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901 |
Dynamic Analysis of a Multistorey Building Frame for Lateral Forces at Sloping Strata under the Effect Wind Forces using Staad.Pro
-Dhirendra Chourasia ; Prof. Pradeep Kumar T. V.
In these modern days the buildings are made to satisfy our basic aspects and better serviceability. It is not an issue to construct a building any how it is, important to construct an efficient building which will serve for many years without showing any failure. the project titled " Dynamic analysis of a multi-storey building frame for lateral forces at sloping strata under the effect seismic forces using ", The spectrum analysis of a G+8 storey RCC building on varying slope angle i.e. 0o,10o,15o is used considering wind intensity 39 m/s with three type of soil considered (soft, medium, hard). The Structural analysis software STAAD Pro v8i is used to study effect of sloping ground during earthquake. The analysis the analysis the effect of sloping ground on structural forces. The comparative study of results as lateral forces, max bending moment, maximum axial force. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
3326-3330 |
902 |
Content-based Image Retrieval by Information Theoretic Measure
-Varsha Tripathi
Content-based image retrieval focuses on intuitive and efficient methods for retrieving images from databases based on the content of the images. A new entropy function that serves as a measure of information content in an image termed as ‘an information theoretic measure’ is devised in this paper. Among the various query paradigms, query by example (QBE) is adopted to set a query image for retrieval from a large image database. In this paper, colour and texture features are extracted using the new entropy function and the dominant colour is considered as a visual feature for a particular set of images. Thus colour and texture features constitute the two-dimensional feature vector for indexing the images. The low dimensionality of the feature vector speeds up the atomic query. Indices in a large database system help retrieve the images relevant to the query image without looking at every image in the database. The entropy values of colour and texture and the dominant colour are considered for measuring the similarity. The utility of the proposed image retrieval system based on the information theoretic measures is demonstrated on a benchmark dataset. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
3331-3333 |
903 |
Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) Implementation using Matlab
-Anmol Singh ; Akshat Puram; Neha Jha; Aashish Kumar
The leap in Technologies have led to more complex road safety applications. These systems provide multiple possibilities for improving road transport. The system focuses mainly on single-carriageways roads, given the complexity of these environments compared to motorways. The proposed ADAS is a system designed to assisting vehicle drivers through lane departure warning and pedestrian crossing warning systems, is based on advanced perception techniques, vehicle automation. The Drowsiness detection proposed algorithm conducts the detection process by recording the video sequence of the drivers and image processing techniques. The system consists of four well-defined phases, namely the face detection, eye tracking, yawning detection and detection of head lowering. To recognize the traffic sign, the system has been proposed with three phases. They are Traffic board Detection, Feature extraction and Recognition. The detection phase consists of RGB- based colour thresholding and shape analysis, which offers robustness to differences in lighting situations. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
3334-3337 |
904 |
Geostatistical Analysis of Spatial Variations of Groundwater Level using GIS in Banaskantha District, Gujarat, India
-Md Faizan Ansari ; Dr. G. P. Vadodaria; Dr. Indra Prakash
Groundwater is the main resource of water in Banaskantha district, which fulfills the daily needs of the people. The surface water resources of Banaskantha district are very limited. Economy of the district is basically dependent on agriculture and dairy farming, which has increased the exploitation of groundwater. The Geostatistical analysis shows the variation in water level below ground level (bgl) from 2010 to 2016. Ordinary kriging, the most widely used geostatistical method has been used to depict the groundwater surface map of the last seven years of the district to study and analyse the spatial variability of groundwater levels. Groundwater levels recorded in pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons has been used to generate groundwater surface maps and trend graphs in GIS environment. The district has semi-arid climate which has the characteristic features of extreme temperature and erratic rainfall. Ephemeral nature of the rivers flowing through the district and the economy dependency of the district on agriculture and dairy farming are the major factors of over exploitation of ground water which results in the fast depletion of this resource. Read More...
