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301 |
A Review on Causes of Construction Delay in Construction Projects
-Shruthi Sivaprakasam ; S. Dinesh; J. Jayashree
Delays are the one of the major problem in the Construction Project. Construction Delays are the time overrun either beyond date specified in a contract. Delays exceed initial time and cost estimates. Delays can be minimized only when their causes are identified and analyzed. The causes of delay in construction projects are taken from the past literature review. The literature reviews are summarized and various causes related to the delays based on literature review summary. Read More...
M.E. (Construction Technology & Management) |
India |
1108-1110 |
302 |
Design and Fabrication of Portable CNC Drafting Machine Model
-L. Dora Babu ; R. Rawali; P. Siva Rama Krishna; G. Sai Sarath; P. Sai Lokesh
Computer Numerical Control (CNC) is the automation of tools that are operated by precisely programmed commands encoded on a storage medium as opposed to controlled manually by hand wheels or levers. Typically, a CNC machine has the ability to move in 3 axes, meaning that it can position that sketch pen at a precise point in or on the paper to create the operation desired at that point. By moving the pen through multiple points, the pen can draw the design represented by a data stream of positioning points being sent by the PC. By controlling a CNC machine through a PC it is possible for the user to design a product on-screen, convert it to CNC-readable code and then send that data to the CNC machine for it to produce a physical copy of the item designed. The purpose of the CNC Machine is to provide that powerful ability to go from concept design to physical product with an inexpensive, compact, adaptable desktop-size machine. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1111-1113 |
303 |
A Literature Survey of Different Data Hiding Technique for Secret Data Encryption and Decryption
-Vivek Ojha ; Prof. Amit Thakur
In this survey paper discuss the different data hiding techniques in image encryption and decryption. In the last era worm black hole is increasers exponential day to day. Due to this large number of secret data hiding techniques are introduced. In this survey discuss the different data hiding techniques in image processing. In this survey paper shows literature review on different data hiding techniques. Data hiding in the image is art of science in which embedding the secret data into the image using different methods like image stenography, cryptography and visual cryptography. Also discuss the quality check parameters like SSIM, visual quality of the images in terms of edges and others human perception. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1114-1116 |
304 |
Review of Various Design Process to Design Monopole Antenna
-Shubham Soni
In this review paper, author have shown comparison of various techniques available to design a micro strip monopole antenna. Different research papers have been modified and a comparison has been done and shown in comparison chart at the end of this paper. A monopole antenna is one half of a dipole antenna, almost always mounted above some kind of ground plane. The radiation pattern of monopole antennas above a floor airplane are additionally identified from the dipole result. The only change that wishes to be famous is that the impedance of a monopole antenna is one portion of that of a full dipole antenna. This review article demonstrates what framework is better to follow if antenna exhibitions should be upgraded. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1117-1120 |
305 |
Automatic Serpentine Tube Bending Machine
-Chandrakant Balkrushna Jadhav ; Digvijay Chudmunge; Rajvardhan Dalvi; Prafull Holkar; Akshay Dhanawade
The common method used to make a Condenser coil in India is by hand bending where the precision of the bend is dependent on the skill of the worker which is not always reliable as it leads to defects in bends like wrinkling, distortion on inner and outer side of the bends, wrong bend angle etc. We have worked very hard to provide a solution for this problem by designing an Automatic Tube Bending Machine which has negligible errors as compared to its manual counterparts. The machine is divided into 3 main systems which are bending system, feeding system and control system. The Bending system consists of 2 rollers mounted on two servo motors, the feeding system consists of two rollers powered by servo motor to feed the tube into the bending system and the Control System consists of Servo Drive and Programmable Logic Controller. Read More...
India |
1121-1123 |
306 |
Wearable Dry Eye Humidifier
-Ganesh Babu P ; Ramilunnihar N; Rohini M; Yamini A; Aashrutha T
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca is consistent layer of tears on the surface of the eye is commonly referred as Dry Eye Syndrome (DES), which is due to the deficiency in lachrymal gland. It is due to the insufficient lubrication and moisture on the surface of the eye. Consequences of dry eyes range from constant eye irritation to significant inflammation and even scarring of the front surface of the eye. This syndrome may affect both the cornea and conjunctiva. A recent research revealed that nearly 48 percent of Americans of age 18 and old people experience dry eye symptoms. According to research in Japan, more than 75 percent of women who routinely use a computer at work may suffer from dry eye disease. This paper proposes a remedy for Dry Eye Disease using an active device called Wearable Dry Eye Humidifier. It outweighs the other proposed systems because it is an active device which can self regulate according to the temperature and humidity levels of the eye. Read More...
Biomedical Engineering |
India |
1124-1125 |
307 |
Design and Analysis of Overhead Material Handling System for Various Types and Sizes of Steel Channels
-Shwetali V Bhiogade ; Prof. A. S. Bharule
Cranes are generally used for moving materials with some considerable size and weight and for intermittent flow of material from one place to another. Usually, loads handled by cranes are varying with respect to shape and weight than those handled by a conveyor. Hoists are frequently attached to cranes for vertical translation that is, lifting and lowering of loads. Cranes can be manually, electrically, or pneumatically. Cranes usually include hoists so that the crane-and-hoist combination provides. In this project, the design of a material handling system which will help in increasing the safety of the workers, the working efficiency and saving the time and efforts of the workers will be designed with the help of CAD and FEA software's. CAD software SOLIDWORKS is used to design OVER-HEAD CRANE, whereas, FEA software HYPER-MESH is used to mesh the CAD model and NASTRAN is used for static analysis. This project is related to improving material handling system for MAHALAXMI DHATU, MIDC, and Nagpur. Read More...
