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151 |
Dynamic Analysis of Podium Structure with Time History Function
-Soham H. Patel ; Nihil Sorathia; Vaibhav Patel
During past earthquakes many of the buildings were collapsed due to failure of vertical members. Therefore, it is necessary to understand vertical member with their both static and dynamic analysis so as to sustain the design earthquake without failure. Podium is one of multi storey structure for the purpose of commercial or residential and so on. In present study 4 models of among them two are podium and remaining their normal structure. All Structure analyzed with Both the Static and Dynamic analysis as well as 3 different time history, which is Bhuj, chamoli and Uttarkashi earthquake. Analysis was carried out using ETABSv16. Base shear, Storey Stiffness, Short column effect carried out in present study and also compare with their normal structure. Here we are taking response spectrum analysis for the dynamic analysis. In results we found that were the stiffness changes in podium structure where Bending moment and shear force suddenly increase, normal structure has no such a problem. Read More...
India |
582-587 |
152 |
Design Stable Channels in India
-S C Gupta ; Rajendra Singh Dangi
A landform consisting of flow of water is known as water channel. Canal is an example of artificial channel. Almost all the north Indian rivers flow through alluvial soil and therefore do carry certain amount of sediments. Silting and scouring is that processes in which sediments of water gets deposited in the bed and banks of channel. Silting and scouring is not desirable in water and must be avoided by proper design. Scouring lowers the full supply level and causes water loss and it may also cause of failure of foundation of irrigation structures. Therefore it is necessary to design such channel which does not carry silting or scouring. A stable channel is that which is free from silting and scouring. Kennedy’s silt theory gave a formula of such a critical velocity at which silting and scoring may be avoided. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
588-589 |
153 |
Analysis of Determination of Infiltration Capacity of Soil
-Premit Kumar Patil ; Indra Deo Modi
Infiltration is the process by which water gets into the surface strata of the earth. Infiltration is a type of precipitation loss, Precipitation is that process by which moisture occur on the ground by the atmosphere. Part of precipitation is lost largely due to evaporation and infiltration. Infiltration capacity is the maximum rate at which soil is capable of absorbing water. There are some methods to determine infiltration capacity of soil like infiltrometer, rainfall simulator, Horton’s infiltration capacity curve and Infiltration Indices. Generally infiltration capacity is the ratio of depth of infiltration to duration of infiltration. This paper presented analysis of estimation process of infiltration capacity of soil. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
590-591 |
154 |
The Relationship between Geometric Design and Safety of Roadways
-Premit Kumar Patil ; Prahlad Pandey
Geometric design of highway affects very effectively to road safety, it is observed that road accidents are less happens on the road which has good geometric design. Geometric design of highways related to the design of the visible components like cross sections, intersections, horizontal and vertical alignments, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The main purpose of geometric design is to produce a highway with safe, efficient, and economic traffic operations. Geometric design is affected by the road user, vehicle user and traffic characteristics. Faulty design of highway results into road accidents, like curve are not design properly, shoulder distance not adequately provided etc these situations increase hazardous conditions for road safety. Hence safety of road user strongly depends upon highway geometric design. This paper presents relationship between geometric design and safety of roadways. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
592-593 |
155 |
Study of Measurement of Precipitation Over a Area
-Premit Kumar Patil ; Ajay Kumar Tandon
Precipitation denotes all forms of moisture which reaches on the ground from atmosphere. Precipitation mainly includes snowfall and water droplet (rainfall). India gets mainly precipitation in the form of rainfall. To measure rainfall there are two ways first one is non recording type raingauge and second one is recording type raingauge. These all rain gauges records rain fall at a particular point but not at over an area. Measurement of precipitation over an area is required for design of hydraulic structures and drainage system of an area. Measurement of precipitation over an area is calculated by Arithmetical Mean Method, Thiessen Polygon Method and isohyetal method. This paper presents study of Measurement of Precipitation over an Area. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
594-595 |
156 |
Study of Measurement of Precipitation
-Premit Kumar Patil ; Chandrapal Gupta
Precipitation denotes all forms of moisture which reaches on the ground from atmosphere. Precipitation mainly includes snowfall and water droplet (rainfall). India gets mainly precipitation in the form of rainfall. To measure rainfall there are two ways first one is non recording type raingauge and second one is recording type raingauge. These all rain gauges records rain fall at a particular point but not at over an area. Measurement of precipitation over an area is required for design of hydraulic structures and drainage system of an area. Measurement of precipitation over an area is calculated by Arithmetical Mean Method, Thiessen Polygon Method and isohyetal method. This paper presents study of Measurement of Precipitation over an Area. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
596-596 |
157 |
A Study of Flood Hydrograph Determination
-J. Lingamu
A hydrograph is a continuous plot of instantaneous discharge versus time. Hydrograph is a response of the catchment for given rain fall. Hydrograph shows time distribution of runoff. Hydrograph indicates flow of volume of water with respect to time. Hydrograph depends upon various factors like catchment factor and storm factor. Further catchment factor depends upon size of catchment, shape of catchment, slope of catchment and drainage density of catchment. Storm factor depends upon intensity of rain, duration of rain and direction of rain. This paper presents study of flood hydrograph determination. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
597-598 |
158 |
Review on Road Traffic Management System
-Sajal Khare ; Prashant Rajput
Traffic management is a key responsibility of any city management as part of its mandate to provide quality infrastructure to its citizens. At the core of traffic management is the problem of knowing the scale of traffic on the roads. Traffic management plays an important role in transportation engineering. At the present time main drawback of roadway is road accident and deaths from road accidents. Traffic management is the operation process of highway; hence if traffic management is efficient then possibility of road accidents will reduce. This paper presents review on road traffic management system. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
599-600 |
159 |
Study of Polymer Concrete
