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101 |
A Review of Unified Automatic GAS Leakage Detector using Arduino and GSM Module
-Bhagyashree ; Mahesh.R.K
GAS leakage is a major problem in residential premises as well as in industries which works on the LPG. The aim of this project is to prevent a gas leakage and to ensure household safety where appliances and heaters that use liquid petroleum gas (LPG) may be a source of risk. A gas sensor MQ6 is used which detects leakage of gas and indicates the consumer by activating the buzzer as well as by sending message through GSM module and simultaneously activates the exhaust fan and closes the solenoid valve. The additional advantage of this project is that it continuously monitors the weight of cylinder through the load cell which is directly connected to arduino, If it exceeds the specified weight then it automatically books the cylinder via GSM module. Read More...
M.Tech(Digital Electronics) |
India |
407-410 |
102 |
Survey and Analysis of Risk Management in Building Construction Work
-Amita Pawar ; Prof. S. S. Deshmukh
The literature on construction and project risk management is reviewed and analysed to identify trends and foci in research and practice. This analysis is used to identify gaps and inconsistencies in the knowledge and treatment of construction and project risk. The paper describes, on the basis of a questionnaire survey of general contractors and project management practices in Pune, the construction industry's perception of risk associated with its activities and the extent to which the industry uses risk analysis and management techniques. It concludes that risk management is essential to construction activities in minimizing losses and enhancing profitability. Construction risk is generally perceived as events that influence project objectives of cost, time and quality. Risk analysis and management in construction depend mainly on intuition, judgement and experience. Formal risk analysis and management techniques are rarely used due to a lack of knowledge and to doubts on the suitability of these techniques for construction industry activities. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
411-413 |
103 |
A Proposed Work on Scissor Lift
-Prof. Jayesh Patel ; Prit Patel; Kapatel Jainil; Rana Mitul; Mihir Rana
A scissor lift is a type of platform that can usually only move vertically. The mechanism to achieve this is the use of linked, folding supports in a criss-cross “X†pattern, known as a pantograph (or scissor mechanism). The upward motion is achieved by the application of pressure to the outside of the lowest set of supports, elongating the crossing pattern, and propelling the work platform vertically. The following paper describes the design as well as analysis of a simple scissor lift. Conventionally a scissor lift or jack is used for lifting a vehicle to change a tire, to gain access to go to the underside of the vehicle, to lift the body to appreciable height, and many other applications also such lifts can be used for various purposes like maintenance and many material handling operations. It can be of mechanical, pneumatic or hydraulic type. The design described in the paper is developed keeping in mind that the lift can be operated by mechanical means so that the overall cost of the scissor lift is reduced. Also such design can make the lift more compact and much suitable for medium scale work. Finally the analysis is also carried out in order to check the compatibility of the design values. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
414-416 |
104 |
A Hierarchical and Distributed in-Network Query Processing Model for Wireless Sensor Network
-Chandana.K.Murthy ; Priyanka.S
In order to sense large area of network, huge number of sensor nodes is required. In this kind of arrangement, sensors which are nearby often sense similar readings due to their temporal and spatial correlation. In this paper, an in-network query processing model called as AQP (autonomous query processing) which handles both spatial and value based queries has been proposed. This protocol uses repositories which are sensors and acts as data storage by storing set of information from cluster heads. For query processing, only repositories need to be contacted to respond to queries. AQP is autonomous since it doesn’t depend on any central node neither for managing data and nor for query processing. This protocol has been implemented using NS 2.33 and gradual increase in its efficiency with existing method is shown in result graph. Read More...
Computer Network Engineering |
India |
417-421 |
105 |
Flood: Multi-Situate Responsive Big Data Supervision for Efficient Workflows on Clouds
-Basavarajappa ; Syeda Asra
The global deployment of cloud datacenters is enabling large scale scientific workflows to improve performance and deliver fast responses. Overflow advises a set of pluggable services, convened in a data scientist cloud kit. They provide the applications with the possibility to monitor the underlying infrastructure, to exploit smart data compression, duplication and geo-replication, to evaluate data supervision costs, to set a balance between money and time, and optimize the transfer tactic accordingly. The system was validated on the Microsoft Azure cloud across its 6 EU and US datacenters. The experiments were conducted on hundreds of nodes using fake levels and real-life bio-informatics applications (A-Brain, BLAST). The results show that our system is able to model accurately the cloud performance and to leverage this for efficient data diffusion, being able to reduce the fiscal costs and transfer time by up to three times. Read More...
M. Tech in Computer Network Engineering |
India |
422-424 |
106 |
Thermal Analysis of Early Age Mass Concrete Structure by using Fem
-Shaik. Shaziya Naz ; Dr. K. Narasimhulu
This study is about a Thermal analysis of early age mass concrete structure by using FEM. This paper discussed to predict the distribution of temperatures within a hydrating massive concrete by the development of a finite element model with different levels of replacements of fly ash. In this analysis, the replacement levels of fly ash such as 0%, 30%, 40%, and 50% are used to predict the temperature distribution of hydration of mass concrete with FEM model by using transient thermal analysis with software called ANSYS WORKBENCH 15.0. It is observed that by increasing the % replacements of cements with fly ash, the heat of hydration reduced significantly. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
425-429 |
107 |
Automated CNC Cutting Machine using PLC
-Aishwary Yadav ; Versa Sharma
In CNC profile cutting machine their quality and productivity can be easily arise with the help of PLC and automation. This review paper of automatic profile cutting machine the present review aim is to control the profile cutting machine arms. The research on profile cutting machine finding how many parameters of can be controlled .effect of various parameters like speed, accurate size, and product quality. It was observed that the uptake of profile cutting machine may be follow the PLC ladder logic program instruction. Let’s check in this paper. Read More...
