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851 |
Intrusion Detection using Hierarchial Trust in Wireless Sensor Networks
-Alphy Firoz ; Shahana Habeeb Mohammed; Sudheesh S R
Security problems have become obstacles in the practical application of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), and intrusion detection is the second line of defense. In this work, intrusion detection using hierarchical trust in WSNs (IDSHT) is proposed, which is flexible and suitable for constantly changing WSNs characterized by changes in the perceptual environment, transitions of states of nodes and variations in trust value. The intrusion detection mechanism based on a self-adaptive dynamic trust threshold is described, which improves the flexibility and applicability and is suitable for cluster-based WSNs. The experiment simulation and evaluation indicate that the mechanism we proposed outperforms the existing typical system in malicious detection and resource overhead. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
3147-3149 |
852 |
Early Prediction of Lung Cancer using Data Mining Classification Techniques
-Priyanka Bajirao Hole ; Panchwagh Manali Mukund; Murkute Pratiksha Meghshyam; Mane Komal Balasaheb; Prof. Vasekar S. R.
Medical data mining is one of the big issues in this modern world. Medical problems are often in each and every human being. Cancer is one of the very dangerous diseases a human can ever had in Lung cancer is one of them. Lung cancer is a disease that occurs due to the uncontrolled cell growth in tissues of the lung. It is very hard to detect it in its early stages as its symptoms appear only in the advanced stages. Goal of this paper is to automate the classification process for the early prediction of Lung Cancer diseases. To justify this research, it includes classification algorithm i.e. Neural Network and for optimization GA (Genetic Algorithm) is used. Evaluation would be done on the basis of accurate classified sample data. For testing and training diacom images has been used. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
3150-3152 |
853 |
A Review on Application of Data Mining Techniques to Implement Natural Disaster Alert System
-Yash Pratap Singh
Thousands of human lives are lost every year around the globe, apart from significant damage on property, animal life, etc., due to natural disasters (e.g., earthquake, flood, tsunami, hurricane and other storms, landslides, cloudburst, heat wave, forest fire). In this paper, we focus on reviewing the application of data mining and analytical techniques designed so far for (i) prediction, (ii) detection, and (iii) development of appropriate disaster management strategy based on the collected data from disasters. A detailed description of availability of data from geological observatories (seismological, hydrological), satellites, remote sensing and newer sources like social networking sites as twitter is presented. An extensive and in-depth literature study on current techniques for disaster prediction, detection and management has been done and the results are summarized according to various types of disasters. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
3153-3155 |
854 |
Implementation of Detection of Malicious Node in CGSR Network
-Neha Goel ; Ranjan Kumar Singh
Adhoc network is a collection of wireless network. Each node communicates in a radio communication range. A MANET is a group of multi-hop wireless ad-hoc network. Each node transfer the message from one node to another node and source to route construction among nodes. MANET has a variety of application such military, disaster struck areas. MANET is vulnerable to various attacks due to its open medium. Destination in the wireless network. The network is not fully safe and secured. Each device in a MANET is free to move independently in any direction. As the node is free to move, any node can join or leave the network at any time. Wireless network work on dynamic topology, many types of problem arries in the network in the Hence there is need to study in detail about how to detect malicious node are presented. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
3156-3160 |
855 |
A Survey Paper on Sentiment Analysis of Product Reviews
-Jain Rachana Prakash ; Pawar Bhagyashri Dnyeneshwar; Shinde Ashwini Machhindra; Gaikwad Punam Tatyabhau; Prof. Rokade P P
In present days, Internet is the most popular source for getting the information, new ideas, opinions about the available products and different services. People are increasingly attracted towards the various social media like twitter, face-book, amazon etc. As number of people would like to buy the products online, user's reviews or posts are increasing day by day. Also they express their reviews on current affairs, products or services. It is difficult to handle and manage the large amount of data, records and reviews on various products. So, there is a need to classify or perform the sentiment analysis on this large amount of data. The product reviews present in textual format are considered as an input. To work on large amount of reviews data, Support Vector Machine (SVM) is used to classify the review data. We are using Natural Language Processing (NLP) to process the input data. The output of the system is represented as the sentiment expressions such as positive, negative or neutral and it will be shown in the graphical format or in the form of charts. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
3161-3162 |
856 |
-Manthan J. Deshmukh ; Prof. P. V. Bobade; Rushikesh H. Raut; Swapnil D. Tayde; Vishal V. Dalvi
The prime objective of "PrmitrWallet" is to create a full-fledged Android application which will be useful to students and teachers of our college. The application is all about storing the frequently used documents of students while filling various forms. The Project will be developed in Java Programming Language by using the Android Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE). We will use the Android Software Development Kit (SDK) which includes a variety of custom tools that will help us to develop mobile applications on the Android platform. The most important of these is the Android Emulator which is a virtual android phone to run the application. Read More...
Software Engineering |
India |
3163-3164 |
857 |
Advanced Direct Injection Combustion Technology
-Sanket Goswami ; Dhruvil Patel; Amit Vyas
Most of the researchers wanted to work with diesel engine because of complexity in the gasoline engine. Author tried to review gasoline direct injection (GDI) a new technology in the gasoline engine with the objective to motivate the researchers to work with this field. This paper reviews the benefits of direct injection in the gasoline engine in terms of fuel consumption and emission. The effect of stratified and homogeneous mode on the performance parameter along with combustion system (wall guided/ spray guided and air guided), its extend feasibility and complexity in the individual and combine mode of operation is reviewed in detail. The review comes up with the need of optimization in mixture formation to reduce in-cylinder wall wetting, increase combustion stability, and extend up to which charge cooling occurs and feasibility of stratified mode operation in GDI engine. Optical diagnostic and CFD are the tools which can help in optimizing this complex system. Read More...
