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51 |
Design and Fabrication of Magnetically Levitated Wind Turbine for Power Generation
-Vaishali A. Randive ; Prof. S. K. Malode
Magnetic levitation is a method by which an object is suspended above another object with no support other than magnetic fields. The electromagnetic force is used to counteract the effects of the gravitational force. Magnetic levitation is used to reduce the energy loss due to friction. This energy wasted in friction can be saved by maglev method. This thesis proposes a method to implement non-conventional source of energy for the generation of electricity. A vertical axis wind turbine is introduced by magnetic levitation technology to optimize the performance. The system utilize nature of permanent magnet as a replacement for ball bearings to levitate the turbine component and thus minimize energy losses while rotating, which is the major problem that faced by conventional wind turbine. Furthermore, the system can be suited in use for rural and urban areas of low wind speed regions. The selection of magnet materials in the design of wind turbine system will be discussed. A model of wind turbine is built to perform several tests such as starting wind speed, rotational speed at constant wind speed, and time taken to stop rotation completely. The results obtained will be compared with the model of conventional wind turbine. Power will then be generated with an axial flux generator, which incorporates the use of permanent magnets and a set of coils. Magnetic levitation, maglev, or magnetic suspension is a method by which an object is suspended with no support other than magnetic fields. Magnetic pressure is used to counteract the effects of the gravitational and any other accelerations. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
200-205 |
52 |
A Review: A Laboratory Assessment on Concrete Mix Design by using Fly Ash as Bonding Agent
-Sumit Rajak ; Dr. Ajay Swarup
Any developing country, like India needs to improve techniques and infrastructure. But more precisely we need to develop our country at low funds to share. Thus a new step towards economical and ecology development is taken under this, the construction cost are reduced by utilizing the materials which are waste to environment, but may prove useful in construction field. While using the fly ash in powder form, fly ash absorbed the water which is present in between cement paste and aggregate. Therefore, interfacial transition zone reduce. While using the fly ash in paste form, fly ash absorbed the water but in less quantity as compared to fly ash in powder form. It also reduces the interfacial transition zone in concrete. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
206-207 |
53 |
Analysis the Behaviour of Composite Concrete Structure Subjected to Blast Load
-Deependra Nayak ; Prof. Vinay Kumar Singh Chandrakar
The response of a concrete industrial building subjected to load and lateral blast masses was examined. INVENTOR is used for generating the 3D model. The finite element component package ALTAIR was wont to analyze with radially symmetrical boundary conditions. For the response calculations, transient structural analysis was simulated in STAAD PRO and for that a undulation within the sort of uniform pressure was applied. An explosion within or immediately nearby a building can cause catastrophic damage, on the building's external and internal structural frames, collapsing of walls, blowing out of large expanses of windows, and shutting down of critical life-safety systems, depending on the intensity of the blast. Loss of life and injuries to occupants can result from many causes, including direct blast-effects, structural collapse, debris impact, fire, and smoke. The analysis of structures subjected to blast pressure needs an in depth understanding of blast phenomena and also the dynamic response of varied structural parts. This provides a comprehensive summary of the consequences of explosion on composite structure. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
208-211 |
54 |
The Effect of Filler on Asphalt Cement Mastics
-Ghanshyam Dhangar ; Mr P C Diwan
This study examines four types of industrial and by-product waste fillers, namely limestone dust (LSD), which was the reference filler; ceramic waste dust (CWD); coal fly ash (CFA), and steel slag mixture (SSD). The filler consisted of an aggregate (10% of total weight) with three proportions: 100% passing 75µm, 50% passing 75µm/20µm, and 100% passing 20µm. Comprehensive laboratory tests were performed to determine the impact of different types and particle sizes of fillers on the engineering and mechanical properties of fine mastics and stone mastic asphalt mixture. The results indicate that the application of industrial by-products used as fillers improves the engineering properties of stone mastic asphalt mixtures. The increased stiffness due to the addition of the filler is represented by an increase in the softening point, viscosity, stability, and resilient modulus, as well as a decrease in penetration. The optimum asphalt content increased with the decrease in filler particle size for LSD and SSD, and decreased for CWD and CFA. It was also determined that the filler type and particle size has a significant effect on the mixture properties. Among these three proportions, the samples prepared with the filler size proportion of 50/50 gave the best value in terms of stability, Marshall Quotient, and resilient modulus than the other filler size proportions. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
212-221 |
55 |
Prevalence of Malnutrition Among the Children Under 5 Years Old in East African Countries 2013-2017
-Abdulkadir Abdullahi Yusuf ; Dallaf
meta-analysis analyzed the prevalence of malnutrition among the children under 5 years old from 2 selected east African countries from 2013-2017. Search engines used Pubmed with 100 studies selected eliminating 97 using inclusion and exclusion criteria. The PRISMA guideline helped in the final selection of the three selected studies. The prevalence of malnutrition from 2 east African countries from 2013-2017 was 11% in Ethiopia and 19.7% in Kenya from the 30,215 total population. Read More...
