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101 |
A Analysis Scheduled Safety Issues in Cloud Computing
-Prasad Baban Dhore ; Saili H. Sable ; Dr. Lalitkumar Wadhwa
Cloud computing is a distributed computing paradigm capable of providing agile IT services to individual users and organizations. Cloud computing is a technology which will facilitate companies or organizations to host their services without worrying about IT infrastructure and other supporting services. Cloud computing providers can build large data centres at low cost due to their expertise in organizing and provisioning computational resources. Cloud security has emerged as arguably the most significant barrier to faster and more widespread adoption of cloud computing. Indeed, cloud computing suffers from threats and vulnerabilities which hinders the users from trusting it. In this paper, we explore the vulnerabilities and threats of cloud storage one of the domains of cloud computing that affects the different cloud service model. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
408-411 |
102 |
Secure Duplication Detection in Cloud using Chunk Based Technique: Survey
-Bhagyashri Badgujar ; Pallavi Kalase; Shyamli Bharati; Kajol Singh
Cloud computing is the long dreamed vision of computing as a utility. Besides all the benefits of the cloud computing security of the stored data need to be considered while storing sensitive data on cloud. Cloud users cannot rely only on cloud service provider for security of their sensitive data stored on cloud. To achieve optimal usage of storage resources, many cloud storage providers perform de-duplication, which exploits data redundancy and avoids storing duplicated data from multiple users. System proposes a new approach to achieve more efficient Deduplication for (encrypted) large files. Our approach, named Block-Level Message-Locked Encryption (BL-MLE), can achieve file-level and block-level Deduplication, block key management, and proof of ownership simultaneously using a small set of metadata. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
412-414 |
103 |
Experimental Investigation on Self Compaction Concrete by Partial Replacement of Cement with Ground Nut Ash and Fly Ash
-P Vinod Kumar ; V. Bhargavi
Self-Compaction Concrete is a mixture of cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate, which is mainly derived from natural resources along with addition of superplasticizers to increase the flowability of concrete. Increasing population, expanding urbanization, climbing way of life due to technological innovations has demanded a huge amount of natural resources in the construction industry, which has resulted in scarcity of resources. India is facing a serious challenge in disposing the waste in landfills throughout the country. The landfill disposal is resulting in high disposal costs and potential environmental problems. If current trend continues, waste production will grow by 5% each year, which will ultimately result in saturated capacity of landfills by 2020. This project reports on the results of an investigation of utilization of ground nut ash as additional material in concrete mixes to be used for housing projects, for which it must be assured that the resulting concrete has the proper strength, beyond to the addition of Ground nut ash fly ash was also considered as 10% for all mixes. Concrete mixes containing various contents of the Ground nut ash and fly ash were prepared and basic characteristics such as Flowability tests, compressive strength, and split tensile strength were determined. Four concrete mixes with 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% of ground nut ash and fly ash as an additional material to the concrete were prepared for M-30 concrete. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
415-417 |
104 |
Smart Bin: IoT Based Waste Alert System
-Riya Arun Kanase ; Yuvraj Kanse
As India is a developing nation; the important challenge is making the country as a smart city. The important concept of smart cities is the waste management which is very much trending and helpful these days. In the earlier existing systems, it gives prior information of the filling of the garbage bin that alerts and sends warning message to the municipality so that they can clean the garbage bin on time and safeguard the country. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
418-421 |
105 |
An Efficient and Fine-Grained Big Data Access Control Scheme with Privacy-Preserving Policy
-Sushma J. Hiwrale ; Prof. D. R. Deshmukh
In accessing of huge data continue cloud major issue inflicting loss of data in cloud and facing a retardant in authority and privacy of users. Cipher text-Policy Attribute based writing (CP-ABE) is also a promising writing technique permits} end-users to cipher their data to a lower place the access policies made public over some attributes {of data information of information} of information} shoppers and alone permits data shoppers whose attributes satisfy the access policies to decrypt the information. In CP-ABE, the access policy is connected to the cipher text in plaintext kind, which might jointly leak some personal knowledge regarding end-users. Existing ways that alone half hide the attribute values at intervals the access policies, whereas the attribute names unit of measurement still unprotected. Wherever as uploading a file time server is said to file to provide access to file for restricted time alone. Attribute authority in our theme assign personal key to user whereas uploading files on cloud and jointly files secret key and private key to data shopper whereas uploading. Once coming back into keyword user shopper will get prime rank result depends upon attribute and time. Read More...
Engineering Sciences |
India |
422-426 |
106 |
Syndrome Detection for Agricultural Plants using Image Processing and its Remedies
-V Sreenivasa Arun Kumar
India is an agricultural country and most of the people are farmers. Farmers are cultivating different types of crop. These crops affected by fungi, bacteria, viruses and many more. Farmers cannot be determining accurate percentage of observed disease. Patterns of diseases are so many complexes that finding affected area is difficult. Therefore system that provides information about disease will play important role in disease management for famer. For this project we have selected clustered apple crop. There are many disease found on clustered apple like anthracnose, leaf spot, black canker, mealy bug and many more. In this project we are going to process our input image by using computer software, the image will be collected from the farmer. Disease detection involves the steps like taking picture of affected area for image acquisition, image pre-processing, image segmentation, feature extraction and classification. In this project we are going to detect various diseases from the different part of crop by using k-means clustering algorithm and artificial neural network based on the training of images in serial database. In this database various images of different part of clustered apple are affected by disease are stored. The images are threshold to particular values after that detected image threshold are masked over the original image .The image is clustered based on the features using k-means clustering, GLCM algorithm would generate the features from the images and trained using NN and compared so to detect the affected images. Hence, image processing is used for the detection of plant diseases. The obtained result and information about remedies of the disease will be send to via SMS by using GSM module. Read More...