-G V Prasad ; Vishal Gupta
Polymer concrete is a concrete that use polymers to replace lime-type cements as a binder. Polymer concrete firstly came in the news in late 1950. Polymer concrete can be use for repairing works, thin overlays and flooring. Polymer concrete has good properties like high compressive strength, fast curing and resistance to chemical attacks. Polymer cement concrete has three classification where first one is Polymer-Portland Cement Concrete (PPCC), second is Polymer impregnated Concrete (PIC) and last one is Polymer Concrete (PC). This paper presents study of these polymer concretes. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
601-601 |
160 |
Double Deck Buck-Boost Converter for Power Electronic Applications
-Gayathry K N ; Arun Xavier
in this work, a Double-deck buck-boost converter system is used. Here, two identical buck boost converters are working in parallel. So that, the ripples in the output voltage & input current is reduced than that of single buck-boost converter with same specifications. This Double-Deck Buck-Boost Converter system is the most suitable for power quality improvement & regulated power supplies in home appliances. It also has to overcome the problems like high EMI and high switching Losses caused by hard switching. Many variations of the basic buck-boost topology have been studied to overcome these problems. The Zero Voltage switching is one such solution. Here, an extra inductor is placed between these two converters. Inductor will maintain the voltage applied to the switches at zero voltage switching & plays important role in soft switching operation. This will improve the reliability of this system. Thus reducing the switching losses & efficiency can be improved. The circuit operation is provided in eight modes. The outstanding feature of each converter is the simplicity of its circuit, reduces the number of switches. There are many applications, such as battery-powered systems & battery operated vehicles& renewable applications. The proposed converter is more economical than the soft switched converters with coupled inductors or transformers. Read More...
India |
602-606 |
161 |
Study and Analysis Done for Shot Peening Performed by Design Expert Software
-Mr. Gyan Pratap Singh ; Shani Kumar; Sangam Kumar; Sudhanshu Mishra; Sumit Verma
Shot peening is a cold working complex process widely used to improve the fatigue life of metal components in the automobile and aerospace industry and to produce thin components with complex shapes such as wing skins. This process is completed by bombarding the metallic component surface with shots at a high velocity that induce a layer of plastic deformation near the surface. In this plastic deformation region a residual compressive stress field developed, along with increased tensile stress through the thickness. Developed compressive residual stress reduces the premature failure under cyclic loading conditions causes improves the fatigue life of the peened component. Many shot peening parameters, such as shot size, shot type, shot velocity, pressure, mass flow, incidence angle, material properties of the target component, etc. have great effect on shot peening results. And output parameter (tensile strength, surface roughness, compressive residual stress etc.) are obtain with the help of Design Expert software. Read More...
India |
607-613 |
162 |
Impact of SF6 Gas Emission on Global Warming & Methods of Reduction
-Dr. Deepak P. Kadam
In recent years, the environment has become a very important issue within society. Emissions of SF6 gas from switchgear contribute significantly to the threat of the greenhouse effect and associated climate change. SF6 gas is included in the Kyoto protocol for its contribution to the greenhouse effect .With the increase in the number of switchgear using SF6 gas for switching and insulation purposes in electricity networks, emissions of SF6 gas into the atmosphere will increase accordingly, a trend which will continue if policy remains unchanged. SF6 traps 23,900 times more heat in Earth’s atmosphere. Nevertheless, because its concentration is increasing at a rate of 8.7% /year and because its lifetime in the atmosphere is 3200 years, there is concern that its contribution to global warming could become significant in the future. Therefore, much research is now being conducted on finding a substitute gas for SF6.We must find equivalent alternatives & make them commercially available on the market. We must also reduce SF6 emission by leakage detection technologies like Infrared Thermography to reduce the impact on climate. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
614-619 |
163 |
-Dr.Santhi Baskaran ; L.Bhuvaneswari
now a day, traveling recommendation system is the most important factor for user. There are many existing approaches in the travel recommendation system. This paper explain a travel recommendation system using travelers with large amount of data. It recommends personalized users interest and recommend a sequence of travel interest instead of an individual point of interest. The existing method cannot complete the constraint i.e. personalized and consecutive recommendation together. To solve the problem a topical package model is created which automatically mine the user interest of attributes like time, cost and season to solve the problem of providing personalized and. The proposed system uses the traveler’s user experience of social media which is used to map each user and routes explanation. To recommend personalized POI sequence, first famous routes are stratified as per the similarity between user package and route package. Then high stratified routes are more optimized by using social similar users travel records for more accuracy. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
620-624 |
164 |
Quality Improvement in HEVC Using Deblocking Method
High Efficiency Video coding (HEVC) is one of the video coding standard used nowadays. HEVC effectively improves the low bit rate and high- resolution video through the low delay communication application. The deblocking filter is applied for decoded compressed video. HEVC is used to expand the visual quality in the video and the prediction performance. Mainly focusing on high resolution videos and high-quality. In existing videos, the chroma components are rarely used. The blocking artifacts still exist by using the low pass filter. The proposed method could effectively reduce the blocking artifacts. Deblocking filter aims to improve the appearance in the video. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
625-626 |
165 |
Parameters Identification of Pre-Stressed Continouse Rigid Frame Bridge
-Chithra.RS ; Athira Sathyan
the dynamic response of a pre-stressed bowstring composite concrete type arch bridge under seismic loading is investigated by using finite element model in ANSYS software. The bridge taken as New Kozhencherry Bridge in Kerala, India was selected for the study. The bridge is a proposed work of the Public Works Department, Kerala. This paper mainly deals with static analysis and seismic analysis and also fatigue analysis of the bridge and comparison of the results with reinforced concrete and composite added concrete. The study presented in this paper is a possible suggestion for design improvements to the structure, under consideration of fatigue life of the bride due to vehicle load. Read More...