Applied Science |
Somalia |
222-223 |
56 |
Getting the Best Rules using Genetic Algorithm Variants
-Lobo L. M. R. J ; R. S. Bichkar
A large amount of transaction data gets stored on storage devices every day. To convert this huge amount of data into useful information we have proposed some data mining techniques which represent datasets (with the help of rules) to a maximum extent. A popular method to generate such rules is Association Rule Mining. The popular rule mining algorithm named Apriori algorithm can be used to generate these rules. However the efficiency and optimized set of rules can be achieved using Genetic algorithms and its variants. The present paper elaborates on a system developed to find all the possible optimized rules from the data set generated by Apriori algorithm using Genetic Algorithm and using its variants to improve the performance of the system by speeding up the time required for getting the results after scanning huge datasets. Experimentally a speedup of 1.67 using Parallel Genetic Algorithms and a speedup of 1.76 using Hierarchical Genetic Algorithms respectively as compared to using Simple Genetic Algorithms is generated by the system proposed. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
224-228 |
57 |
Digitally Controlled PGA for Low Power Applications
-Vishal Acharya ; Renu Kumari; Nitin Patidar
A digitally controlled PGA with 46µW power dissipation and 1-40dB programmable voltage gain in 2dB steps is presented in this paper. It is best suited for low power applications. It has low input referred noise i.e. 2.9µV/√Hz, 3.4µV/√Hz and 1.8µV/√Hz at 1Hz, 50Hz and 200Hz respectively. The PGA has 3dB bandwidth of 20 KHz. It has PSRR that exceeds 84.5dB at all gain settings and is constant for entire 20 KHz bandwidth. In order to achieve linearity in programmable gain a new structure resistor array is proposed. The resistance is implemented by using floating active resistors which act as resistor. The advantage of floating active resistor is that they have small size and their resistance can be easily altered by changing the W/L ratios. In this work the values of floating resistor (rds) is between 180Ω-23KΩ to achieve desired gain and low power dissipation. This PGA is designed and simulated in 0.18µm technology. The simulation and layout results are obtained using Cadence’s Virtuoso and Sparta tool. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
229-231 |
58 |
XBEE Based Flood Alert System
-Gayathri S ; Arvindh Bharadwaj V; Sundar Ganesh C S
The main objective of this project is to give an alert signal to the people who are living nearby to the river bank during dam water releasing. At present the alert signal given from the dam is not reachable to the people living in the nearby villages. Hence they use the river without knowing about dam water releasing and lose their life. This project can be used to prevent human life by giving an alert signal about dam water releasing to panchayat office of each village nearby river bank regions. This project consists of XBee RF (Radio Frequency) transmitter and receiver modules (XBee series 2 modules will be used in this project which can communicate up to 120m. For real time implementation, XTend RF module can be used which can communicate up to 40miles), a microcontroller and buzzer. When the stop gate of the dam is opened, a signal will be transferred from the XBee RF transmitter. When the signal is received at the XBee RF receiver of the village, the microcontroller will turn on an alarm immediately in order to alert the people of the village. Multiple RF XBee receivers can be used to alert the people of different villages at the same time. This project can be used to avoid human loss completely. This project can also be used for mine monitoring. Read More...
India |
232-233 |
59 |
A Neural Network Classifier based American Sign Language Recognition System
-Gauri Nagavkar ; Kedar Potdar
This paper introduces a communication system for the deaf-mute which helps them translate sign language into computer text using a hand-glove and neural network back-end. The hand-glove is fitted with flex sensors to measure finger movements. The electrical signals generated by the sensors are then processed and transmitted to a computer system with the use of an Arduino microcontroller. The processed signals are fed to a neural network trained to classify 26 letters of the alphabet. Use of neural networks for classification purposes has many significant advantages such as improved accuracy and flexibility of usage in different media. In this project, multiple combinations of feed-forward neural networks were used for the classification task. The network with 23 neurons outperformed rest of the networks with a high classification accuracy, evaluated with a low Mean Square Error of 0.510. Read More...
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
234-237 |
60 |
Noise Removal in Spatial Domain for MRI Images Through Non-Linear Filters with Varying Window Size
-Smita Agrawal ; Kamlesh Kumar Samota; Umang Varshney
Noise Removal is a major issue in Biomedical Image Processing. Ultrasound spectroscopy and Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) require highly efficient output images for analysis. Various techniques exist in literature for filtering noisy images. The type of filtering is highly dependent upon the noise density, window size of the filter and the type of noise. In this paper, various filtering techniques for noise removal from MRI images are discussed. Two types of filtering approaches are employed in noise removal: Linear filtering and Non-Linear filtering. Each type is described in detail along-with their advantages as well as disadvantages in a particular domain. The filters are implemented in MATLAB. Read More...
Electronics Design and Technology |
India |
238-243 |
61 |
Pushover Analysis of Multistorey Building with Soft Story
-Priyanka Dnyandeo Raipure
The project work deals with the Reinforced Concrete Special Moment Frame that are used as a part of seismic force-resisting systems in buildings that are designed to resist earthquake. Beams, columns, and beam-column joints in moment frames are proportioned and detailed to resist flexural, axial and shearing actions that result as a building sways through multiple displacement cycles during strong earthquake ground shaking. Special proportioning and detailing requirement results in a frame capable of resisting strong earthquake shaking without significant loss of stiffness or strength. These moment-resisting frames are called “Special Moment Resisting Frames†because of these additional requirements, which improve the seismic resistance in comparison with less stringently detailed Intermediate and Ordinary Moment Resisting Frames. The design criteria for SMRF buildings are given in IS 13920 (2002). In this study, the buildings are designed both as SMRF and OMRF, and their performance is compared. For this, the buildings are modeled and pushover analysis is performed in SAP2000. The pushover curves are plotted from the analysis results and the behavior of buildings is studied for various support conditions and infill conditions. The behavior parameters are also found for each building using the values obtained from pushover curve and is investigated. Read More...
M.Tech in Structural Engineering |
India |
243-249 |
62 |
Image Restoration Filters in Spatial Domain for Various Noise Density Ranges
-Smita Agrawal ; Sunil Kumar; Anurag Bajpai; Vivek Kumar
Image Restoration is an area of image processing that deals with the removal of noise by various filtering techniques. There are various filters that exist in literature for various types of noise. Most of them are specific to the noise type and particular noise ranges. These are classified into linear and non-linear filters. Linear filters are more suitable for gaussian noise removal even at higher noise densities (>30%) and at times for speckle noise removal, whereas non-linear filters are more suitable for impulse noise removal, especially at low and medium level densities. However, at higher noise densities, non-linear filtering efficiency generally gets degraded. In this paper, a comparative analytical treatment is done for six filtering methods, at medium to high noise densities, and the choice of the most suitable filter technique is determined for particular noise ranges. The noise and filter functions are implemented in MATLAB. Read More...
