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51 |
Low Frequency ECG Signal based Biometric Identification
-Thripurna Thatipelli ; Dr. Kora Padmavathi; Ambika Annavarapu
Security is the major problem facing in the modern environment relating to the information systems. This can be achieved by using various verification and identification methods with highest accuracy. In all the methods, biometric signals based method plays a pivot role. This paper presents the approach relating to the ECG based biometric identification through the experimental data. Read More...
biomedical signal processing and instrumentation |
India |
194-197 |
52 |
Review on Solar Energy Dryer for Drying the Agricultural Products
-Narendra Kumar Mahara ; Piyush Nema
This paper presents direct solar dryer for drying application likes as fruits, vegetables, and spices. Previous efforts on solar drying and recent developments of direct solar dryer for drying of cereal grains, fruits, vegetables and spices in the rural areas of the tropic and sub-tropic are critically examined in terms of drying performance and product quality and economic. The unpredictable rise and frequent scarcity of fossil fuel accelerated the continuous search for an alternative power source. Solar is one of the renewable and sustainable sources of power that attracted a large community of researches from all over the world. This is largely due to its abundant in both direct and indirect form. As such the development of efficient and inexpensive equipment for the drying of agricultural products using solar power evolved thereby improving the quality of the product as well as improving the quality of life. In this paper a review of direct solar is presented. It has been observed that use of direct solar dryer under natural convection and forced convection reduces moisture in very less time as well as drying rate is very fast than the sun drying. Read More...
| thermal engineering |
India |
198-203 |
53 |
Smart Helmet System Measuring Brain Glucose Level
-C. Sathish Kumar ; A. Bharathi Sri; A. Rubega; S. Nandhini
In military, there are many dangerous and difficult working conditions. Sometimes soldiers have to cope with the enemy and could not sleep all the day because of over training. We tend to develop a prototype of a helmet system that monitors soldier's physiological state. Here with help of eye blink sensor we can determine the drowsiness. By sending an alarm to the walkie talkie through a wireless device, the person can awake, when he/she feels drowsy. The heart rate is an important factor in the cardiovascular system which is measured using timer circuit. Brain is comprised of a number of interconnected nerve cells or neurons. Brain glucose level is an important factor for the communication of cells. Therefore the level of brain glucose is measured using sensor. Read More...
Biomedical Engineering |
India |
204-205 |
54 |
Computer Simulation to Study Effect of Process Parameters on Erosive Wear of Composite
-Aniket Ambadas Arulkar ; Mr. P. P. Ritapure
Zinc-Aluminium alloy were found to be superior to the traditional material such as cast iron, steel, plastic etc. as far as their mechanical and tribological property concern. But, at high stress conditions, zinc-aluminium (ZA) alloy has limited applications due to its lower creep resistance, as compared to traditional aluminium alloys and other structural materials, especially at temperatures above 100ËšC. Due to this reason there is a major loss of market potential for this alloy. It has been found that these problems to a great extent by replacing zinc with aluminium. This work present erosion wear behavior of Al-Zinc alloy reinforcement SiC composites and effect of process parameter on composite. Addition of silicon carbide reduces the wear of metal matrix composite material, it provides resistant to erosion, improves the hardness as well as tensile strength of the metal matrix composite material. Significant factors affecting the erosion rate of composites are impact velocity, wt. % SiC and impingement angle found to be most significance factors on the erosion rate of Al-25Zn metal matrix composites reinforced SiC. Read More...
Materials Engineering |
India |
206-209 |
55 |
A Study on CAPTCHA Techniques & It's Applications
-Aishwarya G ; Dr. Venkatesh Kumar S
Captcha is an acronym for (Completely Automated public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) system is used to verify whether a user is human or computer program [1]. It's also known as human Interactive Proof (HIP) and based upon Artificial Intelligence. Now a day’s for web security we are using different type of captcha. Captcha is a program that protect websites from web-bots by generate tests that computer cannot pass but person can pass. Read More...