M.Tech in Structural Engineering |
India |
627-630 |
166 |
-M.HEMAPRIYA ; M.ezhilarasan
this paper concentrates on comparative studying of existing lossless compression methods for biometric traits. The main contribution of this work is to provide a new approach which exploits the structura1 properties of fingerprint images to achieve higher lossless compression ratios and good qua1ity images. A natural result of this approach is that the original structural properties such as the number arid relative locations of ridge endings and bifurcations are well preserved i.e., they are not affected by reconstruction quality. They can be easily extracted from compressed data without reconstruction. Ten fingerprints and two iris images are been captured from their respective devices. Fingerprints are been preprocessed and then subjected to feature extraction process. In feature extraction process unwanted parts are removed. This process involves gray scale conversion, Resize, Histogram Equalization, canny edge detection. Compression is done to the output obtained from feature extraction module. Encryption is done to provide higher level security as data are used for authentication purpose. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
631-635 |
167 |
Studies on Properties of Sisal Fiber Reinforced Self Compacting Concrete
-R. Neelaveni ; T. Adhavanathan
Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is becoming a popular choice in concrete industry due to ease of placement in congested reinforcements, reduced labor and equipment, no segregation character and smooth surface. Fly ash has been used in producing SCC which increases filling and passing ability of the concrete. In this study the sisal fibers were used to reinforce self-compacting concrete. This study investigates how the inclusion of sisal fiber of varying quantities, in SCC affects the flowability and performance in hardened state. The flow characteristics were assessed by considering slump flow, V-funnel and J-ring test and the mechanical properties were found using compression, flexural and Impact test. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
636-642 |
168 |
A Survey on Fileless Malware Attacks: Malware Hiding in Memory
-Maitri Amin ; Dr. Priyanka Sharma
General survey stat that fileless Malware used for bypass traditional Anti-Virus but it isn’t new. During the last few years, fileless malware attacks have been on the increase, and by Proof point’s approximations, pose a higher risk to businesses than commodity malware attacks. Fileless malware attacks will overtake traditional write to disk attacks if they haven’t already. Fileless malware infects targeted computers leaving behind no artefacts on the local hard drive, making it easy to sidestep traditional signature-based Anti-Virus. The technique, where attackers hide their activities in a computer’s random-access memory and use a native Windows tools such as PowerShell and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). Sophisticated attacks advanced adversaries were first spotted using fileless malware several years ago. But since then, there has been a steady rise in the numbers of attacks, according to experts. Slightly code runs in the system’s memory and executes programs already on Windows such as PowerShell and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). Using these programs, attackers gain a foothold on systems to carry out a quick theft of data, or establish a persistence links on a system by leaving a backdoor link to a remote c & c server. As soon as, malware hidden in memory it can traverses from one process to another process for hide themselves in different places. However, these type of attacks have one large disadvantage: When the system and application is turned off, the memory attack ends. To work around those restrictions, attackers often will traverse from one application to another. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
643-645 |
169 |
Effect of Thermal Exposure on Aluminium Alloy
-Patel Mahefuj Y. ; Patel Shubham P.; Singh Vishvajeet R.; Sondagar Hardik D.; Tandel Hardik N.
Aluminium alloys are becoming important material especially in the automotive and aerospace industries. In this study aluminium alloy 6061-T6 is subjected to various combination of solution treatments to interrelate their tensile properties to hardness and conductivity, the aluminium alloy 6061-T6 is exposed thermally to various temperature to simulate heat damage effects on its properties. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
646-649 |
170 |
Overview of Application of Pipette Controller as Patient Monitoring System
-Khalid Ali Nur Osman ; Mr. Adarsh Parikh
Automation in medicinal drug is in the attention of research since many years as it helps to lessen work load and optimistically value. Continuous monitoring of vital health parameters has become essential with the increase in the number of people who require those. These include elders, post-surgery patients, heart patients, and even healthy people who have high health conscious. The primary function of the system is to monitor the temperature, pulse rate and ECG of the patient using biomedical sensors and microcontroller. The system can be used to assist medical personnel by infusing the right amount of medical fluid automatically depending on the patients various physiological parameters thus avoiding danger to the patient’s life. The systems also stores patient data in a secured database which enhances patient treatment and thus minimizes risk due to manual patient data entry. As the number of devices to be monitored increases, there should be enough storage space for the large amount of data to be stored which is going to be accumulated with time. Read More...