Image processing |
India |
427-431 |
107 |
Application of UPQC with Principle of Operation and Control; A Review
-Krishna Kumar Teotia ; Nitesh Singh
Unbalanced supply system may damage the connected equipment. It is the responsibility of the power engineer to supply fine sinusoidal voltage and current for consumer satisfaction. The non-linearity in load may distort the voltage and current waveform hence a compensator is needed to connect at PCC to rule out the harmonics. UPQC is a customized power electronic device capable of compensating both line voltage and load current to obtain sinusoidal waveforms. This paper presents a review on operation and control of UPQC. It also presents the application and performance at distribution system. Read More...
India |
432-436 |
108 |
Research Paper on Green Cloud Computing
-Manoj Kumar ; Deepak Gupta; Dr. Sanjay Jain
Cloud computing is a highly scalable and cost-effective infrastructure for running HPC, enterprise and Web applications. However, the growing demand of Cloud infrastructure has drastically increased the energy consumption of data centers, which has become a critical issue. High energy consumption not only translates to high operational cost, which reduces the profit margin of Cloud providers, but also leads to high carbon emissions which is not environmentally friendly. Hence, energy-efficient solutions are required to minimize the impact of Cloud computing on the environment. In order to design such solutions, deep analysis of Cloud is required with respect to their power efficiency. Thus, in this chapter, we discuss various elements of Clouds which contribute to the total energy consumption and how it is addressed in the literature. We also discuss the implication of these solutions for future research directions to enable green Cloud computing. The chapter also explains the role of Cloud users in achieving this goal. Read More...
Engineering |
India |
437-439 |
109 |
OCR Number System
-Chhering Norbu ; Dr. Jaswant Singh
There is a problem in standard number system, which is not representation in this system when the radixes are not equal. This study reveals that OCR (Object Class and Radix) number system can remove this obstacle of non-representation of unequal radixes in standard number system. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
440-442 |
110 |
Indoor Emplacement Guider
-Priyanka Athavale ; Anisha Raja; Kajal Mhetre; Sandhya Panchal
This paper is dedicated towards the designing and developing of indoor positioning tracking application system with most optimum characteristics. This is because the Global Positioning System (GPS) is not suitable to be used indoor due to signals lost within the building walls. The indoor positioning system is based on the application of Wi-Fi access points found abundantly in smart phones, malls and buildings. The main goal of this project is maintaining both the budget and power consumption the lowest value possible while completing the project within the stipulated time. The system has functions such as provide localisation and navigation services and also reminder of user and develop the IPS for parking system and showing the offers in the offers in the mall specific applications. Read More...
Internet of things (IoT) |
India |
443-444 |
111 |
Prevention of Bird Strikes on Flying Machine
-Pugazhendiran. P ; Jagadheesh. D; Dhinesh. S
This project aims to prevent the airplanes from the damages caused by the winged birds during the take-off and landing. The rate of the fledgling of winged creatures hitting on the airship is called winged creature strike. Normally the Bird strikes happen during take-off or landing, or during low altitude flight. Yet, the bird strikes have also been stated at high elevations up to 9,000 m (30,000 feet) above the ground level. According to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) report, 90% of bird collisions occur near or on airports. Often, accidents are occurring during a collision of bird (or birds) with a windscreen or a bird (or birds) is sucked into the engines of mechanical airplane. Thus, it is critical to distinguish any proximity of the flying creatures nearby the aircraft. An attempt is made to sense the flying birds near by the airplane using IR sensors. A stream of water is sprayed and divert the birds away from the aircraft. Thereby, it reduces the accidents caused by collision of birds. It safeguards the passengers’ life and propellers in the aircraft. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
445-447 |
112 |
Effective Secure Framework for KNN Search Access Control over Encrypted Outsourcing Data
-Pulikanti Bhavani ; J. Raju
The main aim of our research topic is fully concentrated on problem of accurate keyword search with access permit ions control over unreadable information in outsourcing data. To effective results we concentrate In This research article novel ideology to access data from interface parties with more secure. With This Framework user can utilize his attribute qualities to search a query so due to this way search capability will be get better. In this novel framework users attribute values used for policy check to perform authentication and accurate results in outsourcing environment. Based on this we implementing new methodology called effective and secure keyword look with get to control in encoded outsourcing information. This ESKSAED scheme uses effective efficient security mechanism to perform secure communication in outsourcing data .This scheme to perform secure and compelling multi-field question look with fine-grained get to control and. to the time being of the framework without compromising and losing data privacy and its increase the privacy, ESKSAED scan focused valuation and count examination on genuine dataset are led to approve the pertinence of the proposed plot and show its insurance for client's entrance benefit. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
448-451 |
113 |
Automatic Use Case and Class Diagram Generation
-Sai Sruthi
Unified Modeling Language (UML) is the most popular modeling language for analysis, design and development of the software system. There has been a lot of research interest in generating these UML models, especially Use Case and Class diagrams, automatically from Natural Language requirements. System specifications and facilitating systems development is best described by use case modelling which is referred as an important requirements engineering technique. Generating Use Case models and class diagrams from linguistic representations of system requirements as a source of information is a challenging task and is also considered as a new field. We try to solve the problem of extracting the required elements that are needed to automatically generate Use Case diagrams and class diagrams from specification documents which are written in common natural language. Therefore, we are developing an automated system which employs the Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to parse specifications syntactically based on a predefined set of heuristic rules. Furthermore, our system incorporates the capability of analyzing and understanding the English text as a semantic unit to infer some important linguistic features such as reference, comparing and additive cohesive devices. The extracted information is then mapped into actors and use cases, which are the basic elements of Use Case diagrams. The interest in class diagrams can be attributed to the fact that classes represent the abstractions present in the system to be developed. However, automated generation of UML class diagrams is a challenging task as it involves lot of pre-processing or manual intervention at times. The knowledge extracted for the Use Case diagrams is used to derive class diagrams. Our approach has generated similar class diagrams as reported in earlier works based on linguistic analysis with either annotation or manual intervention. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
