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251 |
Fish Diversity in Jambadahalla Lake of Chikmagalur District, Karnataka
-Dr.S.Thirumala ; Dr.B.R.Kiran
The present study deals with the diversity of fish fauna in manmade Jambadahalla lake of Chikmagalur district in Karnataka. Fish community in this lake was studied every month during January to June 2009. Fishes were collected with the help of fishermen using gill nets. A total of 26 fish species belonging to 11 families were recorded of which cyprinidae was dominated by 14 species followed by Bagridae and Channidae with 02 species and species each of Siluridae, Mastacembalidae, Ambassidae, Cichlidae, Claridae, Notopteridae, Gobidae and Heteropneustidae. Among fish orders, Cypriniformes was dominant with 14 species (53.84%), followed by Siluriformes and Perciformes with 05 species (19.23%) and Osteoglossiformes and Cyprinodontiformes with one species each respectively (3.85%). Regarding biodiversity status (IUCN, 1994), out of 26 species, 12 species as lower risk-near threatened (46.15 %), not assessed 05 species (19.23 %) vulnerable 07 species (26.92%), lower risk least concern is one (3.85 %) and remaining one (3.85 % %) is included under the category of endangered. The diversity of fish fauna in this lake is attributed to the introduction of exotic species and water quality. Read More...
Applied Science |
India |
1068-1071 |
252 |
Android Based Health Care System with Data Management by Web Server
-Palak Harishkumar Parmar ; Bhavna Pancholi
The project’s objective is to develop a mobile application which will collect data from Hardware, display the same and sync the important information to server. A web application is to be developed for displaying the collected information at remote locations. Here, we are using a novel idea for continuous monitoring patient's health conditions. The health care scheme is focus on the measurement and monitoring various biological parameters of patient's body like heart rate, humidity and temperature using hardware device. The device is also used for the fall detection of the patients. On detecting the fall condition of the patients the buzzer turns on and gives alert to others about fall of the patient. The device sends the data to an Android based mobile device, which, in turn, periodically sends the patient's health data to the main server. The doctor can continuously monitor the patient's condition on his smart phone using an Android application. And also the patient history will be stored on the web server and doctor can access the information whenever needed from anywhere and need not to be physically present. The web application can also be used for the hospital management. i.e., for doctor registration, patient registration, storing and retrieving the patient’s health data. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1072-1076 |
253 |
Friction And Sliding Wear Behaviour of Graphite Filled E-Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester Composites
-Prince Rai ; Dr. Sudhir Tiwari; Mr. Gautam Yadav
The friction and wear behaviour of E-Glass fiber reinforced Polyester composite interfaced with filler has been examined. In this study, prepared composites were tested under varying load co at constant sliding velocity and sliding distance by using a pin-on-disc type wear testing technique/apparatus. The influence of graphite filler on the wear and friction behaviour of E-glass fiber reinforced polyester composites under dry sliding condition has been investigated. It was observed that graphite filled composite shows less wear rate compared to unfilled composite and wear rate increases with increasing in the graphite percentage in the composition of the composite. Experimental results also revealed that the coefficient of friction (COF) for the graphite filled composite is high as compared to unfilled composite was it continuously decreases with increasing in the load. Read More...
India |
1077-1080 |
254 |
Embedded based DC Motor Control Using PID Algorithm
A Embedded based DC Motor control is very important in many general and industrial applications. For that implement the manual tuning PID algorithm which is simple, stable, easy adjustment and high reliability, Conventional control system used in conventional PID control .Most of industrial processes with different degrees of nonlinear, parameter variability and uncertainty of mathematical model of the system. Tuning PID control parameters is very difficult, poor robustness; therefore, it's difficult to achieve the optimal state under field conditions in the actual production. Read More...
India |
1081-1082 |
255 |
Impact of Marketing Automation on Customer Engagement & Retention
-Ravinder Kaur ; Palwinder Kaur; Gagandeep Singh; Gurpreet Singh
The Marketing Automation process is a simplification of sales and marketing tasks with the use of the software. It has an immense impact on customer involvement. Marketing Automation can help you recognize your best customers and make them advocates of your brand. It helps in concluding more deals by having more significant conversations with the user. It also helps in collecting implicit and explicit data allied to a customer and identify the most appropriate communication frequency for a customer. It characterizes lead scoring and categorization. It also defines dynamic segmentation. It facilitates in understanding how to set up triggered communication based on behavior and how additional triggers can be used to put up a conversation with the customer and increase profits. Furthermore, it also explains the steps needed to plan a drip campaign and nurture campaign according to the buying cycles. It showcases diverse levels of lead nurture. It also envisages distinction of the sales cycle based on the lead’s intent and necessity to make a purchase. Lifetime Customer value can also be calculated as well as improved by marketing automation. It also provides different attribution models and helps in choosing one based on business type. Read More...
