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251 |
Evaluation of Cost Effective Material for Maintenance of Flexible Pavement
-Mr. Vikram D. Deshmukh ; Prof. G. N. Kanade
Roads represent an important infrastructure facility in all countries. Two important parameters for good pavements are pavement design and materials. A good design of bituminous mix is expected to result in a mix which is adequately strong, durable and at the same time environment friendly and economical in order to maintain the pavement. This work is undertaken to prepare cost effective material for maintenance of flexible pavement, by using industrial wastes such as steel slag and foundry sand as a replacement material for fine aggregate in bituminous mix and ground granulated blast furnace slag as a replacement material for fillers in bituminous mix. Fillers play an important role in engineering properties of bituminous paving mixes. Conventionally stone dust, cement and lime are used as filler play an important role in engineering properties of bituminous paving mixes. Conventionally stone dust, cement and lime are used as fillers. Now-a-days disposal of different wastes produced from different Industries is a great problem. These materials pose environmental pollution in the nearby locality because many of them are non-biodegradable. In recent years, applications of industrial wastes have been considered in road construction with great interest in many industrialized and developing countries. The use of these materials in road making is based on technical, economic, and ecological criteria. India has a large network of industries located in different parts of the country and many more are planned for the near future. Several million metric tons industrial wastes are produced in these establishments. If these materials can be suitably utilised in highway construction, the pollution and disposal problems may be partly reduced. Keeping in mind the need for bulk use of these solid wastes in India, it was thought expedient to test these materials and to develop specifications to enhance the use of these industrial wastes in road making, in which higher economic returns may be possible. The possible use of these materials should be developed for construction of low-volume roads in different parts of our country. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
975-981 |
252 |
A Review on Flexural Behaviour of RCC Beam with Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate by Manufactured Sand
-Taralekar Poonam Prakash ; M V Nagendra
The flexural behavior of RCC beams of under loading the corresponding deflections are examined such that flexural behavior of RCC beam of under reinforce, balanced and over reinforced sections are analysed. In the present study analyse the flexural behavior of RCC beam in replacement of natural sand as M-sand. Read More...
structural engineering |
India |
982-985 |
253 |
ANSYS of the Tata LPK 2518 Truck Chassis for Stresses and Weight Reduction using Fem Tool
-Gurlal Singh ; Zakir Hamid War
Chassis is one of the important parts that used in automobile industries. It is a rigid structure that forms a skeleton to hold all the major parts together. Chassis is a major component in a vehicle system. It should be rigid enough to withstand the shock, twist, vibration and other stresses. Along with strength, an important consideration in chassis design is to have adequate bending stiffness for better handling characteristics. So, maximum stress, maximum equilateral stress and deflection are important criteria for the design of the chassis. This work involved Transient analysis to determine key characteristics of a chassis. The static characteristics include identifying location of high stress area. This paper presents the Transient load analysis of TATA LPK 2518 truck ladder chassis using ANSYS workbench and stress, Weight reduced by optimization in design. This has been carried out with limited modifications. We have taken Aluminium Alloy 6063-T6 for the chassis. Load applied on chassis is 9.26 N. The necessary design changes required to enhance the load carrying capacity of the vehicle has been recommended successfully. Read More...
India |
986-990 |
254 |
Performance Evaluation and Measurement of Heat from Bituminous Surface by Addition of Graphenes
-Bharathi B ; Jeevan N; Mahadeva B; Prajwal R Shekhar; Shahid Khan
Bituminous road is also known as flexible pavement and is one of the major transportation media. Surface of the bituminous road is always exposed to the atmosphere, the temperature on the surface will be more due to its colour and the exposure. By addition of graphene to the bitumen the temperature on the surface can be increased. In this concept the graphene is added to the bitumen, performance and extraction of heat is analysed. It is shown that by addition of graphene to the bitumen the temperature on the surface is increased and thus heat energy obtained is harnessed by other means. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
991-994 |
255 |
Taguchi Based Optimization of Process Parameters for Friction Stir Welding of AA7075 and C11000
-Santosh N. Bodake ; Prof. Dr. A. J. Gujar
AA 7075 is an aluminium alloy, with zinc as the main alloying constituent. It has high strength, with similar to many steels, have good fatigue strength and average machinability, but has less resistance to corrosion than many other Al alloys. AA7075 are frequently used in transport applications such as marine, aviation and automotive due to their high strength to density ratio. Strength and light weight also desirable in fields such as Rock climbing equipment, bicycle components and airframes are commonly made from 7075 aluminium alloy. AA 7075 has low weldability due to reduced solidification microstructure, and when welded by fusion welding techniques go down its mechanical properties. Friction stir welding (FSW) is solid state, reliable joining techniques to retain the properties of the alloy as there is no melting of metal takes place, welding takes place due to the forging effect. As process parameter affects a lot on strength of joint so it is important to optimize process parameters. Process parameters for friction stir welding are tool pin profile, tool rotary speed, welding speed, and welding axial force, tool tilt angle and Tool shoulder. From above process parameters of FSW tool rotary speed, welding speed, and welding axial force effects most on mechanical strength. Current work deals with experimental investigation of optimization of friction stir welding process (FSW) to arrive at desirable mechanical properties of aluminum 7075 and C11000 plates. Responses recorded are Ultimate tensile strength, and hardness of weld zone. After conducting experimentation testing is done to measure ultimate tensile strength and micro Vickers hardness. Results are analysed in Minitab 16 for optimizing process parameters. Read More...
M.E in Production Enginerring |
India |
995-999 |
256 |
Tracking Local Trains via GPS and Double Decker Local Trains
-Supriya Verma
The evolving technology favored for upgrading in the railways. Nowadays, the number of passengers travels in train & number of trains in India has increased tremendously. Due to the increase in number of trains the train times will be mostly delayed and the passengers have to wait at railway stations causing the crowd to grow. The best way to deal with such issues is to provide better service through GSM. This demands a real-time data gathering technique, a quick and true information and informing the passengers/travellers at the same. The implementation of a global positioning system (GPS) will help in tracking the trains every instance. Local trains are truly the lifeline of the city and hence applying GPS will play a very important role. This paper proposes the implementation of GPS/GPRS modules which are connected to the web server which in turn helps in locating the train. Read More...
