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51 |
Association of Body Mass Index, Anxiety and Depression among the School Children of Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh
-D Premasudhakar ; Dr. B. Dharani Priya
Introduction: Obesity is a prevalent metabolic disorder causing co morbid condition worldwide. Anxiety and Depression are globally emerging public health concern psychiatric disorders. The association of these two conditions was studied for the past few years but in south India especially in Andhra Pradesh it is scanty. In view of that we have chosen the association study among the school children of Visakhapatnam.
Objective: The present work is aimed to understand Body Mass Index of the school children and its association with anxiety and depression which are most common symptoms of adolescent children.
Methods and materials: the study group comprises total 400 school children (220 boys and 180 girls) between the ages of 12-17 years. The demographic and anthropometric data has collected on prescribed proforma along with data of Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HAD) questioner Result: In the present study, the average BMI is normal in both boys (18.82±2.94) and girls (18.87±3.44). Among the study group, abnormal and moderate anxiety together in boys 61.8% and 60.5% in girls, whereas the depression in boys and girls is 49.54% and 39.4% respectively. A prominent observation in the present study is highest anxiety and depression among the 16-17 years’ age group of girls and where is in boy’s highest anxiety score with 12-13 years and highest depression with 14-15 years’ age group.
Conclusion: BMI is normal in both girls and boys. Correlation study has conducted between BMI, anxiety and depression for the present study group. The results shown negative correlation among the girls in both anxiety and depression with BMI, whereas in boys it shows a positive correlation.
Population Studies and Demography |
India |
185-188 |
52 |
Variation in Forming Forces Due to Different Tool Movements for PVC Sheet in Incremental Sheet Forming Process
-Ravi Kumar ; Rajender Singh; Vinod Kumar
Incremental sheet forming (ISF) is a promising manufacturing process in which flat material sheets are gradually formed into 3-Dimentional (3D) shapes using a generic forming tool. Since the process features benefits of reduced forming forces, enhanced formability and greater process flexibility, it has a great potential to achieve economic pay off for rapid prototyping applications and for small batch production in various applications. Although substantial research has been done in the past decades on ISF, there is still a lack of an efficient prediction of forming force to facilitate the production design and optimization of the process. Also, unsatisfactory part is quality obtained still hampers its wide use in industrial applications. In past the force prediction is done for considering different parameters i.e. feed, speed, depth of cut, sheet thickness, tool radius etc. But work done in the field of force prediction by different tool movements is very less. Therefore, the work presented in this thesis is mainly focused on efficient forming force prediction for different tool movements and its improvement. The force prediction is done by experimental method in which tool movement is changed by taking the other parameters constant. Forces are find out in the different directions on CNC milling machine using force sensor. By this work the efficient condition of less force and better formability is find. This work also helps in decreasing the time and increasing the surface finishing during the process. The limits of the proposed model are also identified and the potential of future improvements are suggested. Read More...
India |
189-196 |
53 |
Network Monitoring System
-Priti Rajesh Choudhary ; Ashwini Wanjari; Jayshree Shiyale; Sumit Bhave; Prof. Vishal Sathawane
The project developed on the “Network Monitoring System†is being developed for establishing connection between client and server, communicating, and also managing the clients by the server. The project will have two applications one server application and another client application. The server application will store the information about the clients who are logged in and also after logout it’s all information like I/P address, computer name, user name, login date, login time etc. When a client is logged on its details are send to server and the client server communication can be established. The server and administer the client so that when a client opens any application which is server don’t want through server we can restart, logoff, shutdown the client. When a client make use of pen drive which is not allowed to the client then the notification goes to the server, so that proper action can be taken. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
197-199 |
54 |
Design and Development of Corn Peeling Machine
-Mali Prashant Shankar ; Desai Shridhar R ; Nikade Abhijit M; Jankar Vishal G; Siddha Uttam Y
since there are more maize peeling techniques in India which are used in our day to day life. The main problems with these techniques are that they are getting more loss in production rate because of using old methods. So now day’s farmers are required to use the new techniques to increase the production rate and also reduce the man power. But these machines are not affordable to farmers who are having fewer amounts of farms and which not require these big machines. Many farmers in India not have lot of money to invest for purchasing the machines because of their cost. So most of the farmers are resort to use hand operated method or old methods which gives low profit, more damage of corn seeds from cob, which is very oasis work. Since inventions is going on machines which reduced the work for farmers and also provided the saving of cost. These machines are automatic operated, fuel consumption. So by sing the relation of man machine system which establish the simple mechanical design. Read More...
mechanical engineering |
India |
200-202 |
55 |
A Study on Prediction of College Information Management System
-Akshay Nandkishor Yadav ; Anup Anil Alone; Puja Bhendarkar; Prof Milind Deshkar
This article uses the prediction methods of famous international awards in developed countries for reference to study the prediction of college information management system from the point of view of observation of practical application. To study the estimate of college information management system is symbolic not only for theory of prediction but also for practical worth. Carrying out the prediction on the designing developing implementing and rejuvenating (updating) at the right time is a meaningful method for improving and developing the quality of college information management system. Gauging the domain application of college information management system will promote the progress of college information management system technology and exchange of college information management system application experience. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
203-206 |
56 |
A survey on Distributed Power Generation Distinct Level Inverter for Unconventional Energy Resources System
-Vishal Gaurav ; Anurag Sd Rai
The use of distributed energy resources is progressively being pursued as a supplement and an alternate to giant standard central power stations. The specification of a power-electronic interface is subject to necessities affiliated not alone to the renewable energy supply itself but also to its result on the power system grid, particularly wherever the intermittent energy supply constitutes a major a part of the entire system capacity. During this paper, new technique in power electronic system for the integration of wind, solar and photo-voltaic power generators are represented. A review of the suitable storage-system technology used for the combination of intermittent renewable energy sources is additionally introduced. Discussions regarding common and future trends in renewable energy systems depends on reliability and maturity of every technology are bestowed. Read More...
