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251 |
Evaluation of Bank Performance - Case Study
-Tushar Verma ; Nishant Shukla
The role of banking sector is very important and play precious role in the development of economy of country especially for India, skillful and a sound system of banking is provide most important economic developments of country. In any developed country there growth of economic is above the average and there financial support is very strong and there business environment is dynamic that is requires a new development in the style of working is a business for taking position among the global companies. Profitability and efficiency of sector of banking in India has considered primary importance due to rapid competition, highly and demands of customers and changing the banking reforms. Since competition between them cannot be directly observed, there are various number of indirect measurement in the form of use simple complex models or indicators have been used both and devised are in practice and in theory. These studies try or attempt to measures the relative performance of Indian banks. For this perusal, we have used private sector bank and public sector bank. We are evaluating here the banking sector performance in this present condition. In the according present work all the parameters and criteria will be prepared using the survey of literature and questionnaire selected from both side bank customer and employee. The approach of MCDM method will be applied to analyze the problem statements. This study has added one more literature to demonstrate the utility of AHP based bank evaluation to Indian banking community in particular, which not only evaluates the performance of banks but also gives insights to focus in the area of improvement to a particular bank in comparison to others All information collected data to determine of the performance of banking sector. Under the MCDM Approach the decision making tools by AHP will be studied and applied for the results. The application of AHP for evaluating bank performance is done using MS-excel software. The overall priority vector of different criteria is obtained as the result of AHP for all types of banks like Government and private banks. In most all criteria government bank is highly fulfill over six criteria and the all criteria as compared to other private banks. So, it is suggested that government bank is the best for four basic criteria and private is better in other remaining two criteria. Read More...
Industrial Engineering |
India |
995-1001 |
252 |
Hybrid Car
-Shalini Tripathi
A hybrid car is a combination of different type of energy like conventional or non-conventional energy. But here this hybrid car is made of different form of non-conventional energy source, like – solar energy, sound energy, and shocker energy. There is no conventional energy (petrol, diesel) required to run the vehicle. The total power is required to run the vehicle 2.877 Watt. Power produce by solar, sound and shocker energy are 3 Watt, 4 Watt, 3 to 3.5 Watt. These powers are sufficient to run the weight of 2 kg vehicle. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1002-1005 |
253 |
Experimental Behavior of Fly Ash Mixed Ferro cement Concrete Panels
-Saif Fallah Hassan ; P. B. Kodag
There is challenge to design the novel methods as well as technologies in order to satisfy the demands. The disasters like manmade or natural are having big threats on present scenarios in which it is required structural components development to manage the requirements of post disaster like mass and speedy construction of buildings. There are number of approaches presented to cope with such demands. Ferro cement is recent construction material. It is having number of unique characteristics and hence suitable for large number of Civil Engineering applications. In literature, numbers of methods are based on use of fibres and non-metallic reinforcements for Ferro cement, but such reinforcements are very costly and not available easily. Hence, it is required to have efficient and affordable non-metallic meshes for Ferro cement use. The efficiency of Ferro cement concrete slab with other materials depends on two important factors such as its impact and flexural load capacity. The dimension of wire mesh as reinforcement for flexural panel was 694mm*344mm. For impact panel specimen the dimension of wire mesh was 244mm *244mm. The different percentage of fly ash, 10%, 20% and 30% of cement was taken for experimentation shows Comparison between expanded and welded mesh that the performance of the welded mesh concrete slabs is far better than expanded mesh. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1006-1011 |
254 |
CFD Analysis of R600a Refrigerant Through Adiabatic Capillary Tube
-Mohammed Bilal ; Ganpat Lal Rakesh
In many literatures have been understand the flow of characteristics of refrigerant through capillary tube as well as to know about the working fluids for refrigeration system. In present work, the many household refrigerators used a different type of refrigerants as per as their characteristic, the R600a refrigerant have been discussed. The capillary tube as per as literature, when capillary tube has been getting turn shape will gives more efficient. In this present work, replace the R12 and R22 refrigerant to R600a due to its low global warming potential and ozone depletion. The R600a also required less diameter hole as compared to literature. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1012-1015 |
255 |
Effect of Flame Straightening on Through Thickness Properties of TMCP Steel Plate
-N. Ramasamy ; R. Kathiravan; N. Raju
Thermo-mechanical controlled process (TMCP) steel plates are used in manufacturing of steel structure. Welding distortion is a perennial problem during fabrication. Flame straightening method is adopted for removing distortion. In this paper, the effect of flame straightening on mechanical properties of TMCP steel plate across the thickness has been taken up for investigation. A test specimen having yield strength 450MPa-TMCP steel plate was heated to 800 °C on the surface using oxy-acetylene flame by line heating method. The material properties at different zones of heat imparted location was studied. The test results were analyzed and observed that the variation in mechanical properties were due to changes in microstructure. The yield strength, toughness and ductility of the TMCP steel plate got reduced by 17.33%, 23.42% and 12.87% respectively along the thickness of heat imparted zones. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1016-1022 |
256 |
Eye Vision Test using Ultrasonic Measurement via Wireless Technique
-Dr. M. C. Jobin Christ ; P. Veeriya Ajanth; M. Nandha Kumar ; M. Tamilalagan; S. Keerthiraj
In this paper helps in measuring the eye power of the patient. The present procedure of measuring eye power is by continuous trial and error method of using a sample lenses is very tedious and lengthy procedure. So here’s the solution, measuring the distance by using ultrasonic sensor .this method measure the eye power according to changing the image distance. The microprocessor along with ultrasonic sensor can easily measure the power of the patient in a small time. It is a simple, cheap, friendly user, is designed as wearable equipment consists of headband .The output of the project is wirelessly transmitted to desktop or laptops for show patient’s result, this method also using pressure sensor and eye blink sensor to measure pressure at eye during eye test and measure iris position. This method is very easy and very useful for poor people. Read More...
