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151 |
A Review on Effect and Optimization of Abrasive Water Jet Machining Process Parameters
-Geeta B. Raut ; T. V. Gaikwad; S. N. Salunke; G. B. Raut; A. K. Chandgude
Abrasive water jet machining is one of the recent non-traditional manufacturing technologies for material processing. It has advantages of no thermal distortion, high machining versatility, high flexibility and small cutting forces. A design of experiments approach was taken, considering variables such as water jet abrasive size, water jet pressure, abrasive flow rate, standoff distance, the angle of attack and transverse speed. And these are optimized to investigate their influence on Metal Removing Rate (MRR) and Surface Roughness (SR) of Inconel-188. Taguchi robust design analysis is employed to determine an optimal combination of process parameters. Every day scientists are developing new materials and for each new material, we need economical and efficient machining. It is also predicted that the Taguchi method is a good method for optimization of various machining parameters as it reduces the number of experiments. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
569-572 |
152 |
-Ketaki Jiten Keluskar ; Sakshi Madkholkar
Nowadays, refrigerators are a must when it comes to storing food items over a longer period of time. Refrigerators make people’s lives simpler when it comes to storage of food items. Now, a concept has been implemented wherein the user interfaces with the refrigerator and do various jobs which are related to not only storage of food items but also buying groceries online in urgency. This project aims at not only making the lives of common people simpler but it also makes the lives of physically disabled people simpler. Existing systems used barcode or RFID scanning to keep track of the stock. The products currently available are expensive as the user has to purchase the whole refrigerator. The Smart Refrigerator module is designed to convert any existing refrigerator into an intelligent cost effective appliance using sensors. The smart refrigerator is capable of sensing and monitoring its contents. The smart refrigerator is also able to remotely notify the user about scarce products via android app and email. It also facilitates the purchase of scarce items by providing a link of the online vendor of that particular item. The core functionality of the smart fridge, is to maintain, with minimum effort, an inventory list of food items which might want to be purchased as soon as they run out. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
573-575 |
153 |
Design of Angle Body Machining Fixture
-Shubham Rajkumar Kalbande ; Kunal Sudhakar Koli; Rahul Vasant Gawali; Saba Ibrahim Sayyed
KOSO group of company (valve division) is situated at Ambad is famous worldwide for their control valves. They are manufacturing many types of valves like globe valve, butterfly valve, and choke valve for many customers but recently they suffer from a problem of how to manufacture a valve body part which does not have a base for clamping and as we know it is essential to have a base for clamping to perform machining. Most importantly customers refuse to import those choke valves which has boss welded at the base of globe valve (boss was welded for clamping) and similarly due to increased losses in case of choke valves. So, we have decided to manufacture an angle body machining fixture for clamping and to provide easy of machining for choke valve body. There are two plates one is vertical and another is horizontal plate. They are welded to gather. It can be used to locating the body. On the horizontal plate two supporting plates are used to remove the vibration and it make the proper alignment by using nut and bolt. Clamping boss is used to clamp the fixture in Vertical Turret Lathe machine. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
576-578 |
154 |
Speech Recognition for Hindi using Zero Crossing Rate Methods
-Tulsi Meghwal ; Ajaykumar Tarunkumar Shah
Speech Recognition is the most promising field of research and technology. Speech to text conversion is the process of converting input acoustic speech signal into the text similar to information being conveyed by the speaker. This paper is to build speech to text conversion system for Hindi language to reduce the gap between computer and people in rural areas. Although there are many interfaces are already available, but need is to build more vocabulary and accuracy in it. The system is trained for 100 words, collected from different speakers of different age groups. In this system features including zero crossing rate and short term energy is studied. In this paper mainly three phases are there, training phase, testing phase and recognition phase. In training phase, training database is created with Hindi speech samples and trained using feature extracted using algorithms of zero crossing rate and energy calculation. In testing phase extracted features are matched and then created testing database with minimum and maximum range of zero crossing rate and energy from the speech samples. In recognition phase same techniques applied to speech and compared with the database and fetch word using data of training and testing phase. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
579-582 |
155 |
Bus Pass Renewal and Ticketing System using QR Code
-Aastha Shah ; Roshan Verma