| in machine design |
India |
1126-1129 |
308 |
Time To Go (An Android App to Estimate the Arrival Time of Vehicle)
-Mohd Kamran ; Nishant Agarwal; Karan Singh Gautam; Mr. Anurag Mishra
this paper is proposing an android app which is based on GPS (Global Positioning System) and would allow the users to correctly estimate the time of the arrival of their vehicles (buses, cabs, company cars) at their pick up point. In this fast technological world every person is so much busy that even a single minute is valuable and nobody wants to lose it. But sometimes the condition is unavoidable and we end up in losing our precious time. Consider a case when you are waiting for your cab/ bus at your pick up point or you have to drop your children to the school bus in the rainy season. What happens if such vehicles got stuck in the traffic or may get damaged in the way?? For the same reason we have to wait for a long time. So our point is that why should we have to wait in such a technological world where different modern gadgets are available. Thus our proposed app would -try to resolve this problem by sending the notification to the user after the vehicle had crossed the certain checkpoints which would be set according to the convenience of the user. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1130-1132 |
309 |
Predictive Maintenance using AWS
-Vasu Rastogi ; Mangla Prasad; Kushagra Pandey; Vinita Chauhan
Predictive Maintenance is one of the various applications of IoT to predict the wearing out of a part in a Machine by using sensors to reduce the downtime and thus reducing the cost that is incurred by the unnecessary maintained. This makes us to shift our operations from being reactive to proactive. The paper explains how to use the cloud services provided by Amazon Web Services so as to reduce the initial cost of setting up the infrastructure required and also provide with scalable and rapid deployment of the project. We would be first using a set of training data to train our Machine Learning model and then simulate test data for real time predictions. The trained ML model would predict the state of machine and trigger the Cloud watch alarm if there is a failure. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1133-1134 |
310 |
Modification of Setup for Major Losses in Pipes to Determine the Exact Value of Friction Factor
-Shubham Ghadge ; Harshal Barbade; Abhishek Mhaske; Chetan Malode; Pritam Kudale
in this research paper we determine the exact value of friction factor through pipes for turbulent flow. Friction factor conceptually defined as the ratio of two forces acting, respectively, perpendicular & parallel to an interface between two bodies under relative motion or impending relative motion, this dimensionless quantity turns out to be convenient for depicting the relative ease with which the materials slide over each other under particular circumstances. This includes applications of various equations such as Darcy-Weisbach equation, Swamee-Jain equation, Colebrook equation, Reynolds equation. This formulae provide a base for statistical evaluation of exact friction factor for smooth as well as rough pipes. The Darcy friction factor for turbulent flow must be solved by using Colebrook equation by using iteration method. By using iteration method new equations are evolved. These equations can be further developed by using Blasius, Swamee-Jain & Haaland equations. All the three equations are applicable but the Blasius equation cannot be used for rough pipes whereas the Swami-Jain & Haaland equations are applicable for rough pipes and give good results in order to determine the friction factor for rough pipes. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1135-1137 |
311 |
Android Ticketing of Railways using QR Code & Validation using GeoLocation APIs
-Suchandra Tungare ; Parth Thakker; Sagar Sable; Suchandra Tungare; Krishnanjali Shinde
the “Android Ticketing of Railways (ATR)†can be bought easily anytime, anywhere and ticket will be present in the customer’s phone in the form of “Quick Response Codeâ€. Also the ticket checker is provided with an application to search for the user’s ticket with the ticket number in the cloud database for checking purposes. With this feature checker easily validate tickets. GPS facility is used for validation of the ticket at the source and deletion at the destination. The information for each user is stored in a CLOUD database of railway server for security purpose which is currently unavailable in the railway system. We will also include Alarm (Notification using FCM) system in application, where after reaching destination Android alarm system will be used by an application to alert the passenger. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1138-1140 |
312 |
Centrifugal Oil Separator
-Meet Shah ; Vishal Savani; Shreyas Bhandari; Hardik Solanki; Mitul Barot
Now-a-days in industries, during machining operations huge amount of cutting oil is wasted. The large amount of metal chips are produced while different processes such as gear manufacturing, Fastener manufacturing, spring manufacturing, gun drilling, CNC machines, and auto Components. This metal chips contains cutting oil within it. So it is necessary to separate this cutting oil from the metal chips for numbers of reasons like to achieve complete oil recovery, to reduce oil consumption, to save the cost of oil, to reduce pollution & environmental impact. Hence, our aim is to developing a machine which abstract the oil from the metal chips which is generated from different. Read More...
advance manufacturing system |
India |
1141-1143 |
313 |
Air Pollutant Estimation Due to Vehicles and Development of Model for Intersection
-Sagar B. Ghetiya ; Mr. Prashant H. Lakkad
Cities and town plays a vital role in promoting economic growth and prosperity in country. With growing population, vehicular air pollution is detected as an eminent problem in Rajkot city due to high growth of motorized vehicles. The increase in travel demand has resulted in rapid growth of number of motor vehicles, buses and other mode of transportation in the arterial and sub arterial road of Rajkot city. Environmental analysis of transportation system is an inclusive and demanding task. Traffic induced emissions pose a serious threat to air quality in many metropolitan cities. Vehicle emissions from mobile source rather than stationary source are major contributors to air pollution and decadence of air quality in city. The ambient air pollution attribute to road traffic depends on different factors such as quality of fuel used, engine technology, driving conditions, emission control device, and road condition. The road traffic emissions add a significant proportion of urban air pollutants. Along with increase in motorized vehicles in city amount of CO, CO2, SOX, NOX, and particular matter is also drastically increasing which cause unhealthy air to breathe in urban areas. The results of the study are discussed and contribution of each of the measures is evaluated. The results are carried out to quantify the emissions of interest for analyzation and traffic air pollution prediction model is developed according to that. Read More...
