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151 |
Study, Analysis & Reduction the Time on Knotting and Gaiting Process in Weaving at Worsted Industry by Manually
-Suranjan Das ; Prashant Pol
This project shows need of study in knotting & gaiting, process flow, timing calculation; try to reduce the time while doing it manually in a worsted textile Industry. Read More...
Textile Engineering |
India |
613-617 |
152 |
Review Paper (Solar Pond/Solar Thermal Energy Collector)
-Chirag K. Patil ; Manoj D. Chorghade; Dr. Vinod Bhaiswar
Solar energy has experiencing rapid growth in fast few years due to both technological improvements resulting in reductions of cost and government supportive policies of renewable energy development and utilization. This study analyzes the technical, economic and policy aspects of solar energy development and deployment. While the cost of solar energy has declined rapidly in the recent past, it still remains much higher than the cost of conventional energy technologies. Like other renewable energy technologies, solar energy benefits from fiscal and regulatory incentives and mandates, including tax credits and exemptions, feed in-tariff, preferential interest rates, renewable portfolio standards and voluntary green power programs in many countries. Potential expansion of carbon credit markets also would provide additional incentives to solar energy deployment; however, the scale of incentives provided by the existing carbon market instruments, such as the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol, is limited. Despite the huge technical potential, development and large-scale, market-driven deployment of solar energy technologies world-wide still has to overcome a number of technical and financial barriers. Unless these barriers are overcomes, maintaining and increasing supplies of electricity from solar energy. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
618-619 |
153 |
Overview of Extended Theoretical Concepts of Complex Fuzzy Sets
-Suresh ; Thirunavukarasu; P.K.Eswari
The objective of this paper is to investigate and extends the innovative concept of complex fuzzy set. The novelty of the complex fuzzy set lies in the range of values its membership function may attain. In contrast to a traditional fuzzy membership function, this range is not limited to [0,1], but extended to the unit circle in the complex plane. Consequently, a major part of this work is dedicated to a discussion of the intuitive interpretation of soft complex fuzzy sets, parameterized soft complex sets, complex fuzzy soft hypergroup, complex fuzzy soft hyperring and complex fuzzy soft hyperideal. We also developing the innovative concepts of soft complex intuitionistic fuzzy sets with example. Read More...
fuzzy logic |
India |
620-623 |
154 |
Classification and Analysis of Online News Articles using NDTV
-Namita Arun Amdalli ; Santhosh Kumar K L; Jharna Majumdar
News content is one of the most important factors that have influence on various sections. With the increase in the number of news it has got difficult for users to access news of their interest which makes it a necessity to categories news so that it could be easily accessed. By using data mining techniques, the news articles are categorized for easier navigation among articles. This will help users to access the news of their interest in real-time without wasting any time. Text Summarization reduces the effort and time consumption of the user instead of reading whole news article. Read More...
M.Tech Computer Science |
India |
624-628 |
155 |
Impact Analysis of Demonetization using R
-M. Aswani ; CH. Praneeth
The demonetization of Rs500 and Rs1000 was a policy enacted by the Government of India announced on 8th November 2016.The scrapping of Indian 500 and 1000-rupee currency notes has set the entire country in a whirlpool of confusion. In this scenario study and analysis of impact of Demonetization effect and opinion of general public has greater significance. With the help of “impact analysisâ€, we can understand how many are supporting this decision and are against this decision. The opinions may vary from time to time and state to state. The analysis is extended to analyze the tweets based on date and location like state. The graphs plotted reveal how many people are positive and negative towards this decision. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
629-631 |
156 |
Design and Development of Hybrid Two Wheeler
-Siddhant Patel ; Chirag Datar; Prem Patel; Aakash Prajapati; Viranchi Shastri
In, Asia two wheeler are popular mode of transportation to a large group of people because of there relative affordability and ability to maneuver in heavy city traffic. However the rate of fuel consumption and emission contribution by them, especially in urban areas need more attention to improve sustainability of energy and air quality. Recently plug-in hybrid technology has been emerged as one of the most promising alternative in reducing petroleum consumption and emission. Read More...
India |
632-635 |
157 |
Comparison of PI, PID Controller and Fuzzy PI Controller for BLDC Speed Control Application
-Christina Mathew ; Jebin Francis; Prathibha PK
This paper presents comparison between PI and PID controllers for speed control of BLDC motor. A BLDC motor is superior to a conventional DC motor, because it replaces the mechanical commutation with electronic commutation; thus improving the dynamic characteristics, efficiency and reducing the noise level. In many industrial applications conventional PI controller is used for speed control. But for many sophisticated applications this controller response is not efficient. So as a better choice, a fuzzy logic control technique is applied to this motor to achieve a greater accuracy in controlling the speed. Simulation is carried out in MATLAB/SIMULINK. A comparison is done between existing PI and PID controller and the fuzzy PI controller for the speed control application. Read More...
India |
636-639 |
158 |
Finite Element Analysis of Wrap up Coating Material on Gas Turbine Blade
-Pradip P. Gedam
The wrap up coating material is used to safeguard the gas turbine blade from elevated temperature and soaring pressure gas, rust, wearing away and mechanical wear. The base material which is used for blade might diminish its functional life while in functioning in rigorous scorching burning gases. The scorching burning gas may possibly to cause and to raise the thermal stresses and unusual deformation. In this perspective work, the deformation and von-misses stresses are estimated for base material and diverse wrap up material with acceptable thickness useful on base material. The gas turbine blade base material is Hardenable nickel-chromium base cast alloy, and its wrap up material is lanthanum Hexaluminate. The deformation and von-misses stresses are estimated for without-coated hardenable nickel-chromium base cast alloy and 0.6 mm thickness coated of lanthanum Hexaluminate material. The Finite element method (FEM) is used to estimate the deformation and von-misses stresses for without-coated and diverse coating materials with 0.6 mm thickness. The evaluation is carried out for without -coating and for diverse coating materials in terms of deformation and von-misses stresses in lowest and highest temperature range. Read More...
