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51 |
An Experimental Comparative Study between Water Based Acrylic Polymer Curing compound and Conventional Curing Procedure for High Strength Concrete.
-Mr.Mallik K. ; Mr. Sachin M. Kulkarni
Concrete is an essential building material which is widely used in construction industry all over the world due to its compressive strength. Curing of concrete plays a vital role in durability and other performance necessities. Improper curing can affect the performance and durability easily. Conditions where scarcity of water prevails, and accessibility of structure for external curing becomes difficult, it becomes essential to seek for alternative means of curing. This work thrust for an alternative procedure of curing by using external curing compound. Concrete curing compound consist essentially of waxes, natural and synthetic resins, and solvents of high volatility at atmospheric temperatures. The compound forms a moisture retentive film shortly after being applied on fresh concrete surface. White or gray pigments are often incorporated to provide heat reflection and to make the compound visible on the structure for inspection. The research work consist of i) Development of high strength concrete using OPC53 grade cement and locally available coarse aggregate and fine aggregate and using super plasticizer as admixture. ii) Casting of concrete samples and adopting different curing methods as wet pond curing, in air dry curing, alternative dry and wet curing and using curing compound. iii) Casted samples were tested for flexural strength, shear strength iv) Results of tested samples were tabulate and discussed over the result of achieving the strength in 3, 7, 28 days by different curing methods. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
203-207 |
52 |
Study of Mechanical Properties of Nano-Structured Maraging Stainless Steel (C300)
-Venkatesh Naik Nenavath ; Bala Narasaiah T; Shashi Kumar. A
Maraging steel belongs to a family of metallic materials with extremely high mechanical strength and good toughness, while agehardenable stainless steels also have good corrosion resistance. The present work involves, evolution of nanostructure C300 grade maraging steel and investigation of heat treatment, mechanical properties and nanostructural development of a new maraging stainless steel. The characterization of the nanostructure was performed by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Mechanical properties were evaluated by Rockwell-C hardness and Charpy impact tests. The heat treatment resulted in an ultimate tensile strength of over 2484 MPa combined with good impact toughness and good resistance against over-aging and relatively good corrosion resistance as well. Read More...
other |
India |
208-211 |
53 |
Energy Efficient Image Transmission using Zigbee
-G. Vijayalakshmi ; J. Priyadarshini; S. Prithi
This paper is a wireless sensor network based architecture designed for the purpose of image transmission between two controlling units through CMOS camera. This paper can be applied to any surveillance purpose and the protocol IEEE 802.15.4 is used to transmit image accurately to the monitoring section. Image transmission with a combined robotic application is presented in this paper. For surveillance purpose, the path of the robot has to feed initially. The robotic section runs with LPC2148 with CMOS camera with a person detection sensor and monitoring section runs with MATLAB platform. This wireless image transfer unit in Robot will be ready to capture any human who enters into robot surveillance region. This presence of human can be determined by the thermal heat radiation from the object and this interrupt will wake up the camera. In order to cover the entire room, the robot module can able to turn in various angle with manual and automatic control. Under the absence of human, the processor will keep the camera in the sleep mode. The technique is followed in the project to reduce the energy consumption in image transmission. These methods improve the efficiency of the robot surveillance as well as energy saving. This paper uses the Matlab platform for the image visualization. Read More...
India |
212-214 |
54 |
Agile Software Development Methodology: Framework for Efficient & Quick Delivery of Software Product
-Mihir Mehta ; Rekha Shah
Agile management, or agile process management, or simply agile refers to an iterative, incremental method of managing the design and build activities of engineering, information technology and other business areas that aim to provide new product or service development in a highly flexible and interactive manner. The paper will attempt to bring together concepts and practices of 'agile development', 'lean product development', 'choric systems', 'leadership studies' and concepts of the 'learning organization', together with 'the Model of Concurrent Perception' to suggest a new Paradigm of Software Development and Project Management. This paper also focuses on fundamentals of Agile Process, its characteristics, scope of agile process with its advantages and various methodologies for agile software development XP & Scrum. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
215-217 |
55 |
Optimized Routing in Wireless Sensor Network for IoT
-Megha Dhingra ; Er. Ankush Gupta
Wireless networks of battery-powered sensors with an event-driven wake-up function are becoming an increasingly important application area for Internet of Things (IoT).This paper analyzes the physical relation between the power consumption and the link utilization of wireless video sensor networks. We propose a multi-channel allocation and routing method for wireless multi-hop networks where each node generates event-driven video sensor data. Routing and channel allocation put a large impact on the battery life time of IoT sensors. We realistically analyze the power consumption model for a wireless link in terms of the distance and its utilization ratio. We then present an optimization formula of utilization-aware channel allocation and routing that minimizes the overall power consumption while transferring all the require data. We developed an efficient optimisation algorithm that accurately approximates the formula. A network simulator has been developed, which show that the proposed method can reduce the overall power consumption. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
218-221 |
56 |
Traffic De-Correlation Methods for Countering a World Eavesdropper in Wireless Sensor Networks
-Thodeti Spandhana