India |
207-211 |
57 |
An Automatic Toll Gate System using RFID Technology
-Prof. G Vijayakumari ; Ms. K Kaviya; Ms. S Vijayalakshmi; Ms. N Yamunadevi
An automated toll collection system using RFID used for collecting tax automatically. Electronic toll collection system allows the vehicle drivers to pass the toll tax booths without stopping at the toll booths. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and tracks tag attached to objects that tag contains electronically stored information. By using RFID technology automated toll collection system performs the collection of toll taxes electronically by net banking. If the balance is not in the account it should be pay manually in the toll. These communications between the vehicle owner and the system takes place through RFID technology. As vehicles don’t have to stop in a queue, this translates to reduce. Traffic congestion at toll plazas and helps in lower fuel consumption. This is very important advantages of this system. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
212-215 |
58 |
Enhancement and Advancement of Android Based Mobile Applications
-Raghavakumar. V ; Shivakumar. R; Balureddy. N; Manohar. T
Present days advancement of hardware for mobile accessories is becoming sophisticated day by day, and enforcement ratio is too high as to genuine requirements of software configuration. In present era phone features are highly lean-on software .this paper distinguishes about application development on android platform. advancement environment of windows mobile and apple's i phone are sure enough to interpreted mobile appliances .mobile application provides user's a rapid and impeccable user involvement. vital target of the paper is on android architecture depends on Linux version 2.6. it is Linux build on open-source mobile phone operating system. mostly java programming language is adopted to advancement of android application. android SDK yields several API's and android studio platform can be cast-off to build application. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
216-219 |
59 |
Self-Inflating Tire
-Sonali Kailas Tope ; Prof. J. V. Chopade
For safety, fuel consumption and comfort issues, tyre pressure monitoring systems became very popular in the recent years. Tire pressure monitoring and automatic filling system is use in vehicles. It is an electronic system designed to monitor air pressure and temperature inside the tires and inform to driver by display. If pressure is below the desired value sit system will re-fill the tire. .If it is above desired, excess pressure will release through a valve. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
220-223 |
60 |
Electronic Toll Plaza using Wi-Fi
-M. Naveen Raj ; P. Pragash; S. Ranjith; T. Tamilarasan; M. Vigneshkumar
Automatic process of toll collection will save time, effort, and man power than the manual toll collection which is widespread in today's world. This project proposes a low cost and efficient technique called Electronic Toll Collection. Electronic toll collection requires several components in order to complete a transaction. The two most important components are vehicle recognition and account identification. This project uses RFID modules that automatically collects the toll from moving vehicles when they cross the toll plaza for recognition and account identification. If the balance in the owner’s account is low or if the vehicle is not equipped with an RF system, the toll gate remains close. In such a case vehicle owner will have to pay the toll tax in cash and collect the receipt. The owner receives an SMS message on his/she mobile about the details of the payment and there is no need for him to stop the vehicle. How many vehicles passing through the toll gate stored in a database. We can also find out a vehicle how many times passing through the toll gate in a day. This process of toll collection offers a minimum delay and increases the through put of the toll. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
224-226 |
61 |
Privacy and Protection of Mobile Health Data on Secure Cloud Storage
-Naseeruddin Ali ; Naziya Pathan; Shyam P. Dubey
In today's digital world, communication and information technology are growing into an integral part in healthcare. Instead of keeping patient’s health record in paper form inside a written file, you can find all patients’ related report stored in an organized and systematic database as well defined files using a specific system in almost every clinic. But those paper based files sometimes got misplaced or information was spread up in files in various hospitals so no one could see the whole scenario. From this point we come up with our idea to build security aspects of privacy and auditability into mobile healthcare with the help of secure private cloud storage. The system will offer privacy preserving data storage and retrieval along with efficient key management techniques for misusing the health record. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
227-230 |
62 |
Optimal Low Switching Frequency Pulse Width Modulation of Fifteen-Level Hybrid Inverter
-B. Ramraj ; M. Bharathi Mohan; K. Dinesh; M. Gowtham; T. Jayaprakash
The objective of this paper is to operate of an induction motor drive at an average device switching frequency limited to rated fundamental frequency by using a fifteen-level Hybrid inverter. To reduce the number of separate dc sources, a three-level transistor clamped inverter was used as a cell in the fifteen-level hybrid inverter. The switching angles for each semiconductor switch are then obtained from optimal fifteen-level waveforms based on the criteria to minimize the switching frequency as well as unbalance in dc-link capacitor voltages. Simulation results obtained from the 1.5-kW induction motor drive show THD < 5% for stator currents. Simulation of Hybrid multilevel inverter of single phase 15-level Transistor clamped multilevel inverter is presented and the output waveforms were observed using MATLAB. Read More...
