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201 |
Overview of Prime Mineral Content of Indian Green Leafy Vegetables and a Proposed Non-Invasive Technical Method of Their Estimation
-Krishnamurthy Bhat ; Soubhagya Hiremath
Green leafy vegetables contain lots of minerals, nutrients and dietary fibers. They play vital role in maintaining good health. In this fast pacing life, we need to give importance to good diet. Compositions of green leafy vegetables are needed to be evaluated for all references. There are many in-vitro and physico-chemical methods available for this purpose. Many of such methods of estimating mineral content of Indian green leafy vegetables are discussed in this paper. A non-invasive technical method for the estimation of mineral and nutrients is also proposed in this paper. The proposed method uses UV and visible radiation for the detection of absorption and reflection property of the test specimen. Hence, an instrument/system for this method can be easily implemented. Read More...
India |
829-831 |
202 |
Review of Security System based on P.I.R Sensor using Face Recognition Concept
-Bhushan Gajare ; Rajat Agarwal; Omkar Kute; Pravin Wattamwar; Shobha S. Raskar
Security can be considered as a measure that is taken with a specific end goal to protect a place, an individual or group of individuals or nowadays also data stored on the computer and ensures that people with particular permission have the privilege to get the secured entity. Importance of security is at most while taking into consideration safety of an individual's house and dear ones or safety of information-sensitive data of particular organization. Automation has now played an important role in the field of security systems due to advances in the technologies related to Internet of Things (IOT). Internet of Things enables the various components of security systems to interact and communicate with each other taken with a specific end goal to transfer the information. Security Cameras installed in the various localities just captures the footage, however human intervention is necessary in order to detect any problem occurring in the frame. In this paper, Internet of Things along with facial recognition is used to detect the faces of people by making use of the camera and Passive Infrared sensor (PIR) and camera. The PIR sensor and the camera are mounted to a computer system. The sensor gets notified by the movement of the person which then triggers the camera. The camera captures the images and detects the face by making use of Facial Recognition algorithm of the computer system. This information is then sent to the concerned person, via mail on their smart phones or computer, by taking advantage of the facilities provided by IOT. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
832-834 |
203 |
Graphical Password Authentication for Securing Online Banking System
-Anju Marium Abraham ; Bibin Varghese; Smita C Thomas
Securing online banking system authentication plays an important role, mainly user’s use username and password combo for verifying users. Memoring username and password is a difficult task. Attackers can easily attack users account. Here proposing graphical password scheme for online banking system. Users can set their own live picture as their password. It will help to overcome the password related attacks. Highly distinctive optical features are extracted from these selections and used as the password, and also resist shoulder surfing, phishing attack, and data breach incident. The proposed system user needs to select the password from live image taken and select points from the image, the server need to extract the features of the image. User can enter the password by using the registered device, here personal device such as smart phone or smart watch etc. which should perform cryptographic primitives such as encryption, digital signature and hashing. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
835-836 |
204 |
Sparse Channel Estimation using NLMS Algorithm for MIMO-OFDM System
-P. Jenigraph ; Sri Devi V G
In wireless communications, channel state data (CSI) refers to known channel properties of a communication link. This data describes but a sign propagates from the transmitter to the receiver and represents the combined results of, as an example, scattering, fading, and power decay with distance. Correct channel state data (CSI) is required for coherent detection in multiple-input multiple outputs (MIMO) communication systems practice orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation. One flow-complexity and stable adaptive channel estimation (ACE) approaches are that the normalized least means sq. (NLMS) methodology. The skinny NLMS is introduced to estimate the channel. The introduced novelty is introducing skinny penalties to the value perform of NLMS rule. Projected methodology is implemented in MATLAB and conjointly the results will show the performance of the system. Read More...
M.E Communication Systems |
India |
837-839 |
205 |
Object-Oriented Programming and its Concepts
-Asha Rani M ; Kavana M D; Parvathy S J; Shreelakshmi C M
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) utilizes an alternate arrangement of programming language than old procedural programming dialects (C, Pascal, and so forth.). It is a methodology which is essentially centered on the way objects collaborate to convey and share the data. It changed the utilization of procedural oriented programming, where the attention was on the methodology of execution. The object oriented methodology brought another way, giving more significance to the items. There are four basic concepts which are to be emphasized. The first concept is that of an Object. It is the basic building block of any programming language. It represents the way you can describe anything in the programming world. The next is Class; a class in OOP is the principle body of any system. The classes frame the fundamental improvement unit of any system. Third factor is Inheritance, where we can create a new class known as derived class from the parent base class. This helps in reducing the time for coding and the derived class is error free. The last factor is Polymorphism, which means the capacity to ask for that the same operations be performed by an extensive variety of diverse sorts of things. Read More...
Computer Network Engineering |
India |
840-842 |
206 |
ANN based Signature Verification System
-Priyanka Shivaji Katare ; Prof. Dr. Swapnil B. Mohod
Now a days security is the most important thing. Everywhere we saw personalization of the each things. There is unique identity provide through the signature. we use for the uniqueness as our ID proof, voting card, pan card etc. at the same time the secondary part of the each person uniqueness is signature, figure print, voice, heart sound, iris recognition, palm print etc., In this pepper we verify the signatures and provide its security. We know that there is professional forgeries they can missuses your signature. In bank transactions, cheques, legal documents, fax money transfer, entry application, and password substitution we need to sign for completion of these processes. For the signature security we use the feature extractions, image processing and neural network. The experimentation of the proposed system will perform the offline signature verification and detection. If the stored data of signature will match with the input signature then it will be successfully verify and detected by the same time we highly provide security of the signature using artificial neural network (ANN). Read More...
