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201 |
Grid Interconnection of Renewable Energy Sources at Distribution Level using Five Level Multilevel Inverter
-Shubham L. Deshmukh ; Dr. K. Vadirajacharya
The research trend on renewable area had introduced grid interconnection by using the renewable sources. Multilevel inverter is used to interface RES to grid for improving quality of power to be injected by inverter to grid. The proposed work presents the PV interconnection with grid at distribution level. The research work shows interleaved of Boost converter with five level Multilevel Inverter to improve Quality of renewable sources. LC filter is used to reduce harmonic content in the system. The performance of proposed system is verified in MATLAB. Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
895-898 |
202 |
Design and Analysis of Wing Fuselage Attachment Bracket of an Aircraft
-Mohamed Muzzamil ; Prasad. H. Nayak
Airplanes are used to carry people from one corner to another corner of the world. Aeroplane is a very well complicated floating machine in the air, by aviation machines and it gives least amount of manicuring flights. When the airplane moves from ground to air it generates highest power to take off from the air terminal. During the journey what time the limit high is created, the aeroplane have highest twisting moment. It will cause exceeding stress at this point of time. Wings which are connected to main body of the aeroplane through brackets, and it will be effected by shear force and bending moment while moving, and it also effects the attachment joints. In our work bending load joints are taken into consideration for study. Firstly we have to look into the static load capacity upon attachment bracket from wing fuselage. Stress evaluation will be taken over by the given aeroplane body. FEM technique is put into force for stress investigation. Occasionally an aeroplane will undergo failure by means of static overload as long as it will be in operational condition. During operational life of aeroplane fatigue damage tolerance design, analysing etc., will have vital effect and fatigue, fracture mechanics analysis carry out. FEM as a technique is put into use for stress evaluation. In the given work an approach can be made to determine fatigue life on attachment brackets in transporting aeroplane body. The alloys structure body of the aeroplane will have effect by way of cracks which leads to fatigue cracks, will expose in the high stress places, these places is of exceeding stress concentration. Fatigue life computation is being done for carrying service load condition using same fatigue load for typical SN data for different ratio for stress and stress concentration. In our project we have used CATIA for modeling the geometry and Ansys workbench tool is taken for analysing the parts. Read More...
M.Tech in Machine Design |
India |
899-903 |
203 |
Acid-Functionalized Carbon Nanofibers for High Stability, Thermoelectrical and Electrochemical Properties of Nanofluids
-D. Navilan
Carbon-based nanofluids are viewed as promising thermal fluids for heat transfer applications. However, other properties, such as electrical conductivity and electrochemical behavior, are usually overlooked and rarely investigated despite their importance for the overall performance characterization of a given application. In this study, we synthesized PAN-based carbon nanofibers (CNF) by electrospinning, and characterized them using electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis. Thermoelectrically & electrochemical measurements were carried out on nanofluids. We found that, although CNF nanofluids exhibit good thermal and electrical properties with a negligible corrosive effect, the suspensions tend to sediment within a few days. However, acid treatment of CNF (F-CNF), which resulted in the shortening of the fibers and the appearance of surface-oxygenated species, made F-CNF-based nanofluids exhibit superior stability in water that extended for more than 90 days, with consistent and superior thermal and electrical properties. Read More...
Physics |
India |
904-909 |
204 |
Sub 1v Low Dropout Regulator with Low Settling Time
-Shriniwas Sudhir Sutar ; Dr. M. B. Mali
Owing to the scaled down technology, it becomes obvious to have power management circuitry operating well below 1V and the paper presents design of CMOS Low Dropout Regulator (LDO) serving the purpose. The design is capacitor less approach using Cascode amplifier and two pass devices in parallel so as to enhance the stability & improve the transient response. The circuit works well for supply voltage from 0.9-1.1V & provides 0.8V fixed output. Line & load regulations are 26.22 mV/V & 0.0253 mV/mA. Settling time are 0.97us and 1.32us respective for low to high and high to low transitions. The Quiescent current (IQ) comes out to be 51Õ½A while DC current (IDC) is 65Õ½A. Loop GBW is roughly 2.65MHz with phase margin of well over 100 degrees. The transient response and stability response shows elevated performance compared to the single pass device. Read More...
