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551 |
An Analytical Framework for Data Stream Mining Methodologies Considering
-Shabina Sayed ; Shoeb Ahmed; Dr. Rakesh Poonia
In today’s information society, computers are used to gather and share data anytime and anywhere. This concerns applications such as social networking, banking, telecommunication, healthcare, research, and entertainment, among others. As a result, a huge amount of data related to all human activity is gathered for storage and processing purposes. These data sets may contain interesting and useful knowledge represented by hidden patterns, but due to the volume of the gathered data, it is impossible to manually extract that knowledge. That is why data mining and knowledge discovery methods have been proposed to automatically acquire interesting, non-trivial, previously unknown and ultimately understandable patterns from very large data sets. A new class of emerging applications generates data at very high rates in the form of transient data streams. Due to their speed and size, it is impossible to store them permanently. Applications of data stream analysis can vary from critical scientific and astronomical applications to important business and financial ones. Algorithms, systems, and frameworks that address streaming challenges have been developed over the past 10 years. In this paper, we review the theoretical foundations of data stream analysis, mining data stream systems. Finally, we outline and discuss research problems in stream mining field of study. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
2023-2026 |
552 |
Provide Security in Social Networking Sites using Honeyword based Approach
-Bhosale Santosh ; Gholap Gaurav; Kokade Rahul; Kamble Vicky
From the recent survey, it has proven that the passwords are not secured from the cyber attackers. Using only hash password is not enough to keep cyber attackers from password file cracking. And so, there is a need for more secure and reliable approach which is honeyword i.e. fake passwords which are used to deal with different cyber-attacks and to prevent password file disclosure. If an attacker steals the hashed password file, then it becomes very easier for an attacker to login into the account through authenticated way. We need to understand that once a password file is stolen then there is no mechanism that can detect the attacker from hacking the account. And to do so attacker may use variety of attacks to recover the hashed password file, some of them are brute force attack, rainbow table attack, dictionary attack etc. An auxiliary service which is known as honey checker is a secure server that stores only the index of the real passwords along with the index of honeywords for each of the user whenever there is a use of honeyword is detected it immediately triggers the alarm and notify the administrator. In this research paper, we will discuss one of the honeyword generation method hybrid model which is combination of chaffing with tweaking and password model and suggest some improvement from the previous methods along with improved security and easy implementation, we will also address the drawbacks of previous approach and overcome almost every drawback. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
2027-2029 |
553 |
Requisition Process Automation
-Misba Mohammad Aslam Mansuri ; Muqri Sheefa Shafee; Khatib Ateeque Abdul Aziz
this paper illustrates the implementation of the Requisition Process Automated System which is of great importance to either an organization or an institute. This system can be used to automate the workflow of requisitions and their approvals. Normally in any organization requests for the products are tracked either via an email or excel sheets or registers and this leads to tremendous wastage of resources and involves a lot of manual work. To reduce this wastage of resources and time we are working on creating an Automated System which would shorten the requisition cycle and administrative overhead. There are features like making request for the product, automated approval of request from higher authorities of the organization, requestor can view the status of the requisition in this automated system. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
2030-2032 |
554 |
Optimization of Operation Conditions for Partial Nitrification of Anaerobic Sludge Digester Supernatant in Sequencing Batch Reactor
-C. Lathiga ; Dr. S. Keerthinarayana; Dr. S. V. Srinivasan
the supernatant obtained from the anaerobic digestion of excess sludge contains high amount of ammonia (1020 mg/L as NH4-N), which increases the nitrogen load during wastewater treatment. Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (ANAMMOX) process is the most economically viable option for removing nitrogen from wastewater containing high ammonia, however the anammox process required the substrates NO2-N and NH4-N in a ratio of 1:1.This paper deals with the optimization of process parameters for partial nitrification (PN). Initially anaerobic digestion (AD) was carried out for waste sludge taken from a 5L capacity lab scale SBR by using sewage sludge as inoculum which resulted in the specific biogas yield of 20.304 mL/g of VS of the sludge. Then the ammonia rich supernatant was separated and treated using PN to meet the required NO2-N/NH4-N ratio of 1:1. The partial nitrification was carried out in 1L bubble column reactor inoculated with nitrifying seed sludge from the lab scale SBR .Seven operational factors (pH, DO, Temperature, Cycle time, MLSS, C/N and aeration strategy) which significantly affect the NO2-N.NH4-N ratio were taken for the study. Plackett-Burman DOE was used to find out which of these factors have the most significant effect in achieving the required NO2-N: NH4-N ratio. A total of 12 runs based on the design were operated for a minimum of three days per run. Data was collected and the result feed to Minitab software to analyze the effect of the factors affecting the NO2-N/NH4-N ratio. The results showed that it is possible to reach a stable partial nitrification with high pH (7.60), low C/N (0.5), high cycle time (10hrs), low DO concentration (1mg/L), low MLSS/MLVSS (3500) mg/L), high temperature (32ºC) and intermittent aeration. The main effect interaction plots also shows the NO2-N/NH4-N increases with increasing pH, DO, Temperature and cycle time and decreases with the corresponding MLSS and C/N ratio operated. Pareto chart of the factors considered shows that the pH influence the NO2/NH4-N ratio the most and DO influence the least within the range of values taken. Read More...
Environment Engineering |
India |
2033-2036 |
555 |
Risk Assessment & Disaster Management Plan for International Shipbuilding and Repair Complex
-Abdul Manaf A ; Dr. Nihal Anwar Siddiqui
Risk assessment provides a structured basis for identifying hazards and to ensure that all risks which have been are reduced to an appropriate level in a effective and efficient manner. The project lists down the various risks involved in building a new Shipbuilding and Repair Complex and the ways and means with which risks can be reduced to an acceptable level. Health Safety & Environmental aspects become a major factor of importance for evaluation of Shipyards by design firms and ship owners for deciding to award their vessels for building or repairs. New developments in safety systems of shipyards today is the requirement to not only deal with safety problems but also to address, at an early stage, the risks, their importance, their severity, frequency of occurrence, impact on the environment etc. and take the appropriate steps to reduce or eliminate them through a Risk Assessment System. Based on risk assessment conducted, Disaster Management Plan has been framed for the construction and operation phase of the project. This disaster management plan will set out procedures and plans to be adopted in the event of emergency, loss of containment and consequence thereof in the proposed new complex. Read More...