Bio mechanical & Biomedical Engineering |
India |
1023-1025 |
257 |
Cooperative Bait Detection Technique to Avoid Various Attacks by Malicious Nodes in MANET based on WMN - A Review
-Megha Kalgotra ; Himali Sarangal; Simrandeep Singh Thapar
This paper is a profound review on the Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs). MANETs are collection of self-healing, self-configuring and multi-hop wireless network. With the widespread use of transportable devices, MANETs are expanding rapidly. MANET has the advantage of installing rapidly and correctly in any environment (personal area networks, home area networks etc.) with trouble-free installation. MANETs finds its natural application in military and such places and operations. In the present paper, Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) scheme also called as Cooperative Bait Detection Technique (CBD) Technique is applied which aims at detecting and preventing malicious nodes introducing Gray hole or collaborative Black hole attacks. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1026-1031 |
258 |
Factors Affecting Employee Motivation: (With Reference to ACC Cements Works Wadi)
-Shaikh Tabassum Hameed
Motivated employees will retain a high level of innovation while producing higher quality work efficiency Employee motivation is one of the major issues faced by every organization. Motivation is the process of attempting to influence others to do their work through the possibility of gain or reward. The present paper aims at highlighting the effect of monetary and non-monetary benefits provided by the organization on the employee’s performance and also to learn the employee’s satisfaction on the interpersonal relationship exists in the organization. The study aims to provide empirical evidence about the variables affecting employee motivation. The direct variable of the study is the employee motivation. Indirect variable are the incentives, interpersonal relations, career development opportunities & performance appraisal system. Statistical test Chi-square used for testing hypotheses. Descriptive survey design is used. The present study is contribution to the current application of motivational factors in ACC Limited. On the basis of the findings, employers will be continually challenged to develop pay policies and procedures that will enable them to attract, motivate, retain and satisfy their employees. In view of this, study attempts to identify the impact that motivation has on employee performance in order to address problems arising from motivational approaches in organizational settings. Read More...
India |
1032-1036 |
259 |
A Review of Printed Antenna Broad Banding Techniques
-Mahaveer Prasad Sharma ; Sunil Kumar Singh
the modern age antennas are everywhere due to latest communication technologies and requirement of connectivity and information sharing are aiding their significance. Their importance as well as presence will further increase due to upcoming technological era of Internet of Things (IoT). Bandwidth plays a key role behind antenna applications so it is useful to have a review of microstrip antenna broad banding techniques. In this paper we present a review of broad banding techniques of printed antennas. Read More...
review |
India |
1037-1038 |
260 |
Automatic Clutch Actuation using Proximity Sensor
-Vivek C R ; Shameeh Rahman T P; Sujay K; Vaishakh P R; Vishnu K P
Clutch system in a vehicle acts as a link for transmitting power between the engine and the transmission unit. In vehicles with manual transmission system the clutch is either engaged or disengaged by the driver using the clutch pedal. Automatic clutch actuation uses a proximity sensor mounted on the gear knob to actuate the clutch system. The sensor on detection of the drivers palm will signals the geared motor to disengage the clutch and on removal of the palm, the clutch is reengaged. Read More...
Automotive Engineering |
India |
1039-1041 |
261 |
Methods to Separate Resistive Leakage Current of ZnO Surge Arrester
-Miss. Pradnya Pramod Koli ; Dr. Uttam L. Bomble
In recent years the heavy transmission of power leads to destruction of surge arrester because of leakage current. This is the main problem that is being faced in power transmission sectors. Over voltages in power system may occur due to lightning, fault or switching operation. These over voltages could reach dangerous amplitudes for power system apparatus. Due to continuous passing the leakage current through the arrester they get weakened and rigorously blast. This can be dangerous for other equipments places at the substation like transformer and switches. To overcome this problem monitoring of surge arrester is important. Arresters are made up of the Zink oxide (metal oxide). We discuss various methods for measurement of leakage current through the arresters, simple but accurate method to separating the resistive leakage current from the total leakage current. In this method did not require the voltage measurement. The method based on the cancellation of capacitive leakage current from the total leakage current. A new method introduced which is based on harmonic analysis of leakage current. Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
1042-1046 |
262 |
Design & Analysis of on Chip Charge Pump Circuits for Low Power VLSI Circuits
-Vijendra K Maurya ; Ashik Hussain; Dr. Navneet Agarwal
Due to advancement of Digital India a lot of peoples move to digital era. Today Life cannot be think without electronic gadgets. Regarding portability power dissipation is main constraint. Consumer demands more features in small size and extended battery life at a lower cost Charge pump circuit is widely used in integrated circuits (ICs) due to the continuous power supply reduction which is dedicated to several kind of applications of low voltage phase locked loop (PLL), flash Memories & DRAM’s smart power, switched capacitor circuits, non-volatile memories, operational amplifiers, voltage regulators, SRAMs, LCD drivers, piezoelectric actuators, Radio frequency antenna switch controllers, etc. Charge pump are used in these application, basically it is DC to DC converter which have capacitor instead of an inductor or transformer for energy storage. In this paper Dickson, static & dynamic charge pump has been analyzed in terms of delay, power and conversion ratio. Read More...