We address the issue of keeping the induction of relevant data in occasion driven remote sensor systems (WSNs). The issue is considered under a worldwide busybody who investigates low-level RF transmission qualities, for example, the number of transmitted parcels, between bundle times, and movement directionality, to deduce occasion area, its event time, and the sink area. We devise a general activity examination technique for deducing relevant data by connecting transmission times with listening in areas. Our investigation demonstrates that most existing countermeasures either neglect to give satisfactory insurance, or bring about high correspondence and defer overheads. To moderate the effect of spying, we propose asset productive movement standardization plans. In contrast with the cutting edge, our strategies diminish the correspondence overhead by over half, and the end-to end delay by over 30%. To do as such, we segment the WSN to least associated ruling sets that work in a round-robin mold. This enables us to lessen the quantity of movement sources dynamic at a given time, while giving steering ways to any hub in the WSN. We additionally diminish bundle delay by freely planning parcel transferring, without uncovering the movement directionality. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
222-228 |
57 |
Realization of Variable Digital Filter for Software Defined Radio Channelizers
-Geeta B. Bramhapurikar ; Prof. Nilesh Bodne
Multiple communication channel support in Radio Frequency (RF) transmission, such as that in a Software Defined Radio (SDR) warrants the use of channelizers to extract required channels from the received RF frequency band and to perform follow-on baseband processing. The objective of our project is to Design a SDR using Xilinx system generator and describe the process of channelization as it applies to low power and high-efficiency applications in wireless and Satellite Communications (SATCOM) domains. Smaller bandwidths and changing requirements of bandwidth calls for a programmable channel selection mechanism whereby channels and the resulting bandwidth can be selected based on target application, which is the primary principle in the Software Defined Radio based systems [3]. SDR is a radio in which some or the entire physical layer functions are software defined. Traditional hardware based radio devices have limited cross-functionality and they are modified only through a physical intervention. This results in higher production costs and minimal flexibility in supporting multiple waveform standards this problem is solved by SDR’s. In this project, a software defined radio is designed using Xilinx System Generator. System Generator’s FIR, FFT, FIFO and FDA Tool blocks are used. The FDA Tool block is used to define the filter order and coefficients, and the SDR block is used for the MATLAB/Simulink simulation and design implementation in FPGA using Xilinx ISE Design Suite 14.1. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
229-233 |
58 |
Simulation of Three Phase Grid Connected Phot Voltaic System using MATLAB/Simulink
-Ranu Verma ; Prof. Kamlesh Gupta
This paper presents a complete simulation model of three phase grid connected electrical photovoltaic system. The main component of the three phase grid connected photovoltaic system are, a PV array, a buck boost converter, a multilevel inverter and maximum power point tracking controller. Maximum power point tracking algorithm is used to achieve high efficiency of the PV system. The simulation model is designed in MATLAB using MATLAB SIMULINK software. In this paper we coupled the photovoltaic array with the buck boost converter. To get a constant voltage buck boost converter is used. The grid requires three phase AC supply, to achieve the DC-AC power for grid we used multilevel inverter to convert the DC supply into AC supply. Read More...
India |
234-238 |
59 |
ATM Vault Authentication and Security using Finger Print Biometric with GSM Technology
-Reena Haribhau Deshmukh ; R. G. Dabhade
Security and Authentication of individuals is necessary for our daily lives. Access control systems restrict access to a secured premise or other secured devices (like a safe) only to authorized persons. In this design a biometric (fingerprint based) ATM vault was developed with GSM technology. There are other methods of verifying authentication through password, RFID but this method is most efficient and reliable. To provide perfect security to the bank lockers and to make the work easier, this project is taking help of two different technologies viz. EMBEDDED SYSTEMS and BIOMETRICS. Unauthorized access is prohibited by designing a system that stores the fingerprints of one or more authorized users. Fingerprint is sensed by sensor and is validated for authentication. If the fingerprint matches, the door will be opened automatically otherwise the buzzer will be activated so that the people near the surroundings will get an alert. A survey showed that there is no proper security in withdrawing cash from ATM’s. There are no proper authentication methods applied for security during ATM transactions. In this paper, security approaches of ATM have been focused on, and have been improved using biometric based authentication technique i.e. Fingerprint recognition. One of the main motive of biometric ATM machine is to prevent unauthorized access means everyone cannot access the ATM means user should present then the access the ATM otherwise not access the Account. The use of biometric in ATM machine for the purpose of security. Biometrics technology is rapidly progressing and offers attractive opportunities. In recent years, biometric authentication has grown in popularity as a means of personal identification in ATM authentication systems. The prominent biometric methods that may be used for authentication include fingerprint, palm print, handprint, face recognition, speech recognition, dental and eye biometrics. In this paper, a microcontroller based prototype of ATM cashbox access system using fingerprint sensor module is implemented. An 8-bit PIC PIC18F4520 microcontroller developed by Microchip Technology is used in the system. The necessary software is written in Embedded C and the system are tested. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
239-241 |
60 |
Outernet (A Review)
-Swapnil Jain ; Sonil Sharma
When everyone is talking about changing the world, let us do this by bringing new technology to our daily life with the help of "INTERNET OF THINGS" that provides us with products that can understand us, so basic need of IOT is internet accessibility but the question arises that "Do everyone have basic internet access?". A fact says only one third of the total population have accessibility to the internet. It is becoming the backbone of our life, without it we can’t imagine a single day especially in case of disaster or natural calamity our connectivity of data, communication system all becomes a waste. But, since every problem comes with a solution, here we have OUTERNET. It is like a light in this dark world so this review paper aims to clear the term Outernet, how it can rectify the problems, and how it works. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
242-245 |
61 |
Design and Performance Evaluation of Chemical Tanker at Spectra India
-Mohammad Shahzad Akhtar ; Mohammad Shakebuddin
The modern civilization is very largely dependent on the products of oil and massive quantities of oil / chemical are transported throughout the world. The design of vehicles transporting flammable fluid is important for public safety and economic implications. In this research we will develop a CAD model of tanker transporting the oil / chemical according to the dimensions provided by Spectra India, Nagpur and analyze the bursting pressure of tank using FEA. Read More...
