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101 |
Analysis of College by using Data Mining
-Vaibhav D. Fale ; Shamal V. Deshmukh; M. S. Burange
Since its been few years social media has captured the attention of the entire world as it is thundering fast in sending thoughts across globe, user friendly and free of cost requiring only a working internet connection. Only limit is internet connection to the users side. Opinion and reviews are the most critical factor in formulating views and influencing the success product or services. Though it is difficult to analyze these information based on opinion and reviews because of humongous or disorangized nature. With rapid growth in user of Social Media in recent years, the research get attracted towards the use of social media data for social media data for sentiments analysis of people or particular product or person or event. Many a times, people unknowingly misspell words which may take away the meaning of the sentence. The ubiquitous approach of replacing more than two occurrences of a letter with two occurrences of the same letter is not a complete solution as misspellings may occur from the users’s finger slipping to a nearby letter or the user’s spelling the word phonetically. Therfore the words have been corrected to the best possible effort by applying a probabilistic model based on Bayes’ theorem which shows roughly 86.67% accuracy. During this process enhancement of data has been done like removing of duplicate comment based on Bayes Theorem is used for spelling correction which is overlooked in other research studies. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
422-423 |
102 |
Power Generation using Foot Step
-Shikalgar Salman Khan Salim Khan ; Salunke Kamlesh P.; Indrekar Dhavalkumar J.
In this project we are generating electrical power as non-conventional method by simply running on the train in the foot step. Non-conventional energy system is very essential at this time to our nation. Non-conventional energy using foot step needs no fuel input power to generate the output of the electrical power. This project using simple drive mechanism such as rock and pinion assemble and chain drive mechanism. For this project the conversion of the force energy in to electrical energy. The control mechanism carries the rack & pinion, D.C generator, battery and inverter control. We have discussed the various applications and further extension also. So this project is implemented to all foot step, the power generation is very high. The initial cost of this arrangement is high. In this Electrical Power Generation Using Foot Steps Project, we are generating electrical power as non-conventional method by simply walking or running on the footstep. Non-conventional energy system is very essential at this time to our nation. Non-conventional energy using foot step needs no input power to generate the output of the electrical power. This project using a simple drive mechanism such as rock and pinion assembles and chain drive mechanism. For this project- Electrical Power Generation Using Foot Step the conversion of the force energy into electrical energy. The control mechanism carries the rack & pinion, D.C generator, battery and inverter control. We have discussed the various applications and further extension also. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
424-426 |
103 |
Business Intelligent Tool for Enhancing User Interaction
-Trilokgiri Bodle ; Jagdish Pimple
A number of user interact with website but it is difficult to understand their expectation in terms of content likes/dislike, entering location and exit without experiencing more and identifying user expectation. In existing content management system lacks in analyzing and visualization capabilities and traditional result to enhance user interaction. Thus, providing business intelligent tool that enhance better data analysis and visualization is a major challenge. In this paper, we provide automated solution which captures each and every user interaction to build a result set on which tool does the analysis and improving user experiences with more users interactive. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
427-430 |
104 |
Protection of Transformer using Microcontroller Base Relay
-Mehta Ronak P. ; Soneji Pushpak P.; Dangar Shailesh N.; Rushikesh Pandya
Protection of transformer is very challenging in power system relaying. Since it is very important to minimise the frequency and duration of unwanted outages, this is a high demand imposed on transformer protective relays. Various relaying principles have been proposed and used to protect transformers against different types of faults. Relays that used over current, over flux and overheating principles protect the transformer against overloads and externally applied conditions. Differential relay protect the transformer against internal this project we use microcontroller base relay to protect the transformer against all internal faults. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
431-432 |
105 |
High-Temperature Power Electronics Devices - Wide Bandgap Semiconductors
-Vikas Kumar Ranjan ; Kusum Lata; Shri Sanjay Kumar Singh
Recently, power electronic devices have reached fundamental limits imposed by the low breakdown field, low thermal conductivity and limited switching frequency of Si. Substantial improvements can only be achieved by turning over to semiconductors showing remarkable performance in the frame. These are WBG semiconductors which constitute GaN, SiC and Diamond which have long been swashed for their potential superior performance in high frequency and high power applications. This review paper envisages the core aspects of WBG semiconductors, comparison on the basis of their characteristics and their applicability in power electronics. It also includes an overview of the market for WBG semiconductors and the future perspective for power devices. Read More...