VLSI & Embedded Systems |
India |
910-912 |
205 |
To Investigate Effect of Metakaolin and Colloidal Nano SiO2 on Properties of Concrete
-Mr. Baliram R. Warvate ; Mr. Swapnil B. Walzade
In this paper the results of an experimental investigation on the use of Metakaolin (MK) and Colloidal Nano-Silica (CNS) on various properties of concrete are presented. Metakaolin and Colloidal Nano Silica are used as partial replacement of cement for the preparation of concrete. In the present investigation, metakaolin as a partial replacement with cement was done at 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%. Along with the Nano silica Particles 0%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% and 5% by weight. For structural applications the various properties, such as compressive strength, durability, Permeability of concrete and porosity of M40 grade concrete containing MK and CNS are evaluated and the results are compared with the controlled concrete. Based on the test results, it can be observed that concrete prepared with a combination of 5% MK and 2% NS indicated increased strength compared to the controlled concrete. Hence, it can be concluded that concrete prepared with 5% MK and 2% NS combination can be recommended for the structural applications. The increase in the strength properties of concrete is due to the availability of additional binder in the presence of MK and CNS. Read More...
Cad/Cam Engineering |
India |
913-920 |
206 |
Multifunction Converter for SPV based Water Pumping System
-Vaishali S. Mahadik ; Dr. P. K. Katti
The lack of electricity is one of the main barriers in the development of rural area. Traditional irrigation system consumed a great amount of conventional energy through the use of motor drives. In conventional system DC-DC conversion stage is usually required in solar PV fed water pumping which is driven by a brushless DC (BLDC) motor. This power conversion stage leads to an increased cost, size, complexity and reduced efficiency. The proposed work presents a novel solution of multifunction converter, which is able to operate SPV array at its maximum power by utilizing same VSI deployed for motor inverter along with P & O MPPT. In proposed system No additional control is required for the speed control of motor-pump and its soft start. The suitability of proposed system is manifested through its performance evaluation using MATLAB/Simulink based simulated results. Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
921-925 |
207 |
Development of Fuzzy Based Switched Boost Inverter for Solar PV System
-Satish S. Dhokare ; Dr. P. K. Katti
This paper deals with the novel power converter which is derived from Z-source inverter (ZSI) and Inverse Watkins Johnson Inverter (IWJ) called Switched Boost Inverter (SBI). SBI produces an output (both ac and dc) which can be either more or less than dc input voltage. SBI has reduced number of passive components than ZSI with same performance as ZSI. Special arrangement in PWM control of shoot-through state of inverter leg switches is allowed in this converter. Simulation is performed in MATLAB/Simulink. Solar module and P and O MPPT technique taken into consideration for simulation. To verify performance of SBI laboratory prototype with their results also presents. Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
926-930 |
208 |
Design and Simulation of Off Grid PV - Micro Hydro - Bio - Battery Connected Hybrid Energy System
-Ravi R. Kundankar ; Dr. P. K. Katti
Hybrid energy system is combination of two or more energy sources and energy storage device to fulfil energy demand. Hybrid energy system is better option for rural areas to meet demand of electrical energy. This paper presents the design and simulation of off grid based PV – Micro hydro – Biomass – Battery connected hybrid system for small village to meet electricity demand. HOMER (Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewable) software tool is utilized for simulation of hybrid system. HOMER is used for technical, economical assessment and simulation of hybrid system. Simulation results shows proposed hybrid system can fulfills electricity demand at reduced cost of energy. Read More...
M.Tech Power System Engineering |
India |
931-935 |
209 |
Optimization of Gusset Plate in Special Concentrically Braced Frames
-Swetha C R
Special concentrically braced frames (SCBFs) provide resistance to lateral force acting on a system in seismic design due to their ability in providing high strength, ductility and stiffness. Brace connected to beam column through gusset plate. Gusset plate play vital role in high risk seismic region in SCBFs. Gusset plate connections tolerate large inelastic deformations after buckling of the brace and end rotation and inelastic deformation post buckling of the brace .To achieve end rotation, using linear clearance, large plate and rigid connection. As result connection may be uneconomical. A research program was conducted to improve the gusset plate connection in SCBFs using elliptical clearance. Elliptical clearance gusset plate, attain good ductility, more compact, small, flexible and economical. In current design, Using tapered gusset plate good end rotation, reduce the sizes of gusset plate and more likely to yield. In this paper mainly focused on shape optimization of gusset plate in special concentrically braced frame including geometry, clearance, degree of taper, filleting and thickness of gusset also determine the pattern of stress in gusset plate Using tapered gusset plate, gusset plate elliptical filleting and gusset plate reverse elliptical filleting. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
936-939 |
210 |
A Critical Low Light Image Enhancement Method: A Review
-Aniket Kumar Sunwaha ; Hemant Amhia
From last few years, there has been substantial work on image processing and wide improvements being carried out in image processing including resolutions and sensitivity. Despite these improvements, still there is a problem to capture a high dynamic range images and videos in low-light conditions especially when light is very low. If the intensity of noise is higher than the signal then the conventional de-noising techniques cannot work properly. For the said problem there are many approaches being developed for low-light image enhancement but still Low contrast and noise remains a barrier to visually pleasing videos in low light conditions. To capturing videos in concerts, parties, social gatherings, and in security monitoring situations are still an unanswered problem. In such conditions the image enhancement of low quality image is a really tedious job. This paper is elaborating a survey of different type of methods and technologies that have been used and implemented in the area of image enhancement. The study is further going on to find a technique so that more accuracy can obtained in image enhancement. Read More...