India |
3165-3166 |
858 |
GSM Based Transformer Monitoring System
-Mr. Jagdish Sanjay Pagare ; Mr. Rakesh C. Mahajan; Mr. Durgesh A. Mali
Transformers are a vital part of the distribution and transmission system. Transformers monitoring the problems before they can occur can prevent failures that are costly to repair and result in a loss of service. An innovative design to develop a voltage, current and temperature monitoring system, oil level, distribution transformer theft at a substation, and to protect the system from the parameters mentioned under GSM that are used in this document. This portable system will help transformers compete normally and identify problems before a catastrophic failure. The proposed design is developed so that the user easily recognizes the distribution transformer suffering from a problem. This system deals with the design and implementation of an embedded cellular system to monitor and record the main parameters of a distribution transformer such as load current, over current, oil level, winding temperature, and ambient temperature. The idea of an online monitoring system integrates a global mobile service (GSM) modem with a single microcontroller of different chips and sensors. It is installed at the distribution transformer site and the above parameters are recorded using the analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) of the integrated system. The gained parameters are processed and recorded in the system memory. If an anomaly or an emergency occurs, the system sends SMS messages (short message service) to cell phones that contain information about the abnormality according to some predefined instructions programmed in the microcontroller. This portable system will help transformers to compete normally and identify problems before any failure. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
3167-3171 |
859 |
Systems Configuration and Administration with Puppet Scripts
-Vishal Lodwal ; Saurabh Gautam
The system configuration is the most important thing to any web developer, network manager, system admin, or even for any average user. We all love using our applications but the last thing one would want do is spend 6 hours setting the system up manually installing the applications desired on the system. Proper configuration of a system is must in case of big enterprise and even in small businesses because every hour of an employee wasted on setting up his system is more and more time lost which could have been invested in other important work. This is why automating the system setup is important in corporate world. In Windows, you can do this using Powershell and in Linux, you can do this using any of the vast number of shells available to interact with the kernel. I prefer Bash over other shells because it is a global standard for if not all but almost any linux operating system. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
3172-3173 |
860 |
Real-Time Implementation of Object Detection Algorithm for Underwater Environment
-Saurabh Joshi ; Sudeep Pandey; Vama Pugalia
An underwater environment where lighting and visibility are generally not controllable causes the underwater image of objects to be distorted as well as blurred most of the times. Therefore, the valuable information from such an image cannot be fully extracted for further processing. To solve the problems mentioned above and to improve the quality of underwater images, pre-processing of images is attracting tremendous interest [7]. This paper presents a new method based on bilateral transform along with Contrast equalization i.e., adaptive histogram equalization technique to preserve the edges of objects more effectively and efficiently. Bilateral transform is used for de-noising based on a soft threshold. SURF is used to extract the features. Qualitative analysis indicates that the proposed method exhibits better performance in enhancing the quality and retaining the edges of an image by cancelling neighbouring unwanted information [7]. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
3174-3176 |
861 |
A Review on Critical Success Factors for Safety Program Implementation in High Rise Building Construction
-Tushar M Limbasiya ; Dr. Neeraj D. Sharma; Hiren A. Rathod
This review paper focuses on the determination of the major safety factors that governed the success of a safety management system for construction sites. Construction activity in India has made considerable development in the past two decades in the account with increase in development activities, government policies, and public demand. At the same time safety issues have become a major concern to construction organizations. Safety management on construction sites had always been a major issue in the construction industry of India. Particularly for Surat city where currently 547 construction project are ongoing and construction companies in Surat have tried to control the rising costs of accidents and reduce projects delays due to the accidents; however, they do not know why the safety programs do not work efficiently, or where to start. This situation suggested the need for the present study, which is aimed to identify the major factors affecting the implementation of safety programs in high rise building construction. Outcomes from this study will provide a set of critical factors that can be used to guide a successful construction safety program implementation as well as safety policy development in the construction industry in Surat. The factors affecting the success of activities and projects, often named critical success factors (CSFs) can be defined as "areas in which results, if they are satisfactory, will ensure success within and of the organisation". Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
3177-3179 |
862 |
Feasibility of Metro In Nashik City
-Ganesh S. Kudal ; Vishal S. Shinde; Gitanjali D. Sonawne; Kavita S. Khedulkar
The cities around the world are facing serious problems related to traffic congestion, road accidents and environmental pollution due to increasing traffic demand. The project refers to analysing the traffic need in the city and finding the places of heavy traffic in the city. Analysing the traffic density and finding the feasibility of construction of metro in the Nashik city. For the first phase of construction two corridors have been identified i.e. N-E Corridor (Maharashtra University of Health Science (MUHS) to Nashik-Road Railway Station) And Central-West Corridor (Triyambak Naka to Pimpalgaon Bahula). Primary study on alignment of both the corridors has been done in this paper. Metro is without a doubt fastest mode of transportation with maximum carrying capacity in less time. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
3180-3181 |
863 |
Multiple Transmissions of OFDM Signals using Index Modulation
-M. Jeenath Sukanya ; Y. R. Packia Dhas
The Index modulation thought has attracted appreciable research interests within the past few years. The primary one, termed OFDM with hybrid in-phase/quadrature index modulation (OFDM HIQ-IM), explores the I- and Q- dimensions put together for index modulation, permitting transmission of additional variety of index modulation bits in every subcarrier cluster. The second, termed linear constellation precoded OFDM-IQ-IM (LP-OFDM IQ-IM), spreads data symbols across two adjacent active subcarriers through linear constellation precoding to increased additional diversity gain. The weight of the signal will be adjusted to the required amount which is needed. This weight updating can be done by using the adaptive algorithm. The adaptive algorithm includes the filtering using adaptive filter and the determination of the Mean Square Error value for the multiple antennas. This will improve the performance of the signal received at the receiver. By maximizing the minimum square Euclidean distance, two completely different realizations of LP-OFDMIQ-IM square measure derived, that result in a revolved and a diamond shaped constellation, severally. The projected OFDM-HIQ-IM and LP-OFDM-IQ-IM, as disclosed by each theoretical analyses and laptop simulations, modify low-complexity detection and exhibit superior error rate performance over the prevailing OFDM-IM schemes. Read More...