Master of Computer Application |
India |
1000-1002 |
257 |
Experimental Study on Strength Characteristics of Self-Compacted Concrete with Polyethylene Glycol as a Self Curing Agent
-Srivathsa H U ; Sushma S; Yashwanth Kumar J; Varadaraj D R
With growing population, industrialization, and urbanization, there is corresponding growth in the demand for infrastructure. Insufficient compaction dramatically lowers ultimate performance of concrete in spite of good mix design. Placing the fresh concrete requires skilled operatives using slow, heavy, noisy, expensive, energy-consuming and often dangerous mechanical vibration to ensure adequate compaction to obtain the full strength of the hardened concrete. Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is an innovative concrete that does not requires vibration for placing and compaction. The performance of concrete depends on method of curing also. In conventional curing spraying of water/ keeping under wet condition is followed. A new technique called Self Curing (SC) which provides additional moisture in concrete for more effective hydration of cement. An attempt has been made to study the strength characteristics of M20 grade concrete by partially replacing cement with polyethylene glycol as self-curing agent in percentages of 0.5 to 2. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1003-1005 |
258 |
An Improved Machine Learning Method for Efficient Fraud Detection from CC Database
-Dr. Umesh Kumar Lilhore ; Vipul Patil
Credit card fraud detection methods are widely used for CC fraud detections. These techniques are based on data mining, artificial intelligence and machine learning methods. In this research work we are presenting, an improved machine learning hybrid method for efficient fraud detection from cc database. Proposed CC Fraud detection method uses the quality of improved support vector machine algorithm with k-NN and genetic algorithm. A SVM method is widely used for data classification due to its quality of results and Genetic method is used to select the best attributes set by applying best evolutionary method. Once data set is reduced by GA, SVM method is apply to classify the resulting patterns. Existing SVM method is improved by modification in Gaussian kernel parameters to improve the mapping between fraud class and normal class. Improvements are made to the hybrid with the aid of the use of a correlation degree between attributes as a health degree to update the weaker participants within the populace with newly lengthy-established chromosomes. This injects more range and will growth the overall fitness of the population. Existing k-NN method is used for best feature selection with GA. Existing SVM method and proposed ISVMGA are implemented over MATLAB Simulator and various performance measuring parameters are calculated such as accuracy, precision, sensitivity, specificity, MCC and BCR. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1006-1009 |
259 |
3D Password
-Vaibhav Kharade
Authentication is provided to protect a system from potential threats and to ensure that only authorized people can have right to use or handle that system & data related to that system securely. Authentication is one of the most important security service provided to system by the various authentication services or security algorithms. There are many authentication algorithms are available such as Graphical password, Text password, Biometric authentication etc. These passwords are not completely secure and effective and have many drawbacks. To overcome the disadvantages and drawbacks of the existing authentication schemes 3D password is introduced. The 3D Password is multi-feature, multi-factor authentication service that has the combination of most commonly used security services into single 3D virtual environment. This Research paper intents to conceptualize the new authentication service, its working and the applications of 3D password. Read More...
Master of Computer Application |
India |
1010-1013 |
260 |
Hacking and Its Types
-Khan Shafin Faizulla
Hacking and security is a fast moving sector of the computing industry and, as such, it is vital that one should be up to date with all the details about it. So in this paper there is description about hacking, it's types and security measures to be taken after system gets hacked. Read More...
Master of Computer Application |
India |
1014-1015 |
261 |
Effect of Non-Linear Soil Types on Seismic Response of Bridge Pier Supported on Well Foundation
-Abdullah Khan ; Rohit Rai
For both steel and RCC Bridges passing rivers or creeks, common practice in many countries is to provide concrete wells to support the bridge girders. For many bridges that are strategically important in terms of defense or trade, it is essential that they remain functional even after a strong earthquake hits the structure. The present state of the art for design of well foundation is still marred with a number of uncertainties where a simplistic pseudo static analysis of its response only prevails, though it is a well-known fact that load from super structure, character of soil and its stiffness plays an important role in defining its dynamic characteristics. The present paper is thus an attempt to present a dynamic analysis model trying to cater to a number of such deficiencies as cited above and also provide a practical model (amenable to design office application) that can be used to estimate the pier, well and soil's dynamic interaction. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
1016-1020 |
262 |
Spectroscopy - An Analysis
Spectroscopic investigations have proved vital in our knowledge of the structure of atoms and molecules. Atomic spectra given us information about the arrangement and motion of electrons in an atom have led to the discovery of electron spin and understanding of periodic classification of elements. Molecular spectra provide information regarding the molecular binding motion of nuclear and electrons in the molecule and the structure of molecules. This information has played a great role in the development of quantum. Mechanics which in turn has provided a sound basis for the understanding of atomic and molecular spectra and structure. In spectroscopic observations, we need three kinds of devices i.e. light sources, spectrometers and detectors. Spectroscopic deals with interaction of electromagnet radiation with matter and is the most important tool for investigation structure of atoms and molecules. Atomic vapor of alkalis give absorption spectrum of hydrogen atom. Some applications of atomic spectra as: imported role in understanding the structure of atoms and their properties; development of modern atomic physics is due to the success of atomic spectra, atomic spectroscopy is a powerful analytical tool for ores and minerals. Some application of molecular spectra as; pollutants present in traces can be monitored and identified , crystal structures of crystals containing complex ions like so4, no3 co3 etc, structural information of high temperature superconductors have been obtained. Read More...