M.Tech Power System Engineering |
India |
430-432 |
108 |
Investigation of Thermal Performance and Characteristics of Solar Food Dryer Provided With Forced Circulation and Variable Angle Booster Mirror
-Sanjeet Kumar Manjhi ; Prof. Manoj Kumar Singh
Project Report Submitted to the department of Mechanical Engineering The solar drying process utilizes solar energy to heat up air and to dry food produce loaded, which is advantage in reducing wastage of agricultural produce and helps in preservation of agricultural produce. Based on the limitations of the natural sun drying e.g. exposure to direct sunlight, liability to pests and rodents lack of proper monitoring, and the highly cost of the mechanical dryer, a solar is therefore developed to overcome for this limitation. My project clearly reveals the performance of a solar dryer for food preservation. In this dryer, the heated air from a separate solar collector was passed through a grain bed. The results obtained during the test period revealed that the temperatures inside the dryer and solar collector were much higher than the atmospheric temperature during most hours of the day-light. The dryer possess maximum ability to dry food produce reasonably rapidly to a safe moisture level and simultaneously it ensures a superior quality of the dried produce. Read More...
M-Tech(thermal power engineering) |
India |
433-435 |
109 |
Study on Behavior of Concrete with Partial Replacement of Cement by Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Ash
-Sunil N N ; Deepak S
Disposal and treatment of harmful industrial waste is fantastically costly associations in favor of the industries, it has been a sleeping issue. The modern millennium brings challenges in place of the civil and environmental engineers next opportunities for research on the utilization of the solid waste and by-products and basic properties of concrete and its substances. The recycling of waste and byproducts attracts a greater curiosity worldwide due to the high environmental impact of the cement and concrete industries. Concrete is made using sand and stones and harmful solid wastes. The check describes how substances and mineral admixtures facilitate in existing properties of concrete. Cement binder can be replaced up to forty% ash in concrete. Ash increases existing strength, improves sulfate resistance, decreases permeability, reduces the water content required to lubricate concrete and improves the workability of concrete. Partial substitution solid harmful waste does not strongly affect the strength and supplementary properties of concrete. This mixed concrete is secure enough to be used in sustainable concrete works. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
436-437 |
110 |
E-Monitoring of Physical Health Care System using IoT
-Ankita More ; Prof. Vivekanandreddy
The Internet of Things (IoT) offers a proficient and innovative life to the healthcare field. It similarly has a fast advancement of altered fields. Become, more recipients are genuine in the field of Medical. One of the improved ways the doctors are able to positively and rapidly appropriate to utilize significant patient data's and including the patient therapeutic history. Through the Internet of Things, hugely improves the nature of information and the patient care in Medical field. In this way, Internet of Things offers a real stage to interconnect the every one of the assessment. Also, create a strategy and reconfigure medical resources according to patient’s specific requirement rapidly and repeatedly. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
438-439 |
111 |
E-Monitoring Tremor Timely Alerting System
-Rajashri Channappa Chougula ; Prof. Vivekanandreddy
The Internet of things (IOT) is the system of processed physical articles which empowers these things to interface, gather and trade information. In this paper, propose framework is a quake early cautioning framework utilizing IOT. The sensors are put in surface of earth. At the point when a tremor happens, by hypothesis both pressure P wave and transverse S wave emanates outward the epicenter of the earth. The P wave, which ventures quickest, trips the sensors, set in the surface. It makes early ready signs be exchange ahead, giving people and robotized electronic framework a notice to take preparatory activities. So that before the harm starts with the landing of the slower however more grounded S waves, people in general are cautioned before. Early ready message is gotten by the general population as far as area, time and different parameters, through Global framework for portable correspondence (GSM) system. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
440-442 |
112 |
E-Monitoring Fire Detection System
-Namrata Hebballi ; Prof. Vivekanandreddy
Now a day, structures the world over have ended up being mind boggling and extended. Given the assistant traits of current structures, energetic getting using emergency courses out or evacuee heading markers in the midst of energy blackouts as a result of fire, building breakdown, shakes, or developing of structures ought to be possible. This paper proposes an Internet of Things (IoT) based clever fire crisis reaction framework that can control directional direction wisely as per the time and area of a debacle to address the issues with existing fire crisis reaction frameworks in the midst of flame or building breakdown. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
443-444 |
113 |
Structural Reusability Aware Routing in Multi-Hop Wireless Network
-Shridevi ; Sharanabasappa A Madival
the main problematic of routing in multihop wireless networks to do great end-to-end output, it is important toward discover the “finest†route since the starting node to ending node. While there are huge number of direction-finding protocols has been recommended to discover the route with least total transmission amount/period for sending a one packet, such transmission amount/period reducing protocols can’t be assured to succeed extreme end-to-end output. Therefore through wisely seeing spatial reusability of wireless message media, the end-to-end output multihop wireless network may be enhanced. Therefore here spatial reusability aware single path routing (SASR) and any path routing (SAAR) protocols are used and compared with existing single path and any path routing protocols correspondingly. Read More...
M. Tech in Computer Network Engineering |
India |
445-447 |
114 |
Development of a Low Cost Manually Operated Sweeper for Domestic and Small Business Use
-Saravanan R ; Dr. Rathanraj K. J
Cleanliness is next to godliness. Maintaining a clean environment is good for people health and wellbeing. Cleaning is accomplished by manual effort in most developing countries. Manual sweeping is laborious, time consuming, physically demanding, leads to fatigue and musculoskeletal disorders. Sweeping devices are costly and cannot be afforded by common man. It is proposed to develop a low cost manually operated sweeping device, with manual drive to brush, debris collecting tray and adjustable handle. Motive of the project is to develop an easy to use product to reduce fatigue during sweeping, improve efficiency, ergonomic design, low cost and leaves floor free of debris. This sweeper can be used by most people from school going kids to elders to sweep their surrounding with less strain. Read More...