Marketing |
India |
1083-1086 |
256 |
Speed Control of PMSM by using SVPWM Technique
-Priyanka Uday Raut ; Pawan C. Tapre
Permanent magnet synchronous motor is considered as variable speed motor due to its static and dynamic characteristics. These characteristics include high efficiency, light weight, low volume, small inertia, maintenance free and controlling of motor is also easy. In this paper includes the description of technique in which space vector pulse width modulated inverter (SVPWM) is used for the speed control of PMSM motor. Advantages of this technique are to achieve fast dynamic response with low speed ripples also dependency on motor parameters is low and high torque response. In this paper mathematical modeling of PMSM motor is done by using vector control technique in which output of inverter is obtain by SVPWM Technique. Simulation results are carried out for reference speed and torque signals given by some user define system. Simulation model is developed in MATLAB/SIMULINK to study various parameters. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1087-1090 |
257 |
Nearest Keyword Set Search in Multidimensional Dataset using Advance Projection Multi Scale Hashing and Ranking Function
-Yasmeen Anjum ; N.Naveen Kumar
Keyword question in multi-dimensional datasets may be a noteworthy application in data mining. In existing framework, associate algorithm named Promish in record of scheming discontinuous projections and hashing the calculation is actualized. This finds good an ideal subset of arrangements and actualizes PromishA that appearance for shut perfect results with higher effectiveness. Outcome of this implementation demonstrates that Promish is faster compared to alternative techniques and it has completely different range of orders of magnitude performance improvement .An added advantage is that our techniques will match with each real & synthetic data sets. The current works consider the type of inquiries wherever the co-ordinates are illustrious. regardless of the means that it will create k limits of its that is almost kind of like k esteem in nearest keyword request, these changes have no impact on their execution. Thus we tend to enforce the cluster calculation by victimization SQL queries techniques which are wont to search nearest neighbor for nearest keyword primarily based search. These techniques is accustomed predict the closest keyword set search. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1091-1093 |
258 |
Validation of Alternative Method for Calibration of Peak Inspiratory Pressure in Anesthesia Machines
-Sergio Omar Rodriguez Navarro ; Jose Gerardo Luevano Cortez; Daniel Alejandro De Anda Cuellar; Octavio de Jesus Martinez Alvarado
An alternative method for the measurement of inspiratory pressure in anesthesia machines programmed in pressure-controlled mode is proposed using a commercial pressure gauge, where five anesthesia machines of the same model were evaluated by carrying out the measurements in five pressure intervals for each of them. In order to perform a comparison and validation of the proposed method, a gas flow analyzer was used as the gold standard, and based on the results, it is shown that the proposed method is a reliable alternative of lower cost than the common procedures and it has greater accessibility to health centers that have a limited financial budget. Among the measurements obtained with the two measuring instruments used it exists an average difference of -0.51 cmH2O and it was verified that there is agreement between them by the method of Bland-Altman. Read More...
Biomedical Engineering |
Mexico |
1094-1097 |
259 |
Significance of Shared Density Graph Using DBSTREAM Algorithm
-Karishma Nadhe ; Prof. P. M. Chawan
Nowadays streaming data is delivered by more and more applications, due to this crucial method for data and knowledge engineering is considered to be clustering data streams. It is a two step process. A normal approach is to summarize the data stream in real-time with an online process into so called micro-clusters. Local density estimates are represented by micro-clusters by assembling the information of many data points which is defined in an area. A traditional clustering algorithm is used in a second offline step, in which larger final clusters are formed by reclustering the micro-clusters. For reclustering, the pseudo points which are used are actually coordinator of the micro-clusters with the weights which are density estimates. However, in the online process, information about density in the area between micro-clusters is not preserved and reclustering is based on possibly inaccurate assumptions about the distribution of data within and between micro-clusters (e.g., uniform or Gaussian). This paper depicts DBSTREAM, the first micro-cluster-based online clustering component that explicitly captures the density between micro-clusters via a shared density graph. The density information in this graph is then exploited for reclustering based on actual density between modified micro-clusters. We discuss the space and time complexity of maintaining the shared density graph. Experiments on a wide range of artificial and real data sets highlight that using shared density improves clustering quality over other popular data stream clustering methods which require the creation of a larger number of smaller microclusters to achieve comparable results. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1098-1103 |
260 |
Building a Proposed Model for Suppliers' Selection Using Multi-Criteria Approach
-Ms. Kalyani Kantilal Sarode ; Prof. Madhura. C. Aher
This study aimed to build a proposed model for suppliers' selection using Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach (MCDMA): The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)" [4] [5] and to apply it in the public shareholding construction companies in Nashik, based on suppliers' competitive priorities "quality, cost, delivery, and flexibility". The study also aimed to evaluate the relative importance of suppliers selection core-criteria, "quality, cost, delivery, and flexibility" from the perspective of functional managers of the researched construction companies. To gather the necessary data a random sample of (50) functional managers have been selected to fill the comparison forms, After analyzing data and applying, the study revealed that which is the most important supplier’s selection criterion among all competitive priorities, with a relative index value , cost importance of suppliers' selection, delivery and flexibility respectively. The study revealed also that the use of AHP for suppliers' selection process is highly recommended in the construction manufacturing sector in particular, and other manufacturing sectors. Due to the advantages of this approach in solving complex multi-criteria problems. Many items, these three performance areas would be enough, however for critical items needing an in- depth analysis of the supplier’s capabilities, a more detailed supplier evaluation study is required. In this activity material and their procurement is important parameter. About 60-70% cost engaged in construction are for material itself. Material procurement is prior important step of purchase action. Wider range of supply activity included in procurement process as compared to purchasing action. Vendor is important aspect in procurement process. In this highly competitive environment, ‘Supplier’ is one of the most important components of a supply chain. At present most of the construction companies are randomly selecting suppliers for the purchase of materials. It also lacks on part of considering the relative importance of criteria while making a selection of the best supplier. This study is a supplier evaluation approach through the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Such approach may support supplier selection in the most scientific manner which considers the relative importance of various criteria for decision making. The primary criteria are cost/price, quality and delivery, which are generally the most obvious and most critical areas that affect the buyer. For many items, these three performance areas would be enough, however for critical items needing an in-depth analysis of the supplier’s capabilities, a more detailed supplier evaluation study is required Supplier Evaluation and Management is a very strong concept in manufacturing industry, but has to come a long way in the construction Projects. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1104-1108 |
261 |
Risk Management in The Pipeline Construction
-Veerbahu Kapse
The development of infrastructure is one of the most important activities that can boost up the business of various industries, thereby increasing the gross domestic product (GDP) of the country. Construction projects are always unique and risks raises from a number of different sources. Construction projects are very complex in nature incurring different types of risks form different stages of the work. So most of the times these risks are ignored which results in the non-achievement of project goals. Therefore, there is an emerging need for management of all the risks in the project to achieve the project goals. A proper recording of events and defining the intensity and severity of risks is crucial to mitigate risk. A study of various risk and their subsequent parameters will help to get an idea the intensity and depth of risk in pipeline construction. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1109-1112 |
262 |
Barriers Women Face in Information Technology Careers
-Dr. Sabahat Rafiq Qazi
In today’s world of e-commerce and distance communication companies depend in technological and computer expertise at all employment levels. Therefore, job in Information Technology and related fields increased dramatically in recent years and this trend is expected to continue well into the futures. The condition of working women in India as well as in the entire world in general is considered very distressing. Working women in general is subject to discrimination at various levels. The problems and difficulties of working women are multi-dimensional, varying from women to women at personal level, and section-to-section at general level and hence need to be analyzed in depth. The focus of the study was to observe the influence of IT sector women and find the problems faced by women in IT sector. Read More...