452-457 |
114 |
Implementation of Cloud Broker, Cloud Bursting using Openshift Cloud
-Mala Patidar
Cloud bursting is an application deployment model during which an application runs in the private cloud or data center and bursts into public cloud when the actual demand for computing capacity spikes. The advantage of this type of hybrid cloud deployment is make fish an organization only pays with regard to extra compute resources when they are needed. Key advantages of cloud computing is ability to fulfil recourses demand by user for application. Some organization create own private cloud are interested in leveraging cloud bursting. Conventionally some architecture has run application workload fully in private cloud till workload is not over the threshold value. After cross the threshold value application burst into public cloud for additional compute resources. We proposed bridge between multiple clouds and deal with cost and security issue relating to communication between public and private clouds. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
458-461 |
115 |
Digital Water Management using Machine Learning
-Ms. Shiwani Chetan Salve ; Suyash Gore; Priti Kothavale; Saiprasad Kale; Dr. Sunil D Rathod
IT and Mobile phones have enabled easier access to various services. How to use these technologies to solve day-to-day managerial issues like daily water usage and management is challenging job. The water being an essential entity of everyone’s life right from house hold usage to industrial use, its management is a challenge as we cannot anticipate the amount of rainfall and availability of other sources of water. For this we need a smart software based system which will; 1) Assist to make district water budgets and District/Block level water managers to know on day-to-day basis, the habitation wise quantity and quality water supplied and 2) Make every household a water smart household by informing them about the quantity and quality of water available from their nearest source to plan their daily family water budget. Ideas can be mix of technologies like machine learning techniques, management solutions, awareness games etc. The key challenge is accurate availability of quality and quantity of water at the source so that an appropriate prediction algorithm can be designed. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
462-463 |
116 |
Review On: Automatic Valid Accident Detection using Mobile Phone
-Dnyaneshwar V Kudande ; Jyoti Ovhal; Akshata Bhigwankar; Preeti Ravan
The given proposed system utilizes smart-phone sensing of vehicle dynamics to determine driver phone use, which can facilitate many traffic safety applications. Our system uses embedded sensors in smart-phones, i.e., accelerometers and gyroscopes, to capture differences in centripetal acceleration due to vehicle dynamics. These differences combined with angular speed can determine whether the accident occurred or not. Our low infrastructure approach is flexible with different driving speeds. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
464-467 |
117 |
Analysis of Two Phase Closed Loop Thermosyphon Cooling System by Changing Operating Pressure
-Prameya Sanjay Sorate ; Chaitanya Rajesh Saste; Tejas Eknath Thorat; Akash Uddhav Kuchekar; Kshirsagar S. R
Two phase closed loop Thermosyphon is proved to be a good heat transfer device. In this project, the heat transfer of two phase thermosyphon is analyzed experimentally with different thermosyphon length and operating pressure. The influence of affecting parameters on the performance TPT such as geometry, the filling ration, the working fluid, operating temperature & pressure analyzed by various researchers is discussed . In this system heat is transferred as a heat of vaporization from evaporator to condenser in closed loop with relative small temperature difference by natural convection method. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
468-470 |
118 |
Swarm Optimization and Iterative Privacy Generates Asensitive Rule with Theconstraints Data
-R. Sasikala
Recently, motivating the demand for the privacy and secure data mining research is the expansion of techniques that include the privacy and security along with the effective data publishing. Most of the research work is developed for the data distribution with the privacy. However, the protocols used in the homomorphic encryption which increased the computational costs and communication. In order to overcome the limitations, a Swarm optimization and Iterative Privacy Rule Preservation (SIPRP) method is designed in the paper to improve the efficiency of the privacy preserving association rule mining with the constraint minimization. Initially, SIPRP method generates the association rules for the privacy preserving distribution database based on the support and confidence threshold. Finally, the SIPRP method obtains the sensitive sets of items for generating the specific sensitive. Experimental evaluation of the SIPRP method is done with the performance metrics such as the number of sensitive rule. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
471-474 |
119 |
Solar Air Heating using Evacuated Tube Collector for Agro Processing
-Arasumani M ; Thiruppathirajan M; Anbarasan R
In conventional method of food processing, hot air (Thermal energy) is being used to dry the food products such as grapes, fish, ginger, banana, etc. by using fuels like diesel, fire-wood, kerosene, electricity. High moisture content is one of the reasons for food spoilage during storage and preservation. The conventional methods of heating though are popular but have some problems. Solar air heating system maximum use of air heating potential of sunlight. Special solar heat absorber is used for food processing applications by absorbing the heat and using for hot air generation. Solar collector like parabolic dish, solar shuffler system can be used. The trials carried out with parabolic systems show not only fuel saving but also great value addition because of better quality of product in terms of colour, aroma and taste. Read More...