Applied Science |
India |
1021-1022 |
263 |
Weather Analysis using Twitter Data
-Elton Asher Jose Menezes ; Aniket Arvind Patil; Akash Chaware; Abid Ghori; Shreedatta Sawant
Weather is an important aspect of our human lives. Human can adapt to different climatic conditions but they also need to dress appropriately for them; so the weather conditions should be known to them. Weather Analysis using Twitter data aims to gather a series of Tweets based on a particular location and generate the weather condition/ conditions that the Tweets are making a reference to. An Unsupervised Learning Approach will be used in-order to automatically classify the Tweet/Tweets of a particular location into appropriate weather categories i.e. Sunny, Windy, Cold, Humid, Hot, Chilly, Cool. To achieve Unsupervised Learning Approach a Data Set will be given to a Classifier , like Naive Bayes/K-Nearest Neighbor in-order to determine which weather conditions the tweet or set of tweets belong to and also to help the classifier improve its accuracy in determining the correct output overtime. In order for classification, pre-processing steps will be carried out on the Tweet/Tweets obtained. The pre-processing steps consist of Removal of Stop Words, Removal of Hashtags, Removal of '@'symbol etc. The Steps will be explained in detailed throughout this document. Training of the Classifier involves having a set of Tweets that are already classified into the appropriate weather conditions. Once the Classifier has been trained; the test data is given to the classifier to determine the appropriate categories that the Tweet/Tweets fall under and what is the weather condition that the person/group of people belonging to that particular location are talking about. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1023-1027 |
264 |
Design of Push-Pull Converter for High Efficiency Photovoltaic Conversion
-Bharat Sheladia
This paper design to represents Push-Pull Converter for High Efficiency Photovoltaic Conversion .The energy conversion systems specially dedicated for the conversion of electrical power from solar generators into a grid are evaluate. Lot of systems are basically developed on boosters or inverters counting electronic switches such as MOS or bipolar transistors. The limits of efficiency are speedily reached when high output voltages and high input currents are needed. Behind presentation of some usual classical systems, pointing out their compensation and drawbacks, we propose an original system based on a standard push-pull converter connected through a dynamic modulation control and PID Controller. The main advantage of this combination is the prospect to control the delivered electric power in a wide range between very low to high levels inside the same basic structural design. Read More...
India |
1028-1031 |
265 |
Designing and Implementation of 9 Level Multi Level Inverter with IPD Topology
-Shantanu Khatri
The multi-level inverter system is very promising in ac drives, when both reduced harmonic contents and high power are required. A multilevel inverter is a power electronic system that synthesizes a desired output voltage from several levels of dc voltages as inputs. Recently, multilevel power conversion technology has been developing the area of power electronics very quickly with good potential for further developments. As a result, the mainly attractive applications of this technology are in the medium to high voltage ranges. Multi-Level Inverters (MLI) are today used in medium and great power applications. There are three major topologies of multi level inverters; they are capacitor clamped, diode camped and cascaded. Throughout this research work implement the nine-level asymmetric cascaded multi level inverter with IM for various kinds of level-shifted PWM techniques in Matlab Simulink. As the number of levels will augment, the synthesized output waveform has more steps that produce a staircase wave that approaches the required waveform. Also, as more steps are added to the waveform, the harmonic distortion of the output wave decreases, similar to zero as the number of levels will increase. As the number of levels will increase, the voltage that can be spanned near between devices serial also increases. Read More...
India |
1032-1035 |
266 |
Modeling of Hybrid Wind/Photovoltaic Generation System
-Ranjit Singh
Renewable energy sources have become a popular alternative electrical energy source where power generation in conventional ways is not practical. In the last few years the photovoltaic and wind power generation have been increased significantly. In this study, we proposed a hybrid energy system which combines both solar panel and wind turbine generator as an alternative for conventional source of electrical energy like thermal and hydro power generation. A simple control technique which is also cost effective has been proposed to track the operating point at which maximum power can be coerced from the PV system and wind turbine generator system under continuously changing environmental conditions. The entire hybrid system described given along with comprehensive simulation results that discover the feasibility of the system. A software simulation model is developed in MATLAB/Simulink. Read More...
India |
1036-1039 |
267 |
Role of Lean Techniques in Improving the Processes of Material Supply and Storage Area Management - Review
-G. S. Jegan ; S. Shanmugapriya
Construction projects suffer some issues concerned with material supply and inadequate space for storing materials. In order to tackle such problems, construction management is studied from global point of view, reviewing the various practices of lean techniques and applied to the construction project. This article is based on reviewing the various issues relating with material supply and storage area management and to provide suitable solution which will influence on reduction of time and cost of analysed works. In construction projects huge part of cost and time is being spent in materials supply and storing the materials. The proposed solutions using lean techniques can be adopted to achieve the improvement in material supply and storage area management. This paper can help to understand how lean techniques play a role in improving the economic aspects of introduced changes into the process of material supply and storage area management. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1040-1042 |
268 |
Design Asynchronous Machine Modeling using Simulink by PWM Inverter
-Vrajesh Bhandari
The number of industry applications in which induction motors are fed by static frequency inverters is growing fast and, although much has already been done within this field, there is still a lot to be studied/ understood regarding such applications. The advance of variable speed drives systems engineering increasingly leads to the need of specific technical guidance provision by electrical machines and drives manufacturers, in this paper we have studied and developed a Simulink model with PWM inverter and find out the various characteristics and analysis them. This paper presents control of a three phase induction motor using single phase inverter with constant volts hertz control (V/F) method and pulse width modulation. Frequency control with flux proportional to V/f and voltage proportional to the speed seems to be the best solution. PWM gives a high quality output voltage. Single phase inverter output gives a better feed to the induction machine without extra components needed on the motor and also produces a higher starting torque and reduced speed pulsation amplitude. Read More...
India |
1043-1046 |
269 |
An Approach to Image Enhancement using Discrete Wavelet Transform
-Ambesh Tiwari ; Shyam Shankar Dwivedi
Image enhancement helps in bettering the visibility of any part or feature of the image by improving the information in visual parts or features. Several techniques offer contrast regulation as a way which proves to be a cogent tool to improve the quality of an image. So image enhancement by applying various algorithms and techniques make an image individually looks better than the original image. This research work presents a novel DWT based image enhancement technique. The approach presented in this work is simple and robust and can be used to improve the perceptual visual quality of low resolution images. The images used in implementation are standard test images of 256x256 pixel values but of low visual perceptibility. The power log transformation evaluates the threshold value from the frequency (wavelet) transformed coefficients of the input image. This threshold values is used to transform the decomposition vector obtained from the 2-d multilevel wavelet decomposition. This modified vector is then reconstructed to obtain the enhanced image pixels. At last histogram equalization method is applied to improve the visual appearance of the image. The performance the algorithm has been evaluated using a Mean Square Error and Peak Signal to noise measures. The PSNR value is close to 40 db for almost all images which shows a good improvement over previous methods. Read More...
