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101 |
Online Event Planning Viewer
-Shikha Rakesh Upadhyay ; Ayush Patel; Shivani Haridev Pal; Agatsya Acharya
This project is a user interactive web application. The system will help the user to decorate an event venue virtually on a computer. This will also help the Client to visualize the decorations pre hand. Client need to select the event and need to specify the approximate number of guest for the event. Then the Client can decorate the venue on his computer. He can make use of the various decoration options present in the panel for the particular event. Different combinations can be tried out. Alterations can be easily done in the design according to the Clients choice Colures can be changed and tested for all the decorative Elements. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
384-385 |
102 |
Analysis of Vector Space Related to Graph Theory
-S. Sumathira ; M. Mohana
In our everyday life, we come across various problems where we have to look at them as structures of objects and some family of subsets of those objects. These problems may be represented pictorially with a set of dots called vertices and a set of edges connecting various pairs of dots. Such representations are called graphs. These problems involve arrangements of certain objects and explain the relationships between them. To study the arrangements, we view these objects as points in a plane and the relationships as lines joining them. Ideas given by various mathematicians to solve such problems gave birth to a branch of mathematics called graph theory. Read More...
India |
386-387 |
103 |
Food Excess Management
-Meet Rajesh Popat ; Nisarg Vipul Upadhyay; Yash Mahesh Revadekar
This project is used to manage wastage foods in a useful way. Every day the people are wasting lots of foods. So we have to scale back that food wastage drawback through on-line. If anyone has wastage foods they are entering their food quantity details and their address in that application and then the admin maintain the details of food donator. The donator can create the account and whenever they are having wastage food they can login and give request to the admin. And the admin also maintain the buyer (orphanage, poor people, etc.) details too. After the admin read the donator request and provides the alert message like time to return and collect the food. The admin collect foods from donator and then provide to nearest orphanages or poor people. If the donator needs any detail about the orphanage with helping thought they can give request to the admin and collect the orphanage details. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
388-389 |
104 |
Design and Fabrication of Material Lifting Mechanism
-Miss. Mayuri A. Kherkar ; Mr. Prasanna S. Ronghe; Mr. Parag V. Raut; Mr. Yogesh N. Lambade; Prof. A. A. Muley
The most important aim of our project is to design and fabricate a hand operated material lifting mechanism joined with ladder for the purpose of material lifting at required height at faster rate as normal. Our main target is labours working at building constructions sites in India. They works so hard for lifting material whether it is bunch of bricks, mixture of cement and concrete in building construction sites from one floor to next floor while building is under construction, so as to reduced their work effort at the site we are fabricating this mechanism. As our ladder type material lifting mechanism is hand operated the cost of our mechanism also get reduced and affordable for builders. By using worm gear, wire rope, moveable lifting platform and sliding mechanism we are fabricating this material lifting mechanism. Read More...
Engineering |
India |
390-392 |
105 |
E-Mobility: Smart, Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Mode of Future Transport
-Ayush U. Deshmukh ; Ameya J. Vyas
This paper provides a brief overview of Electric Vehicle Transmission System in comparison to the Tail Pipe Emission of IC Engine Vehicles. It suggests the future scope of Electric Vehicle Technology to maximize the use of renewable sources of energy so as to fulfill sustainable goals for betterment of society. Furthermore, it also includes the harmful impacts on environment and human beings caused by IC engines at a global level. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
393-396 |
106 |
Introduction to Industrial IoT
-Pankaj R. Patil
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
397-399 |
107 |
Fabrication and Development of Plough and Weeder
-Chirag Meshram ; Saurabh Pole; Sachin Garbade; Chandrapal Thakare; Pratik Devikar
Currently, little land holding agriculturists use work bulls for the most part for land planning. Their utilization can be expanded and made progressively affordable by utilizing them for other ranch tasks, for example, furrowing, frightening, compost application, sowing and weeding. Enhanced hand apparatuses will likewise encourage cultivate work. Since a huge number of years as of recently the cultivating is reliant on bulls drawn furrow. But, in this system, more labor required, takes more time and its depth of furrowing is not deep. For the most part development of any yield includes different advances like seed choice, field arrangement, preparing, sowing, water system, germination, diminishing and filling, weed expulsion, vegetative stage, blossoming stage, pesticide showering, natural product or case arrangement stage. Our motivation is to consolidate all the individual instruments to furnish agriculturists with multipurpose hardware which executes all the logical cultivating procedures and determinations and reasonable for all kind of seed to seed development with as least expense. Fabrication and development of ploughing, weeding and seeding machine for agriculturists so as to build profitability, decrease undesirable work use and time utilization. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
400-402 |
108 |
IoT Based System for Forests Fire Detection
-Shivani Jadhav ; Mitali Bandarkar; Arathy Nair; Dr. Vinit Kotak; Prof. Archana Chaugule
Fire is a threat to our forests Human intervention is one the major cause of forest fires. In addition to destroying wooden areas fire jeopardizes our safety. In order to detect the forest fire several attempts have been made using different techniques from optical fire sensor, satellite based methods and wireless sensor networks. Early detection of forest fire is most important and may save the resources and wealth of forest. In this project we are using different sensors and aurduino uno board to detect environmental changes due to forests fires. By which we may get notification remotely through various devices like smartphones. In this project, we are mainly focusing on surface fires happening in forests. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
403-405 |
109 |
Analysis of Multi Level Inverter
-K Mohanapriya ; Gandhi R; Vijayakumar S
Renewable energy systems, such as solar energy conversion and wind power generation, are playing a more important role in energy production. However, the output power of PV and WPG are strongly fluctuate due to the randomness and intermittence of solar and wind energy, when the system works in stand-alone mode, it requires a large capacity of energy storage to satisfy the load demand and when the system works in grid-connected mode the results is strong impact on the utility grid. In this system going to utilize that two combined generation using mppt concept. Using mppt technique charging and discharging the battery based on power generation and typical load demand conditions respectively. And more over based on load condition relays are switched on for adding additional power source (solar or wind turbine) in order to compensate the load demand. Here switching is carried on wise fully based on maximum power derived from additional source. Read More...