Image processing |
India |
940-944 |
211 |
Load flow analysis using Distributed Generation in an IEEE 33 Bus System: A Review
-Vinay Shankar Sharma ; Upendra Singh Tomar
In this dissertation work we are mainly focussed on Load flow analysis of Radial distribution system. In this dissertation work, we are going to simulate an IEEE-33 Bus system by using the BFS Algorithm in MATLAB, for solving the load flow problems. Firstly, we are going to make the radial distribution system of proposed test system in MATLAB in which we have to estimate the voltage magnitude profile and active power and reactive power losses at individual bus. In this work we use the BFS algorithm is utilized for calculating the load flow investigation in proposed system. By using the concept of distributed generation, we are going to estimate the optimum allocation of DG which is best suited for this system, where we have to manage the voltage value and power losses of the whole system In this work we are estimating Voltage Stability Index at each bus, To estimate the accurate place of Distributed generation. After that size of DG is our main concern. When Distributed generation is inserted in the system, find the voltage profile and power of the system, and find the losses of the system. After DG placement, comparative analysis is being made for voltage profile and loss minimization. And Voltage Stability Index is being calculated with and without DG. On comparing the results we see that the voltage profile and power losses are very much reduced by using distributed generation concept. Read More...
India |
940-943 |
212 |
The Fixed Points of Mobius Transformation
-B Amarnathreddy ; T. Pravallika; P. Pavani; U Lakshmi Priya
In complex analysis, a Mobius transformation of complex plane is a rational function of one complex variable z. Geometrically, a Mobius transformation can be obtained by performing stereographic projection from plane to unit two-sphere, rotating and moving the sphere to a new location and orientation in space and performing stereographic projection to the plane. These transformations preserves angles, maps every straight line to a line or circle, map every circle to a line or circle. Read More...
India |
945-947 |
213 |
Numerical Simulation of Beam to Concrete Filled Tube Column Joints with External Diaphragm
-Sushendhu K C
Beam-column joint assemblage in the moment-resisting framed structures is a critical seismic element because its behavior under severe earthquake motions has a significant effect on failure mode, strength and deformation capacity of the building structures. In this paper, the numerical simulations of beam to CFT (Concrete filled tube) high strength joints with external diaphragm are investigated using Finite element software ANSYS. The two joint typologies beams with reduced beam section (RBS) and with cover plates (CP) are studied. To investigate the seismic analyses the joints are tested under monotonic and cyclic loading. The parametric studies include influence of different length of cover plates and the transient analysis of RBS joint and CP joints. The joints with cover plate show higher seismic resistance than reduced beam section. As the length of cover plate increases the strength of joint increases. So these joints are suitable in seismic regions. Read More...
M.Tech in Structural Engineering |
India |
948-952 |
214 |
A Review Paper on the Strength Characteristics of the Concrete Mix with Flyash
-MD Shams Tabrez Ansari ; Ajay Swarup; Dhananjay Yadav
The utilisation of flyash in various non-structural applications is appreciable. There is an advantage of high calcium content in flyash that it behaves more cementitious than pozzolanic compared to class F ash. At the same time, as there are certainly variations in the properties of NLC flyash, variational composition of the chemical compounds should be found out, thorough research studies is essential for establishing the utilisation of high volume of high calcium flyash in structural concrete. The present work is aimed on the bulk utilisation of class C flyash for structural concrete applications. Conventional concrete grade of M30 is designed by Indian method of mix design and based on the seventh day strength of trial mixes; an optimum trial mix proportion is arrived and validated for its workability characteristics and twenty eighth day compressive strength. Partial replacement of cement with class C flyash is aimed upto 90%. Concrete mixes having 50%, 60%, 70%, 80% and 90% cement replacement by weight of flyash are considered. Including the reference concrete without flyash and in parallel, with and without plasticizers totally, twelve types of concrete mixes are tried initially for experimental study. As the compressive strength results of 70%, 80% and 90% cement replacement with flyash are not encouraging, only the 50% and 60% cement replacement levels with flyash are considered for further study. In addition flyash replacement by silica fume is also planned by 10% and 20% respectively for both the replacement levels and without and with plasticizers. Therefore from the adequately decided total mix of twenty, only fourteen different concretes are considered for further thorough studies. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
953-955 |
215 |
A Review on Strength Characteristics on Flyash Based Fiber Reinforced Concrete
-Muzammil Hussain ; Ajay Swarup; Dhananjay Yadav
