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51 |
A Survey Paper on Black Hole Detection and Prevention in VANET
-Tusharkumar Chandulal Pokar ; Prof. Shreya Patel; Prof. Rakesh Shah
Vehicular Ad-hoc Network is a technology that allows the vehicle to interconnect with each other via a wireless network. To be able to locate & locate other vehicles to manage road safety. Safety is a major problem in the ad-hoc network of vehicles can be the lives of people in danger. In this article, they discuss a key topic in the field of computing network security which is the detection of black hole nodes in VANET vulnerable to security attacks because of its nature without infrastructure. The black hole attack is a form of denial of service attack that creates a vacuum for data traffic in a VANET network. Their solution is adapted to a low density network where every car travels in a straight line and book packets to other nearby cars using geographic routing protocol. Read More...
M.Tech in Computer Science And Engineering |
India |
204-206 |
52 |
Gearless Transmission Mechanism
-Rushikesh Satish Patil ; Shashikant B. Khandagale
Gearless transmission mechanism transmits power from input to output shafts by means of sliding links that form revolute pair with the hub. Links bent at required angle slide inside the holes in the hub. Thus, as the holes in input hub rotate; it pushes the links and in turn output hub is rotated. This mechanism can be used as a replacement for bevel gears in low cost, low torque applications. It can transmit the power at any angle within 0 to 90 degree. In this paper the mechanism is studied and a possible go-kart transmission layout is fabricated. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
207-211 |
53 |
Parametric Study of Elevated Service Reservoir (Intze Type)
-Vijaya Parashram Wanjari ; Dr. Pankaj Singh
Design elevated service reservoir is a time consuming task, which requires a great deal of expertise. Quick prediction of designing is a challenge before less experienced design engineers. In this study, genetic algorithm has been used in prediction of design of intze water tanks to developed software for designing of intze water tanks. The input parameters for the software are height to diameter ratio, angle of conical wall, number of columns etc. Using the software, various intze tanks, of different capacity have been designed. Using these input data, optimization by genetic algorithm is done for some parameters. It is observed from the study that design predictions are quite close to the true ones. Such methodology will be very useful for quick prediction of the tanks to carry out whole design process. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
212-217 |
54 |
Stabilization of Expansive Soil using Variable Percentages of Bagasse Ash
-Roshni Ram ; Mayank Gupta; Arun Kumar
In this study, the industrial solid waste, Bagasse Ash, is used as an admixture to mix with the expansive soil. Bagasse Ash is generally deposited in an unscientific and random manner and causes reduction of valuable space and also leads to various geo-environmental problems. In this study an attempt is made to utilise the waste Bagasse Ash. After mixing the Virgin Expansive Soil with the Bagasse Ash, the soil properties are studied and the changes in the properties of the soil are evaluated at different percentages of Bagasse Ash. An effort is made to improve the strength of the expansive soil and reduce the plasticity index of the soil. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
218-219 |
55 |
Early Detection of Lung Cancer using Soft Computing - A Review
-Amjad Khan ; Zahid Ahmed Ansari
Cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases a human can ever had and lung cancer is one of them. Lung is an important organ in a human body which performs function in both respiratory system and circulatory system. Lung cancer is a disease that occurs due to the uncontrolled cell growth in tissues of the lung. In recent years, Lung cancer is one of the most growing diseases in the world due to smoking. It is very difficult to detect it in its early stages as its symptoms appear only in the advanced stages. The early detection of lung cancer is very essential to provide the timely treatment so that the probability of curing the disease increases. Lung cancer can be diagnosed using soft computing by the application of image mining techniques such as classification and clustering. Soft computing techniques such as fuzzy sets, neural networks, genetic algorithms, and rough sets are most widely applied for lung Cancer prognosis and diagnosis using medical imaging techniques. The objective of this study is to improve the lung cancer prediction with the application of soft-computing techniques. Read More...
Image processing |
India |
220-223 |
56 |
Individual Age Judgement by Gabor and Fuzzy K-Means
-Mr. Guru Parshad Panchal ; Mrs. Ritu Sharma; Mrs. Kanika Malhotra
In this Research, a new automatic age detector work is anticipated. A single image is required as participation for the subject of attention to guesstimate his age. The framework is collected of three main modules: 1) the face detection module; 2) the enhancement module; and 3) the classification module. The face detection module comprises the main blocks of image depiction and learning for age estimation. For age image representation, a technique named adaboost which is modification of viola Jones algorithm is used. In classification module unsupervised classification technique is used. K means algorithm is used which classified the features obtained from the Gabor filters of 4 scales and 6 directions. In the enhancement module of the proposed framework, facial regions that are keys for age estimation are identified through a more detailed analysis. Finally, a human age estimation application is built by utilizing the FG-net database. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
224-228 |
57 |
Early Detection of Liver Cancer using Soft Computing - A Review
-Amjad Khan ; Zahid Ahmed Ansari
Liver is the important parts of the human beings as well as a sixth dangerous disease in the world is liver cancer tumors. There are two types of liver tumors such as malignant and benign. The benign type of tumors is the initial stage tumors and they cause no harm but there is other type called malignant which is the advanced stage. So the detection and diagnosing of malignant tumor is very important. The early detection of liver cancer tumor is very essential to provide the timely treatment so that the probability of curing the disease increases. The manual analysis of the tumor samples is time overwhelming, inaccurate and needs very efficiently trained persons to avoid diagnostic errors. So based on all these parameters into consideration, a soft computing based image mining approach of detecting these tumors in early stage were proposed. The image mining techniques such as classification and clustering are applied with Soft computing techniques such as fuzzy sets, neural networks, genetic algorithms, and rough sets. The objective of this study is to improve the liver cancer prediction with the application of soft-computing techniques. Read More...