Renewable Energy |
India |
475-478 |
120 |
Design and Development of Bucket Elevator for Small Scale Industry
-Vivek Vijay Nimbalkar ; Omkar Sudam Gaikwad; Akshay Gorakh Shinde; Vaibhav Mohan Salunke; Amrute A. V
In a rural Area there is increasing demand of cattle feeds. Whereas there is animal husbandry is the main resource of money. Animals in India have limited access to cultivated green fodder and grasses. Most of the macro and micro nutrients to meet animals’ requirement are provided by compound feed, especially on crop residue based diets. Now days for completing these demand of cattle feed product various manufacture are work on it. To production of maximum amount of feed within the less time. But the problem occurring is, there is more interference of human being while operating which tends to require more time and more manpower at time of production on actually at workplace. This is increasing costing and also time requiring for product. Our aim of project is to be reducing human interference and also product within less time. We are working on bucket elevator to lifting the raw material from ground level to hoper of cattle feed machine. Bucket elevator is the media of transportation of material from one location to another in a commercial space. Belt conveyor has huge load carrying capacity, large covering area simplified design, easy maintenance and high reliability of operation. Belt Conveyor system is also used in material transport in foundry shop like supply and distribution of molding sand, mold sand removal of waste. On the other hand Bucket elevator can be of great use during bulk material handling. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
479-482 |
121 |
Aqua Silencer
-Bhosale Nikhil Sanjay ; Kadam Akash Ajay; Chavan Pankaj Shamsundar; Gawade Swapnil Jalindar; Kare K. M
An Aqua Silencer is used for control of emission and noise in automobile exhaust. By using activated charcoal, perforated tube and outer shell it is constructed. An aqua silencer is connected to the exhaust pipe of engine. The activated charcoal filters the harmful sulphur oxides and nitrogen oxides content produced from the engine. Sound produced under lime water is less hearable than it produced in conventional silencer. This mainly because of small sprockets in water molecules, which lowers its amplitude thus, lowers the sound level. Because of this property lime water is used in this silencer and hence its name AQUA SILENCER. It is tested in single cylinder 4- stroke petrol engine the noise and smoke level is considerable less than the conventional silencer. The main pollutants contribute by automobiles are Carbon monoxide(CO), Unburnt Hydrocarbon(HC),Oxides of nitrogen (Nox) and Lead etc., other sources such as electric power generating stations, industrial and domestic fuel consumption, refuse burning, industrial processing. An aqua silencer is used control of emission and noise. Air pollution is very serious problem for the public health of view, because every person breaths approximately 22,000 times a day, inhaling 15 to 22 kg of air daily. Air pollution effect on living things. The main component due to which air pollution is increasing are carbon- dioxide, which is get exposed from vehicles and other harmful gases which is comes out from the big factories, electric power, generation plants, big industries etc. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
483-484 |
122 |
Testing of Gear Error Using MATLAB
-Abhijit M. Machale ; Kishor U. Kumbhar; Sujit S. Dhavale; Deshmukh Mahesh; Kuber K.H.
In this paper gear Measurement has been carried out by focusing two features of gear image object. The problems are to measure the gear features of gear image object, in the sense the measurement of the Area of the gear image object and as well the teeth of the gear will be counted. We have used MATLAB tool and development code which overcome these problems and measured the area as well as teeth of the gear image object counted. To accomplish this task we have measured five different gear image objects area and counted the teeth by using image processing. The experimental results and statistics have been shown in this paper. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
485-486 |
123 |
Deconstruction Waste Management through Recycling, of Demolished Coarse Aggregate in Pavements
-Mr. Somu Jagadish ; Mr. K. V. Satyanarayana; Dr. N. C. Anil
The construction industry is responsible for 50% of the solid waste generated worldwide. Governments around the world formulate legislation and regulations concerning recycling and re-using building materials, aiming to reduce waste and environmental impact. In addition, previous researches mainly focused on construction waste management. There are few studies about the deconstruction waste management focusing on demolition. To fill this gap, this paper aims to develop a framework using a purpose of improving multiple uses and thus developing a deconstruction waste management system to improve demolition efficiency, effective recycling and effective cost savings. In particular, to identify and measure recyclable materials, as well as to develop a plan for the recycling process. Concrete continues to be the foremost consumed construction material within the world, solely next to water. This truth is because of its appealing properties of high compressive strength and therefore the property of mould ability to any conceivable form. Due to speedy increase in construction activities, it's vital to assess the number of construction and demolition waste being generated and analyse the practices required to handle this waste from the purpose of waste management and disposal and additionally with relevancy waste utilization in concrete from the property aspects. Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste constitutes a serious portion of total solid waste production within the world, and most of it's employed in landfills. This study reports some attention-grabbing results of the use of recycled coarse aggregates in concrete from construction and dismantled waste. Due to high demand for construction activities in recent years in Bharat and every one over the planet, the natural aggregates resources area unit remarkably waning day by day. Read More...
India |
487-491 |
124 |
Study on Natural Sand to Quarry Dust as Partial Replacement of Cement
-Rajesh Kumar Bharti
India has currently undertaken a major initiative on development of infrastructures such as express highways, industrial structures, commercial structures, in order to meet the requirement of globalization in its vision 2020. Concrete plays the key role towards this development and a large quantum of concrete is being utilized in every construction practice. River sand, which is one of the major constituents used in the production of concrete, has become very expensive and also becoming scarce due to the depletion of river sand beds. Quarry dust has very recently gained good attention to be used as an effective filler material instead of sand. The use of quarry dust as a fine aggregate decreases the cost of concrete production in terms of the complete replacement and even partial replacement of natural river sand. The environmental impact of river sand mining on river beds, the expensive and rising cost of manufactured sand, the cheap and good accessibility of quarry dust, are the main motivations behind the undertaking of such a project. This research will report the experimental study which investigates the proportions by weight of quarry dust to acquire similar concrete strength with 100% river sand replacement. The focus of this research is applicable to M20 and M25 nominal mix concrete only. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
492-495 |
125 |
A Survey on Fly ash, Brick kiln dust powder and Silica Fume as Partial Replacement of Cement
-Rajesh Kumar Bharti