This project aims at providing an effective solution for maintaining Bus pass information using database. The system has two logins, one for user and the other for admin. Online bus pass generation system would be useful for commuters to get their bus passes online instead of standing in long queues to obtain their passes. This system is intended to perform functionalities like accessing basic information for authentication and provide Bus pass for the commuters without placing them in long queues. The official in the bus, would be able to verify the authenticity of the pass by scanning the Aztec code provided on the pass with a recommended device. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
583-584 |
156 |
Brain Tumour Threshold Segmentation using Image Processing
-Rashmi S ; Pushpalatha R
The field of medical imaging is gaining importance with an increase in the demand for automated, reliable, fast and efficient diagnosis which can provide insight to the image better than human eyes. Brain tumor is the second leading cause for cancer-related deaths in men in age 20 to 39 and fifth leading cause cancer among women in same age group. Brain tumors are painful and may result in various diseases if not cured properly. Diagnosis of tumor is a very important part in its treatment. Identification plays an important part in the diagnosis of benign and malignant tumors. A prime reason behind an increase in the number of cancer patients worldwide is the ignorance towards treatment of a tumor in its early stages. This paper discusses such an algorithm that can inform the user about details of tumor using basic image processing techniques. These methods include noise removal and sharpening of the image along with basic morphological functions, erosion and dilation, to obtain the background. Subtraction of background and its negative from different sets of images results in extracted tumor image. Plotting contour and c-label of the tumor and its boundary provides us with information related to the tumor that can help in a better visualization in diagnosing cases. This process helps in identifying the size, shape and position of the tumor. It helps the medical staff as well as the patient to understand the seriousness of the tumor with the help of different color-labeling for different levels of elevation. A GUI for the contour of tumor and its boundary can provide information to the medical staff on click of user choice buttons. Read More...
Image processing |
India |
585-588 |
157 |
Data Mining Techniques for Predicting Student Performance on Educational Data
-Sindhurani G S ; Shashirekha H
The methods of Data mining are used in evaluating the given data and to mine the unknown facts and knowledge which greatly supports the researchers to take effective decisions. Due to the tremendous growth in recent technology like social media, it may divert the students from their actual track, and this is one of the reasons for the students to perform poor in academic activities and it even leads to course drop outs. This paper reviews the previous research works done on students’ performance prediction, analysis, early alert and evaluation by using different methods of data mining. Read More...
M.Tech Computer Science |
India |
589-592 |
158 |
An Efficient System for Road Traffic Monitoring and Theft Recognition
-J. Thilagavathy
An efficient public automotive security system is implemented for theft prevention and traffic control using an intelligent system. It comprises of precision high definition camera along with antenna for Global Positioning System (GPS) and Global System of Mobile (GSM) to establish communication link. The general public safety can be ensured with this advanced mobile unit connected on a patrol. The unit comprises of a speed monitoring unit to regularize the vehicle speed to minimize and control unavoidable accidents causing fatal injury and death. The individual units of the system are integrated to an image processing unit to verify the violators and track the event process in every stage of monitoring. The system integration with the web server will enhance the system performance for comparing the data with country’s central data base to enhance security in the country. The system is designed to provide amble security to common public through advanced monitoring and control system with this intelligent mobile tracking patrol system on vehicle. The system will be connected with the cloud server to have records on all the events for future reference to limit the crimes and save life. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
593-599 |
159 |
Review on Design and Analysis of SS-PP Honeycomb Master leaf of Mahindra Bolero Pickup
-Vishal Tulshiram Sonawane ; Prashant Sumbe; Vishal Zaware; Nitin Gatane; P.S.Munfan
In order to economize energy and conserve natural resources, weight reduction has been the main focus of automobile manufacturers in the present scenario. The increasing competition and innovations in automobile sector tends to modify the existing products or replacing old products by new and advanced materials. Composite sandwich construction has been recognized as a promising concept for structural design of light weight transportation systems such as aircraft, high-speed trains and fast ships. A sandwich development gives great basic effectiveness, i.e. with high proportion of quality to weight. Regardless of the fact that the idea of sandwich development is not new, it has been fundamentally embraced for non-quality piece of structures in the most recent decade. The aim of the present study is to investigate the strength characteristics of honeycomb sandwich panels with core of polypropylene theoretically and experimentally. FEA of the both existing and honeycomb master leaf will be carry out. A series of strength tests will carry out on composite honeycomb-cored sandwich panel specimen in three point bending test. Simplified theories are applied to analyse bending deformation, buckling or ultimate strength. The structural failure characteristics of composite sandwich panels are discussed. Read More...