India |
650-653 |
171 |
Single Phase Soft Switching Grid Tied Microinverter for Photovoltaic Applications
-Vijisha E V ; Dr. Nimal Madhu M
Solar photovoltaic energy is most common among the renewable power generation systems. Hence, grid integration of this technology is crucial for effective utilization of this technique. This can be facilitated by means of a DC-DC-AC converter. The proposed system consists of a step-up dc– dc converter and a high-efficiency inverter. Zero voltage switching (ZVS) method should be introduced in the proposed topology to reduce the voltage stresses on converters. Step up dc-dc converter combines an active clamp circuit and series resonant voltage doubler to limit switching losses. In the family of the inverters only a single power stage works at high frequency at a time. This reduces the switching losses and hence improves efficiency. A major contribution is the inclusion of closed loop simulation of proposed system with PV array and MPPT. A prototype with power rating of 400W is designed. The inverter is expected to show a maximum efficiency of 96.2%. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
654-657 |
172 |
Wireless Power Theft Monitoring System
-Vivek Jangir ; Anshul Saxena; Vivek Tiwari; Yamini Sharma; Jitendra Kumar Sharma
The main objective of the project is to develop a wireless energy meter. Real-time Power monitoring at houses. Sensing the power theft. And transmitting the information over wireless to substation. By sensing current flow through the line & energy feedback we can prevent theft using a circuit breaker. In this system, a micro controller is interfaced with an energy metering circuit, current sensing circuit, RF communication link, & a contactor to make or break power line. At the sub-station end, a pc is connected with a RF link to communicate with all energy meters & a buzzer. In normal condition, micro controller reads energy pulses & current signals. If current is drawing & energy pulses are normal, then no power theft is being done & the output is connected. If current is drawing & energy pulses are not coming, then it indicates that power theft. So microcontroller trips the o/p using relay. The microcontroller takes the reading from the energy meter and displays the reading on the LCD. This project is powered by an on-board power supply takes the ac power and converts it into dc power that is fed to on-board devices and integrated circuits. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
658-660 |
173 |
A Survey on Approach of Security in E-Commerce using Web Mining Framework
-Sheikh Afrinbanoo Mohmad Aiyub ; Prof. Sumitra Menaria
Web Data Mining is an important area of Data Mining which deals with the extraction of interesting knowledge from the World Wide Web, It can be classified into three different types i.e. web content mining, web structure mining and web usages mining. In this paper, we introduce a web data mining solution to e-commerce to provide better services and use encryption for security. This paper also reports the summary of various methods of web data mining. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
661-664 |
174 |
Scrap Metal Detector and Collector by Hydraulic System
-Teena Bodhwani ; Shobhit Paliwal; Vikas Kumar Sharma; Vipin Jangir
Scrap metal detection and collection is very common in developed countries. It is necessary in industries for utilization of metal properly. Maintenance is required there for obtaining optimum output. Such systems generally have components like metal detector, hydraulic arm, infrared sensor etc. which are governed by programmable logical controllers. This system uses hydraulic system, thus it helps to pick metal from ground and dump it into truck. This truck made up of wood with dimensions. This system is very complex and expensive so it is used in very less no of cities in India as compared to foreign countries. But to help our project we have tried to minimize the device list to minimize the cost. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
665-667 |
175 |
Theoretical Study of Ground Effect on Fixed Wing and Rotary Wing Aerodynamics
-Sonia Chalia ; Manish Kumar Bharti
The main objective of the present work is to study the complete phenomena of ground effect and changes in aerodynamic behaviour of the aircraft and helicopter in close proximity to the earth surface because of modified air flow pattern around them due to ground effect. The study is showing that flight in close ground proximity is more aerodynamically efficient than flight in freestream at the same angle of attack. The ground effect results more lift to drag ratio, reduced induced drag, wider wingtip vortex which reduces downwash angle, therefore, less power requirement, cheaper hover flight and high rotor blade efficiency. It also results delaying take-off and landing, reduction in stall angle as ground clearance decreases due to higher adverse pressure gradient. The methods considered by pilots to come out of ground effect (OGE) have also been studied. Read More...
Aeronautical Engineering |
India |
668-671 |
176 |
Design and Fabrication of Simarouba Seed Extracting Machine
-Vinay B. C ; Vaseem M ; Suman G; Kiran Kumar G. N.; Pradeep Kumar Ilay
In the present scenario bio-diesel plays a vital role in order to reduce emissions and to increase efficiency for bio-diesel seed extracting machine and its extracting process plays a major role. An extracting machine for Simarouba seeds particularly not readily available in the present market so concentrated on design and development of Simarouba seed extracting machine. Machine which have economical way to extract seeds without much losses. A design consideration adopted for developing a machine for seed extractions, as it contains motorized equipment attached for easy and convenient way. The major components for extracting seeds are blades, shaft, pulley, blower, hopper, tray, mesh plates (sieves), motor, V-belt, bearings. The extracting machine unit operates on the principle of axial flow movement of the seeds. The raw seeds are fed into the de-shelling cylinder through the hopper where the seeds break open by the crushing action taking place in between the rubber pads which can be used as crushing tool and with the sieve (mesh), the shell gets separated from kernel and those will be removed through blower and collected in the tray. A single phase motor supplies the power to drive the decorticating tool with the help of pulley attached to the shaft of the tool, which one is the main advantage of this fabricating machine. Read More...
India |
672-674 |
177 |
Optimised Location of Load Transfer Plate in RC Building under Lateral Load
-Raj Patel ; Nihil Sorathia; Hiren Desai
The scarcity of valuable lands has created a leap in the tall building construction all over the world. Due to the mixed use of these buildings as commercial, residential, parking, etc., it has become essential to have different column grids in the same building to ensure the efficient use of space and materials. The availability of the usable urban lands is declining at a rapid rate due to development of cities. This has led to the construction of tall buildings with mixed development in the vicinity of the city centers since they can provide large office areas close to places well served by public transport. These tall buildings often require integrated parking facilities as well for which the space requirements are different from that of residential and office spaces in the rest of the building. Read More...
M.Tech in Structural Engineering |
India |
675-677 |
178 |
Study and Evaluation of Water Quality of River Ganga at Different Ghats of Varanasi City
-Nusrat Ali ; Ugrasen Kumar
This paper is attempt to analyze the water quality of river Ganga in Varanasi city. The present investigation reveals the seasonal changes in concentration of physico-chemical parameters in river Ganga at different Ghats of Varanasi city. Water samples were collected from the different sites viz: Santravidas Ghats, Assi Ghats, Harish Chandra Ghats, Dasawamedha Ghats, Lalita Ghats, Mannmandir Ghats, Manikarnika Ghats of Varanasi during Rainy & winter seasons in year 2016-2017. The physico-chemical parameter such as pH-value , Temperature ,Dissolved Oxygen (DO) , Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) , Total alkalinity (TA) , Total Hardness (TH) , Total Dissolve Solids (T.D.S) ,Turbidity , Chloride were used to analyses the pollution of river Ganga at selected sites. Comparison of estimated values with WHO and standard quality management revealed that water of study area is polluted which may be harmful for both aquatic bio-system as well as human beings. This results also revealed that the water quality was severely polluted in monsoon and moderately polluted in winter season. Read More...