Master of Computer Application |
India |
210-212 |
56 |
A Review on Transit Elevated Bus
-Ku. Rina H. Asatkar ; Mr. Pankaj P. Bhagat; Mr. Rahul K. Rathod; Prof. D. M. Ugle
The aim of this paper is to avoid problem of traffic jam. It has more public carrying capacity than regular buses and monorail. It does not require special tracks like BRT, mono, metro. Also does not require large construction and can be implemented within short period of time. Here we want to show or explain the technology used in tunnel bus. The automatic stopping of this bus is controlled byan ARM microcontroller. The C programming language is used for programming the microcontroller. The hardware is assembled in a toy like prototype tunnel bus. Actuators and sensors are interfaced with printed circuit board (PCB) which is used for automation purpose. Simulation for the system’s circuit is done with the help of Proteus software. RFID reader is used to identification of right track. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
213-215 |
57 |
Fly Ash Concrete - An Economic Concrete (Strength and Durability)
-Dhavalkumar Dudakiya ; Dhruv Shah
In India, coal will continue to remain a major source of fuel for generation of power. At present, about 65% power is produced by using coal as fuel, which results in the production of about 185 million tons of ash per annum. Considering the tremendous growth required in the power sector for the development of Indian economy, it is expected that ash generation will reach 225 million tons per annum by 2020. Ash is good resource material for utilization in various areas such as manufacture of cement, cement concrete, embankment construction, low lying area filling etc. In India, during mid-seventies and early eighties, engineers/scientists were responsible for making standards/codes had understood the useful properties of the ash and necessary provision were made in various Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) such as IS: 456- 1976- Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete, IS: 1489 (part-1)-1976 - Specification for Portland Pozzolana Cement, IS: 2250 -1981 - Code of practice for preparation of masonry mortar etc. However, fly ash utilization could not make an impact mainly because adequate arrangement for collection of fly ash at thermal power stations was not available. The quality of fly ash was not good due to high-unburnt carbon content and less fineness, and awareness was negligible. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
216-217 |
58 |
Topic Modelling: A Comparative Study
-Shraddha Anant Narhari ; Rajashree Shedge
Topic modeling is useful in the areas like of text categorization, text mining, machine learning etc. It focused on creating statistical models to classify many topics in a collection of documents. Topic models provide a simple way to analyze large volumes of unlabelled text. It is required because there is huge amount of data present in different documents, online websites and social media like twitter, Wikipedia etc. we should know what the document is talking about to find out its the importance. A topic consists of a cluster of words that frequently occur together. Topic modeling is a technique used for discovering the latent topics that are hidden in a collection of documents, which will help for text categorization and opinion mining. This paper covers study various techniques used for topic modeling and gives comparative analysis of them on the basis of different parameters. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
218-220 |
59 |
Project Monitoring and Controlling, Reach -2B, Phase-2 BMRCL
-Arindam Debnath ; M. Srinivas; Raghavendra Rao; Kalaswamy Naik; Sadanand
A venture is a cooperation to arrange and accomplish a specific point. Extend includes a few errands to be finished from begin to the last point of venture fulfillment. A timetable of errands is produced in the arranging stage by the venture arranging and booking group that obviously expresses the different venture points of reference and exercises in detail from venture begin to venture wrap up. The nature of the calendar created from Primavera P6, one of the for the most part utilized programming for Project arranging, and booking ought to affirm with industry scales as popular in the western countries. Absence of the learning of different parts of timetable advancement regularly brings about a calendar which is not justifiable by the lion's share of individuals required in the venture and henceforth not useable. The obliviousness with respect to scheduler for the most part results in such kind of timetable which is not reasonable by other individuals, customers chipping away at site. In this way, it is a push to show and ad lib on the calendar improvement by highlighting different fields that are frequently overlooked in the advancement of a decent development plan. Very few complete reviews have been done on the noteworthiness of Activity ID and Description in moderate sized venture plans, in India. A step has been taken to clarify their significance in detail. Booking assumes an imperative part in enhancing the possibilities of fruitful usage of metro ventures. The planning is only one of the apparatuses will be utilized to oversee exercises and term. Work separate structure will be readied, length and forerunners for every movement will be dealed out, basic way will be resolved through this primavera programming. Read More...
M.E. (Construction Technology & Management) |
India |
221-223 |
60 |
Robotic Arm Controller using MATLAB Programming
-Ganesh Babu .P ; Pattappan. S; Srinivasan. P
In today's world there is only short time and workers working in industry. Due to insufficient time there is shortage in manufacture. To overcome this problem robotics were used. By using MATLAB program in robotic arm the whole system is progressed. It is beneficial more for the workers to save time and manufacturing production is also more. Various algorithm were used in microcontroller. Proposed technique correct any other fault happens in the irrelevant shape. Read More...
Biomedical Engineering |
India |
224-225 |
61 |
Text Mining using CART and Random Forest Model
-Prasanna Balaji ; Anika Singh
A highly important part of information-gathering behaviour is to find out what others (may be customers) think of the product or newly developed feature added to the product. The sudden eruption of activity in the area of opinion mining and sentiment analysis, which deals with the computational treatment of opinion, sentiment, and subjectivity in text. Due to the factors mentioned in the above statement, it has occurred that at least in part as a direct response to the hike of interest in systems and processes that deal directly with point of views as a first-class object. The focus is on methods that will address the challenges raised by sentiment aware applications, as compared to those that are already present in more traditional fact-based analysis. As we are well aware of the fact that popularity and availability is growing for opinion-rich resources such as online review sites and personal blogs, new opportunities and challenges arise as public now can and in fact does use actively information technologies to seek out and understand the opinions of others. Read More...
India |
226-228 |
62 |
Enhanced Mobile Application for Trichy Women 360 (EMAT-Women 360)
-S. Premalatha ; T. R. Priya; S. Suganya; Dr. A. Valarmathi
EMAT-women 360 is an Android based application especially designed for Trichy women development. The development of mobile phones is massive in technology development. The first mobile phone was invented in 1973 by Motorola. The operating system is responsible for determining the functions and features available on the device such as keyboards, applications, email, text messaging. According to data from the International Data Corporation (IDC), the worldwide Smartphone market grew 1.1 percent year over year in 2016. Android dominated the market with 86.8% share in 2016, followed by iOS at 12.5%, and Windows phone at 0.3%. Android is an open source Linux based system developed by Google, and primarily aimed at mobile handsets and other portable devices. Android provides a java based development platform for applications. The purpose of developing a women application is to use it anywhere and anytime to gain knowledge. The application very effective to be viewed in a mobile phone and using several applications for various reasons can consume lot of memory. This women application provides a wide range of useful information which is split into several functionalities. These include: career, security, beauty, cooking, health, motivation stories, daily news, new collection, fitness. In particular it is specially designed for the Trichy women. This application mainly provide details for their feature and for security. Notifications will be given for government exams, ideas for self-employment, loan and scholarship. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
229-231 |
63 |
Thermal Analysis of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger by using Al2O3 Nanofluid in Different Based Fluid with Different Concentration- A Review
-Shimple Sakharam Ankush ; Prof. M. D. Shende
This paper gives the brief idea about the heat transfer enhancement in different application by use of different nanofluid. It gives how heat transfer enhances using Nanofluid and its application in various fields like heat exchangers, heat pipes, medical, etc. The papers focuses one explaining the basic mechanisms of improvement in heat transfer by adding different concentration of nanoparticle in base fluid like water, ethylene glycol and circulate the fluid in heat exchanger shell. It is a systematic survey that studied the complexity of nanofluid systems and advances the understanding of nanoparticle contributions to viscosity, thermal conductivity, effectiveness and overall heat transfer coefficient of nanofluid. Read More...