The compressive strength of concrete is one of the most important Properties of concrete in most structural application concrete is implied primarily to resist compressive stress. In the investigation, conventional concrete and fly ash based coconut fiber composite, concrete cubes of 150mm x 150mm x 150mm sizes were used for testing the compressive strength The cubes are tested in a compression-testing machine of capacity 2000kn. The load has been applied at a rate of 315kn/mm. The load applied in such a way that the two opposite sides of the cubes are compressed. The load at which the control specimen ultimately fails is noted. Compressive strength of concrete mixes made with and without fly ash and coconut fiber with different percentage and variation in length of fiber were determined at 7, 14, and 28 days of curing. The test results are given in table and shown in figure. The maximum compressive strength was obtained for a mix having a fiber length of 40 mm, 10% fly ash and fiber content of 0.25% by weight and increase in strength over plain concrete and fly ash concrete without fiber content. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
956-959 |
216 |
Evaluation of Wear Behaviour of Aluminium Based Metal Matrix Composite Reinforced with Al2O3
-PavanKumar R ; Shreyas K N; Girish M N; Varun Naik K B; Ravi N N
MMC's are widely used in many industries like automobile, aerospace, transportation industries. This study evaluates influence of wear parameters like applied load, sliding speed, sliding distance, and temperature on dry sliding wear of Al 7072 alloy reinforced with alumina. The design of experiment was employed by using Taguchi method. Preparation of the specimens were done according ASTM standard. A Dry sliding wear test was conducted using pin-on disc machine. Microstructure analysis is done using SEM to know the presence and distribution of reinforcement. The signal to noise ratio and analysis of variance were done to evaluate wear behavior of Al 7072 reinforced with 0%wt, 3%wt, 6%wt and 9%wt of aluminum oxide. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
960-964 |
217 |
Construction Industry and Women Participation
-Nandini S. Kulkarni
The industry suffers from a range of misperceptions such as the unsuitability of roles for women which act as significant barriers to women choosing construction careers. A number of cultural barriers to women's participation in the sector remain. These range from long hours and inflexible workplace through to made dominated networks. Women in the Indian construction industry currently account for under 10 to 11% of the workforce reflecting their under representation in an industry that fails to attract and retain women. Female project manager, Architects, Engineers are all looking for similar things: Mentor, personal development training, confidence, building sessions help negating their salaries and support developing their careers. Although women are present in middle and upper management in several construction organizations unfortunately the number of women in leadership position remains low. This study present the construction organization need to think differently about women's career path as their motivation for progression is less likely to be more money or more power instead weighed in favors of better working condition including. The "Glass Ceiling" the situation where women can see but not reach higher level jobs and are prevented from progressing in their careers, including design and construction. Read More...
India |
965-968 |
218 |
Finite Element Analysis of Encased Steel Coupling Beam in Shear Wall
-Rahees P
Structural steel-reinforced concrete (SRC) coupling beams are an alternative to conventional and diagonal rebar reinforced concrete coupling beams. To address gaps in testing that was used to develop design recommendations, flexure yielding, cantilever SRC coupling beams were embedded, without inclusion of auxiliary transfer bars and bearing plates, into reinforced concrete structural walls. Beams were tested by applying quasi static, reversed cyclic shear loading to the coupling beam, moment and shear to the top of the wall to create cyclic tension and compression fields across the embedment region. The primary test variables were the structural steel section embedment length, beam span length (aspect ratio), quantities of wall boundary longitudinal and transverse reinforcement, and applied wall loading (moment, shear, and axial load). Favorable finite element performance by using ANSYS, characterized by minimal pinching and asymmetry in the load deformation response and concentration of damage at the beam wall interface, was associated with long embedment length, moderate to light beveled concrete, and heavy wall boundary reinforcement. Reduced embedment length, large wall demands, and light wall boundary reinforcement led to reduced performance, with increased pinching, asymmetry, and cyclic degradation evident in the load deformation response and significant damage in the embedment region. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
969-973 |
219 |
Dependency between Exchange Rate and Gold Price via Copula-DCC-GARCH Approach
-Emre Yildirim ; Mehmet Ali Cengiz
The dependency structure among financial assets is the main source of uncertainties in the economy. In this study, the dependency structure between dollar and gold returns is modelled via the Copula-DCC-GARCH approach. This method provides rather effective results in modelling the characteristics of financial assets such as asymmetry and heavy tail. It also allows the determination of many dependence structures such as tail dependency and non-linear dependencies. In the first stage of the study, standardized residues are obtained by applying the DCC-GARCH method to returns of dollar and gold. Then, the dependency structure between gold and dollar returns is modelled by means of dynamic copulas. As a result of the study, it was found that Student's t Copula models the best dependency between dollar and gold returns, and the dependency is not constant but change over time as well as in the process of the extreme events in the financial markets, the dollar and gold prices tend to co-movement. Read More...
