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101 |
Indian Railway Platform Gap Filling Mechanism
-Holkunde Nagraj. N ; Nagale Rahul Khushal; Ghule Niraj Jagdish; Gholap Abhijeet Dilip
In India gap between train coaches and platform are considerable issue for passengers. Even sometimes it leads to trap people in that gap accidently and some had lost their lives. The train station and its platform is the first point of contact the passengers have with the railways. Platforms should be well designed comfortable, convenient and safe for passengers. But the gap between train and platform has been found to be major cause of fatality in railway stations. So for reducing such gaps the gap filler between railway and platform are introduced. Platform Gap Fillers are mounted in plate along the edge of coach to reduce the gap between the platform and the entrance of a passenger train; ensuring that when a train has stopped at a ,platform, passengers are able to enter and exit with safety. Studies have shown that the use of platform gap filler not only improves passenger safety, but can also increase efficiency of entry and exit times. Removing the hesitation of stepping over a gap, passengers become more confident when entering and exiting the train, thus improving the dwell times of trains. Platform gap fillers also increase the ease of wheel chair person. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
430-432 |
102 |
Area Optimized Squaring Method Design using Yavadunam Vedic Math and Tree Adder
-Shivangi Singh ; Prof. Abhishek Singh
Now days we are living in digital world, where all the operations get performed more reliably and with highest accuracy by digital signal processor. There are so many squaring techniques exist now a days at algorithmic and structural level. It is been proved that vedic squaring [1] is the fastest squaring approach but there are some other squaring techniques [1] which are batter then vedic squaring in terms of chip area. We have come up with the idea to merge two different squaring techniques vedic and Wallace and these gives us a fast and area efficient squaring approach. Our proposed ALU algorithm is already efficient in respect of area and speed, all we need to optimize it further to have it we have plan to use our proposed vedic cum Wallace squaring technique on proposed ALU module. We have plan to designing the proposed vedic squaring, then it will be integrated into an 8 bit module of arithmetic logic unit along with the conventional adder, subtractor and basic logic gates. The proposed ALU will able to perform three different arithmetic and eight different logical operations at very high speed. All these operational modules (adder, subtractor, squaring and logic gates) will be designed as the combinational circuit and for synchronization of these operational sub-modules, the multiplexers will be used to integrate these modules in a single unit and triggered by positive edge clock. Read More...
India |
433-436 |
103 |
Personalized Heating on Two-Wheelers using Exhaust Gas
-Mangesh M. Kangule
Two-wheelers form an integral part of Indian roads. Ranging from affordability to passion to style statement, reasons for buying a two-wheeler are many for Indian customers. The number of two-wheelers in India is on the rise annually in an exponential manner. As a matter of fact, over 70% of vehicles on Indian roads are two-wheelers. In the operation of vehicles with handlebars where the operators are exposed to lower temperatures and wind chill because of the moving cold air, the operator’s hands typically get cold first. The cold handlebars and grips also transfer heat away from the hands and combined with the cold air can make it very uncomfortable and even create a hazardous conditions. The idea of this paper is to utilize the waste heat energy being generated in automobiles. It involves the trapping of heat energy being generated from the heat source in vehicles and use this heat for personalized heating in two-wheelers. The basic principle of working for this arrangement is transferring heat energy of waste exhaust gas which is anyways going waste to the handlebar, which will maintain the temperature around the handlebar. Read More...
India |
437-440 |
104 |
Experimental Investigations of Cold-Formed Light Gauge Steel Structural Members under Tension
-A. Paul Makesh ; Dr. S. Arivalagan
Structural steel members are extensively used in structures such as bridges, roof trusses, transmission line towers, multi storied buildings etc. It gives high strength to weight ratio, resulting in the reduction of dead weight. The paper presents the experimental investigations of cold formed steel angle sections. Specimens were fabricated 1.5mm thickness in cold formed steel angle plain sections and cold formed steel angle lipped sections. In which 36 specimens were carried out on tension members fastened with bolts, to calculate the ultimate strength, yield strength and breaking strength on cold-formed steel angle sections using Universal Testing machine. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
441-445 |
105 |
Study on Design and FE Static Analysis of Cabin Structure
-Ramya T ; Arun LR; Manjunath TV
For the canopy the important criteria for evaluation is the safety of the machine operator. It is considered that to get and ensure higher factor of safety the machine should go through the extreme loading conditions. The design of machine should ensure higher safety of the operator during machining in extreme conditions. The protective structure for mining and self-propelled machine consists of structural components arranged on the machine in such a way that it reduces the risk to the operator. The shape and the location of the protected space is dependent on the position of the operating when operating the machine. Most of fatal accidents occurs in mining machines during operation is because of the absence of protective structure on the machine. The preferred strategy to overcome these accidents is to install fall over protective structure (FOPS) on the mining machines. Fall over protective structure in combination with Roll over protective structure (ROPS) can prevent all major accidents occurring during mining operation. Strength tests are conducted for checking feasibility of protective structure which uses experimental and numerical method. Read More...
M.Tech in Machine Design |
India |
450-454 |
106 |
Effect of Different Inclination Angles of Continuous Helical Turbulator on Heat Transfer used in Heat Exchanger
-Abhishek Gupta ; Prashant Sharma
Heat transfer depends on different process parameters of heat exchanger in which use of Turbulators inside the heat exchanger is main concern. Turbulators are used to increase the performance of heat exchanger, use of Turbulators inside heat exchanger increases the contact time and turbulence inside the heat exchanger. Here in this analysis it uses continuous helical Turbulators at different inclination angle to increase the performance of heat exchanger. For analysing the effect of different inclination angle here it considered 20, 23, 25, 27 and 30 degree inclination angle. Through inclination it is found that the value of heat transfer is maximum in case of 25 degree inclination angle of continuous helical Turbulators. Read More...