The mix proportions should be prepared in such a way that the coarse aggregate participation in volume should be reduced and the fine aggregate in the powder form is to be increased. In present work, cement is a permanent agent, the replacement of cement by Silica Fume in percentages namely(0% ,5%,10%and 15%) and Fly ash in percentages namely ( 0%, 5%,10% and15%) with W/C ratio of 0.52 the study on fresh properties of cement; Compressive strength and split tensile strength of cube were made. it was found that the replacement of cement by15% silica fume and 10% Fly ash gives maximum compressive strength and split tensile strength respectively Dumping of fly ash and other waste ash particles, flakes etc., not only occupy land but also create environmental problems. This study presents the effect of incorporating silica fume and fly ash (SF, FA) on the mechanical and durability properties of high strength concrete for a constant water/binder ratio of 0.3. Silica fume and fly ash mixtures with cement replacement of 0, 5, 10 and 15% were designed for target strength and slump of 32.25 MPa and 100 ± 25 mm. various percentages of Silica Fume (SF) and Fly Ash (FA) were added at different water/cementations (w/cm) ratios. Concrete specimens were tested and compared with plain concrete specimens at different ages. Optimum replacement percentage is not a constant one but depends on the w/cm ratio of the mix. SF contributed to both short and long-term properties of concrete, whereas, FA showed its beneficial effect in a relatively longer time. Adding of both SF and FA did not increase compressive strength in the short-term, but improvements were noticed in the long-term. Compared with compressive strength, flexural strength of SF concretes has exhibited greater improvements. Relationships between the 28-day flexural and compressive strengths have been developed using statistical methods. It is concluded that local concrete materials, in combination with mineral admixtures, can be utilized in making High Strength Concrete in India and such concrete can be effectively used in structural applications. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
496-500 |
126 |
A Novel Technique of Optical Character Recognition of Printed Text for Multi Languages
-Ramandeep Singh ; Er Jasdeep Singh Mann
Multi-scripts recognition systems are requisite in the countries like India where multi-languages are spoken in numerous states of the country. Multi-Scripts Recognition is a demanding problem and research work for expansion of optical character recognition scheme for bi-scripts and multi-scripts is in infancy. Here in presented work a multi-script recognition system is proposed for the English and Punjabi scripts. For recognition the image is processed through basic steps of OCR like pre-processing, segmentation, feature extraction, correlation calculation and classification. After binarization and noise removal of the test image, it is segmented using line segmentation, words segmentation, and character segmentation technique of proposed algorithm. The lines of both the languages are segmented using the horizontal projection profile of the image. The words segmentation of the Punjabi language is very easy as compared to the English language due to the fact that all characters of a Punjabi word is connected through a connecting line and two simultaneous words are separated by blank space. After the segmentation, the number of holes in image is calculated and then the correlation of this character is calculated with the particular group of trained database. And then the decision is made on the basis of the highly correlated image in the database. Grouping of the database is done to reduce the correlation calculation time for whole database. In last system efficiency is calculated by using the test images of various sizes. Experimental results show the high accuracy of the proposed system. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
501-504 |
127 |
Automatic Pneumatic Bumper for Four Wheeler
-Mr. Devkar Rohan Ramdas ; Mr. Bagal Sagar Ganpat ; Mr. Khatake Abhishek Anil; Mr. Shingade Saurabh Satish; Prof. Amrute A.V
In almost all of the cases of vehicle accidents, the basic reason cited is failure to apply the brakes at the right time.If the brakes are applied at the right time the accidents can be prevented. Automation can assure higher reliability of braking as compared to fully manual braking. The use of pneumatic system can prove to be useful in automation due to its simplicity and ease of operation. So, the aim is to design and develop a system based on automatic control of vehicle so, we aim to design "Automatic pneumatic Bumper for 4 wheeler". Read More...
Bechlore of engineering in mechanical |
India |
505-507 |
128 |
PAPR Reduction by using Cooperative PTS for SFBC MIMO-OFDM Systems
-K Anil Kumar ; S Murali Krishna
Multiple input multiple output (MIMO) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system has been receiving a great attention for high-data-rate transmission. MIMO can be used to improve the performance and increase the capacity of wireless communication systems. OFDM is a popular technology and has been adopted for many new and emerging broadband communication systems including wireless LAN, WIMAX, Digital Video broadcasting and 4G mobile systems. MIMO-OFDM suffers from high PAPR, this demands expensive linear amplifiers with wide dynamic range. In MIMO-OFDM systems, a straightforward way for PAPR reduction is to apply existing techniques separately on each transmit antenna, then the overall PAPR reduction is obtained. For orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system, several Peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduction schemes have been presented in recent years. The conventional partial transmit sequences (PTS) scheme can be applied to each transmitting antenna directly to reduce the PAPR of MIMO-OFDM systems, but it has high computational complexity. To better handle dispersive channel, Space frequency block code (SFBC) MIMO-OFDM is preferred. SFBC is a coding technique used for transmission diversity. In this the antennas are separated by space and subcarriers are separated by frequency and the coding is performed in a block. Read More...
Communication Systems |
India |
508-511 |
129 |
Plant Pathology-Effect of Pollution on Plant Leaves: Survey
-Prof. Sarita Sapkal ; Rahul Vijaykar; Rohit Khude; Prajwal Chincholikar; Ritu Shinde
Plants is the heart of an agriculture field and it’s become an important source of energy as well as financial income. The leaves of a plant provides the most important information or data which provides us to know which type of plant it is and which type of disease is infected on that leaf. Environmental pollution is a serious menace to all kinds of life and threatens our fragile environment that is so vital for our survival. The air pollutants cause direct and indirect effect on microbial community. The susceptibility of pollution stressed plants to microbial pathogens may be altered and the disease development may be influenced. Thus plant diseases may be either enhanced or suppressed depending upon the nature of the disease and host, the kind and concentration of the air pollutants. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
512-514 |
130 |
E-Negotiator Chabot for E-Commerce Websites: Survey
-Rushikesh Khandale ; Shashank Sombansi; Fahad Shaikh; Siddharth Mishra
Chat Bots have indeed proven themselves as a powerful tool to customer satisfaction and an unmatched resource for the enterprises helping them save a lot of time and money. To date, various automated negotiation agents have been formed. Negotiation is a combination of both, linguistic and interpretation problem. It requires an intention for something which needs to be verbalized. Dialogue rollout is a scheme created by FAIR researchers for building long-term planning dialogue agents. Nego Chat showing its effectiveness in two different negotiation roles. It involves continued interaction and dialogue in between parties to find a solution with maximum advantages to both. This paper gives the survey of different techniques used by researchers in negotiation chatbot system. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
515-516 |
131 |
4-Way Hacksaw Machine
-Jagtap Abhijit Audumbar ; Hivare Tushar Shridhar; Ghule Shubham Balu; Kharade Hrishikesh Bhujang; Narale P. D.