power electronics and electrical drives |
India |
406-408 |
110 |
Design and Development of Smart Two Wheeler System
-Pawar Umesh Vasant ; Mane Abhijit Chaturbhuj; Mane Deshmukh Abhijeet Surendra; Mane Akshay Mohan
In this 21st century almost everything has become digital, if the fuel indicators in the vehicles is additionally made advanced we can determine the correct quantity of fuel available in the fuel tank. In this competitive world, everyone strives for greater accuracy than the previously proposed ones. In these project we additionally use the digital display system instead of mechanical arrangement and we use the displacement lever, arduino board, display system to show the exact amount of the fuel present in the tank (in percentage). A potentiometer transducer is used to find out the fuel level which is economic and also accurate. The added Feature in this fuel level indicator is that, the reserve condition is pre-informed to the user with an alarm, which helps to tune it to the reserve position before the engine stops and this helps to avoid knocking and engine damage. This project mainly concentrates about the indication of fuel level in irregular tanks (two wheeler and four wheeler tanks). Various other features like the distance covered, mileage obtained, can be added with this arrangement which explains the clear performance of the vehicle and the fuel used. We can also predict the time for refueling the vehicle and also to check the amount while fueling can be done in future. By using this digital fuel level indicator device the amount of fuel available in the tank at any position of the vehicle is predicted. Read More...
India |
409-410 |
111 |
Multi-View Stereo for Bran Image using PatchMatch Algorithm
-J.Karunanithi ; M.Monisha
Multi-view stereo (MVS) has traditionally been a topic of interest in computer vision for decades. It can be defined as establishing dense correspondence between multiple calibrated images, which results in a dense 3D reconstruction. Over the last few years, much effort has been put into improving the quality of dense 3D reconstruction and some work has achieved impressive visual effect. We planned to implement that multi view stereo in medical data to identify the accurate result for the image data which is affected or not. An efficient multi-view stereo method with asymmetric checkerboard propagation was used in this paper and identifies the multi-hypothesis joint view selection. Image were segregate by many frames, by identifying each frames and provide a multi view stereo for brain image to help the doctor to recognize it easily and provide a better result. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
411-414 |
112 |
Intelligent ATM Security
-Apurva Shashikant Arbale ; Devyani Sudam Pandav ; Aboli Sambhaji Gaikwad; Priya Amresh Bera; R.R.Patil
Automated Teller Machine (ATM)s now days are extensively used all over the world for the withdrawal of cash. A unique card is issued for each user along with the unique code provided to him so as to the person may do all his transactions personally without anyone getting known. Since transactions are extensively secure there is no much more security required but in countries like India its very necessary to have a physical security to the machine. Our proposed system will provide advanced ATM theft security system. The afflatus for our project is gained from the news and issues which are happening in our daily life. Now a day’s larceny or robbery of ATM is super abundantly increased so due to that we trying to disclose remedy for it. Keeping the technique of "keeps it simple" in our mind, we recommended advanced ATM theft security system for ATM machine, starting from sensors at the entrance to GSM technology in the ATM machine. Followed by the smart unauthorized access detection and informed to the nearest police station and the Bank Authority. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
415-416 |
113 |
Blood Donation Portal using Twitter
-Shweta Kadam ; Sana Khan; Dhanita Redij; Hetvi Gala
Blood is the most precious gift that anyone can give to another person the gift of life. Blood Donation is definitely a noble act. Many clinics & hospitals constantly require blood for several purposes. More than 38 thousand blood donations are needed every day! India faces a shortage of 3 million units of blood currently. Many patients die due to lack of blood, the reason is common people can not get proper information of blood donation notifications. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
417-419 |
114 |
A Review on IoT Based Intelligent Vehicle Control
-Mr. Sabale Nitin Ashok ; Mrs. K. R. Khandagle
In this paper a survey done on various methods used for the security of the vehicle. There are various sensors used for the safety of the driver. Vehicle security and accident prevention is more challenging. Also there are many cases, in that the heart attack occurred during driving the vehicle. In that case we need to build system which can handle all this problems. So in order to bring a solution for all this problems this system can be implemented. Vehicle security enhancement and accident prevention system can be developed through the application of ignition control (tracking and locking) using IOT, accident detection and prevention, driver fatigue, alcohol detector and speed limiting with efficient vehicle management system. The need for this project is to provide security to the vehicles by engine locking system which prevents the vehicle from unauthorized access. This technique helps to find out the exact location of the accident and with the help of server an emergency vehicle can be sent to the exact location to reduce the human life loss. It also detects the behavior of the driver through sensors whether he/she is drowsy or drunk, so that occurrence of accident can be prevented. We also build a heartbeat sensor which continuously monitors the heartbeats of the driver, if heart attack detected it slow down the speed of the vehicle and emergency message will be sent to the hospital with desired location. The place of the vehicle identified using Global Positioning system (GPS). Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
420-422 |
115 |
High Strength Waterproof Concrete Using Various Admixtures
-Atul Singhal ; Srushti Jariwala; Kajal Patel; Nishit Ramshawala; Shyam Doshi
The use of silica fume had major impact on industries, ability to routinely and commercially produce silica fume modified concrete of flow able in nature but yet remain cohesive, which in turn produces high early and later age strength including resistant to aggressive environments. This study is an experiment on the nature of silica fume and its influences with waterproofing admixture on the properties of fresh concrete. As after adding waterproofing admixtures in the concrete, it reduces the compressive strength of the concrete. After partial replacement of cement by silica fume with an addition of waterproofing admixture the strength parameters of concrete have been studied. First the strength parameters of concrete without any partial replacement were studied then strength parameters by partial replacement with silica fume have been studied by placing cube on compression testing machine (CTM). Silica fume were used to replace 0% to 15% of cement by weight. The results showed that partial replacement of cement with silica fume had significant effect on the compressive strength of cube, Durability and Split Tensile Strength. The strength of concrete increases rapidly as we increases the silica fume content and the optimum value of compressive strength is obtained at 10% replacement. After 10% it starts decreasing under uniform load condition of 4 KN. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
423-426 |
116 |
Estimate the High Voltage Insulation Applications via Neem Oil with Its Physical Characteristics and Breakdown Strength
-Saranya P ; Gandhi R; Padmanaban K
The success of any electrical system lies in its insulating system performance. Petroleum based mineral oils are the generally used fluids for electrical insulation and heat transfer. But they are non-biodegradable. Vegetable oils obtained from seeds, flowers and vegetables are biodegradable, non-toxic, environmental friendly and benign to aquatic or terrestrial. The objective of this project is to analyze the breakdown strength and physical characteristics of the neem oil under unaged and thermally aged conditions. In order to compare the results obtained for neem oil with castor oil, the same aging process and tests have been carried out on castor oil. Read More...