India |
455-459 |
107 |
A Review on Major Elements of an Elevated Metro Bridge
-Shubhanshu Nayak ; Prof. Vinay Kumar Singh Chandrakar
A metro framework is a railroad transport framework in a urban territory with a high limit, recurrence and the level partition from other movement. Metro System is utilized as a part of urban areas, agglomerations, and metropolitan zones to transport expansive quantities of individuals. A lifted metro framework is more favored sort of metro framework because of simplicity of development and furthermore it makes urban zones more open with no development trouble. A hoisted metro framework has two noteworthy components wharf and box support. The present investigation centers around two noteworthy components, wharf and box support, of a lifted metro basic framework. Traditionally the wharf of a metro connect is outlined utilizing a power based approach. Amid a seismic stacking, the conduct of a solitary dock raised extension depends generally on the flexibility and the uprooting limit. It is essential to check the flexibility of such single docks. Power based techniques don't expressly check the dislodging limit amid the plan. The codes are presently moving towards an execution based (uprooting based) plan approach, which consider the outline according to the objective exhibitions at the plan organize. Execution of a wharf composed by a Direct Displacement Based Design is contrasted and that of a power based outlined one. The plan of the wharf is finished by both power based seismic outline technique and direct removal based seismic outline strategy in the initial segment of the examination. In the second section, a parametric report on conduct of box support spans is done by utilizing limited component technique. The limited component display is approved with model of Gupta et al. (2010). The parameters considered to exhibit the conduct of Single Cell Box Girder, Double Cell Box Girder and Triple Cell Box Girder spans are sweep of ebb and flow, traverse length and traverse length to the range of ebb and flow proportion. These parameters are utilized to assess the reactions of box brace connects to be specific, longitudinal worries at the best and base, shear, torsion, minute, avoidance and principal recurrence of three kinds of box support spans. The execution evaluation of chose composed dock demonstrated that, the Force Based Design Method may not generally ensure the execution parameter required and in the present case the wharf accomplished the objective prerequisite. If there should arise an occurrence of Direct Displacement Based Design Method, chose wharf accomplished the conduct factors more than focused Values. These conclusions can be viewed as just for the chose wharf. The parametric examination on conduct of box support spans demonstrated that, as ebb and flow diminishes, reactions, for example, longitudinal worries at the best and base, shear, torsion, minute and diversion diminishes for three kinds of box brace scaffolds and it indicates very little variety for central recurrence of three sorts of box support connects because of the consistent traverse length. It is watched that as the traverse length increments, longitudinal worries at the best and base, shear, torsion, minute and redirection increments for three kinds of box support spans. As the traverse length builds, principal recurrence diminishes for three kinds of box brace spans. Additionally, it is noticed that as the traverse length to the range of ebb and flow proportion builds reactions parameter longitudinal worries at the best and base, shear, torsion, minute and diversion are increments for three sorts of box support spans. As the traverse length to the sweep of bend proportion builds major recurrence diminishes for three kinds of box support spans. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
460-463 |
108 |
A Comparison Study of Fuzzy Logic, Neural Network and Neuro - Fuzzy System
-S. Dhivya Devi ; R. Ravanan
Data mining is a used in large databases to find out use full patterns and trends that go beyond analysis. Data mining plays a vital role in many fields. Health care Industry composed of large technique amount of database which can be refined to get valuable information. In this paper the author presents the fundamental concepts and parameterized comparison in the aspects of neural network, Fuzzy logic, and Neuro-fuzzy system. Read More...
India |
464-465 |
109 |
Review Study on LPG as an Alternative Refrigerant for Refrigeration
-Hemant Teli ; Akhilesh Ghogale; Gauresh Naik; Suraj Raul; Prof. Eknath Manjarekar
Domestic refrigerators consume approximately 17,500 metric tons of traditional refrigerants such as Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) and Hydrofluorocarbon(HFC) every year which contribute to very high Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and Global Warming Potential (GWP). There are many remote areas in India where electricity is not available, hence LPG as a refrigerant for refrigeration can be a better alternative. LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) is the combination of propane, isobutene and highest amount of butane with 56.4%. The use of LPG for refrigeration purpose can be eco-friendly since it has no ozone depletion potential (ODP). This paper deals with the study of Refrigeration with LPG as a refrigerant, the properties of LPG and its comparison with the other refrigerants. Read More...
India |
466-468 |
110 |
Design & Mass Optimization of Gear with Composite Material
-Bhairavanath Subhash Jadhav ; Prof. Dattatray P. Kambale
Mass optimization has been getting unique focus, due to the prospective to constantly initiate not only good, but also optimal proposals. Industrialized creativities try hard to develop the optimized product usually by dropping the weight while ensuring they produce cost efficient products that meet their design functionality and consistency. Structural optimization methods like topology optimization along with modern simulation are appropriate gorgeous tackle in product design process. Those tackle also help to trim down product development time. As gears are key essentials in a diversity of industrial applications such as machine, Aviation, Defense, etc. Aim of this exploration is to reduce weight of gear. Optimization of weight has been very critical aspects of any design. It has substantial impact on vehicle performance, fuel efficiency and in spin minimizes the emissions. This dissertation would focal point on the design gap offered by the element practical even as crucial the scenery and scope of the weight optimization more the areas acknowledged during design optimization. Read More...
India |
469-474 |
111 |
IBM Watson
-Kunal Mathur ; Mahima Khandelwal
IBM Watson is a cognitive AI assistance. The capability of artificial intelligence to show emotion is developing day by day as we are approaching towards more efficient approaches in the field of computer science, the emotion reading skills are still, not properly supported by developed technologies, now for solving this issue we can integrate the two technologies i.e. IBM Watson and the device called EQ radio, this would help IBM Watson to interact with the user in more intelligent way and by the use of emotion reading skills as well. Read More...
Artificial intelligence |
India |
475-477 |
112 |
A General Review Paper on Red Rot of Sugarcane (Saccharum Officinarum) and its Management
-Naresh Kumar ; Satyadev Prajapati; Raja Ram Meena; Lalita Lakhran
Sugarcane is an important agro industrial crop of the world. India being the largest consumer as well as the second largest producer of sugar, so, it requires sugarcane production on large scale. But diseases are the major concern for the sugarcane, responsible for its low yield. Among all the diseases, fungal disease named red rot of sugarcane is the most threatening disease of sugarcane, rightly called as 'Cancer' of sugarcane. It causes severe loss in yield and quality of the sugarcane. As the fungus Colletotrichum falcatum responsible for this disease is highly variable in nature, hence, it causes the frequent breakdown of resistant varieties. The application of Trichoderma harzianum is eco-friendly, economical and efficient approach for disease suppression and improving growth of the sugarcane plant. So, it becomes imperative to know the field performance of T. harzianum against red rot and quantitative attributes of sugarcane. Before this, longevity test was conducted to know the viability of formulated product under proper storage condition and keeping in view the seriousness of this disease, the present review summarizes the distribution, mode and source of infection, description of casual pathogen and disease management. Read More...