There are many industrial applications where round bar or square bars are required to be operated on different machines to make machine components such as Shafts, Bolts, Screws etc. This needs more and more number of pieces to be cut for mass production of those components. To achieve this goal the Multi-way power hacksaw machine is developed. This paper proposes the model of multi-way hacksaw machine which is able to cut four pieces simultaneously without any jerk and minimum vibrations. The model implies conversion of rotary motion into the reciprocating motion for proper working of hacksaw. This model overcomes the limitations of conventional hacksaw machines which can cut single piece at a time. It is able to cut metal bars of different materials at same time and will be helpful in many industries due its compatibility, reliability and efficiency. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
517-518 |
132 |
IoT Based Bridge Monitoring using WSN: A Survey
-Prof. Sinu Nambiar ; Yogesh Jadhav; Sreeranjini Nair; Gaurav Agrawal; Anurag Kumar
The advent of ultra-technological devices in our day to day lives has made us smart and efficient. Such a transformation is required for any developing city for proficient managing of citywide activities and becomes a smart city. By the use of wireless sensor nodes, various types of data can be collected like weather conditions, sound, and air quality and data of high priority structures. Such data would also be useful monitoring and surveillance. The main aim of this paper is to develop a system that can prevent accidents or structural disasters of flyovers and bridges. This paper gives the survey of various techniques used to monitor the conditions of the bridges and proposed a system for monitoring continuous structures and an ultrasonic sensor for monitoring the water level in the river to avoid traffic from a bridge in flood conditions. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
519-521 |
133 |
Impact of Varying Height to Diameter Ratio of Intze Tank on Different Component of Tank
-Virendra Sahu ; Satish Kumar Prabhakar; Dr. Pankaj Singh
Intze tank is an important overhead water storage tank, there for it is necessary that it should be constructed keeping in view its economy. To obtain economical design of tank, the proportion of container such as, staging container diameter ratio, height of cylindrical wall container diameter ratio and horizontal angle of dome have been varied as well as no of column for design of staging .To achieve this objective 15 different depth to diameter ratio of Intze tank. For this purpose a computer program in Microsoft excel has been developed. In Microsoft excel program continuity correction have been work out .The design of container is carried out by working stress method but staging is carried out by using limit state method. To get the economical design of Intze tank horizontal angle of conical dome should be 'less than 45°, ratio of height of cylindrical wall and container diameter ratio should be between 0.3 and 0.35.0n the other hand staging container diameter ratio effects the economy of higher capacity of tank only. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
522-526 |
134 |
Experimental Study on Behaviour of Concrete by Partial Replacement of Cement with Carbon Black Ash
-M. Venkata Lakshmi ; M. Chiranjeevi
The use of conglomerate cement is becoming open space in these days liability to the tackles made by the professorate in the direction of enactment of resources, which are attainable in natural bountifully. The novel additions carbon black ash which is extracted from rubber tires, which is tried in recent times without any scientific study, was found to be sufficient. While, there is much to be done in order to draft the properties of the said additives. An attempt is made in the present work to investigate of these additives on the compressive strength, Split Tensile Strength and Flexural strength of cement concrete. The main purpose of this study to investigate the influence of additives to cement. The strength characteristics of the concrete (M25) were used with varying percentage of additives was worked out giving certain proportions by adding carbon black ash @ one inch in the percentage of 0%,5%,10%,15%,20% to the concrete mix and changes in strength and workability parameters were studied. In the present work, an effort is being made to use new additives as the ingredients of concrete and study the effects on M25 grade concrete. The scope of work is limited to find out the behavior of concrete in compression and tension. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
527-529 |
135 |
Smartagro: An Application for Efficient Crop Planning and Selling using Machine Learning
-Samiksha Dharmadhikari ; Rutuja Deshmane; Sneha Biradar; Rahul Patki; Dr. Rajeswari Kannan
Agriculture plays a pivotal role in Indian economy. The agricultural sector not only provides employment to half the country’s population but also accounts for 18% of India’s GDP (gross domestic product). However the farmers don’t get their due pay for the hard work they put in due to involvement of lots of middlemen while selling the yield to customers. As farmers are less connected to the internet and news, there is less awareness in general among farmers about various beneficiary scheme available for them. A major problem for the farmer is the unpredictability of future demand and price for crops, which leads to crop failure and ultimately loss for farmers. Crop failure due to unsuitable weather and less market value, leads to farmers committing suicides. After surveying existing systems, this paper proposes a broker free platform for buying and selling agricultural products along with recommendations regarding cross-selling of agricultural products, beneficial crops as well as a guide to set optimal crop price to the farmer. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
530-532 |
136 |
Optimization of Process Parameters and Finite Element Analysis of Rolling Process
-P Rajendraprasad ; K Samba Siva Rao
Rolling is one of the important forming processes used in steel industry. During rolling process because of overdraft and poor die design, cracks and breakage of rolls takes place, leading to shutdown of rolling mill. There is a need for proper deign of rolling dies based on work piece material. In the present article design methodologies followed by various researchers are presented. Review on works related to Finite Element Analysis (FEA) methods and material selection is carried out and presented. Read More...