M.Tech in Machine Design |
India |
246-249 |
62 |
Integrated Approach of Planning, Scheduling and Resource Management of a G+2 Residential Building using M.S Project 2010
-Vishnu ; Dr. Shreenivasreddy Shahapur; Maneeth P D; Brijbhushan S
One of the greatest difficult work that any manager can take on is the organization of project which involves various activities during the development of project. In the present study an attempt is made to develop an effective planning and schedule of G+2 residential building project by which project management will become very easy. Time needed for accomplishment of each task is assigned through software (MSP 2010). Necessary resources to execute these activities is assigned for every activity. Cost required for completing all activities and stages of construction in project is also analyzed and weekly cash flow has been generated. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
250-257 |
63 |
Utilization of Copper Wire & Steel Binding Wire as Fibers for Analysis of Mechanical Properties of M40 Concrete
-Sharanendra ; Maneeth P D; Brijbhushan S
A study on M-40 grade of concrete with mix proportion 1:2.38:3.04:0.4 with water cement ratio 0.4 to analyze mechanical properties of Fiber Reinforced Concrete (FRC), where fibers are steel binding wires and copper wires having fibers of 0%, 1%, 2% and 3% volume fraction. Aspect ratio of fibers is taken as 50. An outcome information acquired is examined and related with a conventional sample (0% fiber). A relationship between % of fibers strength of concrete represented graphically. Finally, strength of concrete shows better results at 2 % fibers, further increased in % of fibers will lowers the strength of concrete. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
258-265 |
64 |
Ipath-Path Deduction in Wireless Sensor Network
-Sunil Sungar ; Manjula. B
Late remote sensor systems (WS-Ns) are ending up increasingly multifaceted with the emerging system scale and the dynamic idea of remote communications. Many approximation and analytic methodologies rely upon per-bundle guiding ways for careful and fine grained examination of the intricate system practices. Here propose i-Path, a novel way induction way to deal with recreating the per-bundle steering ways in unique and vast scale systems. The essential thought of i-path is to abuse high way similitude to iteratively induce long ways from short ones. i-path begins with an fundamental known arrangement of ways and achieves way surmising iteratively. I-Path includes a original plan of a insubstantial hash work for chequered of the deduced ways. Keeping in mind the end goal to additionally enhance the surmising capacity and in addition the execution productivity, i-path incorporates a quick bootstrapping calculation to recreate the fundamental preparation of ways. We likewise actualize i-path and assess its execution utilizing follows from substantial scale WS-N organizations and in addition broad reenactments. Results demonstrate that i-path accomplishes significantly higher reproduction proportions under various system settings contrasted with other cutting edge approaches. Read More...
M.Tech Computer Science |
India |
260-268 |
65 |
ActiveTrust-Secure and Trustable Routing in WSN
-Prasadsagar ; Ramesh S. Jadhav
Remote Sensor Networks (WS-Ns) are ascending as a promising development in perspective of their broad assortment of usages in current, common watching, military and nonmilitary faculty ranges. In view of fiscal examinations, the center points are regularly direct and ease. They are as often as possible unattended, nevertheless, and are subsequently subject to encounter the evil impacts of different sorts of novel ambushes. A dim opening strike is a champion among the most ordinary attacks and fills in as takes after. The enemy deals a center point and drops all bundles that are coordinated through this center point, realizing fragile data being discarded or unfit to be sent to the sink. Since the framework settles on decisions depending upon the center points' recognized data, the outcome is that the framework will absolutely crash and burn and, more genuinely, settle on off kilter decisions. Read More...
Computer Network Engineering |
India |
269-271 |
66 |
Design and Fabrication of Sugarcane Cutting Machine for Cane-Can Industry, Nagpur
-Mohammad Zeeshan Ali ; K. I. Ahmad
The need of this project is limited to developing a sugar cane cutting machine for Cane-Can industry, Nagpur. Multiple sugarcane stick should be cut in one cycle. The machine has to be semi-automatic; the operator will be responsible for feeding the machine with sugarcane sticks. The pieces of sugarcane will be finally collected by the operator at the end of operation. In this study, we designed the CAD model of semi-automatic sugarcane cutting machine. Then analysis of design was performed on FEA software. After final analysis, when results were safe, design was finalized and fabricated. Read More...
M.Tech in Machine Design |
India |
272-274 |
67 |
Secured Information Transaction using RSA Steganography
-Prabakaran S
Steganography is an art of hiding the secret message in a cover object not including departure a remarkable track on the original message. It is used to increase the security of message sent over the internet. In contrast to cryptography, it is not used to scramble the data but it is used to conceal the data in digital media. This research paper will deal with text and video steganography, cryptography, hash-LSB and a encryption algorithm. At the end, there will be a discussion about the goal of this paper and what types of techniques worked on text and video steganography. A proposed technique for text and video steganography say Hash-LSB with the RSA algorithm is implemented to provide more secure data and data hiding method. This technique uses a hashing function to generate a mask model for the data bits in the LSB of RGB pixel values of the cover text and video. This technique ensures that the message is encrypted before hiding in a cover text and video frame. If in any case the cipher text has revealed the cover video frames, the intermediate person other than the receiver cannot access the message as it is in encrypted form. So Hash- LSB technique is more secure and responsible to transfer the important data on any unsecure channel. The encryption algorithm which is named as RSA (Rivest, Shamir & Adelman) algorithm, increase the security of valuable or precious data. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
275-278 |
68 |
Age Invariant Face Recognition
-Mohit Batra
Face Recognition is used for real time application. So reliability is the more important matter for security. Face biometrics is useful for authentication that recognizes face. A facial recognition system is a computer application for automatically identifying or verifying a person from a digital image or a video frame from a video source. It is typically used in security systems and can be compared to other biometrics such as fingerprint or eye iris recognition systems. Recently face recognition is attracting much attention in the society of network multimedia information access. Areas such as network security, content indexing and retrieval, and video compression benefits from face recognition technology because "people" are the center of attention in a lot of video. In this paper we focus on 3-D facial recognition system and biometric facial recognition system. Aging directly affects those physiological and behavioral traits which are characterized in biometric. Read More...