India |
433-437 |
106 |
Enhanced Method of Detection And Minimization of Rumor Influence in Social Network
-Amit Kumar ; Puniket Gaikwad; Dinesh Yadav; Prof. Rahul Chavan
With the quick development of huge scale on-line social networks, on-line knowledge sharing is turning into ubiquitous daily. Varied data is propagating through on-line social networks equally as each the positive and negative. Throughout this paper, we have a tendency to tend to tend to concentrate on the negative knowledge issues a bit like the on-line rumours. Rumour block would be a major downside in large-scale social networks. Malicious rumours may cause chaos in society and wanted to be blocked as before long as potential once being detected. throughout this paper, we have a tendency to tend to propose a model of dynamic rumour influence reduction with user experience (DRIMUX).Our goal is to chop back the influence of the rumour (i.e., the quantity of users that have accepted and sent the rumour) by block an explicit set of nodes. A dynamic Icing propagation model considering each the worldwide quality and individual attraction of the rumour is given supported realistic state of affairs. To boot, altogether fully totally different from existing issues with influence reduction, we have a tendency to tend to tend to want into thought the constraint of user expertise utility. Specifically, every node is assigned a tolerance time threshold. If the block time of every user exceeds that threshold, the utility of the network can decrease. Beneath this constraint, we have a tendency to tend to tend to then formulate cringe as a network reasoning downside with survival theory, and propose solutions supported most chance principle. Experiments unit of measurement enforced supported large-scale world networks and validate the effectiveness of our methodology. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
438-442 |
107 |
IoT Based Oxygen Monitoring and Control System
-Jayshree Mashalkar ; Vaibhav Bhute; Trupti Tople; Anagha Deshpande
The Internet of Things (IoT) has been broadly used to interconnect the accessible therapeutic assets and offer shrewd, dependable, and powerful social insurance administration to the elderly individuals. Wellbeing checking for dynamic and helped living is one of the standards that can utilize the IoT focal points to enhance the elderly way of life. In this paper, we display an IoT engineering tweaked for social insurance applications. The proposed engineering gathers the information and transfers it to the cloud where it is handled and broke down. Criticism activities in view of the investigated information can be sent back to the client. A model of the proposed engineering has been worked to show its execution points of interest. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
443-446 |
108 |
E-Farming Bazaar
-Manoj Govindrao Dane ; Rajkumar Bhalchandra Pandey; Nutan Omesh Choudhary; Yogesh Sitaram Bagade
E farming is an android application that will help the farmers to perform the agro marketing leading to achieve success and increase in their standard of living and provide the farming community with better solutions for the proper management of their crop management, proper use of Fertilizers, diseased plants in better manner. An Authorized-agent would serve as a way for the farmers to sell their products in the different market. The Centralized market committee will have control on the Agents through business activities review. Application will also provide market-wise, commodity wise report to the farmer in interactive way. In rural area, the SMS facility would give the required market information where internet cannot be availed. Government will put forward the new schemes for the farmers. Unique interface will be provided for applying and viewing the schemes Farmers and the Agents will be provided with a Unique ID for logging into their accounts leading towards secure access. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
447-449 |
109 |
Comparative Analysis of Seismic and Wind Load on Soft Storey Building with Equivalent Inclined Column
-Pankaj Kumar Malviya ; Lucky Sahu; Dr. Pankaj Singh
Providing equivalent inclined column at soft floor will reduces moment, shear force, displacement, storey displacement and drift. The analyses of high rise building with different floor conditions studied under the effect of seismic and wind load condition. So, it is concluded that Equivalent inclined column not only strengthen structure but also provide better stiffness which also justify the purpose of the work. Purpose of preparing this report is to find the soft storey location (level) in a high rise building, so has to have minimum effect of external forces on the structural stability. This study will provide the results against various locations of soft floor with or without placing inclined columns in the building frame. Results are based on the behaviour of building against the lateral forces (Earth quake and wind Forces) as analysed by software Staad pro. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
455-458 |
110 |
Fingerprint Impression for Document Security
-Prof. Dr. B. D. Phulpagar ; Prachi Bhagurkar; Shalaka Bodke; Mitali Butala; Swati Maurya
In traditional way of document veriï¬cation process user has to present all documents which is very time consuming and hectic process as user need to travel to that place as well as he/she to carry all documents even when attending interview user need to carry all documents. When user authorized person wanted to appoint any employee then previous working details or behaviour of employee need to know so for that authorized person has to contact previous places where that employee worked which is time consuming process so this Document Mapper will helpful to get that details. If user lost his/her documents then he/she has to visit all universities and state board through which he/she complete his/her education and has to do lot of paperwork. This invention present new way for educational details tracking in this authorized person will ask user for ï¬nger print which is use to extract users documents from Document Mapper-database. As Document Mapper uses ï¬ngerprint of user which is unique identity of users it is easy to check and identify fraud documents. The educational global data base can store the all education detail (Like, 10th, 12th, UG, PG, etc.). Original documents store by only authorized person of the education organization with the help of user biometric input. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
459-460 |
111 |
Analysis on IoT based Smart Waste Management System
-Pratiksha P Malokar ; Akshada S Bhagat; Aishwarya M Sindagi
Cities around the world square measure on the run to end up smarter. form of those have seen an opportunity on deploying devoted municipal access networks to assist each form of city management and maintenance services requiring Associate in Nursing data affiliation. We’ve got an inclination to demonstrate but internet of things (IoT) integration with statistics get entry to networks, Geographic data systems (GIS), combinatorial improvement, and digital engineering can contribute to spice up cities management systems. we've got an inclination to gift a waste assortment answer supported providing intelligence to trashcans, by manner of exploitation an IoT image embedded with sensors, which can study, collect, and transmit trash volume data over the online. This records placed into a spatiotemporal context and processed by graph thought improvement algorithms may even be used to dynamically and efï¬ciently manage waste series techniques. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
461-463 |
112 |
Strengthening of RC Beam Weak in Shear using CFRP Technique
-Harpalsinh Sardarsinh Gohil ; Meet Shaileshbhai Patel; Dhaval Mohanbhai Prajapati; Rajat Mishra
A simple problem has been formulated as a part of this study and reinforced concrete (RC) beam specimens, purposefully designed to be weak in shear are casted. M-25 concrete, Fe – 415 main steel and Fe – 250 stirrups are used for the experimentation. There are many external strengthening mechanisms are adopted to strengthen the beam weak in shear. Strengthening using CFRP wrap are carried out as a part of this study. The present work is an attempt in which measurement of various parameters like load at first crack, and load at failure, deflection at first crack and deflection at failure has been carried out. Also, an attempt has been made to compare different parameters and determine which mechanism is the best for maximum load carrying capacity. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
464-466 |
113 |
Android Application for Shanmuga Industries Arts and Science College
-A. Syiadha Narquis Banu ; M. Sanjheevi Raaman
In this mobile era, the number of mobile users is greater than the number of desktop users. A well designed mobile app can perform actions much quicker than a mobile website. The mobile app use continues to grow worldwide. The proposed work is an android application software which would be a miniature of our college website. This application consider the user as either student or faculties or office staffs individually. The application gives more comfort and better user interface and also gives an overview about the campus and the college history. The college website can be viewed through the mobile application itself. In addition to that the student and the faculties can apply for leave through this android application. An Individual account can be created for the student and the faculties. They can upload their details through the app. It is also possible to register the user details and also apply for leave by admin at real time through web application. It can be used to automate the workflow of leave application and their approvals. Read More...