Communication Systems |
India |
3182-3185 |
864 |
Data Sharing and Discussion Portal: A Literature Review
-Ravishankar Purne ; Sanket Unche; Bhagyashri Kshirsagar; Rahul Adhao
Lack of communication between students and teachers has caused a great impact on the quality of knowledge the students gain in India. A Data Sharing and Discussion Forum equipped with all the necessary facilities can be a great tool to handle the situation very effectively. We try to study few technologies that can make such portal. We review technologies like NoSQL, MongoDB, Lucene, Elastic search, Postfix mail server, cloud computing and show a system can be based on them. The review indicates how these technologies form the best solution to the institutional problems. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
3186-3190 |
865 |
Electricity Generation from Waste Heat using Teg
-Gajare Ashwini Pramod ; Jadhav Suvarna Ramnath; Kulkarni Pravina Prafulla; Rajnor Deepak Lahanu
The idea of this project is to utilize the waste heat energy being generated in any heat source. It involves the trapping of heat energy being generated from the heat source in convert to electrical energy which can be used for many appliances. A Thermoelectric generator, or TEG (also called a See beck generator) is a solid state device that converts heat (temperature differences) directly into electrical energy through a phenomenon called the See beck effect (a form of thermoelectric effect). Thermoelectric generators function like heat engines, but are less bulky and have no moving parts. However, TEGs are typically more expensive and less efficient. Thermoelectric generators could be used in power plants in order to convert waste heat into additional electrical power and in automobiles as automotive thermoelectric generators (ATGs) to increase fuel efficiency. TEG can used in environments that are smaller or more saver than conventional generation. TEG has long life, and also it can be controllable by changing the input voltage or current. If this concept of thermoelectric system is taken to nano level or micro level then there will be huge amount of electricity can be generated which are just wasted into the atmosphere. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
3191-3193 |
866 |
Study on Pneumatic Vehicle
-Khan Abdul Wahed Sadat Ahmed Khan ; Shaikh Shaikh Umar Jawed Ahmed; Sayed Naeem Abbas; Shaikh Mohammad Ajahar Kalandar; Shaikh Abdul Wahid Yusuf
This paper describes the research, design and construction of a pneumatic vehicle. The main goal is to find ways to drive efficient by using alternative energy. Compressed air as a source of energy in different uses in general and as a nonpolluting fuel in compressed air vehicles has attracted scientists and engineers for centuries. Efforts are being made by many developers and manufacturers to master the compressed air vehicle technology in all respects for its earliest use by the mankind. Compressed air filled by electricity using a compressor. The electricity requirement for compressing air has to be considered while computing overall efficiency. The air engine is currently the most generally used device to convert potential energy of compressed air into mechanical energy. Nevertheless the compressed air vehicle will contribute to reducing air pollution and tend to zero pollution level and promoting great environment. No combustion process is occurring there. Light utility vehicles are becoming very popular means of independent transportation for short distances. Cost and pollution with petrol and diesel are leading vehicle manufacturers to develop vehicles fuelled by alternative energies. Engineers are directing their efforts to make use of air as an energy source to run the light utility vehicles. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
3194-3196 |
867 |
A Review on Dynamic Analysis of RCC Structure
-Mithun Kamalakar Ssawant ; Mr. Ashish Singh; Mr. Asmit Kumar; Mr. Raunak Jain; Mr. Parth Shinde
For multi-storied buildings under earthquake seismic forces, if not well designed and constructed properly with and adequate strength it leads to complete collapse of the structures. To ensure safety against seismic forces of multi-storied building, there is need to study of seismic analysis to design earthquake resistance structures. Objectives of this paper are to study the seismic analysis of a structure for dynamic analysis and static analyses in moment resisting frame. Time history method and response spectrum analysis are the methods used in structural seismic analysis, considering the residential multi-storied model for the seismic analysis located in zone II. The total structure was analyzed by computer with using STAAD.PRO software. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
3197-3198 |
868 |
Design of Stirling Inertance Tube Pulse Tube Cryocooler for Cooling Infrared Sensors
-Sarita Kashyap
Pulse tube cryocooler (PTCC) is popular now a day in Space Industry due to no moving parts at the cold end of it. The main attraction of pulse tube cryocooler is long life, reliability, less cost and smaller size due to absence of valves. PTCC is using for cooling infrared sensors and cameras. PTCC has less vibration comparatively to Stirling Cryocooler and due to it, we can get clearer picture from IR cameras. Here I will discuss PTCC of 1W heat capacity at 80K for IR sensor. Sage software is used for designing. Read More...
ME-Cryogenics Engineering |
India |
3199-3201 |
869 |
Efficiency of Shaheed Bhagat Singh Rotary Intersection Greater Noida, India
-Harish Sharma ; Ankit Singh; Ayush Verma; Abhishek Kumar Bharti; Mrs. Sonalika Maurya
Rotary intersections or roundabouts are special form of channelized intersections at same grade laid out for the movement of traffic in one direction around a central traffic island. Basically all the major conflict at an intersection namely the collision between through and right-turn movements are converted into milder conflict namely merging and diverging. The vehicles entering the rotary are gently forced to move in a clockwise direction in orderly fashion. They weave out of the rotary to the desired direction. In one sense, Rotary intersections can be considered as a form of channelized intersection in which vehicles are guided onto a one-way roadway and required to move in a clockwise direction about a central island. At one time, the rotary intersection was considered to be the answer for all the problems associated with intersections. In fact, the rotary intersections have particular advantages and disadvantages, and the decision as to whether a rotary should be used at any individual location requires an understanding of these. Where roundabouts are properly used and designed, the efficient flow of traffic is promoted by the orderly movement of vehicles about the central island. There is only minor delay to traffic due to speed reductions and no delay, at all, due to stopping. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
3202-3204 |
870 |
Remote Method Invocation in Java
-Nisha Yadav
Java is a very modern language supporting all major functions that helps users to access the applications easily and reduce a lot of human effort. Remote Method Invocation is used in distributed computation and parallel applications, its integration with Java has proven to be a best option for RMI as Java has provided safe object oriented programming feature has enhanced its performance to top notch. Here this research paper provides an insight the benefits of the RMI’s integration with Java, its connectivity with existing legacy systems ,its advantages over traditional RPC model .This paper gives an insight about RMI’s nature, behavior with the client and also relationship with JDBC. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
3205-3206 |
871 |
Clean Our Car System using Laravel Framework
-Pooja P ; Hemanth S R
A car wash or auto wash is a facility used to clean the exterior[1] and, in some cases, the interior of motor vehicles. Car washes can be self-serve, fully automated, or full-service with attendants who wash the vehicle. With the modern convenience of automatic car washes. In this application ionic technology is used so that this application runs in a multiple platform (i.e it is a platform independent). Here instamojo is used for the payment integration Live location is also integrated in this application and based on their free time the customer can select the car service time. This providing the GPS based tracking for your vehicles and provide cost effective solutions to our customers in terms of best services with a secure payment gateway. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
3207-3210 |
872 |
Review on Fingerprint Analysis and its Effect on Fractals
-Shashi Narmada ; Manoj Kumar
Biometrics is one of the most widely used approaches for identification and authentication of individuals. It uses a person's physiological or behavioral characteristics such as fingerprint, face, iris, gait, and signature for authentication. Most of the biometric systems use fingerprint for authentication as it is unique for every individual, easy to capture, and is universal. Law enforcement applications also involve identification using rolled and partial fingerprints obtained from different surfaces. Read More...