Water Resource Engineering |
India |
3338-3345 |
905 |
Virtual Switchboard: Switchless Home Appliances using Leap Motion
-Ashok Jaybhaye ; Akshay Kale; Pooja Baheti; Shivani Amrutkar
In recent years there has been growing interest in virtual reality applications due to its gaining popularity at various fields. We used the leap as motion controller which is a USB interface for connection to PC, MAC, IOS and Android Devices. Its purpose is to capture the high resolution tracking of users hand gestures. The aim is to design and support an integrated hardware and software solution to operate home appliances. It is an efficient and real time model which recognizes the user hand gestures as the primary input. The data from the leap will be acquired and transmitted to the computer application for authentication and gesture detection to operate devices. A Leap Motion controller obtains descriptive information of hand gestures by tracking the finger movements in digital format and gives few key points associated with each gesture. These key points are then further used for training and gesture recognition. Gesture recognition is a field in computer science and language technology with the goal of interpreting human gestures via mathematical algorithms. In our implementation, we have written codes to interpret the hand gestures captured by the leap and transmit them in order to control devices. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
3346-3351 |
906 |
Analysis & Simulation of 125 KVA Shell Type Transformer Design using FEMM
-Darshit Patel ; Dipika Rajput
This paper summarizes a shell type transformer design with magnetic circuit theory and finite element method magnetic (FEMM). Shell type transformer is designed for output rating of 125 KVA, 6.6/0.4 KV in this paper. Finite Element Method Magnetics (FEMM) is a finite element package for solving 2D planar and axisymmetric problems in low frequency magnetic and electrostatics. It also provide engineers with a valuable means of more accurately quantifying the electric stress in the design. Finite element method magnetic (FEMM) has been analyzed to check and ensure the initial assumption data such as flux density and current density which are assigning in the proposed transformer design. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
3352-3353 |
907 |
Digitalized Teacher Guardian System
-Yogita Alone ; Kalyani Deshmukh; Rashmi Shirsat; Bhagyashri Kantale; Rahul Sanap
Digitalized Teacher Guardian System provides an easy way to access student information. It can be used by educational colleges to maintain the students' records easily. Digitalized Teacher Guardian System maintains all kind of student's details, intellectual related reports, college details, course details, programme of study, batch details and other resource related details. Different reports can be generated based on large options related to students, faculty for the whole department. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
3354-3357 |
908 |
Relay Coordination of over Current Relay in Presence of DG System using FCL
-Pushpa Bhatiya ; Shruti Khatri
In the Power System presence of Distributed generation (DG) is one of attractive phenomena. With the presence of DG units in distribution system, its function would generally be changed and it would variously be affected by DGs. When DGs are introduced into the power system, the value and direction of both system's power flow in normal operation and short circuit current under fault condition are changed results the disturbance to relay coordination. In this, GA-NLP approach is presented to solve the directional over current relay coordination problem, which arises from installing DG in distribution system. This approach involves the implementation of Fault Current Limiter (FCL) to limit the DG fault current. In this thesis, simulation of 3-bus and 9-bus system is implemented in ETAP software. The optimum value of time multiplier setting (TMS) and plug setting (PS) are found by using MATLAB Optimization toolbox. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
3358-3362 |
909 |
Two-Switch Boosting Switched-Capacitor Converters
-A Rayston ; Dr. D. Muruganantham
A family of "Two-Switch Boosting Switched-Capacitor Converters (TBSC)" is introduced, which distinguishes itself from the prior arts by symmetrically interleaved operation, reduced output ripple, low yet even voltage stress on components, and systematic expandability. Along with the topologies, a modeling method is formulated, which provokes the converter regulation method through duty cycle and frequency adjustment. In addition, the paper also provides guidance for circuit components and parameter selection. A 1-kW 3X TBSC was built to demonstrate the converter feasibility, regulation capability via duty cycle and frequency, which achieved a peak efficiency of 97.5% at the rated power. Read More...
power electronics and electrical drives |
India |
3363-3367 |
910 |
Standalone-Photovoltaic System Connected to the Grid
-Shruti. K. Khatri ; Puspa Bhatiya
In today’s world, non-renewable energy sources like the fossil fuels and nuclear fission are widely used for generation of power. This paper presents the ecofriendly method of generation of power by means of sunlight energy captured in photovoltaic cells. The model represents main components of the system that are the solar array, boost converter, the grid side inverter and MPPT. A proper control of the DC/DC converter is extract maximum amount of from the photovoltaic generator. The grid connected inverter transfers the energy drawn from the PV module into the grid by keeping common dc voltage constant. Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) delivers maximum available power at a specific point. The overall efficiency of grid/load connected photovoltaic power generation systems depends on the efficiency of the DC-AC conversion. The simulation results are obtained by using MATLAB/SIMULINK software. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
3368-3372 |
911 |
Selection Combining Technique for Massive MIMO Systems with Transmit Antenna Selection
-Felciya S ; T. M. Babi Mol
Nowadays massive MIMO system is widely used in wireless communication systems such as 5G network, wireless radio communication and mobile communication. The phase and amplitude of the signal will vary across the channel when the multipath fading affect different frequencies and this give rise to some reception problem. In this paper is used to reduce the fading effect problem in wireless communication system using selection combining techniques. It has been used to mitigate the fading problem in wireless channel. Here the performance of the parameters such as signal to noise ratio and bit error rate are analysed and compared with zero forcing and maximum ratio combining. In SC, the signal to noise ratio is increased and bit error rate is decreased compared with zero forcing and maximum ratio transmission. Read More...