India |
640-644 |
159 |
Construction of Flexible Pavements using Plastic Waste along with Bitumen
-Raghvendra Bajpai ; Maaz Allah Khan; Osama Bin Sami; Pramod Kumar Yadav; Pawan Kumar Srivastava
The most common sources of waste products are from the growth of various industries and increase in population. The type of waste which is most hazardous to the nature is the Plastic Waste. The main concern about the plastic waste is its non-biodegradability. According to recent researches plastic waste when mixed with bitumen gives it desired mechanical properties. Bitumen is primarily used in the construction of flexible pavements and when it is mixed with plastic waste it improves the water resistivity, capacity and stability of the mix. Laboratory test have proved that it can be used as a binder material in the bitumen mix for construction of flexible pavements. Plastic waste percentage in bitumen has to be checked. Marshal stability test is the most commonly used method to relate with field conditions. The samples used are made up with bitumen concrete commonly called Asphalt in which plastic content and bitumen are kept at various percentages in each of the sample. The tests have shown positive results and gives a scope of further practical implementations. The basic objective of the test is to find out the optimum percentage of plastic waste which can overrule the bitumen content in the mix for the design of flexible pavements. The basic intention behind this study is to replace bitumen by a conventional and non-biodegradable material which is the plastic waste. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
645-651 |
160 |
Prevention Measures for Soft Storey Building
-Amarjeet Kumar ; Jayanta Chakraborty
Reinforced concrete (RC) frame buildings are very common in the world. In such types of structure for functional requirements of parking space under the buildings no masonry in fill are provided resulting a construction with stilts. Wall buildings with vertically irregular configurations have been severely damaged or collapsed due to a story mechanism during severe earthquakes. This paper presents a criterion to prevent such failures. A story-safety factor is defined to represent the relative reserve strength against a story mechanism of the structure. The validity of this factor was examined by conducting dynamic response analyses of various analytical models of 7- and 11-story wall structures with an irregularity at the first story using two real earthquake records with long and short vibration periods and their numerous generated motions. The results show that the story-safety factor well controlled the failure mechanism of the structures. When the story-safety factor was larger than the corresponding dynamic shear magnification factor proposed by Paulay and Priestley [11] minus unity, a story mechanism of the structures did not occur in all cases. Practical procedure of using the story-safety factor for preventing a story mechanism at irregular stories is also presented. Read More...
India |
652-654 |
161 |
Experimental Investigation of Friction Stir Welding of Dissimilar Aluminium Alloys using RSM Technique
-Manmohan ; Sandeep Kumar
Friction Stir Welding is a solid state thermo mechanical joining process that involves joining of metals without fusion or filler materials. The process is particularly applicable for aluminium alloys by using conventional milling machine but can be extended to other products also. Plates, sheets and hollow pipes can be welded by this method. The frictional heat is produced from a rapidly rotating non-consumable high strength tool pin that extends from a cylindrical shoulder. The process is also suitable for automation. The overall aim of this study is to get the optimum parameters for the materials under considerations Tool rotational speed (A), Welding speed (B) and Tool tilt angle(C) to investigate the Ultimate tensile strength(R1), Yield Tensile strength(R2) & Percentage Elongation(R3). Read More...
India |
655-663 |
162 |
Imparting Ethics and Moral Values in Technical Education
-Kinjal Patel
The present paper is an attempt to state the importance of value education in the present education system so that the future generations will nourish high ideals and values to contribute in the development of the society and the role of a teacher in imparting ethical & moral values to the students. We the authors have prepared this paper keeping in mind views of Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam, our honourable president. In his book “India2020: A Vision of the New Millennium’ has rightly remarked that “If you are a teacher in whatever capacity, you have a very special role to play because more than anybody else it is you who are shaping the future generation. A teacher has a higher responsibility as compared to other professionals as students look upon the teacher as an embodiment of perfection. Education has become a business today. This has changed the outlook of the students as well as the parents and it has further resulted in deterioration of respect for teachers and all those who are a part and parcel of education system. Gautama Buddha has rightly preached “Desire is the root cause of Evilâ€. Students are told not to fulfill their desires by improper ways, by adhering to immoral activities. Read More...
India |
664-666 |
163 |
Dynamic Analysis of RCC Building with Shear Wall
-Anil Suthar ; S M Suthar
As the world move towards the implementation of Performance Based Engineering philosophies in seismic design of Civil Engineering structures, new seismic design provisions require Structural Engineers to perform both linear and nonlinear analyses for the design of structures. While Linear Equivalent Static Analysis is performed for regular buildings up to 90m height in zone I and II, Dynamic Analysis should be performed for regular and irregular buildings in zone IV and V. Dynamic Analysis can take the form of a full nonlinear dynamic Time History Analysis or of a linear Response Spectrum Analysis. In present work, two multi storey buildings, one of six and other of eleven storey have been modeled using software package SAP 2000 12 for earthquake zone V in India. Six different types of shear walls with its variation in shape are considered for studying their effectiveness in resisting lateral forces. The paper also deals with the effect of the variation of the building height on the structural response of the shear wall. Read More...