India |
1047-1050 |
263 |
Internet of Things (IoT) : Smart Gym Management
-Sahadev Padmakar Patil ; Varsha Sharma
In this paper, we propose a framework for a smart gym. SMART GYM based on wearable technology has continued to measure the Movement of body while exercise,track our fitness. It can detect motion and measures it against order to determine what type of activity you're performing. Video Exercise is provided to learn the equipment handling. here we are going to reduce the help of personal trainee in real time as the Virtual Trainee using Video of Exercise. Using algorithms from programmers and precalculated set of information from clients we can schedule their workouts resulting in great time management. Using the sensors, we can easily detect the movement of hand ,leg etc to analyze the correct workout of particular equipment through the algorithm of that machine which is stored otherwise wrong movement beep will be given. Here other GYM member can help them or message will be send to trainee. Self-analyzing technology in electronic equipment’s can lead to better maintenance and troubleshooting of that equipment. Having a backup offline server situated in gym and synchronizing it with online server can eliminate loss of data. Detailed statistics given to the client after each workout can help to see the progress of that client. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1051-1053 |
264 |
High Energy Efficiency and Spectral Efficiency Analysis in CRN Based Spectrum Aggregation
-A.Devi ; K.Jayarajan
Scheduling different types of packets, such as real time and non-real-time data packets, at sensor nodes with resource constraints in Cognitive radio sensor networks (CRN) is of vital importance to reduce sensors’ energy consumptions and end-to-end data transmission delays. Most of the existing packet-scheduling mechanisms of CRN use First Come First Served (FCFS), non-preemptive priority and preemptive priority scheduling algorithms. Propose a Dynamic Multilevel Priority (DMP) packet scheduling scheme. In the proposed scheme, each node, except those at the last level of the virtual hierarchy in the zone based topology of CRN, has three levels of priority queues. Real-time packets are placed into the highest-priority queue and can preempt data packets in other queues. Non-real-time packets are placed into two other queues based on a certain threshold of their estimated processing time. Leaf nodes have two queues for real-time and non-real-time data packets since they do not receive data from other nodes and thus, reduce end to end delay. We evaluate the performance of the proposed DMP packet scheduling scheme through simulations for real-time and non-real-time data. Simulation results illustrate that the DMP packet planning theme outperforms standard schemes in terms of average information waiting time and end-to-end delay. Read More...
India |
1054-1058 |
265 |
Analysis of Delays in Works under Jalyukt Shivar Campaign
-Niranjan Janardan Khillare
Jalyukt Shivar (JYS) Campaign is a flagship programme of Government of Maharashtra, aims to bring water empowerment to the drought-affected villages to make Maharashtra Drought Free by the year 2019. This Campaign is first of its kind organized action plan wherein many departments are collectively & collaboratively working towards a common goal i.e. ‘Water for All’. The Campaign is mainly a combination of various pre-existing schemes related to water conservation but with certain fine tuning. The targets in the first phase of JYS Campaign, which were having a time frame of a year, could not be achieved even after two years. The Government of Maharashtra has initiated several measures to expedite the campaign but these initiatives have only focused on reducing cycle time of particular stage. Also; the government is only monitoring a construction phase of project cycle whereas delays in pre-construction actives are not being taken in to account. The aim of this study is to optimize the cycle time by highlighting all such areas where substantial delays are occurring and proposing measures to reduce such delays thereby reducing the overall project cycle time for the JYS works. For data collection interview method and field visit approach has been adopted. From the collected data, projects cycle time of JYS works has been grouped under 7 stages and idealistic time cycle has been developed which then compared with case studies, to highlight the delaying events. Results from case studies showed that major portion of project cycle time is being consumed by project initiation, formulation, and approval phases than actual construction phase. Read More...
M.E. Civil (Construction & Management) |
India |
1059-1066 |
266 |
Theoretical Study of CPC with Flat Plate Absorber for Water Heating System
-Nilesh Ramesh Mahajan ; Prof. V. H. Patil
A large amount of energy is available from sun. The sun energy is transferred to earth in form of radiation, its more than that is used by us. Research is continuously being done to capture more and more energy from sun. The device which is used to collect heat from the sun in the form of radiation and transfer this heat energy to the working fluid is known as collector. There are two main types of collector 1) flat plate collector 2) concentrating collector. The concentrating collectors are sub divided into two types a) focusing/imaging type b) non- focusing/non-imaging type. CPC consist of two parabolic reflectors at left and right side of absorber plate. Function of reflector is to reflect the incident solar radiation towards the absorber plate. Absorber plate is painted with black coating in order to maximize the absorption of solar radiation. In this study a truncated CPC with flat plate absorber is design as a modification of conventional CPC concentrator. The design is intended to reduce height of reflectors thus in terms to reduce the weight and cost of the system. The design criteria, mathematical formulation as well as construction is presented in this study. Read More...
India |
1067-1069 |
267 |
Review of Pulsed Modulator
-Sanjay Dewangan ; T. Reghu; V. Mandloi; Purushottam Shrivastava; Dr. L. S. Titare
Pulsed modulators are the power sources used for biasing the klystron. They are categorized depending upon the topology, nature components used in the system, and output pulse parameters. Line type modulators are used for short pulse duration, typically few tens of microseconds, whereas hard switched modulator are used for short as well as long pulse duration. Marx modulator topology is used for generation of pulsed high voltage and does not require high voltage DC supply. The high voltage converter type long pulse modulators are used for high average power applications. This paper gives brief review about different types of pulse modulator, their properties, operating principle and application. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1070-1072 |
268 |
ROI and NROI Based Medical Image Compression using MSPIHT and Hybrid DWT with DCT
-Mr. Tarun Das Manikpuri ; Mr. Chandrashekhar Kamargaonkar
This paper is intended to provide such medical image compression method which provides good peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) for diagnosis important area also known as clinically region of interest (ROI) and a good compression ratio (CR) for non-region of interest (NROI) that is background of the medical image. The proposed method is used taking into account the salience of medical images. With the improvement of digital imaging the space required by the images gradually increases. The medical images occupy large space in storage device. High transmission time and high resolution proves the need for images compression. The main task in medical imaging is coding and transmission of medical images by preserving the clinically important information with reduction in storage space with the help of compression. Nowadays medical image compression is an important area of research which aims at producing algorithms that reduce file size and at the same time maintain relevant diagnostic information. This paper concentrates on using such methods which preserves the CROI with loss less method and other then that region like edges and background known as NROI with lossy method. In this paper the lossless modified set partitioning in hierarchical trees (MSPIHT) algorithm in ROI part, which is gives more appropriate and robust image transmission, and the hybrid of lossy methods DCT with DWT is used in NROI part of image. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1073-1076 |