Banking and Finance - Business Management |
Turkey |
974-978 |
220 |
Analysis of Double Tail Comparator with Low Power & High Speed Design
-Pushpraj Onkarnath Kushwaha ; Dr. Mrs. M.V. Vyawahare
Comparators are recognized as 1-bit analog-to digital converter and for that reason they are mostly used in huge abundance in A/D converter. In the analog-to-digital conversion process, it is essential to first sample the input. This sampled signal is then apply to a grouping of comparators to decide the digital equivalent of the analog signal. The conversion speed of comparator is restricted by the decision making response time of the comparator. Besides, comparators are too be found in lots of other applications like zero-crossing detectors, peak detectors, switching power regulators, BLDC operating motors, data transmission, and others. The basic functionality of a CMOS comparator is used to find out whether a signal is greater or smaller than zero or to compare an input signal with a reference signal and outputs a binary signal based on comparison. Comparator is a circuit used to detect whether a signal is greater or smaller than zero, or to compare the size of one signal with another. Designing high-speed comparators is more challenging when the supply voltage is smaller. High-speed comparators in ultra-deep sub-micrometre (UDSM).CMOS technologies suffer from low supply voltages. In this paper we are going to study and analyse the dynamic double tail comparator and implement the same for high speed analysis and will observe the power consumption. Read More...
India |
979-982 |
221 |
Urban Growth Modeling for Urban Agglomeration
-Srikanth Ramvath ; Maheboob Pasha; Mohammed Nizamuddin Chowdhary; Mohammad Ubaid; Deepika Nemali
In India, big city and urban agglomerations have been the prominent means to attract investments, which leads to development of trade and service sector, Employment Opportunities, migration trends and growth of population. Assembly industries such as production, construction, trade and open all service binaries have become a feature attraction for increasing migration. This study highlights the association alongside investment patterns, economic activities, migrations and land use changes in urban agglomerations in Bengaluru and Hyderabad (1971-2001), to bring out the population feature and its effect on ground use in spatial perspective using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques. Read More...
Transportation Engineering |
India |
983-986 |
222 |
Optimal Allocation and Sizing of Facts Device using Genetic Algorithm: A Review
-Deepak Raj Dubey ; Upendra Singh Tomar
In deregulated power system, load demands are continuously increasing due to growth of population. In order to meet load demand, unscheduled power flow through transmission line which results in higher real & reactive power losses and voltage instability at buses. With the help of the FACTS controllers, it is possible to reduce real & reactive power losses in the power System. Their location, type & rating have influence on system performance. Location & type chosen should be proper & rating must be optimal for economical operation of the power system. This work presents a new approach to find the optimal rating of FACTS controllers by using Genetic Algorithm (GA) & conventional Newton Raphson power flow method. Among various FACTs controllers, Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) is considered in this work. Our objective is to minimize the reactive power loss in the system by placing optimum rating of the TCSC. It has used reactive power loss minimization as objective function to find the optimal rating of TCSC. The proposed algorithm is an effective & practical method in this direction. To verify the effectiveness of proposed algorithm, studies are carried out on IEEE 30bus systems To overcome these problems, a Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System (FACTS) devices are installed at appropriate location to get the maximum possible benefits i.e. minimize real power loss in the power network and improve voltage profile at the buses. In this paper, a new evolutionary optimization techniques have been applied namely Genetic Algorithm (GA) to select the optimal parameters setting including rating of Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) to minimize real power loss and improve voltage profile and compare their performances. For validation of proposed algorithm and for comparison purpose, MATLAB program is carried out on IEEE 30-bus system. Read More...