Engineering |
India |
232-234 |
64 |
Electrocardiogram Feature Extraction and Classification: Survey
-Thripurna Thatipelli ; Padmavathi Kora
the analysis of ECG signal plays a significant role in detecting cardiac peculiarities. ECG signal get effected by presence of noise, added from different sources. Several types of noises are present in the signal by Electrodes, Power interference, Instruments. It is absolutely essential to diminish these disturbances in ECG signal to increase accuracy and reliability. This paper describes various methods for feature extraction such as Discrete Wavelet (DWT), linear methods such as Linear discriminant Analysis (LDA), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and nonlinear methods. The classification mostly based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Support Vector Machines (SVM).Each method have their advantage and Limitations. Read More...
Biomedical Engineering |
India |
235-238 |
65 |
Strength Characteristics of Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced Geopolymer Concrete
-P.Saradha ; Dr.K.Rajasekhar
Synthetic fibers used in our study are Polypropylene fibers, are engineered micro fibers with a unique "Triangular" Cross-section, used as secondary reinforcement of Concrete. The objective of this investigation is to study the effect of fibers on the mechanical properties of geopolymer concrete (GPC) with polypropylene. In this, Class F fly ash (FA) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) are used in equal proportions (FA_50-GGBS_50). Sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution has been used as alkaline activator. Polypropylene fibers are used at fiber dosage of 0.1%, 0.15%, 0.2%, and 0.25% by volume of concrete respectively. In the present investigation it is proposed to study the mechanical properties viz. compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength after 7, 28 and 90 days of ambient room temperature curing. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
239-242 |
66 |
Topology Control Trust Aware MANET for Detecting the Selfish Nodes
-Swetha Sri.P ; Nivetha.D; Rampriya.R
traffic patterns in the scheme for improving the performance of MANETs with cooperative communications have been significant. In the topology control of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks extend work to the case where nodes are distributed in three dimensional spaces with Secure Broadcast Communication. In this system the problem of Privacy threat is not handled and so an extended work by explaining an efficient system of local broadcasting with enhancement of security. Privacy threat is one of the critical issues in multihop wireless networks, where attacks such as traffic analysis and flow tracing can be easily launched by a malicious adversary due to the open wireless medium. It can be a foundation based or framework-less based function. It is best suitable for applications, where predefined base is an impractical one. It is a decentralized system where all the routing protocols are taken care by hubs. Hubs might act heavily in the system and can drop the packets before sending them to the intended destination. The core point of this work is to recognize these selfish hubs in MANET and prevent these nodes by proposing a collaborative trust scheme to be picked as a component of packet forwarding. Wireless system is a developing innovation that encourages clients for sharing of data immediately through wireless electronic gadgets regardless of their areas Performance metrics studied were the delivery ratio, loss ratio, throughput and delay. In any case, wireless system is defenseless against different assaults because of its efficiency and deployment situation. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
243-245 |
67 |
Analysis of R.C.C. Rectangular Water Tank Resting On Ground as Per IS Codes Provision by STAAD Pro Software
-Issar Kapadia ; Purav Patel; Nilesh Dholiya; Nikunj Patel
A water tank is a container for storing water. The need for a water tank is as old civilization, to provide storage of water for use in many applications, drinking water, irrigation agricultural, fire suppression, agricultural farming, chemical manufacturing as well as many other uses. A ground water storage tanks (or surface tanks) are used for ground storage of potable drinking water, wastewater, treated water, rainwater collection, etc. And it is designed as crack free structures to eliminate any leakage. This research gives in brief about water tanks, water tank requirement as per IS provisions and particular for rectangular ground water tank by carried out the analysis and studying different types of tank in to get the idea of water tank with help of STAAD Pro software. The connections between wall-wall and wall-slab are considered as either fixed or pinned. For given cases displacements, stresses and bending moment calculations are done. In addition to that the design made as per IS (Indian standards) with the use of STAAD Pro software. By use of software, the cases are carried out and the conclusion is given. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
246-249 |
68 |
Emergency Transportation
-Devesh Jaysawal ; Sonalika Maurya
Traffic has become a major part of our daily routine. Every day many people lose their lives due to accidents on roads, road rages and delay in medical emergencies etc. These mishaps include individuals from all age groups. Heavy traffic on roads led to slow movement of traffic which causes a big problem in providing medical help in emergency situations. In Indian cities, it is difficult for an ambulance to reach the patient and then bring him/her to the hospital on time. By providing air ropeway from nearer intersection to AIIMS Hospital Delhi, we are going to estimate reduction in delay. We will overcome the problem of traffic congestion by making the patient fly over the traffic on roads. This air tramway system will reduce the incoming and outgoing traffic inside hospitals premises and nearby areas which will lead us to noiseless atmosphere near hospitals. We are going to provide the ropeway system for medical emergencies which reduces the time for a patient to reach the hospitals. Ropeway will reduce air pollution, noise pollution and traffic congestion near hospital area due to less number of Ambulance vehicles. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
250-252 |
69 |
Fault Estimation of SRGM Using Cuckoo Search and Simulated Annealing Techniques
-Ritu Sharma ; Er. Deepika Arora