Image processing |
India |
229-233 |
58 |
Optimization of Surface Roughness and MRR by Variable End Milling Pitch on EN8
-Patel Kanan Manubhai ; Mr. Falgun Jani
A milling machine is a most important machine tool that removes metal as the work. A milling machine finds wide application in production work. This machine tool gives good surface finish to the work piece. In order to investigate the tool geometry of end milling process. And in work piece material used by medium carbon steel, the geometry of such Rake angle, clearance angle and cutting edge angle are compared with Normal and Modified Carbide tool in End Milling process. Numerical factors, namely, spindle speed, feed rate and depth of cut. Mathematical model is developed for the surface finish and (material removal rate) MRR based on ANNOVA method. Now, An experimentally investigate compared by Tool geometry and parameters such like surface finish and material removal rate (MRR) in used by Normal Carbide tool and modified Carbide tool of end milling process. Results show that tool geometry and machining operation can be achieved during vertical milling centre (VMC). Read More...
M.E in Production Enginerring |
India |
234-238 |
59 |
Smart City Solution for Traffic Congestion Problem (A Q-Learning Approach)
-Kunj Patel
Our research focuses on implementing a learning algorithm that will allow traffic control devices to study traffic patterns/behaviours for a given intersection and optimize traffic flow by altering stoplight timing. We do this with a Q-Learning technique, where an intersection is knowledgeable of the presence of vehicles and their speed as they approach the intersection. From this information, the intersection is able to learn a set of state and action policies that allow traffic lights to make optimized decisions based on their current state. Our work seeks to alleviate traffic congestion on roads across the world by making intersections more aware of traffic presence and giving them the ability to take appropriate action to optimize traffic flow and minimize waiting time. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
239-242 |
60 |
Improved Approaches Variation in Grassland Desertification Based on Landsat Images and Spectral Mixture Analysis and Decision-Tree Method
-Gauri Kansana
China has a very large area but most of the population in China is living in the Northern Area because south area has mountains and hill and Northern Area has plan land. But from very slow process china is facing desertification in China and for find the desertification Landsat images study and Spectral Mixture analysis. We use a new approach to for this study Decision-Tree Method. In Past 4 year’s desertification is increasing very fast and we are using Yanchi County, China as a study area. The analyse area were covered by free could Landsat MSS, TM, ETM+. The series of images will analyse by the Landsat TM/ETM+. On the basis of the result grading system will construct and then we will use spectral mixture and then decision free method will use to interpret the images. By the methods RMS errors computed. By direct detection firstly find out the fraction change in images and then we apply change vector analysis to find out the land covert change. To find out the soil erosion and for mapping index we use EMI (Eolen Mapping Index), statistical measurement will analyse by ANOVA. Read More...
Digital Communication Engineering |
India |
243-248 |
61 |
Soil Stabilization using Demolished Concrete - A Review
-Ashutosh Kumar ; Prof. Pankaj Rathod
Road pavements or structure on loose soil wants stabilization. Soil stabilization is especially in serious trouble modifying soil engineering properties to boost the bearing capability and durability property of weak soil. At the constant time, the waste product disposal possesses lots of drawback for disposal. The aim of the study is to appraise the waste matter with a review on stabilization of clayey soil mistreatment demolished concrete structural fines. Varied strategies are available for stabilizing the clayey soil. These ways embrace stabilization with chemical additives, soil replacement, compaction management, moisture management and thermal strategies. Supported literature reviews and use of dismantled waste problems, fines obtained from demolished waste are an occasional value and effective soil stabilization methodology. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
249-251 |
62 |
Comparison of Artificial Neural Networks and Decision Trees Methods on Health Insurance Data
-Burcin Seyda Corba ; Pelin KASAP; Tuba Celebi
In this study, the insurance expenditures of the people who have health insurance are evaluated. We present Business understanding and Data understanding stages of The Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) process to investigate attributes influencing health insurance. In Data preparation stage of CRISP-DM process, Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) method, C4.5 and Classification and Regression Trees (CART) Algorithms are used. When the applied methods are compared, it is shown that C4.5 is the most appropriate model with high accuracy rate. Read More...