M.Tech in Machine Design |
India |
533-539 |
137 |
Replacement of River Sand with M-Sand in Concrete
-Manish Singh Rajput ; Abhishek Mangal; Ankit Trivedi; Danveer Singh Bhadauriya
In today's world of urbanization, construction companies play an important role for any country development. Infrastructure is the way to judge the growth and development of any country. Most of developing country is focused on their infrastructure to prove ourselves in the world. Concrete is the main material used in construction mostly. The versatility of concrete has made it an important part of construction. Sand is the major component of concrete. Manufactured Sand (M-Sand) different from natural sea and river dredged sand in its physical and mineralogical properties. These can be both beneficial and detrimental to the fresh and hardened properties of concrete. We test the sand for grade of concrete M-20 on different percentages and take out the compressive strength of concrete after curing the cube of concrete in 7, 14 and 28 days respectively. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
540-542 |
138 |
Smart Restaurant System
-Rutuja Mahajan ; Manohar V Wagh; Priya Meshram; Utkarsh Kulthe
Nowadays people are looking forward for advanced system that will satisfy their needs more comprehensibly. Most of the restaurants industries are looking for how to increase the profit. In restaurant waiters keep the record of customer orders and then order goes to kitchen for preparation. But when the number of customers increases then workload on waiter also increases. Therefore, by using advanced technology we can replace the way of taking order by pen and paper i.e. traditional approach. Various technologies are being developed nowadays for implementation of this system. Various papers discussing the techniques are discussed in given paper. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
543-545 |
139 |
Soil-Fly Ash Mix Effect on the Stability of Rigid Pavement Subgrade
-Arun Singh Majhal ; Dr. Rakesh Gupta
The stabilization of sub grade soil is one of the principal and major processes in the construction of any highway. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the effect of soil-fly ash mix on the stability of rigid pavement sub grade. In this regard a laboratory experimental program will be considered to study the effect caused by the action of fly ash stabilization on the geotechnical trademarks of expansive sub grade soils. Expansive soil treated with different percentages of fly ash i.e. 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% will be taken into account. The initial values for this study includes Liquid Limit (LL), Plastic Limit (PL), Maximum Dry Density (MDD), Plasticity Index (PI), Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) & Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) with the fraction of fly ash added (F.A in %) in sub grade soil. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
546-549 |
140 |
An Investigation on Peer to Peer Network under Network Attack (DoS)
-Praveen Kumar Mohane ; Dr. Ravi Verma; Prof. Chetan Agrawal
Now are days Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is the mostly used in real time communication environment framework which specially designed for on demand user services which does many challenges in front of its developers such services are commercial and real times based applications, its users are growing because of its user friendly simple procedural development environment via different workstation, these application are main aim to provide most secure communication system which likely to be useful in military purpose or measure all the different factors of weather and its forecasting since sensor based network is free from network infrastructure based complexity there for it is easy to install and isolate problem in WSN at the same time extension based on demand can be manage at any time use standards services specifications. WSN based network also very useful for the different purpose or objectives. Wireless Sensor networks (WSNs) communicate through the process called rely on for the purpose of message exchanging and interaction among the network nodes, WSN support distributed frequency channels to get successful completion of Request and Reply data delivery services during this operation many time attacks get occurred and it does heavy loss of data and many times it is responsible for link failure and server hacking activities so that we are going to present an survey study of peer to peer network under network attack. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
550-553 |
141 |
Energy Audit: A Case Study of an Engineering Building
-Mhaske Somnath C. ; Jagtap Swapnil B.; Jadhav Vikas A.; Ghodake R. M
In this project work, the importance of energy auditing and process of energy auditing are presented in detail. A sincere attempt has been made to conduct the Energy Audit at SPVP, SBPCOE, INDAPUR PUNE to estimate the Energy consumed in a day, and month. Identification of areas of energy wastage and estimation of energy saving potential in the all Departments and Institute Admin Office has been made by walk-through energy Audit. Also, detailed analysis of data collected is done by suggesting cost-effective measures to improve the efficiency of energy use. Estimation of implementation costs and payback periods for each recommended action has been made. The results & vital information generated through these activities are documented. The Energy Auditing for a day is the index of the consumption which normalizes the situation of Energy crisis by providing the conservation schemes. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
554-556 |
142 |
Experimental Study on Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate by Waste Glass Powder and CNC Lathe Waste
-Jeba Samuel ; K. Lovaraju
In this paper an attempt is made replacement of natural sand by by-products and recyclable materials. This paper aims to deal with the current and future trends of research on the use of Manufactured Fine Aggregate (MFA) in Portland cement concrete. Advancements in technology enhance not only human comforts but also damage the environment. Hence an attempt has been made in the present investigation to study the influence of addition waste materials like CNC waste from workshop at a dosage of 1.5% to 2% of total weight of concrete as fibers. If natural fine aggregate is replacement of 10%, 20%, 30% with waste glass powder in concrete. Experimental investigation was done using M25 mix and testes were carried out as per recommended procedures by relevant codes. The results were compared with convectional concrete it was observed that concrete blocks incorporated with steel lathe waste Compression strength. The investigation reported in this paper was carried out to study the feasibility of using steel scrap obtained from lathe machine in fiber reinforced concrete by checking the compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and Flexural strength of M25 concrete and thus optimizing the fiber proportions. The natural fine aggregate replacement by (10-30%) of glass powder. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
557-562 |
143 |
Design and Fabrication of Suspension System of a Formula Student Race-Car
-Akshit Vithlani ; Ishan Vasoya; Akshay Patel; Chirag Valani
Vehicle dynamics is a widely researched and an important subject in the field of automotive and mechanical engineering. Especially in case of designing a race car, it plays a quintessential role. So, this paper is a study about how the mechanics behind the excellent performance of a race-car actually works. Then after the procedure of designing and manufacturing of a race-car suspension system is elaborated step by step. Read More...