social science |
India |
1113-1116 |
263 |
Implementation of Direct Digital Synthesizer using Cordic Processor
-Madhu Priyanka ; Shree Prasad
This paper presents the Design and Implementation of Direct Digital Synthesizer using Rotation mode Pipelined CORDIC (CO-ordinate Rotation Digital Computer) algorithm. Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) is heart of many Digital Communication Systems such as Digital Radio and Modems, modulators, mixers, sound synthesizers, Digital Down/Up converters etc. The algorithm used in this paper uses dynamic transformation instead of ROM static addressing which reduces area requirement and improves the performance. The pipelined architecture enables us to calculate continuous input with high throughput. In this paper, DDS design is designed using verified Verilog HDL and then stimulated and optimized using Questasim 10.1. The Verilog code is then synthesized using Xilinx 12.1 for hardware realization. The power report for the design is generated using Cadence tool The Designs are verified on Xilinx Spartan6 FPGA Development Platform. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1117-1121 |
264 |
A Study on the Impact of Recession on IT/ITES Sectors in India
-M. Arshiya Thansum
the main effects of recession on IT industry in India are unemployment, decrease in salary, losses in tax and revenue of Government, profit of company and employee’s future life. Recession has direct impact on the profitability of IT companies. Due to global economic slowdown, Indian IT sector had slower growth, thereby decreasing profitability. At that time, there were no sufficient works towards software development. Companies did not achieve their profit target and were forced to go to a severe level of cost cutting for its survival. Due to this, some companies laid-off software engineers. Hence, he/she becomes a defaulter of bank loan, insurance premium, credit cards and many more leading to depression and frustration in life. This resulted in many suicide cases. A slowdown in the US economy had directly impacted the Indian IT industry very badly. Indian companies have major sources of income from the US and since the US Government stopped outsourcing, it resulted in reduction in the revenues received from income tax. Banks faced shortage of liquidity and they started to withdraw their investment from the IT Industry in India. This resulted in the falling of share markets. All the above reasons clearly prove that recession is a disaster as it resulted in sociological, economical and psychological impacts. The background to the problem is the economic slowdown in US in 2008 caused by the burst of housing bubble which engulfed the entire world in its grip. Due to India’s rapid and growing integration into the global economy, it has been hit by the global meltdown in the form of recession. In an interconnected global economy, recession in one part of the world has the potential to disrupt the economies of other countries in a major way. Read More...
India |
1122-1124 |
265 |
Saliency Map Detection in Video
-Ms. Roshani Deoghare ; Prof. Mr. Vinay Keswani; Prof. Mr. Nilesh Bodne
In various multimedia applications, recently more advancement have achieved great performance in salient object detection in images, but still there is a big challenging problem for detection of salient object in videos. In salient object detection in videos, images getting from camera tracking of an object or motion of an objects in foreground which involving the motion in the background. In this paper, we proposed salient object detection method based on spatiotemporal saliency where we use spatiotemporal difference and coherence of video content. In which basically saliency map for each key-frame we firstly initialized a method depending on spatial difference on color cue and temporal coherence on motion cue. And then we proceed for saliency of another intra and inter frames. Now by combining these two spatiotemporal difference and coherence, we can conveniently detect salient object in videos. The RANSAC algorithm is used for speed improvement. The proposed method is evaluated and the experimental results shows that our method outperform the state-of-art methods. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1125-1128 |
266 |
Revealing Mechanism for Botnet in Collaborative Networks of Peers using Self Similarity and Information Synthesis
-Rathod Ravindra ; Dr. S. D. Khamitkar; Shivpuje Prakash R.
Botnet is one of cyber threat in the world. Our proposed revealing mechanism reveals the botnet in collaborative network of peers. The collaborative network peers is flexible & hence it’s the main hurdle to reveal. This mechanism uses self-similarity and information synthesis (SSIS) to reveal the botnet into different network regardless of its topological structure. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
1129-1130 |
267 |
A Review: Context Aware Recommendation Systems
As the information on the web is increasing, it is becoming difficult for users to choose the right option. So recommendation systems are developed to guide the users in selecting the best option. But traditional recommendation systems suggest items according to ratings given by users which can’t be considered as the prime factor as user’s ratings are actuated by various other factors such as location, time, mood, weather, season etc known as context. In this paper we did an extensive study of context, its paradigms and we mainly focused on which paradigm outperforms other and under what situations, what are the major application areas and the research challenges faced in this domain. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1131-1133 |
268 |
Designing and Developing Bed Spread Inspired from Hand Shadow Designs
-Dr. K. Parveen Banu ; P. Anusanthiya; S. L. Reshma
Fashion industry is a global industry and is one of the fastest emerging industries of India. The industry has made an outstanding performance in the recent years and has the potential to make a mark internationally. The textile designs are the original works of the designers. Today fashion design has reached new heights by computer aided methods of design. CAD and Coral Draw help them to visualize and see their imaginative design in final form without producing any sample swatch. A bed linen wasn't necessarily the thing of beauty it has become today with the wonderful variety of fabrics, colours and designs to choose from. As technology advanced and more manmade fabrics became available, brighter colours and more variety in the composition of the bed linen became common. Present study is focused on the designing and developing bed spread inspired from hand shadow designs. Read More...