India |
3211-3215 |
873 |
Parameter Optimization of MRR for EN31 Alloy
-Sanjeev Kumar ; Vijayesh Rathi; Kuldeep Singh
The process Metal Removal Rate in Turning is a material removal process in which the work piece material is removed with the help of the cutting tool. By using the turning process we can produce wide variety of products. The turning operation is performed on the lathe machine. Turning is used to produce typically rotational and axis- symmetric parts that have amenities such as threads, grooves, holes, contoured surfaces, tapers, and various diameter steps. Turning process can be applied to a number of materials including aluminium, copper and various types of steels. A number of researches have been conducted in MRR of EN31 and a vast literature review has been discussed towards the case study of industries. The basic principles of MRR are described and future scopes are also discussed. Finally, the range of material removal that can be achieved is discussed. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
3216-3218 |
874 |
Energy and Economic Optimization of Distillation Sequencing
-Rahul Yadav ; Sushant Yadav; Anil Kumar; Ashutosh Mishra
Effective parameters that can effect on the performance of the separation system consist of operating pressure, operating temperature, reflux ratio, and kind of produce desirable products and different sequences of splits. In generally, there are two criteria (as object function) for estimating of the performance of the separation systems. These criteria included of measure of energy consumption and design costs (i.e. capital cost, energy cost and total annual cost). From energy saving outlook our purpose is the design of one separation system that operates at minimum rate of energy consumption. In this paper, concentrate more on optimization of distillation sequencing problem with energy consumption and design costs for a multicomponent mixture. Hence we studied the various alternative options to separate a multicomponent feed stream consist of C3, i-C4, n-C4, i-C5 and n-C5,. Afer that all of options are compared with each other and ranked based on minimum (or optimum) energy consumption (heating/cooling duties) and design costs. Read More...
Chemical Engineering |
India |
3219-3222 |
875 |
Bus Tracking System using RFID
-Pratik Hiraman Tejale ; Amruta Muralidhar Adya; Soanli Kailas Zanjare; Prof. Anjali. M. Purohit
The Project has aim for bus tracking system using RFID to make it feasible for people. Public transportation in many countries is being used as a means of transport for travelling and accordingly people would prefer these public transportations to be scheduled properly, on time and the frequency be increased for commuters to make good use of it. It has been found that quite an amount of research work has been carried out, in this sector, by way of using RFID technology in the public transportation systems towards the tracking of Bus arrival and departure time. In addition, research has also been carried out in using RFID TAGS for tracking of buses along with RFID technology at traffic lights, bus stops and displaying expected arrival times on LCD screen at bus stops along with their current positions. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
3223-3225 |
876 |
Development of Dryer for Anodized Aluminium Sections
-U. S. Gawai ; Kunal Sanjay Lodha; Shubham Gopal Lande; Ankit Ram Tambe; Shubham Fulchand Dagle
In a world of fully automation in every sector, time conscious research activities have become relevant for all industrial applications. Drying as an energy intensive process, is one example when conventional air drying is replaced by superheated steam (SHS) drying with the help of boiler. This work represents novel arrangement which reduces the time taken for manual drying process, by the use of automatic drying system. The analysis is applied to a aluminium anodizing industry which currently uses manual drying process. The drying of the sections is done in an isolated tank, which is given two inlets from opposite side of the tank. The part of steam is passed through the pipes, which are connected to the inlet of tank. The door of the tank opens and the sections are placed in the tank, with the help of cranes. After placing of the sections, the door is closed and the supply of the steam is given to the tank with the help of boiler. After the sections are dried the door gets opened and the sections are lifted by the cranes. To obtain effective output, we have performed trial and error method for various pipe designs. At first we decided to design the pipe in series, but the results obtained were: the velocity obtained was negative at the outlet and the pressure was below atmospheric pressure. This pressure and velocity obtained were not effective. So we decided to design the pipes in parallel. As compared to the series combination of pipes, the result for the pipes connected in parallel was much more effective. The pressure and velocity obtained in the parallel design were sufficient to dry the sections. In this way we will be saving the time and there will be automation in the industry. Read More...