Environment Engineering |
India |
678-684 |
179 |
Finite Element Analysis and Design of Post-Tensioned Transfer Girder
-Ajay Desai ; Nihil Sorathia; Hiren Desai
A Post-Tensioned Transfer Girder is utilized to transfer point load of column from the above stories and transfer them to the supporting column. Transfer girder gives great engineering stylish view to the tall structure. Behavior and design of transfer girder is extremely unusual contrast with ordinary beam, so it is important to concentrate the behavior and design of the transfer girder in detail. To understand the same in the present review, G+10 story building is basically modeled in which the columns are float at various levels. The analysis and design of transfer girder considering dynamic loading i.e. seismic load is done in ADAPT Builder. Five unique cases are considered with the end goal of examining the behavior of transfer girder. The behavior of transfer girder is contemplated by considering the adjustment in the position of transfer girder in working in plan and the different location of shear wall. The five fundamentally unique building is displayed in ETABS and behavior of the transfer girder is examined. The entire behavior of the post-tensioned transfer girder is contemplated by doing construction stage analysis in ETABS. Additionally the construction stage analysis is done for every one of the five cases in ETABS. To the extent analysis is concerned, the column is regularly accepted pinned at the base and is consequently taken as a point load on the transfer girder. Additionally the impact of transfer girder on the above structure is concentrated under gravity and lateral load. The final design of the transfer girder will done in ADAPT Builder. Read More...
M.Tech in Structural Engineering |
India |
685-689 |
180 |
Graph Depicting User Interests through Text Mining Analysis
-Rahul Butail ; Sonali Gupta; Dr. Amit Verma
In today’s world, Social media based e-communication has become the most widely used platform to communicate and people make use of instant chat features to talk, share and spread each other’s ideas. With the help of Instant Messenger (IM), users can easily login to the messenger and can start the chat. The chat history is generally maintained in the messenger backend. Generally, these IM’s are used to chat and share ideas but users can also share the suspicious ideas on the IM. In this paper, the existing work for the detection of suspicious chat logs is presented. This paper also presents a framework based on Apriori Algorithm and linear SVM algorithm for the detection of suspicious chat activities. The research is based on taking these very instant chat logs and performing text mining techniques to it so that we can identify the users interest in various chat sessions. Text mining approaches are applied on chat log data and hence find the particular patterns and trends of words being used to find users motive. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
690-695 |
181 |
An Experimental Investigation on Recycled Aggregate Fiber Reinforced Concrete
This present investigation focuses on the effect of recycled coarse aggregate and steel fibers on the fresh and hardened properties of concrete containing recycled coarse aggregate as replacement for natural aggregate in M35 grade concrete. Natural aggregate was replaced by recycled aggregate in the proportion 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% replacement with optimum dosage of 6% steel fibers. The maximum size of recycled aggregate and natural aggregate was kept 20 mm and down size. In all mixes prepared, water/cement ratio was kept constant at 0.45 and super plasticizer was used at 0.75% by weight of cement to maintain workability of concrete. Cubes of size 100x100x100 mm, cylinders of size 100 mm diameter and 200 mm height and beams of size 100x100x500 mm were casted. The compressive strengths were evaluated at 7 and 28 days to know the performance in later age. Split tensile strength test were evaluated at 7 and 28 days to know the flexural and tensile behavior at 28 days. The values of density are also evaluated for respective strength parameters. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
696-699 |
182 |
Analysis of Mould Flow for Die in The Plastic Injection Moulding
-Nikunj Davda ; Abhishek Rever; Mayur Bosamiya; Sanket Changela ; Dr. Satyen Rajvir
The design and manufacturing of die is most important aspect in product development process of plastic injection moulded components. As in any component the die design, cooling channel design and material selection are the most important attributes to be carried out with advanced tools to eliminate the rejection and rework rate of die which is costly. So to meet conformance and reliability of die designed we analyzed the die in Solidworks plastics system and interpreted the outcomes for the design. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
700-703 |
183 |
Analysis of Socket Connection between Precast Column and Cast in Place Footing by Using ANSYS
-Nageswari R
Nowadays, the transportation agencies are mostly using the Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) because it requires only little time to complete the works on the site as compared to the conventional cast in place system. This paper focuses on the analysis of socket connection between precast column and cast in place footing by using ANSYS. In this paper, it is planned to conduct a comparison between the socket connection with stiffener and conventional column – footing connection to determine the improved seismic performance of the socket connection between precast column and cast in place footing and also comparative study on the socket connection with stiffener by varying the diameter of the column are conducted. Read More...