Agricultural Sciences |
India |
478-486 |
113 |
Verification of 4-Digit Password Based Digital Lock using Constrained Randomized Layered Testbench
-Pavan Mankal
In this paper we propose a smart digital lock system for different implementations. A digital lock system is equipment that uses the digital information such as a secret code, semi-conductors, smart card, and finger prints as the method for authentication instead of the legacy key system. Furthermore, it also allows users to remotely monitor the condition inside the house through Internet or any other public network. The biggest advantage of our proposed system over existing ones is that it can be easily installed when and where necessary without requirement of any infrastructures and proper planning. The digital module implementation is done via verilog language. The system implementation is described. Verification results are also presented. These results assure a proper functionality of the designed system. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
487-489 |
114 |
Blue Brain Review
-Deepak Sharma ; Pratiksha Jain; Jay Kumar Vaghela; Divya Relwani; Anjali Sharma
Human mind is the most valuable and run of the mill creation of god. The man reacts to the things in light of the mind. To safeguard this run of the mill thing an undertaking named 'Blue Brain' which is additionally called the primary virtual mind began in 2005.Researchers are in research to build up a counterfeit cerebrum that can work, react, examine and take choices with no exertion. The exertion is to transfer a human cerebrum into machine. The point is to save the human cerebrum after death with the goal that the information, knowledge, identities, sentiments, recollections of that individual ought not to be lost. This paper incorporates the entire research work clarifying the working module of blue cerebrum and the ongoing advancements which are experiencing it. We are explain about the brain tissue for connect to the server of memory. Read More...
India |
490-493 |
115 |
A Review on Image Based Soil Classification
-Priyanka Dewangan ; Vaibhav Dedhe
This paper presents a review on image based soil classification techniques. In previous Classification methods there is requirement of an expert who observes the magnitude and trends of the signals in addition to any a priori information that might be available. In this paper an approach for automating this classification procedure is presented. There are methods available such as segmentation algorithm from which the salient features of these segments are extracted using boundary energy method. Based on the measured data and extracted features classifiers assign classes to the segments. They employ Decision Trees, ANNs and Support Vector Machines. In this first features extraction methods of image processing is applied to extract the features of soil sample images. Then database of sample images will be prepared and classification of soil will be done Using Support Vector Machine algorithm. Read More...
Image processing |
India |
494-495 |
116 |
Subdivision of Integral Root Labeling of Graphs
-V. L. Stella Arputha Mary ; N. Nanthini
Let G=(V,E) be a graph with p vertices and q edges. Let f:V→{1,2,…q+1} is called an Integral Root labeling if it is possible to label all the vertices v∈V with distinct elements from {1,2,…q+1} such that it induces an edge labeling f^+:E→{1,2,…q} defined as
f^+ (uv)=⌈√((〖(f(u))〗^2+〖(f(v))〗^2+f(u)f(v))/3)⌉ is distinct for all uv∈E. (i.e.) The distinct vertex labeling induces a distinct edge labeling on the graph. The graph which admits Integral Root labeling is called an Integral Root Graph. Read More...
India |
496-499 |
117 |
Universal Image Distance & Support Vector Machine based Optimized Image Classifier System
-Nandita Chasta ; Mr. Manish Tiwari
In image processing and computer engineering, Image Classification of distantly sensed images is one of the quickly increasing areas of research. Image classification techniques are mainly used for quality control in production engineering, in-depth study of web technologies, medical diagnosis and in several other disciplines. Image processing techniques have broadly used in this application to detect high quality and poor quality area or to type of contamination in a microscopic image and other similar decision making tasks. Other Algorithms like as thresholding, blob analysis, and edge detection, for example, it can be found in every machine vision software vendor's toolbox since these can be used in several applications to solve a quite large number of imaging tasks. Classifications of images are still computationally normal subject, and it is hard to implement using some machine learning approaches, using Neural Networks or Bayesian Classifiers. In recent years, Support Vector Machines is also used for this purpose. Each of these methods follows supervised learning in which the system gives numerous examples of images that are manually labeled. On the contrast, in unsupervised learning, also called clustering, is the approach in which no training data send to the machine than the machine itself has to come up in with the grouping of the input data in the form of clusters. The result data of the previous process, a trained model is processed which is used to predict the features of unknown images. Such traditional supervised learning techniques can use either generative or discriminative methods to perform this task. In this dissertation, UID (Universal Image Distance) techniques are used in an optimized manner to represent an image in the form of a vector quantity. The distance between this representation and that of a prototype image is computed to find the similarity score between the images. This resulting score can be used to train any machine learning system in a supervised or unsupervised environment. In this dissertation, an SVM-based classifier is trained using feature vectors to train in a supervised manner. The precision and accuracy of the machine are calculated over the benchmark techniques of image classification. The overall performances of the proposed methods are evaluated using MATLAB, recall and kappa measure. The result of simulation has efficiency in approach and gives a valid result. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
500-504 |
118 |
Performance Analysis of Mobile Ad Hoc Network Based on Modified AODV using Grey Hole Attack
-Manpreet ; Amit Kumar Bairwa; Kapil Dev Sharma
A wireless mesh network is a kind of multi-hop network and can be used as synonym for an Mobile ad-hoc network. A MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc Network) is a self-configuring system of mobile nodes connected by wireless links. MANETs are self-configuring and decentralized without having any fix infrastructure. In such a network, each node acts as an end system as well as a relay node (or router). It is a network having many to many connections with the capability of dynamically healing the network topology. Security is a challenging application of a wireless mesh network. The self-configurable self-organized nature makes a wireless mesh network more vulnerable to various types of attacks. Exploitation of a WMN can cause a large scale degradation of network performance. In this dissertation some attacks that are performed on various layers of TCP/IP model and performed a comparative study for a specific network layer attack: grey hole attack. A grey hole attack is often difficult to detect and recover. There are different techniques for its detection which have their advantages and shortcomings. Attack is often difficult to detect and recover. There are different techniques for its detection which have their advantages and shortcomings. Read More...
Computer Network Engineering |
India |
505-516 |
119 |
Revocable Storage Identity-Based Encryption in Cloud Computing For Secure Data Sharing
-Almas Gohar ; Prof. Pogula Sreedevi
A new way for data sharing is being formed benefiting every other individual or organization associated with it. But the data shared may not reach the cloud computing sources securely. This is when cryptography comes into picture to secure user's valuable data and information that needs to be kept thoroughly confidential. The authorization to secured data needs to be dynamic as soon as the authorization gets expired and needs to be revocable. This is where we propose (RS-IBE) where authorizations are updated systematically and simultaneously. The performance of the proposed (RS-IBE) has advantages in terms of functionality and efficiency. Finally, we provide the implementation of the proposed scheme as well as its practicability Read More...
M.Tech Computer Science |
India |
517-521 |
120 |
GWO Optimized Clustering Probability and Fuzzy Logic based Clustering in WSN
-Ankita Luhan ; Prof. Y. S. Thakur; Dr. D. K. Sakravdia
Sensor nodes in wireless sensor network (WSN) are powered by a battery. Sensor nodes consume the battery power mainly in the tasks like data transmission, data reception, and sensing. Sometimes it is impractical to replace a battery in WSN because humans can't reach. Therefore once energy or computational resources are consumed, immediate recovery of these resources is a complex task so it is necessary to make use of battery power efficiently to increase the lifetime of the sensor nodes that will also increase the lifetime of the whole network. To make WSN energy efficient and to increase the lifetime of the network we design a Fuzzy Logic based clustering approach in a heterogeneous environment. Grey Wolf Optimized (GWO) clustering probability is also proposed so as to find a method which increases the lifetime and reduces the energy consumption of the network. The execution and demonstration of this work are performed with the help of MATLAB 2014a. The performance comparison metrics are; network lifetime, network throughput and number of alive nodes. Read More...
