sole purpose of the QR code is to direct the user to a particular link. Since the use of mobile phones has increased and also they come at much affordable prices which facilitates the use of mobile phones among variety of user including student population. In this paper, we are proposing a new and improved way of managing educational system by using QR code. We are suggesting a system where the student profile is managed by the administrators. Basically, a student profile is communication or any other purpose. In consideration of that, the QR code started making its way in the field of education. The QR codes are very easy to scan as they can be captured from any angle. For scanning a QR code, a QR code scanner is required or they can be easily scanned by any mobile device containing a QR code scanning application. Nowadays, inbuilt QR code scanning applications are by various mobile companies. SO it is not always necessary to go to the play store and download the QR code scanner. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
620-624 |
168 |
Design a Compact ACS-Fed Triple Band Antenna with T and L-Shaped Slots for Wireless Communications
-Shubhi Shukla ; G. S. Tripathi; Pooja Lohia
A compact asymmetric coplanar strip feed triple band antenna is presented. This antenna is resonates at three frequencies 2.4 Ghz, 3.5 Ghz and 5.5 Ghz. These frequencies are used in wireless communications such as WLAN, WiMAX and Bluetooth applications. The antenna is fabricated on FR4 epoxy material with overall dimensions are 20mm×25mm. The patch consists various slots to compact the size of antenna. The antenna has simple structure, easy feeding techniques which makes antenna easily integrated on chip. The design of antenna and simulated results are discussed in this paper. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
625-627 |
169 |
Assessment of Ground Water Pollution in BIT Campus and its Adjoining Areas
-Manish Pandey ; Bimlesh Kumar Dubey; Diwakar Upadhaya; Arman Husain; Sumant Verma
this study was carried out in BIT Campus and closed populated villages of BIT Campus to assess the some groundwater quality parameters of selected India Mark-II and shallow depth hand pumps. A total number of 7 samples collected such as S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6 and S7 and were tested for pH, total hardness, alkalinity, acidity, chloride, Total Dissolved Solids and fluoride and the results are compared with IS 10500:2012. The study was carried out during September 2016 and October 2016 and all collected samples subjected to test for Physical and chemical analysis. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
628-630 |
170 |
A Review on Production of Biodiesel by Transesterification using Heterogeneous Nanocatalyst
-Pavan Kumar Pathak ; Janmit Raj; Gaurav Saxena; Dr. Uma Shankar Sharma
In the 21st century, major research emphasis is given for the development of alternative energy sources to replace the conventional non-renewable traditional petroleum diesel. Biodiesel, as an alternative fuel, has many merits that make it preferable to the conventional petro-diesel. Biodiesel has been chosen as one of the alternative fuels because of its characteristics such as it is renewable, biodegradable, non-toxic and environment-friendly fuel. Biodiesel produces lower emission, possesses high flash point, better lubrication, and high cetane number and has very close physical and chemical characteristics to those of conventional diesel fuel allowing its use either on its own (pure biodiesel, B100) or mixed with petroleum based diesel fuel (B5-B30) with very few modification. The synthesis of biodiesel is done using transesterification process. In transesterification reaction, the catalyst plays a vital role in the biodiesel production by converting the fatty acid to respective fatty acid methyl ester. This paper discusses the feasibility on the use of heterogenous nanocatalyst for the synthesis of biodiesel describing some studies done by the past researcher on this theme .The present review summarize the work carried out for biodiesel production using various heterogeneous nano-catalyst. The present article will be useful for researcher and scholars working in the field of application of new catalyst in the field of biodiesel production. Read More...