Health,Safety and Environment Engineering |
India |
2037-2038 |
556 |
Gain Enhancement of Modify 2x2 MIMO Antenna using Superstrate Layer
-Prashant Kumar ; Garima Saini
In this paper, we present the gain enhancement of a microstrip MIMO antenna using a superstrate layer. The basic structure is a microstrip patch antennas consist of a metallic patch on one side of the dielectric substrate with ground plane on other side. The main aim of this paper is to obtain a high gain microstrip MIMO antenna. The antenna system consists of 2x2 radiating elements of same dimensions printed on a substrate. Superstrate layer has been designed to load the microstrip MIMO antenna. The unloaded MIMO antenna resonates at 5.8GHz with gain of 6.687dB. Whereas when loaded with the superstrate the gain increase to 9.428dBi which corresponds to gain enhancement 40.98%. This antenna can be used for Wi MAX. This structure are simulated and analysis using High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) software. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
2039-2041 |
557 |
Analysis and Design of Multi Level Inverter
-Anand Kumar Joshi ; Anand Kumar Joshi; Devendra Dohre; Silpi Sisodia
Multilevel Inverter (MLI) has been accepted as an attractive topology for high voltage DC-AC conversion. This paper focuses on a reference modulation technique for a hybrid multilevel inverter technique based on reduced Total harmonic distortion and total number of used Power electronics Switches the results of reduction of total cost ,installation area and reduced circuit complexity due to gate driver circuit. Pulse width modulation technique to generate firing pluses. Over all circuit present higher number of level with use of less number of powers switches. Simulation and THD results show with MATLAB/SIMULINK platform. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
2042-2045 |
558 |
Genre Based Video Indexing and Retrieval using Visual Features
-Tusharkumar V. Ratanpara ; Dr. K. H. Wandra; Dr. N. M. Patel
With recent advances in digital video coding and transmission, there is a strong demand for a procedure that index, retrieve and classify multimedia data according to users need. In this work, an approach is implemented for genre based video song indexing & retrieval using visual clues. Song sequences are classified into different genre like dance, romantic and sad. Visual features such as shot duration and actor movement is computed for genre based video song sequence classification. Approach is tested on movies of various genres. Accuracy obtain for song genre classification is 75.45 %. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
2046-2049 |
559 |
A Review: GIS Based Home Tax Revenue System
-Mr. Shetty Ranjith ; Mr. Jhawar Lalitkumar; Ms. Kadam Sayli; Ms. Changediya Saloni; Mr. Mulla Tahseen
This paper describes the outlook on the analytics of geographical information system. The paper includes an argument of the importance of this system and how it’s generated. One of the software tools successfully and wide spread used for system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present spatial or geographic data. GIS stands for geographic information system, a method of managing, analyzing, and displaying geographic information on easily understood, computer-generated maps. The strength of GIS is its ability to create distinct ma players for different types of information, and then to combine them in any way desired or needed. Each layer consists of geographic, or spatial, data linked to descriptive, or tabular, information. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
2050-2053 |
560 |
A Review: Web Application for Stone Crusher System
-Ms. Magdum Monika ; Ms. Vaswade Pooja; Ms. Desai Usharani; Ms. Shinde Ashwini; Mr. Mulla Tahseen
Stone Crusher Software Using web App is the one of the unique idea. It maintains the detail processing of stone crusher. Till now there is no android app for stone crusher. So we decided to introduce stone crusher app. It reduces the manual work of human being. This app is useful for owner as well as customer. Desired information about the customer and incoming raw materials is stored in master database. Owner will log in through username and password and if he is a new Owner, needs to be sign up. After crushing of raw materials it’s sizes are dust,3/8 inch,1/2 inch,1/2*3/4 inch,1 inch,1*1/2 inch. This project is provides total features of management that gives support to manage customers and suppliers. Project is web based so that we can use this as offline as well as online. In that we have created some modules that we can access by mobile as well as Laptops, computers. This project contains ten modules that is Purchase management, place order, Machinery Management, Supplier management, SMS management, Email System, Sale Module, Product Module, Expenses Module and Reports. The project is web application so that we can make this responsive so making responsive we are using bootstrap framework .we are using C# and as front end technology so that it is useful to handle and Understanding. Backed Database handling purpose we are using SQL 2008 it helps us for secure database and well understanding. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
2054-2057 |
561 |
A Review: Distributed Video Transcoding using Big Data & Hadoop
-Mr. Bhagate Akshay ; Mr. Tamhankar Aditya; Mr. Bedkyale Sourabh; Mr. Hattekar Mayur; Mr. Mulla Tahseen
In this paper proposed a Hadoop-based Distributed Video Transcoding System that transcodes a large number of video data sets into mp4 video formats, several challenges are identified with respect to the video bearing, such as the different video formats, and compatibility with different terminal devices? The video transcoding system (VTS) is useful to achieve these challenges. This paper introduces a Hadoop based, video transcoding system to fulfill the vision of relevance thousands of HD video streams in the any Network, with using a different parameters. This paper obtains mainly information about Video Transcoding Using Big data & Hadoop. Apply a Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and a MapReduce framework to the system. In this study, we measure the total transcoding time for various values of MapReduce tuning parameters: block replication factor and Hadoop Distributed File System block size. Thus, we determine the optimal values of the parameters affecting transcoding performance. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
2058-2061 |
562 |
EventO :An Android based Event Planning
-Ms. Pradnya Dattawadkar ; Ms. Shruta Kumbhar; Ms. Aditee Potdar; Ms. Aparna Pundhi R; Mr. R. S. Kamble