Digital Communication Engineering |
India |
522-527 |
121 |
Behavior of High Strength Concrete by Plastic Waste
-Prerak Hiteshkumar KachhiyaPatel ; Aalap Halvadia
Plastic bags which are commonly used for packing, carrying vegetables, meat etc. creates a serious environmental problem. Plastic bag last in environment up to 1000 years because of plastic bag last so long the number of plastic bag accumulated increases each year. Disposal of large quantity of plastic bag may cause pollution of land, water bodies and air. The proposed concrete which is made up by adding plastic in concrete may help to reuse the plastic bag as one of the constituent's material of concrete, to improve the certain properties of concrete. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
528-532 |
122 |
Business Process Management using Web Applications and IT Services
-Mayur Borse
Business process and activities are important and backbone of running business. In Today's corporate life business process and activities must be less time consuming and optimized. Integration of all business processes provides good result to organization. For making Business activities more fast management is important using IT technology and android mobiles. For this purpose methodology which undertaken is business process Reengineering. To study existing business model understanding of all processes and give them IT and android platform for making business process superior and better than existing business model. Read More...
M- Tech in Project Management |
India |
533-535 |
123 |
Emission Characteristics of Single Cylinder Diesel Engine Operating on Blends of Neem and Cotton Seed Biodiesel with Diesel
-Venkat Reddy ; Sumit Tiwari; Shaheen Begum; H Rohith; Suresh Kumar
In recent years, much research has been carried to find suitable alternative fuel to petroleum products. In the present investigation experimental work has been carried out to analyze the emissions characteristics of a single cylinder Diesel engine fuelled with the blends of neem and cotton seed biodiesel with diesel at different loads. The crude neem oil and cotton seed oil is purchased and is prepared for experimental work in engine by means of transesterification. The transesterification process for the oils is done by the constant operating parameters such as heating temperature, stirring speed, and methanol. The product output from the transesterification is subjected to the variable load engine operation. The blends such as B10, B20 and B30 is taken and it is operated for the constant speed and variable loading conditions such as 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. The emissions measured were carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide CO2), unburnt hydrocarbons (HC) and oxides of nitrogen (NOX). The results of experimental investigation with biodiesel blends with diesel are compared with that of diesel. The results indicated that carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons emissions were found significantly lower when operating on biodiesel-diesel blends, but carbon dioxide and Nitrogen Oxide emissions are found to be higher at full load. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
536-543 |
124 |
Effect of Partial Replacement of Cement with Marble Dust Powder using Steel Fiber on Strength Parameters of Self Compacting Concrete
-Ankathi Rajesh
Self-Compacting concrete is a type of concrete that gets compacted under its self-weight. It’s commonly abbreviated as SCC and defined as the concrete which can placed and compacted into every corner of a formwork; purely means of its self-weight by eliminating the need of either external energy input from vibrators or any type of compacting effort. In this study, the effect of replacing the cement by marble dust powder with (5%, 10%, 20%) respectively and steel fibers (2%) their combinations of various proportions on the properties of Self compacting concrete has been compared. Properties of compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength of Concrete were determined. However, the results of this study suggest that MARBLE DUST powder (10%),steel fibers (2%) combinations can improve the workability of Self compacting concrete, more than conventional concrete and while their using separate. Marble is a metamorphic rock resulting from the transformation of a pure limestone. The purity of the marble is responsible for its colour and appearance: it is white if the limestone is composed solely of calcite (100% CaCO3). Marble is used for construction and decoration; marble is durable, has a noble appearance, and is consequently in great demand. Chemically, marbles are crystalline rocks composed predominantly of calcite, dolomite or serpentine minerals. The other mineral constituents vary from origin to origin. Quartz, muscovite, tremolite, actinolite, micro line, talc, garnet, osterite and biotite are the major mineral impurities whereas SiO2, limonite, Fe2O3, manganese, 3H2O and FeS2 (pyrite) are the major chemical impurities associated with marble. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
544-547 |
125 |
Monitoring of Water Quality of Underground Water of Four Locations of Rampur Uttar Pradesh, India
-Sheela ; Dr. Gulrez Nizami; Saima Bi; Merajuddin; Mohd. Azam
The polluted groundwater is the major problem all over the world because most of the population depends on the groundwater. Therefore to measure the quality of the groundwater a standardized test has been made. This test was done by the water sample of the Rampur city of district Uttar Pradesh. In this test, we mainly checked the ranges of the various heavy metals as Pb, Cr, Ni, As, and Fe. Some other tests, for example total dissolved solids (TDS) and pH electrical conductivity also have been done by the water sample but the values of these tests were found under the range of the environmental protection agency limits. As we all know that polluted water causes so many dangerous diseases as typhoid, cholera, dysentery. Read More...
Environmental Science & Technology |
India |
548-550 |
126 |
Analysis of Thermal Power Plant with Variation of Different Parameter- Review Paper
-Sarvesh ; Prof. Suresh Kumar Badholiya
The coal based thermal power plants play a very essential role to overcome power required in India. Dependency of thermal power plant in fossil fuel makes a little bit difficult, environmental impacts due to fossil fuel has been always taken into consideration. The thermal power plants are designed based on required conditions, but actually inlet conditions are not as per the designed conditions. In this paper, the author analyzes the variation of different input parameter which is also one of reason of reducing the thermal power plant performance. Turbines are designed for a particular operating conditions like steam inlet pressure, steam inlet temperature and turbine exhaust pressure/ exhaust vacuum, which affects the performance of the turbines in a significant way. Variations in these parameters affect the steam consumption in the turbines and also the turbine efficiency. The performance calculation and rectification measures are essential for performance evaluation and efficiency enhancement. Read More...
India |
551-554 |
127 |
Failure of Orkut
-Tapas Mishra ; Aditi Jha; Chetna Maske
Orkut's decade-long journey will finally come to an end in September and for a social network that was among the first to get mass popularity in India, this is an ignominious end. But with the rise in popularity of other platforms and Google's strange adamancy to not keep up with times, the demise of Orkut was a foregone conclusion. Here we take a look at some of the reasons that contributed to this i.e Error detection method as well as we take into account error prevention method that would help us understand the major reason behind the end of this journey. The death of orkut was an inevitable end product .here we investigate the portion of the reasons that added to this. Because of its component it was not easy to understand, it has some login issues and because of its weakness on protection issues. The reasons for the failure of Orkut were many; yet the major ones included:
While facebook utilized a straightforward web dialect PHP, orkut depended on two dialects -ASP for the front-end and open social and JavaScript for back-end. This made it hard to present applications that so effectively came up on facebook. Additionally, orkut would set aside a long opportunity to open up which prompted a considerable measure of frustration for the client.