India |
667-670 |
164 |
Seismic Analysis of Multi-Storey RCC Building by Various Static and Dynamic Analysis Methods
-Anil Suthar ; S M Suthar
From past earthquakes it is observed that if the structures are not properly analyzed and constructed with required quality, then it may lead great destruction and loss to human lives. It has been proved that many of structures are fully or partially damaged due to earthquake. This fact was never ignored while design of multistoried buildings by the structural engineers, researchers to ensure safety against earthquake forces while erection. So, there is need to determine seismic responses of such buildings. Seismic analysis of the structure is carried out for determination of seismic responses by time history analysis which is one of the important techniques for structural seismic analysis especially when the evaluated structural response is non- linear in nature. To perform such an analysis, a representative earthquake time history is required for the structure being evaluated. In this present work non-linear dynamic analysis of G+10 storied RCC building having mass irregularity considering different time histories is carried out. Here a G+10 stories building with mass irregularity has been modeled for seismic analysis and Elcentro earthquake time history and Kobe earthquake time history have been used. This paper highlights the effects on floor which has different loads (mass irregularity) in multistoried building with time history analysis by ETABS 2016 software. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
671-673 |
165 |
Detecting Usability and Scalability of Various Search Engine using Web Content Mining Techniques: A Survey
-Hiral Kantilal Chhaniyara ; Drashti Bhavsar; Krunal Joshi; Jagrati Shekhawat
Web mining is an application of data mining techniques to extract information or knowledge from Web. Web data processing is method of handling large amount of data. Web mining is used for identifying patterns which is required by users. Web mining second phase is web content mining which dealt mining of text, pictures and various multimedia documents. The primary purpose of web content mining is to identify relevant content as per queries. This paper is divided into three categories to discuss, web content mining, web structure mining and web usage mining. Later, we presented application of these approaches for structured, unstructured, semi-structured and multimedia data mining techniques. By applying content mining techniques to various search engines with relevant data like picture or text, audio or video while comparing their usability and scalability. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
674-677 |
166 |
An Approach of Data Mining in Security Information and Event Management: A Survey
-Drashti Himanshu Bhavsar ; Hiral Chhaniyara; Krunal Joshi; Jagrati Shekhawat
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems are today a main ingredient of complex enterprise networks. SIEM associates Security Information Management (SIM) and Security Event Management (SEM). It highlights the effect of the technology on the whole system, even though the focus is on security. The first limelight is on analysis and reporting of log data and long-term storage while the second limelight on real-time monitoring and notifications. The basic role of SIEM in data infrastructure, its classification in specific cloud environment, and technical requirements for SIEM solution implementation into a cloud environment correlate to individual cloud distribution models. Some researchers would rather speak of 'SIEOM', adding the O for "opportunity". We will see how various data mining techniques can be used in security information and event management system to upgrade the efficiency of the system. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
678-680 |
167 |
Indoor Air Quality Levels of Some Criteria Pollutants in University Hostels in Nigeria
-Nnadozie Chukwuemeka Fortunatus ; Njoku Demian; Onu Uchenna Lynda; Anyanwu Ogechi
Indoor air quality (IAQ) has been a matter of public concern especially in residential buildings in Nigeria. Poor IAQ can profoundly impact the health, comfort and productivity of building occupants. This study investigated the IAQ of five hostels in Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO) Nigeria. A list of key criteria pollutants measured was nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and particulate matters (PM). The result of the study indicated that only seven cases of NO2 (e.g., three in hostel A and four in hostel B) were reported to exceed the Indoor Air Quality Guidelines and standards [e.g., National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS)/USEPA value of 0.05ppm]. Also, none of the readings for SO2, CO and PM exceeded the guideline level of 0.14ppm, 9ppm and 150µg/m3 respectively. The levels of indoor pollutants found in the hostels could result from the indoor use of combustion devices such as use of gas and kerosene stoves, high occupant density and air infiltration from outdoor air. Read More...
chemistry |
Puerto Rico |
681-685 |
168 |
Study and Analysis of Recent Data Mining based Machine Learning Methods
-Shubham Sand
The Data Mining using Machine Learning Methods it is important topic for a research and many methods are established for the improvement in accuracy and results. The data Mining information and knowledge from large databases are described in many research papers as a main research concept in machine learning and the multiple numbers of industries has main area with an opportunity to make different researches. The Researchers in different fields show the great interest in data mining using machine learning. Several applications are available in information providing services and some concepts are data warehousing, online services over the Internet and it also called as various data mining techniques to understand the user behaviour to improve the services and business opportunity. This article provides a survey for a database researcher's point of view on the data mining techniques developed recently. A classification of the available data mining using machine learning techniques are provided and a comparative study of such techniques are presented. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
686-690 |
169 |
The Indian Agriculture System: - The Current Scenario
-Jitender ; Sunil Kaushik
Over 2500 years ago, Indian farmers had discovered and begun farming many spices and sugarcane. It was in India, between the sixth and four BC, that the Persians, followed by the Greeks, discovered the famous "reeds that produce honey without bees" being grown. Modern agronomy, plant breeding, agrochemicals such as pesticides and fertilizers, and technological developments have in many cases sharply increased yields from cultivation, but at the same time have caused widespread ecological damage and negative human health effects. Irrigation in India includes a network of major and minor canals from Indian rivers, groundwater well based systems, tanks, and other rainwater harvesting projects for agricultural activities. Of these groundwater system is the largest. "With a population of just over 1.2 billion, India is the world's largest democracy. In the past decade, the country has witnessed accelerated economic growth, emerged as a global player with the world's fourth largest economy in purchasing power parity terms, and made progress towards achieving most of the Millennium Development Goals. The required level of investment for the development of marketing, storage and cold storage infrastructure is estimated to be huge. The government has not been able to implement schemes to raise investment in marketing infrastructure. Among these schemes are 'Construction of Rural Godowns', 'Market Research and Information Network', and 'Development / Strengthening of Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure, Grading and Standardisation. Research as the means to the development and application of effective technological and intellectual resources. Forms of data as evidence; types (quantitative and qualitative) and methods of handling for description and analysis. Methodological approaches to obtaining data; the role of observation, experimentation and deduction in both natural and social sciences. Development of hypotheses, testing; acceptance, rejection and reformulation. The role of statistics; applications and limitations. India agriculture system is very oldest .Vedic literature provides some of the earliest written record of agriculture in India. Rigveda hymns, for example, describes plowing, fallowing, irrigation, fruit and vegetable cultivation. Other historical evidence suggests rice and cotton were cultivated in the Indus Valley. The middle ages saw irrigation channels reach a new level of sophistication, and Indian crops affected the economies of other regions of the world under Islamic patronage. Read More...