Master of Computer Application |
India |
467-469 |
114 |
An Implementation of a Wireless Body Area Network for Ambulatory Health Monitoring
-Lakhan ; Miss Poonam
In the Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN), radio propagations from devices that are close to or inside the human body are complex and distinctive comparing to the other environments since the human body has a complex shape consisting of different tissues. Therefore, the channel models are different from the ones in the other environments. We present a literature survey on channel characterizations and modelling for WBAN. The interesting common result is that the propagation wave is diffracting around the human body rather than passing through it. The path loss is very high especially when the receive antenna is placed on the different side from the transmit antenna. The lognormal distribution turns to be the best fit for the small-scale fading rather than the traditional Rayleigh and Ricean distributions in the other environments. Moreover, the high correlation between delay bins is observed. In addition to the literature survey, we propose a procedure including the measurement campaigns and the channel characterizations to obtain the channel models with fulfilling what they are missing. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
470-473 |
115 |
The Unified Power Flow Controller for Power System Stability
-Pravin Atmaram Thorat ; Mr. C. R. Lakade
With the developing interest of power, on occasion, it isn't conceivable to erect new lines to confront the circumstance. Adaptable AC Transmission System (FACTS) utilizes the thyristor controlled gadgets and ideally uses the current power organize. Certainties gadgets assume an imperative part in controlling the receptive what's more, dynamic power stream to the power arrange and consequently both the framework voltage vacillations and transient strength. This paper proposes the Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) as a power electronic based gadget that has capacity of controlling the control course through the line by controlling its arrangement and shunt converters, additionally joined with Distributed Generation (DG) associated in the DC connect to moderate power quality unsettling influences. The proposed control will empower expanded associations of sustainable power sources in the savvy matrix. The capacity of the conspire has been researched the change of transient steadiness and voltage vacillations of between region control framework. Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
474-478 |
116 |
Vehicle Security System Based on Location Tracking and Remote Locking
-Vaibhav J. Babrekar ; Chaitali S. Deshmukh; Sagar M. Bhamburkar; Savinay S. Jadhao; Shraddha A. Chikate
Currently almost of the public having an own vehicle, theft is happening on parking and sometimes driving in security places. The safe of vehicle is extremely essential for a public vehicles. Vehicle tracking and locking system install in the vehicle, to track the place and locking engine motor. The place of vehicle identified using Global Positioning System (GPS) and Global System Module (GSM). This systems constantly watch a moving vehicle and report the status on demand. When the theft identified, the responsible person send SMS to the Arduino then Arduino issues control signal to stop the engine motor. Authorized person need to send SMS to Arduino to restart the vehicle. This is more secured, reliable and low cost security system. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
479-481 |
117 |
Anonymity Protection to Source, Destination and Routes in MANETs
-K. Saraswathi
The high cost exacerbates the inherent resource constraint problem in MANETs especially in multimedia wireless applications. To offer high anonymity protection at a low cost, I propose an anonymous efficient routing protocol which dynamically partitions the network field into zones and randomly chooses nodes in zones as intermediate relay nodes, which form a non-traceable anonymous route. Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) use anonymous routing protocols that hide node identities and/or routes from outside observers in order to provide anonymity protection. However existing anonymous routing protocols relying on either hop by hop encryption or redundant traffic, either generate high cost or cannot provided full anonymity protection to data sources, destination, and routes. We achieve better route anonymity protection and lower cost compared to other anonymous routing protocols. Read More...
Advanced Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
482-485 |
118 |
Study and Evaluation of Disintegration of Pavement Surface
-Shazi ; D. S. Ray
This paper aims at the study of potholes on the bituminous road surface and introducing the antistripping material to the bitumen to increase the durability of the road. Antistripping agents can eliminate the possibility of some instabilities in asphalt, such as crumbling and formation of holes. The idea is to introduce some of anti-stripping agent in the bituminous while contraction of the road to increase the life of the road from potholes and cracking. In this paper, the antistripping material 'bitugrip' is used to improve the adhesion properties of bitumen and aggregates. The stripping value decreases while increasing the percentage of bitugrip to the bitumen. An additional laboratory study was conducted to characterize the performance properties of the antistripping material. Overall, the addition of bitugrip has a positive influence on the adhesion properties between the aggregates and the bitumen and can be used to increase the durability of roads, thereby reduce the maintenance cost of the roads. Read More...