2)Sharing Options
On range interpersonal communication is tied in with sharing which Orkut presumably never comprehended. It did exclude any of the social sharing modules or modules that are so regular in all other person to person communication locales. In this way, in the event that you needed to share something on Orkut, you needed to open it on another tab and after that duplicate glue the substance there, which turned out to be excessively lumbering for some.
You needed to logon to Orkut to search for individuals. When searching for a man, they could never show up a rundown of individuals with similar names. This could have been a security issue; yet there was dependently the choice of helping individuals see subtle elements protected without concealing the whole data.
There was no choice on Orkut for organizations to open and advise their pages. This influences numerous promoters to lose their interest for utilizing this application. There was alternative to make networks, yet the updates could never show up on the landing page. You needed to go into the homepage for updates if any.
The major reason behind survival of any social web application is an Entertainment or the fun remainder. Orkut completely missed out the great opportunity for fun filled excitement. It had barely anything for client to clutch.
6)Launch Timing
The timing that Google chose to launch Orkut was totally wrong, as there was hardly any gap in launching Orkut and Facebook. Besides Orkut was still in testing stage. It never at any point got finalized till it was cut down. Google constantly regarded Orkut as an application while twitter and facebook are organizations that totally committed to person to person communication. The significant explanation behind Orkut's disappointment was in all likely Facebook, yet Orkut found way to resuscitate itself and coordinate to its adversary. This influenced Orkut to lose its grip on its clients who made a race to Facebook when they began understanding the advantages. Read More...
India |
555-559 |
128 |
Financial Markets & Financial Planning with Reference to Karnataka State
-Amulya R S ; Dr. Krishna Gopal Choubey
This article let us know the basic concept on how financial markets deals with an individual who is still in introductory level in the investment sector, where the scheme of education in our Indian system does not reveal much of the importance of stock market and also has the same old conceptuality on financial markets as "Gambling". This article is designed exclusively for those who are very new to this financial markets concept and also in many scenario dealing with many aspects the tendency to forget the basics is more, to uphold and to furnish the knowledge by the basic here I have made an small attempt in revising the same. This article also revels few beautify thoughts of people who are not much well versed with concept of financial markets and planning. How an investment in these areas also can fetch money is the ideology of this article. Read More...
India |
560-564 |
129 |
The Hateful Insiders Attack Detection in Cloud using Big Data IDS over Random Forest Algorithm
-A. Shenbagam ; Jothilakshmi
Big Data IDS over Random Forest Algorithm that allows support for all users to conveniently access data over the cloud and control and detect the inside threat attack. Data owner is not able to control all over their data and security issues. The new security issues of Insider Threat Attack Various techniques are available to support user privacy and secure data sharing and detect of control the Insider Threat attack. An insider threat was the misuse of information through malicious intent, accidents or malware. The learning also examine four best practices companies could follow to realize a secure strategy, such as business partnerships, prioritizing initiatives, controlling access, and implementing technology. This paper focus on various schemes to deal with secure data sharing such as Data sharing with forward security, secure data sharing for dynamic groups, Attribute based data sharing, encrypted data sharing and Shared Authority Based Big Data IDS over Random Forest Algorithm for access control of outsourced data. A comparative analysis of the results obtained of proposed model and different various existing algorithms is presented. The results show that the performance of the proposed model outperformed the performance of existing system. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
565-568 |
130 |
Secure Data Deduplication and Auditing for Cloud Data Storage
-Patil Varsha K ; K. N. Shedge
To avoid redundant data storage on cloud data, deduplication is important aspect in cloud storage platform. Cross client data deduplication technique is widely used on cloud storage servers. The MLE scheme supports secure data deduplication checking. Along with the data security data integrity is important aspect. This work aims to provide a framework for secure data deduplication and data auditing. UR-MLE2 scheme helps to check deduplication whereas data auditor is responsible for data integrity checking. To improve the system performance dynamic binary decision tree is used to check data deduplication. Dynamic binary tree updates the tree data as per user modification or deletion of user data. The system performance will be evaluated based on execution time.` Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
569-572 |
131 |
Integration of Solar-Wind Hybrid Power System for Residential Application
-Tushar Kaushik ; Rajiv Kumar
This paper describes modeling and presenting performance analysis of PV/Wind/Battery Hybrid Power System (PWB-HPS) for residential applications. The main aim is to maximize the use of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) to meet the load demand by selecting the optimal configurations of the proposed PWB-HPS. The system consists of two Photovoltaic (PV) panels inclined in two different directions, one Wind Generation System (WGS) and Battery Storage (BS) connected to a DC bus and then to the AC side through pulse width modulation inverter .In order to extract maximum power from Wind energy and solar energy systems a novel technique, known as Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) technique, has been adopted, in this paper. Additionally, to maintain and sustain the continuity of supply to the load on demand at all times, the outputs of wind energy and solar energy are integrated suitably .For wind generator, the overall operation is based on the estimation of the speed that is basically a sensor-less rotor speed estimator, which in fact avoids all mechanical sensors. The rotor speed so estimated, is used to control the turbine speed by maintaining the input dc quantities (Voltage and Current) for boost converter. Simulation studies of the proposed system are carried out using MATLAB / Simulink platform, and results are presented. Read More...