India |
843-846 |
207 |
BER Performance of Optical Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing in Presence of Shot and Thermal Noises
-Subrateshvar Kumar Dwivedi ; Dr. Prabhat Patel
O-OFDM is an emerging technology in the field of optical wireless communication especially in indoor applications. As in optical wireless VLC the transmission is done in optical domain therefore, photo-detection is performed at the receiver. Therefore it is important to consider, shot and thermal noises in BER analysis. In this work, OOK-SIM (ON –OFF Keying Subcarrier Intensity Modulation) is compared with O-OFDM, and effect of thermal and shot noises is considered in BER analysis. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
847-850 |
208 |
Intelligent Driver Monitoring and Vehicle Control System
-G. Kiruthikamani ; B. Saranya; P. Pandiyan
In this modern, fast moving and insecure world, it is a basic necessity to be aware of one’s safety. Moreover, the number of occurrence of accidents is increasing day by day. Many statistics say that most of the accidents are caused due to consumption of alcohol or due to the drowsiness of the driver. A system using modern technology is developed to overcome such accidents by monitoring the activities of the driver. Eye blink sensor is used to monitor the drowsiness of the driver. Alcohol sensor is used for the detection of alcohol consumption by the driver. Ultrasonic sensor is used to alert the driver if any vehicle comes near to his vehicle. The status of the driver can be monitored by the help of sensors implemented in the vehicle and the details are updated to the owner. The real time monitoring using various sensors and automatic vehicle controlling can be achieved through this system. Read More...
India |
851-853 |
209 |
Effect of Angle of Twist on Small Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Blade
-Akash P. Mohokar ; N. W. Kale
In order to optimally explore and utilize wind energy, an optimal design of wind turbine rotor blades needs to be obtained. A lot of work has been done for the optimization of wind turbine blade. There are many factors which are important to take into consideration while designing the turbine blade. Therefore, for that purpose, QBlade software based on the Blade Element Momentum (BEM) theory is used in the present study. Which gives a brief insight of effects of angle of twist on the performance of small horizontal axis wind turbine. Different blade designs are experimented in this study by changing the angle of twist of wind turbine blade. It ranges from zero to fifty degree angle of twist and results are observed critically and it was found that at 20 degree angle of twist the performance of blade is optimum it gives maximum power output. Read More...
Renewable Energy |
India |
854-857 |
210 |
Comparative Study of Tall Structure with and Without X- Bracings and Shear Links of Different Material
-Yogesh Babulkar ; Rashmi Sakalle; Rajeev Arya
As Population of India is rapidly increasing, there is a high requirement of more shelters to settle down this population thus there is a high demand of tall structure. Tall structure s are generally came in contact with lateral forces due to (wind & seismic) intensities are high, which may causes failure of structure therefore to counteract these vast lateral forces we need some special techniques in such tall structure. in this study we will apply some extra innovative technique to stable the structure by providing bracings and shear links in the structure and prepare a comparison between bare frame, frame with bracings and shear links with two different type of material such as steel and Aluminium for this comparative study we have consider a symmetrical plan of G+12 floors considering Seismic zones IV & medium type soil as per I.S. 1893 part 1 2002. for analyzing and modeling purpose programming is utilized and study is done on the premise of maximum storey displacement, axial forces, shear forces, maximum bending, storey drift, stiffness and displacement in x and z direction. In this study we have adopted 13 loading combination in each case as per Indian standards and Dimensions of column and beam in all the cases were same. We observed the result of all the cases in the manner, bare frame shows maximum values in all parameters, steel bracing frame shows moderate result and frame with Aluminium bracing with shear links shows minimum. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
858-861 |
211 |
Physical Layer Analysis of Visible Light Indoor Communication
-Brajendra Kumar Ahirwar ; Dr. Prabhat Patel
The number of personal computers and personal digital assistants for indoor use are rapidly growing in offices, manufacturing floors, shopping areas and warehouses. In near future, one will find very often several such devices clustered within small indoor areas. To meet these requirements optical wireless (IR) technology seems to be ideal for wireless communication systems of the future. It can provide cable free communication at very high bit rates (a few Gbps as compared to tens of Mbps supported by radio). In indoor optical wireless systems, laser diodes (LDs) or light emitting diodes (LEDs) are used as transmitter and photo-diodes as the receivers for optical signals. These LED are Lambertian source, therefore light is not uniformly distributed and thus power variation and in turn BER varies. In this paper it is shown that by adding SOAs in photo-detector can improve BER performance. Read More...
India |
862-866 |
212 |
Survey on Search Engine Optimization Techniques
-Vishakha Chilpipre ; Manisha Singh; Shailesh Jadhav
The purpose of this survey is to study the working of search engine using search engine optimization, web crawler and web mining. The large growth of World Wide Web (web) needs an efficient system that will manage the data over a web. This huge data get generated, deleted, manipulated every day and it is a source for millions of people all over the world. Search engine is the system provides relevant presentation of data that is to be searched. Search engine show the working of search engine optimization, web crawler, web mining. Search engine works on the architecture of web crawler that uses the web mining as well as search engine optimization to gather and represent the related data. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
867-869 |
213 |
Review Paper on Color Extended Visual Cryptography
-Rashmi V. Dixit ; Ganesh Ubale
As a result of rapid advancement of various kinds of Internet technologies, more and more information are to be transmitted to all parts of the world from everywhere through the Net. In such cases the senders have to take into consideration the information security issues so that they can trustingly enjoy the speed and convenience that is offered by an Internet. The data sent through an Internet may include some important secret images. "Visual Cryptography" is the technique developed to provide security and authentication to these images. Many attempts have been made from within the cryptographic community to provide security to these secret images. In this paper we will make a review Cryptography Schemes that are used store and transmit the secret images. We will also compare the respective algorithms of all the schemes with respect to the parameters such as PSNR and perceived error. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
870-873 |
214 |
Overview of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
-BVSS Subbarao ; Dr. M. Veerabhadra Rao
Intellectual property rights are a bundle of exclusive rights over creations of the mind, both artistic and commercial. The former is covered by copyright laws, which protect creative works such as books, movies, music, paintings, photographs, and software and gives the copyright holder exclusive right to control reproduction or adaptation of such works for a certain period of time. This paper focuses on the basic concepts of Intellectual Property, its types and issues involved in IPR. Read More...