India |
448-451 |
115 |
Design of Electromagnetic Induction System for Sound Energy into Electrical
-Sunil Kumar ; Shri A.G. Rao; Mr. Kamlesh Kumar Somata
This paper gives a comparatively less popular source of fair energy. Noise (sound) energy can be adopted into viable source of electric power by using a appropriate transducer. This can be done by using a transducer by converting vibrations reason by noise into electrical energy. An application is derived for the same, in which a speaker and a transformer are applied to convert noise generated by industrial machines into electrical energy. The vibrations made by noise can be derived into electrical energy through the principle of electromagnetic induction. The getting signal was stepped up using a transformer. A same setup was placed at distance of .5 meter from the working generator or a induction motors. The demonstrated ideas explore into a fair and readily available source of energy. Read More...
Electronics Design and Technology |
India |
452-453 |
116 |
Experimental Investigation on Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Fibre Reinforced Concrete
-K. Raghava Rao ; K. Sai Abhinav
A concrete has strong in compression and weak in tension, impact and flexure. To overcome these properties we need to add some addition to concrete like fibres. Fibres are giving some additional tensile,flexure and impact strength to concrete. In this investigation we are adding synthetic and metallic fibres like hybrid(steel+ polypropylene) with a fibre dosage of 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% were dispersed into the concrete of mix design M30 grade. The results are compared with conventional concrete and mono fiber so that here increasing the fibre dosage in concrete gradually increasing in compressive strength, split tensile strength flexure strength and impact resistance respectively for28 days curing period .so finally while using fibres in concrete we are going to transfer brittle failure to ductility property. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
454-456 |
117 |
Self-Curing Concrete
-Muddassir Bora ; Mausam Vohra; Sakil Patel
The strength and durability of concrete depends on the curing of concrete. The ACI-308 Code states that "internal curing refers to the process by which the hydration of cement occurs because of the availability of additional internal water that is not part of the mixing Water." Conventionally, curing concrete means creating conditions such that water is not lost from the surface i.e., curing is taken to happen 'from the outside to inside'. In contrast, 'internal curing' is allowing for curing ‘from the inside to outside' through the internal reservoirs (in the form of saturated lightweight fine aggregates, superabsorbent polymers, or saturated wood fibres) Created. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
456-457 |
118 |
Experimental Analysis of Air Conditioner by Combination of Conventional and Non Conventional Energy Sources
-Dr. J. H.Bhangale ; Mr. T. A. Bora; Prof. T. T. Kapade
In the world scenario the biggest problem is always attach with energy. We are facing a large scarcity of energy and for that it will always beneficial to minimize the energy consumption. So for that this paper contain an experimental method by which we can see how much energy we can save by applying three different energy source for establishing an air conditioning system. While in three energy source one is conventional energy source and another two is non-conventional energy source. The conventional energy source is applied to simple vapor compression cycle and Peltier effect and non-conventional energy source is applied to extract energy from earth heat exchanger. This project also contains a big role of heat pipe which is used to transport energy from on point to other. This project also contains the compression of energy consumption with three different conditions which are: (1) When only vapor compression cycle is used (2) When vapor compression cycle is used with earth heat exchanger. (3) When vapor compression cycle is used with Peltier module. (4) When vapor compression cycle is used with earth heat exchanger as well as Peltier module. Read More...
India |
458-464 |
119 |
Study of Various Aspects of Economic Development and Social Responsibilities
-Dr. B. R. Gadave
Economic development of a country is a complex phenomenon. It is a multi-dimensional process which involves structural, social, psychological and institutional changes. A developing country like India cannot easily evolve such changes in the absence of planning. Social responsibility of business is now an accepted concept. All companies, whether in the public or in the private Sector, must work in public interest. Movement aimed at encouraging companies to be more aware of the impact of their business on the rest of society, including their own stakeholders and the environment. This research paper deals with the various aspects of economic development and social responsibilities, its nature, scope and importance. Read More...
India |
465-467 |
120 |
Nanotechnology & Engineering Applications
-Surag A S ; Anand Baby Alias; Deepak Balram
Nanotechnology is regarded world-wide as one of the key technologies of the 21st Century. Nano-technological products and processes hold an enormous economic potential for the markets of the future. There is much debate on the future implications of nanotechnology. The production of ever smaller, faster and more efficient products with acceptable price-to-performance ratio has become for many industrial branches an increasingly important success factor in the international competition. Nanotechnology may be able to create many new materials and devices with a vast range of applications, such as in medicine, electronics, biomaterials and energy production. Due to its interdisciplinary cross-section character, nanotechnology will affect broad application fields within the ranges of chemistry/ materials, medicine/life science, electronics/information technology, environmental and energy engineering, automotive manufacturing as well as optics/analytics and precision engineering in various ways. Also in space technology a high potential for nano-technological applications is postulated. On the other hand, nanotechnology raises many of the same issues as any new technology, including concerns about the toxicity and environmental impact of nano materials, and their potential effects on global economics, as well as speculation about various doomsday scenarios. This paper throws light on some of the application of nanotechnology and nano materials in Engineering. Read More...