Techonology |
India |
600-602 |
160 |
Study on Fake Review Detection by Classification Algorithm using Machine Learning Technique
-Miss. Harsha. N. Dawda ; Dr. S. W. Mohod
Internet got boosted in few last years, people use web services more than expected. As the Internet got expanded people started their business online like E-Commerce websites. In today’s modern era e-commerce has expanded broadly. Online Review has become an important factor for customers to buy products and judge how good the product is. However there are some users tend to give false reviews for the product, manufacturers and retailers are highly concerned with this customer feedback and review. This arise a serious concern that false reviewers devalue/value the products and the services. This is called Fake Review, where the users generate false review about the product for revenue gain/loss, hence fake review exist it is important to develop a technique to detect fake reviews. We have use active learning detection technique to detect the fake reviews. Read More...
M.Tech in Computer Science And Engineering |
India |
603-606 |
161 |
Android based Application to Provide Platform for Small Scale Industries
-Mr. A. J. Patankar ; Aayushman Sharma; Sujata; Shrushti Chahande; Niraj Mourya
Android working framework share about 80% of the Indian piece of the pie. Presently a day a large portion of the general population claim an advanced mobile phone. The purpose behind predominance of android in Indian advanced cells advertise is its sensible, and low costs. The online business showcase in India has seen a huge development in recent years. Be that as it may, the E-business advertise is ruled by monsters like Flipkart, Amazon. These stages are utilized by utilized by entrenched brands/firms and are dealt with by endeavors bargaining of generally proficient representatives. Android based application for giving a stage to little scale enterprises is an endeavor to give simple route to the general population in the little scale businesses to associate with bigger hover of clients and increment their piece of the overall industry. Enterprises and individuals associated with different systematic pickles, papad, different eatables, outline craftsman, home stylistic layouts, and so forth will be profited the most, as they can connect substantial number of clients. Read More...
India |
607-611 |
162 |
Review on Heating Element Strip and Temperature Control using PID Controller
-Nikita Patil ; Digvijay Patil; Pournima Kore; S. R. Kumbar
The review explains use of a high temperature silicon carbide material for heating purpose. Electrical field resistance heating gives avarious types of materials which are available as heating elements and one of its most important application is temperature Control by using Proportional – Integral - derivative (PID) controller. Where it consists of a control feedback system to be used widely in industrial control system. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
612-614 |
163 |
Review on Design of Conveyor
-Abhishek Dalavi ; Rambhau Yesade; Vaibhav More; Rajendra Chougale; S. R. Kumbar
Belt drive systems offer freedom to position the motor relative to the load and this development permits reduction of the conveyor inertia. It also facilitates quick response when employed in robotics applications. The main advantage of conveyor belting we usually use is that, we can avoid material spillage to a considerable extent. This is noticeable once fine-grained materials like sand, cement, cement concrete, coal, etc. are transferred with their help. Other applications in food processing units, bottling plants, and wood log processing companies also make the study on economization of conveyor belt transfer as an important one. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
615-617 |
164 |
Detection of Traffic Violation using RFID
-S. K. Logesh ; T. Karthikeyan; P. Balasubramanie; V. Annapoorna
In the present-day scenario, number of accidents has been on the rise and the reason for this is attributed to over-speeding and traffic rules violation. In order to the task easy for Police, a lot of research has been going for building and effective traffic monitoring system. Such a system is proposed here that aims to effectively detect speed violation on the road and to identify the vehicles taking in the wrong lane and alert the same to the police. The system consists of PIC (ATMEGA328P-pu) Arduino, a RFID unit, RFID readers along with the passive tag that is attached to a vehicle, a (LCD) and a WSM unit that is utilized to notify the vehicle's owner and police through (SMS). The system offers low cost, reliable, efficient results and real time notification. Read More...