Electronics Design and Technology |
India |
250-255 |
63 |
Design and Structural Behavior Analysis of Pressurized Conical Screw Feeding System with Development of Shaftless Optimization
-Ms. Kirti Patil ; Prof. S. G. Ganiger
Squeezing and feeding in common machine is very unique system in process industry where thick wet material of specific density is processed inline. Here, we found a solution to make common feeding with squeezing the wooden pulp in pulping industry to make sufficient fiber separation while transferring material to the screening machine. Shaft less feeder makes lightweight and useful mechanical parameters to prove its working behavior in real life. Instead of typical feeder here going to design the screw structure without shaft, it delivered more volume of material to out let, also it is more efficient in productivity. Conical screw is the assembly of multiple shape and sizes flights which are assembled together with weldment technology. Work involves majorly with reducing diameter of flight and reducing pitch screw. Its validations are to be done on multiple variants of screw flights. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
256-262 |
64 |
Detection of IRIS Image using EMD Approach
-Archana Gopinadhan ; Mr. J Santhosh
IRIS recognition is one of the most reliable techniques in biometrics for human identification. Iris recognition techniques have been used widely by governments, such as the Aadhaar project in India. This paper presents a biometric recognition system based on the iris of a human eye using wavelet transform. The proposed system includes three modules: image preprocessing, feature extraction, and recognition modules. The feature extraction module adopts the gradient directions (i.e., angles) on wavelet transform as the discriminating texture features. We present a new approach for detecting and matching iris crypts for the human-in-the-loop iris biometric system. Our proposed approach produces promising results on all the three tested datasets, in-house dataset. The identification result obtained using the EMD approach illustrates the success of its efficient use in iris recognition. A fast iris localization method like rectangular area method is used. Using this method, iris segmentation is performed in short time. Read More...
Image processing |
India |
263-266 |
65 |
Time Management in RMC Plant
-Yogiraj Lohokare ; Prof. S. S. Deshmukh; Prof. S. C. Tandale
India, being a developing nation is experiencing major growth in its infrastructure. Concrete is the major component of this infrastructural boom. This has led to the requirement of good quality of concrete in very large quantities. This requirement can be fulfilled by the ready mix concrete batching and mixing plants. To fill the gap between the demand and supply of concrete a large number of RMC plants are coming into existence. The main objective of this study is to calculate the Time Management of an RMC plant, which will help an investor or any person or an organization to take investment decisions regarding an RMC plant. The study establishes the cash flow for the RMC plant helpful in investment and capital generation related decisions. The market has been surveyed and the realistic costs for operating and maintaining the RMC plant are collected as also the cost of commissioning and erecting the RMC plant are collected from the manufacturers. Transit mixers form an important component of the RMC plant and their cost of owning and operating form a major part of the Time Management of RMC. Based on the daily demand from some sites in the city of Mumbai, the number of transit mixers that would be required on the RMC plant to fulfill that demand has been simulated using Monte Carlo simulation. The Time Management of the RMC plant has then been calculated. Further with the help of this study the Time Management of any other capacity RMC plant can be calculated and based on requirements and capital availability, the economic option can be selected. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
267-269 |
66 |
Management of Construction using Lean Technique
-Nikhil Patil ; Prof. S. S. Deshmukh
The Construction industry of India is an important indicator of the development as it creates investment opportunities across various related sectors. The construction industry has contributed an estimated US$ 308 billion to the national GDP in 2011-12 (a share of around 19%). The industry is fragmented, with a handful of major companies involved in the construction activities across all segments; medium-sized companies specializing in niche activities; and small and medium contractors who work on the subcontractor basis and carry out the work in the field. In 2011, there were slightly over 500 construction equipment manufacturing companies in all of India. The sector is labor-intensive and, including indirect jobs, provides employment to more than 35 million people. The Indian construction industry is also facing a severe resource setback in terms of skilled and semi-skilled man power. Though the above mentioned problems need noteworthy thought and time, it is crucial that increased emphasis is given to new project management strategies so that the Indian growth story doesn't meet a hasty end. After some research the medium and big firms need to look to the developed nations and also China for new strategies and implement them here. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
270-275 |
67 |
A Novel Approach for Image Retrieval using Back Propagation Neural Network
-B. Veera Jyothi ; Dr. P. SuryaNarayana Babu
This technique uses visual contents to search images from large scale image databases according to the user’s interest. The features refers to color, shape, texture that can be derived from the image. In this paper an image retrieval system using artificial neural network (ANN) in MATLAB with the help of wavelet transforms is contemplated. In the proposed system, mean and standard deviation of the images are calculated later to the filtering process of the images using wavelet transforms. Using the neural network classifier the system is trained and tested and classifies the images from a vast database relevant to the requirement. A database having 1000 images spread across ten categories is taken for the implementation purpose. Net average precision and recall values are computed for the database query. The obtained results show the performance improvement with higher precision and recall values. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
276-280 |
68 |
To Study the Design Optimization of the Tie Rod with Mass Reduction using CAD/CAE Tools
-Toofan Singh ; Farman Khan; Gagandeep Singh Sandhu; Ravinder Singh
In the present work, a three dimensional model of a Car tie rod is prepared in CAD modelling tool SOLIDWORKS and imported into FEM assisted CAE tool, ANSYS. A proper description of FEM is also presented to describe the working of this technique. First of all the Failure analysis of the tie rod is done to determine the sensitive region of the tie rod and failing forces. The material assigned to the model is AISI 8620 alloy steel. The meshing of the tie rod is done and then proper boundary conditions are applied and the equivalent stress and deformation is calculated. The failure analysis shows that the highest stresses are produced at the edge of the threaded joint of tie rod and the under the compressive forces of 4205 N, the stresses surpass the compressive yield strength of the material and tend to fail the tie rod. The changes in the sensitive part of the tie rod are done in order to reduce the stresses induced in the tie rod. The fillets are added to the edge of the threaded joint of the tie rod and for each case, the structural analysis using same boundary condition and forces is done to determine the values of equivalent stress and mass of the tie rod. The compressive forces kept are 4200 N since this was the highest value at which tie rod remains safe during failure analysis. The modification is done only in the sensitive part of the tie rod. After the structural analysis of each case of change, it is found that the maximum stress reduction is 30.014 and the mass reduction percentage is 0.27 when compared to the original model. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