India |
631-636 |
171 |
Design and Fabrication of Compact Air Cooler
-R. Rathish ; S. Rajavel; Aswanth. O. K; Akshay. P
the need for conservation of energy and reducing harmful emissions has become an important issue in the developing world. Air conditioners or AC begins a new technological revolution few years back. It becomes a vital part in buildings and houses. This work is an extension to the design of currently used air coolers. The compact air cooler uses less electricity and prevents harmful emissions by using normal cold water and wooden strips. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
637-639 |
172 |
Performance Characterization of the Free Space Optical Communication System using Laser at Different Wavelength
-Bandana Mallick ; Preety Rani; Shweta Kumari
FSO is a communication process that uses light containing information to travel in free space to exchange data between two or more points. Use of Multiple TX/RX in the FSO system increases the performance of FSO system under different atmospheric disturbances. This paper analyzed the performance of TX/RX FSO system using Q factor, Bit Error Rate (BER) etc. The Free Space Optical link is designed and simulated using OptiSystem. Free space optical (FSO) communication has emerged as a viable technology for broadband wireless applications which offers the potential of high bandwidth capacity over unlicensed optical wavelengths. This research considering the first step to create a scientific base for optical and electro-optical designs operating in communication field. In this research paper FSO link is optimized for operation under different wavelength and simulated on different parameters like Q-factor, eye diagram. Simulation results provide proposed FSO link for a long range communication link more than 1000 meter with increased data rate of up to Gbps. Also the performance of proposed link can be improved for sustainability of communication channel in normal and critical weather condition, which can be evaluated on the basis of parameters like Q factor, BER , eye diagram and eye height. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
640-643 |
173 |
Performance of Diesel Engine With Blend and Preheated Jatropha, Thumba and Undi using Waste Heat of Exhaust
-Nikhil Dhere ; Akshay Patil; Akshay Chavan; Rohit Bendgude; Sanjay Pawar
internal combustion engines especially of the compression ignition (CI)-type play a major role in transportation, industrial power generation and in the agricultural area. There is a need to search and find ways of using alternative more fuels, which are preferably renewable and also emit low levels of gaseous and particulate pollutants in internal combustion engines, low emission of waste gases the rapidly depleting conventional petroleum resources have promoted research for alternative fuels for internal combustion engines. The present objective of this project is to check various performance and emission parameters of a diesel engine, that whether Jatropha, Thumba and Undi oils can be a possible replacement to current diesel crises. The performance and emission evaluation was conducted on a diesel engine using blends of Jatropha, Thumba, Undi biodiesels and neat preheated Jatropha, Thumba and Undi biodiesels and the taken exhaust gas emissions of NOx, CO, CO2, and HC were analyzed under different load. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
644-647 |
174 |
Travel Demand Modeling Techniques
-Akshar K Patel ; Brijen Prajapati; Kanojia Nilay; Shweta J Chauhan
Transportation plays important role in the economy of any country. The GDP rate of any country is increases due to efficient road network. The urban transportation planning process depends on four stage travel demand forecasting models. The four steps are Trip Generation, Trip distribution, Modal split analysis and route assignment. This four step travel models are considered as four stage modeling method. Arising with the day, a person starts its first trip from walking. Then a number of trips are generated by a person during whole day. The aspect of this paper is to introduce basic four stage travel demand process which is very useful for urban planners. The basic literature related to each stage is discussed in very brief in this paper. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
648-649 |
175 |
Web Proxy based Detection and Protection Mechanisms against Client Based HTTP Attacks
-Prof M. S. Pokale ; Pratik Wakpate; Bhushan Khairnar
a server side protection from client based HTTP attacks on multilevel proxy. HTTP attacks are continuously sent the threat to the network applications. Attackers create a huge the whole sum of traffic and forces it to the network. This induces significant injury to the victim server. In a computer network client sent an HTTP request to the server for asking application resources through a proxy server. The proxy has protected and monitoring the applications against such HTTP attacks. But the client can access the server through different web proxies to getting application resource. For the reason that considering a proxy to server traffic, proxy have the client information and server knows only the information of proxy. An existing system, finding of attacks is based only the proxy server and client system behavior rather than the actual client user. In such cases, an innocent web proxy or a whole client system may block. So this case may affect the many innocent users on the client system. To avoid this problem, a user based approach is used for finding locality behaviors of the user's system with enhanced http protocol. Proposed a threshold based algorithm (TBAD) with encryption, decryption algorithms for revamp the suspicious request to normal request. This method can protect the quality of service to the legitimate users of client system. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
650-653 |
176 |
Smart City Development
-Jayashree Suresh Patil ; Vaijayanti Ramesh Sarfare; Ankita Mahadev Sanam; Sandeep Mishra