EventO android app is developed to reduce the human efforts for organizing an event. The EventO Application contains two interfaces. The first interface is Hotel or Hall owner and second interface is the customer. In the first interface, a hotel or hall can register their halls into the application. The owner will list out the events carried out at their place. The owners will provide catering and decoration details for each event. The owner will also provide cost for each and every item. The ownes can also add the images for the decoration by using different methods. In the second interface the customer will select the event which he wants to celebrate. Then the customer will give the specification for the event like location where he wants to celebrate the event, the number of people attending the event, date and time for the event, etc. The customer will get the list of the hotels according to the priority he has given in the search option. After selecting the hall, the user will select the details of the event for decorations and the catering menus. After the completion of the above the process, the hotel owner will get the message of confirmation. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
2062-2064 |
563 |
-Ms. Neha A. Dalavi ; Ms. Pooja N. Deverdekar; Ms. Snehal R. Kshirsagar; Ms. Srushti S. Gandhi; Prof. Ms. Anisa B. Shikalgar
Our proposed project, M-Healthcare includes, Immunization Schedule with Child Care (ISCC) aims at scheduling child immunization and preparing clinical notes for patients. With this project we are going to provide information about diet chart, information about nearest hospital in emergency situation. Notification about new government policies is also provided through android application. Report generation, Billing and maintaining clinical notes are also our project goals. All this goals are implemented by using one web portal at hospital side and android application at parent side. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
2065-2067 |
564 |
Secure-Lite an Industrial Surveillance and Security Management App
-Mr. Amit Chougule ; Mr. Aniruddha Date; Mr. Samaritan Mohite; Mr. Saurabh Patil; Prof Mr. C. S. Shinde
Industrial automation is the major need for the scope of improvement for the developing industries as well as developed industries. In the past few years, technology has in a grown at high speed. Also human lives have become much more dependent on electronic devices and appliances. It has thus led to the idea of developing an industrial surveillance automation system. This paper is about industrial surveillance and security management system which would use a smart phone to enable any naïve user to operate all the appliances. When it comes to automation in industries, security is major concern and covering the security bases is not an easy job to do. Threats can arise into any form like may it be unauthorized access, theft, etc so the industry should be prepared and our project helps the industry be prepared in terms of security? In order to secure the industries security majors like CCTV camera services, security personnel are hired. But if we consider the case of a large scale industry the CCTV camera service is required on large scale to cover each and every corner of the industry and alongside enough security personnel is also needed for manual measures. Apart from these some personnel are hired on extra basis to monitor the CCTV footage. All the above facts come into consideration that the owner needs to personally monitor the services hired or he needs to appoint another person to monitor these services hired. Although the above facts consume time and money we can’t miss the fact of human errors. And when it comes to security of the industry there are some restricted areas into the industry where only authorized personnel are allowed. Apart from the security threats there are many ways a threat can arise it can arise in a hazardous way like leakage of gas, rise in temperature levels of the building, depletion of oxygen levels in a certain areas in the industry. Not only the threats but monitoring the activities in an industry is not a easy job. A personnel needs to monitor various things like electricity, smoke levels, ph levels of water, humidity in an area etc. SecureLite is a one stop solution for the industrial security. It notifies the industry about unauthorized entry, water hazard level, Smoke hazard level; it helps the security personnel monitor each other’s location. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
2068-2074 |
565 |
Network based Android Mobile Controlled Door Security System
-Ms. Ankita. R. Madabhavi ; Ms. Rupali. V. Chhatre; Ms. Asawari. M. Koli; Ms. Medha. S. Jadhav; Prof. Udaysinh. H. Kamble
Security is important in many of the places like offices, institutions, libraries, laboratories etc. in order to keep data confidentially, so that no other unauthorized person could have an access on them. DoorLock android app is developed to reduce the human efforts for locking and unlocking the door. This paper presents a network based android mobile controlled door opening system which provides security which can be used for many banks, institutes and various organizations etc. This project is based on the today’s much-needed concept Automation System works with Android System. In this project, user login through the android application. To provide security to the places where much more confidentiality is required, this project includes the Random key technology. This technology is used to check whether the user is authorized or unauthorized. After authentication, signal is send to the microcontroller. Then using relay, door is opened automatically. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
2075-2077 |
566 |
Error Log Analytics using Hadoop
-Ms. Akshaya A. Navaghane ; Ms. Jyoti A. Patil ; Ms. Nikita C. Patil; Ms. Ashwini J. Dive; Prof. R. S. Kamble
Logs analysis is study and analysis of various logs generated by applications and various devices. Logs are integrated from various nodes or the servers. Whenever we access any application on system that time some data is record in background of system those records are termed as ‘logs’. A meaningful information is stored in log file which is extract using hadoop tools and stored into hadoop framework. On the basis of log file data we can classify the logs data for a future use. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
2078-2080 |
567 |
Transport Time Tracker
-Mr. Tejas Vivek Bodas ; Mr. Sahil Rajeev Kulkarni; Mr. Harshad Hari Khandagale; Mr. Mandar Manoj Vedpathak; Prof. Chandrashekhar S. Shinde
Android application for vehicle or bus tracking and scheduling system which is designed to display current location. The person is not able to detect dynamic location, that is, current location, as it is being working on static data. So we want to develop an application through which the person will be able to get dynamic location using dynamic data. The usage of android application for public transport system is developed in order to provide information to the user about the current location and timings of the buses using GPS and also without GPS. We are developing the web application, which is basically developed for the organization to handle the overall organizational activity. The user, driver and bus database is stored and maintained. The mobile phone industry is one of the fastest and most dynamic business sectors today. The need to communicate efficiently and instantaneously is always an undying necessity. The market sector and the ever-growing and demanding consumers always want to have more, and they want it better than ever. Mobile phones are now equipped with navigation systems such as GPS or Global Position Satellite that aids travelers, navigators on getting the most accurate view on their present location. There are different technologies available in today’s world for tracking the vehicle location. The passengers are not able to detect the current location of the bus, as it works on static data. In this project we are going to implement the modules using dynamic data. We are developing the web application, which is developed at the central control location. All information related to the bus is provided for the android users. The user, driver and bus database is stored and maintained. An android application is developed for the passengers. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