Applied Science |
Turkey |
252-257 |
63 |
A Survey on MAC Protocols for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
-Krishna Raulji ; Prof. Rakesh Shah
Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) is an emerging and very promising technology that has great demand on the access capability of the existing wireless technology. VANETs help improve trafï¬c safety and efficiency. Each vehicle can exchange their information to inform the other vehicles about the current status of the traffic flow or a dangerous situation such as an accident. To achieve these, a reliable and efficient Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol with minimal transmission collisions is required. High speed nodes, absence of infrastructure, variations in topology and their QoS requirements makes it difficult for designing a MAC protocol in vehicular networks. There are several MAC protocols proposed for VANETs to ensure that all the vehicles could send safety messages without collisions by reducing the end-to-end delay and packet loss ratio. This paper gives an overview of the several proposed MAC protocols for VANETs along with their benefits and limitations and presents an overall classification based on their characteristics. Read More...
M.Tech Computer Science |
India |
258-265 |
64 |
A Survey Paper on Routing Protocol of Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network
-Megha Bhatiya ; Meghal Prajapati; Rakesh Shah
Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are networks that do not have a specific structure, in which network-forming nodes are moving vehicles. Therefore, routing is essential for data dissemination in these networks. The problem of the link failure between vehicles is one of the principal challenges in these networks. VANET provide vehicle to vehicle communication (V2V) and vehicle to infrastructure or roadside communication (V2I) .V2I can provide real-time information on road traffic conditions, weather, and basic internet services. V2V can be used to provide information about traffic conditions and vehicle accidents. Vehicles are wirelessly connected in the vehicle to vehicle communication environment using multi-hop communication without access to any fixed infrastructure. In V2V communication vehicles communicate with each other through their OBUs. Routing is a very important issue in VANET and designing an efficient routing protocol is very difficult for all VANET application. In order to do reliable routing, VANET-Cloud infrastructure will be used to achieve the same. RSU will act as a gateway between vehicles and cloud. Due to the knowledge of topology, the cloud will assist reliable routing. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
266-267 |
65 |
Sugam: Transparent Railway Seat Allotment System using Android Application
-Krutika Bang ; Ashish K Saxena
Railway ticket can be book by online or window ticket booking. In online ticket booking user can book ticket from anywhere. For window ticket booking user need to go to ticket counter to book ticket. For window booking user need to stand in line, after ticket cancellation that seat allocate to another person. If that seat allocated to online seat booking person then it will unfair to window booking user who purchase the railway ticket from ticket counter because user stand in line to purchase the ticket. The need of this system arose because as is the known fact that India has the largest railway network in the whole of the world and to handle it manually is quite a tough job. By computerizing it, we will be able to overcome many of its limitations and will be able to make it more efficient. Read More...
Application based system |
India |
268-270 |
66 |
Modification of Manual Technology to Automation Process of Vacuum Band Dryer Technology
-Vikash Kumar ; Mr. Bijender Kumar
The present review focus on this Vacuum band dryer (V.B.D). Vacuum band dryer is continues machine of production line like food, chemical and bakery product. It's a fully automated system which give maximum output as compare to manual operation system like oven. Now we are using sensor, servomotor, PLC, SCADA For the automation process and also using safety equipment like PPE, 5S Etc. As we know in a manual operation like oven process parameter are very complicated, also 20 to 30 manpower using for this operation and take 90 to 95 min for one cycle time At the same case in VBD we are using fully automation process and it's process parameter are totally operated by computer or system also take very less manpower like 5 to 6 manpower. VBD take only 45min for one cycle operation and also give continues output in form of finish good and also for the safety purpose it's too good as compare to oven because in a V.B.D we are using sensor, safety guard, Automated fire control system, emergencies' switch and also other feature include. Read More...
Engineering |
India |
271-272 |
67 |
Analysis of PAPR based OFDM Signal by using Iterative Companding Transform & Filtering Technique
-Sandhya Pande ; Prof. Dr. R. M. Deshmukh
High data rate wireless communications in various compatible applications are possible because of the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) which have two criterions required for the high speed wireless communications i.e. high data rate and mobility. Unlike traditional communication techniques orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) acts as both modulator as well as multiplexer and from past one decade Multiple – Input Multiple – Output (MIMO) wireless communication systems has gained tremendous importance which has ability to boost the data rate and channel capacity. Companding Transform and Filtering (ICTF) technique is proposed for reducing the Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) signal. By means of a specially designed iterative procedure, ICTF is used to obtain both an improved Bit Error Rate (BER) and minimized Out-of-Band Interference (OBI) while reducing the PAPR significantly. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
273-277 |
68 |
A Survey On ZRP Network Security Issues and Identify the Attack In MANET
-Mihir Mehta ; Prof. Rakesh Shah
A Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of mobile devices which are dynamic in nature and they communicate with each other without any help of a pre- installed infrastructure, access point or centralized administration. One of the major challenges in a MANET, is to design the robust routing algorithms. Routing is an essential and major concern for effective and reliable communication between mobile nodes in a MANET. We present a survey of the main types of routing protocols and some security related issues of MANETs. In MANETs mobile devices, configure themselves with each other in the network without fixed infrastructure. Topology changes frequently due to dynamic nature of mobile nodes. Mobility management, bandwidth efficiency, battery power limitation and various security issues take the center of the scene while designing routing algorithms for the MANETs. Every mobile node acts as a router for routing the packets in the network. MANET can be used in any area where there is no need to have a fixed infrastructure. Here we have made a brief introduction of the most popular protocols that follow the table-driven approach and the source initiated on-demand approach and we have also mentioned some security related issues. Read More...