269 |
Study of Solid State Long Pulse Converter Modulator for Klystron
-Sanjay Dewangan ; T. Reghu; V. Mandloi; Purushottam Shrivastava; Dr. L. S. Titare
The radio frequency (RF) cavities of particle accelerators are energized mostly by klystron RF amplifiers. These klystron are powered by high voltage, high peak power pulsed sources, called pulsed modulator. This paper presents study of high frequency switched, DC-DC resonant based long pulse modulator. The DC-DC converter employs IGBT’s for switching at 20 kHz. Nanocrystalline core material based high voltage, high frequency transformer is used for high voltage generation. The resonant converter helps to achieve soft switching of IGBT switches at turn on and turn off transitions. Phase shift topology is used for droop compensation. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1077-1079 |
270 |
Theoretical Calculation and Design of a Single Plate Clutch Use in Automobile
-Bhavesh Valiya
In design of the friction clutches of automobiles, knowledge on the thermo-elasticity a property is very informative in the initial design stage. Especially, the precise prediction technique of maximum structural stress should be requested in design of mechanical clutches for their durability and compactness. In this study, an efficient and reliable analysis technique for the design of the mechanical clutches by using computer modeling and numerical method is developed. This work contains stress analysis of single plate clutch of the automobile, in which the stresses and forces developed in the clutch is tried to reduce with the help of software approach. The detail study of clutch and modeling of clutch is done in pro-e software and the analysis is to be done in Analysis software. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1080-1082 |
271 |
Data Hiding Technique in Video Stegnography using BCH Codes in DWT Domain
-Nehali Pawar ; Kishor Pandyaji
Stegnography is a method of hiding data in cover file which may be in the form of an image, audio or video. The video stegnography is one of the best method for secret data hiding that reduces the chance of secret message hacking. Data embedding is a process where secret message is embedded in video file. The video stegnography techniques are useful in high security requirements. This paper presents, the high capacity video stegnography based on BCH code in DWT domain is used for data hiding. This proposed system encoded the secret message by BCH encoder. The encoded message hides under the video in DWT domain. This proposed system basically divides in two parts namely data embedding and data extraction. In this paper data embedding process is discussed in detail and also the results of data embedding on the basis of parameters like visual quality, embedding payload. The paper also provides detailed information and results of data embedding process. The proposed video stegnography technique may give better result than the existing techniques. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
1083-1085 |
272 |
Preventing Vehicle Hacking Through Mobile Technology
-Sayali Sudhir Bapardekar
Technology has come a long way. Today modern technology has made our vehicles just another computer that is on wheels and works on electricity for a pollution free environment. But as every coin has two sides this technology also has some disadvantages. This smart vehicle that work on electricity and takes its instructions from a smartphone app, if given in wrong hands can cause destruction and even a terrorist attack. This paper gives a small idea on how security can be increased to avoid the misuse of the smart vehicles. Read More...
Master of Computer Application |
India |
1086-1089 |
273 |
A Review on Differential Evolution for Sensor Node Localization Algorithms in WSN
-Shiva Attri ; Ravi Kumar
Wireless sensor network consists of number of sensor nodes that are capable of sensing data and transferring those data to the base station (BS). One of the major constraints of Wireless Sensor Networks is the positioning accuracy of the nodes which are deployed in the network. Localization of the nodes can be done for both 2D and 3D WSN architecture. Genetic algorithm is mainly used to enhance the lifetime optimization of the network. Genetic algorithm in WSN is to improve the efficiency of positioning among the sensor nodes with least errors. In this paper we make a survey on different techniques of node localization in WSN using Differential Evolution (DE) for 3D WSN architecture. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1090-1094 |
274 |
A Framework for Segmentation and Recognition of Hindi Letters
-Shalini Dogra ; Amit Sehgal
Character recognition is one of the most interesting and fascinating areas of pattern recognition and artificial intelligence due to its numerous applications. It continues to be a challenging research area. OCR suggests to the practice of picture scanning of the text character-by-character, analysis of the scanned image then changing of the character image into information that a machine can simply examine .e.g. organizations and libraries taking physical replicas of books, magazines, or other old printed material and utilizing OCR to place them in computers. Segmentation is the crucial and most complex part of OCR method, and it gets difficult with handwritten text due to totally different writing styles and fonts used. In this paper, we propose a method for segmentation and recognition of Hindi Letters which takes offline handwritten input using variation of gradient, structural features and implement Gabor Filter and Chain Code for feature extraction and artificial neural network approach. Read More...
M.Tech Computer Science |
India |
1095-1101 |
275 |
Estimation of Evapo-Transpiration for Different Crops in Kudachi Rural Area by the FAO56-PM Method
-Namrata Angadi
The evapotranspiration and irrigation water demand calculations are to be used in design and management of irrigation systems, for water rights management and consumptive water rights transfer and for hydrologic studies. This paper presents application of Penman-Monteith equation standardized by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO56-PM) at the same time with crop constant approach for the estimation values of reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and crop evapotranspiration underneath standard conditions (ETc) from different land use/land cover. Daily meteorological data (Jan 2012-Dec 2014) of Kudachi area were collected from Agricultural Department and is of an area of 6200 hectares, out of which 5243 hectares is used as a agricultural plantation and is used in quantification of evapotranspiration. Kudachi rural area covers 13 types of major Agricultural Plantations. The reference crop that used for calculating ETo was considered as a hypothetical crop with an assumed height of 0.12m having a surface resistance of 70 ms-1 and an albedo of 0.23. The results obtained from this study is beneficial to include the fundamental components of managing water resources efficiently, and additionally an important factor in computing water balance, irrigation system design and management, crop yield simulation and hydrologic studies. Read More...