India |
231-235 |
63 |
Impact of Increasing Nodes over Proactive & Reactive Routing Protocol in VANET using NS3
-Divya Tahanguriya ; Shivendu Dubey
although inter-vehicle communications (IVC) technologies intend to improve driving safety and enable infotainment applications, empirical testing within large-scale deployments remains cost-prohibitive, thus highlighting the need for ac- curate simulation models. While using current models, simulation practitioners limit future extensions and produce in- consistent results by choosing different design assumptions, thus motivating the following research objective: the goal of this research is to assess VANET network effectiveness by highly parameterizing in simulation mobility, radio propagation, and MAC/ PHY models that realistically represent VANET scenarios. We develop a simulation script for ns-3 that we execute for several realistic VANET scenarios and compare routing throughput, end-to-end delay, and safety message packet delivery ratio (PDR) to assess routing protocol performance of AODV and DSDV. We ï¬nd that by combining synthetic highway or realistic vehicular traces with parametric sensitivity, VANET network and routing protocol performance can be meaningfully assessed. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
236-238 |
64 |
Tree Overlay Network (T.O.N.): Decentralized Node Location, Routing and Maintenance Network Overlay for Large Scale Peer to Peer Systems
-Suraaj Hasija ; Lakshay Gujral
this paper presents the design and working of Tree Overlay Network (T.O.N). (1), a completely decentralized network overlay which is used for network creation, maintenance and routing in large scale peer-to-peer applications. It performs routing on the application layer for nodes that are connected via Internet with the help of a structured overlay developed using our proposed modified B-Tree. It has applications in large number of peer-to-peer services. Each node in the T.O.N. is assigned a unique identifier (nodeId) which is assigned on the basis of epoch time. When a node is presented with a message and nodeId, it routes the message through previously formed node packs, which are formed through a sorting mechanism of nodeId corresponding to each node, in an effective manner. In T.O.N. (1) each node keeps track of its neighbors by maintaining various pointers which are used to map their keys to their corresponding IP addresses. The following system is capable of self-adaptation i.e. can manage itself on arrival, departure and failure of nodes. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
239-242 |
65 |
Experimental Investigation on Mechanical Properties of Sisal Fibre Reinforced Concrete
-P. Harika Sayana ; K. Sai Abhinav
a concrete has strong in compression and weak in tension, impact and flexure. To overcome these properties we need to add some addition to concrete like fibres. Fibres are giving some additional tensile, flexure and impact strength to concrete. In this investigation we are adding Natural fibres like Sisal with a fibre dosage of 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% were dispersed into the concrete of mix design M30 grade. The results are compared with conventional concrete so that here increasing the fibre dosage in concrete gradually decrease in compressive strength but increase in split tensile strength flexure strength and bond strength respectively for28 days curing period .so finally while using fibres in concrete we are going to transfer brittle failure to ductility property. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
243-245 |
66 |
Experimental Study of Combined Vibration Effect Due to Vehicular Traffic and Upcoming Metro Train in Ahmedabad City
-Deep D. Patel ; Prof. Dr C. S. Sanghvi
the vibrations induced by metro trains have raised more and more attention along with the development of the mass transition system in many cities of World. With the continuous expansion of Ahmedabad city, metro has become a primary choice to ease the heavy traffic, as its convenience, capacity and safety. However, the vibration induced by metro trains may be affect structures and people nearby. In this project work we are analyzing the vibration impact due to Ahmedabad metro along with existing traffic vibration and its effects on existing engineering structures. Vibrations in engineering structures located along the metro route are measured using 16-channel vibration analyzer due to vehicular traffic along the metro route and on roads with heavy traffic along which metro line may pass during further metro construction phase. Vibrations of metro are predicted using SAP200 modeling. The level of vibrations will be analyzed by addition of existing vehicular traffic vibration and vibration which can be induced during operations of metro in Ahmedabad. Read More...
India |
246-249 |
67 |
Design of Flight Data Transmitter for Black-Box Detection at Airplane Crash
-P Gokulsrinath ; Arunkumar. S; V. Guhan; S. Karthik; Dharmadurai. R
with any airplane crash, there may be many problems arise related to the crash. The only answer is found in the black box which is the combination of Flight Data Recorder and Cockpit Voice Recorder. Instead of waiting for a long period for scanning the black box the valuable information can be recovered instantly via RF transmitter and receiver using GPS is an existing system. The direction sensor, vibration sensor, accelerometer & temperature sensor are used to analysis and detect the fault in the aircraft. If there are any changes in any of the data of four sensors, it will send the CSV/EXCEL format data to the pc through RF transmitter & receiver with the help of GPS. The reason for the crash is pointed and analyzed for the future aircraft designed model. In proposed system, the CSV/EXCEL formatted Flight data information can be directly send to the highest authority persons via mobile or website within 40 seconds. This Concept give low power consumption using lower signal network to easily and quickly send to Authority persons. In this work an effort has been made to design and develop embedded for a modern aircraft. Read More...
Engineering |
India |
250-253 |
68 |
A Review on Implementation of Total Productive Maintenance in Manufacturing Industries
-Debjyoti Bose ; Devesh Shrivastava
Total productive maintenance is considered to be a very important and effective tool by many of the manufacturing industries to improve the Overall Equipment Effectiveness and reducing costs, improving productivity etc. The objective of this paper is to review the literature of implementation of total productive maintenance or TPM in manufacturing industries and to get an idea of how it is done in different industries and their growth in terms of World Class Manufacturing. The methods used is the studying of number of case studies and review papers which deals with the implementation of TPM in the manufacturing sectors. The results obtained by this analysis is that TPM is a benefiting phenomenon when it comes to manufacturing industries even with the presence of some minor setbacks. It can be concluded from this paper that implementation of TPM has more upside than the downside thus it is a very favorable and recommended programme. Read More...
Production Engineering |
India |
254-259 |
69 |
Intelligent Traffic Light Control System using Programmable Logic Controller
-Vivek Garg ; Aishwarya Rai
the main object of this study was to design and implement intelligent traffic control system using Programmable Logic Controller. This project is divided into two parts which are hardware and software. The system developed is able to sense the presence or absence of vehicles within certain range by setting the appropriate duration for the traffic signals to react accordingly. The hardware part for this project is a model of four way junction of a traffic light. By employing mathematical functions to calculate the appropriate timing for the green signal to illuminate, the system can help to solve the problem of traffic congestion. Hardware simulation tests were successfully performed on the algorithm implemented into a PLC (programmable logic controller). Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
260-261 |
70 |
Engineering Properties of Ready Mix Concrete
-Dhaval Dudakiya ; Shah Dhruv; Dhwani Patel; Shweta J Chauhan
Any type of construction works requires concrete as a basic material. The concrete mixture is made up of different ingredients like cement, sand, water, aggregates and admixtures. In the Indian countries, the use of RMC (Ready Mix Concrete) is increased due to its advantages in comparison with traditional concrete mixture. It is type of concrete which is produced under controlled conditions using consistent quality of raw materials. The advantage of RMC like speed of construction can be very fast, reduction in cement consumption by 10 to 12 percent due to better handling and proper mixing, versatility in using and methods of placing of concrete, it uses bulk cement instead of bagged cement so dust pollution will be less and reduced and with better durability of structure their overall service life is increased and there is saving in life cycle cost it is mostly used at the construction site. In this paper, the main focus is to check various engineering properties of materials which are used in the preparation of RMC. The tests are conducted in laboratories and results and its comparison is checked. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
262-264 |
71 |
Multiband Microstrip Patch Antenna for Wireless Applications
-Shivam Singh ; G. S. Tripathi; Dharmendra Kumar
a compact penta-band coaxial-fed microstrip patch antenna for L and S band microwave access is presented. It can be well utilized for WLAN (wireless local area network), GPS and WiMAX communication as well. The proposed antenna consists of a radiating patch with symmetrical rectangular and L-shaped slots including perfect conducting ground plane and has a dimension of (50 × 50 × 1.6mm3 with FR4 epoxy of relative permittivity 4.4. It is mainly designed to operate (0.5-3.0 GHz). Simulation result depicted that the designed antenna will respond well over 1.26-1.29, 1.36-1.41, 2.01-2.07, 2.14-2.22, and 2.43-2.51 GHz frequency bands. Design results are obtained by HFSS (high frequency structure simulator), used for simulation of microwave devices. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
265-267 |
72 |
Smart Solar Based Grass Cutter with MPPT Tracking Panel
-Sayali Gurav ; Ms. Desai Pritam; Ms .Powar Kiran; Ms .Killedar Shrutika; Prof. Chindhi P. S.