Transportation Engineering |
India |
486-488 |
119 |
IoT based Power Theft Detection
-Suhail Bhat ; Ms. Shalini Kashyap
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects—devices, vehicles, buildings and other items which are embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity, which enables these objects to collect and exchange data. The IOT Based Power Theft Detection System is unique of its kind. It can detect power theft and electric meter tampering. Whenever meter tampering is done or overload is detected, the system senses it with the help of LDR and current sensors. Once it has detected the theft, it generates a log for theft type and timing with help of RTC and at the same time publishes this log info over internet website. It sends SMS to the subscriber reporting the type of theft. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
489-496 |
120 |
Design and Development of Air Floating Transportation System
-Mr. Chetan Patel ; Maulik Patel; Darshak Shah; Ratnadeep Chudasama; Vipul Lakhavara
Many problems are faced in industries such as decrease in efficiency of machine, transportation of product or machine and also replacement and assembling of heavy machine. Nowadays industrial crane, pellet jack, conveyor belt is used for transportation or material handling. But it has very high cost and it is also hazardous to operator. For this purpose this type of system is created that is easy to transport, low cost, not more required force, nearly friction free. We are developed air floating transportation system. This system transports heavy machine (20 kg to 1800 kg weight) and by giving little force (2N). In this pressurized air which is passed by compressor in air bearing. Air bearing is made out of neoprene rubber. And frame of air casters is made out mild steel and used tube structure. So that gravitational load and compressive load is easy to resist. In this system heavy load is floating with air floater so that material handling or transportation stays very easy. With the help of this technology, in future air compressed vehicle may be possible like hover bike and hover car. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
497-501 |
121 |
A Conflict in Bottom Up Parsing Approach
-Shweta Vasant Shinde
In the study of compilers there are two approaches used in parsing namely top down and bottom up which are again sub divided. Both the approaches do have limitations. Bottom up parsing includes LR parsing in which there are two types of conflicts reduce – reduce and shift – reduce. The later one can be removed in LALR parsing. The conflict of reduce –reduce is still not solved. The automatic generators use first production rule for grammar causing reduce – reduce conflict but that does not work for all grammars. The basic idea to remove this conflict for all types of grammar is to see the last terminal symbol and first terminal symbol of string and according to it use production. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
502-503 |
122 |
Study of Investigation of the Design Parameters of Chain of Chain Conveyor System
-Dipesh Chhagan Patil ; Dr. G. R. Selokar; Mrs. Priyanka Jhavar; Prof. Anil Varma
As far as the Indian scenario is considered economic growth is dependent on industrialization. Current picture states that 63% of development of industry is dependent on efficient use of machinery. In case of industry there is continuous requirement of transportation of material and this requirement is fulfilled by Conveyor system, Jib crane, Pallet jack, Automatic Guided Vehicles etc. Taking example of sugar mills there is requirement of transportation of materials like coal, biogases, sugar etc. These materials are in granular form and it is necessary to develop a proper transport system which is long lasting, having less maintenance, which can sustain heavy loading and shocks in rusty and dusty environment. Apart from that, other industries also use these chains frequently for process atomization. However, failure of this chain is challenging problem in these industries which causes huge losses to these industries and in turn economic growth of the state Chain conveyor has the advantage of high transmission efficiency for short distance transportation of materials over belt conveyors. Adding to its chain conveyor has disadvantage of deformation of chain link due to tension force and jerk. Frequent maintenance and timely lubrication is required to avoid corrosion of roller chain. Basically Solid Bearing Roller Chain is used in sugar industry for transportation of coal. Vital components of roller chain are outer and inner link which is also called as strip. The other important components are roller, pin and bushing. Constructional features of roller chain shows that inner and outer links are connected to each other by using pin which is press fitted between holes located on link plates. Press fit constrains a rotary motion of pin. Further pin and bush are assembled together with slip fit between them. Bushing is basically applied with bending, shock as well as shearing loads which is transmitted by inner and outer links to it. Bushing and roller are assembled using slip fit. Roller is subjected to impact loading when tooth of sprocket comes in contact with roller. Read More...
M.E in Industrial Design |
India |
504-507 |
123 |
Effect of Static and Dynamic Moving Load and Wind Load on Cable Stayed Suspension Hybrid Bridge Considering Different Pylon Shapes
-Jayesh Kishor Kedar ; Dr. Pradip D. Jadhao
Bridges are one of the most important critical lifeline facilities which should remain functional without much damage after the natural hazard like earthquake, tornado, tsunami and continues dynamic effect of vehicles. Whereas development of infrastructure of nation the requirement of long span bridge is also increased. These long span bridge archive by means of cable stayed bridge and suspension bridge in which the cable-stayed bridge has more flexible and better structural stiffness and suspension bridge has ability to offer longer span. Combination of cable-stayed and suspension systems could achieve a very long span cable-stayed suspension hybrid bridge. The nonlinear static and dynamic moving load and wind load analysis of bridge for different pylon shape is carried out in SAP2000 v14 software. Read More...
India |
508-511 |
124 |
Groundwater Quality Assessment for Drinking around the Lake of Kurukkupatty
-Sedhumathavan M
Due to humans, industrial activities and Development of Urbanization the sewage and various contaminant disposals are more in near the water bodies (River, Lake, Ponds, etc.,). This contaminated surface water can influence to affect groundwater characteristics this is the serious problem nowadays. So, the analysis of water characteristics and checking its quality are very important to preserve eco system from pollution. The assessment of the groundwater quality was carried out to the KURUKKUPATTY Lake habitation in SALEM district (Tamilnadu). The present work is aimed to assessing the water quality for drinking purpose Near to the KURUKKUPATTY Lake habitation in SALEM district. The ground water samples of all the selected stations (6 main sample stations and 4control sample stations) from near to the Lake bank were collected for a physiochemical analysis. To find out the present water quality status, following are the 13 parameters have been considered Viz. pH, Temperature, Colour, Taste And Odour, Turbidity, Electric Conductivity, Total Dissolved Solids, Dissolved Oxygen, Alkalinity, Calcium, Magnesium, Total Hardness, Chloride. The obtained results are compared with Indian Standard Drinking Water specification IS: 10500-2012. The study of physiochemical characteristics of this groundwater sample suggests that the evaluation of water quality parameters as well as water quality management practices should be carried out periodically to protect the available water resources. The excess amount of contamination will be reduced by providing the suitable remedial measures and treatment; it depends on the available water quality and purpose of using this water by people. Read More...