This paper illustrates the two aspect of smart city. 1. Street light glowing system on vehicle detecting movement. 2. Smart Railway platform. Controlling of streetlight is of utmost importance in our country to reduce the consumption of power. This paper presents a street light control system which combines various technologies: Light Emitting Diodes (LED), a timer, a graph of traffic flow magnitude, photodiodes, IR sensors and power transistors. IR Sensors used on either sides of the road send logic commands for the LEDs at the output to get glowing for a patch ahead. Thus changing the intensity off to on helps to save lot of energy which was wasted by existing system. The Smart Railway Platform concept illustrate, the system is used to save human beings from train accident on platform. The main concept of this, is we generating a vibration to indicate a danger situation to the person who is on the edge of the platform. When train is coming towards the platform that, if man is there on the edge the system will give indication to that person by generating vibration. As the system will need power to work there will be more power utilization. For this implementation of an energy generation unit. Where we use concept of piezoelectric effect of power generation by sensing the pressure movement. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
654-657 |
177 |
A Novel Approach for Blind Person: Blind Eye
-Manan Meghani ; Divya Dave; Ms. Rujata Chaudhari
In these times of globalization, acceptance of technology is quite difficult for people with physical disabilities compared to people with normal abilities. The advancement in mobile based accessible applications has opened up several different avenues for the visually challenged across the globe. Texting, calling, reminder and navigation is important function of any Mobile phone and we know by looking at the facts that usage of a devices like mobile phone has risen all over the world and as a result of this there has been a great level of development and innovation in the field of mobile phone technology. In this paper we evaluate the issues of blind users while using smart phone and for the Differently-able set of humans who may have difficulty in using mobile phone for day to day activities like messaging. This paper will describes the idea called as Blind Eye basically will be an artificial intelligence based human interaction application that assists the visually impaired people in using their basic cell phone functionalities like making a call, sending a text message and assists the blind person to go from one place to another by a two way interaction method using speech as the source of input. Blind Eye will act like a personal assistance for the blind using simple techniques like speech-to-text, and text-to-speech. Also there is a lot of future scope to this system like including responses in different regional languages, and many more features can be added later on. Blind Eye will be supported on smart phone devices specifically android based operating system. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
658-661 |
178 |
Force Measurement of an Automotive Axle using Strain Gauges
-Ganesh Tanaji Redde ; Mrs. J. V. Chopade
A Strain gauge sensor system has been designed for the measurement of forces on the Axle. The strain gauge system is based on resistive strain gauges placed strategically at different locations of the axle. Dynamic force measurements on an automotive are implemented for assessing the vibration comfort of the driver and for the measuring the load distribution at the vehicle components. Strain guage sensors are implemented for static and dynamic load measurements. This is investigated for a strain gauge based axle shaft force sensor. Manipulation of automotive components and assembly of micro systems require force measurement. With the help of Gold nanoparticles for high sensitive strain gauges, it increases the sensitivity at any kind of load variation. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
662-665 |
179 |
Performance and Emission Testing on IC Engine using Cotton Seed Oil Biodiesel
-Abhijeet Rajendra Shingane ; Abhishek Solvande; Bhavesh Gamre; Nikhil Mahadik; Swapnil Mane
Cotton seed oil, in its pure form persists some problematic properties which make it impossible to be used as a fuel in the conventional IC engines. Thus, after extraction of the oil, it is Trans-esterified to extract the fatty acids and other unwanted components from the oil. After Trans-esterification, the oil is ready in the form of Bio diesel to be used in the Engine. This Bio diesel, in specific blend with the Conventional diesel, to be tested in the Convention Diesel IC Engine. The testing includes engine performance evaluation and emission testing from zero to full load conditions, step by step. Along with the testing, deep study of the manufacturing process, costing for production of Bio diesel and commercial analysis of usage of biodiesel with respect to its effects on engine performance, specific fuel consumption and emission analysis. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
666-669 |
180 |
A Review Paper Based on Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer Phenomena in Triple Tube Heat Exchanger with Dimple on Internal Tube and Internal Threaded Middle Tube and its Validation using CFD Analysis
-Sagar Subhash Pujari ; Mr. C. G. Harge
Many heat transfer enhanced techniques have simultaneously been developed for the improvement of energy consumption, material saving, size reduction and pumping power reduction. Triple tube heat exchanger are a typical technique that offers a higher heat transfer increase and at the same time, only a mild pressure drop penalty. This study will investigates the heat transfer characteristics of a horizontal triple tube heat exchanger having internal threaded pipe in the middle & dimples on inner tube. This research work will lead to findings on the effect of triple tube on heat transfer. It is expected from this research work that the applications of CFD and experimental results are nearly equal to same in triple tube heatex changer by providing turbulence in inner tube and spiral movement of fluid in the intermediate tube of the triple heatex changer. Read More...