281-284 |
69 |
WAP Approach Coded for Frequent Sequential Traversal Pattern Mining for Web Data
-Ms. Pratibha Pal ; Mr. Abhay Kothari
With the explosive growth of data available on the World Wide Web, discovery and analysis of useful information from the World Wide Web becomes a practical necessity. Web access pattern, which is the sequence of accesses pursued by users frequently, is a kind of interesting and useful knowledge in practice. Sequential Pattern mining is the process of applying data mining techniques to a sequential database for the purposes of discovering the correlation relationships that exist among an ordered list of events. Web access pattern tree (WAP-tree) mining is a sequential pattern mining technique for web log access sequences, which first stores the original web access sequence database on a prefix tree, similar to the frequent pattern tree (FP-tree) for storing non-sequential data. WAP-tree algorithm then, mines the frequent sequences from the WAP-tree by recursively re-constructing intermediate trees, starting with suffix sequences and ending with prefix sequences. An attempt has been made to modify WAP tree approach for improving efficiency. New Binary Coded WAP totally eliminates the need to engage in numerous re-construction of intermediate WAP-trees during mining and considerably reduces execution time. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
285-288 |
70 |
Customer Sentiment Classification and Rating System based on Product Reviews
-Monika ; Er. Sandeep Garg
The advent of social media and ecommerce has brought the era of a new age business and its customer base is growing exponentially every year. Social media has revolutionized the new-age customer’s decision making through the myriads of sources available to them like online feedback or reviews, forum discussions, blogs and Twitter on the web. Social media has revolutionized the new-age customer’s decision making through the myriads of sources available to them like online feedback or reviews, forum discussions, blogs and Twitter on the web. This paper focuses on extracting the features from product reviews taken from sites given by reviewers to state their opinions. This is done at aspect level of analysis using ontology. Then it determines whether they are positive or negative thereby giving a scaling system to identify the effectiveness of a product. The scaling system can be in the form of a star rating system. Output of such analysis is then summarized. The results generated by proposed methodology will be compared to the base research by Arindam Chaudhury in [7]. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
289-291 |
71 |
Effect of Training With Stability Trainer Vs Wobble Board Training on Proprioception, Balance and Function in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis
-Shhalini Grover ; Karishma Khanduja
Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a disease characterized mainly by cartilage degradation, which is reflected clinically by a gradual development of pain, stiffness, and loss of motion of the joint. There is an apparent relationship between proprioception and function of knee joint. The factors responsible for balance defects in knee OA were reported to be pain, deficits in muscle strength, and proprioception and it is plausible that proprioceptive training may lead to improvement in function. The study included 30 patients aged 40-60yrs diagnosed cases of knee OA (unilateral) were taken. Training done on with wobble board and stability trainer showed improvement in proprioception and also in balance and function. Read More...
India |
292-295 |
72 |
Explosive Detection by Sensor
-Prakash Amarsingh Patil ; Dipak Khedkar; Ganesh Redde; Prasad Kulkarni; Jayashri Chopade
There is a need in the society for a fast and reliable detection of explosives because of their use in most terrorist attacks. Chemical sensors, especially fluorescent sensor, seem to fill the need in terms of cost, reliability and handling ability. The localization and detection of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) on the roadside is new issue encountered in the struggle against terrorism. A new method for detection and localization was proposed for IEDs based on magnetic signals. 3-axis fluxgate sensor array system is used for detection of the magnetic field produced around the body by the IED, as most of the IEDs have the ferromagnetic properties .Using this detected sensor data, the detection and localization of the IED can be computed by an appropriate method based on magnetic dipole model and nonlinear optimization algorithm. Sensitive and Selective detection of explosives is very important in countering terrorist attacks. High sensitivity and selectivity, combined with the ability to lower the cost of sensors using mass production, is essential in winning the war on explosives based terrorism. Nano sensors have the potential to satisfy all the requirements for a best platform for the trace detection of explosives. Read More...
Aerospace Engineering |
India |
296-297 |
73 |
A Case study of Non-Destructive Techniques in Retrofitting of MP Govt. Water Tank & Buildings Structures
-Praveen Barpate ; Dr. Ajay Swarup
This report of Deterioration of Strength of RCC overhead water tanks and Residential Buildings using Rebound Hammer as dissertation is done for the purpose that how the deterioration in strength varies with age of construction and varies with respect to other factors affecting them. Retrofitting of RCC overhead water tanks and the public building is to be done on priority basis for public welfare and to minimize loss of life and property. In Retrofitting of the structure the NDT is to be carried out during the initial investigations, as these tests provide the various properties of the existing concrete easily without damage the existing structure and based on these test results the retrofitting measures are to be suggested. This study is related to RCC Columns. Hence, the results are concluded with the percentage Retrofitting affected by the age and some other factors. The NDT was led again after the finishing of retrofitting of the structure. This case study analysis displays the utilization of standard and inventive repair materials, proper innovation, workmanship, and quality control for effective repair, reinforcing and reclamation of harmed structures. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
298-300 |
74 |
Real Time Traffic Density Count using Image Processing
-Gote Yogita Ram ; Prof. A. L. Korade
Traffic congestion are very common now a days because of increasing number of vehicles. Traffic jam are also common an insufficient road are also one reason for traffic congestion. There is one solution for traffic problem is to develop intelligent traffic control system which is based on the measurement of traffic density on road using real time video and image processing technique. This paper describe a method of real time area based traffic density estimation using image processing for intelligent traffic control this paper we describe the algorithm to describe the number of vehicles on the road. The algorithm works on the result of comparing the real time frame of live video by the reference image and by searching vehicles only in the region of interest. The main contribution of this research lies in the development of new technique that detect traffic density to the area. This research will be used for the detection of traffic density for intelligent traffic control system. Read More...