India |
618-619 |
165 |
Response of RC Structure under Random Vibration
-B. Sivamathi ; Dr. R. Ponnudurai; D. Kesavan Periyasamy
In this Paper, Time history analysis is analyzed for the modelled structure due to random vibration. MATLAB coding is developed for determining the response i.e. mean peak acceleration of the structure. The probability of peak acceleration is determined. For the determined values of the structure, base shear is calculated for each cases. In this paper aims to determine the response of the structure. When random vibration is given, the response of the structure is determined using MATLAB. By giving el-Centro data as input, time history analysis is determined. Time history analysis is calculated for random signal, sinusoidal signal and loading case. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
620-625 |
166 |
IoT Based Home Automation System using Raspberry Pi
-Mrs. Vishnupriya G S ; Sayali Jagtap; Diksha Navale; Ishwari Lodam; Praful Bangar
The IOT based Home Automation System utilizing Raspberry Pi introduces a minimal effort and adaptable home control and checking framework utilizing a Raspberry PI module and a Static Relay, by associating android utilization of Smartphone to Home machines through Internet. The proposed framework does not require a devoted server PC as for comparative frameworks and offers appropriate correspondence convention to screen and control the home condition with something other than the exchanging usefulness. To look at the attainability and adequacy of this framework, gadgets, for example, Static transfers and a WIFI switch can be coordinated with the home control framework. Read More...
India |
626-628 |
167 |
Resolving Multiparty Privacy Conflicts in Social Media
-Mr. Abhijit Patankar ; Neha Sanjay Chiddarwar; Mayuri Dattatray Kulkarni; Chaitali Sanjay Kulkarni; Sayali Haribhau Kharche
On-line social networks like Facebook are increasingly utilized by many people. These networks allow users to publish their own details and enable them to contact their friends. Some of the information revealed inside these networks is private. These structures allow clients to present specific of them and interface with their mates. Client profile and family relationship relations are really private. These networks allow users to publish details about themselves and to connect to their friends. Some of the information revealed inside these networks is meant to be private. A privacy breach occurs when sensitive information about the user, the information that an individual wants to keep from public, is disclosed to an adversary. Private information leakage could be an important issue in some cases. And explore how to launch inference attacks using released social networking data to predict private information. In this we map this issue to a collective classification problem and propose a collective inference model. In our model, an attacker utilizes user profile and social relationships in a collective manner to predict sensitive information of related victims in a released social network dataset. To protect against such attacks, we propose a data sanitization method collectively manipulating user profile and friendship relations. The key novel idea lies that besides sanitizing friendship relations, the proposed method can take advantages of various data-manipulating methods. We show that we can easily reduce adversary's prediction accuracy on sensitive information, while resulting in less accuracy decrease on non-sensitive information towards three social network datasets. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that employs collective methods involving various data-manipulating methods and social relationships to protect against inference attacks in social networks. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
629-632 |
168 |
Enhancement in File Searching in Delay Tolerant Networks
-Kalyan Bamane ; Ekta Karanjkhele; Priyanka Jarad; Radhika Patil
Gifted report request is basic to the general execution of disseminated (P2P) record sharing systems. Gathering peers by their essential focal points can generally enhance the effectiveness of record question. Gathering peers by their physical environs can in like manner upgrade report question execution. Nevertheless, couple of current works can gather peers in light of both partner interest and physical proximity. Though composed P2Ps give unrivaled report request capability than unstructured P2Ps, it is difficult to recognize it on account of their completely portrayed topologies. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
633-635 |
169 |
Land Registry using Blockchain
-Susmeta Adak ; Radha Kamkar; Arshee Khan; Parvati Pandit; A. K. Sampath