M.Tech Computer Science |
India |
278-283 |
69 |
Integrated System for Fire Detection using Image Processing and Sensors
-Additya Dharangaonkar ; Shubham Heda; Ameya Khonde
Traditional fire detection systems often use only one kind of sensor input. These systems have a tendency to trigger false alarms or miss the fire completely as the capabilities of the single sensors are limited. To solve this issue, this paper describes an Integrated System for Fire Detection using Image Processing and Sensors. The aim is to create a system with camera and other sensors to reduce the failure cases from current systems. This system takes live video stream as input and outputs the fire characteristics and displays detected fire region. Ultimately, with successful fire detection, an alarm is triggered. The modules used in this system are video capturing, frame grabbing, noise reduction, color model conversion, sensor monitoring and fire pixel detection. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
284-285 |
70 |
A Case Study of Water Absorption Behavior of Natural Fiber
-Md Meraj Uddin Ansari
In this paper, we studied about the local existing low-cost fibers and to investigate their possibility of reinforcement intensions. And also, the present work has been under taken to develop a polymer matrix composite using Luffa fiber and to study its moisture absorption behavior. Read More...
India |
286-290 |
71 |
A Review on Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in Serrated Finned Tube Banks with in-Line Layout
-Shashi Ranjan Kumar ; Gaurav Chauhan
This chapter will discuss the review related to heat transfer and pressure drop performance of different plate finned-tube heat exchangers under different thermal and operating conditions. The outcomes of recent studies, fundamental characteristics of different types of heat exchanger, effects of various performance parameters under different flow conditions will be discussed. Read More...
India |
291-295 |
72 |
Numerical Investigation of Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in Serrated Finned Tube Banks with in-Line Layout
-Shashi Ranjan Kumar ; Gaurav Chauhan
Now-a-days fin-and-tube heat exchangers are employed in a wide variety of engineering applications such as modern heat exchangers, automotive radiators, automotive air conditioning evaporators and condensers. In order to improve the performance, further innovative designs, additional applications, and advanced geometries are expected. Researchers and academicians had been working on this topic for last few decades. A number of experimental and numerical studies have been conducted and various correlations were developed. In this work study was performed to investigate the heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of serrated finned tube banks with staggered layouts. The influences of varied fin densities, transversal tube spacing and longitudinal tube spacing were presented. Read More...
M-Tech(thermal power engineering) |
India |
296-298 |
73 |
Review Paper on Wheel Operated Spray Pump and Seed Sowing Equipment
-Suraj Hanumant Jadhav ; Vinayak S. Gore; Pratik L. Waghmare; Viraj L. Vanarase; Prof. Balaji M. Chaure
In India most of land is based on agricultural field and to increase the productivity of field crop by use of agriculture sprayer. But advancement and mechanization of agricultural tools is slow as compared to other sectors. In agriculture, sprayer is a piece of equipment that is used to apply pesticides on agricultural crops. Mainly, the general spraying technique uses hand operated and power sprayers with backpack. To solve these difficulties a new equipment that is mechanically operated wheel driven sprayer. It is portable device and does not need any fuel to operate, which is easy to move and spray be pesticide by moving the wheel is to be developed. Thus considering today’s demand, we have come up with mechanically operated spray pump and seed sowing which is purely mechanical. The basic objective of sowing operation is to put the seed and fertilizer in rows at desired depth and seed to seed spacing, cover the seeds with soil and provide proper compaction over the seeds. This wheel operated pesticide spray equipment consumes less time and avoids the pesticide from coming from front of the nozzles which will in contact of the person who sprays pesticide. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
300-301 |
74 |
Design of Different Shape of Building with Same Area
-Khan Md. Muhateshem Azhar ; Dr. Shriram. H. Mahure
India is prone to strong earthquake shaking, and hence earthquake resistant design is essential. The Engineers do not attempt to make earthquake proof buildings that will not get damaged even during the rare but strong earthquake. Such buildings will be too robust and also too expensive. Practically no building can be made earthquake proof. The engineering intention is to make buildings earthquake resistant, such buildings resist the effects of ground shaking, although they may get damaged severely but would not collapse during the strong earthquake. Thus, the safety of people and contents is assured in earthquake resistant design of buildings and thereby a disaster is avoided. This is a major objective of seismic design codes throughout the world in recent times. The sixth revision of IS 1893 (Part 1): 2016, "Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures" have been published by Bureau of Indian Standards recently in December 2016. In this new code many changes have been included considering standards and practices prevailing in different countries and in India. SAP 2000 is a special purpose computer program developed specifically for building systems .The main objective of this study is to review seismic analysis of multistory buildings by various researchers using SAP as per the provisions of IS 1893 (Part 1): 2016. The various parameters considered in analysis by researchers are Geometric irregularity, mass irregularity, re-entrant corners, different locations of shear walls, different building shapes, masonry infill walls, etc. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
302-304 |
75 |
Prediction based Virtual Machine Migration
-Prachi Soni ; Nimesh Shah
Virtual Machine (VM) migration is an important technology to support Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Traditional pre-copy and post-copy strategies could function well in LAN but will need considerable time to migrate between remote hosts in WAN. In this paper, we propose a prediction-based strategy to optimize cloud VM migration process over WAN. In this strategy, information about size increments of snapshots is used to determine appropriate time points for migration in order to reduce the downtime during migration. Specifically, we utilize Markov Chain Model to predict the future increasing speed of snapshots. And also use prediction based algorithm for predict the necessary of future migration machine in prior basis. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
305-309 |
76 |
On Intuitionistic Fuzzy Slightly GSR-Continuous Functions
-Anitha S ; Mohana K
The purpose of this paper is to introduce and study the concepts of intuitionistic fuzzy slightly GSR-continuous functions and we investigate some of their properties. By using intuitionistic fuzzy slightly GSR-continuous-function, properties of separation axioms are discussed. Read More...