Education |
India |
874-877 |
215 |
Boon of Seaweed Liquid Fertilizer in Agriculture
-N. Tensingh Baliah
Now-a-days, the synthetic fertilizers are commonly using in agriculture when compared with organic fertilizers. The continuous use of chemical fertilizers are diminishing soil fertility, soil erosion, health threads to human, livestock and also microbial community present in the soil. To overcome this problem and to increase the efficiency of plant cultivation, seaweed extracts can be used as fertilizers in sustainable agriculture. The seaweed liquid fertilizer (SLF) or suspensions or extracts obtained from algae gain a commercial importance and it can be an alternative treatment especially for organic farming. The application of seaweed fertilizers for different crop plants is of great importance to substitute/supplementary to the inorganic fertilizers and to reduce the cost of production. The current research indicates that the extract from seaweeds are found to be supplementary to chemical fertilizer due to high level of organic matter, micro and macro elements, vitamins, fatty acids and growth regulators. Therefore, the usage of SLF can minimize the quantity chemical fertilizers for sustainable yield of various crop plants. Read More...
Agricultural Sciences |
India |
878-884 |
216 |
A New Approach for Simulated Metadata Services in Parallel File Systems
-N. Parthiban ; D. Govindaraj
An expansive class of current circulated record frameworks regard metadata benefits as a free framework segment, independently from information servers. The accessibility of the metadata benefit is vital to the accessibility of the general framework. Given the high rates of disappointments saw in vast scale server farms, circulated document frameworks typically join high-accessibility (HA) highlights. A run of the mill approach in the advancement of conveyed record frameworks is to outline and create metadata administrations from the beginning, at huge cost as far as intricacy and time, frequently prompting utilitarian weaknesses. Our inspiration in this paper was to enhance this condition of things by characterizing a broadly useful engineering for HA metadata administrations (which we call RMS) that can be effortlessly joined and reused in new or existing document frameworks, diminishing advancement time. Taking two noticeable appropriated record frameworks as contextual analyses, PVFS and HDFS, we created RMS variations that enhance utilitarian deficiencies of the first HA arrangements, while being anything but difficult to assemble and test. Our broad assessment of the RMS variation of HDFS demonstrates that it doesn't cause a general execution or accessibility punishment contrasted with the first usage. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
885-888 |
217 |
Review For Design And Development of Electric Bike
-Rahul B.Gupta ; Parth C. Patel; Farhan T. Dadhi; Azlankhan A. Pathan; Viranchi Shastri
Electric Vehicles are emerging due to increasing concerns about global warming, greenhouse gas emissions, and the depletion of fossil fuels, the electric vehicles receive massive popularity due to their performances and efficiencies in recent years. EVs have already been widely accepted in the automotive industries considering the most promising replacements in reducing CO2 emissions and global environmental issues. So, battery and BLDC motor have huge attention in EVs due to their feature such as lightweight and high efficiency. In many urban cities there is problem of air pollution caused by the IC engine vehicles. India is a large manufacturer and consumer of two wheeler, due to which the emission of harmful gases such as CO, HC and Nox increases. The main objective of this paper is to identify problem of electric bike and to improve the life of battery, battery charging system and drive control system. Read More...
India |
889-893 |
218 |
Comparative Study of Performance Based Seismic Design (DDBD) and Conventional Design (FBD) Approach, Applied On an Irregular Tall Building Using Non-Linear Dynamic Analysis
-Saumya Shukla
Extensive researches in the field of earthquake resistant structural designing techniques have taken place in past few years and several new methods providing far better results than the conventional methods have been proposed. Force Based Design (FBD) or the conventional designing approach and Direct Displacement Based Design (DDBD) or performance based approach are the two widely popular design approaches. As the use of structural analysis and designing software’s is more popular these days, so with the help of ETABS Ultimate 15.2.2 three models of a G+11 irregular tall hotel building are designed (model-1 based on FBD method using IS-1893(PART-1) : 2002 norms, Model-2 based on DDBD method using IS-1893(PART-1) : 2002 norms, Model-3 based on DDBD method using ASCE 7-10 norms) and the demand parameters are compared for eight different set of spectral accelerations. Performance based is a comparatively new approach but as its working has a harmonious combination of efficiency and economy it provides excellent results. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
894-897 |
219 |
Rainfall Runoff Modelling using Artificial Neural Network
-Maaz Allah Khan ; Danish Hussain; Ashraf Usmani; Deepak Kumar Verma; Farooq Jamal
The use of an artificial neural network (ANN) has become common due to its ability to analyse complex nonlinear events. An ANN has a flexible, convenient and easy mathematical structure to identify the nonlinear relationships between input and output data sets. This capability could efficiently be employed for the different hydrological models such as rainfall-runoff models, which are inherently nonlinear in nature and therefore, representing their physical characteristics is challenging. In this paper, the influences of back propagation algorithm and their efficiencies which affect the input dimensions on rainfall runoff model have been demonstrated. The capability of the Artificial Neural Network with different input dimensions have been attempted and demonstrated with a case study on Sarada River Basin. The ANN models developed were able to map relationship between input and output data sets used. The model developed on rainfall and runoff pattern have been calibrated and validated. The significant input variables for training of ANN models were selected based on statistical parameters like cross-correlation, autocorrelation, and partial autocorrelation function. Different combinations were used and six combinations were selected based on the statistics of these functions. It was found that those models considering rainfall lag rainfall and discharge as inputs were performing better than those considering rainfall alone. It was found that the neural network model developed was performing well. It can be inferred from the developed model that the Neural Network model was able to predict runoff from rain fall data fairly well for a small semi-arid catchment area considered in the present study. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
898-901 |
220 |
A Review on Optimization of Welding Parameters in Arc Welding Process using Taguchi Parametric Optimization Technique
-Sukhendra Singh Kushwah ; Sanjay Goyal
Before starting any dissertation work, the review of the topic is must, because it helps us in knowing the amount of work that has been done in that topic by the different researchers. It also helps us in doing the further work by taking the reference of the previous work done in the best possible way. This paper presents the review of relevant past work on parametric optimization of MIG welding by different methods. The MIG welding parameters are the most important factors affecting the quality, productivity and cost of welding. welding parameter contains welding current, welding voltage, welding speed, shielding gas, arc travel, etc. mechanical properties like tensile strength, hardness etc. Read More...