Automotive Engineering |
India |
563-568 |
144 |
Analysis of an R.C Corner Footing Subjected to Bi-axial Bending
-Kusuma B
An attempt is made to analyse the safety of an R.C corner footing, subject to biaxial bending, under various limit states. The footing is designed using the deterministic approach as per the provisions of present code IS 456-2000. The statistics of basic design variables are taken from the literature. The statistics of loading (axial load and moments) is not readily available in the literature. The same is generated using ETABS. A typical representative building is selected & statistics of axial load and moments (Mx & My) are generated for a given load combination. The generated data is statistically analysed and probabilistically modelled. The safety of the footing is analysed using AFOSM & Monte Carlo methods. Fiesler algorithm is adopted in AFOSM method. The limit states considered are, flexure, one way shear, two way shear & bearing. The resistance statistics and bias factors are established for different limit-states using Monte Carlo simulation. The present study forms an attempt for code- calibration towards LRFD format. Read More...
M.Tech in Structural Engineering |
India |
569-572 |
145 |
An Emoticon Based Sarcastic Sentiment Analysis on Live Streaming Data of Twitter
-Smita Rani Sahu ; G Anuradha Mrudula
Sentiment Analysis (SA) is a methodology in the data mining field. It plays a crucial role in the opinion mining, statistical experiments especially in the field of text mining. Generally an analysis can be made depending on the requirement given for the user. Coming to the social media, it is becoming a vast space for the people to share their views and ideas. Intentionally they make comments like reviewing a particular topic regarding its positive and negative thoughts. This can be made by Sentiment Analysis which is used in determining the opinions of the commentators. In this paper, an analysis is done on the sarcastic opinions or reviews based on the] emoticons and short texts, which are now very familiar in posted in a social media like Twitter. Twitter will be having many tweets regarding various cases like movies, restaurants, particular person, etc. A text in the review may not give the full result regarding an opinion. So, emoticon can give maximum accuracy in determining the sarcastic opinions of the users. The main intention of the paper is to analyze the tweets called as reviews of the specific topic dynamically and calculating the review rate using the combination of short texts and emojis. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
573-576 |
146 |
Case Study: Survey Optimization of Solar-Hydro Hybrid Energy Resources in Remote Villages of Korba-India using HOMER Pro
-Soma Rajwade ; Satya Prakash Makhija
This paper presents the survey optimization of hybrid energy. The computations are completed by HOMER Pro. This paper proposes the area survey report and power crises report. The input solar radiation data is obtained from the (NASA) National aeronautics and space administration. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
577-578 |
147 |
Unified Car Wheel Opener
-Vighnesh Yelkunchwar ; Aakash Soni
Automotive maintenance is one of the major parameters for keeping its life span, it includes mainly change of the punctured tires, has been always a difficult task, every automotive manufacturer provide tool such as the L wrench and jack, but still using these tools require skilled person. Therefore, it is crucial to have a tool that should designed ergonomically, easy to handle, light weight, require small space and can perform similar task in one time. Unified wheel opener is a special purpose tool use to open/close all the nuts of a wheel at one time with the less efforts. Although various methods were used for opening the wheel, but they required a lot of effort. The main objective of the project is to develop a single tool with the multiple mechanisms which can be used during the assembling/dismantling of the wheels in automobile. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
579-581 |
148 |
Improvement in Strength of Road by Use of Nano Material
-Akshar Adhvaryu ; Patel U. R.
Our purpose is to improve engineering properties of soil, To improve load bearing capacity of soil, To reduce the cost of construction, by laying stabilized gravel road in low traffic volume areas. To construct the road with low cost, with the help of nanomaterials, to construct the road with zero bitumen. Materials used here are soil, cement, chemical solutions (nanomaterial). Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
582-584 |
149 |
Smart Headphones
-Shivam Roy ; Shreyans Patel
Smart Headphones are a basic need in today’s era. People use headphones while driving, walking, exercising, relaxing etc. Our aim is to provide facilities like noise cancellation, gesture enabled controlling, warn if there is danger around which would enhance the way everyone uses their headphones. We have introduced a method for enhancing auditory awareness in which the system will detect the surrounding environment in real time and process the significant information to the user. This will reduce the probability of accidents. It can warn users of incoming traffic if it is in a close range and a horn is honked. Further we have provided touch control over headphone which will provide you the ease of access. These headphones also provide active noise cancelling (ANC) feature in which your surrounding noise will be filtered out. And this precarious feature appears in not only the noise cancelling headphones but also most of regular headphones in use throughout the daily life. We are providing a maximum detectable distance for incoming traffic that will help user from unwanted accidents. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
585-588 |
150 |
Smart Plant Irrigation System using IoT
-Sushant Ghorpade ; Rushikesh Gawali; Shubham Joshi; Nikita Dharak; Prof. Anirudha P. S.
Agriculture has been the most important practice from very beginning of the human civilization. Traditional methods that are used for irrigation, such as overhead sprinkler and flood type, is not that much efficient. They ends up in tons of wastage of water and might conjointly promote wellness like flora formation because of over wet within the soil. Automated irrigation system is important for conservation of the water and indirectly viability of the farm since it's a very important goods. About eighty-fifth of total accessible water resources across the planet area unit only used for the irrigation purpose. In upcoming years this demand is likely to increase because of increasing population. To meet this demand we have a tendency to should adopt new techniques which is able to conserve want of water for irrigation method. In automation system water convenience to crop is monitored through sensors and as per want watering is finished through the controlled irrigation. The almost infinite capabilities of storage and processing, the rapid elasticity makes cloud computing an attractive solution to the large amount of data generated. The idea is to focus on parameters such as temperature and soil moisture. This is a Mobile Integrated and smart irrigation system using IOT based on application controlled monitoring system. The main objective of this project is to control the water supply and monitor the plants through a Smartphone. Read More...
Internet of things (IoT) |
India |
589-590 |