Bechlore of engineering in mechanical |
India |
3226-3230 |
877 |
Wireless Driven Car
-Pooja Rajendra Karkute ; Khadke Jayashri Anna; Mitake Sagar Suresh; Khahar Sagar Nakul; Prof. D. L Rajnor
The project is designed to transfer power wirelessly to one or more DC motors for an electric car or train without requiring any fuel /battery or electrical connection to run it in a specified path by inductive resonance coupling at the ground level fixed coil developing a 40 KHz power from the mains AC source. Wireless power transfer makes a remarkable change in the field of electrical Engineering and eliminates the usage of conventional copper overhead wire for train. Based on this concept, the project is developed to transfer power to a robotic vehicle or electric car or electric train wirelessly. This project can also be used for high-power charging batteries in conventional electric cars wirelessly while on the run. Since charging of the battery is not possible to be demonstrated, the project has a robotic vehicle that runs totally through wireless power. This project is built upon an high frequency PWM inverter circuit with a gate-driver IC to drive a MOSFET based half bridge system .It first converts AC 230V 50Hz to AC 18V using a step-down transformer and then that is converted to DC which powers the high frequency inverter. This output is fed to a tuned coil forming the primary of an air-core transformer. A high-frequency AC is fed to the primary coil with a capacitor to make a resonance tuned circuit. The primary coil is placed under the road that gets inductively coupled to the secondary coil mounted on the moving vehicle to wirelessly receive power to drive the robotic vehicle DC motor after being rectified. Moreover, this technique can be used in number of other applications too such as to charge a mobile phone, iPod, laptop battery, and propeller clock or any moving object wirelessly. An also, this kind of charging provides a far lower risk of electrical shock as it would be galvanically isolated. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
3231-3233 |
878 |
Ammonia Synthesis from Haber-Bosch Process by using Le chatelier's Principal
-Zishan Ansari ; Prashant Singh; Rahul; Ashutosh Mishra
Ammonia production is a high energy and capital-intensive industry as it obliges high temperature (410-510°C) and also high pressure (160-280 bar) for its daily processes. Two moles of ammonia are obtained by reacting one mole of nitrogen and three moles of hydrogen gases in the existence of conventional catalyst which is magnetite (Fe3O4). The process to produce ammonia is known as Haber-Bosch process which was developed and patented by Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch in 1916. Since then more work on ammonia production was carried out with the goal to achieve higher ammonia yield. Read More...
Chemical Engineering |
India |
3234-3237 |
879 |
Review on Analysis of Water Distribution Network using EPANET for Normal Condition
-Miss. Priyanka Sharad Jawale ; Mr. Vignesh Iyer; Miss. Aavani P
Water distribution network is a system of engineered hydrologic and hydraulic component which supplies water from the source to the required area. In the design of water distribution network, it is crucial that the network supplies the forecasted demands with enough residual heads at all nodes of the network during the entire design period. However with the increasing change in future scenario, either the nodal demands change or the water distribution network falls short to meet the increasing demands. Therefore, we require a proper analysis of water networks to strengthen them for future. In situations like this, software’s play a major role in analyzing water distribution network to make it work as per the design. The present study is an effort to analyze the water supply network using available software, it proposes hydraulic simulation model for water distribution network analysis and comparison of results. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
3238-3241 |
880 |
ZigBee Wireless Technology in Internet of Things
-Taibur Rahman
Internet of things (IoT) is not only a concept, it’s a network, the true technology-which enable network of all networks. ZigBee protocol is a new wireless mesh network standard as IEEE 802.15.4 defines for LR-WPAN which gives interoperability, low cost, low latency, ultra-low power and very less complicated Solution. ZigBee protocols provide easy interoperability in Internet of Things with other wireless protocols. The Low cost wireless technology allows to widely using for wireless device control, monitoring and sensing applications and the consumption of Low power fashion which provides longer life with small coin cell batteries. ZigBee is being widely used for sensing data and many other research fields. In this paper author focuses on the impact and importance of ZigBee Technology as an innovation which brings low cost, less power consume and faster connectivity. This paper also contains different wireless protocols, similar service and their trade-offs. Read More...
Internet of things (IoT) |
India |
3242-3245 |
881 |
Just a Rather Very Intelligent System
-Abhishek M U ; Akhilesh R; Chandrashekar C V; Kethan K; K N Hemalatha
The Paper deals with the use of Android Things platform to implement a primitive Artificially Intelligent System. The system that is implemented is called as Just A Rather Very Intelligent System (JARVIS) which is an integration of four different modules i.e., JARVIS Things, JARVIS Brain, JARVIS Web, JARVIS Mobile and can be used for various applications like Weather Forecasting, Welcome greeting, Random Web Search, Home Automation and Mathematical Computation. Each module are unique and have their own importance: 1) JARVIS Things-This module acts as interface and control unit, its input is human voice that is converted to text and is sent to JARVIS Brain through JSON format, 2) JARVIS Brain-This module utilises Natural Language Tool Kit(NTLK) and Python Packages to identify the type of response that has to be reciprocated and has commands which are predefined, 3) JARVIS Web-This module is used when the input is random search or anything other than Pre-feed commands, 4) JARVIS Mobile-This module is a mobile app that is interfaced to JARVIS Brain through local servers ,this module is similar to JARVIS Things. The Raspberry pi3 has been installed with Android OS version 7 and used for implementing the modules with required samples to support the specified applications. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
3246-3248 |
882 |
Solving the Problem of Floor Cleaning with the Help of Multi-Functional Sweeping and Mopping Machine
-Happy Navneetkumar Patel
In India the technique that is mostly used by the people for floor cleaning is the conventional technique in which firstly, the sweeping of the floor is done with the help of a broom stick and secondly, the mopping of the floor is done with the help of a cloth and a water bucket for wetting the floor. This technique of floor cleaning is totally outdated compared to the present century lifestyle and requires too much time and effort. This paper aims to suggest a better way of floor cleaning with the help of an innovative design of a machine that can integrate sweeping and mopping function so that it can be done together. The new machine consists of a microfiber roller connected to a 12 Volt 120-rpm high speed motor followed by a dust collector, a water storage tank with controllable water flow, two microfiber mops attached to a 12 Volt 120-rpm high speed motor each, a rigid metal frame, a 360-degree maneuverable handle and a heater unit with fans to blow hot air on the floor for drying it. The machine has lots of applications and can be used to clean floors in houses, hospitals, government buildings, malls and educational institutions. This machine also aims to prove that floor cleaning in an easy and effortless way is possible. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
3249-3251 |
883 |
Transverse Shear Stresses for Simply Supported Beam Subjected to Various Loading Conditions
-Mithun Kamalakar Sawant ; Mr. Vikas N Nimbalkar; Ms. Vaishnavi V Battul; Mr. Pravin Gorde; Ms. Amruta P Kulkarni