The normal software system reliability estimation ways typically believe assumptions like statistical distributions that are typically unrealistic. The power to predict the amount of faults throughout development part and a correct testing method helps in specifying timely unharnessed of software system and economical management of project resources. The normal approach of fault prediction using software system reliability growth models needs an outsized variety of failures which could not be on the market at the start of the testing. During this research, Goel-Okomoto Model and Yamada S-Shaped models are used and optimization techniques like simulated annealing are applied there on to estimate the parameters of this model. SA relies on organization techniques having its unvarying improvement supported native search. The proposed research uses the more contemporary cuckoo search technique in comparison to older GA as used by the base research. This research will confirm the effectiveness of this technique as compared to other techniques and then the future researchers can apply this technique on other SRGM models like Kapur and Garg model to improve the estimation process. The same technique can also be used in other optimization tasks like job shop scheduling, time table scheduling and software cost estimation technique parameter estimation jobs. The final analysis done from both graphical results and numerical results clearly confirm that the optimization technique Cuckoo search is better than simulated annealing for all data. The SRGM models when compared for results, revealed that the Goel- Okumoto model performed better than Yamada S Shaped model for estimation of failures for given data. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
253-257 |
70 |
Analysis of Properties of Mix Design Concrete using Steel Scrap
-Shivam Darji ; Krushil Borsadiya; Abdulrashid Momin; Shweta Chauhan
The aim of the paper was to study the feasibility of using steel scrap in mix design concrete by checking various concrete parameters like compressive strength, tensile strength and flexural strength. All the parameters checked with varying percentage by 0%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2% by weight of concrete. In this experimental study M 30 grade concrete is used. For this concrete cubes, beams and cylinders were casted. Total 45 concrete specimens were casted and cured. Tests were done on cured concrete specimens at 28th day. The tests performed were compressive strength test, split tensile strength test and flexural strength test by following the guidelines set by Indian Standard. The test results were compared with plain cement concrete. The compressive strength of M-30 grade concrete was found out to be 33.25 N/mm2, 36.00 N/mm2, 38.36 N/mm2, 34.59 N/mm2 and 32.51 N/mm2. The split tensile strength was 2.78 N/mm2, 2.91 N/mm2, 3.52 N/mm2, 3.16 N/mm2 and 2.84 N/mm2. The flexural strength was 4.43 N/mm2, 4.44 N/mm2, 4.48 N/mm2, 5.34 N/mm2, and 4.33 N/mm2 respectively steel scrap percentages. After comparing results, we know that the 28 days compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength of steel scrap concrete is more than plain cement concrete. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
258-260 |
71 |
Processing Method of Plastic Pavement
-Akshar Patel ; Shweta Chauhan; Nilay Kanojiya ; Brijen Prajapati
This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation carried out to study the effects of the use of plastic waste instead of replacing bitumen percentage on the physical properties of pavements. Plastics are user friendly but not eco-friendly as they are non-biodegradable, generally it is disposed by way of land filling or incineration of materials which are hazardous. The better binding property of plastics in its molten state has helped in finding out a method of safe disposal of waste plastics, by using them in road laying. Disposal of waste materials including waste plastic bags has become a serious problem and waste plastics are burnt for apparent disposal which cause environmental pollution. Utilization of waste plastic bags in bituminous mixes has proved that these enhance the properties of mix in addition to solving disposal problems. The plastic waste (PE, PET and PP) contained 6%, 8% and 10% are used as a binding material in the manufacturing of the flexible pavements. Tests were performed to determine the physical impact on bitumen and aggregate. The results indicate that the use of plastic waste enhance abrasion resistance and slip resistance of 20% and give pavements with low porosity less than 5%. The results show continuous improvement in mechanical properties depending upon plastic waste content. Use of plastic waste as a binder significantly improves splitting tensile strength on flexible pavement independently of plastic type. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
261-262 |
72 |
To Design And Analysis of 360 Degree Rotating Conveyor Belt With Up-Down Mechanism: A Review
-Salave Vishal Indrajit ; Deokate Ajinkya Bharatrao; Bochare Bandu Hanumant; Dalvi abhijit chandrashekar; Prof. Aniket A. Arulkar
360 degree belt conveyor is the transportation of material from one location to another with rotating and up-down mechanism. This conveyor has high load carrying capacity, large length of conveying path, simple design, easy maintenance and high reliability of operation. 360 degree belt conveyor system is also used in material transport in foundry shop like supply and distribution of molding sand, molds and removal of waste. This project work is to design the conveyor system used for which includes belt width, motor selection, belt specification, shaft diameter, pulley, bearing selection and specification, With The Help of Standard Model Calculation. Read More...
Industrial Design |
India |
263-265 |
73 |
Process and Physico-Chemical Analysis of Water from Treatment Plant
-Patri Hanitha ; K Vijay
The surface water which is coming from Yeleru Lake is then treated in the water treatment plant and thus purification process takes place to have a complete profound knowledge of various techniques used. Water treatment plant in Agnampudi–Vskp also includes the details of our study made. In which it includes various equipments such as: cascade aerator, screens at off take well, flash mixer, sludge tank, clarifoculator, filter media, settling tank from the settling tank reservoir the water is send to 18 peripherals. In the world is caused by inadequate sanitation, polluted water or unavailability of water. So the study was conducted to analyze the physico-chemical factors which are responsible for the contamination of drinking water. Read More...