Property fraud is one of the biggest problems in India. There have been many cases related to document forgery in the past and are chances of it still happening in the future. And hence, to counter these property fraud cases the Blockchain technology is being applied. By using Blockchain we can solve three main problems in case of land registry. One of them is that the land registry papers cannot be replicated, that is, there cannot be two papers of the same land with two different owners. The second problem which can be solved is that the land registry files will be tamper proof, as the Blockchain is a series of immutable record of data. And the third one is that the digital process will be tamper proof. We are going to use Skye platform to build our decentralized application. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
636-639 |
170 |
Tours Planner by Image Processing
-Abhishek Mishra ; Himanshu Mishra; Rahul Gupta; Anwarali Shaikh; Mrs. Nilam Parmar
The System is basically an Android Application meant for planning a Tour. The End User can provide an input in the form of an image or in textual form. The image is an image of the desired destination that the user wants to visit, which can be captured instantly or is already captured and stored in the Gallery. The image will be taken as an input and will be compared with the database images in order to identify and display the name of the desired destination and details of all tourist attractions present in that place. The user then selects the desired tourist attractions and enters the time duration available considering his schedule. The System plans the tour according to the user entered details and provides the Final Plan to the user, providing navigation for the same. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
640-642 |
171 |
An Impression of Various Data Mining Techniques in the Field of Agriculture
-K. Priya ; A.Anbarasi
India is a nation where agriculture and agriculture-related trades are the most important sources of living for the general population. Agriculture is a major source of economy of the country. Utilization of data innovation in agriculture can change the circumstance of decision making and agriculturists can yield in a better way. Agriculture Data Mining (ADM) is an interdisciplinary ingenuous research area that handles the development of methods to explore data arising in agriculture fields. A computational approach used by ADM is to examine farming data in order to study cultivation questions. As a result, it provides intrinsic knowledge of farming and crop growing process for effective agriculture planning. Data mining participates a vital part in decision making on numerous issues related to the agriculture pasture. This paper discussed the role of data mining in perception of agriculture field and as well confers regarding some data mining techniques and their related work by several authors in circumstance to agriculture domain. It also discusses various data mining applications in solving many agricultural problems. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
643-647 |
172 |
Eco Friendly Finishing To Bed Spreads Using Keelanali Extract
-D.Anita Rachel ; E.Kaviarasu
In the Textile Industry the Functional textiles of any product varies with its Finishing nature. My idea of this project is to produce an Eco friendly antimicrobial finishing to bed spreads using Keelanali extract for mosquito repellence. Finishing improves the fabrics performance and give special Cactus Miller, Psidium guajava and Azadirachtaindica etc for the mosquito repellent is one of the most effective tools for protecting human from vector borne diseases. To impact the Eco friendly antimicrobial finishing to bed spreads using cactus extract for mosquito repellence, the method chosen is Dip-Dry method of Keelanali Extract. This work is a small effort in developing an ecofriendly mosquito repellent finished fabric using the Keelanali extract. The fabric was finished by padding mangle method and evaluated using an exito chamber test. After finishing, the finished fabric showed 100% of repellent activity for direct application method. This study helps in the development of a mosquito repellent fabric which protects the human beings from the mosquito bites and thereby promising safety from the mosquito borne diseases. The Aim of this Project is to serve the Society without mosquito and the diseases. Read More...
Textile Engineering |
India |
648-650 |
173 |
Review of Textile Reinforced Concrete
-Vineela Jalagadugula ; P. Ganesan; S. Purushotham Rao
This paper presents the use of textile fibre as reinforcement in the concrete. This textile reinforced concrete provides an added advantage of corrosion free element of thin structure. It is being used increasingly in the modern days construction. The review of some of this work is presented in this paper. Read More...