Agricultural Sciences |
India |
691-695 |
170 |
Residual Compressive Strength of Ternary Blended Concrete at Elevated Temperatures
-Mohd Abdul Malik ; Shivangi Bharadwaj
The wide utilization of concrete as an auxiliary material for the elevated structures, stockpiling tanks, atomic reactors and weight vessels increment the danger of cement being presented to high temperatures. This has prompted a request to enhance the comprehension of the impact of temperature on concrete. The conduct of cement presented to high temperature is an aftereffect of many components including the uncovered condition and constituent materials.
The objective with the study was to examine the Residual Compressive Strength of Ternary Blended Concrete once subjected to high temperatures. To explore the impact of temperature and to assess auxiliary security an endeavor has been made to ponder the Compressive Strength of Ternary Blended Concrete when subjected toward elevated high temperature. The study focuses fundamentally on concentrate the properties of Residual Compressive Strength of Ternary Blended Concrete for various w/b ratios at 2000C, 4000C and 6000C. In the present investigations, the effect of high temperatures of Residual Compressive Strength of Ternary Blended Concrete when subjected to elevated temperatures are studied. The main test parameters involved in this study are Temperature ranges, the time of exposure.The tests were conducted for a total of 180 cubes on various w/b ratios ternary blended concrete by exposing them at different temperatures like Room Temperature, 2000C, 4000C and 6000C and 4 Hrs, 8 Hrs and 12 Hrs duration. The results indicate that the ternary blended concrete is effective in resisting the impact of temperature on the compressive quality. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
696-701 |
171 |
Reconstruction of Gene Co-expression Networks to Examine Yeast Microarray Data
-Sabyasachi Patra ; Dinesh Maharana
A biological network such as Protein-protein interaction (PPI), Gene regulatory network, Gene Co-expression Network (GCN) which describes complex activities of genes, proteins, and products of them participate in different chemical reactions and also identifies the biological functionality. These networks constructed from different types of large biological datasets like DNA microarray data. In this paper, we have discussed the reconstruction of GCN with different Co-expression measures like Euclidean distance, Pearson's correlation coefficient (PCC) and Gene CO-expression Network called GeCON. We have discussed the behaviour of GeCON by comparing it with global similarities measures like Euclidean distance and correlation coefficient. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
702-705 |
172 |
To Analysis the Properties of Concrete with Adding Fly Ash
-Abhash Kumar Prajapati ; Dinesh Sen
Aim of the study is to analysis the properties of concrete with adding fly ash. So using this waste in road construction can dispose this waste and also beneficial in minimize pollution in environment due to this waste. It saves the cement requirement for the same strength thus saving of raw material. In present study aims preparing concrete by replacement of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) with fly ash. A comparison is made between fly ash and cement properties which are used as sub-grade, base in Highway construction. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
706-708 |
173 |
A Review on Study of Medicine Prescription System
-Neeraj Kumar
In addition, results of health services research could lead to greater efficiency & equitable delivery of health care interventions, as advanced through social model of health & disability, which emphasizes societal changes that could be made to make population Results from health services research often form basis of evidence-based policy in health care systems. Health services research is also aided by initiatives in field of AI for development of systems of health assessment that are clinically useful, timely, sensitive to change, culturally sensitive, low burden, low cost, involving for patient & built into standard procedures. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
709-711 |
174 |
Simulation of Performance of Medicine Prescription System
-Neeraj Kumar
In this research we have reduced error rate and increase speed of in existing SVM-KNN. We have used Matlab to make comparative analysis in performance of Traditional model and proposed model. Internet of Things concept arises from need to manage, automate, & explore all devices, instruments, & sensors in world. Data mining involve discover novel, interesting, & potentially useful models from data & apply algorithms to removal of hidden in formation. Amount & class of many health care intervention are better through fallout of science, such as advanced through health check model of health which focus on eradication of illness through analysis & effective treatment. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
712-715 |
175 |
A Review on Application of Internet of Things for Home Automation
-Deepak Sharma
Home automation or smart home also known as domotics is building automation for home. It involves control & automation of lighting, heating such as smart thermostats, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), & security, as well as home appliances such as washer/dryers, ovens or refrigerators/freezers. Wi-Fi is often used for remote monitoring & control. In this review paper we have discussed designing of Home Automation using Wifi within its Pros & cons. We have also discussed Automation & Industrial based Automation in this paper. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
716-718 |
176 |
Implementing Home Automation System using IoT for Electronic Devices
-Deepak Sharma
This IoT that allocate is objects to be intelligence & controlled remotely across existing network infrastructure, creating opportunities for much direct integration of physical world into computer-based systems, & resulting in improved efficiency, accuracy & economic benefit. In It research we have integrated power based system to implement home automation. Objective of research is Home automation using IOT within integration of power based energy system. Incorporation of intelligence systems is likely to optimize power consumption as a whole. It’s expected that IoT devices would be integrated into all forms of energy consuming devices & be able to communicate within utility supply company in order to effectively balance energy generation & energy usage. Power level Energy System is that properly installed & adequately sized will not really require much in way of management. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
719-723 |
177 |
A Review on Risk Management for PPP Based Road Projects
-Zalak P Shah ; Hiren A Rathod; Dr. Neeraj D. Sharma