India |
902-907 |
221 |
Survey on Enable Multi-Aspect Access Control System For Cloud Services
-Khatmode Rahul D ; Kharat Pooja S.; Patil Prajkta P; Khutale Kalyani R; Dabhade S. A.
We propose a two-factor information security protection mechanism with issue revocability for cloud storage system. Our system permits a sender to send an encrypted message to a receiver through a cloud storage server. The sender only needs to know the identity of the receiver however no different data (such as its public key or its certificate). The receiver has to possess 2 things so as to decrypt the ciphertext. The primary factor is his/her secret key hold on within the pc. The second factor could be a distinctive personal security device that connects to the pc. It is impossible to decrypt the ciphertext without either piece. Additional significantly, once the safety device is stolen or lost, this device is revoked. It can’t be used to decrypt any ciphertext. This could be done by the cloud server which is able to immediately execute some algorithms to vary the existing ciphertext to be un-decryptable by this device. This method is totally clear to the sender. Furthermore, the cloud server cannot decrypt any ciphertext at any time. The security and efficiency analysis show that our system isn't only secure however additionally sensible. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
908-910 |
222 |
A Novel Approach for Analysing the Weather by using Big Data Tool
-Sheeba Ann Thomas ; Anju Rachel Oommen; Smita C Thomas
In the last few decades, the generation of data has increased and it is expected to increase in future. So that it is necessary to process a large amount of data set in weather and analyse the same using the traditional methods. In the existing system, it aims to forecast the chances of rainfall by using predictive analysis in Hadoop. It helps to predict the rainfall in minimum and maximum by taking the data as input. It uses the apache PIG. It have some disadvantages, so in proposed system we use a Naïve Bayse algorithm to predict earth quake, floods , etc., It focuses on meteorological data to predict the seasons to separate the weather data based on Longitudinal and Latitudinal which can be used to analyse the reliability factor of cyclone, earthquake, rainfall, temperature and humidity. It provides specific service to an assessment of pollution impacts from different organization and thermal power plants. It is easy and fast to predict class of test data set. It also performs well in multi class prediction. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
911-913 |
223 |
BoVW Model in Content Based Image Retrieving
-Linta John ; Smita C Thomas
A scalable approach for sharing multimedia data across the network is the Peer-to-peer networking. For a large amount of data which is distributed among different nodes, to perform content-based retrieval in peer-to-peer networks is an important but challenging problem. But many of the existing methods are focus on the indexing high dimensional visual features. This type of methods has scalability limitations. By using the bag-of-visual words model found a scalable approach for content-based image retrieval in peer-to-peer networks. By making a comparison with centralized ones, the key problem is to efficiently and precisely obtain a codebook which is global. For a peer-to-peer network, which is often evolves dynamically, and that makes a static codebook which is less effective for the retrieval tasks. Therefore, have to propose a dynamic codebook updating method. This is by optimization of the mutual information between the codebook which is produced and important information. To manage the different code words the workload balanc914e among nodes is necessary. Indexing pruning techniques are used for the improvement in the retrieval process and for reducing the network cost. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
914-915 |
224 |
Development of Fuel Injector Body by 3D-Printing
-Mr. K. Rajesh
Prototyping or model making is one of the important steps to finalize a product design. It helps in conceptualization of a design. When a soft prototype modeled by 3d curves and surfaces could be stressed in virtual environment, simulated and tested with exact material and other properties. third and the latest trend of prototyping, i.e., rapid prototyping (rp) by layer-by-layer material deposition This report, aims at development of Fuel Injector Body by 3D-Printing.The modeling of the component was carried by using features of CATIA software there after modeled file is imported to KISSLICER software which will generate the g-code, and is used to print the component in 3d. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
916-917 |
225 |
Design and Verification of Modified Regression based Image Interpolation Method with High PSNR: A Review
-Dinabandhu Kumar
In computer graphics, image interpolation is the process of resizing a digital image. Interpolation is a non-trivial process that involves enhancement in sense of efficiency, smoothness and sharpness. With bitmap graphics, as the size of an image is enlarged, the pixels that form the image become increasingly visible, making the image appear "soft" if pixels are averaged, or jagged if not. Image interpolation methods however, often suffer from high computational costs and unnatural texture interpolation. This work intends to give an overview of image Interpolation, its uses & techniques. The paper work is an implementation of Image interpolation of images. Read More...