India |
573-581 |
132 |
Utilization of Paper Mill Waste as a Fine Aggregate in Cement Concrete
-Krishna Gopal Singh Rajput ; Rajesh Joshi
The rapid increase in construction activities leads to active shortage of conventional construction materials such as cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate. Researches were searching for economic materials that can be used as substitute for building materials. The current investigation is focused on the strength of concrete specimen in compression in which fine aggregate (sand) is partially replaced by paper mill waste. In India, mostly river sand is used as fine aggregate. Paper mill wastes pose problem of disposal and health hazard and also fills up the bed of the rivers if discharged into rivers directly. Some companies burn their sludge in incinerators, raising concern about major air pollution problems. Mainly two kinds of wastes are generated, i.e. fibrous sludge called reject which is biodegradable called as Hypo sludge and the waste removed at the time of whitening of the paper known as Brine Sludge. To reduce disposal and pollution problems emanating from these industrial wastes, it is most essential to develop Profitable, Eco-friendly and Low cost building materials from them. In the dissertation work, fine aggregate (sand) was replaced by paper mill waste accordingly in the proportion of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% by weight of fine aggregate for M40 concrete mix at 0.40 water/cement ratio. The compressive strength test and slump cone test was carried out on different concrete mix contain hypo sludge and brine sludge. So the aim of the investigation is to study the behavior of higher grade concrete while replacing the hypo sludge and brine sludge with sand at different proportions in concrete. Test results was reflected, that the optimum value of hypo sludge and brine sludge in terms of compressive strength is 10% without effecting properties of fresh and hardened concrete. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
582-584 |
133 |
Effect of Fermentation Period on Raw and Intresenic Quality of Sidama and Yirgacheffee Coffee Type
-Abebe Assefa ; Taye Kufa; Bizuayehu Tesifaye; John Barnabas
Coffee quality can be affected by variety, climate and soil factor, field management practices and post-harvest handling and processing techniques. The study was undertaken in Dilla zuria and Yirgacheffee districts, representing the known Sidama Yirgacheffee coffee brands, respectively, in South National Nationalities Peoples' Regional State. The objective of study were to examine the effect of fermentation time in raw quality and intrinsic of Sidama and Yirgacheffee coffees and to determine optimum duration of fermentation that can maintaining the quality of Sidama and Yirgacheffee specialty coffee .For this, fully ripe red cherries were hand collected from local coffee types . The harvested cherries were separately study under wet processing with five fermentation time (0, 24, 36, 48 and 60 hr) at the two locations. In each case the treatment arranged in factorial experiment in completely randomized design with three replication. Data on raw quality and cup quality (green bean shape and make, odour, color, acidity, body, flavour, cup quality and PH of water) were recorded .The result indicated that shape and make of green bean, the other quality parameters (color, odor, raw quality, acidity, body, flavour, cup and total quality as well as PH of water) were significantly different due to fermentation period at both sites. The PH of fermentation water was noted to decrease with time, indicating increased water acidity with extend fermentation process. Among the fermentation treatments, the respectively best quality coffees were obtained at the 36 hr and 48 hr fermentation time for the Sidama and Yirgacheffee types, reflecting the influence of altitude and climatic variables. The result finding also demonstrated that Yirgacheffee coffee was better than Sidama coffee types in terms of quality attributes, possible due to positively effect of increased altitude in terms of quality attributes, but farther research should be done by considering present physical and sensory attributes, other compounds and biochemical constitutes (caffeine, sugar, etc.) with the view of mapping the quality profile of Sidama and Yirgacheffee coffee grown under the various site and environmental condition. Read More...
Food Processing |
Ethiopia |
585-593 |
134 |
Comparative Finite Element Analysis of Connecting Rod using ANSYS
-Mr Abhishek Kumar Singh ; Prof. Faisal Ahmad
Connecting rod is a major link which connects the piston to the crankshaft and is responsible for transferring the power from the piston to the crankshaft. In this paper Finite element analysis of connecting rod used in single cylinder four stroke petrol engines is taken for the study. Static stress analysis is conducted on connecting rod made up of two different materials viz. E-glass/Epoxy and Aluminium composite reinforced with Carbon nanotubes. Modelling and comparative analysis of connecting rod is carried out in commercially used FEM software ANSYS 19.0. Static structural analysis was done by fixing the piston end and applying load at the crank end of the connecting rod. Output parameters in static stress analysis are von-Mises stress, Shear stress, von-Mises elastic strain and displacement vector sum for the given loading conditions. Read More...
India |
594-597 |
135 |
Influence of Aspect Ratio on Seismic Performance of Tall Building Frames
-Abhijeet Gupta ; Dr. Rajeev Chandak; Vivek Vishwakarma
Seismic performance of a building depends on many factors such as loading, loading type, its plan configuration, sectional properties, aspect ratio, seismic zone, etc. In this paper we consider the behaviour of building model on altering its aspect ratio (horizontal (L/B) and vertical (H/B) aspect ratio) by increasing number of bays and number of stories keeping other factors similar in each model. In total we studied nine models for different combination of horizontal aspect ratio 1, 4, 6 and vertical aspect ratio 1, 4, 6. And eventually we compared seismic performance on the basis of certain seismic parameter like base shear, max storey overturning moment, top storey displacements, storey drifts in x and y direction respectively as per IS 1893-2002 for the seismic zone 3 (Jabalpur). The models are analysed for different load combinations linear static and linear elastic dynamic analysis (Response spectrum analysis) with the help of software Etabs-2016. Read More...
structural engineering |
India |
598-602 |
136 |
Unmanned Vehicle Land, Air and Water for Surveillance
-Dinesh Kumar Gouda ; Ankit Raj; Raghabendra Dalei
The objective of this work is to develop a cost effective unmanned ground vehicle which would carry out surveillance and tracking missions in fortress area. The developed system is equipped with a high frequency GPS module and Auto pilot controller, which enabled the user to define the mission path. Live status of the system's current position, speed, battery status etc. can be viewed from the ground station. If necessary, the unmanned vehicle would be switched over from manual mode to autonomous mode. The system is equipped with a down facing optical flow sensor and forward facing SONAR sensor for obstacle avoidance. It is also equipped with a high end wireless, infrared camera for capture and transmission of video under low light conditions. The vehicle is pre-programmed to return to base in case of communication breakdown, thereby minimizing the chances of system loss. Surveillance is critical for military, law enforcement, and search and rescue operations. In the past, stealth aircraft and helicopters were used for these types of missions. Recently however, unmanned vehicles (UVs) have grown in popularity and are an excellent resource that can be utilized for surveillance missions. Since this is a common capability of UV, this project will create a surveillance that is autonomous, inexpensive, lightweight, and easy to manufacture. The unmanned vehicle is designed as a tricopter that houses one camera with a wireless transmission system that provides live feed from the cameras to the ground station. It is also intended to be able to carry a payload for future developments. Though not all of the goals is fully realized by the project's conclusion due to stability and networking complications, the UV met size and cost standards, and could successfully localize its position with GPS and IMU sensors. Additionally, its controls are understood through simulation and testing. Read More...
India |
603-608 |
137 |
Modeling and Simulating of Robust Controller in New Energy Architecture by using Hybrid( PVG/WTG)System
-Jayaprasanth R ; Bavani S
The renewable energy resources are more efficient to produce energy sources in nowadays to overcome the power demand in industrial and commercial purposes. This paper focus on the energy consumption by the PV and wind energy generation to extract maximum power from renewable sources. The hybrid system can gives more efficiency than single energy sources due to various climatic conditions. The configuration of PV and wind energy can develop more energy other than conventional resources. The implementation of MPPT controller can draw maximum power from PV system and wind turbine system. They are cheap and robust construction to provide low emission (of pollutant gases) and flexible in moduler structure. This controller can be used to step up the voltage to increase their performance and operate simultaneously or individually. We use the P&O algorithm method to examine iterated value of the controller. The proposed system can produce more energy which works well under the changes of atmospheric variation such as irradiation. A simulation model for the proposed hybrid energy system has been carried out by using MATLAB Simulink. Read More...