Image processing |
India |
301-305 |
75 |
Critical Study of Strength and Bonding Characteristics of Ready Mix Concrete
-Deepak Tayade ; Dr. Ajay Swarup
The outcome of study is over conventional concrete and RMC. Early studies show significant variations in strength, strength varies from 10 % to 25% in samples. Ready mixed concrete or RMC as it is popularly called, refers to concrete that is specially manufactured for delivery to the customer construction site in a freshly mixed and plastic or unhardened state. In this research 95% strength cover field, ready mix concrete over laboratory mix concrete. Ready mix concrete strength mainly depends on W/C ratio and quality control. Admixture affects the 28 days strength results. High strength is not workable more than 2 hours. Compressive strength is sufficient for structural requirements. IS CODE Method is best method for mix design. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
306-308 |
76 |
Applications and Techniques on Text Mining
-L. Bhuvaneshwari ; O. Vidhya
In text document, huge data mining techniques have been used for mining useful pattern. Text mining is a process of extracting interesting and nontrivial patterns from huge amount of text documents. The pattern discovery from the text and document establishment of document is a well-known problem in data mining. Which is used to extract interesting information or intelligence from the text documents. In addition of that a new text mining technique is prospective for future implementation. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
309-310 |
77 |
A Laboratory Assessment on Concrete Mix Design by using Fly Ash as Bonding Agent
-Sumit Rajak ; Dr. Ajay Swarup
The interfacial transition zone, generally the weakest link of the chain, is considered as the strength-limiting phase in concrete. In freshly compacted concrete, water films from around the large aggregate particles. Fly Ash use as a bonding layer between two layers of concrete about 5mm thick for the grade of M30, and M35. A comparison test was carried out in between control mix and fly ash in powder form and in paste forms with two different profiles such as horizontal and rectangular in cubes of 15x15x15cm. For each grade and for each profile 9 numbers of cubes were casted. Compressive strength tests were carried out after the curing of 7, 14 and 28 days. In present research work, fly ash used as bonding agent as it’s useful in reduction of interfacial transition zone in the concrete. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
311-313 |
78 |
Review on Guaranteed Quality of Service for Maximizing Profit in Cloud Computing
-Prachi Walke ; Mukul Pande
Cloud Computing is system for distributed computing, storing, allocating and accessing data over the Internet. It provides shared resources to the end users available on the basis of pay as you go service, means that users need to pay for those services which are used by him according to their access times. Profit is the most important point of considerations for cloud service providers which provides service under given market demand. Existing system provides a single long-term renting scheme is adopted to configure a cloud platform, which cannot guarantee the service quality. We have presented double rented scheme in order to provide guaranteed service. In addition we have provided authentication scheme using SHA to provide better security to for authentication. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
314-316 |
79 |
Evaluation of Mechanical Properties in Hemp Fiber Reinforced with Polymer Composites
-Mohanreddy S ; Dr. M V Suresh Gowda; Subba Reddy D N; Thyagaraj N R; Chandrashekar K M
study is mainly concentrated on the reinforcement of the epoxy with natural hemp fabric. The hemp fabrics were obtained from the hemp plant by various methods by the textile industry to get fine quality of fabric. Than the density of hemp fabric is calculated by the water displacement method. The composite laminates are prepared for 60% of fiber and 40% of matrix by using Hand layup technique by varying thickness of 2.5mm and 6.5mm. After fabrication specimens were prepared according to the ASTM standards. The mechanical properties are determined as per the ASTM standards. Read More...
India |
317-318 |
80 |
Analysis of High Performance and Low Power Shift Registers using Pulsed Latch Technique
-Neha Sharma ; Vijendra K. Maurya
In this work, the performance of shift registers is improved using pulsed latch technique. In high speed and low power VLSI applications where heavy pipelining is required, low power edge triggered flip flops are used. The replacement o flip flop with pulsed latch has shown great success in low power VLSI applications. The proposed circuit has been designed using Tanner Tools v 14.1 in CMOS technology. The pulse latch technique reduces the power consumption significantly in the designed circuit and there is also an improvement in power delay product. The proposed circuit also require less number of transistors for its implementation as compared to conventional version. Read More...
India |
319-323 |
81 |
Design and Fluid Flow Analysis of Monolithic Wind Turbine Blade Constructed using NACA 4424, NACA 4421 and NACA 4418 Airfoils
-B Manikanta ; S D V V S Bheemeshwar Reddy; K L Kishore
The world vision for the sustainable power source assets and its usage is expanding step by step. Thus, scientists in the territory of sustainable power source assets additionally expanded particularly in the range of wind turbines. By 2030 each significant nation of the world is a dream to use wind energy by 35% for their electrical needs. Many sorts of difficulties are confronted in the development of wind power units, for example, topology, geology, building challenges, and so on. Keeping in mind the end goal to accomplish the world vision for wind energy and to give power even to remote territories, this paper goes for building up the monolithic wind turbine blade which can be introduced in the remote zones of the world including inhabitable islands, places and in remote ranges with less population density. The modeling of monolithic wind turbine blade is done in Solidworks Part Design and the fluid flow analysis is done in Solidworks Flow Simulation. Read More...