Nanotechnology |
India |
468-471 |
121 |
Interactive Representation of Closed+ High Utility Itemsets using Hadoop
-Hadiya Mohammad Ejaz Shaikh ; Prof. P. N. Kathavate
In the past few years a large numbers of algorithms have been design to mining a high utility itemsets from a database. The problem of all those algorithms is to produce a large numbers of high utility itemsets which downgrades the performance of mining process. To reach the high performance for mining the task we design a novel framework in this paper for provides the mining Closed+ high utility mining itemsets (CHUI), which gives the meaningful representation of HUIs. The already existing designed algorithm named CHUD (Closed+ High Utility itemsets Discovery) to find concise representation is further enhanced by implementing the CHUD based on pattern generated from FP algorithm in Hadoop, so system with less data set which required more memory can be analyzed in low memory based system with the help of distributed file system. A DAHU (Drive All High Utility Itemstes) method is introduce to retrieve all HUIs from set of CHUIs without accessing original databases. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
472-475 |
122 |
Conceptual Study on Nanoparticles for Cancer Detection using Nanotechnology
-Anand Baby Alias ; Surag A S; Deepak Balram
Cancer treatment is one of the major challenges in the modern world. Many studies and developments in the field of Nanotechnology have been made and as a result of all these many nanomaterial have been utilized to detect cancer at the early stages itself. Gold nanoparticles, Quantum dots, Carbon Nanotubes are some of the Nanoparticles for the detection of cancer cells due to their special properties. Read More...
Nanotechnology |
India |
476-477 |
123 |
Implementation of Map-Reduce on Hadoop on Public Cloud
-Shahbaj Khan ; Rachna Dasondhi
As a result of the rapid development in cloud computing, it's fundamental to investigate the performance of extraordinary Hadoop MapReduce purposes and to realize the performance bottleneck in a cloud cluster that contributes to higher or diminish performance. It is usually primary to research the underlying hardware in cloud cluster servers to permit the optimization of program and hardware to achieve the highest performance feasible. Hadoop is founded on MapReduce, which is among the most popular programming items for huge knowledge analysis in a parallel computing environment. In this paper, we reward a particular efficiency analysis, characterization, and evaluation of Hadoop MapReduce WordCount utility. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
478-480 |
124 |
A Compact Substrate Coupled Inductor for Interleaved Multiphase DC-DC Converters
-Y. Rama Krishna ; B. Santosh Kumar; T. Srinivasa Rao
A compact Substrate coupled inductor structure is proposed for interleaved multiphase synchronous buck converters used to power computer processors and memories that require high current and fast current flew rate. Here the error regarding load current and the reference value will be driven to PI controller which guides them in to the pulse generator. As the result distortions and harmonics will be mitigated when compared to compact coupled inductor. As we all know that the new coupled inductor structure reduces the winding resistor power loss and makes it possible to utilize Ferrite magnetic material with low core loss. In the letter, several proposed converter implementations to achieve inverse inductor coupling are illustrated, and inductance and coupling coefficient variations are studied through a simplified reluctance model and Maxwell magnetic simulation. All the results are acquired from the MATLAB simulations and various graphs are plotted. Read More...
India |
481-484 |
125 |
Laboratory Evaluation and Field Observation of Cold Patch Repair Mix Prepared with Coal Mix Waste Aggregate and New Binder Formulation (Bond-1, 2)
-Tanuj Parmar ; Gamit Nialm
The deteriorating highway culvert infrastructure has become a major challenge for the 21st century. While more significance normally is given to highway embankments, pavements and bridge, the support of courses has ordinarily been disregarded. Cracks, Potholes, and patches are some types of road surface distresses whose assessment is essential in India. Normal and new approaches which target the medium- or long-term repair of potholes have been studied. In a catalogue of tests, evaluation methods and experiences according to existing Standards have been compiled to give road agencies an overview of the possibilities for the repair of potholes. Furthermore, the testing of techniques and the use of material types from already existing trial sites have been used to determine properties of materials and their related laboratory tests which can, or should, be used to select the correct testing of materials for this purpose. Potholes, cracks and patches are some types of road surface distresses whose assessment is essential in India (MORTH, 2004). To the motoring public, potholes are one of the most visible and annoying forms of pavement distress. Waste aggregates, which is present in coal mines. These waste aggregates can be of great use in coming future. So, our main aim is to utilize this waste into something productive and for this purpose, various tests have been carried out on Coal mixed waste aggregates, which have been taken from NTPC Thermal Power Plant. Read More...
Transportation Engineering |
India |
485-490 |
126 |
Vibration Analysis of Rotating Shaft with Longitudinal Crack
-Navnath Hegade ; Hegade Navnath; Katekar Sameer
Shafts are the components which are subjected to the hardest conditions in high performance rotating equipment used in the process and utility plants like high speed compressors, steam and gas turbines, generators and pumps etc. Although when shafts are operated in different type of conditions then serious defects can appear, but these are much suspected to cracks because of the rapidly fluctuating nature of stresses. The development of crack changes dynamic behavior of rotor system. It decreases the strength of object or material. When shaft rotates then due to defect the vibration response of the rotating shaft will more or less change. By using the additional vibration extracted from the shaft due to defect, an on-line condition monitoring system for crack detection might be developed for rotor systems. Even for smaller crack, rotating shaft creates the vibrations. So, the vibration monitoring is more useful for detecting crack in rotating shaft. This paper gives the vibration analysis of rotating shaft with different crack location & with different shaft speeds. Read More...
India |
491-494 |
127 |
CO2 fixation using Microalgae
-Manish Kumar Saini ; Kamal Kishor Yadav
In today’s scenario CO2 is the main cause of global warming. It can be biologically removed using micro algal photosynthesis. Microalgae are the efficient species that consume CO2 from the environment for growth. In this study Euglina Gracilis is used for the CO2 fixation and here also studied about pigment production and gas hold up in the reactor. Read More...
Chemical Engineering |
India |
495-497 |
128 |
Synthesis of TiO2 Nanoparticles using Sol-Gel Method for the Treatment of Pharmaceutical Wastewater
-G Neha Mallika ; Dr. T Bala Narsaiah
Water is one of the earth's most precious and threatened resource. During the past few decades, pharmaceutical industries have registered quantum jump contributing to high economic growth, but simultaneously it has given rise to severe environmental pollution. Many conventional and non-conventional treatment processes are available to deal with the wide array of waste produced from this industry. However, Nanomaterials have attracted much attention in the recent years due to their unique properties such as high surface to volume ratio, improved conductivity, optical properties and structural properties. In the present work, synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles via a facile sol-gel method is carried out. The prepared photo catalyst is characterised by UV, XRD, SEM and FTIR analysis. These findings could be utilized in the successful development of TiO2 photo catalyst in the treatment of real pharmaceutical effluent. Read More...