Environmental Engineering |
India |
512-517 |
125 |
Breakdown Reduction in Vertical Machining Center 1600 using Hydraulic Cylinder
-Biddappa P S
This project work is aiming at reduce breakdown and aiming towards optimizing plant performance by increasing availability, MTTR and MTBF of vertical machining center Machine maintenance is gaining importance in industry because of the need to increase reliability and decrease the possibility of production loss due to machine breakdown schedule preventive maintenance reduces the regular breakdowns and increases the availability of machine. Maintenance is an activity to ensure that equipment is in a satisfactory condition and reliable. The goal of maintenance is to ensure that the performance of the equipment is satisfactory. The project is carried on vertical machining center where the breakdown is analyzed and also the reason for breakdown has been analyzed and inspected by why-why analysis. By this analysis and methods the root causes of the breakdowns identified. This method is used to prevent the failure of equipment before it actually occurs. The project is envisaged to analyze the breakdowns, their causes and actions to be taken there by their effects on the equipment. This has been achieved by optimal utilization of time for maintenance, inspection frequency by considering manufacturer recommendation and previous experience. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
518-520 |
126 |
Internet of Things Technology for Intelligent Fire Emergency Response System
-Anjali Indrapal Gedam
Prevention of fire and fire risk level control difficulty are increased day by day. Fire-fighting and monitoring situations are very serious today. Public security keep on insisting in increase of technology in firefighting and monitoring. They give special attention to improve the science and technology in resisting fire disasters. They are concerned about the application of new technology such as IoT and wireless sensor network in fire-fighting and monitoring field. Read More...
MTech. in Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering |
India |
521-524 |
127 |
Direct Torque Control Method for Induction Motor Drive with Novel Topology
-Meera Shah ; Amarapal Kanojiya
Induction motors are currently used in many industrial applications. Thus, their control techniques have received a lot of interest. An efficient method of induction motor control is the direct torque control (DTC). Three phase induction motor has been used in order to run and evaluate the developed model. The aim of this research work is to evaluate and compare the performances of the 5 level cascaded h-bridge multilevel inverter and Novel Topology of Multilevel inverter with reduce switch both applied to a three phase induction motor drive. The comparison has been made based on the torque and current ripples, settling time, and response times during speed and load disturbances and Total Harmonic distortion (THD). The algorithms are simulated using MATLAB/Simulink and the results are presented. Simulation results have shown the validity and high accuracy of the proposed model. Read More...
M.Tech Power System Engineering |
India |
525-528 |
128 |
Real Time Communication between Deaf Dumb and Blind using MATLAB
-Padmanabhan MV ; Ajay; Mahadev Prasad
The work is used to achieve the Real Time Communication between Deaf Dumb and Blind. Communication between these people is impossible as a way of conveying information by one person cannot be received by another. The system mainly includes camera, DB9 connector, speaker, microphone & display. The camera is mainly used to capture the colour designation from dumb. DB9 connector is used to interface controller with PC. Speaker is used to speak out for colour input given by dumb. Micro phone is used to give to the voice data base. The voice data base viewed in the admin end of the LCD. At the output side speaker will speak out the message and also LCD displays the message. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
529-533 |
129 |
IoT Based Automated Waste Segregator
-Varanasi Varun ; Ganesh Babu N P; Srinivasa D M; Amit Bharti; Pushpalatha S
Quick increment in volume and sorts of strong and risky waste because of persistent financial development, urbanization and industrialization, is turning into a difficult issue for national and neighborhood governments to guarantee successful and supportable administration of waste. It is assessed that in 2025 the aggregate sum of city strong waste produced all inclusive achieved 2.2 billion, speaking to a 10% yearly increment since 2017 (Global Waste Management Market Report 2017). The isolation, and transfer of waste should be appropriately figured out how to limit the hazard to the wellbeing and security of patients, the general population, and the earth. The financial estimation of waste is best acknowledged when it is isolated. As of now, there is no such arrangement of isolation of dry, wet and metallic squanders. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
534-535 |
130 |
Botanical Disease Detection for Farmers using Machine Learning
-M. M. Patil ; Nande Shrikant Bharat; Oswal Nameeta; Mone Janhavi; Mathakari Chinmay
Plant diseases cause major economic and production losses as well as curtailment in all quantiles and quantity of production, now a day’s for supervision of larger filed of crops. There is been increase demands for the plant leaf detection system. The critical is to monitor the health of the plant and detection of the disease. Observation shoes that most of the plant disease can be diagnosis by leaf properties. Thus, leaf-based disease analysis of crop is exciting new domain. The technique proposed for identify of crops disease through the leaf textual analysis and pattern recognition. In this project we focus on the various plant leaf disease detection. The system takes single leaf of a plant s an input and segmentation perform by removing background. The segmented leaf is analyzed through the filters to detect the disease potation. The segmented leaf textual is recovered using unique fraction-based feature. This textual format can provide good textual model as it is locally invariant in nature. This textual for every disease is different. Then this textual pattern is classified using SVM. The textual is mainly focus on the majorly disease observed on the plant. The proposed approach avails of agricultural expecting easily to farmers with accuracy of 80%. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
536-538 |
131 |
IoT Based Smart Parking and Advance Booking System
-Ankith S A ; Akash R; Akhil G