power electronics and electrical drives |
India |
427-430 |
117 |
A Review of Various Maze Solving Algorithms Based on Graph Theory
-Navin Kumar ; Sandeep Kaur
Solving a maze using computers is a complex though enticing task as one needs to come up with an algorithm that is effective in terms of time withal space for finding the shortest path. There is an ample number of graph algorithms to solve this problem, each one surpasses the other in performance aspects. This paper reviews different graph algorithms for maze solving along with their performance. The image of the maze is first processed by using GD library[1] functions in PHP[2], eventually, converting it into a graph data structure. A particular graph search algorithm is subsequently applied to find the shortest path between the start and the end node which is then mapped back to the image highlighting the solution. An "8X8" maze is used here for studying the performance of all graph based algorithms. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
431-434 |
118 |
A Study to Identify the Need of Technical Leadership Programs in an Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) Organisation
-S Padmanabhan ; Ayissha Tasneem
The objective of this paper is to understand the need of Technology Development programmes required in an Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) Organisation which will enable the organisation to differentiate themselves from similar organisations in the industry. Larsen & Toubro Limited through its Construction division, has been focussing on infrastructure development including areas of Power Transmission & Distribution (PT&D), in India and abroad. The PT&D organisation has been working in the areas of construction of Extra Heavy Voltage Substations (EHVSS), Transmission Lines (TL), Utility Power Distribution (UPD) and Solar systems, being the four verticals. As a Project Management Organisation, there is a strong focus on Time, Cost & Quality. A study was conducted to understand the business critical roles and the roles impact on the business. As part of the study the authors worked on the need to understand and develop the technical competencies of few of those critical functions / roles in the value stream which is the differentiating factor in this highly competitive industry. It also required to develop Technical Leadership Programs to enhance the talent requirements, including identifying the knowledge delivery partners, who will be training the employees, performing these critical roles. The pedagogy of this technology leadership programme is a combination of Experience, Exposure and training (70:20:10), as identified by the Centre of Creative Leadership. Thus the study reveals that, Technical Leadership Programme so planned has helped to improve the efficiency of the employees handling the critical roles. Read More...
Human Resource management |
India |
435-437 |
119 |
Fabrication of Pneumatic Bumper in Four Wheeler
-R. Arjunraj ; D. Karthick; R. Karuppusamy; K. C. Naveen Kumar; J. Nizamdeen
The India has faced many accidents in past 10 years. Accidents are the major problem in India. This project is made to reduce such a mishaps. In our project a high speed indication is given and automatic bumper is moved front of the vehicle setup with help of pneumatic system when the setup speed is exceeded. In our project, we have used solenoid valve and a control circuit. It is very important to attach in every vehicle. Mainly it is used for night drive. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
438-439 |
120 |
Smarter Work Management System
-Rachana Bharat Wankar ; Snehal D. Bhatarkar; Priyal R. Nandekar; Rutuja H. Pund; Annaji M. Kuthe
Smarter Work Management System (SWMS) is an automated system that can be useful to Employees (developers), team leads and managers (Administrator) in any functional organization. SWMS gives the facility to define the projects in the organization and also allows tracking the efforts spent by the employees for that particular project related task. A report generation facility is supported in SWMS that allows the team leads and managers to analyze effort spent by employees to an assigned project. This system maintains user s personal, address, and contact details. Authentication is provided for this application only registered users can access. The system provides facilities to manage different projects and it is sub modules online efficiently. The system also provides facilities to manage project assignment to Team leads by manager and sub module assignment to developers by Team leads. This project can help managers for effort estimation per project. This project helps employees to document their efforts to analyze. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
440-442 |
121 |
Review Paper on Electrical Vehicle
-Sonali Shankar Patil ; Amruta Ramesh Magdum; Sushant Nandkumar More; Shubham Bhanudas Kamble; Vishal Balaso Khot
In market there are many hybrid vehicles are being used since from days, in addition to that electrical vehicles are being introduced in car market. The reason behind using these cars are because of lower amount of greenhouse effect, decreased dependency upon oil and also higher energy efficiency. This paper give the overview of working of electrical vehicle. Problems with electrical systems or batteries are not being encountered. The major components of vehicle such battery, motor, braking system, controller connections are being examined. Over the long term, vehicles would represent sustainable technology path. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
443-446 |
122 |
Introduction to Genetic Algorithm and Its Role in Image Processing
-Kratika Giri Goswami ; Dr. Anurag Paliwal
Genetic algorithm stimulate the process of biological evolution using survival principle of the fittest. Using genetic algorithm, digital image can be encrypted using different encryption techniques. In this each pixel of an image acts as an individual and these individuals are represented by a binary string which acts as chromosomes, then a group of chromosomes forms a population. After formation of population, random keys are generated using pseudorandom code which is used in encryption. The three main components of genetic algorithm are selection, crossover and mutation operator applied to the chromosome again and again. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