Fashion & Textile Technology |
India |
1134-1137 |
269 |
A Review on Methods of Power Quality Improvement by using DVR
-Sagar N. Deo ; Prof. S. S. Hadpe
Power quality is one of major concerns in the present era. It has become important, especially, with the introduction of sophisticated devices, whose performance is very sensitive to the quality of power supply. Power quality problem is an occurrence manifested as a nonstandard voltage, current or frequency that results in a failure of end use equipment’s. Sensitive industrial loads and utility distribution networks suffer from various types of outages and service interruptions which may result in a significant financial loss. To improve the power quality, custom power devices are used. The device considered in this work is Dynamic Voltage Restorer. This thesis presents modeling, analysis and simulation of a Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) constructed in Simulink environment. In this work, composite observer based controller are used for the control purpose. Here, different supply voltage conditions are considered for linear loads and sensitive load. The major problems dealt here are voltage sag, voltage and voltages unbalances. The role of DVR to compensate load voltage is investigated during the different supply conditions. Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
1138-1141 |
270 |
Tapering of Shear-Wall Comparison on Rectangular Shear-Wall Compared to Rectangular Tapered Shear-Wall
-Ali Akbar Razzak Nirban ; Dr. S. K. Kulkarni; Prof. N. A. Maske
As time is pro-fencing in this innovated era of time, where the world is changing very second with this the lapse of engineering and technology is on an urge to reach its zenith and beyond. As there is far away research already done in the structural constitute that is shear-wall. In this research, a concept of tapering is considered and analysis of a high-rise G+13 RCC structure is considered and is analyzed for the various values by the using STAAD.Pro Vi8. A keen and precise reading are recorded and sound examination is carried out. The investigation is completed with the knowledge of Static and Dynamic Methods of earthquake analysis. The earthquake analysis is carried out and the Time-History is also applied for the El-Centro data as its most precise data till now recorded. The concept of tapering is considered so as to develop an idea for application and easy of work so that it can also can be achieved on field too. This study can help to prove to be economical in terms of man, material and money. Then with further ado seismic fragility in short risk analysis is to be processed out with a detail study of non-linear non-parametric curves. The main aim is to find out the fling effects reduction or incrementation of the dynamic response. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
1142-1145 |
271 |
Design & Performance Analysis of Low Power Parity Preserving Carry-Look Ahead Adder
-Palak Sharma ; Amandeep Singh Bhandari; Dr. Charanjit Singh
In this technological world, development in the field of nano-technology leads to minimize the power consumption of logic circuits. Reversible logic design is one of the promising technologies gaining greater interest due to less dissipation of heat and low power consumption. In this paper, an optimized design of reversible 2-bit and 4-bit parity preserving carry look ahead adder is proposed that uses only two reversible gates i.e. F2G and MFRG gates and consumes low power. Systems where low power consumption is required, reversible logic gates will be used in place of classical logical gates like AND, OR, NAND, NOR. The proposed design offers an improvement of 15.67% and 50% over the existing design in terms of its Quantum cost & Power consumption respectively. Reversible or information-lossless circuits have applications in digital signal processing, communication, computer graphics and cryptography. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1146-1151 |
272 |
Design and Analysis of Attenuator Structure for Better Impact Performance for FSAE Car
-Chetan Suresh Dokhe ; Prof. Chhabildas M. Gajare.
This paper focus on design and analysis of the attenuator structure for better impact performance for FSAE car. Different design honeycomb attenuator structure and baseline model of FSAE with different material is used to identify the energy absorption as well as deceleration level. The methodology involves Geometric modelling, Finite element analysis, Simulation and reviewing results. CAD and CAE tools were used to model and perform Finite Element Analysis respectively. The energy absorption of honeycomb attenuator structure was studied by varying the honeycomb structure. The data requires the vehicle is traveling at 7 m/s during the impact with a total mass of 300 kg. The peak deceleration during the impact must be under 40g. Aluminum honeycomb attenuator with uniform thickness satisfies these acceptable results. Overall, the results highlight the advantage of uniform wall thickness honeycomb attenuator structure for absorbing impact energy, which also meets the FASE regulatory requirements of Impact attenuator. Read More...