M-Tech in Mechanical CAD-CAM |
India |
324-327 |
82 |
Flexural Strength behavior of RC Beams using Environmental Wastes
-Lakshmi Prasanna Arasavilli ; S Sravanthi; M R V S G Guptha
The concrete is made with wastes which are freely available in present environment and named as eco-friendly concrete or Green concrete. This Green Concrete is an environmental friendly and the overall impact on the environment per ton of concrete is limited. Some of the environmental waste materials are fly ash, marble powder, ceramic, crushed stone dust, Blast furnace slag, copper slag, demolition wastes, rice husk ash(RHA) etc. It has been observed that 1.71 tons of CO2 is produced per ton of cement production causes environment pollution. Now we have to reduce the production of cement for better environment. This focus of study goes on cement replacements only. Lot of research work showed and over and above all eco-friendly concrete has greater strength and durability than the normal concrete and having low flexural strength. The research papers showed compressive and tensile strengths results only so, in practical way no one can using these environmental wastes in concrete. In another study using glass fibres in concrete to improve and increase the flexural strength. There are lot of research work and plenty of journals about using 1% optimum of glass fibres in concrete for increasing the flexural strength behaviour and increasing the load carrying capacity of structural members comparative with normal concrete. So this experimental research is about how to improve the flexural strength in eco-friendly concrete with adding of glass fibres and study the strength parameters. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
328-333 |
83 |
Secret Common Randomness from Routing Metadata In AdHoc Networks
-Rashmi. S. K ; Ramya S Pure
Building up secret common randomness between two or multiple devices in a network lives at the root of communication security. In its most frequent form of key establishment, the problem is traditionally decomposed into a randomness generation stage (randomness purity is subject to employing often costly true random number generators) and an information-exchange agreement stage, which relies either on public-key infrastructure or on symmetric encryption (key wrapping). In this paper, we propose a secret common randomness for specially appointed network adhoc systems, which works by reaping haphazardness specifically from the network routing metadata, in this way accomplishing both pure randomness generation and (certainly) secret key understanding. Our algorithm relies on the route discovery phase of an ad hoc network employing the dynamic source routing protocol, is lightweight, and requires relatively little communication overhead. The algorithm is evaluated for various network parameters in an OPNET ad hoc network simulator. Our results show that, in just 10 min, thousands of secret random bits can be generated network-wide, between different pairs in a network of 50 users. Read More...
M.Tech Computer Science |
India |
334-337 |
84 |
Experimental Investigation on Self Compaction Concrete using Marble Dust as Partial Replacement to Cement
-R. Devi ; Sravan Tej; S. Naveen Kumar
This study presents an experimental investigation on self-compacting concrete (SCC) with various partial replacements of fly ash, marble dust and combination of both fly ash and silica fume. Also the study made with partial replacement of cement by silica fumes with fly ash percentage as 30%. After various replacements, cube and cylinder specimens are cast and cured. The specimens are cured in water for 3, 7 & 28 days. The slump, V-funnel and L-Box test are carried out on the fresh SCC and in harden concrete compressive strength and split tensile strength values are determined. Attempts have been made to study the properties of such SCCs and to investigate the suitability of various replacements of fly ash, marble dust to be used in SCC. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
338-341 |
85 |
Free Vibration Analysis of FRP base Composite Sandwich Beam using FEA & Experimental Approach
-Rupali R. Chavan ; Prof. P. S. Talmale
A composite beam consists of laminate consisting of more than one lamina bonded together through their thickness. Composite materials have interesting properties such as high strength to weight ratio, ease of fabrication, good electrical and thermal properties compared to metals. The equation of motion for the viscoelastic sandwich beam is studied. Different specimens have been modelled by varying the core layers and face layers and studied under the fixed-fixed and cantilever boundary conditions for modal analysis. A finite element model has been developed for the three layer viscoelastic sandwich beam. The sandwich beam is modelled using linear displacement field at face layer and non-linear displacement field at core layer. The Natural frequencies are obtained for various models using different core materials and boundary conditions. The results obtained are compared with the earlier existing and experimental results. Read More...
India |
342-349 |
86 |
Performance of Active Power Filters and Their Applications for Power Generation Systems
-Pallaprolu Divya Reddy ; Ch China Veeraiah
Active filters have become a viable alternative for controlling harmonic levels in industrial and commercial facilities. However, there are many different filter configurations that can be employed and there is no standard method for rating the active filters. The compensation for harmonic and reactive currents becomes increasingly important owing to the wide use of power electronic equipment. Traditionally, passive LC filters have been used to eliminate line current harmonics and to increase the power factor. However, in practical applications these passive filters present many disadvantages, such as aging and tuning problems, series and parallel resonances and others. In order to overcome these problems, many compensated methods based on the technique of power electronics have been researched and developed recently, one of them is active power filters, which have gradually been recognized as a feasible solution to the problems created by nonlinear loads. They are used to eliminate the unwanted harmonics and compensate power factor by injecting equal but opposite compensation currents. An active power filter, a current source, connected in parallel with the nonlinear load, is controlled to generate the required compensation currents, so the main only needs to supply the fundamental current. Besides eliminate harmonic currents and compensate power factor, this kind of active power filter can keep the power system balanced under the condition of unbalanced and nonlinear loads simultaneously, if the compensation currents include harmonic, reactive, fundamental negative sequence and zero sequence currents. A detailed yet simple mathematical model of the active power filter, including the effect of the equivalent power system impedance, is derived and used to design the predictive control algorithm. The compensation performance of the proposed active power filter and the associated control scheme under steady state and transient operating conditions is demonstrated through simulations and experimental results. Read More...