447-449 |
123 |
Study of Irregular Shear Wall in Reinforced Concrete Structures - A Review
-Chetan Mahajan ; Dr. J N Vyas
Urbanization has been lead to housing troubles. This has resulted in the rise of several Multi-storied and high rise buildings. Hence Structural Dynamics study has been steadily increasing over the years. The modern trend is towards tall and slender structures which have been designed as irregular due to innovative and architectural aspect. These buildings are affected by environmental factors like wind, earthquake and waterways. Millions of people world-wide annually die due to earthquakes which are responsible for billions of rupees of property damage. This has necessitated the study of Earthquake Engineering. However, study and research in the field of Irregular Buildings under seismic conditions is gaining momentum. The provision of shear wall in building has been found effective and economical. Shear walls are structural members used for providing strength of RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete) structures against seismic load. Their very high in-plane stiffness and strength makes them ideally best for using in tall structure. They act as vertical cantilevers in the form of separate planer wall. In this paper, the behavior of the structures with and without shear wall has been studied having different types of vertical irregularities. This study concludes the research has been required to get economical & efficient lateral stiffness system for high seismic prone areas. Also for optimization & design of high rise building with different structural framing systems subjected to seismic loads and to improve the understanding of the seismic behavior of building structures with vertical irregularities. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
450-453 |
124 |
Seismic Analysis of Irregular Shear Wall in Reinforced Concrete Structures
-Chetan Mahajan ; Dr. J N Vyas
Structural Dynamics study has been steadily increasing over the years. The modern trend is towards tall and slender structures which have been designed as irregular due to innovative and architectural aspect. These buildings are affected by environmental factors like wind, earthquake and waterways. Millions of people world-wide annually die due to earthquakes which are responsible for billions of rupees of property damage. This has necessitated the study of Earthquake Engineering. However, study and research in the field of Irregular Buildings under seismic conditions is gaining momentum. The provision of shear wall in building has been found effective and economical. Shear walls are structural members used for providing strength of RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete) structures against seismic load. Their very high in-plane stiffness and strength makes them ideally best for using in tall structure. They act as vertical cantilevers in the form of separate planer wall. In this study, a building in Zone IV is presented to reduce the effect of earthquake using reinforced concrete shear wall-framed structures in the building. The results were tabulated by performing Response spectrum analysis using SAP2000 in the form of maximum storey displacements, base shear reactions, mode shapes and storey drifts. This paper also gives an idea about the behavior of irregular shear wall i.e. by varying the thickness of Shear wall, on a RCC frame structure under the action of Seismic loading with irregularity in vertical direction. The Shear wall performance is assessed by means of flexural stiffness. The analysis of Shear wall RCC frame structure shows the more accurate results against the seismic loading based on IS code depends on linear performance of material. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
454-459 |
125 |
Effect of Variation of Silicon and Copper Contents in Aluminium-Silicon-Copper Alloy
-Prof. Dipesh N Patel ; Singh Ankit R.; Gupta Sandeep S.; Linka Pintoo R.; Mahale Krunal R.
In recent years aluminium alloys are widely used in automotive industries. This is particularly due to the real need to weight saving for more reduction of fuel consumption. The typical alloying elements are copper, magnesium, manganese, silicon, and zinc. Surfaces of aluminium alloys have a brilliant luster in dry environment due to the formation of a shielding layer of aluminium oxide. Due to such reasons, these alloys were subject of several scientific studies in the past few years [1].This project is aimed at studying the effect of varying the composition of Copper on the mechanical properties like Tensile Strength, Hardness and Corrosion Resistance in an Aluminium-Silicon-Copper alloy. Sand casting technique being the simplest one was used for the purpose of the project and testing was done on the samples for determining the resultant mechanical properties. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
460-462 |
126 |
Analysis of Welding Parameters of MIAB Welding for T91 Material
-Peruncheraladhan G ; Madhan Mohan R.S; Naveen Prasad S ; Poovarasan G; Eswaran S
Magnetically Impelled Arc Butt Welding (MIAB) is a process of hybrid solid-state welding. It suites only for butt joining hollow cylindrical sections such as pipes and tubes. The MIAB welding equipment is robust and it is relatively simple in design, and requires low upset pressures compared to processes like Friction welding. In this process the rotating electric arc is used for heating the extremes of two tubes, which is impelled due to the electromagnetic force created by the interaction of arc current and magnetic field has been generated by external magnetic system. This paper presents the attempts made to design and develop a laboratory MIAB welding module operated hydraulically to realize the principle of the process. Trials are conducted with alloy steel tubes (44.5mmdiameter and 5.5mm, 4.5mm and 3.5mm thickness) by varying the various input parameters and subsequently recording the observations. The experimental procedure involves a series of trials to develop and evaluate the knowledge base for MIAB welding alloy steel tubes. Based on the penetration and bead of the weld the appropriate ranges of various input process parameters identified are presented. Read More...