Image processing |
India |
1047-1050 |
270 |
Tilting Angle Measurement of Wagon Tippler
-Mr. Santosh kumar Kushwaha
This paper proposed for tilting angle measurement of wagon tippler using absolute encoder in place of limit switch arrangement. The unloading cycle starts when the wagon is positioned over the tippler table, wagon along with the table rotates and discharges the material into the underground hopper. There wagon tipplers rotates about 0 to 180º. To measure the tilting angle an absolute encoder mounted on the rotating shaft. Absolute optical encoder rely on multiple light sources and photo detector assemblies, as well as code disks with segment patterns arranged as a series of annular rings. This code disk variant provides an absolute measurement by using a binary output to represent each individual shaft angle as the disk rotates between a radial arrangement of photo detectors and a linear sequence of light sources. The length of the rotational arcs for both opaque and transparent segments on the disk decrease based on their radial distance from the shaft. The accuracy of the shaft position generally depends on the quantity of the disk's annular rings, and as the disk rotates the light that passes through each ring produces a continuous signal stream. The electronics array then converts this stream of output into a binary code. Absolute encoders have code disks that retain the last angular position of the shaft from the point at which it stopped moving, even if the system shuts down. This provides a fail-safe by preserving data in case of power failure or malfunctions. Read More...
India |
1051-1053 |
271 |
Image with Data Authentication and Compression using Visual Encryption and Huffman Coding
-Waseem Ahmad
Due to emerging growth of internet day to day authentication is most important concern today because each and every person are using internet. So authentication is needed today. In security frameworks, data covering up is an expansive teach that incorporates an exhaustive scope of a several research areas. In authentication system we use visual encryption and Huffman coding that contain two scheme firstly data with image split with two share, share1 and share2. First share is store in server database and second share is store in warehouse where authentication is uses. During authentication phase image along with data will display when two share are available at same time. Image can be the fundamental goal of the picture compression is to demonstrate a picture in little amount of bits likewise the required substance of data isn't lost inside the real picture. Represented least number of bits by utilizing image pressure. At the point when image are exchanged over the network it requires space for capacity and time to transmit image Huffman coding gives better image quality than image compression. This system is useful mobile authentication whenever you are going to logging secure channel for example mobile payment system etc. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1054-1057 |
272 |
Occupational Efficacy of Secondary School Teachers with Special Reference to Type of School
-Dr. Aashiq Ahmad Thoker
The present study was conducted to find and compare the occupational efficacy of Government and private School teachers. 800 Government and private School teachers were selected by using random cum stratified sampling technique. Occupational Efficacy Scale developed by Sanjyot Pethe, Sushama Chaudhari and Upider Dhar was uses for data collection. The data was subjected to statistical treatment by using percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, and 't' test. Results revealed that Government and private School teachers differ significantly on various levels of Occupational Efficacy. Private School teachers were found high level of Occupational Efficacy as compared to Government School teachers. Read More...
Education |
India |
1058-1063 |
273 |
Fasteners used in Various Place on Steel Structure Elements
-Dr. Sanjeev Gill ; Dr. Rajiv Kumar
In this various elements of steel structure like tension member, compression member and flexural member are connecting by fasteners or connectors. Many a times, built-up sections are provided to meet the requirements of heavy loads and long spans. Such sections also need to be connected together to act in unison as one unit. The forces exerted by one element on another are transferred through these fasteners, which should therefore be adequate to transmit the forces safely. Only properly connected and detailed members and connections can transfer the forces safely from top to the foundation. Different types of fasteners available for making connections are rivets, bolts, pins and welds. Today, steel structures are constructed with bolting or welding or by combination of both. To simplify the analysis and design, a number of assumptions and approximations are made based on experimental results, past performance and ductility of steel. The ultimate aim of connection design is to produce a joint that is simple, compatible, feasible, easy to fabricate and is safe and economical. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1064-1068 |
274 |
Audio Steganography with Enhanced Security using Cryptography
-Pratik Prasad Kamat ; Punit Dilip Korgaonkar; Rachana Rajan Mulik; Chinmay Pradeep Pednekar; Tejas Kiran Pathak
In the current internet community, due to attack made on data communication secured data transfer is limited. Hence data hiding method such as steganography is chosen which ensures secured data transfer. However, existing steganographic systems have become more predictable, have a limit on length of secret message for a given cover file which opens door for advanced techniques such as audio steganography. Limitation of current steganographic system is that, if the method used is deduced by attacker then extraction of secret message may be known. Therefore, the proposed system uses steganography along with cryptographic approach to make data more secure such that even if the steganographic method is deduced by attacker, it would still be in encrypted form. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1069-1071 |
275 |
Design and Implementation of Boost Converter for PV Cell
-Ranjit Singh
In many technical applications, it is required to translate a set voltage DC source into a variable-voltage DC output. A DC-DC switching converter converts voltage straight from DC to DC and is simply recognized as a DC Converter. A DC converter is equivalent to an AC transformer through an incessantly variable turn’s ratio. It can be used to step down or step up a DC voltage source, because a transformer. DC converters are widely used for traction motor control in electric automobiles, trolley cars, marine hoists, forklifts trucks, and mine haulers. They supply high efficiency, good acceleration control and fast dynamic response. They can be used in regenerative braking of DC motors to return energy back into the supply. This attribute results in energy savings for transportation systems with frequent steps. DC converters are used in DC voltage regulators; and also are used, with an inductor in conjunction, to generate a DC current source, specifically for the current source inverter. Read More...