India |
609-612 |
138 |
Application of Graph Theory in Operations Research
-Karthika D
The field of mathematics plays a vital role in various fields. One of the common themes in operation research is the modelling approach .Problems turn out to be intractable when subjected to standard technique this paper shows how graph theory and networks may be profitably used to model certain operations research problems from a different point. Read More...
India |
613-615 |
139 |
Efficient Big Data Modeling for Dataset Mapping, Cleaning and Association Problems
-Ambreena Muneer ; Yasmeen Baqal
Efficient Big Data Modeling for Dataset Mapping, Cleaning & Association problems is a Hadoop based application which analyses the unstructured data of six web browser logs from different countries. This paper intends to provide more useful friendly environment in the various activities such as collecting, storing, managing, analyzing and visualizing data. Analytics platform provides the machines to convert the unstructured data into structured data. It also offers a platform for linking different format of data or tables to analyze and perform desired operations to get appropriate results. This application uses Sqoop as a tool to transfer the data between different medium and also uses HQL to process the data. The final result is stored as a file in HDFS (Datanode) from where the data could be sent to the client. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
616-624 |
140 |
A Study of Differential Equation - A Research Review
-Dr. Rajesh Kumar Sharma
This paper is advocated to a general study on differential equation and its type. Differential equations can describe nearly all systems undergoing change. Differential equations are Important in engineering and science branch besides a well as social science and biology and economics etc. they are important in modeling virtually every physical, tech. or biological process from celestial motion to bridge design. This paper also advocates that uses of differential equation in various form. Many fundamental laws in physics and chemistry can be formulated as differential equations. As we know biology and economics, differential equation are used to model the behavior of complex system. Many mathematicians have studied the nature of these equations for hundreds of years and they are many well developed solutions techniques and which are use full for us in present era. My main purpose in this paper is to help the student grasp the nature and significance of differential equations and to this end. So the primary purpose of differential equation is to serve as a tool for the study of change in the physical world. A general book on the subject without a reasonable account of its scientific applications would there for we as futile and pointless. this paper gives the basic and deep knowledge first order differential equation and second order differential equation.. Read More...
Engineering Mathematics |
India |
625-626 |
141 |
Synthesis and Characterization of Copper Oxide (CuO) Nanoparticles
-D. Vandana Reddy ; Prof. T. Bala Narasaiah
Transition metal oxides play crucial role in several areas of physics, chemistry, and materials science. Nano-scale materials have tremendous interest in their unique thermal, electronic, electrical and optical properties. Copper oxide (CuO) has great catalytic activities which can be utilised in biosensors and electrochemical super capacitors. It can also be used as a catalyst and semiconductor in solar energy. In the present work, copper oxide nanoparticles are synthesized by using sol-gel process. The structure and morphology of the nanoparticle is characterized by using X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD), Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) and UV-Vis spectroscopy analysis. The XRD pattern shows that particles are crystalline, nano-sized and the crystal structure of CuO nanoparticles is monoclinic and average size of particles is found to be 18.5nm which is determined by using the Debye Scherrer formula. The UV-Vis spectra of CuO nanoparticle show that the particles have energy band gap of semiconductor. FESEM analysis indicates that prepared product consists of uniform flake like structure. Read More...
India |
627-629 |
142 |
Comparative Study on Dynamic Performance of Multistoried RCC Building Frames with Flat Slab and Grid Slab
-Sachin Pandit Kaklij
Modern slab systems have showed potentials for improvement in the conventional techniques of slab casting. Recent advances in the field of RCC Design are linked to the use of Flat Slabs and Grid Floors. Flat Slabs are highly versatile elements widely used in construction, providing minimum depth, fast construction and allowing flexible column grids. In flat slabs, the beams used in conventional slabs are done away and the slab is made to rest directly over the columns. In case of higher loads, a drop panel or a column head is provided to reduce the intensity of loads. Flat slabs are particularly appropriate for areas where tops of partitions need to be sealed to the slab soffit for acoustic or fire reasons. Grid floor systems consist of beams spaced at regular intervals in perpendicular directions, monolithic with slab. The rectangular or square void formed in the ceiling is advantageously utilized for concealed architectural lighting. They are generally employed for architectural reasons for large rooms such as auditoriums, vestibules, theatre halls, show rooms of shops where column free space is often the main requirement. This paper focuses on studying the behavior of conventional slab, flat slab and grid slab separately. The object of the present work is to compare the behavior of multi-storey buildings having Conventional slab, flat slabs with drops and grid slab system with shear wall under the effect of dynamic loading using SAP software by framing the models of flat and grid slab. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
630-634 |
143 |
India’s Right to Employment: A Justification to the Demand and Employment with Special Reference to Chhattisagarh
-Dr. Gurpreet Kour Sharma
Right to employment was designed and implemented for the rural landless labourers who are ready to do the unskilled manual work, it was a power given to them in their own hands within their areas to fulfill their livelihoods. Migration problem was also raising their head and to suppress the problem, this programme was one of its kind. MGNREGA started providing 100 days of wage employment to the people in a year mainly in the non-agricultural season. Programme became a support system to the rural, backward, vulnerable groups of society including the SC/STs and women were the main beneficiaries. The wage pattern under the MGNREGA is one of the important observations that in the earlier stages there was much of the uncertainty in the earning pattern by creating it more transparent and more accountable now there is a regular pattern of wages. The author tries to portray the ratio between the employment demanded and employment provided to them for the complete 100 days in the country and in Chhattisgarh state. The data are used for past 5 years from 2013-14 to 2017-18. And for the last years the employment ratio had been declined rapidly in the state as well as in the whole country. The data's given is for the complete 100 days of employment provided to the people compared to the employment demanded by them. As with the matter of fact that this is the biggest employment generation programme of the country. Hence, the performance of the programme must be considered by the planners for creating more employment opportunities to meet the demands of the rural labourers. Read More...