Manufacturing Engineering |
India |
463-464 |
127 |
Glass Fiber Geopolymer Concrete
-Kakade Vishal Dhananjay ; Mr. Kakade V. D.; Dr. Kawade U. R.
Concrete is the most durable, versatile & reliable construction material in the construction industry. Concrete is used more than any other manmade material in the world. Second most consumable material after water in the world is concrete. Portland cement production is the second carbon di oxide generator industry after the automobile industries which cause pollution to atmosphere. Producing one tons of cement releases 0.87 tons of CO2. The global release of CO2 from all sources is estimated at 23 billion tons a year and the Portland cement production accounts for about 7% of total CO2 emissions. So finding any other alternative for cement was needed to reduce pollution done during production of cement. Innovative construction materials which produce by chemical action of inorganic molecules can replace cement in concrete known as Geopolymer concrete. The study shows results of experimental program on mechanical properties such as compressive strength, flexural strength, and split tensile strength of Geopolymer concrete in two composite 90% fly ash, 10% cement and 10% lime with varying percentage of glass fiber. The effect of addition of glass fibers on the different mechanical properties of geopolymer concrete by replacing 10% fly ash by cement & lime was studied. Based on test result it was observed that glass fiber geopolymer concrete have relative higher strength than plain geopolymer concrete & it neglect the limitation of heat curing due to replacing lime & cement in concrete mix. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
465-469 |
128 |
Modeling of Solar Farm as a FACTS Device for Power System Stability
-Ranjana Chaturvedi ; Shamsher Ansari
The increase in power demand and use of various types of electrical equipment has a great impact on the stability of the system. Whenever there is switching, loss of load line or any type of fault there is a change in the behavior of the system and these phenomena affects the stability of the system. For the stability analysis of a system two kinds of stability analysis is performed small signal stability study (Steady State Stability and Dynamic Stability) and large signal stability (Transient Stability) study. In this work we will improve the transient behavior of the Grid with the help of Photovoltaic based Solar Farm which will act as FACTS device. The output of PV cell is DC which is an important part of storage system of FACTS device / controllers. In this work we will make an array of PV cell which will act as DC source to the converters and by applying suitable control algorithm we will control the output of converter. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
470-474 |
129 |
A Review Paper on Optimization of Process Parameter for CNC lathe on Steel alloy with Carbide Insert
-Saurabh Gupta ; Jogendra Choudhary
Machining is an important production technique to develop highly accurate and quality products. It is required for finishing of many industrial components manufactured by casting, welding and powder metallurgy processes. Machining is usually the final stage of product development and can be performed by using conventional as well as non conventional machining methods. Quality and requirements of the client are the two main objectives that any manufacturing industry in the world tries to achieve. Machining is one of the main operations of metal processing in any manufacturing industry. The quality of the metal cut obtained depends on many parameters of the process. These process parameters affect the output response or performance characteristics The important machining parameters such as type of material, spindle speed, feed and depth of cut that affecting the responses as surface roughness, cutting time and MRR are reviewed in this research work. This review paper presents a detailed study of the past research on machining parameters that affects the turning operation. Read More...
Production Engineering |
India |
475-479 |
130 |
Smart Home Security System
-Ganesh Yenurkar ; Roshan Bhanuse; Rajesh Nasare
The Passive infrared (PIR) sensors have been employed for human detection, tracking, and identification due to their low cost, small size, and operation stability under varying temperatures. The existing systems employ the passive PIR sensor that uses dual elements to form a differential measurement, so that it can detect the thermal change of the environment (rather than the absolute temperature). This configuration enables it to detect the moving thermal source, but also limits its application for static targets. PIR based security system saves the power consumption and memory space of the recording systems has been proposed. PIR (passive infrared radiation) sensors detect the change in infrared radiations of warm blooded moving objects in its detection range. According to the change in infrared radiations there is a change in the voltage generated which is then amplified and triggers the alarm through relay. Pyroelectric sensors are low-cost, low-power small components commonly used only to trigger alarm in presence of humans or moving objects. However, the use of an array of pyroelectric sensors can lead to extraction of more features such as direction of movements, speed, number of people and other characteristics. In this work a low-cost pyroelectric infrared sensor based wireless network is set up to be used for tracking people motion. A novel technique is proposed to distinguish the direction of movement and the number of people passing. The approach has low computational requirements, therefore it is well-suited to limited-resources devices such as wireless nodes. Tests performed gave promising results. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
480-483 |
131 |
Influence of Fine Quarry Dust and Quick Lime on the Properties of Clayey Soil
-Anjana L.R. ; Shruthi Johnson
Clayey soils are associated with many undesirable engineering properties. To make it useful most common ways are reduction of plasticity and water holding capacity. This study is to find the trend of variation in properties of clayey soil (non-swelling) while adding fine quarry dust and quicklime together and separately into it. It is mainly focussed on plasticity characteristics and Optimum moisture content to give maximum dry density. Read More...