India |
310-313 |
77 |
Study of Composite Materials
-Syed Saim Hasan ; Varun Dewangan; Piyush Kumar Namdeo
This paper focuses on the importance of composite materials in mechanical engineering, terminology used in composite materials, various definitions, classification and the latest developments in composite materials in different parts of the world. In the recent times the use of composite materials has increased to a great extent because of their durability and high strength. Composite materials have changed all the material engineering. The evolution of composite materials has given an opportunity to various designers to use new and better materials resulting in cost reduction, increase in efficiency and better utilization of available resources. Composite materials are finding their applications in aerospace industry, automobile sector, manufacturing industries etc. Read More...
Materials Engineering |
India |
314-318 |
78 |
Optimization in Design of Connecting Rod in ANSYS Software by using FEM Tool
-Mr. Manjit Singh ; Shivali Singla
A typical vehicle motor is a gadget in which responding movement is changed over into turning movement. In motor; cylinder, associating pole and wrench are kinematic joins which shape a slider wrench component in necessary way. Interfacing bar frames connect between the responding cylinder and turning wrench. Interfacing bar is inflexible and it transmits the push or pulls of cylinder and pivots the wrench through the two parts of transformation. In our present work, we shall perform the static structure analysis along with thermal analysis of a referred connecting rod model to evaluate the stress and other parameters under the given boundary load conditions. First, we shall prepare a connecting rod model of existing geometry in CAD software SOLIDWORKS and perform the analysis in FEM software ANSYS assigning the predetermined material. After analyzing the results, we shall run the optimization process in order to reduce the mass of the connecting rod by optimization in design. We shall then run the comparative study of better results and finalize the appropriate design. Read More...
India |
319-323 |
79 |
Design and Development of Traffic Wind Turbine
-Mahato Balram Mittan ; Peshatwar S. V; Surwase Gajanan Hanmant; Deokar Tejaswini Balbhim; Lokhande Prashant Bhimdev
Wind energy is considered the fastest growing clean energy source however; it is limited by variable natural wind. Highways can provide a considerable amount of wind to drive a turbine due to high vehicle traffic in both ways. This energy is Unused and need to be harnessed. Energy has been universally recognized as one of the most important inputs for economic development. There is a strong two-way relationship between economic development and energy consumption. Most wind turbines in use today are conventional windmills with three air foil shaped blades arranged around a vertical axis. These turbines must be turned to face into the wind and in general require significant air velocities to operate. Another style of turbine is one where the blades are positioned vertically or transverse to the axis of rotation. These turbines will always rotate in the same direction regardless of the fluid flow. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
324-326 |
80 |
A Survey Paper on Object Oriented Software Engineering
-Gurusiddaraj Konded
By the development of the software industry and the advances of the software engineering, the use of Object Oriented Software Engineering (OOSE) has increased in the software complex real world. The origin of the OOSE in evaluation and design of the software has expanded much and is now considered as one of the software integration processes. The OOSE is combination of Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) models, Object Oriented Design (OOD) and the Object Oriented Programming (OOP) which provide a powerful way for development of the software. The OOSE provides the possibility of OOP on the development and production of the software after the analysis and designing the software. In the paper, we study the general terms and issues which effects software development in industry. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
327-329 |
81 |
Farmer Buddy-Plant Leaf Disease Detection on Android Phone: Survey
-Sakshee Rajule ; Yogita Kale; Mrunali Kharad; Bhavika More; Prof. Vaibhav Dhage
Plants is the heart of an agriculture field and it’s become an important source of energy as well as financial income. The leaves of a plant provides the most important information or data which provides us to know which type of plant it is and which type of disease is infected on that leaf. Detecting diseases on leaf of plant at early stages gives strength to overcome it and treat it appropriately by providing the details to the farmer that which prevention action should be taken. The purpose of this paper is to discuss and evaluate the algorithms and different techniques that are used for plant leaf disease detection. After analyzing these different techniques as well as different algorithms, and identifying their limitations, we conclude with several promising directions for future research. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
330-332 |
82 |
Finger Print Door Lock System
-Siddharth Pandey ; Shreya Tiwari
Security is one of the most concerned issue, be it any school, college, industry, bank, private organisation or any other working body. Every confidential data has to be secured and this can be done by using different security techniques. With time there has been great improvements in technology and many different programs have been developed and many different techniques have been introduced in order to secure data. This research paper introduces a finger sensor door lock. As the name is self-explanatory, it is the system which provides door lock through finger impression. Unauthorised access is prohibited, only the saved finger impression may unlock the door. Thus, providing security of next level. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