2081-2085 |
568 |
Authentication to Security Questions by Understanding Smartphone
-Ms. Veena. A. Hegane ; Ms. Nikita. H. Kurane; Ms. Amrin. R. Nadaf; Ms. Supriya. B. Bandgar; Prof. Mr. Ganesh. I. Rathod
There are many web applications provide secondary authentication methods i.e secret questions, to recover and reset password. In some of the applications only few security questions are asked which are mostly based on user’s personal details. Answers for such questions are easily recognizable. So such apps violate privacy concerns. Today’ smartphones has provided us different opportunities to observe and understand how the data collected by smartphone sensors. In this paper, we present secondary authentication feature for securing app with the help of secret questions. Questions provided in app are based on Call, SMS, Location and Calendar logs. This app takes personal details which will be used for recovery of password. Questions are stored in built and this app checks answer of questions as per the recent log information. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
2086-2088 |
569 |
Android Application of Leaves Management and Notices for Faculty
-Ms. Anuja M. Moruskar ; Ms. Priyanka D. Bhosale; Ms. Pranjali B. Khade; Mr. Amit J. Magdum; Prof. Mr. K. S. Kulkarni
Now a days with the emerging technology android is developing with the fast pace in society. From teens to adults everyone is aware of smart phones. In each sector the android applications prove helpful in various ways. Android application makes the day to day life of a person very easy. Thus, we are introducing a project in which we are concentrating on the problems faced by the faculty during their management of leaves and notices. This will prove helpful for faculty members to take leave easily and urgently. This app can be operated by technical/non-technical users. In this the particular faculty applies for the leave or fills the leave form on his/her android app and is forwarded to Head of Department (HOD). Thus the leave is sanctioned when the HOD approves it and then acknowledgement is sent to the particular faculty. Another problem faced by the teachers is when they have a particular notice to be sent at the faculty level e.g. whenever the meeting is to be held, or whenever the notices have to be sanctioned. Our application provides notices module also in which the teacher can display the notices or pass the notices at faculty level. Thus our application will provide a easy and effortless way of communication between teachers. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
2089-2090 |
570 |
An Android Application for Rent Vehicle
-Mr. Durgesh Khade ; Mr. Onkar Patil; Mr. Shriniwas Patil; Mr. Nilesh Jadhav; Prof. R. S. Kamble
The Application will provide the Services such as booking the vehicles for carrying passengers or the goods transportation can be done through the application. The system being developed is a system to handle the business needs of renting out vehicles to customers, maintaining booking details, Creating Auctions, Arranging Tours and Trip Spot Advisor are the various services will be offered by the Application. The Application will be useful to the local people for which people as to visit the particular place and select the vehicle. In all these things there will be lot of time will get consumed and there is chance of getting fraud by vehicle holder in the price or the other mean. Hence the Application will be helpful to the user as it as various list of choice to user and there will be transparency. The two Application need to prepared as Android Application on user Side or Client And Web Application on server side for Managing the Backend Tasks. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
2091-2096 |
571 |
Tap Keyboard
-Patil Shruti S. ; SuryawanshiMadhura A.; PargaonkarRuta Y.; GhanekarShriya M.; Prof. Udaysinh. H. Kamble
the tap keyboard is a device through which typing on any surface is possible. It is a wearable device which enables us to type on any surface. The device contains five extensions for each finger and a sensor is used to sense the value through the movement of the finger. At the initial stage, the user will be provided with the typology application. Due to this application, user is able to learn all the values necessary for typing. Once user is familiar, it will be easy to use this device. The device is also flexible which means user can set the values according to his ease. Motion plays an important part in this device as the values are to be fetched by sensors through the movement of fingers. This device enables user to type on any surface. It proves convenient and comfortable for user to use this device. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
2097-2099 |
572 |
A Survey on Sentiment Analysis with Various Techniques
-Dikshita Viradia ; Dharmesh J. Bhalodiya
Sentiment analysis or opinion mining is the computational analysis of people's opinions, feedbacks, attitudes, viewpoints and emotions towards a particular product, entity, individual, event, issue, service, and topic. Now-a-days millions of people are sharing their views daily on social networking platform. There is a huge amount of data present in the web and a huge amount of data is being generated rapidly. People are focusing on developing a system that can identify and classify sentiments or opinions hidden in the data. Presented mining system is useful for capturing public opinion on products, marketing policies, social events and company strategies. The main aim of this survey is to provide whole image of sentiment analysis along with its techniques. This paper also states Challenges and applications of sentiment analysis. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
2100-2105 |
573 |
Ultrasonic Based Navigation and Location Tracking System for Blind and Deaf People
-Martina Jenitha A ; Ashwini M; Dhivyashree T M; Kanaga Durga P
Blindness and deafness is the condition of lacking the power of visual perception and hearing. Due to these two conditions there are number of blind and deaf people around the world. They are suffering a lot while doing their daily activities and travelling outside. So to provide the navigation system for them we propose the idea to indicate the detection of obstacle through speaker and vibrating motor. And also we provide the tracking system to know the location of the blind and deaf people using GPS and the location will be sent through the GSM module to his/her relatives who gives request to the mobile application. Read More...