Transportation Engineering |
India |
1144-1148 |
314 |
Experimental Study on Replacement of Coarse Aggregate with Ceramic Waste in Geopolymer Concrete
-Ruchit Sureshbhai Patel ; Prof. Dhaval R. Dara
Ceramic waste is comes under a construction and demolition (C&D) waste which contributes 54% of C&D waste which is generated by construction practice, transportation damage, Dispatch activity, inadequate raw material etc. Fly ash is a waste generated by thermal power plants is as such a big environmental concern. The investigation reported in this paper is carried out to study the effect of ceramic waste based geopolymer concrete on mechanical properties of ceramic waste based geopolymer concrete, so as to provide an environmentally consistent way of its disposal and reuse. The ceramic waste in geopolymer concrete mix is replaced from 5 to 30 % by interval of 5 %. This provides an environmental friendly method and solve the problem of disposal of ‘ceramic waste’ up to some extent. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1149-1151 |
315 |
Modelling and Analysis of Flow through an Inlet Duct in an Electrostatic Precipitator
-Mitendra Sulakhe ; Sanjay Gupta
Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) are well accepted and widely used for air pollution control due to reasonable collection efficiency, low pressure-drop, and low capital and operating costs. The objective of the present work is to improve the flow distribution in the duct. In this present work, CFD analysis of flow through the ESP inlet duct has been performed using ANSYS FLUENT, in order to improve the efficiency of duct. The analysis for path lines, velocity contours, pressure distributions for various cases involving no guide vane and with guide vanes has been done. Read More...
M-Tech in Mechanical CAD-CAM |
India |
1152-1156 |
316 |
PLC And Control Unit Advancement from Messung to Misubishi PLC
-Antara Mhatre ; Kamini Jadhav; Sayali Borade; Vijay Patil
this paper is depends on the advancement of control panel from Messung PLC to Mitsubishi PLC using HMI. In this project the plc and whole control unit is replaced near the display and the display contains two languages Marathi, English. The display is also made moveable for customer convince. This machine is used for making the holes to nozzle and air blowing machine for the removing of the water out of nozzle. Due to this the production has increased and good quality have made by Mitsubishi PLC. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1157-1158 |
317 |
Content Based Image Retrieval using Local Binary Pattern
-Ronak Hurbada ; Ronak Gothi; Ishan Banerjee; Vaibhav Bhanushali
The explosive growth of digital image libraries increased the requirements of Content based image retrieval (CBIR). It can automatically search the desired image from the huge database. In this paper we have presented an efficient CBIR framework by extracting the color, Texture, features and clustering database. In order to overcome these difficulties content based image retrieval was introduced. This paper presents the content based image retrieval, using local binary pattern (LBP). Local Binary Pattern (LBP) is an effective method for texture analysis, being appreciated for accuracy and computing power. The local binary pattern encodes the relationship between the referenced pixel and its surrounding neighbors by computing the gray-level difference. The objective of the proposed work is to retrieve the best images from the stored database that resemble the query image. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
1159-1161 |
318 |
Host Based Internal Intrusion Detection System by using Data Mining and Forensic Technique
-Rutuja Shah ; Ashwini Pingle; Swapnali Tambe; Madhuri Alhat; Trupti Dhumal
A Host Based Internal Intrusion Detection and Protection System by Using Data Mining and Forensic Techniques (IIDPS) play a significant role in computer security. In network surroundings IIDPS find the activities that have an effect on Confidentiality, Integrity and accessibility on network knowledge. Currently, most computer systems use user IDs and passwords because the login patterns to verify users. However, many of us share their login patterns with co-workers and request these coworkers to help co-tasks, thereby creating the pattern united of the weakest points of computer security. Insider attackers, the valid users of a system who attack the system internally, are hard to find since most intrusion detection systems and firewalls establish and isolate malicious behaviors launched from the external world of the system solely. Additionally, some studies claimed that analyzing system calls generated by commands will establish these commands, with that to accurately find attacks, with attack patterns are the options of an attack. Therefore, in this project, a security system, named the Host Based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS), is projected to find Insider attacks at application level by optimizing data processing and rhetorical techniques. The HIDS creates user’s profiles & log file to stay track of user’s usage habits as their rhetorical options and determines whether or not a sound login user is that the account holder or not by scrutinizing his/her current system usage behaviors with the patterns collected within the account holder’s profile & log file. When intrusion is detected then image will be captured by system and then it will send to administrator and then system will automatically shut down as the intrusion is detected. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1162-1165 |
319 |
A Novel Control Structure for Wind Driven PMSG Based Single Phase Stand-Alone System
-T. Sravya ; R. Pavan Kumar Naidu; P. Muni Gowri
This paper analyzes the use of closed and open loop converter and inverter for extracting power from Wind Driven variable-speed permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) and feed it to the standalone load. This model includes PMSG, the boost converter, and the storage system. Power converters and together with the independent control systems can effectively improve the output voltage and frequency of the wind driven PMSG feeding the load. The open loop converter and closed loop converter with PI regulators is designed in MATLAB/SIMULINK and the outputs of control techniques are compared. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1166-1170 |
320 |
Experimental Investigation on Mechanical Properties of Concrete with Fly Ash Aggregate
-P. Dhanabal ; V. Parthiban