Internet of Things (IoT) plays a key role in connecting the surrounding wireless things to the system and makes it easy to access information from any remote location[1]. The researches and implementations are currently on-board in all the respective areas. The study based on real time traffic congestion enables us to design a Smart Parking and Advanced Booking System (SPABS) to find the nearest parking area and gives the option of booking parking slots. It mainly focus on reducing the time in finding the parking lots and also it avoids the unnecessary travelling through filled parking lots in a parking area and also reduces the fuel consumption. The existing parking system which uses video sensors and cameras to collect the real-time information. But these parking system are expensive and utilizing more bandwidth. In consideration with cost and performance, our project embedded-wireless sensor based system called Smart Parking and Automatic Booking System (SPABS) is to detect the empty parking spaces and provide this data to users. In this system, user will send a request to the server, for the slot of their choice. The central database will send a request to embedded system, to confirm the availability of parking slot. The user will access the confirm request provided by the server. The information also includes the terms and condition where in, the booking will be cancelled, if the user did not turn up within the given time slot. The user can access the allotted parking slot only through a smart card, to avoid unauthorized entry. When the smart card is swiped, the server will verify the user and user will be allowed into the parking loT. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
539-540 |
132 |
Image Enhancement
-Sarvesh Krishnanand Naik ; Prof. Trima Piedade Fernandes e Fizardo ; Brijkishor Dilipkumar Singh; J. Bala Murugan; Sahil Devidas Parab
Today applications need numerous varieties of pictures as sources of knowledge for interpretation and examination. Image improvement is the methodology of applying completely different alterations to an input image to form the resultant image additional pleasing or to produce a higher rework presentation for future machine-driven image process techniques. Several pictures like medical pictures, pictures of satellites, and even world pictures suffer from poor sharpness and wheezy effects. This is crucial to reinforce the distinction and take away the noise to extend image normally. One is presenting a review of numerous image improvement techniques for sharpening improvement. However, these techniques are ready to bring noticeable changes within the pictures and generally conjointly produces unwanted artefacts in several cases. These issues ought to be resolved in order that higher improvement is also performed in future work. This paper proposes a brand new work for improvement by mistreatment computer science schemes. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
541-544 |
133 |
Automatic Attendance using Face Recognition
-Shivani Kudale ; Pooja Humbe; Apurva Kamshetty; Akshata Jagtap; Krushna Belerao
The Image Processing is vastly growing which is used to perform operations on an image to get an improved image or to get some useful information. Human face detection and recognition is an important technology used in various applications. The traditional technique for taking attendance is Roll Number of student and record the attendance in sheet which takes a lot of time. Because of that, system like automatic attendance is used. To overcome the problems like wastage of time and incorrect attendance, the proposed system gives a method like when person enters the class room then the system marks the attendance by extracting the image features. The system will mark and record the attendance of the student automatically. The student database is generated; it consists of name, images and roll number of the students. It makes an entry in log report of each and every student of each and every subject and generates a PDF report of the attendance of the student. The camera plays a most important role in the working of this system. The system is basically a web application so that users of this system can use it and can perform all the tasks over the internet. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
545-548 |
134 |
Business Intelligent Tool in CMS Solution
-Trilokgir Bodle ; Jagdish Pimple
A number of user interact with website but it is difficult to understand their expectation in terms of content likes/dislike, entering location and exit without experiencing more and identifying user expectation. In existing content management system lacks in analyzing & visualization capabilities and traditional result to enhance user interaction. Thus, providing business intelligent tool that enhance better data analysis and visualization is a major challenge. In this paper, we provide automated solution which captures each and every user interactions to build a result set on which tool does the analysis and improving user experiences with more users interactive. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
549-554 |
135 |
Design and Development of Blanking Tool for Shim
-Himanshu V Patil ; Anita K Varade; Prof. Avinash A. Karad
In this project press tools are used to produce a component in large quantity using sheet metals where component attained depends upon press tool construction and its configuration. The different types of press tool constructions are used for different operations namely blanking, bending, piercing, forming, drawing, cutting off, parting off, embossing, shaving, lancing, dinking, perforating, trimming, curling etc. the metals having less than 6mm thickness are generally called as strip. In Blanking operations we produce flat components of required shape. In Blanking process the required shape periphery is cut and cut-out piece is called blank. The press tool used for blanking operation is called as blanking tool, in piercing operation it is piercing tool and so on based on operation that we perform. Press operations are used in many industries like automobile, food processing, packing, defense, textile, aircraft and many apart from manufacturing industry. In this paper, an attempt is made on to learn the press tool design, manufacturing used for press tool, calculations involved in it & materials. The article consists of design of a simple blanking press tool and manufacturing of a prototype. The output is a circular piece having diameter of 40mm and 60mm. The press machine designed is of mechanical type. Read More...