Communication Systems |
India |
3373-3376 |
912 |
Vector OFDM Transmission with Zero Forcing and MMSE Equalizer
-K. Karthik ; S. Jayalakshmy
The proposed paper analyses the performance of Vector Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (VOFDM) technique over Power Line Communication (PLC) system with two non-linear pre-processors known as nulling and clipping along with Zero-Forcing and MMSE equalizers. Naturally, VOFDM has good PAPR property with reduced cost, size, increases electromagnetic compatibility and it does not have any side information whereas the equalizer reduces the occurrence of Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI). When compared to the existing system, the proposed system reduces PAPR up to 1 dB and also eliminates the occurrence of noise in PLC channels thereby consuming the transmit power. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
3377-3380 |
913 |
LAN Monitoring System
-Chaitali Kashinath Koli ; Swapnali Sunil Gawand
The project aims to develop various network utilities which are required to effectively monitor a LAN network. Today there is a need to have system that allows a network administrator to monitor the LAN smoothly. It aims to develop an integrated software solution that allows a network administrator to remotely monitor his LAN by his machine. In a concern, computers are grouped together to form a network to manage and control activities of network. While monitoring a LAN we have to reach to a specific machine to operate it. This project is to provide the maximum details about the network to the administrator on their server machine, when administrator is away from workstation. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
3381-3382 |
914 |
A Survey on Extractive Text Summarization Techniques
-Diksha Harbola
Text summarization is a technique for creating a short but useful information from a text document. Automatic text summarization plays a vital role in producing a summarized information from a large corpus. An extractive summarization is a technique that is based on extracting the sentences from the documents for the summary generation. Various systems are based on feature extraction method. The main goal of all the systems is to obtain relevant data and summarize them as per the users' input. These systems differ in the main aspects of the features provided and the architecture used by them. This paper is consisted of the basics of multi-document summarization, then several approaches for extractive summarization and extractive methods, and then the various evaluation methods for the estimating the performance of the summarization techniques. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
3383-3387 |
915 |
Design and Fabrication of Hand Gesture/Voice Based Controlled Wheelchair for Physically Disabled
-Vismay Suthar ; Vismit Shah; Dishant Sodhatar; Krutarth Amin; Prof. Bhavik Soneji
In our modern scenario, everyone wants to use product that make human lives easier. So do the disabled people who think of having a wheelchair that gives them every comfort possible. An automated wheelchair serves this purpose. But not every disabled person can afford to buy an automated wheelchair. That is why we have designed such a wheelchair which will serve the same purpose and still will be cheaper than the ones available in the market. This wheelchair is operated through voice command and hand gesture. Gesture Control is achieved through Gyro module and Voice control is achieved via Bluetooth module. Also, the full scale model that we have designed will be much cheaper once it is mass produced. Thus we have designed an automated wheelchair that is affordable to the common people also. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
3388-3390 |
916 |
English Handwritten Character Recognition using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
-Safna K M
Character recognition is one of the most important research fields of image processing and pattern recognition. Character recognition is generally known as Optical Character Recognition (OCR).OCR is the process of electronic translation of handwritten images or typewritten text into machine editable text. It becomes very difficult if there are lots of paper based information on companies and offices. Because they want to manage a huge volume of documents and records. Computers can work much faster and more efficiently than human. It is used to perform many of the tasks required for efficient document and content management. But computer knows only alphanumeric characters as ASCII code. So computer cannot distinguish character or a word from a scanned image. In order to use the computer for document management, it is required to retrieve alphanumeric information from a scanned image. There are so many methods which are currently used for OCR and are based on different languages. The existing method like Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based on English Handwritten character recognition needs the features to be extracted and also the performance level is low. So a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based English handwritten character recognition method is used. It's a deep machine learning method for which it doesn't want to extract the features and also a fast method for character recognition. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
3391-3398 |
917 |
A Survey on Detection and Prevention Techniques of DDOS Flooding Attack
-Alby Alphonsa Joseph ; Dr. Vinodh P Vijayan; Prof. Chinju K
A Distributed Denial of Service Flooding attack is one kind of the most highlighted and most important attacks of today's cyber world. This attack is characterized by an explicit attempt by attackers to prevent legitimate users of a service from using that service. The flexible nature of network always suffers from DDoS flooding, spoofed source address and packet or content forgery. In this paper we present a comprehensive survey of DDoS attack and its prevention techniques that will help to build a better and new security for future network architecture. Very few methods in our survey could actually detect a DDoS flooding attack beforehand and prevent it whereas there were quite a number of algorithms designed to prevent the server after the attack has been launched. We could try to propose solution to the best of our knowledge. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
3399-3403 |
918 |
Review Study about Fuel Injection System and Efficiency of GDI Engine
-Nimavat Pappu G. ; Aman Jain; Soni Maharshi; Parth Patel; Patel Jayesh
In this review paper we are studied about fuel injection system and efficiency of GDI engine. At time of even greater demand on automotive manufacturer to further improvement will needed like fuel efficiency, performance and emissions standards. Gasoline direct injection (GDI) engine technology to improve engine efficiency without making a major shift away from conventional IC technology. But, for larger vehicle port fuel injection was still notes a 100% success. This was due to large engine size and improper combustions. So the GDI invented. Read More...
India |
3404-3406 |
919 |
Internet of Things Based Fire Safety Mechanisms in Indian Railways
-Vatsal Thaker ; Sharmishtha Tiwari; Mr. N.P. Kulkarni
IoT or the Internet of Things is a growing technology where devices or more precisely sensors are interfaced with the programming language to provide us with a completely automated device which lets us monitor the desired components round the clock without much manual interference. The applications of IoT in Indian Railways is a topic which can be explored in ways unimagined. During July 2014, it was envisaged that the Indian Railways will opt for an enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution, which will integrate freight, passenger, human resources and administrative operations across the country. Features like real-time monitoring of trains, mobile-based wake up call for passengers and destination arrival alerts, and station navigation information system would be taken forward. Indian Railways have been in the news albeit for wrong reasons. With the rapid increase in passenger and goods traffic, the frequency of train accidents is increasing very fast. This has raised serious doubts in the public mind about safety of Rail travel and the general health of the railway network. A few of the major problems faced by the railways today are railway fires and train derailments. Thus, the potential for the IT industry to leverage existing strengths in cloud, mobility and IoT (Internet of Things) for the Railways. Indian Railways have been in the news albeit for wrong reasons. With the rapid increase in passenger and goods traffic, the frequency of train accidents is increasing very fast. This has raised serious doubts in the public mind about safety of Rail travel and the general health of the railway network. A few of the major problems faced by the railways today are railway fires and train derailments. The project aims to take a small step in exploring the possibilities of the IoT and making the Railways a safer transport medium for the Indians. The project focuses on one of the main causes of railway accidents i.e. fires. The success of this project is of utmost important to increase the safety standards of the Indian Railway. The aim of the project is to devise a wireless sensor system for onboard safety in a railway compartment to avoid accidents and loss of human lives due fire. Using this technology, we can monitor the temperature of the railway compartments. The proposed project will lead to a reduction in the usage of manpower in the railways, quick and effective response for fire related accidents, differentiation between fire incidents which need some external interference and which are not at all harmful. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