A new hyperbolic shear deformation theory for flexure of thick or deep beams, taking into account transverse shear deformation effects, is developed. The noteworthy feature of this theory is that the transverse shear stresses can be obtained directly from the use of constitutive relations with excellent accuracy, satisfying the shear stress free conditions on the top and bottom surfaces of the beam. Hence, the theory obviates the need of shear correction factor. In this paper we have studied transverse shear stresses for simply supported beams subjected to various loading. Results obtained are discussed critically with those of other theories. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
3252-3257 |
884 |
High Temperature Oxidation and Hot Corrosion Behaviour of Detonation Gun Sprayed Al2O3 - 40%TiO2 Coating in Air and Salt on Inconel-600 at 8000 C under Cyclic Condition
-Ravi Vishwakarma ; Mr. Anil Kumar
Metals and alloys sometimes experience accelerated oxidation when their surfaces are covered with a thin film of fused salt in an oxidizing gas atmosphere at elevated temperatures. This is known as hot corrosion where a porous non-protective oxide scale is formed at the surfaces and sulphides in the substrate. Hot corrosion has been identified as a serious problem in high temperature applications such as in boilers, gas turbines, waste incinerations, diesel engines, coal gasification plants, chemical plants and other energy generation systems. It is basically induced by the impurities such as Na, V, S, K, and Cl, which are present in the coal or in fuel oil used for combustion in the abovementioned applications. The use of Ni-, Fe-, and Co- based super alloys in high temperature applications such as gas turbines, boilers, etc. is well known, and many more applications are still to be explored. Although the superalloys have adequate mechanical strength for such high temperature applications, they are prone to degradation by hot corrosion/high temperature oxidation during long term exposures. . Therefore, the superalloys need to be protected, however the protection system must be practical, reliable, and economically viable. Read More...
India |
3258-3263 |
885 |
To Develop a Device to Store Thermal Energy using Phase Change Material
-Prof. Kushal Mehta ; Patel Kaushik P; Patel Meet B; Patel Purvesh D; Patel Sachin V
The use of a latent heat storage system using phase change materials is an effective way of storing thermal energy and has the advantages of high-energy storage density and the isothermal nature of the storage process. In this project a PCM based tube in tube heat exchanger is developed. The study focuses on the temperature distribution pattern of the phase change material during the process of charging and discharging. Also the distribution is studied at different mass flow rates of the heat transfer fluid. The results are obtained by experimentally carrying out the charging and discharging process at different mass flow rates. Paraffin wax has been used as the phase change material. This type of thermal energy storage system has a good potential of acting as a thermal storage device and can be used in solar water heating application. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
3264-3267 |
886 |
Development in Research Work of Compressed Air Powered Engine by Increasing Its Air Efficiency
-Devadiga Nikhil Gopal ; Prakash S T
Light utility vehicles are becoming very popular means of independent transportation for short distances. Cost and pollution with petrol and diesel are leading vehicle manufacturers to develop vehicles fuelled with alternative energies. Engineers are directing their efforts to make use of air as an energy source to run the light utility vehicles. This paper is a report on "How to increase efficiency of air in air powered engines". However, this engine has zero emission, by increasing its efficiency it will cover more distance in less amount of air. Read More...
India |
3268-3271 |
887 |
Study of Enhancement of Strength of Clayey Soil Stabilized with Acrylic Polymer
-Rahul Singh Dhakad ; Dr. M. K. Trivedi
The need for soil improvement is increasing due to pressures to build and rehabilitate infrastructure and other civil works on sites with marginal soils. If the infrastructure cannot be relocated or adapted to the soil conditions, then the soil must be stabilized. Soil stabilization methods are typically mechanically or chemically based. A laboratory test program was undertaken to evaluate a series of engineering properties for three types clayey soil with different range of plasticity to develop understanding of the engineering significance of polymer amendment. Three soils were prepared and tested with varying ranges of plasticity. Index properties of all the three soils were determined by Sieve analysis and Atterberg limits and classification done by plotting the fine grained soils on plasticity chart. Performance evaluation of the polymer addition was carried out by determining dry unit weight / moisture content relationships through compaction tests; shear strength through unconfined compression strength tests and CBR tests. The polymer addition rate required to achieve peak engineering performance ranged from 2% to 5%, based on soil type. Polymer modified the engineering properties of soil through physical bonding. It was determined that polymer amendment had an optimal addition percentage that resulted in the greatest increase in engineering parameters. Polymer amended soils displayed an improved performance of soils. Read More...
India |
3272-3276 |
888 |
Optimization of End Milling Process Parameters on Surface-Roughness of EN19 Steel by Taguchi Method
-Vaishali L. Khandare ; P. Swaminadhan
The present work is associated with End milling of En-19 steel. The paper represents the influences of different cutting parameters like cutting speed feed and depth of cuts on surface roughness of the En-19 steel. The Taguchi method has been applied to optimize the machining performance in terms of surface quality of the product, with EN 19 grade steel of cross section 50mm×32mm×19 mm as the work piece. Tin-coated carbide cutting tool having four flute 12mm diameter, shank length 30mm and cutter length 35mm is used for experiment on a vertical milling machine . Taguchi's L9 orthogonal array is employed for the experimentation. The factors considered for experimentation and analysis were cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was employed to analyse the effect of these milling parameters. The analysis results revealed that the depth of cut was the dominant factor affecting surface roughness. Confirmation test results showed that the Taguchi method was very successful in the optimization of machining parameters for minimum surface roughness. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
3277-3279 |
889 |
Study of Flexural Behavior of Sandwich Wall Panel
-A. Nadeem Farhan ; S. Karthick
This paper presents the experimental investigation on cast in-situ sandwich panel frame with provision of shear connectors. Flexural tests with three-point loading is to be performed on frame with shear connectors in order to study the behaviour of panels under bending. The sandwich panel has concrete layer with an insulation material of expanded polystyrene foam. Due to the presence of insulation material the panel is thermally more effective than conventional panels. Shear connectors are used to connect the concrete layer and these connectors also transfer the transverse load more effectively. Flexural tests with flexural loading are to be performed on sandwich panels, in order to study the behaviour of panels under transverse load. EPS foam has closed-celled structure made for thermal insulation. The degree of composite action depends on how effectively the shear force is transferred. The slab is connected by means of ‘W’ shape 6mm dia mild steel bar at he supports. Concrete is casted monolithically over the frame, thus the frame acts as rigid frame. It is observed that three layer wythes sandwich panel is more thermally effective than two layer wythes sandwich panel. Use of precast technology and lightweight structural members has gained wide acceptance in construction industry. Precast concrete sandwich slabs/panels have combined advantages of precast technology and lightweight structural members. These types of panels may consist of two concrete R/C layers (wythes) separated by a core made of less dense material that often provides significant thermal and sound insulation. Welded wire mesh may be used as reinforcements in the wythes. The degree of composite action achieved by concrete sandwich panels primarily depends on type of shear connectors used to connect the wythes. Read More...