India |
918-920 |
226 |
AGROBOT- Design and Analysis to Light Weight
-Mr. K.Rajesh
This paper, describes about prototype of an aerial spectrum monitoring system that consists of a ground control station and a four-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Agriculture is the main source of food for human beings living on earth. The farmer's, who works in fields, are facing lots of problems due to lack of machinery/ equipment and human effort. Our product is Agro-Bot which is light in weight, having high payload capacity with high speed and stability all these can be controlled in field using different control techniques fully automated. The body frame of Agro-bot is made of glass fiber, whose strength to weight ratio is high compared to the conventional materials like steel or aluminum. In this project, a dynamic model for a multipurpose robot which is made of flexible parts will be developed. Drone acts as the main body controlling all works in fields providing the tasks which is self-controllable by itself. Product can do tasks related to mainly to maize crop and it may be further developed accordingly for the applications of other crops like paddy, cotton, mango, onions, groundnut etc. Can perform tasks related to seeding sowing, cultivating, plants spraying, scanning of crops, cutter, pitting holes, harvesting, security causes, inspecting crop, soil testing, details with specified seeds, fertilizers, pesticides as per soil condition suggested from scientists of agriculture .In air it works with all necessary operations of Pitch, Yaw and Roll and covers the future applications in different Missions. Read More...
India |
921-923 |
227 |
Design and Verification of Soft Decision Adaptive Interpolation Modal for Image Interpolation
-Dinabandhu Kumar
In computer graphics, image interpolation is the process of resizing a digital image. Interpolation is a non-trivial process that involves enhancement in sense of efficiency, smoothness and sharpness. With bitmap graphics, as the size of an image is enlarged, the pixels that form the image become increasingly visible, making the image appear "soft" if pixels are averaged, or jagged if not. Image interpolation methods however, often suffer from high computational costs and unnatural texture interpolation. This work intends to give an efficient algorithm which enhances the LR image to HR with enhanced PSNR and time complexity. The work has been designed and tested on MATLAB 2016 simulator. Read More...
India |
924-928 |
228 |
Information about Quantity Estimation
-Ronak Dave ; Kevin Parmar; Brijesh Patel; Jugal Mistry
An estimate is a computation of the quantities required and expenditure likely to be incurred the construction of a work. In any construction project, the probable cost of construction which is known beforehand is known as the estimated cost. And hence it is quite essential for the arrangement of financial resources for the completion of any construction project. Consider using the detailed estimation technique, which takes into account the quantities and costs of all input required by a contractor so as to complete the project. Quantity surveyors use estimation to provide the owner of a project with an accurate judgment of the costs. Employ value engineering techniques. Regarded as the most reliable and accurate method of estimating, provided that there is sufficient information to work on. Depending on the experience of the surveyor, measurement can be carried out fairly quickly using composite rates to save time. The rules of measurement are simple, although it must be said; they are not standardized and tend to vary slightly from one surveyor to another. One approach involves grouping together items corresponding to a sequence of operations and relating them to a common unit of measurement; unlike the measurement for a bill of quantities. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
929-931 |
229 |
Seismic Evaluation of Multistorey Building with the Effect of Ground Soft Storey
-Mohammed Tosif Ahmed ; Mohammed Khaja Moinuddin; Mohammed Ibrahim
Generally RC framed structures are designed without regards to structural action of masonry infill walls present. Masonry infill walls are widely used as partitions. These buildings are generally designed as framed structures without regard to structural action of masonry infill walls. They are considered as non- structural elements. This research deals with multistoried buildings with open (soft) ground floor are inherently vulnerable to collapse due to earthquake load, their construction is still widespread in the developing nations. In this study, 3D analytical model of twelve storeyed buildings have been generated for different buildings Models and analyzed using structural analysis tool 'ETABS'. To study the effect of infill, ground soft, bare frame and models with ground soft having concrete core wall and shear walls and concrete bracings at different positions during earthquake, seismic analysis using both linear static, linear dynamic (response spectrum method) as well as non-linear static (pushover) has been performed. The deflections at each storey level have been compared by performing equivalent static, response spectrum method as well as pushover method. Pushover analysis has also been performed to determine capacity, demand and performance level of the considered building models. From the above studies it has been observed that non-linear pushover analysis provide good estimate of global as well as local inelastic deformation demands and also reveals design weakness that may remain hidden in an elastic analysis and also the performance level of the structure. Models with shear wall and concrete bracings are showing efficient performance during Sever Earthquake loading. Read More...
M.Tech in Structural Engineering |
India |
932-935 |
230 |
Analysis of Multi-Storeyed Residential Building
-Mohammed Tosif Ahmed ; Syed Zameer; Mohammed Fareed; Mohammed Nawaz
Urban regions are rapidly developing with huge buildings of different kind in which most common used is reinforced cement concrete framed structure. To have a safer stability of R.C.C structure the structural design should be run accordance with the codal provision with respective to the country. To understand the methodology and procedure for the analysis, a commercial multi-storied R.C.C building is of G+2 which is situated in sangareddy, dist is taken into consideration for the analysis. Manually the tributary loads distribution of floors to corresponding beams has been done, one of the frame of the building has been selected, and all the necessary loads have been worked out and distributed with respect to the storey levels. Manually linear static analysis has been done using KANI’S method of rotational contribution. The frame is also analyzed in SAP2000v17.3, and all the important results, such as major bending moment, major shear force and axial loads have been calculated and a comparison is made between manual calculations and SAP2000. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
936-940 |
231 |
Wearable Body Sensor by using Human Body Heat Connected with IoT and Provide Security
-Manju Lakshmi ; Bibin Vargeese; Smita C Thomas
Internet of Things (IoT) is a new technological paradigm that can connect things from various fields through the Internet. For the IoT connected healthcare applications, the wireless body area network (WBAN) is gaining popularity as wearable devices spring into the market. In this paper propose human body heat for sensing the wearable body sensor and provide the security for the IoT system. Now a day’s security problem is the main issues of the IoT system. Users need to trust that IoT devices and related data services are secure from vulnerabilities, especially as this technology become more pervasive and integrated into our daily lives. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
941-942 |
232 |
CMAC Neural Network based Speed Control of Induction Motor
-Siddanna Dhavalagi ; Dr. Basavaraj Amarapur
In this paper, Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller neural network based speed control of induction motor has been presented. The proposed system consists of a neural network controller, a reference model, and an algorithm for changing the NN weights in order that the speed of the drive can track of the reference speed. The rotor flux is estimated by the simplified rotor flux observer on the rotor reference frame and the feedback linearization theory is used to decouple the rotor speed and the flux amplitude. The effectiveness of the proposed CMAC speed estimator is verified by experimental results in various conditions, and the performance of the proposed control system is compared with a new neural algorithm. Accurate tracking response and superior dynamic performance can be obtained using the CMAC NN. Read More...