3407-3410 |
920 |
Power Factor Correction (PFC) Topologies
-Pragnesh N Prajapati
Electronics devices require power conditioning of some form, typically rectification, for their proper functioning and operation. But since they have non-linear input characteristics and the higher line harmonics. With constantly increasing demand of this kind of devices at a high rate, line current harmonics pose a major problem by degrading the power factor of the system thus affecting the performance of the devices. By this, the objective of this work is how to develop PFC circuit for electronics devices. Hence the power factor is improved and line current harmonics is reduced. This presents a generalized approach to develop a single phase power factor correction circuit with bridgeless and voltage doubler configuration. This requires two dc/dc converter converters connected in parallel input - series output manner. Compared to conventional full bridge diode rectified circuit. This circuit using buck converter improves the power factor. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
3411-3414 |
921 |
A New Approach of MSP430 Microcontroller for the Embedded System Applications
-Prof. Dipali B. Bhatt ; Prof. Navneet Kumar
The embedded systems (ES) formation require a broader set of information, ability and skills of electronics concepts in order to develop highly inspired and creative applications based in logical studies. This paper presents a new approach for MSP430 Microcontroller for the Embedded System Applications that has been conceived and designed to accomplish these goals, while motivating and equipping this next generation of engineers to rise to future challenges. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
3415-3416 |
922 |
Anomaly Detection for Road Traffic: A Visual Analytic Framework by using SVM and HMM
-Saba Eram Khan
Traffic control is one of the fastest developing technologies in the world. In India numbers of vehicles are growing very fast which leads to accidents, traffic jam issues. Traffic analysis becomes a challenging problem. The analysis of large amount of multidimensional road traffic data for anomaly detection is a complex task. Visual analytic helps in detecting anomalous behavior in road traffic. In this project author try to explore the multidimensional road traffic data, detect anomalous events and explain the anomalous event. In this project author try to find out the probability of vehicles which meet to accident in future, it also used to avoid traffic congestion and improve safe driving. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
3417-3421 |
923 |
A Review of Cyberbullying Detection: An Overview
-Vaibhav S. Dande ; Z. I. Khan
With the growth of online communication and social network. These internet services help establish new connections between persons or reinforce existing ones. However, they can also lead to misbehaviors or cyber-criminal acts for example, cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is the use of technology as a medium to bully someone. Although it has been an issue for many years, the recognition of its impact on young people has recently increased. Social networking sites, such as MySpace, Facebook, and, provide a fertile medium for bullies. Teens and young adults who use these sites are vulnerable to attacks. Through machine learning, we can detect language patterns used by bullies and their victims, and develop rules to automatically detect cyberbullying content. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
3422-3425 |
924 |
Security of Cryptographic Primitives and Protocols
-Sivanesan R ; Vijayakumar; Pravinraj
Security will be a standout amongst the fundamental issues of present day PC science. These days an ever increasing amount individuals utilization a workstation with perform touchy operations like bank transfer, web shopping, duty instalment or considerably will vote. The vast majority from claiming these clients don't need at whatever piece of information how those security will be achieved, in this way they completely trust their requisitions. These provisions often use cryptographic conventions which would notoriously lapse inclined considerably for masters. One-time mark schemes dependent upon a one-way capacity need aid a magnetic result to low-power devices, concerning illustration they camwood a chance to be effectively executed utilizing piece ciphers or hash works. The detriment may be that they require huge keys that might main make utilized when. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
3426-3428 |
925 |
EZ Billing
-Amir Shaikh ; Ramneet Aulakh; Mayuresh Rele; Ritesh Sonkar
In business IT, billing software refers to programs that handle the tracking of billable products and services delivered to a customer or set of customers. Some billing software also tracks work hours for billing purposes. These types of programs automate much of what used to be a time-consuming process of preparing invoices or other documentation. The Invoicing & Billing capabilities of EZ BILLING Accounting Software automatically generate customer invoices for lump sum, cost plus, time and material or unit price contracts, or any combination of contract items for a single job. User-defined schedule of values facilitate detail invoice layouts, as well as summary invoices when a detail breakdown is not required. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
3429-3431 |
926 |
Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
-Akash Balasaheb Dhande ; Sanchit Rane; Tejas Kute; Mandar Mendkudale; S. M. Narayankar
Wind energy is the most abundantly available clean form of renewable energy in the earth crust. Wind turbines produceelectricity by using the power of wind to drive an electric generator. There are two kinds of wind turbines according to the axis of rotation to the ground, horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWT) and vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT). VAWTs include both a drag type configuration like Savonius wind turbine and a lift-type configuration like Darrieus wind turbine. Savonius wind rotor has many advantages over others in that its construction is simpler and cheaper. It is independent of the wind direction and has a good starting torque at lower wind speeds. The experimental study conducted in this paper aims to investigate the effect of number of blades on the performance of the model of Savonius type wind turbine. The experiments used to compare 2, 3, and 4 blades wind turbines to show tip speed ratio, torque and power coefficient related with wind speed. A simulation using ANSYS 13.0 software will show pressure distribution of wind turbine. The results of study showed that number of blades influence the performance of wind turbine. Savonius model with three blades has the best performance at high tip speed ratio. The highest tip speed ratio is 0.555 for wind speed of 7 m/s. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
3432-3436 |
927 |
In An Secure Way of Data Transfer in D2D Networks using A-Star Algorithm
-K. Dency
In this paper I am are going to discusses about send and receive the data in an secure way. We are going to use the D2D network for a mobiles, computers to access the data in this D2D network. So for that to create a new an android application for a new way of giving the secure data transformation. The D2D network means the only two devices is going to send and receive the data in between those devices, it may be a mobile or the computers. We are using the algorithm minimum-cost crowdsourcing (MCC). If the crowdsourcing is used to online and offline way of send the data. In this paper I am going to send the data in the online way of transferring the data in D2D networks. The result the way of transferring the document and used to design a new way in D2D-based crowdsourcing. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
3437-3440 |
928 |
Effluent Treatment using Microbial Bio Reactor
-Sachin Kumar Vishwakarma ; Ashish Kumar Vishwakarma; Sanjay; Ashutosh Mishra
Continuous discharge of effluent from industries into fresh water bodies has led to fresh water crisis. This creates an urgent need for the treatment of effluents. The membrane bioreactor technology is one such method which become more popular, abundant and are accepted in recent years for the treatment of many types of wastewater where the conventional activated sludge process cannot cope with either composition of waste water or fluctuations of waste water flow rate. The membrane bioreactor combines biological-activated sludge process and membrane filtration. Effluent degradation takes place with the help of biological microorganisms and generated biomass is separated through submerged membrane. Read More...