India |
350-353 |
87 |
Study of PI and Fuzzy based PI Controller for Point of use Voltage Regulation(PUVR) with AC Chopper
-Priyanka Pandey ; Shri S. K. Singh
With ever increase in demand in the urban areas loads, voltage profile at distribution end decreases now a days. So important is given to regulate the domestic customer load voltage and as well as to maintain the power quality. In this work attempt is made to improve the voltage profile at distribution end through point of use voltage regulation (PUVR) based on a power electronics converter at each end-user. An AC-AC converters are mostly used power electronic circuits in industrial areas, where a variable ac voltage is obtained from fixed ac voltage. Power electronics based AC chopper have been investigated in the simulation studies with different controllers such as proportional and integral (PI) controller and fuzzy based PI controller. Performance of the proposed system is studied under different loading as well as different load voltage conditions. Read More...
Electronics Design and Technology |
India |
354-357 |
88 |
Controlling of Green House Parameters through GSM and LabVIEW System
-Chandraprabha ; K.Uma
This thesis provides design and implementation details of controlled environment agriculture. Different sensors and instrumentation system used in the controlled environment agriculture has been discussed in details. A fuzzy logic based inference system has been developed to control the water flow for drift irrigation system. . After acquiring these three parameters we introduce GSM technology which will help to make communication with farmers. GSM will send alert message to the farmers cell phone. Microcontroller based design and implementation has been shown. LabVIEW based application has been developed to monitor critical parameters of the controlled area environment problem. Read More...
India |
358-362 |
89 |
An Improved Power Flow Analysis Technique
-Dr. Deepak P. Kadam
Reactive power optimization is important to power system stability and power quality. How to use the reactive power control method to improve the voltage level and decrease system loss is of value both in theory and application. The adjustment of generator voltages, transformer taps, shunt capacitors and inductors will control the reactive power distribution and affect voltage profiles and power losses. The objective is to find proper adjustments of these control variables that would maintain acceptable voltage profiles and minimize power losses. Reactive power optimization has commonly been formulated as a complicated constrained optimization problem with non-differentiable nonlinear objective function Reactive Power consumption increases losses in the system, which reduces the total system real power. Optimizing reactive power in the system can minimize total system real power loss. This can be done by optimally setting the terminal voltage of generating plant, transformer tap settings, output of compensating devices such as capacitor bank and synchronous condensers. Conventional Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch (ORPD) formulations utilize minimization of total system real power loss or voltage deviation as an objective to compute optimal settings of reactive power output or terminal voltage of generating plants, transformer tap settings and output of compensating devices. The present work has considered the setting of Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) devices as additional control parameters in the ORPD formulation and studies its impact on system loss minimization. Static models of FACTS devices consisting Static VAR Compensator (SVC) have been included in the present ORPD formulation. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
363-365 |
90 |
An Overview of Applications of Fourier Transforms and Z-Transforms in Engineering and Technology
-Venkataseshaiah B ; Roopadevi K N
Applied mathematics is used in all the fields of science and technology. In order to manipulate physical and engineering problems, one can apply mathematical tools like Fourier-Transforms [1], Laplace Transforms and Z-Transforms [2]. In this paper we will study an overview application of Fourier Transforms and Z Transforms in Engineering and Technology. Read More...
India |
366-367 |
91 |
Manufacturing Techniques of Polymer Matrix Composite
-Yogesh M ; Shiva Prasad S; Raghunandan M S
Polymer Matrix composite materials have been used to fabricate many structural parts in engineering applications. This is due to their many attractive characteristics such as light weight, high strength, high stiffness, good fatigue resistance and good corrosion resistance. Also, the ability to manufacture parts with complicated geometry using fewer components enables manufacturers to save cost as compared with the same parts made of conventional metallic materials. Before presenting the fundamental aspects of manufacturing and different techniques used for Polymer composites manufacturing, it is appropriate to present composite structural parts currently in use and the main techniques that have been used to fabricate them. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
368-372 |
92 |
Artificial Intelligence Based Controller for Doubly-Fed Induction Generator Based Wind Energy Conversion System
-Sushilkumar ; Manjappa N
This paper presents the control scheme of doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) using Artificial Intelligence method. The scheme is a part of wind power in order to on-grid to electrical power grid system. In this work, wind turbine driven is by DFIG which feeds ac power to distribution network. The system is modeled and simulated in the Simulink-Mat lab software in such a way that it can be suited for modeling of induction generator configurations. The system model makes use of rotor reference frame using dynamic vector control approach for machine reference model. Artificial Intelligence controller is applied to rotor side converter for controlling active power and regulating voltage of wind power. In order to studying the performance of the artificial Intelligence controller, the different abnormal conditions are examined even the worst case. Simulation results prove the good performance of Artificial Intelligence control unit as improving power quality and stability of wind power system. Read More...
M.Tech Power System Engineering |
India |
373-380 |
93 |
On Multiplicative K-Eccentric and Multiplicative K-Hyper Eccentric Indices of HexAgonal Chain
-K. Easu Julia Rani ; M. Bhanumathi
Let G be a connected graph with vertex set V(G) and edge set E(G). In this paper, we define the Multiplicative K-eccentric, and Multiplicative K-hyper eccentric indices. Read More...
India |
381-392 |
94 |
Increasing the Output Power and Efficiency of Solar Panel using CPV by Water Cooling System
-Manjunath ; N. A. Ranjan; Dhavala R. K; M. E. Tejamoorthy
Concentrated photovoltaic innovation (CPV) utilizes optics, for example, mirrors and focal point to concentrate daylight on sunlight based cells for producing power. CPV has advantage over non-concentrated photovoltaic as less number of sun powered cells is required for a similar power yield. Alongside span and force of daylight, temperature additionally has extraordinary impact on the execution of PV module as high temperature altogether decreases yield control. This undertaking discloses a handy way to deal with improve the proficiency of sun oriented board by the utilization of mirrors and cooling instrument. These reflectors are shabby, simple to deal with, sufficiently straightforward to utilize and require no additional hardware or gadgets to utilize. In any case, CPV work effectively in concentrated light as long as the sun based cells are kept cool by methods for some warmth sinks. Exploratory outcomes demonstrate calculable upgrade in general yield of sun based board. Trial readings got from a) without reflectors and without cooling b) with reflectors and without cooling c) with reflectors and with cooling are thought about. Comparing comes about acquired from various conditions indicating change in control yield and productivity up to 32%in case (b) and 44% on the off chance that (c) are tabled and plotted. Read More...