Environmental Engineering |
India |
266-268 |
74 |
A Review Paper on an Experimental Study of Diesel Engine using Bio- Diesel as a Fuel
-Hardik H. Makwana ; Gosai Hiralgiri G.; Yash K. Mahuwagara; Jayesh D. Vaghmashi
As we know that the diesel engine are more favourable and demanded type of I.C. Engine because of the many major and important use of it like transport, construction, agricultural and power generation. Hence the demand of fossil fuel in also increases significantly. That directly affects on the economy of that country which import the fossil fuels to fulfil the need. And the main factor which affects to all equally is the increase in pollution (CO, HC, PM etc) by conventional fossil fuels. Considering all above explained factors, we have to use alternative fuels & recent studies shows the biodiesel is the best possible and promising choice of alternative fuel for the diesel engine. The reason behind the selection of biodiesel in diesel engine is its characteristics like biodegradable, oxygenated, sulphur free & renewable. We can use the biodiesel with conventional diesel fuel as a blend to take the advantages like reduced emission from harmful gases, lower engine wear resulting longer life expectancy of the engine and lesser engine oil consumption. This review is attempted to use of important performance & emission characteristic of biodiesel in diesel engine. Read More...
India |
269-271 |
75 |
Public Transportation System- GSM Based Real Time Bus Arrival Information System
-Kewang Sharadbhai Bhagat ; Sweta Chauhan
Now a days all the technology has been updated by mobile so let us use GSM technology. The system focuses upon real-time bus operations information which includes the current location and estimated arrival time at the next stop, and distributes this information to the public in an effort to reduce passenger waiting time. Vehicle-mounted units and bus station units comprise the system. The vehicle unit reports the current position of the vehicle to the bus station unit and this information is displayed to passengers at the stop using station units. The prototype is implemented using ATmega8 microcontroller and GSM module, and tested in a campus environment with two wheelers emulating buses. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
272-273 |
76 |
Modeling and Simulation of Automatic Street Light Controller using LDR and Micro-Controller
-Mridul Nayyar ; Harpreet Kaur; Megha Rathore; Chandani Balli; Harpreet Kaur Channi
Automatic Street Light Control System is a simple yet powerful concept, which uses transistor as a switch. By using this system manual works are 100% removed. It automatically switches ON lights when the sunlight goes below the visible region of our eyes. This is done by a sensor called Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) which senses the light actually like our eyes. It automatically switches OFF lights whenever the sunlight comes, visible to our eyes. By using this system energy consumption is also reduced because nowadays the manually operated street lights are not switched off even the sunlight comes and also switched on earlier before sunset. In this project, no need of manual operation like ON time and OFF time setting. This project clearly demonstrates the working of transistor in saturation region and cut-off region. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
274-277 |
77 |
Design and Analysis of Water Cooled Chiller System for a 15410 Sq.Ft. Commercial Building in Chennai
-Sai Lakshman. P
In many sorts of bigger business and mechanical structures, water-cooled electric chillers offer an alluring contrasting option to air-cooled electric chillers and bundled rooftop top units (RTUs). Water-cooled chillers utilize water to retain warm from the chiller and scatter it through a cooling tower, rather than air-cooled chillers and RTUs, which scatter warm just by utilizing air-cooled condenser loops. The utilization of the cooling tower gives water-cooled frameworks a proficiency edge over air-cooled frameworks and RTUs. Furthermore, not at all like RTUs, which circle cool air through channels, all chillers flow chilled water to air-handler units, where fans push air crosswise over warmth exchanger loops to convey cooling. Read More...
India |
278-283 |
78 |
Manufacturing Composite Material using Standard S Glass Fiber along with L-2Epoxy Resin (DGBA) and Epofine Epoxy 1555
-Nandish V ; S. N. Srinivasa Dhaya Prasad; Prashanth Kumar; Adithya Raghava; S. Venkatesh
A composite material is a combination of two or more different types of materials; it gives better-quality quality than its constituents. Composite materials can be used not only for structural applications, but also in different other applications such as automobiles, aerospace, marine, etc. Fiber reinforced plastic material are commonly used in diverse manufacturing industries for the reason that of their better performance and modify made properties. Current composites exploit the fact that small scale sample of most of the materials are much stronger than bulk materials. The various physical tests which are conducted to obtain various properties and the reason for failure. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
284-287 |
79 |
A Survey on Educational Data Mining Techniques and Algorithms
-B. Karthikeyan ; N. Kamalraj
Educational Data Mining (EDM) is emerging as a research area with a suite of computational and psychological methods and research approaches for understanding how students learn. EDM uses a computational method to examine the educational data and is concerned with developing methods to explore the unique types of data in educational fields. For this data exploration, many tools were used like personal learning environments and recommender systems, Context learning and Course management systems. These tools provide various benefits for the educational data mining. For this exploration of the data, this survey focuses and provides a various tools of research trends using EDM Tools to explore data. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
288-291 |
80 |
Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting System for Green Building (Water Harvesting for Agricultural Purpose and Drinking Purpose)
-Sagar J. Dholwani ; Vandan P. Patel; Sagar G. Marvadi; Vijeta Shah
The rainwater harvesting locally collects and stores rainfall through different technologies, for future use to meet the demands of human consumption or human activities. However, rainwater harvesting has much wider perspectives, in particular, if it is considered in relation to its role in supporting ecosystem goods and services. Rainwater harvesting (RH) is a new technique to conserve water and later use them in irrigation and other purposes due to growing urbanization and increasing population. Popularizing this technique in Gujarat, the credit goes to the Saurashtra Lok Manch Trust (an NGO) which works, studied the system and prepared the literature to educate farmers and other people that how to conserve water. The discharge of water from Sardar Sarovar reservoir through canals in recent years has boosted the agricultural production in a few districts of south (Bharuch, Baroda and Narmada) and north Gujarat (Ahmadabad and Gandhinagar). Now-a-days water harvesting system has been installed in most states of India because there are many benefits of adopting it such as increase in water availability, checks the declining water table, avoids flooding, improves the quality