Geo Technical Engineering |
India |
484-487 |
132 |
Velocity Control of 3 Phase Induction Motor V/F Technique by Using Space Vector Modulation
-Nuzhat Jahan ; Sudeep Shrivastava
This thesis presents the need of Speed Control in the Induction Motors. Out of the so many methods of controlling Induction motors, V/f Control has proven to be the most versatile. The overall system of implementing V/f control has been offered. One of the basic requirements of this scheme is the PWM Inverter. In this, PWM Inverters have been modeled and their outputs fed to the Induction Motor drives. The uncontrolled of transient and steady state response of the Induction Motor has been obtained and the analyzed. A MATLAB code was developed to successfully implement Open Loop V/f Control on a PWM-Inverter fed 3-phase Induction Motor, and the Torque was found to be constant for the various rotor speeds. This was followed by the MATLAB model for Closed-Loop V/f Control on the PWM-Inverter fed 3-phase Induction Motor. It was the observed that using a Closed-Loop system with a Proportional Controller gave a very better way of controlling the speed of an Induction motor as maintaining a constant maximum torque.This thesis presents the need of Speed Control in the Induction Motors. Out of the so many methods of controlling Induction motors, V/f Control has proven to be the most versatile. The overall system of implementing V/f control has been offered. One of the basic requirements of this scheme is the PWM Inverter. In this, PWM Inverters have been modeled and their outputs fed to the Induction Motor drives. The uncontrolled of transient and steady state response of the Induction Motor has been obtained and the analyzed. A MATLAB code was developed to successfully implement Open Loop V/f Control on a PWM-Inverter fed 3-phase Induction Motor, and the Torque was found to be constant for the various rotor speeds. This was followed by the MATLAB model for Closed-Loop V/f Control on the PWM-Inverter fed 3-phase Induction Motor. It was the observed that using a Closed-Loop system with a Proportional Controller gave a very better way of controlling the speed of an Induction motor as maintaining a constant maximum torque. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
488-490 |
133 |
Over Steer Prevention System in High Speed Automobile
-Khairnar Yashodeep Ashok ; Mahajan Chetan Rajendra ; Pansare Lalit Sampat; Ranmale Akshay Nandkishor; Bhole Rahul Tukaram
Vehicle active safety receives ever increasing attention in the attempt to achieve zero accidents on the road. In this project, we investigate a control system of steering that has the potential of improving stability control by achieving control on over steer and reduced chances of risk during vehicle driving. A system where active front steering is available and proposes a model predictive control strategy to coordinate the actuators. This project formulates the vehicle dynamics with respect to the over steer phenomenon and use an electromagnetic speed control characteristics on steering motion. The resulting this steering system is used as prediction model in an over steer prevention strategy. After assessing the benefits of the proposed approach, we synthesize the controller by using an automated control strategy, where the tire speed conditions (linear/saturated) are assumed for control against over steer at high speed. The system will be capable of real-time execution in automotive grade electronic control units in power steering in future. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
491-492 |
134 |
Arsenic Removal from Contaminated Soil by Means of Electro-Kinetic-EDTA Method
-C. Mathi ; A. Shanmuga Sundaram
Soil contains various amounts of organic matters. The Heavy metals like arsenic (Ar), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) contamination is also involved in it due to industrial activities.Electro kinetic extraction is a feasible technology for efficient remediation of contaminated soils under certain circumstances. This paper involes remediation of heavy metals from contaminated clay soil, by means of electro remediation technique, analysis of efficiency of electro-kinetic technique and EDTA as an Anode electrolyte solution. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
493-497 |
135 |
Testing of Alternative Cooling Technology in Freez
-Sandip Ramdas Mundale ; Vishal Auchitrao Salve; Swaraj Shantaram Samdur; Ankush Vinayak Patil; Pranjali Shripat Khuprao
In this manuscript, The global increasing demand for refrigeration in field of refrigeration air-conditioning, food preservation, vaccine storages, medical services, and cooling of electronic devices, led to production of more electricity and consequently more release of CO2 all over the world which it is contributing factor of global warming on climate change. Thermoelectric refrigeration is new alternative because it can convert waste electricity into useful cooling, is expected to play an important role in meeting today•fs energy challenges. Therefore, thermoelectric refrigeration is greatly needed, particularly for developing countries where long life and low maintenance are needed. The objectives of this study is design and develop a working thermoelectric refrigerator interior cooling volume of 5L that utilizes the Peltier effect to refrigerate and maintain a selected temperature from 5 °C to 25 °C. The design requirements are to cool this volume to temperature within a time period of 6 hrs and provide retention of at least next half an hour. The design requirement, options available and the final design of Thermoelectric refrigerator for application are presented. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
498-499 |
136 |
Acoustic Image Enhancement and Segmentation using Multi Support Vector Machine
-S. Hemamalini ; Dhanuja. M; Guru Preethi. S; Pooja. P
Underwater Image Processing is challenging due to the physical properties of underwater condition. Poor visibility of underwater images is a noteworthy issue for maritime applications of computer vision. This is mainly due to the presence of haze, fog, scattering and absorption. In order to solve such problem, the proposed technique is used to enhance and restore the underwater images using Multi-SVM (Support Vector Machine) technique. Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) on the RGB image is used to improve the contrast and intensity of the original degraded image. Color correlation technique is carried out for acquiring ideal result on the experimental outcomes both subjectively and objectively. Finally, the underwater images are segmented by the Multi-SVM algorithm. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method provide better haze removal than the past strategy and furthermore monitors the underwater scenario effectively through different scenes captured during various climatic conditions. The upgraded images are described by better exposedness of dull areas, enhanced global contrast and edge sharpness. The proposed methodology is used to enhance submerged images with high accuracy and also delivers high quality haze-free images more adequately than the previous method. Read More...
Image processing |
India |
500-503 |
137 |
Automated Question Paper Generation System
-Vaishali Rane ; Dhruv Joshi; Pranav Upadhyay; Rohit Jha; Pradeep Yadav
In today s age, education is the most important way of achieving success. When we discuss education, it is imperative to mention tests and examination. Examinations prepare students in their quest for knowledge. So, having a proper examination paper and format is quite necessary. Now the traditional method of generating question paper has been manual. In this method certain officials chalk out the question paper. But this method can be ineffective at times owing to bias, repetition and security concerns. We have proposed an Automated process of Question Paper Generation which is fast, streamlined, randomized and secure. Read More...