India |
393-397 |
95 |
Wireless Communication between Vehicle and Smartphone using ARM7
-Suphiya M. Tamboli ; Dr. Y. S. Angal
Modern vehicles are increasingly being interconnected with computer systems, which collect information both from vehicular sources and Internet services. Vulnerabilities likes improper validation, exposure and randomness. These vulnerabilities include device address validation, invalid states and exposed keys. Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) attacks on Bluetooth Secure Simple Pairing (SSP) and other attack of falsification are major findings. In this article I come up solution that allows a Smartphone to establish a secure session layer over an insecure radio connection, which provides additional security guarantees regardless of the security mechanisms. Hierarchically distributed control system architecture which integrates a Smartphone with classical embedded systems, and an ad-hoc, end-to-end security layer is designed to demonstrate how a Smartphone can interact securely with a modern vehicle without requiring modifications to the existing in vehicle network as a result, the entire application layer is transparently secured with implementation of RSA algorithm for encryption. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
398-400 |
96 |
Design & Development of Low Cost Automation System for Loading & Unloading of Steam Turbine Blades
-Abhijeet B. Nigade ; Prof. S. J. Madki
The major concern in machining steam turbine blades lies in loading and unloading of the component, which is been currently done manually. Since this loading and unloading operation considerably incurs some cost affecting areas like manufacturing lead time, decrease in productivity and loading and unloading time directly or indirectly, there is a need to implement an automated method of actuating these sequences significantly. Low cost automation principle is best approach to perform loading and unloading of work piece to machine that permits enhancing the performance of existing facilities by incorporating simple mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic or electrical systems and devices with low investments. The present Project work is concerns with design and development of low cost Automation System For Loading & Unloading of Steam Turbine Blades on Vertical Milling Machine, which will remove the human interference in repetitive working environment and increases the productivity by reducing the manufacturing lead time. Read More...
India |
401-404 |
97 |
A Study on Basis of Data Mining and Techniques
-R. Dharmarajan ; M. Karpagam
Data mining is the process of analyzing hidden patterns of data according to different perspectives for categorization into useful information, which is collected and assembled in common areas, such as data warehouses, for efficient analysis, data mining algorithms, facilitating business decision making and other information requirements to ultimately cut costs and increase revenue. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
405-406 |
98 |
Secure Key Agreement Model for Group Data Sharing in Cloud Computing
-Khilesh Rama Barela ; Sameer Govind Wagh; Vishal Rajaram Walunj; Madan Tukaram Kutke; Prof. Priyanka R. Naoghare
Data sharing in cloud computing allows multiple participants to freely share the group data, that improves the potency of work in cooperative environments and has widespread potential applications. However, a way to make sure the security of data sharing within and the way to with efficiency share the outsourced knowledge in an exceedingly group manner square measure formidable challenges. Note that key agreement protocols have compete a really necessary role in secure and economical group data sharing in cloud computing. In this paper, by taking advantage of the symmetric balanced incomplete block style (SBIBD), we present a novel block design-based key agreement protocol that supports multiple participants, which may flexibly extend the quantity of participants in an exceedingly cloud surroundings the structure of the block design. supported the planned group data sharing model,
A key agreement protocol is used to generate a common conference key for multiple participants to ensure the security of their later communications, and this protocol can be applied in cloud computing to support secure and efficient data sharing. We proposed a block design based key agreement protocol in which, TPA find malicious user from group and remove from group we have a tendency to gift general formulas for generating the common conference key K for multiple participants. Note that by taking advantage of the (v; k + 1; 1)-block design, the computational complexity of the planned protocol linearly will increase with the quantity of participants and also the communication quality is greatly reduced. additionally, the fault tolerance property of our protocol allows the group data sharing in cloud computing to face up to different key attacks, that is analogous to Yi's protocol.
Computer Engineering |
India |
407-410 |
99 |
Calophyllum Inophyllum Biodiesel for Diesel Engine
-Kiran Vilas Hande ; Rahul Krishnaji Bawane; Ronak Paresh Hariya; Suhridha Goutamkumar Chakraborty
Energy is considered as one of the most important factors for economic and industrial growth. With the increased use and energy. This demand depleting problem of fossil fuels there is a huge demand for an alternative and better source of promoted the emergence of biofuels among which biodiesel is considered to be the most accepted and best alternative for the depleting energy resources. Biodiesel is environment friendly, nontoxic, biodegradable, renewable as well as a neat biofuel and hence plays a significant role in meeting the energy demands. Biodiesel can be extracted from vegetable oils and waste fats. The Tamanu (Callophyllum Inophyllum) oil has a new possible source of alternative fuel. Tamanu biodiesel can successfully alternate diesel fuel and help in decreasing the import of the crude oil used in diesel engine. This review has been taken up to produce Calophyllum inophyllum oil biodiesel by transesterification process. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
417-419 |
100 |
Application of Zigbee for Wireless Sensor Network Technology
-Prof. Vishal Polara ; Prof. Priyank Bhojak; Prof. Chintan Mahant; Prof. Nikita Patel
Now a day there is a trend of wireless application, varieties of technology available to implement this but none of them met with the sensors and control devices a communication standard which requires high data rate, low latency, low energy consumption and lower bandwidth. Zigbee technology met with all this communication standards. Its excellent and best characteristics make this communication best suited for wireless sensor network technology, several embedded applications, and industrial control and also for home automation. This paper will provide idea of Zigbee technology and varies applications. Read More...
India |
420-423 |