Water Resource Engineering |
India |
1102-1105 |
276 |
L Strip Small Antenna Q Quality Factor for WiMAX Application
-Riki H Patel ; Trushit Upadhyaya; Arpan Desai
In this paper electrically small antenna operating at 3.34 GHZ has been designed with slotted L shaped patch to obtain broadband operation. Using single L-slot; antenna resonates at single band frequency. The designed broadband antenna operates at frequency band of 3.03-3.37 GHz (2%). FR4 substrate is used having height of 1.6 mm. The proposed antenna radiation pattern is unidirectional and gain is 1.16dbi. Read More...
India |
1106-1108 |
277 |
Comparative Analysis of NoSQL Databases - New Generation of Data Storage Model
-Kalgi Gandhi ; Abhishek Kumar
Database is an organized collection of data on which (business) decisions are made. The concept of database came into existence in the era of 1960s. Flat file databases were the very first database management systems not usually accessed like this since they belong with offline entities and form the machinery of operating systems and local devices. Also, there are no transactions in a flat file database, so it is limited in what it can actually do as a database entity. So a flat file database is disadvantageous to a network user, who is accessing a multi-access, multi-tasking relational online database which can be viewed from many different aspects. RDBMS the another generation are widely used in most of applications, these supports tabular structure for the data e.g. MS SQL Server, Oracle, MYSQL etc. But these handle limited set of data i.e. it isn't scalable, so for handling real time huge volume of data like internet was not more efficient for RDBMS. It is also difficult to create redundancy and parallelism with RDBMS, so they become single point of failure. To overcome these problems new generation of data storage models i.e. NoSQL Databases came into existence, these are faster and better than RDBMS. The paper covers the background, axiomatics, taxonomy, applications, pros and cons of the NoSQL databases. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1109-1114 |
278 |
An Experimental Study on Tensile Strength of Graphene Reinforced Thermoset Epoxy Composite
-Tausifahmed Kumbari ; Tushar T Hawal
In this study the effects of graphene incorporation into polymer matrix were analyzed. Different composite combinations were prepared by using graphene, as reinforcement and Bisphenol-A as matrix material by adding graphene in varying weight proportions such as 0.1wt%, 0.3wt%, 0.5wt%. Mechanical characterization was done by conducting tensile test on the prepared specimens. The experimental results clearly showed enhancement in the tensile strength and tensile modulus. The results show that the Youngs modulus increases with increase of the graphene weight fraction, hence enhances the mechanical properties of the composite. Significant increment in tensile properties was obtained for the addition of 0.5 wt% of graphene. The modelling of the specimens was carried out in CATIA V5 and the tensile test analysis was carried out using ANSYS 15 software. The experimental results and ANSYS results were compared. Read More...
Applied Science |
India |
1115-1118 |
279 |
Comparative CFD Analysis of Circular and Elliptical Twisted Tube and Shell Heat Exchanger
-Anurag Agrawal ; Sandeep Saha; Nilesh Kumar Sharma
In various engineering applications such as heat exchanger, air conditioning, chemical reactors and refrigeration systems, heat transfer enhancement techniques are popularly used. This paper reports a multi-objective optimization of a shell and tube type heat exchanger with elliptical twisted tube geometry, which has been compared with cylindrical tube geometry. A series of experimental runs has been constructed with respect to constant mass flow rate 0.25kg/s of Cold water and varying mass flow rate of Hot water from 0.05, 0.15, 0.25, 0.35, 0.45kg/s to study the effect of geometrical and flow parameters on heat transfer using RNG k-ε turbulence model. It is found that twisted elliptical tube have higher heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop than the smooth cylindrical tube. This modiï¬ed techniques are the new development directions of heat transfer enhancement. The appropriate twisted elliptical tube modiï¬cation is necessary for heat transfer enhancement with pressure loss penalty at a reasonable level. Read More...
India |
1119-1124 |
280 |
A Study on the Efficiency of Adblocks
-Anoop Sudhakaran ; Snehil Dahima
Advertisements form one of the key pillars of online monetization. Many websites use this model to compensate for the free information they deliver. But is there such a thing as free? Every piece of advertisement that you download, takes a toll on your bandwidth. Which directly affects your internet charges. This study rates the effectiveness of various Adblocking software – in reducing the network data requests. Ultimately, there is 55.98% decrease in bytes downloaded, and a 45.02% increase in load speed of the test case websites used. The number of 3rd Party Domains requested with each page load also decreased by 26.23%. Read More...
Master of Computer Application |
India |
1125-1126 |
281 |
Numerical Comparison of Shell-Side Performance for Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers with Novel, Helical and Segmental Baffles
-Himanshu Ramniwas Mittal ; Chandra Shekhar Nagendra; Nilesh Kumar Sharma
Shell-and-tube heat exchanger, is one of the most widely used heat exchange apparatus in various industrial process and research fronts. Baffle selection is critical to control and improve the thermo-hydraulic performance of this type of heat exchanger. In this paper, three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations, using the ANSYS 17 FLUENT, have been performed to study and compare the shell-side flow distribution, heat transfer coefficient and the pressure drop between the recently developed novel, helical baffles and the conventional segmental baffles. In this numerical comparison, the whole heat exchangers consisting of the shell, tubes, baffles and nozzles are modelled. The model is then used to compute and compare the thermo-hydraulic performance for all the three cases. The results show that the use of helical baffles results in higher thermo-hydraulic performance compare to novel and segmental baffles. Read More...
| thermal engineering |
India |
1127-1132 |
282 |
Design and Fabrication of Automatic Fertilizer Spreader
-Navaneethakrishnan. M ; B. Vignesh; N. Sethuraman
A method was generated to spread the fertilizer automatically over the agricultural land by dropping the fertilizer over the impeller disc. A 25cc engine is used to rotate impeller disc in which the fertilizer drains and spreads from hopper where it is introduced. In tractor mounted or manual system they carry four and three wheels respectively. But here two wheels are used in which the bigger front wheel is connected to engine through supporting wheel can be adjustable. The speed of wheel is varied by control lever connected through a cable. In this the fertilizer spreads only in front side of impeller while its back side 180 is covered. The size and width of the fertilizer is reduced to make it less weight and suitable for multi crops. From this method the cost fertilizer spreader is reduced by 50%. Read More...