This study aims to utilization of Fly ash aggregate in concrete. The fine aggregate (sand) is partially replaced by Fly ash aggregate at various proportions from 10% to 100%.Trial mix of varied proportion shown above which compared to conventional concrete mix (M20) and find the optimum mix of Fly ash aggregate in concrete and to investigate the hardened concrete properties of concrete using Fly ash aggregate. Trial mix made of sand and Fly ash aggregate in the ratio of 40:60 achieved more strength, compared to other combinations hence utilization of Fly ash aggregate which enhanced the strength in the concrete. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1171-1173 |
321 |
Analysis of Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum AA6101-T6 to Optimization of Welding Parameters for Maximum Tensile Strength
-Vishal B. Fachara ; Jinesh J. Parekh ; Vivek H. Makavana; Shyam S. Koradia; Nikunj R. Gevariya
Friction stir welding (FSW) is a new solid-state joining process. This technique is energy efficient, environment agreeable and versatile. The principal advantages are low distortion, absence of melt related defects and high strength of joint. In FSW parameters play an important role like tool design and material, welded plate thickness, tool tilt angle, tool rotational speed, travel speed and axial force. Our goal is to optimize the welding parameters to achieve maximum tensile strength of aluminum alloys under FSW. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1174-1177 |
322 |
Experimental Investigation on Partial Replacement of ETP Sludge from Textile Industry on Paver Block
-M. Indumathi ; Mohana Bharathi. L; Priyanka. A; Revanth V S; Saravanan V
As per Tamil Nadu state pollution control board (TNPCB) records, there are about 830 large units engaged in textile industrial processes in Tripur alone. These industries have established eight Common Effluent Treatment Plants(CETPs) and many Effluents Treatment Plants (ETP) ,which are subjected to treat 75,000 m3 of effluent per day generated by textile industries and the other hand the sludge retained due to solids separation process in the treatment plants create lot of environment problems due to lack of disposal methods . It provides the information about the ETP sludge which can be replaced with cement. The characterization of the ETP sludge as a binder was carried out as per the code provision (IS 1727- 1967). Form the present experimental work it is known that the textile ETP sludge can be replaced partially for the cement in concrete(20%,40%,60%) and it is evident that ETP sludge concrete performs well under compression as like that of conventional concrete. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1178-1181 |
323 |
Decentralized Trust Management and Trust Worthiness of Cloud Environments
-Qhubaib Syed ; Syed Afzal Ahmed ; Syed Abdul Haq
Now days, cloud computing an ever green technology used by all segment of areas. To choose best cloud service providers trust is an important factor in growing cloud computing. The highly dynamic nature of cloud system services throws different challenges on privacy, security and availability. The communication between consumers and trust management system involves sensitive information that makes the privacy is an important factor. Protecting cloud services from malicious users is a difficult problem. During this paper we tend to planned a brand new approach Cloud Armor, a reputation-based trust management framework that has a collection of functionalities to deliver trust as a service (TaaS), which incorporates i) a completely unique protocol to prove the believability of trust feedbacks and preserve users’ privacy, ii) An adaptive and strong believability model for measure the believability of trust feedbacks to shield cloud services from malicious users and to check the trait of cloud services, and iii) an accessibility model to manage the provision of the redistributed implementation of the trust management service. The practicability and edges of our approach are valid by an example and experimental studies employing assortment of real-world trust feedbacks on cloud services. Read More...
Computer Network Engineering |
India |
1182-1186 |
324 |
A Review on Various Occluded Object Information Recovery in Urban High-Resolution Panchromatic Satellite Images
-Shruti Golar ; Amit Fulsunge
The presence of shadows in very high-resolution panchromatic satellite images can obstruct some objects to cause the reduction or loss of their information, particularly in urban scenes. To recover the obstructed information of objects, shadow removal is a significant processing procedure for the image interpretation and application. Over the years many researchers have proposed various techniques for detection and removal of obstructed information. We have reviewed and analyzed different techniques which have been used over the years. The review includes research papers, publication and other available literature .We have tried to provide a comparative analysis of various schemes and we put forward the observations obtained from the review. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1187-1189 |
325 |
Fuel from Plastic by Pyrolysis Process - An Overview
-Surbhi Shankar Sonawane ; Prof. Sneha Pawade
Due to the depleting fossil fuels such as crude oil, natural gas and coal the present rate of economic growth is unstable .Therefore may modes of renewable energy sources are introduced. The aim is to provide the reader with a depth analysis of fuel from plastic by pyrolysis process. There are different materials of plastic from which we can extract oil and use it for different functions of engines and it is the promising alternative energy source for some operations of the engines and other power consuming and power producing devices. Production of fuel from plastic would provide good opportunity to utilize the waste as a better alternative to dumpsites. The oil extract from plastic have similar property to that of diesel Which gives promising alternative fuel for diesel engines and other engines for certain operations. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1190-1192 |
326 |
A Review on Heat Transfer Enhancement of Radiator using Nanofluid - Aluminium Oxide
-Amol Latane ; Hemant Waikar; Sharad Pawar; Atik Kazi; Shashikant Mane
Water and ethylene glycol as conventional coolants have been widely used in an automotive car radiator for many years. These heat transfer fluids offer low thermal conductivity. With the advancement of nanotechnology, the new generation of heat transfer fluids called, “Nano fluids†have been developed and researchers found that these fluids offer higher thermal conductivity compared to that of conventional coolants. In This paper affectivity of use of Nano-fluid Al2O3, to study the performance of radiator using conventional coolant and Aluminum Oxide blended coolant and different parameters are studied Heat rejection performance measurement with conventional coolant, Heat rejection performance measurement with Nano-fluid coolant & Comparison of Nano-fluid coolant results with conventional coolant results are also studied. Read More...