India |
279-283 |
69 |
Experimental Investigation on Partial Replacement of Cement by Mesquite (Prosopis Juliflora) Wood Ash in Concrete
-Sharath V T ; Raghu K; Naveen Y; Bharath Kumar; Yogesh B S
In current situation increasing cement producing industries produces large extent of carbon dioxide to nature and due to industries the large extent of industrial by products (waste) are being accumulated to environment and economic concerns related to their disposal (land filling). Utilization of wastes materials like wood ash, risk husk ash, saw dust ash, coconut shell ash are used partial in concrete to minimize environmental and ecological problems. Mesquite wood ash is a by- product generated combustion of wood in wood-fired power plants, hotels, paper mills and other wood burning industries. The aim this projects is to minimize cost of project and to utilize the mesquite wood ash in concrete and minimize the disposal risk to nature. Here mesquite wood ash partially replaced to cement in concrete of various levels of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%. The mechanical properties (compressive, split tensile and flexural strength) of concrete and durability properties (Acid attack and water absorption) are determined at different curing periods and were compared with control M-30 mix. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
284-287 |
70 |
Implement l-Diversity by using Suppression Algorithm
-Miss Swati Abhimanyu Nase
K-anonymity introduced due to security risk in Relational database system .To avoid identity disclosure of individuals depending upon Background knowledge attack in Role base access control system L-diverse record retrieve to maintain privacy of individual. One record in table has same Quasi identifier at least k-1 record, to implement L-diversity .This paper represent how L-diversity implemented by using suppression algorithm. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
288-289 |
71 |
Virtual Machines Overloaded in Cloud Computing using Fuzzy Logic Algorithm
-G. Sukanya ; Dr. M Chidambaram
In both static and dynamic provisioning, Virtual Machine sizing is perhaps the most vital step. Typically, efficient provisioning is achieved by two operations: (1) static resource provisioning. VMs are created with specified size and then consolidated onto a set of physical servers. The Virtual Machine capacity does not change; and (2) dynamic resource provisioning. The objective of Virtual Machine sizing is to ensure that Virtual Machine capacity is commensurate with the workload. While over-provisioning wastes costly resources, under-provisioning degrades application performance and may lose customers. We introduce the concept of “fuzzy assessment†s to measure the uneven utilization of a server. By analyzing risk assessment, we can improve the overall utilization servers in the face of multidimensional resource constraints. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
290-294 |
72 |
Review on Magnetic field analysis of electrical machine using Adaptive Finite Element Method in MATLAB
-Pankaj Sharma
In magnetic field analysis Finite Elements Method is a contemporary numerical method for determination of distribution of electromagnetic fields inside different objects. In this paper dc motor is analyzed. In all analyzed motors distribution of electromagnetic field and magnetic flux density are calculated using magneto-static approach at zero herz frequency. Further on, calculation of different motor parameters such as magnetic flux density distribution in motor air gap at different operating regimes is performed and adequate conclusion are derived. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
295-296 |
73 |
Application-Level & Agent Based Simulation for Network Security using NeSSi2
-Surbhi Khare ; Ritesh Shrivastav
NeSSi (Network Security Simulator) is a novel network simulation tool which incorporates a variety of features relevant to network security distinguishing it from general-purpose network simulators. We present NeSSi2, the Network Security Simulator, a simulation environment that is based on the service-centric agent platform JIAC. It focuses on network security-related scenarios such as attack analysis and evaluation of counter-measures. We introduce the main NeSSi2 concepts and discuss the motivation for realizing them with agent technology. Then, we present the individual components and examples where NeSSi2 has been successfully applied. Network or security functionality, but although they provide detailed results, experiments are time consuming and remain complex to setup and maintain. Another approach is to represent the system with the aid of mathematical models and find analytical answers, i.e. logical and quantitative relationships between the entities. Typically, such models also become very complex, in particular for a concurrent system such as IDS. Therefore, simulations are useful for the evaluation of distributed systems and protocols. Depending on the evaluation metrics, the simulations allow the abstraction from irrelevant properties. In addition, hazard scenarios, called "what-if scenarios", can be constructed which may not be possible in real-world test environments. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
297-299 |
74 |
The Proposed Worked on Sprinkle System use in Mop Machine
-Prof. Jayesh Patel ; Prit Patel; Parmar Pratik N; Panchal Jayvin M ; Prof. Vikram Panchal
Today's sprinkle system is very useful water is limited. It is not unlimited and free forever sprinkle system is best method to solve this problem in mopping field. In a mop field to improve the water resources, locate, time, and sprinkle is very good choice. There is some kind of method to save water with irrigation like design of fuzzy drip irrigation, automatic irrigation based on sensor, precision irrigation and so on. In this paper main purpose to describe the sprinkler method and how is it work?. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
300-301 |
75 |
A Review Work on Lead Screw
-Prof. Jayesh Patel ; Prof. Mihir Rana; Ka.Patel Jainil ; Suthar Nand ; Patel Dipen
Lead screws and screw jacks provide positioning and lifting functions in industrial machinery, and thus the market for these products benefits from trends to automate applications and the replacement of hydraulic lifting systems. A big driver of the market for these products is demand for more efficient machinery. However, the regional markets for these products differ in terms of product design and acceptance in industrial applications, which has impacted the overall market and its future development. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
302-304 |
76 |
Effect on Fly Ash on Concrete's Strength
-Mohnish Saiyed ; Shrinath Parikh; Yogesh Solanki; Prof. Jinal Dalwadi
Fly ash, a waste generated by thermal power plants is as such a big environmental concern. Fly ash is used as a supplementary cementitious material (SCM) in the production of Portland cement concrete. Fly ash is a by-product of burning pulverized coal in an electrical generating station. Specifically, it is the unburned residue that is carried away from the burning zone in the boiler by the flue gases and then collected by either mechanical or electrostatic separators. Fly ash concrete has economic and environmental advantages. It also makes concrete sustainable. Use of fly ash in concrete imparts several environmental benefits and thus it is ecofriendly. It saves the cement requirement for the same strength thus saving of raw materials such as limestone, coal etc required for manufacture of cement. Fly ash is pozzolanic material & it improving the properties of concrete like compressive strength & Durability. The results obtained are discussed and compared with the available literature. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
305-306 |
77 |
Modeling and CFD Simulation of Exhaust Gas Recirculation Cooler for Diesel Engine and Compare It with Triangular and Square Fin Tube EGR
-Mr. Ibrahim Hussain Shah ; Akhilesh Choudhary
The exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) is a process for minimizing the nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from the exhaust of the IC engine. Our main aim is to develop a design of EGR Cooler for BS IV diesel engine which reduces the NOx percentage in the exhaust gas. EGR recirculation about small part of the exhaust gases back into the inlet of the cylinder where it merges with the fresh air and due to which it reduces the part of Oxygen. It reduces the Oxygen concentration due to chemical reaction and dilutes the intake charge, due to which it also reduces the temperature inside the cylinder which will simultaneously reduce the NOx percentage due to reducing the formation of NOx.. When we recycle about 20% of exhaust gas will reduce NOx emission about 87%. Therefore we make three different models A, B, C. Model-A is simple shell and tube type, which has simple tube. In model-B we replaced simple tubes by externally triangular finned type circular tube because it increases the heat transfer rate and therefore we get increased effectiveness of the cooler. And in the Model- C, we replace the plane tube in same model by square finned tube. Now we compare all the three models by their effectiveness, and on the basis of comparison suggest using most effective Model among them. Mainly the comparisons were made between shell & finned tube EGR cooler and on the basis of comparison we prefer the model which has high effectiveness than the other. Read More...
India |
307-315 |
78 |
Effect of Coating on Machining Performance of Hard Surfaces
-Bhawesh Kumar
Machining of the material in the hardened state is one of the challenging tasks. But this is possible due to development or innovation in the area of cutting tools. Machining of the material in the hardened state gives good surface finish as given by the grinding at the minimum cost and time. Many researchers have analysed the effect of machining parameters on the tool wear, machining force and surface roughness as well as compared the coated and the uncoated tool life to suggest which tool is preferable. The aim of this work is to analyse the effect of titanium based coatings on the tool wear, surface roughness, machining forces, temperature of the cutting tool and the type of chip formation. In this work three type of coatings - TiN,TiCN and TiAlN are used on the ceramic inserts for machining (turning) of AISI A2 tool steel and further an ANOVA was carried out to investigate statistical significance among all cutting parameters. It shows that speed has been found to be the most dominant factor in the tool wear, tool temperature and machining force but feed has been found to be the most dominant factor in for surface roughness. Grey relation analysis is used to optimise cutting condition. The result indicated that, the TiAlN coating tool has less tool wear followed by TiCN and TiN but in terms of roughness, TiN showed better result, except dimension accuracy. Due to higher tool wear, TiN coated tool gives relatively lower dimensional accuracy. Read More...
Production Engineering |
India |
316-321 |
79 |
Effect of Diameter, Pressure and Time on Maximum Free Rotation of a Needle Roller Bearing by ANOVA and Regression Analysis
-Sajjad Shaikh
In this study the Effect of bearing needle diameter, air pressure which is used for bearing auto rotation inspection and air blow time studied. Maximum free rotation counts of a needle roller bearing analysis done by using three factor factorial experiments by design of experiment approach and validate it by analysis tool by ANOVA and regression analysis software. Experiments were carried out using auto rotation testing machine. The result is useful to design engineer and automation development engineer in Research & Development department to optimize bearing life on the basis of maximum number free rotation of needle roller bearing during running inside the gear box or transmission under standard operating condition. This is the main aim of this study. Read More...
India |
322-326 |
80 |
Effective Width Calculation of Cold Formed Section as Per IS-801 and Comparison with AISI-2007
-Mayuri Patil ; Ashish S. Burakale
Buildings built using cold-formed sections as primary members (frames) and secondary members (purlins) offers a viable alternative solutions for wide range applications of social sectors like housing, education etc. Design of cold formed sections has obvious complexity in view of buckling of sections vis-Ã -vis stress in the compression element, especially in flexure. In this study, using IS801 equations, effective section properties of C section are calculated for wide range of configurations with different b/t ratios for flange subjected to maximum allowable stress. These section properties are used to evolve optimum frame configurations for various wind zones of the country. Study also presents simple design tools and few standard cold formed sections having similar configuration but for thickness to be used for residential or community shelters for different wind zones. A recourse is made to compare the results with similar studies using AISI code. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
327-330 |
81 |
Stress Analysis and Optimization of a Bicycle Crank
-A. Nikhil Setty
Dynamic loading on the bicycle pedal cranks induce various changes in the geometry. The main objective of this study is to get the critical stress locations on the crank and develop a new improved design for minimizing the same. Therefore, this study consists of two major sections: (1) Finite Element and geometry modelling, (2) analysis and optimization by improved design. The crank was modeled using a modelling software and validation of model was done by using equivalent stresses and directional deflection of the crank and pedal. Refinement of geometry was done using the method of body sizing till convergent result of maximum stress was obtained. This research paper proposed improvements of designs with regard to minimize the weight, cost and optimum factor of safety. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
331-334 |
82 |
Analysis of Profile Modification on Transmission Error of Involute Spur Gear
-Sourabh Maity ; Vijay Karma
Transmission error is major factor which is responsible for the noise and vibrations in the gear system. Many authors studied the correlation between Transmission Error (TE) and Tip Relief Profile Modification, since it is a strong tool to modify TE by taking other parameters of the gear fixed. But there is less availability in literature for the work on the correlation between effect of gear parameters, pitch error and tip relief of linear profile modification by the help of interference volume method. In this present work, tip relief of linear profile modification of involute spur gear with consideration of pitch error is done. The modelling, meshing and checking the interference volume of each assembly is done using I-DEAS (Integrated Design Engineering and Analysis Software). The effect of various gear parameters on TE with linear profile modification is analysed. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
335-338 |
83 |
Experimental Studies on Fresh Properties of Self-Compacting Geopolymer Concrete using Waste Foundry Sand
-Raj L. Shah ; Ankit S. Chakraborty; Prayas B. Variya; Raj L. Shah; Prof. Nikunj R. Patel
To resolve the problem of carbon emission and to reduce the Labour cost in construction of concrete structures an innovative sustainable concreting technique named “self-compacting geopolymer concrete†is developed. The benefit of using this concreting technique is that the Labour cost reduces due to its self compactability and it also solves the problem of disposal of waste foundry sand. The present investigation is mainly focused on the fresh properties of self-compacting geopolymer concrete with varying molarity of NaOH and using waste foundry sand as replacement of ordinary sand to make this a low-cost concreting technique. Test were performed such as slump flow, T50cm, V-funnel and L-box were conducted to assess the fresh properties. Studies reveals that increasing the molarity of NaOH decreases the fresh properties but increased the compressive strength of SCGC. Read More...