Agricultural Engineering |
India |
1133-1135 |
283 |
Study of Solar PV Emulator Device for Two Different Solar Panels at Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh
-Shruti ; Dr. Narendra Singh Beniwal
It was intended to reveal the time-dependent power generation under the same load for two different solar panels under the conditions of Jhansi (U.P.), India on 13th June 2017. The testing sets include Solar PV emulator device and its web portal service, multimeter, and led lamp as a load. The efficiency of monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels was calculated depending on the climatic data measurements. As the result of the study, the average performances of monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels are 42.8525 and 55.1388Wh, respectively. It was seen that 64.6W instantaneous power could be obtained from a monocrystalline solar panel and that 83.64W instantaneous power could be obtained from the polycrystalline solar panel under maximum Insolation (722W/m^2). Within this frame, it was determined that polycrystalline solar panel is able to operate more efficiently under the conditions of BIET, Jhansi compared to a monocrystalline solar panel. When the multivariate correlations coefficients were examined statistically, a significant relationship in a positive direction was detected between total and direct radiation and ambient temperature on energy generation from a monocrystalline and polycrystalline panel. Read More...
Digital Communication Engineering |
India |
1136-1139 |
284 |
Paper Pulp Waste Used for Manufacturing of Bricks
-Ajay N. Burile ; Ms. Arti M. Sorte; Ms. Nimita R. Gautam; Mr. Sameer N. Shinde
The construction industry consumes a large amount of non-renewable resources. Our project aimed to utilize the waste paper and fly ash to use as a construction material constitutes a step towards sustainable development. For this effort four different mix proportions are used to make bricks. The bricks are made by partial replacement of cement by paper pulp. For normal mix Portland cement, and quarry dust is used. In case of paper pulp brick, cement is replaced by paper pulp by 10%, 20%, 30% respectively with constant % of flyash to investigate some properties like strength, water absorption, fire resistance, hardness, soundness etc by conducting the different tests on prepared bricks. While using paper pulp to make bricks, it reduces approximately 50% weight of the brick. Therefore these bricks will reduce the dead weight of the structure to considerable amount. also use of flyash - environment friendly material So it changes our design and building cost as in economical point of view. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1140-1145 |
285 |
3-D Scanning and 3-D Printing in Archeology
-Akshat Gupta ; Jagjit Singh Randhawa; Manarshhjot Singh ; Sepaldeep Singh Dhaliwal
The 3-D scanning and 3-D printing is an emerging field. Reverse engineering has made it possible to construct the parts which were difficult to reconstruct or their source of construction was unknown. 3-D scanning has made it possible to rebuilt the parts without the need of actually knowing its dimensions, steps of construction. This paper highlights the types of 3-D scanning techniques and 3-D printing techniques. The restoration of a damaged statue from the museum is also discussed using the cheap and convenient technology as per the conditions. It has a multiple advantage in the field of Archeology. Our nation has verity of cultures and their statues are degrading, so there is a need to reconstruct/ restore by the use of technology. Read More...
Industrial Design |
India |
1146-1150 |
286 |
Ensuring the Stability of Lease Transaction and Sales force Batch jobs through Automation
-Shankara Narayana Prasad S U ; Dr. Deepamala N
A lease contract can be coined as a agreement between the lessor and the lessee where the lessee pays to the lessor for use of an asset or equipment such as buildings and vehicles. The lessor is the legal owner of the asset. Lease industry is expected to reach, US$1 billion industry by 2020 [1]. So the success of this industry or business depends on finding new ways to drive revenue through greater transaction volume and rapid time-to-market for new products. Lessors need online application engines and sophisticated tracking systems to facilitate the workflow of an application. is a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offering that provides the customers to create and deploy applications. Batchjobs are periodic processes which is responsible for all transactions, based on the schedules entered. Apex tests can be used to automate unit tests for the Apex Code as well as functional tests that simulate user actions through the user interface (UI) or Web Services. This paper illustrates how test automation can be implemented in platform for developing lease management application. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1151-1154 |
287 |
Modelling and Analysis of Variable Refrigerant Flow System through CFD
-Prabudh Tiwari ; Ajeet Bergaley
The experimental testing for the determination of the thermal characteristics of VRF system is very common, but these experimental testing are not preferable considering the cost and the time. One substitute to the experimental testing is the utilization of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis to guess the thermal features of these types of systems. However, CFD models are also not suitable to be used as a design tool since the considerably amount of computational power and the computational time required due to the complex geometric structures of the VRF systems. In the present paper the analysis of the complete VRF systems is done in fluent14.5 and an attempt is done to enhance the comfort level of the occupants & at different velocities distribution of temperatures is analyzed. Read More...