Heat Power Engineering |
India |
1193-1197 |
327 |
Significance of Page Replacement Algorithms in Virtual Memory
-Preet Navdeep ; Prabhjot Kaur; Inderpreet Kaur
Virtual memory provides a necessary abstraction for writing architecture-independent portable programs. In virtual memory architecture, each program has a large, linear address space in which it places code and data. Processes may use more memory than physically available, freeing the programmer from the responsibility of physical memory management. The operating system creates the virtual memory illusion using secondary memory for backing storage when the system exhausts physical memory. In this paper, the concept of virtual memory is discussed .Various Page Replacement algorithms will be discussed and comparison will be done to find out which is the best algorithm. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
1198-1200 |
328 |
Properties of Water Treatment Sludge
-Jinal Panchal ; Dr. R. K. Gajjar; Prof. P. I. Modi
Day by day the construction industries growing rapidly. So the demand of the raw material is also increases. It’s require to find out the alternative of the raw material. On the other hand, due to growth of population the water demand is increasing. There is mainly to sources of water (1) surface water (2) ground water. The ground water quality is better than surface water and it’s require disinfection only. Surface water carries lots of impurities in it, so during treatment lots of waste is generated its call water treatment sludge. This paper various properties of water treatment sludge is find out. Also compare with chemical composition of other raw material of construction industries. Read More...
India |
1201-1202 |
329 |
IoT Based Healthcare Monitoring by using BSN
-C. Sathish Kumar ; R. Gowtham; S. Koteswaran; M. Yuvaraj
This paper proposes a capable health monitoring system for infants, using a body sensor network with wireless communication based on IoT technology. The system established by body sensors network for reading the levels Heartbeat, Blood Pressure and temperature, oscillations of the infants. Thus the system can provide real time monitoring of the infant’s vigorous parameters. It can be used in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) and also can be used in the home. Read More...
Biomedical Engineering |
India |
1203-1204 |
330 |
Abatement of Emissions in DI Diesel Engine by after Treatment Device
-Karthikeyan. R ; Kavin. K; Kabaleeswaran. U; Magesh Varmha K. S; Arul Kumar. P
Air pollution is a threat in which air has adverse effect on humans and ecosystem. It is caused by substances which may be a solid particle, liquid droplets or gases. Pollutants are classified as primary and secondary. Primary pollutants include carbon-monoxide and nitrogen oxides from automobile vehicle exhaust and secondary pollutants includes the sulphur-dioxide released from factories. Our aim of the project is to reduce the emission of harmful gases such as carbon-monoxide, CO2, unburnt hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides (NOX) which are released from the stationary Engines. Nowadays Diesel particulate filters are used in high end vehicles to reduce the emission and we are using chemical solutions in our project to reduce the harmful gases released from stationary Engines. The chemical solution used in our project is ammonical cuprous chloride and potassium hydroxide and activated charcoal. Activated charcoal is coated on the baffle plates to absorb the carbon content and the heat generated in the combustion chamber and also filters the harmful nitrous and sulphur content produced from the engine. The experimental setup is tested at several load condition at 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% and on an average they show a reduction of harmful gases like CO by 36.66%, NOX by 37.6% and HC by 37.69%. This setup also eliminates the back pressure completely. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1205-1208 |
331 |
Smart Drainage Cleaning System
-Kunal Raosaheb Jadhav ; Amay Tipayale; Yogesh Naragude; Harshal Nisal; Sanket Dashmukhe
Towards the motivation of digital and clean india we need to get more and more digital and automated. Smart drainage cleaning is one of the evidence towards swachh bharat abhiyan in India. According to fact of a swachh bharat abhiyaan. We are developing an application based model which can transforms the social life of cleaner(worker) in industry or any kind of municipal corporation into digitalised and automated. Mostly what happend nowadays when drainage has blocked due to irrespective timing of worker to go for taking out the blockage of drainage. And people need to wait for very long time for clean and well surrounding so to avoide such a problem our application will provide automated features and management module. We are also providing feature which is renewable energy source for our application by providing solar PV cell related to non-renewable energy source because we always unaware of those energy utilisation of application. Also we are also provide embedded programming system for sensing bin and reporting to worker(cleaner) by using these worker can manage his reports through his mobile phone also user can be active for work and no need to wait and can maintain it digitally automated. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1209-1212 |
332 |
Design and Analysis of Special purpose Fixture for Cutting Gears on Milling Machine
-Mr. Swapnil Y. Shende ; Dr. Achal S. Shahare
The key function of milling machine is to produce flat surfaces in any curved or irregular surfaces. The functions are accomplished by slowly feeding the work piece with the help of reciprocating adjustable worktable against the circular cutting tool rotating at moderately high speed. This research is based on the requirement of Pragati industries. The industry is in need of Gear cutting machine. The gear hobing machine is very expensive and occupies large space. The industry has a conventional milling machine. So, we design a special purpose fixture for cutting gear on milling machine to fulfill the need of company. Read More...