India |
1152-1156 |
273 |
Malicious URL Detection Techniques in Social Networks
-Meena Kumari ; Sakshi Gautam
In recent years demand of social networks increases rapidly. A social network provides connectivity between users and their friends. A user can contact from number of users and share text audios and videos to everyone. Due to large number of occurrence of users chances of violation of security is high An malware can send spam messages by using malicious URLs to access users personal information and misuse this information latterly. In this paper malicious URL and its detection techniques with different classifier methods has been presented. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1157-1159 |
274 |
Large Scales Spam Emails Filtering with Mapreduce based SVM
-Dipika Somvanshi ; Prof. Kanchan Doke
Spam is any unwanted and harmful mail send to massive recipients in bulk quantity. Spam can be harmful as it may contain malware and links to phishing websites or harmless as advertisement promotion content. The volume of spam has been increasing significantly over last few decades and therefore there is an urgent need to address the Email spam problem. Machine learning techniques are most popular because of high accuracy and mathematical support. SVM is the popular machine learning techniques in spam filtering because it can handle data with large number of attributes. MapReduce has become increasingly popular as an Internet scale, data intensive processing platform. In the context of machine learning based spam filter training, support vector machine (SVM) based techniques have been proven effective. SVM training is however a computationally intensive process. SVM can’t handle large dataset as input. These drawbacks of SVM are overcome by MapReduce. In this dissertation, a MapReduce based distributed SVM algorithm for large dataset of E-mails spam filter training, is proposed. It gives large scalability and speedup the performance of spam filter efficiently. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1160-1163 |
275 |
A Detailed Study on Generation of Electricity by using Speed Breaker
-Mihir Dipakbhai Patel ; Henil Vala; Ammar Vhora; Tejas Rajput; Jayesh Patel
Energy is the primary need for survival of all parts in the universe. Everything that happens in the universe is the expression of flow of energy in one of the forms. But in this fast moving world, population is increasing day by day and the conventional energy sources are decreasing. The extensive usage of energy has resulted in an energy crisis over the few years. Therefore to overcome this problem we need to implement the techniques of optimal utilization of conventional sources for conservation of energy. This study includes how to utilize the energy which is wasted when the vehicles passes over a speed breaker. Lots of energy is generated when vehicle passes over speed breaker. There are four mechanisms to generate electricity through speed breakers viz., Rack & Pinion mechanism, Crank Shaft mechanism, Roller mechanism and Spring Coal mechanism. We can tap the energy generated and produce power by using the speed breaker as power generating unit. The kinetic energy of the moving vehicles can be converted into mechanical energy of the shaft through rack and pinion mechanism or some other mechanism. Then, this mechanical energy will be converted to electrical energy using generator which will be saved with the use of a battery. The energy we save during the day and can be used in the night time for lighting street lights. Therefore, by using this arrangement we can save lot of energy which can be used for the fulfilment of future demands. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1164-1166 |
276 |
Management and Training
-Prof. B. R. Gadave
Every organization needs to have well trained and experienced people to perform the activities that have to be done. If the current or potential job occupant can meet this requirement, training is not important. But when this is not the case, it is necessary to raise the skill levels and increase the versatility and adaptability of employees, Inadequate job performance or a decline in productivity or changes resulting out of job redesigning or a technological breakthrough require some type of training and development efforts. As the jobs become more complex, the importance of employee development also increases. In a rapidly changing society, employee training and development are not only an activity that is desirable but also an activity that a organization must commit resources to if it is to maintain a viable and knowledgeable work force. This paper talks about the various issues in training and management. Read More...
India |
1167-1168 |
277 |
A Review on Mobile Data Collection with Load Balanced in Clustering using WSN
-Nita Soni
Wirelessly Sensor Networks (WSNs) support a type of data gathering scenarios and have deep effects on both civil and military applications, like as atmosphere monitoring, traffic surveillance and tactical military monitoring. Since the sensor devices have limited memory and power capacity, the power consumption in WSN data gathering becomes as a major issue nowadays. So that, in the proposed framework, a scheme to reduce the power consumption in WSN data collecting is introduced. In addition the project finding the compatible pairs of polling points becomes a matching problem to achieve optimal overall spatial diversity. The second issue is how to schedule uploading from multiple clusters using enhances poling point detection model. In this paper we analyze several loads balancing approach to illustrate data gathering issues in WSN. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1169-1173 |
278 |
Non Linear Dynamic Analysis of G+10 RCC Building Subjected to Ground Blast
-Shivangi Deshmukh ; N. A. Maske
In recent decades, use of vehicle bombs and air attacks to destroy nationally important buildings in a city has become a distinct signature of various terrorist organizations around the world. A bomb explosion not only damages the structural frame of the building but also results in collapsing of walls, flying debris, breaking glasses, thus threatening human life. Due to such threats, now a days efforts are made to develop methods for analysis and design of high importance buildings to resist blast loads. This study is about nonlinear analysis and design of typical tall building under blast loading. In this study, the building under consideration is an existing building – Bajaj Brand View building in Wakadewadi Pune. An extensive literature review is carried before carrying out the above analysis so as to understand the methodology of blast analysis and also the codal provisions related to the same. The response in terms of various dynamic parameters and also the performance of the sample building is studied. Response of blast excited building is studied and reviewed for 500kg of TNT placed on ground. The review mainly emphases on nonlinear dynamic response and performance level of building under blast loads. The blast load is calculated IS 4991-1968 criteria for blast resistant design of structures for above ground explosions. The dynamic response of a building is unsystematic and not concentrated at top storey. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1174-1176 |
279 |
Modeling and Control of Fuel Cell based Stand-Alone Power Generation System
-Karthik R. P. ; Ramod Bhat Nempu
This paper presents a power supply to the variable demanding load. The DC voltage supply from fuel cell is maintained constant by a closed loop boost converter and thereby given to isolated loads to provide a stable supply during load variations. The aim of the work is to maintain the dc bus voltage at constant level 350V. This is achieved by closed loop boost converter. Inverter is controlled to maintain a constant voltage and frequency across the load. Dynamic modeling and simulation study of this system are accomplished in MATLAB/Simulink platform. Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
1177-1179 |
280 |
Structural Analysis of Airplane Wing & its Optimization
-Akash Roopkumar Gunaki
In modern era flying in air is always an exciting experience. But without safety nobody would like to fly. Aircraft is used for civil transportation through air media. It is a challenge in front of the aircraft structural designer to bring out a safest structure with minimum weight. In order to manufacture a good product, an Analysis stage is required after design and before fabrication. This analysis stage models the product or its component and tests for the possible failure conditions by applying the real world constraints on to the model. Hence after interpreting the results from the analysis, suitable changes in the design can be made so that the final product performs as intended. Here an Airplane wing is being analyzed for the identification of possible failure situations. An effort has also been made to give suggestions regarding the change in material of the wing for further improvements. This will be helpful to show the better results of the analysis, where the stress distribution can be understood and the maximum and minimum stress acting on the material can be estimated. Read More...