advance manufacturing system |
India |
555-560 |
136 |
Extract Transform and Load Tool using OYSTER
-Rahul Sharma ; Kartik Vijan
The data in the world is ever increasing and with that comes the problem of storing the data in an efficient manner using limited storage. This containment of data will be very useful in controlling 'Big Data' by the methods of Data Warehousing. ETL tool is one such tool that does the job for us because it – Extracts the data from the source, Transforms it according to the user requirements and then Loads it back for the efficient usage of the quality data. This ETL process can be achieved using trademarked and open source tools. Oyster is an open source tool which is employed to resolve entities existing in the real world. Even though there exist other trademarked tools in the market, in this paper we demonstrate the applicability of Oyster, an open source tool which can perform equally. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
561-562 |
137 |
IoT Based Smart City by Waste Management System
-Nikita Bhujbal ; Swapnali Dhamdhere; Swapnali Natu; Vishakha Darekar
As we know the population is increasing day by day, the environment should be clean & hygienic. The problem of the waste management is those dustbins are placed in public place. If the dustbins are full then also people are throwing the dust into the dustbin. The overcome this problem we are proposing the system which contain "IoT". Based bin which are placed in public places this bin will have sensor. As we know the scope of IoT is being developed day by day this effective method find out quickly. This thing involves a smart city for waste management system idea can be easily implemented. Manual efforts will be reduced. All the data which are going to process in this technology are processed through internet by using ESP module. It will inform to authorized person when the garbage bin is about to send location of bin by using GSM module for android mobile. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
563-566 |
138 |
Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture
-Niranjanaswaroop. A ; Naveen. R; Ranjitha. P; Mallikarjun Jewali
Exactness Agriculture is used to enhance the profitability and effectiveness of restricted agrarian assets by checking the applicable information in the field. The principle target of this think about is to send a minimal effort sensor framework, assemble field information, and show the information through a graphical UI (G UI). Sensors for example, stickiness, temperature, dampness was utilized for information obtaining and the Raspberry Pi, going about as a nearby server, was utilized for information handling what's more, exchange. The information sent was put away in a content document and sorted out. A GUI was produced to give representation of the information accumulated. The patterns of information accumulated uncovered example, for example, the event of a nearby most extreme for dampness directly after first light and the opposite relationship of mugginess what's more, temperature. The entire framework was verified to work by the utilization of compost to the dirt and seeing its reaction in the GUI. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
567-569 |
139 |
Key Exchange Protocol and Remote System Monitoring with Extended Security Model
-Manju Lakshmi ; Bibin Varghese; Smita C Thomas
In this paper we propose remote monitoring, key exchange. Remote System Monitoring is a remote control program, which enables the administrator to access the resources on the remote computer from his own computer and also control the remote computer from the server. Key exchange, authenticated group key transfer protocol consists of three processes: initialization of KGC, user registration, and group key generation and distribution. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
570-572 |
140 |
Biometric Authentication System
-Ramveer Singh Yadav ; Vikash Tirkey; Ashish Kumar; Jyoti; Bharti Saini
This paper is to develop biometric fingerprint Based Examination Validation systems that help in the removal of examination enactment. People sitting for examinations for others who collect the result at the end. With the implementation of biometric fingerprint, this will be removed as fingerprint identification will also be employed during collection of results and certificates. This target can be mainly breakdown into image pre-processing, feature extraction and feature match. For each sub-task, some classical and up-to-date methods in books are analysed. Based on the research, an integrated solution for fingerprint recognition is developed for affirmation. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
573-575 |
141 |
Voice Integrated Speed and Direction Control for DC Motor
-Anujith Narayanan ; Basil C Salu; Jayasankar Babu; Mohitha Thomas
It is very difficult to work in hazardous environment in many of the industries. Human can survive only certain amount of humidity, temperature, pressure, etc. Working in environments like this will cause threat to human life, so precautions should be taken against this. To overcome this huge loss voice control was developed. Due to the advancement of wireless technology, there are several connections are introduced such as GSM, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Each of the connection has their own unique specifications and applications. The speed control was implemented using Bluetooth technology to provide communication access from smart phone. Communication plays a major role in day today’s life and can be used as a better tool in control system. It deals with wireless communication and voice recognition and is used to control the motor speed. There are numerous techniques for speed control. Using voice as input control will reduce the manual operation. Voice recognition applications can be interfaced and speed control of DC motors can be done using the Arduino UNO microcontroller or Raspberry Pi. In addition to this IR sensor is used to sense the motor speed and in turn speed of the motor can be received via Bluetooth to the android mobile. If we control the Industrial Devices system using Speech then we can save enough time to do other sophisticated work. The voice control is highly reliable and fast. Read More...
India |
576-578 |
142 |
Real Time Smart Meter with Embedded Web Server Capability
-D. Priyanka ; N. Nandhini; B. Krithika
IoT-focused applications have become considerably more outstanding and give compelling answers for some constant issues. In this exploration, constant checking framework for house vitality meter is for the most part proposed. Gave design gives pervasive and constant usage of vitality use to the client by abusing the headway of IoT innovation. The proposed framework is reasonable since it takes a key redesign on the common meters than add up to exchange. Further, it genuinely is light-overabundance weight and little with the utilization of SoC for control and dialog. Through the test assessment, it truly is discovered that from the gathered information, you can get the style of use and furthermore brokenness inside the overarching framework. The offered capacity can likewise be drawn out to huge level that heap dispersed in your group could be approximated to ensure that the arrangement could be fortified to support execution Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
579-582 |
143 |
Human Resource Management System(HRMS)
-Rutuja Londhe ; Prof. Dipali Patil; Jyoti Mane; Meena Mane; Apoorva Kulkarni
In an era where technology and automation define competition, the Enterprise Software modules have become an essential and integrated part of any organization. When we talk about Human Resource Management Software, the most well-known software available are often unjustified for all, except the large organizations. The small organizations still struggle to find the most compatible software for their HR functions. Fortunately for smaller companies, a stack of software is available which are economical and versatile. Our HRM software connects HR personnel with applicants to create web society for publishing, searching, retrieving, submitting and monitoring HR application process. It used to act as a bidirectional process flow. To make a human resource department more effective and efficient new technologies are now being introduced on a regular basis so as to make things much simpler and more modernized. One of the latest human resource technologies is the introduction of a Human Resources Management System. This integrated system is designed to help provide information used in HR decision making such as Recruitment & Application Tracking, Associate information Management, Leave Management System, News & Announcement, Project/Client Management, Time sheet management, Appraisal Management. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
583-587 |
144 |
Smart Remote Internet of Things Based Agriculture Model for India
-Savitri Kumari ; Dr. Parthapaul
There are lots onsite Internet of Things (IoT) based Agriculture Model have been proposed and implemented in several countries especially technology developed countries like US, Japan and China etc. But the scenario of India is different in comparison to technologically developed countries to implement IoT model due to some barriers, which are as follows (1) Electronic and IoT devices cost is higher and unaffordable by Indian farmers. (2) Electricity is not available in every rural areas and agriculture fields of India which is a bitter truth. (3) Internet is very costly in compare to the income of maximum agricultural farmers of India. (4) Majority of farmer is illiterate, poor and not technology friendly; they couldn’t operate smart phone, laptop and IoT devices till date. In the proposed model, Solar Panels based IoT (agricultural) embedded Drone with wireless internet connectivity has been filed over agriculture fields and collect data. It will be controlled and operated by government offices and NGO type organizations of Blocks. It eliminates all barriers to implement IoT in our Indian agriculture system. This model replaces onsite IoT model to remote IoT model as a intermediate solution with little variation of periodical data collection (i.e. less data produce periodically) but economically this model will be proven as a blessing especially for India. This model is developed especially for India and Indian states but it will also beneficial for other countries and states as well. Read More...