Private sector participation and private investment has become the mainstay of the Government of India’s policy toward infrastructural development. The success of the ongoing twelfth five-year plan critically depends on the success of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in infrastructure. In this Paper major risk factors of ongoing PPP Road projects have been identified. Cumulative impact of risks and its fluctuation over various life cycle phases of PPP roadway project have been analyzed. Main purpose of this paper is to investigate critical risks associated with PPP road projects in India. In view of the findings it is suggested to set up Regulator to the PPP Road projects which could oversee the fast changing overall socio economic environment and suggest measures to lessen risk and create win-win situation to all stakeholders. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
724-727 |
178 |
Stabilisation of Black Cotton Soil using Sawdust & Cement
-Rakesh Verma ; Shwetank. R. Saagar; Chinmayee Ray; Lokendra Panwar ; Mayur Rathore
Stabilization of soils is an effective method for improvement of soil properties and the pavement system performance. The poorest soil among all is Black Cotton Soil (BC Soil). In Indore area this BC Soil is spread over almost all parts of District. Rich proportion of montmorillonite is found in BC Soil from mineralogical analysis. High percentage of montomorillonite renders high degree of expansiveness. These property results cracks in soil without any warning. Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil (BC soil) is studied by using Sawdust and Cement. The moisture changes in BC soils, and property and nature of soil has been greatly improved with the addition of Sawdust and Cement. This paper includes the evaluation of soil properties like Optimum moisture content, dry density, and strength parameter (California Bearing ratio value). Different quantities of Sawdust and Cement (% by weight) are added to the BC soil and the experiments conducted on these soil mixes. The result shows that the use of Sawdust and Cement increases the California Bearing Ratio values i.e. the strength of soil to a great extent. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
728-731 |
179 |
A Study of Black Cotton Soil and its Stabilization by Use of Lime and Sawdust
-Rakesh Verma ; Mayur Rathore; Lokendra Panwar ; Nupur Patni; Shwetank. R. Saagar
With rapid growth of population, fast urbanization and more construction of highway, buildings and other structures has resulted in reduction of good quality available land. The mechanical behavior of such nature of soil has to be improved by employing stabilization of Black Cotton Soil (BC soil) is studied by using Lime and Sawdust. Black Cotton soils are highly clayey soils (Montmorillonite clay mineral). The moisture changes in Black Cotton soils, compressibility and plasticity nature can be greatly improved with the addition of Lime and Sawdust. This paper includes the evaluation of soil properties like Optimum moisture content, dry density, and strength parameter (California Bearing ratio value). Different quantities of Lime and Sawdust (% by weight) are added to the BC soil and the experiments conducted on these soil mixes. The result shows that the use of Lime and Sawdust increases the California Bearing Ratio values i.e. the strength of soil to a great extent. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
732-735 |
180 |
Pushover Analysis of G+4 Reinforced Concrete Building
-Anil Suthar ; S M Suthar
Many urban multi-storey buildings in India today have open first storey as an unavoidable feature. This is primarily being adopted to accommodate parking or reception lobbies in the first storey. This paper highlights the importance of explicitly recognizing the presence of the open first storey in the analysis of the building and also for immediate measures to prevent the indiscriminate use of soft first storeys in buildings. Alternate measures, involving stiffness balance of the open first storey and the storey above, are proposed to reduce the irregularity introduced by the open first storey. The structural engineering profession has been using the nonlinear static procedure (NSP) or pushover analysis. Modeling for such analysis requires the determination of the nonlinear properties of each component in the structure, quantified by strength and deformation capacities, which depend on the modeling assumptions. Pushover analysis is carried out for either user-defined nonlinear hinge properties or default-hinge properties, available in some programs based on the FEMA-356 and ATC-40 guidelines. This paper aims to evaluate the zone –II selected reinforced concrete building to conduct the non-linear static analysis (Pushover Analysis). The pushover analysis shows the pushover curves, capacity spectrum, plastic hinges and performance level of the building. This non-linear static analysis gives better understanding and more accurate seismic performance of buildings of the damage or failure element. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
736-739 |
181 |
Preparation and Applications of Nano Composite Materials - A Review
-Mr. A. Anbazhagan
Nano composites, a high performance material exhibit unusual property combinations and unique design possibilities. With an estimated annual growth rate of about 25% and fastest demand to be in engineering plastics and elastomers, their potential is so striking that they are useful in several areas ranging from packaging to biomedical applications. Nano composites promise new applications in many fields such as mechanically-reinforced lightweight components, non-linear optics, battery cathodes and Ionics, nanowires, sensors and other systems. This paper reviews the various preparation methods, Properties, and applications of Nano composite materials. Read More...
India |
740-743 |
182 |
A Review of Wool from Microbe's Growth
-Rajneet Kaur ; Dr. Archna Tomar
Lifestyle of people has emerged to a long extent. This was reflected through the clothing attitude of people. Therefore, it has become a prime factor to manufacture textiles with antimicrobial activity. The present work is undertaken with a view to establish consciousness on hygiene and health safety, development of protective textiles like wool through antimicrobial finishing during dyeing. Because, microbe's growth during the wear of garments will have a negative impact on the wearer and the garment itself. The detrimental effects can be controlled by durable antimicrobial finishing of the textile using broad-spectrum biocides or by incorporating the biocide into synthetic fibers during extrusion. Henceforth, research were carried out on eco- friendly antimicrobial agents, based on natural products like silver, natural dyes, chitosan for textile application which is gaining worldwide interest now. Its major focus on new quality requirements that include maintaining the intrinsic functionality of the wool through an eco-friendly production process. Therefore, this paper reports a comprehensive review on natural product based bioactive agents such as silver, chitosan, natural dyes for antimicrobial finishing of wool and their evaluation. Also, purpose of microbial studies on wool, mechanism of silver, chitosan and nanoparticles antimicrobial action have been presented. The major challenges and the future potential of application of natural products on textiles have also been critically reviewed. Read More...