Heat Power Engineering |
India |
670-671 |
181 |
Prediction of Diseases using Data Mining
-Shubham Vijay Hadkar ; Vishakha Pisat; Komal Jadhav; Shital Patil
Data mining plays a role for uncovering new trends in healthcare organization which helpful for all the patient associated with this field. The healthcare environment is still information rich but knowledge poor. In this system the patient searches for the disease according to the symptoms entered by the user. After this it will predict the disease from the database of the system and will suggest a particular disease from the system if available or else no data found. Doctors can also view disease and patient. In this system admin has the major role. The whole system is handle by admin like add no of doctors, add no of diseases according to their symptoms. Admin can view the feedback send by the patient/user. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
672-674 |
182 |
Particle Filter Based Human Tracking
-Ankur Dalvi ; Prashant Kadam; Tejas Satam; Omkar Koli
This paper focusses on tracking of a certain human captured in a particular video. The algorithm used here have the capability of performing tracking operation. Then the tracked person is observed on a respective display. The human motion tracking system consists of various parts which are explained further. This system demonstrates the feasibility of an end to end person tracking system where initially it start background subtraction, then detection of the interested human and tracking of that human form one frame to another continuously. For detection of the interested human PCA algorithm is used. Particle filtering is introduced into tracking the people. Our system have demonstrated that as compared with other methods it reduces detection time comparatively and improves human detection and tracking accuracy. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
675-677 |
183 |
Detection and Analysis of Exudates in Diabetic Retinopathy using SVM Classifier
-Mane Rutuja Rajendra ; More Nayan U.; Mali Akshata M.; Prof. A. G. Patil.
Diabetic Retinopathy is a major cause of blindness worldwide. It occurs when small blood vessels gets damaged in the retina due to high glucose level. As it progresses the vision of the patient starts deteriorating, leading to diabetic retinopathy. Early diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy can prevent vision loss in patients with long term diabetes. Exudates is the major symptom of diabetic retinopathy. It is the first clinically observable symptom indicating diabetic retinopathy. Detecting retinal diseases in early stage helps the ophthalmologists to apply proper treatments which in turn eliminates the disease or decreases the severity level of the disease. In this proposed method automatic detection of diabetic retinopathy is done by detecting the exudates in the retinal images. Here SVM classifier is used to detect the severity level of the disease, which provides the conclusion about whether the patient is moderately affected or severely affected. Read More...
Biomedical Engineering |
India |
678-680 |
184 |
Design of a Dual-Band Bandpass Filter using Stepped Impedance Stub Resonator
-Indresh Kumar ; Rajan Mishra
A stub resonator of stepped impedance is used to design a dual-band bandpass filter (BPF). The proposed SISR has merits that even-mode resonant frequencies are controllable, and the odd-mode resonant frequencies are fixed. A dual-band bandpass filter (BPF) has been implemented using the proposed SISR. The performance of dual-band bandpass filter has been improved by tuning its geometric parameters. A suitable feeding structure has been introduced to improve selectivity. A dual-band bandpass filter centred at 1.80 and 2.56 GHz has been designed and simulated. The design has been simulated on HFSS. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
681-682 |
185 |
DC Motor Speed Control using PID Algorithm
-Mayank Sharma
The DC motor has been popular in the industry control area for a long time, because they have many good characteristics, for example: high start torque characteristics, high response performance and easier to be linear control. DC motor has good speed control response, wide speed control range. And it is widely used in speed control systems which need high control requirements, such as rolling mill, double-hulled tanker, high precision digital tools, etc. There is difficulty when using the traditional or conventional method because those methods cannot deal with any application that using complex mathematical model. However, a working knowledge of PID does not require the operator to be familiar with advanced mathematical developments. Read More...
India |
683-686 |
186 |
Analysis of Different Process Parameter on Material Removal Rate for Iron workpiece Matrerial by Electrochemical Machining Process
-Sunny Kumar ; Rajesh Mahto; Aditya Swaroop
Electrochemical machining (ECM) is a non-contact, electrochemical dissolution process that is used to shape the anode metal, namely the workpiece, the cathode, namely the tool, is normally moved toward the anode at constant feed rate, and the electrolyte flows at high speed through the gap to carry away the dissolved metal. This paper reports a detail theoretical and experimental analysis of the material removal rate (MRR) and current efficiency for iron workpiece material. The material removal rate and current efficiency for iron workpiece material under fixed machining gap, varying electrode temperature, tool feed rate, and applied voltage. Read More...