mechanical engineering |
India |
1180-1183 |
281 |
A Comparative Performance Analysis of Wind Energy Conversion System with PI and Fopi Controller
-Disha Tiwari ; S. P. Dubey
This paper proposes a comparison between Proportional Integral Controller and Fractional Order PI Controller. Analysis of this comparison is based on the performance of wind energy conversion system. The main aim of this paper is to extract maximum power from the system. Results show that an improved performance of system has achieved in FOPI controller based system in comparison with Proportional Integral based system. Read More...
India |
1184-1187 |
282 |
Current Status of Energy Monitoring and Control Systems: A Review
-Shinde Mahesh R ; A. V. Thakur; D. C. Muttin; R. R. Dube
Today's advanced technologies have brought the era of automation. Automations have been adapted in industries, in transportations, in communications. Electrical energy is the most usable form of energy in this era, hence its conservation is today's need. Control over the use of electrical energy is necessary. Automation to control and monitor the electrical energy consumption can be very useful as it can provide the framework for real-time decision. This review focuses on different intelligent home automation systems and technologies from a various features standpoint. The work focuses on concept of home automation where the monitoring and control are provided using smart devices installed in residential buildings. Heterogeneous home-automation systems and technologies considered in review with central controller based (Arduino or Raspberry pi), web based, email based, Bluetooth-based, mobile-based, SMS based, ZigBee based, Dual Tone Multi Frequency-based, cloud-based and the Internet with performance. Read More...
Internet of things (IoT) |
India |
1188-1194 |
283 |
Analysis of Financial Management in Rajasthan Tourism Development Corporation: A Review
-Kishan Lal Gahlot ; Dr. L. N. Arya
Finance plays a significant role in the operations of any purposive organization. Proper planning and control of business finance leads to the efficient utilization of resources. Financial decisions also alter the size and variability of the earnings stream or profitability. The value of the firm is determined by financial policy decisions, such as risk and profitability. The task of financial management is to strike a balance between risk and profitability by contributing the highest long term value to the securities of the firm. Research paper is explained the basic structure of Financial Management. And explore the Financial Management in Rajasthan Tourism Development Corporation. Read More...
India |
1195-1196 |
284 |
Approximate Solution of One Dimensional Heat Conduction Problem
-Dr. Rajesh Pandey
In this paper, one-dimensional heat equation subject to both Neumann and Dirichlet initial boundary conditions is presented and a Homotopy Perturbation Method is utilized for solving the problem. Homotopy Perturbation Method provides continuous solution in contrast to finite difference method, which only provides discrete approximations. It is found that this method is a powerful mathematical tool and can be applied to a large class of linear and nonlinear problem in different fields of science, engineering and technology. Read More...
India |
1197-1199 |
285 |
Noise Mapping of Ambathur Industrial Estate Junction Using GIS
-Balachandran. B ; S.R. Masilamani
Noise from vehicles contributes to the high pollution levels in several spots of Indian cities. The development of a city leads to the rapid growth of the number of vehicles which is directly leads to increased traffic congestion and traffic noise. In this study a GIS based noise assessment was carried out at Chennai city in Ambattur, an industrial zone. A digital sound level meter is used for assessment of noise level. Noise mapping was done using Geographic information system (GIS) technique. This approach helps to assess the noise levels to which people are exposed and monitor the impact of noise. The spatial analysis and geo statistical methods of GIS can play an important role to control noise pollution. GIS provide framework to integrate noise calculation models with spatial data that can be used for building noise maps. The variation in the noise levels and traffic volume data in the peak hours are studied and presented as noise map for the selected location. This study also includes the effects and remedies which can be provided for minimizing the noise pollution. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1200-1203 |
286 |
Conceptual Physics of Complex Systems
-Dr. Pelluri Rahi
Although one can argue that humans have been studying complex systems for thousands of years, the modern scientific study of complex systems is relatively young when compared to conventional science areas with simple system assumption such as physics and chemistry. The history of scientific study of these systems follows several different research trends in both bio physics and medical physics. Study of Complex Systems Physical and Chemical behaviours are every time challenging to the scholars because they are not the predicted by the cooperative interaction of individual components or expressed as a sum of the behaviours of its parts (or of their multiples). The authors aim is to develop this review as The Concepts of Complex Theory in Physics as a Scholarly research topic whichever useful & may be extendable for Academic studies as a Special Branch of Physics. Read More...
India |
1204-1206 |
287 |
Programmatic Buying vs. Traditional Paid Marketing Approaches
-Ravinder Kaur ; Palwinder Kaur; Gagandeep Singh; Gurpreet Singh
The Programmatic Buying process refers to the technology based automatic bartering of advertising media. It engrosses automating the trigger and displaying the creative ads according to user’s interest and the search query. The Programmatic Buying can be used for various purposes such as Branding, Retargeting, Lead generation and Customer-specific campaigns. The Programmatic Buying can be customized according to the needs as it can facilitate advanced targeting and real-time advertising. First, we need to identify channels and devices where Programmatic Buying can be used. The Programmatic helps to interact with customers and to display the right ad in front of the right user at the right time. Programmatic take in a variety of media such as display ads and rich media. Ads can be automated to be shown on specific devices such as mobile, desktop, or laptop. The Programmatic also explains the method of tracking user behavior in an online environment as well as defines data management platform. The programmatic is a step ahead from traditional paid marketing approaches. Real-time bidding and Customer relationship management are the two important aspects in the programmatic marketplace. Read More...