mechanical engineering |
India |
1155-1158 |
288 |
MANET with Highly Influenced with Maximum Network Congestion Dominance by Routing Protocol
-Sonam Bhavsar ; Varsha Dange
MANET is determined as a network that has many free autonomous nodes that can move locations and configure itself to various networks and operate without any centralized administration. Some MANETs are re- stricted to a local area of wireless devices (such as a group of laptop computers), while others may be connected to the Internet. For example, A VANET (Vehicular Ad Hoc Network), is a type of MANET that allows vehicles to communicate with roadside equipment. Because of the dynamic nature of MANETs, they are typically not very secure, so it is important to be cautious what data is sent over a MANET. There are various applications of MANET, In Commercial Sector: e.g. in fire, flood, or earth-quake. Local Level: e.g. conference or classroom. In MANET, congestion can take place between two intermediate nodes, occurs when bandwidth is insufficient and network data traffic exceeds capacity. This paper mainly studies and compares the performance of MANET routing protocols namely PSR, DSR, DSDV and AODV under various traffic loads with various maximum TCP congestion window size to improve congestion control in the routing. The metrics used to compare routing protocol performance are packet delivery ratio, average routing load, the average end-to-end time required with delay and average network throughput and mainly to overcome congestion situation and avoid packet loss in wireless networks. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1159-1166 |
289 |
Literature Review on Clustering Topology Analysis for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network
-Navneet Kaur ; Dr. Anju Bhandari
Research on wireless sensor network (WSN) has increased tremendously throughout the years. In WSN, sensor nodes are deployed to operate autonomously in remote environments. Depending on the network orientation, WSN can be of two types: flat network and hierarchical or cluster-based network. Various advantages of cluster-based WSN are energy efficiency, better network communication, efficient topology management, minimized delay, and so forth. Consequently, clustering has become a key research area in WSN. The objective of this paper is to review and analyze the latest prominent cluster-based WSN algorithms using various measurement parameters. In this paper, unique performance metrics are designed which efficiently evaluate prominent clustering schemes. Based on performance metrics, quantitative and qualitative analyses are performed to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the algorithms. Finally, we also put forward open research issues in the development of low cost, scalable, robust clustering schemes. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1167-1170 |
290 |
Collecting Smear for Papanicolaou Test to Detect Early Stage Cervical Cancer with Aid of Electronic Penis
-N. Nandakumar ; R. Thangavel; K. Shanmugasundaram; Sumi. P. P; Karthikeyan Sundarsamy
Importance of medical instruments is known the people who work in medical professional. The medical devices help the medical professional to diagnose, monitor and giving appropriate treatment to the patients. We can say medical instruments have save more than millions of humans and animals life in each year. For human beings are use the medical devices both at the hospital or their homes. Now day’s around the world peoples are affected by cancer. There are more than one hundred types of cancer are innovated by medical professionals. Cancer is curable and incurable disease, which we diagnostics in earlier stage, it is curable, and otherwise it is not curable in late stage of diagnostic. Cancer can start almost anywhere of the human body. Especially female can affected by two types of cancer, which is breast cancer and cervical cancer. For examining the breast cancer there are some medical devices are available. For example mammogram machine is used to diagnostic the breast cancer. Diagnostic the cervical cancer there is no proper electronics devices. Now days they collect the smear from cervical manually and sending for the lab procedure. To avoid the practical difficulty our proposed device is very much use full to medical professional, especially for oncologist and gynecologist. In this project our device is collecting smear for papanicolaou test with aid of electronic instrument for aid of detect early cervical cancer. Read More...
Bio mechanical & Biomedical Engineering |
India |
1171-1173 |
291 |
Performance Evaluation of Sequencing Batch Reactor for Tannery Effluent Treatment
-Nanmathi ; B. Manimekalai
Tanning Industry is considered to be a major source of pollution and tannery wastewater in particular, is a potential environmental concern. Almost 70-80 % transformation of raw hides/skins into finished products occurs in water phase, average consumption of water for tanning process is between 30- 35 m3 per ton of raw material processed. Hence, it is evident that the main load of pollutants occurs within the wastewater. Biological treatment methods are both cost effective and environmentally sound alternative for the treatments of tannery wastewater than physico-chemical methods. They can be used to reduce the organic loading in the wastewater. Sequencing Batch Reactor is a modified form of ASP can be used in the treatment of tannery wastewater. The optimization of parameters like hydraulic retention time of 4 hours, 6 hours, 8 hours, volumetric loading rate of 65%, 75%, 85%, 95% and organic loading rate of 2.54, 3.39, 7.84 kg of COD/m3/day were done in a laboratory scale SBR of 5L working volume. With COD removal rate, the conditions were optimized. COD removal was found to be 82% with a HRT of 8hours and VLR of 95%. Optimum OLR was found to be 3.39 kg of COD/m3/day. Read More...
Environmental Engineering |
India |
1174-1178 |
292 |
Design of 4-Bit Flash ADC using 180 nm Technology
-Sonu Kumar ; Rekha Yadev
Analog to digital converter (ADC) is an integral part of communication and a crucial asset for digital signal processing. ADCs, find a wide variety of applications in today’s digitized world. Flash ADCs are fastest among all the types of ADCs discovered so far. A 4-Bit Flash ADC has been designed using Cadence Virtuoso in 180nm CMOS technology. ADC has been developed using two stage open loop comparators, a priority encoder. The analog output of each comparator depends upon the input, the reference voltage supplied to the priority encoder, and finally, the digital output obtained. Parameters calculated are bandwidth (Mhz), resolution (mV) and power consumption (mW) are 79.53, 50, .005 respectively for comparator. For ADC calculated parameters are DNL, Delay(ms), Maximum input Frequency(Mhz), Rise time(ns), Fall time(ns), power consumption (mW) are .029, 1.9, 87.19, 15.89, 3.87,368. Read More...
India |
1179-1181 |
293 |
Exhaust Gas Recirculation- A Review
-Rashi Koul
Exhaust gas emission systems also called in short as EGR now-a-days have been commercialized as a NOx reduction method for a wide range of diesel engines. In internal combustion engines EGR is a nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions reduction technique used in petrol/gasoline and diesel engines. EGR works by recirculating a portion of an engine's exhaust gas back to the engine cylinders [1]. This dilutes the O2 in the incoming air stream and provides gases inert to combustion to act as absorbents of combustion heat to reduce peak in-cylinder temperatures. NOx is produced in a narrow band of high cylinder temperatures and pressures. A number of considerations must be taken into account when designing EGR systems including: deposit accumulation, contaminants, engine lubricant, system packaging and more. Read More...