India |
987-989 |
223 |
Finite Element Analysis of Frames with Composite Transfer Beams
-Sobhika P. S
A transfer beam is specifically defined as a beam that transmits loads from the upper closely spaced columns or walls acting on it to the widely spaced columns or walls supporting it. The discontinuity of the vertical structural members is the most significant characteristic of a structural system with transfer beams because it makes the mechanism of the system more complex than that of a regular structural system. The provision of transfer beams in the buildings cannot be avoided due to its functional requirements like parking facilities, public lobbies, and large openings at the ground floor level for shopping malls etc. But this provision of transfer beams creates soft storey effect in the buildings. Buildings with less than 70% stiffness of the floor immediately above it is classified as soft storey. Due to this soft storey effect, the flexibility of that floor increases and results in extreme deflection, which in turn leads to concentration of forces at the immediate above floors followed by large plastic deformations. In addition, most of the energy developed during earthquake is dissipated by the column of soft stories. The aim of the study is to reduce the soft storey effect of buildings with transfer beams by increasing the stiffness of soft storey equal to the stiffness of immediately above storey. For this the intermediate column size of ground floor of the frame is increased by 10% and corresponding stiffness and deformations are analysed using ANSYS software. To avoid the large sections of column a beam was introduced at the plinth level to reduce the soft storey effect. The results obtained shows increased stiffness and reduced deformations. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
990-993 |
224 |
A Pedal Powered TRI.5 Vehicle in Comparison with Half Bike
-Shreyas K N ; Pavankumar R; Girish M N; Ravi N N
The world is looking toward becoming healthier, smarter and faster. More people are looking to be fit as a fiddle, and as a result, they are looking at various ways to lose weight, and make the world a better place to live in by controlling pollution. One of the most popular ways to have a healthy lifestyle and curb pollution is cycling. The main advantage of taking up cycling is that one does not have to pay money consistently for transport. One needs to do away with the expense of fuel, as well as the one spend on the bus or the train ticket, or even the cab fare. Secondly, one can do a bit for nature by not polluting it by using fuels. Cycling not just amends your lifestyle for the better, but it is the best exercise that your body will ever get- and that too at a price much lesser than buying the gym equipment, or even signing up with a gym. Tri.5 is a good cycle that can take the wear and tear of daily use on the roads, and give the right riding experience and would be half the cost of a starter scooter. The Tri.5 vehicle is strong, light weight, easily transportable, and easily ride able, exercisable and available at a low cost. It also trains one’s balance and reflexes in a new way and brings closer to natural walking. Tri.5 looks like an odd crossover between a unicycle and a skateboard which is developed in comparison with a half bike. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
994-998 |
225 |
Removal of Ammonical Nitrogen from Effluent through Electrochemical Oxidation Process
-Arun Gautam ; Krishna Mani; Miral Jalu; Ankita Patel; Manoj Kumar
High amounts of Ammonical Nitrogen is one of the major factors that pose problem during the treatment of Industrial Wastewaters. The goal of reducing the values of (NH4+N) well within the legal discharge standards is not only a difficult job, but can also become expensive if process optimization is not performed correctly. In this particular study, the effluent was obtained from a major agrochemical company in India, whose (NH4+N) content lingered around (180 to 250) ppm. Presently, Sodium hypochlorite dosing is administered to lower down the Ammonical Nitrogen, but due to the fact that this process is not an eco-friendly one, the search for a better process having more advantages over Hypochlorite treatment led to option of Electrochemical Oxidation process. The aim of this study is to analyse the applicability and efficiency of (Electrochemical Oxidation) process to lower the Ammonical Nitrogen concentration below 50ppm. Electrode material remained same during the experiment whereas the values of voltage, pH were optimized. Five values of voltage and five values of pH were fixed for the study. We saw a 98% reduction in the Ammonical nitrogen content within a time period of (180 minutes), which upon power and cost calculation, also proved to be cheaper than the Hypochlorite treatment that was originally followed by the Industry. Read More...
Environmental Science & Technology |
India |
999-1003 |
226 |
An Experimental Study on Flexural behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beam by Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate with Brick-Kiln-Ash
-Dr. S. Arivalagan
Brick dust is a waste material obtained from brick kiln industries. Now a day’s construction work is on large scale so demand of brick all increases so due to this brick kiln industries all over the world also increased. Tons of brick kiln dust comes out from such brick materials are used in filling low lying area and in construction work it also used in mixture of cement concrete to fill the voids. As brick kiln dust contains mixture of ashes (coal + wood) and dust particles (soil + sand).Concrete is an extensively used material in the world. Production of constituents of concrete leads to the depletion of the natural resources as well as it leads to the environmental pollution. Brick-Kiln-Ash is considered as a waste material in the Brick industries. Small size Brick kiln ash can be used as fine aggregate whereas large size (greater than 6 mm) particles can be used as coarse aggregate in concrete and CLSM as backfill. The feasibility of using Brick kiln ash in manufacture of masonry products as a partial replacement of coarse as well as fine aggregates. In this study, Brick-Kiln-Ash is used for the partial replacement of Fine aggregate. Fine aggregate is replaced with Brick-Kiln-Ash by 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% by weight and compared with the control mix without any replacement of Brick-Kiln-Ash. M30 grade of concrete was designed and constant water-cement ratio of 0.45 was used. Super Plasticizer was used to increase the workability. Mechanical properties of concrete such as Compression and Split tensile strength were evaluated. Results showed increase in strength till 25%, and then it got reduced for 30%. So, 25% replacement of Brick-Kiln-Ash was chosen as optimum value. Further, using the optimum value reinforced concrete beams was casted and results were compared with control beams without Ash for Flexural behavior. And also experimental values were compared with the theoretical values as per IS: 456-2000. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
1004-1009 |
227 |
Application of Quality Tools for Failure Analysis in Mechanical Systems of Vertical Turret Lathe (VTL), Horizontal Boring Mill and CNC Lathe at BEML Mysore Complex
-Girish M N ; Hari Rao A N
An attempt has been made in this paper to improve the performance of vertical turret lathe 150, vertical turret lathe 120, horizontal boring mill and a CNC lathe. The study was conducted at BEML MYSURU COMPLEX for a period of 8 weeks and a conclusion was drawn in order to improve the performance and a suitable quality tool was implemented in order to minimize the failure rates at the working centres. The quality tool used for the current study is ISHIKAWA DIAGRAM or normally known as Fish bone diagram. Initially the primary causes for the breakdowns were listed and then the more dominant causes of them were categorized in to 4M’s that is Man , Machine, Method and Material now the causes were finally introduced into the fish bone diagram which directs to the main cause of the breakdown of the machine. After successful generation of fish bone diagram the corrective action for the same was generated and the study was concluded. If the process was not in control, then the assignable causes need to be tackled referring the Cause & Effect Diagram. If it is within control then natural causes need to be focused so that the process will not only be in control but would also be cantered. Read More...