Biomedical Engineering |
India |
2106-2107 |
574 |
Monitoring System for Aortic Aneurysm after Stented
-Ms. S. Archana ; A. Sarika; K. Savithra; M. Srirekha; C. Divya
An aortic aneurysm is a dilation of the aorta at the abdominal or thoracic level which is a life threatening complications with an 80% mortality rate. Advances in monitoring devices keep improving but there is an increase in the the failure rate of endovascular treatment. To overcome those problem we design the monitoring system for aneurysm after stent placement. The system validate sac pressure, blood pressure, diameter changes in the valve and also displacement of the stent. The device comprised of pressure sensors, accelerometer and the processing system. The device is controlled and monitored from outside. The aortic aneurysm is predicted by the alarm produced in the system while the abnormal conditions occur. Read More...
Biomedical Engineering |
India |
2108-2110 |
575 |
Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques in Heart Disease Prediction by R Language
-Avni Sharma ; Deeksha Tyagi; Dr. Tarun Kumar Gupta
Heart disease is the leading cause, which has accounted serious death rate, worldwide. A Big amount of data is present in medical industry, which has been continuously used by researchers to produce new scientific techniques to reduce number of deaths from heart diseases. There is a need of an efficient scientific technique, in order to simplify this alarming problem. This paper presents a Heart disease prediction model that can help medicinal experts in anticipating Heart sickness status based on clinical information of patients. This study compares different machine learning algorithms seeking better performances in heart disease prediction using R language. The algorithms which are used i.e... Logistic Regression Model, Random Forest Tree Model and Neural Network Model. The efficiency of these techniques is compared through sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. The existing datasets of Heart Disease patients from Cleveland Database of UCI repository is utilized to test and legitimate the execution of various calculations. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
2111-2113 |
576 |
Artificial Recharging of Groundwater : A Case Study of L. D. College of Engineering
-Jaldhi Chandreshkumar Mehta ; Dr. G. P. Vadodariya
Over the years, number of people, industries and agricultural practices are on the rise and so is the demand of water supply. With monsoon being the primary source of water for agriculture, its conservation and proper utilization has become the paramount need of time. For conservation, rainwater harvesting technique may be used whereby rainwater is captured at the time of downpour, stored above the ground and/or used to charge underground water that may be utilized later for various purposes. As groundwater resources are depleting day by day, rainwater harvesting is the only way to fulfill the increasing demand of water. It will also improve water quality. This study aims at providing better and cost effective water conservation system by the use of artificial recharge. L.D. college of engineering is spread over 52 acres and rainwater harvesting, one of the methods of artificial recharge, will be carried out in this area as there are 11 blocks with large roof are suitable for this application. It was concluded that groundwater level and quality had increased while cost of water was reduced. Read More...
Water Resource Engineering |
India |
2114-2117 |
577 |
Investigation on Mechanical Behaviour of Hybrid Jute/Sisal Fiber Reinforced Polyester Composites
-Gowtham M J ; Dr. R Ranganatha; Thyagaraj. N. R; Somashekar S M
Composite materials are being used in huge quantity in every walk of the life by almost every country throughout the world. By making use of conventional fibers such as carbon, glass and Kevlar, the cost of the products become very high and also the conventional fibers used towards these are not degradable. So attempts are being made to use natural fiber to develop composites, as natural fibers are environmental degradable, non-toxic in nature possess high specific strength, damping properties and better impact resistance. This work is carried out to develop and characterize the non-conventional composites prepared by using locally available jute and sisal fibers as reinforcement and polyester resin as matrix material and to investigate its mechanical properties. The hybrid jute-sisal laminate are prepared by hand lay-up technique and specimens are extracted from the laminates as per ASTM standards and subjected for different mechanical tests such as to obtain tensile strength, impact strength and hardness properties. Read More...
| in machine design |
India |
2118-2122 |
578 |
Stand-Alone Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation System
-Prachi Nandekar
Increasing demand for electrical energy as well as environmental concerns related to fossil fuel usage are the driving forces behind the development of new energy sources, which are renewable and ecologically safe. The energy sources, which include energy from wind, water and biomass, geothermal and solar energy are renewable and environmentally friendly. Among these clean energy sources, solar energy is one of the most promising and fastest growing renewable energy sources worldwide. Solar energy is freely available and it is very clean source of energy. Solar energy can be converted into electrical energy by using different method. Out of them conversion of solar energy into electrical energy by using solar PV panel is possible at many places such as open ground or roof-top of home, office, etc. The main objective of this paper is to study design of solar photovoltaic stand-alone power generating system. In this paper, system of solar power generation is explained. The system consists of solar panels, DC-DC converter, and charge controller, inverter and battery storage. Also, solar PV system can be designed according to the requirement of the load. Read More...