Marketing |
India |
1207-1210 |
288 |
The Need of Simulation Models for Global Supply Chain Networks
-Afsal K
Simulation models are always helpful for the decision makers to take informed decisions to improve performance and efficiency of global supply chain networks. Currently, there are several models, which address the performance and efficiency of supply chain networks. Here we are trying to implement a system dynamic model of global supply chain networks for studying the influence of several parameters (which may not have a direct connection with supply chain) and their effects on the performance of global supply chain networks. This model could be designed by developing a cause effect diagram of these parameters over the global supply chain. These parameters include trade parameters such as taxes, trade agreements, and foreign exchange fluctuations. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1211-1214 |
289 |
Automation for Application Deployment and Configuration on Cloud Environment
-Sagar Narendrasing Deshmukh ; Mr. H. P. Khandagale
Totally automated provisioning and application of applications are one of the most crucial basics to work with the benefits associated with cloud computing are reducing costs for managing and maintaining the application. A lot of techniques, tools, and provider are existing to automate the deployment processes. The DevOps society arranges tooling to implement distribute software in an application-oriented manner. Every project has different types of environment such as Development, Production, Quality Analysis and Demo. It is also designed on a multitier architecture such as Web node, Application node, and Database node. System operation team faces challenges for managing and deploying the applications on all environments and it too much time for deploying the application on multiple servers. As the number of code changes in a project, then the cost for deploy of the project must be pay to developers and operational personnel. In this paper, a web-based application which focuses on installation and configuration of any software on the cloud base server. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1215-1219 |
290 |
Design of Constant Power Generation Controller for Grid Connected PV System
-Priyanka Kiran Hire ; Prof. S. S. Hadpe
With Increase in demand of clean electricity generation in many countries, the increasing techniques of new photovoltaic (PV) systems force the Distribution System for transmission and distribution of electricity. By considering this aspect, the distributors of electricity are Focused to ensure fast and smooth transformation between maximum power point tracking and constant power generation so the maximum feeding power of PV systems must be limited. Optimum performance and stable operations are achieved in spite of solar irradiance levels by the new control technique which is proposed. In this strategy, PV output power can be regulated as per desired set point and force to operate the PV system at left side of maximum power point without any stability issues. This system consists of solar PV panel, boost converter, MPPT controller, inverter, LCL filter and Load. Here, PV system as energy source. The power generated from solar photovoltaic system is controlled by DC-DC boost converter. A modelling of this system is developed in MATLAB/Simulink. Constant power generation (CPG) control is much effective strategy in terms of stable transitions, high accuracy and fast dynamics which have been verified by experimental results. Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
1220-1224 |
291 |
Combining Fault Current Limiting Technology with DC Breaking Topology to Minimize Fault Current, Interruption Time and Dissipated Energy Stress
-Shoeb Rafik Maniyar ; Prof. S. S. Hadpe
HVDC system is one of the feasible solutions to minimize transmission losses and cost required for long distance and large scale power system. For the wide use and reliability of HVDC transmission system effective protection technique is required. Super-conducting fault current limiter (SFCL) is the best solution to minimize heavy fault current in HVDC System. Therefore SFCL is used with the HVDC circuit breaker to minimize fault current, interruption time and dissipated energy stress on HVDC circuit Breaker. For the simulation work, three different types of SFCL’s are modeled including R-Type, RL-Type, RLC-Type SFCL’s which are used with hybrid HVDC circuit breaker. In order to estimate the performance of combined application of superconducting fault current limiter on HVDC circuit breaker, simulation studies are performed using MATLAB software. From the simulation results it is found that among these three types of SFCL’s, RLC-Type SFCL with hybrid HVDC circuit breaker exhibits the best observable enhancement. Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
1225-1228 |
292 |
Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing
-Eakta Kumari
Cloud Computing is known as a provider of dynamic services using very large scalable and virtualized resources over the internet. In cloud computing, tasks are to be executed by available resources to achieve the best performance, shortest response time, minimal make span, utilization of resources etc. Due to these different intentions, we need to propose a scheduling algorithm that will outperform the appropriate allocation map of tasks to resources. In this paper task scheduling at system level as well as user level are optimized dynamically and scheduling of cloudlets to virtual machines is implemented. Here cloudlets are intelligently scheduled to the best possible virtual machine so that the overall execution time can be reduced. We simulate the proposed algorithm in CloudSim and the results are compared with the sequential task scheduling. The outcome shows that proposed algorithm gives better results. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1229-1233 |
293 |
IoT Based Intelligent System for Monitoring and Controlling of Machines in Industry
-Ms. Pradnya A. Hukeri ; Mr. P. B. Ghewari
Internet of Things (IOT) has provided an opportunity to build powerful industrial system and applications by leveraging the growing ubiquity of RFID, wireless, mobile and sensor devices. Many industrial IOT applications have been increasingly developed and deployed in recent years. Now-a-days, controlling and monitoring plays a main role in our day to day life. Everything we can monitor and control using advanced technologies. Remote access is a wonderful feature that came because of high speed internet. The main objective of proposed system is to provide a technology oriented and low cost system to make an advanced industry for those who away from their industry and want to control devices. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1234-1236 |
294 |
Increasing Productivity in the Agriculture by using Image Processing
-P. Nagalaxmi ; K. Yojana; MD. Bushra
Agriculture plays important role in society. It is the backbone for the country development. Even though country developed technically, but without proper agriculture provisions the country will not reach its peak. So it is very important to increase the productivity of the agriculture a lot to meet the demands. To increase the productivity fertilizers plays a major role. In olden days farmers used natural methods to increase the productivity and weed growing is also very less, But nowadays people following advanced methods (usage of fertilizers) to increase the productivity. This reduces the fertility of the land and also increases the growing of weed along with the crop. This makes difficult to the farmers to separate out the weed from plants. This paper proposes a method to identify the weed from the plants using MATLAB GUI simulation tool. Read More...