India |
3280-3284 |
890 |
Experimental Analysis of Thermoelectric Refrigerator
-Vinod Bhaskarwar ; Atharv Pansare; Bhanupratap Yadav; Shrikant Vishwakarma; Vinayak Magar
We take opportunity to present this project report on "EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF THERMOELECTRIC REFERIGERATOR", and put before readers some useful information regarding project. We have made a sincere attempt and taken new innovation other than conventional refrigerator. We have introduced a thermoelectric system for cooling formation other than a cabin based cooling. The basic refrigeration system taken into accounts is "portable refrigeration system" We have also made attempts to use different SMPS which can provide us the desired current we need. We have made quite study about all our components in literature study which include the information about PELTIER, SMPS, heat sink, thermocouple wire is acquired from various sources in field. This project has given us detailed glance of refrigeration systems. This project has introduced us and given us opportunity to work with the people who has practical knowledge about refrigeration system. We have carried out various operation such as welding, punching and finishing in making of this project. We have made an attempt to introduce every design detail related to the projected which you will find convenient to excess to. We are sure that information contained in this volume will certainly prove useful for better insight in the scope and dimension of this project in its true perspective. The task of completion of this project though being difficult was made quite simple, interesting and successful due to deep involvement and complete dedication of our group members. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
3285-3287 |
891 |
Parameter Optimization of MRR for EN31 Alloy. Conclusion
-Sanjeev Kumar ; Vijayesh Rathi; Kuldeep Singh
Turning is used to produce typically rotational and axis- symmetric part that have amenities such as threads, grooves, holes, contoured surfaces, tapers and many other applications of commercial importance. In this study, the experiments have been conducted on central lathe machine on EN31. The tool used for turning process is a cemented carbide coated insert of rectangular shape. From the experiment work it is concluded that the process parameters cutting speed, depth of cut and feed rate with different readings which are taken into consideration affects the metal removal rate. In this study there are two output variables are calculated which are surface roughness and metal removal rate. Metal removal in turning is the removal of metal from outer periphery of a cylindrical work piece to a specified dimension and to produce a smooth lustrous finish over the metal. In the beginning of experimental phase, Pilot experiments will be performed for preliminary study. The various parameters speed (275,440,620), feed (0.1, 0.2, 0.3) and depth of cut (0.5, 1.0, 1.5) their ranges and levels will be selected based on results of the pilot study. Suitable Technique for orthogonal arrays will be used for design of experiments after the pilot experiments. Based on the findings done, actual experimentation work will be designed and input machining parameters and their values are finalized. The results are experiments after the pilot experiments. Based on the findings done, astral experimentation work will be designed and input machining parameters and their values are finalized. The results are expected to show that the response variables (output parameters). So, the results which are obtained after experimentation and yeses and modeled for their application in manufacturing industry. The result shows that there is a significant increase in MRR with required combination of rotational speed, feed and depth of cut. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
3288-3290 |
892 |
Water Quality Analysis using Adaptive Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System
-Jignesh Jambukiya ; M. B. Dholakia
Evaluation of Water characteristics in general and water quality in particular are necessary to enhance the health of humans and ecosystems. Data driven models are computing methods that are capable of extracting different system states without using complex relationships. This thesis investigate the capability of an Adaptive Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System as data – driven model to predict and stimulate water quality parameters at Kakrapar station on Tapi River. Building functional relationship between major water quality data (PH ,T,EC,SS,TDS) with one required output water quality parameter (DO, BOD). Selecting best functional relationship among them. At last Comparing observed Water quality data with predicted output and analysis water quality by predicted data. Read More...
Water Resource Engineering |
India |
3291-3295 |
893 |
Automatic Smart Solar Irrigation System for Agriculture
-Gohil Sujay D. ; Chavda Aradhna B.; Kargatiya Jagdish R.; Virani Darshna C.; Prof. K. M. Solanki
Farming systems are defined by the patterns in time and space in which producers grow their crops; the management decisions regarding the inputs and production practices used; the management skills, education, and objectives of the producer. The quality of the soil and water; and the nature of the landscapes and ecosystems within which production takes place. The production practices used to grow crops impinge on an agro ecosystem made up of complex interactions among soil, water, biota, and the atmosphere. The interactions among the farming systems and the soil, water, biota, and atmosphere determine the effects those farming systems will have on soil and water quality. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
3296-3297 |
894 |
Accident Modeling for SH-8, Gujarat
-Goswami Parth Jagdishbhai ; Karli Srinath; Patel Deep D.