Energy |
India |
2123-2125 |
579 |
GSM Based Automatic Energy Meter
-G.Pavithra Devi ; K.Aishwarya; R.Vishnu Vardhan; F.Mhaboob Khan
Traditional metering method for retrieving the energy data by human operator is inefficient to meet the future residential development needs, when the number of customer increases the task becomes tedious. The design and implementation of Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) with Global System for mobile communication (GSM) technology is to monitor the power consumption of the meters automatically. An energy meter is an electronic device that records the consumption of electric energy and communicates that information periodically to the utility for monitoring. It also displays information in LCD. The proposed energy meter system is incorporated with embedded controller (ATMEGA16) and GSM modem to transmit the data such as energy consumption in kWh and it alerts the consumer about the energy usage when it reaches the threshold level set in the microcontroller by means of voice playback module and sent SMS through GSM. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
2126-2129 |
580 |
Improving Services of TDMS Through High Performance Computing
-Poonam Dattatray Gavhane ; Shubhangi Dayanand Kalshetti; Prashant Parmeshwar Ghodeswar; Sarita Siddheshwar Gaikwad
Although the application of telemedicine evolutionary to cover a wide area of user’s needs, data centralization is not achieved yet. Also, approach to patient data from any remote location, through a secure environment, is necessary to achieve doctor’s collaboration and remote data handling. Now a day’s web computing and mobile computing systems are running on real time database services where their data will change continuously and expand fastly. The increasing complexity and the continuously growth of the websites of tele health care challenging applications make it complicated to handle the database to the database administrative staff. We can create an integrated web data services it has high performance of response time for Tele-health application systems. Our main goal is to be decrease care problems like distance, travel, and time limitation set can increase care admissions .We proposed an approach to handle several medical databases in the telemedicine system. In order to effectively and efficiently manage, display and search database information. We deï¬ne an information for doctor as well as patient as a concise of dataset of their medical data or information from each visit. There are several techniques for accessing different types of medical record or reports those are provided, also we can design two web-based services, high quality data and display for many medical services. We implement integrated approach based on web sites clustering, data fragmentation and intelligent data distribution. These techniques reduce the amount of data transfer among various websites during applications execution. It reduce cost of communications during application processing and increase applications response time and throughput. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
2130-2134 |
581 |
A Study on the Nutrient Intake and Nutrition Knowledge of Lactating Women (0-6 Months Postpartum) in a Low Socio-Economic Area
-Rajeshwari Panda ; Dr. Rekha Battalwar
Background: Breastfeeding is the most precious gift a mother can give to her infant. When there is illness or malnutrition it may be a lifesaving gift. When there is poverty it may be the only gift. Aim: To study the Nutrient Intake and Nutrition Knowledge of Lactating Women (0-6 months postpartum) in a Low Socio-Economic Area. Methodology: A study conducted on 100 lactating mothers (0-6 months postpartum), between the age of 20-40years who were visiting the Maternity homes and polio centers for their children’s immunisation. Informed consent was obtained from the maternity home. The ethical approval was taken from the institutional ethical committee (IEC) on 10th September, 2016.The inclusion criteria of the study included all lactating women between 20-40 years of age, women living in the low socio-economic community. Individual interviews, using structured questionnaires (Socio bio-demographic questionnaire, socio-economic information, health status, Nutrition knowledge questionnaire, 3 day dietary recall, and Food Frequency Questionnaire), and anthropometry measurements (according to standard procedure) were undertaken. Result’s: Majority of women had the mean energy intake of 1256.23 kcal/day which was lower than the recommended 2500 kcal/day. Macronutrient and micronutrients were consumed below the recommended dietary allowances, ICMR 2016. The highest frequency of consumption was cereals, while the lowest was processed foods, junk foods, sweets & desserts. Majority of women (55%) had good nutrition knowledge but the rationale for applying the knowledge was lacking for most of the nutrition concepts because they were not well educated. Socio-economic status, health status and nutrition knowledge were all identified as probable factors that influenced the dietary intake of the lactating women. cultural beliefs and practices did not affect the nutrient intake of the lactating mother. Conclusion: The nutrient intake of the lactating women in the low socio-economic area was not adequate. Nutrition knowledge of the lactating mother influenced her nutrient intake. The socio-economic status of the mother determined the nutrient intake. The health status and well-being of the mother affected the nutrient intake. Cultural beliefs and practices did not affect the nutrient intake of the lactating mother. Read More...
Home Science |
India |
2135-2139 |
582 |
Design of flexible Industrial Racks for Low Weight High Volume Applications
-Aamir Abdul Aziz Waghade ; Siraj Sheikh
The material storage system permit the materials to be stored for a specific period of time, until they are re-introduced. The common feature of storage systems is that loads remain stationary or static in their storage locations until removed from the system. The storage systems are more likely to be associated with low turnover inventories where manual storage and retrieval is a cost effective mode of operation. This project based on the design and analysis of industrial rack for storage of low weight high volume automobile parts such as front and rear bumpers of car Read More...
M-Tech in Mechanical CAD-CAM |
India |
2140-2143 |
583 |
Optimization and Design Exploration of Volvo FM 400 8X4 Tipper with 32 CU.M Coal Body using Finite Element Analysis
-Abhishek Keskar ; Amit Potnis; Rucha Shende; Nilesh Raul; Amit Desale
The truck industry plays significant role in country’s economic activity and construction. There is considerable scope to improve the design of their products. In order to save unloading costs tipper trucks are becoming very popular now a day. These bodies are also known as dump bodies. These are useful in a simple way to unload the material. Every extra pound of vehicle weight increases manufacturing cost, lower fuel efficiency and reduces vehicle payload capacity. With this concept of reducing weight and stress reduction the optimized model of tipper dump body is modelled and analyzed. This is carried out by conducting the Finite Element Analysis on the models and according to standards, weight reduction and stress reduction is carried out. With the optimized parameters, optimized Model is developed and analyzed, stress analysis is carried out and the results are obtained. The modules used for analysis of tipper body are Explicit dynamics, Transient, Modal and Random vibration. Read More...