India |
1072-1074 |
276 |
Various Effect of Foam Concrete other than Ordinary Concrete
-Dr. Sanjeev Gill ; Dr. Rajiv Kumar
In this paper the Foam concrete is a type of aerated lightweight concrete; foam concrete does not contain coarse aggregate and canbe regarded as an aerated mortar. Foam concrete is produced when pre-formed foam is added to slurry, the function of foam is to create an air voids in cement–based slurry. Foam is generated separately by using foam generator; the foaming agent is diluted with water and aerated to create the foam. The cement paste or slurry set around the foam bubbles and when the foam being to degenerate, the paste has sufficient strength to maintain its shape around the air voids. The foam concrete mixture becomes too stiff with lower content, causing bubbles to break, whereas the mixtures becomes too thin to hold the bubbles with high water content, leading to the separation of bubbles from the mixture, water-cement (w/c) ratio usually ranges from 0.4–1.25. Foam concrete can be designed to have any density within the dry density range of 300–1850 kg/m3. In this investigation two foam concrete mixtures are produced with and without sand and attempts have been made for selecting the proportions of foam concrete mix for the target plastic density of 1900 kg/m3. 18 cube specimens are prepared and tested for mixtures, then their physical as well as specific structural properties were investigated, Specific Strength concrete and the results are reported. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1075-1079 |
277 |
Online Subversion Networking
-Vinay S ; K M Sowmyashree
To create a web application to implement version control in our work appears to fight against human nature. We can explain this contrast if we think in terms of the increased start-up costs and delayed relief associated with adopting a version control system or revision control system. Revision control allows for the ability to revert a document to a previous revision, so we characterize a convenient and proficient approach to deal with the sub adaptation controls through our undertaking. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
1080-1082 |
278 |
Modeling of an Optimized Standalone Solar PV Plant by using ANN
-Prakhar Srivastava ; Vaibhav Shukla; Dhairya Narayan
In this paper Simulink model is made with an energy storing element (battery) which provides energy during unavailability of solar irradiation. MATLAB /Simulink software is used for developing the model. The proposed system consist a PV-array of 100KW, a DC-DC boost Converter for MPPT which is controlled by ANN, a bi-directional dc-dc converter for charging and discharging the battery, a battery, a three phase PWM inverter and a variable load. The battery used has characteristic of fast charging and slow discharging to provide reliable power supply for a standalone system. Three types of control are proposed in this paper namely the MPPT control for getting maximum and constant power output from PV array and the second control is proposed in bi-directional dc- dc converter to ensure the charging and discharging of the battery and last but not least is control of inverter to get constant voltage and constant frequency output with variable load. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1083-1086 |
279 |
Privacy Retaining Data Encryption Method for Bigdata in Cloud Computing
-Meghashree D P ; Nagamani D R
When big data applications are increasing, privacy becomes major issue. The implementation of these kind emerging technologies has the advantages like improved, changed service models & improve the applications performances in different perspectives. The increasing amount of data also leading a several challenges in practice. The time required for the data encryption is the serious issues during the transmission and processing of the data. Several applications leave data encryptions to reach increasing performance level including privacy. In the proposed approach concentrate is on privacy and propose encrypting data model, called Dynamic Data Encryption Strategy. Our proposed approach is aimed to encrypting the data selectively on the basis of privacy value. Designed approach is to increase the privacy protection using a selective encryption method involving required execution time. Read More...
computer science and engineering |
India |
1087-1091 |
280 |
Microstructural Characterization Methods, Significance and Analysis of Composite Materials
-Dr. S A Mohan Krishna ; Dr. G V Naveen Prakash; Dr. K B Vinay; Dr. K S Ravi
Microstructural analysis and metallography are the predominant terms used in materials research. The characterization and analysis of microstructures have become extremely important in materials science and engineering. Materials fabricated with specific sizes and structures are expected to find a variety of applications. The discovery of novel materials, material processes, new experimental and theoretical approaches for research have good opportunities for the development of innovative materials. This paper emphasizes the importance and methods of microstructural characterization, metallographic sample preparation and different instruments available. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1092-1094 |
281 |
Analysis and Simulation of Variable Frequency Measurement for Induction Motor
-Vrajesh Bhandari
Induction motors and Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) are widely used in industry to drive machinery trains. However, some mechanical trains driven by VFD motor systems have encountered torsional vibration problems. This vibration can induce large stresses on shafts and couplings, and reduce the lifetime of these mechanical parts. Long before the designed lifetime, the mechanical train may encounter failure. This thesis focuses on VFDs with voltage source rectifiers for squirrel-cage induction motors of open-loop Volts/Hertz and closed-loop Field Oriented Control (FOC). Induction motor loss segregation and efficiency measurement requires loading dynamometers and other equipment such as a variable voltage sinusoidal power supply. These are expensive and not often available even when a loading device is accessible. Variable frequency drives are now widely used for operating induction machines and are more widely available and less expensive. Read More...
India |
1095-1097 |
282 |
Design and Fabrication of Wooden Lathe Machine
-Suraj Srivastava ; Vaibhav Singh
Lathe machine is one of the most versatile and widely used machine tool all over the world. It is commonly known as Mother of all Machines. An engine lathe is the most basic and simplest form of the lathe. It derives its name from the early lathes, which obtained their power from engines. Besides the simple turning operation, lathe can be used to carry out other operations also, such as drilling, reaming, boring, taper turning, knurling, screw thread cutting, grinding etc. The Light Weight (wood) lathe machine is introduced to lessen the human suffering and to improve economic and technological standard, and for years Nigeria recognized that she was economically and technological poor and has been economically dependents on the western world for survival in terms of technology. To discourage this importation of technological equipment placed embargo on the importation of certain goods and this inspired our people to recognized indigenous technology though our fore father used axe, cutlass and some other sharp tools from designing woods. It is the acknowledgement of this fact that led to the design of wood lathe machine, even though this project of design and fabrication of Light Weight Lathe machine is a copied design, we tried to improve more on this machine so that it can design wood with little or no stress, utilizing the available material in order to reduced cost for production purposes and durability. Read More...