M-Tech in Mechanical CAD-CAM |
India |
1213-1216 |
333 |
Performance Comparisons of Modified Structures of Micro Strip Antennas for Satellite Applications
-Ruchika Singh ; Satish Parashar
In this paper, stacked arrangement technique and modifications in conventional circle and rectangle shaped patches are used to show the improvement in impedance bandwidth and improvement in gain with minimizing return loss. first of all conventional circle shaped microstrip patch is designed and simulated. Then hybrid circulo-rectangle patch and its stacked arrangement with conventional square microstrip patches, circular microstrip patch and circulo-square is designed and simulated. The proposed antennas can be used for satellite applications, radio astronomy service, and radiolocation service and radio navigation applications. The simulation analysis is carried out by using method of moment based HFSS simulator. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1217-1221 |
334 |
RPI Guided Vehicle using Image Processing
-Ramanand Bhatt ; Akshay Divecha; Sharang Bhide
The leading cause of accidents on highways is found to be rash driving and lane cutting. Often it’s a case of not knowing what kind of a vehicle around our vehicle can cause damage in any way. Hence, there is a need for inbuilt safety systems in cars to prevent accidents. The project is based on Raspberry Pi (RPi). As we see nowadays there are automatic controls in many luxurious cars using different sensors for different parameters. Automatic Guided Vehicle(AGV) is nothing but vehicle guideline provided by capturing images of the road. Intelligent driver assistance system will provide guidance to the driver with the help of sensors and white lane detection system as well as help in reverse and parallel parking. The System consists of the camera module used to take continuous video streaming which will be stored into the SD card. The idea is to use Hough transform which is used for edge, curve detection. Basically the aim is to help the driver keep his vehicle in between the the two lines on the road i.e, a lane and provide a lane departure warning should the vehicle cross the white line. Detection of the obstacle in front & rear direction will be done using an ultrasonic sensor which will detect any obstacle within the range of 4 meters. Full driver assistance is provided by detecting the side lane by taking the video streaming by using RPi camera board mounted on the car & obstacle detection is done by using the Ultrasonic sensor module. It is possible to display the distance apart from obstacle on the display. Display consist of TFT screen connected to the system to display. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
1222-1224 |
335 |
Design and Fabrication of Transport Box Mechanism Model
-M Sai Kumar ; K Ram Prasad; G Seshu; K Murali Krishna; G Hema Kumar
There has been a serious demand for intermittent movement of packages in the industries right from the start. Though the continuous movement is more or less important in the same field the sporadic motion has become essential .The objective of our project is to produce a mechanism that delivers this stop and move motion using mechanical linkages. The advantage of our system over the conveyor system is that the system has a time delay between moving packages and this delay can be used to introduce any alterations in the package or move the package for any other purpose and likewise. While in conveyor system such actions cannot be performed unless programmed module is used to produce intermittent stopping of the belt which basically is costly. The prototype design requires electric motor, shafts and the frame of which the frame and platform on which the packages are moved is fabricated. All the links are being made of Aluminum which reduces the weight of the whole system including the head which has a direct contact with the boxes being moved. The system is expected to move as heavy packages as 2-3kgs approximately. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1225-1227 |
336 |
A Study and Experimental Investigation on SR Influence of Process Parameters of WEDM on H13 Steel
-Riteshkumar Vinubhai Paghdal ; Prof. Jaypalsinh Rana
In this research paper, the different process parameters of wire cut electrical discharge machining process are studied. And work piece material for which parameters are to be optimized is H 13 Hot die tool steel material with a 0.25 mm coated wire by using Taguchi methodology. The selection of machining parameters in any machining process significantly affects surface finish, production rate and production cost of a finished one component. The experiment has been formulated with the help of Design of experiment and grey relational analysis. The Taguchi method is used to formulate the experimental layout, to analyse the effect of each parameter on the machining characteristics, and to predict the optimal choice for each WEDM parameter. Experimentation is planned as per Taguchi’s L8 Orthogonal Array (OR).In this experiment optimize the input process parameters Pulse on time (T ON), Pulse off time (T OFF), peak current (IP), Wire feed rate (WF), Wire tension (WT), Servo voltage (SV) of a WEDM process for a response parameter Surface Roughness (SR) for a H 13 HOT DIE TOOL STEEL. And the experimental results are to be analysed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) to find out significant contribution of machining parameters over response parameter and the optimal combinations of the parameters are to be determined. Read More...
M-Tech in Mechanical CAD-CAM |
India |
1228-1230 |
337 |
A Recent Survey on Big Data Analytics using Data Mining Techniques
-P. Mythili
Big data is the phrase meant for a gathering of information sets which are large and complex, it enclose both prearranged and formless type of data. Big Data is a term defining data with three foremost inimitability. First, it involves a great volume of data. Second, the data cannot be structured into regular database tables and third, the data is produced with great velocity and must be captured and processed fast. Oracle adds a fourth characteristic for this kind of data and that is low value density, meaning that sometimes there is a very big volume of data to process before finding valuable needed in sequence. Data comes from everywhere, sensors used to gather climate information, posts to social media sites, digital pictures and videos etc this data is renowned as big data. Constructive data can be pulled out from this big data by means through the aid of data mining. Data mining is a technique for discovering attractive patterns as well as descriptive, understandable models from large scale data. In this paper we overviewed types of big data and challenge in big data for future. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
1231-1234 |
338 |
Comparative Study on Intelligent Transport System
-Aditya Subbarao Satnur ; Satalingappa S. Togare; Mahadev B. Mithapalle; Sameer N. Jadhav; Pranay R. Khare
In India, there is a huge amount of increasing population due to which results in increase in traffic & number of vehicles users. Also, it impacts on society in Physical mental, psychological aspects. ITS combines transport systems with high technology to improve efficiency and safety of road and then to operate and manage it scientifically & smoothly. To evaluate, develop, analyze, improve environmental quality, save energy, conserve time ITS must be used. In this research paper, we are discussing the various ITS used in India and compare ITS used in the world. Henceforth, we are going to compare and suggest implementing some of these ITS in India to make the transportation efficient, safer, faster, smarter way. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1235-1236 |
339 |
Analysis and Parametric Study of Cylindrical Oil Storage Steel Tank with Emphasis on Seismic Design
-Rupani Karan ; Prof D. R. Tarachandani
Liquid storage tanks are used in industries for storing chemicals, petroleum products, and for storing water in public water distribution systems. Oil storage tank are special structures subjected to many different unconventional loading conditions, which result in unusual failure modes. Failure of an oil storage tank can be devastating as it can result in great loss of life, contamination of the material it contains, loss of material, cleanup, replacement costs and environmental damage. Poorly designed tanks have leaked, buckled or even collapsed during earthquakes. Common modes of failure are wall buckling, sloshing damage to roof, inlet/outlet pipe breaks and implosion due to rapid loss of contents. Tanks with average capacity of 4000 m3, diameter of about 16m and height of about 18m are common samples in Indian Tank farms. This research has focused on the behavior, under seismic conditions, of steel storage tanks of 2000-5000 kL capacity, located in high risk zones. Analysis is carried out by using finite element software STAAD-PRO. And finally, parametric study is done to obtain economic aspect ratio of the tank for which we get minimum stress in the tank. Read More...