India |
1010-1014 |
228 |
Effective Processing Methods on Intresinc Quality of Sidama and Yirgacheffee Coffee Types
-John Barnabas ; Abebe Assefa
Coffee quality can be affected by variety, climate and soil factor, field management practices and post-harvest handling and processing techniques. Arabica coffee (Coffee arabica L.) is an economically important crop, which is contributing the highest of all export revenues in Ethiopia. The study was undertaken in Dilla zuria and Yirgacheffee districts, representing the known Sidama Yirgacheffee coffee brands, respectively, in South National Nationalities Peoples’ Regional State. The objective of study were to examine the effect of methods of processing on intrinsic quality of Sidama and Yirgacheffee coffees and to identified the best methods of processing that can keep the inherent quality of coffee landrace of Sidama and Yirgacheffee specialty coffee .For this, fully ripe red cherries were hand collected from local coffee types . The harvested cherries were separately study under three processing methods (washed, semi-washed and sundried) at the two locations. In each case the treatment arranged in factorial experiment in completely randomized design with three replication. Data on intrinsic quality (acidity, body, flavour and cup quality) were recorded .The result indicated acidity, body, flavour and cup quality were significantly different due to methods of processing at both sites. Among the processing method the wet processing resulted in the superior coffee qualities as compared to others at the two study areas. In addition, most quality traits significantly differ due to the interaction effects arising from location and processing method. The result finding also demonstrated that Yirgacheffee coffee was better than Sidama coffee types in terms of raw quality attributes, possibility due to positively effect of increased altitude in terms of quality attribute. The present findings would help at a small measure, on optimum processing practices to be applied at each locality and thus improve the inherent quality of Sidama and Yirgacheffee specialty coffees as the faces of increasing market demand for best coffee type. Nonetheless further repeated studies should be undertaken by taking into account among other the present physical and sensory attributes, other compounds and biochemical constitutes (caffeine, sugar. Etc.) With view of mapping the quality profile off Sidama and Yirgacheffe coffees grown under the various site and environmental conditions. Read More...
Food Processing |
Ethiopia |
1015-1020 |
229 |
Bifurcation of Laplace Equation with Nonlinear Boundary Condition and Bistable Nonlinearity
-S. K. Reka ; R. Ranjitha; G. Pramila; S. A. Vijaya Lakshmi
In this work, we investigate the existence of solutions of nonlinear boundary condition and bistable nonlinearity, which involve the bifurcation of positive solutions with stability. By using the Laplace equation. A subsist results is also given to illustrate the effectiveness of our main result. Read More...
India |
1021-1023 |
230 |
Design and Analysis of Load Body Side Channel Weld Bracket
-Mr. Nikhil Somshekhar Kurle ; Prof. Milind S. Ramgir
In an automotive vehicle, the load body rest on skeleton of vehicle and the load body connected with the main frame or skeleton with the side channel weld bracket. Hence during running condition of such long vehicle the side channel bracket supports to upper body and skeleton on which the body rests. This causes discomfort to the body or might even damage the weld bracket or main frame of chassis. Also at high operating frequencies noise become damage. This deflection should be within permissible limit. The main aim of this project is to reduce manufacturing cost of load body side channel weld bracket by changing design for easy manufacturing. This load body vehicle consists of 36 number of weld bracket, if we reduce the weight of this bracket within the permissible limit the overall weight is also reduces. By keeping same material D513 steel constant weight reduction done by reducing thickness for modified bracket. Total weight reduction is 30.70 %. The baseline model of the side channel weld bracket is created by using solid modelling software and then for further analysis also made by software provided. The present study used to reduce cost and weight of side channel weld bracket by keeping factor of safety within permissible limit. Read More...