M.Tech in Structural Engineering |
India |
704-708 |
184 |
Stability Analysis of Wind Farm Based on DFIG with STATCOM
-Er. Naresh Kumar ; Er. Pardeep Nain
The power system defined these days is highly capable and complex so that they can satisfy the demand of the users over the power system. One of the complex form of power system is wind turbine based systems. These systems having the turbine motor with fixed or the variable speed. With all these power systems, the common problem and requirement is the voltage stability. The stability requirement is more crucial if some fault occur over the system. In such case some dynamic mechanism is required to maintain the steady state of the power system and to achieve the stability over the system so that equalize distribution of power will be done in the defined area. This paper presented the use of a DFIG based power distribution system in which the power is been generated by variable speed wind turbine. The presented system included a STATCOM based controller to achieve the stability if some fault occurs over the system. In this work, one of the crucial faults is been handle called three phase fault. This fault is here associated with the bus system. The voltage stability is been achieved by using the STATCOM based controller. The obtained result shows that the presented system achieved the voltage stability successfully. Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
709-712 |
185 |
Enhancement of Conventional Braking System using Eddy Current
-Mandar S. Padhye
Brakes play vital role in stopping any mechanical system. A well known application is in automobiles. The brake is very essential part of any automobile or any moving system. So we focus on the enhancement of the brakes in this project. We reviewed the available literature thoroughly and got many ideas about fabrication and testing of Eddy current brakes and methods to enhance its effect in the application. Review of research study concluded that adhesive wear and thermal degradation are the main sources of ageing or fading of mechanical friction brakes. The braking effect get reduced due to degradation of friction surfaces which ultimately results in less braking and reduced safety. Also there are chances of leakage of brake fluid in conventional hydraulic brakes due to high stresses beard by it throughout its life. In order to overcome these limitations innovative electromagnetic brakes are developed Previous research studies give some idea about the design, size, and capacity of eddy current brakes. In present work we carried out few experiments whose data is given in the paper. The experiments include finding MI of system, design of solenoid coil, design and fabrication of a model, testing eddy current effect on model. The conclusions drawn from the experimentations are mentioned in the closure of the paper. It was concluded that Eddy current braking effect depends uponarea of solenoid coil, resistivity of disc material, angular velocity, thickness of disc, etc. It is observed that the design of solenoid coils, their radial position and the dimensions of disc play vital role in braking with eddy currents. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
713-716 |
186 |
Experimental Study on Shear Strength of the Soil by Drying Process
-Devarakonda Anitha ; C. Sujitha; N.P.Bhargava Ram
Shear strength of the soil is a very important property in geotechnical engineering in order to assess the strength of the soil. In classical soil mechanics, the soil is generally assumed to be fully saturated and completely dry conditions. However most of the natural soils or compacted soils are unsaturated. In the present work to study the compressive strength of the different soils with different moisture contents and are compared to the drying process. It has been observed that the soil in dry state exhibit more strength compared to its wetting side. Soils are mainly formed by the process of weathering of the parent rock. The weathering of rocks might be by mechanical disintegration or chemical decomposition. Mechanical weathering of rocks is due to the action of agents as the expansive forces of freezing of water in fissures, due to sudden changes in temperature or due to abrasion of rock by moving of water or glaciers whereas chemical weathering is due to hydration, oxidation, carbonation, desilication and leaching in hard rocks. Soils occurs in different forms such as Bentonite, black cotton soil, boulders, calcareous soils, caliche, clays, gravel, cobbles, kankar, humus, laterites, loam, marl, peat, sand, silt, loamy etc., according to their size. One of the abundant and the most controversial engineering properties of the soil is its Shear Strength or ability to resist sliding along the internal surfaces within a soil mass or the shear strength of a soil is its maximum resistance to shear stresses just before the failure. Read More...
Geo Technical Engineering |
India |
717-719 |
187 |
Stabilization of Expansive Soil using Fly Ash and Lime
-D. Anitha ; S. Jaya srinivasa Teja; B. Swamy Naik; P. Dadavali; R. Dinesh Varma
The project deals with the stabilization of soils using fly ash and lime. Stabilization means improving the engineering properties of a soil by admixtures. On specific engineering projects, soil additives may help to enhance sub grade or sub base properties. An experimental programme was undertaken to examine the effects of fly ash and lime on the compaction and strength performance of expansive soil. The soil samples are prepared with different proportions of fly ash (5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%) and lime (4%, 6%, and 8%). A series of tests are conducted including Index properties, Standard Proctor test, and Direct Shear test. The probable variation in the strength of soil are observed and recorded. Read More...
Geo Technical Engineering |
India |
720-722 |
188 |
Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Vibration on Mechanical Properties of DSS2205 during TIG Welding
-Mr. Nirmalkumar Patel ; Dr. Piyush S. Jain; Mr. Milan R. Patel
This research provides the information about the problem of tensile strength reduction of DSS due to welding. To overcome this problem different vibratory stress relief techniques are used. We have used mechanical vibration technique that uses low frequency vibrations to relieve residual stresses in weldment. The optimization of TIG of DSS 2205 using taguchi method has been done. Nine experimental runs (L9) based on orthogonal array taguchi method was performed. The welding parameters to be varied are Welding current, Torch tilt angle and Motor speed. As a response Tensile strength & Hardness are being investigated. As a result this research provided the best combination of welding parameters to produce mechanically defect free and sounds welds. Read More...
Production Engineering |
India |
723-727 |
189 |
Experimental Study on Behavior of Black Cotton Soil using Wood Ash as Stabilizer
-T. Deepika ; V. Vignesh
The stability of the structures to be built on the soil depends totally on the soil at which it rests. There are several types of soils that may pose a threat to the stability of structures built on them. Black cotton soil is one such problematic soil, widely spread across the world. They become very sticky when wet and usually characterized by surface cracks when dry. In order to adjust the geotechnical parameters of black cotton soil to meet the requirements of technical specifications in construction industry, studying of soil stabilization is more emphasized. Soil stabilization is the permanent physical and chemical alteration of soils to enhance their physical properties. Due to the growing cost of stabilizers, industrial and agricultural wastes can be used for stabilization. In this project, the behavior of black cotton soil is experimentally studied by using wood ash as stabilizing agent. Wood ash is a gray material and it is the residue powder left after the combustion of wood, such as burning wood in a home fireplace or an industrial power plant. Wood ash is added to black cotton soil in multiples of two percentages and various tests such as Differential free swell, Standard Proctor Compaction, Atterberg limits, Unconfined Compressive Strength and California Bearing Ratio(CBR) tests were conducted. The tests results showed maximum strength of soil samples when treated with 8% of wood ash. The result of investigation shall provide the basic successful implementation of wood ash for soil stabilization in practice. Read More...
