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401 |
Fabrication and Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of MMC (Al+Al2O3+ZnO) through Powder Metallurgy
-Koteswara Reddy Karri ; Rama Bhadri Raju Ch
Aluminium matrix composites with Al2O3+ZnO reinforcements give superior mechanical & physical properties. Their applications in several demanding fields like automobile, aerospace, defence, sports, electronics, bio-medical and other industrial purposes are becoming essential for the last several decades. Various manufacturing processes
e.g. stir casting, ultra-sonic assisted casting, compo-casting, powder metallurgy, liquid infiltration are being utilized for the production of the aluminium matrix composites. These composite materials possess improved physical and mechanical properties e.g. lower density, low coefficient of thermal expansion, addition of ZnO gives good corrosion resistance, high tensile strength, high stiffness, and high hardness and wear resistance. This paper reviews the characterization of mechanical properties with production routes of powder metallurgy for aluminium matrix- Al2O3+ZnO composites. Reinforcing aluminium matrix with much smaller particles, submicron or nano-sized range is one of the key factors in producing high-performance composites, which yields improved mechanical properties. A uniform distribution of the Al2O3+ZnO reinforcement phase in the Al matrix can be obtained by high-energy ball milling of Al+ Al2O3+ZnO blends. Increase in the hardness were obtained in the nano-composites as compared to the commercially pure aluminium. Ultrasonic assisted casting and powder metallurgy methods are becoming more common for the production of Al+ Al2O3+ZnO composites. Agglomeration of the reinforcing particles along with the increasing volume percentage is still a challenging task in composites materials manufacturing.
M-Tech in Mechanical CAD-CAM |
India |
1599-1606 |
402 |
Predictive Analysis for Estimating BPSK-Modulated Signal
-Akeem Olawale BISIRIYU ; Emmanuel Olurotimi AJETUNMOBI; Adeyanju O. ADELEKE; Babatunde Olumide OLAWALE
Transmission losses occur due to conversion of audio signal to smaller bit rate in speech transmission. Hence, the process of recovering and reconstructing the original signal gives rise to losses. Thus, a system that could minimize and predict the transmitted signal from its samples for the purpose of reconstruction is required. In this work, digitally modulated Binary Phase Shift Keyed signal was generated using the Simulink of MATLAB. A linear prediction filter of order 3 was developed for predicting the data series of the BPSK signal. This was also carried out in the MATLAB/Simulink environment. The mean value of the error of prediction for 200 data was 0.0338215 while the mean square error of the model was determined to be 0.008462. It was discovered that the mean and the mean square error values had attained their optimum values. Read More...
Nigeria |
1607-1609 |
403 |
Studies on Geotechnical Characteristics of Black Cotton Soil Stabilized with Stone Dust and Fibre
-Ravi Kumar BS ; Manu. A. N; Sowmya N. J
Black cotton (BC) soil is a weak soil and results in periodic swelling and shrinkage during wet and dry season. In order to make deficient soil useful there is a need for the use of waste material in stabilization with that of traditional stabilizers. In the present study black cotton soil was stabilized with a mixture of stone dust and polypropylene fiber. First an optimum value of stone dust was determined on the basis of geotechnical properties of mixture of stone dust and black cotton soil. The stone dust was mixed 10 to 40% by weight of soil with an increment of 5%. Polypropylene fiber was added to black cotton soil from 0 to 1% at an increment of 0.25% to stabilize with optimum percentage of stone dust. Compaction, California bearing ratio (CBR) (soaked and unsoaked), unconfined compression strength (0, 7, 14 and 28days) tests were conducted on the mixture of stone dust and polypropylene fiber in soil. The study shows that 30% of stone dust with 0.75% polypropylene fiber in BC soil gives the optimum mix for stabilization. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1610-1613 |
404 |
Hybrid Approach to Extract Text in Natural Scene Images
-Mr. Prabhu Kumar C ; Ms. Sanjana T S; Ms. Sneha D; Ms. Soujanya B; Ms. Supritha M Y
Text Extraction from natural scene images has been done with various methodologies. Most of the existing systems mainly use color and edges for detecting the text. We propose a two stage hybrid text extraction approach by combining texture and CC-based information. Text in the image is detected and localized using first and second order statistical texture features. In the next stage CC extraction is used to segment candidate text components from the localized text region. Finally morphological operations and heuristic filters are used to filter out non text components. Experimental results show that the proposed approach detects, localizes and extracts text from natural scene images efficiently and also can handle variations in size, fonts and orientation. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1614-1618 |
405 |
Literature Survey on Impact of Chromatic Dispersion on Bit Error Rate in Single Mode Fibre and Improvement Techniques
-Shefali Singh ; Manoj Gautam
In the fibre optic communication, the signal degradation in transmission signal occurs with the increase in distance. The signal compensate signal degradation are improved by electronic regenerators based on optical technology. Now with the advent of optical amplifier the problem can be reduced [1]. In optoelectronic regenerators, firstly the optical signal is converted into electric signal and then again converted into electrical signal from the optical signal at the receiver. But the configuration of regenerators is very complex and generally very expensive for wavelength division multiplexing systems when designed for long distance optical communication. Because of this the reliability of WDM networks is reduced with the use of regenerator as an active device. Hence it is required to upgrade multichannel WDM system optical amplifiers are require to compensate the chromatic dispersion. In this paper we analyse the impact of chromatic dispersion in WDM system and different chromatic dispersion schemes. This paper also deals with the techniques to improve bit error rate and quality factor. For this purpose, different techniques are analysed and compare. The optical amplifier is majorly use for WDM (Wavelength division multiplexing) light wave systems because all channels can amplify simultaneously with less error probability. Read More...
MTech. in Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering |
India |
1619-1622 |
406 |
Design of SCARA Robot with Vacuum Gripper
-Pratik Vyas ; Pratik Vataliya
The use of robots have become very essential in the manufacturing industries, it can accomplish repetitive and complex tasks quiet easily and also allows automation of the same. With the technological advancement, robotics has become more precise and accurate. The purpose of this project is to study the use of a three link robotic arm (SCARA), with various actuators, controllers, and drivers. The arm is designed following the physical principles governing static and dynamic requirements of motion. Component design and selection is made to meet performance and physical properties. Fixture for vacuum gripper is designed to lift the glass object. Analysis of the robotic arm is carried out using ANSYS. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1623-1625 |