333-334 |
83 |
Analysis of a Tall Structure with X-Type Bracings Considering Seismic Load using Analysis tool A Review
-Saurabbh Kanungo ; Komal Bedi
Multistory buildings are mostly affected by earthquake force in seismic prone area. The major concern in the design of multistory building is the structure mainly to have enough lateral stability to resist lateral forces and to control the lateral drift of the buildings. The steel bracing system in reinforced concrete frames is viable for resisting lateral forces, steel bracing is easy to erect occupies less space and has flexibility in design for meeting the required strength and stiffness. To resist lateral earthquake loads, shear walls are commonly used in RC framed buildings, whereas, steel bracing is the most often used in steel structures. In the past two decades, a number of reports have also indicated the effective use of steel bracing in RC frames. Steel bracing of RC buildings started as a retrofitting measure to strengthen earthquake-damaged buildings or to increase the load resisting capacity of existing buildings. In this review paper we are presenting the past researches and their outcomes to conclude the efficiency and stability of tall structure with bracings and other lateral load resisting members. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
335-337 |
84 |
Comparative Energy Loss Cost of Facts Devices Uses in Electrical Network with PSO Technique and without PSO Technique Used
-Rajeev Ranjan Kumar ; Anuprita Mishra
In this paper, the problem of solving of reactive power loss and voltage profile of electrical power network through particle swarm optimization. FACTS devices used for controlling of reactive power as well as voltage profile of network and find the energy cost of loss in electrical power network, after that FACTS devices place through the particle swarm optimization in suitable location in bus and line, find the energy cost of loss and compare with FACTS devices use without PSO technique. So this type result profitable obtained. One extra step taken and compare the line loss with the different amount of reactive load such as 150% and 200%. Read More...
India |
338-346 |
85 |
Prediction of Political Election Results in India using Sentiment Analysis on Twitter Reviews: Survey
-Sayali Jori
Election is conducted to view the public opinion, where group of people choose the candidate by using votes, many methods are used to predict result. Many agencies and media companies conduct pre poll survey and expert views to predict result of election. The twitter data is to predict outcome of election by collecting twitter data and analyze it to predict the outcome of the election by analyzing sentiment of twitter data about the candidates. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
347-350 |
86 |
Packet Sniffing: A Network Attack Strategy and its Detection
-Geetika Srivastava ; Pakesh Saxena
In previous years computer networking has been growing in size, intricacy and numbers of users increasing day by day. Data Communication and network has leaded a new path to business and daily affairs. Now, they are mostly dependent upon computer networks and internetwork. All the data are sent in the form of packet from one hope to another in a network. Packets are the base of all data sent on the internet, even though they are used insecurely. Interfering with live packets and the procedure involved in altering the packets moving in the network are becoming easier. Currently the exploits that are used by the attackers are easily accessible even by neophyte attackers. There is variety of packet scanning techniques for sniffing. The purpose here is to explain the nature of packets and expose the vulnerabilities that attackers exploit. This paper also includes protective measures against packet manipulation and sniffing, and detection of sniffers on a network. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
351-353 |
87 |
Seismic Analysis of Multi Storey Building with and without Floating Column
-Virendra Pratap Singh Solanki ; Prof. Sumit Pahwa
In present time buildings with floating columns are of typical feature in the modern multistory construction practices in India. Such types of constructions are highly undesirable in building built in seismically active areas. This paper studies the analysis of G+6 storey normal building and a G+6 storey floating column building for external lateral forces. The analysis is done by the use of STADD PRO. This paper also studies the variation of the both structures by applying the intensities of the past earthquakes i.e., applying the ground motions to the both structures, from that displacement time history values are compared. This study is to find whether the structure is safe or unsafe with floating column when built in seismically active areas and also to find floating column building is economical or uneconomical. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
354-356 |
88 |
Modification of Manufacturing Process of Front Bracket Pivot
-N. K. Kharate ; Deepesh V. Raghuwanshi; Faiyyaj H. Shaikh; Saurabh A. Patil; Manjusha G. Chine
In this paper Design and analysis procedure to develop Blanking cum piercing die for leaf spring type suspension Front Bracket Pivot is discussed. A press is a machine tool used to used or cut metal by applying external force for producing sheet metal components at large volume. The sheet metal working processes are widely used in almost all industries like automotive, defense and mechanical. Bracket Pivot is a part which is used in suspension assembly unit of automobile. Sequence of operation for manufacture of front bracket pivot is observed and analyzed. New methods and modifications in sequence of operations are planned initially and then press tool is designed and analyzed. The purpose of carrying out analysis is to prevent the costly tryouts and thus optimize the quality and rate of production. The purpose of analysis is to save the energy for manufacturing, reduce cycle time and thus optimize the rate of production. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