M.Tech in Structural Engineering |
India |
651-652 |
174 |
Breast Cancer Prediction using Machine Learning
-Parth Panchal ; Siddhant Mishra; Harsh Panchal; Ashish Yadav
Approximately about 1 in 8 U.S. women, roughly about 12.4% will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime, according to the study by non-profit organization [1]. It becomes absolutely necessary to find some countermeasures that can detect such cancer in early stages so as to prevent it from becoming fatal. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
653-654 |
175 |
Cross Polarization Reduction in Microstrip Patch Antenna : A Review
-Prasanna Pandit Jadhav ; Mr. U. A. Patil
Generally conventional microstrip patch antennas have various drawbacks like narrow bandwidth, low polarization purity, low gain, etc. So as to reduce these researchers propose various size reduction and broadbanding techniques using shorted pins or shaped slots, post-gap, or parasitic elements cause high cross polarized radiation as a side effect. Hence reduction of cross polarization is an important aspect in antenna designing. In this paper various techniques of cross polarization have presented and a better technique of using defected ground structure to reduce cross polarization is proposed. Read More...
India |
655-658 |
176 |
A Privacy-Preserving High-Order Neuro-Fuzzy c-means Algorithm with Cloud Computing
-Rahul Jadhav ; Kotrappa Sirbi; Abhijit J. Patankar; Archana J. Jadhav
In the real world massive heterogeneous details and data are generated from the cloud. Heterogeneous data is basically a different type of data combined together. Processing on the heterogeneous data is done with the help of neuro-fuzzy technology. This becomes a hot topic for cloud. We propose a privacy-preserving high-order neuro-fuzzy c-means algorithm for clustering heterogeneous data on the cloud. Privacy-preserving high-order neuro-fuzzy c-means algorithm on cloud computing clusters the heterogeneous data set by representing each heterogeneous data object as a tensor and uses the tensor distance to capture the correlations in the high-order tensor space. Furthermore, the cloud computing is employed to improve the clustering efficiency for massive heterogeneous data from cloud. The BGV encryption mechanism or technique is used to protect the private data when performing the high-order neuro-fuzzy c-means algorithm on to the cloud. We propose a practical privacy-preserving c-means clustering scheme that can be efficiently outsourced to cloud servers. Our scheme allows cloud servers to perform clustering directly over encrypted datasets, while achieving com-parable computational complexity and accuracy compared with clustering s over unencrypted ones. We also find out the secure integration of MapReduce into our mechanism, which makes our mechanism or we can say scheme mostly suitable for cloud computing environment. By security survey and numerical survey carry out the performance of our mechanism in terms of security and efficiency. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
659-662 |
177 |
Pride and Prejudice as a Feminine Satirical Novel
-Luhaib Hamid khalaf ; Dr. Mahmoud Ali Ahmed
Stepping into the pages of Pride and Prejudice is like entering into a completely different world. It is a novel that portrays a culture so unlike our own times, its characters inhabit a society so unlike ours, their problems so different from our own; it is extremely difficult for us to ‘identify’ with the fictional characters portrayed. This is a quiet world, often alien to those living in the dynamic 20th century. The late 18th century houses seem to be galaxies away from us, the wit and language is as of another planet. The immediate value of the novel then, is that we become more acquainted with this new world and the characters that populate it. The alien properties of the novel enable us to, perhaps, derive an even greater benefit from it and we are permitted to see the novel as a work of art. In reading any novel of the 20th century, we are apt to lose ourselves by the too easy identification of ourselves with the characters and their problems. We find it difficult to detach ourselves from the content in order to observe the form and technique the novelist uses.In reading a Jane Austen novel, we come to appreciate the technique used by her, her methods of characterization, her construction of the plot and her subtlety of dialogues. Paradoxically, this appreciation of technique and form makes us more intensely aware of life. We come to see the people and the problems more clearly outlined, their minds and passions more plainly revealed than they are in life. The very detachment that we feel when we read a Jane Austen novel is thus an advantage in separating ourselves from our immediate situation, our daily cares and our own bias. We may become better readers of her novels than her contemporaries were. Read More...
Science Education |
India |
663-669 |