India |
943-948 |
233 |
Design and Implementation of Wind Solar Hybrid Power System with Power Converters
-A. Vijayadevi ; A. Brinda Devi; P. S. Sivakami; P. G. Padma Gowri; T. Barath Kumar
The electrification world map shows that the rural areas are in great need of affordable & reliable electricity to achieve development. According to the World Bank’s 2017 State of Electricity Access Report, 1.06 billion people still do not have access to electricity and 3.04 billion people still rely on solid fuels and kerosene for cooking and heating. The Renewable Energy Sources (RES) are one of the most suitable and environmental friendly solution to provide electricity in the rural areas. Wind and solar PV costs were lower and long-term contracts in some countries were in the range $60-80 for onshore wind and $80-100 for utility scale solar PV. The merit of renewable energy technologies are flexible, modular and can be used in various configurations, ranging from those that are grid-connected to those that are off-grid. This paper describes the implementation of Wind – Solar Hybrid system with power converters. Read More...
India |
949-952 |
234 |
Power Quality Improvement by using UPQCA Distribution Side
-Jugal Baliram Mokalkar ; Prof. M. R. Salodkar
Today in Modern power System power quality becomes an important issue in the field of power system. It is important to have good quality of power in order to have better performance of power system. But with increases in use of power electronics devices nonlinearity in system increases which affect quality of power. UPQC (Unified Power Quality Conditioner) in one of the compensating device which is used to improve power quality of system. UPQC consist of series & Shunt APF. This paper presents three phases UPQC for improvement of power quality at distribution side. Performance is analyzed with simulation by MATLAB/SIMULINK. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
953-955 |
235 |
Design and Evaluation of Network-Levitated Merge for Hadoop Acceleration
-Vaibhav Pawar ; Sagar Gaikwad; Arvind Pichad; Vinayak Pujari; Prof. Anjali More
Hadoop is an American Standard Code for Information Interchange document implementation of the MapReduce programming model for cloud computing. However, it faces style of issues to understand the foremost effective performance from the underlying systems. These embrace a business barrier that delays the dimensions back section, repetitive merges and disk accesses, and conjointly the dearth of mobility to whole completely different interconnects. To remain up with the increasing volume of datasets, Hadoop in addition desires efficient I/O capability from the underlying laptop systems to methodology and analyze info. We have an inclination to explain Hadoop, degree acceleration framework that optimizes Hadoop with plug-in elements for fast info movement, overcoming these limitations. A unique network-levitated merge rule is introduced to merge info whereas not repetition and access. In addition, a full pipeline is meant to overlap the shuffle, merge and reduce phases. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
956-958 |
236 |
Tribological Wear Behaviour of Modified ZA-27 Alloy
-Prithviraj S Sheshagiri ; Dr. V. R. Kabadi
Investigation is carried out to improve the tribological properties of the ZA-27 alloy by adding 10% copper and adding copper it is called as modified ZA-27 alloy. The wear behaviour of the modified ZA-27 alloy was studied by performing dry sliding wear test using pin-on-disc and wear is monitored by varying the load and sliding speed. Results show that addition of Cu in the ZA-27 alloy has better wear resistance than the plain ZA-27 alloy. Sliding speed of 1.5 m/s can be considered as critical sliding speed for all loads. Coefficient of friction is decreased with increase in the normal load and sliding speed where as frictional force is increased with the normal load and decrease with the sliding speed. Read More...
India |
959-962 |
237 |
Fault Analysis of Doubly Fed Induction Generator
-Mayur Chandrakant Parmale ; Adapa Saikiran S.