357-360 |
89 |
A Review on Prestressed Deck Bridge under Dynamic Loading using SAP2000 Software
-Ankur Gupta ; Pratiksha Malviya
Prestressed concrete is the kind of RC cement mix in which interior anxieties are acquainted with balance the ductile anxieties that will forced because of administration stack conditions. The hard-drawn wires, links or bars of high quality amalgam steel are utilized as ligaments in prestress concrete to create worries in cement. In Prestressed concrete structures, steel and cement both are in dynamic blend since these materials are as of now get worried before the uses of outside burdens. The Pre-worrying in cement structures is discovered more powerful than RCC structures. Many literatures are available which deals with the design and analysis of Pretensioning members to resist lateral forces. In this paper, the main focus is to carry out extensive literature survey and to determine the scope of work regarding lateral load resisting member's analysis and design. From the literature it is clear that pretensioning members is the most effective lateral load resisting system which helps the building to sustain even under seismic loads. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
361-364 |
90 |
Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Deployment Challenges
-Ashish Yadav
Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are used for controlling, operating and monitoring industrial processes. That current ICS infrastructures and elements are not amply secured against cyber threats in context of security. Woefully, due to the specific nature of these systems, the application of common security counter-measures is often not effective. We suggest building tools and mechanisms to improve the security and awareness in ICS. We discuss challenges and opportunities identified during a comprehensive analysis of ICS data system resources. Industrial processes are more exposed to cybersecurity risks through a range of vulnerabilities in software and hardware technologies as well as weaknesses inherited from the legacy design of ICS networks. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
365-367 |
91 |
Mechanical Properties of Quaternary Blended Concrete for Rigid Pavements
-Karri Naga Venkata Ganga Vara Prasad ; P. Sanyasi Naidu; NC Anil; M Uaday Sri
Cement manufacturing involves environmental degrade as natural depletion of natural resources and one of the efficient methods to conserve the natural resources and reduce the environmental impact is to use supplementary cementitious materials. In the present study, the SCMs such as fly ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag, and silica fume were used as a partial replacement to cement at 30%, 40% and 50%. Seven concrete and mortar mixtures were designed to study the compressive strength of the quaternary blended mortar and concrete and tested at 3, 7, 28, 56 days. The grade of concrete considered in this study is M40. Quaternary blended concrete mix C60F10G25S5 showed comparative strength in compare with control concrete at 56 days. The quaternary blended mortar mixes C60F10G25S5 and C50F15G30S5 showed higher compressive strength by 3.06% and 3.76% than control mix at the age of 56 days. Read More...
M. tech in transportation engineering |
India |
368-372 |
92 |
Blockchain-Enabled E-Voting: A Survey
-Omkar Mangalgiri ; Akash Bharsakle; AzharBekinalkar; Professor. S. N. Shelke
Now a day the E-Voting is the popular concept in the public sector. This includes punched cards, optical scan voting systems etc. But in this system, the voter identification is the main issue because it is difficult to maintain a huge amount of voter's personal data. The privacy of voter identity is the main concern. But some public leader can access the voter personal data and misuse this information. The existing system does not find such voter identification fraud. So there is a need to develop a system which can be able to overcome this problem using blockchain technology by providing security to voter's personal information. This paper gives the review of various methods used by the researcher using blockchain technology. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
373-375 |
93 |
Clean City Green City-Smart Garbage Control System: Survey
-Darshana Sarode ; Aishwarya Patil; Sudeshana Devthane; Neha Rathod
The use of advanced technological devices in our daily routine made us smart and efficient. Such a transformation is required for any developing city for efficient management of citywide activities and becomes a smart city in our city. We see that the dustbins located at community places are spilling over. It creates unhealthy conditions for people also it makes that place ugly. At the same moment the bad whiff is also spread. To achieve optimal usage sensors are placed inside and under the dustbin and it can be monitored by the system such that status of the bins, shortest route can also be planned for garbage collection. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
376-379 |
94 |
QR Based Secure Server Verification by Using Encryption Algorithm and Visual Cryptography: A Survey
-Anuja Kandge ; Pragati Borate; Sushma Jambhale ; Pranita Kad