Engineering |
India |
339-342 |
84 |
The Design and Simulation of Split Radix FFT Processor using Multi-Bit FlipFlop for Power Reduction
-Bitta Balaji ; P. Syamala Devi
Fast Fourier transform (FFT) is one of the most important and fundamental algorithm in digital signal processing area. Split radix fast Fourier transform (SRFFT) algorithm requires the least number of multiplications and additions among all the known FFT algorithms, which contribute to overall system power consumption. In the design of such processors, modified radix-2 Shared memory architecture can be used instead of Pipelined FFT architecture. In contrast Shared memory based architecture requires least amount of hardware resources at the expense slower throughput. To implement this Shared memory architecture, Multi-Bit FlipFlop (MBFF) and Superfast low power SRAM (SFLP SRAM) cell are required. The SRFFT can be computed by using a modified radix-2 butterfly unit. The butterfly unit exploits the multiplier gating technique to save dynamic power. In addition, two address generation algorithm are developed for both real and imaginary parts of twiddle factors. In simulation results the power is measured by T-Spice using Tanner tool. Hence the proposed architecture will save more power when it comes to larger points of FFT. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
343-346 |
85 |
Data Mining Techniques in Soil Data Analysis for Effective Agriculture Data
-T. Mathavi Parvathi ; Dr. Paul Rodrigues
The advancement in computers provided large amount of data. The task is to analyze the input data and obtain the required data which can be done by various data mining techniques. Present work focusses on analysis of relationships in spatial datasets are regional and there is a great need for regional regression methods that derive regional reflects different spatial characteristics of different regions. Naive Bayes, J48 (C4.5) and JRip Algorithms were used to analyse the data JRip reported to be simple, efficient classifier of soil data. The selected soil attributes were Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur, Iron, Zinc, Potassium, PH and Humus. The attributes were predicted by linear regression. Even though all regressions provided almost equal results least Median Square depicts better results. This paper proposes a regional regression technique for regions that are defined by a categorical attribute, in particular soil type. The result is a series of hierarchically grouped regions according to their similarity. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
347-349 |
86 |
Influence of Heat Treatment on the Properties of Mild Steel
-Bhoopendra Singh Rajput ; Richard Victor
In this work; the influence of heat treatment process on mechanical properties of mild steel 0.2% Carbon was studied. The mild steel tensile specimens were heat treated in an electric furnace at various temperatures from 750 to 950°C at constant holding time (2 hours); and then cooled in water. The mechanical properties such as ultimate tensile strength, yield strength, of the treated and without treated samples were determined using tensile tests. Results showed that, the mechanical properties of mild steel improved by various heat treatments (annealing and quenching) for a particular application. Read More...
India |
350-351 |
87 |
Review on Planar Monopole Antenna for Dual Band Application
-Deepti Thakur ; Devendra Kumar Meda
In recent years, the most innovative topics in antenna theory and design is the planar monopole antenna and are progressively finding large application in modern microwave system. In this paper start with the different type of feeding techniques employed for the planar monopole antenna and then focus on the parameter enhancement technique in the planar monopole antenna technology that have been made in the last few year. Read More...