M.Tech Computer Science |
India |
588-591 |
145 |
Fused Deposition Modelling in Shooting Sports
-Ibraheem Raza Khan ; Saurabh Subhash Salavane
The paper deals in the study of Fused Deposition Modelling with ABS material used in shooting sports equipment. Further different FDM materials are discussed; their properties and different types are illustrated here. In the end, possible equipment which can be printed and which we have printed is shown. Read More...
advance manufacturing system |
India |
592-594 |
146 |
Anti-Smuggling Unit for Forest Monitoring using WSN
-C. Amali
From the past few years, the newspapers are often filled with news about smuggling of the trees like sandal. These trees are very costly and more useful in the medical sciences as well as cosmetics. To restrict such smuggling and to save the forests around the globe, some preventive measures need to be deployed. An antitheft alert system is developed to reduce deforestation. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have emerged as one of the most promising research areas in recent years and are widely recognized as powerful means to offer environment and habitat monitoring, healthcare applications, home or industrial automation and control, product quality monitoring, disaster areas monitoring and inventory tracking. This approach is aimed at detecting and verifying fires in rural and forest environments. The WSN based proposed model includes ZigBee, GPRS, Ethernet communication modules and solar energy harvesting modules. It also applies a node hopping scheme to reach the data server. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
595-597 |
147 |
A Mathematical Model for Cachexia Index in Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Patients by using Weibull Distribution
-Mrs. G. Ramya Arockiamary
In this paper, we introduce the Weibull distribution. Weibul cumulative distribution function determined the values for both the shape and scale parameters, in order to accurately predict the cancer level for the location. Cancer cachexia affects many advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. Cachexia index (CXI) was developed to assess the degree of cachexia in these patients. Abdominal computed tomography scans done within 1 month of diagnosis were reviewed to estimate skeletal muscle area (SMA) and skeletal muscle index (SMI) at the L3 level. CXI was developed as follows: where SMI is the skeletal muscle index, Alb is the serum albumin, and NLR is the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio. Progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) were estimated. Multivariate Cox regression was used to perform survival analysis in order to estimate the effects of various factors. The CXI is a novel index for estimating cachexia that also correlates with prognosis in both men and women with advanced NSCLC. Read More...
India |
598-600 |
148 |
Review of Robust Digital Image Watermarking Techniques
-Aniket Avinash Paranjpe ; Prof. Amutha Jeyakumar
With the rapid growth of various communication technologies, distribution of digital media (images, audio and video) over the internet has become easier. Consequently illegal copying or tampering of the media has also increased. In order to secure data for transmission, various watermarking schemes are used. Digital watermarking is a signal which embeds copyright information along with the data to be sent. This paper reviews the works done on robust digital Image watermarking. Read More...
MTech. in Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering |
India |
601-604 |
149 |
Developing Programmable Logic Controller for Rotary Car Parking System
-Saylee Begampure ; Shubham Yadav; Vaibhav Phale; Aniket Wadekar
A programmable logic controller (PLC) or programmable controller is an industrial electronic computer which is developed and used for process of manufacturing, such as assembly lines, or robotic devices, or any activity that requires super reliable control and utility of programming and prosecutes fault finding and solving [1]. They were first developed in the automobile industry to provide flexible, ruggedized and easily programmable controllers to replace hard-wired relays, timers and sequencers. Since then they have been widely adopted as high-reliability automation controllers suitable for harsh environments. A PLC is an example of a "hard" real-time system since output results must be produced in response to input conditions within a limited time, otherwise unintended operation will result [1]. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
India |
605-607 |
150 |
Effect of Variable Speed on Discharge of Centrifugal Pump
-Shivam Aiyar ; Nilesh Tiwari; Abhishek Pandya; Krushan Joshi; Meet Panchal
Nowadays, centrifugal pumps are often controlled by adjusting their rotational speed, which affects the resulting flow rate and output pressure of the pumped fluid and the changing rotation speed is the most effective and economical way of improving the pump efficiency. In this paper it is proved that the variable frequency drive induced in the stepper motor of the centrifugal pump do affect the discharge of the centrifugal pump. The motor speed here is varied between 2200-3100 rpm and the change in value of discharge is plotted in a graph. The value of discharge increases with increase in speed in motor of centrifugal pump. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
608-611 |