India |
1237-1240 |
340 |
NIR Spectroscopy Based Circulating Tumour Cells Detection using Segmentation Technique
-Sathish Kumar C ; Bala Amala K; Catherine Jessiella A; Jeyasree D
Cancer is a malignant growth resulting from uncontrolled cell division taking place in any tissue of the body. More than 100 types of cancers are known till date, some of them being more common in genders such as in case of women, breast cancer is more prevalent whereas in men prostate cancer is quite common. Breast calcifications are small spots of calcium deposits in the breasts and they can occasionally be an early sign of cancer. Because of this the doctor or nurse may suggest to have further tests to check what sort of calcifications do the patients have. At this instant, to describe and analyze the disease in an effective manner, a technology was proposed using Near-infrared sensor for the detection of cancer cells from the red blood cells. In this improved system, blood phantoms of different patients were used as samples and the output from the NIR sensor after exposure to the samples was recorded graphically. The obtained signals were then segmented using techniques like Short Time Fourier Transform as a function and Wavelet transform. Comparison was made among the results of the above techniques and the effective and precise details were obtained from these results. Read More...
Biomedical Engineering |
India |
1241-1243 |
341 |
Electric Vehicle Control Mechanism by Vertical Lifting and Horizontal Turning
-Sanket Mahadev Chobhe ; Akshay Dattatray Chobhe; Shubham Arjun Ghadge; Rushikesh Ashok Yewale
in today’s hard and fast life “traffic†is a major problem. One cannot come out, if it stuck in between. This paper presents an ultimate design for lifting the electric vehicle vertically and turning it horizontally. The design assembly is installed inside the car. This machine is designed to support human beings by helping them from their tedious and back breaking works. This paper presents the well-designed prototype with best results. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1244-1247 |
342 |
Image Encryption using Substitution and Discrete Cosine Transform Technique
-Shwetha R ; Prajwalasimha S N; Umme Rumana; Bindu K R; Shashidhara S
Data security in this generation is a very challenging issue that touches many areas of communication and also computers. Digital encryption has found its way has a major field of interest for development of digital image production and communication. Encryption is the process of converting normal data or plaintext to something incomprehensible. The proposed method has two phases: The pixel value is changed by non-chaotic substitution. The pixel position is changed using DCT. These two methods help to encrypt the image so it is necessary to encrypt the image before its transmission or archiving. The existing methods uses long length secrete key for the encryption process which makes the algorithm complex and time consumption is more for the execution. In this proposed method the key length is reduced to 128bit. The proposed has been designed and implemented using MATLAB software. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
1248-1250 |
343 |
Determination of Properties of Hollow Concrete Block Make using Water Treatment Sludge
-Jinal Panchal ; Dr. R. K. Gajjar; Prof. P. I. Modi
today the construction industries are growing rapidly. The construction industries are consuming natural material in large amount. The sand is one of the important element in concrete. The sand is produced by weathering. The over mining of sand is create a lots of environmental problem. Due to less availability of sand is also manufactured from crushing stones. Due to over mining of sand alteration of channel bed form, erosion of bank of channel bed, increase in bed slope, increase velocity etc. Sand mining is require lots of mechanical equipment, so chemical or fuel spills into water it affects the quality of water and aquatic life. In this paper water treatment sludge is used to making hollow concrete block as a partial replacement of fine aggregate and find out the various properties of it. Read More...
India |
1251-1253 |
344 |
Experimental Investigation on Papercrete Bricks
-Prof. V. Soundara Rajan ; Prof. R. Jagadeesh Kumar; Prof. L. Agnes Preethi; V. Mohanalakshmi; Prof. S. Kalpanadevi
the major constituent in any construction activity is cost of the materials. In developing countries, the untapped or unused resources are needed to be identified for its potential usage in the construction sectors. A huge quantity of non-renewable resources is consumed by the construction industry throughout the world. The one such resource is waste papers. Everyday tons of waste papers are discarded as landfill or dump sites than those recycled. It is found that around fifteen trees are required to make a ton of paper which means that 720 million trees are used once and then buried as landfills each year. In this research paper, an attempt is made to produce an alternative material using waste papers (newspapers) in order to find out their suitability to use as a building construction material by determining the compressive strength, weight and cost of bricks. This could help to eradicate a few environmental hazards caused by the construction industry. In this study, three different mix proportions were tried by utilizing the waste Paper and industrial by products like Fly ash and eggshells as cement replacement materials. The self-weight of bricks made by using paper pulp with cement and sand is approximately 50% lesser than the conventional bricks. By the use of papercrete bricks the dead weight of the structure is reduced to a considerable amount. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1254-1257 |
345 |
Numerical Study of PEB Industrial Shed Truss under Influence of Accidential Load using Staad Pro
-Sapkale Nikhil Pramod ; Dr. Kulkarni Sanjay K
Large Span, Column free structures are the most vital in any type of industrial structures and Pre Engineered Buildings (PEB) fulfills this requirement along with reducing time and cost as compared to conventional Steel Building (CSB). In the present work, Pre-Engineered Buildings (PEB) and Conventional Steel Building is compared and PEB designed. This structure to design according to IS: 800 - 2007 and accidental load analysis done according to IS: 875 - 1987 (Part-I, Part-II, Part-III). A major portion of the analysis is carried out in Bentley STAAD. PRO V8i. Read More...