Geo Technical Engineering |
India |
728-731 |
190 |
Silicon v/s Gallium Arsenide : Way to Future
-Deepak Sharma ; Manish Kr. Poonia
A solar cell can be termed as photovoltaic cell is an electrical device that converts the heat energy of solar light directly into electricity by photovoltaic effect that is a physical and chemical phenomenon. We have different type of solar cells like SILICON is the most dominating semiconductor in the field of PV cells and this paper is about comparative study with its close competing material GALLIUM ARSENIDE in different modules like crystalline, MONOCRYSTALLINE and thin film. As well as different modules of silicon solar cell are also discussed. GALLIUM ARSENIDE has clearly high efficiency and several other advantages over SI but due to high cost (about 1000 times more than of SI’s cost) application of such cells is limited to a narrow region. In this paper several ways and methods are also discussed to make silicon and gallium arsenide batter in several aspects. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
732-735 |
191 |
Comparison and Analysis of F5 Algorithm and PVD Technique base Steganography for Data Hiding in Terms of MSE and PSNR Parameters
-Prof. Amee J. Mankad ; Makwana Sameer K
The Paper propose two steganography algorithm based on F5 technique and PVD (Pixel Value Difference) Technique. In F5 algorithm Data to be hidden inside cover image, since binary images may distorted by noise and texture so morphological processing is used to remove such distortion. In PVD Technique, Difference between two consecutive pixels is calculated and the particular value is replaced with the new difference value which depends on width range. More data can be hide in edge area compared to smooth area since human eye can visualized minor change in smooth area. Finally Comparing both F5 and PVD technique in terms of MSE and PSNR Parameters. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
737-742 |
192 |
Experimental Study on Performance of Diesel Engine Filled with Blends of Diesel and Biodiesel (Waste Cooking Oil)
-Krupal Jobanputra ; Dhruv Bakori
The rapid depletion in world petroleum reserves and uncertainty in Petroleum supply due to demanding is exploding. And also due to escalation in the petroleum prices have simulated the search for Alternatives to petroleum based fuels especially diesel. In order to maintain the environmental condition, renewable energy sources must be introduced to a new development. Biodiesel are fuels that made up from renewable sources and its characteristics is usually same as diesel. This study deal with the experimental work carried out on the 4-stroke single cylinder diesel engine with biodiesel/diesel blends on performance of engine. The engine parameter like speed, specific fuel consumption, power and torque with rope brake dynamometer at different load conditions. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
743-746 |
193 |
Different Types of Silencer used With Royal Enfield Vehicles and Their Effect on Engine, Performance and Mileage
-Harshit Raj ; Diltaj Singh; Divyam Verma; Abhishek Kumar; Kunal Chudasama
To study the effects of different types of Royal Enfield Silencers on the performance of I.C engine. Often the customers of Royal Enfield wish to tune their Exhaust only on the account of sound. Unknowingly, this might damage and decrease the engine life. Hence, the study of different types of exhaust is necessary. Read More...
India |
747-749 |
194 |
Performance Enhancement of 4G Cognitive Radio in Terms of Spectrum Efficiency
-Charvi Rajendrakumar Patel ; Ms. Zalak K Dobariya
The evolution of various mobile generation from 1G to 4G is characterized by an increasing number of users with ever high bandwidth demands. These ever high bandwidth requirement calls for very high spectrum efficiency requirement. The increased spectrum efficiency comes at the cost of increase complexity. The spectrum efficiency is more scared in 4G. The proposed work increases spectrum efficiency keeping all other parameters such as amount of spectrum and cell-site spacing constant and at some load per user. Improvement of spectrum efficiency in 4G will make it more advanced and flexible. In order to improve spectrum efficiency, an ideal way is used to cognitive radio. The proposed work enhances the cognitive radio waveform using genetic algorithm (GA). The main advantage of GA is its multi-objective optimization technique. In GA, the cognitive radio defines as a chromosome and genes. This paper focus on improving spectrum efficiency in 4G using GA in cognitive radio. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
750-753 |
195 |
An Assessment of Ergonomic Issues in a Middle East Engineering Procurement Construction Company
-Aby Thomas ; Dr Nehal Anwar Siddiqui
study conducted in a leading Engineering Procurement Construction and Installation company (EPCI) in Dubai, UAE. They operate between 2000 and 4000 employees depending on levels of work. The employees work within specific crafts that all do different levels of manual work. This research takes a close look at the incidents that have taken place and compares results between 2016 and 2017 incidents. From this came two particular groups of employee that appeared to be highly exposed and these were considered to offer a significant threat to the organization. Close examination revealed that the group’s structural fitter and pipe fitter were more prone to ergonomic issues due to the nature of the work they perform. Often in cramped and awkward positions over long periods of time were they were exposed to repetitive strain type injuries raised as a significant factor. The study took a closer look at the factors by conducted around one hundred field surveys that were validated using face-to-face discussion and focus groups. The findings are presented as a series of histograms with significance risk ranked according to specific ergonomic criteria. The research methodology was also supported by several research questions that ensured breadth and depth of inquiry. Along with factual representations that suggest that where incidents happen in the workplace, there is a high probability that ergonomics has been a major contributing factor. Read More...