In the area of the internet, various online attacks have been increased and among them the most popular attack is phishing. Phishing is an attempt by an individual or a group to acquire personal confidential information such as passwords, credit card information etc. from unsuspecting victims for identity theft, financial gain and other fraudulent activities. So there is need to build up the system such as "Secure Server Verification by Using Visual Cryptography" to solve the problem of phishing. Visual Cryptography is a secret sharing scheme which owns the technique of sharing the visual information. Visual information (e.g. printed text, handwritten notes and pictures) to be encrypted in such a way that the decryption can be performed by the human visual system, without the aid of computers [10]. This paper gives the survey of different techniques used to protect data against the phishing attack and propose the system that can help to maintain the confidentiality of the private data by using visual cryptography and RSA algorithm based on QR code. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
380-381 |
95 |
Recognition of Dynamic Character Using Neural Networks for Ancient Modi Language: Survey
- Adesh Kuthale ; Chetan Sathe; Mrunal Idhate; Shubham Goud; Prof. Vina Lomte
Last few decades, innumerable handwriting character recognition systems have been recommended by the experts. Many researches have presented the limitation that comes across for recognition handwriting character is cursive type and it has some deformation. The key challenge to recognition of character is high in Handwritten Domain, due to the different writing style of every individual. The study had been performed on foreign language like Arabic, Chinese, Japanese etc. and South Asian Languages such as Sanskrit, Hindi, Marathi, and Nepali etc. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
382-385 |
96 |
Problems of Handloom Industry (Tant Sarees)
-Biswajit Majumdar
In Bengal, there are lot of signature products in which many of them are struggling for existence process. Tant saree is one of them which is now suffering from a lot of problems and it has become very hard to keep their existence. This Tant sarees once ruled in our whole country for its quality, design and comfortable issue. In our survey, we choose Gangarampur Sub-division where this industry has kept its presence in large number. The weaver who are still engaged with this profession are suffering in highest degree, because our neighbouring country is providing this sarees in cheaper rate. As a result of it people are not interested to buy our local product and the local weavers are hardly managed to their two square meal. So lot of the weavers are compelled to change their profesion in order to keep their own existence and moreover, those who are still connected with this profession, in short of time probably they will be compelled to leave this profession for low wages and unavailability of continue work. This Tant industry had once flourished at Maharajpur & Thangapara under Gangarampur sub-division. Now this industry is slowly dying like a cancer patient. Though the Government has taken a few steps to save this industry but it is not enough. So the government should take some more necessary steps to save this industry before it wipe out completely. Read More...
India |
386-387 |
97 |
Blockchain Use in Healthcare Data Storage
-Dinesh Mengade ; Ratan Saliyan; Majeed Shaikh; Omkar Sonawane; Prof. Manisha Desai
Healthcare is an industry which needs to maintain a large amount of critical medical Data. Which may include the patient's historical data, medical record, and patient's private Information, etc. this information is very critical and needs to be stored and maintained securely. Whenever people hear about blockchain their mind might typically think about banking and financial markets. But we can use blockchain technology for decentralized Healthcare data storage. Blockchain used in healthcare is called as health blockchain. The proposed system increases data security and removes the cost, time, and resources required to manage the healthcare data records. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
388-390 |
98 |
Privacy Protection for Healthcare System Using Cloud Security
-Kiran Masal ; Supriya Shelake; Swati Sah; Priyanka Takalkar; Prof. Sachin Patil
Healthcare sector has a large volume of information like health records of patients that should be collected and stored. The data which consider as most sensitive record that is healthcare data this data should not be available for unauthorized people this is for protecting patient's information security. The cloud provides impact full security and privacy to the database of patient at low cost and better quality. The task is of protecting healthcare information from external attacks and from unauthorized people. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
391-394 |
99 |
Design, Simulation and Fabrication of Single Band Tapped Inputcompact Hairpin Band Pass Filter for Airport Surveillance Radar Application
-Abhay Purohit ; Sandeep Toshniwal
In this paper we presented analysis and simulation of tapped input microwave hairpin filters. A hairpin band pass filter is designed to operate at center frequency of 2.8 GHz with a bandwidth of 390 MHz and return loss of -25dB. This frequency is presenting for microwave S-band. The S band is used by weather radar, surface ship radar, and some communications satellites. To design hairpin filter several steps are considered which includes filter order, low pass prototype, low pass to band pass transformation and finally layout of the filter. Read More...
Digital Communication Engineering |
India |
395-397 |
100 |
Effects of Social Media Campaign on the Purchase Choices of Consumers
-Dr. Veni Nair ; Dr. Sarit Prava Das
The advent of social media has created a replacement landscape for brands that try to attract consumers. The objective of the study is to clarify why, when, and the way social media has impacted the consumers. The theoretical framework rests on consumer's decision making process. Quantitative analysis technique was incorporated for analysis. The findings indicated that people pursue an energetic role in information search on social media comparison to mass media, nonetheless information exposure is selective and subjective throughout the course of data search. Read More...
Marketing |
India |
398-407 |