The DFIG based Wind Turbine system is the most popular wind energy conversion system due to its various advantages such as high operating efficiency, lower mechanical stress on the turbines and reduced power rating power electronic devices, so as there are negative impacts on the system such as grid faults in Doubly Fed Induction Generators (DFIG) based wind turbines such as stator and rotor over currents electromagnetic torque oscillations, active and reactive power fluctuations at the grid connecting points. This paper possess simulation and fault analysis of DFIG for the effectiveness of the scheme. Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
963-966 |
238 |
Sentiment Analysis and Semantic Web to Create Smart Map
-Ms. Sandhya Pardhi
There are various limitations of the current web like high recall, low precision or search result are highly sensitive to vocabulary because of this next generation web i.e., Semantic web is used. In Semantic Web information is given in well-defined and meaningful manner. Proposed system takes the advantages of Semantic web. In proposed approach the approach is aimed at changing the way we map the world by providing a meaningful and personalized context that is augmented with the semantic web, smart search for an entity on a map is assisted through the semantic web. Once a map entity is identified, real-time and dynamic information about properties of the entity is gathered. The user can find add tag and comment a places like hotels, school, colleges, restaurant etc. The user are ready to get the information as per their convenience. The location of a particular categories with different variety are easily accessible the user also having additional feature to know the distance from their current location. Customized application is design which is very key access technique for a data mining as well as for quality. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
967-969 |
239 |
Intelligent Transportation System
-Ajay Vatukiya ; Nayan Parmar; Mayanksinh Zala; Shweta Chauhan
Interest in the intelligent transportation system comes from problems caused by traffic congestion and a synergy of new information technology for simulation real time and communications networks. Traffic congestion has been increasing worldwide as a result or increased motorization, urbanization, population growth and changes in population density. Congestion reduces efficiency or transportation infrastructure and increases travel time, air pollution and fuel consumption. Now a day's development of roads has created a new havoc which lead to the increase in the accident cases all across the world, in order to over-come from such a problem, Intelligent Transport System holds a good point. Intelligent Transport System is designed for the urban/state/private road transport organization. The system consists of a backend and a hardware component to provide an integrated solution for the driver console unit, electronic ticking machine passenger information system amid vehicle tracking system. Intelligent Transport System provides a single solution for transport companies to schedule and monitor buses with the help of advance technologies such as GPS, Wi-Fi and GPRS. Intelligent Transport System facilitates better public transport services by considering the bus earning, public safety and security. This paper basically discusses the impact and the various application fields or Intelligent Transport System for road transportation. Also, this paper put forward the implementation or various transportation technologies that will be vital for homeland security, vehicular surveillance along with technologies that can make our ride more safe and economical. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
970-972 |
240 |
Reduction of Computational Complexity in Serloc Localization using Robust Ad-hoc Sensor Routing
-Meenakshi Upreti ; Ajit Singh
Robust is intended to manage with the demanding requirements of emerging technologies; it is involve the consistent or less-latency relief of data and request in upper mobile situation. RASeR included blind forwarding of requests, which is arranged by a real technique of slope defense. The difficulties of arranging an order field in a changing topology, without flooding, is solved by using a complete time deviation multiple accesses MAC. Furthermore, this is accurate by the different methods of a pattern, to support time problem characteristics, back to back sending request, to appreciate sink-to-sensor commands or power saver sleep mode to decrease power utilization. Methodical dialects are subsidiary and set up by recreation. RASeR-SeRloC is checked by the specialty of the WSN directing conventions, RaSeR and E-RaSeR. The outcomes characterize that SeRloc-RASeR is a capitalized routine convention, which exhibit the redress over RaSeR and E-RaSeR. The strength of that convention and its reliable consistency, less-dormancy and additional highlights, makes it very appropriate to a wide number of utilizations. It is particularly proper to exceptionally portable circumstances with a settled tallying of hubs and little payloads. Read More...
M.Tech Computer Science |
India |
973-978 |
241 |
A Comparative Study of Flat Slab Vs Post Tensioned Flat Slab
-Mohammed Imran
In the present study the regular Block type layout of plan is taken into consideration with two types of slab system i.e. Flat slab and post tensioned slab are compared with each other. Considering zone 2 and zone 3 of seismicity according to Indian codes. Various types of Buildings with G+9, G+11, G+14, G+19 and G+24 storeys are considered with difference in geometrical properties and material properties. From past published journals and papers optimization is done in choosing different variety of placement of shear walls, their corresponding height and thickness were given due consideration with accordance to Indian codes. The method used for analysing the model is Linear Time history analysis considering Locc-North seismic condition using software namely ETABS 2015. And conclusion are drawn from various factors with respect to each structural member behaviour during the action of forces on them and differences have been highlighted. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
979-982 |
242 |
Review Paper on Partial Replacement of Concrete Ingredients
-Mitul K. Monpara ; Amit J. Gujarati; Jugal Mistry; Nikunj Patel
Today construction cost is very high with using routine material like cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate. This study includes use of different waste material as a partial replacement of cement or fine aggregate or coarse aggregate. Industries in India produce lots of waste which may be useful in partial replacement of all the raw materials due to their different properties so hereby we studied as many useful research papers in this field and trying to improve with locally available waste material so it can be proved economical as well. Research in this field and positive results are crucial so as to continue all developments with least damage to surrounding environment and obtaining all infrastructures for services and convenience which are desired to get. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
983-984 |
243 |
Study and Design Optimization of Autofeeder Side Cover of Ginning Machine
-Shashikant S. Ingale ; Tushar R. Deshmukh
The process of separation of cotton from seed of cotton which is term as a ginning requires a remarkable technology to meet the continuous demand of cotton to produce the fabric. The mechanism employed for the process can be categorized according to the rate of production and volume of production of the various machine employed for the purpose. Double roller ginning machine is widely favored for higher volume of production and calls for continuous interrupted operation of ginning machine. To maintain the continuous production process of ginning it is likely to execute analysis of factor affecting the life of various component of which ginning machine is comprised one such component is Side Cover of ginning machine which provide a platform for bearing through which shaft of roller are passed. Due to continuous operation this side cover is subjected to vibration and this leads to fatigue failure of side cover. The present paper attempt to find the optimum thickness of side cover which is a sheet metal component so as to sustain the vibration generated in conventional side cover employed today. This is done by the aid of computer aided design and analysis domain by firstly employed CAD Software that is CATIA V5R21 in which sheet metal component I.e. side cover is efficiently modeled. The modeled component is rendered to change in thickness from 2.5 mm to 3.0 mm and 3.5 mm and finite element approach is used to calculate the value of fatigue stress acting on each thickness. ANSYS Workbench 14.5 provide the platform to optimize the thickness of side cover under study. Read More...