Nanotechnology |
India |
498-501 |
129 |
Cancer Detection Methodology using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System and Support Vector Machine Classification
-A. Samuel Vijay
Data mining is a process of extracting hidden knowledge from large volumes of data. It is used intensively in the field of medicine to predict diseases such as heart diseases, lung cancer, breast cancer and more. Medical data mining has great potential for exploring the hidden patterns in the data sets of the medical domain; such patterns are utilized for medical diagnosis. Medical images play an important role in assisting diagnosis and treatment of healthcare management systems. The advancements and large volumes of medical image data become major challenges. In this paper, a novel method to enhance the performance of classifiers Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) through feature selection is proposed. The feature selection methods Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Rough Set (RS) are used to select the features. This research work mainly focuses on selecting the prominent features to improve the accuracy of the classification algorithms. Experimentation has been made on various medical images. The performance of the classification algorithms is estimated in terms of increase in accuracy after feature selection. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
502-504 |
130 |
Document Clustering for Effective Information Retrieval System using Genetic Algorithm
-V. Raja Manickam ; Dr. A. Nagarajan
Document clustering is a significant domain of interest in the field of document summarization. K-means clustering is one of the methods used for clustering documents. These methods suffer from issues and challenges like accuracy and time complexity. Information retrieval is the activity of obtaining information resources relevant to an information need from a collection of information resources. The searches of the information retrieval can be based on metadata, full-text or other content-based indexing. In clustering system it can be very useful in web search for grouping search results into closely related sets of documents. It can improve the similarity search on information retrieval. To overcome these limitations a new genetic algorithm based document clustering method have been proposed in this research work. This work also proposed the Boolean operator based information retrieval scheme to find out the particular query raised by the user. This research work the document clustering is performed by 20Newsgroups document dataset. The objective of this research work is to cluster the document by using genetic algorithm and retrieved the user query by based on Boolean operator information retrieval system. This proposed method is implemented and evaluated by various quality measures like confidence value and collective strength. The experimental analysis in this proposed methodology provides the better time complexity, memory utilization and CPU utilization compared with various existing methods. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
505-509 |
131 |
Replacement of Relay based System by PLC
-Akshata Ram Tapkir ; Neha Kamthe; Rigveda Deokar
Being in the world of technology it is necessary to develop each and every system so that it will be helpful for the operation of machines in every industry. Automation is the basic necessity now a days in production and manufacturing industry. Enhancing the growth in industry for the manufacturing the parts it became indeed to have a sustainable machine and fast production rate. Pastly, industries were operated on electrical contractors (high voltage relays) on the electrical panels replacing huge electrical relays in size. Approaches for making the electrical panel automatic has a great option inclining towards PLC (Programmable logic controller). We are updating the number punching machine totally with an PLC operating system using ladder diagram programming so that there will be ease in making the system errors resolving. The system we are developing will also modify the product number punching time rate(reduction time for every single unit), size reduction of control panel, use of less wires(connecting wires), efficiency, reliability etc. The system will consists of the software providing the beneficial outcome of simple programming to interface Number Punching machine with PLC. In number punching machine PLC and HMI plays an important role for the completion of numbering a particular job System will be contributing in elimination of complex contractors from the electrical control panel which will be replaced by the programmable logic. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
510-513 |
132 |
Cipher-Text Encryption in Cloud Computing Environment using Verifiable Delegation and Hybrid Model
-Ashwini M Magadi ; Prof.Vivekanandreddy
In cloud computing for the secure access of the data, data owners can go for the encryption that is based on the attributes to encrypt the data that has been stored in the data center. Users delegate the decryption part of work to the servers of cloud to reduce the cost of computing. so attribute based encryption technique comes into picture. But delegation by the servers of the cloud lead to the tampering of the data or not providing access to the eligible users for cost saving purpose. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
514-515 |
133 |
Simulation and Modelling of 6-pulse STATCOM in PSCAD to Regulate the Bus Voltage at Load End
-Bal Krishna Jadon ; Pooja Jain; Anjali Jain
Nowadays, power systems are facing major challenges related to voltage instability. This paper presents the voltage instability problems in the power system that occurs due to various factors such as unbalanced load, disturbances in the line and other type of fault in the system or we can say the contingency problem. Prevention of this type of instability, we use FACTS as a controller and the effect of STATCOM on a generalized power system will be studied in this paper. The STATCOM is added to provide the transient stability margin to the power system which need for that particular system at the time of increment the load. The simulation was carried out by using PSCAD/EMTDC software under study and detailed results are shown to access the performance of STATCOM at load increases at the bus. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
516-519 |
134 |
Investigation on Sustainable Concrete using Manufactured Sand and Rice Husk Ash
-A. Jyothiprasanna ; K. G. Rahul Varma