Chemical Engineering |
India |
3441-3444 |
929 |
Generation of Electric Energy with Wind and Braking System
-Bansi Raja ; Hitarth Shukla; Aasav Sureja; Kartik Sharma; Nikhil Dhoot
This research targets the design of an Electric car with wind turbine that will be installed to generate electrical power to charge the batteries when in motion. This wind powered car will have a wind turbine on its backside. During motion the wind flowing through wind ducts will rotate the turbine. This rotary movement is transferred to the mechanical component which will convert rotatory motion into electric energy. Along with the concept of wind turbine, Regenerative braking systems help to lower consumption in hybrid vehicles and reduce their carbon footprint. They can also increase the range of electric vehicles. Regenerative Braking System is the way of slowing vehicle by using the motors as brakes. Instead of the surplus energy of the vehicle being wasted as unwanted heat, the motors act as generators and return some of it to the overhead wires as electricity. Read More...
India |
3445-3448 |
930 |
Design and Fabrication of Modified Treadmill Bicycle
-Krutarth Gandhi ; Dhrunish Mistry; Meetkumar Amin; Mehulkumar Bhatt; Nayan Kaneriya
Modified treadmill bicycle is totally a new design for local commute and fitness. It is combination of treadmill and bicycle consisting both mechanical and electrical parts like gears, hub motor, chain, sprocket and battery. The cycle can be operated manually for shorter distances and is assisted with battery and electric motor for long distance traveling. The cycle is not operated by any non-renewable source of energy hence it does not create pollution and is Eco-friendly to nature. Transportation and fitness can both be achieved with single innovative design. The concept behind this project was to design a product which is similar to walking but can cover more distance like cycling. Treadmill bicycle is designed for those who love to run or walk outside and enjoy nature. Read More...
Bechlore of engineering in mechanical |
India |
3449-3450 |
931 |
Smart Relay Board for Short Transmission System
-Patel Jaimin V. ; Patel Naishal P.; Piyush J. Parmar
In the short transmission line and power system or some other company there are many equipment used in which may be transformer or generator. If any faults occur in transformer and generator as a results transmission line and may be system faults condition occurred, so it required protection of the transmission line or system relay. So if we use the different –different relay for different-different protection, it will be a costlier. Hence we use the one relay with the help of micro-controller and different sensor circuit which provide protection against the over voltage, under voltage fault, over current and under current fault, thermal faults, single phasing and gausses faults. The sensor circuit sense the different quantity means temperature sensor sense the temperature if it will grater then the rated temperature the micro-controller produced the tripping signal and relay will be tripped and faulty section gas sensor sense the quantity of gas and also voltage and current variac measure the voltage and current and if it greater than or if below the rated quantity then the micro-controller produced the tripping signal and relay will be tripped and faulty section will be isolated. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
3451-3455 |
932 |
Smart Assessment
-Shweta Parmar ; Gurudatta Verma; Ritu Saluja
Current education system attracts the attention, now a days monitoring of student is the major problem and need of informative and prompt feedback to teachers about class and individual performance and targeted teaching suggestions that address the conceptual hurdle, so as to make preventive measure by the institute management. In this paper we have elaborated some earlier methods of smart assessment. Read More...