the present technology commonly used for cutting the grass is by using the manually handle device. In this project we have automated the machine for cutting the grass. The smart solar grass cutter with solar tracking is a fully automated grass cutting vehicle powered by solar energy that also avoids obstacles and is capable of fully automated grass cutting without the need of any human interaction. The system uses 12v batteries to power the vehicle movement motors as well as the grass cutter motor. We also use a solar panel to charge the battery so that there is no need of charging it externally. The grass cutter and vehicle motors are interfaced to arduino board that controls the working of all the motors. It is also interfaced to an ultrasonic sensor for object detection. In this also, we examine a schematic to extract maximum obtainable solar power from a PV module and use the energy for a DC application. This project investigates in detail the concept of Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) which significantly increases the efficiency of the solar photovoltaic system. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
268-271 |
73 |
A Generative Probabilistic Model and Discriminative Extension for Brain Lesion Segmentation
-Shambhavi Mahadev Gavali ; Prof.A.G.Patil; Pratibha Dattatray Gosavi; Siddhi Anil Lengade
this work deals with the brain tumor detection and segmentation in multisequence MR images with particular focus on high and low-grade gliomas. Three methods are propose for this purpose. The first method deals with the presence detection of brain tumor structures in axial and coronal slices. This method is based on multi-resolution symmetry analysis and it was tested for T1, T2, TLC and FLAIR images. Read More...
Biomedical Engineering |
India |
272-274 |
74 |
Performance Evaluation of Optimized Hierarchical Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network
-B. Pavani ; K. Divya; K. Ravali; A. Radhika; Ch. Priyanka
Wireless sensor networks (WSN) is composed of a large number of small nodes with limited functionality. The most important issue is this type of networks is energy constrains. In this area several researches have been done from which clustering is one of the most effective solutions, the goal of clustering is to divide network into sections each of which has a cluster head (CH).The task of cluster heads collection, data aggregation and transmission to the base station is undertaken. In this way the sensor nodes can reduce communication overheads that may be generated it each sensor node reports sensed data to the base station (BS) independently. Low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) is the one of the most famous clustering mechanism. It elects a cluster, based on probability model. This approach may reduced the network lifetime because LEACH does not consider the distribution of sensor nodes and the energy remains of each node however using the location and energy information. Proposed LEACH-PSO by using functions and calculating overheads can be reduced and finally the parameters of sensor network can be prolonged to improve the efficiency of LEACH-PSO. The simulated results such as LEACH & LEACH-PSO are compared using network simulator (ns2) and evaluate the parameters like Latency, packet deliver ratio (PDR), Delay, Throughput. Read More...
India |
275-277 |
75 |
Influence of Waste Glass Powder on the Properties of Concrete
-Priya Kishor Vaidya ; Poonam Balu Ambekar; Sandip Nana Lalge; Aparna Vilas Kale; Sambhaji Karpe
Concrete is one of the tremendously consumed substance on the earth after water. Study shows that about 7 million cubic meter of concrete is consumed every year. As the cement industry is largest of all, it gives a major contribution to global warming by releasing about 7% of Co2 of all the other gases. A preventive solution to this is to reduce the use of cement by adding some useful fibers materials to it. Many studies are ongoing to deal with this issue .As may researchers have proved that replacing cement with GGBS & PFA can reduce the use of cement to a certain limit similarly, utilizing glass powder as a replacement to cement in % can be done. It can be replaced by 5%-25% at interval of 5% for better results. The specimens with glass powder are compared with conventional concrete after curing of 3days, 7days, and 28days of curing. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
278-281 |
76 |
Experimental Studies on Strength Characteristics of GGBS Based Geopolymer Concrete
-K. M. Chetan ; K. C. Sachin; B. B. Gopal
Global warming is created by the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere in various ways during the production and utilization of many materials. As a part of civil engineering we all know concrete is the important material in for construction. Concrete is made up of with Cement, Aggregates and water. Cement plays a prominent role by improving binding properties among the other ingredients of concrete. But production of OPC causes emission of harmful gases into the atmosphere and also major consumption of natural resources. As a part of our research a step is made towards producing of concrete without using OPC as a binding material. Hence instead of OPC we were used GGBS as binder material. NaOH and Na2SiO3 chemicals are used as activators. This study has been made with river sand and Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GBFS) as fine aggregates and with regular crushed stone as coarse aggregates for manufacturing of Geopolymer concrete. Geo polymer concrete has been prepared for 8, 10 and 12 molarities and their mechanical behaviour is being observed for 3, 7 and 28 days. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
282-284 |
77 |
PLC Based Theft Detection in Distribution
-Ansari Mohammed Khalid Mohammed Mubeen ; Avhad Varsha Baban; Barhate Bharti Namdev; Prof. Salunke P. N
While operating in different modes, it’s become necessary to reduce the electricity theft. A major challenge for utilities is energy theft, where in malicious actors steal energy for financial gain. All worlds working on smart things so it’s necessary to develop smart protection against theft & increase power quality. And support to our economic development. In this project we present a PLC (Power Line Communication) based automatic electricity theft detection & next action taken against theft control. In this cast we will develop and plc based system which basically detects the current. If incoming current or current through meter does not match to the current taken by the load which means the consumer have tapped the line before the line/cable enter into the meter. Hence this will drive the controller to send the information over existing transmission line which feed the power to the consumer. That information will retrieve by the utility. As we are using the existing power line to communicate hence there is no need to develop an advance communication infrastructure to detect the theft. And no more running cost is needed. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
285-287 |
78 |
IOT Enabled Transport System using Android Application
-Justin Job P ; K S Prabhu; Devi Sabitha T; Rakshara Fathima T