of groundwater through the dilution of fluoride and prevents soil erosion etc. Therefore, this study is focused on the contribution and role of RH in Gujarat Agricultural (by showing improvement in land productivity and increase in crop production). The data for the study is collected by conducting the primary survey through using the schedule technique and focused group discussions. On the other hand, the data is also collected from the secondary sources like official website, books, research papers, journals etc. A sufficient, safe drinking water supply is essential to life. However, millions of people throughout the world still do not have access to this basic necessity. After decades of work by governments and organisations to bring potable water to the poorer people of the world, the situation is still dire. The reasons are many and varied, but generally speaking, the poor of the world cannot afford the capital intensive and technically complex traditional water supply systems. Unfortunately these technologies are widely promoted by governments and agencies throughout the world. Rainwater harvesting (RWH) is an alternative to these unaffordable options. It has been adopted in many areas of the world where conventional water supply systems have not been provided, too expensive or failed to meet people’s needs. RWH is a proven technology that has been in use since ancient times. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
292-297 |
81 |
Improved ID3 Algorithm using Havrda and Charvat Entropy
-Kirandeep ; Ms. Neena Madan
This paper introduces the use of improved ID3 algorithm of decision tree and I have used Havrda and Charvat Entropy instead of Shannon Entropy. This Decision Tree helps in taking the better decision to analyze the data. By computing information we set particular property from taken data as root of tree, also sub-root by repeating the process to finally build the most optimized tree. Also this paper proves that how the Havrda and Charvat entropy is better than Shannon entropy. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
298-300 |
82 |
Energy Demand Response by using Shared Energy Storage Monitoring through GSM and IoT Module
-Sayali Rahul Tirpude ; Dr. Harikumar Naidu; Prof. Shraddha Gajbhiye
A key worry in transformer security is the high cost of the transformer and the relative long blackout time that happens when a substantial transformer comes up short. The correct kind of security can frequently distinguish beginning flaws before they get to be major. One of the most effective methods of protection from over loading of transformers is the load sharing method .The development of any country depends upon a large extent on availability and usage of electricity. In normal we used to control the industrial equipments by manual operation. It is overcome by a new mode of communication which is used to control all those equipments through load sharing mechanism by a single message from anywhere. The main aim of this project is to protect the failing or damage of transformers having applied more load on it to share these with another backup supply using GSM technology. The purpose of this project is to provide a secured environment for the transformers from overloads which are distributing power to certain regions by sharing these overloads with another parallel supply. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
301-303 |
83 |
Digital Marketing: Breaking the Span of Product Life Cycle
-Sangeeta Bhattacharya ; Aman Kaher
This paper will give in depth knowledge about Product Life Cycle Management with respect to business costs and sales measures and how Digital Marketing has transformed the niche discipline of Product Life Cycle Management. Read More...
Marketing |
India |
304-307 |
84 |
Challenges Faced by selected Airline's Related to Social Innovation
-Prasanna Paul. D
Social innovation ensures the development and implementation of new ideas related to services, products or models to meet social needs and create new social relationships or collaborations. Such form of innovation relies on the inventiveness of local communities, civil society organizations, local businesses, citizens and individual contributors from both private and public sectors to improve the existing or create the new products and services in order to better satisfy the individuals’ needs. This research paper explores how new communication channels and government policies toward social innovation and social entrepreneurship are creating a culture with actively involved city administration, corporate contributors and individuals in developing ideas and pilot projects to solve the existing domestic and national social challenges. The examples of both governmental and airline corporate approaches to social innovation are provided in the paper. Crowd funding proved to be a successful tool of social innovation, especially in the airline industry. The analysis of the provided policies, methods and practical approaches will help to improve the airline’s social innovations. Read More...
Transportation Engineering |
India |
308-311 |
85 |
IAB : An Exploratory Study on Integral Abutment Bridges
-Babitha Elizabeth Philip
Integral bridges are bridges without expansion joints between the abutment and the superstructure. Integral bridges have instead their continuous decks and girders integrated into the abutments. They are most cost effective system in terms of construction, maintenance, and longevity. The main purpose of constructing an Integral Abutment Bridge is to prevent the corrosion of structure due to water seepage through joints. The simple and rapid construction provides smooth, uninterrupted deck that is aesthetically pleasing and safer for riding. They also provide greater load distribution at bridge ends which aid in reducing damage to the abutments, especially from overweight vehicles. Properly drained approach slabs help control roadway drainage, thus preventing erosion of the abutment backfill or freeze and thaw damage resulting from saturated backfill. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
312-316 |
86 |
Automatic Blood Group Classification Based on SVM
-Gayatri Gurav ; S. N. Patil
Method to determine specific type of blood a person possesses is nothing but blood type determination. Everyone should know their blood group. Before blood donation, transfusion, accidents and other emergency situations; diagnosis of blood type is most necessary step. Investigation of blood type usually carried out manually in laboratories by technicians. The testing becomes monotonous with large number of samples. Non standardized accuracy, Slowness are some of the drawbacks of manual testing. Sometimes it is unable to work in emergency situations. To develop methodology for classification of different blood group within short period of time with great accuracy is purpose of proposed system. System uses support vector machine (SVM) as a classifier to classify blood groups in emergency situations; without manual errors. Reduction of human interventions, transfusion reaction risks can be achieved with this methodology. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
317-321 |
87 |
Strongly W-Flat Modules over Matlis Domain
-Shubhanka Tiwari ; Dr. M. R. Aloney
Let R be a ring with local units and M is a right R module. In this paper we consider and defined the isomorphism of Right R-module, A ring R with local unit is w-flat. R is matlis domain if projective dimension of module is one. Read More...