Online Examination |
India |
3456-3459 |
933 |
Cloud Based Security & Adaptive Data Compression with AES Algorithm
-Poonam Kale ; Snehal Deshmukh; Varsha Patake; Rashmi Kadu; Prof. A. B. Pahurkar
This paper proposes an overview of desktop application which uses cloud service and provides a network to user for securing data over cloud by storing it in encrypted format and even compressing file to certain extent. This data could only be retrieved with the help of key which is provided by the application to the user. The main aspect of cloud computing is how one can Secure, Protect and Process the data. Cloud computing is a technology that is recently developed for complex systems with large-scale services sharing among multiple users. Therefore, authentication, integration & confidentiality of data of users and services are a significant issue for the trust and security. Cloud computing is essentially the management and provision of applications, information and data as a service. Using key based Cryptography technique we have proposed and implement a new algorithmic approach for cloud security in this paper. The efficiency of the algorithm can be improved by integrating multiple cryptography algorithms. To ensure the data security, we proposed a method by implementing AES algorithm and with data compression through lossless algorithm. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
3460-3463 |
934 |
Analysis of Hybrid Annuity Model (Ham) For PPP in Highway Project
-Mithun Kamalakar Sawant ; Kartik Kadam; Vishal Kumar; Atam Jain; Ms. Amruta P Kulkarni
The HAM financial structure was introduced to rejuvenate the road sector and lessen the equity burden on the already stressed developers. With even HAM projects facing certain financial hurdles such as lack of financial closure and aggressive bids, NHAI initiated a move to provide initial funds to mobilize and commence works. Construction funding by the government under HAM projects accounts for 40% of the total cost and is released by NHAI in five tranches linked to the milestones of 20% of the project work, while the balance 60% is arranged by the concessionaire. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
3464-3466 |
935 |
A New Appraoch in Learning Management System
-Anusha Manjunath ; Manju. R
In the digitalization era, a traditional classroom-based approach becomes less efficient and effective. To remedy the situation educational and training organizations adopt systems allowing instructors to explore various pedagogical models to deliver learning through engage and connect learners. Almost every year, 44 percent of education institutes and organization are trying to replace their existing system used to deliver efficient learning methods to improve cognitive skills for learners. Most educational institutes and training organization are looking for more than one system to cater their needs which changes with time. Managing multiple systems to satisfy their needs becomes a tedious task. Moreover, this rapidly changing educational field often prohibits adequate time for end-users to gain, a working knowledge on the specific system. Most of the time, these system are not flexible and often forces instructors and learners to adapt their teaching methodologies to fit the static design of the system, rather than the other way around. Therefore in this paper, a system is developed which will increase the engagement and students’ collaboration. This system is based on a student- centred model, with a primary focus on students’ needs and equal opportunities for everyone, independently of a background or abilities. The system can be easily integrated with the existing system without affecting the functionalities of the existing system. The implementation of the system in educational institution and training organization offers both learners and instructors unprecedented access to contents and related resources. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
3467-3470 |
936 |
Improving Productivity and Reducing Accidents using Ergonomic Approach
-Nalin Sharma ; Dr. Archana Nema
The depressing economic situation of things in our country lead to the carrying out of this research as the bad economy can be responsible for low productivity in soft packaging industry. State of the art the industrial success mainly depends on the delivery, quality and uptime. The industry where this study has been doneis engaged in the processing and manufacturing, flexible packaging solutions. This unit is engaged in printing required content on plain foils. In order to achieve this industry should implement new techniques which will increase the quality, productivity and decrease worker fatigue. Ergonomics is one such technique. The assessment is based on NIOSH calculation for lifting and the general survey among 8 workers for a month in industry. This study is on application of ergonomics in reducing musculoskeletal disorders, improving the quality of work system design and increasing productivity. Various factors which may cause injury at work station were checked out. The existing workstation design was studied and suggestion was given to improvise the method for productivity by reducing wristand shoulderinjury and fatigue. In this study some causes which were responsible for low productivity such as inappropriate performance of machines and injuries to workers, keeping these facts in mind ergonomic approach were used to overcome these problems. The questionnaire for safety and health survey has been taken up from OSHA Nova Scott that for ergonomic survey has been taken up from NIOSH publication. In this study injury has been reduced to a great extent by conducting training and productivity has been improved by changing current outer diameter of rolls from 450 mm to 650 mm. It has been concluded by these implementations that the along with these main goals company also have reduced the amount of waste material from 5 - 7 % to 2 - 4% and storage space also reduced. Quality and machine performance was improved due to continuous run of machine in lesser breaks. Read More...
Industrial Engineering |
India |
3471-3479 |
937 |
Sentimental Analysis of a Topic on Twitter
-Dhanush M ; Ijaz Nizami S; Abhijit Patra; Pranoy Biswas; Gangadhar Immadi
In today's world, opinions and reviews are important for influencing the success of a brand, product or service. A critical demand along this line is to predict the popularity of a trending topic, which can enable a wide range of applications. While Twitter data is extremely informative, it presents a challenging task because of its voluminous and disorganized nature. This paper is a thorough effort to dive into the novel domain of performing sentiment analysis of people's opinions. The purpose of this work is to evaluate a topic and also calculate how many people have a positive or a negative view, based on the text reviews using sentiment analysis taking reviews from Twitter. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
3480-3482 |
938 |
Fabrication of Multipurpose Surveillance Drone
-Naman Gandhi ; Harshit Mehta; Ravindra Baghel; Akshay Gaikwad; Prafull Sharma
A Drone can achieve vertical flight in a stable manner and be used to monitor or collect data in a specific region such as loading a mass. Technological advances have reduced the cost and increase the performance of the low power microcontrollers that allowed the general public to develop their own Drone. The goal of this project is to build, modify, and improve an existing Drone kit to obtain stable flight, gather and store GPS data, and perform auto commands, such as auto-landing. The project used an Aeroquad Drone kit that included a frame, motors, electronic speed controllers, Arduino Mega development board, and sensor boards and used with the provided Aeroquad software. Batteries, a transmitter, a receiver were interfaced with the kit. The aeroquad software was modified to properly interface the components with the Drone kit. Individual components were tested and verified to work properly. Calibration and tuning of the PID controller was done to obtain proper stabilization on each axis using custom PID test benches. Currently, the Drone can properly stabilize itself, determine its GPS location, and store and log data. Most of the goals in this project have been achieved, resulting in a stable and maneuverable Drone. Read More...