This study discusses the risk factors which are associated to the cause of road traffic accidents on SH 8 of Gujarat state. The study describes the composition of motor related injuries including non motorized casualties on SH 8. The study assesses different road safety measures taken by the authorities to prevent accidents on SH 8.Interviews with accident victims, government officials were done accordingly. The study has revealed the pattern and trends of motor traffic accidents on SH 8 from 2011 to 2016. It shows that the accident occurrence was increasing every year, passengers and pedestrians are always at highest risk of being injured or killed on the road. Young males are highly prone to motor traffic accidents. Males are more involved in road accidents than females; the risk of dying in an accident during the night was significantly higher than during the day, especially when it was raining. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
3298-3300 |
895 |
Auto-Reclosing Scheme with Adaptive Dead Time Control
-Dhrupal Patel ; Sanjay Parmar; Kinjal Shah
These paper present the implementation of the fast adaptive three phase auto-reclosing scheme is based on the measurement of current value at transmission line. The main objective of this scheme is to ensure the application of the three phase reclosing after the transient fault extinction and perform the tripping of three phase for permanent fault. System will also check whether a fault is transient or permanent in nature, for the transient fault system being restored to supply after predefined time. This system is implemented with arduino-controller, current transformer and commercial relay the proposed system will ensured successful reclosing enhancing the system reliability. Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
3301-3304 |
896 |
Hard Switching and Soft Switching Performance of Single Phase Push-Pull Inverter
-A Vignesh ; Dr. M. A. Inayathullaah
The current project has as major aim the design of a single-phase inverter for educational purposes with clearly too known about hard switching and soft switching of an inverter. Switching operation of semi-conductor devices is mostly important control of an inverter. Because, switching process decides the performs of a device. So, in this project clearly analysis the switching operation of an inverter. Basically inverter designed with either hard switching components or soft switching components. So here we clearly discussed operating performs of both hard and soft switching. Since the first Arduino board was developed on 2005, there has been a turning point on the programming world, especially between non specialised users. With an intuitive software and a wide amount of applications, it is a highly recommended option for the first approach to digital programming for students. For those reasons, this paper has the aim to apply this tool to ease the switching operation on a single-phase inverter with the help of simulation program substituting analogical circuitry. To achieve those aims, a first complete theoretical analysis will be made, including its applications and basic elements. Afterwards, the specific characteristics of the desired inverter will be defined, allowing the computation and selection of the components required. After the theoretical approach, the complete circuit will be simulated with the Mat lab software and will implement in a protoboard. Some measurements will be also done in order to check the performance of the device and its efficiency. Read More...
power electronics and electrical drives |
India |
3305-3309 |
897 |
Measurement System Analysis to Improve Quality by GRR% in WE-6HSG
-Viral R. Patel ; Prof. Jihan Patel
The measurement method is the first step to control the production and improve quality Because the operator needs specific and accurate information to analyse and solve problems. Gauge R & R is a process of equipment, equipment, or operator if they are tested Anti-traditional After measuring the results of the gauge R & R define the cause of the error Results analysis, measuring systems are more specific and more accurate. Very deep and important concept for measuring system analysis (MSA).Very accurate and precise product production. Concerns in the MSA study Measurement capabilities are related to measurement variability. Changer eading the measure gives wrong analysis and increase the distrust, which directly impact of product production and dissatisfaction effectiveness. GRR (Gauge Repetition and reproducibility) used to detect diversification of the term. The difference between the GRR% measurement systems shows the level of difference. Read More...
M.E in Production Enginerring |
India |
3310-3313 |
898 |
Investigation of Mechanical Properties and FEM Simulation of Cu-SiC Composites Fabricated by Stir Casting Technique
-Mahesh Prasad Prajapati ; Dr. P. L. Verma; Hemant Jain
This paper presented on an experimental and finite element analysis (FEA) of the compression test of Cu-Sic composite. The influence of this test is to investigate the strength and reduction in length on the application of compressive load, of the cylindrical specimen. The composite material was prepared by Stir casting technique and specimen prepared by machining for the purpose of the experimental research. Compression testing was performed by UTM at fixed strain rate for every sample and hardness test was acquired by CETR-Nanoindentor. All data obtained from the instrumentation was taken and evaluated using a personal computer (PC). A finite element analysis (FEA) of the compression of sample was undertaken after the experimental programme. The FEA simulation was carried out using Hypermesh software. A 3D finite element model of the specimen was constructed for the analysis. Data obtained from the FE model included distributed load, effective stress and strain and material deformation rate. The correlation between the experimental, calculated and FEA data acquired in this research is presented and deliberated. Read More...
India |
3314-3317 |
899 |
Performance and Emission Testing of VCR Engine by using Blends of Simarouba Biodiesel with Turmeric Leaf Oil at Various Compression Ratios
-Vishal Subhash Hajare ; Prof. S. B. Salunkhe; Yatish A. Patil; Lalit R. Patil; Akash D. Pawar
In modern times, biodiesel is derived, or has been reported to be producible from many different sources, including vegetable oils, animal fats, used frying oils, etc. In the present work, Simarouba Glauca oil biodiesel blends with turmeric leaf oil and diesel were used as a fuel. Simarouba Glauca oil is made from the seeds of a Simarouba plant commonly known as Paradise tree. Dry seeds of Simarouba Glauca contains 60% to 75% oil. In turmeric plant leaves are the waste product, we can use it for extraction of oil. So the oil extracted from these waste leaves is used for the production of biodiesel. The blends are prepared with pure diesel as B12, B24 and B36 which includes 5% of turmeric leaf oil as an additive in each blend. Turmeric leaf oil improves stability of blends. The B12 contains 12% of Simarouba oil and 5% of turmeric leaf oil and remaining is pure diesel. Likewise the contents of remaining blends are varied. The test has been taken on VCR engine with compression ratios of 14, 16 and 18 by using biodiesel blends at maximum loading. Further the parameters such as brake power, brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC), brake thermal efficiency were compared with the pure diesel test on engine. Also, the effects of biodiesel blends on emissions has been studied under the present research. Read More...
mechanical engineering |
India |
3318-3322 |
900 |
Runtime Load Balancing in Docker Containers
-Prof. A. J. Kadam ; Goraksha S .Vedpathak; Neha D. Pawar; Vaibhav A. Wadekar; Satyam T. Thorat
In modern service-oriented computing paradigm, cloud computing and virtualization have played an important role. In order to achieve flexible deployment and high availability more conventional services are being migrated. Thus, our project contains introduction to a schedule algorithm based on fuzzy inference system (FIS), for global container resource allocation by evaluating node statuses using FIS. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
3323-3325 |