India |
322-324 |
88 |
A Survey on Big Data in Education
-Sindhuja.M ; Indhumathi.A
Big data is an emerging technique for past few years. Many amounts of data are managed very easily by the software's. This data increases day by day from many resources and types of techniques and technologies. All those data are called as "Big Data". Data’s are huge in Variety, Velocity and its Volume. It is classified as structured, unstructured and semi-structured in nature. Now a days, teaching methods are changed totally. The data's are comes hugely from the social media's like face book, twitter, emails, Google, etc. The new technologies of class room are much more vital. The education systems are adopted by many technologies and still the education systems are facing many problems of improving the quality of education. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
325-328 |
89 |
Digital Image Processing
-Suresh Kumar M ; Dr. V. Kathiresan
Satellite image processing are used in many set of fields of research and in applications sector also. The fields like astronomy, geographical information systems & geosciences studies. A new satellite image resolution & brightness enhancement technique is based on the Discrete Wavelet Transform & Singular Value Decomposition. All satellite image-processing operations can be grouped into three categories: Image Rectification and Restoration, Enhancement and Information Extraction. The enhancement procedures are applied to image data in order to effectively display the data for subsequent visual interpretation. Satellite images processing are used for feature extraction among other functions. It is used to extract linear features, like roads, etc. The extraction of linear features or boundaries defining the extents of lands, land covers features are equally important. Considers digital image processing software and geographic information system in terms of compatibility with image-data modeling process. Read More...
Master of Computer Application |
India |
329-331 |
90 |
Partical Swarm Optimization in Job Shop Scheduling and Designing the Layout for the Industry
-Anish Ray ; Deepak Kumar; Chethan Kumar CS
In this paper particle swarm optimization algorithm has been used for job shop scheduling problem. Job shop scheduling is a combinatorial optimization problem where we have to arrange the jobs which may or may not be processed in every machine in a particular sequence and each machine has a different sequence of jobs. Job shop scheduling is a complex extended version of flow shop scheduling which is a problem where each job is processed through each and every machine and each machine has a same sequence of jobs. PSO (Particle swarm optimization) helps us to find a combination of job sequence which has the least make span. In PSO a swarm of particles which have definite position and velocity for each job. In PSO, to find the combinations we use a heuristic rule called Smallest Position Value (SPV). According to smallest position value rule jobs are arranged in ascending order of their positions i.e. job having least position value is put first in sequence. In previous research, PSO particles search solutions in a continuous solution space. Since the solution space of the JSP is discrete, the particle position representation has been modified for particle movement, and particle velocity to better suit PSO for the JSP. Single Row Facility Layout Problem (SRFLP) consists of arranging a number of rectangular facilities with varying length on one side of a straight line to minimize the weighted sum of the distance between all facility pairs. In this paper Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm has been used to solve the SRFLP. Read More...
Engineering |
India |
332-337 |
91 |
An Analysis on Data Mining in Healthcare for Diabetes
-Gowthami.K ; Shanmuga Priya.N
Data mining is the process of analyzing different facets of data and aggregating it into useful information. Data mining tools are giving effective result for disease diagnosis where it is one of the applications. In medicinal field specialists want accessible data for decision making. Presently day’s data mining strategy is associated in therapeutic exploration so as to break down substantial volume of restorative data. Classification is a data mining mission generally used in medical data mining. The goal here is to discover new and useful patterns to deliver meaningful and useful information for the users about the diabetes. It also summarizes about techniques on medical field (diagnosis and prognosis). To develop disease estimation process using data mining technique it is focused on current research which is being passed out. Read More...
Master of Computer Application |
India |
338-340 |
92 |
A Review on Data Mining Techniques in Agriculture
-Gomathi.A ; Indumathi.A
Data mining is the method of extracting important and useful material from huge sets of data. The intention of the data mining technique is to extract truths from an prevailing data set and convert it into a unique human comprehensible format for some spread use. Data Mining is rising research field in Agriculture crop yield analysis. In this paper our importance is on the submissions of Data Mining procedures in agricultural field. Crop estimate is an imperative agricultural problem. To discourse this problem, crop prediction technique is used. It is the one of the maximum frequently recycled clever technique based on Data Mining (DM) opinions to predict the crop yield for exploiting the crop productivity. This paper revisions the various data mining techniques for better crop productivity. Read More...
Master of Computer Application |
India |
341-343 |
93 |
Brief Literature Review of History, Undetermined association of Rosiglitazone with Cardiovascular Diseases and Relation with Hepatotoxicity and Weight Gain
-Farzana Khan
Rosiglitazone is an anti-diabetic drug which reduces insulin sensitivity by activating the formation of insulin-responsive genes by binding to PPARγ receptor by giving agonist activity. Although it has glucose lowering ability, several research outcomes provide data that revealed that it increases the risk of cardiovascular disease based on which use of this drug was restricted. But, several types of research imply no risk of CV associated with the drug and evaluating that, its restriction was lifted. However, it is reported to have other side effects including hepatotoxicity and weight gain. This article summarizes the history of rosiglitazone and discusses the association of cardiovascular disease, hepatotoxicity and weight gain with the rosiglitazone therapy. Read More...