The Android Application which is developed for students to track their college buses, bus number and also the route bus routes online. It helps the user to get the location of the bus which helps in user to not to get delayed. The development technology also increased the traffic issues and also accidents. This causes a huge amount of life loss and also property cause of poor emergency facilities. This paper also helps in solving this drawback. When an accident occurred, the sensors will get activated and it will trigger the IoT device to send a text message to the emergency services along with the coordinates where the accident occurred. The paper will result in producing the project with an android application for the students. The IoT device will be on-boarded in the college bus along with the gps and also the vibration sensor. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
288-290 |
79 |
Dual Condenser Vapour Compression Refrigeration System with Waste Heat Recovery for Heating Applications
-Vikas Khajuria ; Dinesh Kumar
Most of the refrigeration systems being used worldwide runs on the compression systems that produce the net refrigeration effect. These refrigeration systems operates on the principle of reverse Carnot cycle according to which some heat must be rejected at higher temperature. This cycle can be utilized to conserve some of the heat and use it for heating purpose. In this experimental work, we have built a refrigeration system with an additional condenser unit which is used to store some of the heat. This technique can be applied to the domestic refrigerators in which the frozen food products can be warmed and melted before cooking them. Adding the condenser is supposed to bring down the net COP of the system, this analysis is still left to be done. It is observed that the net heat conserved overshadows the decrease in the COP of the system. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
291-295 |
80 |
Finite Element Analysis of a Gear Tooth using Ansys and Stress Reduction by Stress Relief Hole
-Ajay S. Ingle ; Arun N. Nanhai
Spur gears are used to transmit motion and power from one shaft to another, especially in between two parallel shafts and also used to vary speed and torque. The cost of replacement of spur gear is very high and also the system down time is one of the effect in which these gears are part of system. When gear is subjected to load, high stresses developed at the root of the teeth, these high stresses increase the chances of fatigue failure at the root of teeth of spur gear. The aim of this research paper is to reduce the root filet stress to increase fatigue life of spur gear. This paper present the techniques to reduce root fillet stress in spur gear by introducing the stress relieving features in stress zone. Three teeth of spur gear are taken for study. By using Lewis equation maximum principal stress is calculated by applying the load at tip of tooth. In the same way spur gear is analyzed in ANSYS software for the maximum principal stress. In comparison it is found that both the results are above 900 closed. The maximum principal stress at root fillet of spur gear is calculated in ANSYS is 10% less than theoretical result. By considering the maximum principal stress in ANSYS as a base, further work is carried out in ANSYS. Circular stress relieving features are used at various locations in spur gear to reduce the maximum principal stress. Reduction in principal stress increases fatigue life of spur gear. Read More...
M-Tech in Mechanical CAD-CAM |
India |
296-300 |
81 |
A Comparative Study on Web Usage Mining Technique Over Web Log Data
-Monika Sahu ; Dr Megha Mishra; Dr Vishnu Kumar Mishra
Machines record our program plans, inclinations, occasions, accomplishments, purchasing and offering. Indeed, even our comings and goings are recorded today. As the volume of information expands, it turns into a more troublesome assignment to grasp it. Investigation of who perused what can give critical knowledge into, for instance, what are the purchasing pattern of customers. Intriguing data extracted from the guests data browsed help experts to anticipate. Web servers stock data of each URL requested by website visitors in a file named as web usage log. Web Usage Mining techniques focuses the problem of fetching social patterns from one or more web usage logs. In this paper we will provide a comparative study on different web usage mining techniques upon web log data emphasis on how web usage mining techniques helps to do effective web page ranking. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
301-304 |
82 |
Sewage Treatment Plant Techniques
-Maaz Allah Khan ; Mohd Daud Akhtar; Mohd Tauqeer Khan; Mohd Masoom; Jibran Jamshed
A sewage treatment plant is quite necessary to receive the domestic and commercial waste and removes the materials which pose harm for general public. Its objective is to produce an environmentally-safe fluid waste stream (or treated effluent) and a solid waste (or treated sludge) suitable for disposal or reuse (usually as farm fertilizer). The growing environmental pollution needs for decontaminating waste water result in the study of characterization of waste water, especially domestic sewage. In the past, domestic waste water treatment was mainly confined to organic carbon removal. Recently, increasing pollution in the waste water leads to developing and implementing new treatment techniques to control nitrogen and other priority pollutants. Sewage Treatment Plant is a facility designed to receive the waste from domestic, commercial and industrial sources and to remove materials that damage water quality and compromise public health and safety when discharged into water receiving systems. It includes physical, chemical, and biological processes to remove various contaminants depending on its constituents. Using advanced technology it is now possible to re-use sewage effluent for drinking water. Sewage / waste water treatment consist of different processes which protect the environment & human through cleansing the water pollutant. In history people used difference method of treatment for purification of water which get advance by advancement in technological world. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
305-309 |
83 |
Integrated Study of Karanja Catchment Area using Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing
-Seegi Channaveer ; Dr Shivasharanappa G Patil
The catchment range requires a large group of between related data to be created and examined in connection to each other. GIS (geological data framework) and RS (Remote detecting) is utilized as a part of this review. ArcGIS 10.1 and ERDAS 8.7 has been connected to examine territory characters, to decide capability of water limit and processing the topographical references information, which add new measurements to ecological administration for a piece of karanja catchment range in Bidar area. Bidar area is the northernmost piece of the Karnataka state in the India. The locale reaches out from scope 17.35°N to 18.25°N and from the longitude 76.42°E to 77.39°E.The two imperative sorts of soils saw in the area are dark soils and lateritic soil. Karanja waterway is the tributary to manjara stream which joins the Godavari River. The topical maps of catchment zone have been created. The check dams and permeation tanks are proposed at catchment zone. Read More...