India |
1258-1261 |
346 |
A UWB Antenna with Notched Band: A Review
-Kajal ; Ankur Singhal
To enhance the performance, various method have been applied to design the antenna. Antenna has a prime role in wireless communication. In recent years, researchers have focused on improvement of the UWB antennas. UWB has attractive merits compact size, low cost, resistant to severe multipath and jamming, ease to fabrication and good omnidirectional radiation characteristics. However, the use of the 5.15 to 5.825 GHz frequency band has been limited by IEEE 802.11a for wireless local area network (WLAN) systems. To avoid the interference between the UWB and WLAN systems, a band-notch filter in UWB systems is necessary. However, the use of a filter will increase the complexity of the UWB system. Therefore, a UWB antenna having frequency band-notch characteristic can be an alternative choice to overcome this problem. The effect of notch in the microstrip antenna has been analysed in this work. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1262-1264 |
347 |
Accessing Application through Palm Print Detection
-Kanchan Dhuri ; Shalaka Sonawane; Puja Manjrekar; Shweta Naiskar
a biometric system is essentially a pattern recognition system that recognizes the person based on a feature vector derived from specific or unique characteristics that the persons possess. But Palm print recognition being one of the important aspects of physiological biometric technology and it is one of the reliable and successful identification methods. In this paper several existing biometrics systems have been studied and analyzed. The main focus of this paper is to provide simple approach to preprocessing and feature extraction from region of interest of palm print. The available databases have also been analyzed and the most efficient of all have been used for the development of the proposed system. This paper proposes a fast and efficient palm print identification method for a available database. System preprocesses the images by converting it into gray scale format. It takes region of interest and then smoothen the image using Gaussian filter. Palm prints features are extracted with filter and matched with Hamming distance. Experiments are done with palm print database. Experimental results show that the proposed method can be more efficient that any of the existing methods. We have used hamming distance algorithm to identify and match the images. This increases efficiency of our system. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1265-1267 |
348 |
Traffic Symbol Recognition System using Image Binarization and Correlation Techniques
-Pooja Awhale ; Shreya Kukdeja; Shweta Vyas; Prashant Jawalkar
in recent years there has been a steep increase in the number of accidents which affected human lives. Recognizing those traffic signs is very pinpointing task because most of the accidents are happening through the non-observation of traffic symbols by driver’s negligence. A novel approach of an automated system is required to identify the traffic symbols through video surveillance and rise a valid alert to driver. The distinct methodologies available are ROI extraction. Most of these techniques are not having clear consensus and many performance issues related to traffic sign symbol detection and recognition. This paper gains attention for proposing modern idea to detect and recognize traffic symbols using multi-block correlation technique which is powered with fuzzy logic and catalyzed by Pearson correlation technique in color images. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1268-1272 |
349 |
A Literature Review on Deceases Detection in Crops and Fruits using Digital Image Processing
-Anurag Choudhary ; Prof. Amit Thakur
in this survey paper introduced the literature survey on the deceases detection using different technologies. Anthracnose. Fungal, virus deceases detection is one of the important part of plants and fruits processing. Now a days required bacterial and fungal infection in increases day to day and destroy the crops and fruits. That’s why the detection of deceases is an important part of the food processing engineering. There are different techniques are available Deceases Detection in crops and fruits using digital image processing. In this survey paper discuss the different methods and different deceases in plants and crops. For the detection of deceases using different type of color model – RGB, YCbCr, CIELAB, HIS and normalized color modal. For the detection of effected part of fruits and leaf use different clustering methods. In this discuss different methods. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1273-1277 |
350 |
Enhancing Heat Transfer Rate of Heat Exchanger using Cadmium Oxide Nanofluid
-A. Sakthi Murugesh ; M. Raghuvaran; V. Tharun Kumar
the heat exchanger is a device used to transfer heat between a solid object and a fluid, or between two or more fluids. Generally, radiators are heat exchangers used in automobiles to transfer thermal energy from one medium to another for the purpose of cooling and heating. In radiator, the hot liquid flows through the exposed pipes and transfers the heat to the air by fans. The heat exchanger is also widely using in space heating, air conditioning, power plants, etc. Since the heat exchanger is using in many industrial applications, the major problem arises during heat exchanger is low thermal conductivity. Low thermal conductivity of heat exchanger is mainly due to the conventional heat transfer fluids. In order to overcome this issue, an energy efficient heat transfer fluids are developed by suspending metallic or metallic oide nanoparticles in conventional heat transfer fluids which is known as “nanofluidsâ€. Our objective is to improve the thermal conductivity by supplying the nanofluid as cold fluid in heat exchanger. These nanofluids are expected to have high thermal conductivity than the heat transfer fluids such as water, ethylene glycol and engine oil. The result of heat transfer property of cadmium oxide nanofluid flowing through the double pipe heat exchanger is presented and it is compared with the heat transfer rate of water flowing through the same heat exchanger. The other thermo-physical properties of cadmium oxide nanofluid and water are also investigated in this paper. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1278-1281 |