Bechlore of engineering in mechanical |
India |
3483-3485 |
939 |
Experimental Investigation on Stabilized Mud Blocks
-Ms. A. Dhanalakshmi ; Mr. M. Gokulakrishnan
High-density block is the compaction of wetted mixture of soil, sand and stabilizer by manufacturing the block called Stabilized mud blocks (SMBS). Such blocks are used for the construction of load bearing masonry. This paper focuses on some issues pertaining to strength of stabilized mud block masonry, both dry and wet. A systematic experimental investigation was undertaken to know the parameters affecting the strength of masonry in cement and lime mortar of different proportions using soil and stabilizers six different types of samples were prepared. Tests were conducted on these samples in order to evaluate their performance such as compressive strength and total water absorption on which the durability of the blocks depend. The investigation has revealed that, out of all block samples, blocks which are produced from 5% cement with Red soil, Fly Ash, Quarry Dust, River Sand and 10% lime with Red soil, Fly Ash, Quarry Dust, River Sand have compressive strength, dry shrinkage and total water absorption values above there commended minimum values for structural work. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
3486-3489 |
940 |
Dynamic Container Load Balancing using Fuzzy Upscaling Algorithm
-Ms. Pallavi Baviskar ; Roshan Choudhari; Aniruddha Dorle; Nikita Sakore; Kaveri tekawade
Resources are not only shared by multiple users, but are also dynamically re-allocated among containers on demand. Therefore, effective job scheduling, load balancing and resource allocation become critical to ensure the scalability and high availability of a virtualization computing environment. Experiments on a low-cost and resource constrained platform showed that our framework provides superior performance than existing container deployment policies. We present the approaches to build containerized test environment and validates the effectiveness of the resource allocation policies by running sample use cases. Therefore, effective job scheduling, load balancing and resource allocation become critical to ensure the scalability and high availability of a virtualization computing environment. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
3490-3491 |
941 |
Analysis on Intrusion Detection Techniques in Visual Sensor Network and its Applications
-Brighty Varghese
Developments in image and video technologies enabled easy access to a new type of sensor- based networks called Visual Sensor Networks (VSN). Sensor nodes are able to collect large volumes of images, process them and send extracted data to each other and to the base station for further analysis. Visual sensor networks (VSNs) are extraordinarily vulnerable to attacks due to their open deployment in possibly unattended environments. To enhance the network security of VSNs, an intrusion detection system (IDS) is an effective countermeasure. Different intrusion detection techniques are used in VSN. First method is a multimedia intrusion detection application which appears as a promising application of multi-tier Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks, where the lower tier can detect the intruder using scalar sensors, and the higher tier camera nodes will be woken up to send real time video sequences from the detected area. Forward Error Correction (FEC) can be regarded as a best solution to improve video quality level from the user point-of- view. Quality of Experience (QoE)-aware FEC mechanism for WMSNs, creates redundant packets based on impact of the frame on the user experience. The QoE aware FEC mechanism is applied on a big data analytic architecture. This method uses a three layered big data analytic architecture which is designed to analyze the data generated and detection of the intruder using camera sensors. Aim of this paper is to analyze various intrusion detection techniques in VSN. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
3492-3498 |
942 |
Replacement of Conventional Contactor using Power Device and Wireless Control
-Maheta Kuldeep U. ; Mori Hiren K.; Barad Mitesh J.; Dodiya Mahipat A.; Prof. Jaydip Zala
Contactor is required in industrial applications, particularly for switching large lighting loads and motors. A contactor is an electrically controlled switch used for switching an electrical power circuit through the magnetizing and demagnetizing process. A contactor is controlling by a circuit which has a much lower power level than the switched circuit. Without requiring contact protection the occurrence of electric current arcing causes significant degradation of the contacts, which suffer significant damage. An electrical arc occurs between the two contact points when they transition from a closed to an open or from an open to a closed. The break arc is typically more energetic and thus more destructive. We solve this or some other problem which is coming in conventional contactor by replacing it with an electronic circuit which is made by power devices. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
3499-3501 |
943 |
Comment Based Product Recommendation System using Association Rule Approach
-Chauhan Dimpal .J ; Prof. Shilpa Patel
There is a boom of e-commerce industry now a days. User has so many options to buy any products online. To find proper product is being very complex task. Many websites are providing facility to submit reviews as a comment for every product. These reviews are mostly submitted by Customers those has bought the products. This comment varies from worst level to best level. So in order to categorize these comments or to predict the best outcome among the posted comments recommendation is needed there is a need for recommendation system. Mostly people use Collaborative Filtering approach to build recommendation system. It requires users to express opinions on items and then they collect opinions and recommend items based on people opinions similarity. Those who agree most are the contributors. Recommendation system applies information retrieval technique to select online information relevant to a given user. We are going to research on such Recommendation system that can help the user to find the better products from large dataset. Read More...
India |
3502-3505 |
944 |
The Substrates Used in Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCS) for Sustainable Energy Production
-Raqib Khan ; Dhatmveer Singh; Omanath Yadav; Ashutos Mishra
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) have gained a lot of attention in recent years as a mode of converting organic waste including low-strength wastewaters and lignocellulosic biomass into electricity. Microbial production of electricity may become an important form of bioenergy in future because MFCs offer the possibility of extracting electric current from a wide range of soluble or dissolved complex organic wastes and renewable biomass. A large number of substrates have been explored as feed. The major substrates that have been tried include various kinds of artificial and real wastewaters and lignocellulosic biomass. Though the current and power yields are relatively low at present, it is expected that with improvements in technology and knowledge about these unique systems, the amount of electric current (and electric power) which can be extracted from these systems will increase tremendously providing a sustainable way of directly converting lignocellulosic biomass or wastewaters to useful energy. This article reviews the various substrates that have been explored in MFCs so far, their resulting performance, limitations as well as future potential substrates. Read More...