India |
985-990 |
244 |
Performance and Design of Cold Mix Asphalt
-Amit Bharmane ; Shravan Kumar
Hot mix technology has seen significant advances through many research programs. Cold mix technology is lagging behind in both research and application fields which is quite observable in a developing country like India. In the absence of uniformity in the laboratory cold mix design procedures followed by different researchers / agencies / organization, it is difficult to form reliable correlations and to have a comparative study between experimental results reported by them. The mix parameters selected for the present work are (i) Method of compaction, (ii) level of compaction, (iii) additives and (iv)aggregate gradation. The first three parameters are selected for their importance as presented in a number of previous research works. It is observed that Bailey method for gradation selection is the only method for HMA/SMA mixture which analyses the aggregate gradations both considering the blend by volume as well as blend by weight. In this study Bailey’s concept has been considered for cold mix design. All the mix parameters have been selected to assess the effect on Marshall Properties of CMA mixture. Initially a suitable experimental methodology has been prepared and then the effects of selected mix parameters on performance of compacted mix are studied. Finally a comparative study for above results has been done on basis of the Marshall Stability and air void content of the cold mix. Considering all the selected mix parameters it is observed that only in case of gyratory compaction the adequate. Air void range (3 to 5 %) in cold mixes can be achieved. Besides, though each and every parameter has contributed to increase the Marshall Stability of cold mixes, cement and developed gradations have shown more significant increase in stability of cold mixes. Read More...
Transportation Engineering |
India |
991-993 |
245 |
IOT based Energy Meter Reading and Theft Monitoring
-S. S. Rathod ; Ajinkya Kulkarni; Akshay Nalawade; Maya Kore; Nilesh Indapure
Electricity has become one of the basic requirements for human life, being widely used for domestic, industrial and agricultural purposes. In our work, we propose a digital energy meter which measures the energy consumption and the energy measured is transmitted periodically to the remote server or user or electricity board so that energy consumption can be monitored from remote end. Additionally an important concept used here is the IoT (Internet of Things). It objective is to generate bill automatically by checking the electricity unit’s consumption in a house and in a way to reduce the manual labor. The calculations are performed automatically and the bill is updated on the internet by using a network of Internet of Things Iot is an emerging system with unique identifiers and having the ability to transfer data over a network without human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. Here using IoT the meter readings are uploaded into our specific web page for remote monitoring. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
994-996 |
246 |
An Integrated Approach of Junction Tree and Naive Bayes for Network Intrusion Detection System
-Jyoti Gupta ; Anshul Khurana
"Network intrusion detection system (NIDS)" monitors traffic on a network looking for doubtful activity, which could be an attack or illegal activity. The intrusion detection techniques based upon data mining are generally plummet into one of two categories: misuse detection and anomaly detection. In misuse detection, each instance in a data set is labeled as 'normal' or 'intrusive' and a learning algorithm is trained over the labeled data. In this paper we will discuss about the steps involved in NIDS, further we will compare different techniques of NIDS based on accuracy parameter i.e. precision and recall. Read More...
Computer Network Engineering |
India |
997-1001 |
247 |
Current Practice of Safety in Construction Industry: Case Study of Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar City
-Nisarg Jani ; Jitendra Patel
The construction industry involves risky and unhealthy operations which result in many human tragedies, discourage workers, disrupt construction, delay progress, and adversely affect cost, productivity and reputation. Construction project can never achieve its objectives unless construction professionals become aware of the safety-related issues. This study has conducted questionnaire checklist survey among the contractors, site engineers, supervisors and safety engineers of residential construction projects for testing current practices adopted in selected study area. Read More...
M.Tech in Construction Project Management |
India |
1002-1004 |
248 |
Association Rule Mining for Identifying Optimal Customers using MAA Algorithm
-V Vasudha Rani
identifying customers which are more likely potential for a product and service offering is an important issue. In customers identification data mining has been used extensively to predict potential customers for a product and service. Most of the research effort in the scope of association rules has been oriented to simplify the rule set and to improve performance of the algorithm. With the recent advancement of Internet and Web Technology, web search has taken an important role in the ordinary life. This project suggests a new framework of algorithm MAA that overcomes the limitations associated with existing methods and enables the finding of association rules based on Apriori Algorithm among the presence and/or absence of a set of items without a preset minimum support threshold and Minimizing Candidate Generation. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1005-1008 |
249 |
A Novel Approach for Smart Ambulance using Intelligent Traffic Control System
-Saurabh Bharade ; Pradnya Botre; Sayali Nagane; Mihir Shah
One of the major issues for highly crowded metropolitan cities is road traffic congestion. Road traffic congestion causes traffic jams, which affects major services like ambulance service. As a solution, this paper has come up with "Intelligent automatic traffic signal control for ambulance". To implement the intelligent traffic signal control system, it makes use of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology. The proposed system uses an android app that connects with an ambulance as well as the traffic signal station using cloud. The idea behind the proposed system is, whenever an ambulance halts on its way to the hospital due to traffic congestion, the RFID reader installed at the traffic signal reads the RFID tagged ambulance and sends its data to the microcontroller. At the microcontroller, the app command is verified and the particular signal is changed to green until the ambulance passes by. It then regains its normal flow. It acts as a lifesaver project as it saves the time in emergency period to control the traffic lights. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1009-1010 |
250 |
Solar Power Automobile
-Anoop Kumar Singh ; Ankit Kumar; Ashish Singh; Vinod Kumar; Suraj Kumar Pandey
This project is mainly designed to build a solar powered automobile which used solar energy as fuel. The solar powered vehicle, one of the oldest alternative energy vehicles, has much application to the emerging electric vehicle market. This project has a strong desire to innovate use local technology and resources. In this when the sun light falls on the solar panel, the solar energy is converted to the electrical energy and this electrical energy is stored in the battery. This paper surveys the history and future of solar and electric vehicles and provides an over view of a typical solar powered automobile. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1011-1012 |