India |
1024-1028 |
231 |
Friendly Relationship between Human and Robot using Blue Eye Technology
-Muthu Kumar. P ; Sanjay. R
It is possible to create a computer which can interact with us as we interact each other. The eyes, fingers, speech, are the elements which help to sense the emotion level of human body. For example imagine in a fine morning you walk to your computer room and then it tells you Hey friend GOOD MORNING you seem to be in a bad mood today. It seems to be a fiction but it will be the life lead by BLUE EYES in very near future. The basic idea behind this technology is to give the human power. We all have some perceptual abilities. If we add such these abilities to a computer would enable computers to work together with human being as ultimate partners. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1029-1033 |
232 |
Tracing the Price Index of Consumer Goods in USA
-R Kiruthiga ; P Niveditha; S Vaishnavi
Controlling the market price of basic consumer goods or commodities is the primary objective of the governments all over the world. However the price hikes of the essential commodities capture the headlines of the national dailies and TVs almost every day. The poor general mass suffers the most due to these price hikes. Besides, it also hinders the growth and development of the country. Ultimately the goal of a welfare state is to control the prices of necessary commodities. Hence using price indices of the basic commodities, one could trace the inflation and deflation of prices of basic commodities and identify the reasons behind them and take steps for controlling the commodity price. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
1034-1036 |
233 |
Addition of Waste Construction Material In Paver Block with Coir Fibre
-Anil Vasant Shirgire ; Dr S D Ambadkar
The activity like demolition, construction and renovation are producing concrete waste in huge amount. This waste is either diverted near landfill or dumped. The different type of paver block uses this concrete block qualitatively. In this study, the representation of the concept of sustainable use of concrete waste in concrete which was used in manufacturing of interlocking paver blocks with coir fibre. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1037-1039 |
234 |
Big Data Analysis Application in Government Sector of India
-Saravanakumar. S ; Loga Pradeep V
The age of big data is now coming. But the traditional data analytics may not be able to handle such large quantities of data. The question that arises now is, how to develop a high performance platform to efficiently analyse big data and how to design an appropriate mining algorithm to find the useful things from big data. To deeply discuss this issue, this paper begins with a brief introduction to data analytics, followed by the discussions of big data analytics. Some important open issues and further research directions will also be presented for the next step of big data analytics. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
1040-1042 |
235 |
Foraminiferal Distribution, Stratigraphy and Palaeoenvironment of the U-12 Well, Niger Delta Basin, Nigeria
-Ukpong, Aniediobong Jonah ; Anyanwu, Timothy Chibuike
Ditch cutting samples recovered from interval 2008 - 3396 metres and well logs from the U-12 well, northern depobelt of the Niger Delta basin were used for foraminiferal, lithologic and palaeoenvironmental analyses. The standard methods of foraminiferal sample preparation which involved disaggregation and washing of samples through a 63 micron mesh sieve, drying and picking of the foraminifera and other accessories were used. The lithologic analysis and foraminiferal recovery revealed the penetration of the paralic Agbada Formation comprising of sediments which were dated Late Eocene - Early Oligocene age. The P16/17-P18/19 planktonic foraminifera zones were delineated for the study well section, Palaeoenvironmental analysis based on the triangular plot of the foraminifera suborder ratio, oxic foraminiferal indicators and the relationships between paleotemperatures and planktic foraminifera revealed that the well sediments were deposited under the prevalence of normal marine salinity, oxygenated water and cool temperature conditions. The paleobathymetry ranged from non-marine through shallow inner neritic, inner neritic, middle neritic to outer neritic environments based on the distribution of the foraminifera. The results of this study will be useful for correlation, dating and stratigraphic characterization across several fields in the Tertiary (Paleogene) rocks of the Niger Delta Basin. Read More...
Geological Engineering |
Nigeria |
1043-1050 |
236 |
A Review on VHDL Implementation of a MIPS RISC Processor
-Jitendra Sen ; Anil Khandelwal
The implementation of 32 bit RISC processor with microprocessor without interlocked pipeline stages (MIPS) is presented. It was implemented in VHDL so as to reduce the instruction set present in the programmable memory. As the result the processor will contain the necessary logics for the implementation that requires fewer gates to be synthesized in the programmable matrix and has the capability to increase the speed of the target processor. Read More...
Digital Communication Engineering |
India |
1051-1054 |