Automation Engineering |
India |
504-507 |
138 |
Waste Reduction through Overall Equipment Effectiveness a Lean Manufacturing Principle in Small Scale Industry: A Review
Small scale sector play a vital role in Indian economy, and contributes more than 50% of industrial production in value addition term. Small scale sectors generates one third of export revenue and employs largest manpower next to agriculture. In India, the survival and growth of small-scale industries are quite competitive and largely depends upon its ability to innovate, improve operational efficiency and enhance productivity. Indian industries have been trying to adopt new business initiative in order to stay competitive in the fierce market place. Lean manufacturing is one of these initiative that focus on the cost reduction by eliminating non-value added activities (Muda or waste). Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is one of the Lean manufacturing principle that helps an organization to identify the non-value adding elements in the targeted process and brings a product or group of produces that uses the same resource through the main flow, from raw material to the arms of customers. OEE is already selected as best lean manufacturing principle for case company using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). This paper discussed the method of OEE and its benefits to different industries. This paper also presents a Literature review to summarize the various applications of this principle and improvement achieved by various industries. The paper concludes with highlighting OEE s important contribution to revealing and curtailing extravagances in the target process. Read More...
Industrial Engineering |
India |
508-512 |
139 |
Automatic Drivers Drowsiness and Alcohol Detection System based on IoT
-Kaushik Sanjay Shah ; Tanmay Kishor Kedari; Shubham Vitthal Talekar; Shruti Raghunath Adke; Viddhi Rasik Aghera
In this modern world driver’s drowsiness and alcohol consumption while driving has became a major problem which leads to number of accidents. This results in number of deaths and major injuries. Where another issues of human violation and environmental damage has become primary focus for government to solve. Continues driving on long routes and ignoring the personal health issues increases the drowsiness. The solution can be obtained by using IoT devices with new era techniques to make prediction of drowsiness. New technologies and new devices are now considerably reducing human efforts, the devices will help to lessen the number of injuries due to drivers fatigue and hence increase the transportation protection; this system deals with automatic motive force drowsiness detection primarily based on visible facts and artificial intelligence. The aim of this project to develop a device which predicts drowsiness and detects the alcohol consumption level. The device consists of the all gas sensor which will detects the alcohol consumption level and web cam moniters the facial expressions. The working of device is handled by raspberry pie and powered by car battries. Read More...
Internet of things (IoT) |
India |
513-515 |
140 |
Assessment of BOD Concentration of Neera River Water, Pune: A Case Study
-S. D. Jadhav ; M. S. Jadhav
To assess the trends of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) of Neera river water, the samples were collected from various sampling stations in the year 2017 & 2018. Standard research technique was used to examine the quality of water samples and its suitability for drinking purpose. Results of this study showed that, at the end of winter and at initial stage of summer the concentration of BOD is higher. These results are above the permissible limit given by WHO and BIS. As per the guidelines given by WHO and BIS, at some of the sampling stations river water is not suitable for aquatic life and human activities. It may be due to agricultural pollution and mixing of domestic waste along with industrial effluents in to the water body. Read More...
Environmental Science & Technology |
India |
516-518 |
141 |
Reuse of Plastic with M-Sand and Construction Demolition Waste in Manufacture of Bricks
-Sridharan. N ; S. B. Kaviyarasan; A. Nanthagopal; R. Sivalingam; M. Ramya
Plastic are the one which poses important problem with disposal and still the absolute solutions were not determined. For solving this plastic were replaced with a bricks to achieve the nominal strength. Low density polyethylene (LDPE) was collected and cleaned then mixed with the M-sand and construction waste(C&D). The strength of structure and weight reaction of bricks was tested for compressive strength, water absorption test and temperature test. Reviews the reaction of plastic disposal and the result are clearly showing that some part of plastics can be definitely used in the production of bricks. Mainly focused to find the proper disposal options for plastic and also to motivate the use of plastic in the production of building materials. Finally save the environment. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
519-521 |
142 |
A Survey on Lung Cancer Prediction using ML Algorithms
-Er. Sathish R ; Dr. Vijaya G; Nivetha M ; Nandhisha S; Sudha P
Cancer which can be defined as a disease in which an abnormal cells divide uncontrollably and destroy body tissue. Lung cancer is the most common killer and plays an important role in mortality of vast amount of people. Lung cancer is the second most common cancer among others. Major reason for lung cancer is due to smoking. To prevent lung cancer deaths, high risk individuals are being screened with low-dose CT scans, because early prediction doubles the survival rate of lung cancer patients. Automatically identifying cancerous lesions in CT scans will save radiologists a lot of time. It will make diagnosing more affordable and hence will save many more lives. Currently lung cancer is predicting by using MRI scan and CT scans. We proposed a new system to predict lung cancer using textual data. In particular, we investigated sex, variables related to smoking history and addiction to nicotine, personal medical history, family history of lung cancer etc. In this work, we use supervised learning algorithms namely logistic regression, k-nearest neighbour etc., to predict lung cancer. Aim of the paper is to propose a model for early prediction and correct diagnosis of the disease which will help the doctor in saving the life of the patient. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
522-524 |
143 |
Experimental Study and Performance of Rapid Sand Filter by using Turmeric-Root, Coconut-Shell and Charcoal
-Surya. K ; Hemath Kumar. R; Sivasubramani. M; Arun. M; Ramya. M