Pharmaceutical |
Bangladesh |
344-346 |
94 |
Portable Blood Glucose Monitor
-Mr. Kumar Kandukuri ; Guruprasath C; Muniyaraj A; Mohanraj C
The paper presents a portable blood glucose monitor using a non-invasive method with the help of infrared rays. A GSM module is used to transfer the details of the patient to the doctor instantly. This concept is to monitor the blood glucose level regularly. Because, diabetes is the non-communicable disease which is mostly affecting the people. Nowadays, most of the people are having diabetes. The non-invasive method is used to overcome the disadvantages such as blood loss which may lead to infections. A wireless sharing is done by GSM module which is for the reference of the doctor. The portable blood glucose monitor will be useful for the infected people so that they can monitor blood glucose when they need. Read More...
Biomedical Engineering |
India |
347-348 |
95 |
Effect of Setback on Fundamental Period of RC Framed Buildings
-Uday Neelam ; Smt. Rachna Bajaj
This aim of this project is to design an geometric irregularity, setback building, fundamental period, regularity index, correction factor. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
349-351 |
96 |
Study of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Design using Computational Fluid (CFD) Method
-Ashish Sahu ; Amit Kumar; Bittu Kumar
The shell and tube heat exchanger is the most common type heat exchanger widely used in the oil refinery and other large chemical processes because it suits a high-pressure application. The process of solving shell and tube heat exchanger in simulation consists of modeling and meshing the basic geometry using CFD package ANSYS 15.0. The objective of this simulation is to design of shell and tube heat exchanger with helical baffle and study the flow and temperature field inside the shell using ANSYS software tools. The heat exchanger consists of 10 tubes with the 800 mm shell length & the 100 mm in diameter. The helix angle of helical baffle will be varied from 0 degree to 25 degree. In this simulation, due to different helix angle and flow rate, the pressure varies in shell throughout. The flow pattern in the shell side of the heat exchanger with continuous helical baffles was forced to be rotational and helical due to the geometry of the continuous helical baffles, which results in an expressively increase the heat transfer coefficient per unit pressure drop in the heat exchanger. Read More...
India |
352-354 |
97 |
Design and Analysis of Grass Cutter Machine with Pesticide Sprayer
-Abhishek Gandhe ; Arman Ansari; Vipul Choudhary; Ashish Asrani; Sneha Pawade
In modern India well maintained multi-purpose lawns is high on demand since they are regularly used for weddings, corporate events and even sporting events. With the increase in popularity of sports such as football, cricket and even golf the need for maintaining these grounds is of prime importance. Mechanization enables the conservation of inputs through precision in metering ensuring better distribution, reducing quantity needed for better response and prevention of losses or wastage of inputs applied. Mechanization reduces unit cost of production through higher productivity and input conservation. Conventional methods for maintaining such properties include use of garden scissors, machines that run on electricity, etc. Another cost is induced when to maintain these lawns different machines are used to spray pesticides. Both methods are labor intensive and not cost effective. To overcome these problems we decided to develop a design that combines the operation of grass cutting and pesticide spraying at the same time. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
355-357 |
98 |
Accidents Vehicle Analyzer using Big Data
-Shipra Soni
The aim of the work described in this paper is to obtain a greater understanding of the problem of the road accidents in developing countries like India by different vehicle types. Road accidents are serious problem and one of the crucial areas of research in India. A Road accident causes injuries, disabilities and even fatalities. The total number of fatal accidents as well as related fatality in the country is increasing over the years. To understand the cause, we need the traffic dataset to analyze it. The traffic accidents dataset are very large as the volume of traffic increasing day by day, it gets difficult to store, process and predict such huge sets of data using traditional software. Hadoop is one such framework which provides reliable cluster of storage facility, filtered traffic data can be fetched easily and can provide end user with traffic analysis and useful predictions. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
358-360 |
99 |
Analysis & Design of Deck Slab under Different Types of Loading as Per IS Code by STAAD Pro Software
-Gohel Pinkal ; Patel Sweta; Pandey Vipul; Nikunj Patel
Suspension bridge is an efficient structural system particularly for large spans. Many difficulties related to design and construction feasibility arises due to its long central span. There are many suspension bridges around the world and dynamic behaviour has been found to be the primary concern for those bridges. Natural period of a suspension bridge mainly dependent on the span and other structural dimensions related to the stiffness. .In the present study, we made design and analysis of the deck slab for suspension bridge under different types of loading in the software based on IS provisions to carried out the deflected shapes and impact on the deck slab. On the technical drawings, reinforced concrete slabs are often abbreviated to "R.C.C. slab" or simply "R.C." Technical drawings are often created by structural Engineers who use software such as Autocad, Revit structure or STAAD pro software. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
361-364 |
100 |
Comparative Cost Evaluation of RCC Box and Solid Slab
-Ayush Tiwari ; Sudhir Singh Bhadouria
This study involves Cost evaluation of two Bridge forms RCC Box and Solid slab. A range in which these culverts are usually used. The bridge forms are designed in prepared Excel sheet and thereafter analyzed in STAAD.Pro and this process is repeated for all the span length considered in the comparison. The detailed cost estimation of all these structures have been prepared and presented and thus suitability of the better bridge type have been scrutinized on the ground of economy. Read More...
India |
365-367 |