Finite Element Analysis ( CAE- Computer Aided Engineering) |
India |
2144-2149 |
584 |
Automatic bar Feeding by Linear Indexing for Cutting Machine
-Shinde Shubham Mahesh ; Powar Kishor Khanderao; Chougule Sunil Annaso; Chougule Sammed Suresh
During the last few decades various automation and rationalization technique has been introduced in the field of manufacturing in order to enhance the overall industrial productivity. For this we have to develop / modify existing system, also new attachment and jigs and fixtures are required. In this modern world, machines play a crucial role in different industries and they have replaced the need for labor work. With the tremendous development in technology dependence on manual work is decreased significantly. Some of the leading manufacturers of material handling equipment, industrial machinery from India are recognized for their high quality products. In this machinery cutting machinery also plays the important roles and the modernization and new technologies are required in this field. The hacksaw is the major cutting machinery used in the industry. In this project we have taken Grinding machine with metal cutting blade plate and for this machine we are going to develop bar feeding mechanism for better productivity and smooth flow of work. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
2150-2154 |
585 |
Content Management System
-Miss. Kajal Wadhwani ; Mr. Abhishek Kanyal; Miss. Siddhi Gunde; Miss. Gautami Degaonkar; Prof. A. H. Nadaf
Nowadays websites have become very essential part of all fields whether it is in educational fields, business or organizations. Website creation is very difficult and time consuming process. There must be some medium through which website creation should be easy and less time consuming even for non-technical person. Content Management System is software tool which allows creation of website in few steps and less time. Content Management System software tool allows creation of website by following simple steps. In customized layout user can add menus with alignment top, left and right. User can choose background colors different for header, menus and container. Users don’t have to worry about any technical part. The back end part will be handled by the system itself and the header content will be displayed in the header field; menu description will be displayed in container field whenever that menu is selected etc. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
2155-2157 |
586 |
An Approach for Smart Car Parking System
-Komal Rajendra Sonar ; Deshmukh Madhuri V.; Chaudhari Gunjan K.; Somavanshi Yogita R.
Parking in major cities, particularly with traffic, directly efforts the efforts flow and people’s life. In this paper, we found a new smart parking system that is based on intelligent resource allotment, reservation, and pricing. The proposed system solves the current parking problems by giving guaranteed parking reservations with the lowest manageable cost and searching time for drivers and the highest receipts and resource implementation for parking managers. The searching for parking space in most modern cities especially during the rush hours, is difficult for drivers Parking in the major cities, particularly with dense traffic, directly effects the traffic flow and people’s life New fair pricing information are also proposed that can be implemented in practice. Read More...
Engineering |
India |
2158-2160 |
587 |
Multimedia Based Communication using Sequence Number Field
-Suraj Dilip Surwase ; Shubham Sharad Amane; Rahul Mukund Kamble; Ritesh Adhav; Prof. Pournima More
This document Multimedia Communication using sequence number field is nothing but secret communication within a legitimate communication channel. In Secure Communication two people who are supposed to communicate can communicate by using the some mechanisms which again not a standard communication. This is hidden kind of communication within a communication environment, in legitimate communication where sender and receiver communicate secretly. A previous Secure Communication was unreliable and has low data rate capability. A scheme for secure communication using data compression by the Log operation. The secure data is first compressed using a compression algorithm and then embedded into the edges of the secure image using an arithmetic division operation, Digital signature algorithm and Steganography. Here we are using TCP/IP protocol to send data packets; we are sending our data in the sequence no. field instead of data field to hide the communication. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
2161-2163 |
588 |
Development of Concrete by Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate by GBFS
-P. A. Sivasubramani ; K. Manju Priya; N. Gowtham; S. Bharath Kumar; S. Bala Guru
Sustainable construction mainly aims at reduction of negative environmental impact resulted by construction industry which is the largest consumer of natural resources. Over period of time, waste management as become one of the most complex and challenging problem in the world which affects the environment. The rapid growth of industrialization gave birth to numerous kinds of waste by-products which are environmentally hazard and creates problem of storage. The consumption Granular Blast Furnace Slag (GBFS) in Concrete not only helps in reducing greenhouse gases but also helps in making environmentally friendly material. This paper shows the effects of replacing fine aggregate with that of Granular Blast Furnace Slag in concrete properties. The basic objective of this paper was to identify alternative source of good quality fine aggregates which is depleting way very fast due to the fast pace of construction activities. In India the uses of GBFS as waste industrial by-product of iron and steel production provides great opportunity to utilize. It as an alternative to normally available fine aggregate M20. Concrete of M20 grade is considered for a WC ratio of 0.40 for the replacement of 0%, 25%, 75% and 100% of GBFS. The investigation revealed improvement in workability, compressive strength and split tensile strength. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
2164-2166 |
589 |
Survey on Learning Management Systems
-Ms. Sudha Mercy ; J. Christina Kathryn; K. Aishwarya; B. Divya
The growth of Internet provides many opportunities to many people around the world, especially the students. Initially, the sources of information included, websites, from which students could obtain their information. As years passed, there was a need for more sophisticated, sources of learning, to minimize the man-power and the efforts required to manage the learning activity, hence leading to the emergence of learning management systems. A learning management system (LMS) is a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting and delivery of educational courses or training programs. [9] They help the instructor deliver material to the students, administer tests and other assignments, track student progress, and manage record-keeping. LMSs support a range of uses, from supporting classes that meet in physical classrooms to acting as a platform for fully online courses, as well as several hybrid forms, such as blended learning and flipped classrooms. The paper evaluates the features of various learning management systems available in the market, compare and examine their functionalities. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
2167-2170 |
590 |
Smart Agriculture Machine
-Gaurav Srivastava ; Aditya Yadav; Shri Nishant Tripathi
This project is an autonomous lawn mower that will allow the user to the ability to cut their grass with minimal effort. Unlike other robotic lawn mowers on the market, this design requires no perimeter wires to maintain the robot within the lawn. Through an array of sensors, this robot will not only stay on the lawn, it will avoid and detect objects and humans. An extra facility of seeding is also provided wherever we wanted in the field using a motor and a Camera display with TV is also used for continuous watch on the work. This design is still in the prototype stage due to financial and time constraints. Documentation includes all major design aspects. This project will continue in hopes to market the design. Read More...