chemistry |
India |
744-745 |
183 |
Concept of 11 Level Invertor with PMSG
-Mr. M. A. Gaidhani ; Mrs. Alka Thakur; Mr. Sagar. P. Thombare
Supportability is the primary angle that powers the sustainable power sources to be executed for electric vitality era rather than fossil ones. Wind vitality is very appealing among different sources on account of its business potential [72 TW] that is five times higher than world vitality request in all structures. Be that as it may, the introduced limit in 2009 was just 159GW. Huge turbines assume a primary part available; however there is likewise interest for little turbines in the power extend up to 11 kW as the power hotspot for miniaturized scale generators. Smaller scale generator is an electrical vitality source that incorporates all interface units and works in parallel with the dissemination arrange. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
746-748 |
184 |
Analysis and Design of Industrial Building by using Tubular Section and It's Comparison with Conventional Sections
-Vinayak Tukaram Hulwane ; Rajaram D Patil; P K Joshi
Steel sections most widely used in construction of industrial building as they having good tensile as well as compressive strength. Steel sections having other best properties due to which it used in industrial building construction, such as fire resistance and appearance. There are lots of structures which are constructed by using conventional steel members. Which' are responsible for increase in dead load of structure. It is also responsible for increase in cost. Now day’s tubular steel section is another choice stand up, which gives better result than traditional sections used in steel structures. Such sections having very less self-weight, as their dead load goes on decreasing it will directly effects on economy point of view of whole structure. The main target of present work comprises the hollow sections with conventional sections on economy point of view. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
749-750 |
185 |
Experimental Study on Stabilized Mud Blocks using Foundry Sand
-Vidyashree C ; Raghu K
India is one of the developing countries, mainly based on the production of good quality construction materials. Taking into consideration of good quality materials and all such reducible, reusable, and recyclable [3R] materials we can utilise as alternative materials. The natural resources what we are using in construction are in exhaust stage, so we have to adopt alternative material. It must be low cost and eco-friendly, good quality, low transportation cost. Cement industry cause environmental impact like ozone depletion, acid rain, global warming is a main problem we are facing. More than 60% of the pollution causing by vast producing by construction and industrial waste. We can adopt burnt brick replacing by stabilized mud block [SMB] by using locally available soil and it won’t need fuel for burning block so it won’t emit carbon dioxide so it is an eco-friendly masonry building material. Replacing river sand by green sand or Foundry sand as an alternative, avoiding the usage of cement by rice husk ash [RHA] we can completely replace. Because the production of one ton cement emits one ton carbon dioxide if we avoid the cement usage we will be able to reduce the impact on environment. Rice husk ash all so we get in Hassan so the low transportation cost it’s a cost effective material. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
751-755 |
186 |
A Survey on Facial Age Estimation Based on Multiple CNN
-Shara M S ; Shemitha P A
Age estimation is predicting someone’s age by analyzing his/her biometric traits like fingerprints, bone density, dental structure and face. Out of these characters, face is most convenient to capture and analyze. Also it is easy to automate age estimation systems that use face as input. Because of its real life applications, researchers have shown great interest in automatic facial age estimation. This paper, discussed about the problems that are being faced. This paper highlights latest methodologies and feature extraction methods used by researchers to estimate age. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
762-765 |
187 |
Behaviour of Nano Silica Powder and Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete Beams with Cyclic Loading
-R. Sakthivel ; Sakthivel R; Dr. Balasundaram
the various properties of concrete are influence by nano-silica is obtained by replacing the cement with various percentages of nano-silica and with natural hybrid fibres. Nano-Silica powder is used for a partial replacement of cement, the range of 2%, 2.5%, 3%, 3.5%, 4% and hybrid fibre range of 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2% and 2.5% for M25 grade of concrete Mix. Specimens are casted by using Nano-Silica concrete and NHFRC. Laboratory works were conducted to find the ductility strength of concrete at the age of 28 days. Moreover, the density of concrete is reduced when compared to control concrete. Thus, the results of partial replacement of cement with Nano-Silica & NHFRC are higher strength and reduction in the permeability when compared to controlled concrete. The partial replacement of Nano-Silica is more than 3% & 1.5% of NHFRC. Determine the results in the reduction of various physical and mechanical properties of Nano-Silica concrete. Read More...