A study was carried out to determine about Rapid Sand Filter, which are very commonly used in Conventional Water Treatment Plants. The Rapid Sand Filter beds are suffering by the problems like Mud ball formation, unsatisfactory effluent. Dual Media and multimedia filters can overcome the limitations of RSF. Turmeric root Capping of Crushed Coconut shell, charcoal. Designing Dual Media Filter Capped with Crushed Coconut Shell proves to be more efficient, economical and durable. The sample will be collected from nearby water source which was highly turbid and having high amount of total solids. The tests, which are conducted on sample, are pH, Total solids, Fluoride, Nitrate. It improves the performance of filter in terms of high filtration rate, high turbidity removal and high decrease in percentage of total solids and thus making it more applicable. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
525-527 |
144 |
Heat Transfer Enhancement of Nanofluids
-Jainil Lalitbhai Maheshwari ; Lathiya Fenil Maganbhai
Nanofluids are base fluids mainly oil, water or ethylene glycol which contains suspension of nanoparticles showing significant enhancement in their thermophysical properties even at moderate nanoparticles concentration compared to conventional base fluids. Many articles and publications on nanofluids lay their emphasis on examining their characteristics and behaviour for direct use in heat transfer enhancement in electronics cooling, medical and military operations, heat transportation as wells as in solar heaters and nuclear reactors. This paper focuses on improvement in heat transfer mechanisms by adding nanoparticles. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
528-532 |
145 |
Utilization of Cold Form Steel in an Industrial Building: A Review
-Mufaizur Rehman ; Rashmi Sakalle
Increasing world population and natural resource limitations has led to a growing demand for more efficient structural systems to achieve a sustainable economy and society. Cold-formed steel CFS) Structural systems are increasingly adopted as primary or secondary structural members in modern building construction because of their light weight, speed of construction, recyclability, and sustainability. However, the inherently low buckling resistance of thin sections results in relatively low strength and ductility in CFS elements, which limits their performance in tall buildings and under extreme loading events. However, the scope of study is to Utilize Cold formed steel sections in a industrial frame. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
533-535 |
146 |
Remote Controlled Sweeping Machine
-A. Ambika ; V. Krishnaveni; A. Vishnuprriya; J. Priyadharshini; Dr. N. Senthilnathan
There has been inconvenience in sweeping under the tables, chairs in home and offices. To overcome this prototype has been developed, that sweeps and collects the dust by remote control system is the main objective of this paper. The remote controlled sweeping machine can be done with the help of RF transmitter and receiver. The ATmega8 microcontroller is interfaced with arm module using the driver IC. The waste which is less than considerable size is collected using brush roller. The wheel motor is subjected to move in a path feed to the ATmega8 microcontroller. This paper improves the Employee productivity, since the operator rides instead working, fatigue is reduced meaning they are physically able to maintain a more productive rate of work after they have finished cleaning the floor. The basic advantage of this system is that it will be cost effective and no human control is needed. Read More...
India |
536-538 |
147 |
Volta - A Self Balancing Electric Bike
-Sudhanshu Gupta ; Shreyansh Chandrakar; Omkar Aglawe; Vedant Kene
The project focuses on the concept of developing a two wheeler bike & it is validation with the help of a model. The project deals with an experiment carried out to produce gyroscopic effect on the model. The model is a two wheel vehicle in which rotating discs imparted act as gyroscope to produce a counterbalancing force i.e. gyroscopic effect when the vehicle model loses balance on either sides. Thus the vehicle stabilizes itself. Wherein even if an external force is applied to the system the gyro sensors deployed in it sense the force and develop a force of similar magnitude but in opposite direction due to presence of two gyroscopes used in the vehicle, thus the vehicle does not lose it is balance even if the external force is applied to it. Read More...
mechanical engineering |
India |
537-541 |
148 |
Design and Analysis of First in First out using Different Read and Write Logics in Verilog
-Kalaiselvi P ; Ravikumar M
FIFO is an approach for handling program work requests from queues or stacks so that the oldest request is handled first. In hardware, it is either an array of flops or read/write memory that stores data from one clock domain and on request supplies the same data to other clock domains following FIFO logic. Through analyzing on the FIFO module characteristics, we design and analyses FIFO using different read and write logics. We have considered 64 inputs, each having 32-bit data, and all of its feature implementations are described using Verilog HDL. At present, the scheme has been applied in the systems of distribution feeder automation, through detecting, which meets the system performance demands. Read More...
India |
542-544 |
149 |
A Study on Effectiveness in Talent Management at Inncon
-Suganya. S
The main objective of the project is to study the selection process, orientation process, separation policies, satisfaction of employees towards benefits etc. and to acquire the right candidate in place at the right time. The present research type used is exploratory and the technique is Simple random technique. The sample size taken for this study is 150 from various departments. Data collection is done with the help of questionnaire. The data collected is analyzed, statistical tools were used, and interpretations were made using the responses for all the questions. Read More...
India |
545-546 |
150 |
CFD Analysis of Solar Air Heater Duct using Broken Arc Shaped Ribs
-Ashish Pal ; N K Sagar
Artificial roughness in form of ribs is convenient method for enhancement of heat transfer coefficient in solar air heater. In this paper the CFD analysis on heat transfer and friction in rectangular ducts roughened with broken arc-rib roughness piece has been presented. The rib roughness has relative gap position (d/W) was varied from 0.20 to 0.80 and other parameter are constant. The effects of relative gap position on Nusselt number, friction factor and thermo-hydraulic performance parameter have been discussed and results compared with smooth duct and continuous arc rib roughened duct under similar conditions. The rough ribs were efficient enough to transfer the desired heat, but they are not economical and are very complex in design and construction. Whereas, the Circular ribs with different relative gap width gives more area of contact. So, there is enough time to transfer the heat from the ribs to the passing air which touches the ribs and the heat transfer takes place efficiently. It is found that the maximum heat transfer and friction characteristic at a relative gap position of 0.65. Read More...
M-Tech(thermal power engineering) |
India |
547-552 |