Environment Engineering |
India |
310-314 |
84 |
Review and Analysis of Opportunistic Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks
-Ashish Ohri ; Ashish Sharma
In wireless sensor networks (WSN) there are sensor nodes which are connected wirelessly to communicate each other are scattered in the field of interest. These wireless sensor nodes gather information about the field or changes in the field like some physical or chemical phenomenon. After gathering the information sensors transmit this information toward a high capacity computer system called as base station or sink. Although the sensors always transfer data toward the base station, but there is a need of routing protocols which optimize the energy consumption of each node for sending and receiving data packets. Sensor nodes perform all the sensing, processing and communicating tasks by using battery power. Hence, if the communication route is not optimal than more energy will be wasted. To save the energy in the network the routing protocols must select energy efficient routes. Several researchers worked in this area and proposed routing protocols which can be categorized as data centric, hierarchical, location based and opportunistic routing. This paper presents the description of each routing category and will present a comparative analysis of opportunistic routing (OR) protocols for WSN. Opportunistic routing protocols take the advantage of broadcasting nature of wireless sensor nodes and involve all sensor nodes in the data forwarding process. The comparative analysis has been done on the basis of various parameters like power usage, data aggregation, and scalability. This paper helps to recognize the effect of opportunistic routing on working of WSN and also it helps to find out which protocol suited which application best. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
315-320 |
85 |
Statistical Modeling of Wavelet Coefficients
-Mr. Indra Kumar Gupta ; Dr. M. R. Aloney
Removing noise from the original signal is still a challenging problem for researchers. There have been several published algorithms and each approach has its assumptions, advantages, and limitations. This paper presents a review of some significant work in the area of image denoising. After a brief introduction, some popular approaches are classified into different groups and an overview of various algorithms and analysis is provided. Insights and potential future trends in the area of denoising are also discussed Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
321-325 |
86 |
Experimental Investigations on Heat Transfer and Frictional Characteristics by Dimpled Surface
-Amol Latane ; Jay Gavade; Sanjay Kulal; Navnath Hegade
An experimental investigation was carried out to find the optimum dimple array pattern on flat surface. The researchers have documented theories related to dimple array pattern (i.e. inline array, staggered array, etc.) and dimple shapes (i.e. oval dimple, almond shape dimple, etc.). Protrusions like dimples are created on internal flow passage to augment the heat transfer. This project work is related to investigation of the forced convection heat transfer over dimple array. The objective of work is to find heat transfer rate and frictional characteristics from test surface and results are compared with flat surface. The dimple array pattern is in V-angled shape (60°, 90°, 120°) and pitch is 14mm & 16mm horizontally and 7mm & 8mm vertically. The Nusselt number, friction factor and thermal performance index was measured, dimples formed are spherical in shape with 10mm print diameter and 3mm depth, channel height is 25mm, test plate is having dimensions of 600 x 100 x 6mm. The Reynolds number based on hydraulic diameter was varied from 12381 to 30300. From the study it is observed that thermal performance was increasing with Reynolds number, 120° V-angled and 14mm pitch plate having higher thermal performance index of 1.82. Read More...
Heat Power Engineering |
India |
326-330 |
87 |
A Distributed Power Flow Controller (DPFC) to Improve Power Quality
-Garima Sikka ; Aashish Jaiswal
This paper represents a new dimension of the Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) called as Distributed Power-Flow Controller (DPFC). is a further development of the UPFC. The DPFC can be considered as a UPFC with an eliminated common dc link. The system consists of several low-power series converters and one shunt large-power converter without common dc link. Also new is that the power exchange between the shunt and series parts is through the existing transmission line at a harmonic frequency and the active power exchange between shunt and series is transmitted through the transmission line in the nth harmonic frequency, and has no disturbance to the fundamental component. The aim of this paper is to develop a new type of power-flow controlling device that offers the same control capability as the UPFC. This solution enables the Distributed series part of the separated UPFC to reduce the cost significantly and have a lot of extra benefits, such as higher reliability, convenient for installation and maintenance. Here the results of steady-state analysis of the separated UPFC are also presented. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
331-335 |
88 |
Regenerative Braking System
-Uday Gangaprasad Rachewad ; Uday Rachewad
When a conventional vehicle applies it brakes, kinetic energy is converted to heat as friction between the brake pads and wheels. This heat is carries away in the airstream and the energy is effectively wasted The total amount of energy lost in this way depends on how often, how hard and for how long the brakes are applied. Regenerative braking refers to a process in which portion of the kinetic energy of the vehicle is stored by a short term storage system. Research on control strategy is one of most important topics of regenerative braking and can be roughly categorized into two types according to the propose of research. One is to enhance the braking performance and driving comfort. The other is to improve the regenerative efficiency and to save resources. Regenerative braking system can convert the kinetic energy into electrical energy with help of electric motor. And it can also convert the kinetic energy into mechanical energy, which is supplied to the vehicle whenever it is needed, with the help of a flywheel. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