India |
766-770 |
188 |
Review on Green Buildings and Energy Efficiency
-Chandra Shekhar Nayak ; Prof. Dr. Sanjay Bhandari; Prof. Dr. Ashit Kumar Saxena
India is experiencing an incredible growth in the construction and real estate industry. Due to this rise in the construction sector raised many issues related to the environment and sustainability. As per economic policy forum, inits report mentioned that in India the energy consumption in buildings is for heating, ventilation and air Condition eraccounts for between 45% and 65% of total electricity consumption. Another study states that the construction sector of India emits about 22% of the total annual emission of CO2 which is very harmful for the Environment. So to handle the adverse situation a new and important concept is emerging in India that is Green Building. So this article gives you the understanding about the green buildings, How the green building get rating from the rating agencies, Importance of green buildings, and examples of some companies and organization that are taking the advantage of green wave and is flourishing. In this paper an analysis has given to compare between Normal buildings and Green buildings and its economical analysis. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
771-781 |
189 |
Comparision of Mechanical Properties of Carbon Glass & Palm Banana Fibres Reinforced Hybrid Composite Bar
-R. R. Karthi ; B. Tamilarasu; S. Gokul Raja; M. Gowtham; P. Gokul
The composite materials are supplanting the customary materials, in light of its predominant properties, for example, high rigidity, low warm extension, high quality to weight proportion. The advancements of new materials are on the iron block and are developing step by step. Common fiber composites, for example, palm and banana polymer composites turned out to be more alluring because of their high particular quality, lightweight and biodegradability. Blending of normal fiber with Glass-Fiber Reinforced Polymers (GFRPs) are finding expanded applications. In this examination, carbon-palm-banana-glass fiber fortified polyester composites is produced and their mechanical properties, for example, elasticity, flexural quality and effect quality are assessed. The interfacial properties, interior splits and inward structure of the cracked surfaces are assessed The outcomes showed that the consolidation of palm-banana and carbon fiber with GFRP can enhance the properties and utilized as a substitute material for glass fiber strengthened polymer composites. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
782-786 |
190 |
A Review on Visualization of Construction Planning and Scheduling using 4 D Cad Modeling
-Ms. Kashid Pallavi Dilip ; Prof. G. N. Kanade
This study presents on visualization of construction planning and scheduling using 4D CAD Modeling. Planning of construction activities is an important factor for development of construction industry. There are various tools available for planning of regular projects but complicated projects requires more accuracy in planning in order to save both time and money. Contractors and suppliers try to finish the project within schedule time of completion without any cost overruns. For that, they adopt various planning methodology. Still there is a vast difference between planning and actual site execution. This is mainly due to ineffective planning & visualization. Therefore, efficient visualization & planning of construction activities is required for better cost control and avoid time overruns. 4D CAD modeling is the better tool for visualization and planning of construction activities. In this paper applicability of 4D CAD tool for planning, visualization, monitoring of various important construction activities like RCC elements of frame structure and benefits of 4D CAD modeling are studied. 4D Models link components in 3D CAD models with activities from the design, procurement, and construction schedules. The resulting 4D production model of a project allows project stakeholders to view the planned construction of a facility over time on the screen and to review a 3D CAD model for any day, week, or month of the project. Use of 4D Model contributed in time saving and ultimately cost of construction by reducing the delay. 4D models help to improve construction plans as compared to traditional planning tools. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
787-790 |
191 |
Literature Paper on Animal Migration Optimization
-Amrata Saraswat ; Brijesh Kumar
This is literature review paper on a new swarm intelligent algorithm, called as Animal Migration Optimization (AMO). This paper is inspired by the animal’s migration nature that can be found in all major animal groups, like mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians, insects, birds, and crustaceans. In this algorithm, there are mainly two processes. In the first process, animals move from the current position to the new position. During this movement, each individual should obey three main rules. In the latter process, some animals leave the group and some join the group during the migration. In previous research, different techniques are used to find the optimal solution. In this paper we will discuss about few algorithms and their simulated results after apply on the benchmark functions. Benchmark functions are employed to find performance of our approach. This technique has been compared with different popular search methods. Read More...
M.Tech Computer Science |
India |
791-793 |
192 |
Human Action Recognition in Video Forms
-Anju Marium Abraham ; Smita C Thomas
From various scattered similar the action is recognized on the basis of space time and volume in video forms, which can be fully characterized by a linear rank decomposition. Recurrence plot theory is applied, and introducing the concept of Joint Self-Similarity Volume (Joint-SSV) to model this scattered action in various forms, and hence rank-1tensor approximation of the Joint-SSV is applied to obtain very low-dimensional descriptors that very correctly characterize an action in a video sequence id used [5].The descriptor vectors make it more possible to recognize actions without explicitly aligning the videos in time in order to compensate for speed of execution or differences in video frame rates. The method is generic, in the sense that it can be applied using different level features, such as tracked points, 2D block diagrams, histogram of oriented gradients. Therefore, the method does not necessarily require explicit tracking of features in the space-time volume. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
794-795 |
193 |
A Survey Paper on Automatic Emotion Detection using Facial Expressions
-Harshada Dherange ; Prof. B. S. Satpute; Mahesh Amte; Amal Subash; Yogesh Lamture
In this Paper we discuss about the emotion detection techniques that is used to identify the person’s mood / emotion using facial expressions. Many methods of emotion recognition such as emotion detection from human face have been discovered. The interaction between human and computers will be more natural if computers are able to receive and respond to human non-verbal communication such as emotions. After the face is detected, image processing based feature point extraction method is used to extract a set of selected feature points. Finally, a set of values obtained after processing those extracted feature points are given as input to the neural network to detect the emotion contained. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
796-797 |
194 |
FEM Analysis of Fins with Varying Shapes and Material for Their Thermal Behaviour and Applications
-Gaurang Sharma ; Dr. G. S. Sharma; Akshay Panchaity
A fin is a surface that extends from an object to increase the rate of heat transfer to or from the environment by increasing convection. Extensions on the finned surfaces is used to increases the surface area of the fin in contact with the fluid flowing around it. In the study of heat transfer, fins are surfaces that extend from an object to increase the rate of heat transfer to or from the environment by increasing convection. The amount of conduction, convection, or radiation of an object determines the amount of heat it transfers. Increasing the temperature gradient between the object and the environment, increasing the convection heat transfer coefficient, or increasing the surface area of the object increases the heat transfer. Sometimes it is not feasible or economical to change the first two options. Thus, adding a fin to an object, increases the surface area and can sometimes be an economical solution to heat transfer problems.
There are two ways to increase the rate of heat transfer:
1) To increase the convection heat transfer coefficient h.
2) To increase the surface area As.
It is noted that: Increasing h may require the installation of a pump or fan, or replacing the existing one with a large one. The alternative is to increase the surface area by attaching to the surface extended surfaces called fins made of highly conductive material such as aluminium.