As we know that concrete is the second largest consumed material by humans in the entire world after water. If its consumption is done at the same rate, it may get exhausted in the coming future. So we have to find alternatives to replace concrete. Or else as we know that concrete is a mixture of cement, sand and gravel. We can preserve concrete by finding replacement material for cement, sand or gravel which can give same or more strength to concrete. In past, already many replacements were done by many people for cement, sand and gravel to make better concrete. The present proposal involves replacement of river sand with manufactured sand by 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% and cement with rice husk ash by 10% to get good strength concrete. Use of manufactured sand and Rice husk ash in concrete as replacement for sand and cement respectively is very rare and as both the materials are easily available and are of low cost. It would become the best replacement if it gives good strength concrete. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
520-523 |
135 |
Novel Algorithm for Secure File Transfer using File Segmentation via Modified K-Means
-Ms. Vagisha ; Mohit Sharma
In the current scenario The Security is most or of at most importance when talking about file transferring in networks. In the thesis, the work has design a new innovative algorithm to securely transfer the data over network. The k - means clustering algorithm, introduced by MacQueen in 1967 is a broadly utilized plan to solve the clustering problem. It classifies a given arrangement of n-information focuses in m-dimensional space into k-clusters whose focuses are gotten by the centroids. The issue with the privacy consideration has been examined, and that is the data is distributed among various gatherings and the disseminated information is to be safeguarded. In this thesis, created chucks or parts of file using the K-Means Clustering Algorithm aims to partition n observations into K clusters in which each observation belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean, serving as a prototype of a cluster and the individual part is encrypted using the key which is shared between sender and receiver. Further, the bunched records have been encoded by utilizing AES encryption algorithm with the introduction of private key concept covertly shared between the involved parties which gives a superior security state. The term "clustering" is used in several research communities to describe methods for grouping of unlabeled data. These communities have different terminologies and assumptions for the components of the clustering process and the context in which clustering is used. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
524-530 |
136 |
Condition Assessment of Existing Distress Concrete Structures for Effective Restoration/Strengthening Measures
-Atul Sharma ; Dr. Manoj Trivedi
Corrosion is generally found in many RCC structures in India. This corrosion in the form reinforcing corrosion and cracking of cover concrete is found due to free ingress of water, oxygen and carbon dioxide through concrete cover kept to protect reinforcing bars corrosion in these structures. This process of specially apply to save their structure is safe and effective to many years to calculate our structure efficiency to how to know damages. Due to inadequate specifications to different deteriorating influences to resist durability, many RCC structures constructed during early 1990’s & late 2000’s & even upto 2011 in India, till the revision of codal provision on strength and durability as laid down according to IS 456:2000, are we got it to be in partly distressed conditions. With the objective of enhancing the Residual life of RCC members of the 57 year old framed structure, condition assessment carried out through survey, and laboratory analysis of samples collected from building or structure to analysis. Remedial measures & specifications required for restoration and strengthening of the RCC elements of the structure are also represent in this paper. The paper highlights the assessment of strength and durability of concrete to evaluate the extent of distress in this service structure. Apart from visual survey, residual strength and durability of distressed RCC structures, chemical effect of carbonation, chloride content & pH value of concrete as obtained on representative and selected RCC Columns/ beams/slabs is highlighted in this paper. The Non Destructive Evaluation covering UPV & Rebound Hammer values and Half Cell Potential with respect to status of corrosion of reinforcing bars on selected undistressed RCC Columns/ beams/slabs is also presented. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
531-535 |
137 |
Experimental Study of Liquid Fuel Spray Characteristics and Atomization - A Review
-Naresh G. Metange ; Mangesh R. Dhage; Dinesh M. Ugle; Harshwardhan R. Jawanjal
Spray atomization is nothing but the conversion of bulk liquid into a large number of small droplets (i.e. a spray) which generally occurs when we inject fuel through a nozzle. The combustion performance and emissions are mainly influenced by the atomization, evaporation and velocity of the fuel droplets and mixing of fuel with air. The major challenge is to get control on NOx and CO emission which minimizes the efficiency of combustion process, temperature distribution etc. Laser diagnostics system is now emerging as a powerful tool for the investigation of fuel characteristics. Proper atomization of fuel always leads to complete combustion. In this study the effect on fuel spray characteristics such as SMD, velocity of fuel droplets, vorticity, centricity, air entrainment by changing the injection pressure and mass flow rate was studied with the help of laser diagnostics system. Sauter Mean Diameter (SMD) is average droplet diameter. Co-flow means addition of excess air to the surrounding of spray to enhance the air entrainment to get proper/complete combustion of fuel droplets. Therefore it becomes extremely important to understand the fuel spray dispersion under different conditions of pressure and fuel flow rate. Read More...
| in Heat Power Engineer |
India |
536-542 |
138 |
An Overview on Durability Studies of Recycled Aggregate Concrete
-Sayyed Ibrahim Uz Zaman ; Dr. Srikanth M. Naik
Due to the rapid urbanization, the demand for infrastructure such as housing, road, transportation, water supply & sanitation has increased rapidly. In this scenario, the recycling of Construction and demolition wastes prove to have the possibility to conserve the use of natural resources and also leads to reduction in energy consumption. The recycling of aggregate and its use in construction technology gives sustainable & economical results, particularly where there is a scarcity of construction aggregate. In this paper, the durability of recycled aggregate concrete & its importance has been discussed with the help of various research works. Various research has been done to compensate for the lower quality of the recycled aggregates. Using aggregates obtained by crushing and sieving concrete cubes, the analysis of recycled concrete aggregates on some durability related properties were determined. The behaviour of recycled aggregate concrete under various durability tests such as sorption test, chloride-ion penetration test etc., has been investigated. With the incorporation of mineral admixtures like GGBFS, flyash the durability studies made and the optimum amount of these admixtures for maximum performance has been illustrated. Read More...