336-339 |
89 |
Electromagnetic Braking System of an Induction Motor
-Prashant N. Kareliya ; Krunal A. Bagda; Sagar P. Khunt
The title of our project is “Electromagnetic Braking System Of Induction Motor†That means an induction motor to stop rotating via principle of electromagnetic and component to be used for stop rotating is electromagnetic brake. In this project electromagnetic brake is fitted on the shaft. When supply is given to the motor the motor is starts to rotating, When AC supply given to Electromagnetic brake the magnetic coil energizes and attract pressure disc so that the shaft of motor is free to rotate and motor is frequently rotate. When it’s necessary to stop rotation of the motor we need to apply the braking of motor. For the braking of motor the supply of electromagnetic brake is cut off and the pressure disc is release due to spring forces and disc is strongly connected with friction disc which made of carbon-fiber material and motor is stopped, because of friction disc is mounted on shaft and it also rotate with shaft when motor energize. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
340-341 |
90 |
Comparative Study on Text Classification Ways and Means
-Suman Sahu ; Dr. Abha Choubey
Content Classification is the way toward sorting out content reports into pre-characterized classifications as indicated by the document content. All the more expressly, given an arrangement of illustration reports for every class, we need to consequently take in the attributes of every classification, or take in a model of every classification, which we can then apply to dole out classes to another (unlabeled) documents. Content order has numerous applications, in different fields and for different sorts of information. Numerous issues identified with information stockpiling, administration and recovery can be defined as far as content order. The most widely recognized case of content arrangement is that of sorting out news as indicated by their theme, e.g. into Sports, Politics, Economics or ordering extensive Web record accumulations into Web registries for less demanding perusing and recovery, e.g. the Yahoo Directory. In this paper we will provide the comparative study of different methods meant for text categorization. This work will make help to improve the performance of existing text classification methods Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
342-345 |
91 |
A Survey on Web Based Attacks Emphasis on SQL Injection Attack
-Priyanka Yadav ; Dr. Abha Choubey
Internet and Networks have progressive, numerous offline services have progressed for online. At the present time, maximum online services use web services. Access the web everyplace and anytime is an abundant advantage; though, as the web becomes more prevalent, web attacks are increasing day by day. Most web attacks target the vulnerabilities of web applications. Interruption practices over web because the considerable harm of system. So enterprises look for interruption detection system to secure their system. SQL injection attack is more often occurs at database layer of an application. This security vulnerability leads to unauthorized access of database, leak of confidential information and there is chance of data alteration. Henceforth it vital to discuss about security vulnerability over web. In this paper we will provide review on web based attacks but more emphasis on SQL injection attacks and how IDS detects these attacks i.e. several technique involved for IDS. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
346-350 |
92 |
Design and Implementation of Smart Bridge System for Protection against Natural Disaster
-Tile Priyanka Samadhan ; Pawar Shital Shivaj; Bodake Shobha Vishnu; Sharmila M; Roopali S. Patil
In our country, the bridges across the rivers, oceans or sea beds falls down suddenly. To prevent from this, we are implementing the smart bridge system. In this system, we used two sensors on each side. If any variation in bridge level or angle, the warning is given by the buzzer. By using GSM system, message send to the maintenance department. So that the workers can come immediately at the location and clear the fault. Micro-controller used to control traffic by using flap and bridge street light by using LDR sensor. LCD display is also there to show the working of bridge continuously. In short there is an automation in bridge system by using micro-controller. This work help to prevent from suddenly fall down, traffic control and lighting of bridges. Read More...
India |
351-353 |
93 |
All Nut Remover in Automobile Vehicle in Single Setting (6 Nut in 1)
-Sachin Sharma ; Lakshadeep Kshatraya ; Rakesh Patil ; Suhas Durgawale
Car is not a symbol of luxurious anymore. It is a need for every family. People need car due to several reasons. Some of them are, to get to a destination, to travel conveniently, to do daily job and to move things to a greater distance. The problem occurs the most during car operation is the problem with tire puncture. The flat tire needed to be replaced with spare tire. Therefore, drivers need to know basic knowledge of tire replacement procedure if such problem occurs. In order to change the flat tire, one requires minimal skills. Virtually every car has a tire replacement tools such as the L-shaped nut remover and jack supplied by the manufacturer. The tool used to remove the wheel nuts should be designed for ergonomic, easy to handle and requires small space for storage. The tool is also function as wheel nuts tightened. It is difficult for women and the elderly drivers due to high required torque to remove the wheel nuts. In addition, if the nuts are successfully removed, the problem to retighten the nuts will follow. If the required torque is not applied in tightening the nuts, the nuts will lose, and this will jeopardize the driver’s safety. Impact wrench used to remove wheel nuts is also consuming time in automotive maintenance industry. For these reasons, to avoid time wasting and a lot of energy used to change the tire, a special tool is designed and fabricated to allow driver or mechanic to remove four wheel nuts at once with little energy is development and simulation work on six nuts wheel remover for automotive like Chevrolet Taveras, Land cruiser, Fortune, Parejo etc. Read More...