India |
798-800 |
195 |
Introduction to Openstack and its Components
-Sruthi Paramkusham
This paper introduces overview of OpenStack and its components, good familiarity with virtualization is required as OpenStack problems requires knowledge on virtualization. This paper also introduces few commands which are useful for Installation and Configuration of OpenStack components and a brief description of Image management, Instance Management, Storage Management, Network Management etc. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
801-803 |
196 |
An Efficient Method for Automatic Emotion Detection from Facial Expression
-Amal Subash ; Prof. B. S. Satpute; Harshada Dherange; Mahesh Amte; Yogesh Lamture
The human face plays an important role for automatic recognition of emotion in the ï¬eld of identiï¬cation of human emotion and the interaction between human and computer for some real application like driver state surveillance, personalized learning, health monitoring, automatic music player, etc. In this article we have tried to design an automated framework for emotion detection using facial expression. Facial expression recognition system require to overcome the human face having multiple variability such as colour, orientation, expression, posture, texture and so on. Facial Expression Recognition is challenging problem up till now because of many reasons, moreover, it consists of three sub challenging tasks face detection, facial feature extraction and expression classiï¬cation. PCA (Principal Component Analysis) analysis is used to detect the face from the captured image. Extended local binary pattern is used for feature extraction of the face. Emotion detection is done by calculating the Euclidian distance between the feature points. Emotions are classified into seven major categories viz. joy, sorrow, surprise, disgust, fear, anger, neutral. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
804-807 |
197 |
Stator Interturn Short Circuit Fault Diagnosis using Fuzzy Logic
-Adapa Saikiran S ; Mayur Parmale C
Induction motors are widely used in process, mining, manufacturing industries and in almost every other field dealing with electrical power. These motors are simple, efficient, highly robust and rugged thus offering a very high degree of reliability. But like any other machine, these are also vulnerable to faults, which if left unmonitored, might lead to cascading failure of the machine in the long run. On-line condition monitoring of the induction motors has been widely used in the detection of faults. This paper presents a detailed analysis to detect induction motor faults using fuzzy logic. A fuzzy logic approach may help to diagnose induction motor stator faults. In fact, fuzzy logic is equivalent of human thinking processes and natural language enabling decisions to be made based on information. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
808-811 |
198 |
Potential Application of Orange Peel as an Adsorbent for the Polluted Pond Water
-M. Gayathri ; M. Subita Deeneshwari
Organic filtration is a practice to eliminate the colour, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and some heavy metals. In this thesis, orange peel was taken as natural adsorbent for the reduction of COD is river water, nearest to the soap factory. An orange peel, carbon powder, fine and coarse aggregate were taken as a filter media. An influent was allowed to pass through the filter media with a contact period of 45 days. Aggregate were used to remove the suspended particles and carbon powder was used to remove contaminates and impurities using chemical adsorption. An orange peel could be removed the colour and COD in the waste water. The physical and chemical characterisation were analysed for influent effluent. An effluent has achieved in the reduction of COD and other parameter like pH, total solids, turbidity etc. It could be compared with IS standards for waste water. Finally concluded, the effluent can be used for non- portable domestically uses, and also for cooling and washing purposes in industries. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
812-814 |
199 |
Review on Solid Waste Management in Hotel Industry in India
-Kamna Vaidya ; Farhan Mohammad Khan; Prof. Dr. Ashit Kumar Saxena
Hotel industry, in recent years, has been a major consistent force behind the tremendous growth in Indian GDP. It has also fueled the increase in number of hotels around the country. Hotels are the major consumers of resources and contribute heavily toward the waste generation, as compared to others. Today is the Green Economy era and green strategies, like recycling can provide a great benefit to hotel industry. In this study, we reviewed literature in waste-audit, WARM model, equivalency calculator and cost benefit analysis techniques on hotel properties and examining the current status of waste management for some hotel industry in India. An account is given of the causes of the different types of waste encountered in this sector and what strategies may be used to reduce them. Generally, there is a lack of scholarly publications to support this area of research. This paper presents an overview of current waste management practices in India and suggests solutions to some of the major problems. Presently there are improper waste management practices in hotel industry. And lack of suitable facilities (equipment and infrastructure) and underestimates of waste generation rates, inadequate management and technical skills, improper collection, and route planning are responsible for poor collection and transportation of municipal solid wastes. The main objective of present study is about the management of hotel waste to create sustainable business along with generating profit from waste. It reveals that proper management of waste can lead to higher profitability for hotel and save environmental pollution. Read More...
Environmental Engineering |
India |
815-821 |
200 |
Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer Phenomena in Triple Tube Heat Exchanger with Dimple on Internal Tube and Internal Threaded Middle Tube and its Validation using CFD Analysis
-Mr. Sagar S. Pujari ; Mr. C. G. Harge
The combination of dimple tube and internal threaded tube in case of triple tube heat exchanger are a typical technique that offers a higher heat transfer increase. This study will investigates the heat transfer characteristics of a horizontal triple tube heat exchanger having internal threaded pipe in the middle & dimples on inner tube. This research work leads to findings on the effect of triple tube on heat transfer. From this research work, it is found that the applications of CFD and experimental results are nearly equal to same in triple tube heat exchanger by providing turbulence in inner tube and spiral movement of fluid in the intermediate tube of the triple heat exchanger. The system development includes the proper selection of dimensions of triple tube with help of different references and developed test rig by using water as a working fluid for both hot and cold circuits for both CFD and experimental works. After experimentation, results shows that as there is increase in Reynolds number, Nusselt number increases for both parallel and counter flow arrangement in triple tube heat exchanger. Also it is observed that as Reynolds number increases friction factor decreases for both parallel and counter flow arrangement in triple tube heat exchanger. All CFD results and experimental results are close to each other which have maximum errors nearly equal to 10%. Read More...
India |
822-828 |