Advanced manufacturing systems |
India |
1098-1101 |
283 |
Design and Analysis of Cyclone Separator for Spray Dryer
-Mr. Bhagvat A. Wadekar ; Prof. Mr. Rohan Katwate; Prof. Mr. Avinash S. Patil; Ms. Punam M. Chabukswar
This Paper is about the analysis of Cyclone separator for Spray Dryer with improved design. Industrial spray dryers are used to convert the sludge product into powder form. The size of powder product is in the range of microns and it is necessary to separate the powder from process air. Cyclone, Bag filter and Scrubber are most widely used devices in particle separation process. The cost of bag filter and scrubber is approximately three times that of cyclone. Hence by improving the efficiency of cyclone, the load on Bag filter and Scrubber can be reduced. The primary objective of the present study was to analyze the cyclone separator theoretically and CFD analysis. The second objective was to propose a new design of cyclone which will have greater efficiency than the existing design cyclone. The present cyclone was analyzed in ANSYS Fluent. The results from theoretical and CFD analysis were compared. The second objective was achieved by introducing an invert cone at bottom part. CFD analysis was carried out using the same procedure as mentioned in the case of previous analysis. The trajectory of the particle, flow path of the gas and the drop in pressure were analyzed. The theoretical collection efficiency of the existing cyclone separator was found to be 94.2 %. The efficiency of the existing cyclone from CFD analysis is found to be 95.7 %. The variation in theoretical and CFD results was found to be 7%. The pressure drop in the proposed cyclone separator from CFD analysis is found to be increase by 5 mmwc compare with the CFD results of present cyclone separator. The efficiency of proposed cyclone was found to be 98%. Thus the proposed cyclone separator is 2% more efficient than present cyclone separator. Read More...
India |
1102-1108 |
284 |
Robust and Auditable Data Access from Cloud with Multiple Authorities
-Kavana N R ; Prof. Nagamani D R
Data access management could be a difficult dilemma of cloud storage. Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based secret writing was considered as a best method to produce versatile, assured knowledge gateway management for storing information in a trusted servers. A unique heterogeneous framework is proposed to get rid of the matter of single-point performance bottleneck and supply an additional economical access management process with associate auditing mechanism. To reduce the load of customer conformation on single authority, numerous authorities are proposed. Meanwhile, in this process, a CA is implemented to get confidential keys for the conformed customers. In contrast to numerous authority gateway management strategy, each of the authorities in the present strategy operate the customer information set singly. To boost safety, auditing mechanism is suggested to observe that which AA has improperly performed the customer conformation process. The system not solely guarantees the protection needs however conjointly makes nice performance gain on generating key. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1109-1111 |
285 |
Desalination & Water Purification Technologies: A Review
-Sneha Nagdeve ; Dr. Arif Khan
About 40 million people (over 75% are children) are affected by water borne diseases every year. Nearly six million children below 14 years of age suffer from fluorosis due to fluoride contamination in water. Arsenic is another dangerous contaminant in ground water. putting at risk more than 10 million people in the country. Bacteriological contamination, which leads to diarrhea, cholera, hepatitis etc., is at alert level in India. Contamination due to Iron, hardness and salinity in water are other major concern. Medical expenditure on water borne diseases is estimated to be Rs. 2400 crores annualy in the country. The need for desalination and water purification is destined to grow in the coming years as the requirement for water increases. Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) has been engaged in R&D on desalination and water purification technologies for several years and has developed indigenous technologies which are available for know-how transfer to interested parties. I hope this technical information document will serve the purpose of creating awareness of and appreciation for desalination and water purification technologies, among the entrepreneurs, NGOs and other interested groups, so that safe drinking water can be made available to the needy population in a reliable, sustainable and affordable manner using the indigenous technologies and supplementing with market technologies in an accelerated manner on a significant scale. BARC would encourage entrepreneurs to come forward and make use of the indigenous know-how for wider deployment. Read More...
Environmental Engineering |
India |
1112-1121 |
286 |
ANSYS of Honda Unicorn Bike Crankshaft to Reduce Stress and Weight by Optimization in Design
-Gurlal Singh ; Waseem Ahmad Wani
Crankshaft is large volume production component with a complex geometry in the diesel engine. This converts the reciprocating displacement of the piston into a rotary motion of the crank. The crank shaft takes the power from piston which is generated due to combustion process inside the combustion chamber of the cylinder. During the power transmission process the load acts at a particular crank angle to the max and hence the connecting rod is analysed for the stress developed, due to load conditions and the changes mentioned. In the present work Statics structure ANSYS is done to find out maximum von misses stress and deformation in the crankshaft of diesel engine. Material is taken in this paper of crankshaft is Structural steel. In this paper we have used 4 stroke petrol engine crank shaft of Honda Unicorn bike (149.2cc). The modeling of the crankshaft is created using SOLIDWORKS Software. Finite element analysis (FEA) is performed to obtain the variation of stress at critical locations of the crank shaft using the ANSYS software and applying the boundary conditions. Presser is applied on the crankshaft is 5MPa in the form of load. The objectives involve modeling and analysis of crank shaft, so as to identify the effect of stresses on crank shaft. Optimization is done in the crankshaft design and ANSYS is done after optimization. The results are compared of crankshaft stress and deformation before and after optimization in design. Results are coming best in the optimized design of crankshaft. Read More...