Agricultural Engineering |
India |
1237-1239 |
295 |
A Power Control Strategy for Three Phase Converter using Fuzzy Controller
-Snehal A. Sagare ; Prof. S. S. Khule
The Paper aims at review of a three-phase DC-AC power converter for Microgrids applications. Three- phase DC-AC power converters suffer from power oscillation and overcurrent problems in case of the unbalanced AC source voltage that can be caused by grid faults/generator fault. To handle these problems we have to properly select and control the positive and negative-sequence currents. In this paper, a new series of control strategies which utilize Fuzzy logic technique is used to estimate the zero-sequence components are proposed to enhance the power control ability under this adverse condition. It is seen that by introducing proper zero-sequence current controls and corresponding circuit configurations, the power converter can enable more flexible control targets, achieving better performances in the delivered power and the load current when suffering from the unbalanced AC voltage. With an appropriate design control scheme by using of MATLAB the simulation result will be obtained. Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
1240-1243 |
296 |
Integration of Public Utilities on City Command & Control Centre (C-4 ) using IoT( Internet of Things ) Platform in GIFT City
-Chaitali Rajiv Khot ; Dr. Mrs. S. B. Patil; Mr. Swapnil Tayade; Mr. Nilesh Purey
City Command and Control Centre (C-4) platform uses a combination of Operational Technology (OT) &Information Technology (IT), Various systems produces Electrical, WATER & Waste Collection uses various PLC systems. All these inputs can be taken to City Command and Control centre platform (C-4) for providing Citizen Services. The interfacing of PLC with various utilities is necessary. There will be interfacing of sensors and switches with PLC. The protocol for different utilities gets converted, compatible and understand by city command and control platform. This is applicable for all the utilities. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1244-1245 |
297 |
Simulation Study of Material Behavior and Optimization of Die Land Length in Forward Extrusion using AFDEX Software
-Govindraj Karalgikar ; Prof. Bharat S Kodli
This paper deals with analysis of metal extrusion process. The primary objective of this paper is to study the material behavior, predict and eliminate the defect in the product. A combination of Unigraphics is used with AFDEX 2014 simulation software package to accomplish the purpose. The present case is aimed at combining the considerations on die design and process parameters to bring in optimization. Optimization is of great importance when it comes to extrusion process. Read More...
Production Engineering |
India |
1246-1249 |
298 |
Simulation Study on Effect of BHF & Co-Efficient of Friction in Deep Drawing Process using AFDEX Software
-Kiran Rathod ; Prof. Bharat S Kodli
The main aim of this paper is to study the effect of BHF & Co-efficient friction in deep drawing process the process of changing a flat blank into a hollow shape or Rim shaped or Cup shaped object without excessive wrinkling, thinning or fracturing. If the depth of the cup exceeds the diameter, then it is referred as "deep drawing process". In this study is made by varying BHF, Co-efficient friction and keeping the Punch Velocity as constant for this CAD technique is combined with the process to enable model using Uni-Graphics, then simulation is performed using AFDEX software. Aluminium Alloy 6061 material is used for deep drawing. Read More...
Production Engineering |
India |
1250-1253 |
299 |
Role of Education and Internet in Women Empowerment
-Mohd Arif Hussain Bhat ; Mohd Farooq Mirza; Ashaq Hussain Drengy
Women empowerment has become a significant topic of discussion all over the Globe and has become one of the most important concerns of 21st Century. Empowerment of women is essentially the process of upliftment of economic, social and political status of women, the traditionally underprivileged ones, in the society. It involves the building up of a society where in women can breathe without the fear of oppression, exploitation, apprehension, discrimination and the general feeling of persecution which goes with being a woman in a traditionally male dominated structure. Women empowerment refers to increasing the spiritual, political, social, educational, gender or economic strength of individuals and communities of women. Women Empowerment in simple terms mean helping women to achieve equality with men and to reduce gender discrimination. Education acts as a powerful tool in empowering women and enables them to respond to the challenges, to confront their traditional role and change their life. The government of India has implemented various Programmes, Policies and Schemes for women empowerment from time to time to make them at par with men but still large women folk in our country is Illiterate and the proof lies in census 2011, which reads that women literacy rate in India is 65.46% while as the literacy rate of men is 82.14%. The present paper critically examines how education and various educational Programmes can be used for women empowerment and the role that internet is playing in empowering the women in India with a special reference to Kashmir (the conflicted zone). Read More...
Education |
India |
1254-1257 |
300 |
Combined U-E Slot Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna for L, S and C Bands
-Shubhdeep Kaur Sanghu ; Er. Ramanjeet Singh
The demand of multipurpose and multifunctional antennas is rapidly increasing. Therefore, the need of reconfigurability which can alter the characteristics of antenna without changing its physical features to adapt the specifications of current scenario is growing day by day. A simple compact sized U-E slot frequency reconfigurable multiband antenna with 5 resonant frequencies is presented. The proposed antenna is designed on FR-04 substrate with thickness 1.5mm; dielectric constant 4.4 and fed by microstrip feed line. The PIN Diode is used to make antenna reconfigurable which has ability of switching the resonant frequencies from 5.4GHz and 7.67GHz to 1.04GHz, 2.00GHz and 5.39GHz. The presented antenna operates in L, S and C bands. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1258-1260 |