M.Tech in Structural Engineering |
India |
543-547 |
139 |
Private Cloud Security Providing Maximum Security to the User Data Uploaded on Cloud
-Pooja Ambadas Motekar ; Prof. L.M.R.J. Lobo
In today’s world the important factor to be consider in cloud is security of the data, where user store the data on a cloud. For providing the protection to the data on cloud the cloud service providers take the charges from the different users. In this paper it is most important to improve security guarantees. Authentication is also a must as well as when you upload or download files in cloud using various methodology. It is important to identify a user who is taking the benefit of using cloud at each time when we provide them a file to a user. This proposed paper focuses on the mechanisms like two fish Algorithm for encryption and Decryption purpose, Time based onetime-password Algorithm is using for user authentication and file authentication can AES algorithm with the concept of key management which is quantum key generation. Encryption and decryption can be done by using the algorithm like Two Fish. Authentication of user can be done by using TOTP- a time based onetime-password algorithm. IP restriction also provide over the network, file access user log, data leakage and security alarm to the user for data security, one time password also provide at the time of login and downloading. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
548-553 |
140 |
A Dynamic and Secure Multiple-Keyword Ranked Parallel Search
-Jayanth J ; Jayasheela C S
Being progressive increment in the utilization of Cloud computing innovation by more users, the approved owners of information are intrigued to send their heterogeneous data to cloud with higher security and a large amount of data need to be easily searched and retrieved from the cloud storage management.. Since there is higher odds of burglary of such data, clients of the cloud are more worried about keeping up the security in the trading and searching of such information. Keeping in mind the end goal to get the ease of searching documents and higher rate of security, clients of cloud innovation inspired to include searching methods to retrieve the documents and encryption methods for encoding such information respectively. In this paper for faster and secure searching of the data in the cloud storage is satisfied by using the Parallel Search concept in the existing multiple keyword ranking based search approach. This concept in the paper allows the reduction in time cost to search the data in the cloud since Parallel Search concept involves multithreading schema in which the large amount of search requests can be divided into multiple batches and handled separately by the different threads simultaneously. Also the project handles the secrecy of the keyword information by encrypting it using the MD5 hashing method. Read More...
Computer Network Engineering |
India |
554-558 |
141 |
Optimization of Geometric Shapes of Gravity Dam using STAAD Pro
-Mr. Manjunatha S ; Mrs. Navyashree B R
Concrete gravity dams are important lifeline structures and represent the fragrance of people’s standard of living. These are very complex structures and subjected to various types of forces both static and dynamic in nature. Optimization techniques plays an effective role in structural design in which the structure can be designed in such a way that the area and volume can be optimized and hence the requirement of the materials can be effectively reduced and thus it minimises the cost of construction. In the present study, 3 different geometrical shape (cross section) of non-overflow section is considered and a two dimensional (2D) Finite Element models are created. All major load/forces are calculated and applied as primary load cases and load combinations are generated for the most adverse load combination A, B and C as per I.S 6512-1984, using Finite Element software STAAD pro V8i. The stress contour pattern and behaviour under various load combinations are evaluated and stress distribution is visualised. The maximum displacement of the dam crest is observed for the various load combinations. A comparative study is made between conventional and STAAD pro analysis for maximum principal stress and shear stresses at heel /toe/ in dam body for the various load combinations as per I.S. Codal guide lines for dam with fixed base. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
559-562 |
142 |
A Review Study on comparision of RIP and EIGRP Routing Protocol
-Suman ; Shruti Goyal
Computer network grow day to day. Communication network is used to share the information, resources etc. Routing protocols are used to transmit packets across the Internet. Routing protocols specify how routers communicate with each other by disseminating information. The router have knowledge about the nearest networks, which can assist in selecting the routes between two nodes. There are many type of routing protocol. but this paper include the comparison of RIP and EIGRP Routing protocol based on parameter hop count, throughput, router updates, queuing delay and energy consumption. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
563-565 |
143 |
Integrated Miller - Manchester Encoder and Decoder for Outdoor MIMO VLC Application
-Rakesh M. Gharat
Visible Light Communication (VLC) is an emerging field in Optical Wireless Communication (OWC) which utilizes the superior modulation bandwidth of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) to transmit data. The VLC application generally adopts Manchester and miller codes to reach dc-balance, enhancing signal reliability. So the Manchester and Miller encoder is an important part of VLC emitter section. In this paper, we have designed the combined Manchester- Miller encoder and decoder in VHDL code. The behavior of Manchester- Miller encoder and decoder is realized by using structural modeling style in Xilinx ISE 13.1 software. The paper also aims to make comparative study of two coding technics used for outdoor VLC. The synthesis result shows that integrated Manchester and Miller encoder indicates successful function. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
566-568 |
144 |
Detection of Packet Dropping Attacks in Wireless Ad-Hoc-Network Based on Privacy Preserving Public Auditing
-Mrs. Kirti B.Mane ; N. J. Pathan
There are two reasons for packet loss in multi-hop wireless ad-hoc network. Link error and malicious packet dropping are two different reasons. While discovering continuous packet loss in the network, it is difficult to identify whether the loss is because of link error or malicious drop. We are going focusing on insider attack case i.e. malicious packet dropping where malicious nodes that are part of the route that will drop a small amount of packet which will affect the network performance. The packet dropping rate in this case which is based on traditional algorithm is comparable to the channel error rate and it does not achieve the satisfactory detection accuracy. The correlation between lost packets is identified by using the bitmap obtained from individual node, to improve the detection accuracy. To allow the detector to find the truthful information about packet loss, a homomorphic linear authenticator based on public auditing architecture is applied. The proposed technique is collusion proof and causes low communication and storage overheads at intermediate nodes and it is also privacy preserving. The auditor will collect the information reported by individual nodes and will determine the reason for packet loss by to determine correlation between packet loss. The malicious node is eliminated from route once it is identified. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
569-573 |
145 |
Studies on Strength Improvement of Traditional Concrete By Steel Fibre Reinforcement
-Deepesh Sharma ; Nancy Soni
Concrete is one of the most commonly known versatile building materials. The advantages of using concrete are to obtain high compressive strength, very good fire resistance, high water retention qualities, low maintenance requirements, and long service life/ durability. The disadvantages of using concrete include poor tensile strength, low strain of fracture and form work requirement. The major disadvantage is that concrete develops micro cracks during curing. The rapid propagation of micro cracks in concrete under application of stresses that are responsible for the low tensile strength of the material. Other disadvantages include relatively low strength per unit weight. The main reasons for adding steel fibres to concrete matrix is to improve the post- cracking response of the concrete by improving its tensile strength , i.e., to improve energy absorption capacity and apparent ductility of the material, and to provide resistance to cracks and hence causing crack control. The study aimed to identify the optimum percentage of steel fibre reinforcement as the replacement of cement in the M20, M30 and M40 grade of concrete mixes. The percentage at which the SFRC gives maximum workability were also determined in the study. It was observed that the optimum percentage for M20 grade of concrete is 1% as a replacement of cement, whereas its 1.5% for M30 and M40 grade of concrete. Read More...