India |
352-354 |
88 |
Seismic Analysis of GFRG and Regular RC Building by using ETABS
-Y. Ramya Teja ; G. Madhusudhan
The behavior of GFRG and regular RC of G+5 multistory building under earthquake is complex and it varies of wind loads are assumed to act simultaneously with earthquake loads. In this paper a comparison of GFRG building with regular RC building of G+5 is studied for earthquake and wind load using ETABS. The Glass Fiber Reinforced Gypsum (GFRG)walls are gypsum panels with hallow cores or cavities with can be filled with concrete. The gypsum is industrial by product waste, the product is not only eco-friendly but also resistant to water and fire. GFRG panels can be used as various structural elements such as walls and slabs. GFRG panels are presently manufactured to a thickness of 124mm, a length of 12m and a height of 3m.IIT Madras had been involved ,since 2003 with the development of building system especially earthquake resistant design for use in India. In India fertilizer industries are facing problem in disposal of industrial waste gypsum. To meet this challenge, India requires innovative, energy efficient, strong and durable in fast method of construction at economical cost. The main aim of this paper is to find out the different responses like story drift, story displacements, story shear, base shear and frequencies of both GFRG and regular RC in the entire four zones (II, III, IV, V). Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
355-360 |
89 |
Analytical Study on Fly Ash and GGBS Blended Reinforced Geopolymer Concrete Beams by using ANSYS
-B.Sri Kalyan ; Dr.J.Guru Jawahar; C.Sreenivasulu
The present study mainly focuses on analytical study of fly ash and GGBS blended reinforced geo polymer concrete beams. The beams were analyzed by using Ansys R15.0. The reinforced geo polymer beams analyzed were cured for 28days in an ambient room temperature itself. The conventional reinforced concrete beam analyzed were cured for 28 days in water. The proportions of source materials for geo polymer concrete used are fly ash(FA) 50- Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) 50, FA0-GGBS100. The grade of Conventional Concrete (CC) was fixed equivalent to that of Geopolymer concrete with the earlier specified proportions. The grade of geo polymer concrete was fixed to be M45 by doing trial and error method. The beams were analyzed for two- point loading. The parameters such as Max.Equivalent stresses (Von-Misses stress), Max.Normal Stress, Max. Normal Elastic Strain, Max.Shear Stress, Max.Shear strain and Max.central deflection were found. The present study has given a final conclusion that the performance of reinforced geo polymer concrete (RGPC) beams was better than that of equivalent grade of reinforced conventional concrete beams. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
361-364 |
90 |
Analysis & Review of Suspension Bridge under Different Types of Loading as per is Code by STAAD Pro Software
-Pandey Vipul ; Pinkal Gohel; Patel Sweta; Nikunj Patel
Suspension bridge is an efficient structural system particularly for large spans. Many difficulties related to design and construction feasibility arises due to its long central span. There are many suspension bridges around the world and dynamic behaviour has been found to be the primary concern for those bridges. Natural period of a suspension bridge mainly dependent on the span and other structural dimensions related to the stiffness. .In the present study, we made design and analysis of the deck slab for suspension bridge under different types of loading in the software based on IS provisions to carried out the deflected shapes and impact on the deck slab. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
365-367 |
91 |
Assessment of Cluster Suitability for Clustering of Villages: a Conceptual Framework
-Nitish Kumar
India's development is trending towards Smart Development of settlements. These settlements need special focus based on different criteria for evaluation. Geographical information system (GIS) and Multi criteria evaluation are the most common techniques used to analyze different suitability including urban areas as well as rural areas. This paper basically gives a conceptual framework for clustering of villages based on different parameters. GIS are mainly used for creating interactive queries (user-created searches), analyze spatial information, edit data in maps, and present the results of all these operations. Population and production factors are two broad parameters have been considered in cluster suitability analysis. Cluster suitability in ArcGis has been carried out based on agricultural productivity, employment density, regional connectivity, forest cover and cropping intensity. For this clustering, Sehore district has been taken as a case study. Read More...
Architecture & Planning |
India |
368-370 |
92 |
A Discussion of Causes & Effects of E-Waste
-Dr. S. Pavithra ; Dr. G. Barani
"E-waste" can be defined as electronic wastes that are thrown after their life. E-wastes contain chemicals that are hazardous to human as well as to the environment. Mobile phones, TV’s, computers, tube lights, bulbs, battery, house hold appliances etc. that are disposed off after usage constitutes e-waste. Thus, e-wastes can be minimized by reusing, repairing or recycling it in an eco-friendly manner. This paper throws light on the effects of e-waste and how it can be managed effectively. Read More...
Management science |
India |
371-373 |
93 |
An Overview: Rain Water Harvesting System
-Patel Sehab ; Shaikh Umar; Patel Yagnik; Jinal Dalwadi
As water shortage in the dry areas is a recurrent crisis, people have a great need for information on how to capture and use every available drop of water efficiently. Water harvesting is an effective and economical means of achieving the objectives and information on its various systems and techniques is in great demand. For our water requirement we entirely depend upon rivers, lakes and ground water. However rain is the ultimate source that feeds all these sources. Rain water harvesting means to make optimum use of rain water at the place where it falls. i.e. conserve it and not allow draining away and causing floods elsewhere. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
374-375 |
94 |
Structural Investigations on Cost Effective Roofing Technology
-B. Sai Kumar ; N. G. Bhagavan; J. Guru Jawahar
Development of cost effective roofing system built with precast ferrocement elements is discussed. This roofing technology is exclusively designed for innovative / affordable / rapid-built / disaster-resistant SERCular Housing Technology developed by CSIR-SERC. This type of rural house is built of a 2-roomed unit, proposed for Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana – Garmin (PMAY-G), consisting of each room as a standard 4-meter diameter circular module. For this type of housing, the proposed roofing system is designed to cover over the 4-m. diameter (spanning across the circular walls), with the precast rectangular ferrocement joists reinforced by chicken-wire mesh plus welded mesh and 8-mm rods. The ferrocement planks are used for lateral spanning on the two parallel joists placed at 0.4m spacing. Each of the precast ferrocement elements are designed to weigh less than 200kg, for the ease of manual handling, with-out the necessity of machines / cranes. In-situ screed concrete of 40mm thickness was laid on this roofing system made of precast ferrocement joists and planks, to enable them to act monolithically and for structurally connecting different precast elements. The full-scale / prototype roofing system for 4-m. span with overhang of 0.3m on either end for a total length of 4.6m and 0.8m width, is constructed for load testing. The structural investigations are carried-out on this roofing system by flexure testing, with gradually increasing UDL in the structural testing laboratory of CSIR-SERC. The test procedure is illustrated. Test results are tabulated and the conclusions are drawn. The advantages of this type of precast ferrocement roofing system are described. Read More...