Chemical Engineering |
India |
3506-3511 |
945 |
Optimization of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger by using Twisted Tapes and Wire Wound Wire Matrix as Tube Inserts
-Hareesh Naik ; Vijaykumar M Patil; Hareesh Naik; Chandrashekhar Biradar; Prashantkumar S
In present day it is necessary to optimize the heat transfer characteristic of heat exchangers, as heat exchangers are universal equipments which are used in day to day life, in industry, home appliances, transportations and power production units. Thermal characteristics are studied for the tube in the shell and tube heat exchanger working with water as working fluid for two different configurations of twisted tape.1)Twisted tapes and 2)Soldered wire wound inserts(wire wound wire matrix). Experiment was carried out by using these two types of inserts on the tube side. This project work deals with laminar flow in the tube side; Re varies from 200 to 600. Experiment carried out by maintaining the constant tube wall temperature with tube flow rate and shell flow constant. Twisted tapes used in this experiment have 2.2 twist ratio, and. The heat transfer and pressure drop in case of twisted tape and Soldered wire wound inserts with baffles are found to increase by 110 to 120% and 130 to 140% respectively compared to that of plain tube. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
3512-3514 |
946 |
Smart Vehicle using Renewable Resources
-Shrey C. Patel ; Nishtha U. Patel; Rishabh N. Raval; Piyush J. Parmar
Our project name suggests topic content that we make a smart vehicle that is car using renewable sources or we can say that an electrical car which is not required charging up to long period. We use same concept of Tata tiago ev car which is recently launch in India by Tata group. We don't require any charging externally. We also used the concept of convert the solar energy to electrical energy. We use different concept for run the car. So due to electrical car we can reduce the pollution, cost of vehicle, we get higher speed in less time. This are the advantages of electrical car.
This is also used to fulfil the concept of smart India. The smart India concept is very important to our country for growing more & more in the whole world. So here we have the best solution for saving the petrol & money.
Electrical Engineering |
India |
3515-3520 |
947 |
Analysis of Heat Transfer by Fins in SI Engines
-Abhishek Mistry ; Harshit Parmar; Kaushik Nayka; Mahesh Chauhan; Vinod Patel
An air-cooled motorcycle engine releases heat to the atmosphere through the mode of forced convection to facilitate this, fins are provided on the outer surface of the cylinder. The heat transfer rate depends upon the velocity of the vehicle, fin geometry and the ambient temperature. Insufficient removal of heat from engine will lead to high thermal stresses and lower engine efficiency. The cooling fins allow the wind to move the heat away from the engine. Low rate of heat transfer through fins is the main problem of air cooling system. An attempt is made to simulate the heat transfer using CFD for different shape and geometry of Fins to analyzed effects on rate of heat dissipation from fins surfaces. The heat transfer surfaces of Engine are modeled in CREO and simulated in FLUENT software. Read More...
India |
3521-3523 |
948 |
Membrane Bioreactor: Water and Waste Water Treatment
-Ashish Kumar Yadav ; Sunil Kumar Rao; Himanshu Ranjan; Ashutosh Mishra
Membrane bioreactors (MBRs) can be broadly defined as systems integrating biological degradation of waste products with membrane filtration. They have proven quite effective in removing organic and inorganic contaminants as well as biological entities from wastewater. Advantages of the MBR include good control of biological activity, high quality effluent free of bacteria and pathogens, smaller plant size, and higher organic load rates. This article aims to review all the principles and potential applications of the MBR technology. Current applications include water recycling in buildings, wastewater treatment for small communities, industrial wastewater treatment, and landfill leachate treatment. Membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology has been extensively employed for various industrial wastewater treatments due to its distinct advantages over conventional technologies. Read More...
Chemical Engineering |
India |
3524-3526 |
949 |
Speed Control of Induction Motor by Suing AC Voltage Controller
-Savaliya Bhavna ; Virda Hetal B.; Dharsenda Jayshree P.; Dhruv Kinjal K.; Parghi Khyati R.
The projects uses zero crossing point of the wave form which is detected by a iso-coupler whose output is then fed to the ardiuno Uno. The ardiuno provides required delayed triggering control to a triac through opto isolator interface. Finally the power is applied to the load through triac. This project is uses an ardiono Uno R3 which is interfaced through a pushbutton switch for increasing or decreasing the AC power to the load. The varying power shall result in variation in the speed of the motor. The projects can be further enhanced by using 2 such units in any 1 phase supply for 1 phase induction motor. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
3527-3529 |
950 |
Sensor Data Monitoring using IOT and Industrial Protection System
-S Sai Mahesh ; T. Sri Harsha; N Srujan
Design of sensors data monitoring using IOT and industrial protection system designed by using Arduino, GPRS Technology. The Arduino reads the values of the sensors like temperature, humidity, light and gas sensors and sends those values to the GPRS module. The GPRS module updates the values to the website from time to time. If the value of the sensor exceeds the set point the microcontroller (Arduino) gives an indication or takes required control action. The components used in this model are Arduino Board, GPRS Module, temperature sensor, humidity sensor, Gas sensor and light sensor. By deploying the sensor devices we can protect the system in an efficient way. Read More...
India |
3530-3533 |