Advanced manufacturing systems |
India |
687-691 |
187 |
Damping in Low Frequency Oscillations by using PSS and TCSC in WSCC9 Bus System using MATLAB Software
-Viren Suryavanshi B. ; Bipin R. Nanecha
Power systems are interconnected through the long distance tie lines. Transmission line is used to transfer or exchange a large amount of electric power. Due to restriction on building new line, transmission lines of power systems are becoming increasingly stressed. Due to stressed system, power system losing its stability. So for maintaining power system reliability, Security and good performance the rotor angle stability improvement is essential. The paper entitled simulating a model of a complete WSCC9 bus system with PSS (Power System Stabilizer) and TCSC (Thyristor control series capacitor). Generic PSS is used on all three generators. Simulation of complete WSCC9 bus system with generic PSS and TCSC is done in MATLAB (R2012b) software. Fault should not lead to tripping of generating unit due to loss of synchronism. When electrical load is suddenly changes then mechanical power cannot change instantaneously because of its moment of inertia. Therefore, in a small duration generator rotor feels an oscillation that have to be damp. PSS (Power system oscillation) and TCSC (Thyristor controlled series capacitor) controller is used to damp such kind of oscillations in multi machine system. Thus simulation of WSCC9 bus system with PSS and TCSC controller is modelled. Thus one can reduce damping in WSCC9 (western system co-ordinate council) bus system in MATLAB software. Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
692-694 |
188 |
An Advanced Visual Tracking Robot with Quality Estimation
-Deepthi. N ; Catherine Rakkini. D; Alamelu Mangai. M
the handling of moving objects is a difficult problem in this regard because it requires that the position of the objects is determined with sufficient accuracy. Industrial paint lines are often built using an overhead conveyor with hanging trolleys that carry the objects to be painted. In the standard industrial solution, the trolleys are swinging freely to avoid mass forces on the trolley, and to make it easy to change trolleys. The swinging motion of the trolleys makes it difficult to move the robot to the correct delivery position. It is therefore difficult to load and unload objects on such hanging trolleys. Another problem with paint lines is that is it difficult to determine which loading positions that carry objects. This is important to avoid wasting paint on loading positions where there are no object. The first contribution is a system for accurate tracking of a hanging trolley so that a robot can place objects on the trolley while it is in motion. The second contribution is the detection of which loading positions on the hanging trolley that carry objects. Read More...
India |
695-699 |
189 |
Earthquake Analysis of Water Tank for Different Staging Height and Sloshing Effects
-Apurva A. Jibhkate ; Hemant G. Sonkusare
from the old experiences of few earthquakes, like Bhuj earthquake in India elevated water tanks were heavily harmed or failed. Liquid loads behave very differently to dry loads at the time of earthquake. When the liquid starts to slosh in the tank, it causes huge weight shifts. Elevated water tank must remain functional after earthquake as it is useful to provide water and firefighting system, Therefore it is important to study in detail. This paper presents study of earthquake analysis of elevated water tank for different staging height having the same capacity. It is necessary to have a control system for effectively reducing slosh. The purpose of this study is to know the behavior of liquid under motion or vibration by comparing sloshing frequency numerically, experimentally and by ANSYS. And also to analyze model of water tank with different bracing patterns, staging heights to know the minimum deflections. Read More...
M.Tech in Structural Engineering |
India |
700-704 |
190 |
Enhancing the Energy Efficiency in Base Station and QoS to User in MIMO-OFDM Systems
-Alphy Firoz ; Netha Merin Mathew; Hari S
now a days the energy efficiency in wireless communication is an important topic in Telecommunication industry. For creating an eco-friendly atmosphere we need green communication. The data traffic is also high among the uses. Therefore here we are considering energy efficiency and QoS together for the uses. In this scheme, an energy efficient radio resource allocation for the Long Term Evolution (LTE) in cellular mobile system is enforced. For this we are using Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA), to perform for distinguishing the characteristics for LTE resource allocation. As a result it satisfies the energy efficiency and all user needs. In this paper Energy Allocation Algorithm and Traffic Based Resource algorithm programs are enforced. The simulation results are done in MATLAB. This clearly shows that our proposed algorithm improves the energy efficiency considerably and the user satisfies all the needs out of all the prevailing schemes. Read More...