Health,Safety and Environment Engineering |
India |
754-757 |
196 |
Behavior of Square Footing Resting on Weak Soil Reinforced with Geotextiles
-V. Vignesh ; T. Deepika
This research study aims at potential benefits of providing Geotextile as reinforcement in weak soil in order to reduce settlement and improve the bearing capacity of shallow foundation. Several tests have been conducted to study the effect of reinforcement with geotextile by varying number of reinforcement and depth of footing. However the other parameter such as top layer spacing and vertical spacing between reinforcement are fixed through referring journals. The model test tank of size 350mm x 350mm x 300mm and square footing of 10cm is used. The results indicated that increase in number of reinforcement and depth of footing increases bearing capacity. Finally, the results of model tests were compared with the analytical solution developed by the authors in previous studies; and the analytical solution gave a good predication of the experimental results of footing on geosynthetic reinforced soil. Read More...
Geo Technical Engineering |
India |
758-762 |
197 |
Design, Fabrication, and Testing of Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger
-Sanghani AkshayKumar Babubhai ; Tala Jons Kiranbhai; Sanghani Alpesh Jerambhai; Tailor Akshay Harishbhai; Khalasi Bharat
Heat pipes are suitable or appropriate in order to effectively control thermal heat transfer rate. It can easily be installed in Heat Exchangers. Working fluid plays an important role in heat pipes for conducting heat transfer rate. Heat pipe heat exchangers are widely used for heat recovery in different ranges due to its simple construction, high flexibility and high reversibility. We are going to conduct various tests on different property of working fluid of heat pipes and will search best working fluid for heat pipes. Fluid used nowadays can transfer limited amount of heat but in this paper we will find working fluid which will increase heat transfer rate without heating of heat exchanger. Read More...
mechanical engineering |
India |
763-765 |
198 |
Effect on Strength of Concrete by using Artificial Manufacturing Sand & Hypo Sludge an Industrial Waste
-Ravi K. Patel ; Mrs. Sangeeta Deepak Agrawal; Mr. Bhavesh M. Kataria
Concrete is today more than 9000 years old and has undergone several changes not only in its composition but also in its performance and applications. From a simple beginning around 7000BC to most complicated design and application in 2013AD, concrete has been used in several structures from housing to various infrastructure projects. Concrete has played a key role in development of our planet earth in developed, developing and under developed countries. Today, development of every type needs concrete, be it in infrastructure, in industry or even in space technology and telecommunication. In the last millennium concrete had demanding requirements both in terms of technical performance and economy and yet greatly varied from architectural masterpieces to the simplest of utilities. Natural sand is excavated from river bed which`h impacts on environment in many ways. Due to digging of the sand from river bed reduces the water head, so less percolation of rain water in ground, which result in lower ground water level. There is erosion of nearby land due to excess sand lifting as well as it destroys the flora & fauna in surrounding areas. Due to limited supply of natural sand, cost is very high and its consistent supply cannot be guaranteed. Under these circumstances use of alternative of River Sand becomes unavoidable. Also, for sustainable development, it is indeed necessary to utilize various solid waste which leads to environment degradation. Over 300 million tons of industrial wastes are being produced per annum by chemical and agricultural process in India. Out of several wastes being produced at present, the use of phosphor-gypsum, flurogypsum, lime sludge, hypo sludge, red mud, and mine tailing is of paramount significance to protect environment. This research work is concerned with experimental investigation on strength of concrete and partial replacement of cement by 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20 %, 25 %and 30 % of Hypo Sludge while manufactured sand is used as fine aggregate in cement concrete. In this work, we come to know that 15% of hypo sludge replacement for cement shows maximum strength in all. If we utilize hypo sludge in concrete while manufactured sand is used, it will help us to protect environment from ill effects of extraction of river sand and also from the problem of dumping of hypo sludge. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
766-770 |
199 |
A Review Paper on Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil by Locally Available Soil (Sehra Mitti) of Barghat Area of Madhya Pradesh
-Sourabh Birole ; Yogeshwar Singh
soil stabilization alters the physical properties of soil in order to improve its strength, durability, or other qualities to meet the engineering requirements. It can be achieved by adding suitable admixtures like cement, lime and waste material like fly ash, gypsum etc or by other suitable stabilization method. The cost of adding these additives has tremendously increased in past few years; therefore there is need for the development of other kinds of soil additives such as plastic, bamboo and locally available soil (Sehra mitti), these new techniques of soil stabilization using locally available soil can be effectively used to solve the challenges of society, thereby reducing the construction cost. Use of sehra mitti will reduce the time and cost of the construction through which effective use of available natural resources take place and it will reduce the harmful effects to environment caused by artificial additives. A paper is presented here to focus on soil stabilization methods by using locally available soil of Barghat area of Madhya Pradesh. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
771-774 |
200 |
Performance Analysis of Fly Ash Bricks and Comparison with Common Red Burnt Clay Bricks
-S P Salma Begum ; M. Jotsna; D. Santhi; B. Venkata Chalapathy; B. Charan Kumar
Fly Ash bricks can be extensively used in all building constructional activities similar to that of common burnt clay bricks. The fly ash bricks are comparatively lighter in weight and stronger than common clay bricks. Since fly ash is being accumulated as waste material in large quantity near thermal power plants and creating serious environmental pollution problems, its utilisation as main raw material in the manufacture of bricks will not only create ample opportunities for its proper and useful disposal but also help in environmental pollution control to a greater extent in the surrounding areas of power using wastage instead of exploiting natural resources is one of the great advantage. Also 180 billion tonnes of common burnt clay bricks are consumed annually approximately 340 billion tonnes of clay- about 5000 acres of top layer of soil dug out for bricks manufacture, soil erosion, emission from coal burning and fire woods which causes deforestation are the serious problems posed by brick industry. The above problems can be reduced some extent by using fly ash bricks. The objective of this project is to represent the information regarding Fly Ash bricks and plant, properties and their uses in a most concise and comparison. And also in this project some laboratory experiments were carried out on fly ash bricks samples are Compressive strength study and water absorption study. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
775-778 |