India |
1122-1127 |
287 |
Attribute-Based Encryption Access Control Scheme in Cloud
-Mr. Prashant B. Patil ; Prof. Amruta O. Deshmukh
Cloud computing refers to the practice of transitioning computer services such as computation or data storage to multiple redundant offsite locations available on the Internet, which allows application software to be operated using internet-enabled devices. Clouds can be classified as public, private, and hybrid. Cloud computing and storage solutions provide users and enterprises with various capabilities to store and process their data in third-party data centres. It relies on sharing of resources to achieve coherence and economies of scale, similar to a utility (like the electricity grid) over a network. At the foundation of cloud computing is the broader concept of converged infrastructure and shared services. Since the cloud computing environment is distributed and untrusted, data owners have to encrypt outsourced data to enforce confidentiality. To achieve practicable access control of encrypted data in an untrusted environment is an urgent issue that needs to be solved. Attribute-Based Encryption is a promising scheme suitable for access control in cloud storage systems. This system proposes a hierarchical attribute-based access control scheme with constant-size cipher text. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1128-1132 |
288 |
Characterisation of Aluminium Based Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites Produced by Stir Casting Method
-Shashank Dewangan ; Dr. S. K. Ganguly; Dr. R. Banchhor
Aluminium Hybrid Composites are the new group of metal matrix composites (MMCs) due to their attractive properties like high ductility, high conductivity, light weight and high strength to weight ratio and is a response to the dynamic ever-increasing demand of these super material in the field of aircrafts and marines. Carbon Nanotube (CNTs) are also known for their high strength and stiffness and their low density which when combined together makes CNTs an ideal reinforcement. This work briefly reviews the research revelation of an Aluminium (Al-6061, 99% pure) based hybrid metal matrix composite reinforced with CNTs and TiO2. The Hybrid Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites (AMMCs) is prepared with various CNTs weight percentages (0, 0.5, 1 and 1.5 wt. %) and keeping TiO2 weight percentage fixed to 1%.Stir Casting (SC) is focused in general to successfully fabricate the MMCs. The discussion of this work revolves around tensile test, hardness test, and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) of the MMC. The mechanical properties of the fabricated MMCs materials like tensile strength, hardness and impact strength is found by using these experimental methods. It has been observed that the tensile strength of the MMCs increases in the presence of TiO2 and CNTs and increases even more with the increase in the weight fraction of CNTs. Same results have been obtained for hardness and impact strength where there is an increase in them in the presence of TiO2 and CNT and their value increases even further with increase in weight fraction of CNTs. Read More...
M.E in Production Enginerring |
India |
1133-1136 |
289 |
Effect of Various Polyethylene Glycolon the Compressive and Split-Tensile Strength of Self-Curing Concrete
-Manu Vijay ; Navien S; Sowmyashree C; Harshitha S; Ashok Kumar
Curing of concrete is the process involved in maintaining satisfactory moisture content and maintain favourable temperature for hydration in concrete so as to develop the desired properties of concrete. However, perfect curing is not always possible in all cases. Self-curing concrete is the type of concrete that can cure itself with its retained moisture content. It is prepared with the addition of certain chemicals as self-curing agents. Earlier works conducted on self-curing concrete have indicated that these types of concretes have better strength, reduces rate of evaporation from surface, thermal properties, fire resistance, skid-resistance property improves, reduction in autogenous shrinkage, reduced chloride ion penetrability, improvement in freezing and thawing durability as well as the contact zone between aggregate and cement matrix and reduction in micro-cracking which results in better elastic compatibility compared to conventionally cured concretes. In this project work, the individual effect of curing agents like PEG 400, PEG 4000 & PEG 6000 on strength properties by varying the percentage by 0.5% and 1% were studied. The study shows that PEG 6000 with 0.5% could help in gaining maximum strength of curing. The test results showed that self-curing concrete is best option in places where water scarcity occurs. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1137-1140 |
290 |
State of Art Review of Potential Alternatives for Replacing Conventional Compressor Technology in Automobile Air Conditioning
-Kishorkumar L Makwana
Automobile industry has been transformed Air conditioning in its vehicle as its segment from providing compartment comfort as luxury to it as essential requirement in present time. This journey was started in 1908 by introduction of closed body Automobile and method used was windshields ventilation reached to its fully developed version as of today with future prospective. Today’s 99.6% automotive air conditioners are the result of a century’s worth of invention and refinement. After presenting historical development of automotive Air conditioning this paper brings concern towards need for finding possible alternative of conventional compressor technology. It further focuses to mitigate its detrimental effects on environment by human desire for comfort. This paper makes an attempt to preliminary evaluate number of alternative refrigerating methods which could be applied to Automobile air conditioning. This paper also helps to find feasibility of different Air conditioning methods on various aspects and check whether it be suitable and could engineered it for vehicles or not. Read More...
India |
1141-1145 |
291 |
Study of Stress on Belt Drive System Integrated with Briquetting Plant
-Ajay Kumar Choubey ; Prashant Agnihotri
In briquetting plant, briquettes produces through small pieces of agro residues or by dry material which having moisture contain below 10%. Briquetting plant consists from biomass grinder, screw conveyor and piston-press machine. The piston - press machine operates through open belt drive system. Pulley and belt system is an important part of the briquetting plant, which function is to transfer speed into reciprocating system. In this study, effect of slip and COF on belt life analysis has done through mathematical formulation and numerical simulation. Present study deals pulley simulation has done through help of Finite Element software ANSYS 12.0.1. Read More...
Finite Element Analysis(Computer Aided Engineering) |
India |
1146-1148 |
292 |
Detection of Tumor in MRI Images of the Brain and Its Classification using SVM
-Nandhini I ; Dr. D. Manjula
Brain tumor (tumor- British English, tumor-American English) is a group of cell that grows abnormally in the cell, nerves and other parts of the brain. Methods such as X-Ray, CT-Scan, MRI is available to detect the brain tumor. Many researchers have found that people die due to inaccurate detection of the affected brain tumor part. It is necessary to find the accurate part of the affected area of the brain tumor. Bio-medical image processing is the most challenging and upcoming field in the present world. By using MATLAB, the tumor present in the MRI brain image is segmented and the type of tumor is specified using SVM classifier (Support Vector Machine). Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1149-1152 |
293 |
Study on Self-Compaction Concrete by Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate with Corn Cob
-J. Lalitha ; N. Chenna Kesava Rao
Concrete is a mixture of cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate, which is mainly derived from natural resources. Increasing population, expanding urbanization, climbing way of life due to technological innovations has demanded a huge amount of natural resources in the construction industry, which has resulted in scarcity of resources. This scarcity motivates the researchers to use, solid wastes generated by industrial, mining, domestic and agricultural activities. High demand of natural resources due to rapid urbanization and the disposal problem of agricultural wastes in developed countries have created opportunities for use of agro-waste in the construction industry. This project reviews one of the agro-waste materials, which are used as a partial replacement of fine aggregate in concrete. Different properties of fresh and hardened concrete and their durability when admixed with agro-wastes are reviewed. Agro-waste used in self-compacting concrete and conventional concrete are also reviewed and their properties are compared. Strength tests were studied among compressive strength, tensile strength of agro-waste concrete. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1153-1155 |
294 |
Channel Estimation using Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) for MIMO Systems
-Chaitra Anantpur ; P. N. Jayanthi
DFT-based channel estimation method for pilot-type OFDM systems which mainly improves the performance has been introduced. Channel estimation based on pilot-type arrangement is studied through Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) algorithm. Channel State Information (CSI) is useful at receiver to remove effect of channel in received signal for efficient recovery of data and at transmitter which is useful to vary power allocation and modulation order according to channel. The performance and complexity comparison is made between the Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE), Least Square (LS) with and without Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)-based technique. From the simulation results, it is concluded that the performance of DFT-base technique for MMSE is better than the LS. Thus simulation results show the performance which reduced the computation complexity. Read More...