Wireless Communication and Computing |
India |
705-709 |
191 |
Modal and Stress Analysis of Leaf Spring by using Composite Material
-Umesh Yaduwanshee ; Dr. Vandana Somkuwar
the automobile industry has shown increased interest in the replacement of steel spring with fibre glass composite leaf spring due to high strength to weight ratio. A suspension system of vehicle is also an area where these innovations are carried out regularly. Leaf springs are one of the oldest suspension components that are being still used widely in automobiles. Weight reduction is also given due importance by automobile manufacturers. The automobile industry has shown increased interest in the use of composite leaf spring in the place of conventional steel leaf spring due to its high strength to weight ratio. The introduction of composite materials has made it possible to reduce the weight of the leaf spring without any reduction in load carrying capacity and stiffness. The objective is to estimate the mode frequency, deflection and stress in the leaf spring of most commonly used light commercial vehicle Tata magic. First the modal analysis is performed to determine the mode shapes and natural frequencies, stress and deflection analysis is carried out to determine the von-misses stresses and deflection when steel leaves are replaced by fibrous composite leaves. Leaf spring will modelled in ANSYS. The conventional steel leaf spring and the composite leaf spring will be analyzed under similar conditions using ANSYS software and the results are presented. Read More...
India |
710-717 |
192 |
Thermal Analysis of Wire Electrical Discharge Machining - A Review
-Shashi Kant ; Vandana Somkuwar
New developments in the machining of materials have become a hard task for Electrical Wire Discharge Machining process used for machining an alternative material in future. Wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) is widely used in machining of conductive materials when precision is considered as a prime importance. This is an electro-thermal non-traditional machining process, where electrical energy is used to create the electrical spark and material removal takes place due to thermal erosion of work piece due to spark discharge. This work proposes a three dimensional finite element model using ANSYS software and new approach to predict the temperature distribution at different pulse time as well as stress distribution in wire. A transient thermal analysis assuming a Gaussian distribution heat source with temperature-dependent material properties are being used to investigate the temperature distribution and stress distribution. Thermal stress developed after the end of the spark and residual stress developed after subsequent cooling is measured. The effect on significant machining parameter pulse-on-time and optimum diameter of wire tool for performance are going to be investigated. Read More...
India |
718-722 |
193 |
Finite Element Simulation of Cylinder using Composite Material
-Shivam Singh ; Dr. K. K. Jain
Hydraulic systems are generally encountered in various engineering applications. Hydraulic cylinders are very common components of the hydraulic systems used in many engineering applications like; power transmitting device, hydraulic breaking systems etc. The vibrations produced under dynamic conditions affect many important design parameters such as strength, production costs, productivity. Under this title we study, the modal and structural analysis of a double acting hydraulic cylinder subjected to dynamic loads. Computer aided engineering (CAE) procedures are used to analyse the dynamic response of the cylinder walls. The finite element methods used in the analysis are applied by a computer aided design and analysis software ANSYS. The studies on the moving load are extended to the hydraulic cylinder .The finite element model of the cylinder is created. The numerical solution presents first five mode shapes and corresponding frequencies. The main objective of this research work is to study the effect of mechanical properties of materials on mode shape of double acting cylinder. Material mechanical properties play an important role for evaluation of frequency, deformation, and stress and strain. Free vibration study was performed for the vibration response study of double acting cylinder. The free vibration study of cylinder was performed using finite element simulation. The vibration response for all materials shows the variation of natural frequency in Hz and various vibrations mode five modes were studied. The used material is steel, Glass fiber reinforced plastic (GFRP), S glass epoxy (fiber glass composite) and E glass epoxy. Read More...