United States |
635-638 |
144 |
Strength Characteristics of Concrete with GGBS as a Replacement, by Cement
-Bhukya Prakash ; J. Vinaya Singh
The utilization of supplementary cementation materials is well accepted, since it leads to several possible improvements in the concrete composites like strength and durability, as well as the overall economy. The present article is an effort to quantify the strength of ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) at various replacement levels and find out its efficiencies in concrete. Cement with GGBS replacement has emerged as a major alternative to conventional concrete and has rapidly drawn the concrete industry attention due to its cement savings, cost savings, energy savings, environmental and socio-economic benefits. This research evaluates the strength and strength efficiency factors of hardened concrete, by partially replacing cement by various percentages of ground granulated blast furnace slag for M35 grade of concrete at different ages. From this study, it can be concluded that, since the grain size is very fine GGBS is less fine than that of ordinary Portland cement, its strength at early ages is low, but it continues to gain strength over a long period. The optimum GGBFS replacement as cementation material is characterized by higher compressive strength then ordinary port land cement, better workability, resistance to chemical attack, low heat of hydration, good durability and economical. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
639-642 |
145 |
Mental Stress Detection using EEG Signal
-Shreeyash Mavle ; Akshay Londhe; Pavan Manputra; Samadhan Narute; Nisha Kimmatkar
World health organization says that, nowadays people mental health problems and also physical problems are because of stress. Stress is originated from brain, neurological signals are important to measure mental stress. According to Research in area of stress detection has improved many techniques for monitoring the human brain and Body which detects Stress. The traditional stress detection system is based on physiological signals and facial expression techniques. This proposes a novel method that detects the stress using EEG signals and reduces the stress by introducing the interventions into the system. Propose methodology delivered system which uses PNN Algorithm to measure stress to estimate the stress level. By Result generating throw system humans can take action for determining best solution for stress management. System generates feedback from stress hormones. The collected data was then used to extract a set of features using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). The extracted features are manipulated to detect stress levels using Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) classifier. For classifying the percentage of stress PNN have been studied. Results have shown the potential of using EEG signal to visualize different levels of stress. The proposed method is useful in developing products for human stress reduction. The success of implementation and development of this research will expected to help in reducing time consumed and human power in determining best solution for stress management. Read More...
Signal Processing |
India |
643-648 |
146 |
A Study on the Knowledge and Practices Related WaSH in Nepal
-Susil Kumar Goit ; Dr. Akanksha Singh; Dr. Neena Gupta; Dr. Anshul Mishra
To find out the knowledge and practices related to sanitation and hygiene among rural population. A community household-based descriptive study was conducted in 2 months (1st February - 30th April 2018). Siraha municipality of siraha district was selected and the sample size is 358. Pretested interview schedule was used. Data was collected by face to face interview. The collected data was compiled and coded in the SPSS software. Analysis and interpretation of data was done in diagrammatic form, table and tested for the significance by using appropriate statistical test. Study found that the 91.9 % of the respondents were not aware about hand washing technique whereas minimum 8.1 % of the respondent were aware about the washing and majority (89.1%) of the respondents were using ash for cleaning pots after cooking and eating. People were aware that hand wash is necessary but they do not know about hand wash technique. In the present study, most of the respondents had their own pets at home and they wash their hand after handling the dung but they used plain water instead of using soap for maintaining better hygiene. This shows that respondents were aware towards sanitation but they do not have proper knowledge regarding sanitation. Read More...
India |
649-650 |
147 |
A Study on the Occupational Hazard among Sweepers in Magh Mela, Allahabad
-Dr. Badri Vishal Pandey ; Dr. Neena Gupta; Dr. Akanksha Singh; Dr. Anshul Mishra
Sweepers play an important role in maintaining the health and hygiene in the Magh Mela. However, their job exposes them to various hazards and sweepers exposed to numerous types of health problems. During mass gatherings, sanitation and hygiene has its own importance and for the maintenance of sanitation and hygiene, sweepers play a very important role while, little or no attention is paid to their health status. This study was done to determine the effect of occupational hazard among sweepers in Magh Mela. A study based on descriptive method was conducted among sweepers in Magh Mela and study was done within the period of January to February. The area selected was Magh Mela, Allahabad and the sample size is 246. Analysis of data by the collected data was compiled and coded in the SPSS software and analysis and interpretation of data was done in diagrammatic form, tables and tested for the significance by using appropriate statistical test. Majority of respondents were diseased and respiratory disease (87.80%) were found as main disease prevailed among sweepers followed by 85.36% were musculoskeletal disorders, 77.64%, 39.83%, 28.6%,20.32% were injuries, skin disorder, gastrointestinal disorder, eye problems. Sweepers are one of the worst fields of work and they are frequent in the exposure of dust, aerosols which exaggerated the disease intensity. The present study focuses that the majority of respondents had health problems. The findings of this study shows that most of the respondents suffer from diseases, especially respiratory disease. Read More...
India |
651-652 |
148 |
Smartcrete using Robosand and Recycled Concrete Aggregate
-Ashwini Mohanrao Patil
The shortage of natural aggregates and regulations regarding river sand has forced the construction industry to look for the alternative. The availability of demolished concrete for use as recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) increasing. Using the waste concrete as RCA conserves natural aggregate reduce the impact on landfill decrease energy consumption and can provide cost saving. Recycled aggregate are the materials for the future. The main cause of concern is the non-renewable nature of natural sand and the corresponding increasing demand of construction industry. River sand which is one of the basic ingredient in the manufacture of concrete has become highly scarce and necessity. Hence the crusher dust which is also known as robo sand can be used as an alternative material for river sand. Robo sand possess similar properties as that river sand and hence accepted as a building material. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
653-655 |
149 |
Experimental Study on Behaviour of RC Beams Reinforced with GFRP
-Hariprasad Muduthanapally
Worldwide, a great deal of research is currently being conducted concerning the use of fiber reinforced plastic wraps, laminates and sheets in the repair and strengthening of reinforced concrete members. Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) application is a very effective way to repair and strengthen structures that have become structurally weak over their life span. FRP repair systems provide an economically viable alternative to traditional repair systems and materials. Experimental investigations on the flexural and shear behaviour of RC beams strengthened using continuous glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) sheets are carried out. Externally reinforced concrete beams with epoxy-bonded GFRP sheets were tested to failure using a symmetrical two point concentrated static loading system. Two sets of beams were casted for this experimental test program. In SET I three beams weak in flexure were casted, out of which one is controlled beam and other two beams were strengthened using continuous glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) sheets in flexure. In SET II three beams weak in shear were casted, out of which one is the controlled beam and other two beams were strengthened using continuous glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) sheets in shear. The strengthening of the beams is done with different amount and configuration of GFRP sheets. Experimental data on load, deflection and failure modes of each of the beams were obtained. The detail procedure and application of GFRP sheets for strengthening of RC beams is also included. The effect of number of GFRP layers and its orientation on ultimate load carrying capacity and failure mode of the beams are investigated. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
656-663 |
150 |
Economic Analysis on Real Time Data Fusion in Big Data & Elastic Search
-Rohit Kumar
In a the present scenario data has become most important aspect to take decisions for any company whether it's purely based on numbers, charts or graphs, logs etc. The big data analysis helps to find fluctuating patterns, influencing factors, risk involved but one can make much use of such data if the different types of data are fused in the database such as relational, object oriented, semantically and metadata involving their issues and enhanced capabilities. This paper proposes economic analysis by fusing of different type of data and helping analysts to take decisions for increase in business, in association with big data predicting model such as neural network which can be used for rich business experience. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
664-666 |