Electronics Design and Technology |
India |
2171-2174 |
591 |
An Infant Monitoring System and Automatic Cradle Swinging
-Jobin Christ M.C ; Khushbu Upadhyay. R; Malini. S; Priyanka. S; Sushma. S
In this paper, a new design is proposed to reduce the mortality rate of infants and the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Infants have some inborn factors such as disorder in lungs or glands, respiratory infections and improper sleeping positions which are the causes of SIDS. Some vital parameters such as CO2 and Heart rate of the infants were measured and the bassinet swings automatically when the infant’s mattress gets wet. The system consists of Carbon dioxide, Heart rate and Urea Sensors along with an Automatic swinging cradle. The vital parameters were measured and displayed in the LCD. The automatic swinging cradle swings in both direction when the baby cries. This system can be proposed for multiple infants in a large nursery rooms. Read More...
Bio mechanical & Biomedical Engineering |
India |
2175-2176 |
592 |
Enhancing Network Lifetime using Fuzzy Dynamic Clustering Algorithm in WSNs
-Kiruthika Murugan ; R.Senthil Kumaran
The main aim of the project is to maximize the network lifetime. In Wireless Sensor Networks, maximizing overall network lifetime and minimizing total energy consumption are the main issues. Fuzzy Dynamic Clustering Algorithm (FDCA) is mainly used to improve the longest survival time of the nodes in the network. The energy consumption of the network can be competently reduced while the nodes are organized in the form of clusters. Based on FDCA, cluster head (CH) are selected for a cluster. By reducing the total energy consumption of the nodes automatically the overall network lifetime will be increased. In the proposed approach the overall network lifetime is increased when compared with Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH). The FDCA and LEACH protocol are compared based on the network performance analysis such as alive nodes, end to end delay, packet delivery ratio (PDR) and energy consumption. Simulation results reveals that the proposed algorithm outperforms better with the existing LEACH protocol. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
2177-2180 |
593 |
Laboratory Investigation on Expansive Soil by using RBI Grade-81
-Dharmendra Singh Dangi ; Dr. Pramod Sharma
In India approximate 52.6 million hectares of the land region are secured with black cotton soils. The Black cotton soils are hard when dry; however lose its quality totally when in wet condition. Black cotton soils are an overall issue that represents a few difficulties for structural Engineers. Different techniques are adjusted to enhance the building qualities of far reaching soils. The dangerous soils are either evacuated or supplanted by great and better quality material or treated utilizing added substance. The present theory manages the properties of black cotton soils of SATI, Vidisha (M.P.), India. In this study, black cotton soil was stabilized using RBI Grade-81. The locally available Black cotton soil is procured from SATI, Vidisha Campus and used for this investigation. RBI Grade-81 has been used as soil stabilizer in this study. Various Laboratory tests were performed to study the effect of RBI Grade-81 on the soil. It reduced the Plasticity and swelling characteristics of soil. It was also observed from the test results that with the increasing dosage of RBI and with increasing curing periods, it effectively improved the CBR values of soil. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
2181-2184 |
594 |
Reactive Extraction of Acetic acid using Natural Diluents
-Rupali R. Deshpande ; Prof. Rashmi S. Deshpande ; Prof. Dr. S.S. Barkade
Acetic acid is one of the most widely used carboxylic acids. With the growing importance of green routes for chemical synthesis the production of carboxylic acids, including acetic acid, by the fermentation route is very important. The recovery of acetic acid from the fermentation broth by conventional methods poses difficulties due to the low concentration. Reactive extraction offers an attractive alternative to the conventional routes. The reactive extraction with specific extractant and in appropriate combination with a diluent provides higher capacity and selectivity for acetic acid. In this work recovery of acetic acid by reactive extraction was studied using a natural diluent, ricebran oil. The initial concentration of acetic acid in the aqueous solution was varied in the range of 0.1 to 1 gmol/l. The extractant used was Tri-n-butyl phosphate. The distribution coefficient was found to be in the range 0.11 to 0.64. Read More...
Chemical Engineering |
India |
2185-2187 |
595 |
Effect of Activating Flux on Gas Tungsten Arc Welding and Plasma Arc Welding for Stainless Steel
-Mangesh S. Kulkarni ; Prof. K. S. Wasankar
A systematic study of the effects of activating flux in the weld morphology and microstructure of two different arc welding processes, namely, Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) and Plasma Arc Welding (PAW), was carried out. The results showed that the activating fluxes affected the penetration capability of arc welding on stainless steel. An increase in energy density resulting from the arc constriction and anode spot reduction enhanced the penetration capability. Changes in the cooling rate, due to different heat source characteristics, influenced the microstructure from the fusion line to the centre of the weld. Read More...
Production Engineering |
India |
2188-2190 |
596 |
Security Analysis of OTP Generation Techniques
-Lipika Mahajan ; Karan Bhanushali ; Tejashree Mohite; Harsh Mehta; Prof.Yogita Borse
Nowadays in the digital world almost every day information is sent over the internet for accessing the online services. The information being confidential needs to be send using proper techniques so that illegitimate user does not get access to it. In such a scenario, authentication of the user has become a daily job for the servers providing the online services. Static authentication is prone to various kinds of attacks hence dynamic authentication has been introduced using One Time Password which can be used for a single time. The paper provides information of the current authentication scenario, different authentication threats, different OTP techniques and a brief comparison between them. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
2191-2194 |
597 |
Comparative Performance Analysis of Cryogenic Treated Carbide Tools: A Review Paper
-Sameed Ahmed ; P. S. Rao
Tool wears and surface roughness, MRR became important issue for industries for sustainable manufacturing and another cutting tool is important factor of machining cost. Tool life became improve by using method such as optimal cutting condition, cutting fluid, coatings and heating process. Another method tool life became improvement such as cryogenic treatment .Metal cutting operation it became necessary to reduce tool wear and improve the product quality. This paper presents the review of important paper for compare uncryogenic and cryogenic tool and finds best parameter for machining. During manufacturing the most of tool wear during cutting operation. Tool wear and surface roughness, MRR depends upon cutting parameter i.e. cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut. Read More...
India |
2195-2197 |