M.Tech in Structural Engineering |
India |
376-3680 |
95 |
An Approach for Cluster Head Selection using Hybrid Selection and Recovery Approach in WSN
-Parvinder Kaur
WSNs are used research area due to their several application domains. The presentation of WSNs depends on the topology of sensors and their ability to adapt to changes in the network. Sensor nodes are often resource constrained by their limited power, communication distance capacity is low, and restricted sensing capability. Therefore, they need to co-operate with each other to achieve a specific task. [1] [3] Thus, clustering enables sensor nodes to communicate through the cluster head node for constant communication process. In this paper, we introduce a dynamic cluster head selection technique. Every node in the cluster calculates its residual energy value to determine its candidacy to become the Cluster Head Node (CHN). [1] With this mechanism, each sensor node estimates its residual energy level to other nodes in the same cluster. Lean on the unused energy level the sensor node acts as the second cluster head. Interpretation of the dynamic CHN selection mechanism is shown using network simulator-2 (ns2). The simulation results show that the recommended methods drag out the network lifetime and adjust the energy utilization model among the nodes of the cluster. [2]. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
381-384 |
96 |
Seismic Analysis of Multi-Storeyed Building with Bottom Rigid Storey along with Intermediate and Top Soft Storey using Moment Transfer Beams
-Ravishankar V Lawate ; Prof. Vishwanath. B. Patil
The G+20 multi storey irregular building is taken for present study. This building is modeled and analyzed by using ETABS V9.7.4. Assuming the material property as linear and nonlinear. The performance of the building is studied by comparing the base shear, displacement, storey drift in different analysis. Multi-storey buildings with open (soft) ground floor are inherently vulnerable to collapse due to earthquake load, even then their construction is still widespread in the developing nations. An investigation has been performed to study the behavior of the columns at ground level of multi-storey buildings with soft ground floor as satellite bus stop and moment transfer beams in all storey subjected to earthquake loading. The structural action of masonry infill panels of upper floors has also been taken into account by modeling them as diagonal struts. Shear wall is one of the most commonly used lateral load resisting in high rise building. In this study building is modeled with different shapes of shear wall with top and bottom soft storey. Read More...
M.Tech in Structural Engineering |
India |
385-388 |
97 |
Strengthening of RC Beam with SIFCON Laminates
-D. Chandira Kumar ; J. Soundharajan; M. Sarathkumar
Now a days natural and manmade disaster like earthquake, cyclone etc., play an important role in the behaviour of structures. Hence the structures has to be designed in a good manner which resists higher seismic and impact forces. Strengthening of existing RC framed buildings for impacting seismic resistance is a challenging engineering problem. Many of the existing buildings are found to have inadequate strength, ductility, or stiffness because they were designed and build when modern seismic requirements did not exist. SIFCON possess high strength, improved ductility, impact resistance and enhanced energy absorption capacity, so it is used as an option for strengthening the conventional reinforced concrete beam. The main thrust of the study has been aimed at characterizing the flexural strength of the beam strengthened with precast SIFCON laminate externally. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
389-395 |
98 |
Effect of Braced Core Location on the Behaviour of High Rise Steel Structure with Outrigger Subjected to Dynamic Loads by using ETABS
-Kirankumar ; Shailaja; Chethan V R
A Steel Structure is generally a combination of different Steel Structural, which are designed to resist Gravity and Lateral loads, and also provide adequate Stability. Application of Steel Structures is found in almost all the construction sectors, which includes long span Structure like airport terminals, stadiums, exhibition centres, high rises buildings, manufacturing plants, tower and masts structures, portal frames, Bridges and Steel Structural members are used in Infrastructures and Agricultural Buildings and Building cranes. The different types of Bracing systems are provide at each Floor level which provides load paths to transfer horizontal forces to vertical frames, particularly to Columns where ultimately the forces will transfer to Ground level. High rise Steel moment resisting frame is considered for the Static and Dynamic analysis. Steel moment resisting frame are studied by incorporating outriggers and Steel braced Core. Braced core location is varied with respect to Centre of the building. Maximum lateral load resistance from braced core for particular location away from the Centre is found out. Equivalent Static and Dynamic Time history Analysis is carried out. From the analytical results and discussions it is concluded that Steel moment resisting frame with outrigger and braced core 10 m offset along negative Y direction can be recommended for the structure where shear core or braced core and outrigger systems cannot be provided at the centre of the structure. Also offset braced core steel structural systems are better in resisting the lateral force than that of conventional braced Core and outrigger system. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
396-398 |
99 |
Survey of Motivational Attributes on Equal Treatment of Employees among Engineering Students
-Pavethra N ; Gowsalya S; Gopalakrishnan P; Gopalakrishnasamy A; N.Kuppusamy
This study empirically examines the relationship between Job security, Equal treatment of employees, Good salary, Job satisfaction, Good working condition, and reward for achievement by the students of the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering and Computer Science and Engineering, of Maharaja Engineering College, Avinashi, Tamilnadu by using self-designed questionnaires containing 20 attributes. The sample size was 90 so 90 questionnaires were distributed and only 40 were selected. Analysis was done using Microsoft excel and the result concludes that there is a significant positive relationship between students’ motivation and their career growth. Good working conditions, Equal treatment of employees, and Opportunity for honest feedback were selected by the above Engineering students. Hence it may be concluded that the motivation is the very important factor in estimating the behavior of the individual. Read More...
Management science |
India |
399-402 |
100 |
An Empirical Study on Traditional Banking and Digital Banking Adoption in India
-Bilal Ahmad Sheikh
Digital banking services have changed the traditional banking system in today’s world. Demand for financial products is changing rapidly and customer behavior regarding these products is also changing, with the passing of the traditional banking sector to digital banking, new strategies have become necessary in order to attract new customers. The present study attempts to provide a snapshot of digital banking activities and traditional banking activities. Read More...
Banking and Finance - Business Management |
India |
403-406 |