India |
723-726 |
194 |
Use of Plastic Aggregate in Construction Industry
-S.B.Kore ; S.J.Deshmukh; N.V.Kamble; L.S.Dhemare; S.V.Balam
Every year thousands of tonnes of plastic waste or garbage which we refuse in our day to day life goes on accumulating in the dump sites near the cities which eventually gives rise to water pollution, air pollution and soil pollution. The purpose of our research is to study the suitability of plastic product as replacement of material used in manufacturing of concrete by conducting various tests on concrete block hence casted by use of such materials. Which in turn will help to provide an eco-friendly & economical construction material. Effect of replacement of coarse aggregate by plastic aggregates has been studied by using various proportions The results obtained so, indicated that replacement of plastic aggregate as coarse aggregate increases some of the properties of concrete mix. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
727-728 |
195 |
Literature Review on Applications of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor
-Praveen Kumar A ; Balaji S
the civil engineering community is becoming highly interested in the monitoring of the structural behaviour and response of the structure to the external loads. The monitoring of the structure is done by using variety of sensors like strain gauge, thermocouple, etc., The latest advancement in the health monitoring field is the invention of Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensor which is resistive to electromagnetic induction, corrosion, etc., In this paper it is aimed at to describe the application of Fiber Bragg Grating sensor in health monitoring of the structure by embedding them on the structure. The main aspects dealt in this paper are the application of Fiber Bragg Grating sensor in monitoring of corrosion, monitoring of bridges and monitoring of interfacial strain in the repaired and rehabilitated structures. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
729-732 |
196 |
Ozone Generation using HVDC Power Supply
-Bhatt Vishal P. ; Babariya Ajay M.; Prof. Rushikesh V. Pandya
This paper presents a study of ozone generation technique using high voltage DC power supply. The high frequency high voltage is based on a fly back converter. The increase of the switching frequency, increased the quantities of ozone gas are generated because the shifting of the frequency level in the converter circuit has effect on the production resonance at the ozone tube. The output voltage of the circuit is extremely high and then corona discharge process will be done. The O3 is separated in oxygen molecule then Ozone gas has been produce. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
733-735 |
197 |
XANES Study of Copper (II) Complexes of Aeromatic Amines
-Dr. Jaishree. Bhale ; Dr. Pradeep Sharma; Dr. Ashutosh Mishra
X-ray K-absorption spectroscopic studies have been carried out on two copper (II) mixed-ligand complexes .The complexes are: [Cu(L2)2](CH3COO)2 and [Cu2(L3)2(H2O)8](CH3COO)2. The ligand L2=(P-methyl anilino)- P-methoxy phenyl acetonitrile and L3 =(P-methoxy anilino)-P- methoxy phenyl acetonitrile were synthesized. The two ligands were prepared by Strecker's procedure which included the reaction of p-methoxybenzaldehyde with p-toluidine and p-anisidine respectively. XANES spectra have been recorded at the K-edge of Cu using the dispersive beam line at 2.5GeV Indus-2 synchrotron radiation source RRCAT(Raja Ramanna Center for Advance Technology ), Indore, India. Various X-ray absorption parameters e.g., chemical shift, edge-width and shift of the principal absorption maximum have been obtained in the present study. The studies establish significant correlation between various parameters for these complexes. XANES data have been analysed using the computer software Origin 6.0 professional and Athena. Read More...
India |
736-739 |
198 |
Graphical Password Authentication by using Passmatrix
-Linta John ; Anju Rachel Oommen; Smita C Thomas
Security is the main thing for every application because protect the system from attackers. Here uses both graphical and text passwords. The user can select one point from one image and also set text password on there and also user can select n no of images, usually provide n points for one image. Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm is used for both passwords, it provide better security. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
740-741 |
199 |
Surve on Partially Shaded Photovoltaic Module using Power Equalizer Application
-Mr. Kokane Ganesh V ; Mr. Kokane Ganesh V; Mr. Vyavahare Prasad B; Miss. Mirokhe Aarti A; Mr. D. R. Godase
This paper studies an electrical phenomenon (PV)-module embedded power-electronics topology derived from electric battery equalizer. The planned topology eliminates the multiple most electric outlet peaks common to partial shading in PV modules. The topology will therefore by equalizing the general energy of the PV module through the utilization of only 1 inductive storage element. A theoretical study is dole out to explain the physical equations of the topology. Supported it, an image is intended and built. It's tested with a part shaded PV module, raising its power output by nearly four-hundredth at the best. The results area unit compared to similar topologies dedicated to mitigate partial shading in PV applications. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
742-743 |
200 |
Solution for Reduction of Traffic Congestion at Polytechnic Roundabout, Bhopal
-Saurabh Gupta ; Tarun Gupta; Dr. Subrat Roy
Transportation contributes to the economic, industrial, social and cultural development of any country. The number of vehicles is increasing day by day and the rotary and traffic signals designed two or three decade before are now not functional. Restudy of these intersection become very much necessary to provide a seamless traffic flow for present population as well as for projected population growth to overcome problem like congestion, accidents and pollution. There are too many intersections in the city Bhopal, in this research, an attempt had been made to reduce the congestion of Polytechnic Roundabout, which is five legged rotary, having asymmetrical geometries with varied traffic flow. The objective of this project is to evaluate the present traffic condition, level of service of each road and provide a solution to overcome accident and delay. Read More...
Transportation Engineering |
India |
744-748 |