mechanical engineering |
India |
354-357 |
94 |
A Review on Cryogenic Machining and Material Characteristics
-Omkar Virendra Deshpande ; Prof. Rahul Krishnaji Bawane
Cryogenically assisted manufacturing processes are emerging as environmentally-benign, toxic-free, hazardless operations, producing functionally superior products. This paper presents an overview of major cryogenic manufacturing processes, summarizing the state-of-the-art. It begins definitions, scope, and proceeds to analysis of process mechanics and material performance covering thermo-mechanical interactions, followed by surface integrity, product quality and performance in cryogenic manufacturing. Process analysis and applications includes machining, forming and grinding. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
358-361 |
95 |
Spam Collection and Detection System
-Venkatesh Andekar ; Ritheesh Gupta; Aslesha
As more users are connected to the Internet and conduct their daily activities electronically, computer users have become the target of an underground economy that infects hosts with malware or adware for ï¬nancial gain. Unfortunately, even a single visit to an infected web site enables the attacker to detect vulnerabilities in the user’s applications and force the download a multitude of malware binaries. Frequently, this malware allows the adversary to gain full control of the compromised systems leading to the ex-ï¬ltration of sensitive information or installation of utilities that facilitate remote control of the host. We believe that such behavior is similar to our traditional understanding of botnets. However, the main difference is that web-based malware infections are pull-based and that the resulting command feedback loop is looser. To characterize the nature of this rising thread, we identify the four prevalent mechanisms used to inject malicious content on popular web sites: web server security, user contributed content, advertising and third-party widgets. For each of these areas, we present examples of abuse found on the Internet. Our aim is to present the state of malware on the Web and emphasize the importance of this rising threat. Spamming is the most malicious task which allows the attackers to send the unwanted bulk messages to the users. Spam is flooding the internet with many copies of the same message in an attempt to force the message on people who would not otherwise choose to receive it. Most spam is commercial advertising, often for dubious products. Email spam targets individual users with direct mail messages. Email spam lists are often created by stealing Internet mailing lists, or searching the Web for addresses. Spam costs very little to the sender. Spam collection and detection system prevents in receiving spam messages. It protects email and web based messengers from receiving spam messages. It displays a notification if any spam mail or message received Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
362-364 |
96 |
Solid State Tape Changer for Utility Transformer
-Bharatsinh A.Sodha ; Ajay B. Kavad ; Sanjay N. Khandhar; Yashit D. Tita
The on load tap changing regulator have been used in wearies industries & power application they ensures good regulation of the output voltage in proses larger changes of the input voltage they are time form mile second to several seconds. The mechanical type tap changers were into practice. But they had considerable limitations arcing, high maintenance, service costs and slow reaction times. In limitations and drawbacks reducing using electronic equipment in solid state tap changers are developed. The continuous growth of semiconductor devices, such as using insulated gate bipolar transistor, solid state relay has allowed the development of fast on load tape changer regulators which has help to fix other problems in the ac mains, like sags. The actually idea in the solid state tap changer for utility transformer is that using solid state switches and best control ability operate during the tap changing process instead of mechanical switches which helps in reducing the arc during the tap changing process. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
365-367 |
97 |
Limitation and Challenges of using Heat Pipe a Comparative Review
-Mr. Devendra Kumar Pandey ; Prof. Sohail Bux
A heat pipe can be defined as a heat transfer device consisting of hollow metal pipes which are filled with a liquid coolant. Heat pipes transfer heat by evaporating and condensing in an endless cycle. The prime focus of this review is to provide detailed information on heat pipes including a historical perspective, principles of operations, types of heat pipes, performance characteristics, limitations, heat pipe frozen startup and shutdown, analysis and simulations, and various applications of heat pipes. Over the last several decades, several factors have contributed to a major transformation of heat pipe science and technology. One of the major contribution was the development and advances of new heat pipes, such as loop heat pipes, micro and miniature heat pipes, and pulsating heat pipes. In addition, there are several new commercial applications which have contributed to the recent interest in heat pipes, especially in the fields of electronic cooling and energy. Now days several millions of heat pipes are manufactured each month as all modern laptops uses heat pipes as a CPU cooling device. Numerical modeling, analysis, and experimental simulation of heat pipes have also made significant progress with the better understanding of various physical phenomena in heat pipes. Read More...
M-Tech(thermal power engineering) |
India |
368-372 |
98 |
Environmental Impact Assessment of Mining at Khursipar Iron Ore Mine (MH)
-Chetna Ashok Kore ; Mr. Arif Khan
Maharashtra is one of the largest producer of IRON And STEEL materials in the country. MSMC’s Khursipar Iron Ore Mine producing mainly Titano-Magnetite ore. The iron ore deposit of Khursipar is very important since it contains valuable mineral, vanadium which can be economically extracted. This deposit can be exploited for production of vanadium metal. This paper reports the find out the socio-economic and environmental impacts of mining in Amgaon tehsil, Gondia, Maharashtra. The current production capacity of iron ore in Khursipar (Ambetalav) is around 180 Mt. Opencast Mining, Height of the Bench is 3.0 M. Width of the bench is15 to 20 M and Angle of Slope is not exceeding 600. Mining is widely regarded as having adverse effects on environment. Some of these effects include impact on wildlife, socio-economic impact and contamination of groundwater by chemical from the mining process in open-pit mining. . As such, a repeatable process effects primarily tends to destroys them early. It is very necessary to study of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the iron ore mining activity on the future development and management of the natural environment and resources of gondia district. Normally, iron ore mining in India is done by opencast mining method and on this basis of mining methods, the mining can be broadly classified into two categories, i.e., manually and machinery. Read More...
Environment Engineering |
India |
373-378 |
99 |
A Microwave Dual-band Bandpass Filter for L Band Application
-Abhinav Vishwakarma ; G. S. Tripathi
In the Bandpass filter two open stepped impedance resonator is introduce with help of dual-band bandpass filter. The proposed filter having an extra added two open T stabbed impudence resonator in outside the substrate and the filter design is designed for input output transmission lines where structure is totally coupled. Through this theoretical analysis and full wave simulation, we proceed SLR is ready to have the beneficial that odd mode resonant frequency and perhaps even mode are fixed. Dual-band bandpass filter is a simulated design of microwave dual-band bandpass filter is operating at its centre frequencies (1.3, 1.95) GHz which make this filter liable candidate of dual- band bandpass filter. The two pass band return loss 31 and 26 dB is first and second band pass filter A s-parameter result proposed filter has been simulated correctly which shows remarkable characteristics of microwave dual-band bandpass filter using SISRs. The dual-band bandpass filter is design for L band application. The insertion loss less than -5dB db. The ROGER RO3006 substrate by dielectric constant 6.15 thickness 1.27 mm in the prepared filter structure which based at SISR the dual band filter. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
379-380 |
100 |
Determination of Strength Properties by using Glass Fibre in Concrete
-B. Rama Krishna ; E. Nagaraju; T. Sivakumar; T. Ramesh; Y. Tejakumar
Alkali resistant glass fiber is extracted from the malleability of the waste glass material. This shows that thin sheets of glass pieces are called as glass fiber. Glass fiber is used in concrete for improving the strain properties as well as crack resistance, ductility and toughness. Now-a-day’s glass fiber is most used in the construction of buildings and pavements. Glass fiber is an additional material to concrete and added as percentages by the weight of cement. In this experiment, the glass fiber is added at 0.1%, 0.3%, 0.5%, 1% and 1.5% by the weight of cement. In this study, M20 grade concrete is used. Concrete blocks are tested for compressive strength and split tensile strength in the time intervals of 7 days and 28 days. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
381-383 |