Materials Engineering |
India |
574-582 |
146 |
Experimental Investigation of Basic Oxygen Furnace Slag (BOFS) As Fine Aggregate with Partial and Full Replacement of Natural Sand for Use in Masonary Mortar
-Mr. Nikesh Bele ; Dr. P. L. Naktode; Prof. R.S. Kedar
This experimental research work investigates the possibility of utilizing Basic Oxygen Furnace Slag which was taken from Lloyds Steel Industry Wardha as a sand substitute in cement mortar. The natural sands which are used in this study are local Sand. In this investigation, BOFS at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% replacement to natural sand for constant w/c ratio of 0.5 is considered. The work is extended to 100% replacements of natural sand with BOFS and Cement mortar mix 1:5, 1:4, 1:3 by weight were selected. The w/c ratio was taken as per standard consistency test of cement. For compressive strength test 2 samples were tested for 7, 14 and 28 days for all the replacements. The study gave comparative results for mortar compressive strength test. The experimental results obtained show that fully substitution of ordinary sand by slag gives better results in both the sands from this study it is observed that BOFS could be utilized fully as alternative construction material for natural sand in mortar applications for good compressive strength result. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
583-585 |
147 |
Design of SRAM with Negative Capacitance Circuit
-Prof. G. A. Waghmare ; Prof. G. M. Kathalkar
Modern day portable devices and ICs demand memory with large size for storage and data manipulation. SRAM having high performance and large size with low power and area makes the design complicated. Due to scaling of CMOS the effect of process variation increases which spread the delay in circuit. The overall effect of process variation in designing SRAM of large size with low area in nanometer technology causes the SRAM cell to functionally fail. Functional failure includes read access failure, write failure. In this paper SRAM of size 512 is design which uses negative capacitance circuit to improve the readability of SRAM. Use of negative capacitance circuit reduces the bit line capacitance which results in improvement of SRAM readability. 512 SRAM cells is design in 180nm technology using 0Tanner EDA tool 13.0. Read More...
India |
586-589 |
148 |
Hybrid NN-GA Approach for Modeling and Optimization of MRR & Average Temperature of the EDDG
-Ravi Upadhyay ; Shani Kumar; Sangam Kumar
Hybrid processes are used only based on either electrical action or abrasive action in machining processes. The combination of metals bonded abrasive grinding with EDM or ECM are developed of The abrasive based HMPs .the combination of ECM and grinding is called as electro-chemical abrasive grinding (ECAG) of the Hybrid processes while combination of EDM and grinding is called as electrical discharge abrasive grinding (EDAG) of the Hybrid machining processes. When metal bonded diamond grinding grit wheel is used in electrical discharge abrasive grinding is called as Electro-Discharge Diamond Grinding (EDDG) Hybrid processes. a metal bonded diamond grinding grit wheel is used in Electric discharge diamond Grinding (EDDG) and electrical sparks take place between metallic bonding material and work piece to thermally soften the work-material on a microscopic scale and reduce grinding forces and powers. The fraction of molten material has indicated by the Thermal modeling of EDM process. High re-deposited on the parent material surface. The used of grit abrasives in the wheel to ground off the crack-infested layer in the EDDG process The software is Developed on MATLAB to integrate NN-GA approach and used for modeling and optimization of EDDG process. The validity of develops software. The developed software used for Modeling and single objective Optimization of EDDG. Read More...
M Tech in Adavanced Manufacturing Systems |
India |
590-595 |
149 |
A Survey on a New Area of Machine Learning Research: Deep Learning
-Aagna Nileshbhai Katrodia ; Dr. S. Venkatesan; Anil Sagar T
The objective of this research paper is to present an overview of the machine learning techniques, especially deep learning which is becoming more and more popular everyday and has found a wide variety of applications worldwide. This paper includes an outline of the various machine learning algorithms along with their advantages and disadvantages. Neural Networks and Deep Learning are explained in detail including Perceptrons, Sigmoid Neurons and Architecture of Neural Networks within Neural Networks and Convolutional Neural Networks, Restricted Boltzman Machines and Deep Belief Networks within Deep Learning. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
596-602 |
150 |
Optimization of Ackerman Steering Geometry for a Four Wheel Steering System to Reduce Turning Radius & Increase Stability
-Niraj Kulkarni ; Tushar Nagargoje; Pratik Maid
A Four Wheel steering (4WS) System is also known as "Quadra Steering System". In this paper, both front as well as rear wheels can be steered according to speed of the vehicle and space available for turning relative to the Ackerman steering geometry applied for the front 2 wheels and a parallel steering system applied for the rear 2 wheels for turning. The turning radius has been calculated by putting parameters in Solidworks and the calculations are done manually. The main aim is that turning of the vehicle should not require greater efforts on the part of the driver. And the results that are obtained after the calculations for changing turning radius of simple Ackerman geometry vs 4 wheel driven Ackerman steering geometry are displayed. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
603-604 |