Automotive Engineering |
India |
1182-1183 |
294 |
A Review on Topology Control in Cooperative Communication
-Priya Kaushal ; Himali Sarangal; Simrandeep Singh Thapar
In Wireless Sensor Network the sensor nodes are mainly responsible to collect and share the sensed information by making it accessible at a gateway point. In this paper, system connectivity has essential role as the nodes have need of accessibility of path to weigh the sensed data to the sink node. The future technique moves the mobile nodes to a inaccessible unknown best site relatively than directing it to a near edge. Use of mobile nodes we generally survey the fast area network. We extend the battery life of the mobile nodes to improve the detached system and then also re-establish system connectivity. In Cooperative Communication (CC) topology is used to save power and expand transmission coverage. In this paper, we generally pragmatic that in prior research work CC in the aspect of energy reduction but not of coverage extension. We observe that CC can bridge disconnected networks. We suggested some algorithms that choose energy efficient neighbor nodes, which maintain a source node to communicate with a destination node: an optimal method and two greedy heuristics. We distinguish the challenges in the progress of centralized topology control method, named Cooperative Bridges. The Cooperative Bridges may disappear the communication control of nodes as well as increases network connectivity. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1184-1189 |
295 |
Investigation of Electrical Characteristics of Mixed Insulating Liquids for their Use in Electrical Power Equipments
-Mr. Kiran Yeole ; Mr. S. S. Hadpe
It has been seen that, mineral oil is the most widely used insulting liquid in the world today because of the wide availability and low cost. However, poor biodegradability and limited reserves of mineral oil has promoted the development of environment friendly insulating liquids. Natural and synthetic esters are considered as potential candidates to replace mineral oil in electrical equipments. Both natural and synthetic esters are fully biodegradable, less toxic and less flammable. But their high cost and availability has limited their use in special applications today. The aim of this paper is to investigate typical electrical characteristics of mixture of mineral oil with biodegradable synthetic oil. This new mixed insulating liquid will be proposed as alternative to mineral oil with lower environmental risk and comparatively lower cost of insulating liquids that has higher biodegradability. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1190-1193 |
296 |
Processing Sudoku Images and Solving by Recursive Backtracking Algorithm
-Ms. Supriya H.S ; Abhishek Nipun; Ayush Baran; Kanhaiya Kumar; Parul Prabhat
We propose a method of detecting and recognizing the elements of a Sudoku puzzle and providing a digital copy of the solution for it. The method involves a image-processed Sudoku Solver. The solver is capable of solving a Sudoku directly from an image captured from any digital camera. This would mainly require 5 steps. Step 1 recognises the grid of the puzzle. Step 2 extracts the grid of the puzzle. Step 3 is the extraction of the numbers. Step 4 recognises the numbers extracted. Step 5 solves the puzzle by recursive backtracking algorithm. The digits are recognised by the OCR method Artificial Neural networks. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1194-1196 |
297 |
Optimization of Repeater Spacing for Undersea Fiber Optic Communication: Survey Paper
-Deepak Tomar ; S. K Grewal
This paper survey shows the optimization of repeater spacing for undersea Fiber optic communication. Repeaters are used to transmit data over a long distance with high data rate transmission in undersea fiber optic communication. Repeater spacing in fiber optic communication is optimized by considering various parameters such as fiber attenuation, Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS), Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS), photodiode sensitivity and input power. This Survey concluded use of Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFA), solutions of threats affecting undersea Fiber optic cable and reduced the non-linearity. Also, obtained simulation results for various repeater spacing. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1197-1200 |
298 |
Risk Management for ERP System Implementation in SME
-Dr.M.Kannan ; S.Revathi
Software is collection of programs, when build it for a specific requirement is called software product. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is one of the most important information technology developments in over years. ERP systems are complex and time-consuming for any company. While ERP systems provide the substantial benefits, their implementations are high risks of failure. In order to ensure ERP system implementations, strong Risk Management Framework is essential. The objective of this research is to develop a new ERP solution, to identify the issues in implementation process and to develop a RMF (Risk Management Framework). At first, an exploratory case study is conducted at a Small and Medium Organization (SME) where to collect the requirements and to develop the ERP system for inventory management process. Secondly, to identify the issues in ERP system implementation process and create the new Issue List that is based on the risk factors. Thirdly, Risk Management Framework is developed based on issue list analysis to decompose ERP systems failure and to ensure ERP systems Success. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
1201-1203 |
299 |
Static and Dynamic Analysis of Tee Beam Bridge Deck
-Balamurugan M ; Hemalatha N
This bridge is a structure providing a passage over an obstacle may be for a road, a railway and pipeline etc., T beam bridges are one of the principle type of cast in place concrete decks. It consists of concrete deck slab monolithically cast over the longitudinal girders. Generally bridge structures are subjected to two types of loads i.e. static and dynamic loads. However in the design of structures they are designed based only upon the static loads. The drawback of neglecting the dynamic loads in design stage will affect the structure particularly during the seismic loading conditions. In this research work the bridge deck is modelled as a simply supported T beam bridge deck spanning in one direction with two lanes of span 20m by using rational methods with IRC loadings. T beam bridge design is analysed using Finite Element Analysis through ANSYS. Finally the serviceability of the bridge responses are obtained. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
1204-1207 |
300 |
A Survey on TDMA Slot Scheduling Algorithm for WSNs
-Kalpana Suryawanshi ; R. S. Sonar
Wireless sensor networks (WSN) have a many application such as traffic analysis, environmental monitoring, industrial process monitoring, and civilian and military applications. In wireless sensor networks, contention occurs when two or more nodes are trying to access the channel simultaneously. The declaration causes collisions, which not only affects the reliability and the QoS of the application, but also the lifetime of the network. Most of the current TDMA scheduling techniques try to find an optimal or a sub-optimal schedule, but it take long time to generate that schedule. TDMA scheduling for WSNs, providing the flexibility to trade-off the schedule length with the time the required to create the ccc schedule, as per the requirements of the applications and channel conditions by using existing TDMA-schedule algorithms. In this paper, first outline the several TDMA scheduling algorithm which are proposed for sensor networks. Finally, point out open research issue with regard to TDMA scheduling algorithm. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1208-1210 |