Communication Systems |
India |
1156-1157 |
295 |
Comparative Study between Chrome OS and Firefox OS
-Sibin George ; Prof. Shilpa Deshmukh
Firefox Operating System and Chrome Operating System despite the fact that propelled numerous years prior, 1/3 A Comparative Study between Chrome OS and Firefox OS are still new to the World market. Windows and Android are the defining moment players around there. This paper breaks down how much zone Firefox and Chrome has shrouded in the OS market. Regardless of whether individuals like the highlights offered by them by taking overview and what number of individuals really realize that such OS exist. An examination of the OS with their particular rival OS in their individual field (Firefox in Smartphone and tablets while Chrome in Desktops) is made. A conclusion is drawn as of which OS out of the two has proceeded. According to the study, 64. 2% of the general population knew about the Chrome OS and 54. 7% of the general population knew about Firefox OS. 64. 2% of individuals were prepared to utilize Chrome OS and 50. 9% for Firefox OS. Read More...
Operating System |
India |
1158-1162 |
296 |
Design and Analysis of Mechanism for Pressing of Fiber Discs in Idle Roller in Hot Rolling Machine
-Ms. Naz Ansari ; Dr. C. C. Handa; Prof. V. N. Mujbaile
This project involves the designing and analysing of mechanism for mounting of fiber discs in idle roller in hot rolling machine. The objective of the project is design special purpose hydraulic press machine, design machine that can be used for the pressing the fiber discs, to reduce the process time and performed the analysis of the tower by using finite element technique. This involved gathering of functional and structural requirements of fiber discs in idle roller in hot rolling machine from the client, making General arrangement drawings, Hand Calculations, CAD model generation, Finite element analysis, The result is explained on the basis of a comparative analysis of probable designs. Read More...
M.Tech Mechanical engineering design |
India |
1163-1167 |
297 |
Comparative Study of Motor Educability between Normal and Specially Abled Children
-Gurpreet Singh ; Dr. Nishan Singh Deol
The purpose of the present was to compare the motor educability between normal and specially abled children. Total 40 children were taken as a sample (20 children were normal and 20 specially abled children). Normal children were taken from S. S. M. School, Punjabi university Patiala and children with deaf & blind were taken from Patiala school for the Deaf, Saifdipur. Age of all the children was ranging between 10 to 15 years. The 't' test was applied to compare the mean scores of two groups. The level of Significance was set at 0.05. The results powerfully prove that, significant differences were observed between normal and specially abled children for their motor educability test. In this test Normal children are superior as compare to specially abled children in motor educability. Read More...
India |
1168-1170 |
298 |
Media Endorsement with Encompassed Brand Stimuli
-Usha V ; Kavya Y D
To influence the organizational goal with a structured conversation thread through various channels will help optimize the corporates in preparation of the collective intelligence and more corporate reach. Corporate aversion for the Systematic participation and for enrichment of articulation will be provided in an in depth operation processing. Various proximity functionalities can be amassed with the help of engagements of incorporated industries and compositions provided by the system. Media and corporation will play important role as the distinctive platform can be used for various composition exposition which will provide the companies a base to reach and display the related business perception. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
1171-1173 |
299 |
GSM Based Underground Cable Fault Distance Locator
-Kunal Yogeshkumar Parikh ; Brajesh Kumar; Vijay Raval
The objective of this research paper is to determine the distance of underground 3 phase power cable fault from base station in kilometers by using PIC microcontroller & GSM. This project uses the simple concept of ohm's law & Voltage divider rule. When short circuit occurs in a 3 phase power cable, voltage changes based on the length of fault happened in a cable, since the current varies. Here, 1 KΩ resistors are used to represent the cable for R, Y and B [1]. The fault is detected by detecting the change in voltage using an ADC and a PIC microcontroller. These ADC & PIC Microcontroller are used to make the required calculations for fault detection and once the calculation done, the fault distance will be display on the LCD screen. SIM 800 - GSM module is used to send the information via AT Commands. Read More...
India |
1174-1176 |
300 |
Protection of 3-Phase Distribution Line Fault and Detection of Rise in Temperature of Transformer by using GSM Technique
-Lakshmikant M. Bopche ; Priti Manwae; Vaibhao S. Borkar; Prajakta M. Patil
The demand of household electrical application increases in our daily life and therefore the efficient and effective management of electrical distribution system required. Most of the existing systems are reliable on various applications but not perfect for electrical applications. Electrical environment will have lots of disturbance in nature, due to natural disasters like storms, cyclones or heavy rains transmission and distribution lines may lead to damage. The electrical wire may cut and fall on ground, this leads to very harmful for human beings and may become fatal. Also in summer season damage of transformer and blast occurs.So, a rigid, reliable and robust communications like GSM technology instead of many communication techniques used earlier. This enhances speed of communication with distance independency. This technology saves human life from this electrical danger by providing the fault detection and automatically stops the electricity to the damaged line and also conveys the message to the electricity board to clear the fault. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1177-1179 |